f The Carbon Advocate , Limioti roK, SATUltDAY, DBCKMIIEK 18, 18S0. PS1 KliI'Ll ATT1IK l.r.lllflllTON I'OST-Ori'lCC A8 SKOONIl CI.AS MAIL JIATTto!. Titr. dogma punned by Henry (ioore Is nbout ns delusive ns false ilognias gonoially are. If a man Is juJgn.l by tbo compary lie llCcps, occasionally ionie una Is bound lu be loolcd. O'DonAVAS IIosra bat been expelled from tbe Fenian Biolhcrbood. fl'o tblnlc tbo order Is safe. l'nost all indications wo are toil to be lieve tbat tho business of the country Is be ginning to boom. Some day the "rascals will all bo turned out" then what will become of llie civil service reform law? Ir Grover Cleveland Isn't making a most frantic effort to be renominated in 1888, then we lose our guess. Boom.rcrt McQUAnr. has been convicted. Verily the mills of the gods grind slowly but they irlnd exceeding sure. PnonAni.T It would not bo ont of place to raverse the order of things and hare the New York boodlcrs try the jury. The State Revenue Commissioner an nounccs that the Stale debt was reduced $7m,"01 dnrlng the fiscal year ending No vember 80. Duniffo the winter months Is a good time to rettlo the water question, and the spring months a good time to commence operations. Vt'c are to have a Hoard of Trade. In this event we predict that our borough will eoon experience somewhat of a change for tbo better. It is safe to conjecture that the usual number of patilotlc citizens will turn up to servo their country by the time the borougl election is In order. Wn call the attention of our readers to the prospectus of the TTecWy Press, of Philadelphia, published in another column, This is one of tho best of the great Metro polltan Family Newspapers. A Frew days morn and 1888 will slide off Into the past without a sigh, without groan, witbont a whimper. Conslilerine that It has been eomevhat of an tin fort u nato year In many respects, we sav, In common way, "let hergo, Gallagher." Ar.THim's popular Home irayazinc i among the most welcome volumes that coma to this office. The contents of the January number are interesting and at tractive. The magazine Is published by T. S. Arthur & Son, Philadelphia. Samp! copies 10 cents. This Camion Atvcati: ranks first I the line of newspapers In this county. Our constantly growing circulation testifies a to the truth of this. As an advertising medium It has no equal in tills section. Rear this in mind. Send us one dollar and commence with the. new year. Tun Campbell divorce case on trial In tho courts at London Is about as dUgustlne - 1- wcry nay to drink In. the filthy evidence are about as disgust ing creatures as one generally comes across. It is safe to conjecture tbat, as the old ynar dies, the usual number of Individuals who have not been "just exactly straight" during the past will conclude to turn over a net? leaf and lead a better life. We com mend this proceedure on their part ami pray that if they bo delinquents of onrs they roniember us in no unkind way. We r pleased to note the very com mendable action taken by our towa council u exonerating jrom the payment nf taxes for a period of ten years the ITersh Steam Heiling and Manufacturing Company.who think of locating heie with their extensive works. From the tenor of the council's actions we infer that other Industries which may locate here will be treated in the same n-anner. Good ! let the noble work of pro gression move on. Attouney Gkmekai, Casnii.v, at Har rlsburg, has filed bills of equity against tbe Anthiacltc Coal Combination and the Trunk Lino Pool, praying the court to de clare them unlawful. He asked a prelim inary Injunction. Judge Slmonton decided to hear argument on tho application for a preliminary Injunction on the 21st Instant. tun purpose of this is to put a atop to the practlco of Coal and JJallroad monopolies combining to raise and keep m prices of coal and other commodities of life. A liti.i. was last week Introduced In the IT. S. Senate for the redemption of trade dollars. It provides that for a period of six months United States trado dollars, if not defaced, mutlllated or stamped, shall be received at their face yaluo in payment of all dues of the United States. For the same period, holders of trado dollars, on lurauniauon or the same at the United States deposllorics,uiay receive In exchange liko amounts In faco value in standaul sil ver dollars or subsidiary coin. Tho trade dollars received shall not be reissued, but shall bo reeoined into standard dollars. As the llmo for holding the borough election draw s nigh It behooves our citizens both tJeniocrallc nnd Rcnubllcan. til InnV towards the formation of mmi. trnn tickets. School directors, councllme.i.iw,,- directors, constable, assessors, auditors, &e , are to be elected at tho Spring election and it U but right that only good honest, upright and conservative! men should be nominated by both parties, so, no matter which parly Ji juccessful, we shall havo borcugh olllcials willing and capable of .lis posing of tho .vai iqus duties connected w ith their oillee with fidelity and promptness. ItemouiWr this, It Is Important. Or tho wives of tho Cabinet members 'If . Mumilug it this l,r rrto.i.t. II.. ... y uiuer wnuiau n . "omclal" society. Tills is due i or 1 , iivnug manner as much a to her never, "ailing fact. There Is no assumption of 'ineiiorlly about her, and her manner it "' um toward all. Since Mr. Manning' i t' - , Mrs. Manning a first ; s health and the Improvcmen .juue - u iier caro or .e e.ilarv as to thil medical attemlnHi-n . . 1 1 unr mi J. ,"r ,,nhif u , , f2Wn,n ,0 aP- 'wntior a quarter, as tho state of your bank IT s-hMr.. blimey in the p!e,idorof her-account warrants, or perhaps you prefera . , , "Un',Klr Ume l0,,e ' ll,al l,",r" nl"I 'Y of these places are Broaflta'S M M Letter. Special to the CAitnox Advooatk. A writer in olio of our New York journals gives a very circumstantial account of a bull fight at Havana, and seems to think that the exhibition was a very brutal and a very barbarom one, as several burses were disemboweled In Ihc sport and a half-dozen bulls weie killed during the ontertainuient. It was a beautiful afternoon; all Havana was out to see the speclaclc;. the savage gladiator who finally dispatched tho miser able animals was greeted with the plaudits of tho in lilt I Hide, and In old Spain this celebrated bandellcro was considered not an unfit companion for the king. It was savage ves; it was brutal yes; It was bar barousyes; but the tortured animals were brutes of a low order, which merely gratified the Instincts of their own savage natures In the conflicts which led them to their death. On the evening of the samo day when this brutal exhibition was given to an assemblage of 10,000 people, among whom were the elite of Havanese seelety, In fact there was everything there from the Ooternor- General down to the tian Culotte, on hat Identical evening a party of. tnenty- flve gentlemen wero assembled In one of the- flnest mansions on Fifth Avenue to see a contest of Feather-weights for a prize of fifty dollars. The contestants wero, only boys, the weight of each being under a .hundred pounds. They belonged to the.brutal cla?f n hlch makes prlze-tlghtlng a bnslnesj, and had earned a metropolitan reputation by several severe encounters In the pflze'ringi The parlors were elegantly furnished and everjthlug denoteil luxury and epulenc'e When these bantams entered the ring they were in the highest pesslble physical con dltlon, for they had been In training many weeks. The battle commenced, and for one mortal hour they pounded each other till they wero disfigured beyond human recognition; and when, beateH, bruised and maimed Into utter helplessness they sank senseless beside each other on the floor, the wealthy ruffians who had enjoyed the cruel sport clapped their hands adjorned to the supper room to enjoy their champalgne and cigars, while the bleeding gladiators were hurried Into a hack at the door and carried to their miserable lodgings in Houston street, thcie to writhe in agony for days, tho penalty of their trade and the cost of amusing these fine gestlcmen. During the fierce contest, where two human beings were being pounded to a mummy, nol one word of sympathy or horror escaped from any ono of the assembled company, and after they adjourned to the supper room the entire affair was deemed a propel sub ject of congratulation to tbe host, several or the company declaring that they never enjoyed themselves so much In their lives, Talk about your Spanish bull fights after that. In that cruel sport a horsa is disem boneled, a wild hull Is killed or a matadure is maimed. The Injuries to the men are Inflicted instantaneously and accor reaches him the moment he is wended. Nol with the prize-ring brutes; they figh viciously as wild-cats till one or both beaten Into Insensibility, and this is one o the polite amusements of New York, When Rome was rushing down to ruin, was just such scenes as this that marked her decadence, and the proud mislrPss o the world became the mother of a race of object and degraded slaves. Whit wltl the brutal snorts of our aristocracy, lb official corruption of our m-mcipal "rulers and the utter ipttenness of our jury system 1 tf Uw ij-i.nj iueMi3. '-Itiiiiilc fortune, we have much amusement that is healthier and better than this. At the present moment in musical circles, H'agner supreme, liclllnr, Rossini and the rest of the magic host who charmed u in our bov- hood, and were the delight of our fathers and mothers, are getting to be pleasant memories only; and now our musical people are Wagner mad. If ft be true tbat the spli its of the departed do occasionally super Vise me atralrs of this sublunary sphere, Wagner must be having sweet rcveuee. Last week was signalized by the production oi nis irlttanand Iiolde. which Wagner dyinc declared tbe masterpiece of lib life. in an romance there is no love legend older than this. More than a thousand years ago it was the favorite lay of the minstrel In castle halls, and its origin may uc lomm among the old A'orse leends in me grey and dusty past. It Is a bold de parture to strike from the Opera the mag- uuiceni precessions, the wondeiful scenic effects, the dazzling lights, the entranein ballels; who but a man detennlned to die a martjr, would ever have attempted such an innovation; yet this did Richard Wagner. 1 arts rose against him, anil his masterpiece was nisseu irom thestage. London, Vienna, Rerlln and Naples In succession turned tlieir hacks upon the great composer. incouore i nomas, like the evangelist ol the desert, was heard crying aloud in the wilderness but it was not till tbe mad King of Iiavaria had proclaimed himself a dlsclplo of the new apostle, that the world consented to give Richard ll'agner a hea r- ing. Il'lille his recognition was by no means urlversal during his life, his last days were soothed by the unfeigned homage or some ot tbo best musicians of his time" Last week he captured New York, and there is no doubt but Tristan and Isolde will be heard several times before the season ends. Tbo magnlflcunt sliming nt n- Niemn and Fiauleln Lehmann, and th leading of Horr Anton Seldl, made this Opera the grand success of the season tw far. Still Opera Is the rich man's ani'use'1 ment; any kind of a respectable' 'seat 'c'osts live dollars, and you can go as much higher as your bank account will allow. There Is a revolution, and a great one, taking place In our theatres, which may even tually place good Opera within tho reach of the million. The Dime Museum which originally was a cheap, disreputable sort of place. Is being rapidly iniprovedjand several theaters aro now opened where the general admission Is a dime, and where you can see performed by pretty clover companies, some oi the greatest successes of ll'allack's, the Fifth Aveuue, Daly's and tbo ITnlnn Square. Now, while the general admission Is ten cents, yuu mnt not imagine that It will secure you a private box. Nothing of the sort; when jou get inside you discover tbat IIih ten cent portion is not exactly suited to your constitution, anil the gentle manly usher relieves you of another well conducted ns any theaters In tli city. There is no doubl, but we are appro, aching an era of cheap and good amuse ments, and that tbe extravagant prices hied people have been compelled to pay wm soon he a thing of the past. However, ten ntrn'id,t?'',.'aUUt!!'' Aca1de,U'' U from pit to I nt In l.ls con- dome. ou .-ouhl not get your nose withlu 1 ,en feet of the dor for an hour before the i...if,, - ii. ..., , - ..... ...m.i w uii, luuiitf u i vsl I up ifAifl ivpn. t S aua U Mta, aUll w. ftt these UU . I prices the ticket speculators almost realized a respectable fortune. What better epitaph would Chester A. Arthur have than that told by the story of his will. After a life during which mil lions passed through his hands his entire fortune Is less than $200,000. Not a sheriff of New York or Brooklyn, but qan carry that sum out of his olllce after two or threo years of service; 'Nota Coroner, oi Surro gate, or County Clerk but e'xpecls to make as much In a term. Tho Commissioner of urors for the city and county of Now York could discount It. New York ocnt 375,000 trooj to tho war, and nearly one hundred regiments were equipped for service by General Arthur. What opporlun Itlcs for peculation were there; but suspicion never tainted his name in a time of general corruption. As tho head of the Republican party In the city, as the Collector f the port of New York, as the President ef the Untied States, how vast were his opportun ities for personal gain; but to bis honor be It recorded on his monnment that not even his bitterest enemy accused him ef pecula tion. The fortune he leaves to his children, rjenldes his honest name, was all acquired in the practice of' law, and was greater before he occupied the President's chatr than after, and he leaves his children better heritage' than gold. VTI11 we conylct anr more boodle Alder men? I thing net; I am almost euro that ono or two honest men will be found among the twelve who will hang the othet ten or eleven.1 We wlll io the, best we-can under Mie .circumstances. ' ' ' By the way, we made a brilliant dash last Sabbit-h to sustain the Sunday law, and New England In 1080 could, not show more respectable observance. Not a barber, or baker, or butcher, or .whiskey seller dared to show .his nose. Wherever there was an open door the police went for It, and as a matter of course they nagged some game. Two Italian villains were brought to the judgment, delected In the atrocious act of glvlrg another Italian a five cent shaye. Well, they were not exactly shav ing the man, but one was mixing the lather in a mug, and the other was stropping the razor. The magistrate discharged th .criminals, as the proof was not sufficient for conviction. The day was most propiti ous a blinding snowstorm swept through tin street, and nothing short of the Salva tion Army, or a nip of good old rye would haye induced any jane man to brave the fury of tfee. tempest. For a town where not a drop of liquor was sold, it was re markable the number of men with unsteady less along In the afternoon. Many peopl thought they were affected by tho sudden change in the tempeialure; perhaps that was it, but the symptoms looked very much like something I have seen before some where. The storm which began on Sunday was severe, and It continued with slight Intermissions for three days; the streets were blocked with snow, and the slelghin the best that we have had for years. Th chime of the sleighbells remind us that Old Santa Clans Is not far off. The window of the stores appear In their holiday dress, and the show of rich goods is something astonishing. The embroideries of silk and velvets witli gold and silver awaken the dreams of Oiieutal splendor pictured in the Arabian Nights. There seems to be no lack of money, as the shops are crow dei from morning till night. Our drygoods stores have a department for ladies' dresses and cloaks, and a regi -ni f very lovely models to try them on, A luck) miner iron. .,. w)0 contem. plated matrimony, started out from m v magnificent seal cape trimmed with sabl price $750. He walked around tbe model and looked at the cloak then he looked at the model, and he whispered in her ear that if she would wear tbat cloak to BoIsq City that he would make her Mrs. Ter- klns. . The sight of several $1,000 bill settled it; that night they were married, and next morning they started for Boise City, v anted, a model I BROADBRIM Washington Ms and Gossip. From our Special Correspondent. n ashixoton. D. C, Nov. SO, '88, Mr. Lditor; If superstition were prevalent to-day as it was in the dark ages, when it was generally believed that coming events could in a very great measure be fore told by changes in the moon, or the action of the elements, it is probable tliat the severe storm which prevailed uiion the nncninu uay oi uie present sevsinn of Congress would be looked open as an evil omen, and an In diciition that the session would be an uuusu ally turbulent one. Notwithstanding tin inclemency oi the weather, however, tbe gaiicrics oi ooui the Senate and House of II .. HI .1.1 - . Representatives could not have been more rnw-ded had the day been fair and bright i ncre is a large class ol people iu Washlnc- lon who seem to consider it to be their religious duty to go to the Capitol on the opening day of Ihc session, and to them it makes hut little diflerence how inclement ino weather, or now dull and stupid the proceedings. Aside from the usual formal tllurf inn!. I...., ln tl. , - . m mv,- uiitriuug nay ol the session, the usual handshakings and pleasant greetings, and the usual good natured contest luring the distribution of scats, the onenin l.iv of tho session was marked bv no incident m B1K.-CIIU interest, i no desks of several uf r i ? . . . . the Senators and Members were orniimentcd with floral tributes from admiring friends. In tliQ,allolment of seats in the Ilnuso Mr. Cox sueureil a desirable seats in the front row. Ho was kept busy mwl of the time iu receiving tho congratlllatiiins if his former associates, and his countenance wore a look of contentment which clearlv indicated thai he was pleased te find himself once more no on the.lloor of the House. The spirit of enterprise heretofore exhib- tl by the New York Ukraldm its efforts o outdo its rivals iu furnishing tho people wllb the latest news at the earliest poss'ble moment lias often been commented upon ns deserving of praise. The Himialu ban, dining the past week, established an early morning delivery of its papers in Washing ton. The papers arrive by special train at 8 A. m and the citizens of the National uipiini are now permitted to read the IIkiui.ii before office hours in the morning. i ncre is naturally somo complaint among the local papers. As the result of this com petition there has already been a decided falling off in the number of Washington pa pci sold. Congress having began its winter session lite "season" in Washington may bo said to have been officially inaugurated. Plains for tbo social campaign nre being arraiured. and a-veral "events" have already been announced. Mrs. Cleveland returned from her visit to New York City on Wednesday last, having enjoyed her trip Leonil her' expectation: i A though the- President was somewhat in-' .licd, and wa.ron,,clled to deny himself' . .." i umj iiiiiiscu , in viu I orson niwinnl nl rl,.iin.i!.., .1...! h.r aLcnc fr9Ia the city, .Lc "Z in such ! continual corresjiondcnce and was kept so nroiighly Informed as to his condition tat tho published statements gave her no trouble. The movement to advance the District ntcrcMs In Congress Ly tho organization of rcprcfcntntlvc body nf citizens, who can nice the wishes of the people on local mat ters, still progrewe. A meeting of promi nent citizens was held on Wtdpcsday cven- ng last, at which tho objects nf thu meeting' ero clearly outlined, and a committee of one hundred "was appointed, whose duly it hall be to represent the District in bringing the matter tothe attention of Congress. The Washington nnd Georgetown titrcct Hallway Company.lms decided to substitute the cable tystcir. for liorfc-power, and a bill as Men Inlnnluced in Congress asking per mission to make the change, -.It n proposed to adnpt tjie jyitcm best known, and it has icen demonstrated that the plan can be car ried out successfully. II. 2D I ED. IIontz. In Mahoning, on Nov. 21, Hoar, llontz, icuoi ymrs, 11 jiiuiiui.i unu u ui:) s. LlNisnr.n. In fcmnswlck. Achmlktll rnuntv. on ov. z), aathan Unlnger, agtu 4 years, iu mourns ami in aays. Ul I l.r ... .1 1.111 1111111.1, 11,1 IO. llal'I'IIJ IC II III, oaugiuer ni toward mm naran J. sillier, cged yd years, v inouius aim zu u;ts. 8MtTlTNoTimTKin. On December etti. bvthe Kuv. w. n.,atrauss, Kdwam sniuiiior uttle (jap, ana miss i.ira. noiristrin.oi Lenipn. Itoek-QnotatiOiiiT1'- " PtrZ-f-ft "!n ',0 W'O'elock, by Dri'HAntN tit low-sunup, ji.iiiKfrs, sq. aimiiiSfrireM,! Philadelphia. Stocks bought auO, sold, either' tor cash or oif margin. 1'IU.,APEM"1IIA, ncc IS, 18S6. U. S. .Ts i 100?4 u. s. Currency Cs , - U. M. 4,'3. coupon .'iioI ' U. 8. 4's coupon , .12RVS remisvivan a Ha road M rctiiiyltanla& Heading Railroad..... Lehigh Valley ItallroaiT. Ihlgli Coal and Navigation Company. mv, ton to New Jersev Central nun., i. x. i'iiua it. i. io... so. Northern Pacific Com 26 Northern raclllc l're fit 01 Oregon Transcontinental . . . . .. 31 .. 6li .. W ..lbl'i . 1V4 .. 75 union racinc Western Union, West Shole Ists I-ouhUHe & Niismille Silver (Trades) New Advertisements, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and w liolcsonienhis. More economical than the oidmnry kind', and camiot he sold In competition with the multitude ot low1 test, slioit weight, alum or phosphate powler.,,8oUl only In cans. Koyal linking , Powder Company, 100 1 READ THE Carton Advocate And get all the latest news, i including Interesting New York aad Washington let ters, lou better join me. It Is the cheapest, largest and) BEST weekly paper in the Lehigh Valley. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Circulation, 1,000 ! To whom It may Concern I hercbv notify :ill nnrtli- nnr In In, of ...ir Ml M A.N .MKAlllllll K. will m.l .irn, .,,: l.ln,ln.l I..- I ..f...'. rill ' .I. ." -"--. "J "vuii, .-..imkivii mi unci 11119 IlltlC. Dec. 8, 'ffrwa LehlKlitou, l-.i. Agents Wanted to Sell ' BEMNI5:ENCES oi ow ears in ice national Kewopclis, BY BEN PEELEY POORE IllllStrat I1L' IllH Wit. Ilnmiir mwl l',...,,,,rllil... of noted celebrities. A richly illustrated treat of .ni , I . ,'".Nluri e olden limes" to the wedding of Cleveland. Wonderfully Popular. Agents report niold smiles. Arlilress'for clre'r Phlladclphk I'ublMiers, f(Opr",'1NTfi'N nntTNKY. fMhlonabl r,.. v. ""r .nu niiKBE, Hank nt. I.ehlakton. All workwnrrsnteil. W0RKTN(t niiASSESAMTiOB! Mitii iii uuMiMi an riasses nuiu'iuployitttut at iiioincnti. llusiness new;, Unlit and profitable. 1 Vrsous of eillu-r si-x r-un fi-iiuti fum. An ,....,.. i.. iviiiv-, mv niniir iii nit? unit iir inr uifit kn-nn W-?' I,l'r'ciiliiy. and a pmportloiial sum hv'di- uiimgau llielr lliiiclo tlie business. Itojs and Klrls earn neailv a lunch us iiii-n. That iill who iui-. in.1) M-iiu uit-ir auiin-ss and lest the biislues we make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar io pay for jl.e 1 trouble of writing. Full particulars und'out-1 an, Maine. ... .. - v. ...K..L...-1 , .NiH r. ullAMIn I II.. I ll T.I lit IO-,,. To whom it may Concern We hereby notify all parties not to Oust any noon our ill-count as uo lu not i.-,v .i.,V..'!, so coin ractcd, either on farm or oundrv-, after tlilsi late Wo authoiUo H. Miner, sunt.. Wo Miner and 0. I). Miner, contrai jini-parties. Welsspoit, Pa.. Nov. te. l8Sfi-cw ASTEililA CURED OFRMAM ASTHMA nine Ioet&nllv reliavtui thn in,si.t Vtr.t t-lr .nH iuunai.inHlurHPitt tiiUOp. RU IT A1I1AU fur II K ! L UliiQ2 UMtl by inhilition it ctl.m 1. mditA, direct nfi'rriniii. and cere U the I TincM Uitt raoit ikcDtfcal. IMoe bw. and $1 00 fj ZzTr ' ' ' swoi. u i r r u ji ji ,i, hi. nil. Executor's Wotice. I Klizakktii JIowmax, deceased late lion ciiuiilv. li. " """""'I'. -- fuAS E'iuMa m&yirr" ."fV"' ...out delaylu proper fSfiM ii A !'??. IIowjian, ,......., .t. . ... " ""W'.MAM, Zl, i Orphans' Court Salo OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! ny virtue and In pursuance of aunt as order of ili. Imii(i1 nut nf iho Orbhalis' Court of lA'hllfh nimiv. Micro will hosoldat nubile sale, the fol low Inn valuable properties at tlio tlmu and piaees-niemioiicii, to win rncMlny, Eet'rilbcr 28th, 188LG, at'l' o'clock In'tho ATter,noon, on (hp jjrcpitscsl I ,f-hir?-uir tt.; iu.H.1.. r.t Xsl ikAv. Crt Ituateon tho east side of Chi'jiy.strcvritn the nol Oilgllorblatlngtoii, county of li(gh and state nf l'ciuisylvaiila, bounded and described as fol lows, io will iH'Kliiiiiiij; Hlllio souiii-wcsntirncr I iui mill mil I'uii'mi ill', a iiicuvu iiiuiik i ochoithysdcgs. east Ml feet ton ost, tlil'i ni! lots marked mirnarts No.s. rJ. 4. l:i an iinrlli -JU ilni?re(K west lhTtleettO a Host, thence along lot inai'Keu purjiari no. u, norm ,jh uc Iumls.pt the iA-hlgh Valley ltallroad Co., south 754 ; degrees east aiG feet to a )ost, thence south Mi, -degrees west aa feet to a jxist at Cherry , iiicnroaioug sum v nerry street, norm es west lo-J feet to Itiu lifaee of tieidlllilliir. degrees west 1(U feet to the t'oiitaiulhi! Olio ACltK and J oiitaluliiK One ACltK and Nineteen l'UKCIIlia, The Improvements Ihcreoii consist ot a I.AUlli: TWO-8TOIIY FltASll! Planing Mill, 85 by 40 feet, together Ith Lumber Sheds and other Outbuildings, .titivate alongside ot the L.V. lilt., nuiKiiig iivcrvcnnvciiieiitioriiin business, which nas uecn esiauusncu ior nooui ir ears. AUnthn follow Inirvaloahle Alnt-hlnerv! tine en- .glne. iHillcr anil snaftlng, one '.M-ln. single planer one 8-incn luouiuing uiai-miip, one o-iiu-n-niouiu-Inir innrhlne. 1 unilL-lit moulder. 1 slat saw. 1 scroll saw. 1 Ixirlnir machine. 1 panel raiser. 1 turning machine, 1 mortising machine, 1 plow saw, 1 rip saw, 1 new hand Jointer, screw bench es, carpenter benches, &r. On Monday, January 3rd, 1987, nt 1 fOo o'clock In the afternoon, ni the fcxehanzt Hotel, Tracts .m, xi iiuu,;h and two Ijois hi ix hlghtoli ltoiough. n L II II... nn...tK nH l! , .'. 1 II. oj. nil iiia.b il l mill iif. ill iiiui u u, kiiiiiiiii. situate In the boiouch of Lelilirbtoii. cotuitv of Cat bon, and state of l'eunsjhauia, numbered In itiin.pian or pw prcpaicii'Hiy'iianit'fi-Jisiinan, fto. (, siiiiateon.uie -wesiw-aniiy sitve oi.-iyotui-aniPtoa Street, containing lit front or breadth on said street U4 feet nnd cxtcudlng.tlinice west wardly between parallel Hues at lluht uiikIcs JIlilll s.llil iiii iiiiiniiiiMi siivvi, lou ii-ci nun u chestoau alley, bounded southwanUy ) y lot No, '. ntnin.iiiiij i .....U...H...II.. I. v I said alley, northnardl: lot 0. and vasiwunlty by said XArthuinptou street, iti. 04. in inai ici unu iui iir iut-cu ui Ktiiunu tuate In the boiouch of I.ehlchton. counfv of Carbon and State of I'ennsjlvaula, nunibeied in the plan or plot prepared by Daniel Kastmau ISO. l(), situated on uicwesiwariuysiucoi Aortn- inipton street lu said borough, containing lu uint or breadth on said street C4 fect and ex- lciullni? wcstwardlv between namllcl lines at right aiielea from said Northampton street 18'J feet and 9 inches to an alley. Hounded south wardly d- 101 .no. -i, wvsiwaruiy uysaiuaiiey, northwardly liy lot No. llaudcastwardly by said .Nortnanipiou sireci. Also '2 lots situated In Leh uhton bnrouch. 4-1S flout and 18'J Ml feet deep, being part of lot mai Ken on lown pioi .o. .'in, joining una oi An na Miller and Win. Konilg on Lehigh sticet. On Wednesday, January 5, 18t7, at 1 o'clock In the aftcrnood, at Steinlcr's Hotel, OH. -.l), 37, -13, 44 UI1U -10. situated hi Towameiislii!; townslihi, touiily of Caibon, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and dcsciibid us follows, to wit: liiTlnulnir at a .m. ju. iiiul ceil uii 1 1 .il l iir ii ccc 01 lai ii. stone iu a puuuc roao leaiuuit io j.iKiian s, thence aloiiR lands late o( llioinas JU.Hniltu south 8 3-4 decrees west l'.'l iierclies to u stone, thence hv lauds of Aaron zcifass. rciitlis.) ite m ccs v, est (17 perches to n l oat, thence by lands ol .lonu iiaiuci noun 11 uecrccs west. zi per ches to u stone in lite mlhlic load aforesaid. thence In and alonj; said public road, not th 83 oeixices casi-s iieicuus io a sioae, ineiice soiun f.o 1-4 degrees east w pcrcnes io a stone, inenc noith si degrees cast '.'1 l-'J perches to the plae oi ucKlumng, couiauiiui; GG Acres, 56 Perches. No. 37. All that certain tract or piece of land situated In Franklin tow usliln. coinitvot Caibon and state of l'euiisyUaula, hounded and describ ed ns toliows. to wit: Declnnitiir at a stone, thence by lands late of J. J. Kcimncrcr noith su degrees east57 perches to a post, thcuce by lands ot Moses Strauo and paltry by lauds of Henry Sharer south 7 dcgi ccs west 4U 1-2 peiclies to a post, thence by lauds of Henry Sharer south 87 ilogices west 4s perches to a post, thence by lauiisni .Kiiin isaiuei noun lancmees west -h i pciehcs to tho place of bejjlnnlu;;, contululug Fifteen Acres, more or less. No. 43. All that certain tract or piece of land, situated In the township of Towatuenslnir, conn tv oi t in non, auu siuie oi i t nusj iaiua, oouiiue and desi iibcd us follows, to wit: llr-'liiuin-' at post, tlier.ee by lauds of Daniel Stetnlcr limtli IU 3-4 uegi ccs west 1V-' perches to a stone on tho HOllli side of a public road lcatflii!; from Weiss poit to Stroudsburt:, tlicnei! in and alone said roan ami ny laniis oi .lacou riiiiuu unu paiuy n V.. .1 ..T 1'l.llu1.u...l ln.i.,1 .....II. i-n .1 ..... .... cast 70 perches to a post, thence by lands of John .Smith north 30 devices oast 11 n-io perchea to a Jiust, thence by lauds of John l'lcklordputh 11 dearce.l cast ttu peiclusi to a ,stmtc, tlienre' north - 70 Acres and 10 Perches i I., V ,T ".lat rcrt.aln lr:,ct nr f'ece of lam situated In tile, tpwiisliip of Franklin, count v r taiuon.anu stateiot t,eniis)hauia, bounded and .....ii.iii.il .ii iiiniin.'., iu Hit: jicguiuingat a cor- ii -.1.1 .'"-'""ams io ,11111011 'IJreisbacli .... i "pi ' """l""n laieoi iienjauun Kikih and riionias Koons north 11 degrees west in percnes to a comer, thence by lands of John I), llauiiian north 7 1-4 degices east So Perthes to a corner, thence along the same ciosslng a public road leadliiBto l-airyvllle xiutli 10J. decrees east i..', . , f ii i '"". Hirm-o aioilK lanus now or late of holuinon Snyder south 5 degrees east ill perches to n corner, thence by lands now or late of C liarles lllosc M degrees w est U3 perches to the jiiiii.o ui uetiiiiiun;, cuuiail.iug 50 Acres j.nd 94 Perclies, strict measure. i''",.4'i-A.1,1 rcrtaln tiact or piece of laud sltuato naitlv In I'niiikiin -iiwi ,..i.,i.- in t menslng townships, county of Carbon and state of l'tmisylvanla. bounded and dcscilbed as foi- of (.oorge ngner, deceased, south 80, ilegiees west lou 4-10 perches to a post, thence by lauds of Mathias Schwaser and l'eter Itchier north law ! 'S'iii"i?i i's '"-Ti'1!1:? t0,!l poit' "ll'"''u ''J- lands if David Held noith 71 s degrees east H'J perches to a post, tlience 1101 Hi HP, degs. w est 'J4 pen-lies iu, a. ill wii : i.i-iiiiiniiiir lit n ,i.t iin....... I... I . ...i.. .v;., m ' V I rruocis iiouecuer i 's.,,.ll,;s cast 25 perches to a poit, thence theneo soutli iu", degiecs east 3o perclies 'to a post, thencu by lands of Lewis Moycr m degrees westui jierchcs to a lmst, them llt degrees cast 79 peiches to the plai soutn 37r, nco south i.lniiln.V ...,r,ir,i,,l., " - inning, containing 1.1 -."iiniiiniiia 96 Acres and 12G Perches. Also one Tract or womu.ANii in i.-.ni.,i.. .U..II1IUM, v.iiiiiui ciiiiuiy, couiaiiiing 28 Acres, icn, iiiinieiij leuuer s tract. Joiulnj lands of Jacob Mraup, IVter lielncr and olheis. Also one Tract of WOODIAND In Towamcn sing township, Caibon counly, containing los joining. ds";,.7ll,,;'Y.mCT and John (.'rain. On b Tlmrsdity, January 6th, 1887,- at One o'clock In tho Afternoon, at the How manstow 11 Hotel, Tract No. 4.1. No. 4S.-A11 that ccitaln tract or piece of Land, situate In liwer 1 owaniciislng township, rnuntv of (aibon and stato of I'eiinsjlyania, boiindcil and described as follow s, to w Ii : lieglnnlng at a post, thence bv lands or licm-v ii,.i.,.ri..,. i,,,1:,,. ,i ilegices cast f4 o-lo perclies to a stonu, thence by the same south .11 degrees cast fti perches to i i .1 ,, -i i'i3i'i uiniii it. itauniau, de ceased sout h 40 lcgrees w est 211 0-10 nei dies to a r, hv, ...v...,. i.iiiii-,iii,,onujaiiici norm 71 degrees west 83 0-iil ierclies to a stone, thence .im B..II1U Di.iiiu v.-, iii-giees west 3-10 perches to a nost. thence 1101 tb :tu- rim.u ,...s .10 :. ....;.!.;. tn ,. ,:, ,;.. v,..T. '. j 1? !' . .. ...v.iii- ,j3 i.iiins in nit- warranted name of l'eter Stem north 1 dcg. west as peri lies to a post, thencu bv lumu ..r ki..,,i,,.,. V,,,.;i;.7. north M ilegi ces cast 35 perches to the place of beginning, containing 1 4d Acres, Mvt1' ,,','T Ap.rcs Woodland and the balance ilsioiHl 1 'drill Land. 1 emu tne cstau- or .If HN HALLICT, dee'd. ( Ollditiuns Witt be lliailil t-lmu-n in, Hi.. .I.i..u ..r ail., l.u " vju. It'llllt HOW.MAN', LEWIS F, IIALLIIT-, dec. 1G-W3 'Ailniinlstrators. 1 - j WITaTPV !" ,)e. "li,,le' T"1 "'Is out and re UUll ii I ,1" " ? ,,ls' nlul "111 semi jou free soinelli h e of L'i-i-iit niiii.?nwii.i.. tifirttnice In ion tliiitnltl .l.u, .....1.. 1 1 "hlch will bilng jou tu moiu nioncv light away J ,a" anjlhlng else in this woi Id. Anoueciin do "II. ii lit l i IIV1 11,1- IU llllllie l-'lttifr i...v. nil in... Something new, that Just coins money lor all -i'i I i ' ; . '" "! capiiiu not uet-ded. .Ibis is one of tho genuine, Important chances of allfctlnic. Ihnsewhoareiiniblllous undented prying will not delay, (ir.uid outlll nee. Ad. dicss lilUK & Co., Augusta, .Maine. decl8-iy I have Just opened a Coal yard In connection with my hold In WTIsspoirr wheic can coustaully he found all sizes of the Best of Coal ! at prices fully as low as the lowest, (ilveino i trial and be conlncd. Henry Christman, Fort Allon House, Welssport. Ileceiuher is, 18 ly MSt"w!!, the wu run live ut home, and urike more money oik torus limn ut mottiiiij; else in .uTil lr" IMI.llAV.UUJ!ffi dothework. ljirBcarnlui;suie from NibUiuii. t'utly oulllt and tcnin five, llcltrr not di-hiv ;Mt?t" 'f0V.M f.r,"?;';-1 iVu r.lo LVi " Goa9, Goal, Goa! PUMPS ! Rod Jacket Forco Pump any Depth of well. Single Cylinder, - " Doublu iso racking-box rump. Buqloyo EoroovPump up to ,. , , oQ,y qniy-aivtt cot-. Single Cjltiiderf ,- ' Sit on liouuie - is w Rumsey Force Pump, $13.50, Depth up to seventv-flve feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty fect, Ss.on. Iron Cistern rump from CO npnuru!. aisi WOODEK PUMPS AND CHAIN PUMPS. FIVK kt ccnti oft for Cash. JOHN It. II. ACKKlt. Agent, Wf.li. HiHKKit and CisTKitM Ilirit.iiKn. Hank- way, Ihlghton, optoslto the old Priming Olllce. ,tnv n Ri: .vl ALLKNTOWH, DEC. 7th, 1886. cial Bulli in E TO THE TRADE, Ani'tliB Frirnis :wto Irepent it! $5gP H hen wo made our'first announcement, ol the Closmp; Out Sale of our Stock, we named it to he in value fully $25,000, which wc have been able to re duce to $15,000 ? Our stock in some line is now broken up so that we are not able to show you as large an as sortment as usual, but wc can still accommodate your wants fully 90 per cent, of what yon want to buy, and wc guarantee that you will find our, prices the lowest in the city. Respectfully yours, , CORNER STORE, Cor. flfli nnil Hamilton His., ALLENTOWN, PA. October 1G. fuse ins A5-SEND JOB INVENTOR'S G0IDE.- '0 ,U)VKKTISKItS.-I.owest Itiites for adver . ttln in 1000 good newspapers .sent free. Address l.LU. V. IiOWKLL 4; CO., lOWiruce St., LADIES! Do Tour Own Dyolnir, at Home, with PIWKLES.S DYES They will Dye eyei-)thluR. Tlit-y re sold every where, l'rlcc loc. n ii.icknKc colors. Thcv have no eqiml lor HtreiiRtli, Ilrlulitness. Aiiioun"t In I nckHKc or for l-'usliu-ss of Color, or Xon-fad- IllL' OlIlllitifH. Tluiv lln twit ..r..L- nV .in.,) IV.. s'lohy T. D. THOMAS. noi-.u-ly- Krlst, Lewis H. Rehrio:, Slate Robfer. REPUIUNQ pmmpllv fctUu.lrd ti at short idU on reflfuinubU terms. WORK GUARANTEED. AiMreis : TRlNClfS P. 0., Car be. Countv, P'nn'a. muuJ9.lv. Ho, I Holidays! ss Respectfully announce to the nubile tli.it they nave upenea a wholesale and Retail Candy and Confection Store, In Monti's New liiilldiiiR, opposite "The Carbon Advocate " Office, Bank Street, Lehighton, Ind that they are receiving FJtESH, rUKK 7AI)(i:s and CONDUCTIONS DAILY, which ;!) sell at the very Lowest I'i Ices. ( 9. 'Sr Church nmtftiillool ri-sthals anil Private rurtles supidlcd at l'rlccs) tully lis low- as. the .iiiuiB ipwoiy oi uaiidies iuui toiitecllons can lie bought for In tho city. I'utronasc solicited and the fullest satisfaction guaranteed. A. . ltKASIJIt. dcc-t-wt TOIIIAH IiUHS- CAMPBELL LEADS IN PRICES! THE BEST MAKES OF WATCHES & CLOCKS At Trices marked down so low ns tocomelth Novelties in Jewelry! Ilithe above llnenf Rwiliim ii. m ninmint ajsijitincnt. and iireconslaiillyinaklniiiiddlllons ... ..ii inn .n) uiesi luiti-iiicsusine M-.isuu ad vances, lou are rcsin-clfully rcoueslcd locall andexiuuineiuyllneof bihkIs. You aro hound to be pleased wllli ihc vikmIs, and the prlcei they are down to itock llotiom.nud can t bo beat. All Kinds of Repairing ''tly. Cheaply and l'romptly attended to, and sat ifuf lion KUHnintt-cd, 1 liae (omlndtHl. usa nrniii. ui i nn iiiiiiiL- I lirHIICII IIIV lilts lll-S. u i 'iW,.,-u?.Ni.,,,.:'y.""Tl- 'AllllYVll.I.K 1.11NIXI1A V nf ili-ti iti.L' iniuu.,M ii .....! of Ha. in., Hi'd up. iii. All favor tlicmu nic- by the pipc nf farr) villi- will bo much appict-tat-' cd. WiHrMinili-dlin-ull and lniK t my line ! ot tooJ wlicn In U-hlshton. NcxttuClauskllro. FKOM THE BUSY HOUS Kt leaser & Bo ilatiiter 818 00 24 00 In order to red ace our stock of Suits and Overcoats wc have made a reduction of Twenty-Five Per Gent ON ALL OUR READY MAD For Men, Bov's nnd Childrfn. before offered in the Lehigh and Get $10 worth of goods for $7.50. $20 worth for $15. Oar stock is complete and full of bargains In our Merchant Tailoring Department V li. .ii! ii-iltii We have made a corresponding reduction, nnd can. make up-Alt Wool Suits and Overcoats to order at, ; $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 & $35 ! Fit, Workmanship and Prices aro guaranteed to be ns low, and in some instances lower, than any other place you can chance to call and compare prices. Our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets &c Newmarkets . will be sold regardless of cost, and nt loss money than they can be bought elsewhere. Remember all our goods are marked in plain figures,, at the lowest cash prices. Call for genuine bargains at ... ... SONDIIEIMS' auch Chunk, Pa:' tlY CAI.I.INO OS JA.MTCS WALP, Asent, I'lrst door below the Flrnt Xatlonal Hank, tiuij 11.TXI i St 9 He&ieye iiicii arc consianuy Kepfon hand thcro to nui aik llliATi:i:s and The WALP STEAM HEATER fftiSW! SUse TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTINGf?S$ Tin Kooflng U cheaper than Slate or Shinnies, and will last a llfetlmoi A Urn Lot o'f Cutlery and Househfnraismg Goods on hand. Sept. 11, 1811 jt. HANDKERCHIEFS AND Wo leapeotftilly nail attention to our largo lines of Silk and Ijinsn Handkorchicfa and Silk Mufflprs. LO 1. An elegant, line of Ladles' nen-Stltclied, Colored Durdcrs anil White, at 12 l-2c. LOT 2. A very large line of Ladles' Linen Hand kerchiefs, Colored, Tucked, Embroid ered and I'latn Borders. L(rT 3. ChlMrsn's Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, ricm Stitched anil KmbroiilercJ. H. GUTH & SON. 634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. flctober no, Ifow '1'lie undersigned is prepared to furnish the best Lohigh Goal, from llnrleigh Colliery, at. tho following low prices, by tho Car; kok cash only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: ' - Egg, - -Stove, Chestnut No. 1 -Chestnut No. 2 Prices at the Mines J. L. CAJ3EL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, LUMBER, COAL, &c., &c, Opp. PUIh.IC SQUARE, LEfllGIITON, PENN'A Carbon Advocate Job Office, New Type, New Presses and Lowest Price for good work. Call and See Us. in Maw E CLOTHING! Such an opportunity was never Valley. Call and examine US. 1 )x, Pa.. and examine thoflne -n4i larjfH.issortinentuI eleet from. The Lest nbc in Hi. Conr.tv i ... ... MUEFLERS! I i.ivp a A large lino of White Tonce. Silk Hem lncd Handkerchiefs at 35c . . LOT 5. Gents' Linen neui-Stltched Colored Bord ered Handkerchiefs at 12 l-2c. ' ES"A large line of Plain nnd IlrocHded Silk Mufflers, white and colored. Colored and Il'lille Silk Handkerchiefs in ereat ERS OF GOAL ! In Yard. - $3.25 3.35 - 3.25 Del. in Tovn $3.50 3.60 3.50 2.15 2.40 25cts. per ton Less. ,1 id