The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 12, 1887, Image 1

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    The Carbon Advocate,
lished every Saturday In ' Lelilgliton,
Carbon County, roiin)lvanl.i, by
Etafcry V. Morthimov, Jr.
BANK STltUin1.
$1 00 Por Yoar in Advanoe '
Best advof Using medium Initio eoindy.
lvorydcsciptlon of 1'lnln and Fancy
'At very low'prlcoj. Wo ilo not hesitate to say
tbat we aro bolter eipipped than any other
printing establishment In tins section
to do 1irit-"l.m Job-work, In all
Its branches, at Imv prices.
Professional & Business Carfls.
Horace Hoydt,
' OrriCEt Tito 'Room recently occupied by W, M,
MAy bo consulted In English and German.
July 4-ly
' W. M Rapsher,
first ddor above tho Manvton House,
Ileal Estate filM Collodion Agency. Will I'uy
. (mil Sell Real Estate. Couvcyanclni! neatly done.
'Collections prqmptly made. Nettling I-.statespt
'Dee.-dents a specially. May be consulted In
English ami Merman. nuv. ir.'-yt
H. V, Morthimer, Sr.,
KbTARY runLic,
Offices "Carbon Advocate" ome'e,
All business pertaining to the offlcc w 111 receive
prompt attention. mar. 10
O. V. Kleintop,
Instructor in Music,
"itobhfiis' American Classical Methods a special
ty, Terms moderate. iiuk H-tf
General Fire & Life Insurance Aff't.
The following; Companies aro Represented:
Lebanon Mutual Flic,
Heading Mutual Fire,
Wyoming Flic,
J'ottavllle Fire,
'Lehliib Fi'r'c'aiidtho
Travelers Accident Insurance.
'Also, ronnsjlvanla an t Mutual Horsu Tblet De
tective and Insurance Company. marjo-yl
W. G. M. Seiple,
May bo c'ous'iiUed In English and Ucrman.
Special attention given U Gynecology.
. Ofpice llomts; From VI M. to 2 1". M., and
from 0 to 3 1". M, mar. 3l- 1
-F. A. Rabenold, D. D. S.,
BhANCit Officii : Out .1. V. Raudcnbusb's
Llipior Store,
'PiMitlslry In all Its iraiinbes. , Tne.tli.JJvtraflted
without Mm. (la's administered w lieu ictiiiested.
Office Days-WEDNIMDAY r each week.
P. O. address, LITZENltEUti,
Jjii 3-yl Lchlnh county, l'a.
W. A. Cortright, D. D. S.,
Officii: Opp. the "Uroadwny House,"
Patients have the bandit hf tbo latest Improve
menu In Mechanical Appliances iiml Illu Heat
Methods of Treatment In all Surgical Oases.
'ANajsrHHTlC administered If desired. If pos
sible, persons residing outside of Mauch Chunk,
should make tiiruuiiciiiciits by mall. J H-y I
r. Gr. T. FOX
Vltlts Allcntown regularly on TIIUKSD.VY of
Vaeh wctk. l'raetlcu limited to
Diseases of the Eye and EaV.
atee at Haydcn's American Hotel, and Oniee
Hours from 9 A. M. to 3:30 1', M. Also attends to
Jidtractum of the Emi forthe proper niljustiueut
V)f tllaues, and for the Relief and Cnre of Optl
'til Detects.
May also be consulted at liHiomco In BATH,
Wednesday and MJtuulayof each week, at HAN
UOK on Monday, and at EASTUN on Tuesdav of
each weelr, Jan s-yl
Bisi BrtKET, hudWu'roV.
The Csrbon House oilers llist-el.iss acenmmnda
Worn to the traveling public. Ito.irdhi!: by the
day or week on reasonable terms. Choice Cigars,
Wines ami Liquors aln ays on hand, ( iood sheds
file) Stables, with very iiuvmlvo Hustlers, at
aatied. apiio-yl
Midway between Mauch Chunk & bclilghton,
PACKERTON, - - Pes-x.
This wilLknAwn Hotel Is admirably refitted, and
tint the best aecommod.illoiis for periiiiineiil and
transient boarders, i:cellcr.t 'fables and the
very best Liquors. Stables attached. fcepio-yl
Mansion house.
Opposite I.. H 6. Depot,
C, H, HOM, 1'ltOfltIETOli.
This lions offers ftrst-eJaM accommodations for
transient ana permaiicm uoaiucrs. u lias neeil
newly relllteiliu all Its departments, and is locat
ed In one e! the. iiiikI picturesque portions of the
borough. Terms moderate. sV The 11 A 11 Is
kuppllcd with the choicest Wines, LI, puns and
Cigars. 1'iesli Uiger un Tan. np lT-yl
Announces to Ids fiierids and the public gener
jilly, that lie has now open for their
Uon his new and handsomely furnlslied
It E S T A U It A N T ,
hextdobr to the 1st National Hank, llAX'K ST.,
lhlL-liloil, and that lie is uoir prepaied Id furu
Uli Kirit-Class
Meals at Short Xotico!
f'hellarls supplied wllh the best WJues, Fresli
iser Iteer and Choice Cigars, You atu eordlal
y invited td call. aprai-yl
ufJJx fa
Iici)ectlully dnnmiiiecs to tbo public, that lie lias
Opened a NEW LIVEUY STAlil,i:;audthat he Is
now iireuarcd to furiiUh Teams for l-'uuerals,
WedJlu;s or lluSlness Trips nu the shortest llo
ticeail, mo-it liberal terms. Orders left at tlie
"Carbon House" will recche prompt attention.
neit thd Hotel, Ibightuii. Jau'."-yt
hiehton aud others that iio is 'now prepared td
OO Kit klims 01
IlAUltNG fJF FliEldliT, E.ti'UESS
.t very r isonable prices. Ily prompt attcnilon
oall oid'rslm hopes to meilt a sliare o( public
Pttronaif. l(esldi'iice- enhierot I'lnennd Iron
Orders lelt at heenv & Son'8 Corner Store
WJI recelir o piomjit atleiitlou.
tnni,'U 't. . UR&TNEY
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
VOL. XV., No. 17.
A, J. LitzenlierEer's Column.
I have 'just received u 'case of
I got i to sell for removing
paint from floors "or anywhere
else from which you wish to're
thrive it and to cleanse grcas
spots. 'It is also useAil for many
other purpose's among which 'is
to make soap. 'I have circulars
for distribution, 'call and get
Have "received to-day, four
cases' oT '
Barker's Horse, Cattle
& Poultry Powder, ,
which I intend to ktfbpin connec
tion with the
Blue 'toss CouQition Powders,
and rccomnie'tid both makes as
exceptional as to value and
quality, it indeed a
mendatioh is necessary,
circulars to spa're.
Ilave 1 haVti 'now iut in four of
the W. and K DOUGLAS
FORCE PUMPS and have
sent in my orders for four more,
all of which are sold and will be
placed a"s "so'&h as they arrive. 1
am having a grand success with
them. Everybody is pleased. I
can please you if you give me a
chance to put one in your well
I also 'keep in stotrk the CU
My stock of Oils of all kinds,
Paints of all kinds,
Woven Wire,
Wagon Greas, .
Iron Kettles-,
Copper K'ettles,
Glass, etc., etc.,
is as 'complete as ever, and can
give you good figures.
I wish to add that I have
leased the coal yard recently
built by M.V Samuel Seilcr, and
am ready to furnish you with
COAL of a SUl'EltlOR quality at
reasonable prices and will guar
antee you GOOD WEIGHT.
Feed Cutters, Corn Rliellers
and the likes ill the machine
line being now in season, 1
would call yodr Attention lo my
stock of tliem. I sell none but
thB best, at prices below which
it is inipossiblti to sell and live
by it.
Calcined Plrtslcr,
Pewter Srttid,
Whiting; etc.
SiiEirF Hardware,
last biit not least, and airt con
stantly adding to it.-
Low Prices and Honest Me
Ai J. Lifzenbefger, Ait,
lit Door Below L & & Depot,
Street, Le
w w mm
Sale Bills Prima at this Office.
Opposite tlio Carbon House, Hank Street, Lclilgli.
ton, renn'a.. ceils
Writclies-'! Clocks '
and. Jewelry,
Clibapcr on an nveraKO than can be bougbt any
"where die In the county. Call and see.
In alt ts branches, neatly, 'cheaply and prompt'
ly attended to.
SdicooL Books
Stationers Supplies
noveniber 28 ly
Do Ttfnr Ofern Dyalnfr, at Home, with
They will Dye eyerytblnir. They are sold ovrrys
where, l'rlce 10c. a package 40 (.'Mors. Tliev
have no equal lor Slienglli, Jlr1fln(ucss, Amount
hi i ucitaue or mr i usiifcoH oi tonir, or on-iati-IncOualltles.
They do not nuck or smut. For
Kiletiy T. U. THOMAS,
The Carbon Advocate.
$1.00 Per Year.
Single Copies, FIVE Cents.
in the Advocate.
For fewest Designs and Most Fashionable
Styles of
Bank Strce't, Lehighton.
Gouds cuarniileed bnd prices ds low as else.
wbei'b fiir thesjlne quality of good.
July 18, 1SS5 ly
Wall Paper and Decorations,
Windcw Sbiin Is Painters Supplies,
Paper Hanging, Honse and Bicn Falntinir,
Cals'bmins and Draining
Ilank Street, Lehlghtoif, l'en'n'a.
House and Lot for Sale.
t One-half Lot, sn x 189 feet, sltnato on
Iblgli Klref t,, .near t lie 2tcw .Hound
HoilKe. tliou wfllell U erected a eoiiil
Tno-story Funiie House, fil x a feet. A never
falllUR well of l'ure .Water, and u, number of
cholco lii Trees mid Vines on the lx)t. A nice
uouir ioi iituiiau nullity, i-ur.icnup, ivur, can at
the Uahuux Advocatk Oifice, Itank street.
iunu 'js-tf
can Ua at liojAe, and lO'ikc more money
lit unit: fnMls tflflll lit nliltlitmr In
the world. Capital lint needed : you are
started free. liotb sexes; nil ajjes. Any one can
no me work. j.ari;earnlui:ssui'e rroiu II is I Mail.
Costly oulllt and terms flee. Hotter not delay
''osts you nothliiK to semi us Miur addiesaud
iiimi inn; ii jiiu iiriMisi. ,v.ihiii uu hu in once
n.iiAi.i.Kii- c. I'oiiianu, .Maine. ueciMy
Weissport Business Directory.
Flour, Feed and Furniture,
Tobacco and Cigars,
East Weisspoft, Penn'a.,
lmltesllie iveoplcof ll'clssport and lclnlly to
call and examine his larito HMirtinent
of Roods before purcliasini; elsehelo
Prioes Low as the Lowest !
to si:ll the new
Improved Westerii Washers !
40,000 Now in Use!
And sales' constantly Increasing. It nosltltrly
leads theili nil. lluy no oilier. Write for terms.
AAltO.V F. SNl'DEU, Jlfes. Agt..
aut'13-ly Welsspoit, Cntbou Co., l'a.
t Aunt & suwi:i.t,j
The WeissptiH Bakery,
Fresh llrcad and Cakes ever) day. DelU cred In
Lehhilitoii and Jlaiieh Chunk every Tuesdaj,
Tlutrnlay and S.iHirilay. tSTicnlei, rartles,
Cdnlii-ileetliiei, Weddlnss, Funerals supplied at
sboit notiic, aut'U!t7,
This house oilers flrst-clliss ncediuinoilatlons to
the jieriiiaiicul bo.inl(!r nnd transient guest,
l'anlc prices; only One lollar per day.
aug7-ly JoifK ltEiatia, I'roprletor.
All Kirids of Jewelry !
Scliooi Boois ami Stationery.
jrcjiutT.M IT
Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna,, 'March 12, 1887.
TOf cobs 01
Cures E:cui'.l(, W uracil,
llMkaik. llaJarbe, Tsetliarbt
PltltK, fifty ci:nts.
JlI Drufcl.ta ftnil
thk riuntn A.soarLrnci).,iui.TioiiB, mi
JVeo. from optute Vtncitcs ii3
fUE CIU11LL3 1. YUdLLCIl (0. 1UUIS10RE. SO.
niNAii m.uija uviac.K.
"Sho lovrs ullioyc'th)it cannot tire,
And If, ah, wad I sho lines alone,
Throimb passlonate'duty'tar tbipieahlBlicr,
As grass grows taller loiiud a stone."
So, the truth's out. I'll grasp It like .1 snake,
It will not slay me. Jly lieait shall not break
Awhile, If only for the children's sake,
For his, too, soi'uewlmt. Let lilpi etainl un-
blamedi ,
None Siiy, ho gave nie less than 1'ionor cl,i)incd,
Except one tillle scarcely orIi being named
The heart, Tftat's gbi'16. The ' corrupt dead
might bo
As easily raised up, breathing, fair to sec,
As he coujd bring his whole heart'b'ack to' pie.
I never fed'uglit'ltliu In coquettish sport,
Or courted lilm as silly maidens court,
And wonder when tho longed-for prize falls
'l only )qycd liini, uny )von'mi wouldi
But shut ny )oe up till lie came and sued.
Then poured It o'er Ills dry life like a flood,
I w as so happy I could make liipi blest I
So happy that I was Ills first and be.sf,
As ho mine, when he took me to bis breast.
Ah met If only then lie had been true I
If for one little year, a month or two,
He had glen me love for love, ns was my duel
Or had be told 1110, ere the depd was done,
tie only raisea me to Ills heart s dear throne
Foor substitute because the queen was gone!
0, had ho wlilspeicd, when his sweetest kiss
as warm upon my mouth in r.inclcd bliss,
He had kissed another ivoinan euui as this,
It weie less bidet! Sometimes I could Ween
To be thus clicaled, like a child asleep;
ere not my anguish far too dry and deep.
So I built my bouse upon another's ground;
Mnpljn.lti.tlhn I. a.. 1.. , ... lT- - .1 . 1. .
...... 1, 1(1 ,1. b 1.1 U I It ,11, I UUUII11U
.v cankered thing that looked so flrjn'and sound.
And when that heait grew coldcr.-colder still,
I, Ignorant, tiled all duties to fulfill.
Warning my foolish pant, cxaetlug will,
All, amthtua but him. It was to bo
The full ilraught otburs drink up carelessly
U'.iu ......I., '.lilu !. !.'.. H....
uua iti..i.u uuwr x.iiiiaius-cuii lor illO,
I say ngalu,-lie gives me all I claimed,
I and my children never shall be shamed:
lie is 11 Just nntr,-1io wni not be unblamcd,
Only-Q God, O God, to cry for bread.
And get a stone! Dally to lay my head
Upon a bosom where the old lore's dead!
Dead? Fool! It never lived. Tt inlv .tiVrn.i
Galvanic, llko ail liour-eold coirsc1. None
beard :
So let mo bury It without a w ord.
He'll keep that other woman from my slgtit.
I know Abl If Iter face bo f6uV6r bright;
I only know that it WasTils d'ellgli't
As his was mine; I only know he s ands
I'ale, at the touch of their long-severed hands.
Then to a flickering smile his lips commands,
Lost I should grieve', orjealo'us anger show.
He need not. When the ship's gone down, I
Wc Utile reck whatever wind may blow.
And so my s'lfenl moan beglns'iind endi,
No world's laugh or woild's taunt, no pity of
fi lends
Or sneer of foes, w t lids my torment blends,
Xono k)ois, none heeds. 1 have a little pride;
Enough to Hand up, wlfellke, by his side,
With the same smile ps when I was his bride.
And I shall Like his children to my arms;
They will not inlss these lading1, worthless
Their klss-abl unljkc his all pain disarms.
And haply as the solemn years go by,
He will think sometimes, with regretful sigh,
The other woman was less true than I.
"ll'liat Is lie like. I wondor tall and
dark and princely, lite tileldedl llcro of mvl
dreams, or plain, awkward and insignifi
cant, ami reil-liaired, perhaps? Uglil"
And ns this terrible, after-thought flashes
across pretty katlile'i ililikl, she catches
her breath in dismay and slmilderly lets
fall the volume of poems w hich has been
her conlpaulon under the. drooping boughs
in the romantic "Willow Valk" all this hot,
drowsy summer afternoon.
Kathie has never had 4 hero; save III .her
girlish Uay-Urcaliis.
Dut now her school-Jays are over she It
free at last front the restraints of Madame
Fortescue's seminary; where she has passed
years of almost nun-like seclusion, and she
is getting her first taste tit roai life n along
visit to a school friend, who has been ex
periencing the delights of freedom and so
ciety for a whole year previous to Kathle's
owii emancipation.
As for Kathie Leigh, she will never Ijave
any formal i:N'Ti:i:i: Into the social world.
But tills does not bother K.ilhlc In the.
least. She is quite pontent witli the un-
conventional manner In which she starts
out In life In fact, tlilriks nothing could
bo more dellshlful than tho "lilt or miss
style;" as she term's It, In which slip Is to
make the acquaintance of her own fdttlre;
reads poetry under the trees at beautiful yonder In the village, and only awaits a Chicago riots. Ariierlcap; "Oh, yes; scv
Willow Lodge, and Just now Is' chiefly In- signal from me to come up to Willow Lodge eral of the Injured policemen were Irish
tctcsted in the hero who Is about to appear
upon tho scene' ,
"How delightful! What Is ho IlktrStella?
is lie handsome?" had been her first eager 1
question' When Stella: Norton had told her
of the expected guest.
"Now, I'nf not or.o bit wiser on that
point than you are yourself," Stella had 1
laughingly replied. "I've never seen him.
I In his letter, Fred pronounces film a
char oilny fellow; but you know tbxt broth
I-ive 'and Let Live."
er of mine, liow extravagant he, Is In.hls
likes and dislikes. We can only tfalt pa
tiently until p sco tills Mr. Mortimer,
Kathie, I can deerlbe the other ope, Sid
ney Hurst," she added, In a tone pf Inter
"Oh, I don't care about hint, lie u 'too
nidi" K-nM, I 1 !.,. t.1 l.t iti'u.
.... ""'UIV, UMU IllVVIIUJJlbU lllVii t(.kija
tiently. '
"Yes, ttilrly-flvo'lsrathcr old," smiled
Stella, vvitli tho superior wisdom of her
year "out" in society "Too old for a
(J)oardliig-school miss to think of as a Iiprp.
Well, I sincerely hope Mr. MortlmcrAvllI
not dlssapi)liit your expectations."
Kalhlo's flicart Is fluttering strangely as
ihe ca'mcs ilown the broad, shaflow stairs
In tho evening to meet the newly-arrived
A dozen or so of young peGplo aid gath
ered In the loiig, delightful drawing-room,
Sho shakea, ' hands cordially with .Fred
Norton, an old acquaintance, then finds
herself acknowledging an introduction tc
i r ,.!... I'. . ,
.ui. ..Mui inner, wiiom unc swiit, any glance
from her dark eyes has shown her to bo
handsomer than Ticr'tvlldest dreams have
pictured him.
He is her perfect Ideal tall, dark and
handsome, In the stylo of a Spanish knight
and Willi a smile tfiat Is fpscinatlon Itself,
A telegraphic, dance from Stella's laugh
Ing eyes across the loom brings a swift
rose-flush to Kathle's exquisitely fair
cheeks; hut she looks hack again to those
other fresTrrSO datk and deep and eloqupnt
ly beautiful that have already enthralled
her, and forgets all else.
"Ho will break her heart before he leaves
here," mutters Sidney Hurst to himself,
watching tho two singing together t Hie
piano, a half lipur later. "He's going about
It In tlje 'pld'regulallon, Vay. But tliere's
no usp'in frying lo give Iter a hint ofvam
ing. WJiat woman wpuld heed it, with
those Spanish 'eyes of 'Ills looking love
straight into Hers? tfd, 'no; as well leave
her tp her fate. It's a cursed shame,
though" his keen, yet pleasant blue-gray
eyes kindling with sudden anger. "Such a
sweet, pure, Innocent face she has some
pride and spirit there, too, If I'm nojnls
taken. Ah, well!" with a half-stifled
sigh under his heavy blonde mustache
"why should 'I paid? Jt is no affalr-of
dark shadow drifts over the strong,
unreadable hloiulo face of Sidney Hurst as
he thus watches her.
Perliaus Jiojs thinking of tho few care
less weirds, the passing, Indifferent little
smilc-whtch had been all the notice she had
taken of his presentation to her,perhaps ho
Is thinking of the gulf of years that lies be
tween her age and his.
Whatever it tnay be, It boon passes away,
and hp mingle' 'pleasantly with the guests,
proving himself an exceedingly attractive
man the moment he cares to be so. If
thereafter he feels any particular Interest
in' Kathie, or the fate he has predicted for
her, 'lie does not make it known by wortl or
A month passes away with no abatement
of Eugene Mdrtfincr's. devotion to Ka't'hle
Leigh, or In her shy, but very evident In
fatuation for him.
She has met her hero on the very thres
hold 'of her new existence, aud the roman
tic girl Is flvlng In a perfect dream of hap
piness, It Is at this time that Hurst returns ono
evening from a walk to the village auille
below', his fine, blo'ndo face wearing a
strange. cxprcsIon as he strides, with an
air of grim detennln'ht'lon, through the cool
shadows of the willow walk.
It is quite dark there now, save for 'the
faint starlight that cpmes shivering down
through tho willow boughs'-so dark that
Hurst's keen eyes do not seethe twofigut'es
walking there until ho Is so near that he
could almost touch them with his hand,
The Vu'4n t,s speaking In low, persuasive
accents, and Hurst suddenly stops", his
teetli set, his hands clinched tightly, every
nerve In his body quivering with the Inten-
slty of, tho rage and cmptipn which he Fan
"Since you promised last hlght to he Iny
wife In a few mouths, niy darling Kathie,"
Mortimer is saying sweetly', "why should
you object to hastening our marriage, and
making me sure of my lovely bride? For If
am compelled to go without you now,
Kathie, it l'nAy be a fohg long year before
I can return to claim you. ' . y
"But, Eugene," begins Kathlo, in her
sweet tones, that have a great thrill of
trouble In thehi.
"But, Katie," he mhiilcs, Interrupting,
"only think what may happen to delay my
coming back I And only think, darllng,how
romantic it will ho to el'ope together and be
far away before any one dreams of our
marriage. You need only to gather up
what jewels 'dud money you may have In
your possossloil', and when wc are really
'married, your papa will 1'orglve his pretty
He checks himself suddenly, as if he had
said sometlllue uiiinlended;'andKatli!o stops
'abruptly In her wait.
"Jewelsl heiress!" sho echoes in tones
of intense astonishment, "Why, Eufi'ene,
you must bo dreaming. I ftin no heiress."
"Then I I Well, never mind that,
darling" recovering slightly from his con
fusion "I'm glad I was mistaken about it.
love you, Kathie;" very passionately
Mo ybtt love mo well enough to fly with roe
now this very everting "
"Villain! scoundrel!" crlcsSIdncy Hurst;
breaking in upon the scene, his faeo white,
his voice low and tense with rage unutter
able. "I.cavo this young lady Instantly,
and see to It that ybtt never again dare to
Insult her evqn by your presence. You, a
married man I" t
"Married I" echoed' kathie, faintly, anil
sho stagsers fotwtffa and leans, white and
trembling, (.gainst one of the swaying wil
lows; "It's a lie!" cried Mortimer, hoarsely.
''Is it?" rctohs Hurst, with desperate
calmness. "Very well, deny It if you like.'
However, your wife Is at the hotel down
yonder In the village, and only awaits a
signal from me to come up to Willow Lodge
and Inform Miss Leigh and all your friends
hero who and what you art. Now, you
may go or stay until (b-morrow just
trembling, bgaliiit one of the swaying yvil-
"It's a lie!" cried Mortimer, hoarsely.
"Is It?" retorts Hurst, wllh desnerate
calmness. "Very well, deny It if you like.'
However, your wife is at the hotel down
and Inform Miss and all vour friends
here who and what you are. Now, you I
may go or stay until (b-morrow just
which you chopsa.V
which you chopsa.V
For one Instant Eugene Mortimer stood
For one Instant Eugene Mortimer stood
still and stared at the pale-faced, quiet,
resolute man before him like a wild animal
brought to bay.
Then, grinding his heel savagely In the .
gravelly walk beneath, he mutters a terrible I
I tnpreAllop, and swiftly (ufns Away.
And that Is the last that JC.ithle ever sees
of her ideal knightly Iir'ro.
"Is tnls, true, Indeed?" sheasks shudder
Ingly, asSIdncy Hurst half supports her
with his arm while they walk slovVly to tiie
houso together, .
"It Is trite, Indeed,' Miss Katie," he ansf
wers gravely. "1 knew the' man tp hp,'a
selfish, heartless flirt always, Imt flllVnpt
dream of all his baseness until a few days
ago, when chance threw In my way the
knowledge of his marriage. In order tp
save you from being prje of his victims) as
I know well' Ifie ' power of the fellow's las
dilations I set to work at once to find jils
wife. It prpvpd an easy matter, and she
arrlyed' pn tho evening train, and, Is nov,ns
I said, at thcilllagaiiotel. And oh,Kath'lp
MssLclgh" hjstrong voice trepihjlrjg
with passionate feeling "howlIthakJ'd
that 1 was in time to save you I"
"How can I ever thank or repay you?,'1
she murmurs,.:, her sweet, jiajp face raised
gniifnniy to tlie tender starlight.
"Perhaps I will tpll you some day, Kath
le," he answers softly, with n slight pres
sure of iip llttlp fiand rfsl'PB "PPnl'ils
arm. i, . . t .
That was one year ago, and to-day kath
ie s hero, the Ideal herp, not only of her
drpaus, but of her real, actual, happy life,
Is her own bravp, truo husband whom she
wedded just three months ago, and whose
name Is Sidney Hurst.
a country gentleman lately arrived nt
Boston, and immediately repaired to the
house of a relative a lady whp had niarrlcd
a merchant of that city. v
The parties were glad to seo him, and
Invited him to tliplr house as his home, as
he declared his Intention of remaining In
that city but a day or two. , ,
The husband pf the lady, anxious to show
his attention to a relative nnd friend of liU
wife, took tlie gentleman's horse to a llverv1
Staple on nanevet street.
Finally the visit became a visitation, and
the merchant, aftep a lapsi of eleven days
found, besides lodging and boarding, the
gentleman, a pretty considerable bill had
run up at the livery stable. . Therefore, lie
went to the matj who kept tlie stable, and
told htm when lro took the liorse be Would
pay the bill. .
"Yory good, sir," said the stable-keeper;
"I understand you."
iVccordlngly, In a short time, the country
gentleman went to the stable and ordered
his bpuse fb bp got ready, The bill, of.
course, was presented.
"Oh!" said tlie gentleman, "Mr. ,
my relative, will pay this."
"Very well, sir," said the stable-keeper.
"Please get an order from Mr. . It
will be tne same as money.'
Tlie,horso was put it'p'njjafri, and down
went the country gentleman to Long Wharf
where the merchant kept.
"Well," said he, "I nm going now."
"Are you?" said tlie merchant. "Well,
good-bye, sir."
"Well, About Ufehprsc the man says the
bill must b'o'paid for his keeping." .
"Well, I suppose that's all right,"
"Yes well, but you know I'm your wife's
"Yes," said the merchant, "I know; but
vo u'r horse s npt'i' '
"What Is this toboggan business that wc
read so much about In the papers?" he
asked In a Grand Hl'vcr Avenue sjoro the
other 'daV'as lie and his wife stood warm
ing their hands at tho etovo'. . .
"Why, a toboggan is a high platform
with an.JcV slide rnuning down,"
"Yes." . ..,
"You get up there with your sled, take
a pretty girl on for a partner, and down
you go like greased lightning.;1
"Ghls aro willing, pro they?"
"OlV, yes,"
"Lot's of "cm around?"
"Dozens oV 'em," ,,
"Any toboggan plgh here?" , . , ..
"Now, that's enough!" said the wife as
she tinned on him. "If there, was twenty
tobbitgans between here and tho city hall
you'd go right along and sell them butter
and eggs 'a;id then jog homo with me with
out a slld'ol"
"Yes, 1 rccon I'd have to," remarked
the old man with an awful sigh, and then
he changed tlie subject to brown sugar and
baking powder. .
"Talking about traveling," said a news-
boy on a Northwestern ejepress, "I guess
I've done about as much traveling ps any
body in this country, I am now OS years
old, and liav'o been traveling pretty much
all my life. Ilrgan as a baby, traveled
with my father and mother three months,
then laid off six years. After that I began
selling papers on a suburban train In St.
Loulai and at 8 years of age got a regular
run out on tho Vandalla. ' Have been
worklhg a train ever slncc Tor allhost
thhty years I've bee,n riding on railway
cars regularly, and the other day I was
calculating that I'd traveled Ir my time
2,60).000 miles, or equal to 100 limes around
the world. The fact Is, gehtleiiietij I was
born on a train."
"Out In Nebraska.",
"How old are you?,"
"Thirty-five years," ,
"You are telling what Isn't so: Thlitj
five years ago there weren't any railways
in Nebraska."
"Who said there was? I was born on
board a mule train bound for California,
and it took us tjireo months to get thefts.
Let me soil you this copy of Hot) Ingerspll's
'Mistakes pf Mpses,"
Gentleman: "Why I have Just given you
something." Beggar: "Yes; that was for
playing the fiddle; but I also do totuething
in the becttinc line."
Englishman! "I fancy a great t'nany
Irishmen, you know, were concerned In the
"Smith Is fionest, isn't he, Mr. Stamps?"
"Oh, yes;" replied the postmaster; "bon
estest man lii the village. Has to be.'
Ain't a man lathe country that'll trust
"What do you call those animals that
live partly on land and portly In water?'
asked a teacher of a new boy. "Bathers,"
replied the boy, who bad passed the sum
raer at thi ssashotf,
$1.26 when not paid in Advance.
Single Copies 5 Cents.
Thp boy tha sprained his ankle lias a
very lame cxcusiijfor not attending school.
A local trage((lap'ii,)neapolls by the
name of Barol Is so given tognathtB s
teeth when ho rants, that they call iilni a
The reduction of internal revenue mid the
taking off of revenue stamps from Propriet
ary Medicines, no doubt uis largclv benefit
ted eonsunie5i,us well ns relieving the burd
en f lipme inauufactitrers, Imperially h
thlstliocaso with CtflEKN'sAliOl'ST I'l.OWEIl
and Bosciiek's GEnjtAN Syhup, ns the re-
iiuciuiii ui iiriy-six cents per dozen, lias.
been nddpd (p.inercase the size of the bntllec
containing jji remedies, thereby giving
HHP-fifth .more medicine in tho "" rent size.
TJie AucysT Fi.ownn for Dyspepsia and
Liypr Cpinpjuint, and the Gkiimaj Syhup
for Cough nr,d,Lung trmildpK, hayc' perhaps,
the largest sa,le of any In (hp world.
The advantage vl. lucreased le of (lip bottles
)1 ill bp grqntly apprpciatpd ( tck and
afllictcd, in every town aip) village in civil
ized countries. .Rj'wplp opttlps for 1U centh
remain the same aba.
A sailor pa) truihfully speak pf the
vessel In which, hp sails as Ills place of his
, Bertle-r'''l,a, who's that a picture of?"
Pa "Father Time, with his scythe."
Bettler'fBut, pa, lie's nearly bald." Pa
"Yes, most eld gentlemen arc." Bertie
"But, say, ps, thought Time had a fore
lock." . inks it This Month,.
Spring rapidly fl'ipri aches, and it is im
portant nun every opp bliould bo prepared
lor the depressing effects of iho chnnginp
sca.on. This is the time to'pii,rify the blood
and strengthen the Hydem. by' taking Hood's
Suruaparilla, which stand.) unequalled ns a
spring medicine, and lias cndqrscmcntofn
character seldom given any proprietary
medicine. A book containing statements ol
hp many wonderful cures it has accom
plished, will be sent upon' application to C.
I. IIixxl & Ca, Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass
100 Doses One Polljir.
ion you're down )ny way drop in,"
remarked Hio wpl-water to the "old oaken
iV'fter a 'vain seich for his umbrella;
tho iady tenant said: "It js.'npwhere to bo
found, nnd I nm satisfied It has been
stolen." "Yoti tnav bo satisfied." renlled
he; "bnt I'm blessed if I am."
Wopderfal Curcjj
W, D. Hovt A Co . Wholesale nnd Itetnil
Druggists of Home, tJa.,tay; We have been
selling Dr. K hug's New Discovery, Klectric
Hitlers and Hueklcu's Arnica Salve fur two
years, .Ilnvc'hpve'r Mndcd reinwlias that
oaII nat.nll i .1 . ! .1 1
ov.,1 ..a .-tii, nivu oueii tiuiverbiii saiiMac
lion. There have been somo wonderful
cures effected by thebe medicines in this
city. Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of a
few bottles pf Pr. King's New Discoverv,
taken in connection wjtl( sTvlectric Jitters.
We guarantee llie'ni al'wilys.
Sold by T, D. Thomas'. .
-AUsliaJs growing, apd there Is talk of
oreanlzing it Into a Territory. It has Its
seal already.
"I am full of ambition," said tho young
man to his elderly ftlend. "Well, lam
really clad to know that at least once you
are full of something cjsp than 'b'pe'r'," Was
tlio reply.
pncltii'n's A'rn'lca Sft'ljre.
.Tlio best salvo in the wot Id for cuts.
bruises', sores,ulcers,salt rhuem, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively cures
piles, or no pay rprmlrod. , It Is guaranteed
to give pej'iect s'atlsfactfo
noil, ,or money-re-box,
at Thomas'.
funded, l'rico 2.jc. per 1
One tlifnj; can be said In favor of the
Ico man. .. If he has any Jef t ovpr, he doesn't
wi r.u It tip for breakfast'.
A fashionable weddlntr nrosent Is n
door plate with the bridegroom's name on
it. Tills should be followed tin With a
.1 t .' i
door to laelc the, plate pn nnd a bouse to
liang tne door on, nnd an acre to plant the
house on, then the plate would be of some
Or.Fraier's Haglc Ointment.
A sure cure for all bolls, burns, soros, cuts,
flesh wounds; ,sbro nipple, Iwru and soft
corns, chapped lips and hands.. 1'ricc .'0
rents. Sold by druggjf ts. )VlllIams Jl'f'g.
OO., i-rop s., uieveiauu, u. doiu uy x
Thomas, the druggist.
Naomi was live huhdrcd and
years old when she got married,
the Iilbln Is a great consoler.
Sale bills printed at this office.
.Dr. Frazier's Boot Bitters.
Frazler's lioot Jlltters arc not a dram
shop beverage. Hut arc strictly medicinal
in every sense, 'ihey act strongly upon th
liver nnd kidneys, keep the bowels open
and regular, cleanse the lilpoil and system
of every impurity, soul uy druggists, tl
At Thomas' drug store.
Something peculiar about a match,
No matter hpw yoit drop It, it always
lights on Its, head if It lights at all.
VTktn IUby M Uk, m gre her Castorta,
When aha hi a Child, she cried for Caatort'a,
When iris hecant Us, she clunc to eaator,
hteil aba bad Children, aha gate thorn Caatoria
It Is only after sli'o becomes a cchlena
rlan that a woman Is willing to own tip to
her age.
Ashnm, Ilronchlls, Consumption. Kon
tnluc's Cure relieves ;rt rpld ll 1',' hours.
Sold by C, T- Horuj DriiHglst,
-IIow p make a girl's rom tlrctlvo
-put tho girl In it,
Hay i'cycr, .stbtna. Imthcdlate relief,
Fontaine's Cure. For salt) by C. T, Horn.
Tlie fashionable collar will be hlgli with
a wdq spread.
No Cure No J'ay. A npw departure In
medicine I Fontaine's, Great Dlscqvcry re
moves the cause of disease,; namely, dis
ease germs, T)ils guarantee means some
thingfor ."Knowledge is power." For
sale at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store.
A German inventor has devised a inc.-.
chine for deadening the sound of tho piano.
Next to a machine for deadeulng pianists
this Is a splendid discovery.
I have used Dr. Scih Arnold's Cough
Killer with much benefit to myself, 1
would most cheerfully rrcoromend it, tp the
tiublic as an excellent. Ii'oallnir remedv. K.
O. CusliIng.'TfioinaaloR, Knox county, Me..
.Mnr,c;(i 3.), lljSO. .
For coBtivcness.blliouancs. headache and
ull feverish habits use Dr. Scth Arnold's
IiUIotis Fills. 25c.
"Walter, Is this an old or a new her
ring that you brought me?" "Can't you
tell." "No." "Well, then, wbt differ'
ence dots It tnlte''
Advertising Rates
For Legal Notiop.
The followjng prices for legal
Ing has hcpn adopted by the Caimioh
Advocate. . iy
Charter Nptlcos ..... . $4 00
Auditor's Notices' - - - 4 00
Commissioner's Notices. - - 4 00
Divorce Notices - - 4 00
Administrator's Notices - - S 00
Exc-cutor's Nollcp. - - 3 00
Other legal advertising will bo charged for
by tho square.
H. V, llorthlmer, Jr., Pnbllshcr.
Aro You aillous?
Til Ktnlaler nntraili U curt, I moil
theerfullr reeommenJ it to all wr0 tuflor (rem
a.lioul Attacks v any Dlieaso f ued W a tlj
arranged state of the Liver.
Hahias City, Mo, V, B. pERNAKp.
. Do You Want Good iMgcatlon?
I lulfereJ Intenselv wllli Full Stomnek. frif.
skt, etc. A neisMior, who had taken Simmon,
Ller Kecu'ator, told me It was a aure cure lot
my trouble. The firtt dole I took reliered ma
very mucn, ana in one eek i time I wa, nt tro;
nu nearly as ever 1 wa. u tht Nit nttui
I fVtr titokfor Dytttia.
Kichhpup, Va. f l. (J, CRENSHAW,
Do You Suffer from Gonqtlpatlonl
TeHimony of Hiram Waknhh, Chief-Juttict ol
Ga. ; " I hnve mcd Simmons Liver Regulator for
Contttpation of my Uowejs, caused by a temporary
Derangement of the LWcr,Tor the last three or
four years, and always vjilK a'eciJtJ ttmJSI."
Have You.MalarIa.7
I have had eiper.ence with Slmmoni LIvcrRegn.,
later since 1865, iuid regard it as tht frratril
titeaittit 0 tht txmtt for dlitastt tcuiar It
material teciont. So good a medicine deserves
universal commendation.
Kav. M. n. WHARTOH. .
Cpr. Scc'y Southern Daptist The(.4glcal pcuilnary,
See that yau (he, with the red 7,
4t front cf Wrapptr. prepared only by
solk rxoraiaTORfl,
E. F, LtjckwbAch?,.
Borders & Decorations,
Books, tafloiwrj. Fanoy Gooffs.
& Fixtures,
Latest Stjes, amits and pat hp, f Ocslrea,
Paints, Ojl,
Varnish, Putty,
ds x Lrener
al Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Mancli Phnnk. fa,
Ilelow the Ilroadway Hoiko,
For Yfueg'Men and Eoys. Media, $p,
13 mlle.9 from Philadelphia. Fixed piuM!ivc.'r
every expen'Se.even PikiUs, &e. Xu extriiieJmrc
es. 'n Inclilentiil fxpense1. .Vo tuiiinliiallolt
furiuliiil.vdnn. Twelve experlencTil leaeliers, all
men, and nil graduates, special iiiipoitiiiiltlci
for apt students to iidvmice mpltllv. Speilnl
drill for dull mid luielaMiril liovs. lMtrnns or
students may select any ninnies Pr tlii'ine the r
Kiilur Kiiiillsh, Silfiilirie, lluMiu'ij,- ('IsValenl or
Civil UiiEluct'ihiHtMirse. htuilenti lilted at Jln
dlaAcaucinyan'iiotv In 1 luv.-i nl, Yule, l'rlnec
ton mid ten (illmr Collci;i-s mid rnlMeeliulc
School. 10 students sent to eolleue in ts, 1.1 In
1681,10 In 1W, 10 In IStR. A piailiiiitliig cass
evciy year In the depiutiueiit. A
riiysknl mid Clieinli-nl Liilmriitiiiy, (Ijinn.-i.vliim
.md Hall trriniiil, i ISisl vnU, nddeil In I.lliiniy In
1883. Physical apiKiratu doublttl In ita, Jledla
has seven churches ami it temperance- .diattpt
which prnlillilts the sale of all Intoxicating
drinks. For ncutillu-trntt-il nri-iilnr adilres Iho
l'rmelnal tmil l'rnprlctur. KWITII1X ('. .SHtlltTr
I.IUGK, A.M.I (lliirvaifl Uraduutel Medlii, l'.i.
Aug. 7, fC-ly.
Subscribe for the Advocate.
Only $1 per Year,
ffr-5j OlilNTUN DRETNUY, fashlonahle
WtCid hoot and Hnoi!
Makicb. Hank St.
I.ehlk'liton. All
Carton Advocate
1 1
And cet all tho latest news,
' Including Interestm;' ow
York and Washln'tDn let
ters. You lutter join me.
It Is tho cheapest, largest
nnd DUST weekly pattqr 1
the Lehigh Valley. Try It.
Only $1 a Year.
Bank StitEKt, LEinniiTox, Pa,;
Miller and Dealer In
Flour and Feed.
All Mini OKA1N llOITdllT AND HOM) at
)ij:oui.Ait .MAitKirr i:,tim.
I would rospe.-lfully Inforiu
lie elllri ns of this
plaeo nnd vli ltilly tlmt I am fully pren
tlmt I am lully preiured
111 Ilippi) uu hi Willi an Minis oi
The Best of Coal
From any mine, at very
j 24 yl. Jf. IIHIlMAH.
iiiavejlist opened nCoal Yard In ennuedlou
With my hotel In Vi:.ssi'()ltr uln-iu can
constant!) be found all size uf the
Best of Coal !
at prleea fully r, lawns Hie lowest, niveuis
trial am) he convinced.
Henry Christrnari,
Port Alien tfoupo, Weissport.
Fafrbanks Klaudard Sc.iles In Connection,
I'e'Mp'''. ! 'E "'-
Goal, Coal, Ooai.