The Carbon Advocate MmiutrroN. PA., SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1887. KNTKKKD AT Till? I.KUlnllTON I'OST-OFFICE at SKCO.VD CI.AM MAIL MATTKIt. HON. TV..M. BAPSHER F08 JUDdE OF THE SUPREME COURT. The Democratic State Convention lias been called to nirot at AHentoirn on An?. 21st. Two oflkcs arc to bo lilled at Ilio general election In November, A Stale Treasurer and a Judgo of tlio Supreme Court arc to be elected. To place suitable men in nomlnatlnn and dcclaro tlio pur poses of the Democracy vlllbotlio mission of the convention. For Uio position of Judge, Carbon county lias just tins man and lawyer that meets the requirements of thn position. Ho Is fitted, qualified nnd In the prime of life. His capabilities to fully dlsoliargtl the duties of tho position, Impar tially and judicially, arc beyond question. The Individual In view is the lion. )V. M ltapsher, of Mauch Chunk. Let the Dem ocracy of Carbon county present his name and urgo It with an earnest purposo and success may crown the effort. It Is not noccssary for the AnvocATtS to dwell upon tho requirements of the posi tion, for all such as arc acquainted with Mr. ltapsher are fully aware of tho fact that. In every essential hols equipped to fiuitll tho responsibilities of the place. a man versed In tho latf ho has few If any superiors. His ability and judicial capaci ty Is unquestioned and his fairness cannot 6c Impugned. lie Is- fit, ho Is capable and is worthy of the place. for a good many years this section of the State the strong Democratic section has had no representation on the State ticket. It has year after year rolled iip Its unenlng majorities far the parly without any other incentive hut that which actuates good Democrats principle nnd conviction This constancy and faithfulness to the Causo of Democracy without any varlablo ncss is worthy of recognition and reward, If tho candidacy, through his friends, is properly presented to tho consideration of tho State Convention, on Aug. Slst, his nomination can bo secured beyond perad Tcnture. It would not only bo a rccognl tion of the loyalty and constancy of the Democracy of this Democratic stronghold, but it would Spur the faithful on to more vaTor and more earnest work In the cause of that principle which Is the rcdeemln; feature of our sjstem of government and the principle underlying It. Again, let the Democracy of Carbon county as one man rally to tho support of Mr. ltapsher. The Advocate with soma f rlends.havo taken the liberty to make these suggestions vltbout any consultation with tho pro posed candidate. THE HIGH LICENCE LAW. A good summary of the-ficw high license law is given by Paxtoni our Uarrisbnre correspondent. In his letter, id-day. Whilst the new law has many excellent features and commendable qualities, there, aremanv who will find fault with It, from the fact that it drives out of a legitimate business hy heayy and onerous taxation the saloon keeper who is doing business In tho base ment and on a limited, scale and puts it in to tho hands of the proprietor of tho more pretentious and -high-toned establishment, creating thereby, as it were, a monopoly of the liquor traffic. Brewster, who Is emin ent authority, claims that the new law Is unconstitutional from the above fact. When the tlrae.comes for theabandonment ef the low saloou tho dissatisfaction w ill be ruore clearly expressed especially in small country and mining towns. The new law, ff successfully carried- out, however, will regulate and correct the flagrant abusa of the liquor system of this State, and from this fact it has the earnest prayers and best wishes of all law-abiding citizens for suc cess. One commendable fcaturo of tho new law is that a certain percentage of all li censes paid shall revert to tho use of bor oughs and townships where said license Is granted. This will bring Into the to"vn treasury every year a largo amount and as a consequence, will allow. In this town the furtherance of many necessary" improvements. In Bethlehem line. they still draw the color Tint fee man is scoring- his little profits now. We tip our Hy-'att to tho new United States Treasurer. Tire man who leads a double life gener ally gets away with the boodlo. It Is about time for tlio periodical "water question'1' to-be agitated by our citizens. Obbeuve Decoration Day. Join with the G. A. It., and decoiate the craves of "soldier boys" who bled and died for tho perpetuation of a great country's honor. We haye added to tin "Lehlghton llusl ncss Directory," tho announcements of the Various places of worship, and also a few more cards from merchants who recognize the importance and practicability of occu uvlns srtac- tmd'er the above head. Wo hava room- for more, however. Broaflbriiii's New ml Letter. Special to tlio Cahdon Advocate. One of the most delightful little-strains fn Gilbert and Sullivan's admlnbUs operet ta of "The Mikado," is-that sung by the Mikado htmsslf "And let the punishment lit the crlmertlie punishment fit tho crime." The press ot our city Is on a broad grin at the collapse- of one-of their blanket con temporaries, moro remarkable for enter prise than- discretion, who, Instead of doing as the Mikado did In making the pnnlsh aieat suit tho crime endeavored to make the crime suit tho punlshnvnt,wlth a most disastrous result. Several weeks ago.lhe remains of a young woman were found on th. outskirts ofHahway, X. J. j she had Icen murdered the previous night. Xtxt day theown was alive with reporters from New YorS, Philadelphia, Newark, Patter son and numberless other towns lu Pt-nii-svlvanla, New Jersey and New Tork. Your modern city reporter is not merely a scribe and an Interviewer; ho Is a self-constituted detectlvo In all that that implies. So In the case of the Iiahway murder, each reporter had to build up an independent theory, and then work It as a matter of news for all It was worth. With an enter prlzs and zeal that challenged astonish ment and admiration, the New Yoik World entered the lists to elucidate the Railway mystery. Holding the lightning Ju one band, and an unlimited money bag in the otbur, U did not take It long to dis tance all' competitors. The enterprising young gentleman to whom the matter was entrusted, was not long in fixing the iden tity of the murdered girl. Her name was Anna Laraen; she was a native of Den mark; she a Wild romantic hU v.y.and slui had a lover by the namo ufCail Wolfe, and Carl was anxious lu get rid of her, and had been heard to say, If sho did not let him alone, lio would cut Iicr it croud and a basket of eggs being found near the murdered girl, It was then remembered that of all things which the unfortunate girl liked It was sucking raw oggs,'and he lover Carl had been known to dcpleto neighbors' barns and hen-roosts in tho In dulgenco of this guilty pastime. Then there was a scar under tho left ear, and turn In tho nose, and finally a live Count was hunted up who furnish id all the minor details which placed beyond the shadow of a doubt, tho fact, that Anna Larson an tho murdered girl wcro ono and tho same person. This week the original Jacobs turned up-ln, Jersey City; the very antluode of tlio wild romantic creatine- painted by tho II orld a very plain old Dutch frow bordering on the foities; fat. but nut fair but, nevertheless, the vorltahlt Anna Lar sen, aoout whom ono hundred and ten columns of gush had been wiltlen in III H'orW, and somo hundreds, if not thou ands of dollars had been expended; and tho fun of the thing was, that tho reporter who wroto the sensational articles, rod past tho woman s house twlco a day for month; and If ho bad been so inclined might haye tossed a sour applo in her back window. Tho paper aforesaid mado graceful an acknowledgment as possible. and If it shall bo tho means of leading the newspaper aroresald to less sensationalism and greater accuracy, It' will certainly bn of advaniago to New York journalism, "lo beer or not to beer That's th question." Tho lesion taught by the Mayor last Sunday has stirred our Teutonic citizens to tholr profoundest depths. On Friday night the Cooper Instituto was packed with protestants against the rlgl interpretation of our present excise law- It Is no usa denying it: Lager llicr Is now ono of the foundation stones of the Kepub nc, ami tho only reason It was not men tioned In the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of tlio United States, Is firstly, because the forefathers' know ledge of this celestial beverage wa3 limited and secondly, they never dreamed of tlio possible contingency when beer would conio under the nation's Interdict. How ever, on Friday night, New York was out In largo numbers, and there Is no denvins uio meeting represented soih of- thg we.-iiuiies anu most respectable elements iil tho city. Ilcro are tho.slmple fa'cts! -The Germans of New York aro a Urce. Influential nnri important portion of-our citizens. Thev represent minions ot wealth, and aro law- abiding and worthy of tho highest consid cration. In the country fiom which thev camo uio ocer garden is a national liistitu Hon. lather ami mother ro ihnrn win. their children. If tho father hannons to be absent, the mother will pa lliprn will, her daughter, and take a class of beer and listen to the music, and she would no more I ream of being Ins'ilted than if she were in her own house; for matter of that, evcrv man in the garden, would If necessarv.con- slilute himself her protector and avenger. it is Ullllctiltfor us to understand this statt of affairs In America, but in Germany it is pcriectly understood. A number of years ago this city was cursed with a class of sa- oons, whero minstrel performances of tho lowest and most vulgar order wero given whero painted syrens, clad irt oriental cos- tunics, waited on tho tables drugging and robbing unwary countrymen who were sec ingthe sights of tho cltv. In addition t,. robbery, murder was not uncommon, and It was to suppress these places that an act was passed some years ago, forbidding the atrical or minstrel Derforumnees win.-,. uquor or Deer was sold. It lay for ten years on tho statute books, a dead let ter; nnd, in the meantime,, arose those reeling abominations Tom Gould's, Billy .ueuiorys. unco Allen's and dozens of others, equally notorious and iufamous, uarry Jllll's on the corner of Crosby and Houston streets, was only a pistol shot away from tho police headquarters. It was the well known resort of thleyosand harlots, and has been for twenty-five ears. ilr. Hlil kept open on Sunday and holldav. and waxed fat ou the wages of sin, till he Had tho misroriunc to refuse his police pro lector blackmail, thinking he had sulilclent political pull without It. It was a sad mis take for Harry, for ho lias had little peace or ins lire since then, and he never will till he surrenders or dies. In tho meantime, nowever, a class of beer gardens have grown up all over the city, which wcro ncv er contemplated in the act. They aro re pitiable places; largely patronized by our ueruian population, whero men go with ineir wives anil families which fact alono assures good order; here they sit and listen to the music, and onjoy themselves genoi nlly. There Is no unseemly nolso; no dit order, hut as well behaved, as orderly and as cheerful a lot of people as could possibly uc lounu in any piiDiic assembly. It is not a question whether It. Is politic or wicked to drink lager at all; but whether it is more wicked to drink It while listening to the overture lo Tannhauser or a Strauss waltz, or Wacht an lihine. Tho judicial Solon who decided that a performance by a well trained band was a theatrical performance oraminstiel show, ought to be presented with tho latest legal dictionary, for he as- suredly had a most limited knowledge of the word entertain niEllt. Tim fnnul ln was most enthuslatlc, and the lesult win undoubtedly be.that the law will be amend ed, and that the whole matter will be left discretional with the Mayor. The respect able German gardens will bo nllowed their music and beer, and the dives will be driv en out. Tho ball set rolling hy Mr. VandorbUt nf the gift of Rosa Jlonheur's '-norse Fair" to tho Jletiopolltan Museum of Art bids fair to become contagious. Since that im perial gift enough has been donated to tho Museum to form the nucleus of a splendid uicry ot ait. .Most surprising and gratify ing was ;he gift of Messonler's "1607" hy mlgo Hilton firstly, because It marks a new era in Judge Hilton's life, un to the present time, though somewhat ad varccd In years, ho has not been promin ently identified with auy public benefac tion. If he ever has contributed to any public institution or charity beforo the' peojde at large have never suspected It.and It may be that he keeps liUlcfl hand In Ignorauce of the vagrant doings of his iluht. Howcu-r, he has given a noblo gift to art, and the two finest pictures in the lateStevtatt collection, which hung up In Mr. Stewart's gallery for years, only teen by a few dozeu faorod people, may now be enjoyed by the great public without money and without price. Now a spirited effort Is being made to open ourart galleries and libraries on.Sundays, Inasmuch as wo hae not church room for one-fifth of our bopulatlon, better let them go into tho libraries and read, aud into the musenms and Improve themselves. They might do worse; they can't do better. Tito Brooklyn Eugli Is one of the staunchest Democratic papers lu tho State. Wherever there w as a fight on hand H has , alwa been found In the thickest ot tho fray.Viul its arraignment of tho Democratic party of Brooklyn this week was bitterer nnd more caustic than anything to be found in Juvenal or Junius. When It tore the mask from tho officials who- havo robbed aud disgraced the city, it was like looking on the facd of "tho veiled prophet of Khorasseu." In comparing tho two cities for equity, justice and general good con duct It .cheerfully awarded tho palm to Now Yoik. 1 used to think Biooklyn quite a pious and respectable place, but af ter tho hagle't arraignment I apologize and lake It all hack. ineaincais aiothiiving though we aro getting towards the close of our season. Tho lutcr-stato Commerce bill has been disastrous to companies on the road, and quite a number aio back hero stranded. Tho theatiical event of the weak lias been the production of Itlenzl at NIblo's by Mr; I.awrcnco Barrett. To tlio credit of Mr. Barrett be It recorded that ho Is the ono American In-tho higher walks of tragedy who Is hot afraid to measuro himself along side of a first-class company. . It is between ten and twelve years since Mr. Barrett ap peared at Booth's theater as Casslus In Julius Cajsar Davenport was the Brutus, Bangs tlio Marc Anthony, Barrett was tho Casslus, and cvbn surrounded by able ac tors he stood out tho prominent figure In tho play. Ho has ripened since then; a hard, painstaking student, ho has labored unceasingly till ho has Disced himself at the head of his profession In the United States. To witness "The Last of the Tribunes" Is better than reading history. You aro trans ported back to Koine, and tho scenes and actors aro such as you might havo seen had you sat on tho Capltollno Hill five hundred years ago. All the resources of scenic art and costume havo been brought iiito requis ition; nothing has been spared that can add to the historic accuracy and interest of tho play. Mr. Barrett has dono much for tho art which ho so worthily rcpresonts.but in notlllilL" has ha Kiirnacgn.l 1. lo lot. ... .. Sj ... .- ' ,u aueuoi-utcnzi. The public response has ueeu pcnerous ana gratifying, more esnecL- any is t is the recognltlou of the honest work of an American actor. What Mr. Irving Is to lingland Lawrcnco Barrett is to the United States, and in elevating lilm self and his profession he has honestly earned fame and fortune BnoAiiuiiui. bill BdF;Sta6:XgjaLC?rresp!iuiice. Special totuoCA'nbdADVocAT. ' ' v MAY 18, 1SS7. uoverner; Beaver signed the high Hcmrse' iiiuijimj u synopsis OI WHICH I furntsh your numerous readers. The law in a mild form amounts Jo nfo- hlblllon of the IlnuorTitirhV. witiiii. Icllned limits lis restrictive provisions aro -so emphatic that the immedlateclTect loolnd lor miner us plain and -vigorous enforce ment is the driving out of if considerable number of small tavern,. The bill as passed makes the llccnto pro vided for by Its terms tho only lawful lie., ense. A licensee must bo a clllzcn of tent per.itc .habits aud good moral Character. No llcehsn to bo granted under existing aws after June 30. Applicants and those joining In, mustnotbelnteresled pccnulailly n any.otner place during the term of tho license. In replications two reputable freeholders of tho ward or township must bo mentioned as bondsmen, and each one of them must own unincumbered tbA estate ortli over $2,000 and must not be encased n tho manufacture of liquors. The petition must be sworn to. Each petition must he accompanied bv tho certificate of twelve reputable electors or the ward, borough or townshln. that thev nave Known me applicant fur six months that they endorse his application, and that they have signed no other petition In that year. Tho bondsmen or-sureties shall bo among tlio signers, and shall inako oath to ineir endorsement. Tho bond is (-2,000. I he seventh si-ction provides that the Court, after hearing petitions from lesldent. of tho ward, borough or township for or gainst tlio license, "in all cases shall ref inn tho same whenever in tho opinion of the said Court, having duo regard to the num our ami cuaractcr or the petitioners for and gainst such application, such license I not necessary for tlio accommodation of the public and entertainment of strangers or travelers, or that the applicant or oddII ants Is or aro not fit persons to whom such license should bo granted, and upon suffi cient causes helng shown or proof beln; made to the said Court that tho party hold Dig a nccnso lias violated any law of this Commonwealth relative to tho sale of liquors, the Court of Quarter Sessions shall, upon notice being given to the person so licensed, revoke the said license." and an me additional petitions andremonstran ces are to bo based on the necessity of tho license to sell liquors or the fitness of tho ppllcant, or on the nocissity of the hold, mi or tavern in mo locality where th applicant proposes to sell tlio Honors. l no eighth section classifies the licenses as follows: "In cities of the fiist, second and third classes' $500; In other cities $400; n oorongn, i5o; In townsh us. f,7r,. in cities of the first class tour-fifihs shall be paid for the uso of the city and i-oiintv and one-fifth for the use of i(io Commonwealth: I .tit.. f . . .... ii rum vi me second and third class threa. fifths shall bo paid for the use of tho cltv. one-fifth for the use of tho proper countv and one-fifth for the use of the Common wealth; In all othercitics orboroushs three fifths shall bo paid for the use of suck cltv or uorou2ii, one-ltrih for the uso of the proper county and one-fifth for tlio use of thn Commonwealth; in townships one-half snail ne paid for the use of ihe townshln. oue-iourtn lor tho use of the proper countv mi one-iounu lor llie use of tlio Common- ealth, The sums paid to the townships to oe applied lo keeping tho roods in good icpiir. Tho sixteenth section fixes the nenaltv for selling without a license at from $500 to ,000 fine and from three to twelvemonths mprlsonmcnt, and thn general penalty for loiatiug oilier provisions of- this law at 5100 to 8500 fine for tho first offense. S300 to $1,000 fine for any second offense and ouu to o,uuu Hue and three to twelve monius' imprisonment for any third offenso. o person convicted- of moro than one offense can be licensed in this Stato again, na any licensee keeping a dlsordeilv house or permitting tho visits of disreput able persons shall likewise be liable to have his license revoked and shall not again' bo licensed The seventeeth section prohibits drug gists from selling intoxicants except on the written prescription of a registered physl slclan, or when selling alcohol or sonin pre paration thereof for scientific of medicinal purposes, and makes it a ruUdeinetaner for any physician to'knoningly prescribe liquor for an Intemperate person. The oilier sections aro not materially dif fereut from existing law. PAXTON. Choice Clover Seed, nt low est prices, at Gabel's Hardware Store. WasMgoiites and Gossip. From Qur Special VorrespondenU WabuinotoM D. C.,May 10th, '87, Mr. ItotTon i Tliufcday, May lith, 1SS7, the Second day of the aniilil reunion of the Army ot I lio Cumberland whs nVevuiitful one, both lu the history of that orgiuiIzAloii, aud lu tho IdsUiry ot Washington us U day upon which tho brouze stutuo of OarflcWdoiiated by tlio Army of Cumberlaud was fut bally presented to tho peojde ot tlie Nation. 'j9 day was a pcik-ct specimen ot Wolniutoispiiii weather. At an eaily hour In tho uiuruig small dotaclimcuts onioopj,iiiiiltiu uial otllr organizations that were to participate lu tho L-uada took ikmscss lon ot tho streets, oud the liislo of bauds was lioard hi every quarter. Atlioon tlm ciL-cutiva departments wero closed nut added their quota 10 uie iiirongs on m sldonnks. Tho proceedings attendi tlio unveiling of n ci e miei-eun( aim largely intended. Ilio oiatiou was delivered by (ln. J. w. lCelfcr, who upon tho part ol tlio monuhent committee .of tho Army ot tlio Cumbeiljhd iransffrred the statue to lieu, Slierlilaii, as Gcneild ofllie Al my, and hy lilm It was formally presented lo tlio TreslUeut of tue United Slates. Tlio statue, which Is a bionzo, is the design of tho sculpher Ward, who also dosljiied the equestrian stiuiia of tieii, Tlioinaj, ly tills city. It Is 10 reet tf Inches In height and tcprcsciits Garfleld facing Ihe west, in tlio ait of delivering au address, with his rljlit hand rfjtlng on a column mid a manuscript hold lu IU lell. The .osu or tlio Dsiire Is asy und iiuciucnllonal. Itciumbeul (deal Agurs at ouch ctrnor of the lepi-qsent tho Student, tho wairiorandlhe statesman, typlljlng the throe epociis In On. Garflclds oaiytr. llniiizo tablets above the Anurej liMr a irlohp. alriiiiiIutaudSHord inula laVel Wrcalh,loilos Ing tho scales of Justice. Tho Wrlptlnns iiki the shaft nie placed upon tlireeWs, us follows: Southwest face ".Tames A. Garfield, ir.ii.ik9i." on tho southeast face, "Major U.S. A.. iicinucr ot Conaress, Senator mil ivp.Moi,, r the United States of Aiiieilcai" on tho north laco, "i.recti'd hy his Comrades of the Rocii-iv nr uiu Army oi uio uuintwrlawj, May U, 18S7." The erection or Uio statue was autlwlzcd at tlx meeting ot tli society nt Clmttniooga In hat. and dine meinht-rs wero uppolnid to select a design and spupcrlntcnd Its coiijfriictioii. The committee upou'tho day of tho Inivelllng pajj over lo tho sculpture, Mr. Ward 150,743 In lull settlement of his claim. ) Preparations for tho N'atiOnatDrlll have been about completed, and Ilio oimiltcc havo re ceived notice that several Of ttw -vlstllng cum pithlcs will arrive hi tho city aid co in to during tho present week. . 1 A meeting of tho 'Washligton Monument Association was held on IV dnesday last to consider as lo Ibo proper coufso to purue In order to. project the memorial ionqswlilclflfiffV been sctirMho IntoTlM-of tiifc- ICnmmeiit, -from further Injury by relic huiitorj who, abusa the pnvllago which has been acibiik-d ni Vl'IlinzllleMonumtml. liv Hitnii,,.. .,.i n,i,.'. Iacfactrtg tliet'rilcinre. dme of the expen sive stohes Ahieh wcro presented by fotefgh governments and by states and Aiclallc. foiv,, flicen nearly ruined. The. ccIGbmMd "Xavada" stone, whjcjjlias been so greatly aduvlrcd hy nil vliltOrs''lotliJIoj1uniciitand Is considered lo be ouotrtte most expensive and beautiful of uie memorial stones, has hecu badly tilsfliriircd.- several ol tlio massive slher lettcn) upon lis fnco have been detached and carltol -:iv. After carefully considerhiK the sn hct It as unanioiisly decided by the Assoclalloi that the i Monument should herviiftcr be closed o visitors, until Congress sh ill take sucli actlhi In the premises, as will effectually protect thl sli ucturo trom tlicso acts of vandalism.. The jlnmuiient uu Eiuacu on uio ii uay ol tnu Mitlonal l)i III. I The city has been flooded durhur the! frw days with counterfeit silver dollais ot'tho Issue of tsst. rhocountc'ifeltlseoiilldercdtobe one of tho best that has herctoforu hcen 'd-ti..-ti,i The size and general appearance of llij couutcr- icii n meniicai wiiu mat of a genuine Ala, and tho "ring," is so perfect as to deceive iyi expert Tho weight of tho cotmtptfeli is blfghfly helow theblandaid.anilltii by this alone that the nauu may no detected, Where these coins conio from, or ho-.v many ot them havo oeun put into circulation is a uiystcrywhlch us yet has not boon solved. A large number of merchants and othej business men havo been deceived hy Uio coins ind In ono Instance slity five of the counterfeit dollars m-ic. utiu-u in uy jn-oiiiineut inarciuiit up on Seventh street, beforo tho fraud wiis de tected. ij. Eomcmber This. Subscribe for and read UioAdVocatu. $1.00 per year afl the news. l ou can havo salo bills printed at this ollico wait. Our circulation is rapidly Increasing everybody reads tho Advocate. Advertise your sales in tho CAitBOff Advocate. All will do well to hayo their salo bills pnntod at this ollico.. A position in our "Public Sale Kegistcr" is worth considerable. Wo do all kinds of plain and fancy job worn 'letter heads, note heads, receipts, &c, put up in tablet style If desired. The post-office will bo closed ou Dccora tion Day between the hours of 1 and 5 p. J. 1 Smith, JVM. WEISSPORT Millinery Emporium. Mrs.M.Culton Announces to the Ladies of Weissport I.ehighton nnd vi cinuy mac sue nas one oi tne most complete and fashionable assortments of Summer Millinery Goods! ; INCLUDING- HATS, BONNETS, RIB BONS, FEATHERS, AND NOTIONS, ever brought to this section of the Lehigh Valley at Prices thrtt PosUIvely Bsfy Competition !. Hats & Bonnets Trimmed in the Latest ' nnd lost Artistic Manner hj Fash ionable Milliners. ANWork Guaranteed! A word to the wise. . Before to call' amf fspi&cF Nxnatjsp: qnponably thrjLtr3r,"Largest andMpst--'Fnshioiinble line of Summer Millinery in the Le high Valley. Very Respectfully, Mrs. M. Culton, White Street, Weissport, Pa. AprSHm iffABEtlED. Stock Quotations' Iteportcd up to 12 o'clock, bv Db ITavek & 1ownh::m, Hankers. No. 30 S Third Street. Philadelphia, stocks bought and sold elllief l'lllLVDELrillA IT. S. a'.i II. S. Currency o's II, H. IV, coupon ,,,,, ,, U. S. I'm coupon Pennsylvania iljllrnail J'eiipKjIynnl.i & l!e.tllns itallroad.. ia-uiku uia- ji;iiu-o.iu. m.Ws'lfCV-ul"iVi,i?,"Jy,,,i,Io.K Company.. m' J, llitff.,N,.& l'ldla 11. Jt. Jo ii t New Jersey Central 7a3 Xorlliernl'.ieinc Coin.. Northern l':w Ilio I'rotM Oregon TruuHcunUncnta!.. i-inou racinc , Western Union W'ost Slime lts Itllsvllln & X:lsltllli. Wlier (Trades).. ., , May 18, im. 100 12CIJ 1004 s IMH H t-fl T CO MS 7. 7. - ; a?4 St i 34 M . Mii S . T7S i .103 IW . C7i r- 00 208 N. Seoond St., Fhllada., Formerly Drs. J. N. & J. B. HOBBNSAOK K.lnblUlie.l 40 yean. For the cure of 11 Special Diseases, Including Results at Youthful Im. prtultlicr, Varicocele, Etc. Call cured by a Graduate of Jefferson College experience, liourt, H to X, O to O. Ciostl fc&i&fl, Lohlghton BuaincsB Directory. JVT. ltAUDKNiltmil.lhtnk street, wholesale dealer In choice oramls of whiskies, Bin, hriindles, wines, &e. ten Patronage solicited. E HUANG'S 81IAV1NO SALOON, npposlto tho Advocatk Orjftt-K, Is liontlquartrrs lor simniiH nuu ll.lirt-uillllK, l lgalK AC 10UI1CC0 SOIU GO TO Kits. ltOUKUKIt, tnuler the Kxf haiiRO Hotel. Hank stieet, for a smooth shavo or a tuiiinoiiuuio imir cm. ukp- 1'ioseu on Sunday's, J J. KUTZ, Tank street, manufacturer of . cholre lirands of tlgars and dealer in nil mmn oi touuecos nun snioKcr's novelties, Cnll T-lKri!l! Iir.IM. llnnk atrn.,1 ilunlor In l,,l,. JC cents, misses and clilldrpirslioolshoesntul qiiiiuuis. ibci,uirui( jiruiuptiy atll'llticu 10. Call, JAMES WAt.V, Hank street, steam heaters stoves, all kinds of tinware. Hoollne timl spouting a spe cliilty. Your patronage solicited. I. KOCH, nank sttct-t. manufacturer ot . choice hrands of Havana cigars. All kinds uisiuuKur s siiimuics constaniiy on Hand. Call, ir rr.tiM.- 1nA. i... .. , . mm. sntiaru. Dank street, chnir-n win... ,( liquors mid cigars. Fresh lager always on tap. P. J; WE.niV saloon nud restaurant, Ilauk . street, headquarters for fresh lagurbt'eraiid other drinks. Choice eatahles aluy oiihund. It. (IIMIAM, attorner nt law and notary Kugllsh and Herman. Ustato & collt-t-tliigagency s. C1U ItllO ADS, Ag't,, Hank street, denier in , dry goods, notloiu, glasware, qiiccnsstari'. uimHL-ciica, tj vi jmruiii:gc soiictcn TII1J OAItltON ADVOCATU OFFICE, ii.uik street, plain and fancy Job printing a speci- ij. Aut iiuatk one uoiiar per year in lUlviuice. Till! LUIIIOIl WAtJONCO., Limited, factory baker, milk, truck and express wiigonsJari RKARKIl Si 11U8.S, wholesale and retail con. fcctloiiers. Hank street. Picnics and parties supiHiru. lour paironage is coniiiiuy solicited. DOl'IIIiSTKll UOTTI.INO 1IOUSH, Thos. J. JLU Heck, llauk street, lager bger, ale, porter, ginger ale, A.c. Vour oidors are sollelted.Jttj T O. .1. BTltAUSS, Mahoning street, fresh At, milk and cream drllvcied bvc-ry morning. All kinds of egctiibles in season. Low pi Ices. i-tO TO ltliUlill'S U DllUO HTOltE, SOUTH HANK STItECT, EXCIIAXOH HOrnL, Hank street. Thomas Manu, proprietor. Coach to and from dik. 1'ot. luues l i-asoiuiDio lor regular & translct tmdo EliUHKN FE.NSTi:i:MACHUlt, Lehigh street, dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions, v. .iuu,;niuii,ctu. l.UlUIIitgU SOllCUCII. TUTltS. nKTSCHlltSCHSlCY, Lnhlgh street, Is ucauouaricra lor nrv nnoiu. nntinn. tun. ..atVMS, b,uvriik-3, lC. J ,U1 OIlHgO HOIICllCIl BEST SODA WATEIt AT THOMAS' DIUIO KTOIUV JlAirK hTltEET, Tha-Stftyrot Sooietiea ck A. M.. meet Tiiu-srl:iv.pv(iittii nf p.-iplt ck in Uabel'a JI.UI. All brothers luvtteil. E. G. E., meet Monday evening of each week hi (.libel's Hall. Kaglo's cordially hulled. KOF L., meet 1'ildaj evening of each week . InOabcl'sHall, Hrothcrs cordially Invited: Ip. O. F meet Tuesday evening of each week . In Ueber's Hull. VWllug brothers Invited. TOIIN 1). HEltTOLETTlI POST. No. 4M. G. A. J I!., second and fourth Thursday evenings of cich month, In Kcber's Hall. Comrades Invited. COL. JOHN LEXTZ CAMP, No. OS, S. of V U. l'a. Dlv., II. S., meet Wednesday even ing In Hebcr's Hall. Al. Campbell, Captain. I p. G. T., meet Friday nlglit of each week In . lteber's Hall, Hank street, at 7:30 o'clock. All templars liiMted. A. W. Hon.v, 0. T. YM. C. A., inpct every evening, except Sun- . day's. tSiinday afternoon lectures free. iveinerer s nail. fcfi ou lire cotdlally Invited. Our Ohurohes. lorwriieandbe 7iT 1 01)1 ST E I'ISCO P A I .. Soul h Ilink street, "hhltotolial ,SanfiW services at 10 a. m., mid 7.S0 p. m. Bsiil siiiM. 5ul,(Iiiy Seh001 '-' I'- '" W.M, SlAJon, I'nstor Orphans' Court Sale -OF VALUADLE- Hy virtue and In pursuance of ah order of sale Issued out of Uie Orphans' Court of Lehigh coun ty, there will he sold at public sale, the following valuable properties, nt Ilia Howuiaustowu Hotel, New Advertisements, V A ROYAL tst'.-.r Jl Saturday, lay 28ft, 1587, at One O'clock In the aftornoon. No. 21. AH that certain tract or piece of land, situated In East l'eim township, countv of Car bon nnd State of Pennsylvania, hounded Hint described nt follows, to wit: llcginnlng at a pine, thence hy lands of A. and .1. H.illlet, south "7 degrees, west 107 perches to a chestnut oak, theneo north 12 degrees, west B'l lurches lo it cheilnut tree, thence by lands or Stephen Mai llot noi th degrrcs, east 63), perches to a stone, thence north 18 degu-es, east S! perches to a stone, tliencn by lands of fieorco Lynn, north 3S deiri en, east la perches to a stone, thence by lands of John Angel, mirth 75 degrees, east no perches to a stone, thence, by the same north 18 degrees, east 43 perches to a stone, thence bv land ot George ltehrlg. ilec'd.. south 81 decrees. e.a t Si pi-rclics toattone. thence by lands of John Ilalllpt south 7 degrees, west 112 peichca to iuu I'mcu ut uci;ii!ui!j, I'uuiauting Sraty-Funp Acres, Im or Less. No. 38. All that certain tract orplece of laud situated In East l'enn township, county ot Car bon and State of l'eims.Nhania, dcsbinalrd as No. VO In the Inquisition upon the real estate of Stcnlien Halllct, rieccased, boundeil by No. 25 tiiii Minus ,,i ui.iiii j.aiuei, ruuillllllug 11. UcrtS subject neverllielfiss to a dower of 11.02., All that certain tract or piece of land ftlttiute.l 111 l':.wt lni,n .ii.F.tulit.. .n,,. ... bon mill Ktate'of Pennsylviinln, bounded and ile- scrineii as iiuinws, 10 wit: ut-signnted as No. 28 lu tlm Inquisition upon Hit- real estate of Steph- en li.Huui, uee u., ihuuiuoii ov lands ni ,inlin Miller, Nos, ai, 30 and Mi and lands of Christian l-'icehy. containing 20 aeies and 2 perches, sub-Jt-ct nevertheless to a dower ol $l .7!. No. 40. All tint certain lot or piece of ground situated In the township of East renn, county nf f ai iiwn, 1,,., uoumicii aim fieserineil astonowt, to wit: Designated as No. 34 In the Inquisition lltUtlllllll.A'.l a.t.l. n, ...... 1,..tlln. ......I ,aio- w oi,-inrii ...nnri, lire II. lioiuidHt Iiy lands of William Horn, (). Mussel man..iaccb lit-hriir.-ind Thomas Drnndinrr.. eon raining 30 acres and 40 perches, subject never- Vn. 47. All flint eortntt, trtttt nr nluia nt Inn.l slliiatn lii the township of llatt Pcnn, county of Carbon, Pa bouudpd and described as follows: lowltt HegliiiiliigHtai-tnnp, them bv lands of uiiiucs Kviing nnriii r7 uegrecs i-nst 03 pert-lies to n stone, thence- by lands or Henry German north 6' degrees west Hi perches to a stone, theneo bv lands of Tliomns liucli snnth mii 1I1C grces west fit peirhes to it nlone, thence by lands of Charles J'rltzlngcr iwnitli IS'i degrees casts jmiriies li um fii.tru 01 ncgiiiuiiig, containing 4 acres and 111) perches, strict measure. No. 43. All that certain tract or piece of land, situate hi thn township nf .Mahoning, carbon county, l'a., bounded und described as follow, to wit: lleginnlng at n stone corner lu lino of lands late, of Win. Horn, thence by lauds of Charles Albright north 48 degrees east lis perches to a mst In a public road, Ihenco along said road mid lands of .Mr. linger south till de grees east 43 3-10 perches to a stone, thence south 2G4 degrees, east M 2-in perches lo u post, theneo south 2 degreoi. ctistSO 2-to perches lo a post, thence by lands of John Halllet, south 71 H degrees, west 143 2-10 M-rches to a slake, thence noi th a .1-10 degrees, west 44 perches to Uie place pf beginning, containing 66 Acres and. 127 Percuss, STItlCT MEASURE, .No. 0. All that certain tract or piece of land. situate in l ast reen jounslilp. Carbon county, l'a., bounded and described as follows, Id wit: ncMgnaieti as ,mi soHtuong a number ol tracts TltlNHY IJ'THEltAN. Iron street, Sunday sen Ices, 1J, m (German), 7.30 p.m.. (Eng. !ish).Siuidayschool2p.m. J. II, KuiiKJt.Pastor. EEFOHMEl), Ix-hlgh street, Sunday services at 10 a. in., (German), 7.30 p, in., (English), Sunday scliool 2 1). 111. G. W. stiiiiTz. Pastor. T1VANGEL1CAL. South street, Sunday services Jn4 iii iuu. in., titcrniau), 7,311 n, m. niiiut,i,v SLIIUUI J. Ill, tEnollsb). (1. W. Ottoss, IMstn', CATHOLIC, comer Northampton und Coal streets, services every Sunday morning and evening ltuv. ll.uiMACKE, l'astor. AT PRIVATE SALE ! An Improved FAItM, with DWELLING HOUSE, I1AKN and all nccessaiy outbuildings, a never fading Sin Ing of Water, nnd the land Is In an ex cellent slate of cultivation Is offered at Private Sale. A lurgo orchard of choice fruit trees Apples, peaches nnd Cherries, 'ihe property Is located in C'ai bon county. Ills crv convenient to school house, nnd about one and a half miles from Itallroad depot, and conlalus about SIXTY ACHES. Apply at the C'AKHOtf ADVOCATE OFFICE. March 25. 1787 tf MISS EMMA if HI B-TFO nmi eh FASHIONABLE Milliner AND Dressmaker WHAT WE CLAIM WE CLAIM THAT OUR RoyalBone Superphosphate is the best Phosphate iu the Slato far the money. It sells at $27.00 Per Ton! rlil Me tan Brand x3 is equalled by few surpassed by none. The prico w $3-5.00 Per Ton! Wo have been selling the above grades of Phosphates for tho past FIVE YEAItS. Our sales have increased every year. That shows what our Phosphates are. No other agents can sell you the above brands, except Heuben Kemerer, Our Sub-Agent. ALWAYS IN STOCK. ADAM MEHSEAM & SOIT, GBNEEAL AGENTS, Bank Street. LeliMiton, Pa. March II, 1887 3m oo Want!! I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully prepared for tho Cnmimir SnmmRr'fi Trario Ve? u ii u a H ti 3J a J) 0 B UUU with one ol the lllOSt FASIIIONARl.rc n wnll nn HTTR. STANTIAL lmes of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes. &eiBfs9 Wime mmv Up! Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button S ioes, $1.25 Up) . Latest Styles Hats mid Caps, -AT ;V...,v. LOWEST PllICES.- .A.t The BANK STREET, LEIIIGIITON. PA COKISTER STOBE." 7 ipr..jt" T). THOMAS' JDi.u t5 J to 2 Doors abovo tho "Old Stand," Bank Strqet. Lehlghton', Pa, Use Thomas' Root Beer Extract. Oho .25 nnnr. Wrio mnVM - - Barrel-of good RO.OT UEER.- - LOOK FOR SIGN OP GOLDEN MORTAR. (it hin. I Ilio late Sti'plieu Halllet, dt-ct-ascil. Iiicasnrc, iHiuiidfil l.y No. 17 mill Ih iidw of (irnrKP Anrtreas, ronUiliiliij; 0 ACUlIb uud W l'lUiClIUS, strict Absolutely Pure. Tills llQWtlrr DMVr vnrl A ...a.t np i... Ktrt'niftll Ullil vlmlp.mnni llS,l,."!S.0"l,u2ry..k,nd,i"n,i fttn not be 8 Win coi iiwtlilim with the iniilmude ol low lest, nloi t ...ill run-pi, fomiwny, ion UUEZl-mu I'ow vhen th lmdbtrln to ihov, Tlx tlmo for touoc And ol'llofcnmr ThO ll ftt StUllUtjIlQKt Mil. TVUu orrrrtrouUe, acb Tlm f ullow'f la u EBiov. No. S3. All that rortnfn trnpl nr ittr-i. nf t:iml tl'uttcil 111 luist lVnn Toniitlilp, I'arlimi county. n.t .Kiunuru u i.iniis oi fHllOHUMl J rreuv. ueo, llalllrt. Aaron llnllit't iniiLIolin llalilet, contain- iiik 33 AcitEH nmi t i'i:i;ciii;s. No. 55. All tliat certain tract or piece of laud situated In Die Ton iiBhlp of Lower Towaiiidislnir, Carbon county, l'a., Ixiuiidwl and itencilbed as folloH s, to- II i IlcL'iiiiiiui; at abtone roriiDrou lauds lain ol I):nM ilelinbafli, thence by the name north M UcKreea, east so imtcIics loa larKO rock ami lieati of ktoueii on It, tliencx partly by Die latter ni( hinds of David Knyder north I3i', decree est W ierclies to a stone, I hence hy lands of Henry Oios soul Ii S3 decrees, nestbi S-lu perches to u ktoue, theneo south ' deurees, cast IIU perclu-9 lo the place ol lieKluulue, con. Ulnlng At'liKH aiul U I'lUtt'lIKS. No. US. All that certain tract or piece ol land situated In the loivnuhln of tower Timanien ttiiir. I'arbon countv, l'u., bounded and descrlueit as follows, to-wlt: Ileciniilni; at a stone thence by other lauds of John- millet north X degrees, west 116 perches lo aMone, thence by lauds of Ilenrv lljose south 8J decrees, vet 3Wj perches to ii stone, thence south , devices, 1st perrties to u stone, theneo by lauds ofTlionins llachiuah. deceased, south aj decrees, cast in perches to a yellow hine tree, tlience by land pf NIcholaH Jvlliie north fcl decrees, east k ierclies EAST WEISSPORT, Ts headquarters for all the latest novelties in Hats and Bonnets Constantly receiving from Philadelphia nnd New York the very latest styles of Ribbons .Feathers, Flowers, iVc, I am enabled at short no tice to make-up Summer head wear in the latest and most fish ?A...t.1 4 1 S. H 11 luuauiu siyiu m nrices liuiv as low as tho very lowest. Dressmaking In all its blanches. None but the most skilled-hands employed in mis oeparimenr, consequent' ly I am enabled to give Best Workmanship, AND Guarantee Satisfaction. The Ladies! of ireissport. Franklin, Lehigh ton and the surrounding coun try are respectfully invited to call and inspect my stock nnd learn prices belnre purchasing elsewhere. llespectfullv. lo the place of heciimluj; April ami Will sutler like Utu IhleTM r Bif lit IWor a, 4u4-it t bilu.i Wli U. Miss Emma Whitehead, Fourth Building above Snyder's Store. SwiTiCT,t Weissport, Penna. v COtltnlnlliL. 97 AClllI'M Bud W l-i:itt'IlEH. llelnc the Ileal rotate of JOHN- HAM.IRT. Dec-eused. Coudltious will be made kuuwu on day ot Sale, by ilay WE ARE NOW OFFERING ;. Extraordinary :-: Bargains -IN- Novelty - Dress - Goods, To which we cordially ask your early attention, us they vannot be replaced. Our high class novelties have been marked wonderfully low. LOT 1. -4 yards Plain Goods; 4 yards Novelty 'Good's, at So.50 a Pattern. . '3 French Kobcs with Friese Panncl Collar and Cuffs ids Plain Material at S8.30 a Pattern. LOT 2.-4 yards Plain Goods: 4 yards Noveltv 1? nf JR7 fifl o Pnfv., LOT 9 var LOT 4. French Robes with Freise nnrl Rpnrlorf Pnnnni rni lar and Cuffs ; 9 yards Plain Material at $10,00 a Pattern. H. GUTH & SON. -634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a, October so i8S6-r ' Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase. fcMntisia casQnJ 53 -IS AT- Joseph F, Rbx's, ... BAST WEISSPORT, Carbon County, Penna. UNDERTAKER ! Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Caskets or iTt ,i f'.....lh...,i i l a " ' - vuiniia iiuiiisuuu ui, lowest prices. -ALSO, JJEALEK IN- FLOUR, PEED, &c, &c of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Remember, vTcar Cnjial fridge, East "Weisspoit, Pa. v