53- PraiiirP M&M H H vl l B Ta a Horao-Shoor Sc Blacksmith, North Sticot, Lcliighton, 1'cnnn. TbeundHStitmitlminR purchased tho Carbon House lllrcksnilthstuu), Is prepared to linnny ttilnitln lilsllnoutthevcrylimcstprices. Don't fallto-c-ill. All work done In the best maimer and St lo .V p.tlccs, FllANK P.. DJEIIL, May2l-cm North Strcot. Lclilgliton. FOR PiTCHE S Castorla yvomotns Digestion, mid overcomes Jb latulcucy, Constipation, Sour Stomacli, Dlnrrhrrn, end Fovcrhliness. Thus tho child Is rendered lioaltliy and Its deep natural. Castorla contains no Morplilno or other lmreotle property. 41 Ctutoria Is no well adapted to children that Irvoonunend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. AnciiKn, M.P., 63 Portland A e., Urooklyn, N. Y. "I use CnstorlA In my practice, nnd find It specially adapted to affections of eldlireu,M Alex. HpmcirrsoN, It. D., 10W Sd Ave., New York. Tn Centaur Co., JSS Fulton St., N. Y. ELY'S nnTHH.T TliTW ATiciinrcCH uieanscs live mcMXmc.ad, Allays wu-iiiiwsun 777,. Rnvos . A-.Alt 7.os,.., 47, n ..rv-r ran srv&a Mil 'f.t, i aste Hear n y- . tine. -I'fiviiK itiV0 Cava. A particle applied Into each noslrll and Is agree. UU1C. 1 riUli m Ellin ll iUUiMn, u iii.iii,n,n lered, UO cents. Circulars free. l'.I.Y llltOS.. DrussUts.O'.vesoN. Y Oct-2-lSSG Henry 31iller Weissport Planing Mill, MAXtTACTUJlCIt 01' "Window and Doon Frames, Doors, Shutters, Ulinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DKALEK IN ill IMi of Ml LMl)r, Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c., &c. Very Lowest Prices. Apr. 9-ly. The Common Sense LIFT and FORCE PUMP Makes n complete I'lio Department for nny Country Homo out of a common v.imkI pump, at A verv fount! pnt- Wfirttt V'lflv Tint.. IU Cjt is ou need It to putoutailiv.audfiliciuclyliaiidy for lots of other thinus. Keauy for uctlnn In utio-eluhth of a minute. Hncriivtic biulucxs moil wlmwlllKliult proper jiuciuiuu ure wumcu tu iiauoic iut juimp m v.vi) luimin i;iiiijr4ttwii new .turfctn. fliarj. land, DcluMitie, VhullUK aiid Nolth Ciiri lliiu, nd will be iieeoided thaioutrol o si.Jtjl icr niory noi uucauy ocisipieu. CHASr G, -BL ATCHLEY, JBrlANUPAOTURBR Of all sites and Uylcs ot wood pumps. ' Office: S H. K. Citv ll.MX Bii'AiiK, Uptiojlte Xlivad M., Siathih V. It. if., rJllLADEWlUA, l'A. pril 16 1 13t cow Get .tho Advocate, Subscribe for tho Advocate. $1 a year the Adocutc 1J Uie latest mi l best news. tiin AS WE CLIP HUMOROSh'IES. Gordon Gumming llkcnaul nil African jungle to a forest of llsh hooks rellaycil by an occasional patch of penknives. It docs not change tlio weather to com plain about It, lint there Is a Hills satltfac- tlon In a good vigorous kick once In rt while. -Tho dav of tlieilslterin.iu, ho of the roil and II v. liasagaln begun, and truth, crushed to earth during tho winter, will proceed to rise again. Enjoy Life. What a trnlr beautiful world we live In ' Kuturo glfcs us grandeur of mountains, gleni and oceans, and thousands of means ol enjoyment. 'Wo can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and win n out with ilUensp, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufl'erer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that GtlKHS's Atrousr I'TjOWKO, will make them ireolrom disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint are the direct camea of seventy-five " . . ... .i I ..,! . nil! per cent, oi sum niHiiuues ni diiiuiimicss, Indigestion, Slek Headache, Costiveness, Xervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, nnd other distress ing symptoms. Three do.es of Al'fitlsr I'Xowkr will prove its woiiiioriui ciieri. Sample bottles, 10 tcnls. Try it. Editorial excursions are never delayed nor the members over molested by train robbers. Tennyson's last poem is In blank verse. Somo critics aro mean enough to insinuate that he ought to fill out the blanks. Indlspsaiablo to the Toilet. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid cures chafing, eruptions nnd iuflamatiouofall kinds; euros nnunieil or sore eyes: relieves pains irom bites or r.tings of insects and sore leel; de stroys all taint of peisperatinn or ollcnslvc smell from the feet or any part of the body; cleanses and whitens the skin. Used as u dentifrice it purifies the breath; preserves Hie tcctli aim cures tootliaclie;.sore gums it ml canker. A little of tho Fluid in the Water used in bathinc is very rclrcshing and especially beneficial to tho sick. O'O 1 A Vassar Instructor is getting the girls to agree not to wear corsets, btny, lady, stay. Seven thousand goat skins haya cone Into the binding of General Grant's book. This Is an Interesting Item. A great many books now Issued oughl to be bound In calf. On slit to be Known by All I The wonderfully quick and certain re lief afforded by Fontaine's Cure In cases of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis and as thma. It will cure a cold In 12 minutes! The first doso will give relief. It will cure croup In as many minutes. A child's Uf may be saved uy it3 timely use. it is a rail) cal cure for Asthma. It should always be in the House, ready lor an emergency. L-ai: you, or nny person afford to take n risk, when, you can absolutely cuard neain3t ItV Whooping-cough, consumption uml bron- cmtis win yieni 10 tuts medicine wnen others have failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. 'All signs fall In a dry time," but did you ever try winking at tho drug clerk. Farmers In summer time don't need to buy the funny papers. All they haye to do is to go out and watch tho city border try. ing to swing tho scythe. The usual treatment ot, catarrh is very unitisf.ielorv. us thousands of despairins patients can testify. On this point a trust worthy medical writer taybt rroper loca1 treatment is positively necessary to success but many, if not most, of the remedies Ii general use by physicians allow uul tempo rary benefit. A cure certainly cannot be ex pected from fciiuffti, powders, douches am washes." Ely's Cream llalin is a remedy whii li combiner the important requisites ol (juick action, tpecilic curative picr with perfett safety nnd pleasantness to th patient. Tho Chicago papers announce, witl pardonable pildc, that tho court house ha' received a durable coat of paint and is now n completo repair. A man's funny bone, we presume enables him to "laugh In his sleeve." Glad tidings, ltelicf and cure of throa' .ind lungdlscase. Fontaine's Cure is suar- antced to cum a cold In Vi hours. Sold b 0. T. Horn, Druggist. Why not offer John L. the I'resldencj of the Amcilcan Pomtnclogical society. Hay Fever, Asthma. Relief guaranteed. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by 0. T. Horn. Tho chief attraction about a miser I.- his charming heirs. No Cure No Pay. A new departure In medlcil science! Fontalno's euro for throa' mil lung diseases has cured after all othei remedies failed. For salo at Dr. C. T. Horn's dru? store. Among drinking men in prohibition localities clubs aro trumps. Dr. Lloyds family medicines no cure no p.iy at C. T. Horn's Central Drue store. It's a wise paragraphcr who can recog nlze his own Items after they've been the rounds of lite press for a year or so. For Rheumatism use Dr. Lloyd's fam ily medicine no euro no pay at C. T. Horn's Central Drug Store. It Is useless fur women to try to write poetry, for it has long been a conceded fnct that "poets are born, not uiaid." "Hackmetack." a lastinc and fraarant perfume. Trice 23 and 50 cents. Sold bv Dr. Horn, Lcliighton, and lltery, Weiasjiort Little pitchers aro said to have big cars, and the same, opinion Is held of umpires, large and small. Shiloh's Curo will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, SoldW Dr. Horn. Lehitrlitou. nnd Hierv Weissport, The reason so many Russians come to America Is because they leave only a step' po mother country. For Dyspepsia and Liver Comnlaiut. von have a printed .guarantee on every bottle of rihiloli's Yitalirer It never fails lo cure. bold by Dr. Horn, Lcliighton, and Bicry, lo man can bo called a good base ball player until he can pitch a ball that will curvo the umpire. A Nasal Injector free with cacli bottle of hhlloli 's Catarrh llemolv. Prtcn r.fl Sold by l)r, Horn, Lcliighton, and Ilicrv, wciorl. Medical students are among Iho most snubbisli people In the world. It Is a com mon practice with them lo cut people dead From Miss Susie Mrkav, tho cifted soprano, No. 0 Cnry H. Providence, R. I., lru ! ', 1633. "it allows me great pleas. uro in adding my testimony regarding the emcacy oi r. own .vrnoia 6 cotigu Killer as 1 have used it in my fajnilv with the mos.t Miecessful results." For sale by all nrtiggirut. ATieo zsc, ou. una fl.OD per inline. Physic U iieccs'sary nt tfmi'S for Bilious. xes, Cualijiencsii.&c. UbO Dr. Sctji Arnold'd Uilious Pills. a.e, If itii true that "Death loves a shlnln mark," he ought lo bo seen chasing tho average bootblack with his old sejthe. Disticss lifter catlmr. heartburn. six head ache, and indigestion are curuJ by Hood's careaparuia. it also creates a good appe UlU. It U a treat mWake to draw soil around I the ticins of plants with a view of forcing j iWlO HUUI I11- "UUfO UKlIirO llCVer 1U- tended there should bo any. Even when f.i.vu?uni:it:u, luublt'iua Ul liu hliiu VI plains Should Po set doner In tho soil thnn lli,.v - J i urijjinauy grow. KASKINE Thb Now QuinlnoJ GIVES Good Anpelite, New Strength, Quiet Neryes. appy Days. Sweet Sleep. A IOWEltlUL 10XIC. that tho most delicate stomach will bear. A SVEUIFIO FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all (lerin Diseases. the most Ht'iRVTivrn Axn MirrFjw. nil. lir.ooi) runiKllllt. Kiii.crlurtmiuinlne. Mr. 1'. A. Miller, Kso i:nst ICOtli street, New York, was cured by Kasklnc of extreme nial.ul iil prostration lifter seveu jears sutfcilng. He Ho had run clown from 17., nonnds tu nr. liritun on Kaskltio In .tune, Ibki, went to work In one month, retrained his full welKht In six mouths. (Jnliilno did lilm no gool whatever. Mr. Oldeon Thompson, the oldest nnd one ot tho most respected citizens nf ltrldgcort,('onn., snysi "I am ninety years of ngn, and for tho last Itirno ycnr.1 have suffcrod from malaria anil tlic effwts of (iiiliiiiie polsonluir. I recentlv hegan with K.isMne which urnke ui the malaria and liicreast'd my nelcht 22 pounds." Knsklno can ho taken without nnv special nicrtlcal Hdvlce. Jl.ooper bottle. Hold hv T.I). TlIO;rAK r,Hilghtoii, Pa., or sent by iut.il on receipt of price. iiKTtteni inr iiAmiiaj. nas on punuc ex hibition u rcmark.'llili' MuotUln. nv tnttrlpl nf ttio human hody, shewing the stnuiacti, heart. Iniiir, liver, spleln, kldiievs and othrr origins ami parts liihcaltliniidliidlsea.se. llv an luiipecllon 111" nitMctcd 'itn see tho nature and location of their tumbles and learn how KASKINE relieves nnd cures I hem. TIIK KASKINti CO., drcl-ly BlWnrren St. New York. ISLrS ORE AH BALM Is not a liquid, snuff or poxeder. Applied into nottrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses the licad. Allays inflammation Heals the tores. Restores the si uses of lasts and smell. CO xnt at Druggists; ly mnfi, registtrti, 60 cents. ELYBR07HERS.lni(rsl8ls,OTfcco,NV. i mm TitiiL ccn-r. Tiscctlhe nritilrpllrula Wrrr?Mnsi aoi-iirau ounr rsucnitiuii nasmd.i uuiimit Jmnst vlnlPlit ait irl: f Itihiiitr rnmfr.it"li1o l(isi .li italTcrttf riircs wli.ro nil nthr rr n.idi.-s feil'BC Pktitt wnttlnpr lor rrMiHf. lis r.ctlon i?M Cliinincdlate, ilfrrrt urt certnli nml nv tcureis ciU-ctcatu nil IfKAHLKCAMfJ It pcrinaaouU; cured as. Refer to no at any time." t i Pan. IS, lutt. f(. I'atU, 1nn p 'I am cntlrol rcrtorid to bcaltb hj German Aisn Cnrj." Tho. t.ttm. li.isa.iie., fikia l. M-Rcrmao Aithmi Cure li all ycra flalia ft.rit, Itbcr rMU." rmr, k. if iwgeiflfi, G.-rtPvfUe S. I My phrMcUareeaiainenild Ctrman iitbmn t'ure It i ft Lout it. J at 5 Or. and t 1 or M?t Uy h nil n i(vti ty ,oi pciuo. trial i'nrLjo irrn iu any Rjjrtr H1 iaasaERnsatssi! Central Carriage Works,. isaiik St., Leliiglitoii, Pa.. Aro prepared to Manufacture. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring TIragon, &c., 'f every Joscrtptlon, In tho most substantia manner, nnd at I.oircrt Cash Prices Repairing Promptly Attended (e. TUEXLER & KREIDLRR, April 28, 1832 yl Proprietors. PUMPS ! Red Jaoket Force Pump for any Depth of well. silicic Cylinder, .... 818 OC IJOUUIU ' 21 Oi: lio racl;liig-uos rump. Buclcoyo Foroo Pump up to faoyonty-nvo Feet. Single Cj Under, . . - . $1100 lfouu:e . . jo uO Humsey Force Pump, $13.50, Depth up to scventv-flvo feet. Rumsoy Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feet, fa.no. Iron cistern Tump from upwurus. aisi WOODEN POMPS ABD CAIN PUMPS. FIVE per cent. otT. for Cash. JOHN II. 11. ACKHlt, Agent, Wf.lt. Hinki:h and Cihtkun lli'it.nr.n. Itmk ay, I.ehlghton, opposite tho old I'll lit lug Cil'.icc. 1" 'irt -VI loarlLg tliaekhl toft, clear and UautUii: Touch with IMs cotnponnil the soft lily chcelc. And the Wight (,;. will Lest lu vlrtuos speak. Also Instructions for prochic.'njr a luxuriant Srowthpf halronahow hoa.l or smooth face. Ad drusaA. I). Btuvcu CO Aim SL. Kow Yort WORKING CLASSES iSi"! narcu in iiiimsn ;t classes win employment :u home, the whole ot tho time, or tor their spare moments. Iliuines new, light anil protltatiie. Persons ol either sex easily earn fiomao cents to S&.00 iicrevfUliiK, ai.il a iiroiHirtlona! sum h) (if willnjri.ll their tune to the buKineta. Honk nml uhls earn m'aily as nmcli as men. flint all v. ho sco mis may semi tuclr uUiti-ess ami lcttln hosluevs. we loaUe Ihlsolfer. Tnsach asur4M!nl well sullsflid ue will vend one Oollnr to jkij- lor II, c trouble ot writlPtf. l'ullpaitlciilarsand out 111 Irce. Address linoituK biiNuni : Co.. I'ort an, Maine. Uiclb-ly. to be mane. Cut this out and re turn m Ufc, and we will send j on five soinethllic of meat alue unci tin- PortaiH-o to mi, that will vlart jouln Iiimiucm which will In Ins jmi in moie iiuini-y rhtht awaj tuilll imvthlngelse in lhlworhl. iliyotieciindo the work and the at Home. KltherM-x; all uki s. Kometlilng new Hint pist coins moiu-y lor all workers. Wo till start you; aiiiii.l not needed This i ono f tho u.-miluc, lioiiortaiit chain cs ol n lifetime U'li.iM' who art-aniliil Inns nud vnler iroliit.'uiUiii)t cIcUv. (Irumt outlil fice. Ad dress Tun: & Co.. AuRiista, Maine. decia l AFFLICTED UKFORTUNATE After all ottiara fall consult I ... " , 1 1 " t.i im n mtn 9 1 I,10lnBl- TZ.!i:.0?rll PWll 'Pl- mancnny re-.tnre inost wi icO ly ca-l trdl.erc ,":" S. -'''" A-l;u fn-. an i irtclv . on nacuual Jlutirt nan tui ,, ku ' i la s r.'C;iln(a , Dec-mier smsso ly pas I i VEGETABLE a lltlJU TAX, I'ltKfltUIH, I'l.HPr.llS. 1lT.OTf?ll III ll'ir iiiitiu t. . DC vnln nulti nnofnn I TUG OHAfiDEST Remedy of the Age. EM 1-2 ALEE?. AfTorda quick relief of Neuralgia, Headache, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Aathran., AHS BT CDiillHOID P52 Srr3CT3 A CC23. f2""Snt Miction cticnu'to.l or money refunded, Blx moutlil trvtiniiRt iorM cents. ItrirardruiKlstluAnr.tfha Inhalnr tn stock. wnd EJ contilnBUmp,and tho Inlivlcr trill tie fr.rdol tir pull, pontwn piiit, tr.a If, at tli Mplmllou o i flro dwi from US rcoolt.tjm uro nnt tntlfirl with Its olTecln, loa mar lum it. nnil If ,moloj In cuod egn4ition, our mnnerirUI ton funded. Circular and tsrttiiwiinli mollol frco oa aiiplliAtlon ' H. Rj CURHPilAW, 'JJiroo XUvora, Ellch. 0c Ki.s.lSSS-Slil PATEMTS.M FRAHKLtfi II. HOUGH.1 Solicitor of American & Forcip Patents 020 F St., near U. S. I'ntckt Ofiice, wasiuxoton; d. g. All hiislncss htforeXthlted States Patent Oftleo attemleil thfoi moderate fees, intents procured in the United Slates anil all l'rtri'leu Countries. trade Uarkt and LaVrh rviflstrri'd. licjretcrt HppllrtillniiR revived and prosecuted, lntnrma tlen ami ndvlcu ius lanhtnlnlnif l'liteiilsrhccr fullv furnished without ( hurst". Send Sketch or Model for l'ltnii opinion as lo 1'atciitabilltV. Agency In tho U. (3. ,p03sesso3 superior ''acllttles for ohtiilnlin? l'atcnts or ascertnlnlns thei 1'atentahll ItY of Inventions. Copies of patents f urnMied for 23c. each. 137" Correspondence solicited. icor. 13 "WEEKS. Tho rOf.ICE GAZETTE will lie mailed, ccurcly wrapped, to any nddrsss In tho Uni. cd States for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal riltrnunl nl lowed I') pnslmnsl'rs, tpftits nnd clubs. Sstnplo copies motlcd Irco Address all orders to HICIIAIID K. FOX, May 30,18S5-ly FiiaskmK EqrAnK.'N. Y. Subscribe for Advocate $1 per cheaHcst arru best. the Car iion year. Tne SHERIDAN'S" CONDITION POWDER Is nhfiohitely rurp nnd I.tirWy ronccnf ratrrt. Onr ntincfl la vonh r orml cf nnv rlhcr kind. It Is ttrtcily a moiliclno to 6o plcn f!i JV.I. KilWrjr on rarih in.ikc hrvs Ir.y iiko It It ci.rvn chicken cholera snd ail dlsparacf hiiB. Is nrh ttivdrt hi f.o'1. Uliii trnlOil Iiik Ijv mnll tVr-r. floM r rryAvlipn, cr n nt by mil ff.r ifi crtln Ptnmr fM' tin runs, St;-by ma'h fl.ro. Pit tn hv c.tnrvn. rnimlrt. f&r S .(X). Mil. I. u. Jono;r to CO.,i:ui:toDl llnsa ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line oi advertising' in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,- Nuvvapaper Aclvartleinrj Bureau, lO Spruce St., Now York. Send lOots. tor lOO-Paqo Pamphlet. Tho Trndorsigncd having hecn rcr stored to health bv simple literals, af tci sufferinp: for sdveral years with a rovcro lung aueotion, and that dread disease Consumntion. is rubious to make lcnnivn to his fellow KttlTorpra tho mean' o curo. To thoso who debiro it, ho will cheerfully send (frco or cnarpo) a copv of tho prescription used, which they will flndasurocuro for Consumntion, Asthma, Catarrh, Hronehilis nud all throat und lunpc Idaladioo. I!o hopes all BUfforera will try his Ilouiedy, aa it will cost them nothing U11U 11IUV JIUVU II Wltoojii,. A uu. u " siring tho prrwiption, will plenpo ad anS, Kl'.V. diUWAK'J A. WllvLiUIi, illiamuburff, Kiass Co., Now yorlr, (Tunis Iwivmllrmsi HfnM t7 fl Mlirqchr i Etiiiui Eipjtj & Bit bill:. eeBjlrsrn!gitritc4 A GENTLEMAN, of?E vous Prostration, Seminal Weakness, Proinnturo Decay, and all tho evil ef fects of early indiscretion and youthful folly, is anxious to mako known to others tho simpiomodoof Belf-curc. To thosa who wish and will glvo him their symptoms, ho will send (frco) by ro turn mall a copy of tho rcclpa so suo cobsfully used in Ids case. Address in confidence, JAlias W. PijfMv, 43 Cedar St., Js. V. illEE'S IMFB3VEB m mm SWILl J CIl'PI F ACCUitilk IMS ACCUlUTb IKS CHyj. DL'RAcLt. BHXJA1U IUUH 11'UUrC9,i3ALr, V.LV RAINBOW RUPTURE "mi Sl?,'',,!,W'ilu,Iw'tn.iiui. it Is nota V W "", M"l't " .i- . i w circular will, te mtnilii!, trym tnjlf ful nilmH cared b, tbf a rmairouuiuln usI,Bd louialaour IMOtullr fit Aelii arc acarr, l,n, tbaM who writ la tkluatMkCa .Portland. Main. will ! frt-e, full liiforrnnnon atrfiut ok wblctt Ihey can do, anj live at booif,llial will par Ihcxa froai S.S lo A2j car dav. fiaua hava earstdavcr.ilnaday Etibcr ouak-orold Oapllal not rmiiiir, Vou ai t atarlrd fieci Tho wlio Hart at oata ataaUMHUtcauiaarftiiaxliularortuDca. AUUaair, 2 Cure imar.inteed fliiir.;i II. Mayer. llAu-liKt..l'liila. !': K nt mice Ko operation or i u-.lm -,s delay Thousauds of tuns. At Key, tone Iloitss, luaiho,". r, nd b tuidjy ot .aeli mouth, Beud Xui rin-ulrs, Advieelieej Ja.,ij-yl . h u t.tr tfu rr.i risairTw i'm fin I 1 rK MDnH I If UL.11ADLIL. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Tho Kltchon Garden In July. Weeds will now prow npace, and the rake, hoc, and cultivator must bo kept In motion. The asparagus tops should lint bo cut away for decorations, etc., to nny great extent. Next year's crop will depend upon tho growth of this year's top; but fnw weeds will grow In the shade of tho tops; pull out those that appear Plant Refugee Beans for late use and for picking l'lant quick growing varieties of sweet corn for late use Sow early beets to afford an abundance of things which aro btfttcr than spinach in nildstlninicr When the cucumbers for pickles aro up, dust tho plants M ill) ashes or plaster to keep off the hut's" Do not allow sweet potato vines to rpofnt tho joints. When hoeing, move the vines Keep tho tomatoes from the ground. If no trellis has been provided, lay brush under them, to keep the fruit off the ground. i o.o ' Don't Experiment. Yon cannot allord to waslo tim6 in cxperi mcnting when your lungs are in danger, Consumption always seems, at first, only : colu. Do not permit nnv ilcaler to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New DUcovery for Consumption, coughs anil ei 1.1s, but bo sure you get the genuine. Ilceause ho cm make more profit he may tell you he has sotnelhing just as good, or juil iho same. D m'l. bo decived, insist un.m Kettinsr Dr. Kind's Nov Dis covery, which is gtirantccd lo- rfvo relief in all thro.it, l.tnz and chest ndeetions. lnai bottles ol this Uicat Discovery for consumption free at X. D. Thomas' dru, etore. Cleaninc Qraia and Hay Fields, rrcachlng economy has hecome monoton ous; yet on tho farm, as elsewhere, waste takes more than storms, frosts and Insects. It Is the worst form of uuslu to prepare the land, to manure It, to cultivate Iho plan, and then leave a good part or tho crop on tho ground. When small grain Is cut by a self-blndcr,properly operated, so little grain Is lett on the field, that it will not pay for gleaning It. Rut wherj a reaper with rake or dropper attachment Is used, or the grain Is cut with a cradle, gleaning Is quite pro lltahle, especially In the wheat field. The best implement for the purpose is a hay rake. The rovolvlng-herd rake is better than the SQrlng-tootli.3ulky rake, as It does not rako so close, and while gathering up tho'grain will take les3 foreign matter, especially when tho grain has been sown on corn-stalk ground, without removlu the slalki. The gleaning should he do.. .is soon as the grain Is cut, as that lyin on the stubble Is rapidly damaged; oven, the dnw and sun bleach It, and a hard tain will beat It down into the stubble. If the gleaning 13 done nt once, the grain will be of as good quality as that taken from the .capon The grain niaj bo bound or mowed away loose. Gleaned oats "are best fi unthreshed. A boy In Illinois cleared one hundred dollars by gleaning the grain fields of his neighbors. Many of them allowed him the glconlii'jn frco. This may bo hint to other boys, while moit farmers will find that It will pay to glean their own fields. .. Romembcr This. Our circulation Is rapidly irtcroasln; everybody leads the Ahvocati:. , Advertlso your sales lu the Camion Advocati;. Subscribe for and read the Aiivocat-: SI. 00 per year all the news. Yon ean have salo bills printed at this ofiice while, yon Walt. All will do well to have their sale bill printed nt this oiiiec. A position In our "Public Sale Iteglstcr" Is worth consider able. Wo do all kinds of plain nnd fancy job work letter .heads, note heads, receipts; Sec, put up In tablet stvle If desired. Sale bills, picnic bills, and horse bills printed while you wait. Thu latest local news the Anvnavn;. Slugs and Art' Slugs are troublesome both in the open ground and in the gieenhousc. Salt Is cer aln death to them, even In smallest qantl .ies. atul when in the open garden, a slight 'pilnkling of salt over tho ground 13 effect, nal; but tho sprinkling, it must bo reman bored, must be very slight, ns salt, if put on (cyen as thick as sand Is usunlly sown on a floor) will kill almost any kind of vege tation. In pur greenhouses, the sluga us ually feed at night, getting under the benches, during tho day. We have found a most effectual remedy In strewing a thin Una of salt on edge ot boueh; this nukes n completo "dead line" for the sluijs and snails, for they cannot cross It and live. Another plan Is toslico up potatoes, carrots, eabbago, or lettuce Jeaycs, to feed on, for which thoy w)U leave all other plants. Esamlne these traps dqlly, ami dsslroy the captives. Of all Insect pests on lawns, or sandy soils, ants are the "lost troublesome, and when these aro on sueli large areas, any remedy as jet known Is almost futile to destroy them. When on small arras, out side or In the greenhouses, wo find about the.bcst plans are, to lay fresh brjues or paper coycred with molasses around their haunts; theso thoy will come to in large numbers; thoy should ba removed dally and burned or otherwlso destroyed, An other method that we havo found more destructive to them than any other, Is to puff l'yrethrum or Tcrslan Insect l'oivder trom a strong bellows among them. The smallest particls of this powder at once chokes and kills thorn, though it must strike them dry to bo effective; for wc find that when the powder lies damp on tho floor, they will run oyer it aim even burrow in It with Impunity. Nothing I hayo ever tried will "poison" ants. Either their instinch causes theni to avoid it, or else they aro not affected by It. Farm and Harden Notei. Insect powder is advocated as a pro tection against bugs on cucumber and mel on vines. For bark lico N. J. Shepherd recom mends a thorough vashliit; with soft soap made Into suds. Ditches should not haye a fall of more than one food in JOO, or there will le dan ger of washing, rAsiho warm wealber advances so the tendeney of fowls lo breed vermin In their nests Increases. While horses aro shedding their coats they should be well fed and no: overworked. H Is Important to have the new coat on before the active far work beglng, as the chans.n; process j dcb:litatlng. Call, Examine, 'AND Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN II AVIS I'ltOUItAMJlES, INVITATIONS, 1'AMI'III.GTS, OIROULAnS, TIOKETS, X.UTTEU 1IEAI.S. NOTE HEADS, II ILL, HEADS. ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS (JABDS, DODOEISS, nnd iiicrclinntilo printing of all kinds executed nt the lowest possible rates. Our work will bo found equal to that of any office in tho county, and will be done at the time promised. Carbon Adyocate JOB ROOMS, Bank St., Lehightno. CO For Sale b'r A V.'HC S3 UKACQUA1MVCE) Vil'll TH3 OUa CY GXAKEKlKr. n y -v?i.-in : I r- .a!i- ' M i--, f v"l - T imMbri 'Is I. I io 1 SyT f ArV' f " " ' 'Lj.. ST".- i'''-'-" ' Bjreasp-a ci'Jt-5 c-ritTul p-jiltloi, cl'JBO-i'.attoTS.tnrri-cisJ.IJjTOirevh cf (Mloa.ro C7i.tir.n'is lno3 at t.rs.to.1 pc liiU; Vest, X.'c(lx;Ci.yX UcvLi&vrjcl-iztl fi o-ity triurrJUdl -In-'i tu t'it liM-if-c.r. f-iar.ta oyr-Ks svttch arii rasa fceJ Uatra travel r.ni U?.c tj. oa; :uv d.ic-iUoo. tut'vceu th? At.ar.ttc iiria I'tcfie. Vho lloch Jzia-.i 1 ai x H-.fc a--iJ l.-t-.r..-hoa lsciudo iJhJrnras -Tlt,-.t, W-tQza, La f3iUo, rocrta, Gsjow.o, Molt-i? o.xl iUJi Isloaul, sn Ulin'-ic; rJfiTraiiort. auier. thio, VaidilBntsa, 1-ivtrIleK, Otrnjti-Arn, 03tesluoa,AVcsjti.U:rtv, tovr, Cicy. lica WoiiiK, Indlauole, WnUrsjt. AU-ir,titi, lujos.vil'a, .vdubon, Hailm, Cutano CmiU-0 ar.-l Con..ll riu fa, i-x Iwii C..-.ttatia, Wrcatoa, 8t. .If-wph, Camccp tsl llaanrj City, in MiMyti-ij 3. ir.rftjiwortn awl Atditri, H , Jiaiifirw:! AlScvt J.ru, cf intoruc.Uuto iiiic;, to.-,'...; mil vil.x.:J''jr THE GffAY ROOK SEUkHD ROUTE It. It litis nil tho OAliiJ. CXPSrieUCl PrOvwi V;tlUfcDl. Xca pi-llClliil ja .tu. YUL-vyuwi .....t.jfc- loI-lta diiolr to i:rk't a irl siivct'.r.if.- 'j ho luxury of its r-Miior.ccj ??i)nro!-a-tl?:i la mequilod Ui iliu Wortt-uasuWJi'i.-'l In Ui worW. of comf3rtr.iJ.Vi DAS" COACUM, rruierJactntVtfI,t.l,tAi: lAI,Aoa 1'AItI.uU nn-J. HiiEO-PltTa CAES, clcf,-ciiit jjUUiSC, OAJtSproriaiCffeKeellw.trn end CHA TKB FAMOUQ ALBERT LS. S?OI5TtE Ir tha direct, f-'.-crdt") Hui ljstcoi CJ'.lonjro r.ni tUlj i-juto sjlld S'l-ict Ssprcss 'rrriiaj rn ita.1 1 vrfwit Uolili ani rr.-als lanrts of Jr.ior VrUniytR. oriiioi yl.i W?.tsrtrvn. A aho-.t dcli-nblor-wlB. via. a-n'oar.-idKauIialc.o'TavaruTiwlrtiiliico-r-cuU to travoiiri Ijojwcon Ci-l;uin:l, lnClr.TifipnUn. J.-ifayctto na'l OovmcU i-loart, L.C Jojpli. At "All clsss-cs of prtrca3, ccpocir-.Uy fainiUoa. ladlra ntd chadren, rasotva frosi oOici.T.13 nasi cny.icyas ct xtoak Iaiaud trjOcj Frt?;tloa, ress.-ootful courtesy and kindly p,ttcution. ... l-'or 'Mckots, ITapr, FulOcro oWr.'aftUo ot c-M prinelpal TlsVet Offlsoa la do United btatu-s ana Ciajij or any dei-a-oC iufcrinauoa, eddreaa, R. H. CABLE, Prci't 4 Con'l M'n'r, CW-.atco. E. ST. JOHri, Ass't Qai.'t U's'r, CSIcjco. Tie Hew York Millinery Store! Miss Alvenia Graver Has just fcturned from the City where she has been for ecvcral tltiys past inspecting and purchasing all the newest and latest novelties in beautiful and fashionabh) My assortment of fine and iashionablo Summer Millinery is, with out a particle of exaggeration, the largest and most complete ever brought to Lcliighton or shown in this section of the Lehigh Valley. The styles in Hats nnd Bonnets for tho Summer of '87 arc more beautiful than ever, while the lovliness in tints nnd colors of ribbons have never been equalled. With a large and lhsliionable stock of only the latest styles in millinery hats, bou nds and trimmings, and a force of experienced milliners, I invite the ladies of Lcliighton, Weissport nnd surrounding country to call and inspect my stock and leave their orders, feeling sure that I can give satisfaction in every particular, llcspcctfully, iss Alvenia Graver, Two Doors above .the wit hmit doubt the HE8 r flatter nxtvle. When appLtd to cry kind cf raincrirtmom. Instant relief J U'i JUu idEao '.ooorlupaFoTOMti cUi, CoTcra Achus, Cu-aii, liiduy XIl.asc, Tlh? iims.t.iiai craviivocrt cf ic?oiuu InccTtMrt I jlaldiiwta-iUy to Ko pala-L-Ui ui end BtrctiiTUi leninc'rropartloaortUoIIcpi'lijter. Virtuciof frc&a Hope, Eur.wocy A'iu.u caaicreinuuxaa eamblii6il in a. cwect and r ever f liiinc XNsroua VUatcr, TTsod and reconunended lior.u of prico. rrop c HOP ruLST Z2t CO. . Poaton , a:ftw. tllij'BflCrvaclies! 1 Hop Fibster GO rS3 WILL WOOTt EQUALLY AS WELT, ON UOUUH OTOMV LVNI) AS ON THU WE8TI!N m.Mlt.El. IT 1.1 UNLIKE ANY OTIIEK BULKY IK HIE Vf ortLD. CAN BE ATTACHED T') ANY COilJlON WALKINO ;0W IN TIYR MINUTL1 TIME. AI1 Ifl WAliniVTim -.m n INC IEASE TEG u'lLM'T ONI! POUND. EO BIlirLU A CniLD BTIJONO ESOUnil TO B2IVB A TEAS! GUJ OPEU.W1! IT. W1LI. TUTtN A SQUABE COllNhB WITH. OUT BAISINQ THE PIXJW. TUB QNLY PLOW Id DB WITH A TOOT LEVIB TO START THE POINT OP PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THM obocnd on elevate it to BRIM OVEU Till", TOP OP BAKr STONES, ABOUND B001S, J.TC. WowantarjDod, Uro nun to nctaa sgont In ovoiy town In tho U. S. V.'i its us for oar liberal tcrmn and Tricon. E S. DAK I ELS & GO., HAVANA. N. T. ' J. LitzenlDerger CTOCnAPMY C? T!H3 CC-yMTnY, Wl'-L THI.1 MAP, Tiir. ' E. A. HOLCnOOK, Ccn'l TU. ti Pass. Ajt,, Ct,lc2ea Post - Office, Bank Street. Stovos, Tinwaro, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Grayeu's Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on short notice. Prices Reasonable ! 1 CO Snyder & Son's East V.rCiport. Carton Couuly, Pa., Is llio plfico to purchase, at tlio moit reasonably, prices, l!i:si:n I.UMlluil.otnll kinds, vlxt Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c., &c. BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER. Tlin Mnclilnoy Is alt now, and only ttic best mp, clianis einployi-,1. All urtlclfs aro uimranteed oiliest xcnsniii'd imitcrlal. orileis by mall re. ech o iimtupt attention. Your patronage Invited, Wc liave. alao. In ronnrctlnn wttli Mir nhnvA liiinlliesH it COMMODKIUS SllOltH, ulierocan IlllVllVU llM ffllltlll i.rvji' .if Hi.. I. ,....1 h.... .... sortinents of " ' nny uuuus, NOTIO.VS, qitooEhiEs, ritovisjoNS, OAltt'ETS, OIL UZiOTIIB QUEEN-STARE , wood w Ann, 1 ii Ann. wake BOOTS. SIIOE3, . , . HATS AND OAP4 Hay ."Straw, Flour aiid Feed, Aiul in fact any a(nil pyprythlng usually to bs foiindlii aslilctly Urrl.elH$Ttiiinlrr .Store. No matter what jotf itit, iis'i font ami we can siiih uly jnii at pifi-i'ji Unit will knw-k all compi-tlllon i.ir nun thu nji.ute. 'CiMI aiiil net us, ami we will torn iurji i mi of 11(0 UWIit'idncos of ourassertlon, Kiuiemticr llie'l'lato N. SNYDER & SON, East Veisspbrti Penna, .7anuai7 1. irs. CV7in!IN C. SH.HTLlBQE'2 ACiDIliV 0 Fer VrCg Hfea and Eoje; V.t&l$, fa' lainllrs ri cut. Vlifiiirtcli'lila. Flxcitjii'ict eornr every expense, even I o,ikii, &e. No oxtra thurB- 1 s. n liieiili iital expenses. -Xo exanilnntluli Iiir.ntmlsi.lnii. Tlvelve oxpeiloiii ctl teaelier. al men, tint! nil Briiitn.iles. upoebl opportunities for apt Rlmlenla to nilvaiice inpiilly. Hpeilal illlll for (lull uml baeiiniirtl lmvs. i'ations cr fctiiilents may select any stnilies orelioesetbare KUl.tr I'.licllsli, Si lentille, I'.iisiurs', Classical or I'll 11 EiinlnrriliiB course. Mimic ms Itltea at iW iliit Aeadeiiiy are now In Ilnvaiil, Vnle, 1'ilnte, Ion ami ten e tlmr (till,4Bfs aiu) I'plitoilmltf Scliools, Inslmients sent lornllfire In lira, 15 Id Wl.lflln 1M4, 10 In no, A itrniliiatlni: class every year In the coiniuerrl.il ilcpsiltnciit. A Physical ami t'licnilcul Ijibuiatnry, ijlnn,ilun"t nml Hall (irpmnl. lsiio vols, milled lo Library In 1W.. I'liy.ilral ap)iaralus tlcnhleil In 13. Irilla has seven tiiiir.'lii's ami n lemnrrance ch,nlc( wliidi prnlilliits tho sale of all Intnilrntliii ilrtnks. I'oriieiv'lliiiitiiiU'lleireMl.lrsildresslh I'nnelpalaiitl lu-bpi lelor, KIVITIU.N' 0,'KIlona I.IDUE, A.J1,1 (UafViira (trailuiitel Media, a. LAD IBS Do Yotjr Otvp Syelntr, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES They will I lye eyerjtiiintr. They are sqtd creryj wiiere. t'rlee inc. n paekaio lo colors, 'flier h lie uo equal for Strength, Itrlglitnets, Amount In 1'in'k.ntu or for fastness, of Odor, or Noii-fatl". I'ik (laailtieH! They da not crock nv anrit'. Fot s.loliy ' - T, n.'TllOJIAH, nov.ia-iy T ' 'jJrimlt. ANDREW BAYER, Wall Papo? und Deooi'ationn Wiadsw Slsdw ti Pshtsra applies, Paper Hanging, Homo and Sign Palntln Calsomlns and Oraiulac. ' Hank Strect.'J.elilalitpn, I'cfm'ft, Meaq llycnt Jujinn. -oqil nnko innre nio'ncr tit work rums Uian at nnylliln; else In Hie world. Capita) lint neeilod; you arc) started free, lioth sexes; all aires. Anvouecan do tho work, l.-irct-aniliiirssiire front first siarrT Cotly ontflt and terms, freo, Hotter hot delay. Coits yon iiqtlilni; to send us mir address kud find out; If ymi UTD-Wlse-you will dosontonr ll.IlAX.i.irrr & Co.. Portland, Maine. Ueclcl Dennis Kothstein. -n-AOENT FOU THE O. G. COOPER &. CO 'S Traotloij Engine las (Jio. least Rcarlne, Is the KTiio.vn.Esr nnd In use. Titr-in ViunATisa Threshing Maohlno cuaranteed lo clro best resuns ooiuinaoio Pony StaHflarj Saw Mills I MIND ENGINE for Drlvlne Machinery und I'muplns Wnterj Tlie MEADOW KINQ MOWElt & EKAl'Elt, and RTANDAKri HAYING TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN". Normal Square, Pa, ludya' W7 ly STORE,"