The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 12, 1887, Image 2

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    The Qsirbcn Advocate1
LKH'ulI i'ON, !'.,
SA'lUHUAY. MAl.CIl IS. 1W-7.
KMISIIKD AT Till: 1.U1I10I11U.N ruST-Ofl'ICI! AT
Anotlierof America's grcitcstnnd lirlilit
est lights lias nnswcre.1 the final roll call,
lias jottmryotl through "the. valley of the
shallow of dentil" and joined his futliPM In
tho of which wc hear so much ami
ltrww sn Illtlc. We aro speaking of Ilenrv
Ward Bcechrr, the hold, Independent, In
defatigable and patriotic, ulioce naino and
deeds n ill go thundering down tlio ojes,
written In letters of gold; In lliothoprc
j'tllcc of pu ty fccllns dang teiuelously to
his name and tho lilcture of i he sturdy
pati larch was bciltiuuicil with spots of
tutitiunr, yet on tho roll of Illustrious Am
ericans and generous fat i lots no name will
occifpy a more conspicuous place or shluc
with more brilliancy than that of the creat
pastor of tho Uroolilyn church. Ills ovcr
Lmcrlng Intellectual force, Ills deep emo
tional nature, his passionate enthusiasm
for liberty, and his mastery of the thoughts
and hearts of men have mailo for lilin a
place In American history which will find
their full appreciation now that he Is no
more. Tho last half score years of his life
added nsthlng to tho many chapters of
brilliant achievements, but rather detracted
therefrom, tinging with bitterness the de
cay of a mighty career. Hut whllo his en
emies heaped bitter Inuendoes upon his
Head, friends to whom he. had become cn
dcaied by tho sympathetic cord of pure,
honest friendship clum; to him with ardent
devotion when the darkness of a gieat sor
row settled over him. Henry Ward Ilecch
cr was the expounder of no false dogma,
when In tho pulpit he spoke not alone, to
the members of his congregation, but to
tho whole world and in his passing away
the church, and all America, lcwcs a philan
thropic friend and brother of w hich history
tan supply no equal. A merciful God
niailehiui not the victim of Ions physical
sufferings; stricken with apoplexy on
Thursday of last week, he closed his eyes
In death early on the following Tuesday
morning. lie was bulled on Thursday
morning, a large cortege of soironlng rela
tives and friends following thu lemalnsto
their last resting placr.
TnK present American contributions of
money have tho countenance of American
opinion, says Gladstone, and tl'ie aid of
Americans of high station and character,
free even from the bias of lilsh extraction.
2an we object justly to their action? Why
should they be ashamed of it, or why should
we resent it? If ever one country may sub
scribe for the purposes, the peaceful pur
poses, of another, it is when a rich countiy
and a kindred country subscribes for a poor
country, and for the poorest though far the
largest portion of lis people. Ills when
Ameilca lias enjoyed means of judgment
In some respects even superior to ours, for
she has known and seen better than we do
the fruit of our treatment of the Irish na
tlon on this side of tho Atlantic, In the
views and teellugs of the Irish nation on
the other side of tho Atlantic.
Otro borough authorities should see that
proper sanitary measures are observed bj
our citizens. The gaibage accumulated
dining the past winter should be disposed
of, out-houses thoroughly fumigated, gut
ters cleaned and everything possible done
to prevent the breaking out In our midst of
any serious epidemic. I. Is tho duty of
every citizen to promptly report to the
Chief llurgess any undue negligence on tho
part of our people regoiding necessary san
itary regulations.
Tnr. truth Is to-day what It cluays hi s
been what it always will be those who
feel are the only ones who think. A cry
comes irom tno oppressed, Irani the hun
BO from the downtrodden, from the un
fortunate, from the men who despair and
Irom women who weep. Tliero are times
when mendicants become revolutionists
when a ras becomes a banner, under which
the noblest and bravest battle for tho right.
A committki: of experts have been com
missioned by the Lehlghton school board
to examine the condition of school hall
ami the four rooms on tho second door in
regard to their safety, of which fears have
ueen entertained for some time past. The
memocrs of the school board deserve the
hearty commendation of our people for
mowng so promptly in this matter.
Tiik attention of our many readers Is dl
reeled tothenewadverllscmcntsln to-day's
ue announcement or a number of sales
Is made in our "Public Sale Itegister" to
We do all kinds of job work at "rock
bottom prices."
Tiiadk dollars are In circulation again.
For the next six months they will bo ic-
aecineu by tlm Government for their face
value, after which they will (all back to
their eighty-cent bullion value.
MANurACTinttits lookhi3for a place to
locate are Invited to visit Lehlghton. We
are better located than any town In the
Lehigh Valley for inaiiiifacturlngpurpojes.
With the Steam Ileallug Company and
the Car Spring Works among our Indus
tries Lehlghton keeps well up in the march
ef progression.
Both branch's of tho Legislature have
settled down to bublncss, which leads us to
infer that the period of adjournment draws
Henry Gkoikik's atst essay on "How
to Stop the Centralization of Wealth" docj
not apply particularly to country printing
Tlt.wm dollars defaced, mutilated or
stamped will not be redeemed by any of the
sub-Treasury olllccrs. Remember this I
lr Is gratifying to note that from all sec
tions of tint country comes the report of
Improvement III trade circles.
a rujiv Ut Capitol Is to be built,
Vhlladeiphla won't be any way backward
In asking for It,
Tijk boycott ami strika company have
never been known to ihvlara a iJrLnd.
Tim: veto will now turn an pjiiwtyjittv
io recuperate fur next year's, battle
Twcvater question may become a chest,
nut, Imi u iii never become dry,
iniA.OE, low easily we "managitta
tw along w about Congress,
Aoooniuso to .M,)w
dhll. trill ii run liv thu Ma, ...
. .-j..,,
A anadvtrrt1.ini medium the Anvot '
.11 . . .
U34I all Other COUIltV liaoen. -
's Hew York Letter.
Special to tho Camion Advocate
The Uey-noto of the Irrepressible conflict
has been sounded by Mayor Hewitt of New
York: That either the Democratic party
or the Knights of Labor must go down.
Mayol Hen lit need not liavostoilpedat the
Democratic party It Is a question more
awful than tho destruction of any party,
Democratic or ltepuMlcan. The question
presented to tho people of these United
States Is. whether liberty shall survive ns
tho heritage of our children or whether It
shall pcrifh from tho face of the earth. We
are just now beginning to leallzo the terri
ble ciisls f i em which we have escaped and
tho ruin In which this Master-workman
Qiiinii was willing to plunge this city to
carry his point of gettlim a few cents n day
for eighty or a bundled coal stilkers. If
this Is a Government of Quliins and fellows
of like Ilk. Instead of a Government "of
the people, for tho people, and by the peo
ple," wo had better llnd It out nt once.
Xo one objects to trades organizing for
mutual protection and assistance, but wi
draw the line, when, not satisfied with pro
tecllng their own rights, they trample on
tho rights of everybody else. Unless you
go along the wharves and Into tho streets
adjacent to the rivers, where the tollers
dwell, you cannot realize the depth of
misery In which this cruel and baibarous
despotism has plunged these Ignorant
strikers. A man can well understand how
one man or a thousand men could go out
on a strike If ho or they had a arleyance;
but here were fifty thousand men and not
ono in a nuuiirei' nail aiiYlliing to com
plain of; they were gcltlnu all the wages
they asked and working the hours that they
themselves had established. They were
contented and happy, but Qulnn ordered
them out and they went like a iluck of
sheep. In a few days their families were
without food or fire, the children were crj
Ing for bread, tho wives were famishing
with hunger and cold, but, the strikers
closed their ears to their cries and heard
nothing but the command of Qulnn. Such
an exhibition of abject slavery and degrad
anon among wlille men was never ircn on
this continent before. Talk of men wor
shipping golden 'calves and cods of wood
and stone. It was nothing to the abasement
of these stilkers. They did not pretend to
make, thc sllghlcst effort at reason; there
was no exercise of judgment or thought of
consequence; Qulnn said strike, and tli
was enoucli.
In New 1 ork wo havo seen what a liltle
pluck and determination can do. The
freight handlers and 'longshoremen num
tiered about five thousand llye bundled
men, of these neatly four thousand have
lost their places; some are starving, others
begging charity, thousands lmntlnc around
for work, only to be refused when thev aro
known. They llnd non-union men In their
maces; they will not be given another op
portunity to paralyze the commerce of New
Yotk, and they will learn from bitter ex
pcrienco that wo have paid too costly a
price for this Republican Government of
ours to allow a despotism, no matter what
its name or by w ho engineered, to bo raised
in our midst to trample on the rights of
our citizens. We, too, announce to the
Knights of Labor and all kindred Associa
tions, that an Injury to one Is an injury to
an, ami as long as law lemalns supreme In
tills land Its humblest citizen, union or
non union, shall bo freetocairy his labor
wlicro ho will, and regardless of associa
tions sell it to the highest bidder, and no
man shall say him nay. Wo fought for the
emancipation and freedom of tho laboring
man, and wan Hod's help we will maintain
huh in nis rigut as long as ono stone re
mains nbove another In this Itenubilc.
As I said, American pluck has triumphed;
all the steamship companies aio coin"
ahead as of yore; we have now got all the
coal we want; the bug-a-boo of tho terrible
boycott has been knocked on the head and
Its brains dashed out, If It ever had any,
mm vuinnanu ins Assembly -10 are roundly
cursed by the miserable dupes who have
been led to ruin by him.
Hut the pronunciamcnto of Mayor Hew
itt to the Kniehts of Labor Is not his only
surprise to the lawless elements. For years
past It has been the habit for certain large
German saloons, or gardens as they were
caned, to liavc Sunday evening sacred con
certs, garnished with Ithlne wine, laeer.
bock beer, Frankfurt sausages, Schweitzer
Kaso and bologne. Tho sacred perform
ances were amusing If not always cdlfvlmr.
and consisted of a little of everything from
a concert on the tumblcrollcon to a round
with two ounce gloves according to the
Marquis of Quecnsberry's rules. Among
mo most Helmut offenders who considered
themselves outside the pale of the law
wero Koster & Hail on 23d Street. They
had had a great fortune; they had a strone:
political pull; they made and unmade Al
dermen, and got whom they pleased ap
pointed on the police. The Mayor, not ap
proving ine cnaracteror this plaee.Induced
the Excise Hoard to refuse them a license.
This made no difference to Koster & Ball,
and they proposed to goon without It.
Mayor Hewitt brought them up with a
round turn, ami when they found them
selves In the crasp of the law they paid
their fines, blessing their lucky stars that
they were not sent to prison; they shut up
their shop and now the property is aiher
tlsed for sale. Tom Gould's notorious dlvo
Is dark and Tom himself a fugitive from
justice. It Is rumored that Hurry Hill is
about to join the Salvation Harmy, though
It is said that ho will not make an open
profession of faith till after Jack Dcmpsey's
fight with tho Unknown, and John L.
Sullivan has settled conclusions with Jem
Smith and polished off Mitchell.
The German opera closed Its season with
Wagner's DIo Melsterslnger, the embus!-
asm at the close being up to fever heat as
It was also the lastulghtof the great leader
Anton Seldl, who goes back to the Iloyal
Opera House at Ilerlin. Xo king oi: his
throne ever received a more royal ovation;
men and women stood up on tho seats and
waved their hats and handkerchiefs and
shouted themselves hoarse foi the great
leader. Wagner fur tho moment was lost
sight of In Seldl; and rlitbt here just mark
my words, and I am neither a prophet nor I
thu ton of a prophet, but many years will j
not roll by till Herr Seldl aaln wields the 1
baton In New York. I know Jt Is a great !
thing to lusk In the smiles of royalty ami
to have a life position nnder government, t
imt after Anton Sefdl has been back hi that t
sleepy o'd place, JleiJlij, a few months, he I eost of grounds, $50,000; cost of Executive
will begin .to sigh for the flosh pots of Mansion, fSO.OCO.
I'.gypt and realize lint It Is much better to ; Governor Leaver Is very much opposed
ho a Republican king than a petty German 1 to the erection of a new building, although
$aWt- , the State finances justify the building of
f my letter of last week I had quite a the same, unless them should be a ladlcal
cUsiiXfmi Jj lug as a line art, and another , change made In the State revenue laws
case lit burred In the past week which, I which would cut down the surplus. Theie
If It dew noi.4Vrn a tale will at least point ' Is over a million more money In the Sink
a mora'. As. sH ;u world knows by this , Ing Fund than Is remilrcd bv law. ami i.
nine, i.oyenior iVi. Juyltcd o dinner i
loytiie io-iiiiz Hen's Uc-vratlo Tub of
i .. . . r
. - m r .nni-
urooklyn, on Maihlnglon'shday. This,
and thu fact J.u!2JL
--j fiFimi. osujjvi !! -
,1ii r.-,,ll.. i ,.i , .. )
, vm uens, put utff
the point: If a Governors word can't, bo
telied on, wlu''s the use of being a Gov -
inoi? Ily a number of men who can see as
deep In a millstone as their neighbors, the
Urooklyn dinner was supposed to bear-
ranged as a presidential boom for Governor
Hill, and as Goyeinor Hill had pardoned
tho rascally boycollcrs Who robbed Thelss
of .1000, tho reference In Mayor Hewitt's
letter to persons In high olllco coquetting
with the lawless classes wai supposed to
bn a di heat Governor Hill; at any rate,
the President, Mr. Lee, pocketed the letter
and It did not come to light nt the dinner.
It Is said that the reason It was not read,
that Governor Hill declared if It was to bo
read that lie would not attend the dinner.
Xow, Governor Hill asserts that he ncyer
saw the letter, that lie never heard of tho
letter; that, In fact, he had not the slight
est Idea that such a letter had been written
111! he saw the account In the public prints.
It may be that the Governor Is right, and
I hope for the honor of the Statu that he Is
but tliero are three gentlemen in Urooklyn
who profess to lie willing to swear that the
letter was shown tohlmand was suppressed
at bis expressed desire. As I said before.I
hope the Governor Is right, but It Is pretty
evident that both cannot have told the
truth. Some one has told a big Well,
no matter what but It looks ycry much
like It,
Our virtuous neighbor, going
to have a legislative keelhauling, and If re
ports be true she needs It'. Reports of mal
feasance and misfeasance and general cus'
sedness havL' been rife for soma' years, but
the last Grand Jury voiced the complaints
of the entire city. A few years ngo several
companies started In to bless the city with
urn new ciecmc iignc. Aldermen were
bought, public offices were fixed, expensive
plants were established, and just as the
lucky Incorporations appeared about to reap
a goincn Harvest a band of phates swpoped
uown uuon them, hampered them In cverv
direction, and finally gathered In all their
plunder and drove them from the field,
When the ring got possession of the prop-
criy.electrlc lighting becamo an established
fact In Brooklyn and the pirate crew have
been reyelllng In clover ever since They
exceeded tho appropriation for lighting the
city t-SO.CCO, but that did not trouble them
a bit, as they borrowed tho deficiency from
another fund and kept tho electric finances
sound. Tho Chief Engineer, tho fiist
Deputy Sheriff and a number of high offi
cials, as well as the District Attorney, are
under a cloud. What the upshot may be
time alone, can determine, but when rogues
fall out honest folks come bj their own.
e are now deeply exercised on tho
question of high license, and as It Is pretty
evident that the prohibitionists aio only
aiding the ruin-sellers, the vital question
with uj Is how to get rid of the low hells
and divc3 which meet us at every corner.
Mr. Hcccher, Doctor Crosby and many abl
men see some help for us In the high li
cense law. Wo can get that if wc try hard
enough; we can't get prohibition In Xew
St. Patrick's Day is close at hand and it
looks as If thero might bo wigs on the
green before it Is over. The SI. Patrick's
Alliance will havo ono celebration and the
Ancient Order of Hibernians will have
two. Xow, if the routes of these three
armies should happen to cross, you might
hear of something that would sound very
inueii use me explosion of tlie volcano at
Manna Loa, or the recent earthquake In
the south of Fiance. Lotus hope for the
sake of Parncll that they will all give up
ineir parades and devote the money to
helping their starving iclatlons at home.
The price of a sash or a cocked hat would
bring a poor hlsman or Irishwoman to
A met lea. "Lot us hav e peace. '
Oar State Capital CorresponcleiiGe.
Special to the Camion Apvocatk.
Maiich 0, 16S7.
The present Legislature promises to make
for Itself a name which will live in all pos
terity. It proposes to begin tho erection of
a new State Capitol ;tbe scheme, proposed Is
In embryo as yct.but It will be developed by
and by, unless something unforscen and
unsuspected should present Itself. A iolnt
resolution Is now being considered by the
committee on Buildings and Grounds,
which provides or the appointment of a
commission, advertising for plans and
the payment of a premium for the best plan
furnished, and an appropriation of j.300,
000 with which to begin operations. The
erection of a new State Capitol Is dally
growing In favor with all legislators who
express themselves as being dlsgusled with
the patcbed-up building now in use, and
claim that not only the growing necessities
of the legislative department, but State
pride, demands the erection of a new build
ing. When the Idea of the erection of a
new building was first suggested fears were
entertained that the old cry of removal
would bo brought up and spoil tho success
of the scheme. This will not be the eapp.
however, and If a new Capitol is erected at
all It will bo built on the 1:111, just South of
the present structure; to do this It will be
necessary to tear down the building used
by the Secretary of Internal Affairs. Bv
doing this tho old Capitol can stand until
the new building Is made ready for occu
pancy. It may Interest the numerous read
ers of the AnvocAii: to know that the
present buildings were erected between
1810 and 1822, tho coincr-stono bavin?
been laid on May 31. IR10. i,v
Flndlay. The at of State government
had been moved from Lancaster to Ilanlst
burg In 1812. and the first spsslnn nf n.
Legislature that was held In Harrisburs
met in the old Court Hoiisobuildlng.whieh
was occupied as a legislative hall ten vears.
as the Assembly did not tako possession of
tnc new Lapllol until January 2. 1822. It
Is just now very interesting to know how
much these buildings cost slxty-fivo years
ago. The first appropriation was that of
1810, amounting to $50,000; In 1810 $70,
00 more was appropriated and spent, and
In 1S28 tho columns and front portlctf were
erected at a cost of $15,000 a total of $133,.
gOO. In 1801 the State spent fSO.000 in
repairs and upon the library, and In 1S71
the Capitol was enlarged at a cost of over
4-75.000, which not counting tho repairs
made from lime to time upon tho two
chambers and the committee rooms, is a
grand total cost to the present time of
$'-'$0,000. The co3t ottheStato buildings
and grounds was as follows: Executive
offices. 4M.000: cost
though It cannot begot out, that amount
won d not bn tr ti, ...... f..i.i
.(wi v ni'uui
iiii-inurmi uic new c-apuoi
were to be erected. But. as a prominent
i - i - i . . ' . .? . ,
i - giaiitt.ui iciiiflibcu id iiib me on er uay in
, .... .
Jicfciui; 01 tue proppstu now yrgjejr
"There Is such a generous deposition to
' divert so much of tho State revenues to tho
' counties that It would bo safest to find ot.t
what wo are going to do about revenue rc
vision before wo go ahead too fast with the
plans about a now Capitol." With thl
difficulty beforo them wo would adylso tho
members to "let 'er go slow."
By limiting the time of speech making to
ten minutes Is one fact which signifies the
desire of the Assemblymen to get through
with the numerous bills presented in order
to be ready to adjourn at the expiration of
tho ono hundred days If possible. A Hm
tatlon of speech making to five minutes
duration would no doubt havo been n big
Improvement as It would prevent the diving
too deep into the subject of debate nhd not
prolong argument. A resolution to the ef
fect that no moio bills be presented with
out the full consent of the House was pre
sented and agreed upon almost unanimous
ly. Upon the adjournment of the Legisla
ture it will be found that much wctrk has
been left undone; however, at this early
day It Is safe to say that there will be no
calling of an extra session Governor
Beaver not desiring to fall into the error
pursued by ex-Governor Patlison. The
adjournment of the House is a good way
off. as yet, mid the above conjecltiro may
be looked upon s just a little preylous, but
It will hold out.novertheless.
The State Superintendent of schools was
made happy by tho successful passage of a
mi uMuiiuuii; uiesciiooi lei into six months.
This Is a measure that has Fnni niHin ml
vocated by some of the most prominent
educators In the State, though strange to
say. It was hotly fought on the floor of the
House by three ei-scliool teachers, who
raised me old parsimonious cry of Increased
taxation. The bill was ably and eloquent
ly defended bv voiin" .racket-, nf Tlm
who showed, among othsr things, that The
Keystone State stood as low as fourteen nn
the list of tho. Slates of the Union In edu
cational matters.
Rutan, in the Senate, has called oil' the
compensation amendment for the present.
This Is nn intimation and dp.sln, nf tl,
liquor men who very, wisely consider that
the forcing of a double amendment proposi
tion ucioreiuo people win savor of duplicity
and react against their interests. The
scales naye at last fallen from the eyes of
the liquor men of anv rcsnectabllitv nml
they begin to realize that unless a moder
ate anu careitilly digested high license
measure Is passed thlssesslon.Fcnnsjlvanla
may be swept Into the prohibitory column
and their Interests co throimh convulsions
Incident to the period of abortive prohlbl-
iuij cuuii, aiu.ii as Jiassaciiusctts, Ohio,
Iowa and other States passed through. The
Attorney General unofficially has given his
opinion that the graded features of the
Brooks bill are undoubtedly constitutional,
an opinion confirmed In a letter by Jtid"e
Agncw. This bill Is Xo. 112 on the House
calendar and will not bo reached for a few
weeks yet, as It was recommitted for
The appropriation committee went West
to Inspect the public institutions In that
quarter and returned In time for Monday
night's'sesslon. A great, deal of work Is
yet before tills body, end Mr. Dearden.wlth
all his commendable industry, which
keeps him working night and day, has little
time for general labor on the floor. Dr.
Huldekoper's bill for $100,000 to maintain
and establish a veterinary college and hos
pital at the University of Pennsylvania
lias been Introduced. Though a large ap
proprlptlon the design of the institution
meets with approval, especially In the agri
cultural sections of the State, whore so
much loss has In the past been entailed on
valuable stock through Indifferent and non
professional veterinary practice. The uni
versity will give a valuable tract of ground
If the State will build the college and hos
pital, and will besides condition Itself in
the trust to educate in perpetuity not less
than fifteen State scholars In the art and
science of veterinary medicine and sur
ficry. PAXTOX.
Oor Mfflijetay Soatii.
Below our regular correspondent, "A
Yank in Dixie," gives us a letter written
by an Iowa man to his brother and pub
lished In the Dubuque lleruhl of Iowa. It
will bo seen that Southern Pines is a very
popular health resort. We are pleased to
know It is so popular as wo own a lot in
the place, where one of these davs wo hope
to see a neat cottage erected ami then we
can escape tho cold winters of this section:
Sotrntr.iiN Pinks, X. C, Match 2, '87.
I have delayed ap answer to request for
extended particulars as to tho location,
climate, etc., of tills delightful place, in
order that I might by fiutlier observation
give a more truthful nnd perfect, picture of
this "Winter Resort," You understand
that I came here for the sole purposo of
gaining health, will know that I am not In
the employ ot land speculators or "land
sharks," and will glvo von only very can
did views and opinions.
First, then, the climate is all that could
be desired, under any expectations based
outside of parldise, for those suffering from
weak lungs, bronchial troubles or any form
of general debility. A gentleman, now re
siding here, who came In September, af
flicted with kidney complaint of an aggray.
a ted form, can now detect no symptoms of
the disease. There are others here from
Maine. Vermont, Xew Hampshire and
Ontario, who were told at home that they
could not live owing to the diseased con
dition of their limes. In snmn !!- n f...
days of this dry. bracing atmosphere has
brought marked relief.whlle in all a strady
Improvement is noted, and they are Inipor-
... .1.115 uii-ima niiu uru IllUlCteU I1KCW1SC tO
.uiiik io outiiiicrn fines.
In portions of the town, where dla-dn
or water is necessary, even though they
have to co fiftv feet to ilml It. Vl'i,m n il
uuiuiiicn it proves io be as soft as distilled
.....i-i, ui, i it iauy iroin Vermont puts it,
"softer than rain water." Where the fluid
finds its way to the stn face It Is n iim,.t,i
and clear as el her. W at (Mi nn rttnn lint.
walk on pine carpets, woven from the hair
miiL-ii is manuiaciureu from iim nnn
needles; tho walls of our abodes are of pine
wo burn pine knots in our glorious liro-
muL.-! (iiie oiu-iasiuoneii open kind) and
uy tlie emitted 1 e lit mav rem) nnr "ii
Knot." which Is a lireezy little paper pub
lished here.
Society Is much as It W.1 In Vnrl1in.H
Iowa 111 I857. somen lint rntmnnnllxin l
ciiiiracicr. out Willi enoii" h nf t m
i . . ... ... . 1 ti ii
element close at hand to teach us useful
lessons regarding the, soil, etc. Speaking
j.. iim nuiim-mii pinny oi tno water in this
localty,I should have mentioned a mineral
spring within the limits of our prospective
m ywi"! w:Uers of uens formanyof the
Ills flesh Is heir to. A lady from Boston,
now residing here, tells me that for years
she has suffered with dyspepsia and severe
luiigi-Mitu iieauaciic, also long continued
ncnous prostration. Tho constant use of
these mineral waters for less than tw'o
months has brought wonderful relief as re
gards nervous troubles, and entirely eradl-
ul l" dyspeptic symptoms.
W ild game of various kinds Is close at
hand; der, w ild turkey, fox. rabbit and
tho succulent opossum are easily obtained
Lest I weary you I w ill close by saying if
you have any friends who aro In need of a
pure atmosphere for weak lungs.send them
here: If there aro anv who havn lncnin
saturated with malaria that life is a burden,
let them come to Southern Pines.
Washington Newsand Gossip.
From our Special Correspondent.
IVasiiinotox. I). C Jfar, 7,'f7.
Mil. UiiTim Thu past week has' been a me
morable one :it the National Capital. Seldom
Indeed has tho tuieial public luanlfi-sud ua
active an interest In I lit. it-A...ii.... ..r "
and seldom, if ever, has Coiitries iiccoinpllsIicJ
fc'j Much in a shiitle week, ifiion thu oneiihn.' of
tho sct-iuii on Monday
geneinl appioptlatiou
i-iti mu ui uic iniirieeu
lis posed oi and several ot ihoso awiilllng nt-Huii
had not been rcixirlcd from the coniintllee, and
tho prospect of an e.Mra scksiun was looked
upon bejonil the niiiue of ronjci-tuie. What
ever may have U-eu said uualnst thu 4uth Con
crosasa leKMatlio body, and hawewr deberv
lue may hate been the i-eiuures which It lias
rec eived from press and public during Hie early
dJts nf the mimIuii, It inuot bo admitted that thi
spirit u( aellt liy displajed by CntiK.-esa duilm
the last four or live, d.ij k ot Its existence, should
be considered In iiiitlnuioiiii! Jud!i,ii-nt, rteu by
lUiuostseieie critic-, as one ufier another oi
the appropriation bills, unit other huimrtnut
measures wldili wro looked uikhi as llkelv t
iiua u.iu ut-eu nnaiii
iMvf.sit.ite tlm eallini
7," t.S."V"VV.. ""...""'nr. ""J- iioi be
iit - tiM - u jmi i ui nav in nn ifti wjine ci
pieaseil with the way In w h eh fcuina ci in.. I,.,
''"'. "'leasum. have been disced ef. butit
"iM1?. at thu me.uhers .of congr. tt
, wit h ureaTiShsf re .
inanyni nuuui rate occu re-
esraoo from mi extra khsihhi
tion ' in nijUtTt-Miopi wii
nnmliers of t-cople. who crowded tho galleries
and bin. Ied the corridors.
Asii'Hjer the provisions nf the Inter-Htntc Com-iiM-r.
hill, wlilchgtws Into effect Upon I lie first
day of Apill, railroad companies are nroldWted
Horn earr.Mug p.isseiiReis tor leni liiiin their
M'herittle rates, ami hence the public will he de
prived of the advantages nml tho ralhoad com-
panics uic piiMiis ncrcinioro enjoyed hi tno way
of cheap excursions. Tho companies appear to
have determliid to make the most of tho thna
iiiroidrd them nnd all. as of one mind, seem to
ii.-nu ui-uiimim in rmo nu excursion to the
National Capital. Hence excursion parlies havo
continued to nrrho dully, until tlio elty Is filled
wllh strangers, nnd Hie hotel accommodations
liavolieen taxed to their uttermost limit. Ills
rsiiui.iu'ii inni ineir are nt tuc projent tune up
Ward Of 2.0110 Ctf-lirstllllKU fi-nm tlw. K.ilfn nt v.....
Vork In tlieclty. while the Sta'toof Ohio, Peinisyl
vanla and Ilia N'en England States are well rep
resented HPre'ldent Clot eland wore determined to
theprnpeity owneis and business men nf the
District nf Columbia, especially among members
of Ills own party, he could In no way have mnrc
iii.iKL- ns uiiimpuiur ns pns.suue lunnn
cirediiallv nt-cumnll-dH'tl his nltle,t limn liv tin.
niuiso which ho has pursued with reference to
the niipnlntnieiit of a KeeOrder of Deeds for the
Dlslilet of Columbia. Hie opposition to the
iiuiiiiiinuuii ni mr. t roiicr, tno iniorcu appointee
n nhi Massachusetts, to the ofllro scents to he
even more general anionK the Democrats than
nuuing tho Republicans. After tlm Senate's
artlnn hi twice rejecting tho nomination of
.iiuiincwsupoii me irinunu mat he was not a
resident nt the District, It was generally bcllccd
that In tho case of Jlr. Trotter, airalnst wlinni
could he urged tho same objection, the Senate
would repent Its action. Id view of this fact, leport upon tho nomination,
aii.iHU.L.-i, mi ot-iiiit., uy mu MISU ICI. C Olll-
mltteo f the .senate, tho confirmation of the
tinuilnatlim by the tVMiato upon the last day of
the session may he said to constitute the most
complete surprise of tho recent session of Con-
cress, it is aiu mat tno ciiaiuro of fiont by the
lleiubllcaii.senatni.s, -was due to the statement
iii.iuud.v uiu nciiiiiurrt irom .iias5aciuiseiis, mat
a reiectlon of the nomination unnlil result In n
loss io the party of tho entire colored vote of the
male. ji.
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
Till. t . t t...
.... ...ui. ....... .v. intlii, lll.u vi .11 IUI lt,
strength and wliolcsoiiicness. Jtoie economical
than the oidmaiy kinds, nml rnuimt he Mild In
competition with the innllitmle nf tmv test, .imit
weight, ahnn or phosphate powders. Hold only
Wall Street, N;. Y.
m ins. itnyai naKing rowdcr Company, 1Ki
-DliAI.Iilt IX-
Hats and Caps,
Abb ICIXDS 01' .
March 12, tSRT Sin
F?uniiu- ot- the condition- oi' thi:
ION, Penna., at the ctoso ot business .March
Loans and Discounts S si.CKi 41
civeiiuiuis .50 01)
u. n. iinniis insecure i ireiilnllnn 7.nO0 lI
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 3.yj-i 03
Due finni approved reserve nireiiij G.IS1 1:1
Due finin other National Hanks 000 pi
DiiefinmMatel'.aiiksaud Hankers.... 1,171 oi
Real cidate, furiilliiieand fiMures B,0J7 8u
Current expenses nnd taxes paid.' Lira 6:1
To'"'','"'.? I'"1,',1-", e,7Mx
Hlllsnf other Hanks 2 311 00
riactlonal paper currency, niekeKnnd
. cf!; Ml 88
1 nine uuiiiirs 4.74.x
npceio 3 .i, M lender notes ,coo oo
iu'tii-iiiii!im num wiiii u. rt. treasurer
(r, per cent, circulation) 3.375 06
Dne from V. S. Treasurer, other thans
per cent, leiieiiipiiini mini r. oo
.15234,075 20
,. 7-WO on
, . n,075 no
Capital stnclt paid hi
.-mri'iiis limn
Undivided profits
National Hank nules outsiaudliiis
Individual dennslts hllhleetln rlipnlr
2,3L3 14
C7,.r.llO 00
313 M
77,075 !B
9 PO
5 f
2.U.1 52
Certlllcd cheeks
Cashier's clicks outstanding
Duq to other National Hanks
Statu of I'ksnsvi.vaxia, l.
CouNTVoKC.vnno.v, f1,S!
.234,073 2
I, V,.Vi. Howinaii, Cashier of the abovenamed
is true to the best of my know ledge and belief,
W. W. HowjiAX, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to befot e me this tith day
of March, 1S7. '
II. V., St., N. r.
Thos. Kkmhiikii, )
A. .1. Dl-ui.ino. I Directors.
.... 1!. 1-. IloKi-omi,
March !2th 16$7.
r'Tho Now QuinineJ
No Bad Eflect.
No Heailaciic.
No Nausea.
Cures Qniclrty.
Pleasant, Pare,
1 POWERh UL 10X10.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
And all Oerm Diseases.
l'OIt COLDS KASICIM' has iu-i.-v t.-nnvi.
TO 111'. ALMOST A Hl'LCIl'Itt Superior 'to
liclieyio Hospital. N. v., " Universally success-
1 'I'torv i.ntlmit t -,i..
St. Irancis Hospital N.Y. -Vd wllh Kaskluohas
,. . been cuicd.
Lev. .Tainc L. Hull Chaplain Albany IYnlten.
tlary. writes that Kaskluulms cured his wile, af
ter twenty years sulfrrimi from malaria and ner
tous ftysrcpsU W rite him for paitleiilars.
M. Jnsenh h llnsiilljil. V V . .t,u ..... i.nnn
idilercd hiitespensablc. It iu-'t's perfectly."
vl vuf,,NV V.-,lu!''oml'f.'-l; '!-6' '' St.,
V ..ikito Prof, ill V V. Med. Colleire). wiltes!
iiashiuu is siiiwnor to nidnhie in itsspeclllc
power.aud neter produces tiiu slightest Injury
Io the hearing or constitution."
'Ihnusaiiils upon t Ii.uihj.iuIs write that Kaskluo
has c ured tuein niter all oilier medicines failed.
SV rile fur bcnik of testhnniilids.
Kiisklne can be taken without nnv special
'em l'3'!h I"':, V.-MlroMe. Sold by T.I).
().MAhlj!lili;htiiii,Pa., or sent by mall on
receipt of price. '
, , . TIIK K A SK INK CO..
dee4-ly MW.irreu hL. New or.
Wanted Agents to sell the New Book by
1 lie great questions of the day ahly discussed by
Ami-lira's grc.ite and most popular statesman
Ap't K'UM apply iul. It to sc are , tiolec ter' .
ill i.',.'t.'i .cl''ar ''ddreas, HI IlllAltl)
i mire l line all cliorllious sale
v 6t'i
ummm m hum
iVkisspoiit, l'A March Mb, 1837.
llnsoi.vnnby the Town Council of tho llor
ouch of Wclssport, duly convened for tho trans
action of business i Section first of Chapter
twenly-one, be, mid the same If hereby recnactcd
and amended so ns to read ns follows, and that
the samo shall bo duly published asnn ordinance,
of said HoroiiRli of Wclssport nccorillin to lawi
Sf.ction I. It shall bn the duty ot nnyHor
oneh Constable or any Policemen to iin cI,v llli
out havhiK llrst tnado cotuplnlnt and obtained a
warrant, any clrtmkeiiordlvirdcrly person found
uponlhostiect.sor hi any bar-room or itilnklns
saloon, or any person found disturbing the peace
or violating any HorniiKli Ordinance, and tiny
man or woman, or boy or Rirl shall be arrested
who shall willfully and Improperly annoy or dls
turh the person or propel ty of anv person wllhhi
the Hniougli limits, such ns pullhiK duor bells,
rapping on doois, windows, hulldmps, fences,
c, or maKo loud, Improper noises furlhe pur
pose of nmiotlui: ami dlslinbinj:. or creating, or
rausliiK any manner ot willful disturbance or
any Improper annoyance to any person whatso
eten nnd any one so arrested shall bo taken and
confined In the HoroiiKh Lock-up until such
leasonahle thnu thereafter (not exccedlnr' 48
hours), as tho Chief Huoress, or a .liistlce of the
Peace, shall tlx for a hearing of sucli arrested
person or persons, when tho trial shall bo In a
summary manner: In case of conviction such
person or pel sons shall pay a lino not exceeding
four dollars and costs of suit, for each and cverv
offence, and If said tlno and costs are not paid a't
once, or security Riven to pay the same within
ten days, such person or persons shall ho con
fined In the Horough Iick-up for a period not
exceeding 4f hours. All fines to be for tho uscof
said Horough. .1. A. KIJNNUlt, llurgess.
Attest! J. It. Sf.ipki, Secretary.
March 12, 1887 2w
' TIin-BCST MAKES Ol'-l-
At Trices marked down so low as to como with
in tho reach of everybody.
Novelties in Jewelry!
Inthe above line of Roods wo hate an elegant
nssnrtmcnt. and arc cnnstaiulymnklng additions
of all the very latest novelties as the season ad
vances, lou are respectfully requested to call
and examine -my Hue ot goods. You arc bound
lobe pleased with the goods, and the prices
they aro down to liock bottom, and can't be beat.
All Kinds of Repairing
Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly attended to, and
satisfaction guaranteed. I have concludcil. as a
means of extending this branch ot inv business,
to be at HNYDKlt'S HOTHL, TAltftYVILLU
KDNL'SDAY ot each week, between the hours
of 8 a. m., and 6 p. in. All fators shown ine by
the people of Parrytllle will be much appi eclat
ed. You are Invited to call and Inspect my Hue
of goods when In Lehlsliton. Next to Clauss Hro.
Ask your retailor forllie James JI?:iiis S3 rhoe,
Ciiulioii t Hi ine flmlers recnmiiit-nl Inferior
Co.ids lnnril.-rt.! uitiki- n larsrr i-nl!t. ThlsUtlio
nriulunl S.1SIiup Ucwai utir Imitations wlilcliac
kinm'leilKU tlic-Ir divii inlerlni Uv bv mteinpttn,; to
litllltl u noil 11. ii retilit-tllnn .if ihvrilslnnl.
None ttcniili'.o tiuIcnH bcui luu Ihlt Stnmn,
G? A m S 9
.T:r GtxtU::, o
Our celebrated fnrtnry pristi ces n inrger quantity
nf K.iiisnf tlils.rnilclhnii ni.j- ntlier faernry in tlio
tvoil.l. IliniisNi il, who wriir th.ei will toll you tin,
ren-nn If nn nvk llieni. .I.VtlFS .SlKs r'
Ml OH fur JI"slsui.njiproaei.csl In Dm ability.
Full lines of theabovc shoes for sale by
1-eb. as-tvl
AND TLM in: It
V Send for Kiye descriptive Price List
A .MIS 1-Olt S ALU
mciiii lor
.Mccii. c;u luentsviir
Auditors IvTotico.
In the matter of the account of ) In the Court of
Joseph Kalbfiis, assignee of Cnnmion fleas
x ueoiuirc r . .yers. ) or carbon Co.
The undersigned. Auditor, niipnlnted by the
( otllt. .lailliai-V 2L'. IKK?. In tnritn. ihlriliiillMti
the funds In jhe hands of Joseph Kiilbfus. nsalg
ue'! of 1 heodoie r. Ayres, among tho panics en-
" Hivii-iw. in- t-uj unea notice unit no will
nltend to the duties nf Ids appointment on MON
'V. ,);'.,.K',7' la'P:? "VLOCK A. M., at tho olllee
of CitAlli Jt LOOSH, nttnndes at law. In the
Hoiough of .Mauch chunk. Ha., when and where
all paitles Interested may attend and present
their claims or be debarred from coining lu upon
said funds. S, I!. U1LHAM.
1-cbry. to- 1887 . Auditor.
"With tlie coming of coor
weather all light clothing are cast
aside and wo don that which
protects us from the sudden
changes in the weather, so com
mon at this time of the year.
Wc have just received a com
plete line of all the very latest
novelties in
Cloths, Cassimers,
and other goods, suitable for
Fall and Winter Wear,
which we make up in the latest
styles, most substantial manner
at prices that astonish everybody.
1 M'e still make those famous
10. All-wool Suits which
proved so satisfactory to all who
purchased of them when wc first
commenced their make. We
make (lie same sttil now, at the
samo price, and the material ice
ase is as good as ever.
"We would call your attention
to our
Gents Fnruistiii Department
which embraces the most recent
novelties in
Collars, Cuffs,
Underwear, &c.
In Ladies, Gents and Child
rens shoes, wo have everything
that is likely toliein demaud.
We invite you to call, feeling
sure tee can please you, no mat
ter what you ivant.
Very Respectfully,
Eank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
-' s- Jf ILm B
u t.?l 'Vi -tidj tu Hu I .n, CM-f-reis and
if- E r"" 3 Lac II. l t'.; Unex.
In t a-cii3 1 'n uumHir, curvoir.e
R! Wo .IIrnnoic. .v i-iMlnlranl
III VV ' oiiswiil l.rli.syouln.
US Wo V f'-'m'tlnnliowtii wt this
Autumn Tints.
Olaoss Bros..
Our Phosphate Wareiiouse !
Is now stocked with the Choicest Brands of Pure Bono Fer
tilizers, amongst which will be found Our
Iloyal Bone, $27 Per Ton,
the Best and Cheapest Fertilizer in the State at the price, undthc
Amerious Brand at $35.00,
which is equalled by few and excelled by no Fcrtilizc-s in tha
market. The attention of Farmers is directed to the fact that on
account of the large amount of fertilizers handled by us every year,
we are able to buy cheaper than small dealers and this benefit wc
give to our customers. We warrant our Phosphates to be in
good condition. Our "Americus Brand" and "Royal Bone" havo
never failed to bring good crops. To accommodate farmers who
have but small patches of ground, we have a very good phosphate
done up in Filty Pound Bags.
Bank Street. Lehioliton, Pa.
March 11,1887 3m '
Black and Colored Silks.
We have tho largest line of Black and Colored Silks that we
have ever had the pleasure of showing the trade.
Culored Gro Grained Silks.
f0 Cents a Yard. Fiye Similes.
75 Cents a Yard. Eight Shades.
Ono Dollar a Yard. Fourteen Shades.
Colored Radamas. All Silk
One Dolla.- n Yard. Eight Shades.
$1.25 a Yard. Twelve Shades.
Colored Faillo Francaiso
Eight Shades
Colored Surahs.
Sixteen Shades.
Black St Colored Brocaded & Striped Velvets.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
Octoher 30, 1880
! dlsSl
Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa.
lly Il tue ot an Order of the Orphans' Court of
Carbon County, feiuia., the uiidei signed Kxeeu.
ioroi ui l'.suiio in SAMIIKI. UAL I I.MAN, late
of Mahoning Toundili, County and Slate afore
said, dee'd, will sell nt public sale, on the iiieiu
Ises, on
Thursday, March 2-lth, 1SS7,
at ON'n o'clock 1". M the following described
valuable Ileal Kstale, to w It :
All that ceitahi tract or piece of land, situate
In iliihonhn Tnwicdilp, Carbon County. 1'a.,
bounded nnd described as follows: P.euliinli!i:tit
n post, by laud of Thomas licit, thence ahiiif;
thu same CX',i decrees, Knt perches to a
stone, thence hy land of John llelU lu part,
thence idling the samo North 'J I dcurces, 40
peic hcs to a stone, by laud of said Thomas IScllz,
thence aloiiR the same Ninth 21 deitiees, io
Perches to a stone, by land of said Thomas llelu,
thence aloni; the same South 07 dejjrees, Wcbt
r.'? perches to a post, thence alonj; the same
houth 21 degrees, hast 40 perches to Ihe place of
beulmiliiB, contalulni; (3) three acres and 20
peiehes, strict measure, all flist into WOOD-
nil that certain tract or piece of land.
situate as aforesaid, bmniflnil nt.
follows! IlcKliuilnifiit a stone cornel, bvland of
.lacoh Wchr, thence alnnir Ihe same Nin th 70 d.
Kicc.s, Cast 491$ perches to a stone, by land of
u ucscrincd as
.iiii-uu i-iiir, uiciic'c niuni; ine same .Minn ioue
Krees. Last .10 perches to a post, bv land of Jos.
eph ltachnian, thence Ninth rail iIcl'i ee.s. West
2S!i perches to a, by land of Veter Hart
man, thence aloiiK the same Months1! decrees.
West 04 3-10 perches to tho place of bcL-lnnlun,
containing!) ncres mid 123 perches, strict meas
ure, clear ami under cultivation.
AI.SO, at the same time and place, 3 COWS
and n ailety of personal property too numerous
to mention.
Terms and condition will be made known at
the time ami place of sale, by
1'. A. ltAIIt:.NOI.I, Kxccntor
Hstato Samuel liaclunan, dee'd.
February 18, 1SS7.-IS
OK vai.uaiii.i:
ho iiiiderslcned will sell at I'uhllcSalo on the
inlscs, nt tho stables of the Kxchange Hotel,
lilghton, Carbon county, l'ciiua., on
Saturday, Maroh 19, 1887,
at two o'clock p. in., tho follow Ing personal prop.
Tiro HORSES, OXE cow,
two iiu(icii:s,
One lliicklmard with Top, Onedermantowii Wu
con. Two hlelchs. One Set of Double. Harness.
l our Sets Slncle Hiirncss, Two Ilulmlo ltuhes, i
Two Horse lllaukets. 'llirce Sheep nianket.s, tine
rceil tiller, U)t of Jlanure, Ixit of Iluckels, 1
. ...I..-., ,iiiviii ii t.tric.y ui wuvr ariicies :
too niimeroiis to mention. .
Terms will be made, knnuniil tlim, anil nlnen 1
of !, y ... AUtiusT KUJrt-z.
J. w. iwuuenbiisii. Auctioneer. 2-20-ts j
Personal Property.
The undersigned will sell ;il 1,iIiMi. K.-1I0. ,n tlm
prriulsvs. In llisier linn Valley, t'aihoit county,
l'a., at one o'clock 111 the uf lernooii of
Thursday, Maroh 31st, 1887,
a lot of Valuable I'ersoual Property, liicludlngi
Oug Spring: Wagou, One Farm Wagon,
One Fanning .Mill, One Straw Cutter, One I'low.
One Harrow and Chains, Small Ixt of liar and
Straw-, Two llcds and lleddlug,
Ono Cooking Stove,
Tw u Crow bars.Oiie Ii on and Tw o Copper Kettles,
Forly Yards oi Homc-Maie Carpel.
One Hatter Churn, all Iflml. nf -ri.,...A
ICicH-kertnare. mid many other articles loo
limueroiia to mention.
Terms and coiKllUiini will be made known nt
time sud pt.xe ol tale, by
Stan-Is' AAItON SHI I.
Black Silks.
Gro drain and Cachlmire,
Kadamas, Kadzanias,
IEiidzaina Unrric,
Triatlncs, Surahs,
Faille FrancaUe,
Armurcs, and Inipctrice.
Dlack and Colored Hrocades,
lihick and Colored Morics,
Colored Striped Surahs, 2 and 3 Toned,
Mack .Satin with White Cardinal and Gold
Central Drug Store,
on. Tin: r-uuMo hquaiie,
Hank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
Is prepared for the Tall and Winter Trado
with a fresh supply ot
Drugs and Medicines,
Choice Wines & Liquors,
Cigars, etc.
Prescriptions carefully compounded nt all hour!
of the day or night.
Full Lino of
-A N II-
Library &. Stand Lamps,
in all styles, and at all prices.
fitted to the eye and satisfaction
. .
PUAniinAT TinDOl? OUflPUTn
1 llilU 1 1'Jfl.JJ UUllOlil " UflUJllllm,
7. .S.V.'!'.Ve.rr."!'.f '1ilm.v!"K ""fc'ld tho well-known
i-i1".""-' IIC'C-T. IH.AC Kh.Ml lll KTAXIl
W. .1. Si-llllliel. Il tiriu'ttr..
('. Hll.l.YAIIIi. a 1-ruril
he sen lees of 11.
liiston. All kinds of CUSTOM WOIIK neatly
and cheaply dune.
at Hnrse-Shner of
Horso-Shooing a Sppolalty.
I'lease (five us a call and tie convinced.
Keh 19-jm North Street, Lhlj:liton.