IAS Horao-Shoor Sc. TJlaoksmith. North S leer, Lehehton, l'cnna. The unclenlgiKMl Irnvlnz puf bused tlio Carbon House Illa.'kmllli Stand, Is pripwfil to do nm- thin In hti lino nt the wry Invest prices. Don't ruiiiocaii. ah worK trono hi ihv hcm nitumct ai.d at low pjlces. FRANK P. DIEIIL, Maj-21-Cm North Ftrcct. Lelilghtnn. FOR PITCHER'S Caatorla' pvomotos jDtgostlon, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhaa, raid FeverisluieM. Thus tho child Is rendered, healthy and its doon natornl. Cnartoria contains no Alorphlno or other nan-otic property. " Castorta Is so well adapted to children tliat : rccommenu m as superior to any pn-sciuoa jinown wine, u. a. arciiew, hi. is.. S3 Portland; Ato Drooklyn, K. Y. lT iiso Cirsfoi'la In my practice, and find It specially adapted to aucctlons 01 children," Ales. Ephfrteox, M-U, 10S7 !M Ave., Kew York. Tn CTAmr Co., 1( Fulton St., KvY. Data R P3 EIYS CREAM BALM Changes the Head. Allays r . . rr . t I njuimaivon lutrri-ihiiiwjv o Ileitis Sores, Restores the Senses, Taste Smell, Hear rug. A qvicK VER itive Cure. Ap; article applied Into each nostril and Is agree able. Price w) cents at druggists; by mail, rcftlv ro.t, ro cents, circulars irec. 1.1. 1 iihub., rimssWs, Owego ,N. v iiei-a-iso Henry Miller Weissport Planing MANUFACTUKKlt OK 1 Window and Dook Thames, Doors, Shutters,. Blinds, SasTrcs,. MOUldinC, Brackets, U jSND dkai.kk is All Yisk of Dresssi Luter, Bliinglcs, railings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c, Very Lowest Prices. Apr;. My. The Common Sense LIFT and FORCE PUMP Makes a completo l'h Dcp.it tiucnt fur any Country llmuu out of n common wood ponip, at a very small mit. Worth f !y Times lU (W If tou nvrd It d put out a Ure,aiid extremely handy tor lots ot other tilings. Heady for m'l loll In oiic'iahtli ot a minute. i:iHTti.(lc hmliwsa men ho!ll nisv It Moner attciitlun nie wanted to handle tldt pmnp In utery tuwti lit V'ennsjhaitla, New .lei so. .Mary land, Deli ware, Vlmluti niid Nnrth Carolina, and will beuitwrdid th eoutiul o( sultahlu tcr iltory not already occupied. CHAS. G. BLATOHLBY, MANUFACTURER Of all kUsiui.! styles of wood pilixps. Offlrc; 23 N. K.Crrv lUu. SiH AllP, t)pi)slte llrnad m.. WatloB 1'. It. nilLADKLPMA, 1'A. pril IS 13t cow Get the Advocate. Subscribe for thu Advocate. $1 a year the Advocate all tlio latest and best news. FrankP.Diehl, U ULIP HOiaOBOSl-rufS, "t always prefer to be on tlio safe side when I speculate," remarked lUo trusted l"",u'' M ,,e ft,lsUl8j ttom Uus l,1,n '" An agricultural journal tells us "How to l'reserva Urltiilstoimg." We prefer our canned. Astonlihlnc Success. It is the duty of even pciuon uho lias used Uot'uiiKK'a Obiijian rivitt'l- to let lis wonderful iiunlUiea he known lo llicif friynds In cn ring Consumption, severe Coughi.C'roup, Atitlihiii, rncunmnln, ami in laci hii iiiriini ana lure tilscnses. no person con uso 11 witlinut liiimetllate relief. Tlirec doses will ri.cv ttnv Blvi wc conklJcr it the ..,. ii'n V i i T,lliin i mv inWriaiu.iAUHimni .m poor, dyln Consuiuptive, at least to try nne bottle, as 8U,00l) doaen bottles were sold last year, and not ono easo where It filled was reported. Such a medicine its the G HUMAN ijYnui" cannot bu too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to tv. hoIiI nt IOcpiiIh. lteruliirKlze. 75eenli. Sold by nil Drnggisla and Dealers, in the United atates and uun.ua. In the Alps: Guide "If tlio ladles will only ttop talking your honor may hear llu roaring of the waterfall across the valley. "Hatter tho day, bitter tho deed." I will not proye true when you come to dating a deed on Sunday. IndirpcmuMe to tho Toilet Darbys Prophylactic Fluid cures dialing, I eruptions and iuflamalionofal! kinds; cures inllaiucd or euro eye; relieves pains from lutes or nine or Insccta ami tore lect; tie- littrnvs all taint of perspcration or oUcnslvt' smell Imni tlio Icetoruny part 01 me Hotly; cleanses and whitens the skin. Until us 11 dentifrice it purifies tho breath: preserves the teeth iiud aires toothache; sore gums I nii.l tunkor. A little of the Moid in the Water used in bathing is very rcfreihiiiK and especially lienclicial to the nick. "Yes," said Fogg, "as a success 1 have always been failure, and as a failure I been an unqualified success. -It waB the lady who thought she was going to swoon who had a faint suspicion. Ought to ba Known by All I Tho wonderfully quick nnd certain re lief afforded by Fontaine's Cure In cases of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis and as- tliuia. It will cure a cold in 12 minutes! Tho first dose will give relief. It will cure croup In as raauy minutes. A child's life may lie saved uv its tunciy use, it is a raui' cal cure for Asthma. It should always be In the house, ready for an emergency. Can vou. or anv person afford t:i take a risk, wiien you can absolutely guard against, ur liooninff-couL'li. coiisutnntlon and uron chitls will yield to this medicine when others have failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. Xotlilng so completely upsets a man as tn itvtfwl nnnn a m?ll annnl tt rnl.fftn ftl 1 thc fop of Uie ,taIr5 A pjet writer; "I know sweet songs I cannot sing." That poet has our gratt tude. An Important Element Of tho success uf IIood'8 Sarsaparilla is the Tact that every purchaser receives a Ian equivalent fir his money. Tho l'amiliai hcadlino "100 Doses One Kollar," stolen by imitators, h original with and true only of Hood's Sarbaparilla. This can easily hi proven oy any one who desires to test tin matter. ror real cconomv, buy on I tlood'ti Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggist! -How would "Scissors" do as a name for a clipper ship? The reason figures won't Ho Is because they always stand for something. lho usual treatment ot catarrh is ven unsatisfactory, as thousands of despairing patients can testily. Un this point a trust worthy medical writer tavw "I'roncr loea treatment is positively nccessarv to hiicccfs hut many, if not most, of the rcme.lies h general use uy physicians allord but temp rary bcnelit. A cure certainly cannot be e: pected from snulls, powders, douches nu washes." IClyVCruam llaliii is n reined I winch combines the ltnportunt rcquintcs o quick action, npecilic-curative power will pcrlect talety and pleasantness to III patient. Daso ball batters strike for hlghci wages. The cheapest thing In straw hats tht season Is the head of a dude. Ol.lil tldlll'rq I?.illrf ftnil fl1T nf t,rnnl and lung disease, ffontalne's Cure Is guar I nn.AA.I . , r I- 1(, I' I I I.. anii-ui IU tUII. KVUIU 111 J. J1UUI9. QUIU Ul u. i. jiorn, uruggist. Uaseball Is always played out and I generally popular, Orpheus was a musician whose music had power to draw rocks, etc., toward him, Tho modern street musician has the same power. -Dr. Lloyds family medicines no'Ctire no ivw at U. T, Horn's Central Dm; store. Out of sight Tho blind man. A poor relation A badly told story, For Ilbcuniaiism use Dr. Idovd's fain uy medicine no euro no pay at U. I Horn's Central Drug Store. A book of rules for playing lawn ten ids has been published, but it omits the most Important ruk of all for beginners. which Is: First get your lawn. Will you Hiill'er with Dyspepsia and Liver uompiamu iNiuoii s v iiaiuer isguaranlccu io cure you. Soul by ihr. Horn. Lehichtun and incry, eisxport. v hen Is a frame house not a frame house? When an earthquake makes It rock. An excliango In speaking of the per fect woman asks: "How may ts beautiful woman acquire the aualltles. of a nobl man? That's easy: marry the man Sleeples nights, made miscrahlo by that terrible eo'.nrli. blulolf dure u tuc remedv for you. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lchighton and (Sypslcs In novels are very attractive. Outsldo of novels they seem to attract to themselves nbout all the real estato la thc neighbor hood. Sinloh's Yitalizcr is what vou need for consumption,. Los of Apatite, Dtziincss and all xymploms of Dyspepsia. Priro 10 and 7o cents per liottle. Sold hv Dr. Horn Lchighton, and Hicry, Wetssport, Historian ltancroft, aged elRhty-sIx says: "Work Is pleasant without worry. and, unlike worry, It does not kill.' That hacking cough can bo ao quickly cnrcxi uy cniion s vure. o guarantee it, Sold by Dr. Horn, LehlgUtnn, and liicry. ii iilor. Though atl aflTlctlons are evils In them' selves, yet tbey are good for lis, because they discorer to us our disease and tend to our cure. JIary K. Illakc.of JIaltapan, Mnss., writes: iril C, 183.J, "t have nsed Dr. Seth Ar- nnld'H Cou-h Killer mn np Ipu fr v "01." ?. "'"e14 'v,'ler mnre 0I.) lor ea and it alwavs iy gives mo atl druggists. relief desired l'or tale hv a Price 25c. 50i and 51.03 l'hyio is necessary at times for Illliom- nest, uofllvenct-s, Ac. Umj Dr. Seth A nold s Jliliutis Tills. 2,-ie. An exchange says: "Jtary, In th poem 'Mary had a little lamb,' Is now seenty years old and still hale and hearty. The lamb, however, is dead. We ate a piece of It last week. Little Tommy (taklns a rido with lilt pa, glances up at side of ear and spies axe) "la, what do they use that axe for?" Pa "Oil, I guess thev use it to cut tl e tandtviclie with that we lll be likely to .get at the next station." KASKINE fTht Now QulninoJ GIVES Gooct Appetite, Kcw Strength, Quiet Ncrres. appy Days. Jweel Sleep, i POWER I' UL 2 0X10. that Hie most delicate stimoieh will bear. i SPECIFIC FOR 3MLA11M, RHEUMATISM, HER VO US PR O STRATI OjY, And all (icrni Diseases. Till! MOST SCIKXTint' AM) SUCOKSfl- tit, 111,001) rUnil'lHi:. Kuprrlurtiiniilnlne. Mr. 1". A. JIHItT, Kn J!at IMlli street, New irlt, was cured ny KasKine 111 extreme malarl i)i'otnillon after kcmmi tears suffering, lie le had run duwu mm KS noiindi to 117. ticzi-n 111 Knsklne In June. isw. went to work In 01 c month, repined his lull wclsht In six months. (Juhilnn did him 110 kooiI whaleer. Mr. (lldcon Thonisuii, the oldest and nne ot tho niot rcsnecU'd citizens n( ItrlilKepnri.Cnmi., wys! "I nm ninety years ntnue. and for the last thrso years liavo Minercl from maUrla and the effects ot quinine poisoning. I recently liCKau wltn KnsKinownii'h nrnKe up the malaria anu Increased my welKht 22 imiuids." misKiuc ran ue iukcii wiinnui any special cdlcaladvlrr. l.no ncrboltle. Sold hv T.I). THOMAB.. IOhlziitoii. 1'a.. or sent liv ini.ll on receipt ot price. 1 lie akcih mr n an i 1 an nas nn piiimc px lilbitlnit n rrniarkutilc Manikin, nr model of the Human imuy, snowing ine stoinacli, heart. nmr liver, snlrln, kliliifva and other organs and pints In health and In rilsraio. liy an Inipeclloii the allllctcil ran sec the nature and location of their troubles and Icaru how rut-CA tlicni. kaski.M! relieves ami Tin: iCASKtxn ro., decl-ly ttWarrcn St. New York, ELTS CREAM BALM It net a liquid, muff or fwtrder. Applied into no8tnut quickly aotorum. sititanta .1.1 T 4 JT ... ..., 7rlm th. torts. Jlettoret thetentti of tatte and tmell. 80 wnf ot DruQrfiltj by mail, rtyuurca, 00 oeu. ELY BR0THERS,BnireUls,OTrcso,KY. "SB'S CURED 1 S1JCLE TEIIL ton, tlccfl tkt moit lltDlltll GERlflAfJ ASTHMA CURErV.n. ifT ia eureji hini nil other rpiucrifm fail No waiting; for rcMilU Itn net Inn l) immeainTe turret nttu ctTiaini nnci n cure Is cirertrtMnnJici;KAin,IiCAM 'It pormtntatl com mt. Reicr t m M ay time.' Hon. ft. lA.tt. St. Paul, in I"I tm entlrtl rettored to health ky Grnin lutLmtl Can." Thfti. t'iUu, nMf(n, Vi)'0. "Otrmio Aithma Ctut li tUroncllu ftr IU It never fill! " iV It. Tmn uuli. rttrmil1a S f 'llr pbjiIelftQrce'amtnen'tad 6ernt,a Athtn Care. It carwt me." Mrt. 31. U Ttttick, tuudnhdirn, OAfo lTbo&uda 9t t'mllzr LetUn flic, iik tnj drtigttf I SGcrmnn Aaltniiti Cure lufoMl'y nJJ tlnifr.! Jof price. Trial parkava frcn to any addrci'ii U Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lohiglitoii, Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., 'If every dosorlntlon. In the most subatantlr manner, and at I.oweit Cash Prices Uepalrltig' I'romptlj Attcmlctl te. TUEXLEil & KUEIDLER, April SI, 1852 yl Proprietors. PUMPS ! Red Jacket Force Pump for any Depth of well .Inple Cylinder, .... Sir re IIOllUlU - No rackhi box Pump. Buckeye Force Pump up to Soventy-flve Feet. ShiffleCillndcr, - - - 8U00 Uoublo " 18 W Rumsey Force Pump, $13.50 Depth up to seventy-five feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feet, W.on. Iron Cl'tern rump from ?j nim.iriiH. ai(. WOODEN PUMPS AND G AIN PUMPS, I'lVK iht cent, nit for Caih. JOHN II. 11. ACKER. Aitcnt, Wki.i. Sikkkh and risTKiiK lliTii.np.n. Hank, nay, Uhlgliton, opposite the old rrtulhic Olllcc. iiov.t.i,TfC,-yl El BAf'fi '" VEGETABLE "num TAN", I'lilit'KUSM, 1'IMM.liS, 1ILOTC1I1C. III.ACK 11 TADS. Ktc! loailug tho skin toft, clear mut beautiful. Touch with Ihl rompouud the tuft lily check. And lho brlRht glov will bent IU lrtui speak. i.L0,l1lc!10"8 for prodiiclns a luxuriant Erowth of hair 011 a hal,! hn,i r,7 ..,v. AddroM A. 1). Stew-el, CO Ann Bt., New York"' mmm rmm mmww u"iu wajummuw we arc nownrc- parvti 10 iiirniiu u classes wiin eiiiinnieiil ni ucMie. iiiu iviiou 01 ine nine, or lor ineir siarc luoiiieiits. liiismes new. Mailt ami iirotltable. IVrwus of either sex -ally earn froui.V) cent to ti.ou t CYcnlnr. nnd a pioportlonul sum by di Millnjs nil their lime lo thu business. IIos and nil Is earn m arly at much i.s men. That all u bo ore this may send their address and tort the biiHlncss. wo niako this offer. Tnmich asaionot well salb.tlud b ulllcend one dollar toiciyfor the trouble of rltliiK. Full particulars and out fit free. Address Ueubui: SriNbON & Co.. Port an, inilue. ilvcl8-ly. tope mane. t"ut this out and re tui u to un. ami ut ts, ill si-lid vou frL-t lioliietliliii' nf imtit sitlnft mill itii. ponaur in yon, mat Mill nan jouni misini-ss wlilcli v. ill lulnis jimlniuuie money rtsht awny Hum anitlilnuelw In tills iroiM. Anjoiicrauuo the oik ami Hie lit Home. Klllier sex j ullages. Honirllilnjr new that Just i-olns money lorull worker. Wenllt&tartjoutrapltal not needed. Tills l one nf tlio cenulut'. Important cliauees o( u iiiriiiuc, i nose un urn aniiiuioiiH uuiivuter- pnsiujtwm noi oeiay. unuui muni irec. AU tlress TliUK a- Co.. AiiKUsta, Maine. ilcclMy AFFLICTEDUNFORTUNATE After oil otnora fall consult 320 N.Wth St., bslow CallowMU, Fhila.,Pa. SO yean sipcrience la all HPECI A I. diseases. Per manently restores tliosc. weakened by catly Indiscrc. ttona &c Catlorwrlte Advics free and strictly con. fulcotial, Hours , 11 a, to, till a.and 7 to io evenings. Ptcemt)er25, 188ti-jy mm Pa.. BEYOmoapoCTOR-!OF Remedy of the Ako. GUSH MENTHOL. INHALER. AfTbrtli quick rollef of Neuralgia, Xlosutaclie, Hay Povor, Catarrh, Asthma, i9 ZT C9SI:hHIS C9I STflCTC I CTO I A.tlfncltoii or lanoer tbfnsdod. Sbt innntldtnitniiitFor(gmnU. IfrimrdnicfWhisnotttn Inhalwln stoek. tend (3 emit, la rtxmi r.d the Intlnlw will txlnnrdtdlir tn ill. PMUge rld, uid If. t th mlrHnn l Bte dn mmIU rrvMrfptrcra .Tu not ralleB-rt nh Its nirnein. ma nmr Mnm It. ntl If rovTod In ful condition! fcraf mmer will tm refoadnl. Orroulinuid tartlmimlita milled fnxon pplloatlon H. E5j GUSHMAN, Three IUvors, MlcU. IW25.S.18SMIH PATENTS!! FRAHKLIB H. HOUGH,! Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents 025 F st., near U. a Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. Alt business before Unllcd Stales Talent Ofllcc attended to for moderate fees, l'atcuu procured In Ihe uiillnl Mtnlo and nil I'orelKU Countries. trade Marki nnd Lnbell rruUlcrcd. itclrrtl'd nppllcallons relived iinilprani'iitiil. inforina. lion anu novice io onininiiif; raicnis cnt'cr ftilly fiiinlhcd ttlmiit charKe. Send Sketch or luouri inr i niir. opinion as io raicniauiuiv. Agency In tho IT. S. possesses superior ""icllttlcs for obtaining Patents or ascertaining the Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies of patents fnrntMicd for 25c. each. Cflr Correspondence sollcltrd. eor. $1 13 WEEKS. The TOLIOE GAZETTE will be mailed. ecu rely wrapped, to any address In the Uni ed Stales for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to pnslmntlors. spents and clubs 6ample copies mailed free Address all orders to RICHAHD K. FOX, May 30,1889-ly Fiunm.in Equabr, N. Y. Subscribe for tho Caiihon per year. Tnc Advocate $1 cheaoest and best. SHERIDAN'S COIIDITION POWDER Is atontuteljr pure nnd Mchlr cnneenlralf d. One mtnes la wnrltl a noi'ml nf nnr ether Mntt. It Is strictly a XneflMno law plven with faiwl. Nothlnc on curlll wlU mnke hens lay like. It. It cures clikken cliolcrs mul nil discuses of liens. Is sviirth lis wcisht In poA. Illns. trnlcd book br mall free. Sold everywhere, or sent hy m.ill for 2. cents In etHtnns. 3V-lh. tin enns. SI; by mull, fl.W. fK eHns l-v eTprus, orepaM. for S..CO. 1)11. 1. S. JOUNhON CO.,l:otton, Mass. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Kuwspnper Advartling Duroau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots. fop lOO-Pogo Pamphlet TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nntlcrslgned having heoi ro storedto health by Bhnplo means, aftei KulTorlrifj for se vernl years with a soverc lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to make known to his fellow EtilTcrcrs tho means of euro. To those who dosiro it, ho will cheerfully eend (frco of charpe) a oopv of tho prescription umxI, which they wIH And a euro euro for Consumption. Authmo, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. IIo hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, ns It will cost them nothing and may provo a blessing. Thoso dc slrinj; the prescription, will plenso ad dress, Kkv. Udwaiid A. WILSON, lUIoumburtf, Kings Co., Now York. KSeSSaBM? Hpfcrt butol Eifbti t Ui Kit BaAfertIlasUiu4 ll410fM. address A GEHTLEPi1AN,rssofS vous Prostration, Seminal Weakness, l'romntur Decay, and nil tho evil ef fects of early Indlscretlonnnd youthful folly, is anxious to make known to others tho sluiplo mode of gelf-curo. To those who wish nnd will clvo him their symptoms, ho will send (free) by re turn mail a copy of the recipo so suc cessfully used in his case. Address in confidence. JAMES W Pis-v. Cedar St.. N. Y. 5 HKL'5 IMFEHED & CfHCuLAH SAW-MILLS ACCURAIk t3 3 DURABLE, RAINBOW RIIPTIIRF RELIEP &. Blmplo, jsatd. rolUblasnd it ivrf M-t rxlsiusi It In not n Truss. Hon. DV TnTfclJfcf lai iH h??';u 'Wl '' uBmi-s curJ t, hu.i. VUllb. Skillful irwtliVnl iinn iii JtS;f,. Sdro to srrlu tu befora t&kio lOurtuiMtallv d- finTTl 5!a, '". tai iv IV I 111 II SU"oaea.,-ortIsiul, ItI I I I I '" larurtuailaa .1 ', llllllll hrcaado.aij lltaalb, 1 MUUU than from a to S2J ui , Iboss nljo writ, to i, HMae.TllI reeslst sboul wotk wbfeb I bonis.Ust win DS SKtM.it... G.n..t... cnK4ovcrmQiaT SJiitcrMz.soiintf oield. Csrllsl soi rfqnlrsd. Yoa srt stsftil frM. Thota wb stars si oaca analisslatslxsiuaarsaucUlUsfotliuK. AllisMw. Cure cuarauteed liyllr J.ll. Maer, .lAtcliSt,l'lilla, 1-: nlniin No opcnitlnu or business tleliiv Thousands ot fiirea. At Keystone House, lfiadln-', ln Slid Saturday of each month, Bead for Vlreulars. lAUiHefrce. jaut5-yl J bIUPIX. . .TiMi nuc a i t . u rf. jvfiroai jt isAtxn iuom vumw.AESris7c..i INTEREST TO FARMERS, Fonis for Artifleal FropaRatlon of Tront. There are scarcely two locations that present exactly the same conditions for the construction of trout ponds, and wlicro the samo plans could be cnrrled out with equal success. Perhaps Ihe best system economizing water and space, and which at the samo time Is the most convenient for chanjlng the fish from ona pond to another, Is to build a series of four or six ponds. Make them entirely of wood. The plan I have adopted Is to build them two abreast, and the others following In order, Each should hn about twenty feet long, by twelye feet wide, and five feet deep. matched hemlock lumber, an Inch or inch and one-half lu thickness, is sttllnblo for the purpose. The ground Is measured and staked off In the desired dimensions. The excavation Is made as It, tor one pond, and stakes are driven at regular Intervals, a few feet apart, around tho excavation. If thc bottom Is made of lumber which Is necessary If the ground Is porous that should be first laid: scantling should run across the bottom and be attached to thc stakes around the sides of the ponds, upon which to lay the bottom. If the bottom Is raada of lumber, the pond can be kept cleaner and the water Is always clear. Af ter thc bottom Is laid, the sides should be enclosed with planks running lengthwise, and not straight up nnd down, for the rcr son that the wood between "wind and water" Is always the first to docay. Ily placlnc the planks lengthwise, new ones can be substituted with but little expense, whereas If tho boards are in a perpendicu lar position, it would necessitate an entire change, of lumber. A double partition extends through the centre of thc excavation j the space between the sides should be about two feet in width anl filled wlthcaitli. This strensthens the aides of the ponds and also affords a walk between them. The two sides arc arc then partitioned off Into compartments of equal sizes. The ponds on each side of thc con tral division should have openings of about three feet in width between them, Into which screens should bo Introduced so as to keep the fish separate and yet allow tho water to flow through. The screens should be so. arranged that they can be readily removed, when it becomes deslrablo to give tho fish the range of two or more ponds. Bemember This. Subscribe for and read the Advocate, $1.00 per year all the news. You can have sale hills pilntcd at this office while you wait. Our circulation Is rapidly Increasing everybody reads the Advooath. Advertise your sales In tho Caiihon Advocatk. All will do well to havo their sale bills printed at this olllce. A position in our "Public Sale Itegister" Is worth consider able. We do all kinds of plain and fancy job work letter heads, note heads, receipts. &c, put tin In tablet style if desired. Sale bills, picnic bills, nnd horse hills pr'nlcd while you wait. Thu latest local news the Advocati:, Live Stock in Jaly. Horses at Hani work need special care Lo:h In food and general treatment. Thev annot do hard work on grass alone, and hould haye a proper ration of oats. An ccaslcnal washing. In addition to currjlng i ud brushing will help keep the coal In iood order. Use a cotton sheet to keep off ll'cs. Water frequently and they will not lilnk to excess. Clean and sweet stables promote Ihe health of the animals Cows iflen suffer from excessive heat whllo at rastrrc. Evey pasture should have shade. If there ate no trees, make a bhclter; a oof set upon stakes, and thatched with biush, will answer a good purpose. If cow l. suustruck while In full flow, the amount of milk is greatly diminished, not stopped altogether, and Is rarely restored Sheep should havo acerss to water, and be provided 11 Ith shade; give salt frequently, Young pig require little beyond cloyer pasture. Those Intended for early market should havo extra feed liens ct after this month raicly succeed with their brood. The ronltry ltotiso needs special care In hot weather to keep It clea of vermin. White-wash tho sides and floor, applying kerosene to tho roots, and provide lust boxes Feed turkeys dally enough to Induce them to return home regularly at night. Oood Results la Every Case. D. A Ilradfurd, wholesale pajior dealer of (Jhaltanooga, lenn.,wrile that lie was ken niisly ulllctcd with a aevere cold that seltlci in his lungs: had tried many remedies without benefit. Heine induced to tiy Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, ilu so anil was entirely curetl liy use ol i few hottlen. Since which time he has iifei it in his family for all coughs and colds with best results. 'This is the exuerienco ol thousands whose lives have been saved liy this Wonderful Discovery. Trial bottles of this Ureal Dh-covery fur consumption free ut T. D. Thomas' drug tore. Health Hints. A baby's stomach at birth will hold about four teaspoonfuls. Sal ammoniac, the size of a hickory nut, moistened and rubbed on warts night and morning, will eradicate them. Many persons have rough skins cr cutaneous affections, which will not heal, because they are iisln; soaps made of rancid fats, or containing an excess of alkali. For sprains apply cloths wrung out In very hot water until the Inflammation and pain have subsided. For black and blue spots, an ounce of muriate of ammonia to a pint of lukcwaun water makes good application, to be kept constantly on. Very many attacks of sick headache can be prevented If those who are subjected to them are careful about their diet and largely restrict the same to vesetables and frulu cosy of digestion. They must forgo meat, cheese, pastry, beer, wlnr, etc.; In fact, neither eat nor drink anything which Is stimulating In character and at all likely o tax the dipcstlYo yrgans. A very good remedy for most caies of ordinary dandruff of the scaly may bo made by adding eight grains of corrosive sublliuata to two tablespoonfuls of Pond's I extract and eight tablespoonfuls of pure 1 water. It should be shaken thoroughly in , a bottle, till the sublimate Is dissolved, and applied to the scalp sparingly once a day It should not bo forgotten that corrosive sublimate Is a violent poison when taken in the stomach. Call, Examine, AND Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN HAVF JPQ STUMS, mtOURAMMES, INVITATIONS, PAMPHLETS, oinouLAns, TIUKETS, NOTE HEADS, fiETTEIl HEAPS. 1111,1, HEADS. ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, UUSINESS GAUDS, DODO nits, nnd riicrcliantilo printing of nil kinds executed nt the lowest possible rates. Our work will be found cqunl to thnt of any office in thc county, and will be done at thc time promised. Carbon Advocate JOB ROOMS, Bank St., Lehighto". I. nAlTTOTT INFLOW ForSalebyA. WHO 13 UHACQUAIMTCD WITH THE OSE BY CXAMirilHQ CtaiCAGO, E?OOK ESLAKO & PAGEFIC K'Y Ily reaBos of Ha central position, cloio relation to rrtaclprtlUnei Enst of Chlcatro nni contlmiona liuo tt t:rilnal points Went, IforlliwcttaiiilCoutliwest lotho only true mU-.tlo-Hiik la tiiat trouuoontlnraital EyEtcra which lavites and facll itatis travel oi traCo hi eltlior Uiroctlou bstvccn tho Atlantlo tuitl rnrlllo. Tho ltocfc Islaa 1 ctal.i lias and branches inclivlo ChlcnrroJolIct, Cttawa, Ia Gallj, Peoria, Ucaoaoo, jVXolhw nafl Kack Ialond, lo Illinois; Davenport, Musca tla?, WaEhinsrto.i, 1'alrllold, OtUunn-a. Osltaloo3R. West Liberty. Iowa City, Des ilolnec, ludianala, 71nters9t. Atlantic, Knoxvlllo, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrio Csntro and Coimcil Blulft, la Iowa; aallatin, Trenton, lit Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Miasiari; Leavenworth and Atchison, In Kansas; Albert Loa, MinneaDOlis and St. Pa-il, In Minnesota; Watcrtovm In Dakota, and hundreds of intermediate cities, t;wn3 and vlllairea. Tim GREAT RQCIZ BSLAPJD ROUTE Ouaraatoos QpoaJ, Co:nfort and Safety lo those who travel over It. Its roadbed Is thoroughly ballastod. Its traok is of heavy steel. Its bridges are scud ctructures of otono and iron. Its rolling stock is perfnet as human skill can make it. It has all ths cafcty appliances that mechanical srenius has inventsd and experience prov-d valuable. It) practical oporatlonlsoonscrvativoAndnethod ieal its discipline strict and exacting. The luxury of its passemjer accommoda tions is unominlccl in tho Wert-uusurpasmd in the world. ALL EXPRESS THAIN'J botweon Chicasro and the Missouri Itlvrr consist of comfortable DAf COAOHE3; ronsniacont PULLHAIf PALACE PABLO It and SLEUPINO OAIia, olemmt DIIUNO CAU3 providinir eaxtllent meals, and bstwoen Chicago, St. Josoph, Atchison and Kansas City restful KECLIWINO CHAIR OAKS. THE FAMOUS LEA ROUTE Is the direct, favorite linn between Chlwo and TTlnnespclis pnd St Paul. Over this route solid ITaat Express Trains run dally to the Euxnuor rcarrts, pictttreBquo localities nnd hunKanr and flehlntr rrouiida of Iowa and lliimosota. lho rich whD.it lislda and trrazlnir lands cf intnr.or Dakota aro reached via watertewn. A short deairablo routn, via Orawca nnd itaulinkio, ofTers cuporlor intmcopenti to travolara botrwoon Cincinnati, l-rdianipolK Lnfayotto nnd Coit'.cil BI11S3, Et. Joseph, Atchlsen, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and lntor mcUiiie pohits. .. ..... , . All clnnsas of patrons, erpoolally families, ladles and children, receive from officials and employes of Itock Ifciand trains protection, respectful courtesy and kindly cttcntion. For Tickets, Mt.ns, PoMers obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices in ths United States and Uanada or an7 desired information, addross, R. R. CABLE, Pru'trV Gen'l M's'r, Chlew. E. ST. JOHN, An't Gen'l H''r, Chicago. The lew York lllier Store ! Miss Alvenia Graver fTas just returned from thc City days past inspecting and purchasing nil thc newest and latest novelties in beautiful and lhshionablo ummer Millinery Goods. My assortment of fine and lashionable Summer Millinery is, with out a particle of exaggeration, ever orouglit to Jjcnigtiton or sliown in this section of the Lehigh Valley. T lie styles in Hats and Uonnets for the Summer of '87 are more beautiful than ever, while the lovliness in tints and colors of ribbons have never been equalled. With a larc-c and lashionable stock of only the latest styles in millinery hats, boa nets and trimmings, and a force of experienced milliners, I invite the ladies of Lchighton, Weissport and surrounding country to call and inspect my stock and leave their orders, feeling sure that i can givo satisiaction m every particular. Respectfully, Miss Alvenia Graver, Two Doors above the Post-Office, Bank Street. Hop Piaster Wltfioat dembt Ui BEST planter rnAde. VThcn ppUcd to any kind ot pain cr ftoreneas, initsut relief lifolt. IameBAck.6idor3Ilp,0oreMu. oie, 8Tera Achcx, SUrnint, Kidney DImmm, IUiOTm.t..TtT. crapy aortoC aorcuesa In any part yield lnatontly to th pala-llling and etrenirtb enlnc jaroperue of Uio Hop Plaster. Virtue of fmh uopa, Surgundy fltcb and torelcn Ousu uuuUnea la a iweei and never-tiUliutf Porouj Elaater. Utvod and reoomrunded by AOeta of people, SOrt., 6 for $1. everywhere. IlaUedfor prloa. Prop'e HOPriiaflTKB CO. . Boeton, Maee. tniiBttttiies!' CO 5sraeaSssal aesuj WILL WOUK EQUALLY AS WELT, ON RUUolt STONY LAND AS Oft TUB WESTEIIN riHllt.n-1. IT H UNLIKE ANY (UUElt BULKY 1M THE WORLD. CAN DB ATTACHED T . A w nnu.rAt.T a ....... iNuiiEASE hie Diurr one POUND. SO WMPLB A CHILD STKONO ENOUGH TO nniVR A I?S GVN OrcilATE IT. WILL TURN A SQUARE C'OIlKMt WITH S5?IUISlso THE l'LOW. T1IH QY 1'LOW MADE WITH A TOUT LEVLIt TO START THE TOINT OP PLOW AURtlPTLY IN TUP, GROUND Oil ELEVATE IT TO SKIM OVER TI1K TOP 01- FASf STONra. AROUND ROOTS, ETC. Ve want a spoil, llvoman to act as asent la every (own In ttan U. s. , Wrlta us forour liberal tcnat and rrlcca. E. S. DANIELS & CO.. HAVANA. N. r. ' J. Litzeuberger OEOCIIAPHY OF THIO COUNTRY WILL THI3 MAP, THAT THE E. A. H0LBR00K, Gen'l Tkt. h Tui. Ajt., Chicago, where she 1ms been for several the largest and most complete Stoves, Tinwaro, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stovo repairs furnished on bort notice, Prices Ueasonable ! ! j i Snyder & Son's PLANING MILL! East Weissport, Carton Comity, Pa., la the place to purchase, at tlio mo reasonable) prices, DRESSED LUMBER, of all klntlj, vial Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c., &c. BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER. The Maclilncy U all new, nnd only Hie best mo t'liamca 1'iiiiiUij fil. All iirlli'le.s tire euuranteetl nt lient sfitsoiit'il mntrrlnl. Orilrrs Uy mall ro cclrn prompt nttciilltiu. Your putronags Invited. Wo have, nlsn, In nmnertlon with tlie above business n COMMODIOUS SrollH, ulicrocan always tie founil one ot Hie largest HUtlbesttti virtiiicntsor DRY O0OD3, NOTIOXS, QltOOKRlKS, rnovisioKs, OAR PETS, OIL CLOTHS QUEENS WAKE WOOD WARE, HARDWARE HOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND UArS Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, And In f.ict any and everything usually to be fotind In a strictly Mrst-tlaus I'mintrv store. No nutter Hluit Mm unlit, as!; for it ami uc can sup ply yon nt prlre.1 Ihal will Knock all competition tar Into Uio shade. Call and sec un, anil e will convince! you ol tin; truthfulness ot ourassorllon. licuicinlier the I'Mcov ' N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Penna. January 1. 1PST, OWITHIH C. SHtRTLIDGS'S AOADIHY Fcr Ycrnig Men and Beys, iledla, Pa 12 miles Ii diii rhllcdi'lplila. Fixed rnico tot r every cxiienss.evrn liooks, Sc. Xo exlra rhais f. JJii Incidental expcni.es, No ciamlnatlon fiirndniNslon. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, mid nil cradiules. Hptrlal opporlunllUs for apt sludHiits to advance rapldh. Upeclal drill for dull and backward bujs. ratrons or students may select any studies or chooso to ro Kidar Enirlleli, .Sclentllle, lluslness. Classical or Civil EiiKlnerrliiK course Mudrnts fitted at Hi. dla Academy are now In llarard, Vale, rilnre lim and ten oilier Collects and rolytarhnla School. 10 students sent to rallrce In USX It. In im, to In UE5, 10 In use, A ginduKtlns class every year In the eonimrrclal department. A Physical and Chemical laboratory, OjinnnsluM and Rjill (I round, icoovols. addrd lo Ubrnry In lt"i3. Physical apiiaratus doubled In IKS 3. Madia lias seven churches and a tempemnee ctmrtai which pnihlblts tlio sale of all Intoile atlni drinks. For new'lllulratcd circular addrtsa tho Principal and Proprietor, HWIT1I17. C. 8HORT I.IDGE, A.ll.l (Harvard (Iraduate) lladla, Aub. 1, s-ly. LADIES! So Yonr Own Djeintr, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES They will Dye cyerythlns. The;)' are sold erery. where. I'llco loe. a iaekase lo colors. They have no equal lor Streinrlh, Jlrlsrlit no.. Amount In I'ack.tao or for Fatlness of Color, or Non-lad. Itii; Ounlltlot. They do not crock nr smut. Fer saloby T. U. THOMAS, uov.W-ly Drucslst. ANDREW BAYER, Dli.U.EIt IN Wall Paper and Doooratlona, Window Shade: Is Painters Snrplies, Paper Hanging, House and Burn Palntin Cdliomlotr and draining, llank Street, lliliihton, Tcna'a. Oct. 30-eui Mean live at horue, and make more money at work for us than at anything else In the world. Capital not needed; youarn started free, llotu sexes: all aees. Any one tan do the work, latrerarnlues sure from first start, ftostly outfit nnd terms free, lletler not delay. Costs you KothlnR to send us your address and find out; If. you are wise you will dosoatooeo 1I.IIali.ktt & Co., Portland, Maine. declSly Dennis Nothstein AGENT FOIt THE O. & G. COOPER & GO 'S Traction Engine has the least nearlu;. Is tho itrongkst and UOSTCOKVKMKXX In use. TllRlIt VlimATINO Threshing Maohine guaranteed to clvo best resultsobtalnable Pony ?nl Stanflartl Saw Mills ! MIND ENGINE for Driving .Machinery and romping Water; The MEADOW K1XU MOWElt & HEAViat, ,811(1 STANDARD HAYING TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN, Normal Square, Pa. lHdv' list ly OUR STORE,"