The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 23, 1887, Image 2

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The Carbon Advocate
I-UiriUIlTON, PA..
SATURDAY, JUYL, 23 1687.
roli) PI.AM MAI Ij II ATX Bit
r.oit .runan oi' swritKMircouirr,
If o)u U -U JtAPSIlEl!,.
Snlijctt to rule of l!cn;oratlc State Convontlcu.
for tlic return of Hie irbcl (lagi. Hia arn
ngnlnst Mm baa boon licpt up will- urli
Vnom that it Ims disgusted nil fair-minded
The waver of llie Moody euirt ntvl ilia
Illllcftl deniaeogtto rccolvo fair Motive
they must go. Intnlllgeitt and patriotic
Jltleiis cannot help lint correctly npprccl
nto tile njntlmcnts which prompted llio 0.
A. It. journal to warn tlio roeiulinrs of tliat
organization jf tlio dangnr which constant
ly tliivnltfti thmu hy icasou of tire jircjud
Ico .nd Deity jealousy of politicians.
tub surmran court juDansmi?.
An the llmo for holdlnt; the Democratic
Stnto Cohventlon draws near the chancos
of Hon. W. it. ltspslicr,.of Jlruidi Chunk,
lincomius tho tiicccstfnl. candidate for ttia
nomination of Judge of tbo Supro.uc Court
loom tiy mars brightly. Since his endorsc
mtntbythe Democratic- Connty OoriTcn
tlon a tw weks og we have lisarJ many
commendatory allusions to his candidacy
which fact proves conduslvoly that be I?
rabidly gaining favor nmansst Democrats
yerthtStato.-. DoraocratsjylieitiftflSrttand
mid corrcctlVypWIats tbo honerable
nan's sterltnc worth and ability as a
Jurist are loud In his praise and anxionsfor
Sis nomination by the Democratic State
Convention-.' Representing, as Hon. .W. M.
Bapsber docsr the Interests of the laboring
classes, It would be next to an Irnposslblll
ty for bis candidacy not to meet vthli pop
ster fftYofc Cansldeitnc tht spontaneous
demand for Ms nomination that issues from
th throats of- hundreds of thousands of
SBflB who represent tbe tolling masses of
this great Commonwealth it would be well
for that class of Democrats,, who, actuated
ky personal prejudice and petty jealousy,
appose the t candidacy of a gcntUman v.-lio
It openly acknowledged to ba the leading
llfilit of the Carbon connty bar, and one of
the ablest jurists In the Stnto of Pennsyl
tan!ar to- cast aside all personal Ill-feeling
trail7 ltulso the cry that goes up from the
olid old Tenth Legion for bis nomination
a spontaneous demand that Is well worthy
cf Die" rilatf.
In this connection wc are pleased to quote
tb following from latt week's VTcatherly
The JfaucS Chunk Democrat last week
la an article' on non. VT. M. Ilapsher's
candidacy' for Supreme Juilffc has the fol
lowing: "Ills namo for Judge was first
.mentioned publicly by the Lebl?bton Ad
vocate we Velleye, and In one of Its edi
terials urging his nomination It wai men
tioned as an Important Item In his favor
that he never acted as lawyer for any cor
poration, anil this announcement means. If
It means any thin;, that he Is an avowed
nll-corporatlonlst." The .Oemocwif sajs
llapsber Is strong, "that ho will recctvo a
goodly number of votes." Where Is he
trong? With the masses, the rank and
file of the party, the people whom tho parly
;and parly's leaders must always depend
upon whenever candidates arc to be elected.
Now, whereas he may be an -"avowed"
-nntUcorpsratlonist, be Is also an honest and
fair minded man. Everybody that has bis
acquaintance knows him to be such. If
- elected to the Supreme Bunch, vested rights
"trill bo equally as safo as In the bands of
any present occupant of the office, we care
not what bis name Is. A proprietor of
million! Invested In corporations will re
ceive his. just lights under the laws of the
Sfate, but nary a decision at the eapenso of
tbe.peeple. And this Is why the people
are far htm. Bo Is just the man for the
day and the hoar and If he should be for
tunate exoucdi to-receive the nomination at
tna Alleutown convontton he will bo trl-
tunphanlly elected. Mr. Itapsher Is In full
accord with the expressed sentiment of
Tils party as set forth In the aatt-corporatlon
platforms of the Democratic party of tho
past. As arecent Instance, tho platform
f 18S5, when Conrad. B. Day was a can
didate for State- Treasurer, was "avowed
antl-corporatlon." At a big consultation
fpremlnent Democrats of Eastern Fonn
tylvanla held at tlio Mansion IIousc,Mauch
Chunk In 18S5-, to consult with Chairman
Benttl and candidate Day the general drift
f the talk was toward antl-corporatlon In
acetrdance with the platform of the party.
All the prominent party leaders made
loechei, Mr. Itapsher sot up and said In
abstance "that he ivas In entire accord
r with the speeches and the party platform,
feat the treat difficulty that confronted the
parly was to make or get the masses of tho
feople to believe tbat the Democratic party
was la earnest and perfect good faith, and
that It meant to do- exactly what It prora
Ieif that If they; could really make the
feople ef Pennsylvania belieye tbat the
party was Iwdead'earnest on the 'avowed
antl-cerporatlon' issue, all parties would
rally t his support, and the ticket would
be elected by a larcer majority than Mr.
Blalae had ln-lSSi. The earnest and Im
pressive manner la which Mr. Rapshersald
this brought forth emphatic applause. We
repeat tbat because Mr. Itajtsber's record
Is as sennd as a standard gold dollar, on
this Impertant Issue, the people of Penn
sylvania, regadless of party would give him
the largest majority that nny man has hud
In many a day. Let alibis friend frein far
and near go to the Allentown Convention
asd urge his nomination.
Tick folWliit' Circular from a Now York
Knights of Jjnb'pr 'AWmbly Is In direct
contiadlcttdn-of-Obnerrtl Maiter Workman
Fowdeily's cxpreslfbrisjLwblch we print
elsewhere In to-day;s7AuvpcA.TK
"We bellovo tbeVwdTsEfid the cause of
labor Have reached -
An their history
'hr.d'yeu mwst (IccJilepVit'lhcr tbo order is
to Be what' lss founders intended tbo hope
andbulffsnlfof the tollers or a machine to
LiMlUSrthe will of despots nnd to be used
against loyal men and women whom It
promised lo protect; whether It Is to be an
order of, for and by tbo people or the cat's
paw ef unscrupulous men who are actuated
by personal ha trod, and who seek only self
advancement. "YYa regret that stem neces
sity compels us to thus address you, but
we would be false to our pledgo If we ne
glected to warn you of the dangers stir1
rounding the Knights of Labor, aad thoy
threaten us all If the despots at Its head are
allowed to go on unchecked."
Wo are led to believe, however, that the
General Master Workman comes nearer mi
at conclusions than doos tho New York
The Advocate would like to add to Its
already large subscription list, during the
present summer, tho name of every Demo
crat, Republican and Prohibitionist in this
counly. They cannot fall but to fully ap
preciate the vast amount of miscellaneous
news which appears In tlisAiivocATr.from
week to week, making It rank unquestion
ably as the cheapest, largest and host week
ly newspaper published In Carbon county
or the Lehigh Valley. Anions tho special
features of this well prepared journal we
would call particular attention to "Broad-
brini's New York Letter" and tbo special
correspondence from tho various towns nnd
villages In the county. Pifty-two weeks
for one dollar.
While there aro not a very largo num
ber f elections to be held this fall, yet the
greater portion of them will be somewhat
Important as allowing the drift of public
sentiment upon the Issues between the two
great partlea. Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland
Massachusetts and Ohio all elect Governors,
tho elections taking place on November
8th, except in Kentucky, where It occurs
on August. 1st. Now York and Pennsyl
vania both elect In November their mtnor
Stale offlcers. The result In Ohio and
New York Is especially important, in view
of the prominence of the two States In the
Presidential strugglo next year.
Thb political complexion in this counly
remains comparatively unchanged, Por
county trcasuror tho Democrats have Dr.
J. C. Kreainer and Geoige Dolon; the Re
publicans, Josepb Madaraaud James ilran
nan. For Register and Recorder, Joseph
DoFrebn, Charles W. Lentz, cx-Postmastcr
Mcllugb and Albert Dreithaupt, will pre
sent their claims to the Democracy; for the
same offices tho Republicans have but one
candidate thus far, the prosent Incumbent,
James H. Handwork. It Is the prevailing
opinion in political quarters that the. pres
ent Democratic county commissioners will
be renominated.
I it denial ef the assertion that the
Knights t Labor organization is breaking
m GeneralMattor Workman Powderly uses
the following vehement, logical and pic-
turenne expressions!
"Wo are breaking upas the plowman
breaks up the soil fer the sowing of new
eed we are breaklsg up old traditions jwe
aro breaking up hereditary rights, and
planting everywhere the seed of universal
Tights; we are breaking up tho Idea that
money makes the man and net moral worth ;
we art breaking up the Idea that might
Bakes rlgbtr we are breaking up the idea
that legislation Is alone for the rich; we
are breaking up the idea that the Congress
ef the Ur.ItedBtates nmst be run- by mil
lionaires for tbejieneflt of millionaires; we
are breaking up' the idea that a few men
may hold millions of acres of untitled land,
while other men starve for want of one
acre; wo are breaking nptlie practice of
patting th labor of criminals Into compe
tition with honest labor, and starylng It to
Mr. Towderly continues Jn this attain a
complete review of the prospects aud pur
poses of the order, and he predicts for the
organization greater power and n6ofulness
In the future thau it has ever yet enjoyed.
Tub Giand Army llecord, a Journal pub
Hshed in theinteiest of Giand Army Posts,
In discusslng-tho action of President Cleve
land on the return of the captured rebel
Bass remarks:
"The Grand Army should cease fooling
aTeund the ragged edge of politics. Either
cast out entirely the political devil that has
already shown Us blasphemous presence or
Ise sail In aud show our hand in square
rnan-fashte-n. It is evident tbat there Is a
political motive In the attack upon the
President under the gnlse of Grand Army
apposition. Notwithstanding the fact that
It has been admitted that the Prtsldenthail
nothing to do with originating tho order
Tun Carbon county Prohibitionists as
sembled In county convention at Mauch
Chunk last Saturday and virtually stolo a
march on the older parlies by putting In
nomination a ticket to be voted for at the
coming fall election. There In no question
but what It is a good ticket headed by
Hon. Levi Wentz, of Toivamenslng, and
tailed by J. F. Costonbader, of Little Gap,
and will, if indications are not greatly de
ceiving, draw largely from the ranks of the
Republican and Democratic parties.
BroaHMm's Hew ml Letter.
Special to the Cajiboh Advocate.
A few mouths ago, when Kaiser Whll-
helm recalled his faithful servant, Anton
Sledl, to llcrhn, I prophesied that the Ger
man capital would not long hoM a man
who had once experienced tho delights of a
residence In New York; and tho Royal
Opera House at Berlin, would bo but Indif
ferent compensation, for the Metropolitan
Opera House of this city; I then said that
he would And It much pleasanter to be an
American King, than to play fifteenth flddlo
lo a German Kaiser. There was n gosd
deal of clamour and nonsense at tho tlmo
about Faderland, Schwetzor kase, lioch
beer, nnd all that si t of thing; but It did
not take Herr Siedl very loug to find out
tiiat tho best Faderland for blm, was where
he could make the most guilders, and tbat
New York can beat the world In Bock beer
and Frankfort sausage. Realizing this,
Herr Seidl threw his old Emperor over
board, and next season to the delight of our
German population In particular, and all
lovers of good music In general, he will
hold the baton at the Metropolitan Opera
Our German population love music, and
are willing to pay handsomely for it; hence
German opera is a success. Not so, how
ever, with American opera. It Is no use
attempting to deny it any longer, It Is
wretched and most inisorable failure. It
has brought overvbody to grief that had
anything to do with it, nnd hundreds of
thousands of dollars have been sunk in the
unhappy experiment. A few years ago,
Mrs. F. B. Thurbcr, who is the wlfo of
large wholesale grocer,and who by tho way,
Is quite an enthusiast In musical matters
conceived the idea of foundinga leal Simon
pure American opera, which should render
the woiks of tbo great masters In our own
delightful vernacular; and that there might
be no mistake about the pure Araerlcaulsni
of the concern, the engaged forty Germans,
seven Poles, eight Hungarians, two Pais
lans, nine Frenchmen, three Chinese, one
Irishman, and a few Americans In tho
chorus; many of whom were unable to
speak English. The leader was a German
the. ballet-master a Frenchman, and every
thing behind the scenes had a decidodly
foreign flavor. Thousands of dollars were
laid out in scenery and costumes; thousands
in advertlslug mid transportation. There
was supposed to be a gold mine under the
new enterprise, they scoured tho land
from Maine to California; but tbp season
has ended in disaster, and now the com
pany is back in Now York, many of them
In absolute destitution. Thousands upon
thousands have been sunk' iu tbls costly
experiment. One gentleman gave hi
check for fifty thousand dollars, aud anoth
er now mourns the lots of ever thirty
thousand loaned, and great numbers are in
itir flrA and ten tlioiusml eieti. Venn.
whtlo the leadernnd nlltboprinrlpal artists
have been unpaid, and the members of tho
chorus and ballot are here bordering on
starvation, and they nre-eulng In-courts for
Iheir salaries. The moral of nil this Is,
that-lt Is quite safe for people to let things
nlonc, abeHt which they knew nothing.
Mrs. Tlmrber'e enthusiasm got I ho better
of her judgment, and she failed to recog-.
nlzo tlio fact, that almost every manager
who lia4 attempted opera- here, In forty
years, 1ms been ruined. As able a manager
as Henry Abbey, having a splcuilld new
theatre at his command, a magnificent
company, and excellent patronage sunk
In a single season over one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars, every cent of which
he paid. Colonel Maplcson of tier Majes
ty's Opera, one of the oldest and most ex
perienced operatic managers In the world,
was always In a slate of chronic bankrupt
cy, and sovcral times got out of New York
with the sheriff at his heels; his scenery
and properties going under tho auctioneer's
hammer. In view of the above facts, 1
suppose it Is safe to say, for the present at
least, "Good-bye to the American opera,"
Of all the crimes In the calendar, there
is none that appears to me more inlamous
that of which a miserable woman was con
victed last week, and for which she will
'doubtless seryo some years In the peniten
tiary or Slates prison. Sfie kept ostensibly
an Intelligence office, where servants were
provided with situations; but was really a
procuress for tho yile dens with which this
city Is cursed. God only knows how many
poor girls have gona down to ruin from this
infamous ostabllshmont; how many lives
have been blasted by this she devil, In her
lust for gain.
Fortunately for the complainant In this
case, a cicnzyman nau reason to suspect tne
character of the vile place, nnd he Induced
a German theological student to accept a
clerkship with tho procuress, whose place
It was to deliver the girls In the dens to
which they wcro assigned. Ho saved the
qirls, and whon all tho proofs could he pro
cured a descent was made upon the place,
and after a short trial the wretch was con
victed and sentenced. It is astonishing
how tbls shocking business thrives here.
It is only a fow months since the notorious
Professor DeLeou as hunted down by the
World's detective and sent to States Prison
for sending his ylct jus to n life of shame at
Panama. By the way, I see that this same
clever young journalist has taken a hand
In tracking the Stony Creek murderers,nnd
one time when he wanted to eet special
Information about the inside management
of the Tombs he dressed himself In rags
and laid down under a lamp-post where he
was picked up by the police, nnd on his
night's experience in prison got exactly the
information he wanted.
It is only a couple of weeks ago that an -other
wrelch was convicted and sent to
prison for tho crime of Inyelgltng young
girls to ruin under pretenceof getting them
situations. Tho community Is thoroughly
aroused, and every effort will be made to
hunt these Infamous criminals down.
It now looks its If we wcro going to have
quite a revolution In our means of locomo
tion. On one of our up-town railroads the
electric engine has been pronounced an un
qualified success. The saving Involved by
tho Introduction of the new Invention is
said to be fully two-thirds, aud if this is
really so, the horse must go, and even the
Improved cablo will soon be a thing of the
past. More startling still is the announce
ment of a comnany here, that petroleum
can bo used as fuel without the slightest
.danger, at all times and under all circum
stances; and If this bq so, with crude oil at
fifty cents a barrel, a man's fuel for his
household would cost him about ten cents a
week. What a vision of happiness- this
unfolds. No more the slave of the coal
Karons; no ash barrels to carry out; no
piles of kindling wood to get; uo oil-stoves
to provide but fire always ready at an In
stant's notice. Wonderful, Isn't it, and so
safe that Brldzct could not blow herself up
if she tried.
One thing appears very certain, and that
Is tbat Is that the lucky inyentor has struck
big bonanza. It Is simply an Iron car
tridge packed with mineral wood; this
soaked in petroleum and thrown into the
stove, and hey, presto fly! you hare lire for
an hour without further trouble. Thous
ands of them have gone into use lc the last
few weeks, In New York and Brooklyn, and
as yet I have not heard. of a slngls accident.
wont to the company's store, No. 12
Cortland street, to see the operation of the
new invention. The place looked like a
fair, people wore struggling to get up to the
counter, while near the window a man
stood by an Immense stovo demonstrating
tho utility of the new invention; if ocular
proof be worth any tiling it certainly was
most satisfactory, aud as I watched the
man feeding his store on petroleum, I said
torn self coal and wood must go, and my
only regret was that this wonderful inven
tion did not reach us last winter before the
great coal strike.
Tho extreme punishment of excommuni
cation puts Father McGlynn outside the
pale of the Catholic church. The Anathema
Maranatha, with boll, book and candle,has
not been carried out; had It been In a Cath
olic country It would havo been; hut in tho
United States the church had no desire to
expnso Itself to ridicule by pronouncing a
curse which would have set the entire com
munlty In a broad grin. This last resort
of the church's power seems to make very
little difference with the recalcitrant clergy
man er his adherents; the consequences of
the church's curse seem to haye been
largely discounted by the parishioners of
St. Stephens months ago, and the e com
munication is regarded about as effectual
as the Pope's Bull against the comet.
Sympathy for Jake Sharp, in his broken
health, Is taking: definite form; and the
foremar of the jury who convicted htm, pe
titioned the Judge for a light sentence. No
one desires to send hlra to prison for life,
yet it would be that if you send him to
prison at all; for he Is now seventy years
of age, broken down and dying, nis brief
term of imprisonment has inflicted on him
more suffering than twenty years would a
young man. Society asks justice, not re
yengo, nud it Is therefore thought by many
that a fine under the circumstances would
answer the on is of justice.
To us who are tied to the stake, the last
few days of cool wealhar have been a
blessed boon. Notwithstanding the closing
of the churches and theatres, we arc not
altogether without amusement and Instruc
tion. The Salvation Army stands sentinel
over our spiritual interests, while the Fall
of Babylon nnd Forcpaugh's Wild West
show gratify the longings of the more
carnal and werdly minded. In the absence
of my regular pastor who le now laying up
stores ef moral lessons in London and
Paris, old Adam keeps prompting me to go
and see tho bogus Deadwood coach, the
bucking horses and the real live Indians.
I may fall fiom grace at any moment.
YasMniton Dm ai Gossip.
Now Advertisements,
From our Special Correspondent.
WAflittsoTON, D. C, July 18, '87.
Mil. EiiiTOft: Matters both local and
National havo been attlet at ills Capitol
this past week. Nothing has tranipjicd to
relieve the monotony "at tho heated, spell
except the sadness cast over the city by
the assassination In broad day'of onert) the
most prominent men In business and sdclal
life at tho Capitol. Joseph C. G. Keiiliedy,
a real cstalo agent and Attorney for the
National Banks was murdered ili coid blood
after leaylug h!sofllco for homo'' on lb
afternoon of Thursday. Tho murderer
was a crank just dlscharge'd the day btfoto
from tho work house, nnd wbo'Mield an
Imagmary grievance against his' victim.
The Instrument used was a case kulfo
which without a moment's warning and
Just after the victim had deposited his
letters In the mail box was thrust with
deadly effect Into the abdomen of the aged
and esteemed citizen, and caused death In
a few minutes afterwards. Mr. 'Kennedy's
ofllce has been the resort of public men
from every state In the Union for thirty
years past for both business and social
intercourse, and the death of no other citi
zen of this community would cast a gloom
over such a wldti expanse of territory.
The President's departuro from the city
without making an appointment of Post
master in place of Conger whoso commis
sion has expired bas left the many aspirants
for the lucrative birth in a stato of uncer
tainty nnd uneasiness exceedingly enervat
ing and prostrating when supplemented by
the Intensely hot weather we are now hav
ing. The salary is ?S,000.00, and tbo half
dozen District men who haye been working
to gel tbo place aro afraid that tbo delay Is
dangerous and tbat It means the appoint-
inent of an outsider to the position, The
last three appointees holfling the position
and dating some fifteen years havo been
from tho state of MIchlgan,and It is asserted
that the Postmaster General, nnd Don
Dlckorson the Democratic boss of tho Wol
yerlno state are pressing the claims of Kin
stein of Detroit for tho place. Considerable
feolllig has been worked up over the ap
pointment and If It goes to a non-resident
the relations between the President apd the
people, of the District will be further' cs
tranced than ever.
The Bell Telephone people have won
another victory In the Patent Office. The
motion of Gray the riyal claimant to allow
him to amend his old application by Insert
ing the word "metallic" beforo the vyoril
"diaphragm" so as to form a basis for a
claim to the metallic dlaphram used In the
telephones has been denied by the Primary
Examiner beforo whom the motion mas
argued. An appeal will be taken to the
Commissioner In person and then, to the
Secretary If necessary. The motion was
argued by Conkllng in behalf of Gray and
by Storrow for the Bell people. Tho motion
was denied on the ground that it had beer.
already decided In an Interference proceed
ing between the samo parties nnd that
Gray Iben nbondoncd it, So far the Bell
people have been sucessful at every stage
of the case in the Patent Office.
Prof. W. T. Homaday, the chief
Taxidermist of the National Museum has
completep his work of mounting for th
Museum olaucn of the twenty six buffalos
secured by hiui during his recent westet
trip. The animals range In size from an
.onormous bull measuring G feet 0 Inches
in height, which Is the largest buffalo over
known to havo been killed upon the prarios,
to a four months old calf less than three
feet In hclghth. After the work of prepar
ing the specimens was completed, the on tire
herd wero crouped In the park adjolnln;
the Museum and large photographs taken
of it. Prufessor Hornaday with the corps
of assistants who accompanied him on til
hunting expedition each clothed in the
hunting outfit of tho partlos, appear sn th
foreground of the picture, and so lifelike
are the posture of the animals-and
natural their surroundings thfct It would
be difficult to convince ono tbat the scene
was not in reality taken en tho pralaies
and the animals alive instead of mounted
The remainder of the twenty six speci
mens will be sent to Museums In various
countries In exchange for other exhibit
for tho museum. The western trip alluded
to nas made for the express purpose of
getting specimens of tho Buffalo for pre
nervation as the race is fast dlsapnoarln
irom tno plains oi our country. . ii.
Absolutely Pure.
una iionuer m-vi-r jtnt-. i ni.n u ut lumii
IreiifTlli nrul whnlesmneneM. Alorc economical
man llie oiuinary rannoi no aoiu m
competition with the multitude of low test, snort
weiunt, alum or iJiiosimiue powuura. chjiu uiuy
In eiuis. Jlnval linking Powder company, loo
Willi street. N. Y. uk :l-mtl
Tho Anthracite Coal Trade.
Tho anthracite coal trade has not'-bcen
for several years past, In ns satisfactory
condition at this period of the season as it
is'at present, and the outlook Is decidedly
good In all directions. Tbo prospects of
large consumption of nnthraclte tills' fall
and wlntor nre encouraging. The quantity
of stock coal accumulated at tidewater,
lake, ports and other shipping points is not
considered by those well informed to be
excessive for this tlmo of the year, notwilh
standing that the production thus for tbl
year exceeds that of 18S(1 to tho correspond
ing date over 1,600,000 tons. While at
present there is great activity in the move
ment of coal, yet the orders in the market
are fully up to the quantity usual in the
month of July. Prices for coal are- being
(Irmly maintained by tho anthracite cor
porations, and the bright outlook for th
coal business in the latter months of 1837
favors the conclusion that they will cer
tainly bo no lower than the ruling quot
ations. In all probability, says a well in
formed coal operator, there will be an ad
vance in the circular priees for nntbraelt
of nt least IS to 25 cents per ton for coal for
shipment beyond the Capes of the Delaware
and from other tidewater points on August
1st, and advance in the prices for the
domestic sizes of anthraclto will likely fol
ow soon after for the line and city and
harbor trade.
The latest local news the Advocate.
Yuu can have szh bills printed at this
office while you wait.
Political Announcements.
Reqisteh An ltEcoiiDEn. Tho under
signed, a citizen of Lchighlon, will be
candidate before the Demociatlc Conven
tion for the nomination of Register and
Recorder. Having a completo knowledgo
of the German and English languages, h
sides tho other necessary qualifications, I
feel confident that I can perform the duties
oi tuu oince witn tun satisfaction to all
peopio ir nominated and elected.
Reoistdh and RnconnEit. The under
signed hereby unrouncet himself ns-a can
didate for the nomination of Register and
Recorder, subject to the democratic nomina
tion, and respectfully solicits the support
of his fellow citizens.
Mauch Cliunk-te. C. W. LENTZ.
Countt Tiilasl-hbii The undersigned
offeis himself ns a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomi
nation, and reiMctfully solicits the support
s fellow cltlxeus.
The Fashions
Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase
oi i-3
w i f 1 v
111 t o
yA 1 U W
Of t
am now prepared to supply to
private families, picnic par
tics, and all who may
in any quantity, at the mast rea
sonable price and on short no
tice. Quality unexcelled. All
orders promptly attended to.
. 0. W. SEWELL,
JvlG-4m Weissport, Pa.
Drs. J.JSr.&J.B.HoTjensack
Aledlcn! and Surgical Ofllcos.
200 North Second Street, IMiiUdcIphia, Ia.
lletriilnr ltPiTisttrtil PhvOfintis nnd nro still
drifted In tlif InrUment and cure of all rancs
(it npiTima tieuiuiY una nrrru ui sanies, uiuro
hours from 8 n. ni., to1.! p. m., nmi froM to 0
jj. m. ui'eununumi?Y. L'ousmuiuon uiso uy
man sirjcuy couiiuciuihi.
Thfitnrnld livtrtiav hv day
Aud lirtjulatst tLo Byetttn
tbrouEfl. m.
.From cro wa ol heftd to solo
ctf nhnrt.
cures tho rilca, It opena
ffZ pores.
tiost opreuio is pooh re
VIfio families throughout
Keep TAXUEAN'TG SELTZER near at Land
espcelfully announces to tlio imhllc that ho Is
now nicely located in liii -
Kbyt Slorer Boom Odd- L. Y. Round House,
muck a iuii una compie iu line in
Stoves and Tinware !
Including tlio Justly Celctateil mitt Popular
New Mayflower,
Which he Is selling at Till VBHV LOWES'
, von am respectfully imiieil
Stock Large and Complete !
The Very Latest Styles!
Clote ana Cassimeres !
(Mscrews, Worsteds, k,&c!
Best Hale Clotlii !
Perfect Fits Gnaranteeti !
Our stock of seasonable goods
is larger and more vaned than
any assortment or stock ever
disnlnvcd in tins section ot the
1 "
Lehigh Valley; our prices un
questionably lower than any oth
er tailoring house. These nro
important facts, remember them,
and you will save money besides
getting the best made clothing.
Gents FiiroisliiBE Ms!
Hats, Caps and Mwear !
Boots, Slioes and Slippers !
For Ladies, Hisses and Gents
Latest styles and largest stock
best makes and positively lowest
prices. Before purchasing else'
where we kindly invite you to
call and inspect our merchant
tailoring goods, gents novelties
boots, shoes anil slippers, we
guarantee that you can save
money. Kespcctlully,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
UA&li l'lticiss. , von am respectfully invili
to can ami luspnct luu stiwR ami learn
puces uuioie puicunsiui; cisewnere.
Roofing and Spouting
rill ho promptly and correctly attended. Tel in
low as the ver loucst.
w. s. kuhhs,
Opp. Hound House, Hank Street, Ixli!gliton,ra
j uu-,i35i ly
tiratt tUo Uenulot.
Juno us un
Sold ETOTjTThei,
The Silver & Doming
Famous ilnsilago and
Feed CJoattlem
They aro more substantial, easier to operate,
have crcater canacltv. are Jess H.iMo to net!l-
dents tlian any otlier Cutters. We build nine
flies, six lor lower, tarnished with or without
Semi tor catalojuo and Treatise on Untlhtgo,
uuu inumiou linn pjper.
(Successor to Reaser & Buss,)
Bank Street, Lehighton
Choice Confectionery
Tobacco and Cigars.
opecinl inducements are ox
tended to the manugemennt of
picnics, festivals and parties to
purchase their goods at this
stand. The best goods at the
lowest prices Quick Soles and
Small Vrofits is our motto.
share of public patronage solici
ted and satisfaction guarantoed
in every particular.
of Ills
&c., which ho Is selling at lo est prices.
Uaskets, Uomns, shrouds, ant
the Boyd Burial Vaults,
Furnished on VEltY liEASONAUI.K TUKMS.
Bank Street, Lehighton, l'enna
nprii 15 87 jy
An Improved FARM, with DWELI.INd 1IOUHE,
HAUN laiul nil neeessaii' outbulldliiK.s, a necr
ralltn" Hnrltif? of Water, and tlio land is In nnex-
cellent stato ot cultivation Is ouerwl at rrlrate
sale. A lariru orenard or choice fruit trees-
Apples, l'caclies and Chen ies. The propel ty Is
louiteU In Carbon counts'. It Is very convenient
to school house, and about one and a halt miles
from ltaihoad depot, and contains about SIXTY
Avllisa. Apply anno
March 2.1. 1767 tt
Switchback Railroad.
Switchback Depot-8:30; loilOj H:37; 2:20) 3(15
Summit Hill 0i40; It :10j t2:20j 3:20j 4:33; 0:10.
Swllhhaek Depot 1 :.V)j 2:15.
Summit IIIU 3:00; 4:00.
T. L. MUMFOltl), Ts. &Mgr.
11. u. jmuau' uuu, eupi. a i-ass. Agl.
T10XS as local ortravellnsngeiitsshould
JL. apply at oneo to jam. Ji. whit.ney
Nurservman. ltoehcster. N. Y. No ox.
pcrlenee is required, and outllt Is free, steady
work the year luuud. All block warranted in
good conduleii. juiiolHin
Estray Notice.
Oamo to the premises of tho undersigned
Now Mahnidm: tnwush i about tun weeks air
allltOWNitml WHITE COW. Tho owuer wll
roperty and ia:
uispuseu or tho animal will
Aiu-firdint. tn law.
SIOSES, Normal Square.
aw. o my v.
Heaters and
In Great Varietyat
Samuel Graver's
Popular Store, Bank Street,
Roofing "and Spouting a special
ty. Stove ropairs furnished
on short notice. Trices
Reasonable ! !
Joseph -F. Rex's, -
BAST WEISSPORT, Carbon County, ;Peimstl
'uncrals attended with promptness, and Shrouds Gaskets oK
Coffins furnished at lowest prices.-
FLOUR, FEED, &c, &a,
of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Eemeraberj.
Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Pa. apr!7-Iy
Extraordinary :-: Bargains
Hovelty - Dress - Goods,
fo which we cordially ask your early attention, as they ?annot
be replaced. Our high class novelties haye been
marked wonderfully low.
LOT 1. 4 yards Plain Goods: 4 yards Novelty Goods, at
$5.50 a Pattern.
LOT 2. 4 yards Plain Goods ; 4 yards Novelty Embroidered
at $7.50 a Pattern.
LOT 3. French Robes with Friese P.innel Collar and Cuffs ;
9 yards Plain Material at 8.50 a Pattern.
LOT 4. French Robes with Freisc and Readed Tannel Cp
lar and Cuffs ; 9 yards Plain Material at $10.00 a Pattern.
& SON.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
October 30 18SG
An immense assortment of Summer'Fabrics in stock, comprising
all the very latest styles iu
Cloths Cassimers,CorkscrT7S, Oheriots,
Worsteds, &c, &c,
Made up in the latest styles and most substantial manner at prices
that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed You
can save money by having your clothing made by
II. H. PETERS, The Tailor,
June lit!
7P3 " Bfl. tran OAflr
BfiliQ HQ If Bay PBSBPa tfflll
I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully
prepared for tho
ummmg mmmm d si alio
with one ol
STANTIAL lines of
as well as SUB-
Ladies'j Gent's and Children's Shoes,
eiats9 Fasae 1bcn $20l fTpt
Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4,
Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes
Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up !
Latest Styles Hats and Caps,
Administrator's Notico.
IKirt Uorougb, Carbon county, lit., tleo'd.
Lotti'M of administration .m Uiu ttfiliite of
Catharine MisUinm, late ol Wvfcinort Itorougu,
UarlMii county, I's , ilwiM., )iiv W KrHiileu
to tlio imilf isIkihiI, to whom ill peraoiu huli'Llml
to the sHltl esttitti ure riMiliwtMl tn make
medium jwyinent, and thue luvtng rialins or
delay. J, X. NUrillAUll, AUm'.
juiy jo, tiw
make tlio Mtuie known without
Utliltflitoii, l a
Get the Advocate.
Subscribe for the Advocate,
SI a vpnr tbo Ailvnpntn A larti. l ai.j.l'.Ml imo
all tho latest and bsst news. J3$; tenw tv bu0
i$ an injtantd condi
tion 6 the lining
membrane of the not
ti tear dutti and
throat, affecting the
tungt. An ucrid mu
i ui tec eitdJkttlh
thargrit accompanied
ti Uh a burntugtanta
lion There are te
verc ipktmt of mwt
my. frujurni atiacti
ef hcadathe, vtatety
and tnjlamed eyct.
Try the Care.
mtS Ely's Cream Balm
inland Majtirr
t mull. i puis .
Iirui;': !-. '.p-
Uet-3-lteO j
and Loan
Tin- third miHitldy lueeMug will be held on
SATl'ItllAY. JUI.V . US7. at'llie AltMUltV
1141.., bt'twrun III.- hour ot 1 auii 4 j. in.
Tliera hid ktlll miiiiu hlwru to belnul. Blmrfs
iwt.iti.llur tx-r uioQlh. TUr fuUuuius arc the
lotikfr: l'remrtcut, llriiry KunU: vice l'li-sl-I
drill, 'ilKinma Krni; Trraxurir, Jupl NrlT; Sot.
1 ivtnrj-, W. M. Sell, lllrmlol.i, t.Vo. T. Oplmjjfr,
' wniuin A l'riiclna.T. Xlioinat F S.hiiriTt,
Wiiii.nn 11 Moii-, lU'iniL-mic Sclicrer, Jumea
H (ix-il unil lir 1 l amp rll.
Ui'tercBri'4, v ikivinan t uslilfr National
!ll'iiU,T ! Thmniw l)nii'i;lkt V 11 Kciu,
KnnTfi k
lea' vjjf sjf tLf
Mew F'mscsj !
I am now fully prepared to meet all demands ot the purchasing
public with u full and complete line of
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries,
Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths &. Cassimers.
My prices are positively as low as tlm lowest. The people of
Lehighton, Pnckerton, Jamestown and surrounding vicinities nro
respectfully invited to call and inspect my large assortment of
general store goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Proprietor of tho EAGLE STORE, opposite the L,
V, Round House, Bank Street,
: T , 7;. -j. ..... , . - A ,