BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR JTT A Q XT T 1T 15! the csnuiriEyT i Remedy of the Age. rAT.JAtLS, lt8. J Affords qulcK lallef of Iiccvalgia, IItatlric.ho Hay Tovcr, Catarrh, .AsUiroai a:tc st co;;ti.;u:s vss e;uct3 a erst. C ""iIfiictioti frnarintrd nr inocry refunded. Blx' en tha treitmnut iotM t inta. If j-ourdrnFKlathwr.otthB Inhaler In stock, Lwud63 rnt9injrtamps,nnd th lahMrrwdl t( furwnrdt'tj by r 't, postage paid, nnd 11, at. thoe Mratinn ut fh days 1 nits recetrtou MoiHt fnttfiM with Us t-ffroiB, t.n tuny return ft, nnd ir tetulUlniruthlcocditton, 4 mi ney will wi refunded. . cntirtind tttitnj,.iala nifitltd fieaon plication " 51. D. CUSHMAN, Three Itlvcrc. Mich. Dec. 25, lS85-8tns. CHAIR SEATS WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY R To Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOU?? CHAIRS. Anjbodr can rr'f tiii:;i. Ko Mechanic needed. SOLD It; Furniture & Hardware TRADES. -j In bujlnc new Chalra, tilt tor thoso Kith Tlmy never wear out. Kl Jeeember25, ISfsi- cm PATENT UKFREEZABLE m.rauifeu Tho only perfect i innin m-zw w inn tit ttti lUnufHCttired on Karlh. Absolutely Unfretzabte. It ii llio sIron:tit Liquid Ikt. We ruarnnteo cne tmttla will va ti.'otirtnrcoi.mfs fur ftt joibor Bottle Blue. Itii THK UKST M(iUII) 11 LUC, n.-t beine wutr cilored v.ith dry 1 !ue, but in fclen ttlaally innnufne is liapossiLle to Btint ir streak the itlirs. JnortlrrtoproTo tho RbdTO CoM facts, buy tbe ot'Oi fi. tp'.ttlifm joumlf, nud be Hundridt of Thouiardt of Bottles Sold ind not One Complaint, GUARANTEE CHEMICAL CO. (Limited.) 120 A 21S0 Knee Street, 1'lIILADEI.rUIA, VX. 1 cce. uber 2,7. 1B8C Cm. Tills impcr Is kept on flip nt tho otnee of .DVERTISINq TIME8 BUILDING g1,' pHltfDELPHlA. PmSIHTC? rorJEKSMFKR ArUTCWISG Crp LillWAItO nt Lowest Cash Kates MiLC .UilSr-VflYER SOU'S WWM rH3 SESITH BROS. EXTRA DOUBLE Aluaji uniform; rcccrarycnJcd'for PUllIXY, STXtKNQTII p.ntlIrLAYOR, SEVS3TE-! EROS. Stronger Family Ammonia, For General Clcaiilue; Purpo;cs, SPiliTH BROS. Extract of Jamaica Ginger, Ask jour Grocer for Smith llros. Extracts, 1 and tale bq other. Akron, O. December 25, issfi Cm PATENTS!! FRAELffl H. EODGn, Solicitor of AfflBilcan & Foreian Patents, 025 F St., near U. S. I'ateat Oflice, AVASIIINGTON, D. C. All business before United States ratent -Oflice' iiiicuueu 10 lor inoiieratu lees. I'atrnls procureit li the United Slates and all Korcliru Countries. 'jrf -MrJti and Labtli registered, liejected r.ppllcatlons reicd iuulirosecuted. Informa tion and advlcu as to obtaining Patents cheer lidly furnished without charge. Send sketch or Model for riiKK oplulon as to Patentability, Agency in tho U. S. possesses superior 'acilttles for obtaining Patents or ascertaining the. Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies of patents furnished for Mc. each, fcfir- Corresiioudctice oIlclted. icor. $1 13 WEEKS. The rOLICK OAZCTTK will be, ri-irrly nrra.H-i, to any address iu the Uul cd Slates forthreo mouths on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount nllowrsl to pAstuiaKUrs, ec'nts end clubs Sample oopies mailed free Address all orders to ITCH AMD K. FOX, M 30,IRS5-ly 1'cASki.m So.CAac, N. Y 1.2 J M n wa rETa ff3 n n ran mm a mMml ASK TSil MacEB fSR ll'Si Siserslie lo5. ja. .a, h-J J-a. a jm -a i ("The Now QuinlnoJ Ho Bad EM No Mm, No Nausea. NoRiminsEars Cares Qniclcly. Pleasant, Pure. A POWERFUL 10SIC. Ih;it tlie most dcllcnte stoiiiucli will boar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, XER TO US 'pR OSTRA TIOX. And all derm Discuses. I Ilelli'vuo Hos;lt.l. N. ., "Universally success l fill." I 'K'.crv nitlent St. rrancls Ilntpllul X.Y. J-'nl with KnsJJno has tlicen cured. Dr. I,. It. White, U.S. Exmiiltiliigitmeun.tviltrsi "Kus'tlii" U the lie-it tiivillrtne made. ' Dr. I.. M. (Ilenicr,:nj l'jitt 121st street, Xcw YnikClty, liiHemvd oivriin atlcnlt with lCai kino nfter mil nl lie nnd till ttlliel drit!"i lint f allot!. lfe'ius, "fill nndtmiiicd) tilt) best medicine ever d ie ivrred." riot. W. V. lloleombe, JI. 1.,M Hast 2511i St., V. V.. (I tin lmf. In N'. V. .Med. I'cille"el. urllcn " Knsklne Is suiierlur to (iiiliilnc lit Its siieelllc liower.and never irtdnrcs the slightest injury to inn unarms or rtmaiiiiitioii." llev. James I- Hall. t'lmtlnln Albanv I'enlten tiny, w riles Katkbmlias eured his wife, af ter twenty years snll thiii fmm malaria and nor vim. ilVMtimwbt. Welti, lilm for ii:lt ii'nl.ira. Thousands upon writ t that h'Mvldne lias eured tlini after all nt'ter medicines f.illedl Write f ir book of testimonials. Kisklne run be taken without nay sjieclal niedlealndvlee. per bottle. Sold by T. I). TH'IMAS,, I.Llil;liton, l'a or sent by mall on reccnn oi price. THE KASKIXt! CO.. dec 4-ly WWancn St.. New York North Carolina. On the Carolina Central Rail road, in Gaston County, U ANTS WHITE American Settlers ! ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Iro ofierctl Ihnso havln sntfo In means to en- Mamifactflrii Enterprises MOUNT HOLLY Is endorsed liv one of tlu !.troiiRe"t Kallroids In the South, nnil has the wpunrt of tlie State onl lals. There are live Cotton ractoiies In the mmcdlale nelchhorhood.nndthe pivlci tur.i pro mse to make It the largest manufacturing cen Ire In Xorlh t'aro'lna. Small I'arms of fiom llvo tn twenty aeri's, nd 'olnlnx the tonn, can bn bad at from -Jbflto Sloo. nechtlly suited for fruits, CHi'tablea and ceneiid fiir.nlnir. 1'. W. CI.AItK. Slavltcm ltalcluh, X. C. Do You Suffer -FKOXI- Lie or Tliroai Traiifc Malaria or Eloot Poison ? Is Your System Broken Down from Over-Workl If so, and you want Immediate! rcllof and a per manent, cure, cuuiu iu Southern Pines NORTH CAROJjINA, For the Winter. This Is tho liMiest point In tho Iins Leaf Pino resions of this! 'ouutry, situated Imuicdlntrlv on tho liAI.IUtill AXI AUdUSTA KAII, 1JO.M), ,!T 1lt..u Ctll..r!. In tl.a ...l.lUf nf ...I imliiiiUen Hue l'frfv J11L1I3 IX HAU11 Dllti:OTIOX. Mativ Xoithern neonle are bultdln? cottages at the Pines for Winter use, and some for pcr- uuiiieui ii'Muruce. Th) hotel nt Southern Pines Is owned and in inajicd by air. W. It. ltayinond, of Xcw York t'ltv. IlTirdlns Hous"S under the man.iccment of parties riom Vermont, Massachusetts, Xcw ork and Xew .lersev. ltallmad Stailon, Vwt OKlcc, Telegraph, and all conveniences. livery Invalid lsltlng this place liasboon bene- llll'U. for special rates of fare, address, P. W. CLARK, G. P. A., Seaboard Alr-I.lno. l!alo'i:h, X. C. ELY'S CREAM BALM Giict relief at onet an J Cure Colfl iu Head w Am Catarrh Hay Fovci A'of a Liquid Snuff or Powder Frerf'cm injuri out Drugi and 0Ttnire Odors, A particle applied lidocacli nostril and Is agree, able, l'rlco fin cents at drnsslsts j bv null, regis icrvu, ou i-rius. t irriuurs irec, lii.Y UliUM, DmsgWs, Owcgo, N. Y. Oct-2-l&S8 IJOU Information about The South address L J011X l'A'i Kit K, Kalclgli, X.( harpRrins! Saoacbe, lUicamaUam, Crloi, Bpralns, N eur&l da, Stitches. BclaUca, LaincEido or Hip. Kidney Aflection, fa'cro Choctorpala Inanr pftrt.locfu ordeep-ee&tod, Quloklpowten JlopX'lsater li applied, lreparod ixom Snrffunay Pitch, Cjm&dA BaUun and tho medicinal virtues of fresh Hope. Act? inatantly ,'cxircfl quickiy. Tho fjrc&t eitetrensthenlnff plurterevcr known. Alirrcdy to apply. Sold by drugrUt and oonntry torc. 23 cu., Bforei.OO. Udilad for price. Fronne tor. 1IOP rLACTEIt CO., roctsa lUsa. Hop Ptaster 3sssa WM. DUFFY & SON. of East Mnuch Chunk, are prepared lo do alt kinds pf Plastering ana1 Omental W, st shortest notice. Orders bv mail will re eiva prompt attention. Terius inoderote f ir sood work. teiilSlf Lewis H. Relirig', Slate Hoofer. nKPAIRIXO promptly attendetl to at short notice and on reasonable terms. WORK GUAllANTUED. Address s PltlNCE'ti 1". 0., Carbon County, I'cun'a. auglMy. 5 fcfci Mount III! 1 AS WE CLIP HUMOROSMES. IHio tnnlce Hits best prophets In winter? Plumbers anil coal dealers. A Sonalble Man would use Kemp's Balsam fur the throat nnd lungs. It Is curing more, cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup nnd nil throat and lung troubles, than any other medicine. 'Hie. proprietor has Authorized Ulery, of, nnd Thomas, of this place, to refund your money If, after tak Im; three-fourths of a bottle, relief Is not obtained, l'rlce 0c. nnd $1. Trial size free. The latest thing for breakfast tho young man of tho family. The Only Way to Conquer Dvsjeptia. It Is perfectly preposterous to Introduce, pepsin nnd other aitllklal solvents Into the stomach, In tho expectation that they will assist dliiestlou by nrtlinroiithc food Itself. Thev will not. Noi ls It nosslble thus lonverronio dvsnci s'M. The only way to conquer that disorder, and prevent me iiuuieiims iiiscasca nun msa unities which u assuredly piovokcs, It to renew tbe activity of jKislrlc action by htvelitheldni' the stomach, lliwtclter'n Stomach Hitters cimllcntcs thu most Inveteiate forms of lndhrestton by restoring vitality to thu alimentary mn.m i.iind those which are tributary to them, J'lie lleer, tho bowcls.the niiiucvs and me nerTcs, no jess iiuiu ino siuuuicii exiH.-i'i'iic. thu Invlcorallvu i lfei ts of that stand ara nunc, wnii'u posse.ssesaucraiiie piupeiues that (.-really cuhamc Its lullueni'e.nud ive n iii'rin.incucc 10 u.s cuccis wuicn incy wouiu noi oinerwisu iiosscss. Lead astray the shot of a green sports man. The wonderful Healing properties of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid In caso of Accidents, for Burnt, Scalds, OUj, 'Wounds, cte. Its prompt use will Invariably lellcveand prevent Erysipelas, Gangrene, or Proud 1 Icsli. U u lnj' to the cleaiislns and purify In" qualities of the Fluid the mostobstlnnto Ulcers, Iloils, Carbuncles, and liunnlng bores are rendered pure and healthy nnil speedily cured, no othei application being necessary. Female dancers wero first Introduced In the balitt in 10S1. Some of them are w ith us yet. Onght to be KnoT7n by All I The wonderfully quick nnu certain re lief afforded by Fontaine's Cure In case3 of cold, cough, croup, bronchitis and as thma. It will cure a cold in 12 minutes! The first dose will give relief. Itwillcuic croup In as many minutes. A child's life may be saved by its timely use. It Is a radi cal cure for Asthma. It should always be In tho house, ready for an emergency. Can you, or any person afford to take a risk, when you can absolutely guard against it? Whooping-cough, consumption and bron chitis will yield to this medicine when others have failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. The wind Is always .blowing about soumthlng; but there is nothing in It. What Is a cold In tho head?, Medical iitthorities say it Is due to atmospheric ijenns. uneven clothing of the body, rapid eooiins when in a per3piration. &c. The Important point is, that a cold In tho head is a genuine rhlnlti.s, an inflamuiatloii of tho lining membrane of tho nose, which, when unchecked, is certain to produce a catarrhal condition for catarrh is essenti ally a "cold " which nature is no longer able to "resolve" or throw off. Kly's Cream Halm Ins proved Itssuperiority, and suffer ers from cold lu the head should resort to it before that common aliment becomes seated and ends iu obstinate catarrh. There are thirty thousand brass bands in tills country. That accounts for our terrible wind storms. Did you ever stand over a wash-tub in which clothes wero being washed with com mon brown rosin soaps? If so, try Diiev- ihippei. s lioitAx fcoAP next was'.i-Uay, ;ind note the difference. Tho best ts the cheapest always. A book has recently made its appeat- ance iu Iioston with tlie title of "Zobar." It makes a clerk look real angry to have a lady rush In and remark: "Veung man, do you keep 'Zobar.' " itii.oit'scoush and consumption cure Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption, bold by lilciy, Wolssport, and iiuiu, i.cmgiiion, It is repotted that H'lggins lcatncd to be a prophet by guessing what his wife would say when he came home late at night. Glad tidings Itellcf and cure of throat and lung disease. Fontaine's Cure is guar-. aniccu to cure a com in 1L' Hours. Sold bv C. 1. Horn, Druggist. borne wonfan never fully value a hue band until ho has been killed In an accident and they see a chance to recover damages That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by bhiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee It. Dr. C. T. Horn, Lchlghton, andlllery, Welssport. A balky horse and a man "who knows It all " are the best means of tcacliln, tlie value of patience. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Horn, Lchlghton, and Blery, at it cissiiun. e o W Tlie season is over, thank heaven, when tho weak joung man at the picnic puts on a g!r! s hat and tries to be funny. Tens of thousands of Colds lead to Con sumption. Fevers. Settled Coughs. Asthma llronehltls, Croup, Whooping Cough, &c. Immediate relief by Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer. Physic is necessary at times for Dillons ness, Costlveness, &c. Use Dr. Seth Ar nold's Uiliotis Fills. 2oc. Mothers, teething nnd fretful children need i)r. both Arnold s boothlug and Cor dial. Druggists, 2oc. At an auction sale of somo genutuo antiquities In Philadelphia a New York Kxtra Sun, printed In 1SJ3, sold for forty cents, Captain .1ltchcll, of tho bark Antolne baia, sew iorlcand llayanna trade, came uome in -uay, entirely Helpless with rheu mallsm. Ilu went to thu mountains, but receiviug no benefit, at Ills wife's request b.gan to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. He Im mediately began to Improve; In two months ins rheumatism was all gone, and lit) sailed in command uf Ills vessel a well man Hood's h.irsaparilla will help you. Sold by Mil Ull!g13l9. Some men are born great and grow smaller every day of their lives, No sufTerer from any scrofulous disease, who will fairly tiy Ayer's Sarsaparllla, need despair of a cure. Tills remedy purges tho blood of all Impurities, destroys the germs of scrofula, and Infuses new life and vigor throughout the physical organization, "l want an empty barrel of flour to ijs uiur a iicucoup ior my nuiiiiog," was tlio greeting a man gave to a JJatik street grocer l?j yesterday afternoon, ii onderfitl success everywhere. Hop i uimrra inr wean parts, scyere acnes. strains, backache. A little miss wanted somo Ice cream tlie other evening. Sho would not accept her mother's refusal, and as tho last resort she sent het to her father. Tho question was put to him, who answered: "Xet much " She went back to her mother and told her that her papa said "she could liava r little." If you havo Cutting, Scalding, or Stin Ing sensations in tlio imrts when voiding urine Sainp-ltool will quickly relievo and cure. A poet sings, ''How shall I paint my sweetheart?" If she's black paint her white, by all means. For dystieiisla and liver complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yltnllier, It never fails to cure. Sold by all druggists. Shiloh's Catarrh ltemedv a positive. euro for catarrh, diphtheria and canker j mouth. Bold by Ulery, Weis3port, and Dr. I J Horn, Lcbightou j SsS8 HS PtliltBd it life OffijCBu QF mm TQ mms' lis Is ffi tee You Want I! 811 I have "made away" with my prepared with one of STANTIAL Ladies', Gent's and Ladies American & FALL III W the Ladies' and Children's Spring. Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES. A.t The st COENBE STCXREJ." LEWIS'. WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. lilllHLi SULKY. ForSale by A. The fallowing hnnlr. Am tmhlUhM In nt n.mnltlpt printed from Koutl type upon Komi paper. I'leans exninlne wouiu had to posse... iu ciom-uountl lorm tncti uouk. Aneedote. of the ItebclUon. A eollllnii ofhiininroiiN, Bithctld.KiKI thrlUtait n.rmllT.Bnf lhar,fnrk-iofblvmi.. BktUt-a.ld, tiiftrcta KD4 l'lrk.t, lvrntutr f licrtult n4 lpl., lorle. of prison lire, or tlis Kre.t, of Mr. Llncoto, etc. Tfco I.I To oriienrrnl V. . tlrant. Br W. JU 1' VTnti ao,l oilier 1'ocir.N, ly John O. Wliltller. Thoonlr ehetp tdltlon puMUIird IlioulJ be In eterr liou.rlirild. fllHitratid. locrnN. by llc.irj U. Inafi'lloir. N j one can afford to be without this nue collection. JlluitratiJ. I'oenis, br AlCr-ccl Tennraon. 1 lila work contain! Bom of the nncelcontpnainona ol tue crcat Poet lurc.le. 1'arlor Aniiiaome.ita. A Urre collecllun of Acting Ctia radca, I'arlor iJranias. bliadovr I'.iiloinlrtifH, Uamra, Pustl.N, etc., for eoclal Ratberlnta. putillo and private eulertalumeula and erenliiRB at home, ftlmtratfj. Aluitlinl of Floriculture. TeachM the b.t method of prop tKatliiK all the different pLntB, tells how to cure disease ander.,1 Irate tniert peats. Kites directions for making heaiitltul florel and other d,!vlrc tor Indnw g.rdelilng, etc. Ifnerf-are.!. Uulde to eF,llctTnrb, Knlttlnr nnd t'roehot. Con taining design, and dlreclloits tor all kin Isol Fancy Nn-dlewoik, Arllstlo Linbrolderr, Lace Work, Kulltlug, letting. Crochet and Net Woi k. Illustrated. Famous Iletectlve Ktorlee- A collection of thrilling nar ratives ol lieteetlre esprrleoce, many of tbeiu wilt ten by etliut loenihero of the profession. Yantefl Wit unit Ilumnp. A eollerllon of hnmnrone etorlee, eketcliee, pM-nis an 1 paragraphs, Ly tbe leedlug luuuy men ot Ilia American pres., llluitrattiU The Mretcrr at ltlacLuood ilranae. A Novel. Dr Mrs Mat Aoskb FLKMiaa. Tlio l!ll Urnlua. A Novel. Be M. t. Cat not. TuebtorroratUorm. A Novel. lly31rs.JasxO.AriTt-f, Blr-We will .end anTfottr of .ho ahore VtolcaltTtnail M Z!i vjent.l any fioenffvlre for feO Cental Uia entire het (U books) for ?.;::. ia llio t list bound lu boards wIM clutn baclcfor ffl.lO. T.ieae art the cheapest booka ever puhllehed ami uuarntet'd wtirlli tlireo tltnea he money aaked for them. .Snfleacflon vwuanUfA nr mrmeg r.fiti),I. 1'ii.tHge atanipa taken for . raellona of n dollar. A. toourrolUMUty, we refer toauy uettspaiTpr piiollslieil extra eharn'i. either Put tei'n,to bo selected bTyonrself fromacstaloirtie whlelt a large lo psere, ot'COIiima lliuatraieu llierarv p iner. in-one jo-tr All timers n tie, I ov return mail. Addtess all loiter.! 1". M. AeUl'TU.V, l'ubllalter. .No. a l'tts k l'lucc, Sctv 1'ort. Tlie Oarbon Advoeat Country Newspapers. Only VOCli, tSS is VHO IS UHAOQUAiflTED WITH THE SCE CY EXAMIMi:a aJfi h& .riSp 4sl fo jt v o rj&4?$iwfa$v i s c Q n s i mWm By reason of Its centre! rraittfori, oloso relation tr prfaelrial linen East cf Chlcaro find contInnon3 lines nt tcrmlual polnta Weat, lfOA-tliwccfcciictaoutUwest lotiio only true raidcUs-llnlc in tliat transcontinental pyatcra which iavlte3 and fccil ltatcs favcl Pnd traQs la cltUer direction bltrrecn tao Atlantio nnd raclfle, Tho Rock Island tnala liuo and branchca includo Clucn.-o,Jonet, Ottawa, La fJallaToorla, lcnea?)o, iloHiio and Ecck Ialand, In HUriila; Davenport, LIncca tino, WtvshJnston, Kilrfield, Ottumwn, Oslialoosa, Weat lilberty.Iowa (Jlty.Uca Molncs, Indianoia Wintoraot. Atlantio, ilnoxville, Acdubon, nnrlan, Outhrfa Oontro tvnd Council SlutTs, in Icwa; Gallatin, Trenton, Bt. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth und Atchison, in Knntas; Jhcrt Lea, lliiuneapolli and St. Paul, in Hinnesota; Vatortovm in Dakota, end hundrctia of intormediato cities, towns and villa sen. TCS GREAT ROGVL ESLAKD LIOUTEE Quarantces fjpe-ed, Co-nfort and fjafaty to these who travel over It. Its roadbed is thoronshl7 ballasted. It3 track ij of heavy RteeL Its brldrre3 rjra nolid ntracturcB of otono r.nd iron. Its rclUnrj etcck ia porf ast as human skill cin ranli; It. It has all th3 Dafety appliances that rnechanlcnl srontua hns invented and cspirlenca provoi valuabls. Its procticid operation consorvetlvo nd j-.ctuoa-ical-its dtsciplino otrict and eaactintr. 'iho Insury cf its paosenstr cccominoJa- uoas is itnecmaioci in tne tyeavtnsurpnaRtxi m wis wuitu. ALIa 12S.lJJ.:9n a'ft ATTjn lir.trojMti of oomtDrtibla DA' C0ACII13S, raaKilflopnt pVJJJI.'l.IAJf I'ALAC'il FJulIiOlt and tjLnLPIIia UAP.3, eletrout DfiftWCr OAl-apros-i.nffesc-dlrntrr.ooln, nivl batween Chicaso, tOU Joseih, Atciticn tnd Ktuiaa City reotful IOLIMINCr CIIAIP. CAES. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE I tho direct, favorite llni batween Cb.!cap:o and IllnneapoUs and St. Tftul. Over this routs nolid fust Express Trains ru.1 tU'Iy to tho cum-pi'-r rsssrt j, picmrccqtio lacahtlcs nnd huntins and fiohincf rrrounda of Iowa and ainncaota. 'Iho rich a wheat fields and rrrazinry lando of ints-.or Dn Vota. aro roaclied via Vntortewn. A short dcalrobloroutc.,viaanM'andItarikak"o,o to tra7el;r3 bstvrtson Cincinnati, I-idianapoUi. Ltitayotto wid Cotmc.l EI' Cj, Lt. Joseph, Atchlion, Zecavenworth, Kansuo C.ty, Uinnoapolls, Qt. ran! and intcx medfato points. All classes of patrons, especially families, ladies and children, roceive from officials and employes of Hock Island trains protection, respectful court uiy and hinclly pttention. l'or Tlokets, Kaps, Folders obtainable at all prlncipel Ticket Offlces in tha United Utatoa and Canada cr any desirod lnfonnatlcn, tuidresa, R. n. CADLE, E. ST. JOHN, E. A. KOLBilOOK, Praj't L Gen'l ti'e'r, CMcajo. Au't Ger1 ti'c'r, Chlcaso. Gen'l Tkt. L Pan. Ajt, CMcasc. Carbon Advocate Job Office, New Type, .New Presses and Lowest Price for good work. Call and See Us. old stock and am now fully for tho MTER most FASIIIONABLF as well as SUB lines, of Children's Shoes. French Kid $2. to $4. Shoes, $1.25 Up ! T7IU, liVOnit EQUALLY AS WELT. OX ItOOUU HTONY LANU AS OX Tiin wisTEitx i'intn.n. it i t UNLIKK ANY OTlIElt BULKY IX TIimVOTtLD. CAKBEATTACnED TO ANY COMMON VAI.niNO plow in nvn mixutlh Turn. AND 13 WARRANTED K3T TO ino iease Tun ritArr one r-OUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD STitoxa Enough to diuve a TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL TURN A SQUARE CORNLll WITH OUT EAIS1NQ THE PLOW. THE QNLY PLOW SI DE WITH A FOOT LEVm TO WARY THE POINT or plow lunuPTi.Y in tu1; OEOUND Oil ELEVATE IT TO SKIM OVEIl THE TOP OF TASC STONI3, AROUND ROOTS, ETC. W'owantn nooil, livoman to act as agent It every town in tho U. S. Wtltous tor our libcraltcrms and prices. E. 8. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA, N. Y. J. Litzenberger NTS EACH, furm. ran.nv nf thm tunrtHomplr lllustmted. anil All ftr. the ilM And eee If you do not And therein tome that yoil wouiu coKt$i.oueacn. r.auu ouok iBcoiupmio juiueu; Oittnf lli"e. A Novel, ny Ctana Aoot-STA. Aerntlia'M llUlnpr. A Novel. By llARdAKkT lit Ot-VT. Tne MornleL 1-urnt Mjalcrr. A Novel. By Wasta CotLias. IllurtivttJ. The l.nstortboltuthTena. A Novel. Br Was StOLOCK. aun.rroren. A bond Ifrnrt. ANoyel. ByAnlhorofDoraThorne,' off lm Itonths. A Not el. tie lltl.ll! OONWAY. 1 h o Komnn lie Advcttlurea of u AlltUmald. A Novel oy inoiiAS iiahov. lit lhv llolldaya. A Novel. By Mart Cyril. If at. 'I l,M lleti.... A.hlov. A Novel. Ilv Sire. Ilrvnv IVOOO. Mlee tie les.l A Novel. Bv WlLRIR COLLI'. IllttMtrated. flloro Hitter titan Death. ANotel. By tbe But or ol -- I'ora I liorne." CiterUtntrs Olrt. A Novel. By Ifrort Cosw AT. flt'd. The lfttlil Miles. A Novel, lly Anthorol " llora t borne. M A r-nntlt-vTOii tlio A lireanni.i. APtotei. itvniAMVt-. i The .'.ireeorCiirrer. A nel. Bvanlbor .,1 '-n.,rsTIiiii The Ulntehrord It&Quest. ANwiel. BylluoiiCoaw riluircitej. A Itueen Amongst Women. A Novel. By the anthorof nolo I norne. Tho Vtttnl .Vtrtrrlntre. A Novel. By Miss M. P, Brapdor. A Title tiff.: . A ?.ow1. Bv Ml S. llakit v M i.Oli. A IlrlJoori.ove. A Novel. B author of" nuralhorns." A 1'st.tvetrlaiB. A Novtl, By " I Ha IM'ciikss." liiatedow .toilets A hotel. llyautborof"n,iraltiorne. The Kntjlttahrldae Mielcr. A Note). By Charli BsAbE. Jlluitraf't. M''.ecl nno lneted. A Novel. Bvsnthorof'noraThnrne. A t'ortune iltinlvr. A hotel, lit' Aasia 1 hum ab. Jlt'-L A.I. Olllf tile Jlutlle. AN'otSt. BvMAHVlKCIt.lUT. Ill d. ICoao J.oateo. A Auteletle. By jus. llavny V. tD, nost paid upon repel ptnfrmlT Tivclv.-- CenlRtitnyfftt fot lllptv orii. likewise, to the rnminerclAI Aeer,erer eixtv CeiiLa uortli of the elmtoi'ljll I'l.tnetl 11.1.0 will Iw Rent ynn, or TI.C Seiiile'it ltotnu elfjurmll, Takes tlie Lead in $1.00 a Year. CEOOHAPHY Or THIS CCUUTJIY, WILL THIO MAP, THAT THE CthL-atro and tha Xill?ernrl P.Ivev conn'rt WarrAgalntt Insect'. From the American Agriculturist Whoever undertakes to grow houso plants enlists for a.war ngainst a ilry'.Jntinosplicre. lust nnd insects, nnd the greatest of Ihcso is insects. Tlio most injurious insects nre not those largo enough to bo removed by Hind, but the minute plant-lice or Aphides, called by tlie gardener Green fly. Nosooner docs n new and tender shoot, two or three inches long, push forth, than it is beset all over, round and round, with llieso innocent- ooking insects, as close togttlicras they can stand, cacli with its little snout (proboscis, if you like it better), stuck into thu tender shoot, and all sucking away for dear life. Tlie Insects grow, but the shoot docs not. Tobacco in some form dust, tea or smoke is sure death to tlicso little creatures Smoke is best, ns it is most penetrating, or 'sarchin," as tliooldfashioiicd folks say. In the greenhouse tins is the moot rcalily applied from of tobacco, while in tlie window- garden tlie most difficult. Still, if ,pno is really lond ol plants, and smoking isyi con dition of success, ways and means will be found to apply it. If one can have tbe use of a closet, or the exchisivcjise of tliu bath room for over night, smoking becomes easy In smoking, we wisli to burn tobacco, nnd do not wisli to burn the house. It will b wen lomaKo a shallow mix or tray, sav four feet square, with sides four or fiv inches high; Till this witli coal ashes, nnd it will make a hearth upon which a fire may be built witli safety. A handful of pine kindlings is placed in the middle of this hearth; when fairly ablaze, a lot of dann tobacco stems are laid upon this fire, and the operator should retire and close the door behind him. Of course, it is supposed that the plants have b:en removed from tlio window to the bath-room before this smoking is given. Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste timo In experi menting wiien your lungs nre in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a oild. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you witli some cheap imitation cf Dr Kind's Xcw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds, but bo sure you get the genuine, liaeause he can make more profit he may tell you lie has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, hut insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to relief in all Throat, Lungs and Chest affections. Trial bottle free at T. D. Thomas' Drug Store. Protecting Yocng Troes from Rabbits. Not the least of tlio enemies nf our young orchard trees is the rabbit, nnil wo fear lie will bo such ns long ns our Osago Orang. hedges remain. Tlie rabbit will not. injure tlie trees in summer, when he-has an abund ance of Micculent lood; but in winter tin tender bark is to him a dainty that ho will partake of if it is not made distasteful to him or he is not frightened away. ''To frighten him from tlie trees is not easy. Wo have tried effectually tho plan of tying while cloths nroimd the tree, nnd found to our sorrow that tlie rabbit soon ceaseti to fear them. Jinking tho snow into a solid mound about the tree will keep away mice but not rabbits, though it is often said it would. Tho rabbits will mount tiie mound and nibble away. Ilcsidis, wc don't havo snow half tiie time during the winter. The best way is to make the bark distasteful to the rabbit. He likes neither blood, nor grease, nor the oder of ilcsh. Hence, when you butcher, tako the waste parts of tlio animals, and witli these parts rub t he trunks as far up as the rabbit can rcacu. Aiicrauuiis never ultimo a tree so treated, while the grease or blood remains. Keverybt ily's companion is nobody's friend, but Iteil Star Cough Giro is everybody's friend. Prof. Grothe, of tlio llrookiyn Board of Health, endortes it as prompt, safe. and sure. Price, Twcntv-five cents a hot tic. Feodlng Mixed Feed. The.-c are two cardinal principles iu relation to mixed feed: first, that mixed feeds aro better than plain; second, that all the elements of the mixtiiro should be fed each day, instead of one clement forone day or ono week, and another for another day or week. Tims, for instance, the experi ments at Itothamstcad, England, showed that eight pound of peas or six pounds of oil-cako meal, would vlako a jiountl of live weight; while, of peas and oil-cako meal mixed, four and one-half pounds would suffice. It is as an clement of mixed feet) that roots attain tiieir greatest valuo Thus, in" a great majority of cases, it will bo found that a biicep receiving three pounds of bright wheat straw, and six pounds of turnips per day, will increase as much in weight, or keep in as good conditon, as another with three pounds of tho best timothy hay; while,, the former-, will cost less. .. It has been ascertained that to keep a sheep in good thriving condition, fifteen pounds of perfectly dry feed (of average good quality), is required per week for eacli one hundred pounds of lire weight, lint since liny and grain, in their ordinary condition, contain about fourteen per cent, of warier, from eighteen to twenty pounds per week will bo neccessary, or nboul three pounds per day. To facilitate digestion and prevent constipation, it would bo well if an exuivalcnt of this amount of nutriment could be expanded iu bulk, so as to weigh seven or eight pounds. Men, such ns U. S. Senator Voorhccs, of Indiana, aro loud In their prjUo of ft. Jacobs Oil ns an instantaneous cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and other lxxlily pains. In cleaning silver; kenoscno may bo used witli advantage. Carpets may be brightened by dusting with a damp flannel ninp, Ants may bedriven out by sprinkling lite floor with Persian iowder. Stains on wood tan bo removed with ttrong vinegar or salts of lemon. Egg htaiiis tsui be removed by rubbing witli roiiinion tablesalt. Clean straw mntlin;; with a cloth and sail water. Wipe dry. This kecjas. it from turnlngyellnw. To exterminate bedbugs, nittsolvo alum In water and apply lo bodatead uith a feather. lie careful not to touch tho paint or varnish. Perfect Hair Indicates a natural and healthy condi tion of tho scalp, and of tho glands through which nourishment l.s obtained. When, In consequence of age nud ills case, tho hnlr becotuos weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen it, rcstoro Its original color, promote its rapid mid vlgortitis growth, and impart to It thu lustre ami freshness of youth. I havn used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a long time, anil am t'tinv Inced uf lis tnluo. When I" years of nge my hair began It. turn giay. I t'ninini'iitt'.l using Iho Visor, and will suipiiseil at tho good effects It proilurrd. It nut only restored tlio color to my hnlr, hut so stimulated Its giowth, that I halo now mum hair than cVpr before. J W. Udwnrds, Cohluatcr, Miss. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by all llrucgtst. and Perfumer.. If tou Ann suFFitmxa lrom debility and loss of appetite, If yotu stomach is but of order, or your mind contused; tako Ayor's Sarsaparllla. This medicine will restoro physical force and elasticity to tho system, more surely and speedily than any tonic jet discovered. For six months 1 suffered from liver and stnninrh tumbles. My food did not nourish inn, and I bccaino weak nnd vervinui'hfinaiialeil. I look six bottles f Aver'.s .Sarsaparllla. nnd was cured. - J. M. Palmer, Springfield, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Itr.J.C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mae.. Sold by Ilru.'gUt.. Trice tt; .Ii tollies, $3. A UEBIOAL VICTORY 1 Oiireai Brlrjhts' nisoris''. Catarrhs or mo uiiu'icr, 'j'orpm liver, it 'Hsolvc Gall-stoncsand Gravel. SYIIPCOIiaana CONDITIONS: or urlno for which, tuts ltcmeily should lie taken. Fcnldln.t Floppajro r.!oxMlnr;cd Dlalctio Albumen l!rlck-dust G llropslcal Dribbllnt? Jllllty-plnkJ Itcndacho Frequent f.'nstivcncsel Honcncho Ncrvoti3 Hedlsh-darkl 1'rle-acld Rettllnps Cntanhnches Itackncho IS'ervcncho rho?phatcf t llad-tacto l oul-Urcath CJ nil-color IT 13 A SrECSI'IC. Kttry f.o$t goet to Hit rpot. liollcveinnil Cures iiprnnlfllme-fnverl Canker, Dyspepsia, Ain?, Jlnlarta, l'ovcrf ind Arruo.Iveuralrrifl.ltlioinnatlsiri. Knlnrtro-t smcniotiuoi'rosiaio uinnii. tcxuai wcnii-i JU039, Rncrmntorrhcca and Gout I 1 ii jiiiminates jtiooti jinnuriiics. tteroiiua.i lnry8lpclas, Salt-ltheum, Syphilis, rimplcs,ft llllotohcs, Fovcr-sorcs, nnd Cnnccr-talnts. I It in n itiont W'ontlormi Appetizer. timing up tniriciy a j;un-ciowrt constintlion. Tell vour neighbors nllnbouttt. ePmcn 25o, $1.00 G bottles S5.00.I sylTeparcl nt Dr. K timers Dispensary, inmrtiamton, jm. u.ts. A. rntwllds5 Otttde f o H'Alth (5ent Free.) Aiiiriwntoiinqiiry promptly e vinvrprn. oi,n iy ai.Ij jiisifSGiwrs SEE aSiu-rlnllr DlMlllcil for Dleillclunl Use Till DMI TONIC 1 UNEOUALED for CONSUMPTION ViAbinu diseases and CENEIIAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. Dn. KI1W b. W'AI.T.INO. Bar. pvtn In Chief, National Guard of N, J., mites: "Mv nttpntion wns died to your KeiBtniie ?,lidt liUkey hy Mr. Iittir, llrnpptsl, nf Trenton, nnl I hulo tisctl n few bottlefl mUIi fur better effrrt than nnv I hitie I ott- I run rerotimieniiino mir nrticlo In my ructico, autl nnu ii Tory aniuiuciorT, SrWAEE C? nilTATKHS. CyTh (Irntilne b the Pltnuture oJ (Hftlt Ag-ntf for the V. a.) j 316, 318 and 323 Rici St.. Philadelphia, Pa. For sa'c at Dr. Horn for pm'iz?;s Cnstorln piomotos I'p;ct,tlon, and overcouios Flatulency, Constipation, Bour Stomach, DIarrh.-n, rjid Foverlslmess. Thus tho cldld Is rendered healthy and Us sleep natural. Castoria contains no Alorphlno or other narcotio proiwrty. " Castoria Is no welt adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any fuvscrtpllon known lo me." II. A. Ancmm, JI. II.. 83 Tortland Ae., llrookiyn, N. Y. "I uso Castoria In my practice, nnd find It specially adapted to affections ot children." Atzx. ItonrnTsox, M. 11.. 1047 ltd Ave., Now York. Tms CufiAtm Co., 183 Fulton Bt., K. Y. MM (IfMl r Pfatr. tint tho, wTin srrlf ! rtiinon A I'lh.ruiiUnd, Maine, will rrceffe free, full IraftJITilAlinn Mteoiit amtr mhlol. I lSejcad( Mr at tinDie.tb will ptj Ibern from t. ta f i5 iter tiav. Komi l. earned ovtr In a dij- Either icz. j-onnir nr eld. Capful ivt required. YouaretiarliM fie. Tbote uliotlart at ooea art aUolutelj tur vf inu lttl foitunta. AU U dcw. IJCPtVlilM A OVUM Pltnr ItntaLtlv elTtXta CUT- Vthorw all nihsK ..t.ial..... tAt'. fjlniiiirrtliiir, .11 reel noil rritnln ri iI m curuiM tin riiu in ull C'lf KAIII.i; t 'll permn9nU tatti rat. Utter lo mi at any tlmr." m it Jui,M.inn "I am e&Urrl reitored to tealih bj Gtrtaaa intbtua ,,un" . v . Tkot, rlt,m, lUmMtum tiki "Cerinaa Ailbma Pure l aU you iim ktiu Itncier ': ,, Von Arngtrttn, Crfn,i!li ff, f KpbrilelaartwstmtBrnled Uf rotaa Aitlura Cur It cured mi," lift, M. L Titiick. LnM.JaJ,.- ri;., Tbsuaad.f ainlUr LttUn t a file, iik Uytt Hof price, 'ftltil rack. li re) to r.ny eddrraa illti H.UUHIi. I1.K 'I1mV. M.IK.kt.l-nSl.Mlailil. TO consumptives: Tito undersigned having been re stored to Iioalth byEltnplo menus, nftei EufTerinp; foruovernl years 'with usovero lung' affection, nutl that dread tlUcaso Coiiguiiiption, is anxious to niako known to his fellow snlferers the iniians of cure. To those who desire, it. ho will cheerfully send (freo of elinrtre) n copy of t!-o jireeerliition used, wlilch they ivi!J llnilabiiio euro for Cotisuiniitlon. Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lunir Maladies. Ho hopes nil MilTercm will try his Itcuicdy, ns it will cot them nothing nnd inny provo a bloKt-Inp. Those de Elring tlio prpfcjptjikii, v i'l j '.t ao ad drubs, Huv. KdwaUaJ A. A iL-iOS, WUUtuutibury, JUnga Co., ow York. its il 1 li .'siewyi El m win WW afeiuSeiiasA.V. CSiildriii C3 mYUMft cwred 111 31S?.B B EtiaSTl fismtbenoitilrrtlrtin WK WANT fi,S00 noitK nooic AGUrsTSXOijIalilaUUU NiSW liOOlC. A t; r- 2. yocnTTAsn, lit. (SIT BjCUtfofP.O.DttectlnCcrpi. of TUB fra POST-OFFICE Bn'TPT7T T(Ps A New IlioK .TriRT rrraLi!itr.D hy en oClcUU ot over 15 yenn' experience In the Ftcrct Sen Ice, In ono Magnificent Itoral or'ara of over 600 Getos Ami elegantly lita.truted by tho boat artists la 10 country with 2IIU aajjA-av.i SA ei.vb.tiivA,iua. A tltrllllnte reeoril nf .lett'elmn III the U. 8. VoHi Oaioo lju-irtmcnt : crahradnskctchtsof IleKfers fat Explain of l'o.t-orjce Inepectnre In tho Detec tion, Pursuit, nnd Capture of Itobbcrs of tho U. S. Malls; together with a cnmp'ottidoscrlptloa of tha many mwtus end coinpllcnted contrivances of the wily nnd unscrupulous tn deir-ui tho public; aleo anncciirileticcountr.fthe t If tltlOIIS H-rAXt IO(7TI3 PnitJDJ.l tn which t!iae4iifAorhnl tnt ra char;o of tho pre paration of the evlucncd for tho government In perrt toim there nre Postmasters. UorchanU. Mechanics, Parciera, l'rnfcesuinal Men, nod hun. drrds of people who triU t4 glu t In gtt tttlt thrilling i-wt. ltluotvhalr.7nn imiiaralied tl'.ciltltlUat 'f?ic 10 an. ana w otucu Agcnie maKinrrirrjia ?UW to 300 a imir.t'i os-,ily. We want anaritla .very township In tho t. H. and Canada. tlryWo tivciiMfrufflon so that Asr Tnnaon wli this phe. Liomcnsl sellinc book, can becomo a tucceitfulA.ganl. Ab'101 wftaftcr. Aecnts nro moetlnff vlth unpa-ailtled atefst. tVIHJanei no Kind anet, as we glvo Sjiecial Terms to pay Freights. Itcmembcr, wo rIvo yc.u thcxclii"lvo solo of this tonkin territory r.Kurncd you. for onrcl.sreo itd Clr-alsra, conttlnlnj full particulars. pxlal Terms to Af rntj", etc, sent froo to alb Ad .roes lmmcdletcly tho ruhlUhets, O ll'INTEIt & CO.,SPItINflFIEIiD,M;ASS, Forrietly of Hartford, Conn. 7Y1 to tan rT."i7ToS IU thet lere,t nldet.l p wumuhed. beet-knoren faurscrlcn ljfbecouB-l Etrr. Atoet liberal terms. Uoeqasled lacUlUe.,1 la-ncesiow. oeni-VR Pinrpery. J Inuiisairtia illfff'C lUDniii'rn HrieriiuaciuLitiiK 1 I1L0L il IlillllUILU K3S MlMIUUllI ilMI Hllll" J.ur, . SIMPLE, . Srg ACCURATE UNO 3 ?, CHEAP, 1 e-y kTvb.. i. DurtAntF. - 1 11 lnfioo, Vcod-PIS(n, Its. - a: stsrriern.fn sv rse "a i , SSJAX.EU 1UU1Y WOIiKO, tSAaUUf, MeeSj RAINBOW RUPTURE RBbWEPA SlST'S Vff: rellyo and porfoct retainer. It Is not o Truss. Worn Dt and lght and iti K?;?'r,!0"en-. b.,ai tot clrcnlar With tertl. Llffii;1 '."PI awatefnl .utTerers eured brthlTap. i?,V A JreaaCentTol Medical and SiSclciU .r'." 'reatmont elven nil kinds of .ortrlcal i1.iVeSlKClBl.'.,"0"' . unlftl- KrraUMAr ADVERTISERS ' can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Bond 10Qt9. for lOO-Pafjo Pamphlet. A CASKET OF EZKErTAl to &nj pprpon wtio will nhavr It to their irk-uda oi.dpciicl ns o;d. ru. lG per Mojaik salary i, ml exptnees psld tl.o-ti vho pre fer salary lo romni'eFlrii, andtUelr sal ly ruleo ta 75 per Month the third, and pep Month the tilth y r.te UU xi, If thoy prove proflcicutBii'tBuieu. Full lnfirmr.tlnn "will t.e "til yoa freo about wo k that joacjimlo Mid live at I'omc, wliorevtr ion arentuuuil,tl utMl'l pnyyou from $5 to (10 ptr d.iy. A munber l.ave earneU cv.r35 In a dny. Bnth ft iu. all age?. Iho clt&nro of allfr time. Now la the time. Foitut.enaro ah't.utt ly suru for tho workers. Give ynur Furt Offlro and K prffsbthlrcfip, hikI rtnlewha piittr yoa saw fihs cdvtrtieemrntlu. ddreir, Standard Silver Ware Co., 8G Washington St., BOSTON, MASS. i hziyhm AzrisiiHiiral Werkff, M, hi Bwd tbr ZDtiStraUd uauioiM. Address A. AlTi'AIl nentAAU asthma cure Tnntantlr Triform the moat rloldnt attack, and I SLlnsureHCoruiunattia weep, nu (iaiiiau i n E itL 1 1. used ly inh Uation. ita action if lm & mediita. dirert and cri lulu and a cur la tha Ktmiill in all trnrntitn f!at4M A alnsla tnul con- Ttnec tha moft akepticu. itic cxto. ana i w m ol any drucifitt. or I mi. Lira pi 1'rrv for fl a .r, . .. - . - AFFLICTED s UNFORTUNATE Attor ell othors fall consult 330 N.15tUSt,belov7ClIov7Wll, rhlla..Pa. 20 yeameirrtricnceln all SPI.f'I I dieaie. Per manently rctore those wrn.tM.ed hy earlf lndicre tion, ftc t".il or write. Ad Wee free and atrialvrwi- nucntlal. Hours ; n a. m till 2(snU 7 to so evenings, December 25, 18R6 ly mm SHERIDAN'S CONDITION POWDER Is otrtnt.itcly rnro and rt'clilr roncentnitfd. Onf oonce Is worth a noi'tid t.f nnv tihor kind. It Is sttinly inrdlthie low rlvftt wlin tV-rnl. Nnthlnircn tanh will n-ike lifns lay lite it. It rnrf-a rViirktn cnolfra and aU dltrasrs of hens, la worth Itst.rlght tn gold. 111ns traud bo-.h br nail fir. Bold evrrywherr, or sent by invl ft ' 1 cents In Miimps. tH-ll. tin cans, fit hr ran 1, t !. '). Mr n t rtpu . rn paid. Tor Av 1. ti. alI,NbON i CO., Jlofttuu, Mass A GEflTLEIlAflcof votia l'rostrntlon, Seminal Weakness, l'rcinnturo Decay, and nil tho evil ef fects of early iiiillscruUoiianil youthful fully, is anxious to make known to others tlio siintiloinotlooftvolf-cura To thoso who wish nnil will give hlln their pyinptoms, ho will Bend (free) by rtv. turn mail a copy of tho roclio bosuo cobsfully used in his caso. A'hln-Ku In rnnfldenpo, JAIK3 W. Pisiisiix. 43 Cedar St., K. Y. -a3Qstji,r rPfJ 'H III 1 1 AltTVo r I, . I'n. mm. is v