The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 09, 1887, Image 3

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    'Original Ohoap Oash Store.'
Are usually considered doll months, but tliey
shall trot be so with us.
We Intern! making JtfIA nod AUdUST ns
busy as the ollisr months, by ottering great In
ducements In the shape of LOW l'llICES,
Gooa Goofls al Low Prices arc Bound
to Win!
Another largo lot ot Ftno Batlns has reached
tis, l'lnennd l'irmly woven; XMalnandFleurcil
Now Styles In Mon'a Low Shoes, Light and
Fancy. Strong mid Durable-
Carpets In a great range ot prices from the
cheapest to the best lllch Patterns. Large
Toilet Heaps and rerlumcry (it great rarloty.
All the leading makes.
Opposite Public Square, Bank Street, Lchlghtoif,
June 7, 18M-ly.
The New Model.
According to nil accounts the
New Iligh-A'rm Davis is looked
upon by the best judges ns be
ing the) most salable sewing
machine in the market. It
looks so nice, runs so easy, and
in every Way, is so well appoint
ed, that no one can help but
like it. All these things make
it easy to sell. When customers
have once seen the new mach
ine, and appreciated its merits,
they are; sure to buy.
Geo. ff. Warn, Apt,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
The Carbon Advocate
ClMtCIAL NOTICIt l'crsons niakinK payments
J to this nfflce oy money orders or postal uotr-s
will please -mako tlicm paynblo at the WICISS
POItT POSTOI'l'lCK, s the Lohisliton Ofllce Is
KOT a money order olllcc
Current Events Epitomized.
Muzzle your canines.
Don't uilss the circus.
The fly crop is abundant,
The corn fields loots well
Chestnut tree's are blooming.
Xew potatoes SI per bushel.
Uggs Seventeen cents a dozen.
Thanksgiving Is the next holiday.
Apples have made their appearance.
The Carbon House lias been painted
A Scranton man recently traded off lil
wife for twenty-one pigs.
Macungle, Lehigh county, will liavo a
Golden Easlo conimandary. '
Instead of-a "brick," take home to
your wife a cake of Tulip soap.
C. V. Delbcrt, the macnlne agent, has
wutig to tho breeze a new sign.
It is easier to slake ilia ihtna of a bot
tomless barrel than get along without Tulip
Lightning did damage to tho extent of
$20,000 throughout Northampton county
The members of Carbon Castle, K. G.
., of town, will institute a Commaiidary
at an early day.
Tho degree of D, D., lias been conferred
on Kev. Jamos Utile, of Ilokendauqua, by
Lafayette college, Kaston.
Snyder's picnic at his new park, In
I'arryvllld, on tho 1th of July was a grand
social and financial success.
Our bona fide circulation Is unquestion
ably larger than that of any othtir county
paper. Kcasort we give all the latest and
best news for $1.00 per year.
MinBsssle Lelbencjuth, of Bank St.,
was wounded In the'palui of right baud on
the Fourth by' the accidental discharge of a
revolver which she was handling.
Dressmakers and others should call on
C. F. Deibert, Bank street, and sao the au
tomatic buttonhole attachment as applied
lo the Slncer Oscillating Shuttle Machine.
The good wife of John II. Nothsteln
presented him with twins on the 27th ult.
Mother and children aro doing well, and
have the Advocate's best wishes for a
long Ufa of prosperity.
Mrs. Annie Miller lias moved her
dressmaking establishment into' her new
residence on Lehigh street, five doors from
Elm, where she will be pleased to receive
all old and new patrons. tf,
For the four days endlnz JuneOO, there
were 63,403 tons of coal shipped over the
Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to
date of 4,144,273 tons, and showing an In
crease of 548,GS2 tons compared with same
date last year.
Leopold Meyer, ef tho Dolonsburg Ho
tel, has first-rate accommodations for six
or eight good boarders, at $3.50 per week.
Persons who wish the comforts of a home
should not miss this opportunity, Leopold
keeps a nice clean and quiet place. i
The following gentlemen have been
elected, to tho Democratic State Convention
from the Third and Sixth Legislative Dls
tilct : Daniel Graver, Mountain Top ;
Dennis Marrissey, Wilkesbarro; James
Vandllng, Plymouth ; J. W. Carman,
All the necessary tools for ajrirst-class
blacksmsth shop, together with about one
hundred horseshoes, lot of old Iron and
bellows for sale cheap. Apply to Owen
ltchrig'a, Lehigh street. Hare chance for
auy one Intending to go In the blacksmlth
hig business.
Our jovial friend C. G. Arrnbruster,
formerly of MaucU. Chunk, now of Hiwley,
Pa., has opened to the traveling public lu
the latter place the popular Keystone Hotel.
Charley Is well and favorably known In this
section, so If you strike Hawley. drop
around and see him,
Twenty-four young ladles at Wilkes
barro Wednesday took the black ye.ll at the
Mallnckrodt German Catholic Convent,
and pronounced tho vows'that will separ
ate them forever from the world. .At the
earaA time a number took thevhlte veil,
one of whom was Miss Caroline ArmbrnsUr,
of Mauch Chunk.
Washington Camp, No. 108, P. O.
B. of A,, of Mauch Chunk, are exerting
themselves to the utmost In order to make
the State encampment on August lltli a
grand success. A substantial lunch will be
provided for visiting camps, in the even
ing the Glen will be Illuminated and a
grand display of fireworks will take place.
High license.
Carpenters aro busy,
Warm tho weather. .
Head Nusbatim'i ad,
Send us all the news,
Hay fever Is popular.
Don't miss the circus.
The farmers are busy.
Job .worK nt this oflico,
Vegetables aro plentiful.
July will be a hot month.
Head ads. on fourth page1,
Campmeetlngs are In order.
Tamaqua has a lady dentist.
Subscilbo for tho Advocate.
The ge-lorlous Fourth Is over.
The peach crop will bo Immense.
Summit Hill had a "big" Fourth.
School board meets Monday night.
Watermelons hayo made their appear
a nee.
Stroudsburg Is lo have a new brick
Job work of all descriptions at this ot
flee. Low prices.
Keep cool and rote against tho pro
posed water Issue.
Only two prisoners are confined In the
Monroe county Jail.
Those who worship at the shrine of
Tulip snap arise purified.
Philieye and eplzoty prevail amongst
uorses In Luzerne county.
The Lutheran Sunday school will pic
nlc at'the Glen on the 14th.
Loli leu county contains three hundred
and eighty-nine square miles.
The Polish Catholic church at Free-
land will be dedicated Sundav.
Tho dog days commence Sundav and
continue forly-two days Aucust 20,
Billy Adams' excursion from Allen.
town to Glen Onoko conies off on Aucust
A passenzer train haves tho L. V. da
pot at 1:15 P. M, every day for Glen
A tramp who stole a box of Tulln soan
concealed his Identity by washing himself
will! a cake of It.
John Ketchledee.a nrominent SlrmitTs
bnrg man, has been arrested on tho charge
of embezzlement.
William Dannies, a trackwalker, resid
ing at Plymouth was struck by lightning
Wednesday and killed.
eatherly will have a silk mill. 15.-
000 has been subscribed. This Is a pointer
for tho Lehighton Board of Trade.
Four miners were serlonslv Injured bv
an explosion of fire-damp in the Diamond
Colliery, noar Wilkesbane, on Wednesday.
Bethlehem has a fire cnelna built dur
ing the reign of William nnd Mary, iefi8.
the engine was shipped from London In
On tho Fourth of July about one thous
and plates of ice creamwere dlsnosed of at
Hauk's popular Ico cream saloon on Bank
A beautlfull nlcht bloouiinc eerlus nt
tho rcsldenco of T. D. Clauss attracted
much attention from passers-by on Tuesday
Tho strong point In which the "Davis"
has fought, ai:d won, so many Eattles,Isthe
" ertlcal I ecu an Improvement used on
no other sewing machine.
Two tramps lumped off a ranidlv mov.
Ins coal train near tho L. V. It. It., depot
baturday evening and receved sovcro in
juries about their heads and limbs.
In the K. of L. parade Monday a horse
driven by one of the participants, jumped
on the left fodt of Frank Caffrcy,.loailr of
the band, causing a painful Injury.
If ymir watch or clock don't run -cor
rectly, take It to Hagaman.on Bank street,
and If It then falls to keep time ho will
make no charge. March 20 Cm
I!ey. O. It. Cook, former paitor. Is ex
pected to preach In tho M. E. church on
next Sabbath. Tim lime of tho evening
scryico will bo changed from 7:30 to 0:30
for a few weeks.
For two days ending on the 2nd Inst.,
there wero 23,34 tons of coal shipped over
the L. & S. Il.H.,a total to date of 2,404.535
tons, showing an Increase as compared with
same date last year of 141,695 tons.
The game law has been amended, and
the bill signed by the Governor, prohibit
ing the klllingof quail or Virginia partridge
between December ltth nnd October 15th,
provides a penalty of $10 for everv violation
of the act.
Tho attention of the people of Summit
Hill, Lansford and vlclnltv Is directed in
the fact that George F. Huntzlngor, of tho!
popular switchback Hestaurant, Is author
ized by us to leceive subscriptions and
moneys for tho Caitoon Advocate.
Now Is the time for Cheap Wall
Papeh as we are offorlne over half nf nnr!
entlro stock of Wall Paper and Borders nt.
one-half and somo less than half the mail
price. Do not miss this offer. K F. Luck
k.niiach. 01 Broadway. Mauch Chunk.
The Lehigh Valley Bailroad Company
has begun with a special enclne lust built
to make some Important tests under tho In
spection of Professor Kllne.of Lehigh Uni
versity'. These tests will Include measure
ments of steam, water and ceal per mile,
and are undertaken with a view to learning
the most effective servico in locomotives
with the most economical methods.
About forty members of the Demo
cratic Connty Convention assembled In the
Court noma nt Mauch Chunkt Saturday,
and elected at delegates to the State
Convention IIcmm. .lntiml. Wl.l.o- T n
Zern and Michael Mcllngh. A resoltillon
endorsing the candidacy of Hon. W. M.
Ilapsher for the Supreme Judeihl n was
unanimously adopted. The meeting was
very enthusiastically conducted,
The clgarmakers and tailors of town
will play a game of base ball on the old fair
grounds Monday afternoon game to com
mence at three o'clock sharp. The tailors
will "buttonhole" the clearruan wh thv
run the "base-(tlng)" and lm-"press"
them with their knowledge of tho gamo by
giving them occassional "goose"-eggs, the
clgarmen will retaliate by "wrapping" the
ball all over the field, concluding the gamo
by "boxing" op the tailors. Don't miss It.
Man's life, from Infbncy to tottering
age, Is .one continued struggle with hives,
wind-colic, mumps, chicken pox, measles,
scarletina.wboouinccouch.cumbolls .corn.
baseball, headache, carbuncles, chltHalns,
uue, tootliache,rheumatI:m,currant worms,
gout, potato bugs, dead beats, weevll.frow
sy butter, cigarettes and small pox. He
flghtelh them at every tnrn, and Invariably
finds somo comfort In hiring his teams of
David Ubbert, tho popular North street
TIms nackensack, N. J., weather
prophet, forecasts the month of July as
follows: Otb, 10th and 11th, cool, pleasant
weathsr; 12th nnd 13th, warm and foggy;
J4;h and 15th, partly cloudy, with thunder
showers; 10th, partly cloudy and pleasant;
from the 17th to the 21st will be tho hottest
period of the month, with frequent thunder
showers, culminating on the 22d with a
northwest breeze that will be greatly ap
preciated In the cltles;24th 25tb and 2flth.
decidedly cool, but pleasant weather; 27th
and 28th, rising temperature, partly cloudy;
20th nnd80lb, warm and foggy; 81st,partly
cloudy, with thunder showers.
. The Water Qoestton.
Written notices are postid up conspicu
ously In various parts of our'boroilgh call
ing for a special election, to be held At the
Carbon House on Saturday, tho 23rd day
of July, for the purpose of deciding the
water Issue. The Imperative necessity of
Lehighton having a first-class water supply
Is evident to all our citizens, but at tho
samo time It would not be In good taste or
In a spirit of general good for the tax-payers
to net thoughtlessly and Indiscriminate
ly In this all-Important matter. Wo must
have water, the growing necessities of our
borough demand this, but Is It, or would
It bo wise for a water supply to be put, In
at the expense of the "town? We belleye It
would not be wise, and having felt the pub
lic pulse on the matter arc convinced that
tho Issue will be defeated nt the polls'. A
little more than twelyo years ago a public
school house was erected $45,000 was
recklessly squandered tho tax-payers wero
disgusted to a man, and for that reason-
fearing that by placing too much power In
the hands of tho borough council would
lead to Indiscriminate expense and greatly
Increased taxation they will on July 23rd
voto against the bouutgh water Issue. In
voting against the watir issue they will be
actuated by a spirit of self-interest superin
duced by the unpleasant and unwise ac
tion of the school board twelvo ct more
years ago.
Wo must have water, but let a slock
compauy bring It Inj for, as we understand
the present Issue, it would not only be un
wise but foolish In the extreme for the tax
payers to Indiscriminately grant the power
of putting In a water supply at tho borough
Water wo must and will have! but the
right Individuals must bo at the head of
tho matter the borough authorities are
not tho Individuals howeyer, so It Is safe
to say that for the present we will not bavo
Weatherly Locals.
The necessary papers for the erection
of the silk mill were drawn up and signed
by the contracting parties last FrIJay, ss
that on the first of January, 1888, Weath
eily can boast of a silk mill.
Dr. Hoffman and family have just re
turned from a trip to Allentown, Bath and
Sajlorsburg. While at Allentown he
stopped with his brother-in-law, Dr. Selp.
President of Muhlenberg College
The National Birthday was becoming
ly observed by parades, speoches, and fire
works. After tho niornlnz narade Prof. .1.
Pottlnger addressed the meeting and
gave amongst othor things a number of
reasons far one being jubilant on that day.
Dr. Twcedle read tho Declaration of Inde
pendence. In tho evening we had a fan
tastic parads and fireworks at th rocks.
-The huckelberry season has op'ened
and Mr. Casslcr, tho veteran shipper, Is
again shipping large quantities ef berries lo
llutTalt) and New York City. We under
stand he ships most of his berries to these
two towns. Berries are worth six cents
quart hero and an ordinary picker picks
from fifteen to eighteen quails a day. The
pickers say that berries are plenty this year,
Rev. J. P. Moffat preached a ery In.
terestlng " National Sermon" last Sunday
morning. He not only depicted lu glowln
language the national progress of tho past,
In which all Americans take a groat deal of
puur, uui no aiso cauuoneu uis congrega
tion of tho seeming dangers that are loom-
ng up in tho distant horizon. It Is al
ways well to look at a question frem lh
two sides. Mr. Moffat very ably discussed
his theme.
Base Ball oaths "Fourth."
The Jr. O. U. A. M. B. II. C. "knock.
frt out " the S. of V's Monday. Score,
tiility-nvo to thlrty-feur. Characler of
game highly sensational, Intensely exclt
Ing and laughable In tho extreme.
-Tho Lohlghton regulars played with a
picked nine Monday and carried off tho
palm with a score of twenty-five to twentv
llio gamo was very exciting heavy bat-
tin and daring base running being the main
Tho game of base ball on the old fair
grounds Monday morning between tho I.e-
blgu Valley Firemen nnd Engineers was
Intensely amusing Inasmuch as It abounded
with comical errors. TJie base running Is
worthy of special note Inasmuch as it was
exceedingly daring, and just the least bit
ludicrous. Five Innings were played, re
suiting In a score of twelve to forty In favor
or me firemen. Engineers: Iihoades,
Esrang, Blank, Bartoletto. Walters, Noth-
steln, Miller, "Mickey," Freyman. Fire
men .' Walters. Hcffllflnr'er. TlriUWh
Hofford, Fritz, Long, Deibert, Kemerer.
Normal Square Bqtnbi.
A large number of strangers find their
way to Jformal Square every week.
Miss Emma Harding, of Lehhrhton.
was the guest of Miss Emma Ssldle last
A grand plrolc will hr held at this
place on the 10th instant. Be on hand for
a good time.
Prof. N. M, Balllctt retnrncd home
Saturday after an absence of several week,
visiting folks in Ohio.
The pic-nic Saturday under the nns
pices of the New Mahoning band, was a
grand success. Eyerybody enjoyed them
solves hugely.
Mlsser Polly Uunslcker and Sallle
Hulz, accompanied by Mossrj. AVIIsorr He
maly and David Moser, enjoyed a pleasant
ride to Schuylkill county Saturday,
Hev. Cooper, of Allentown, delivered
two very Interesting discourses In the
ZIon's and Bensalcm's churches' Sunday,
ne occupied the pulpit daring Iho absence
of Key. W. II. Strauss.
Wallace & Co's Orcat Show.
Among the many amusement yenturesof
the present season none, perhaps, Is mere
worthy of commendatory notice than that
of Wallace & Co.'s Three-ring Circus and
Mcnaeerle, which Is to bo in Lehighton,
to-day Salmday. This entertainment Is in
every way creditable to the management,
and Is popular with tho public wherever It
goes. The circus department la unexcep
tionable, nnd, with n large company of
performers, second to none In point of skill
and capacity, It presents many features
that are new. The Menagerie contains a
number of living wild animals, which aro
seldom exhibited.
-Just received lrom Boston,
an immense stock of the genu
ine Knight of Labor Shoes,
which we are Belling nt $2.50
and $3. Warranted solid calf
leather. Clauss & Bro., the
Tailors, sole agents for Carbon
county. Our stock of hand
mndo shoes cannot be beat by
any tieaier in the county.
Spolally Compiled for the Tollers by an Ad
vocato Man.
Tho I.ehlgh Zno nnd Iron Company
will pay their employes semi-monthly after
July Will.
The Underbill Hat Manufacturing
Company of Hazltton has been chartered
with a capital of $40,000.
The railroads of this country own
abobt 800,000 freight cars used In revenue
service, which icprosents capital to tho
amount of at least $400,000,000,
About 290 pounds of Iron and steel are
made for every head of population in Great
Britain, 270 In the United States and 107
In Europe, while the aveiago for the entire
globe is 32 pounds.
The Edwards Iron Cempany, Wood'
stock, Ala., Is engaged In repairing ami en.
largtng Its blast futnaccand building 100
coko ovens. It will mine and coke Us own
coal and mako pig Iron.
Boston capitalists lrave bought five
acres of ground In Scranton as a site, for a
merchant steel and steel tool factory, and
work at the buildings is to begin at ence.
The establishment will empley 400 men,
There are at this time three hundred
and clglity-ftye silk factories In the United
Stales, with 0,000 employees and upward
of $25,000,000 of capital, using annually
S20,000,000 worth of raw material of for-
elgu production.
Tho Iowa Barb Wire Mill, at Allen
town now employs four hundred men, and
Its product of full-finished barbed fencing
averages fifty-five tons per day. The -vlre
Is shipped to all parts of the world, Includ
Ing South Africa, the Sandwich Island
Austria and Now Zealand.
There are contracts out among the car
works for 40,000 cars. Nearly all the rail
road companies hayo arrangements under
way for Increasing their shop facilities,
The Pennsylvania Railroad will lead off
with a $50,000 machine and repair shop.
Machine shop work Is In very active de
Car shops all orer this State are now
well supplied with orders, and expect to be
kept so during the rest of the year. The
shop3 nt Huntingdon will be put In opera
tlon early next month with an order for
three thousand coal cars of a new design
which are Intended for the Beading Kail'
road Company.
The development of tho woollen In
dustry In Wisconsin and Iowa and the
cotton Industry In Texas, Arkansas and
and further West, mecially In view of coal
and natural gas developments, Is assuming
an Important phase, and the time may soon
como when the far West and farSouth will
not be quito so dependent on the far East
for textile goods.
Scyfert's rolling mills at Naomi and
Glbraltur, Berks, county, have closed on
account ot the stoppage nt the Beading
Iron Works, and nearly two hundred more
men are out of employment In consequence.
Because tho rolling mill and nail factory
employees of the E.'it O. Brookolron Com
pany, at Blrdsbow refuse to occept-a reduc
tion of wages, the works are closed and
oyer three hundred hands are Idle.
The anthracite coal trado is now In ex
cellent shape, awaiting the beginning of
active business. There Is, to be sine,
considerable quantity of coal in stock at
tide-water shipping points, but, owing to
tho harmony prevailing in anthracite cir
cles, that cannot to any great extent In
fluence the ccal markets or effect prices, as
& week's suspension of missing would re
sult In the removal of the entile neeuinula
tlon of coal at timii. Some of the larger
companies did not work their mines full
time last week.
In comparing the wages now and two
years' ago Bradstreal's finds thai they have
generally Increased to ills standard of the
years 1681 and 1832, which wero veiy pros
perous periods, and 400,000 moro Industrial
euployees were at work than there wero In
1685. From 1S82 to 18S5 tliero was a gen
cral decline in tho rate of wages, the aver
ago being from 10 to 15 percent., aud since
the latter year there has been a gradual
Increase, until now not only has the 15 per
ceut. reduction been recovered but the
activity in almost eyery branch of trade has
given employment to hundreds of thousand:
of additional workmen.
Official returns show that tho produc
tion of anthracite coal In Pennsylvania
last year was 30,000,475 tone, against 31,.
023,520 tons in 1885. Under tho Kevcnue
law that was repealed In 1870, aud which
Imposed a tax of 3 eonts a ton on tho pro
duct of the anthracite coal companies, the
yeild of last year would havo brought Into
the State Treasury upward of $1,000,000.
I his tux on anthracite coal if In existence
to-day would havo gone very far toward
solving tho problem of State revenues,
Tho coal corporations, which merely col
lectcd the small tax from consumers as
agents of the Commonwealth, did not ask
for its repeal, and it Is not likely that they
would make very obstinate resistance to'Jts
The "7onrth" in Lehighton.
The Fourth of July was patriotically ob
served by Lchrghtonlans, From twelve
o'clock Sunday night until Tuesday morn
ing the roar and dm of fire crackers, lorpe.
does and the drum corp filled Hie air with
their deafening echoes. In the morning
five or six hundred people assembled on
the old fair grounds to Vltriess the several
games of ball batweeu the Firemen and
Engineers, the Sous of Veterans and Junior
Mechanics and tho Lehighton regulars and
a picked nine. In the afternoon the
Knights of Labor formed for parade and
followed out the programme as pnbllshed
In last week's Advocate. Revs. Ocorge
Gross and J. A. Freeman delivered ad
dresses pertinent to the occasion, after
which tire participants adjourned to their
respectiyo homes. In tho early evening
Captain Denhart with his ' Phantastlcs,"
paraded up Bank street, followed by an In
numerable number of juvpr.lles. All In nil,
the day was one of the biggest Lehighton
has seen for some yean.
Teachers' Examination.
The Carbon county teachers' examina
tions for 18S7 will be held as follows:
At East Wolssport, for Franklin town
ship, on Wednesday, August ".
At Hudsondale, for Packer township, on
Friday, Augusts,
At Keckport, for Lehigh find Lausanne
townships, on Tuesday, August 9.
At Pleasant Corner for Mahoning town
ship, on Saturday, August 13.
At East Penn, for East Penn township,
on Tuesday, August 10.
At East Haysii, for KIddor township, on
Thursday, August 18.
At Millport, for Lower Towamensing
township, on Saturday, August 20.
At 3temIersYille,for Upper Towamensing
township, on Tuesday, August 23.
At Koch's Hotel, for Tenn Forest town
ship, on Saturday, Sept. 24.
Tho examinations will be fn writing and
II applicants should come prepared with
lper and pencils. Np certificates will be
granted to applicants under seventeen
People as They Ccme and Oo.
Mrs. O. It. Cook is the guest oJ Mrs.
Wm. Kcnieror.
Thos. Yenser, of New York City, fs at
homo on visit,
Charles Wagner, of Philadelphia, Is
seeing old acquaintances In town.
Mrs. C. F. Delbcrt has icturncd home
after n dellEhtful visit toPottsyllle friends.
Our Joyial friend Wm. Thompson, of
Upper Mauch Chunk, was In town Satur
Miss Llllie Iielchard has returned, homo
after a visit te Allentown relatives and
Mis. L. S. Houser, of Bank street, Is
sojourning with Bethlehem relatives and
George Brlnkman and Gus. Miller, of
Warrior Bun, Pa., wero seeing friends In
town this week.
Miss Hattle Foflstermaclrer, of Allen
town, s the guest of Mrs. J. S, Lentz, on
Northampton street.
A. B. Marsh and wife, of Danville, Pa.,
were the gnssts of Jacob Deuttnger and
wife during the week.
Mrs. George Bower.of Tamaqua, spent
several days with Misses Sallle and Soph!
liaudonbush this. week.
Paul Cobaugh and wife, of Johnstown
Pa., are the guests of Wm. Baclunau and
family on South Lehlxh street.
Miss Hattle Boston and slster,of Mauch
Chunk, spent Saturday with Mrs. F. D,
Miller, on Northampton street,
Miss Ella Peters, of Bank stroet,
spending soveral weeks In New York City,
with her sister Mrs. Lines Groo,
Kobert Levenworth Sweeny, of th
"Corner Store," was at Drlfton over Sun
day, the guest of his brother Harry,
H. G. Fisher, the popular merchant
tailor of Coaldale, Pa., wns lu town on
Monday seeing his numerous friends.
Charles Kaufman, of Wllkesbarre, was.
In town Monday and dropped In and re
nowed his subscription to the Advocate.
Our young friend Al. K. Leuckel, of
Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Is
spending his vacation at home In Lehigh
-Misses Louisa Osmond and Annie
Swartz, of Uazleton, while In town last
week made th Advocate office a delight-
ful visit.
Jacob Long and Henry Derharuer with
their families, of Allentown, wero the
guests of George Derharaer, on Iron street,
this week.
Joseph Colburn, .George Stuber and
Frank Miller represented the Interests o
Lehighton at Philadelphia over the g-l-o-r-l
o-u-s Fourth.
-Miss Jennie Meyer, nn estimable
young lady of Selgfried's. Bridge, was vis
itlng Leopold Meyer and family, of Pack
crton, this week.
f Among the " Old Soldiors."
A camp fire u'ider tho auspices of tho
bauiuel Kress Post, 281, G. A. It., of
Slatlngton In Kress's Grove, Waluutport
on the lourth of July, was a grand suc
The Society of the Army el the Poto
mac rosolved to hold their meeting In 188S,
at Gettysburg, and to Invite the survivors
of the Confederate Army of Northern Vlr-
-Ihero aro four Posts of tho Grand
Army of tho Republic In Lehigh county
with a total membership of 2S3, as follows,
to wit : No. 87, Allentown, 109 ; No. 378,
Catasauqua, 02 ; No. 248, Slatlngton, 40,
and JSo, 13, Allentown, 30.
-A iennetoe mountalnlneor recently
found under a ledgo of rocks, the sword of
a Confederate officer. It proved to havo be-
onged lo a Captain who was killed In a
skirmhh, and one of his command hid It
that it might not fall Into the hauds of the
Union forces.
Among the pensions recently granted
nas one to Mrs. Iiraudon. aced sevenlv-
cven, of MomiJsvllle, W. Va. It is rela
ted of her that she raised thirty-three
children, twenty-eight of them men, and of
the latter sixteen of them served In .Hie
Uaiou army during the war. One son was
killed at Pittsbarg Landing and one died
in Andersonvllle, while 'every son of the
remaining fourteen was wounded Iri en
-The following namedfonstltule a com
mittee to consider the proposed re-union of
Co. U., 11th Keelment P. V.:
3. A. Wehr and Isaac Davis. Summit
Hill ; K. H. Kauch and Ell Weyhmeyer,
.Mauch Chunk; A. W. Raudenhnsh, Le
highton ; George Bose; East Mauch Chunk;
wiaries Mine, Lansford ; Holden Chester.
lamaqua ; IJobcrtSncdden, CoalpoTt. The
committee will meet at time and place te
be designated by Messrs. Wehr and Davis
at bummlt Hill. Democrat.
Narsery Stock,
taward O. Graham, the popular and
well knewn Nurseryman of Rochester,- N.
Y., desires to make arrangement's with one
or two live, enercetlc men to tnkn arHr
for his Nursory stock. He lias choice
stocic, including fine specialties, nis in
ducements to beginners ere particularly
aayamagcous. He fulfills all he promises,
and guarantees to furnish strictly flrst-cUss
steck. He can give active, square, upright
men good positions, and desires to com
municate with a few snchmon, with a view
of securing their services. Write to.hlm
as soon as vou hayo read this for terms and
full particulars. Remember, only saoare
ucanng men need apply. Address, Enw.
. Giiaiiam, Nurseryman, Rochester, N
Bemember This,
Our circulation is rapidly increasing
everybody reads the Advocate,
Advertise your sales In Iho Cahbok
Tlie Utest local news the'ADVocATE,
You can have sale bills printed at this
olllco while yon wait
All will do well to have their sale bills
iniiucu ai nns ouicc. a position in our
'Public Sale lteglstcT" I worth consider
IJt of Utters
Ueraalnlng uncalled for In the Lchtcbtorj Tost
unice mr me month ending Juno 30. 187
iirenani. IihU
nutlllen, Simon
rogcwltz, Jirs. J,
Ilex, Nathan T.
Ilex. Nathan
frmltli, Albert Mrs,
Honard. J. M
I'rrderlck. JrrTertnn
esi, J. i..
Persons calling for any of the above lelters
will please say "Adrcrtlsed."
J. P. 8uiTif , T. M.
Stock anotatlcns'
Reported up to 12 o'clock, Ly Dk Haven &
iowkbemu. Hankers, No. 30 U Third Street.
Philadelphia, stocks bought and soM cither
lorcasn or on margin.
Philadelphia, July e, iss:.
n. s. s's .
U. S. Corrency6's!...i!..ii..i.",.Jiiijwr
K5" ',H', coupon tea
U. S. 4's coupon j;s
-cuuswvuum ii.-uiro.Kl MVi
LelilRli Valley lUllrnad. .'. m2
Lehigh Coal uud Navigation Coinpauy.. 4'j
HUH.. . V. & Plillft If If ,.,,
New Jersey Central n
nuiuiernracioc com, 33 H
Northern l'at-lrle irM .
nlon Pin-Ill.
... wS- S
"emern Lnum tow h
West Shore uts jilH Pi
Loulavllle&sshvllle , . ts U
Silver (TraJesj..... J. .
Interesting Items f loked Up and Assortedby
the Stroller.
The 4th of July was patriotically ob'
served here.
Tho ticrehants who advertise arc do
Ing the best business.
Our Sunday schools expect to hold
their annual picnics at nn early day
t Dr. W. L. Kutz nnd family spent last
Sunday with Monroe county friends.
Henry Ch rtslmau has added another val
uable horse to his livery stock. Terms low.
Mrs. Charles Rapp, of Philadelphia, Is
the guest of Mr. George Rapp on White
A veranda has been erected lit front of
the Evangelical parsonage, occupied by
Itov, Eggo.
The Improved Order of Rod Men,
recently organized hero numbers now,
about one hundred members.
Welssport lias two churches, two hotels,
three saloons, two doctors and n liquidated
boroush debt. Happy Welssport.
Messrs. G. C. Deals end Aaron Snvder
were In attendance ll tho annual conven
tion of bicyclists at Wilkesbarro this week.
D, A. Yoder and" John Wclser, of
Reading, and Jacob Straussberger, of town,
were on a five days fishing excursion this
Ed. Solt, of East Welssport, was bitten
In the hand by a copperhead snako last
Sunday, and lies Iri a very precarious con
dition. Three doctors are In constant
List of lotters remaining in the Welss
port post office for tho month ending on
the 30lh ull.,' Arner, Jacob; Deabn H.j
Goodman, Hon.; Goodman, A. P.; Ho
focker, Kllllan Hate, Jacob; Kcifer, Henry
A.; Krosge, Nathan (2); Moyer, Francis;
RIggard, O.p Smith, Herman; Snyder, E.;
Solt. Reuben; Walck, Lewis; Zlminorman,
J. V.; Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
Mahoning Items.
Robert McClean has built an addition
to his barn.
James SInyard lias had his residence
nicely painted,
Nelson Nothsteln and family, of Free
land, wero at homo on a visit oyer Sunday..
Miss Salllo Walker, of Lehighton, was
the guest of Miss Hannah Balllct during
the week.
Miss Lilly Arner returned homo last
Friday from the West Chester State Nor
mal School.
Miss Sallio Spairgler, teacher of music
in Palatinate College, Myerstown, was
visiting in the Valley.
Peter Miller, who works In the mines
at Summit Hill, had his hand sevcrelv
bruised by a fall of coal.
Children's Day was observed In the
Evangelical Church on Sunday afternoon
and was a complete success. Tho exercises
were interesting and the music good.
Lower Towaraonslng Correspondence.
Iteuben Illose lias erected a now barn.
i cier jiarKie, 01 i.emqu uap, was
made ltappy one ilay recently by lils good
wlfo presenting him with a bouncing baby
Moses Kenttley's new residence fs al
most completed. The new building Is lo-
catcd on tho same slto as the one recently
destroyed by (Ire.
the school board lias decided not to
build a now school house at Fire Line this
summer, but to leave the matter to the
consideration of the people until next year
whether they desire a now building at that
place or to have a double building, central
ly located, for Lentz's school and Fire
T.lne, and to have tho same graded. As
the board offers such an opportunity tho
people should by all means select the latter
In order to havo better schools. Parents
uo not neglect your uuty towards your
children give them good school houses
and good teachers. Cos.
The following subscriptions for the Cau
tion Advocate have been received since
our last report. The Adyooatr contains
all tho latest local news, Ac, of the week,
$1.00 per year subscribe for it.
A. jl.siclirkam.Crent Ilcml, Jl 00
William In1s,Nesqiiehoning 1 oo
Bernard Lelnlurd, Leliisliton 00
Richard Scndel, New Mahoning... l oo
V. A. Kiiss, Wcatherly. 2 so
I. S, Koch, Lelilghton., i oo
Haganum, " 1 oo
T.D.Thomas, " l oo
Joslali Kuch, Welssport I 00
George w. Esser, Mauch Chunk...., i oo
Wm. Thompson, " 1 00
Mary L. Leuckel, Franklin Twn.... I oo
J. I. Smith, Lehighton , l CO
T, McDantel. ncnsniit Corner, , l oo
Jrre. Koth, Lehighton..., t oo
Charles Kauflmaii, Witkea Carre 1 00
Hev. II. Ilnmmoke, Leulgntou I 00
Dr. Wm. M. Dufour, WlUlamsport ,. 1 i6
William Hi Ash, Lohlghton 1 00
Ceorgc lirlnkinan, I'ccly, I'n., 1 00
Fropoia.1 for Attending the Street lamps
Borough of Lehighton. fj.
LEHIOUTll.t, July if, ISOT.
Sealed proposals will tie received by the
undersigned until sevAn o'clock P. IT.,
Saturday, July 10, 1687, for attending the
street lames during the flseal year, -com-
JNO. T. iEJisirx,
July 0-w2, " Secretary,
Sale bills, picnic hills, and horse bills
printed while you wait.
Subserllio for and read the Advocate
$1.00 per year all the nows.
Is a peculiar medicine, nnd Is carefully pro-
pared by competent pharmacists. The com
bination and proportion of Sarsaparilia, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparilia, giving It strength and
curativo power superior to other prepa
rations. A trial will convluco you of Its
great medicinal valuo. Hood's Sarsaparilia
Purlflos tho Blood
creates and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates
the digestion, and gives strength to every
organ of tho body. It cures tho most severe
cases of Scrofula, Salt lthcnm, liolls, Pimples,
and all other affections caused by Impure
blood, Dyspepsia, Dlllousness, Headache,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, and that cxtremo tired lading.
" Hood's Sarsaparilia has helped mo more
for catarrh and impuro blood than anything
else I ever used." A. Bali., Syracuse, N. Y.
Croatos an Appotito
" I used Hood's Sarsaparilia to cleanse my
blood and tone up my system. It gave mo a
good appetite and seemed to bulla me over."
IL M. Half, Lima, Ohio.
"I took Hood's Sarsaparilia for cancerous
hnmor, and It began to act unlike anything
else. It cured the humor, and seemed to
tono up tho whole body and give me new
life."- J. 1'. Nixoif, Cambrldgeport, Mass.
Send for book giving statements of cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
odtTllitrusstti. SI. ill for 55. Prepared only
by a i. hood & coAporBecuUi. Lowau, uw,
Ie tie Oil Stand, Under Beta's Hall, Bank Street, Leliisliton, Pa
Medicines all New, Pure, Effective & Elegant.
Toilet Articles, Fancy Soajpa,
Chamois Skins, Sponges, all kinds Biushca, Comba, Porfbmory
nnd everything- else In tin Unijgh'.i lhvi
Good WeWt 1
Good Measure!!
N. B. Two Regular Physicians always in attendance J3xv
Reber, the older, cau always bu found and is ready to give
advice, and to prescribe FREE Furnishing medicine of first
quality, and nt as reasonable charges as can be had elsewhere,
Offlse ana Consultation Rooms Conycniciit to Betoft Drag Store. .
Established 1867.
have "made away" with my
Tills is tin Place "YofWant!!
Comimg Summer's Trade
with one of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB
STANTIAL lines of
Ladies', Gent's and
esais5 Fasae
Ladies American &
Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes
Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1,25 Up !
Latest Styles
An immense assortment of Summer Fabrics in stocic, comprising
all the very latest styles in
Cloths Cassimers.Corkscnrs, Clieriots,
Worsteds, &c, foc.,
Made up in tho latest styles and most substantial manner at prices
that positively defy competition. Satisfaction "guaranteed You
can save money by having your clothing made by
H. H. PETERS, The Tailor,
Extraordinary :-: Bargains
Novelty - Dress
Uo which wo cordially ask your early attention, as they vannot
be replaced. Our high class novelties have been
marked wonderfully low.
LOT 1. 4 yards Plain Goods;
$5.50 a Pattern.
LOT 2. 4 yards Plain Goods; 4 yards Novelty Embroidered
at $7.50 a Pattern.
LOT 3. French Robes with Friese Panncl Uollnr nnd Caffs ;
9 yards Plain Material at 8.50 a Pattern.
LOT 4. French Robes with Frcise and Beaded Funnel Co
lar and Cuffs ; 9 yards Plain Material at 10,00 a Pattern.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
October so 18SO-
, tofsiies, Glass,
Bank 'Street, Lehighton, Pa.
2 Doora abovo the " Old Stand," Banlc Street, Lehighton, Pa
Use Thomas' Root Beer-Extract.
Barrel of good
leapt lit gre it variety and of most excellent
Good Quality!!!
Re-Established 1887,
old stock and am now fully
for the
Children's Shoes,
Baoes Up!
French Kid $2, to $4.
Hats and Caps,
" S "I ".-I m T nrnj-vn-i .
4 yards-Novelty Goods, at
One 25 cent bottle makes r
j years od.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar