The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 29, 1887, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
l.KMIUHToN, t'V,
s V rUMUY, JASl'AlvY SO,
Already tliu weighty document published
at Mnucli Chunk, by tin! Gillespie oorp, Is
beginning to show up In Its trtio color.
An abortion upon the Inhering class, by en
tering Into the patent outside combination
which is the mentis of keeping out of cm
ployinent, oer three Itiousnnil practical
printers, who ns a result must neeils enter
th. army of "horrible tramps,"' by
the way, Is an article for whom the pub
lishers of the pamtihlct have shown a pe
culiar afllnlty. Anil It Is also a means of
keeping down the wages of those who are
members of the craft. In a recent Usue
th.u speculative s.iinplo of liypoer.icy crintr
insly ciioi llio "Aiiv'ocati: Indulges'
In a sneer at the IZ. of h. In that town."
Following a falso policy, it attempts to
niako tip what It lack's in substantial ele
ments by the enthusiastic utterances of
"CioJ save the poor laborer." The Anvo
r.vrr. has nlays been a tiiue exponent of
t!i rights of the people, the cllqun and
tool of no man or party, and Its present
high standard for truth and lidelltv to the
best Interests of t lie people has been reached
by honesty and sincerity of purpose and
not by flaunting tho llagor motto of hy
pocracy and deceit. As tho Advooatk
lias been In the pist, so it will prove to be
In the future; with "I.ivi: ami J-r.T
l.ivn" ns n criterion of Its purpose, It ulll
continue to bo the friend anil exponent of
tho rights of a free and equal people. That
our courso in journalism Is satisfactory to
the people, a circulation of over a thousand
tcstillas more elaborately than words. We
might add in conclusion, our circula
tion Is tapldly incieaslng, which makes the
Advocati: the best advertising medium In
Carbon county, ltcmember, only $1.00 a
year, for tho cheapest, largest and best
weekly newspaper in the Lehigh Valley.
Subscribe for it.
At this time, of the year when peddlers
are beginning to swarm throughout the
Valley It might be vv ell If our merchants
were to take prompt measures In tho direc
tion of their extermination. The following
act applying to peddlers may not be unin
teresting to them la this respect.
"No person shall be licensed as hawker
or peddler or petty cliacman within this
State but such only as is a citizen of the
United States and who from loss of limb or
other other bodily Infirmity shall be dis
abled from procuring a livelihood by labor,
which disability shall be proven by certifi
cate or certificates from two physicians of
respectable character under oath, residing
In tho county where the application for li
cense, is made.
"No person shall be licensed as a hawker
or peddler unless he shall have resided at
least one year in the county in which such
application shall be made, is unable to pro
cure a livelihood at his trade, if he have
any, or by bodily labor."
Aktuk a time it may become somewhat
uncertain as to whether Leeds or Quay Is
on top.
With tho ending of every strike the
worklugincn are out of pocket and tho cor
porations In.
Evi:n- In Pennsylvania the distribution of
tlie spoils Is not in the least monotonous
to those who get there.
Otfu gallant United StatesSenatois have
concluded, by a vote of twenty-live to six
teen, to consider the woman suffrage
Tut: I'lnkcrton ttamp3 are still on duty
at the Jersey City coal docks to kill oil men
wlio only ask that their common rights as
people of a fiec country be observed.
'Timely hints on Sunstroke," which
appeared In last week's issue of the Tama
qua Courhr, may be considered somewhat
Tim Schuylkill Navigation Company has,
In addition to its claim of non-payment of
rental by Kendlng.a claim agalnt that road
for cars and boats valued at $1C(I,000.
A him, has been intioduced In the Legis
lature of this (late foi bidding lite solicita
tion of voies within ICO feet of the polling
place, under penally of fine and iinpiison
meut, not exceeding $101 oi six months.
Tin: l'ldiadeiphia and New Voik An
archists stiongly the sheilffof
She Chicago pi Ison for denying Miss Nina
Van Zamlt carrying out her foolish pioject
ot marrjlng Spies, the convicted Chicago
Anarchist. Hut as the shcrift Is only do
ing what the belter element applaud as
right and Jim to tho family of a louuntle
maiden we think he Is one nlre.-iil.
Has science run mad'.' In a iccont num
ber of a medical journal a physician grave
W asserted that intoxication may be Impart
ed by contagion, and that a t-obcr mar
brought In close contact with a drunken
man will catch the ailment. If litis bu tmu
great many excuses that hare hitherto
been listened to with incredulity may real
ly havo been entitled to consideration, after
Trt7 Presbyterian denomination In these
United States ot America has consolidated
Its missionary ami benevolent publications
Into one grand magazine, entitled "Tlie
t'hurch ut Uomt ami Abroud." Kcv
Henry A. Nelson, D. U., of Missouri, lias
been unanimously elected editor of this
religions monthly, which will comprize
twclvo hundred pages yearly and will be a
treasury of Christian Knowledge, ami infor
Mattiikws, tho colored man, who Is the
bone of contention between the President
and the city of Washington, Is not only
likely to havo another take his place, but
there is serious talk of abolishing tho office
altogether, along with that of the Itegistcr
f ills, lloth aro alleged to be sinecures,
and until Washington doubles in size the
fhiriis of tlie corporation and Circuit Court
cuuld uniform the duties.
Tin: trial oi one ol the three colored men
wtu killed an old woman In Baltimore and
told her body to a medical college has end
ed Willi a verdict of miiidei In the first de
gree. The evidence was of the most re
volting character, audit was hardly con
ceivable that any human I cing could have
been guilty of such fiendish cruelty. Out
tide, liweverrof Inherent depiaiity, the
rime was doubtless partly prompted by a
knowledge of l lie Indifference often shown
ny medical colleges as to where their "sub
jects" camo from. Tho Interests of science
may havo to tie caied Tor, it Is not
necesiary that science should foster giavo
lubbers iiiid murders.
Our State Capital Cormptoe.
Special to the Caiuiok advocate.
Jaxuauy 27th, 1P87.
The greatest joko of the season promises
to be (Jovernor Heaver's "Yours for ser
vice," which wound up tils rather lengthy
Inaugural over a week ago. Soon aftsr Its
utterance it was taken up by Senators and
Assemblymen, cchocdand re-echoed through
t lie vaulted corridors of tho public buildings,
and after that tlie politician, tho merchant,
tho banker and everybody, w ay down to
the small boy. was "yours for service"
every time. "Hut like everything clso It
will soon become a "chestnut" and find a
place with the political chestnuts of long
ago. Still If the Governor should fall to
represent clearly and honestly tho best In
terests of tits party, and they cotnprlso tho
majority of tho neoplo of Kernel's rather
doubtful State, ids words will rather jeo
pardize his future political elevation. How.
ever, such a misfortune Is not likely to be-
full Heaver as he will be surrounded tiy po
litical allies who believe in playing their
aids well, ami In making tho best of the
time between now and tho Presidential
election of 1883. Tho Presidential bee
does not bur., as loud In the lower House
rs it does in tho Senate, where It at times
reaches extraordinary buzzing proportions.
Of courso Blaine Is the man for Itcpubll
cans providing Quay don't want it, and It
is presumable, that ho will wait a few years
mora In order to give the gay old hypo-
drome of a Kilghtof Malncanothcr oppot
tunlty to taste the verdict of the people.
The death of .Tallies', tho two-year-old
son of General Heaver has cast a gloom
over tho executive mansion which time
alone can dispel, and has set back the live
ly social event expected on the Incoming o
the new Governor. Governor Patllson
and wife were a little too much of tlie Jcf-
fcrsonlan simplicity kind to suit the social
circle, and with Heaver It Is expected to be
somewhat different. Although It will not
bo what it was In the days of the jovial
Hoyt, for Heaver is a Prcsbytciian, an at
tendant at meetings and an elder, however,
tits w ife Is a bright and cultured weman,
and while at Hcllcfontc they mingled in
tlie social circle to a limited extenti
Tho liquor men who struck this place
last week were excited, indignant and most
awfully mad to learn thot the submission
plank, without compensation, had been
presented to the Legislature and would in
all probability pass.' Of course if it passes
that body Heaver will sign it, and then
why there will bo a mighty tumble in Re
publican stocks and whoever deals on mar
gin wilt have to pony .up or lose all. There
is quite a diversity of opinion on this mat
ter and It is argued excitedly pro and con.
It would hardly reflect credit en the repre
sentatives of the Keystone State to pass a
submission plank confiscating the property
of any branch of business; still there Is no
telling what the assemblage may do In the
matter you know they have done some
queer, very queer, things In the past and a
repetition of what has been Is not to be un
expected. The growth of tlie liquor ques
tion lias been somewhat marvellous during
tlie past few years, It lias forced Itself be
fore tlie leading parties of tlie State re
gardless of opposition and now the problem
must be met and disposed of, and In Its
disposition perhaps "boodle" will play a
distinguished part. Who can tell?
Governor Beaver has been haying a hard
week of it. It is enough to try a man's
soul to listen to the long lino of applicants
fur the most petty olilccs, some of which
hardly yield their salt. So far there have
only been about two thousand who have
Indicated their willingness to fill the fifty
positions in the gift of tlie new administra
tion. Even the Governor's pilvate secre
tary has been compelled to employ a short
hand writer to answer tho communications
from applicants for otllcc. How long the
struggle for the spoils will continue Heaven
only knows. Civil service reform don't
work well in the distribution of Pennsyl
vanla offices, and don't you forget it. They
all must go.
Tlie Scnato rejected four of Paulson's
appointments Tuesday as merrily and as
happily as If Governor Pattisou had never
been, and then as a means of Increasing tho
spontaneous enthusiasm they commenced
to drag tlie administration into Its pro
ceedings. The black mustached Demo
crat, Schnatterly, of Kaycttc, then offered
i resolution to the effect that tho clerk of
the Senate present to Grover Cleveland
and the heads of tho federal departments a
copy of tho proceedings of true partisan
ship. This resolution was deemed sulllcl
cut to bring on another kurst of applause
and laughter which completely drowned
the patriotic Democrat. Schnatterly want
ed the resolution to be passed In order to
stiffen up the executive and to satisfy wait
ing Democrats. It was moved to refer the
resolution to tho Committee, on Federal
notations, when an amendment was offered
to have it sent to the Committee on Canals
and Inland Navigation. Shortly after the
Senate adjourned In tho best of humor.
Governor Beaver's military staff was con
firmed without any difficulty.
Numberless Democrats are indignant at
the manner in which t lie late Governor's
appointments aro snubbed, and regard the
actions of the Republican Senate as a means
whereby President Cleveland icould greatly
benefit long waiting Democrats. It Is
thought, and not unwisely, ttiat the matter
will be presented to him In the tine light
sometime soon, which may result In a
change of Federal maneuvering? and put In
the "party to whom belong the spoilt."
Anyway It Is a bad move for the Republi
cans. Put your pile on that. "Yours for
service." PAXTON.
Broaflbriin's Hew Yori Letter.
Special to tlie Camion Advocate.
A couple of weeks ago a gentleman by
tho name of Sntffen failed here fn the ad
vertising business. Mr. Snlffen, personally
was a most estimable gentleman, of a good
social position, and fair business ability.
He had been private secretary to a former
President of the United States, and en
joyed nit the distinction and Influence that
such a position confers. On his abdication
of his official posltfon at Washington, Mr.
SnllTcn came to New York, asd entered on
the advertising business; bnt, beguiled by
the same delusive syrens that Inrcd the
mariners to ruin, ftom the heights of Lur-
ale, ho undertook the task of booming
"Duffy's Pine Malt Whlskev,"and "Laird's
lllooin of Youth:" and these two delectable
compounds landed him high and dry or, tlie
shores of bankruptcy and ruin. Now, be
It fairly understood, that personally, I tiaye
nothing whatever against Mr. Snlffen, who,
as I said before, I esteem a most estimable
gentleman, but if oyer a man deserved In -
solvency it was the aforesaid Snlffen, I
don't set up for a great moral reformer. I
am not prepared to say ttiat ever) thing In'
the shape of whiskey should be banished'
from tlie world though I am free to con.
fess that I think the woild would bo con-
sldcrably better oil If there was less of It
drank, and I am frco to declart that I am
heartily sorry for the man who sampled
Duffy's whiskey lurd by Snlffen's en
thusiastic and flaming advertisement.
This celebrated whiskey had been endorsed
by eminent orthodox clergymen professoi-3
of colleges had given It their unqualified
adhesion; nursing mothers had found noth
ing like It for improving their mwii vitality
and the health of their offspring; patients
n tho last stages of consumption had se
cured anew lease of life; and In cases of
broken limbs It was Infallible m knitting
the bones together; In curvature of tho
spine, nothing like it had ever been dis
covered; and for sciatica, rheumatism and
gout, It was a special boon of Providence.
Every druggist who expected to succeed in
business secured a few dozen of Duffy and
it really seemed as If the fountain for which
Ponce de Leon sought In vain was found
In Duffy's lillxlr of Life. Kro long the
bubble burst people concluded that Duffy
was a humbug, and ids whiskey a delusion
and a snare. Some people got It into their
heads that Duffy, tho boodle alderman,
who went back upon his fellow thieves, was
the Duffy who was endorsing tho whiskey,
and they concluded as Duffy was n
fraud, tho whiskey was no better than the
endorser; the sales fell off, Duffy could not
pay tils advertising bills, and jnior Snlffen
who was put in the hole, went to the wall,
and If any other advertising agent under
takes to induce tlie public to drink any
such compound as Duffy's whiskey, I hope
ho will share the fate of Snlffen.
But this was not all of Snlffen's misfor
tunes: he undertook to boom "Laird's
Bloom of Youth." It Is a terrible thing,
and I might add a shocking thing, to sec
an old woman who should have better
sense, with her choeks painted; but to see
a young girl with tier blooming face disfig
ured with an execrable compound of vil
lainous chalk, bismuth and vcrmllllon is
enough to shako a man's faith in the ten
commandments. It is hard to tell how it
was done, but Bloom of Youth got a foot
hold every where. Young girls with checks
like roses and Hps like cherries, wiped out
God's magnificent handiwork with tills hor
rible compound, and were not ashamed to
be seen In the light of open day, their love
ly checks daubed like those of that nameless
class. which aniesthctic journalist described
as soiled doves. But even this craze passed
away, and notwithstanding the most enor
mous advertising, too, went tho why
of all chalk. Mr. Laird. could not pay his
bills to Snllfenand Snlffen could "ot pay
his bills to anybody else, so for the present
that ends Snlffen. Moral, "bowaro of
Laird's Bloom of Youth and Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey." ,
A strange figure on the street is Mrs.
Hetty Green, the femalo Wall Street mil
lionaire. Of late, we have, been regaled
with a number of anecdotes of dead misers;
men who with hundreds ef thousauds, and
in one case, millions of dol!ars,havc dented
themselves, the common necessaries of life
and died in misery; but hero is a woman,
well bred, never knowing want, born rich,
eycr since she can remember having all the
money at her command that the heart of
woman can desire; and yet with, thirty
millions of dollars at her command, the in
terest of which she will never spend, Is to
day as close-fisted, as If her life depended
on the accumulation of dollars, and as If
her husband and tier son depended on her
for their daily bread. If yeu should sec
her standing in Wall Street on a rafnj day,
as she frequently docs, when watching for
pointers, with her plain dress and rubber
boots, if you were at. all charitably Inclined
the chances are ten to ono that you would
stop and drop a quarter into her old cotton
umbrella, and the chances area million to
one, that she would put It Into her pocket.
A story Is told of her, that a few years ago,
her son, tier only darling, for whom she is
saving all these millions, broke his leg; a
skillful surgeon came from the hospital,
and not knowing Mrs. Green and supposing
from their surroundings that the family
was poor, which delusion was not dispelled
by Mrs. Green, attended the little sufferer,
stipplvlng all the appliances from the hos
pital, and when the recovery was complete,
only sent'in a small bill for hit services.
Ho afterwards discovered how he had been
imposed upon; he sent in a bill of a thou
sand dollars, threatening to me If It was
not paid, and It is unecessary to add, that
.when Mrs. Grtcn found herself confronted
with a just claim, and a long possible bill
of lawyers' fees and costs, she paid the
L hough long known as a bold operator
on tho Street, no one suspected tho extent
of her wealth till the failure of John J.
Cisco's Sons. This house, if not one of
tlie oldest, was considered one of the staun
chest in the land. The ill m had tho con
fidence of tlie best financiers in tho United
States and Europe. Tho panic of 1882
brought a sudden squeeze In all kinds of
securities, and If the Ciseos had been will
ing to do what thousands have done under
similar circumstances, and raised money
by hypothecating a million or so of the
securities that lay in their safe they could
have tidc.1 over the. evil time; no man
would have been any wiser, and John J.
Clscos Sons would have been financial
princes in the land to-day. Twenty-six
millions of Hetty Green's- securities lay
there completely at their mercy, but every
member of the firm was tho soul of honor;
with lifelong ruin staring them In the face
they would not swerve ono balr from ttie
line of right. The crash came. Hetty
heard the news, and it Is said, I don't know
on what authority, that she actuall hired a
cab and drove down town wild with affright.
The bank was closed, and she thundered at
the door for admittance; at last, she got In
tlie got her twenty-six millions all Intact,
packed them In her cab and drove uptown
leaving John J. Citcos Sont ruined. Her
husband had got several hundred tlionsand
dollars from the Citcos, and had failed to
pay them; this Mrs. Green did not want to
make good, but was finally compelled to do
so. Hers Is not a lovable character. A
miserly man Is a despicable object, even, If
ho has risen from the dirt and been pinched
by necessity; but a miserly woman is
detestable. I have tetn and heard much
of Mrs. Green for tlie past few years, and
I have never heard her name mentioned in
connection with any public cr private
charity, or anything by which any human
being but herself lias been benefitted. Her
millions keep piling up not for her bus-
nana, lor lie lias nan to paudlo lit own
canoe, and do some paddling for his wife
beside; but for Iter son, a weak headed boy
just about tuch a boy as such mothers
usually have. What will he do with It,
when he gets tt? Is he being trained for
the comprehensive me ot this enormous
wealth, when he Inherits it not a bit of It,
Will the world be much better for it If he
resembles his mother? What a heritage
1 Hetty
Green leaves to her darling son
Gold, gold, gold, nothing but gold; hard,
cold, solid gold, nothing elte. What
heritage I
Inside tlie Eastern Gate of Greenwood
rites one of the mest splendid marble
mausoleums that beautify and adorn that
magnificent city of the dead. Lovely stained
glass windows tofteu the light that foods
tho Interior of this tnarblo wonder. Thcro
aro only two caskets there one of them
contains ail ttiat Is mortal of a man who
worked lor gold as Hetty Green has done.
Ho did not gamble In stocks, he gambled
for gold, and for It he bartered body and
soul. In tho game of life where he won
the stakes thousands lost, and they were
swept mercilessly Into the wild whirlpool
of flnancla' ruin, while he stood In safety
on tho bank, and saw them ono by ono go
down. Death ovcitnok htm at last, and
his two daughters, lovely girls who had
ben raie l Igroranco of their father's
evil life, became the luiiciltors of tits 111
gotten gold. When they sought social
recognition every door was shut agilnst the
gambler's daughters. The eldest soon died
of a broken heart, and tho youngor found
herself in possession of over a quarter of a
million of dollars. Sho raised this splendid
Mausoleum over tho remains of her father
and her sister, retired to a nunnery where
sho too died. Gold after all, is not tho
best heritage for a child.
Brouson Howard's new play, Wo Met by
Chance, written for Helen Duvaray, and
produced at enormous expense, fell as flat
as a pancake on Thursday last, and nlust
either bo reconstructed or withdrawn.
Wagner's Tristan and Isolde crowded the
Metropolitan last week from pit to dome
and the crowd camo out declaring that they
had never enjoyed themselves so much.
To mo the whole thing was just about as
cheerful as a walk through a graveyard,
and the enjoyment about what a man ex
pects in a dissecting room. On my mention
ing the fact to a neighbor that I did not
fully appreciate the genius of Wagner I
received ttio consoling Information that I
had not the requisite cultivation. Maybe
that's what's the matter. I suppose it
rc.iulrcs the. same kind of education that
qualifies a man to appreciate the bouquet
of Schwetzcr Kase. There were nearly a
hundred Instruments in the orchestra, and
every slnglo fellow went off on his own
hook. The base drum ran a race with tho
fiddles, the bassoon charged down on the
flutes and hauthboys, pianos chipped in
hero and there, while tlie musical glasses
were In duct with tho harp .of a thousand
strings. Amid tho infernal din and crash,
I did not wonder that the poor- King ,of
Bavaria went mad. My only surprise is
that he did not kill Wagner before tie killed
himself. BROADBRIM,
Washington auti" Gossip.
From our Special Correspondent.
Wahiiinoton, D. C, Jan. 2487.
Mil. EniTOii: It Is announced that.Inthe
event of the Senate's rejecting, fora second
time, the nomination of Matthews for tho
position of Kccordcr of Deeds for the Dls
trict of Columbia, that tho Tresldcnt will,
In all probability, nomlnateanothercolored
man for the position. The person who Is
said to have been selected by the President
Is William n. Smith, who for tlie past
twenty-five years has been the assistant 11
brarlan of the nouse of Representatives,
Mr. Smith was born a slave in the District
of Columbia, but with his family was
emancipated In 1859 by the will of the gen
tleman who owned him. From tlie time Of
the emancipation of slaves down to 1872 he
was a Republican, but since that time he
has taken no active part In politics, Dur
ing Ids-long term of service as librarian he
has acquired such a complete and accurate
knowledge of the arrangement of the II
brary that his sei vices havo been considered
invaluable, and his removal has never been
suggesieu uy euuer ino iiepuuliean or
Democratic parties. Mr. Smith is exceed
ingiy popular at the Capitol, and It is said
that tho President has received ample as
surances from both Democratic and lie
publican Senators that In case his name Is
presented for the position that It will be at
once, confirmed.
Tho time fixed by law within which
French spoliation claims must bo filed ex-1
plred on Friday last, at which time 5,507
claims had been filed. A bill was recently
passed by tho Senate, without opposition,
extending the time for filing these claims
for oao year, and It will doubtless pass the
House of Representatives.
Once In four years the Post Office De
partment Informs the public ttiat in casq
an inventor has produced a new device
suitable for use In tlie postal Eeivlcc.which
would be an Improvement on those In use,
a change would be made. The announce
ment is about to be made, and will of
course result In the appearance of a host of
inventors, cacli claiming his invention to
be the most complete and desirable for the
particular use for which It Is Intended, and
each confident In the belief that tho com
mittee Intrusted with the duty of examin
ing the devices submitted for examination
will agree with him In his opinion as to
tho value of his particular invention as
compared with tho liundicds of others that
are presented.
Speaker Carlisle has, in response to the
urgent request of tlie corps of lady news
paper correspondents In Washington, desig
nated that the first two rows of seats in the
private gallery, adjoining the press gallery,
be reserved for their exclusive occupancy.
fills was done In compliance with an urg
ent demand mado to the committee oil
rules, but now that their request lias been
granted, the favor docs not seem to be ap
preciated, as not eyen those who were the-
most persistent In their efforts to secure the
concession hayo not claimed tlie privilege
granted them by tlie Speaker.
Tho first State dinner given br the Presi
dent and Mrs, Cleveland was efven on
Thursday eycnlng. The families of the
Cabinet and a few others were entertained.
Tho presence of Mrs. La mar, the bride ot
the Cabinet, and Governor Fltzhiigh Lee
and wife, from Richmond, rendered tlie
occasion particularly interesting. H
Tlie holiday number of (The West Shore) Is
the hai.dsoinust that moit excellent westen.
magazine has ever hsned. Manvnt Hi lllu.tra.
11011 are iirinieu 111 nvc colors, ami none of tlicm
111 lp Item tlirm. 1'hnv iira.liflilc ...ft,!.. i..i.
In ilenlcm mid execution, and are especially nn
nronrlate to th season. An I'leimnt nnirf,tlnr.
cngravliic of Mt. Jlnc-d accoimiaiifrs the nnuibei I
as a puppieiiient. It Is executed In right colors I
.11111 niiuosKrp, niiu is a neaiuimi proiludlnii of
Western sec-m ry. The literarv features of the
matrarli.e are most excellent. Tl c holiday num
bcr and su)iileiueiit will lie sent to any ml.lrtss.
upon recelhl of fifty cents by I lie publisher. They
will be sent free to all who snbscilbe rime foi
IS87 Kunu-rlptlnii price, Ji 00 iwr year. Address I
laud, Oregon.
1. nanuiri, puuiisimr 01 1 no vvcm snore," l'oi. 1
Ho TetllnK What It Can Do
From the l'hlfudclphla Times.
..pils l-cetshituro h going to bo pretty bnsv It
'f'" eicaioaii oiuce ior every
I'lilUdelphla-apvllrant. '
Too Old to Keep a Secret.
From the New Yolk World,
Snsan 11. Anthony Is ipioted ns sajlng thai
Abraham Lincoln was the only man she rould
have loved. munis to be dlsuUed la.i U
(leorge Washington.
Asother Whack i Civil Eervice Keform.
1-roin tho Ianstord llecoid.
the world is tht, tvorhine'nr rhr. .-Ii-ll r.... 1 ....
1110 most Hiiiot'itooos lountirieo inn m nn
which keeps out taible f)enioerHts and putt In !
lteinibllcaiis under a luiiiot ratic administration. 1
Whatti the Mittor With "Libertv."
Vroto the riill.ide .,hU .rCM,
If the Vim Z. wit i-bllsiiot snlUIIrd willilhe
"fame' tin; Insalr. .idy mMtved from hert-cau.-uh
vi 'h i list St.i, M.e in lit t
tlirouili the Niacara r p s or Inn w 11 n o r t
MverbilJit' 'J he enmity lllitli-cittiitpoiluuities
( r a cirl vt her auibtie in
aiEsl fc-la
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and w liolcsoiiicness. More economical
tlmu the ordinary kinds, noil cannot be told In
competition with the multitude ot low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders, bold only
In cans, ltoval linking Powder Company, ino
Wall Street, N. Y. aug -l-mll
-at Tin:-
Central Drug Store,
OIT. Till! I'UnWC SQUAlilS,
Bank Street, Lchighton, Pa.,
Is prepared for the Kail and Winter Trade
wun lrcsu supply oi
Drugs and Medicines,
Choice Wines & Liquors,
Cigars, etc.
'rcscrlptlons carefully compounded at all hours
oi mo uay or nigiii.
Full Lino of
-A N I)-
Library &, Stand Lamps
in all stales, and at all prices.
fitted to the eye and satisfaction
Dividend Notice.
At nltegiilnr Meeting t the Directors of the
i irr .Minimal ikwuk.oi Leinmun, i n,, a M-im-Annual
Dividend of TllltUi: Per Cent, on tin
Capital Slni k was declared, p:ij able un and after
,aniirv iciu, iut.
1-15-67 W. W. BOWMAN'. Cashier.
Borough Tax Collector.
I most rcsnccifullv announce to the Democrat
ic voters nt tlie l!oiim::li of M-lilxhtou that I will
up n canuinnie inr liiu ndiiiuiaiinn lor v ouecioi
nf 'Iuxl'-j In Mild lnrn-.l-.rh. lit Ltle eitlnlli'! nnnit-
ntutii!? convention. 11 heniliiatt'd ami elected 1
I ledjie myself to faithfully perform the duties ol
Ihooniee. (If.l). W. NUS11AUM,
j.eniKiuou, ,iau. .i, i..,.
Riuonr oi- the condition' ok Titr
TON, retina., at tne close ot uuslness Decembc
:sth isw:
Loani and Discounts $ f0..vo I
Overdrafts 27r ot
11. S. lionds tiisceure circulation 7.-.wo (if
Other stocks, bunds and niorteages S.V.Ul Kl
Due from aiij-rnveil reserve iiKcuts 8,0?.-. 10
Duo from other National lianKi l.r.71 7:
Due fromstale Hanks and Hankers.... 2.717 3-
Steal estate, furniture and fixtures f.ff.T u
rurreiu expenses aim nixes jniiu it.
I'reniluins paid CJ.'O
Cheeks and other cash iU ins V
Hills or other nanus s.txx) 0
Fractional naiicrciiucucy, iilikels.and
cents 5 4.
Trad" dollars 4,73.'
Specie 3,1U7H
l.csrnl tendei notes ,100 CO
lie-.ieninuoii mini wun u. is. -treasurer
(5 per cent, circulation) .1,373 ot
Total $213,819 81
Capital stock paid In 78vo or
SiirnhK fund 8,7:0
t'lidivldednronts 4,ciV w
National Hank notes mitstaudlni: G7,Ki oe
Dividend iiniuld HI to
Indlvl(iu.ildeii3ltssiiliJcellochcck ... "6,257 35
Ccitllled checks,., 9 ix:
Caviller' cheeks niit-itaiidius. ......... r. K
Due. tu other National Kinks ll,.vi ci
Total , S213.9S9 H
County ok Caiuio.v, f "
I, V. W. How man, Cashtur of tho abovenanicd
Hank, do solemnly swear that the nhove statement
Is Iruo to the beat of my know ledge and hellef.
V. V. ltovviiAN, Cashier.
Siili-icrlbed and sworn to before me this 7th da)
nf January, 1887.
if. v. JioiiTnuiKn, Sr., x, r.
Coujiect Attfst:
11. i'. hokfoiik, 1 ,
Tiioh, Ke.mkukii, V Directors.
A, J. Dl-iii.inu, I
Jan. 1st!) 18S7.
rr.pir.tfon or mor.
ban One Ilundrd
ftnnl catlont for patent, in
tho United Mat.a and I'ortnm conn,
tries, th, publisher, of th. Kcirntln,
American conttnna toaet at solicitor,
for patents, caTeata, trade-niarl.s.copr;
rlffhts. etc. for tho United Matea.and
to obtain patnt. In Canada, Knclsnd, trance,
Germanr. ani evil other countries. Tueireipert
nco is unoqualed and tholr t acilitlea aro utuur-
DrantnKl and specifications prepared and flud
la tb. l'at.nt OOcoon short notice. Terras verr
reasonablo. No charge for ei aminatien or model.
Or drawings. Adtlco by raail freo M A( ,
ralenteohtaln.1throurlt noticed
tb. larcest circulation and is the most lnlluentiat
newspaper of Ita 14 nd published In tb. world.
The adrantao of auch notice everr patentee
Tbis large and aplendtdtftllasfrated newspaper
t published WI.KlCI.Vat flDOa ear. and H
admitted to bo th. bt;t paper deeoted to science,
mechanics, InTentlons, engineering works, ami
other departments of Industrial progross. pu!
lisited in any couutrr. It contains the names ol
all patentees and title of eeery Inrentfon patent!
sen week. Try It four inoulhe for one dollar.
Bold by all newsdealers.
If you bare an inr.ntlon to pat.nt writ, to
llunn Co.. publisher, oi Soienllag Americas,
8cl llroad'ay, N" York.
Handbook about patents mallod free.
pared to furnish al classvs with einplojiia-nt at
home, the vvuoie 01 1 lie nine, orior ineir spare
moments, riiislll'-ss new. Unlit unit profitable.
IVrwus of cither sex iatiy mi 11 lioin.viei
nU lo
bvde -
Sft.oo iH-r fVHiluir, mid a sum
01 intr nil their linn- lo tlK- linsiness.
liojs and
girls earn ne.tilv as much ..s vm .1. Tl M all who
see this may s. id t'u ir di'r. ei l test tip-biisuii--.".
1. It- t'as ...r To- -'t 1- 1.- m '
w, U s 0 - ,. .I w 1 i 'ilirrr 1 ni'i I r
Hit ti ni -i- t'f 1 1 " I1 1 pun hi ir. ml out
fit free, AddiesilHWttji. &t i- Port
an, Maine detls Ir
61 P Y ol
M Yi'eissporl, CarMC&tiuly, Fa,
Is tlie placn to purchase, at tho most reasonable
prices, DltliSSl-U) I.UMIIMl, of all kinds, vli
Doors, Sashes,
Blinds, Shutters,
Mouldings, Cabinet
Ware, &c., &c.
Tho Marhlncv Is all new. and onlv the best me
chanics eiiiplnvcd, All ill tides are miaranteed
cf best .seasoned uinterl.'il. Orders by mull re
ceive proniptatlenllon. lour patronage invited.
Wo have, also, In connection with the above
business a COMMODIOUS St'OliK, where can
always be found ono ot the largest nnd best as
sortments of
Hay, Straw,
Flour dnd Feed,
And In fact any and evfotlUng usually to he
found In a strictly firsts lass Country Store. N'o
matter what jeu want, ask for It and wo can sui-
MV von in pi lees mat win kiiock an conipciuion
far Into the shade. Cull and roe us, and we will
convince von of the of ourassertlou.
Remember the l'laee
East Weissport; Penna.
January 1. ir-87.
The Cosmopolitan
The handsomest, most entertaining', low price.
Illustrated family magazine in the world,
$'250 per year, with a $3.25 premium
free.) Sixty-four beautifully primed paces in
each number, filled with short stories, sketches,
travel, adventures, bright and brief scientific
and literary articles, by distinguished American
and foreign writers, such as Julian Hawthorne,
Harriet l'rescott SpolTord, Gcorgo Parsons
Lathrop, Louise Chandler MouHcn, J. Mac
donald Oxley. lilla Wheeler Wilcox, II. .11.
Uoyesen, Catherine Owen. Rev. II. Heber
Newton, Alphonse Daudet. Paul Hevse, Count
Tolstoi, Th. Dostolvsky. William Westall and
many others. A No entertaining .1 V VSILI
and invaluable EIOI1SECIIO M departments.
Oneor rnoreiUustrated articles and several full
pace engravings in every number.
A Shannon Letter and
Bill File or aShannon
Sheet-Music Binder
Free to every
These premiums stf..
everywhere for $325
each. The File is the roa?t
perfect device ever invent
ed for the preservation an J
classification (alphabetic
ally and according to date)
of all letters, bills, etc.
Any paper cart be referred
to. taken out and put back
without disturbing the
others. With the Hinder
one can insert or take out
1 vi
any piece of music without
disturbing any other sheet.
$2x3. disturbincanyi
lend 30 Cent to publishers.
A3211T3 W.ITZD. 13 00113310113 rAIS.
Schlleht & Field Co., Rochester, N.Y.
206 N. Second St., Philadg., Formerly
Drs. J. N. & J. B. EOBENSACK.
.Established 40 yesire, Forthc cure of all Special
'Diseases, Including Ile.ulte of Youthful Im
prudence, Varicocele, Klc. Callor write andU
cured by a Graduate of Jefferson College, with Hospital
experience, Hours, 8 to s, u to u, biuia bumji
P5 RflPLE S .'rffiSJTSSa
tamn, a reeipn for a, simple VPrPTJnF P
PJllf tint will BEWOVK ifcUtllABlill
Eflmtl TAN', I'lti:f:KI,KS, riMPI.KR,
TlI.OTCIIllsl. lll.AL'IC IIKADS. Etc.,
Icavtrg Ukj fcUn soft, clear and beautiful,
Toueh with this compoinid f tin soft lily cheek,
And tho bright flow will Imt Its virtues spook.
Also Instructions for pmditctoir a luxuriant
Crow'thoChalron a Infd heail or smooth face,
AJstress A. I), BiniPEt, IV Ann St., New- York
Do Tour Own Syelnsr, at Home, with
They will Dye eyer)thlnz. They are sold every
where. I'llee toe. a pat-kacc 40 colors. They
have 1111 equal tor Strrnxtli. llrichtness. Amount
In TaeknKo or for raalneirs of ( otor, or Non-fad-I111;
Onnlltles. They do not rnn-k or smut. Fur
s-Meliy T. II, TIUI.MAS,
UOY.13-1V Dnigulst.
Estate Notice.
labile of JONAS I'l-rri:i:, late of the. Township
of iowcr Towaineiislni;.
r, 1 at no 1 n., 111., nee u.
All iersons Indebted to said estate uro reipiest
f.t tu innke linnuMllafe navmenf. and tho hav-
I.... ...!... .1... i. 111 i.r..umt
without delay, In prnier nrdfr fur settlement, to
i " ' 'iviivruti lilnsl'
, n.v.avWil. Administrator.
Tie Philadelphia Times.
The Daily Times.
The Phil vdelphia Times is
delivered h)' carriers in all tlto
cities, towns and villages sur
rounding Philadelphia nt SIX
CENTS a week, and is sold by
boys and newsdealers for ONE
CENT a copy. It is universal
ly conceded to be the Best News
paper in tho World for the price.
publishing nil the Associated
Press News, Quotations- of Pro
duce and Money Markets and
All the News of the Would
ill a compact and readable form.
It. is not excelled in Quality or
Quantity by any paper at any
price. By mail Four months,
One Dollar. One Year, Three
Dollars, postpaid
Thirty Cents.
One month,
12 Pajres-
-90 Columns
Bought Before
7-8 yards wide Hill's Uleached cents per yard.
1 yard wide Hill's Bleached, 7 ccnts"por yard.
1 yard wida Masonvillc Bleached, 8 cents per yard.
1 yard wide Williamsville Bleached, 9 cents per yard.
1 yard wide Watnsutta Bleached, 10 cents per yard.
1 yard .wide Favorite Bleached, 10 cents per yard. .
1 yard wide Pride of West Bleached, w cents per yard.
1 yard wide Appleton A, Remnants, Unbleached, 5c per yard.
1 yard.jvide Appleton A, Large P's, Unbleachcd,6c per yard.
1 yard ll'idc Bortt, Fine Unbleached, G cents per yard.
1 yard wide Cohasset Extra Fine Unbleached, 8 cts per yard.
1 yard wide Half Bleached Muslin, 10 cents per yard.
Sheetings and Pillow Casings Very Cheap.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
October so, 168$
, Varnishes. Class.
Bank Street, Leliighton, Pa.
Bank Stiiekt, Leiiightcn, Pa.,
Jllller.nul Dealer 111
Flour and Feed.
All kinds of riltAIN ItOUOIlY AN!) SOLD at
would rosneft fully inform ttio oftlzcns of this
place aim v trinity that I am fully prepared
to supply thrill vvllh all kluUHOt
Tlie 'Best of Coal
From any initio, at lory
j 24-yl. . M. 1IEILMAN.
At Prices marked dow n so tow as to come with
in the reach of ever) body.
Novelties in Jewelry!
Intlie above line of Goods we liavc an elrjmnt
.KsortnieM, and are constantly maklnKaildltlotM
of all the very latest novelties as the season ad
vances. You aro reipectrully requested to fall
anil examino my lino of goods. Vim are IkiiiihI
lo be ileH.sed with the coods, and the prices
they are down to ltovk llottom, and can't be beat.
All Kinds of Repairing
Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly intended to, and
satisfaction ciianiutccd. 1 have concluded, ns a
means of extending I Ills brancti ol my business,
lo Iw at SNVDKltH 1IOTKU PAitltVVIU.K,
WHI1NKSI1AY of each week, between the hours
of s a. in., and dp. in. All favors shown me by
the people of Parryvllle will lt nineli appreciat
ed. You are invited to call and Inspect my line
of eoods when In Ihlshton. Neil to Clams Pro.
to be mane. Cut this out and rc
nun tn us, and we will send on free
something of irreat valno anil ini
portanco to you, that will stmt von In business
which will lulus jou In more money rlcht away
than nnvtliiiik' clso in this world. Anyone can tin
tlie work and live nt home. Either set; all aces.
.Somethlni; nuvv that just coins money for all
workers. Vo will start you; capital not needed.
This Is one of Hie genuine, inipiirtiint chances of
a lifetime. Those who nroiimbll ions nnd enter-
prielus will lint ilelav. tirand outfit free.
dress Tiiuk Co., Auausta, Mnlne,
Building Lots for Sale.
The undersigned offers tor sale a numlicr of
Fine Building- Lots !
Nlncely situated on Union Hill, liist Welssjiort,
, ui luvv in ics itir r,
A. f. HXYDEIt.
i Septemtti l.K'em Weissport, Pa.
can lite nt lioiue, and make nrnrr money
nt work for us than nt nnllnnK nlsa In
Ihewoild. Canltaltiot needed: siniRre
ill I
M.ii-H il lice, llolli sexes; all aires. Any one can
dntlie vvorK, I.arKeiinilUKssurefroiitflrststurt
Costly outfit and terms free. Heller not delay
t o-sts you nothing to send rs our addr' and
ftiid out If von are vvIm' sou s ill donoitt once
II lUuLKf r iitv, Portland, Maine eul-1)
The Weekly Times.
Sixty - Four Columns of
magazine - newspaper reading
matter, crisp, attractive, inter
esting, instructive. The An
nals op the Waii, by active
participants, illustrated ; wo
man's world, contributed to by
some of the best women writeks
in AMEitiOA ; The Latest Fash
ons ; Times Young People by
themselves ; Original Stories,
both short and continued ; Top
ics of the Time ; Pointed Edi
torial Comment; Special Ar
ticles on thousands of subjects,
nnd all the news are among its
attractions. Terms, $2 per an
num : clubs often. S16. and an
extra copy to the person getting
up tlie club.
5 Cents $2.00 a Year.
Philadelphia, Pa.
the Late Rise.
Rod Jacket Force Pump
any Depth of well.
Rlnrle Cylinder,
tli on
it od
No Packlng-bot llimp.
Buokeyo Foroo Pump Up
&eventynve foot.
fit AO
Rumsoy Force Pump, $13,50,
lepth up to scretitv-flve feet.
Rumsey Iron Lift Pump,
up to fitly feet, 3.oo. Iron Cislern Pump from
$3 upwards, Alst
l'l VK per cent, off for Cash,
WifM. tff XKEU and Cistkkn Iliiti.iiKK, Ilank
way, l-elilgliton, opjioslte the old Priming Office,
nov.u, Tf,-yl
Central Carriage Works,
Dank St., LehighfoH, F.y
Are prtpursd UHinafactur
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
Uf .very description, tn the most ntataatM
mumsr, and at I.owt Csih Price
Rtpalriag- Promptly Attended to
Arl! 34, Mil i Proprietors,
I due guaranteed
ItiyntJ.U. -layer,
Pa. Ka.v! at ones.
No neratlnu or business delay. Thousands of
cures. At IvHrstone House, lfeadlnir. Pa., sntl
Saturday of each month,
Advice free.
oeuu tor circulars,
Estate Notice.
Esuteof JosErn r)i;uMiioiiK,iatcof iiueti.
ton lloroiiKh, Carbon county, 1 -., tlec'd.
All persona Indebted to said rstatoare request-
fit lo nuiko liniio-rtliite luiynient, and llinieliay
nti claims HKiiliMt tho same will present I hem,
without delay, tn pro)er order for selllcmeiit, to
dsn, 1, lMT-wff, Administrator.
$100 A WEEK.
Ijidloe or gentlemen dcslrlnc pleasant profit
able eniplnviuent write at once, We want you
tn handle im Reticle of domestic ase Ihatrccom
mends Itself In every one at sight, HTAl'I.E AH
l l.oilt rVIls like hot cakes. Prolllsao per
cent, families wishing tu practice rsonmis
should for llieir own benefit write for particulars.
I scd everv day Ihe year round In everv house
luild, Price within the reach of alt. Circular
free. Aeents rrrrlvn sample free Addrea