The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 24, 1887, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocaie
Tkiiiuiiton. pa..
HYm four political parlies In tlio field
tbo campaign In Cm lion cannot help, but
prove exceedingly Intoresillns especially so
to tlio nominees of tlif four parties whnnro
nil euro lo'wln.
Tins Dover (N. tl.) Index starts out on
Its thirteenth year with Its Issuo this week.
Tlio Index Is ono of tlio exchanges always
welcome to our lahle. Tlio Index Is pub.
lishcd bv F. I llummol, a former Jtauch
Chunk boy, who learned his trado under
tbo Instruction of the seulor editor of this
journal who notes with prldo the success of
his former "devil."
A skciikt convent ion In which all per
sons but the delegates are barred out, Is not
a means of strengthening anew political
parly. Tbo leaders of tho "new crusadcf,"
tbo United Untoli Iibnr Party will proba
bly find this out after tbo election In No
vember. Tliey have notnlualod a ticket,
adopted resolutions and feel confident that
they aro on the mail to success. Secret
conferences, In which slates aro manufac
tured and resolutions defined, never tako
well amongst the voters.
This Mabanoy Tri- Weekly llecord luno1
centlv asks:
mil they really hang tbo Chicago Aiv
They will. Brother Parker, If the law has
Its way. To set loose upon tho public
again a band of men who have been found
guilty and sentenced to death for commit
ting a most atrocious crlnic the murder of
six guardians of the public peace at Chlca
go more than a year ago would assuredly
bo an on ti aire, upon tho public. Tho anarch
ists Were treated as American cltlzens,every
possible cbanco was given tlicin by duo pro
cess of law to prove llielr Innocence, in Hits
they failed, as was to have been expected,
so now let thorn "hang by the neck until
dead," it may be the means of preventing
future disturbances of the same order and
jmtlce will havolls due.
IIo.NoiiAnt.n Daniki. IJauhmaji, whom
tbo Democrats of Carbon county sent to tho
Legislature last fall, free cratts for nothing,
belieycs In that good old christian aphorism
of "returning good forevll" Hachman has
become a leader In tlienaw United Union
Labor party.
Broadbrim's Sew. ml Letter.
Special to the CAhuon Aiivocatk.
It only seems like the other day since all
England was ablaze, with excitement of the
Tlcbborne trial. From Land End to Yar
mouth and from tho Tslo of Wight to the
Tweed great meetings were held to sustain
tho Tichborno claimant, and over two bun
drcd thausand pounds was ralsdd in his be
half, which was squandered In the English
lawlcourts. The lawyers engaged on both
sides were among tho ablest men in tbo
kingdom, and whatever the meictts or de-
melts of the Australian fraud, the learned
judge who presided at the trial gained an
Infamous notoriety by the partiality of his
rulings and Ills brutal Ireatmeiit-of the op
posing counsel, which shocked the Engllsl
love of fair play, which has been the ills
Uuguisbing characteristic of Hritons back
to tho remotest ages. Tim sympathies of
an Englishman arc generally with the under
dog In the light, and this feeling it was
which roused all England to aid this gigan
tic fraud. It was tlio common people of
England against a supposed crime by its
titled aristocracy, and yet In defence of the
rights of a titled aristocrat j never was thei
sucli a paradox. Tho hod carrier, the coal
hcayer and tho poorly paid navy gave freely
part of his scant earnings to fight tlio Tlcb
borne battle. The result, as the world
knows, was the conviction of the arch-con
splrator after ono of the most remarkable
trials on the criminal calandar and the
financial ruin of tho Tlcbborne family;
ruin from which it Is doubtful if it will
ever recover. The cause of all this ruin Is
no- in New York and In very questionable
For many years Chatham street has been
a most unsavory locality In tho city; whero
It joins Chatham square and runs Into the
Bowery t swarm's with sharpers and thieves.
Cheap restaurants, dirty rum shops and dis
reputable lodging bouses line tbo street on
either side, ivh.Uo mitliy of tbo shops whose
windows are filled with faded trinkets and
plated jewelry jire simply fences where
burglars know they can gei rid of their
stolen goods and pickpockets aro assured
of a welcome by tho s,ign outside, "Old
gold and silver bought und told." Tlio
saloons are of the lowest and most villoin
ous class and find no parallel In any other
part of Now York. The Five Points is
within pistol shot; IY1I sheet, with Its dives
and Us oplnon joints, w Ithln a slnno's-throw
Mott street, with its foul-smclllng Chinese
and Its dirty Itallanlazaroul, forms a part
of this vllhlnonu colony; and It Is hero In a
rum-shop No.10 Chatham Square that the
iord of Tlchbhrne has cast his lot.
A man carrying in his veins tbo proud
blood of a race that came oyer with the Con
queror would have died before be would
havo sunk to this wi etched and lulscrahlo
estate. Daath would havo less terror for
him than such a life: but there bo can bo
seen dally dealing out lliu vile liquors to
thoso who visit his den, and If there Is any
man In England or elsewhere who still be
lieves In tho Tichborno claimant, one sight
of him behind his dirty bar will banish his
romance foreycr.
As wo approach tho election wo are con
fronted by an Interesting pioblem, and that
Is the division of election Inspectors among
the different political parties. Up to the
present election Irving Hall, as one of the
political factors, has always had some sort
of recognition, and Its perfect autonomy
and strict discipline lias always secured for
It fiom ono party or tho other a reasonable
division of tbo spoils. At tho last election,
however, the Country Democracy would
Have noiio of It. Tammany Hrll did not
want It; so to get even with Its arrogant
coadjutors It threw tho wight of Us In
fluence and political experlcnco In favor
of Henrv George and Urn Labor party, and
tho result was slxty-seycn thousand votes
for the wage-winners, and In addition to his
personal service, Jimmy O'Brien the Irving
Hall leader, sent his check to the Ant!-
Poyeity Society for bix thousand dolars.
The Australian havo an admirable
weapon of offense, called the boomerang.
Us chief Ion being that when
thrown with perfect accuracy, It generally
returns to bit the sender on tho nose. This
was about the icsult to Mr. O'Brien In
trying to get even v ill Tammany Hall and
tbo County Democracy. Mayor Hewitt,
his enemy, was elected by a triumphant
majority, which was largely contributed to
by old time Itepublicans who looked with
dislike and distrust on Henry George and
his land theories; and now the Irving Hall
leaders find that they aro completely wiped
out as political faetors having made no
show whatever In tho last election, as the
law requires, having completely sunk their
personality In the Labor movement Tho
result Is that about eight
hundred election inspectors will bo awarded
to tho Labor party and Irving Hall with
-Jimmy O'Brien at tho tall will bo left out
In tho cold to drlvo tbo best bargain they
can with either of tho rival factions on
election day.
When Jerry O'Donovan, known to fame
or Infamy as O'Donovan llossa, was kicked
out of tho Fenian Brotherhood, many Inno
cent pcoplo bclioycd that It was becauso bo
was n loud mouthed blatbersklto whoso
association with tho Brotherhood was doing
It more harm than good. Ho had n dirty
little den hero which ho called his otllcc,
and It was hero that tho assassination of
Captain l'helan was attempted by tho
murderous Elck Short. For somo years
past It has been a mystery with the brother
hood how all of Its most trusted secrets
leaked out. If a secrets movement was set
on foot, or a confidential agent was sent
abroad on a mission of vengeance, Scotland
Yard all the details of it, and a full
description of the emissary and his business
by tho arrival of the very firpt steamer.
Every plot miscarried; every conspirator
was nabbed. Milesian patriots scratched
their heads, and said, "the dlyel Is in the
dlco." Some long heads on the Insido be
gan at last to smell a largo size mice, and
tbo conscqucnco was that the renowned
Irith patriot O'Donovan Kossa, at your
service, was Inglrlously kicked oiitthc back
door. From that day to this thero has been
no leak hi the Fenian Secret Service Bureau
not a man has been blown. This looks
rather squally for Jerry O'Donovan. These
Fenian gentlemen do not stand upon
trifles; a man moro or less makes very
little ilUTcrence to them, so I shall not be
surprised any morning to take up the paper
and learn that the remains of tho ox-Fenian
patriot havo boon Identlflld by tbo rim of
Ids hat, his boot heels ami a receipt from
Scotland Yard.
Asscsts, two dollars lu cash; liabilities
six million three hundred and eighty-six
thousand dollars. A small showing for
such a successful financier as Henry S.Ives,
Tlio books of a banking, firm are a very
Important Item In tho business. Mr. Ives
swears to the best of his knowiedcro and
belief that bo don't know where they are.
riieso books tell of transactlonsamounlltig
to many milloes; yet this young man goes
upon the stand and swears that he knows
nothing about them; bis partner swears to
the same state of affairs; It may bo all
right, hut to an outsider it looks llko rank
perjury. Why theres not a keeper of a
country grocery doing a business of two
thousand dollars a year but can tell you
where his books ate. Fred Ward was a
bad egg, a very bad egg, but his books
could bo found when they vvern wanted.
The Bccrction of tbo books or their de
struction looks like a confession of guilt.
Already ths District Attorney talks of
criminal proceedings. 1 shall not bo sur
prised any morning to learn tliet Mr. Ives
has left town. Meanwhile bootmakers,
tailors, decorators, furniture men and even
washerwomen aro mourning his financial
downfall. A florist weeps over a depleted
conservatory for which be can show no
substantial return; seventy-dye dollars
being ono of the items for a basket of
(lowers which doubtlass found Its way to
the Opera Bouffe.
Tho candy man wears crape fo baskets of
bon-bons and lollypops which won tho
hearts of his female friends, anil softeno
tho hearts of their mothers. He denied
himself nothing, but now settling day lias
come, bis creditors can whistle for their
pay; six or seven millions is a good round
sum for a young man of twenty-seven to
fall for. It Is yet uncertain what may bo
the final issuo of this failure to Mr. Ives,
but. from his present success in wearing
good clothes, Hying in a flue bouse and
fating on the fat of the land, It would seem
as if gold ami character wcru at a discount,
and for capital in tlio banking and broking
business at least, there Is nothing like brass
anil cheek.
I'he cool weather has set In and for an
other season our churches, our schools and
one theaters aro open. Last Sunday tlieic
were but few vacant pulpits in tlio city as
most of Hut wandering ministers hayo r
turned. I notice almost invariably it Is
tho blgh-prlced ministers who stay away
latest; three or four whoso salaries are
away up among tho thousands are prolong
ing their stay till October.
There is unusual activity at all the thea
tcrs, many of tho pieces being got up at
enormous outlay and with unusual splendor,
The city is full of strangers and all the
theaters are doing a ratling business.
Tho New York U'orM Is pluming Itself
on Us latest exploit of examining the. This
tle's keel with a dlyer. I am a believer In
newspaper enterprise, but I think for the
honor of American journalism that tbo
sooner such questionable enterprise as this
Is abandoned tho better for tho character
of our American newspapej-s, The Thistle's
Is the guest of tho American people; sho
has every right to expect a kind hospltabio
greeting, and thaf sho should rest In as ab
solute security at her aixliprage as If sho
was under lock and key upon tho Clyde.
TheThlstloIs tho property of Mr. Bell,
idid If there aro any improved lines In her
construction that will enable her to win the
raco they are that gentleman's private
property, and to tako any liberties with
them without his permission is not only
illsreputable but dirty. It is about on a
liar with reading a gonllcman's letter which
ho accidentally leaves open upon his desk
and trusts to your honor not to examine.
It was a grievous breach ofhospllahty, and
ono of whlch!l am sure every decent Ameri
can feels ashamed, I for one offer our
Scotch guests my apology, any trust that
we may neycr again In the iiamo of news
paper enterprise hear of such a dlsgraco to
American journalism.
Truly yours.
every ttado wore so complete that the In
auguration could not think of anything left
out. The exhibits and productions were
all good and splendidly arrayed. Let the
citizens of your ylclnlty suppose a dlstanco
of clabt or nine miles In'contlnuous length,
closely followed with floats, conveyances
representing everything In nature and of
manufactured articles, such as woolens,
calicoes, clgaw, brcadstuffs, meats, fruits,
cereals, vehicles, engines, ships and furn
ished houses and places of business on floats
and they may possibly conceive Thursday
along Broad street. Besides tho many ox-
blbits there wcro about twenty thousand
men In linn ami engaged in their various
trades and work. Tho attractions wcro to
manifold and novel that to specify any In
particular would bo Inoxhausllvo hut the
civic portion of tho parado was very com
mendable and creditable. Tho federal and
municipal officials and secret societies wcro
strongly represented. Tho mint employes,
with their conventional black suits, high
black hats and white neckties followed by
the postolllee employes In their regulation
uniforms looked splendid and were Justly
cheered along tho line; Postmaster Harrlty
in person led tho pottal clerks and letter
crrrlcrs. An amusing remark was made
by a visitor where tho mall boys passed
along, viz, ''Why Harrlly's men nru alto
gether different things from what 1 sup
posed them In be; from newspaper talk I
Inferred that they were a body of heelers
and roughs, picked only from tbo slums of
Philadelphia's worst people. They aro
qulto the reverse." The largo representa
tion of the Knights of tho Golden Egale
did this order Infinite credit. Illlh their
flashy and brilliant uniforms they made a
brilliant and Imposing showing. It took
tills pageant oyer eight hours to pass a giv
en point the movement of the body com
menced at ten a. m. and the end only swung
Into line at six p. in.
Thursday's success was equalled If not
surpassed, only In a different line, by tho
military parade of Friday. This demon
stration of Hie soldiery of tlio various states
has been pronounced upon all sides as the
most successful, most splendid and credi
table array of tho military forces in tills
country since tho closoof tbo war of tbo
rebellion. Over twenty thousand men were
in lino all marching with the precision of
veterans. The G. A. It. made the largest
showing as to numbers, anil the G. A. It.
boys Willi tbcli tattered flags along the
line were received with that homago duo
them for the services rendered. As to the
military forces regularly oiganlzed, Penn
sylvania contributed tlio largest quoto, fol
lowed next bv New Jersey, Maryland. Now
York and Massachusetts. The display of
the U. S. Navywas large anil Imposing.
General Sheridan commanded; he was re
ceived by the people throughout the march
witli cheers, applause and appiobation.
Ills reception wascoidial and enthusiastic.
Tho slate militia was beaded by their gov
ernors and stato commanders. Gov. Gor
don, of Georgia, tho confederate General
of fame, with Gov. Beaver tho Union Gen
eral, were the mcst enthusiastically re
ceived by the people. Thus it was again
proved to tho demagogues and howlers of
tho bloody shiit that the people hayo long
since concluded that the war Is over. The
reception accorded to Governor Gordon
was tho equivalent of an affectionate greet
ing. Many expressions of regret were man
ifested on all sides that Filzhiich Lee, of
Virginia, did not head the Virginia troops.
The necks along tbo line were craned to
catch a glimpse of Filzhugh. His recent Ion
would have equalled that of Little Phil
President Cleveland from tbo grand stand
on l.road street, reviewed, tho parade,
Grover was the Hon of the occasion; his ap
pearance, wherever ho appeared, was the
signal for wild demonstrations of applause
and greeting. Ills reception was equal if
not superior to that ever accorded to any
individual oi president of the United Stales
in Philadelphia. Only oneevidence of ills-
courtesy was shown and that was by the
1-lth Ohio rcL'imcnt.conimandedbyFurloso
Bronbasles Forakerof that State. Of all
fools and asses these took the calte. They
were .accorded this' reputation and their
petty Foraker like action justly accorded
them the guffaws, blssesand hooting which
they received from the populace. Asstaled
President Cleveland was the 'hero of tlio
hour;' himself and wife were, feted and
dined from tho time they struck I'lilladel
phla until their departure on Sat nrday eve
ning. Sutiuday was the day of receptions, his
torical addresses and orations. The ora
tion was delivered by Justice Miller of tho
Supremo Court of U. l.;t was an ex
pounding of tho wiso and beneflclent law
constitution of tbo country. President
Cleveland made a number of happy and ex
cellent addresses during his stay In Phila
delphia. Many men of note and reputation wcro
present an assemblage of such as will not
he seen in Philadelphia for many a day to
come. Carbon county had Its quoto of
notable and representative men present,
'mongst whom wcro Major Klotz, G. II".
Esser, T. D. Clauss, Michael Cassidy, II.
S. Pinker. J. J. V. Morthlm
er, J. G. Zein, A. J. Durlhig. Ambrose S.
Stolgenvalt, It. L. Sweeny and a host of
With Saturday tho constitutional fusllvl-
ties cainn to an end. It was a suecesso. an
Immense success and a great advertisement
for l'blladclphia.
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength sunt w liolesoinenoss, More economical
than the ordinary kind, mid cannot be sold In
competition ullli the limit Undo of low test, slioit
weight, alum or pluvqiluito powders. Hold only
In tain. ltnyal Uaklng Powder Company, 100
Wall Street. N. Y. . auglM-mll
LostHoward !
T nml nil tl.n MI. .,tl ... .... - III- ... ..
mu iim mi. in inirjviiie mi j'.iicimn
llegle Hound, nnstveu to the name of "Mike,"
marked Mark mid White with two black ears
iiic miner win no wen niiw AHIHiH on
return to IIHV11EN McUANIKt,,
3tv l'arryuilo Pa.
Tlic MonroB Comity Agncnltnral Society
Yv'IM, 1101.1) Tl I I'd It
F -A-I-R - !
Sopt. 27, 28, 29, 30, Oct 1.
HACK, ami lots of fair
Good Music Every Lay !
Come all. ttotcl accommodations ample und
reasonable. .1, T. CltAMEIl Pres.
It, II KELLHlt, Hec'y- tit
The Leading Clothing House.
mujur """"-"" fiiii mm IM I WW HI Hi I Him I M Ml 11 1111 Mllll'l
The uniloi-slimed, administrator of the estate
otCalliarliio Niiiliauiii, late, of the ltoioindi of
Welwport, Carbon county, I'd., dee'd, will selt
at public sale on I lie pivmlsi's on
Monday Oct. 3rd, 1887,
I at Two o'clock p. in., tlio following valuable leal
estate, to-wlti All that certain lnt or Piece of
(Iriuiiiili situate en Idler street, mid numbered
hi the nlan or nlot of said ImroiiL-li of Welssnoir.
CarlKin county. Pa., No. 45. Tim liupi-ineiiieiits
inereon are a i wo a
Accident, Life & Fire
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Has secured tho agency for the following
PAN1KS which can bo recommended to
the public as Perfectly Safo and Uellablc.
Ita National Life taraiico Co.j
which Is said to be "Tho grandest step In 1
fair dealing within tho history of Life
Insurance." It protects against
adversity In business; it pro- '
tects d o p e. n d e n t ones
against tho contin- I
gency of death 1 1 I
Mauufrs' Accident Meiiity Co.,
with a reserve fund of $.10,000 guarantees
every policy In full. No other com
pany has ever put up such a fund.
It costs but a few cents eyery
day a good Investment.
Harrisiiiii Mutual Live Stock
Fixed rates; u'o annual dues. An duals di
vided inlo classes of one hundred and
flfy each. Members responsible
only foi losses occurring In the
class In which their ani
mals wore enrolled.
August Lir, I8MJ ly
mil one-half storv
Bvick Dwelling House,
2TxM feet, with Hummer Kitchen, 7x21 feet, and
imumiu, iixi2,, iiiio inner uecei",i:iry omouuii
liijts. Tlieru Is alio a well of gooU water on lliu
premises. is7 lcrms anil eiilnuilniii will ue
made known at time ami iil.iee of sale by
1 Adinliilstralni- gf the esUite ot t'alb. NiHbaiun.
Public Sale
01' VAUIAlll.t:
Tlio Stands and Oilier Privileges.
Of the l'alr (Iromuls will licdhpiKrd nil to the
lilulipstaml tiest binders lit Hie Public S.iletnbe
held on the l'alr (irmmili, at Two O'clock p. in.,
Snttirday, September 21, '87
at which time and place all person-i Interested
arc invited to attend f-WNotlee: All small stands
mu.illy sold at untl during the 1'alr.w III positively.
uoi oenuoupu. oue mil iiiepermaneniKianui
(of which havo been creeled by the Society) will
bo sold, unless It be for I'lvlnn Coaches, Hnons;
&c which will not Intel fere ullli tin.- refresh
meiit stnmR
KI.WKN HAHJvli, Seeietary.
The nmleisluueil. Kxeenlor ot the last mil ami
testament of JOIil, Ki,Ol7 latent Kast Weiss-
poll J'lanKUn rowiisiup, carbon count y, l'a.,
Will M-ii ill i none naie, on uiu premises, oil
Friday, September 30th, 1887,
coinmenchuiat ONI? o.Yloek 1'. II.. the follow
Ins Tracts or Pieces of Ijind situate In Uast
VVclsport, l-'rankllii Township, carbon County,
in., adjoining lands o Henry Campbell, Thomas
lnons, .mil oniri c.
Trud No. 1 containing ONK ACltHanilHIXTV
rintCHKH moi o or less. Tile improvements are
aTllltliU-HldltV ItltICK DWKl.UMI IIOUSU
ami a I.AKHK Slll'.ll.
TiiietNo.aismtalnlngNINKTUHN PKItCIIKS
mine or lees, adjoining Tract No. I and lands of
I,, v. Miv. Co. 'Ibn Improvements thereon
erecieuaro i tvw l-liAsll. or l l.AMv iiuuskh,
one of the houses Is he hie used as tenant house
and saddler simp, the other as a tin shop anil
stove, store.
Tract No.3eonlaliithgHIinTY-ONU P1!I!CH-
i.M, more or less, unjoining units of llenrv
Campbell. Kllucr Klotz ami I..C. & Nav. Co. Ail
the above mentioned lots are well located for inn poses.
ALSO, at the name than anil place there will
be sold the l'HKSONAl, PltOIM'itSTY of the said
tloel Klotz. dee'd. such as lleds .'mil Iteitdlnrr.
Stoves, Tables. Cupboards, Chairs. Carpets, etc.
Terms and coudlllons will be made Known at
time aim place oi sale by
.10SIAII ltUCIl, Kxccutor.
Fianklln Twp., Sent. 2,-v3.
Exeoutor's NoMoo.
HstateotJOEl, KLOTZ, deceased.
letters testamentary on tho estate of Joel
Klutz, late of l-'ranklln township. Carbon enmity,
t'a., deceased, havo been granted to tlio .sub
scriber, all persons indebted to said estate arn
reipiesteci iu maKc liiuaciliaie payment, nun
IhoM) having claims or demands against tlio es
tate of said decedent will make Hie same known
without ueiay lo .iokiah uucu
Franklin township. . livrcutor.
Aupustfi, 87-wO
Switchback Railroad.
Switchback Depot 8:30; 10:10s tl :37j 2:2(1: 3:13
Summit Illll-IHIO; 11:10; 12:20; 3 SO; 4:3,1; 0:10.
Snlllibaek Depot 1:50: 2:15.
Summit 11111-3:00; 4:no.
T. L. MUMFOliD, Les. & Mgr.
11. ,1. MUMFOUD, Sunt. Si Pass. Agt.
Office of Ro
Chester Brewing Co,
l'iiii..iii:i.i'iilA, l'a., Sept. II), '87,
The Constitutional Centennial lestlyllles
were throughout immense it surpassed n
magnitude any week of the of
'70 as well as that of tho Ill-Centennial of
1882. Tho great attractions wcro tho civil,
Industrial and military parades and the
president. Tho parades wore phcnoiiiical
as to size, men lu lino and diversification
of products. Tbo throng and crush of peo
ple was terrific Kvery main thoroughfare
was packed with one mass of human beings.
Thursday and Fiiday weie tho days of
parado and exhibit. Tbo civil and Indus
trial pageant surpassed anything In Its lino
over seou before In this city, It was on
Ilroail Direct fiom Dauphin to Moore, a dis
tance of over four mllosj the street Is the
largest, broadest thoroughfare in I'liiladel
phla. The exhibits In the way of art,
manufacturing, science and products of
Rocuestkh, N. Y., May 12, 188-1.
It having been for some time urijcd as an argument against the
use oi malt liquors, that they were unlit lor use by reason of ad
ulterations, we beg to state that the Lager Beer manufactured
"by us is a Pure, Ilealthful, Unadulterated article.
For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for those
who simply use it as a beverage, it is a light, and nourishing stim
ulant." Lager IJccr has accomplished much for the canso of tern
perance, in weaning many from the use of the stronger drinks
and thousands all over the land cheerfully testify to its wonderful
effects m building up tlie hufeebled Constitutidn.
An analysis -of our llccr has been made by Professor Lattimore
of tlio Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient
guarantee of the accuracy of any statement he may make, Wc
can also produce the affidavit of Mr. Frederick Hodcckor, our head
brewer, which must certainly set tit rest all doubts that might
exist in the mind of any person.
rurinermore, wo win pay fciuuu to any one proving tlial our
statements and claims are not entirely true.
Very llespoctfuuy,
Tho Rochester Brewing Co.
Tlio Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER.
Harvest Excnriion
The (ireat Itock Island Kouto (C. It. I. &
P. It'y) will sell' Oct. 11th, Harvest Kxcur
sion tickets at ono faro for the round trip,
to principal points in Kansas, Nebraska,
North-western Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota
Limit 00 days from date of sale. For tickets
or further Information, address E. A; Uol
brook, (leneral Ticket and rassenger Agent,
Chicago, 111.
AOCNT l'Olt 1'lltST-fl.ASS
Fire, Life & Live Slock Insurance
Hlieclal atU-iilion of 1'arniers and otliera U
i"2 '.Vl'J.-'.it. ! 1 L nigral U'NinotTeri-il liv Hie llrjlth'H
this County and nelglinorliood.
Real Estate Agency,
Real Estate Bought & Sold.
Collections Promptly Made.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penua.
Spt. 3, W.-411I
Call, - - Examine,
Be Convinced.
and merchantilo printing of all
kinds executed nt fhe lowest
possiblo rates. Otir work will
be found equal to that of any
office in the county, and will be
done nt the time promised.
Carbon Advocate
Bank St., Lehighton.
An immense assortment of Summer Fabrics in stock, comprising
nil tlic very Intcst styles in
AVorstcds, &c, &e.,
Made up in the latest styles und most substantial manner at prices
that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed You
can save money by having your clothing made by
H. IT. PETERS, The Tailor,
I Announce This Week
It is put up in 12 lbs. muslin bags and sells for 75c. a bag a
tin-cui) included. besneak for it. cmml s-il
1 WIMVl-j 11111 I1UU1U IlUt
till who have sfock of any kind to give it a trial.
ve have also received and have on exhibition an entirely new
article in the shape of
It is made entirely of cast-iron bolted together firmly: is ;nh
niirablv suited to mit on the roof of n b
both ornamental and useful. By its use you avoid tho risk of
falling bricks tumbling on your head or breaking the roof.of leak
age around the chimney and of having a house minus a chimney
after every Utile storm. The price is no more than it will cost to
put on a brick one and it will out-wear half a dozen of the.
A Full Line of HARDWARE on Hand I
Plenty of COAL in Stock and More is Coming;.
jcuur uruuru iieapecLiuuy solicited.
Mmv Pbicek !
I am now fully prepared to mee't all demands ot the purchasing
pnunc witli a lull ami complete line or
Dry Goods, No ti ons, Groceries,
S MS) iftiW IB f,J HI H'iT
Imm (fat oiirl f!on&
dji na in n n m e s a n n m HHrniiHai
Ready-made Clothing, Cloths & Cassimers.
My prices are positively as low as tho lowest. The people of
jjcnignton, rnckerton, Jamestown and surrounding vicinities are
respectfully invited to call and inspect my large assortment ol
general store goods belore purchasing elsewhere.
Proprietor of the EAGLE STORE, opposite the L
V. Hound House, Bank Street.
wja b n a n mja
Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase
Al 13
isi ..f3
Josepit F. Rex's,
EAST WEISSPORT. Carbon ounty, Penna.
Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Caskets or
Loluns lurmshed at lowest prices.
FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c,
of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices, ltemeiuber,
Nenr Canal Bridge, East Weissport, l'a. nprl7-lj
lis is the Place You
T have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully
prepared for the
omimg Summer's Trade
with one of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB
STANTIAL linos of
Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes.
Opposite tlit-Cmlwiilloiwc itaim Htrcvl.UlilKli
ton reim'n., sell
W atclies ! Clocks '
and Jewelry,
Cheaper on an jivi-ihro tlmn can ho boiinlit nny
wlicru clip In tlio county. Call unci gcc.
In nil lift limncliiw, neatly, clitnplynnil prompt
ly nttcnai'.l to.
ALSO A I'lll.l. LINK OK '
-School Books
Stationers Supplies
Itpspecirnlty announces to tlic public lliat lie
now nicely lornlcd lu Ills
New Store Room Odd. LV.Ronuil House
HANK STHI5KT, LUIIK11IT0N. unit lias In
stiK'K a rnll ami coinplcto lluo of
Stovesand Tinware !
Indiullng Hie Justly Ortrbrntiil ami l'opiilnr
New Mayflower,
l,.Ui,l!,V...l.,..f.p,1,"S iU TI,K VKIIV I.OWKST
CASH l'liKMiS. ton urarcwrrtriillr Invited
to call and Inipcct IiIh slock nnd learn
prlccN hefore pnieliatiiiK elsewhere.
Roofing and Spouting
will he pinmptly and cm reel ly altcndcd. Terms
low as tho wry luwcit.
OpP. Hoiiiiil House, llauk Street. Ihlsliton,l'u.
.Iulp2ttl'7 ly
'(Ueuts9 N9iock $2.INI Up2
Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4.
Ladies' and -Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes
Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up !
Latest Styles Hats and Caps,
irsier Store !
HgrF o
.;. Lemons,
Sweet Potatoes,
Eggs Plants,
And everything else usually kept
in a first-class general store, in
cluding Dry Goods, Groceries,
Provisions, Qneensware, China
ware, &c., &c.
Atl.nte Special Uainliier U. S. Pension
Military Claim Apt
l'roseculC!4 claims fur IViislons, Increase (it
Pension, I'.cmiily anil all manner ol clalmiapnliif
tlmKou'riiincnt. Ten carn e.xperleneo In the
Pension hiulness and nearly live as Special Ex
iinilner lutlic I'. S. Pension Oltlce.
I inako a siicclally if Increaso clntmcs.
JlaWHiiu U. H. LlTZKNUEItd.
rP,,.,,!?,LV,l V.VANT I'AYlNtl SITOA
I 1 IONS as local ortriHellnu iiKenlsRliniild
JL apiily at unco lo .IAS, H. WIUTSKY,
Nurserjinan, Kocliester. N. V. No ex
licrieiiee Is reipilnil, anil outllt u free, steady
work the year louinl. All Mock wan-anted In
good condition, Jiiuctiain
Kansas Trust & Banking: Coinpany
812NAT0K INRAMA - - I'rcsuleiit
Oirera :u:iiantoed Kami Donils or Uiutt-rn
ICansan. Hciiii-uiiiiiuil couimin payablo at tlie
Chatham Nalloiml Jlnnk, New York.
Eastern lilllcc: 187 llroadway. New York.
It. M, Manic), (icn'l M'e'r. Scud lor pamphlet.
WANTE1-1.A1)I1-Sf.irur I'ull and riirlst
' 'null Trade, to tako lllit, pleasant work at
their own liomei. si u tsiptir dav iu boiiulct
ly niaile. Work sent mall any distance, l'ar-
()ltESCHNT,UtT .'().. 117 Milk street, Itoston
..... a. u,... SCPI.'I
You'll And It eood to rogu-
Tho organi ot both tmall
ana great.
It check! dick Headache,
and the woe
That uul UyiMpllc4 eyep
Cceldts 'tis pleasant to the
. te.
Bo none need gulp It down
In hute.
BluileuU pracllmlly ctluraleU fur the liUBlmvui nutt
Bltuatluns furnUIiM when romietcnt. AUJn'f
Farm For Sale.
The tlinlerslsncil offers nt tirlvnto naln a
valttalilo farm slluntod In East l'cnii lown
slllp. CarliOll colllltv. Pa., nliout four anil
mie-hair inlloa from f.clilKliton. Tlio larm
conl.ilns KOUTY-SIX ACItHS, tonty-lx
of whloli aro uiuler (;o(h1 cultivation, ami
tlio remainder Is. In limber ami brush. On
It la a Tno-Story lloulilo Dwelling House
ami also a Swiss ilarn, anil nil other out
bulliliiiss necussarv. A stream of waicr
runs lliiongli tlio farm ami It contains a
never falllns: surlinr. Also an iirrlmnl r
all kinds of fruit. Wo will olTot a rare
chance to the biiYur. Apply to
Kast l'eim, Pa.
Or his son
i.Ai'AYurn: pkyman,
Yealherlj l'a.
1'urv llonc Dust Knamiilred to lo five from
ai.liej, muck, md or any other uortlileu In
Hreilknt lntwide.1 In maku up noiglit ami bulk.
Pure llmie Heal Is a Und ferllllicr that ranks
ferahotid of all lauMphatra: pracllual farmci
know.tlil and apprmUte lite fact. UMiaxeu
kirg ijiianlit) of I'll III! IMiNC ll - T ou haud t n rea-.oiulii rs. All
onlerii"iiiiih ..11. ii.t. ,1 1, I'aiionni-e r. apect-
fnlly gutlcurd Hud MUslavlion xmrsuiel.
LehiL'liton, Pa.
Aug. U.-im.