nr vnjji? OWN DOCTOR. THR ORAKDSST - Remedy of tho Age. S3 so- MENTHOL INHALER, ziiiorcia quids, jreiici us ITouralnln ITectlaclio, Hny rover, Catarrh( Asthma, ahd sr c::t:.:o:d sgs rrrrw3 a cues. tWSMftfuttmftnrnnt,m! or. taonoy refunded, BU months treatment tor &) cvntu. If your dmcilst Ins not tli Inhaler In $ tock, wind A3 cents In eUmps, and tlm lnhlftr will lie fornrdl ly mail. r8tRB paid, and if. At the c ttirat ion o I hrn dan from fts receipt you uretrnt sntlrtii'd with Its effect a, jon tnjy return It, and (f received In tfoodooadilioii, our money will bo refunded. Circular and teatlraoniala mailed free on application H. Dm CUSHRWJ, Throo lUvors, Micli- Hoc. 25, 1885-8ms. HAYWOOD'S CHAIR SEATS WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Anybody -can apply THEM. Jfo 3IecTmnlc jiccdcd. SOLD BT Furniture & Hardware TKADE3. In bujloc new Chairs, ask for those with Hahwood's Htd Leather Finish Scats. TTlmy Mover wcur out. December U5, tmj jiu PATENT UNFREE2ABLE Tho only perfect LIQU D WASH BIDE Manufactured on Karl b. Absolutely Unfreciabte. Itii ILc sfronrtit Liquid Mm, We ftuarantce no bottle will go twoor three timvi Aflfnroflrtryother Bottle Htuo. 1U Tin-; ursT IJljUlD Itl.UE, irnt Intwtt vmirr n.lireil with dry IjIuh, but is ecien. t'licnlly minufnc tured, bo that it is iniputsibletuBpot or streak the clothes. lnordortoproro the above cold fa ftp, buy the uoodb, tcktthrra juureelf, And be convinced. Hundrtda of Thousardi of Bottles Sold and not On Complaint GUARANTEE CHEMICAL CO, (Limited.) 130 A 2130 ICace Street, PHILADELPHIA, ri December W, 1880. Cm. This pnper In kept on rile nt tho office of ADVERTISING GENTS BUILDING Chestnut & 8 th fits Philadelphia. CSTIMATEC rir.WSNrElt Ami RTlsnC cert COIIMAItO ut Lowest Cash Rates rntt SIVIITN BROS. EXTRA DOUBLE FLAVORING $2 i Aluaja uniform j recommended for rOIUTY, STKEXGTH audFIAYOK. SMITH BROS. Stronger Family Ammonia, For General Cleaning- Purposes. SMITH BROS. Extract of Jamaica Ginger. Atk jour Grorer Tor Smith Ttrvs. Extracts, and taLo bo other. SMITH BROS., Akron, O. Dclh'iuUlt 'Sy Cm PATENTS!! FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foretell Patents 925 V tt., near U. S. Patent Office, "WASHINGTON, I. C. tll luisf'ness before United States Patent Ofllce attended to for moderate tees, ratcuwprocurcd til the tlnlled Mates and all 1'i.ielitn Countries. 'tratSi .VurJti and l.aMt iTj-istereil, ItHfitcd 3ipllcallous miuil audpiosci'uti-il. Informa tion ami advice as lo obtaining rutcnu clii'cr. fully furnished without chaw. Kcnd hkrtch or juuuci lor r nr.i. opinion as lu i-.ucutabllity. Agency iutho IT. S. possesses superior acuities tor outainiug I'atcnts or aseeitalnltig the Patentabil ity of Inventions. Oiples o( patents fiirnUheil forMc-cach. W Currcpuiulvuco ollclUd. icor. 1 13 "WEEKS. The rOMCK GAZKTTE will be mailed ecurely tvrufprd, to any uddrits in I lie Uni M.auiea lorlhrec nicnlhs mi receipt or One Dollar. Llwral dianunt allnwrd lo ktmatlrs, acnta and rluba Suuiplo copies mailed free Audrew all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, WkT3C.IB85.Iy Fsiscus Eq.uabk, N. Y ow, 'Ml j " sgn Viil GH3CEB Hit ll'jftt j atJJisauisgwrerflaaifHLal I TIMES mmm AS WE CLIP HUMOROSLTIES. The grocer never slugs, "My way Is dark and lonely." III. weigh, as a rule, Is (light. do Unit Is nfrnltl of solemn tilings lias proba1y solemn treasons to bo nfral.l of tlicm. Oi-cat'oecaslons for serving God pre sent themselves but seldom, but llttlooncs frequently. A Gonial Kcitorattve. llcxtotter's Stomach Hitters ,nru emphatically a genial mtnrutlu. The nliatiRcs which tills (treat tmtanle renioily protinrcs In the tllsm tiered oiKanlzatliin are always agreeably, though surely lrnjrrctlye, nctcr abrupt and loleiit. On tins account It Is iiiliuliiiblv mlaptcil to persons of dcllcalo (iiuslllullou.anit weak nenes. to whom tlio powerful mineral tlrtijrs are pnslthcly In jurious. That It initiates those processes which lesult In I tie rc-if tiihlHiiiicnt of healthful luor Is conspicuously shown In ease where -It Is taken to overcome that fruitful causes of debility, Indi gestion, coiiiUctl, as itusuallv is, with biliousness and constipation. Tlmrnugli dlevstlnn, regular ctuciiatluu and iilmmluut secretion, are results which pi oinptly and tin arlablynttrnd its system atic use. It .is, .besides, the best protective against malaria, and n first rate diuretic . Nothing can mako a girl more unlmppy allnresont than to bclnvlrcd to co tobossnrt- lng If she has no tdbogganlng-sult. A bov out West has been born with on cxlra eye In the back of His head. Jf ho were horn a girl, ho could seo what the other Rlrl has on without tfcralnitig the carotid aitcry. Onht to be Known by All ) Tito wonderfully tmlck and certain re 1 lief afforded bv Fontaine's Oirc In cases of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis and as 'thtna. It will cute a cold In 12 minutes I The first dose will give relief. It will cure ermin lu as manv minutes. A child's llfo may be sural by Its timely use. It Jsji radi cal cure tor Astiiiua. it snouui always ue In the house, ready for an emergency. Can von. or auv person afford to take, a risk when you can absolutely guard against It? Whooping-cough, consumption and bron chitis will yield to tins mcuicine wnen others haw failed. Sold at Dr. a T. Horn's drug store. The World says that Hie woman's bus. tie must go. Tho World Is mistaken. It Is the woman that must go. Tho Trastle must follow. Mother "Elsie, I thing I shall make this dress just like the one you have on." Klsie "Why, mammal If I have two dress es allko people will think I'm twins." Is It not possible to freeze a thing and still have It red hot? Try a red pepper. In summer the toboggan Is not worth ascent. The champion belt of the world Is without doubt the equetor. Typhoid, Scarlet and Yellow Fovors, Measles, Diphtheria, Small-pox, Cholera, etc. Darbys Prophylactic l'luitl will destroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious 1 1 eases. ill keen tho atmosphere of any sick-room pure and wholesome, adsorbing ind destroying unlicultliy emuvia ami con l:imnti. Will nnutr.ilizo tmv had Mllell whatever, not by disguising it, but by de fraying it. Use D.irbys Prophylactic I'luid sti every sick-room. -As you can now get two hundred quinine pills for a dollar, we should say that quinine is getting to bo a drug In the market. Scientists believe it Impossible for a man to have a double. If this is so, how- can a man be beside himself? Tlic best medical writers claim that tin successful remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irritating, easy of apylicntion, and om that will, by its own action, reach all the remote sores and ulcerated surfaces. Tin history nf the efforts to treat catarrh during the past few years obliges us to admit that only one remedy lias completely met these on lilions and that is Kly's Cream ll.ilin. fliis safe and pleasant remedy lias mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done, and both physicians and patients freely concede this fact. The more distressing symptoms liiickly yield to it. A man may have a great head from other than Intellectual causes. While tho fashion of high hats Is in voguo Is the time to elevate the stage. "Does a dollar go as far as it used to?" asked an exchange. Wo think It docs; in fact it goes so far that wc hayosomo trouble in keeping It In sight. A Great Battle Ts continually going on in the human sys tem. Tho demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the constitution, t" ruin ocalth, to drag victims to tho grave. A ncxl reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsapa-.-ill.i is tho weapon with which to defend no's self, drive the desperate enemy from he Held, and restore peace and bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar medicine. To admit that our city is well laid out loesn't necessarily suggest the Inference that It's dead. A New York man advertises to restore old paintings. Wonder how many he has stolen. The gray-bearded man who carefully husks a peanut, throws away the meat and tries to eat the shell probably will not be accused of being In Iotc, as he would have been thirty years ago, hut he risks winning a reputation for absent mlndcdness. . Glad tidings, liellef and cure of throat and limn disease. Fontaine's Cm e Is guar anteed to cure a cold lu 1U hours. Sold by v. i. norn, iJtuggist. Kuropo Is sopeaeefulnow that it is im possible to supply the universal demand for aims. "rapa," said little Jlmmle Hilcflcss, "what do you wear when you go to the court house your law suit?"' "Oh, no, my son," replied the good barrister, kindly. "That is the suit a man puts on when he goes naked. Only the clients wear that." One bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer cured me of a fecverc attack of Pneu monia. 1 was in a critical condition, and upon the suggestion of a friend obtained a bailie of the above named remedy and 1 kuk Mirprised nt my qniek mid wonderful re covery. It is a tplendid me-ilieinu. Isaac W. ll'ichtincvcr, Saugerlies, Ulster Co, ', Y., Feb. 8r 1SS0. Mothers, teething and fretful children need Dr. Arnold's Soothiug ami Quitting Cordial. 'Joe, The Gel man Army 13H1 Emperor Wil liam. A distant relative Your brother In China. if you have numbness in arms or limbs, heart Vips,hcats, thump? or (hitters, uryou are neryou. and irritable in danger of shock Dr. Kilmer's Ocean Weed regulates relieves, corrects and cures. The Sioux tribrt of Indians have a sub chief who Is named; 'The-man-who-ran-so-fast-that-tne-wlnd-was-lef. behind," It is needless to sav that the squaw was after him with a club. When wc seo a goose with a lama leg trying In vain to keep up with the rest of the flock, It always reminds us of a uou-ad verlislng so-called business man, endeavor ing to hold his own against his neighbors who advertise. Aid for All. The Uop l'lasier gives comfort to rheumatic pains, tired muscles, lame back, 23c. A fashion note says: "Dangles aro not out of style, and there Is much that is new and Interesting In them" the girls, for lustanc. kaseiwe: r'Tho Now QuinindJ NoBaiEflect. No Headacne. M rausca, NoRingingEars1 Cores QnicBy. (pieasaut, Pure. A POirJEEFUL IOjYIO. that tho most delicate stomach will 'bear. A SPECIFIC FOll MALARIA, IKITJUUMATISM, XERVOVS rilOSTJlATION, And aimerm Diseases. DcTlcnie Hospital. N. Y., 'Universally success ful." I' 'Every patient treat-. HI. FrandisTInspllat N.Y. V'ed with Kaskluo has 1 been cured. Dr.T.. It. White, U.S. ExainlnlnaSurccon, writes! "Kiisklnc Is the best medlolno made." Dr. I.. M. tllessner, 30 Halt l-ilst street, New York City, has cured over 500 patients with Kns klue after niihilno mid all other dmes had failed, lie says, ftls nudoubtcdly tho best medlclno ever (llsrovcrcd." Prof. V. F. Holcombe, St. !., W East 25tli Ht., N. V.. (late Prof. In N, Y. Med. College), wrltcsi "Kasklnu Is suncilnr to nululiiu In itssiiectflc power, anil never produces Iho slightest Injury to the hearing or constitution." Kcv. .lames I.. Hall, chaplain Albany Peniten tiary, writes that Kiisklne has cured his wife, Jir tor twenty years suffcrim' from miliaria and nor- nlis ftvsnoiisln. Wrltn htm for nartlculars. thCasaiids upon thouuds w rile- that Kasklue has etired them after all other medicines falledl Write for lHiok of testimonials. Knsklne can be taken without any special ndvlce. ner bottle. Hold Irv T. 11. THOMAS,, LehlKhtou, l'a or sent by Mali oil receipt oi price. THE KASKINE CO., deo4-ly MWarrenSt., XewA'ork CatarrI ELY'S CREAM BALM Cleanses the Head. Allays Inflamation 'HAVFEVER w)S Teals Sores. lltisioi'cs the Senses, Taste Smell, Hear ing. A qvlcfc A particle applied Into each nostril and lsaRrcc- aiue. i rice in cenis ai orugpiMs; uv oiau, ickis lered, m i-ents. circulars free. ELY 1'ltOS., Druggists, Ohcbo, N. Y. Oct-2-180 IrOll Information about The South address JOHN PATRICK, ltalctch, N. C. WIMirnitdonMlhoTJESTnlaatCrmado. When apiiucd to any Irtnd of rain or eorenocs, instant rcUof Is f clt. jAmo Eiiolc, 61de or Hip, Bora Muo. clco, Gavero Aclics, Otraina, Kidney J3iaocscB, r&ounuitisin or any sort of aorencca In any part yioia inaunuy to uiopjun-iuiunganu.trcnBui- zk cnlnff properties of tho HopPlasUf. Vlrtucaof!!?, frerh lfftTta. Hunn:ndv Pit2h ftnd forolfrn Oudu a ecmlned in a sweet and never folUnr-Poroua K rinatcr. u sea and rococuncnaoa oy nosia or M prioe. rrop,alIQgPLAgTIinCO..Poeton, Mom, la Central Carriage Worts, Bank St., Lchigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring TFagon, &c, (Jf every description, In tho moat substantia manner, and at Lowest Oath 1'rlces Repairing Promptly Attended to. TREXLEK & KREIDLEIt, April M, 183 yl Froprlotore. Red Jacket Force Pump any Depth of well. for Single Cylinder, (18 CO 21 00 LUUUIO No racklng-box Pump. Buckeye Force Pump up to Seventy-five Feet. HlncMCjlliider, - - - - SU oo Double " . . . . is so Rumsey Force Pump, $13.50, Depth up to sevcutv-Avc feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty fcot, $8.00. Iron CMcrn Tump from fa upwards, Alse WOODEN PUMPS AND CHAIN PUMPS. FIVE icr cent, olt for Cash. JOHN II. 11. ACKF.I1, Agent, Wnt.i. and Cistiuin Hiiilpku, Ilank way, Lehlghton, opposite tho old Printing Office. iiov.UMcyl pDICAL OFFICES, 206 N. Second St., FMlada., Formerly Q Drs. J.N.&J.B. HOBENS AOK. K.tnlilWllcil 40 years. For Iht euro cfll Special Ueuet, Including Ilcaulta of Youthful Iui. pruitcuer, Varicocele, Klc. Call or write and bo cured by a Graduate of leffcrson College, with Hospital apcrience Noun, tf to U, O to 0. Cltltl SullytV 7,tS.TAN rin:tw-KS, riMrrj:s, iif.fvrriii't' in Air iri'.;'i:i 1,11.11, will ItFHDTK Ieavlnij tlioBkin soft, clear and beautiful, I?,11!1',1! "L"? 'i'1.'3 Vom'v;",n,'l ? lily chcet, And the bright rIow will beat Its virtues apeak. Also Inatructlons for producing a luxuriant rnwthof hair on a laid" head or smtwth fi AdOrns A, D, BTESietu CO Ami Bt., KuW York WORKING CLASSES B pared lo furliMi n classes Willi employment at home, the whole ol the time, or lor their spare moments, lluslness new. light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn froniM cents to S.VK1 per eunliig, ami a niotiorttonn! Mini by d( lotlng all their lime to the business. Hipjs and girls earn aciiilv as much as men, That all who see lids imiy send their uddiess ami (est tho business, we make this offer. To Midi asaieuot well satisfied we will tend one dollar to jay for the tiuuule of writing. Full particulars and ,,ut. lit free. Addiess llKonui: it Cn.. Port iin, Maine. deels-ly. lobe mane. Cut this out and re tain to 11s, and we will send joii free Mimctllhuf of ercat mine mid hn. porrauceloott, that will sunt you In business which will bilug 5011 In more money light away than aiiithliiKt-lsu lit this world. Anyone can do I lie work and live nt home. Either sex: all ages. Something new that Just coins money for all workers-. We will start join capital not needed. This Is one or the genuine, liupoitunt chances of a lifetime. Those who aie nmbliions xud enter prising will not dclav. (Iraud oiitht fiee. Ad diess Tit he & Co.. Augusta, Maine. decls-l) $100 A WEEK. rallies or geullenicit desiring pleasant profit able einplo) incut write at once. Wn want 011 to liandlr an article of domestic use that recom mends Itself to every one at sight. hTAl'l.E AS FUll lt' Sells like hot rakes. FroDtssoo per rent. Families w.shliig to prartlce economy alinuld for thtlr own benefit write for particulars. I aed ever)' day the year round In em house hold, Price within Hie reach of all, Circulars irer. Agents reeeue ainplu nee Audi DOMFJTU M 1 U CO, Marlon, O. octao cm , 1 Hp Pbtster 8 31 OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. Furo Breeds and Common Stock. Puro'brecds of fowls havcheen so widely disseminated that It Is almost Impossible to find n conimon flock even that has not been Improved to tho extent of containing onc dr two good layers. These will also bo found to possess good blood from some 'pure-blood ancestor. In a flock of 100 hens, the dlffercnco of one dozen more eggs per year from each layer amounts to 100 dozen, equal to $20, which is quite an Item; yet, a pure-bred 'cock can bo produced for one-fourth Hint sum. Hcnco, If tho 'lay ing qualities of tho lions aro only Increased thrco eggs In a whole year.'ln a flock of 100 hens tho cgjs gained villi pay ifor a pure bred cock valued nt $5. Tliis shows that It really costs nothing to Improve. True, there may bo a few dollars 'outlay at the beginning, but tho value will bo returned, and if the breed selected is a largo one, we may alsotillow something for tho firc'reaSc of the weight of the carcasses. Excitement in Texas. 'Greafo.fcitemcnt has been caiwed in thq vicinity .of Paris, Tex., by tho 'remartiallc recovery of ilr. J. E. CorlcV, who Was 90 hclpless he could not (Dim in-bed,-'oi'Jvaise his head; cycrybody said lie was dying nt Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was tent him, Finding re rcr, ho boughtnlargc hottlo n'nJ 11 box cf Dr. King's Nenv Life Pills; by tho lime ho had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of Iho Discovery he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Pottles of this Great Discoverv for Consumption free at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store. Oreenhonso and Window Plants. The Increased lreat of the sun will not only produce an Increase of bloom, but it will favor tho multiplication of insects. Tobacco, in the form of smoke, as an ltr fusion or "tea," or as dust, or more con veniently as soap, applied early, and fol lowed up weekly, will keep most Insects In subjection. The Red Spider Is best sub dued by frequent showcrings with water. Give air on mild days, and commence to harden the plants for their removal out doors. The pain-banishcr Is a name tiplied to St. Juebbs Oil, by tho millions who have been cured of rheumatism and neuralgia by its use. Around the Farm. Tools and Implements. It will probably be found that many repairs that should havo been made were not dono because the workshop was too cold. Make such repairs as can be dono without Interfering w Ith out-door work. Procure new tlow-po!nt?i culllvator'tcctli and other parts of Imple ments liable to break, and thus be prepared for accidents. Manure. Haul out to where It Is to be used, taking advantage, if It may be, of any late snows. Whenever manure Is moved havo it turned. Artificial fertilizers may often bo profit ably used to supplant ordinary manure. From 100 to 300 pounds to the aero of any good fertilizer may be sown upon meadows and pastures just as tho grass Is starting, with great benefit. Spring wheat should bo soon as the soil Is in proper condition, but not before. Sow- only an approved varletyand perfectly clean seed. Wheat, full of foul seeds never brings good prices. Tho proprietor of I li e G reat Western Poul try.Yard, Mr. James 1C. Goodkev. St. Louis Mo., is enthusiastic in his praise of lied Star Cough Cure, which cured him after nit other remedies failed. Jle bays it neither coilsti pates tho bowels, nor causes sick head ache. Kitchen and Market Garden. In tho old way of "making garden,' there was one general sowing and planting, and the various vegetables accepted in their turn as they came along. Now wo mako the season longer at both ends. Wo for ward various vegetables by sowing their seeds underTirotectlon, and prolong their duration by successive sowings. Those who would forward plants in large numbers will use a hot-bed, but thoso who have no experience with a hot-bed had better try window-boxes. Sow in theso early cab bages, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, pep pers and egg-plant, about six weeks before It will bo safe to set these plantB In the open ground. Keep the soil In the boxes prop erly watered, and If tho seedling wilt In the heat of tho day, shade them witli a curtain as protection. Eemcmbor Tail. You can have sale bills printed at tills oillce while you wait. We do all kinds of plain and fancy job work letter heads, note heads, receipts, Sc., put up in tablet style If desired. Our circulation Is rapidly Increasing everybody reads the Advocate. Advertise your sales In th Cahuon Advocate. Lire Stock Notes. Working animals should be treated very carefully when first put to work) see that collars, yokes and all other rubbing nu ts do not chafe or bruise. Give a long rest at noon-time. Ilrood-mares. Provide roomy stalfsjand, as with all other breeding animals, guard against costlvencss. An occasional feed of carrots, or of other roots, or a quart of lin seed-meal, will tend to keep their bowels in proper condition. Incoming cows should have roomy stalls. Milk-fever and garget, the troubles to be dreaded, especially with tho first calf, may bo In good measure avoided by keeping the bowels in proper condition by giving bran mashes, oil-cake and an occt slonal feed of oats. Sows and Pigs. If pigs come In a cold snap, manv are apt to bo lost. lie pre pared wllh blankets and means of warnihi; them, and bags of hot chaff. Coicr the sow with a warm blanket and place bags of warm chaff along her back. Keep all quiet and as fast as the little ones appear place them under the blanket, where they will soon find a source of nourishment. How to care a Kicking cow. To cure a cow of kicking, lirst, last and all the time, treat her gently, Speakgently. If this falls, after a thorough trial, draw a little chain around her, just fowanl of the bag and back of Iho points of her hips, snugly, calmly addressing her with soothing words. If she does not yield, draw a few links tighter. You can draw it so tight that thu cannot get one foot six Inches from the floor, and she will surely yield. Handle a hog properly and it will prove one of the most profitable animals on the farm. Rhode Island Is a small" state, and vet It contains 11,000 more women than tutn. Sale liSs Pontes! alls Olce, Tills Is Ik Place You Want!! I have "made away" with my prepared fill km mm with one oi the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies', Gentfs and Ladies American & Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Latest Styles Hats and Caps. AT LOWEST PRICES. A.t The " COENEB STOEE," LEWI'S WEISS:,, BANK STREET, LEIIIGIITON. PA. T33C33 iimirfrtt& Awaawisw UUJjUa For Sale by A. The Carbon Advocate Takes the Lead in Country Newspapers. Only $LOO a Year. fss1 qSfo VliO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE SEE CY EXAmirJIHC 1 fTuife? AwSrtliineTdJMAt&irt Loa eK0 -A 5, MMti G&MGAGO, ROGK ESLAMB & PAC5F1G R'Y By reason of its central po3ition, close relation tiprinclpcl linen East of Chlcnpo and continuous Hno3 at toraiuat polnto West, Jorthwcst end fJoutUwest in the only truo middlo-llnk in that transcontinental system ?hlcli invites cjid facil itates travel nnd trafllo In either direction between tlio Atlantic end raciflc. Tho Hock Island main Uno and branches includo CliicarrOtJcHct, Ottawa, La Ballo,Peorla, aonc3oo, Holiuo and Hook Island, in Illinoin; Davenport, Musca tine, WasliinRton, l'alrllekt, Ottumwa, Oskalooea, West Llborty, Iowa City, Dcs Moines, Indlonsla, Yintersct. Atlantic. Knoitvillo, Audubon, Harlan, Oulhrio Centra and Council UlutTs, tn Iowai Gallatin, Trenton, tt. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Pa-il, in Uinnosota; AVatcrtown in Dakota, and hundreds of intermediate cities, towns and viUagcs. THE RGOll DSLAND ROSJTE Quaranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to thosn who travel over it. Its roadbed is thoroughly ballasted. Its traclr is of heavy steel. Its bridfres aro soUd ctructures of otono nnd iron. Its rollinsr otock is perfect no human Ekul can mako it. It has all tho nafoty appUano03 that raechonical Ereulu3 lias invented and ezperienca proved valuable, lta practical opomtion is conservative ftnd method icalits dteciplins atriot and eractlnrr. 'i-he luxury cf its passenger accommoda tions is unoqunl-jd in the Vcst unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXl'ItEaa TTiAINS between Chlcacro nnd the Missouri Itivt- consist of comfortnbW DAY- COACHES, mafmillcent PULLHAIf PALACE 1'ARLOH, and SLEEPINQ CAI13, olerrant DININO CAKS providinrf excellent meals, and between Chicaso, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kanso3 City restful HECLININCi OILAIK CAIIS. ' THE FAR30US ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direct, favorite Hn between Caloarf o and Kinneapolis and St Paul. Over this routo solid Fast Express Tmins run dally to tlio Buramor resorts, picturosqua lccalitlos ftnd huutinff and fisliinrr rrrounds of Iowa and Ilirmecotn. alio rich whaat Holds and proline lands of interior Dakota aro reached via Wntertown. A nhovt doslnVblo routo, via Cr oca raid Kanlcnltoo, onora Dunjrior iucHicciscnts to travelers botweon Cincinnati, I idlnnapolii, Lnfayctto nnd Council Elr.tTs, Ct. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, llinncapoUs, Ct. Paul and inter mcUfato points. All classes of patrons, especially families, ladlos and chHdren, recelvo from officials and employes of Hock Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and. kindly attention. . ...,. t , For Tlcketa. Maps, Folders obtainable nt oil principal Ticket Offices la tho United States and Canada or any desired information, address, R. R. CADLE, PreJ't II Gcn'l M'n'r, CMKo. E. ST. JOHN, Ass't Ge.i'l U'c'r, Chicago. BeWI af MUM. hvi Uioml vshA writ, M Hlloson A (:o.,i'ottlsnrl, MnIb.,vI11 rccir. fre. full infoimallon about work hlrh the? csa do. snj llvs st hoius.thst wilt rsy thsm rrom & tn AiT. d,,. ha .srnedcrtjillnadar Ellbr,i. jounfrof old. Cspllst Dot required. You sre etsrted free. Tho,. wbnitsrt si oiia ara abluul sur. .f euuf little furtuoea, All 1, new, Jflfl CURED! . j m iiiii iicrri iqs moil i if pur, i etlecta Clirea Um -11 rri. Aai ..t No "nllli'C Jar rraulu. I in .fiction i iiiiiurdiulr, direct iirwl reriu n, nnd 11 eureU effected In oil CI' lCAIII.i; C.m:.s i i-wHinnw7 cojf a m. Ktrcr to me at oj Ume." i "X fcnifnUrtl rcitorU to health y btrmw iithmt Cart." ntm. r.n.m "0ra Atlffli Ourt U u tm lIm ftrlu Ititr My (ibyilcUa recgmmDla Oemao intma Curt. It curtt ut." Mr, Ji. L. Tttntk. Lauded nf Thau or llUr UtUra ta fill, itk aiT drvciLt TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho Hntlereifrned having horn re stored to health by Fininlo nieans. nftei sufferlner for ecvcntl yenru with it t-overo , lunB niluction, and that drwid dibcaso Consumption, 1b anxious td Jiml.o known to his fi'llow ttillercrs tho means of euro. To thoso who deMro it. lio will I cheerfully bciuI (freo of chnrKc) rv copv I of tlio prefccrititioii ut.oil, which the) will find n siiro euro for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis nnd all throat and lunrr Maladies. Ho hopes all sullerora will try Ids Remedy, as it will cost them iiolliliitj and may prove ft blesblnr,'. Thow ile tilling tho prcfprlption, will pleuo ud dress, ltitv. EmvAitu A. "Wilson, i ViUltuuiUurb', JiUiBU Co., ew ork. BASTH old stock and am notv liilly lor the Children's Shoes. . French Kid $2. to $4. Shoes, $1.25 Up ! TTILI, WOnK EQUALLY AS TVrLT. N ltOOOH STONY LANK AH ON Tin; wnsTrajN Tiivntn:-. it m UNI.rtiE ANY OTIItll BULKY IN TIlrjWOItLD. CAN BE ATTACHED 3-NV COMMON WALKING t-low in nvn minutls time. INOIIEASE . TUB llkh ONE J.r, A'.Va ,bo S"in,E A CHILD f.'.i0,:i2.?,NODon TO UMVE A TEAM CAN OPEItATE IT. WILL TUIIN A SQUAltE UOrtNkK WITH OUT ItAISINO THE PLOW, THE ONLY 1'LOWJtADEWtini TOOT LEVER TO START THE POINT OP TLOW ADItl'MXY IN THU GROUND Olt ELEVATE IT TO SKIM OVEIt THE TOP OF TASl' STONES, AROUND ROOIS. ETC. Wo waul Vgood, llvo in sn to act aa agent la every town In tho II. S. Wrtta us forour liberal terms and rricea. Ea S. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA. N. Y. J. Litzenberger OEOSriftPIlY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THI3 MAP, THAT THE E. A. IIOLBrtOOK, den'l Tkt. di Pan. Afjt., Chicago. FOR PITCHER'S 13 Cantorla promotes TJlRcatlon, and ovtrcoinua l'latuleiicy, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, nntl Keverliliiiess. Thus tlio child U rendered healthy and Its sleep natural, Caatoria contains no Morphine- or other narrotio property. " Cnttorla la o well adapted to children lhat I reoomineiK. it as superior to auy prescrlpUoo Luowu to me." II. A. Anciicn, JI. I)., tJ rortland Ae., PrvoXIn, N. Y. " I tiw Caatorla in nif practice, and find it peclall adapted to arTcclIont of rlillilren." AtXX. llOBEHTSOM, M. 1., 1U67 s!d Ave,, New York, Tut CtXTirn Co., 18i! Fulton St!, N. Y. Cut from Exchanges. -'-A feeble old darky struggled painfully. '"Doss," he said, "Ise tin ole, die man. I whs born in ole Valiginny, an' lib'bcd dar mos on to iienety-ciglit year, an, 1 I want you tor tissis' mc'or little ' dis mawnin, 'boss if yo' pleas, sah.''Y )ii knew George Wash ington, of course'?" "No sah; I nebbcr seed him." "What! you lived in Virginia 'nihe'tv-eight years ancl never saw George WashingtoTi," "Dad am cr fac', boss. Ise an hones' oln mnn. an' am too far gone in dis worl'i fer to tell er lie. T nebbcr seed young George; but Lor'! his po ole gran fadder an' gran mudder use to think et pow'ful siglit oh me, boss." Jones came home Very late one night. His wife opened the door for him, and was pre paring to 'take iiim severely to task when "Hush! my dear," said Jones; "don't disturb me." He w"ent to the wardrobe, took out art unbrella.which he opened, , and then cowered on the iloor, holding it over his head. What sort of a pantomine is this?" ex claimed his hotter half. "Hush!" said Jones, with a smile, "I know what 1 am about. The thunderstorm may come on now; I 1 am ready ior it!" Needless to say that the good woman's wrath was completely disarmed. "And do you refuse me a good-bye kiss?" he asked ten derly, "I must, at this time." "Well, now why? . T haven't usked for oiio since bfore my last trip. J ust one, please,"' anil he looked At the downcast eyes before him, while his arm slipped around her slender waist. She hesitated a moment, arid then, as if swallowing a full-grown sigh, she answered; "No my dear Jim, not this time; and if yoit knew what a sight of fried onions 1 a'e at tho Slipper table you wouldn't ask such a thing." "If 1 buy some dress materials" asked a lady in u diaper's "can you deliver them at once?" "Yes'm" said the young man. "There will be no delay!" ''No, ni'm," said the young man. "Bccausd I am in great haste." "Yes m," said the joung man. "Very well, you may show mo your summer silks." Tn four hours and forty minutes the lady had selected whal she wanted, and the tired young mall ordered the goods to be delivered at once. Mr. Tompkins was Waiting for Miss Minnie, and her youth ful brother was entertaining him until his sister's arrival; "I say," he ventured, "your hair is black, isn't it?" "Yes," "Well, you dye it, don't you?" "No, what put that idea into your head?" 'I dunno, only Sister Minnie saic the other day that you were naturally light liea"ded.' Mr. Tompkins has transferred his affections to another girl. Parson: 'Ise been rec'mended to ply hyar to 'btain a supply of. wine for church pu'poses, an'am tole dat you hah a good article on linn , .Dealer; ell, yes we have it smieriol' lind of fronds. I JKhat kind would yon like?' Parson; ITell dnt's do question. For myself, Ise not very 'ticlilar, but as some ob do ladies havo sprcsscci a perieroncc io gin, i tllink I will hro gallons ob de best you hab. Grief anticipates age. Dwelling on the invitable past, iorming vain hypothesest as to what might have been if this or that had or had not been, acquir ing a craze for recounting what has occured these acts do more harm to future health and effort than many things connected with real calamity. Occupation and new pursuits aro the best preventives of mental shock and bereavement. Strive not with your super iors in argument, but always i submit your judgment to theirs! with modesty. Be not hasty to believe flying reports to the dis paragement of any. Take all admonitions thankfully, in what time or placo soever given; but; afterwards, not being culpable, take a time or place convenient to let your admonisher know it. An idle word may be seem ingly harmless in its utterance; bin let It be lanned by passion, let it be fed by the fuel of mis-1 conceptions, of evil intention, of ..vm'iirlinn nrwl if ivill cnmi f n sweeping fire that will melt the chain of human Iriendslnp, tliat will burn to nshes many ished ioiics, and blacken more . 1 A fair names tllllt, OHO. I Pnntrrti'orRv ponnliyne! rnritcs LOIltrocr8j equalizes loots nut wise men nn uic same wav- and the fools know it. MALT WHISKEY HlicrUllr Dl.llllcil for .llcillclniil 1,'ac. pi TiH F1EST T0N1CJ UNE0UALE0 for CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. PR. EtlW. L. WAI.MNO, Snf. aroiiii In Clilvf, National Quart! t.f N. J., write. I 'My ait.ntlon wa. railed lo vnur Kejalona Jtslt WliNkrjr1y 31 r. Ijilor, llniKplil, cf Trchton, nnl I hut. lined a four liottle. with far Letter effect tlian anr I Imvn liivl, 1 am m-otiuneuJIna itnr artfcla In my practice, trt fliul It very ratlsfach'ry.' BEWA5E OF IHITATICH3. rrT Tb C.tmilne hn. th. Rlcnttsr. U w ErMNktt a tip.NDKi.sny n:-iiat:o ef untie. ''" EISNER & RlEr?aOELSON ( S.) ) -810, 818 and 320 Raci St Philadelphia, Pt. For sale at Dr. Horn Cure Riiaratiteeil iyl)r..I.Il..MaVer, lArtliSt.,Plillii, Pa. l'!asent once. No operatliiii or lintlm-ii tlelav. Thoiiaiinila of cures. At Keystone, Ucatllup;, I'll., 2nd Hatiirtlav of each month, Send for circulars. AtHlcc free. Jaul5-yl DSSlNES OYRUP 1 fc CURESi COUGHS TV- ; HEEL'S lira GlECDUHSIIHtUllli riLVunai c. ami UUIUtCLt, RAiNOOV RUPTIIRF RELIEF & SlST'i' t- 'fl rcllaV! "nd perfect njtnlner. It In not a Trues-. Worn Do and Night and It. presBnco forgotten, . Band lor clnular wllbtJil! tUHt. !,..!.. 'IT! eulTerfr. cured f ,.?H,?,e.'o SlW 0mtl Medical and fiuri"rU 1?lfV) "reotmont Riven all kind, ot .nrtrloal ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line oi advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rbweil & Co., Newspaper Advertising Uuroau, IO Spruoa St., Now York. Bend lOots. for 100-Pago Pamphlet A CASKET OP to ilny rwon irlio will pbow It to their frleuds a tjd fend us oriltrt. per .Month ealarynul exptmes pnld tlice tUio pre fer calaryio cominlffloii, iiudUie.r eul ,ry raise . to 75 per Month tlio tbltil, rttiii J51.G per Month the lxth month uMh ua. If they prove proflcltfut Bailsmen, Full lufnrmfttlon will 1-e fl"nl yoa froe about wo kthrit jducandonnd llvftat Iiome, wherever you arot?HuftHd,ltat wl'l pty you from $S to $10 per day. A number have earned over $25 In a day. . Xlotti ext', all flRus. Tho chflnro of allio lime. Nuw U the time, Foitttnoa aro absolutely euro for the wurkrrs. Give your lUmt Ofllce and Eprcfa addres, hihI ptalov.ha' paper yoa saw t';U advirtUciucntiu. Addieei, Standard Silver Ware Co., 80 Waohlnston St., BOSTON, 2VZ.ASS. cjctemterW, loXi 4jil Hiriggiu I StiiUII Kigi.ei t six BUlfc Ma4fcrlilaitrsU4 Ye 1 tin nrm tf n fx w. oti Id Lrfllll I I. U tlio Israeet. oldest- ectabTtLDU, txi.t.siiuvu .Nut-Mi-rlm it nternan trr Most liberal terms. Unetinsleil larilitlok lr.. low. timet 11 Ntir-rry. l.-.tnblUhril "i"1- t't.VH-riii "swrj-pi w.i AFFLICTED UNFORTUNATE . Alter all others frtll consult Dr. XjiOBB null N.lBth St., below Callowhlll, Phlla,,P4i SO tears cspericnceln all KPIXIAI. tlineaiei, Terr lhahenily restores those, weakened by early IndiscreJ lions, &c t'allorwrlle, Atlvlce free and strlclly cent fidctitial Hours , 11 a, m. till a, and 7 10 10 evenings December 115, leo-!y SHERIDAN'S CONDITION POWDER I lAvl fllieates of hns. 1, trnrth ltsu,li,it In cvild. lllosJ trated ttook br mall free, SoM every v. here, or ient ly mall for cents In stamps. 2V-1U tin rana, $I lif rpall, t l.yd. S,x e.ins I,v expns, prtiutM. for t JfJt Vlt, 1. S. JDlI.NisO.V & CO., lioston, Slftaaa A GENTLEMAN i cured of Jfer "'ou Prostrntion, Soiuinnl WcaknoaSi flWAVcPpVlsoft'g' Ll-'LAOaPNlr J2f mm ETfk'.llil. t i eur. t flinl-LC, . hP? rbULir. f rv LVirv t. i . V I A 1 3-- i C7 L IX tll Inputs, Tiiod-rUiiira, iT--;iSS' F iS.MlZH IltU.1 WOBK,BALi;)irN.V; jja jjxj Hggd m 1 I j'remuiiim utsvuy, uiiu 1111 uio ovji vi-Clier- feots of early indiscretion nnd youthful y. a, wiouh to iiiuko miown w others tho slmiilo modo of self-cure. To thoso who vlsfi nntl wllliiiveliim tleif symptoms, ho ivill rend (free; by ro turn innll a cofiy of tho reoiiio fco wio ccmiuht uoi m nw enso. Address in confidence, JaAies "V'i fi" HX, 43 Cedar Kt., Y(