The Carbon Advocate, An Ikdkpemdkxt Family NitwsrATKit Pub lished every Saturday In Lehighton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. Morthimer, Jtf. DANK BTUEIJr. $1 00 Por Yoar in Advanoo I nest advertising mcillilnt In tlio dounlj. Kroty descrlptloii'of l'laln and Fancy SOB PRINTING At very low prices Wo do not hesUatotosay that we are better cqupped than any other printing establishment In this, suction to do first-class job-work, In all Iti branches, at low prices. Professional & Business Carls, Horace Heydt, Attorney at IiAW, Omcai-Tho Itoom recently ccWpled by W. M. HApsticr, BANK STREET, - - X.EIUOUTON. PA. May bo consulted lit liagUsb. and derman, July 4-ly W. M. R&paher, ATTORNEY inn COUNStit.Um AT LAW, AND DlSf MOT ATTOltNKY, First door above the Mattjtort House, MAWCIl CHUNK, - ' - PBNN'A. Real itstate and Collection Agency. AVjJI.Puy Collect .is pMmptf J made.' nettling Estates pt rw.riVit, i snetlifltv. MAY be consUllfld.fn English and ucrman. hov. 21-yt II. V. Morthimor, Sr., NOTARY PUBLIC:, OfficiSi "Carbon Advocate" Omce, T1ANK SfltUET. - LEHIGHTON. All business pertaining to the offlce w Ill recei ve prompt attention. mar. 10 O. V. Klelntop, v Instructor in Music, nubbins' American Classical Methods a special, ty. Terms moderate. ang ii-ti Hen y Noli?, AT TltE CAMION nouan ta NOW Mm an Accommoflation 'Bns, HETW15BN Tltti- Hotels and L. V, Depot. Parties called tor nt their Homes by Leaving or den at any oltho hotels. April t, !S8f - . w. G. M. Selplo, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SOUTH STREET, - LEHIGHTON tv h consulted In English nlld Herman. Hrr( Attention given to Gynecology. OrriCK Houns; Prom 12 M. to 2 P. M..nnd Iro:nto9P.M, P. A. Rabonold, D. D. S., BIWXCH Ornon s Over J. W. Raudenbush's Liquor Store, BANlt STREET, LElIIOHTON. DenlUtry In all Hi liranches. Teeth Extracted Without Mm. (las administered when requested. onica ll;ivs WEDNESDAY or each week. P. O. ad- r s, 1.1T2KMIEKU, Jan 3-yt lA-hlgh county, Ta. W. A. Cortright, OFflCi'll Opp, the 'Broadway House," BROADWAY, MAUC1I CHUNK. Pjticnts havcthebencntof (he latest Improve tnents In Mechanleal AiplliiiH-es and tlio Best Me etlioils of TivatiniMit hi all Surgical Cases. ANrESTIIGTIO mliultilsterect If ilci-li'ed, If po. stlile. uersons rpsldtnif uilts sitic ot .iiaueu tniuiK, should muku arr.ingeiuents by mall. y-yi EYE AND EAR. Dr. a T. POX Visits Allentontl regularly on TllURXDAY of tacu weeK. rracucu iimnca u Diseases of the Eye and Ear. btflc at Haydcn's American Hotel, and OJllce llniir (mm ft A. M. til illtt) I'. M. Also ItttCtllls to Refraction of the Eye for the proper adjustment f masses, am n lor (lie iiuuvi aim i;ure oi upu. cm ueiecis. ihii' iUn h ratKiilteil nt h s oflleo In BATH. Wednesday and Saturday of each neek, at BAN COlt on Monday, and at RASTUN on Tuesday of eucu rfuea. jam . CAR30N HOUSE JONATHAN KISTLElt, PROPRIETOR, Rank Strkit, Lcuiqiitox, The Carbon House otters tlrst-class apcomnioda lions to tho tr.wcllng public, lloaidlug by the .'as nr veoeV nn vn:ln,-,liln terms. CllOlCO Cluars. Wines and Liquor nlw lys on hand, Ootid rtlied and stables, with vary attentive Hostlers, nt- lacaca. Bir,u-yi PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Luhlghtou, LEOPOLD MEYER. PROP'R, PACKERTON. - - Pmk. This well-knon lintel I admirably refitted, and hai the best nrenmniod.itlinis for iornmilenl and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and tho Very best Liquors. Stables attached. sepld-yt MANSION HOUSE, Opposite I 8. Depot, BANK STREET. - LEIII01IT0N, C. II. HOXt, PROPHtETOR. This house Iters first-class nccominoklations for transient and permanent Iwarders. It lias been ...wlu MflttH In nil lti1r.Lirtnipllts. 1111(1 Is Hk'at ed In one of the most picturesque portions of the borough. Terms moderate. tThoBARis supplied with the choicest Wlues, Liquors and iilgars. r rusu uiBer uu xni'. i'. W. A. PETER Announces to his friends and the public gener ally, that he has now open for their nccomuioaa. tlon his new and handsomely furnished RESTAURANT, next door to the 1st National Rank, BANK ST., IlhlKhton. and that he Is now prepared to furn lsli Flrst-Class Meals at Short Notice I The Bar Is supplied with the best Wines, Fresh Lairer Beer and Choice cigars. 1011 are coniiai' yrnrltedtocall. aprat-yt D. J. KISTLER nosueetfultv announces to the nubile that he lias iU rfnmt liberal terms. Orders left at the &rbon House" will receive rrompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, Lehighton. fann-fl " T. J. 1RETNEY itMnectfully announces to the Mercnania oi ix hdSrwm i and others that ha is now prepared to do all kinds ot Hauling of Fueigiit, Express Matter and Baggage ,t v.ry reasonable prices. W Prompt attenHon btA'Mf1ktt'!sweN,y & Bon's Somer Stor. salll recelde promrt attedtlon. jpETNEY, D. D. S., J $1.00 a Year in Advance. VOL. XV.. No. 34, Lohighlott Business Directory. JW, ttAUDENnUSH.nankslrset, wholcle . Healer h choice oraivds ot whiskies, sit, brandies, nines, c i rr i-aironage vneimi. E1 SItANH'S.BllAVtNO SALOON, 30N. opposite tho ADVoCA'tlt Ortcn. is headquarters tor shaving and half culling. Cigars s tobacco sold. GO TO PUS. llOtlKltEIt, under the Exchango Hotel, Hank street, tot a smooth shave orn fashionable haircut. tST Closed on Sunday's. J J. KUTZ, Bank street, manufacturer of . choice brands of clears slid dealer In nil kinds of tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call. TJRTKU HEM, liattk street, dealer In ladle. eel, ueaiur in lauu-s, ren's hoots. shoes aim JU cents, misses ana ciuia supocrs. Repairing promptly attended to. Call. JAMES WAI.r, Rank street, steam heaters, stoves, all kinds of tinware, lhMflng and spouting a sieclalty. Your patronage solicited. 8. KOCH, Rank street, manufacturer Of X. etinlm lirnnit. ,,f ; Havana cigars, ah iuuus ot smoker's supplies constantly on hand. P. P. CLARK, lager beer hall and restaurant, opp. square, Bank street. Choice wines and liquors am no cigars, atcsii ikci .iubjb u WKUB. saloon and restaurant, Bank J . street, headquarters Mr fresh lager beer and other drinks, unoice eawoies uiwajrs uu uuuu, (1IUIAM. attorney at law and notary Englls ,n1, lli-. nunk street. Mav be consulted In sli and Herman. Estate & collecting agency. CR. ItHOAUS, Ag't,, Rank street, denier In . dry goods, notions, glassware, qilcensttate. and groceries, taf Share of patronugo sollcted. K CARBON ADVOOATli OFFICE, Rank street, plain and fancy Jot) printing a sped auvouatk one dollar per year in udvancc. THE I.KHIOH WAGON CO,, Limited, factory on Hank street, mimtitacturers ot butcher, baker, milk, truck mid express wagons -ffij s-i KAHKit & ItUrtS. wholesale and retail con. It, fectloncrs. Bank street, 1'lcnlcs.ainl parties supplied. Vour patronage 11 cordially solicited ROCHESTER ROTTLINO HOUSE, Thos. J. lleck, Iteuk street, lager beer, a e. pprlcr, ginger ate, &c. Vour oltlers are solicited. ,1. STRAUSS, Mahoning street, fresh 1j. milk and cream delivered every morning. v muniiue. oW prices. All klndsot vegetables In scusoh. U 10 TO REBEIt'S ''"sXBANKSTREirr. T1XCHAN0E HOTEL. Bank street. Thomas Rfnn-F nmnrt.rnr. nn:lrh t1 llllfl from tle- pot. Kates reasonable tor regular & t ranslet trade TJEUBKN FKNSTERMACHI'.R, Uhlgh street, V dealer in ory gooas, uuiiuus, '""j giiHicrlcs, qucchswnVt' Putroiuilta aollCltcd MRS. DkTSCIURSCHSKY, Ihlgh street, Is headquarters for drVKoods. notions, pro visions, groceries, Sc. Eg-I'atronage solicited. B E3r SODA WATKIt UH1( Al 1.A0 "''SfAEKI. The Secret Societies. K. O. E., meet Monday evening of each week In t.nnel a nan. lyigie s column "iv,,. rliv l, npllTnt.ltlTI! WIST. No. 4S4. ti. A. J 1!., second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month, in lieuers nan. uoniraaes iiivncn. HOI.. .10HN LENTC CAMP. No, M, S. of V.. 1 1 i- p. m,. II. s . meet Wednesday even ing in Reber's Hall. Al. Campbell, Captain. 10. O, T meet Friday night ofeacli week In . Rqbcr's Hall, ttihk street, at 7:30i clock. All lemniHrs inviicu. a. ii.iiwh.i.v, VM. C. A., meet every evening., excepi cun rYvtiMii,ttf nririiiuin lectures free. jveincrer nan. (jriwimi-niuu'in? Our Ohurohes, ETHODIST EPISCOPAL. South Bank street, Sunday services ai iu n. in., :mu .ju ii. in., day School 2 p.m. W.M. JIaJUH, Pastor. Sun miiiviTV i.iiTHKHAN. iron street, uuiiaay 1 services, lo a, in., (German), 7.30 p. in.. (Eng llnh). Sunday schooll! p.m. J. II. Ki'URit.Pustnr. TJEFORMED, lhlgh street. Sunday services ft utlOa. m.,(Oerinan),7o p. m.. (English), smuiay senooi 2 p. in. u. ,,. oumn. i.'i. -sVAV,JKI.t('AI.. South street. Sunday services jh at in a. m (Herman), 7,30 p. m.. iEnpllh), Sunday school 2 i. in. I,. ,, . Ulcus!, i .isiur. MAI-limin rnrmr Northampton and Coal j streets, services every Sunday morning and evening. Rkv. Dammackk, Pastor. AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE PU1ID1C SQUARE Hank Street, Lchighton, Pa., Is prepared for tho HUMMER TRADE Willi a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Choice Wines & Liquors., Cigars, etc. Prescriptions carefully comooiinded al all hours 01 me any or iiigni. Full Lino of WALL PAPER -ANl DECDRATDNS. L.IMI Ul J UbSWIUIIVI L.UI I f-"-) in all styles, nnd at nil prices. Spectacles fitted to the eye nud satisfaction guaranteed. 31. HEILMAN, Bank Stbeet, Lehighton, Pa., Miller ahd Dealer In Flour and Feed. All kinds of GRAIN BOtlfSIIT AND SOLD at 11KOULA11 MA11KET UAItO. t would resprctfulty Inform the citizens of this I Place aud vicinity that I am f ! aim vicinity mat i am tuny prcpareu to supply them with all kinds of The Best of Coal From any mine, at very LOWEST PRICES. iv Jl-yl. U, HEILMAN. Ufa Ob Ti Weissport Business Directory. J. O. ZURN, M. D., W. L. KUtti, M. D, US. ZEKN ft KUTZ, Phyflielann & SurgDOns. OFFICE at the festdencoof l)r. ZetU, Wl.lte Street. Welsspoit. All calls for surgical or medical treatment n 111 receive prompt attention, mayl4-67-t( JADllV & SKWELL, The WeisspoH Bakery, Prcsli Dread and Cakes every day. Delivered In liCldghton and Matich Chunk ertt-y Tuesda), Thursday nttd Saturday, larl'iehics, Parties, Camp-Meellhgj, Weddings, Funerals supplied at short notice. Ugust,87-ly JJMIANKLIN HOUSE, BAST WMSSPORT, PKNN'A. Tills hcUstt otters first-class accommodations to the pcrmansnt boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar p day, augT-ly dolt Rttlthlo, Proptletor. jQKATS, THE JEWEI.EU. All Ktndo of Jewelry ! ScM Bools and U tionery. augsut7,EG-!y. THE Wcissjort, C&rb:& tmXj, fentia.. Henry Christman, Proprietor. The nubile Is resnectfully Informed that this I well-know house has been refitted and Improved n 1h A in Ailr to furnish the very best accommotlHtltilis t)I tin Kinus, A Livery Stable In connection with the hotel, with ample means tonceommwiate vtriiuing parnes, pleasure seekers with safe teams. Tn rnnnpctlun with the hotel is a FINK POOL ROOM handsomely nttea up. Apra sriy GENTS WASTED t TO SELL THE NEW Improved Western Washers ! 40.000 Now in Use! And sales constantly Increasing. It positive!. leads them nil. Buy no other. Write lor terms. AAHON F. SNYDEIt, 5IfB'. Agt.. auglSdy Wclssport, Carbon Co., Pa. I have Just Opened nCoal Yard In connection Willi niv itoiei in ivr.imnmi ,, nere cuii constantly be found all sizes of the Best of Coal! ces fully as low as tlio lowest. CHeir.e ind be convinced. Henry Christman, Port Alton House, Weissport Fairbanks Standard Scales In Connection December IP, lssdly For Neffstl Designs and Most FashlonsbU Styles of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. 00 TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods cuarsntced and prices as ;tow is else where for the same quality of goods. July 18, 1885-ly in.i trot nil Hib latest news. i Includlntr Interesting New ' York and Washington let ters. You better join me. It Is the che.apcst, largest and MKST weekly paper In the Lehlcb Vallov. Try IU Only $1 a Year. Circulation, ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Yoar. Slnglo opios, FIVE Cents. Advertise in ArltAnofn III 111 nUVULalC, Houso nnd Lot for Sale. m One-halt ut. 33 x 169 feet, sltuste on Uhlgh btreet, near the New ltouhd lsto,rV"Krtm,e,1otrs5!Cl, Wr tilling Well nt Iure Water, and a number of choice Fruit Trees and Vines on the lxt. A nice home tor a small family, for terms, vc., uu ai the CjtliBOJf ADVOCATE OBC, Manx sireei. use u Fort Allen House J CarM Advooate ! ! ! L 1 ljOoo i JM INDEPENDENT" Lehighton, Catbon County. Fenna,, July 9, 1887. MY CORNTRYJTIS OF THEE. My country I 'tis of thee, BWeet land ot liberty, Of thco t sing'. Land Where my fathers died! Land of tho pilgrims' prldol From every mountain side Let freedom ring I My native country, thee, Laird t( the noble, free. Thy hahle I lavtsi t love thy racks nnd rills, Thy woods nnd tcmpletl hills) My heart With rapture thrills Like that above. Let music Swell tho breeze. And ting from all the lices Sweet freedoms' song: it Miortal tongues ftWakttl Lt all that breathe partaRvt Let rocks their silence break, Tho sound prolong, Our fathers' Ood I to thee, Author ot liberty, Tothecwe slngt tiiWg may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our Klhgl At ID 1AN0 bVNB. Should autd acquaintance be forgot. And llcrcr brought to mln' ? Should ilUld Ququaltitanco be forgot, And da u' lahg sllio? For niitd lattg syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet. For autd lang syne. We tlVa hae Wit about tho braes, Ahd pou'd the gowaus fine; But we've wandered mony n weary foot Sin' auld lang syno. We twa hae plald't P the burn, Frae inornln' sun till dine! But seas between us braid hae roared Sin auld lang syne. And here's a hand, my trusty Here, And gie's a hand o' thlnet And we'll tak a right guld Vtlllle-waught For auld lang sytiCi And surely ye'll bo your pint stoop, And surely Pll be mine; And well tak a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang sine. MET BYJCHANCE. by oEitAi.niN): lai'.sti.vo. "Is it raining yet, Viola?" came In petu. lant tones from a big maroon-and-orange Turkish chair, where handsome Kvalilie Markhnm Was reclining ber fastidiously- slippered feet rlcvntetl on a downy otlO' man, her rose cashmero mornincwrapper falling In negligent folds about ber languid figure Her companion replied ill the ndlrtim- live. "Well, I do wish It would clear tip," she continued querulously. "It lias bceu (loth ing but rain, rain for the last three days. One can't shop, or visit, or do anything but sit in the house and perish with ennui. Have you finished my letters. Viola?' "I have this momeht addressed the last," answered the sweet, quiet votco of the pale, black-robed girl at the opposite end of the richly-furnished room. "Then do try and amuse me. Play something, or slntj something! anything vou like!" Viola silently took her placo before the piano, and a moment later a must of tnelo dy mingled with the ceaseless drip and pat tcr of the rain. She possessed a flno voice, and accora panled herself very prettily; and time passed on swift and happy wings when thus occupied It was the only agreeable duty amid the multitude of Irksome ones which bad been Imposed Upon ber since she had become the hired companion of the handsome Miss Slarkham Hut presently at the close of otic of Miss Markh&m's favorite pieces, a peculiarly somnolent round diverted her attention, nnd sue glanced toward the 'lurklsh chair to perceive that the afflicted victim of ennui uuu utieu Buuiucu iiuu tt luiu-uay aiumuttr. v iota s mveiy nps cuneu wiui quiei scorn as sh glanced at the Indolent figure, but tho scord changed to a look of pensive yearning as sue turned uer large soil eyes towara mo winuow ami mearencneu spring world outside. ner thoughts bad gone back to another aay nae inisa ueeting day. wnerem sno nau uvea me one romance oi uer young 1 al . a. un mai otuer rainy day a.year ago sno was sitting In the coach of a railway train, ana oesine ner sai one wnose imago woum live in ntr memory until life should be no more. And she owed her life tnblm-tothls 1 ! 1. 1 I .11.1 J .1 uiKit.ijr iii-u nnuio spicuum luiw .uu uduic icr until, btc, ill Her Wlliu. ai me veryouiseioi mai rainy days journey lie uaa .nsicuea ner irom me very K"P " ""m. one naa misiaxtn ner irain; in ner nasie to correct the error, she had rushed to the platform of the car just as It was starting; in uer nurry sue am noi neea mai anomer uu .mricu iu i uppoaue uirecuuii, iu mat she was directly in Its path. As she perceived her deadly peril, she Hesitated, bewildered with ner sudden ler- ror. A moment more and the locomotive weuld have been upon her; the steam from Its iron throat swept scorchlngly about her; I the glittering bulk was so near she could have touched It as, with a dazed cry, she flung forth her helpless bands. But at the Instant her stranger knight swung himself downward from the moving platform opposite, stretched one streng arm toward ber, clasped her firmly and so drew her cp beside him. rio they had met) and by chance they bad been occupants of the same seat In the crowded coacu aunng an tuai long aay s Journey across the green country, all drenched with the silvery spring rain. So they had met and parted Viola Lor- ttlneandber stranger-knight, whose very name was unknown to Her. ... But there never came a day when the sllycry rains dripped and pattered against roof and pane, that she did not recall nis kind eyes, his beautiful smile, and His iobk of tender regret when they had touched each other's bands llngeilngly In their farewell. Almost unconsciously as sbe mused, her " "f, " "V" ' fingers hovered over the piano keys, and soft voice sang the lines: "Alast how easily things go wrong-- ASignworoucnorawssiooiooE- . And there comes a mist and a weeping rain, And life M new the etrne again, LiVe and Let Live." "Alas I how rarely things go right TIs hanl to 'match on A summer night For tin) stars will fade tihd the sigh wilt stay, And tho summer night Is n winter day." Vlnlaknew that lift) Would never buntitte tho same to ber apt!n as It bad been bofotti her eventful meeting with the noble strttnp tt whose Ihiarro lived In her heart. She had becun tbollttlo sons ttealn.Wbeh tho abrupt rlnclnfi of the door boll echoed through tlio bouse, MietjelnB bet music and arousing tho Indolent nicpen "GOodnessl I bclleVb I have actually bwen napping," lllss Slarkham ejaculated. tuncsand most unlovely expression OtcoUll "Dldivoti think I heeded a watcher, Viola? lcllancc. "Children are odlolls to the; I -ot- bow Is It yoU IiilVcn't cone for tho vel- vet the dressnmkvr asked? I am sure I pay j,Rytt ,m here." you enough to ekpect some little service, Viola's lore'ly fttce paled with lndlgna without belns forever obliged to remind n. I,,. w A,.hA nr.. you of what you are to do." Viola quietly arose, with a glance ttiwnfd tho Window, against which tho Wind was jaslilhgtbc rain In blinding shee'.s. "Ob, the rainy walk won't bnHnVoul'' MIjs Markharm said rudely: "ft little bard- ship now and then is really beneficial to most people. But before you go you must ncip me wiui my natr ami dressing, i nai was Gerald Vynno who rung; even such a ureauiui storm uocsn i mnuer mm in "is attentions to niC." . . . . . . .1.1 a. lew minutes inter v iota nan completed ... . ...... i ncr task and was dismissed for her stormy walk, and Evallne Slarkham, In the splcn- dor of a fresh toilet, swept Into the draw ing-room to receive ber caller. "How tlellRlitttll of you to come so soon though 1 dislike thinking of anybody being out tn surh a cruel storm," she said, In tones skillfully modulated to express the greatest amiability toward the world In general and toward It 1 111 In particular. An tiour oeiore sucn amtauio solicitude .. . . . . ... i would not have failed of Its effect with Gerald Yynne. ITe was a lonely man, and one who found more care than pleasure in the possession of his great wealth. Tie had buried the bride of his early youth some years before, and he bad one childa lovely little boy who sorely needed the bverslght which only A womanly tenderness can afford. Handsome Evallne Slarkham had attract ed him; not as a man is attracted by the one woman who commands his best and closest love, but because he fancied she would make nti isttmable mother for his little Vance. Often he had half resolved lo ask ber to be his wife, but always some Inexplicable feeling bad checked the words upon his lips. Between him and Evallne Markhnm had always arisen the vision of a lithesome young figure and a lovely young face a pale, refined face, framed In softly-banded chestnut lialr, from which looked forth large, earnest eyes of Innocent blue. She would have been all the world to me, If I could have gained her love. That one day was a foretaste of the heaven my life would Have been had not our ways dl- verged. AVe arc never likely to meet again; what might have been can never be. I must forget ber; and I must give my poor little Vance a mother," he thought, as he paused on the threshold of Evallne Mark- ham's home that rainy day. As he paused ho heard the sound of a planoi and of a sweet voice lingering over uie lines. "Alast how easily things go wrong, A sigh too much, or a kiss too long; Aud there comes n mist and n weeping rain, And life Is never the sumo again. And at the sound of the soft yolce there flashed before him another rainy day, with the haunting vision of a lovely face blush. Ing "celestial red" beneath his glances, of sweet Hps which quivered at tne last laro- well, ot dainty bands which trembled in tne parting clasp, "But I must put such fancies from me. She came into illy life only as some bright star might flash across the skies to vanish 4n., no morol t must think of mv b motherless little Vance. And JSvaline, always so amiame, so solicitous for the Comfort of others, Is very worthy lo bemv wife," bethought as he rung the bell and finally presented himself before Miss Markbam. nut somehow the words no naa come to remained unspoken. "My little Vance Is begging to make vour acquaintance" he remarked lightly, as He I . . ... at length arose to aepan. "tho dear lltue xeiiow." .ansa juaricnam cooed, promptly and efluslvely. I do so love a little child. And I feel so sorry for the most of tnem, tool tliey liaye tneir own small sorrows, which older people are aDt to Ignore or fall to understand." The young matt regarded her attentively I . i M . I. ...... 1 , , . i ior a momenij a aeep uusu xnaniiea uis 1 noble ISC6I 01S UPS niOVeU, DUl 1110 ques- tlon he had almost determined lo ask was not uttered. i nrougit me anp ann pauer oi me silver rain outside, through the sudden, slgnm- Cant silence of the elegant drawing-room he seemed to hear an exquisite voice sing- log sweetly and low ! ,.or ,ile 5tar. y, fade and ,ne wlllstay. And Uie summer night Is a winter day." BUt there was a triumphant smile upon Kvalene Markham's handsome features as he Anally withdrew. I ,.rrB l, mine." sbe exulted mentally, nut ber pleasant exultation did not pre- vent her wondering what had detained her vottne companion. "Viola ought to have been back half an hour flpo. and In that half hour she could nearly have mended the tear In my lace overdress. If there Is anythlnff I detest, it )t lh0 wa5tinE 0f time," she grumbled to herself some time after the departure of jjr. Wynne. Almost at the Instant the front door was qucti, opened and Viola stepped Into the baa jjut 5he was not aione. Sheltered from ,ha storm bv her own black cossamer was . ii.,ie chUd a fragile atom of boyhood whose chubby face was wet with lain and - I tears. iji. iittle j. car) and closely buttoued coat were Bb ,oakea and bespattered that .ot and material were alike indlstlngulsh aijie. but the curls beneath the cap were ilka a tanl,i. of .eiiow flav, and the round- ed face hinted of aentla bloed and laving care. I For a second MlssMarkham could only Ml aianmam ltare i Jpecchless surprise. "ViolaLoralnel will you be , good enough t0 tell ma whv vou have brought that j ,,,. in .t, rf.manrl.J sharply at length $128 When "11b Is losthe wtnerylhit llu terfor 1 did not know what tho to do,'' Violi ahswered simply. fr1!.. I.M Irt. r,lAll)AmAil (,-.. hn n. m!. MrkbrhreUirhr.d nljeyi , y,miei. t ycur iulpertlnehtts i i,ri,,ih Pi, . ni,ipP, in, ,,. ii, hhhIvib tbn eamets and overvthlnc with bis ui,i ,,. n,i ,iri. jjUt Viola began pleadingly, i won.t lcr any ,Uy AppBas nboUt charitv and all that,1' 'MIsstMarkham lh ,,,, ..,,,,, th ,1.,.i.vni - Iss Markbam," sho.sabl flrluly In a low ahd pbtfectly calm voice, "If you re fuse to shelter this unfortunate little child, 1 leave the houso with him." You will put hint down the steps this nstant and close tlio door," Was tho tin- ID0VCj answer, jjlU as sbe ,poko she iMcA baekatiuast, an,i crmsbh with mortllkatloa, VaY lu.t then Oefald Wvilhe. will) it be- cullar StnllB UpUrt Ills llils, pushed back the m,ll Mhh dnnr h.l lnnd r,,1:llSrl llofnt-n 1 ' -1--- ,..u a)bn shed s utit "Master Vance will hot trespass upon your hospitality, MIsB ilarkham," he said quietly. "Luckily, t traced my little run away without the .slightest dtlticdltyi 1 was not far behind when this young lady en tered. I rapped, but you somehow failed to hear me." That failure to hear bis rap bad rendered. him an unavoidable auditor t the brief eollomiT. as Evallne understood with a sen saloa qUto tll0 reYers of complacent. ----. Silence was ber best refuge, but had she attempted an apology, be would not hate heeded her. He had turned to Viola, and as tbelr eyes met. Ins whole world, even little Vance, Was forgotten by both at the in- 8tant. Is It possible?" he murmured at length, as be smiled upon the sweet face blushing rosily before his earnest look. "It was really you, then, 1 beard sinning not very long ago?-' The song, the blush,bcr sweet confusion, had given Gerald wyntls a glimpse of hcivon. He knew the titty was not far dls tant wiietl tie couid ciam a i0Tey bride, a noblo mother for his little Vancd, The gentle girl whom be had met by chance on a rainy day a year ago had again been sent to liltli, and lie would bold and keep ber foreyermore, 'This young lady and myself are dear old friends," hd explained to the wondtrlng Miss Mstrkham. That lady submitted to the inevitable more gracefully than might be supposed. She was far too worldly wise to manifest any disappointment when the wealthy Mr. Wynne's attentions wero transferred to her young companion "Viola has married very nicely; but then, there are few really sensible girls who would care to become a step-mother," sho commented on a certain wcddlns occasion some time afterward. OBSOLETE FASHIONS. Wlille uhdergolnc; the ceremony of Intro duction, one yet occasionally sees a gentle man who considers it only due to a lady that he should give her his bare hand. A young lady told us that she Incurred the displeasure of a provincial acquaintance because she merely bowed. Instead of shak ing bands, with a group of gills with some of whom ,ho ua,i but a slight acquaintance, when entering a parlor at a country after- nooa ,ca They called It "putting on airs," when, , fac. wa, tt,ef oWn icnorarJc of the j0Ctainecejsitles of the occasion that was at faut But the provincial young ladles evident ly believed In hatid-shaklDg as part of the .,,. nf ,.,,. Yet at this same eath -rliir.. a friend said the vounsr neouledld , in ... n imnnlltenp.. in .hi,. perng or giggling m the room, or rudely tlarXna. at any dress that differed front their 5lvie ivi,., trtnr. nr.i.nt inn I. ii, ,j ..!,, rre.tinff. wher vour hand i heid atl(i naulrv made after vour welfare I ' an(j tUat of your famly, so as to be heard n t, ranm An error often made In social crcetines i. tu., introduclnir a lady to a gentle- m.n whieh U ttn mm. f rnrri-et. when the aek i, UB ,alne( introduce the nn. .nn.i.. i.r.rnr In t,nl, nr .npUi Ln.ltlnn or h reason of vonth. to the su- I 1 ' ' I parlor 0f 0 Jer. wi, lnir,,ln. It la ,lnnlf h, no, , .,.t,R inj, .ttA i. i,Bn,on.i -lib. a ladv to recoflult. the eentleman at -p, mPP,Inir Tt l. nnt nr Ifflrnlt in tell a flirt If ana seej i,pr sbake htn&, for th, method of tUat cbaracter is to linger over every hand, . n.rttmur hand cam. nearest her .ffprHnna in fact, there Is much to be learned of hum.,, rutnre In the method of social gathering?. Emulation Is lively and generous envy base and malicious, He that after sinning mends, recom mends himself to Ood. A covetous man uocs noming mai ne should do until lie dies. It often costs more to revenge Injuries than to bear them, Forget other people's faults by remem berlng your o-rn He's my friend that speaks well of me behind my back, He that does you a very III turn will never forgive you, He that is masterof himself will soon be master of others, A father Is a treasuro, a brother a com fort but a friend Is both That anxiety is easier to bear than sor row, That talent is sometimes bid in nap kins, audacity never. Not worth ascent now the toboggan, Dry toast a toast at a temperance meeting, In these modern days uie sneieion in the closet usually turns out to be an old pair of hoop-skirls, That the time to bury a hatchet Is be fore blood Is found upon it. -That mistakes are often caught at I big price and sold at a small one. not paid in Advance, Single Copies 6 dents, s-The ptjsuofbce employes hUthber hlne ty-slx thousand then. Telephone girls are not sathts, Vet there Is always a "halo" arollnd their heads. News conies from Georgia to the effect that a man In thAt State Is living "'pleas antly" with Ills elgtith wife. Tho shows the value Of trying again If at first yoU don't succeed, A lover of statistics hits discovered that your wife has to put Id 1U,'009 stitches every time she fashions a llfttid'tnide shirt, And even then It doesn't tit. TrohblB Ahead. When tho aplictite falls, tvlid sleet) cTdvs rest. less ahd mircfrcslilngi there I) trouble tlllcndi Tlio digestive organs-. When hcalthyi Chive food, the nervous system, when vigorous andirahqull Iveslts iosse!isor hit itnr.n,ltipfi. nt sits iiosscsspr In) uncislhess at tilghl. A nine, to be.enith-e, should not bo a mere appe tizer, tirir life the nerves to bo strengthened and soothed he Unaided action of it scdntlvo or a narcotltt. What is. required 18 a Medicine which imi is require! lie stomach ai nvlKoratfs the stomach and promotes nsslmll.i- Ion of rood lly the syslein, by Which In nervous systenli as well as tile other purl of the cans uie physical organism, are Strengthened. These are Bitters. a medicine whose Imputation Is founded nrinly In iis.cnecis oi iinsiciier s oinmacn puulie confidence, and which physlclahs com menu ror ts tome, ah -b m s unu other nron- erucs. iiisusen wiiii me dosi icsuitsin lever and ague, rheumatism, kidney ami uterine Weak. ucss, unu otucr inaiauics. Vife--"De'dr, 1 wish yott would Invito youhg Professor Yi tolUe day, I b-sar lio Is so dreadfully aUsunt-mlridcdt pctliapsbo will take out Ceella." Baeklea's Afntca Salve. The bust srtlvo lii Hid world iur cuts. brUises, sbft!s,ulccrssalt rhudrri.feVrjrsbres, tetter, chapped Hands, cljllb!and9i corns, and ail skin chiptlblls, atid pbslM-ely hllres pilos, or rid pay required, it U guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Trice 25c. per box, at Thomas'. In the matter of speed there is a great similarity between a flash of lightning ahd a bit of Unfounded gossip, Sixty-seven people die every minute in tills world. Dr.rroter's Magle Ointment. A at,t44 rt,lnr,l,(,ll 1ltdla tillVt.- ntlia HHIft flesh Wounds, sore tiitmle. hard and soft corns, chapped Hps nnd hatlds.. Price SO cents, Sold by druggists, Williams M'f'g, Co., rrdij's,, CUivcIftud, O. Sold by T. Thomas, tho druggist. ''You tttd Jones don't seem tt) be as thick as you were. Does he owe you any money?" "No. lie wants to." Or. rraiter's Bflot Bittetl. Frazler's Root ltittcrs aro not a dram shop beverage. But are strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse tho blood and system of every Impurity. Sold by druggists, $1. At Thomas' drua store. A mustard plaster Is very sympathetic; when it can't do anything else for you It draws your attention. Kenews Iter Youth. Mrs. Phoebo Chesly, Paterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkable story, the truth of which is yonched for by tho residents of tho townt "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kldllcy complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress mvsclf Without help. Now I am free Ironl an pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. Id we my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, nnd removed completely nil disease and pain." Try a bottle, only x. u. i nomas- rug store, The merest schoolboy could dispute the saying that "history repeats Itself." Although present, a blind man Is always out of sight. nay Fever. Asthma. Immediate relief. Fontaine's Cure. For sale byC. T. Horn. Harvard's gymnasium cost $110,000. YOe's $125,000 and Columbia's $160,000. Job work at tills ofllce. No Cure No Pay. A new departure In medicine! Fontaine's Great Discovery re moves the cause of disease; namely, dis ease germs. This guarantee means some thingfor "Knowledge Is power." For n, Tl fl. IV Ttnen'a .1 en r atnwi. A man In Iowa, Mich., has a turkey which has been trained to draw a sled. Far blood, liver. kidneV and stomach diseases use Dr. Lloyd's family medicine no cure no pay at u. t. Horn's ucntrat Drue Store. Gall Hamilton has temporarily Injured her eyesight from over reading, "Have you heard 'Sing to Mo Only Once Again'?" she asked sweetly. "No, but I shall be delighted," ho said, with un necessary fervor. For dyspepsia nr sick headache use Dr. Lloyd's family medlclno no cure no pay at C. T. Horn's Central Drutf Store. A young couple who proposed visiting the summit of Mount Washington registered at the Glan House as "Two for ascent." Will vou sufler with Dvsnensla and Liver omplalnt? Shlloh's Vltallter Is guaranteed to cure you. soiu oy ur. iiorn, uenignion and Blcry, Welscport. Always oa top tue hat. Always under fool the shoe. Ah, ha 1 We can do this sort of thing too. filecnlcss nlgliU. made miserable by that Icrrihle couzh. Shlloh's Cure Is tne remedy for vou. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton and uiery, weissport. If the age of a nation may computed as that of a tree Is measured by Its rings wbat a yensrable institution our republic must be. 6hllohs VlUllier Is what you need for consumption, Loss of Appetite, Diiilnens and all symptoms of Dyppepsia. Prico 10 and 76 cents per bottle. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehiglitoo, and Ulery, weissport. A dead giveaway "And I bequeath my mortal remains to the cause of science." We bear of a dress subdued in tone. Tbey should sell by the score. That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Sluloh's (Jure. We guarantee it, Sold by Ur. Morn, lenignton, nna uiery. Weissport. At what age do men usually wish to retire from life? Hermit-age. A man who has been flung oyer wharf, ought to know warf o'er he speaks From Miss Susie McKay, the gifted soprano, No. 9 Cory St. Providence, It. I. Anrll 90 1RSS. "It aflbrds me sreat nleas ure in adding my testimony regarding the efficacy of Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer 1 have used It in my family with the most successful results." lor sale by all druggists. Price 25c. 60. and 1.00 per bottle. . Phvulc la necessary at times for Bilious, ness, Cnstiveness,dc. Use Dr, Seth Arnold's Bilious Pills. 35c. "You girls want the earth," said State street father, when one of Ills d&ugb ters asked him for six dollars for a new Jacket "No papa," said the Ingenious child of 20, "not the earth only a new Jersey," Advertising Rates For Legal Noticed, the following prices for legal hdverJ Ihg has bttfu ftdopteU by the CABBOit Charter Notfces i $4 00 Auditor's NoUcts - 00 LMtnlnlssretier's Xbtlces ' 4 00 Dlvorto NctllXis " 4 00 Administrator's Notices 3 On Executor's Nbilco - - 3 CO tVllitorWal nrlvvrtUlrtlrWIIIlwfcliarccd fof by the square. . , ' II TTfii.l To Eegulate fllYTH FAVORITE HOME REMEDY II THK wtrramed tiol to tohllW klnglt pari A UU tide of Mitcliry or Tiy iVJi)Hou lulN stance, but Is purely vegetable. n Vt'lil Cure &U Diseases eittsed by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver II out cf oHtti then your tiole tystcin i ll deranged. impurej trie Dream onenwTj you hitv hodnkfie, feel languid, dlipiritcU and iKrVo'ui, To prevent rncVr icrfobi con ditlori, UV at onc Slmmohi LIVER! kEOUUTOR. If Vbttteadi Mdenury life, or lutTer witlj r KldnpT Altf cUom. avoid stlmulanu and lake SlilUtloili liver Regulate. Sura to rtlreve. It" Vou liiVd eaicfi irtyiMhi Itard of digeition, or, feel heavy -fttt ihetua or lUepIcM at night ( tilt A dot arid you will feel relUVed and klefc pica tartly. If you art a rh lie rati d lufferer wtth Cnnatlpatlon; Ujrupcpala and ItllloUHnCMg, seek relief at one In Simmon 'Liver Reculatof. It doei not require continual do ing, attd coita but Utile. It will cure you. If you walte ltd In th rriortittig with Diner, Daa taste in your moutn, TAKE 5tminoni tiVtr Regulator. It cori recti the UIku4 Stomach, aweetent the Breath, and cleanse the Fuftc Uhlldren often need Me kafe Cathaf tic ahd Tohlc . to avert artircacHlftir ilcVness. cHIr Simmon Liver ReaiilattJr will relief Colic, Headi Ache, Sick Btohuch. Indicvllon, Dytcnterfi od Ihe Complaints incident to Chndhood, At any llMe yod feet ymtriyttem noeds tleansiog(ionine, retaliating wfihoutvioleni tUhn, dr stimulating without rntoxU caring, talcs pfttprtio BY I,H.ZEIUH& CO..PhiladelphhFX. E. IT. Ltjckmbach, DRAIiKIt IN WALL PAPERS. Borders & Decorations, Boots, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, tilteit Styles', inide add put Up, If desired. Pnihta, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters Supplies, No. 61 Broadway Manch Chniik Pa. Below the Broadway House. Sale Bills Printetl at this Office. HEADQUARTER for JEWELRY . i-ift.i.. , 11. JiOl9 Opposite Uie Carbon ltouso, Bank Strcot, lehigh ton l'onn'a., sells Watches! Clocks and Jewelry, Cheaper on an average than can ho bought any where else In Uia county. Call and sae. REPAIRING In all Its branches, nnativ, cheaply and prompt1 ies, neatly, cliea ly iittoimed to, ALSO A FULL LINE 01 School Books AND Stationers Supplies , ItOVetuberse-iy U.S.LITZENBERG, (Late Special Examiner tf, H. 1'eiulon Oltlce.) Military Claim Apnt, ALLENTOWN, Penna., 'rosecitlen claims for l'enslous, Increase of 'eiislotiillounty and all manlier ot claims ngallisC the government. Ten years experience n tne I elision nusincss unu iir.u ij n,ua um. w amlner In tho U. 8. l'eiislon Oflleo. I mnko a specialty ot increase c;aimes. JIavSi-flin tT. 8. LlTZUNBEItO. 0. , SNYDER, D, V. S,, MRhsloh, Lehighton, Inn devoted to the diseases preva lent amongst domesticated nnlmals. castration lertorincil ltn rue lunisseur ii ucsirv-u. vrucxv y malt promptly attended to. All the latest and best news; the Advocate, $1 per year 60 cents, six months. SWEENY'S Corner Store ! Finest Porolcan Dinner Setsi He Famous Belmont Shape. 103 Pieces Belmont Dinner Sets Wa rcrly Decoratlou, $22,00. 103 Pieces Belmont Winter Sets j Elgin Decoration, $20.00. 103 Pieces Belmont Dinner Sets j Merl den Uocorntlou, $17.00. H Pieces Berlin Tea Sots) Hudson, Decoration, 5.50, 44 Pieces Berlin Tea Sets) Cambridge: Decoration, $0.25. 44 Pieces Berlin Ten Sets; Falrmonnt Decora! Ion, $0.50. 40 Pieces White Ornulte Ware, Oul $8.00. The above Goods are Guarrnteed against Crating and are of the beet t'hinaware. O. M. Sweeny, & Son, AT The CORNER STORE. n I i 'fW