H U The Carbon Advocate LEniUIirON,PA.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1887. KNTKIir.n AT TJIK I.K1I10IITON rOBT-OFMCR AS SECOND KIAR4 MAlb MATTKIt. 1'OU .IVD015 1)1' St'l'ltHMK COUltT. flon, IP. Jlf. liAPSItKU, OF MAUCH CHUNK, CAtir.OJJ COtlNTV, PA. Subject to rules of Demwnille StatnOonvcntlon. TO THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION The Democratic State Convention vlilcli convenes at Allentown on next Wednesday to placo In nomination eandldatcs for tlio several. Stato offices to lro Toted for at tli6 comlni; fall election will act wisely and dis play a judicious regard for tlio Inlorcsts of tlio Common people if 11 nominates for JndRO of the Supreme Court tlio Hon. W. Jf. Itnpslier, of Standi Chunk, Pa., a man In whom Is embodied the essential quallll' rations necessary for so Important a post Hon. Democrats who have at heart the welfare of party cannot help but realize tho Importance of putting in nomination for an office which so closely concerns the poor peoplo, a man whoso every interest goes out to ttiq common people; such a man will be found In Hon. W. M. Ttapshcr, who has al ways been identified with movements tend. ing to the elevation and betlmrtent of tho condition of tho masses. Hut not tills alone, political justice demands tho recog. nitlon of a candidate from tho solid old tenth legion which has not been recognized on the State ticket sinco the days of tlio late Judgo Asa Packer's nomination for Governor, twentv or more years ago. In consideration then of Hie fact that tlio noin inatlon of Mr. Itapsher would spur the Democracy on to moio determined and vigorous action and consequent larger m.v jorltlcs the duty of the convention Is ap parent. They will not overlook tlio fact that tho demand which Issues from tills section is a spontaneous outburst of sent! ment which calls for the nomination of a man who has left corporate monopolies se verely alone and whose Ideas are modified to meet tlio contingencies of complicated questions of law which constantly arise by virtue of the intricate maimer in which tho affairs of corporations are conducted. Of all corporate powers thero are, perhaps, none more complicated than the authraclto coal Interests of Pennsylvania, and no class of laborers liavo felt mpro severely the In justice of oppression than hayo the coal miners of this region. Asa matter of hu man justice then, a man should bo nomin ated for tho Supreme Judgeship who Is heart and soul In sympathy with, alid who understands correctly the dllllcullles of tho anthracite coal miners, such a person will be found in lion. W. M. Itapsher, of whom an anthracite, coal minor once said: "In such bold and fearless champions of .tho rights of labor as Itapsher mast the tollers see their chance and condition in society. so that even tlioso who are plunged Into the depths of poverty and oppression may take courage," With all due respect for the candidates for Supreme Court .Ttulgc wo would ask of the Democratic State Convention, to con vene at Allentown on Wednesday, a care ful, Impartial and logical consideration of all the facts geographical location, emin ent fitness of the'Tundldnte and tho ile mands of the people and we feel confident that Mr. itapsher will be the nominee of the Democratic party and the next Supreme Court Judge. The demand Is spontaneous and issues 'from tho masses; ai:d the Democracy can not well disregard It. The Itepubllcan county meeting at Maucli Chunk last Saturday was very har moniously conducted a fact which proyes 'he Republicans to be in good lighting trim for the coming fall election. Impartial political observers can not fall to recognize the fact that the opportunities of the Re publicans are very encouraging In this coun ty. This cannot bo disputed. TitoiniLK is anticipated In tho ranks of the Democracy unless the old board of commissioners are renominated. This In an indisputable truth which every Carbon county Democrat wilt acknowledge. failure, to renominate Messrs. Coll and Arner will be an acknowledgment that the Hoardlias not fulfilled the pledges mado by tho Democracy to the peoplo; a consequent loss to the majority party, will ensue and HWiinal resait Is obvious. Is it not a fact? Tins Pennsylvania Prohibitionists In con vention assembled at Harrisburg tills week, severely denounces tho Itepubllcan and Democratic parties for all existing evils In matters of legislation. Tho Republicans are denounced as hypocrites for favoring the submission of a constitutional amend ment fr the manufacture and sale of in toxicating beverages. The Democracy es capes with but little censure, while the Republicans must bear the brunt of all bad legislation, A c. It seems to be the prevailing opinion with many of our country and metropolitan contemporaries that tlio Carbon Democrats go in for unadulterated free trade, nothing more or less, when tho true facts are that they only want thorough tariff revision all reductions being mado on such articles as affect tlio living of the poor. The Dem ocratic National Convention of 188-1 prom ised this to the people, consequently they are looked to for the fulfillment of the promise, aa upon it greatly depends the re sult of 188a Tin: Lansford Ittcortl understands and appreciates' tho sterling worth of our es teemed friend Hon. W. M. Rapsber, as the following will evidence: Now that the bosses have placed Williams in nomination for Supremo Judge, tho Al lentown convention will display wisdom by naming Mr, Rapsher, of Carbon county, a candidate the workliigiuen of Pennsylvania can suppert. It take something along with Democracy to v. In this battle, and that is why wa believe Mr. Rapsher to be the most available, man. Tub Democratic State Convention will be held at Allentown next Wednesday, Aug. 31st. The delegates and friends of Mr. Rapsher have engaged, suitable rooms at the Hotel Allen for the purpose of open ing headquaiters next Tuesday to push his candidacy for SupreipH Judge. Wo may say that Ids fiiemlt are In receipt ofj-n couraging letters from allparU of the State and In some rates I hey make uiniialllW pledges to support Id in. From the pretenl outlook It seems probable that there will bo anywhere from six to a dozen candidates on the flnt few ballots for Supreme Judge, We call upon the Democracy of Carbou - county to lie on hand and report at Head quarters for duty lu full force. It Is our duty and everyone tun do something for the cause. To My tit Mr. ItihePi cuances to make the tietuiuttlen are at this writing fully as good thote of any of the distinguished men naineU for the position, BnriMnft New M Letter. Special to the OAitnoN ADVOoAtk. We scarcely look for any extraordinary sensation In tho dog days; with a thermom eter ranging between 00 and 100 degrees, tho most enthusiastic worker feels like giv ing business a rest. Dutthls city Is a good deal lllto tho ocean, ovcu In Its calmest mo ments thero Is a long, deep swell that tells of everlasting unrest and seems oyer por tentous of disaster. What was tlio mean ing of tho wild shout of joy that rang out through tho Stock Exchange on Thursday when tho Vice President announced from tho desk that Henry S. Ives had suspend ed? In their wild glco tho brokers remind ed mo of a shoal of porpoises at sea; when ono of tho unfortunate fishes Is struck with a harpoon, as soon as his blood appears the wholo trlbo jump for him and hound him to death. I am willing to admit that at no tlmo since ho lias been upon tho street has Mr. Ives been a subject for pleasant con temptation. In his ordinary Intercourse with his fellow brokers there was a sort of patronizing superciliousness which made tho man cordially haled and universally un popular. It Is a mystery to-ilay how tlio fellow oyer got foothold among Hie Wall street magnates. It Is only a few years ago since he was rt little clerk with an unsavory repu tation, yet so rapidly did ho turn his op portunities to account that on Thursday last ho was able to fail for firteen millions of dollars. Even after his failure ho Is aide to live In a hundred thousand dollar house, and up to Wednesday morning ho was ablo to rldo In an clglity-slx thousand dollar steam yacht; It cost from three to four thousand dollars a month to run her, and with the expense of Ills hundred thousand dollar town house, and Ids fifty thousand dollar country bouso it must hayo cost Mr. Ives quite a penny to live. Hold on a minute I I forgot tho clubs. No doubt that ho belonged to at least four tho Union, the Century, the Racquet and tho Athletic. Everybody who Is anybody, except Jay Gould, belongs to them. Then come tlio races, a little poker, an occasional aristo cratic mill at fifty or a hundred dollars a ticket. Yes, it must have, cost him a pile of money. How did he get it you ask? Aye, there's Hie rub. We know ho had It and spent It like a nabob; in fact, a nabob might get some valuable points from Hen ry. Ho is only twenty-seven to-day, and ha has not been more than three years in active business. Ferdinand Ward bad just gone to States prison after Ives started In business; Henry Vlllard, whoso comet-like amazed and terrified the financial world, had turned one of tho most remarkable somersaults in history; Jim Keene had been knocked out some tlmo bafore, and from that day to this has been trembling on Hie ragged edge without money enough to redeem tho prizes from tlnr Custom House which ho won When Foxhall bore his colors to victory in tlio Grand Prix, fin tho outside Wall street lias the credit of being careful and conservative. Tliero neycr was a greater mistake; a moro reck less, desperate set of gamblers does not exist on tlio face of the earth. Of course thero nro honorable exceptions, as far as the business of stockbroklng can bo hon orable, but, as a general thing, they will gamble on anything. They will match dollars or eagles or half eagles; they will bet on the number of pieces of paper on a given number of square feet of the Ex change floor; they will plunge, their hands In their pockets taking up a handful of change and bet a thousand dollars odd or even. This is substantially the Chinese game of fan tan, but I never heard of a broker being arrested though wo have sent .several Cliluamen to the penitentiary for the same offense. But their stronghold is faro or poker preferably poker. Now why did theso desperate gamblers set up such a howl of delight when Henry S. Ives went up in a balloon on Thursday, In tho polite vernacular of the street, "he raised the buck and tlio boys couldn't see tho ante." When a man plays for a stake of mlllions,the question naturally arises where did he get the stake. That ho had tho stake wo know, wo also know where some of It ranin from, but not all. Do you know what he was playing Wall Street for? For tho biggest railroad combination In the his tory of the world. Tho oldest heads on Wall Street were appalled at tho treiucn dous audacity of tho combination. And at ono tlmo shrewd men said, "It can bo done," and as an evidence of their faith they put their money in it; ono man plank ing down a million in solid cash, and an other eight hundred and fifty thousand. If the deal could liavo been accomplished Jay Uouid would hayo' been crushed llko an eggshell, and U. P. Huntington would liavo been pushed to the wall, and IlentyS. Ives was quite prepared to fill their places; but the gong sounded on Thursday, and air. lyes is relegated to the large fleet of liave-lieens, whoso shattered wrecks along the shore serve to point a moral If not to adorn a tale. A much moro acrrcablo subject to write about Is themeetlng.of tlio Association for the Advancement of Science with which unrcuy lias ueen nonoreil Uurlng Hie past week. It Is tho business as It Is tho pleas ure of these gentlemen to Investlgato tho heavens above and earth beneath, and the wa'.ers that are under the earth, i:d from the lectures and reports it is pretty evident tliatevery Held of human research has been thoroughly explored. It Is amusing as well as Instruet!yo i gee the dlffeient phases of research. One magnificent Pro fessor with a head "fit to stand by Caesar and give direction," seemed to go almost wild oyer the discovery of a new bug. An oiuer maites a vaiualiie contribution to botany, others In physics and others still In the various fields of abstract science. Among modern scientists there seems to be a very general disposition to take nothing on trust; wiin inem it either Is or is not. u it is prove it, ir it is not drop it. The meetings wero lield In Columbia College and were crowded lu svery department. It was a maltcrof general rcmaik that such n splendidly Intellectual body of men and wo men has seldom been seen In tills cltv One tiling remarkable about tho meeting was tlio great number of young men. In tho past ten years death has been busy, and l rotiid not fall to notice the terrlbl gaps made by the relentless reaper. Anion: tho chemists I looked lu vain for the kindly, genial face of my dear old friend Professor Heiijlmln S Iicdrlck, for many yeais tho principal chemical examiner of the Patent OHIch at Washington. Tliesa annual renn ions were abvajs a joyous holiday for him. in fact It was almost his only holiday In the year, and here in the association of the men he honored and loved, and by whom I h was honored and loved In return, he gave freely thoj.i proclous stores of wisdom j for which 'he was famous, and with! modeitj and genial kindness which was ' his crowning glory. Though we mlfseJ him sadly let us hope that somewhere, perhaps above the stars, restldg In the calm light of everUslin day, he Is enjoying the roposo wlileh Is the rewnrd of tin honorable 1 and well spent life. The women who wero j present had no complaint to make nbout . tho Impediments thrown In tho way of j their sox.- Never In any public body liavo ; they received greater honor or distinction, j and it Is only Jusl to add that they got on moro than thoy deseryod. Stocks havo been having a lough exper ience, almost nil of tho gtlt-edgo securities being affected by tlio general trouble. It is evidently a speculator's light, tlio gen eral public having very lltllo Interest In tho row. Soycial times In the past fow weeks a few countrymen In search of rapid for tunes havo tried a flyer, but those who went for wool generally camo back shorn, and now the dogs aro eating each other, there being nothing clso left to feed on. An addition to tlio Interest of tho week has been the doings of the different branches of the Labor party, which now promises to bo as numerous as tlio sands on the sea shore, or tho stars In tho milky way. Wo have tlio Union Labor party, and the Union Labor party, which, by Hie way, Is not very much united, but at tho present writing Is much in the condition of tlio Kilkenny cats. Thru there arc the Knights of Labor and the Knights of Industry. Thrco seperato branches of Socialists who nro not at all social, and, four divisions of Anarchists and Nihilists ready at tho drop of the hat to blow up all creation, and then cut each others throats at tho closo of tho fifth act. In prospective wo liavo n mlghtyprelty fight In sight, and It is hard to tell who will coino out on top, but I will venture this, It won'tbo Hciicry George. The McGlynn crazo ls.petcrlng out; Aull- Poverty has spent all tho thousands It has collected tooting Its horns for Georgo ami McGlyuu meanwhile tho wolf howls at the door of thousands of onr poor and this week thero have been fifty eylctlous lu this city, where the old, the sick, the maimed, the hall and Hie blind woro tossed out on the street with a barbarity hardly equalled In any part of Ireland. Anti-Poverty never raised a hand tnhelp them. Hurrah for Antl-Povcityl HitoAnnimr. Additional Local ITews. Tcachors' Examination, The Caibon comity teachers' examina tions for 1S87 will bo held as follows: At Koch's Hotel, for Pcnn Forest town ship, on Saturday, Sept. 21. Tim examinations will bo in writing and all applicants should come prepared with paper and pencils. No certificates will be granted to applicants' under eventeen years old. Everybody for the Lake The Sr. and Jr. O. U. A, M. and D. of L., of tlio Lehigh Valley, will repeat their fifth annual excursion to Lake Hepatcong on Saturday, Sept. 10th, via C. R. R. of N. J. Should tho weather prove unfavor able on that day the excursion will be on the following Saturday, Sept. 17th. Tickets good for three days, to return on any legit- lar train. Tickets for sale at tlio stations or on the train on tlio morning of the ex cursion hv tho committee. Mahoning Items. William Miller lost- a horse by death last week. Mrs. James Fleming, of Philadelphia, Is visiting her father, Daniel Miller. On Monday Clement Kressley killed a black snake that measured five feet. Miss Minnie Mosser, of Summit Hill, spent a few day? In the Valley visiting friends. At a special meeting of Mir school board, hold last Saturday, it was decided not to build a new school houso at llcaver Run until next year. The New- Mahoning Sunday School will hold Its annual picnic in tho afternoon and evening of the 10th of September. Tiieio will bo a grand dlsplayof firo works, and two balloons will bo sent off. The Now Mahoning Cornet Band will furnish the music. This Sunday School Is noted for always having good picnics ; and, If you want an afternoon and evening of unal lowed pleasure, don't miss this one. Dash, From Wild Creek Valley. Potatoes will yield a medium crop In this vicinity. Farmers are busy preparing tho ground for sowing rye and wheat. A. II. Klbler and family wero visiting at Kunkletown on Sunday last. Pliaon Ilennylioff, of this place, sold ids trotting steed, on Wednesday last. Fruits, such as apples, pears and peaches are of but llltlo account In this valley. Geo. Lludecker, of Wild Creek Kettle, droyo Hiiough lids place on Sunday last. Como again George and stop at our place next time. Mrs. Sibylla Leyer is confined to bed with typhoid fever, and Is under the niedl cal skill of Dr. Geaihait, of Kresgevllle Monroo county. An old boy not very far from Hits place is the owner of a fine time piece that never falls him In telling the correct tlmo up to the minute. Good. Tlio Jerusalem Sunday School picnic at Tiachsvllle, was well attended on Satur day last. Mr. Ilobbs took several group pictures with tlio Instantaneous dry plate process. Mr. Hobbs, from West Philadelphia, a still life painter and photographer, has recently painted several fine pictuies of the Wild Creek Falls, also of soveial other picturesque places In this valley. A short time ago tho writer of this article lu company with two friends, were put strolling on tlio mountains. Wo came to a placo called licit, found somo new cut mrcn nnun two distilling boxes, ono was lu running order and the other was torn from Its foundation, wo also found a stream of fresh water, beautiful shady trees, steep rocks and hills, some raspberries, wild gooseberries and lots of blackbenles, dear reader, this mountainous hell Is a picture sque place, but to get there you will havo to tako the narrow road. .Him no. -TJIK- Kansas Trust & Banting Company OF ATCJUHON, KANSAS, BliNATOU INOAU.S, - resident. Offers guaranteed Faun Itonds ul liKteui Kansas, hriul-niiuiial coiijhiiis .aj.il,U ut the Chatham National Rink, New York i,,mS'1u',VI,1'-i;.: ,8,!'1.,;oa,,n,'v. New York. Aiur'T-liii ' SlM"' f0r lu,"llet. FRMERax"! DK8T IN THE WOULD U II E AO Ka tV Oet tlio QrtiDlna. SuMErerr where. For IlllUiUDea, Uonxlpattom. It eoolf the Bhoa ( it gw dellgbt. It cljupcus up the ppe- It Mdathe llier da lu pit And tlmuUtes the (Mbla For BUU lleadaeh, Drspepela. WA!UTEnYOU"a men a "ftil mU LADIES TO fttluAUOUS furnished when noinneunl. Addrt4 tiu.,)SHEKliAN 1ELEGRAPH CO ObMlln. 0. iEki New Advertisements, W flRBYALHWflja m POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills iiowilcr hover varies. A marvel or purity, strength nmt"w litplesoiiieness. Woro economical than Itio ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In ronipetltiim with ttie multitude ot low test, slim t weight, alum or iiliiwplmto powders. Hold only In cans, lioyal Baking Putt iter Company) ion Wall Htieel. N, Y. sing 21-mtt Accident : and : Life INSURANCE! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has secured the accnev for the following SUBSTANTIA!, INSITUANCE COM- FANIUS which can bo recommended to the public as Perfectly Safe anil ltcllablc. The National Life Insnrance Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT, which Is said to be "Tlio grandest step in fair dealing within the history of Iiifo Insurance." It protects against adversity in business; It pro tects d o p o n d o n t ones against tho contin gency of death I 1 MannPrs' Accident totality Co, OP UNITED STATES, witli a reserve fund of $50,000 guarantees every policy In full. No other com pany has ever put up such a fund. It coats but a few cents every day a good Investment. LOGiiL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! Harmtaii Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals di vided Into classes of one hundred and lify each. Members responsible only for losses occurring in Hie class lu wh'lch their ani mals woro enrolled, August si), 188 ly , Tlic' Stands anil Other Myites. () llie I'ulr ni'nunii'i'Uill he disposed olf In tliu liluliesi anil best bidders at the Public Sale to lm held on tint Pair III omuls, at Tuo U'clncl. p. lu., lit uliirli lime and iilaee nil lu-rsons interested are Imitcd tontleni! tifNol tee: Alt small stands usually sold at and duiim; ttui Kalr.will pusltUely lint lie allowed. None but the peiiiiuueiit stands (of which liavo been erected by the Society) will be sold, unless It be fur I'ltlng Coarlies, Snows; ku., jnen win uoi liueiicre wmi me rciresu ment stands. i!I,VI!N HAUHlt, Secretary. -GO TO- SWEEWT'S rTF O iljO Watermelons, Canteloupes, Peaches, Bannnnas, Lemons, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Eggs Plants, Cabbage, C'ocoanuts, Onions, Peanuts, And everything else usually kept in it first-class general store, in cluding Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Ohina ware, &c, ftc. HEM EM MS R THE tor ! LEHIGHTON, PA, Farm For Sale, Tho undersigned offers ut private sale n valuable farm situatel In Kast renn town ship. Carbon county, l'a., nlxuit four and one-half miles from Lehighton. Tho tann contains FOKTT-SIX ACltliS, twenty-six of which are under good cultivation, and the remainder Is in limber and brush. On It Is a Two-Story Double Dwelling llouso and also a Swiss llarn, and all other out buildings nocesMirv. A stream of water runs Hiiough the farm and It contains a never falling spiing, Also nn oi chant of all kinds of fruit. Wo will offer a rare chance lo llie buyer. Apply to KDW'Altl) FUYMAN. liist renn, l'a. Or his son I.AFAYKTTK FRYMAN. Weatherly, l'a. PURE BONE DUST ! I Pure Hone Dust nuuranteed lo be five from ashes, muck, wind or any oilier worthless lu grcdleut Intended to make up welalit and bulk. Pure Hone Meal la aland fertilizer that ranks far ahead of all ptionjiliates! practical farmers know Hits auil upiureiate llie fart. We have a large quantity of Pltlll! HONK DU8T mi hand wlileli we will wit at wry ireiaonahle prit'os. All orders promptly attended In. Patronage li(ieft fully noliultod Hint wll.tjilinn Kuaruiiterd. .JOSEPH OUUItT, I.ehighton, Pa. Aug. is am. Switchback Railroad. TlCAINli I. KANT, A I'Ot.UlUtl: awlltOiuack Pepot-ICSOi .:; It; ;.; 6.SQ. Summit llitl-e.-iO; II .lUj Wi0; SsMU--J-J& a 10. - UNI)A s tiwllbhark l)ut to. . is. BUiaiult HI11-J3III; itiu. Corner Store Corner ISO? ! t, T) THOMAS' Bnin, fy. 2 Doors above tho ' Old Stand,!' Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Per- fumery, Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Musical Instruments, &c, &c. LOOK FOR SIGN OP Political Announcements. HliOISTKi: ANI ItKC'llltllKIl Tim under. signed hereby announces hlinseUag a can didate for tho nomination of Register nnd iiecuwcr, siitijccitoiuoiicmocratic nomina tion, and resncctfuilv solicits H of his fellow citizens. Munch Clumk-tc. C. W. I.HNTZ. I'.KuiSTCit ani KiX'oitni:!!. The under signed, n clll7.cn of .Summit 1IIII, Informs tho Democratic volcrs of Caibon county that ho will bo n candidate fur the nomina tion of Register and Recorder, subject, to the rules of the convention. Summit llili.-t.c. .1. 1 MWILKill. ItUOINTKIt ANll ItKCOIMll.li. Tim nnd,,,-. signed announces hiiiwelf as a taiididale for Register nnd Recorder, subject lo uiles of Democratic nominating convention. JjKYVIH T. I'ISTERS. .Inly SO, 1S87. Kast Maneli Chunk. ColtXTV CoSIMtSMONlon. The under signed; a resident of Franklin township, iu pieseiu. ma nainci ncioroiiie iJemocialic County Convention for the nomination for County Commissioner. IIKNRY MILLER. Franklin Twp Aug. l.'Uc. Cotl.NTV TllI!ARUlli:il Tho undei-aluiied offcis himself ns a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to tho Democratic nomi nation, and repectfully solicits tho support of his fellow citizens. l'ackcrton-tc GEOROE DOLON. County TiiHASur.nn. Tlio undersigned respectfully announces to the Democratic voters of Carbon county, that ho will be a candidate for tlio nomination of Coiintv Treasurer, subject to tho rules of the Dem ocratic County Convention. - J. C. KREAMEII. Lower Towamcnslng.-t.c. County Ti!UARi;i:it Tho undersigned, a citizen of Weatherly, announces himself to the voters of Cabon county as a candidate for County Treasncr subject to rules of the convention. GEO. W. KElSEit. H'eatherlv, t. e. County Thhasuhii The undersigned, a citizen of Lower Towamcnsing, respectfully announces ' to Hie Deinocrtic voters of Carbon county, tliatJie will bo a candidato for tho nomination of county Treasncr subject to the rules of tho convention. WILSON MUSCHLITZ. Lower Towanienslng.-t. c. County CoMMisain'xnit, Tho under signed n citizen of East Pcnn, Is a candi date fot County Commissioner, subject to tiia rules of tlio Democratic Nominating Convention. T. W. STKIGIERWALT, East Pcnn, Pa,, t.c. Cou.vty Commissionw:. The under signed announces to tlio Democratic voters of Caibon county that'ho Is a candidato for the nomination of County Commissioner, subject to tho rules of tho Democratic Coun ty Convention. DOMNICK J. O'DONNELL. Summit IIlll.-t.c. Administrator's Notice Ustate of OATIIAIIINU NUHIlAUM.lato Weiss port liomugli, Onrbon county, hi., ileo'il. Jitters ot administration un tlio estate at uiiiuarino Kiisoauui, late oi wclssimit lionniRli, Carbon county, l'a., tleo'd., have been granted to tliuunderslKiieil.to whom all iiersnns indebted to tlio said estate aro requested lo make Im mediate payment, and those lialnt; claims or demands will make tlio saiuu known without ueiay. j. r. ml'HIIAUM. Adiu's. duly 10. 18;i7-lw I'lilctitoii, l'a (Itaor lo Reascr & Buss) Bank Street, Lehighton, WHOLESALE & RETAIL -DKALEK IN- Choice Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Special inducements are ex tended to the niiinnsrcmcnnt of pjenics, festivals and parties to purchase their goods at this stand. The best goods at the lowest prices Quick Sales nnd Small Profits is our motto. A share of public patronage solici ted and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. ,,, - A. A. ECKHART. July la 0 NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS ltesieetfuily announces to 1 lit- public tliatlmls now nicely located in Ids New Slorc Room Opp. LV.Ronufl House HANK STRUCT, UillKillTON. unci lias lu stiH-k :i full mid complete Hue o( Stoves and Tinware ! llieludius tlie Justly Celebrated anil l'opular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stoves, WlilebliH Is M-liliia ul Till: VUKV MIWKHT CASH I'ltlCKH. VouaiHresiMN'Ifitllrimlleil to cull and liijM-t Ills Mock unit Irani plii-es betoru piiicliasliiKC'Uewlieie. Roofing and Spouting wilt be promptly Dint correctly attended. Terms Juw as llie ery lowest. W. S. KUHNS, Opp. ltniiiid House, llauk Street. U-hlnliiun, I'.i. Jultii1 Iv Executor's No Moo. litntonr.HIHI, KI.OI7, dmusod. U'ltcni tetainiUiry uu tliu otRU ot Jivl lilotl, Ixte ol I'niiiklni Pnuuihlp. CurimiHiiity, l'a., dtwiuU, lime Iwn Kruntwl to tile Mifi-M-rlWr. all perum ludrlilMl to said tnUitoare reuutrd to make IniuieOuile narinwit, and lliiwe luvliixvLtliiuiirdeiiHUuU ajinl tli es tate, ul ikiUI iImmmIkiiI will mate (lie Maine known Kltliuut delay lo JOrilAll lilll'll l'rauMtu towiMlilp. liieculof . Ampwta, B M Pennington Seminary, I'ISNNINUKIN, N. .1 4Mll YEAH III di!V I lll-ol 11 II from lj-llluhl-,11. r. Mut nl'l.NM xhl'l 1 on-ill.,,, run. nn.n.il 14,111 ti, lor Ih41i lrim uuMj'rul4 lllil,l fUlioTMllou llutlimid lu-tlllilul Hiram to-.il tllg, ;as, til. .-MMlXi, IVlft-Cl SMIllLinf ttluir ltin(. Pur eotatagur, taUvrol lir. ItU'ttUi. uul IMiuuHiUU.aadmw tTIOB. HANIjO jTa. M, o. it.. rrait. Aus uir Hi Ab ECICHABTd GOLDEN MORTAR. sayers & mm VEHICLES. HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS AND BUGGIES. Prices anil Catalogues nent on application, SPECIAL Inducements to largo Buyers.' SAYERS & SCOVILL, CINCINNATI, OHIO. V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER!! AND OHAUUt IX FURNITURE, PARLOR SUIT MS, BED ROOM SUITES, Sc., which lie is selling at lowest prices. Also, CARRIAGES and FEATHERS. Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, and the Boyd Burial Vaults, Furnished on VJSUY lUSAgONAllLK TKKMS. VAIi. SCHWARTZ, Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna, aprll 10 87 ly . , rr-iimsn who want payino ritua 1 TIONH nn llie:il ortnivellniMleentsalimiM JL apply at once, lo JAH. It. WllITNUY, Nursery man, linclicstcr, N. Y. No ex perience Is lcqulicd, unil outfit Is free. Steady wonting year lounii. All siock wurramcu in gonil eonilltuiii, juuellJiii Stool Large and Complete ! The Very Latest Styles ! Clothes aid Cassiineres ! Corkscrews, Worsteds, k,&c! Best Made dotoinn ! Perfect Fits Guaranteed ! Our stock of seasonable goods is larger and more varied than any assortment or stock ever displayed m tins section oi the Lehigh valley; our prices un questionably lower than any oth er tailoring house, These are important facts, remember them, and you will save money besides getting the liest made clothing. Gents Fnrnislite Goods! Hats, Caps and Neckwear ! Boots, Sloes and Slippers! For Ladies, Misses and Gents ! Latest styles and largest stock, best makes and positively lowest prices. Ileforc purchasing else where we kindly invite you to call and inspect our merchant tailoring goods, gents novelties, boots, shoes and slippers, we guarantee that you can save money. Jlespcetfully, lauss &Bro., THE TAILORS, Hank Street, Lehighton. l'a. Dissolution Notloo. HiruHurtiieridiiplierWuiurveildliiKlk-lnM'U V. A. I'.iiAMlilliUMllOlllAH 11UKH, under I lie linn lutlue ul ttlUHKIt & illitili., dniug Iumiuhh l lXtlKtUuu,Citiwui Mxuity. IV, uaatlit dy Jul) II. la;,i lu dlMHtVMll.y umljuleoiweiil. Mi pjid. s imladtMl In ald ilrm win wttie wltli A. ltKASI-.lt, alio tbuse luilnr dlliiu a, ojn-1 9.11U llrm W. A. JIKASBIt, TOBIAS OUS.'i. ! ltilitilou, l'a., July 30, imt- Hi The FasSnons O l t M J v o t 1111 "Wo liavo g'ot a large lot of Remnants of AYoolen and Cotton Dross Goods that we are very cheap. irn H. GUTH & SON. 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penii'a. Octolicrno lw Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase CO GO -IS J oseph F. . Rex's, EAST WEISSPORT, Carbon County, Penna. UNDERTAKER ! Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, gaskets or Coffins furnished at lowest prices. -ALSO, FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c, of tho choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Remember, Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Pa. ap"rl7-ly The Leading Glothing House HnHHBHHHMHnBBMMIBBBBmBHnBHMHIl HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST FITTING, BEST MADE AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING. An immense assortment, of Summer Fabrics in stock, comprisiifg all the very latest styles in Cloths, Cassimers.Corkscrws, Cheviots, Worsteds, &c., &c, Made up in the latest styles and most substantial manner at prices that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed You can save money by having your clothing made by H. H. PETERS, The Tailor, EXCHANGE HOTEL MIME, LEHIGHTON, PA. June Utr This is the Place You Want! I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully prepared for the omimg Summer's Trade with one of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines' of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes. Gciitfs9 Fine NImh $2,1141 Uj? Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICKS. A-t The " CCXRlSnEiR STCXRE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. GO TOT NT JH W &TOH 13 I Wl3W 1RTNNX I am now fully prepared to meet all demands ot the purchasing public with a full and complete line of Diy Goods, Notions, Groceries, fi'KOYlSIOiVS, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths El Cassimers. My prices arc positively as low as tlm Inn est. The people of .Lehighton, Pnckerton, Jamestown and surrounding vicinities are respecMiuiy mviieu lo call and inspect my lurye assortment ol general store goods before purchasing elseu here' ROBERT Proprietor of tho EAGLE v. jtxouna Jtiouse, Banb: Street. olferirm' i AT- DEALKH in- STORE Hfm w ft oon 2 WALP. STORE, opposite the L,