'Original Cheap Oash Store." THE DAYTON SHIRT! TU superior shirt Is made of Wansmltn Mus lin, lias full count Twenty llundicri Frontlne Linen In IJosoni, with Linen Intorllnlna and back, malting a Three (3) Ply Solid Linen Bosom, has full rc-enforccmcnt In front, and double j-okcs mm uiciiius. It Is Ibo lll'.ST FITTINU 11IJST WKAlttNU nnd IIKST VAI.Uli crciy nay of uny shirt In the inarKet io-uay. Tho low prlco at which we are sclllns this HIOII UKADK HIIIltT brings It within reach of uu UNLMJNDRtED- SI. 10 a Piece, nr $0.00 per Half Dozen. l&UNDRIED 1KJal& nr 00 per Half Dozen, All who ha6 worn one vv 111 have no other, ami a smtpe inai win ue convincing. Wo are the authorized agents for behlghton for this K)inlar shirt. None genuine unless purchased from .us, as no other nici chant can J. T. KUSBAUIYI, Opposite 1'ubllc Square, BankStreet, IVchlirhtou June 7, 188Hy. The Carbon Advocate SATUKDAY. MARCH 12, 1887. crUCf AI. NOTICH 1'crsonsinakliiKpayincnVs to this office oy money orders or postal utcs will please makn them payable lit the WliHSS l'OHT POSTOI'TICH, as th Lchluhtoii Oirioc Is no r a money orucr oincc. Current Events Epitomized. Give Tulip soaD a trial. Eastei Monday April 10th. For the Laundry use Tul! Soap. Kmaus, I.elilgli county, will have a silk mill. ITazlcton will have a big paraJo on St. "Patrick's day. Slatlngton Is to have a building and loin association. St. Patrick's day In tho rooming Thursday next, 17th Inst. "Auntie Simons," White Haven's old vest resident, died recently. The measels have struck Lclilgliton. Several cases are reported. Lansfonl Is to have an Episcopal church, to cost about SPOOO. Hon. A. V. Hauilenbush will please accent thanks for public ''doc's." The date on the direction tab of your paper may Interest yon. Look at It. A teachers' local Institute convenes In the school building to-day (Saturday). In many town peddlers are arrested. Some such action should be taken here. Many of the public schools In tills county close during Hie month of April. The V. C. T. U.. of Iteidlng. lias dc cldcd that tobacco Is bad for Hie morals. Heal estate In Lansford Is going up. A lot. 2."ixlo0 feet, sold for $1000 recently. Weallicrly expects to be treated to a ljuHdlng'boom during the coming summer. A number of new dwellings will "go Hp" during Hie coming Spring and Sum Tner. Oo to Frs. Hoderer, unler tlie Ex change Hotel, for a smooth shave, and a nsionable hair cut. The Heading Company lias made an oOier reduction of twenty per cent, on the wages of all employees. At most of the L. V. 11. It. company's shops throughout the Valley, employees are worked ten hours a day. S. E. Sliull, of E.tston, looms up as a candidate for the Snporlntende-.icy of Northampton county schools. The progressive citizens of Summit Hill are determined to hao that little vil lage Incorporated as a borough, EOfiS for sale from good stock. Drown Leghorn, Plymouth Kock, Pekln Duck. fiO cents per dozen, H. A. IJeltz, Lclilgliton. An IndiyMual named John Weiss had Ms foot mashed Friday, at Mauch Chunk, In attempting to jump on . moving coal train. The various borough officers elected at Uie late election, with the exception of school directors, entered upon their duties Monday. Capt. W. H. Uartholomcw, of the Cat asauqua Valley Jfceonf.has been appointed postmaster in that borough by President Cleveland. John Ucrsb, of Klngslon, has Invented a contrivance for heating railroad cars by tcam, and it will bo tried on the Lehigh Valley road. The one hundredth and ninth anniver sary of Ireland's lllustrous patriot and martyr was appropriately observed by the citizens of Heaver Meadow recently. No adulleratlon In Tulip Soap. Samuel Solt, of Towamenslng town ship, had his right hand caught between the bumpers of two coal cars at Packerton, Saturday, and severely mashed. Normal Square is the name of a new postoffice, a short distance above Pleasant Corner. Our old friend Chas. Seldlo Is postmaster anrihls accomplished daughter r.mma. assistant. E. F. Luckenbach, 01 Uroadway, Mauch Chunk, is selling off ll'all Papers at largely reduced prices to make room for new Spring stock. There are bargains for those who gat them. 0-4 vv. The law directs that borough and town ship auditors shall meet on the second Monday of March In each year to audit the accounts of all borough and township offi cers except the school board. Sale bills printed at short notice. Ho member, a place In our "Sale Register" is given to all who have their sale blllsprintcd at this oflicc. It will pay you. The Al vocati: is read by everybody. For the week ending on the Eth Inst., there were 58,001) tons of coal shipped over the L. fc S. H. H., a total to date of 071.20(1 tons, showing a decrease as compared will same date last year of 80.101) tons. For the week ending Feb. 23, there were 133,502 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to date of 1,503,403 tons, and showing a de. crease of 5,401 tons compared with same date last year. The attention of tho people of Summit Hill, Lansford and vicinity is directed to the fact that George V. Huntzlnger, of the popular Switchback Restaurant, is author ized by us to icccivc subscriptions and moneys for the Caiiuon Advocate. "Hilly" McCoriuIck, tho popular bar tender at the Carbon House won the real llvo "ear last Saturday evening. "Hilly" and Alphabetical Stocker expect to start on a tour through tho tho country with tho bear and a hand organ about April 1st. It Is strictly pure. Tulip Soap. "The Baptism of Fire," will os the topic of a special sermon, In the M, E. church, by the pastor, next Sunday morn ing. The Missionary Anniversary of the Church and Sunday School, will bo held In the evening. Recitations by Miss Mellie E. Major, Miss Maud Whcatley, ltcrtle Purling and Robbie Lent. lnglns by the cbeir and the tdiolirj. Tulip Is the namo of a soap. Tho now town council was organized Monday evening. Auburn, Schuylkill county, Is lo have a nut and bolt factory. There aro live hundred cases of mcasels reported In Shenandoah. Counterfeit nlcklcs, quarters and half dollars are in circulation. Tho Lehigh Valley Ofllccs hero sports new desks nnd check boxes. Get rid of your trade dollars by sub scribing for the Advocate. On tho 21st of this month the days and nights will be of equal length. One way to prevent sickness Is to keep your premises clear of garbage. Farmers! Head Mchrkam it Son's new advertisement published to-day. Comrade Peter F. Chccsman, of Wcathcrly, has been granted a pension. The citizens of West Hazlcton have made application to receive a borough charter. The weather during the past several weeks has been what wo might call mtscel lancous. Patrick Greenly a Lehigh Valley rail roak brakeui&u was Ulllcd at White Haven 'Tuesday. During tho month of February there were nine fatal accidents in the anthracite coal region. For a smooth shave and a fine hair cut go to Esrang's slunlug saloon, opposite tho Advocatk office. Robert Walp, of Packerton, will erect a store room and dwelling house just out side the borough limits. F. Doug. Miller has broken ground on Lehigh street, for erection of a frame dwelling house, 20x24 feet. Wo would call the attention of the supervisor and town council to the condi tion of our street crossings. Your attention Is directed to tho an nual statement of the poor directors pub lished In to-day's Issue. Head It. Forty of the alleged heirs to a $75,000 fortune In England, met at Reading Mon day, to take action In the matter. Lost A pair of light steel-frame spec tacles with cae, a suitable reward will be paid for their return to II. II. Peters. It would be Interesting to many tax payers to know why certain citizens are exonerated from the payment of taxes. -The members of the St. Paul's Luth eran clmrcli at Catasauqua, aro agitating the question of building a new church. John Render offers his double dwel ling ho'.'se. on Hank street, at pilvate sale. The building Is located opposite this office. Cheapest and best. Tulip Soap. A clothing store, on the co-operative system, wl'l be opened at Reading soon. Knights of Labor have tho enterprise in hand. The Hetlilchem Grand Army Post is making efforts to raise $4000 towards the erection of a soldiers monument in that town. Within the space of six days seven bold robberies have been commuted In Wllkes barre. Up to this timo no arrests have been made. James Malloy, of this county, has been drawn as a juror to serve during the April term of the United Slates Circuit Court, at Philadelphia. Hlshop Thomas Hownian- left Allen- town for California tills week, where he will look after tho interests of the Evan gelical church. The Phoenix Iron Company, of Lan caster, resumed operations Monday, after sovetal years Idleness. Two hundred men were given employment. j The wages of the gros grain ribbon weavers In- the Adelaide silk mill, Allen town, have been voluntarily Increased and the employees are happy. Our popular young contractor nnd : builder, W. George Miller, has contracted for the erection of four large dwellings during the coming summer. -Uy tho failure of promptly returning coal cars from shipping ports many men and boys are thrown out of employment In the anthracite coal regions. Secret service officials made a descent on Lanark, a small town near Allentown, recently, were a counterfeiting gang were said to have their rendezvous. Ladles gold watches; big assortment; handsome engravings finest American movements; lowest prices for good goods at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk. A boycott has been declared on the glass works at East Stroudburg, by the Knights of Labor, because of the employ ment of boys and non-union men. -Mr. Harvy Mitchell, of Philadelphia, a member of the Car Spring Company, has rented the l'hos. Heck property, on Lehigh stect, and will take possession at an early day. Sam Shepperd, convicted at Wilkcs barre last week lor robbing a Hazlcton jeweler of $1000 worth of goods, was, Sat urday, sentenced to two years Imprison ment. John Phillips, aged seventy-one years, ono of the oldest citizens of Pottsvllle, died Monday, He began life as a slate picker and amassed a fortune of over a million dollars. T. t. Thomas, tho drngglstjias moved his entire stock of drugs, chemicals, Ac, from Reber's block, Into his now store room In Graver's block, two doors above the old stand. Daniel Walp, ot Hankway, was made happy ono day this week when his good wlfo presented him with a bouncing baby girl. Wo are pleased to state that mother and child are doing well. In our ready made department wc carry a large assortment of men's, boys and child ren's suits. Conformation stilts a speciality. Our prices are from $1.50 up to $15.00 per suit. Call for bargains at Sondhclm's One Prico Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. A Heading Inventor has been granted letters patent for a metallic railroad tie to be of wrought iron, with wooden blocks set In at the ends upon which the rails can bo spiked. Its life Is estimated at forty-nlne years, as against seven years for the wooden tie. Our old friend Moses Rehrlg, of Lehigh street, wo aro sorry to report, met with quite a severe accident last Friday. He was removing hay from the stable loft when ho was precipitated through an opening in tho floor to the ground below, sustaining a dislocation of the right shoulder joint bo sides being otherwise considerably bruised. Tho slate operators of Slatlngton antici pate a lively season during the coming summer. There are a great many inquiries coming from different business centres In tho west and a large number of orders havo been booked since the beginning of the year. A large amount ot slate has been shipped during '.he last two weeks for this season of the year. Since the beginning of the present month nearly all the quarries that had been Idle have started up and the , men have been working ten hours dally. Several new quarries are about to bo opened In the neighborhood of Slatlngton and ' things look as though that would be allvely i place next summer. - Fcr the lath u e Tul'pSoip. Four bars of Tulip for 2oc. Tho early chicken catches tho worm Racket, Kleyalor and Electric nlann clocks at E. II. Ilohl, Mauch Chunk. Silas Aloxander, an old and Inllueutlal .citizen of Wllkcibarro died Wednesday. Gentlcmans fine gold open and closed case watches at E. H. Hoht, Mauch Chunk, -On Tuesday the Lehigh Valley Hall- road Company declared a quarterly divi dend of ono per cent. Hncr goods, larger assortment and prices lower than over before, at E. II Hold, Mattcli Chunk. Tno popular Foudray Singing Com pany gave a musical entertainment In School Hall, Thursday evening. Thirty employees In Fisher pipe foun dry at Allentown, struck Wednesday be cause two members of tho K. of L. had been discharged. So reported. Wo arc still making thoso famous nil wool $10 and $12 suits to order. Nothing to beat them In the Valley. Ono Pi Ice Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Wednesday night freight train No. 32 and passenger train No. 12 collided at Cata sauqua, on the Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad. The engineers hm 1 firemen vverd severely injured, although not fatally. A poetess sings, "TIs the heart that aches." Well, why don't you tako a pleasure ride In ono of our jolly livery man's fancy rigs, and you will forget all about pains and aches. David Ebbcrt, livery on North street. Our stock of spring suitings and pant aloonlngs for 1S87 aro all In now, and Is more complete than, ever. We hayo cut our prices down to tho lowest notch. Call at Sondheim's One Prico Star Clothlnc Hall, Mauch Chunk. John Gallagher, a miner, employed at the Alden colliery, was severely hurt by a fall of rock on Tuesday; both legs were broken and amputation was necessary, ne was removed to the hospital at Wllkosbarre, where he Is doing as well as can bo expect ed. Edward Mooney, Mohry Meltncrand Reuben Snyder, of Aquashlcola, have been arrested for aiding and abetting "Dr." llamnholtzer, of Milium t, an escaping prisoner. The men will havo a hearing beforo 'Squlro Hcltz, of this place, on the IStli. Our reporter stepped In the jewelry store of E. H. Ilohl, at Mauch Chunk. lie was surprised to see such an assortment of handsome, gold watches nnd lewelrv. Mr. H's stock Is Increasing dally; this proves that he 13 up to the times, and we hear It said by parties In a position to know, that he Is doing a very prosperous business. -IPe direct the attention of our numer ous readers to the advertisement of Victor llowman, of llowmanstown, dealer In dry goods, groceries, hardware, lumber and coal, which appears In another column of to-day's paper. The purchasing public should bear in mind that the merchant who advertises Is always awake to tho Interests of his patrons. The Anthracite Coal Trade. The anthracite coal trade presents no new feature to note this weak. Tho output of anthracite thus far this year to date 5 1-2 in II I ion tons is about equal to the quantity of coal marketed during the corresponding period of last year. The Lehigh and Schuylkill Navigation Companies have be- im to make preparations for the opening of their canals, and their coal shipping pockets are being put in good condition, canal boats are undergoing repairs, and a number of large new boats are being built by shippers in anticipation of increased business this season. The wheels of Indus try are humming in every direction through theSehujlklll and Lehigh valleys, and near ly every iron furnace in both regions is in full blast, many of them having largely increased their capacity for production. At several of the principal lines alonir the Philadelphia Schuylkill Valley and Reading Railroads and the Lehigh Valley nnd Le high and Susquehanna Railroads various elases of Industries new to these sections of the country are sin limine: im. and cive jood promise of growing In Importance. These matters ate all indications for a proli table year for the nmhiaclte interest and of an increased production of coal to be uiaik eted at comparatively much better pilccs than those ruling for several years past. Normal Square Fondlings. P. Nothstcln was on a business trip to Mauch Chunk this week. Miss ICatio Kemp, an estimable young lady of North Perm, Is sojourning with relatives and friends here. The Lords Supper will be celebrated lu the Hrlck church, to-monow (Simdavl. Rev. IV. H. Strauss, of Lclilgliton. will officiate. -A delightful quilting party at the resi dence of O. H. Seldle, passed off nlcelv. Mrs. Seldle, as hostess, did tho honors splendidly. Normal Square people were made happy last week by the announcement that we were to have a post office. C. II. Seldlo Is postmaster. Among the visitors here this week we noticed: John Longacre, Plerco Trexler, t. -Miintz, Joseph Hoppesaud family, Gran ville Helnsmlth, Charles A. Harding and Charles Rhodes. Xokjial. Reiolntions of Condolence. At a regular meeting of Lehigliton Lodge, No. in, I. O. (5. T., held on X'rffla evening, February t;th, tho following preamble, anil resolutions were adopted i " Wiikiihab. It has been tlicwill of our Ifeavcn ly rather hi Ills i!l hie wisdom to call from us our esteemed brother. William Horn, who basso f.illhful y served the lodge In the cupaoltv of !'. S and by h hose dentil vve havo lost n kind friend mid I'onslstiint and faithful member for whom I-chlxhtim jHge sincerely mourns, therefoie, ReolettS. Tnat we ctcnd to I lie hi-reawd faul ty our deep felt sympathy! and while we mourn lie death of him, who was tiuo to every trust, we liumblv bow In submission to the will of lllin who "iloetliall things well" knowing that our lots Is his eternal fain. Rcolvtd, That ounliaiterbedrapcil in mourn ng for thirty days In respect to the memory ot the deceased brother; that these lesolutlons be recorded hi the Join nai of the J-odge and a cony sent to tho bereaved family, and to the loiat HiMoruiidthttr.uiuoN Anvoc.ui; for publleu eatlon. ' O.W. tlno5s. ) S. Il.uiAsiAN, Committee. i. . a. u j,;imj. I lower Towamenslng Items. Mis. Stcnner, of Lehigh Gap, was visit ing tills week at Firo Line. Rev. Uruegel will confirm his class of catechumens on Palm Sunday; at the same timo tho holy communion will be dis tributed. Rev. Freeman will hold a reunion of nil the catechumens that ho confirmed during his ministry In St. John's church. At the same time confirm a class of cate chumens. On Easter ho wilt admluster the holy sacrament. The public sale of Jonas Peter dee'd., was largely attended last Friday, Cos. ( Special Notice. T. D. Tliomns.tlie Dnif;ist,nnnounres to his friends nnd the puhlin gen erally thut he can now be found ; ,,... .. o i m his new quarters, 2 doors 1 . . . ! ! A II ' itu n w linn above the Old etlllld, With a full glasses of beer and two whiskies. Mertx assortment of everything in his , l"d 1101 "P'ricnce any evil effects in con line, and invitCS VOU to call and se1u.ence f hl enormous eat. and after- o him OUR STROLLER AT WE1BSP0RT, Interesting Items ricked Up and Assorted by the Stroller. Webster Weiss, of Ucthlchem, was In town Tuesday, John Reber lias purchased a valuable bay horse; consideration, (175. Rumor has It that a public reading room will be opened here shortly, The bed of tho new double track Is be ing strengthened and trains will soon be run over It. Our popular restauranter, C. II. Mc Danlcl, circulated 'mongst Mauch Chunk ers, one dav this week. We are pleased to announco that our old friend Joslah Rncli Is rapidly convales cing after a severe Illness. Aaron Snyder disposed of his valuable Irotter, Edward R., recently, to a party at Pottsvllle. Consideration, $323. George Miner and Ambrose Kast left last week for Reardon, N. J where they have found employment In largo mould ing establishment. Misses Minnie and Lizzie Laubach, es timable young ladies of Svlgfilcd's Bridge, spent several days this neck with Miss Mary Laury and friends. The tickets for tho grand rafile at Clirlstnian's Fort Allen House, on the 7lh proximo, are going rapidly. You should make It a point lo buy one. Since their Introduction In this section : Aaron Snyder, agent, has sold sixteen bun-J dred of the Improved Western .Vashers. Ihe machine is the best of the kind now in the niFrUet and gives full satisfaction wherever'uscd. Oscar Christman Is having his street sprinkler put In order. A new water b'x has been secured with an increased carry ing capacity, and as soon as the weathel "gets there" we can expect to see Oscar navigate with the hose. -Our borough authorities deserve the thanks of the community for tho prompt manner In which they have moved to pre vent further annoyance to our citizens from the many young hoodlums hereabouts. It would not be out of place If parents were to restrict somewhat the liberty of their boys and girls, especially . is lp street-running, which at most Is conducive of no good. Our musical joung friends have or anlzcd themselves Into a choral union and elected tho following officers: President, Rev. J. E. Freeman secretary, C. W. Sewell; treasurer, W. F. Hlery: organists. Misses Ella Snyder nnd Emma Whitehead. ThU3 far about twenty-fivo members have been enrolled. Wo trust our citizens will propel )y encourage the members in their ood work, Among the old and progressive citizens of Welssport there 13 noue more conspicu ous, or with a propensity for progression more thoroughly developed than our re spected townsman, Nathan Snyder, pro prietor of the steam planing mill. The erection of this mill was commenced about one year ago, and to-day It Is one of the most thoroughly equipped planing mills in the Lehigh Valley. The building is two and a half stories high, 40x120 feet; located In the bath room at the north-east extremi ty of the building Is a Hie apparatus with six hundred feet of hose; at a moment's notice this machine can be put in motion throw ing three hundred and fifty gallons of water per minute oyer the highest building n the ncighboihood. Tho planing mill is run by a one bundled horse power Erie City engine, attached to which Is a labor- saving water pump. The machinery on the first and second Hoots is of tho best inako mid includes, planing and matching machine, tlx Inch moulding machine, four inch moulding machine, tenoning machine, blind slat tenoning machine, mot User, uni versal saw bench, vvabel sawing or grooving machine, swing cut off and lightning gig saw, improved raising machine, hand planer add joiner, sand papering and verti cal boring machine, blind staple driving machine, and frlezing, moulding and shap ing machine. The drying room, 15x40 feet, In the south end of the building Is conveniently arranged for tho handling and stotlng of finished goods. In tho north end of the building, on the second floor, a large room is partitioned off and used as a giist mill. The machinery Is of the most Im proved and modcrr manufacture. The loft is used as a general storing room for all kinds of lumber. Close to the main build ing arc two sheds, 25x75 feet each, used for storing lumber. Elchteen to twenty skilled mechanics find employment the ycarround, the pay roll of which averages $700 to $S00 per month the year out. Mr. Snyder pro nounces business as booming, the men still working on last year's orders. Everything In the vicinity represents a spirit of activity which we hope will continue. Pleasant Corner Flck-TJps. Carpet rag parties are trump. We are pleased to note that Henry Mosser is convalescing after a serious ill ness. A young boy was thrown from a horse hero one day this week and severely in jured. Drinking without water and eating without food, Is like W. J. W. without a mash. Charles Kelbo spent several days at Wcathcrly last weck.the guest of his broth er Lewis. Nathan Mosser, contractor nnd build. der, has contracted for tho erection of a number Of buildings. Somo enterprising individual stole a half ton of coal from Alex. Seldle recently. Information wanted. Peter Schwartwood and family anil Rev. Dr. Donnor spent last Sunday with friends in Towamcnsing. I). W. Franti wears a smile a bounc ing baby boy. Slothcr and child, wo are pleased to say, are doing well. lirlf. Ebcrts, formerly hostler at the Eagle Hotel, left this week for his old home, where he has secured employment with the Tide Water Plpo Company. A delightful carpet rag party canio off at the residence of A. H. Seldlu Thursday evening. After finishing up the carpet rags the parly adjourned to tho Eagle Ho tel and spent seteral hours In skipping the light fantastic toe. A delightful surprise in honor of Miss Lydla Mosser came of at her parents resl denco Thursday evening. All present en joyed themselves hugely. Geikik. A Cigarmaker's Oaitronoinle Feat. Tlieenterpilsing borough of Lclilgliton prides itself not only on securing the Hersh Furnace Works, but boasts of harboring within hergatesaclgarmakernauict'Mertz, whose recent gastronomic feat brought him Into prominence. Mcrtz visited Mauch Chunk and at a single sitting ate n large bowl of sour kraut, three plates of vegetables seven plates of tripe, two plates of boiled ham, two plates of oysters, eleven pretzels, l" "oiogiiasanu onep.ato or Swlssc htese. ah .1.1. u.,. .1' , two bolognas and oneplato of Swiss cheese. iwiius smoicd fifteen cigars and played two Teoplo as They Coma and Oo. District Attorney W. M. Rapsher, of Mauch Chunk, was lu town Wednesday. Hon. A. W. RauJenbush was horn over Sunday and made this ollico a pleasant call. Alex. Seldle and James E. McDanlel, represented Pleasant Corner In town last Friday. John Halllet, Jr., of Bovvmanstowu while In this place, Wednesday, dropped In to see us. Miss Mary Roth, of Allentown, was the guest of Mis. J. S. Lentz several days last week, Our old friend J. C. Sendcl, of Wcatl erlv, was In town Saturday seeing many old acquaintances. Tim popular "Hilly" Rhoem, of Phila delphia, was waiting on his patrons in this place Saturday last. Our young friend II. A. Kelscr, of llowmanstown, while In town Saturday dropped In to see us. Ex-Dlstrlct Attorney Mullicarn, of Mauch Chunk, circulated 'mongst Lclilgli ton friends Tuesday. Wesley Kramer and family, of Lehigh Gap, spent Sunday with II. II. Peters and family, on Hank street. Al. E. Romlg, representing tho Lehigh Valley Shirt Works at Uetblehem, was see ing friend Jvorc Saturday. Our genial friends Leopold Merer, of tho Packorton Hotel, while lirtown Fri day made us,a pleasant call. Miss Minnie Hoycr,an estimable young lady ol Allentown spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Peters, on Hank street. Mm. O. Howman, of Shlckshlnny. Lu zerno county, Is sojourning with hrr sister. Mrs. Ada Kramer, on Hankway. G. L. Roberts, an extensive coal oper ator, of Mineral Point, Ohio, Is visiting his son, Prof. J. M. Roberts, on South streot. Gcorgo F. Huntzlnger, the genial pro prietor of tho famous Switchback restaur ant at Summit Hill, ws In town for a fen hours Tuesday. Riv. J. T. Griffiths and wife, of Ply mouth Meeting, Montgomery county, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Rob ots, during last week. A Former Mauch Chunk Boy Oono Astray, In 1870 Edgar Thomson, a nephew of George W. Twining, a respected citizen of Mauch Chunk, secured a situation in the office of the L.fc S. R. R. Co., at Allen town. The young man being handsome, well-connected and of pleaslngaddicss soon gained a footing in the best society there. Although the handsome young clerk only received a salary of $30 per month he man aged to live most luxuriously. As time passed by ho won favor In tho eyes of Miss Editli Shook, the bright and accomplished daughter of a wealthy confectioner. Not long slnoc Miss Edith becamo Mrs. Edgar Thomson, the wedding was a great social happening and the croom's gift to the bride was a $300 diamond necklace. They lived together most happily and apparently Thomson was prospeilng by shrewd com mission transactions in lime, brick and lumber. . However, last Monday father-in-law Shock received word from Mr, Twining that Thomson had almost ruined hlinj just exactly how reluctant friends will not say, and tho affair Is veiled ill gloom. Thom son left Allentown a week ago for New York j since which timo he has not been heard from. At latest accounts Mr. Twining will not prosecute his nephew. It Is said that his defalcation's will foot up $30,000. A Card from Miss Mr or. The entertainments for the benefit of the M. E. church, passed off successfully on Saturday and Mohday evenings, March 5th and 7th. We thank the public for their generous patronage and wisli to express our gratitude to all those who so kindly as sisted us in H10 entertainment, especially to tho "Oldo Folkes," who, together with their organist, rendered such pleasing and satisfactory service; nnd to our friends lu "The Elevator," whoso patience and per severance enabled them to perform a diffi cult dialogue in a very acceptable manner. Nordoivo forget tho members of the Or chestra, who are always willing to do their part In our "homo entertainments," and by their spirited music add greatly to the enjoyment of tho occasion. Our school children, too, did nobly for us at this time. They were piompt at ichearsals and "the boys" were always on hand to help on with the work of preparation. We appreciate their patient and persistent efforts, as also the kindness of the editor, who repeatedly called attention to our entertainment in Hie columns of his paper, and ot those ef our friends who loaned us needed articles, or who In any way contributed to the interest and success of tho occasion. Miss M. E. Majou. Public Sale Beginer. We have printed bills at this office for tbo following sales, and most of them are also advertised in our columns: -On Friday, March II, at one o'clock p. m., Peter lllose, attorney lu fact for the heirs of the lateCharles Hlose, decVI., will exrwue to public sale, on the premises In the borough of l'arry jllle. a valuable farm of elchtv acres upon which Is erected a two tory double frame house andall necessary outbiiildlniM, also, a lot of farmlnii Implement and household articles. On Friday, March II, at ono o'clock n. in.. Charles Uiick will exiioso to public sale, on the premises lu ICa.-t Welssport, valuable farming Implements, wagons, &e. On Saturday, March J2, at one o'clock p. m Simon Walk vv III put up for sale, on the premise s In Franklin township, horses, cows, nueous, potatoes, and many other articles. -On Saturday, March 13, lKST.atonc o'clock p. m., on tho premises hi Franklin township, four and a half miles from Welssport, a farm of thirty-one iieirsnnd one hundred and twen'v perches, also, lot ot valuable fanning stock, -On Saturday. .March 10, U37, at 2 o'clock p in., on tho premises, at the stables of the Kx ehaiiKo Hotel, Dank street, Ixhtghtoii.a valuable bit of personal iroieity, including horses, earn a -ex, wagons, slebjli. and manure, - On Saturday, Murch 19. I8S7, at two o'clock p. in., on the premises. In Cherryville, North, amnion county there will bo sold by the lielrs uf the late Catharine Hauen, dee'd., a lot ot valu able real estate and personal ptopeity. -On Saturday, March 19, 1887, nt twelve o' clcek noon, (icorgo ltelnart, will sell at public s le, on tho premises, In 1'arr.vvllle. a valuable lot of peisonalpioperty, Including horses, cows mid farming Implcuicut.s Maich 24, at 1 o'clock)!, ni.,lwoplecesof land and a variety of personal property, late of Sam uel rterhman, Mahoning Valley, dec'.!. 1'. A. nabcnnld, executor. On Thursday, March 31, at one o'clock p. in., AaionShlvo wilt expose to public salo, on tho premises, lu Heaver Itun Valley. Carbon count v. a valuable lot of personal pioiieuy, viz: wai-on's, harrows, pious, hay, straw and olhcr aitlolus, -On Thursday. March 21, 16S7. at ono o'clock p. m., on tho premises. In liist l'inn township, Caihon county. Adam lierger will cxixiwi to public sale a valuable lot of perrona! proii-rty, fo-wlt; liorH's.cows.hclfeu.vvaKun.suiidfarinliiH implements. -On Tuesday, March 20, at one o'clock p. m., at the Hast l'enn Furnace, near llowmanstown, !!".,A!!m,l"l,!,!R"?ra of "'l liatnteof tho lute John llalllet. dee'd, will sell at public rale, mules, har ness, whkoiis, hay laddoru, blacksmith tools, etc. On Wcdiiekduy, March 3d, at ten o'clock a. m., Mrs, Kltra Ann Weiss will sell at public sale, on the premises. Partners lintel, Tnwau iihIiik Township, pcrsoiut propeity: Cows, wu;:ous. sleighs, etc. ' All yrades and styles of ladies Coatings, at prices to astonish tho most economical buyer, at C'lanss & liro., tho tailors, Brink street. Ask ycii gro et for Tul.ti 5ost. OUR MAN ABOUT TOWN. The Things oar People Find Time to Talk About from Day to Day. An Uncle Tom's Cabin Company .gave mi entertainment In School Hall Thursday night of last week. Probably had Harriet Uecclicr Stow 0 been Indo ivcd with, tho super natural power of seeing what the fulutu had in store for her famous "Unoln Tom's Cabin" story she would have hesitated, 'ere she wcaved In thrilling chapters tho tulo of slavery and Its fearful sufferings. The play Thursday evening abounded with criorsam) was an abortion upon the original drama. About ono bundled ami fifty people were kept In good humor, however, by the orlgnallty of Marks, the lawyer, and Gumption Cute, tho speculative Ynnkcc. The company, probably, made expenses. Hy ti listing too much (o Idle gossip wc put our foot In It last woek liisavlng that the Hersh Steam Heating Company would not locate here. We should have said that the contract for the erection of a two-storv brick building, forty by eighty font in ill' niensiors, with a frame addition fuitrteen by twenly-ono feet had been awarded and ground 11a 1 already been broken on the fiats opposite tho Lehigh Valley railroad, and that the work was being laphily pushed in orucr iimi 1110 uuiiiiings woum uo ready for occupancy sometime during Mav. As stated some time ago the company will cm ploy about fifteen or twenty practical work men, to begin with, stiJ as this Steam Heal ing business Is as yet In Its infancy lu time mis nun osr win urouau V be creat v 11. creased, Tho rcaular monthly ineelln!? of the Lehlghtoi) Sahofd Ho.ird convened at the office) otDr. C. 't. Horn, Tuesday evening at eight o clock.with the following members present: I'rcsident, u. I. Horn; secretary. James P. Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. v.... ., utna nmu ifivscmeiit unu lilt Secretarv remiested to draw nnlnrn nnd niv the same: 1? V. Plnitsa frrnln . m UIL. I.MMM.II..I.. O, T. 1). Thomas, live gallons oil 75 On motion of F. P. Lentz, seconded by James P. Smith, W. Gcoigo Miller, L. II. Nothsteiu and Frank Lclbenguth were ap pointed as a committee of experts to ex amine tho floor of School Hall and the four rooms on the second floor In regard to their safety, and repot t to the school board in li'rlflnr- fl.n t 1 . .f it. .,,.i bliu ll-silib Ul 34IU lllYOMILiavlOIl. On IIIMllr.,, ..f 1 1 C..L1. U.I 1... w.. ...v.. a,... u. u. & Kjl.llv.I, oi luiiueu uv Samuel Fry, It was resolved that the sec iclary request the physicians of town to report to the president of the school board all cases of contageous diseases, especially .ypuoiu lever, so tnat proper precaution llini' tin tnl.-i fnf llin .nfnli. r, F ...... l ...-j .....v.. twa aa.u OUH.IJ Ul llli: ai'WUlill 3 In the public schools. On niotlpn, ad- The elocutionary and musical enter. Uilnmcntsln School Hall, Saturday and Monday evenings, under the management of the ladles of the 51. E, church, were a grand success. Among the special features tin. ctnrtn?- ltv V. HI, In ... nl.l.. "J nunc in vilIU time dress, deserves particular mention; uiu suigcia were louiuy appiauucu uoiu evcnin3 by- a well pleased audience. A pantomime, "Searching for Happiness." in which iru muo gins cunracicrisllcJIiy 1-pnrnei.ntnil ftitm, I. .... 1...... .....nt.. ..i., iuv, ,u,i, iiiuaii:, itc, was well received; a recitation, -no. hit ami roci, uy -viiss Jiajor, was exceedingly well rendered and heaitlly ap plauded; a solo, "Tit for Tat,' by Mrs. A. J. Durling, won for Hie singer prolonged applause; a solo, "Mrs. Fosertv's Christ ,,.r,t,niM,r,u iv-i. .... iiiii.i ant, uj -tt. 'ti iii-aui-. ClCillCU ,1 ripple of laughter: Mrs. A.J. Duill'ig re cited "Mell," a beautiful poem, w!t; inuoli pathos and affects -Mrs. Jailey'swaxwoiks I'xhlbitior "brought down the house." wniic a reciianon, "ne i.am lleaile.J uiuum, ..uih'II, ,IUIV L1C.UC1U1CS Mnmln Clnlw.l ,,1 TIIt T.,t,...., .,! ... ........... t.t.L, uuu j kLils, ,U3 dldly rendered and much appreciated; Tabitha Primrose lectured on "Woman's Hlghts," which ended amidst the convulsed laughter of the audience; "The Elevator," a dialogue In three scenes.occasloned much merriment and was loudly applauded; the entertainment both evenings closed with a military drill and march song by eleven boys, which was exceedingly well rendered. The receipts for both evenings amounted to Sl.'lO.tm. of which, after paying nli ex penses, about $100 will revert to the church. Gleaned From all rarts of the Crate. Measles prevail at Hl.enaiulcah among rhlldien to an iilarmlm; extent and u general fear for the public health Is beginning to be felt. It has liccn asscertalncd from n reliable source of Information that there me from four hundred In live hundred children now down with the measles. It is said from one school room alone forty out of the ninety chlhlreu who attend are .skit and In conseuiiciict' the phjslciar.s are eomplalnliiK of beini: overworked, whllo the undertakers are reaping a harvest. This Is probably ul' oh lug to Iho f.iuitarv condition of the low ii. 1 hero is not a Toot of underground dialnage In the borouch. where upward of sK teen thousand people lesideon about one hun dred and elylityneiesof giound. It was rumored that a mulleiiant caso of small-pox had been dlscovrri'd In a densely populated quarter of the town, but the rumor could nut be traced to a reliable source. However, such Is the condition of the tow n that the breaking out ot u pestilence would not beany gi cat surprise to the Inhabi tants. The town of Meelianlcsbiirg Is disturbed to Its very foluidatlons. A dead child was found In the cellar of one of Its most respectable houses Saturday. There Is to bo an Investigation by the District Attorney. About ten days ago Mrs. .Martin Campbell moved Into n house 011 the corner of Allen and Frederick streets. Next morning she went to the coal tdn In the cellar and while there saw something stlrklng out of some iiibblsh. She cleared tho debris from It and found It vras a body of 11 little child, wrapped around with u napkin. Tho body was badly decomposed. A physician who was siunmoueil says that the child was fully delvclopcd find had lived some time after It was born. A housolu Wlllamspoit, In which tho mur derer Wndo was arrested fifteen jxais ago for killing nil old man, Mcllrldeuud his wife, near Linden Station, Is revorted haunted on Wednes day, Friday nnd Sunday nights. Tho fun and Banner sass "Members of Ihe family who ven ture Into any of tlm rooms of tho hcuso after dark aro set upon by the invisible foe and the scene that follows resembles .1 tegular New York riot. Tho children are afraid to bo In the house at night and the entire family Is In a state of siege against this unseen but notunfelt foe." A scaffold at tho new Keystone Market House, In course of erection at P.cadlng, fell Monday mornlngand fourteen workmen were precipitated to the ground, h distance of thirty feet. Albert Dorliert Wis internally Inlurisl ami will die ninl Sylyesi'r Meolls, Franklin Klssenger, Magnus l.ck, Jacob (lebrct, William Sctley ami C. Wise .001 ton weio seriously Injured, somo of then) having lhubs broken mid others1 sustaining severe Injuries of thu bony, head ami limbs. Levi Pjoks was shot and Instantly killed hy Mary Gosheit, at her home in Kllzabelli Town ship, three miles North of Drlckcrvlllc, Saturday Mrs, Goshert Is a mauled woman and has two clilldt cu. She Is a iclatlie of Hiooks, who was a wlduvver, 41 urns old, with live children, lie had frequently called on Mis. (loshcrt. Tho Lebanon Manufacturing Company woo awarded a contract Saturday to build 1,400 cars. They have also n ceiv c.l orders for sis largo blow ing engines and several hundred tons of eastings for furnaces about being erected In Tenno. see. Lancaster Is without a murder sensation after nil. l:by liudy ami his two companions were discharged PMiuday l-catiwi It vvasshown that their alleged victim had died a natural death. The employees of tho Illalr IronCompar.y.nt Altoona, havo been granted an Increase In their wages. -A ircneml strike of the miners In the Ilroad Top coal region was Inaugurated Monday, j.-Hnn Momma. kberllt of Dauphin' county, riled of paraljslsrecentlj. -An old inabrcll.i mender of Pittsburg has Just fallen heir to f 2V),ono. Your butcher don't keep Tulip Soap. In Memortani-Hmiv.-On renruary 14, 1RS7, Willliim Andrew. soUurA. U.aud.l.A. I!orn,aRfI lev ears, 4 months and leu da) a. We miss you vv hen the morning dawns, We miss you wliu thv iiljrht returns, We miss you litre, we miss 011 1 here; Dear Willie wc miss jnu everywhere. Just received Irom Boston, an immense stock of the genu ine Knight of Labor Shoes, which we are selling at 3.50 and $3 Warranted, solid calf leather. Clauss & liro,, the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Annual Statement; OF THE r LEHIGHTOH POOR DISTRICT. I'BTHU IIKIM, Treasurer, In account with the IaehlHhtnii Poor Dlitilct, rpm Mutch ti, 189C to .March Bill, I8Mi 1)11, To balance on hand mn 8 10 K To amount received hum Ocoiuo lS'ns- baum.CoIlector.im Duplicate 1&8 ton 01 To cash burrowed from thus. ItuH 103 00 Received from Ezra New hard, Collector, on Implicate to 81 182 14 CIt. I1V AJI0U.NT3 I'AIO OUT AS PER ItHOKllT 11001C. T.Ir.i. Knrnlt IMIIler. 1ur!inir Mrs. Ilchm..S o i T. .1. Ilretn -v. eaitlim Paul scliliicriir, iHiaidlng 1). Aekerman. iu or, 12 On 4V IS 00 13 no Sarah lMtleison.li,irdli'itMr.s. Patterson 1'. I.'idwh,'. sewing for Mrs, Fisher II. V. Morthlmcr, Jr., advertising statu- m.:nt , II. lleekeiidorf. rent for Mrs. Snydcr.Jan. Ill, in AlUII 1ST, i ." II, llceki udorf, milk for Mr. Summit,.,, 1'. I.udw Ig. boarding N. lishcr 1 moiiUi.. If. Webb, rent for .Mrs. Summit and sew, lug for Mis. Fisher , V.i I. Schwartz, bible for l'oor House I). Krelcller nnd Levi Patterson, cleaning l'oor House D. Schueli, movliigMrs. Summit and Mrs. Flsinir,,, I'. Hinder, digging rarden P, Schleicher, boarding I). Ackermau..,. Sarah 1'i'ttcrsen.lmardlng Mrs. Patterson Sjrah Miller, boaidlng Mrs. llehm.. I'. Schleicher, txiaidlng D. AcKcrtnan..,. A. KI0I2, potatoes..., , F. llolleubach, coal, nnd moving Sirs. Summit, Mts. Fisher and Mrs. goners.. C. Seller!, meal fin I,, summit 1IC 2 7f. J Ul CO 1 K ' 2 2o 10 00 12 W 0 00 2 tO 1 60 J 1 ft, 7; J. C. Schuvler. moving Mrs. ltehr 3. ncuiT, uauuiii:.siri, Aiiiir luruiiiue lo Poor House (loilfrey Peter, potatoes F. l.udwlg, witness fees In Hover suit.... T. .1. lll-i-l rii'V. timvllie Xnlinv l'lli.r . 1 t f0 S 24 1 IU J. rat7lnger, moving Mrs. ltehr to l'oor House O. Patterson, wolk at Poor House HI M 12 00 3 CO 3 CO 2 CC 1 OH 1 PC f. 97 2 7.1 20 1 24 25 2 00 3 IS 3 24 3 24 4 no CI 12 00 8 18 8 P7 5 C2 2 UV 0 JS 12 00 11 IS 8 l 12 () 33 OS 3 CO 1 41 78 4 0 103 00 SO to 00 10 10 6 40 2 40 0 10 12 M c r.) 3 DS 10 00 3 00 1 00 IS 83 con ,1 15 43 1 15 20 or. 000 1 7,1 1 00 r. to 3 10 03 narju I'lUtcrsnii.Doaruuig iirs. I'attersou " tenillnp- ' Owen KI017, digging grave for Mis, Pnt. W. T. Kubns, repairing stove for Mrs! Summit.., ; T. 1). Thomas, garden seeds.,, L. W. Schoch-constahlc lees In ltnversnU Oscar SI robin, beef for l'oor House..,,,.. 10s. net reun, uag 01 uour , 1. Stelirprvv.ilt.vliieL'nr ,lo. Del'iehn, loo lbs. middlings , C.l'atterion.ll'ilng hog stable at the l'oor uouse, . T A iMi.i . .....I.I Joseph .Mover, witness fees In'liojVr suit. mi. , j.iiu tees ii mijer sun, s.. Krum. witneKs fees In ltnyer suit..,.., I. P. Smith. Poor Tnx llimlii-.-itn Iran ('. Patterson, moving Mrs. Ilehr II. r.eckcndorf, lent for IHndcr.4 inns. O, Stiohtu. incut for l'oor House C. Klpp. meat for l'oor House, from July 1 to II. Heckdulorf. milk. 1 iutmth. U JVIlijUSl iivu,,, .1. Del'iclm, bag of Hour a, .ueurKum on, mercuamtise Val. Schwartz, coflln for 1). Aekonnnn. K. II. Snyder, iiieichaiidlse..,. Win. Keinerer, merchandise iiieo. ivcn.cier, conm lor-iirs. i'attersou. 1. I.. (fUtiel. foal and lumber O. KIot7, digging grave for D. Ackerman, . W. Moithhucr, s lbs. of colleo C. Patterson, chopping wood 1,. waujt, mi.ji V. ItnfT, note and Interest .1. Stolcerwalt. vlneirnr Sarah Miller. Matron l'oor House, 0 mos. M. llelliuiin, Hour and feed Ii. W. (jlac.ss, tinware and mending 0. Trainer, feed T 11. Drissell, two bogs ('. Dei'sehlrsehUy, merchandise II. lieekendoif, lent, Mrs. Snyder, 2 mos. A. Melllkam & Sou. loerrhandlsn C. IV. Power, medical services C. W. Huh er, witness fees In Uoyer suit . . uuinus iiiiiui, uoiiiui;ig jumper woman. V. W. Murlliliner, 8 lbs, colTco .1. T. Nusbauin, merchandise 111. Welthiw. sour kraut uiu! harrel C. J. Patterson, cleaning hog stable It. l'custcrmaelier, merchandise T. J, llretney, hauling. i.u. iiuusicKcr, meat irom April lesti to November ISSG II. Itl'l-ktndorf. rent. Mis. SovOrr. 1 infw. .1. P. Inducibles, hauling v . vv. iuoriumier, 8 lus. 01 conee It. Weaver, 10 bushels of potatoes A. Mehrkain & Son, lneichandlsc ,f. Stehreiwall. vineirar II, Seaooldt, ticktt 10 Ahculown lor pau per, etc K. II. Snvricr, meiehaudtsc t.c.. ,,cuu, iiiih-!iel ing Samuel (Sraver, stove pipe and tinware. . V. W. Mnrthhner, s lbs. of coffee C. M, Sweeny it lueiclmndlsc ('. i ruinvr, S bundles of ctraw C. seltert, btcf J. Stel!!orwalt,W lbs. lorn meal & vinegar K, II. Snyder, ineiehaudlse...., Maria linger, 111IIU, r. months, 2 weeks... A.J. I.ltcliberger, lueiehandlse Win. Miller, llxn g at Poor House .1. S. Wcbb.chlckcns I). Kbheit, mueli.nmlise C M. Sweeny it .Son,merchamllse A. Mehikam & Son. merchandise lleilmnn & Co., Iluur and feed C. Trainer, Hour and feed C. W. Power, medical services to April 1, ISS7 11. V. Moitbliuer, Sr.. salary as Overseer of tho l'oir Win. Ivemerer, muicmiiidlsc II. II. Sn.vder, merchandise II. lieekendoif, rent. Mrs. Snvricr. 2 mos. F. Leui kcl, rent I jcar from Ainll 1, tsso to April 1, 1SS7 F. Leuckel, smoking meat I.. Mcvers.Ovcrsccr of the l'oor In Mahon- Ing, for suppoit of Owen Shoemaker... J.T. Xusbauni, merchandise sanih Miller, matron at Poor House I. (. J, Strauss, milk, 1 mouih C. Miller, fl bushels potatoes (1. DoTsehusehslty, merchandise It. lViisleriuuchcr, merchandise M. llelliuan, Hour and coal T. A. Snvder, attorney fee P. Helm, shoos for P. Snyder ?2.M P. Helm, shoe and mending, Mrs. Summit 9.30 Peter Helm, shoes, Mary Mullicarn.. 1.80 P. Helm, mending and shoes, Mis. Soucrs 2.M 1'. Holm.shoo.smiri mending for Mrs. Boilers and Mrs. Fishers 2.EO P. Helm, rubbeis and shoes, Mrs. 2:) 64 1 77 M 00 1 47 3 00 2 Ml 2 40 15 in 10 OU ninr j,3s .ft to in P. Helm, salary as Overseer of tho l'oor anil Treasurer 50 00 M. C, Trexler and H. J. llretney, auditors for ISM coo $1081 90 HUCAriTUI-VTION. Dr. Total amount of receipt and balances $iisa 14 Cr. Paid out as per receipts 1081 P0 Balance on hand ? 100 24 We tho undersigned, duly elected auditors, havini; examined the lurcKiihiii accounts of 1. Helm, Treasurer ot lclilgliton l'oor District for the vearenriliiKMKich 7, I8S7, certify that the accounts arc coi 1 eel to the best of our know ledce and belief. 11. .1, nacrxEY, i ,, M, C, IHKXlXlt! f Auditors. UiilsMon, Maivh f, 1SS7. flHOIlQE W. Nuriiaum. Collector of Taxes, hi account with the Uhlghtoa poor Dlsttliti DIE. To amount of duplicate S11C0 19 lo additions o oa To 3 per cent, addition oni?3.44. i.eetiveu liner Jan. 12, ISST .... 3 C7 S1U3 ia Clt. ISy exonerations .... 0 CO Hy 5 per cent, ohatemcut on SsO 41, lieeelpts of GO days 40 47 Ily 2 per cent, commission on net amount, 47iB.9l, Hit icceiitsfur uidas 15 3s lly 5 ps r cent, commission on $2.17 02; rectlpts fiom Kept. 13, t6W to Jan, Hi, 1887 12 Si ' liy 5 per cent, commission on 77 Oli receipts after Jan. 15. 1SS7... 3 W lly cash paid 1. lichn.Ticus 1071 01 S1153 11 reliance due 3 40 01 Wa the undersigned, duly elected audltors.have examined the forvpilus account of tieoree W. Niishauui, Collector u( Poor Tax, and llnd Itror reet, iai iilM.ve st.itcil) lot be, best of ourkuovvl tnle and belief. II. J. HKITTKBY. I , ... M. f. TIsnXLEP. f Auditors. I-Cliljihton, Mhivii p. 1S87. (312-3W SEALED PROPOSALS. Will be received by the Overse?rs of the Poor, nX Ihe llorouKh of lh ahton. until MOS'UVY MA mill :. 1K87. lor furnlslifiiL. m ;i it'Al. at: ii:.NDA.Ncii an'd mi-.dk'in: to" mi 'S&rJu Poor for oimjwir, rruiTi Ainll 1 iwr 10 Vareli 51. 17, both riatw tncllislvV. A.ldrl-M. J Pimm iiifni. 11. V. MOllTHIMUlt, Overseers uf 1'our, Lflilghton, l'a. House anfl Lot For Sale ! Tho unriorsliiiici! offers his Homo and I, situate. opiKislto the Cauuon Ar- Ion. j'a for sale. 1 he lot t about w x lus feet. Miuf the house Is a 1 vvo-btory I'rumo with stone Itamciil. rut further iMitkuilars cation n , John h. iie-ndeii. Mare., Mh. iarw".1 ,"u wo rCB. iiiui., mi jmuk nireei, 11 lnl. All the latest novelties in Fall and White merchant tailor ing good? nt Cliui33 & Dro., l.c Ligh'jn- A Creat Victory A Tcrriblo Casoof S?rofvJi Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla " In tho winter of Isp I was attacked with Bcrofula In one of tho most aggravating forms. At one timo I had no less (ban thirteen largo abscesses over nnd around my ncokand throat, continually exuding an cflcpslva mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, ami almost Intolerable to enduro, It Is Jifipnst.lbio lo fully dcscrlbo my suffering), at tpo emu was complicated with Chronlo Catarrh, Aflef thrco years of misery, having been trcajpU by thrco physicians, I was worso than ever. Finally, pn tho recommendation of W. J, nnnllcy, druggist, of Ixickport, I was Induced to try Jlood's Sarsaparllla. And now, after having taken twelye bottles, within tho last twelve months, tho scrofulous oruptlons havo eiitlicly ceased, nrcl tho abscesses havo nil disappeared, except tho unsightly scars.whlcli tiro dally l.ccc mini 'smaller by degrees, ami Jicautlfiily less.' 1 do pot know n hat It may havo rtuiio for rlhers.tut I do know that lli my cae, Hood's Sarsararilla lias proved an cifectlvu specir.o Indeed. As n evidence i,t my, gratlluiio I send these fact unsolicited, and I am ready to verify tho authenticity of IliU cure, by peifonal corrcsiKindsn'a with liny one who ouults It." CilANLtu A. Koe. EitTS, East Wilson, K. Y. 9 This statement Is confirmed l y W. J. Hunt. Ijy.drugglstjtf I-ockrort, N. Y., who calls tl.o euro aprcat victor for Hood's Sarsapr.rhia. Send J or book giving statements of many cu rc s, Hood's Sarsapariila 3old by all druggists, ei 1 six for Made only by C. I.HityD fit CO., Ixwcll, Mass. JOODcnop Ono Dollar. SWEENY'S Finest Porolpun Dinner Sotsi ' Th3 Famous Belmont Shape. 103 Heco Hclntmit Dinner Sals j Via. verlr Decoration. $22 00. 103 VWcvs llilmont IMnncrSelsj Elfin Decoration, 20.00. 103 Pieces Helmont llluiicr Sol ; 3Icr; iIo;i Dccor.H Jpn, $17.00, 44 Pltecs IterJIn Ten Sfls; Hudson Decoration, $5 50, It I'iecvs Iterni Ton Si tij Cambridge Dccorntioii, $G.2."i. 41PIctcs Berlin Tin Sets ralrmonnt lit'i'ornUiiii, ?( 50. 40 Pieces Wiiito Granite Yi'a.e, Only $3.00. The above OooJs are Or.arrntecd against v.razinguiHiare titp ut Uiinawaru, O. M, Sweeny, & Son, The CORNER STORE. Eat WEisspoit. Csrtfu Gcuuly, Fa., Is tho placo to purchase, at the most reasonably Pllces, DIIESS12D LUMHU!, of all hinds, vlzj Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, ings, Cabinet Ware, &c, BRACKETS MADE TO ORDER, The M.icldney Is nil new, nud only the best me clianies cniiloei. All iutlcles nr unarantecd of best seasoned mnteilal. ()r(lers by 11. nil re ceive prompt attention. Your p.itroiiaj;e. Invited, Wo have, also, In connec tion with the attovo. business a COMMODIOUS SIGHT, wfcere can atvvnjs be found one of tho largest auj,Uestusv sortinenis of w DRY OO'JDS, NOTIONS, OltlUjr.ItlKS, I'llUVldlONW, OAltl'lCT., QUEENS WAltn 0IL0L0TI18, WOUDWARf, IIAUIIVVAIIK, DOOTS, SHOES, H.VTS AND (JAPS, Hay, Straw, FJour and Feed, And In fact any and cvcr)tting usually to be, found In a strictly arkt-clasCMiiutry hioie. h'u matter what vou want, ask font and vvo can sup. nly you at pr ei-s Hint will Knocl; nil eomiif tltlnn far Into tnnumde. Cull and sec us, ai'd wo will convlneo ).u or II. e tnithf uiness of ourassertlon. lietneinbvr the liaoo N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Penna, January 1. IK7. I AIM HQ tyrM' lOH Publications. LAN LO I" "f' d sirlblne ttiuneso. iZL n-?TJ' :0",' l"lvot. Molilalia. Idaho, Washlu'-toTriia Oreeon. the Frecliov- In lh Noi ai 1 1 p .e.i. fourtrv liuilledlrce A! lrrss. looiudVtiai'H 'fcjj ilB Viff 4 ii!!