jim-nrrt rr.ifiTiVfi.Tfi vmnT.T-if rr.if-.r.Vi "Original Cheap Cash Store." le Dayton Ttill in the Lead, . It Is universally conceited tli.it Hie Dayton Is the most popular tlruos jshlrt It) the market. It rlveS feeiieral satisfaction nml U tiales tiro daily incrcaalnK. To bo had only from us, as wo uro the nuthorlzcd agents lor UMilgliton. Strofig and Sightly. fottonades, Jeans, TwceiR Corduroys nndCns slioors In Brent vntltv. at away down price,. An Vleitilitllne of Fancy Casslmcrs At 43 ecnts, CO Vent! Ott cents and 75 cents. Hosiery Bargains. i Weliavethebe-t special line of .Misses' Fast IUacIc Kltibed Ho.,0 at 10 cenls ana 23 cents per Vir. nhleli wn (.'link nre the crcatest lioilery Jolis we havo ever oiTjred. Hlnci rnn IromOto SH. Heal values of tlicm uf o soc and 40c J. T.- NtteBATjrM, ttptostte Public S(iuaro Bank Street, Lclilelito'ii. r June 7. lssi-ly. THE WISE EESOLVEv Tho day Is done, and labor Is finished Willi the night) I loo' my se-Alns over, lint find It nut Just right, see the mlsslnsr stltchesi In almost every soaml,-, . To say, t.ils rsji.-ivoklliRi Does not suppe-'USjjutnv Why did I ever huy It 1 , . Confound my lll-starreu fatal - ,. t)nceinore I've teen "Immlioozlc'di ' And found It out too lute. They told me "It was simple," If what Ihoy said was true, I've come tn (he cnnrlnslou That I am simple, loo, . . For, like an unsolved prolilenli , Itseomplej; parls si'irneM ljmleavor crowned with failure) And everything but rest. I'll let It slide nt auction, . And buy the "Vertical Feed," That's never out of order, And runs with matchless speed. Then all these haunting troubles , Which, like f.rlm spec.r?s, come Will fade like mist ot morning, lSeforc the rising sum . it would bo wise. And well worth your wlitlq to Investigate the merits ot me "uavis i crucai . Geo. f , Mai, Apt, Bank Street, Lehighton The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, JUXlJ 25. IS87. SPI5CI Al. NOTICK rersons making payments ti this nfllcn nv moncv orders, or Postal notes will please make, them payable at the WKISS- I'OIlT I'OST OFFICE as the llilsliton Uftlec Is NOT a inonov order oiuc Current Events Epitomized, Send Ml the news. Heart the advertisements. A mllllary'comrany has been organized Sit Bethlehem. The fame of Tulip soap does not con sist of tuero smls. The evicted Hazlo Jlrouk minors have tommenccd suit against .1 S. Weill J! & Co. A strawberry festival from which $"00 vas realized Was recently hdd in Allen town. A ycry silcdcssftil birthday ball tn.honor Df our' old friend J. TvMcOaiiiel came; off ht the Kasle ITotcl, 1'ie.asant Corner, Wednesday evening. " Twcnty-elsllt picnics are already booked for Island Grove, near FWmant4 burg Hov. O. Vlf. Gross is tha pawner of this popular picnic qrotiml. ' At. the residency of the bride's parents at Jamestown, by the Ilctf. O.- V. Gross, Aiidrfw Shive, of T;ch'lghton, to Miss Min nie It.-Cabcrt, of Jamestown. If "your watch or clfick don't run -cor rcctly, "tako it to-llagamaiijon Dank street arid ' if it then falls to keep time lio will ruako no charge. March 20 Cm The school directors ot Tackerton jtndepdhdant school district,"advcrttso In another column of to-day's issue for pro posal for the erection of a new frame school building at Jamestown, Children's Day will be appropriately observed In the Evangelical church to morrow Sunday, An extensive programme has been arranged for the occasion, all arc Cordially Invited to attend. Araandes Nicholas will expose to public tale on the prci' 'scs In the rear of T A. Snyder's residence on Hank street, a" lot of valuable household fnrrlture to-liluht and lo-morrow night (Friday and Saturday.) For the Week eildlnz Juno 18, there were i-td.GM tbtts of foal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroadi making n total to date of 3,917,419 tons, ttnd showing an In crease of 405,01:1 tons ctitflriariM with same date last vest. At Lansfor'd ground has becii broken for the lull and opera house building, It Will contain sloto and leUge rooms, and a theatre room capable of seating eight hun dred people. The building Is to be 0O4100, and will cost bboul $1:5,000. Leopold Meyer of the iJotorlsbitrg" lio- tel, lias flrst.fate accommodations for six or eight good boarders, at $3.50 per week, Persons who wsii the comforts of a home" should hot miss this opportunity. Iicopold keeps a nice clean and (inlet place The new part: dl I'a.-f'yvl(l will bo opened! oti July 4th by the Wiling of grand picnic If you want to spend the day in happy and healthful recreation don't fall tat fee.- Dildino Snyder has the affair Iff hand which Is ft sufficient aarantea that it will be a grand success The two .duelling gangs df tho Tide .-tt-af? ttlnftfltnA tm-blni hpt.wrtn Tnmpnnnd k'nil Maifelf Chunk, httve fhilsliw! Wyliie the pipes'. The pipe line will be under ground from Tamen&'nd to Jersey City with the exception of a' short distance at Vy'lnd 0n, Northampton counfy Oifr stock of casslmcr. corkscrew ntl Scotch goods for panti and suits to order at front $10 $13, $15, $25 and up, are sure Iy cheaper at these f rjefs than they can be nought elsewhere. Give its a trial to make Jon Rsnliat Sondheim's One trice Star' Clothing Hall, Mauch ChunkV A delightful surprise; party In' honor of ifrs. Thomaj Horn, came off at her res! dence In' tfew Mahoning, on Monday eton Ing. A largo nuntber of gneits were pres. ent who enjoyed themselves heartily until a late hour when all partook of a titmptu its repast which had been prepared for the occasion. Tho meeting of the State' Teachera' Association nil' this be hell July 6th, Gih and 7tli', In Ciearllelda beautiful mountain' fown nestled-In the Western foothills of the Alleghcniesi Heretofore the convention have been heUf III' cltits,- but the extreme heat susrsested llie' cool retreat o! the mountains. Grand, papa, Independence' Paj-th Fourth of July is coming and still t havo so new suIL Why don't you take rae to Eondhtlm's One Trice Mar Clothing Hall Mauch Chunk, and buy me one ot those famous all-wool ready-made suits at from W W, $5, $7, up to $15. They are urely the cheapest aclti or tha money I cm aw The Fourth of July. I'lcnlcs are In bloom. llaio batl predominates. The dog days aro coming. Tfiesday was the lbngcst l9V Tho "pesty" fly has luada Its appe-ar- ancc. t'Icnks bills jrrlnted al this office while you wait. A new one cent postage stamy has made Its" appearance. Fresh butter eighteen acd twenty cents per pound. Send $1 and get the AlH'cOAtn for ono year better than over. Tho new Catholic church at Krc'eland will be dodlcatcd on July 1(1. Patriotic Schuylkill county citizens will elect n soldiers monument. T6 soo how the Switchback trains run -notloe ttmo table In another colum. Three thousand dollars has been sub scribed for a soldiers monument at Bethlehem. If "cleanliness Is next to Godllncst," tho surest way to attain It Is b(u)y Tulip soap, 7-"0ebllItald energy" Is Iho very latest affliction and predominates extensively In this locality. We are pleased to nolo that our young friend Itolt. Hogen. Is able to be about again after a severe illness. 51. M. William tak collector of Luzerne .borough Idzcrho county, Is short several hundred dollars in ills accounts. A quarterly dividend of one and a quarter cent has been dcclatrd by the Lehigh Valley Kailidad Cotupany, payable on the 15th of July. Harleman & nrotheh of Fackerton, are greatly Improving the app'earanco of their storo room by the addition of two large show windows, Trcxlerifc Krcldler, the popular llank street carriage and wagon builders, have turned out a beautiful new furniture wAgon for Valentino Schwartz. If you go to Summit Hill Sunday don't fall to call at tho famous Switchback lies. taurant. Tho genial Goorge Huntzlngcr will be pleased to see you. A valuable cow, the properly of Cbas. Lentz. of Kis Hollow, was struck by a fat freight Sunday afternoon on the railroad near Itowmanstowu and killed. During a thunder storm Saturday night llgli'.nhlg struck Iho barn of W. It. Steigcr wait, in Xis Hollow, a few miles from here, and killed a valuable horse, Miss Ifattle Muschlltz. an estimable young lady of Lehigh Gap, passed ah ex amiiiatlon under Sup't Werner at Sel; fried's Iltldgr, JUno 18, and holds an ex cellent certificate. The twentieth commencement of Muhlenberg College, Allentown, will be observed from 20-30, The baccalaitreato sermon will bo delivered ly the president Rev. T. L. Seip, D. I). A married man once said: "I would rather hold a currycomb argument with the heels ot a mule Ulan to beat my wife three straight games of euchre or say word against Tulip soap," Your intention Is directed to Iteber's new ail. which appears In another column It Is highly important that you should road It it may be the means of saving you many dollars In the course of a year, For the week ending on tho 18th Inst. there were 101 fl-iO tons of coal shipped over the In & S. Ii.lh.a total to date of U.2a),S88 tons," showing an Increase as compared with same date last year of 101,000 tons. Mrs. C. F. l)elber;,of Uaukslrect.whltt' ileccnding a flight ot stairs Monday morn In c tripped, and was tveelpltatcd to the bottom receiving soveia Injuries. Wi are pleased to sta'.e, however, that she Is again able to be about. 'Acc6rding to a new .1w school districts In which A tefm df six months is not given will receive noappropiial'un. This will no doubt prove Interest lug to .ax payers I cauntry townj, whose children are given only four or five months schoul. The attention of tha people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity Is directed to the fact that George F. Huntzlngcr, of the popitUr Switchback Kcstaurant, Is author ized by us to lccelve subscriptions and moneys for the CAnnox Advocate. Now Is (he time for Ciikai Wai.i, I'apkh as wo are offcilng over half of our entire slock of Wall Faper and Borders at one-half and some less than halt the usual price. Do not miss this offer. E. K. I.UCK- rfiOM THE COUNTY BEAT. Picked vp and Epitomized bv Oar Special Uorreiponaont. The Monument House prcs'on'ts a Very beautiful hptiofirance. It Is probable that tho IVohlblllonlsts Will nominate) a county ticket. O. 1). Slgloy, of the OtiMftc-TiniM.was In attendance at a rc-unlon of old soldiers at Shainokin, Fa., this week. Lew. J. Ueaucbamp ami Col, it. S. Cliovcs commenced a series of temperance lectures In Oak Hall this week. Since J. I. Rowland mado Ills debut into tho Prohibition party ho does not mingle much In political affairs. Among the familiar faces noticed In tho vicinity of tho Court House this week were: Adam Mchrkam, Of Lthlgbton; Prof, Snydcr,of Weissr.ort.aiid Lohlghton's pomilar constable, Wash Schoch. Thc Democratic county committee will meet In tho Court House, here, on July 2nd for tho purpose of electing delegates to attend the State Convention to Conycnc al Allentown on the 31st ot August. Our osteemcd fellow townsman Hon. Wm. M. Itupshcr will bo a camlhlato for Judge of the Supremo Court at that time being a tlioroe.li gentleman, possessed of all the necessary qualifications his candidacy meets with much favor amongst both Democrats and Republicans throughout the State. -Tho Siewers-Raueh controversy has been the chief topic of conversation 111 political quarters during the past several weeks, lly many it Is construed to mean tho beglning of the end, or more exactly, the announcement of a gtand hypodrome to take place In the parly Democratic during the coming fall campaign, tho result 'of which will ho the defeat of the whole Demo cratlc ticket. In the iiieantlmo Republican politicians arc juhllauti and the Demo cracy. encpurnged, by Republican cries of let the band play" rush blindly on re. gardlrss of final consequences. Chtldrons' Day at Jamestown. The second annual Chlldrcns' Day ol the Jamestown M. K, Sunday school, was cele brated Sunday evening last. Notwlth standing the Inconvenience under which the school has to labor on such occasions, the old school house" neyer looked more beautiful, with the many happy little faces. Its laurel arch and wreaths, nicely decoiat- ed with flowers, and six beautiful canaries, showing their gratitude to God by their sweet song. A most interesting program, with two able addresses by Clarence Weiss and Rev. C. Hum!, was the discourse of tho evening. After tho benediction by Rev. Hums, the pcoplo departed for their respective homes, feeling that "It was good for us to bo here." Acknowledgments. The following subscriptions for the Cah- tiot Anvot'ATij haVe been recolved since our last report. The A dvocati: contains all the latest local news, Ac., of tho week, $1.00 per ycar-snbscrlbo for It. (5i'nrp llolon, I'lU-ki'rt'in , $ 1 00 i.. ii. rrwer, iiinnni i;uunK i. ,I:ri. II. llandwerk. .Maurh Chunk Olias. A I'.beits. New Milinnliig lE;ubcn liehrlg, Tiiwauipuilii;, .lames M, Xotiiilcln, U'hlguton .,, iH'liliH noniz, ifinxmnii Sn'iiiii'l I.t-vjm. U'MmhtiHl. Memorial run., Co., I'lumliersiiurg, t'a II. II. Kveillt & Son. WclvtiKirt M8. 1'. liehrlg, l'iii'l;erton Ifcv. .1. II. Ilnrtlfl.111, Milliner, l'a ll-Tli:inl lhihnrd, l.elillilo:i..,,j N. M. Italtlct, Normal Mi,n.'m....,n, C. lVHelhert, LeliWliloli ii..ii.u.:i,i ('Inn. Iti'dctz, I'ailyvllle .iiii.it Hubert Willi', I.eltlxhtlilli 11 Frank Znliu. I'hl'ditnn M 1 s. t'niiiir, I'h l ilitmi, 11 I). A. Itflirfjr. Stilleuvllle... Victor llnwm.'in, llowinanstimn llnuard I'liuhli, I.elilplitim. Andrew U liner, r.er! Inivlllc, l'a 1 no I in 1 ro 2 00 1 r.j t CD 1 00 1 m 1 (0 1 on 1 in 1 ro m 1 n 1 r.i 1 (n 1 no 1 i 1 m 1 (i 1 on 1 ca Hortnat Equare Eqnlbi. Miss Rclfthart. of Whllo Ilctf, spent Sunday wllh (ho folks nt home. " J. II. Longacre was on a business jaunt to Montgomery counly (his week. Our popular friend D. Xothstcln has just received another now stock of farming machinery. Prof. E. S. Stofllct delivered an Inter N'BAcn, 61 Broadway, Mattcli Chunk. Xcxt Sabbath, June 20, will be oli- scryed as Chlldrens' Day Ifl R0V1 Jafncs A. itlle's church at Hokcndauqua. Flowers. uslc, shot t speeches and other delightful features, will maik the annual observance of "Flower Sabbath" at Hokendauqua. Wallace & Co.'s popular circus and menagerie will show hero on Saturday, July Ollf. Oar exchanges Fpcak very high ly of the organisation as regards the Com mendable entertainments and gftntlemauly charactcr of the respective Individuals com posing lt -"-This Is Hid season of thunder storms, and a great many people have an absurd fear of thunder nd lightning Any one may be startled by a sndden flash and heavy dap, but If yc'ii citri see the lightning oil may rcrt assured it will not kill You It it hits you yoii will neveV know H. Iff the wilds of Borneo the thirsty cannibal throws a knife, sticks a rrtis.fi and drinks blocd; In lioiton the thirsty tramp throw dice, slicks his friend and drinks beer.- In Lehlghton and vicinity eery boly wlra delights In pleasure rides' hire their tearfs of DuyM Ebbart,- ori north st.-cet. Term's lo"w. 1 Flvo" hfiBdrc'db9ts, rtlts are" r'tduccd from 60 cents' two .tMtars on each suit. FlVe hundred mens' mils have been marked down In price .rorii $1 Iti $S 011 each Suit Klsht liundrcil pairs of paints for men a'nd boys art; marked dovn to cost prlte. Don' miss this opporttmlty to secure gcnhlnc barga'tns at Sondheim's One Price Star Clothln'ff Hall. Mauch Chu'nk. Robert Walp has moved Into his new- store room- opiristto' the Lehigh Valley round houses, on Ba'ni street, and would be pleased to meet all his old patrons as well as all others who desire to seenre bar gains in tho necessaries ot lite. MrV Walp was to' the city this week on purpose to purchase a large stock of the latct and best dry goods, notions, groceries, Ac. The Advocate welcomes Mr. W., and family to Lehlghton. Our circulation; Is rapidly Increasing everybody reads tho Ahvocatk. Advertise your sales hi I lid' CAnuOH AnvocATr. ' csting discourse In the formal Squaic school house Sunday evening. The coinmellCeihent exercises of the Normal Square Institute were brought to a sudden close Saturday evening owing to heavy rain. About filo hundred pcoplo had assembled on tho school campus. The exercises were concluded Monday evening he Mahoning band furnished the music. Among the visitors noticed hero wo might mention: Henry Robert and wife; Frank Kern and Nathan German; Mlllon Kuchncr, Hauls German. D. Rhoades. Jacob Behlcr, Frailk Read and Frank Bcclller. KontiAi,. IN THE LABOR -WOntD, Socially Compiled for the toilers by an Ad vocate juan. There are at this llpio 400,000 more In dustrial employees at work than In 1685. The Lehigh Gar Manufacturing Com pany, at Steiulon. has received an order for ono hundred box and thirty g'ond6la cars. The employees of tho Bethlehem Iron Company will hereafter bo paid every two weeks In accordlnce with tho two weeks pay law. It Is a well known fact among railway men that on railways running north and south iho west rails wear out tho faster; that fiVo rails will wear out 6n the West side ot tho track while thrco aro doing servlco on the cast side. Tho contract for supplying the steel needed for armor and and armament of the new naval vessels has been returned to the Navy Department from Bethlehem, signed by tho Bethlehem Steel Company, H will receive the signature of Secretary Whitney and become operative shortly. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers hold a very successful meeting in the Opera Hoiise at Harrlsburg, last Sun day. Prominent speakers Chief Arthur, Senator Goblrt, Grand Cliaplcn Kveriltaml others addressed the audience on Hying questions, A largo. nHyiiber of engineers from this section attended the meeting, The Philadelphia and Heading Rail road Company lias ordered tho construct ion of thirty-five new locomotives at tho Baldwin works. Horetoforn the engines were built in Reading, but tho machlng shops aro overcrowded now with repair work. Tho new locomotlyes will bo on the latest American standard, Ten aro for passenger service and the rest for coal freight. Ono of tho Harrlsburg assemblies of the Knights of Labor, In view of the speculation in salt meats and coffee, has adopted a resolution requesting "every working man and woman and all who are opposed to tho wholesale system of robbery of the tolling masses in the lfnlto.1 Slates to ceaso purchasing cofTeii and stilt meats. Get some substitute for their use for three or four weeks and yoll will effectually ruin these heartless robbers. Boycott coffee and salt pork, because the monopoly devil is in It. We" reqUBst the General Executive Board to tako cognizance of these specula lions and have the order to abstain from the use of these articles." Every thinker knows that tho man who would succeed must do more vorli that ho gets paid for, in eycry pro fcssioi: and trade. Wo take it for granted that the man who will do only twenty dollars' worth of work a week, for the simple reason thai ho has fleyer shown his employer that he is worth more. An employe who meatls to succeed has to do from ten to twenty per cent, more work that he gets actual pay for. Tills lie has to do until he reaches a certain point, and. haying ronched that point, lie will llmi thai by as nluch as his incom has increased by so liilich has the demand for amount and Intensity of his labor diminished. Labor brings its market valno and Is seldom over paid, oftener underpaid. It is tho experi ence tho know-how and the well to do one's best nt all times that draws Iho .com fortable salary. The Illinois Legislature has struck the Anarchists a hard blow In passing a bill which provides that If two ol1 iiioro persons ccnsnlro to overthrow the existing order of society or brlnd about local revolution by force or attempt to overcome tho legal au thorities of tho Stale and a human being Is killed, all persons engaged in such eonspfr aey and seeking to carry effect their com mon design shall be deemed guilty of the rime committed and shall be punished according (o the laws regulating the com missions of said crime. The bill further provides that It shall not bo neeossary In order tn establish a conspiracy to prove that the parties charged ever camo together and entered loto anyj agreement to do It, and it shall be sulllclciit, if it appears that the parties charged were tctually pursu ing In concert the unlawful, purpose, whether acting separately or together, providing that the acts of eoh were knowingly tending to the'saufe nnlawful result, OtJR BTROLLEB AT WEIS8P0RT. Interesting Items ricked Up And Assort; dbv the Stroller. Patronlto tho merchant wlio adver tises. Aaron Snyder spent this week In Bucks county. Milton Flory was 'on a huslncst jaunt so Allentown Monday, Miss Maria Blery Is sojourning with Scranton relatives and friends. Ainandiis Andreas, of Waluutport, circulated hero during the week, C. H. Nusbaum look In Howcrtown, Northampton cnuuty, this week. Iko Ux and family, of Bowmanstdwn, spent Siinday with Weissport friends. Leandcr Beckor of New York, was seeing old fllends here (hiring the u.Ut few days. Samuel Haileihan will build a two story frame dwelling houso on White street. Mrs, Hiram Rlckert and. Mrs. John Zern nre visiting relatives and friends in Philadelphia. It. C, Abbey and wife, of Mauch Chunk, spent last Suliday With relatives and friends In town. 1 Mrs. Caroline Kiitm, who was severely 111 daring last week, we nre pleased to note H rapidly convalescing. rrTJid fishing party that bald $10 for the flilt they didn't catch, you knon'i Mum Is the wordl No names. '" Wallo W. Newharl, of Ashley, l'a., spent several days this week with J. D. Bcnnlnger, on White street 0.1). Miner & Co. have made a num ber of important Improvements lit and around their foundry works, i-Franels Vundt will greatly Improve tho appearnnco of his residence on South Bridge street, by putting 011 11 sl.-lte loot. The Evangelical Sunday school propose holding their annual picnic at Waluutport or Slaltngtou sometime n the near future. Mrs. W. M. Meredith, after spending several weeks wltli relatives here, returned to her home In Germantown, Philadelphia, Thursday A grand raffle will come off nt the Franklin House, East Weissport, on June 2Stli for a live bear and a linebnxof cigars, rickets, tweiily-fivc cents. Don't miss It, The game of baso ball Saturday after noon on the Lehlghtnu tair grounds be tween the Slatington Blue Stockings and the iione tjtars, ot this placp endud In a grand flzzloi years tn office. Tho present Commissioners have rciiaiied nml renovated the county btilld- lintyaiid Court room, Jury roonn, &e., so that they are 1'ia crediublo condition. Thoy Iiiivp i-ouiifc of the superior cxcpIIoiico of this article I run ngniil repaired mostly all tho county bridges, which prompted to brilllj it belhlO tllO public. It IS tflkoll With VellSll were In a icrypoor condition unit made them .... . , , , , fi pn lQ 1!,l 1:n1,:.1 nrn UIU 31UH llllll UlU Will Wlllll till U.llt-L lUUUf) ouiiu v ..... loathed. The foninoitiou df Grntr Jm'rc i& newer to thnt of Milk tlmn is that of tiny, other orgnnic fluid. It-will build up. tho nervous system, enrich the blood and contribute in every way to the restoration ol" perfect health. Tin? beat element hi the food is that the sick relish it, long foi it, drink it with pronmuiccd gusto, safe for public (ruffle, They have built suvernl ncceaury mid sub stantial new bridges. Their pollry lias not been to malioa rhoiip rocord for economy by neglecting to do ucccsiury work. They do not believe In being "penny wlsu and pound fuollsli." There 19 In the Commissioners office a voucher or signed receipt for every penny that has been spent and !'?r.!l31:f,,l"":!,"TM in short, demonstrate that it - meets the siiccific want of the lyieven Kaneh himself was invited to examine orunuisin in debilitated conditions Whv. Ibis exccllciice 1 asks1 one. LverVbodv knows wliat Gram J nice is; so does overyUody them, hut having noregatd for tho truth and being dcshou4 df coiitliiiilii.t to misrepreicut, he (Inclined on the dlniiy excuse that lid was no auditor of public accounts. Fifth. They have put up n telephone for private mo lit the public e3pcnu In barefaced violation uf law," This telephone has been put up at a unit of $30 a year to the county. It Is used by Mr, llaiulHcrli, Mr. lser and all the county officials and by tho attorneys and people attending court. Witnesses are sent for durluj court, citizen uf Summit IIIU, Lansford, Lehigh PURE UNFERMENTED GRAPE JUICE! fn ncci ;nov the Castor Oil Plant and mnnv other Herbs and, ltoots riiid Fruits, but where is there a more excellent purgative than Unstolr Oil which, in spite of the small boy's Verdict, is silpur-cxccllcnt', but this lujutil Food is lleasant to take as well as effective'. The article we hnvo is prepared without boiling and Without; any chemicles or other substance to prevent fermentation. )n this account it is entitled to tile first rank as n Liquid Ftiod. Tt is abi ton, Welnportand other point, very frequently suutolv (.lcan ,)nR. nme from "bagged" g.'TipCS. TllC ri'6i send distractions and nk for Information from , . , ' , , , ,, ,. f," 1 1 ., . Mr. Handwork and Mr, Ksscr In regard to CCSS 01 "Daggll!" "rapes SI10UIU 1)0 DOUer KI10WU Ulan H IS DC- int,r:p.Kef,JudKn.ei.l.s.&e. There Is n telephone cnUs l)y jt seV(,ral iirt0VUtnl lCRllltS lireatlaiurd. . As SOpii.aS, tllO IntheCoiniulsiloncrsiitrico at Katton, oun at . . . .., '. ,. . ,. . , ... ... ' t Allentown undone at Wllkes-llarre, wo suppose IfUtt IS SCt a llliUllllli paper bag IS slipped OVCr paO.ll' Well lpflTlCa "hi barefaced Eolation ofUw." Tho telephone vn ltml fastened ilUoVO jt With ilTli p'lllS. TllUS paQtfCefl, tllO Hw 01 th to the people of the county what It ,, . , . , ., A , . ., , Ii if . , costs and should bo there .1 niihlle eonvenr. IfUlt (IPCS not l'Ot. IS koill free lVOUl tllSIIOrPS amLtlle llUUSlOritt enco milt neoominodatlou. Iicu lhiueli tllut Hnnl nir in f h'n !tinnoilii.Wt nnH nl5n 10 trrth7rwl iffiM 't He- ivnrnl , ... .n. . .... ...I HViWl,ii 111 (.tlf llltliuol, -, ll. v. i.iuv. ,m w.wvx .v., a...... h . . . . lm ;p nf tlm Tftnitlimm tin nl,t 11 lv':ia nt lit I, . I O I . : ' , I ti 1 li si It V-ii 1 1 : In lUl'Ht-Hllg mi' unit Hill H'lii iiiiu 11IL- juiw Hunt luraiai-. iiu jiiijn;? Wiihnetulii TllO telephone SO protected conic toil greater perfection, and wjeti 'giitlibred arr) iigheroriitiie wahnetah was fun bdtlicd and haVe in pftfcctiotUhat rich purple. iSodtii whicli nuobuilnessienilnds us of a , . ,, '. . .. '-.i .' ,,- i, . 1 1'ui.i: ui ,nu .-il-miuiiu iiu n,uii it piu in 101 -r .... , . i . ., , . . t.. i . 1 onuect Hitii my rcsideneo tn xcsuudirtiiinc, mcut til the tlirip and oilier insects wliicll Often ilislest Vineyardsi notwUhstniHii.igaiati neieriiMinte!i'i.iu.neai ronderiii' the fiuit unclean and the juice Unfit foiyise: The grnpei NVrtlti'linh!ii. Vim- In, ;iv II v:io itiit In f.i I O i ... . , o. . I connect with the w.19 In the bfllcu long iiiuii. inis iciepiinuo iiunness lennncs us of a I ,, , ,. . i t, , little story ILmeli once told ns. "Ho said there tllO drOWltlftg gloiy of tlllS lioble .fruit. 11 IS hOtll SltOll Jloy.ll ttcreatiiiictlmelntlilscourtty.ollleerstowliom irrnit. flint nitf 'ivi TTiif.'rmtmlril flrmw .1 'iV'rt IS made: of si dp!rri: iiu .mnijiuM; ilia, iiiyj I-UIUIVCIUU IW1I IIIOlll'. , . l ltfi. 1, intheeoiialybnildlii!r.byiiiaklniialU.lthroiiL-h rich LWlR't COlOf VCl'tnil" Oil 'nlrple II lllOdllct OJ patllvc. Its. ono of the niis, lMueh said, i ntuicked them boouet" is rihh and ft tiitv. reiniudit)'' fine of tho "abundance Of ..." rae 1 ..-..., .:, .... ,1 ,1. ... .... j? ..... ..u.. MM - 1 tlierowilsnotlilnclntholhlne.biitIIiel,ti.oklnLHaiUUinU ailtl 118 nilVOr IS rxCCtlCIKtitillllUV. illl'lv lilt! aUVUlllL this hole In the wall nt Ilium. Tho peoplu could other "blTll.ds Oil tllO inil'ko't itlid tHoi'tl'h WO lillVC eXailfilied a CObd not understand It. They thought It must be c.. . l r .. . 1 . I'll,,,.,,)! i m somellimg fearful. You know, ho said, the half Hiuny ui inuiu, c iihiu luuiiu iniiiu ui mi in in. iu uw. ijuiiiu ic ottticKopiedo not understand theso things held from fornieiitatiaii by mUc.iiHc (tcid, Fomo 25 id. 40 grains aiiilyoufiingetupablgeiclleiiientabmit nolh- , s . y..... . i i , ., ,,77 .- Ins;. IlustkciitPnklnalliUliblem tho wall nt "sen w "I . into ; suiuu uiu iir.u uy iiiiiiiyuu niui oiuimw them ami would you believe it ihat def.-iiicd Ufw add, attd others' devcloij a niotallic taste in the mouth ttfler theso renown," Is ll.ulfch at li s old canio of try- .... , . .,. . ., . . ,. ,. 1 il ...! u Instohunibmrttie m.blle We believe he U drillklll?, sllOWlllR tllilt t!lC 1U1C0 llaS bettl HI COnt.lCt Wltll H niO- foollih enough to think he can do it. Another Itnl sitvl!ifr ill snni( stil t, mid is ill rollSPfllKitico lltlfit to USfi as Well cnargo mat was inane uy the votccra; is that t l.;f - 1i f.,t 'l'li 7J,,,.,, ir A.,, ,1 n.n TmTaX the present Court Ci or received Slco a war moiv.. j-h nt. uiynniuii uui(uuw more than the late Jonah ' when he was Court Crier court kcshIoii. Tho Com p.11 ties nhoiitS too per year, for rlennlng (lie for Carbon COlllltT; N. B. I.EBSR, M. D. Price, por Pint. Bottle, GO CM., For Sale at ReHcr's,t)rug Storo. lonahMiuiiiey, Mr. Maiiiiey is specially prepared for the Homeopathic Pharmacy which had ft'ourutyhe1ipaid 'to'otin'r tllc cxclusivo agency and IV01U whom we httve secured the agency ust received lrom Boston an immense stock of the enn ine Knieht of Labor Shoes which we nro seflinR fit $2.50 and $3. "NVnrrnnted Bolid cnlf letlther. Clauss & Uro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot be bout by nny dealer m the county. FarryyUle News Itemo. W. T. Boothe and wife, of l'htladel- phiaj are tho guests of II. 1. Cooper and family; Miss Jennie Clappj of Kiifgst6n,- l'a., was the guest of MlssBuclah Peters during tho wefck. Sfcssrsi JIoso Honser and I'cter Bac'om fLstnsfbrdj Shook lmnJs with l'arryrllle friend's this week. Mrs. Mattie PIcrson, of Dover.- X. J., after a delightful Visit to this Stctlen re turned home Monday, Chlldrcns Day wits -fefy beanttfully observed In the Jl. K, church hero last Sundavi The Interior of the church was nicely decorated with cverrecnt and flow- its, Wldln'e. Srfyder Is making arrangements for tho holding of a grand picnic In his new park opposite tho C. It. It. Depot, on tho Fourth of July; A glorious good time can be looked fori llev; B. F. Powell Is sotoTirnlm; at Ceda'rville', Pa: DAr. Unboning Items. Our fat'mors commenced Cutting grass this week. 0. K. Bartholorncw filled the mifnlt In St. John's' church' last Sunday: X. it, llalllcl will tako a pleasure" trip through' some of tho wVstern Stales. The Cemetery of St: John.e ehnrcli has just been enclosed with neat fence. Miss Nettie Itclgcl of East Mauch Chunk, was the guest of Miss Hannah lial- llet oyer Srtnday: Chntles Fenstcrmacher has secured a position ns clerk Hi'O. B. Del.ong's meat house, Lansford. The New Mahoning" Cornet Band will furnish the music for a picnic at East Mahano'y Junction, on tho -1th of July. At a recent meeting of our school boar! it was decided to' pay the teacher t-30 per month for tho coming school term On account of tire' unfavorable weaflier last Sat unlay eyc'nhig the closing exercises Of the Normal Institute were h'M on' Monday evening-. Tho following students returned home last week: G. PV Frcyman from West Chester; Misses Minnie Amer and Emma Scldle, and C. E. Xrner from MyCrstowri". Children' Day will be observed In- the Evangelical church' to-morrow (Sunday)" afternoon. uSsu. rebplo as They Come and Oo, Chas. Weiss, of Alden, was In town Wednesday. Miss Sallle- HoiTordls visiting Allen town friends; Kev. A. V. Horn, of Summit Hill, was n town during the week. Miss A. Redctz; of ranyvllle; spent Friday with Lehlghton friends. Mrs; W. W Mortblmcr Is visiting relatives and friends at Waluutport; M. O. Bryan and family, of Coal street, visited Bloomsburg fi lends on Sunday. Al. Fuehrer, of Phocnlxvllle, Mont gomery county, spent Sunday with Lehigh-toniani. Postmaster Chas. Seldfo', of Normal Square, while fu town Tile'silay made ui an agreeable call. ' Mrs: Cj Alexander, of Philadelphia Is the guest of Mrs; II. V. M6rtlilmcr; Sr., on Bank street. -WIIIIam Lewis, th'o' popular Iron stfeet blacdsmtth, spent Jjninla'y at Iils hofnc In XcsTiehonlng. -i'.lobert WalpV of the Eagle store, was on n business trip to Philadelphia and New York this week. Mrs. Itobert I. Sweeny, 's solournln with n. F.. Sweeny and family at Drlfton, Luzerne County: Al. Worsleyj Lewis Brendel and n 111 nelchtet fep'resciile'J South' Betlilebcm here one day recently. n. W. Fleek. Lansford clothier, and Chas. Fleck, of Tamanua, called on C. F, Delbert this week. Mrs. Mary Kllnger and Mils' Maggie Long, of Piiinidelphla, are lilt) guests of Miss Maggie Leonard. Comrade Au'drew rayef; of North ampton county, hllo fu town Tuesday made us a' pleasant rail. Miss Minnie Bower, and estimable young lady of Catasaun.ua, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Ash, on Bank street. -Hrs. K. W. Clauss and Mrs, Jos. Webb, ot Bankway, spent several days with Tamaqua frlnds this week. Ed. F. Davis, representing Wallace A Co's mupsum and imjnn'gcrle, w title In town this week dropped in lo'se'e'u's. Master Edward Sterner, of t'ressona Schuylkill county, Is visiting ids cousin Charles Mertz, on Lehigh street. Comrades Jos. Webb, Moses Itehrlg and Lewis Gecus, spent last week In Monroe county on a Ashing excursion". Frits Miller, tlio jolly saloon nian, on Bank street, dropped i'n'ot'fr sanclntn' one day this week aVi'd schl the' mercury Op about six degree. Miss Emily Ilongcni an estimable you'pg lady of Bank street, spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Danlehvllle, Benj. llartolet, Jacob BrownmlllCr aud Ed. Freyman, Lehigh Valley engineers, re siding In this place, were In attendance at , the convention of Locomotive Engineers at lUrrlsburg last Sunday, Cassidy vs. Ranch. Kilitordflhc. Jloiic CViiiwJE Tiiicj, 1)i:ak Stn: I desire to publish for the benefit of the public an expl.iualldil ot some attacks Unit have been piade by tho Mattcli Chunk Democrat, on iily&clf and tho County Commis sioners I Something overa ntonth itfjd it bcciime llioduty of tl:p Commi3-loucrs to select llirco papers In which to publish tho Mercantile Appraiser's INt. The law required that'ouo of tho papers Mhnuld repiescnt themlnoilty party of the two principal parties In tlie county. This gavo it tn the Cazctlc as ono of the papers, and the Com. mlssloners selected tho Weathcrly llercld, the Summit 1II1I and LuiiHtord iford,as the other mil paper tn which tn pi hit said report. I will say here that the report Is paid fur by the State and Is north from f 180 to S199 to the paper that cuts It: The immaculate l!aneh was very mini oua td Secure Ibis "fat" and to do so be mado a pUsrliuiiKO to ivclsspoit to Interview Cnrnmls Inner Arner. Ho then iliudc u personal appeal tn ComuilKSloiier Coll In the CoinniUsloners nf- lli-c, nml then ntteiutdcd to bribe the Couuuhj. shiners' Attortfey .with $25 to secure Itforlim- I-'nlllui; Hi all llicsu attempts ho left, muttering threnlK iiKaln-.t the (tonrd. Although llaucli had tho County Auditors' Annual Statement 'printed In his paper for scleral weckscaily In Ihejear, ho never discovered anything wrong nltli the Commissioners, or their accounts until ho was refused this much desired Job ot print Ins. Then ho hynecrlticnlly assumes creat so licitude for thctuvpaicrs and pilches Into the CiilinIsoucis and their accounts because tin y refused him this "fat" printing job. . The more effectually to do this his first act was to garble the County Auditors report for tlio manifest pur pose ot nilsleadtns tho public to believe there was uverSlOOO spent on County building repairs, ulicn the fact Is, there was outside of plumbing, considerable less than sow sjient for that pur pose, Tho charge hcillnst tho Commissioners Is x trayaKance, and ve will here give them us put by .the Demacrel. . First. "They have nearly doubled the salary ot their clerk." Tim charge the Hemocrat has continued to harp on for several weeks. This ckarge alfects me personally aud hi reply I hai e this to s.iyi I receive 373 per month. I bclleie in' services are worth Unit amount and I have no apology 1 mako for receiving it, The Com missioners1 hcllpve It to bo only d f.tlr rcmimcra. Hon nnd assure mo they have no ilp'ology io make for paying It. Mr. It. KSohwartz received over seveuly dollars per month while he was ulcik m lite ofllce, and as far back ns IS'a J. (!. Dlnunlck received tho s.imo salary I am now getting, and James ttruthcrs also received fc7! per month whllo he was Commissioners clerk. There Is more work now In the Commissioners .illlee than there ever was before, as it was since 1 am li that olitce that tho Commissioners have been" Cumpcllcd lo keep n record of all Judg ments and liKirt'MMjs ill their office, ltaucli now assumes to think Sin per month cuoiig notwithstanding that ho called Mr. l'.uck, the last Commissioners clerk, a "Chinaman" be cause lie served for that amount, nnd dc noiuiced tho lllegel board as "Chinese Commis sioners" because they Paid so little Second; "They haio not stated the annual public acco'iuit In a manner that the public could be correctly Informed us to'lho manner hi which the county funds' havo, been spent." Tlio Com inlstioiicrs have nothing to do with the annual statement and Uaiich knows this. Tho Commls doners submit all paper bills and accounts to the County Auditors. Tilt Auditors audit these and mako their report and tho Commissioners haio nothing to do Willi it. The last statement was audited and mado by II. 11. Swartz, II. II liutler and Paul lhick. These gentlemen were under oath when llley mfdltud tho accoimts. Tile fast two aro llepubllenns and could haie no object In shielding a Democratic hoard of uoiu mUnloiiers fu doing anything wrong; e believe they aro men who have (ho rcsiiect and con fldcnceof the people, notwithstanding lUueh'i' slurs, ' Tir(l. "They have n'oie tlimi ffoifblcd1 the icmte oi uuicnising iiioauhuui puiieiiicui . ...tently In eiiH-cfatloniif winning the support of the solid local press for le-electmn." This Is not true. The last report was rrlntcit In every jupertn thocnnnly for lfis IIIOro than When 11 was published omy In lure impcrs one of which was Iho Mai'eli Cliluik Utitocrat, The Drsl year t'icso Commissioners guvo the statement to three papers. Itaueh ehanred the county $tw for publishing tt. Mr, Morthlmbr puldlshud the account that year and knew what Itaueh had chained. Ills blUwiij 821 less than Kaueli mid said he recelied full legal rates mid could charge no more. It he had clurgcd the same as Itaueh tliodlfferunce In having all flic papers print the report would be still less, Tho Commissioners fixed $73as the amount to beiMhl for printing tho ifuhual statement and had It published-In all the papers. Tills' omoitut was G1 less than liaiu'll charged thu county fur the kioiio w'ork." Itaifch would like lo haie nuinoplily of the printing su hccou'.d charge .-nuplo of prices. The Commissioners tliAught there were other citizens beside the limited number who read the Pem'acrel that had a right to see tho County Statement so they piiblUhed!t In other papers. Fourth. "Thoy have Infcrsascd the tax rase from 3 to 3 mill and iiotwilusUiiding the I.irgi inereawi there was I, balance In (he treasury at the end of the year than there Was at the end ot the year when the tax rate ot tho former Hoard was only s mills." The last or as It was known as the "Mogul Hoard of Commissioners' which It Is conceded by eieryone was a very economical Hoard levied for their first two years In (IW 0 and & mills rosueetlielv. inaklm: (or their first two years a total of 11 mills. The Court house, offices, Jury rooms. Sc. nil of which Is now done by the present Com t Crier nml his wife, wltll other paitlcs ho Hires and pays out of his salary, sothat It costs tho county no more lhan formerly, while It secures for the County buildings tlie constant euro nml atteutlou of u Janitor. So much In reply to the" charges made. We do not Intend to wasto any ntriro time answering all tho lying Insinuations Itaueh is capable of gl Ing Hits public as racts; When w o write again we will not dMil with Itaueh ns principal. We will go back nt it If ii to thu real source of these attacks and shdw tlio objccjfo be altnlued by a clique In town who use Kniicli as a tool nnd fool for their special purpose. o aie satisfied w e can point but Hit' source of Hunch's inspiration, Hid demonstrate, that these al lacks nre not made with the object of benefiting Jliti public! Yours ltcsnerlfully, Micii.viii, CAwiiiv, Mauch Cl'.h'nk, Juno 20, '87! PURE I EFFECTIVE 1 1 ELEGANT 1 1 ! REBEBS HEW DRUG- STORE In the Old Stand, Unto Mart Hi, Ml Street, LeMfc f a. Medicines all ITew, Pure, Eifective & Elegant; . DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS; Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps; Chamois Skins, Sponges, ati kinds finishes; Corahs, Perfuiueiry ond everything nlsa In t'n ID ''lias's Hiii knt i i nwit variety and of most exccllcnt quality, rtl VjKUAs l'Ui;sLi;iriiif) t iuci uiiiji wuruusuiiu. M Mill Good Measure 1 1 God! WityJ!! Teachers' Examination.. Tho Carbon county teachers' examina tions for 1SS7 will bo held as follows! At T.aiisford borough, on Saturday, June 5. N". "hi--Tvfro licmiliir Phvsiciaus tihvnva in nttcndari'cc Dr: Reber, the older, cah always , bo found and is ready to give advice, and to nrescribc FiiEIi burnishing medicine, of first At Weaiberiv boroush, on Mondity.Jime quality, and at as rcdsoiiablo dhavgcs ris can bo had elsewhere 27. . At Jeaiicsville, forllariks township, on Wedliesdny, .luno 211. At Jfaiieh Chunk bdrmifili, o'n Friday, .Inly 1 At Lehlghton for Weissport, Paekertnn, Tarry villa ainl I.tiiiiJlitori on Saturday, July 2. At East Wcis'sp'oH, tor Franklin" town ship, on Wednesday, August .1. At ihulsondale, for 1'aekcr towiislilp, on Friday, Ansust 5, At llockport, for' J.ehlsh and Lausanne townships, on 'luesday, August 1), At Pleasant Corner for Mahonlna town ship, ott Saturday, August 13. At Hast I'enii, for East l'enn township, on TussiUy, August It). Al East Haven": fdr Kidder township, on Thursday, August 18. At Mllluort. for I.'oWcr ToWamensInc township, on Saturday,.A.tigust20. At Stcnilersvllle.for UppftrTowamenslcc township, on Tuesday, August 2,i: At Koch's notel, for Venn Forest town ship, ort Saturday, Sept. 24, The examinations will be In writing and all applicants should come prepared with operand pencils, arantcd to' applicants under seventeen ycafs old. dee aiil OoMiliatioii Rooms Coiiycnicut to Rear's Drug Store. Established 1867. EeEstablfehed 1887? mis is the tee You Want! Northampton countv. tii.. n,i,h..K-.ii.-i,.T.i.ii.n prewntbord. wlileli lias been In ofllre lor tw in ii V n " ' )ert levied fur Uie tint yror a mills and for the .......7. .w...i. v. weondSiuilUnaMnif for their flrsltwojears years in tlie yven, mo Ap ViiCATE ex , tntJ ot t mills or 3 mllli less than the very eroiv tends a welcome to the family. I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully prepared for the witii one ot the most FASHION ABLE as well as SUBi STANTIAL lines of ... i Ladies, Goiit'B and Cliildi'eii'3; $koe& Ladies American & French Kid. $2 to $4; 1 t'OIUO IJfL'UiHCU Willi 1 , 1 it-- m mtm fv, mm. M P . 1 xo certificates win be indies and. Children s Spring Heol Shoes,; All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.23 Up r - 'Oil ft, The agonies ot llioso who puffer from scvero saltihcum aro Indescribable. Tlio cleansing, licallnz. nurlfylns Iiitltienccs of Hood s barsa- parllla aro uneiiuallcd by any other, medicine. ....... 1.. ....llnji ttu..1,o ' 1 laKO IUCaB!l0 U IcuuniliH-imiufci Sarsararllla, for It has doiio wonders for me. I bad la t ilicum very severely, anyciiiig mo over nearly" my cutlro iMidy. Only tljosowho havo suffered from tills dlscaso m its worsi form can' imagine the extent of my atlllcllon. I tried many medicines, bn( failed to receive benefit tintlt I took Hood's Safsaparllla. Then tlio disease' began to sulislde, tlio Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am entirely f rco from tlio disease. My blood seems to bo thor oughly purified, end my Gencrat health Is rfrcatly benefited." I.vman ALLrjf, Gcxtou N. 15. Church. Noi td Clilcaeo, III. "My son had salt rtieum on Ids hands and tfio calves of Ida legs, so iad that tlicy would eraek onc'n and bleed. He took Hood's Sar- sapartlla and fs entirely cured." J, B. Stan- TON. Mt. Vernon, Olilo. From 108 io (3fJ I was gcTfouiily troubled with salt rlicum for three years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparllla; I am now entirely cured of salt rlicum i my weight has Increased from 10S lbs. to lis." Mas. A'ticC Smith, Stamford, Conn. Jf you suffer from salt rlicum, ot any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparllla. It has'cured many others, and will euro you. Hood's Sarsaparilia RnldllldniEirlaU. f Ii aliforfR JTenaredonli by 0. 1. 1IOUI) & CO., Apothecaries, Iowelt, Mau," IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Latest Styles Hats and Cap;&$ -AT LOWEST PltlCES. " CORHEE STOBE;; The LEWIS WE BANK STREET, LEIlIGHTON. PA. i i apr.ll-yt Dissolution Notic'o. Tlio co-pa rtiicrhlilplieii'tuforeevlHlluslielwccii II. ,1. KU,YI7. hihI J1. II. KUNTA under Jim firm iiaimtot KUNTZ ItliOS., iliimi; tiiHlliejw at lAililgliloif, I'm'tiiin roimty, I'iU, tin tills dav lieen dished lv iii'utuali-iiiiseiit.M.O. Kll.N I. retiring ffoui said tlrui. Allpuitfrs Imlvlded to .ild Hun Mill settle with It. .1. ICl'.N'IA al tlio.so lull log claimx iii;.itikt Mild Tiriii. 'lliobiul ium mil be eniiffmiutl by 11. .1. KU.V17... it. .1. i i . Jl. l, Ku.Nra. Uhls-liton, r.i. Juno t, tstrf-illlHW.' 1 Important Notice To whnin jt inv eoiifern. All partlev nroi lieiiin niuUimed iipt In .tnixt my sou JOHN, l.li:.)IAi:l), ml IU iijit bo icsppnslblc for any defils coutraett'd by litni. HKfbAJtl I.tCNIIAIlI), June l-ni Jlaliimlns Township,' Important Notice.' To whom It may eoiii-cni.. All r'arlly .are lieieti) cautioned licit lo Inut tn? fnn, vt ll.I.IK II. III,AM;,us 1 will not lie leflioiisllile fonni dchts coutaacti'd lij lilm. . Juno c, ls-iT-uiii 3n j-mgiuoii, i n. 1 iVant I'AYINU fsrri'A llllllllil -1IIOSP WHO 1 'I'Tf.VU .,u 1Aa.iI ...Imi-,,!!,,,, ,i,.,.lrtHllllllLI auid'y At Alio' Ui J AH. B. WHTM , ViiruiriYi:i. UiirluMiler. N. Y. No ex perience, b uitulml, and millll J.h free. Meiidy work tlio i-wir louiid. All ftoik warnintiil Jn good condition. Jiiuelljni Exocutor's Notioo l-.'-ti.ti- ef AllllAUAMJIiiYnt. late of Hasj 1't nil 'liniislil, ('.iiluiti eiiuiiTv, l'a., deceased.. U Iters ti -.laiiii'iduryfialliX; Cw-n lirtuited to tlio In atniw IMiil,-, nil iHuniiiii liiielitad to sabt UNtMt.1 nn- r'(iH.ti-d tadhikAt'Syii'iit.aiidtlinsa Inning i l-iln.itii jjri'MtsiiiUllmiit delay to Mayasifcfiiiij'. ' ' ( tji'stlViiuTowuslilp. 2J3 K, Sdcoad St., l'iiUani., Forranly Drs. J. K.& J.B.20BENSA0K Kkfultllkltcil 40 n-ari. VorlheciiranfallSDeclAf DrcaAci, iuduJmc Itut if Ynpillifui Im trntW turt nrleuirlctK:c llorrlt4andbcv cure') lv Ordinate of Jel7'ritQnC'nllcg!WiihHoiipIur jj'-ciice Hours, H u VtGutt. Cliili Budijli Notice to Builders ! IVoiRmft win Ik' recelvcil for ercctlnc a Sriroitl. IIUII.DIMI ill Jameto ii,.1ii l'.u-kci-toiiJiidpt. Selunii! District.' llilily-two (3J) feet rrnnt Iiv forlv 4'i( feet deeo. i-lilecll (111) feet lilgli f inn fAumlatlon tn e.ui-w, nltli lestllmle tan ,llh fpi-t hv twenlv l-JOl feet.' contalllluts two it'iSiliiAAii immense assortment of Smnmnr Fabrics in stock,' comprisinji t-cavauouuiiaMiriiiriiiMMijiiiMi-ir. . ..." I nlr flirt 'ir ntnuf ch in 4 I 1.1 J lltl.Vii.7V tJ IUU HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST FITTING BEST MADE AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING. Switchback Railroad. TRAINS MSAVH AS l'OClWS:' Switchback I)epot-:30; 10:10; HOT; 2 JO; 3:15; Summit Ulll-9:40; 11:10; K 50; 3.1 4J5; 0:10. St'NIlAYS Swltllbaek Deiiot -t:S0;2:l5. Summit llill-3)0; 4:00. (orai-al juitRHli-urdf tfb'-tr corrcnKndnff tn-o , ir J Mi Jiryjin, mipi- nss- Ati lY for ll) lilKlioit and liem hWIder fur.tlio old liulld- I.... ..n. (I.u unillll, ',1.1 11,(11,111,111 IIA r,. I moved nllliln six (0) dais from date of purcliaae. r'.i'cnn'nito frvitlra riitwo f"11 rri rlcs , any otlier liitormiumn eni,innyiiE tilloy tlOOJ.lll.VXOt VUl JVOUl t Oj VJ1C HUIOJ' rrnsmciil oi tjcnooi iioaru, i.u:Kerioii, .i. YXT -L 1 f P - vv orstuua, cvu.y oUiy fnde u'n jn the latest styles and most substantial nihniiPi' nt priced" that positively delv coinpetilion. hntislaction Kiinraiitecd Yotr can r.;tve money by having j'mir elolhing made by For a June afr-tw 1L H. PETERS, The Tailctf, EXCflAHGI HOTEL BMMIilG, LEHMTON, P.