The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 26, 1887, Image 3

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    Original Ohbap Cash Store.
r -nOur,Unuaual Display
of Spring Goods
We have this week opened our HUOIJ Sl'ltLNtl
i fturiXK, whlcli we are positive eclipses nuyililiu!
J?VJu this section. Wcuieilctcnnluedtoitialictlils
season's business larger thun that of Jusjt sonstih.
nnnshnll-offer unheard TI T.wfiliu to trlnir
uuuut uiu uusireu cnu.
43rf oitonot waHMie M.
" ' : Modest Prices m Satisfactory.
. " : , Siiiall'PiOtils arc Soislcn
i.uw PKiuiis.
"6snsT, man giiadi:, new stylu
Dry.Ooods. Dross Ooods, Notions, Vuncy Goods,
-,ivncirv, omerwiire, vurpew, jjoois aim Mlues,
; -syaecasn nrot sc.
- , l.&UUli All LI UUJU1XI11
-1 ilf we do not savo you money, -wo will make
buuid uuc cisv stm you ui iuw prices.
Opbotfto Public Square, Bank Street, Lchlshton
luno t, isei-iy.
The Carbon Advocate
. j3PI!CIAlNOMCf: Persons inaliinfc' payments
M this oOlcn uy.iuoncy.oiders.iir postal notes
TOll'l-roSTofTCK, as the J.chlnMon is
a ' . . . a " ' U I; li 1.1.. 3
NOT altontry til der oliloe,
Curront Events Epitomized.
Read tho AavocATB.
"Tlfefall use It Tulip Soap.
Go to Rho&uY for Tulip Soap,
ciifpur "Public Sale Register."
RcSd the'' advertisements in to-day'
Job work cheapest and best at this
Kroeland is to have a JEO.00O business
Bride rhordders of Reading demand nn
increase In wiges.
-"-Handsome jewelry, latest desins, at
3!. H. Hohl's, Mauch Client:.
The working forces at "the Weatherly
car shops fctc-t'ding increased.
A. chocolate manufacturing company
will probably locate In Easton.
C. R.'Rhoads and -J. Y. Roons sell
Tulip Soap; f or 'bars 'for 25 cents.
baeak thieves are working quite ex
tensively In parts of Luzerne county,
""Three, thousand loaded coal cars passed
over tie Lehigh Valley railroad Monday.
The date on the direction tM of votir
yiaper may po3slbly Interest voii It does us.
Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
9s orectlag a new Iron bridge at White
The Lehigh "University baio hall clubs
Opened tho season for the championship
Jack IIarrU aced fifty years, was run
over and instantly killed at .Mauch Chunl;,
If you change your place o"f resilience
Notify us so we can hull your paper
The. employees of the Bethlehem Iron
Company have had their wages Increased
'len per cent.
0. li. Rhoads has been felling Tulip
isoap for three-years and says It is the best
"Soap ho ever sold.
For a smooth shavo and a fine half out'
go to Ksrlrtg'S shaving saloon, opposite the
Advocate IHce.
--A traveling Indian doctor took two
thousand dollars out r Rerwlck by the
".le'or quack nostrums.
John Mosser was struck by a hoist
Saturday, at the Hethlehcm Iron Company,
and had. bath legs broken.
If you want to sec a pretty assortment
tit Vrntchoi, as well as the largest stock In
he county, go to E. II. Hohl's, Mauch
The Wralherly Herald contains tho
Startllug information that 'Lehlghton has
h W. G. Miller and Weatherly has a G. W.
Grand Army Posts In neighboring
towns ar making jireparatlons for the
proper ohservanco of Uccoiatloil Day
iSIay 50th.
- The receivers of the Reading RMlroad
Company are completing an arrangement
to pay thetr employees In checks drawh up
bn their Various banks.
Vdg scheme Happy thought Go to
Roadman's, Mauch Chtthk, and have some
W those elegant photos, at four dollars per
rioien. Gosd likeness guaranteed.
The seventeen-yeRr old maiden who
Hoped with an Italian from RlrdsWo,
llerks county, last week, Is already tired of
her bargain and anxious to letuin home.
Rev. J. C. Cooper, of Allentown,
preached two very Interesting sermons to
large and appreciative audiences in the
Lutheran church Sunday morning and ove
rling. E. t". Luckcnbach. 01 Rroadwav.
NAuch Chunk, li selling oft If All Papers
fctjargely reduced prices to mako rdom for
hew Spring stock. There aro bargains for
those who get tiiem. IMw.
For the week ending on the JSth Inst.,
IhoriS we're 103,709 tons of coal shipped bver
the L. & S. R. li., a total to data of 071.200
Ions, showing a decrease as conipared with
same date last year of 71,171 toils.
Miss Atvenii Graver has just received
from Philadelphia and New York one of
the tdbst fashionable assortments of mil
linery goods ever brought to tills place.
Don't fail to learn prices before purchasing
Por the week ending Mar. 12, there
'ilffi 139,070 tons of coal shipped over the
Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to
Hate of l3V5,fi73 ton's, and showing an In-t-reasc
of 6,401 tons compared with same
(late last year.
-ithe rommlltecs appointed from Carbon
and Lulerne counties,' to view the new
bridge spanning the Lehigh White
Haven, are" much pleatol with tilat struc
ture and will report to that effect at their
earliest eonvenhitsc.
The attention of the people of Summit
Hill, Lausford and vicinity Is directed to
tlie fact that George l HunUIngcr, of the
lopular Switchback Restaurant, Is author
licd by us to tecclve subscriptions and
moneys for the CAimov Aiivocatc.
The attention of our readers Is directed
to the card of Dr. N. II. Reber, headed
1807 Reber's 1887, In another column of
to-day's Advocatb.Iu- which he announces
to the people that he will re-oncn the Or
iginal Drug Store, In his bollding, wllhrf
complete stock of dngs and medicines, on
or about the 4th of April. We wish the
Dr. fitrat success In his new departure.
-tA compositor In an adjoining State Is
supposed ttf have died a violent death o"n
the day bfefore Clrrlitmas. The editor
wrote "Old Gifts In New Lights," and it
appeared In print "Old Girls In New
TijtUts." Rat our coroinor makes ne
mistake when he makfi the type say Uiat
David Xbbeil furnishes the licit li anis at
the lowest rates. Livery on North ttrct
ltctftl 1807 iE87.
i'-Reber's 1307-18S7.
-Prepare to bo April fooled,
--I"ntcr Monday April 10th.
-Go to ICoons' for Tulip Soap.
Trout fishing commences April 1st
The next legal holiday Good Friday.
Lyerybody speaks well of Tulip Soap
Spring came In upon us as bntht ns a
Look out for tho "summer peregrin
Joyful news the school haRls perfect
ly safe.
Rlogant silverware, at U. II. Hold's
Mauch Chunk,
Lehigh township, this county,has been
sued for damages.
"-Rethlehem will In all probability have
a Hungarian school.
The burgess of Catasaurpia gets a fill
nry of 100 per year.
A Sous of Veteran Camp will be or
ganlzcd at Frceland.
Trade dollars taken In full value ht IX
H. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk.
The Allentown Iron Company's Strik
ers have returned to work.
Millinery announcement Read Miss
Grayer's new advertisement.
Wedding rings of 'all descriptions, at
E. II. Hohl's. Mauch Chunk
Tho handsomest picture cards' we have
oyer seen are given with Tulip Soap.
Two hundred and forty-seven students
now attend Lafayette College, Easton.
The Lord's supper will bo observed in
tho Luthcian church on Easter Sundar,
Don't miss Snyder's first annual horse
sale, to-day (Satuid.iv) at the Carbon
Ono hundred and seventy.fivc liaiids
are employed In and around the Catasauqua
silk mm.
The Vest laundry soap fn the woi'ld Is
the Tulip Soap, tt'rya quarter's worth and
be convinced.
In a wreck on the L. & S. railroad,
tbovc Mauch Chunk, Saturday, several cars
were demolished.
W. George Miller has just completed
the largo ehed, 80S170 feet, at Olenlnct
Koch's brick yard.
J. P. Mcllay, of Summit Hill, Is men
tloned as a candidate for the office of Reg
ister and Recorder.
(jo to Its. Roderer, under the Ex
change Hotel, for a smooth shave and'a
fasionable hair cut.
Mrs. Daniel Kolb. aged twcnly-nlne
years, died at Pnckerton Sunday last, and
was buried Wednesday.
John Esrang, of town, has been uro-
nioted to engineer of locomotive No. no.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
No. 2 furnace of Coplav Iron Co., was
blown lu this week. Thlrtv-three. add I.
tlonal hands find employment.
Hiefc Is absolutely no adulteration In
the Tulip Soap, therefore it Is the cheapest
soap for laundry, bath or toilet.
It will pay sou to take a look at the
elegant selection of fine goods just added
to E. II. Hohl's stock Mauch Chunk.
Northampton county tax payors pay
thirty-three cents on the hundred dollars
an increase of eleven cents oyer last year.
John Lehr.son of Charles Rehr.dce'd..
god dye sears, six months and twelve
lays, died last Thursday and was buried
Kaiser Doyle, of Allentown, murder
ously assaulted hi aged mother, Monday.
lie has been arrested and coulined to dur
ance vile.
If your natch or clock don't run cor-
ectly, take it to Ilagannn.on Hank street,
anil If it then fails to keep time hu will
make no charge. March 20 Km
Raymond, a sixtoen-tnoiitlis-old child
f Joseph and fc'arah I'rllzinger, died fcat-
urday and was buried In the Lehlghton
cemetery on Monday.
We aro pleased to note that our old
filenj John Mll!Kr, Sr.. of Lehigh ttreet.
ho had his left limb fractured several
months ago, Is able to bo out.
The Hoard of- Pardons, last week, re
fused to move lu the matter of granting a
pardon to Chas. Orion Stroh, in the Mauch
Chunl; jilt for embezzlement.
A petition U being circulated by'tho
businessmen in Luzerne, county asking the
legislature to enact a law protecting them
from traveling dead beats, &c.
Our old friend J. C. Senile!, a former
esldcnt of New Mahoning, has embarked
in the mercantile business At Weatheilv.
Tho Advocate wishes him success.
Robeit Rtihrig, of town, had his right
foot severely crushed st Packcrtou last
Saturday. We are pleased o state that he
Is doing well under the-able treatment of
Dr. C. T. Horn.
--The J mirlcan Collier, a magazine de
nted to tho Interests of miners, will make
Its appearance at Mauch Chunk, on thorith
of April. Jacob
lliher and editor.
Poster will be the pub-
Our friend Frank Selberllnz. of North
Pcnn, will takechaige of a popular holcl In
this section sometime toon. As Prank is a
;enial, whole-souled fellow, his sitcclas is a
forgone conclusion,
Society pins and emblems, Masons,
Odd Fellows, Mechanics, Knights of Golden
Kaglc, P. O. S. of A.j Knights of Labor,
E. U F, R., II. l).haild pins of all descrip
tion at E. II. Hohl's.'
Engine No. 310, drawing freight train
No. 80, while Crossing the bildgo at White
Haven, was precipitated to the road below.
A portion of the bridge having been taken
away Is what caused the accident.
"Vesuvius," No. 430, Is the name of a
now eight wheel connected locomotive now
runuiiig at the south end of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad. It was built at l)io shops
at Wcatherlv and ha? tho name of a Joco-
motive that ran the gravel train In South
Easton twenty-one years ago.
Miss Alvenla Grayer, at the New York
Millinery Store, Rank street, is prepared
for tho coming Spring and Summer trade
wltli a complete new stock of luts and
bonnets, which elie Is making up In the
latest styles at prices astonishingly low.
Don't forget this when you makd your pur
chases. A person receiving a lettct from the
postoflleo by mistake, or finding one in the
street or elsewhere; can, undcrno pretense,
designedly break tlie seal without subject
ing himself to a severe penalty; the en
dorsement "Opened by mistake" won't do.
The penalty varies from a duo not exceed
Ing W00 to Imprisonment for ten' years.
All provided the letter Isiliiectcd to some
ono else. It Is very Important that jou
should remember this.
Two tramps were walking on tho Le
high Valley lallnxd near Lehigh Ga'p.Mon
day morning, when one of them, Thomas
Russ, made an effort to jump on a patting
coal train, but teeing No. 10 patMiiger
coming along he attempted to recroj the
track when he was struck by the CBKiiife
and thrown down tho bank Into the river.
He was picked tip and brought to this
place where he died soon aftar. At the
Coroner's Imiucst It was found that death
resulted from Injuries received on the rail
cerivcd on the rail-
taken In charge by
d burled Tue.dav
road. Tho body was
the poor directors, and burlcJ Tueday
(rrtnn 'ng
"I1'. S3
1 Interesting Items I'lckcatJp and Asserted b?
. . tho Otroller.
William Mlneftffcs on a business trip
to ew.Vqrk this week. .
u. S. Koons, si,tdcnt In the. Kutz-
(own Statu formal school, was hero during
the week.
Miss Allco Reck'er, of Scranlon, was
calling on old acquaintances here dining
the past week.
-Miss Kclser, an accomp'lshed young
lady, of White Haven, Is visiting Misses
Emma mid Ella Snyder.
Our old friends, Menassas Acker and
wife, will celebrate their golden redding
anniversary on Apill 8th.
i flic members, of tho Vi'clJspoTt Clitfal
Union attended ibe' Slnging Convention nt
Lehlghton Saturday liijjht.
, IsalahTOtiti! ami family, of Towaiucr.
slug, moved to fcraiiton Monday, where
tbey.w ill' make llftlr future home. "
' The tickets for tho grand raffle at
Cliristman's, on the 7th proximo, aro being
sold Vapidly. You don't want to tnlss It.
Our merchants will find It to their ad
vantage Mo advertise In the AuvocATr..
Hales low; circulation Imgcst In the
Ed. Drelsbach left for Royersford this
week, where ho has' secured a situation.
His many friends lu this place wlshhlm
Deals, the popular jeweler, has an cler:
gant stock of sllveghiic on hand. His'
stock of watches', clocks, TiHgs,c.-, cannot
be beat. ijft-
Our popular bakers,- Laury & Sewell,
will, at an eaily 'day.'put another wagon
on the road, in order to supply promptly
their largo and constantly growing trade.
'-A "reorganization of Polio Poco Tribe
1. O, R. M.. will be effected nt an carlv
day. I bus far about forty names have
been signed on the application for charter.
We are sorry to note the severe illness
of Miss Lllllo Koons, our obliging assistant
postmistress. During her confinement
Miss Emma Royer Is cry acceptably filling
her position.
Tlie scyopllcan entertainment and lec
ture Tuesday ovenlnc, was' well attended
b) our people. Half the proceeds revert to
public school and will be used for Ihe pur
chase of books.
Ihe members of tho Young America
Cornet Rand are making extensive preDar-
ations for the holding of a grand fair and
festival dm Ing' the month of May. Several
valuable prizes are to be cunlesteil for.
A Very enjoyable surprise party came
off at the Rlery residence, Mjuday evening,
I he event was the celebration of th birth.
day annieisary of Miss Maria Rlerv. Tho
fivenlng was delightfully pasted by all
present. At a late houra sumptuous le
past was spread out for tho merrymakers
to which they did full justice.
The following wiltten notice, an
nouncing Ihe holding of an cnteitalnment,
was posted up in one of our restaurants
last week: "There will be at In
the school house of East Welssport. There
win uc some oi .oi tne finest music. Von
will see tlie worth of vour inonev. Don't
fail to hear It. I'rlee five cents."
Tho Anthracite Coal Trada.
The opc.nlns of tho snrln season is
awaited Willi much Interest b,' thonuthra
clte coal trade,. who Anticipate a profitable
uusiness mi3 year, ill a few days It Is ex
pected the rate of pools upon 'coal from the
mines to tidewater will be announced, and
sumo delirite conclusion have been reached
by the coal managers as to whether or not
here will ue any rcduc'ion in nrlees.
riien shippers ami dealers will be enabled
o m:ii;o puces nnit tihl for contract. At
present the accumulation of the domestic
Izes at Port Richmond is increasing, but
herwise there 13 no noticeable change In
general romllllon of the anthracite
traile. At sew York there Is also noted a
darkening in the demand for the domestic
-Izes, hut that market Is leported to he
taking a considerable quantity of coil both
for coal consumption and lor shipment.
The Schuylkill Canal was to he opened to
navigation .Monday, and all Individual coal
operators will bo privileged to use the can.ii
In'gettlng their coal to market. The Read
in; Company, however, will not ship any
coal originating at Its own mines via tho
canal, as it rlrlins to be able to send Its
coal to market via all rail cheapei than It
can by the canal, and "will avail itself of
its right to do so."
Pcnnsyille Items.
James Andreas is rapidly rushln
: ills
new building towards completion.
Mrs. Penrose George Is spending Sev
ern! weeks with her parents a Lowhill.
Our j-opular grocer, George,
was on a business tilp to Mauch Chunk
The wife of John Bowman, of Parry
vllle, who died on March 10, was interred
lu tho Pcnnsvllle cemetery last .Monday,
Constable Levan, of Welssport, was
here last neck after a young man who was
arrested for desertiou and non-support of
his wife.
Franiis Schoch, who was con fined to
his bed with typhoid fever is rapidly recov
ering under llio skillful treatment of Dr.
A. M. Sillier.
Calvin Schuler has made arrangements
io start a bakery hero durlns April. He
has irnted the house of John ' Rrindle and
will elect the necessary ovens,
Among the many Visitors here we
noticed, Rebecca Peters, of Germany; Solo
mon Seihert. of Lowhill; Cora George, of
Ileidelbetg; Ida Null, of Rowmanstown.
Them are quite a number of persons
afflicted ilth measles heic. Pmz.
Pleasant Corner Pick-Ups.
Trout fishing commences on the 1st of
Will II. Dormcrcliculatod at Welssport
last Sunday.
Osvlllo Helntzleman sports a dandy
horse, worth $l!5S.fiO.
Frank Lauchnor was on a business
trip tq J.elilliton Saturday.
Mrs. Alvenla Vinogardffi.'is returned
homo from her recent visit, t (
Peter Swartwood will.ih'fjve with his
family to East Welssport next week.
Milton Hontz will erect a new house
shortly. Nathan Mosser has the contract.
L. E. Relnhart. we are sorry to state,
Is confined to tho house with ilieumatlsm.
Tlie New Mahoning brass hand will
furnish the music at the school exhibition,
to-night (Saturday).
James Meltzlor had a 'runaway' last
week, Forlunatcly.the horses were caught
befoie any damage was done.
Samuel Mosser recently purchased a
valuable hoise; XwiSKfc.
Uormal Squaro Events.
Our farmer friends should not fall to
subscribe for the Aiivocatk.
Mis Savilla. Hnnu and sister were' vis
iting friends nt Pairyvllle this week.
Thomas Zimmerman, of Schuylkill
county, was the guest of 1). Nothsteiit last
We arc pleased to note that Miss Emma
Iielnsmlth Is convalescing after a severe
Ed. SItler will make a number of Im
provements on his residence during the
coming Mtfsdn,
Daniel lloppes, of Mahano'v City, was
the guest of I). S. Lougacre during the
week. Nouuai..
Tliotnns.the Dnipgistjinnouncos
lo his IVjends nnd thepublic gen
erally thutltc enn new bp found
in Ins new nurntcrs, 2 doors
nlinvn rim nlrt ktnml !lli o rll
. -... i, i. in
assortment of even thincr in his
,. , . .. ' , " ,
1,m' 1,0(1 'ivtes you to rail nnd.
sep Jam
Tho Things onr Fcotde Find Time to Talk
About from Say to Say
On last Saturday-, W. G. Miller, L. H
Nothslelu and Frank Lclbcngutli, In com
pllance with instructions from the School
Roard, made an examination of the school
hall and the four rooms on the second floor
of the school building, and will report at
thoticst regular meeting of the tchuol dl
rectors, that the school hall Is safe, but
that the four rooms on the second floor arc
not safe a number of the joists being lu a
decayed condition. They will also advise
putting stiong Iron rods through tho build
Ing. Tho leport of this committee will
undoubtedly put at rest tho fears enter
tained by many of our people.
Pecu Into the handsome show windows
at the popular NewYoik Millinery Store,
on Rank street, and your eyes will behold
otic of tho most Imidsouiudlsplays of Spring
and Summer millinery goods over brought
to this section. One fact "In connection
with the Spring and Summer styles Is that
there Is more aitlstlc tasto'displayCd In the
shapes of hats and bonnets and more dell
cate tints In trimmings than ever before,
Miss Graver extends a cordial Imitation to
tlie ladles to call and cxamlno her largu.
new stock.
-Elue Rldgo Lodce, No. 10.", Order of
Tontl, was organized Hi this ulace Tuesday
evening with a. membership of about forty:
The order starts out under vciy ausplclou
circumstances. The follow Ing officers wen'
elected for tho ensuing ji;ar: Past PrcAl
dent, T. A. Snyder; President, A. II.Eow-
man; Vice President, Geo. Kemcrer; Sec
retary, II. J. Ercthcy; Treasurer, W. P.
Long; Chaplain, F. P. Lentz; Marshall,
T. J. Nusbauni; Guard, John E. Miller;
Sentinel, Fiank Ileillefinger; Trustees, W,
O. Velss, M. 0. Rryan, R. L. Koons;
Medical Examiner, Dr. C. T. Horn.
lower Towamenslng Items.
George Sherer has purchased tlie proper
ty of Chas. Rloso dee'd., consideration
Mrs. Thomas Weldaw, who spent
several weeks at this place 'leit for her home
last week In Ohio.
Rumor has It that work will bo com
menced on tho new car shops at Ilazard
vlllc, so long in contemplation.
Grlf. DeLong has purchased the estate
of Jonas Peter, dee'd. Ho will establish
his butcher house on said Jprcmlses, row
located in Rowmanstown.
William Shafer, jr., and Griffith
Sliindler are the happiest beings In this
section nil on account of their wives
presenting them with babies. The former
a son and the latter a girl.
Mrs. Kolb, of Packerton, daughter of
Win. Rloso, of this place, who died at thai
place last Saturday, of consumption was
brought to St. Johns cemetery Wednesday
for burial.
-On Tuesday of last week while Mrs.
Jacob Kuntzman was at Parryvllle. som
unknown person or persons entered her
house and ransacked, the same. Every
thing was In confusion, all closets, drawers
and beds were searched. A purse of money
containing Sl.fiO Is missing.
-Rev Rnicgul and Freeman and some
of their church members, of Parryyille,
met In the public school building at thai
place last Thursday evening to make ar
rangements to hold services in Parryyille
to .accommodate the Lutheran nnd Re
formed members there . who linlnntr to fit.
John's" Church of Lower Towamenslng the
result of said meeting will be published
rarr?7Ulo Corrrspondence-
MI33 Mattle Petlit. is sojourning with
relatives and friends at Slatlmgtou.
Miss Aggie Romlg, who has been
stopping here for several weeks past, re
turned homo Monday.
The revival services In tho M. E.
church have drawn to a clcse. Quite
num Ler of our people have been converted
to God during tho past month, and It Is the
wisli of all that they may continue to grow
In righteousness and as a final reward
receive a houie In Heaven,
Granville Hontz and family moved to
Ucthlehem on Monday where they will
mako their fuiuro home. Their many
friends here wish them success.
Spring flitting commences bright and
early on April 1st.
Rev. Leopold, of Welssport, preached
a very intcrcstlngsernlou to a large audience
In tlie Evangelical church Sunday.
-Rev. II. M. YWngert was In town for a
few hours 'Tuesday.
-John Reltz and wife, nfior a delightful
visit with friends at Hazleton, returned
home Monday.
A delightful birthdav surprise party In
honor of Mrs. Joseph l'ields, tame bit at
her residence Monday evening. Allp.csent
enjoyed themselves highly. Daisy. .
Knights of tho Golden Fagls.
Tlie parade at Reading, Ta., on April
th. In honor of the annual session of the
Grand Castle of Pennsylvania, will be one
of tho laigcsl demonstrations of an Order
cerheldln this State. The Sir Knights
of the one hundred and seventy-one Castles
:ind fifty-three Cominandarics are making
extcmho arrangements for the same. At
least &000 uniformed members aro expected
to participate.
In the evening an entertainment arid re
ception will be given at Mamnerchor' Hall,
whercthe welcome address will bo made by
Sir Knight Mayor Kcitney; and other prom
inent members or the Order. Music will
be furnished by tho famous Ringgold Rand.
All visiting Sir Knights and their families
will he admitted free of charee. Tho hall
will lie beautifully dccoiated, and will be
Illuminated by electric lights.
An excellent programme of entertain
ment has been arranged fortbe Sir Knlghl
and their families on the two following
'The session of the Grand Castle will bo
held corner of Fifth and Penn streets, on
Tuesday, April S. at 10 a. tn.,and will prob
ably occupy three days.
jtew Mahoning Special.
-Snow has come; mud will follow.
:C. F. Roth has rented the valuable
farming property 6f A. Arner,
Chas. Rothi of this place. Is rlrriilat.
Ing 'mongst fiiends in iliilf.ilo, Prima.
James P. Krnsslev. of Weatbrrlv. was
In this place during tho week the guest of
his brother. Mr. Kressley proposes to
leave for Alabama at an early dale. On
Sunday the gentleman made a Nery Inter
esting and impressive speeeli lo the mem
bers of the Now Mahoning Sunday bchool.
A very delightful surprise party In
honor of Miss Llllle Arner, came off nt Tier
father's residence last Saturday evening.
After all the invited guests had arrived, the
kind surrounded the house mid treated the
patty to tome very good muelcnl selections.
Th party was unquestionably tine of tho
most successful eier held In this place. At
a late hour a lichienast was served to
wnu ii an ma in ju-tlee. Mis Llllle Is a
sl"''ent in the " etl heater Normal School
Is onnal School
hi. at ,,-,,
s bonis on a visit The
'' m p'-a,c accept mus l
thai Is. p.v
. - - ,A
r.silrvid watches
at r. II.
M't I I rm'ik
"J '
Peoplo as Tlioy Come aad Oo.
Wolm 0. CocItfDf S-aranwii, was In tolrh
tills week.
Harry Cooper, of Jersoy City, w'a't In
town this week.
George U. M. Blocker did WllKeslifchc
during this week.
Webster Weiss, of Rethlehem, clrcu
lated here Monday.
Sheriff Robenold, of Allentown, while
in town edncsdliV dropped In to see us.
Our old friend Win. Rouilg, of Row
maiistowii, dropped In to bco us Thursday.
Harry Dentlnger, of Wllkcsbarra. was
seeing ids many old' friends hero this week.
Rev, J. C. Cooper, of Allentown. was
the guest of Rev. J. H. Kuder oyer Sun
day. Misses Cora Kratisn and AmiW Kuukle.
of Slatlngton, spent Sunday with frlcndsln
Oscar Schwartz and wife, of Hazleton.
spent Sunday In town with tho "folks at
Miss Mary Ebbert, of North street. was
visiting Philadelphia relatives and filenda
during tho past week.
Mrs. E. H. Rhoados and daughter.
Miss Elanche, of Ithaca, N. Y.. were tho
guests of Mrs. Join S. Lentz, on North
ampton street, this week.
. .. A Tax-payer Spoaks.
Et. CAlinoN' ADVoCATI! T!v lvrml.
.i..v.....i . V
iuii i nmsuya imv worus through your
valued capef In regard to the lato action bi
our Rorough Fathers. I do Sot wish to
ciitlclso their doings harshly or unlustlv.
for 1 suppose they, are mortals capable of
iioing wrong as well ns the test of us. and
we all kno.v how easy It Is and how many
ways there ate of doing It. Sometimes It
Is done thoughtlessly, sometimes thioueh
error In judgment, or In the, midst of undue
excitement, or It may result fiom ignorance.
in all such cases we should be charitable
enough to mako all due allowanco and we
are willing to do It. Rut I do think nr
I ow n Council committed a crave mistake
when they took their Annual Statement,
which Is a purely local matter, awav from
home to have itadvcitlsedin a paper which
has but a small circulation In tills town and
then paid for extra copies of the paper to
distribute among tlie tax-payers of Lehigh,
ton while it could be done just as well at
home, where we have a naDcr which Is n
redlt to the town and reaches, nnd Is read
by nearly every citizen in the place. Mr.
Editor could you have done the tnh nt
reasonable figures had they placed It In your
hand? If so I can see no leason why it w as
taken away. Looking at It from a business
standpoint it seems wrong. Public and
private Interests of the place need tho en-
oiiragement of loeal patronasa and out nf
courtesy to the tax-payers the business of
the town should have the benefit of such
patronage. If I am wrong I hone some
one more competent will take up the sub
ject and give us all possible light upon It.
March 21, '87. A TAXPAVin't.
Note. In reply to "A Taxpayer." we
slate our offer for the work was $20; the
Mauch Chunk Gazitte S18. nnd the Mnnrli
Chunk Democrat $12, or with 100 copies of
paper $14. We claim that our offer was the
lowest as our circulation inore than doubles
the circulation of tho two Maueli Chunk
papers. Wo are informed that tho editor
of the Democrat asset ted the work was
honestly rcorili 620, though he would do it
for the price named above rplecn docs its
work sometimes. Ed. Advooatb.
tin of Jurors.
List of Grand Ju'tors iliawn to serve at the
April term I6f7. coiniiieneiiiBOiitlie second Mon-
uiij, uciiio inL- win uay oi .prii.
ItctiiPiilan, Ceo,, clerk. JJist Mauch Chunk.
Heaver. V. F tinsmith, 1'ranMln.
j!owanaii,,Taral, idi.vsictnvl.ast Mauch Chunk,
tijrne.'r. J., laborer,-Ninth Klitiler.
.'oil, Anthony, hotel keeper, Lausanne.
Chrfstnian, lunlel. tanner, Kumintt Hill.
Utility, John, f:u neuter, l.chlshton.
Ihiuan. DeimH, clerk, Hast Munch chunk.
h It It?., s,un.. l.ibiirer, Umer Towamenslng.
rretil, Nenl.lalioier, M. Chunk vud ward.
t.erhavt,.t;.iiie.s, farmer. Packer.
.Irl.swnM, n.uil;, .supervisor, II. Meadow.
Gtunbcit, Jonathan, farmer, Mahoning.
.hirU, Abraham, ai neuter, Weatherly.
Hushes, ll.iv., railroad tnsn. Kat M. Chunk.
Houpt, Fred., lahoicr. .M. Chunk 'Jiul ward,
l.tru. ivter, fanner, Towanienslii!.
I.H.V, win., operator. M. Chunk 1st ward.
(Liiiiiiilln,. fumes, blarksmlth 1,-insfoul.
if ullii, M Ilquordealer. MauchChunk 1st ward,
) lioiiiied..lolm, teamstet Kiunnilt Hill
"!iive. Andrew, rlerk, I.ehlrhton.
.Stetler, Geonre, farmer, I.ehtiilK
Wclir. Samuel, clerk, Summit Hill.
truer, Iw fanner, Lower Towamrnslne.
Arner, Amnion, merchant, Mahoning,
low mail, Al, l.thorer, LonerTowamcnshiff.
Ilojlc, Harney 1'., minor, Imsrord.
Illttiicr, Wilson, shoemaker, 1'ackerton.
Iloj le, Chas, f gentleman Heaver .Meadow',
llryfiylc, Solomon, lahorrr Franklin.
Jl)iiun,tiicri:e, machinist, Summit 11111.
l'.auchman, funlrl, blacksmith. Ilast l'enn.
Hover, James, teacher, I'liiiiKlui.
i lill. Domlnlek, Hover Meadow.
Iiimltiaii, James, laborer, Wratlierlr.
i:v.uis. Morgan, miner, tjiisfuid.
i:vaus, Howell, lui'tchaut, "
Ullloti. Patrick, l.ihoier, "
l'ltseiald, James, minor, Heaver Meadota
1 ollie, John, miner, Lnnsford.
I'.uisterniachcr, Jno,-, laliorer L. Towamenslntr.
lorry. Vat., brakeman, M. Chunk 2nd ward.
C.allaidier C, stone ciitter.liisl M. Chunk;
llcnnlm:. Chas.. laborer, lVnn Forest.
lUnlsan, Patrick, teamsti. Ncsqiirhonlnpr.
lUwerty, Hon., palmer, M. Chunk 2nd wind.
Jonuson, William, merchant l'arryllle.
Ju'lan, t.corije, minor, Heaver Meadow.
Kuntnian 1'., l.ihorcr. Liner Towamenslng.
Lltzi-nhcrcer A. .1., merchant, Le blghton.
Loi'lllad. 1 '.ml, lahoicr, M. Chunk 2nd ward.
Lewis, William, blacksmith Netquelioiilnir.
If in. U. V, clerk, Mauoh Chunk 1st ward.
Lltcliemvaitrr, I- laborer !.. Timan.cusing.
Mi'Cormick, Hrvan, former, IxdiiRli.
Miller, U' I, merchant lVii'kcrtou.
Mojer. Wlllia li.f.inin'r, TowaineusliiR',
.Mi'D.mlel, I.j man, L-entlemaii, IViekeilon'.
liem.ily, Daniel, laborer. Summit Hill,
liailcr, l-hlllp. hotel keeper, I'.. Mauoh Chunk.
Hyatt. John, hotel keener. ISast Mauch Chunk.
Hlielmaii, Herman, carpenter, L. Mauch Chunk,
staid, lvtnr. butcher. Mauch Chunk, 2d ward.
.Sn)Uer,-Dlldlnc, hotel keeper, IV-irryWIlc.
Sherry. W. Ty l.iburer, Maudi Chunk, 1st ward.
Sti'lgi rwall, Jacob, farmer, Last 1 ran,
Wle.ind, li.inlil, lo.irlnnakcr. I-ehlchton.
Wagner, .lames, liboier, IMrmlllc.
Went?, llarilson, fanner, furivvllle.
yyiMimer. V., hraki'iiian, M. Chunk, 2nd ward.
Wayne, llliain. miner, Packer.
IteUz, A. A., teacher, Frnnkllh.
linier, John, raipeliter, lonvrrTowanieiiSlng.
HiililltiKcr, Anthony, conductor, P.. .M. Chunk.
Hush, Peter, cigar maker, K. Mauch Chunk.
Chrlstman, Daniel laborer. Penn Forest.
Chrlstimin, Albert, laborer, Summit Hill.
Decker, W. T., laborer. Kidder North. . .
DuKiin.Johm tlrenian, Mauch Chunk, 2nd ward,
Drumheller, Wallace, machinist, lomslord.
D.als, Isaai't miner, summit Hill.
Dixon, Until, hotel keeper, M. Chunk, 1st ward.
Florev, Milton, hiirnecs-jnuker. Welssport.
(label, Ji-c, men-hunt, lo-hliihthii.
(inner, Owen, carpenter, Franklin,
Gallagher, Chas., miner. Ilea er .Meadow.
Guuibeit, Aaron IL, fanner. Mnhnnlnjr.
Hoover. Crelshtnn, inn'-hlntst, Weatheilv.
Hi ' Kin, Conrad, machinist, Notth Kidder.
Jr-i lu?, Jenklit, sliocmaker! Summit Hill.
Li. i ier, David, pulutor, Lehlshton.
Kedj. J aim ., carpenter, I.insfoid.
htuikrl, Joslah, laborer, Soitili Kidder.
Iiiwler, Joliu, huckster, Ne.sipiehunlnK
l,cwK John, iircen iirocer. Lausford.
Lewis, D.ivlU, riliier, Ijuisfoid.
Marlyu, Win. ('., laborer. Heaver Meadow.
Mi 'onoiuih. Kd., laborer, Nesnuehonhiir.
"i tlie. John, hUi'kMiillh, M. Chunk, 1st vwrrt.
Pu;eill, Kli-liard, ileik. Mauch Chunk.
Hex. Nathan, fanner, Muhouinjr.
lteme, Fdwiu, miner, Aifdcnrled.
irMij'urt, Jovp!i, tanner: -1 nvvnmenslne'
Sitter, William, farmer, Mahoning,
hilllcii. Jarob. eiiislne or Pain v Hie.
hluyaid, Jiiiiie. eleik, Mimmll 11111.
hhaefer, John, farmer, Lehigh,
Sharkey, John, minor. Heaver Meadow.
Ualklus. William, laborer, Summit Hill.
eyheumeer. Win., tliem in. .Mauoh Chunk.
Ii-jpufjiv Lewis, hibnrervl Towamenslng.
Curt, look around for good material nut
nf which to mako a first ilass bate hall club
for the coming season. Under your man
agement tho club did well Ust season, but
tl s season we hope to see them do still
belter. Spout.
John A. touslns of Mahoning, and
Robert Pcttlt. of Parryvllle, solriers of tlie
late war have been granted on Increaso In
Just received from Uoston,
nn immense stock of the genu
ine Knight of Lahor Shoes,
which we are celling at $2'.o()
nnd $3 "Warranted solid calf
eat ler. P mum R- Urn . flir.
..... .
minus, 6010 flcentS lor UlUilOll
county. Our stock of hand-
(arv dealer n the county.
Hi tux Hipn won Li),
EMeiolly Compiled fer the Tellers by ah Ad-
vteatft Man.
A Shenandoah- paper says nearly
four hundred ttien nro idle In and around
that town.
It Is reported In railroad circles ihat th
Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad content
plates doing away with Its found-hoUso
and repair shops at Ode'uweldcrtown. Tli
closing of these shops would throw a large
number of men out of employment.
The capitalists who wanted to lease
from the Reading Coal anil Iron Company
tho collerh's at Ncwklrk, near Tntuaqtia
which have been Idle fortcnortwelvocars
have heard from President Corbln that the
company, cannot entertain a proposition at
(his lime so lease the collieries. This d
clslon Is brllcycd to refer to all the Idle
collieries of the company In the anthracite
coal fields.
The Lehigh Valley railroad owns,leases
and operates throe hundred nnd twenty-six
miles of road, employs three hundred and
twenty-five locomotives, ono hundred and
sixteen passenger cars, 41.431 coal and
freight cars, and In 1880 Its fcrow earnings
for passenger traffic was $801,lft.02, and
for freight $0,735,010.01. Its tr.illlc Is also
booming and nttosts the prosperous condi
tion of the coal and Iron Industries that de
pend upon It for nceeis to the markets of
world. . r,
A ivoikshop has been Started In tho
basement of the Ucry's High School bulling
at Reading, whore' there Is a tool chest mid
also a bench for the me of students.' It Is
proposed to give them additional facilities
for work. Students In the mechanical arts
are, permitted to visit Industrial establish
ments, measure pieces of machinery, take
lough sketches and, upon returning to the
school, make drawings thereof. In the
physical department tho pupils manufac
ture tlie Instruments required In their
There ara hints 6f trouble between the
Central Railroad of New Jersey and Its
engineers, sotno of whom are asked by the
company to work eighteen hours nt a
stretch for C-o.W. The engineers claim
that they cannot stand such "long hours,
and they are right: but they can stand the
hours better than tho company can. It 1$
Very poor economy lo -work men for so
long a continuous period. The recent
Tiffin disaster on the Baltimore & Ohio
crew out of just such oxpenslyo economy,
ind Its cost In human life, money and
corporate prestige Is not yet counted.
There Is no wls.lom In rushing Into in
lepcndHiit political labor action. Indepen
dent political labor action should not be.
tried unless the prospects of success are be
yond question, and the organizations of la
bor numerically. and Intellectually' strong.
The aim of our great economic labor or
ganizations in apolitical sense is to accomp
lish beneficial lcglaiation, more than to
found a party or elect special men. Where
tlie organizations of labor aro weak,, or not
of one mind politically, tho wise course is
lo concentrate upon measures, and support
the candidate who uiost favors such meas
ures. Let us do that which will promote
labor legislation, even If it should Interfere
with Our own personal ambition.
Having jnado extensive preparation for
the Sprlns nnd Summer trade we call es
pecial attention to our new nnd attractive
stock of mens', youths' and boys' clothing
and are offering bargains which exceed all
competition. 11'e want you to look at our
lino stock of suitings nnd pantaloonlngs,
which wo aro enabled to mako up in first
class style at from $10 to $40 per suit. We
desltc to say to the public that our system
of bujilig for spot cash has secured fdr us
the best values that money can procure,
and wo shall continue lo quote Lowcied
Prices, and depend upon our increased
fales to make up the volume of business.
We soil every articlo on Its merits, and if It
is not satisfactory biing It right back; your
inicrest is our s and wo cannot alloril to
treit you In any way but squarely. Every
body rom. Rest goods and lowest prices
for all. Call at, Sondlielm's Ono Price
Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
In Illustrated Wcttera Haeazino.
Nn rnc at all Interested hi the. n'eenery or the resources oi in" western fioiuou oi ine
Unl'.ed Stnt es, can fall to he charmed by the last
uuttil er nf that handsome illustiated machine.
Ihe IVtstslioii. Itcoiiihiueslustrui'tlonuuileu-
icrtiimmiiitin a most nRieeablu lonn. There
aro i'pw nils of one Imhdrert jiaires of most de
llflhlful iles'crlptlvo matter, flrllnu, poetry, es
says, anil news of progress made hi the develop
ment of the lesourecs of thai utstreulon. While
crescrvl ir n liieh standard of literary merit. The
if hi fiiore is full of the life and energy of the
west, tin I stands nlnnitusnnlllustratcd exponent
of Hie lit rature.seenc ry.lndnstrlcsaiid resources
of that r Rlon, of which wo tdl know so little and
ouulit to know so much. Published by L. Samuel,
at Poi Hand, Oregon, nt f 2,50 per car.
rublic ale Relgstcr.
Wr. have printed bills nt this bfllco for
Oie following sales, and most of them arc
also advertised In our columns:
On Thursday, March 31, at one o'clock p. in.-,
Anion Shlvo will expose to publlo sale, on the
premises. In Heaver Hun Valley. Caibon cnunly,
H valuable lot of personal property, z: ymziins,
harrows, plows, hay, straw and other articles.
On Saturday, March ccth', Ocorcc Snjder
will sell at the Csubnti House, Lchlshtim. twenty
head of valuable horses, including family horses,
roadsters, double teams, work horses, &c. You
should not fall to attend. HarKiilns for every
body. Hcmember oh the scth Instant,
On Monday, MarrhSs, at l o'clock p. m.,C.
O, Khoeuberi;er will sell nt public sale, on tln
premises, near Heltzvllle, a lot of valuable per
sonal propel tv, to wit: Horses, cows, pigs, &c.
On Tuesday, Mnrcl) 21, nt ono o'clock p. m
at the Last Pcnn Furnace, near Howmanstown.
the Adtittnltlratnrsot the liitateof the late John
Halllrt, dee'd, will fell nt public ftile, mules, har
ness, wagons, hay ladders, blacksmith tools, etc.
On Wednesday, Starch so, nt ten o'clock a.
m Mr; LUza Ann Weiss will sell nt public sale,
on the firemlscs. Fanners Hqjfl, Towa'-ienslnc
Township, personal projiirty: Cows, watcons,
sleighs, etc.
FnRrlrnicu-OoMiihr.T.--On March toth, by
the Itev, K. Bartholomew, Jefleison Frvilerlefe
nnd Miss Sarah J. Cuuilieit, liotl) of iTcw Ma
honing. Hkltz Mii.lkii. On March 13, bv the same,
Thomas P.cltz and Miss Savannan Miller, both
nt West Penn, Pa.
Mintz SciiAKFiT.n. Onlar"hro.hytlie same,
J. F. Mautz and Miss L. U richaeffer, Inith oi
West Penn, Pa.
Hri.TZ-(iitow. Oil March the Itev, O, W.
Cross, p.iv.eii Heltz and Mls Linnia A, (Ir'ow,
both of Denver Itun, lVi.
HniNlll-RMN. On FebniHry West Pcnn,
lather Zi-nohla, daiijjhter of Kenton ULdCaro-
llno Hclulilcmnn, aged 4 years. : months and
Movi:n.r-Oii March fi, In Ist Penn, OeoiRe I!.,
son of Cnarles Mojer and Kate Kolb, aged
years mul 11 days,
liowjtas:. On March )0. In Parrj ville, Matilda
P., wife of John Hovvmaii, ntcd S3 CRrs, 2
mouths and li davs.
Sciiakitkr. On Starch IT, In West Ponn.Bnml.
liiisliflinl of Ji.dltli hchaeller, ngod CI JMrs, 10
An Improved FAHM.wllhDWKLI.lNOIIOl'Sl!.
1IAHN and all nei ess:iry outbuilding. H nevi'i-
..,,.,... U,.J,,.. nt tl ...... ,.t,,l I, a I,,,,. I ... ....
cedent taten! cultivation Is nlfertsl at Private
Sale. A large orchard ot choice fruit
Apiues. Peaches and l lienle. Ihe proK-rty Is
located hi Chi boil county, it li er' convenlriit
to school house, and atmut one und a half mlleii
from ILillroad denot. nnd eontaioti about MXTY
ACltLH. Apiih-Htthe
March . 17S7-lf
House ani Lot For Sale !
rA The iinder-ilpiied otti-rs his Hditse and
IIS'iH L"l, si ,H iippnole tlx I'AI.IH.V A I.
.I'MiiL x"iTn.m, i ,ih. k ,ii, ,t i ii..,
lull, I , I e - if- 1 In I t -. I. , M I - t, , I.
i .ri tne tiou -'s i i -t x 1 1 in,' i.,t,i ...
lusi m, i:t l.irlurU.n -r;.. i. s -in.m
-Hi's l I hep
o- k the An- " sff ntfp r
Iwh I' n ii
Wkta Will Onr Rjru be Opened re tbn Oreat
national CaUiraitr?
. 'Ihe year 1PM played tad havoc wltli
many prominent ti.en of our country.
Many tf (hem died wllhott w-Jfrnlnrr,
passing away apparently In tto full flush of
Others were tick but a comparatively
short time. We turn to our files and aiu
astonished to find that most of them died of
apoplexy, of aralvsl, of nervous prostra
tion, of malignant blood hiinipr. of Urittht's
uisnuse. oi heart u snax. nf k nov ii ennsp
of rheiiniitlsni oi of pneumonia',
It Is sin jnlar that most of our prdui'lrent
men uie ut iiiene dlsorJeu. Any joitruaLs
who watches thn ioli-1-ih..ili t-iiifitt villi .
astonish -d nt 1 to number Cf tirbmliicnt
wc iiinoi ine c disoruers.
niiiiy siaieinents havu nimcnreil In onr
paper with oldirs to Hie cfTect that theills-
eases that carried off So lft.uiy prominent
lilMt III ISSO nro reallv ohn JUea,,-. tnhln..
dilfcrent names (.ccordlug to the location of
me mini ciicci.
When a vuluaWe horse Pfirlahes. It bn
comes Ihe nine dnva' talk of tho snortlnr
world, and vet tho'tisnndsnf imlln.irv burses
are. dying every day, their nggngale loss Is
enormous, aim yet their death creates ti
bo it is with iinllvl.liinls. The csiisn nf
ueaiii oi prominent men cre.Mes comment,
especially when 1t can be shown that one
unsuspected disease carries oil most of
them, and vet "vat numbers of ordinary
men, and women dlo before their time over
year from the same caiive."
It Is said If the blood Is kent free from
uric acid, that heait disease, paralysis.
nervous prostration, imniinmnln. rhiinmi.
tlsm, anil many catcs of consumption.
would never bo known. Thl.siirlp.ii hl. we
are told, Is tho waste of the system, ami it
Is the duty of the kidney, to remove tliis
He are told that if the kldnevs ni-e main
tained In perfect health, the iiilc. kldr.nv.
acid Is kept out of the blood, nnd these sud
den and universal diseases canted by uric
acid will, In n largo measure, disappear.
Rut how- shall this ho doney It is folk
to treat effects. If thcie Is any known wav
ol getting nt the cause, that vvay should be
known to tl.o ntlblic. Wo believe that
W.irher s safe cure of which so much 1ms
been written, nnd so much talked of by the
puuuc cencrany. aim wnicncan be obtained
or dealers every where. Is pow recognized by
Impartial physicians nnd the public as the
one specific for such diseases.
lierause public nttentloti has been directed
o tlds great remedy by means of advertls
tu, some persons have not believed In the
remedy. We cannot see how Mr. Winner
could immediately benefit the public inniiv
other way. and his valuable specific should
noi ue coiinomnou necausc some nostrums
ayo come before the public In the same
way, nny more than that all doctors should
he condemned because so luanvof them nrp
It Is astonlshlns what end I onlnlcns you
hear on every side of that great rei'nedy.and
public opinion thus based upon an nctuai
experience iiasauiuo weight and import
ance of absolute, truth.
At this time, of tlie year, the uric nchl In
thp blood invites pneumonia and rheuma
tism, and there Is not a man who does no!
dread these monsters of disease: but lie
need have no fear of them, we are told, If
e nn uie dioou oi me uric aciu cause.
These words are strona. nnd mav sound
like an advertisement, and be rejected as
uch by unthinking people, but wu believe
hey nro the truth, and as such should be
pokcu by every truth-loving newspaper.
Oloanedrrcm all Parts of tho State,
James Gallagher was fatuity shot by a Scran-
ton j't.licemiMi, Keninton.
Four men were horrtldy tiurncd bv a.prenia
tuto CMilosinn In. tho Conyncham mlno. near
wllkcsbahe Saturday.
One of tho blgKCst itlcksot timber ratted
this. year Is reported from Lock Haven, being
one hundred one feet Ionic.
A number of families have been victimized
the Kchuvlklll Valley by a fellow who pre
tended to bring Information of fortunes which
.an neeii leu lo iiicm.
Jcnevu Stencr, uged scv cutci n years, daiiKb-
terof a poor but icsnretablo Ijmcastcr widow.
as not ncrmltted to ll.n tbo r.lreets nt. i-lylit.
Ids made despondent and the committed
Ant bony Gallagher, leader ot n cnn of Plltj-
burg thieves and footpads .was Saturday being
taken to the 'o'unty woilthcusc undi r n two am;
one-litdt yee is' sentence, when hp jitipncd from t-
i..jimj iiiutiuii iiuui tuill luuue omi ills CS"upc.
Jacob Oil, the noted couiiterWter. ind com
panlouof the inot expert enuraversof counter
feit Plates, was released fiom the Kaslcin Pen!
tenllnryon Mondtiy last, utter has Ins served an
elcht years vthleni c. lie was one.of a It In, con
ni-uiiK tiijit-ui v. mines uitl'-ll, win
printed and circulated the dangerous S5 counter
fell on tho First Hank of Tamaqua, In
English services will bo icld In Trlnltv
Lutheran church, tills horduih, lu tho In
terest otl'oreign Mlsslpns. ou next i'littrs-
nay evening, .lift Inst. Ihe l.ev. Knoeli
Smith, of Uethleheni, Pres. of the Second
Corfercnce, will preach the sermon. All
are cordially Invited.
Never in the history of the
Millhury Trade has there been
such a profusion ol beautiful
stvles in
and so much lovlincss in tints
aud colors of
as this Spring brings to us
1 have spavcd no effort or ex
pense to select cue or tlie Finest
mid most Fashionable Assort
ments of
Spring arid Summer
Hats &. Bonnets and
Millinery Novelties.
and fe.l confident that there is
no exaggeration when I say that
I positively have the Largest
and most Fashionable, as well as
the Cheapest line ol
ever hrnumit lo lelimliton or
shown in tlie Lehigh Valley.
The Ladies of Lehighton
Weisspbrt, PacUerton, Mauch
Chunk and the siirroundintis
are respectfully invited to call
and inspect tho
Largest Stock of
Spring and Summer
Millinery Goods
ever brought to this Section be
fore purchasing t-lsewhere.
Yrry Respectfully,
Miss Alvenia Graver,
Unrik tx,rrf, Lrh 'itnn., IV nrji.
Rjfisstjs.snn a
t i.
Eai WkwpotI. GatoCoiiiify.fe.,
ts the pl.lC! to piuehs'M. nt tiie,.niost unscMlifft
prices, DHES'JKD 1
E'SKD lAJMHKIt, Of till kinds, viz.
'Doors, Sastosj
Blinds; 'Siijftersf
Mouldings, Cabinet
Ware, 'Ac, &a
Tlie Machtiicy Is all new, nnd onlv the bwl me
cluiimi cniplojctt. All articles uVe Kiiarmilrvd
of besti asoned inalcrhil. Orders tiv. troll n,.
celvupro.uptatlenilon. Yoiiripatroiia'go'fnvlti.d,
Wo have, also, In eonuei Hon with the td'Ovii
Justness n COMMODIOUS S10IIH, wherpeft?
always, be found one of the largest and best fn
sortiiieuts of
liltY 6jOt), .
OAni!ET3, . ,
- " oir. nr.rivit?'
HAltriWAHtj,. w
Haty, Straw,
Flour and Febdv
A'ld In fact nny and everything ttsiuillvtoho
found In a strictly first-class Country Store. Nt
matter what ru want, ask fnrlt ami we can sup
ply you nt pricis thht will kV.ael; nil cmitv.HilfA
far Into the shade'. Ca'l unit ieu tis, iu:A vmi Ui
eniivincp vol rf the tri.thfuhiess of ourasseitloii
uemcmucr ine i iacc
East Weissport Pe.nilai
January 1. tcs;.
At Prices mr.i Iced uloivii si low as tucomo with
lu tl.o i each of cveiybcdy
Novelties in Jewelry !
a-, ' : I , r I
In the above line of Goods we 1'inv'o an clccniil
.s-soitineut, and are comt.-uuly iimklntf ncldltlim;
of all tho cr- latest, povelilcs us the sea.siu ut
vnners. , Vnu arc te-jieel hilly ritiuesleil tiirnl!
and cxalnuie my lino or K""ds. You are. hound
to bo pleased vvltlr the i.siods, ami Ihrt pr.'i es-r
they ure down to Itock lSottuiu.and can't be beat,
All Kinds bf Repairing
Neatly, Cheaply nnd Pnunplly tillepded tri,
Kiillsfaetlou KUHiinitccil. 1 IntvcvCMliHlca.
ine.-ins of eti nilluc this liiaiu h n: lnv liitslneKj.
to bo i t'ti IIOILU FAllHYVILLKl
WEDNESDAY ot eiali week, between tho hours
of 8a. m., ami a p. in. Ml Imois showii b e by
the peoplo ot IMrryvllle tvll! hrinurh appierhih
ed. YmiJiro hpltnl 1 1 call, ami nu lln
of uoods when hi LchlklJ"ii. Next tn Ciaiibs Bro.
Dissolution Notice.
The Partncrsblp hctetofore existing hcinVcH
Win. Hi &V. D. Miner, formerly known as Mlnr.i
Urol hers, Is t his day dl"nhril liviimlii.ll cnlwnl.
The listen of the linn will be known hereafter as
C. D, MINEK & CO. . . .
tt. D. MINED. f
Welssport March 1st, 1M7. Mar;; in. cv
Finest Porolcan Dinner Sbls!
Tb Faiaois Belmont Shape:
103 1'Ipcps llelnio:it,l)iiiticr; Soli ViV
veilr Dectalloij. $22.00.
103 l'leccs Ilolmont Dinner Sets j i;ib-lii
Dccorallott, 20.09.
103 I'kces llblnlnni iilrinerScts j 3IerI
ilcn IH'cdratloii, 17.00.
14 I'lrrrs Jlejlln Ton Sets Ilndion
lli'cuinlicii, $5.m0.
f 1 n.A. it.,i:.. ip.A l' - . w o...?i.iii.?
I,.,-.-, IIVI llll Il'il ncinj X H I.I ill .(ift,
1!( corntlon, CO.25.
-11 1' llet'Iln 'JVa.s'ofH rmHiotlnl
l)i forntioti,5G' 50'.
10 I'lrccs Whllo OiMititc Yi'du- (Jul
Tlia above QiWj nre, C.imrrnlceil n-;aln
Crvsing and are i f the best Chiuaivsn.'
G. M. Sweeny, & Son,,
Public Notice.'
TtU. Uri.,MHIIAI1 MI4llt ll At LUft.tfAtl tA
tW pIlbJwtllllThe li,.., pin i'Iilm ii tTt'blalleii till.
hv,r.,if Vrls,;.il, i iir'on -niint), Pa., thtv
iuiiuwmi nr.ii-i.-,, in y i zuiirv-A. I new UUICIH
er KS -eti, I , . I tt"l(
ll.'.a. a. fir. Ulllill,
i.iunn, 1 hiick-tKiard. x
ie'i'U, i fi-l i
Corner Store
. iiai'.i s, j si-i aiuRic IMC
i i" i I'l.vrk, I B.'ius:iic .Mit
t , ..pi" r-- , aixl bf retry,
ri i . i i , any trxf ineifs
Mill 1 1 Mrs, vil.lrh h
'. picture ioth uilii luis
i with i. 'untitle tulirr,
' 'W CivrX 3x,
nejts l i , .i
I'm t H j