The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 11, 1886, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
Vnoii.ViiLY if -e liaJ Ireu lamlno would
not have nnytlilnjr else.
Wi: might say llmt vvlien Congress ad
journs l ho lailil will still lie with us.
Emti:n Lad; Campbell Is a very bail wo
man or her maid Is a. most consummate
Afteh all, perhaps, the Unlleil Labor
Party vvllUiot ha united 'when It Is time to
Sullivan Is about tho only man who
reaps any benefit when be goes on a
A noon many town clocks point to the
hour when ilr. Dlalne Is to go out of poli
tics again.
Guornit's message would have been
more generally read if It had not been
quite so long.
A i.ittli: civil service reform in the po
litical government of Philadelphia would
somewhat Improve that city. in his big talk to Congress,
and the people, generally, speaks about al
most everything but the trade dollar.
Ir President Cleveland keeps on (llnclng
"Stones" It will please disgruntled Demo
cratsbut how about tho other fellows?
IIkniiv Wati'kkso.v, the dusky warrior
of Kentucky, Is displeased with President
Cleveland's administration. Too bad fur
Henry, is it not?
Tin: number of men who go out of poli
tics every year is onlyequalled by the num
ber of ding! untied, bull-headed kickers who
are waiting to "get tbeie."
Haxdali.'s boom for the Presidency will
only be equalled by tho suddenness of the
drop ft will get when the time for holding
tho, national convention draws near.
PiiESinr.NT Cluvklasii has had an at
tack of ilieuniatlsni. If the Democratic
party Is not more harmoniously united in
18S8 than It is now it Is likely lie will have
the gout
Tin: statement issued Dec. 1st shows
that the decrease of the public debt during
the month of November amounted to W,
OOj.'i l(..-)7. Tho total cash In the Treasury
is SJ.TJ,023,740.C9.
Somk one has said that snowflakes will
cover up the labor party. Yes, but the
snow Is not Willi us always and the labor
paity Is. Then again, there may be no
snow on election day.
Wk call tho attention of our readers to
the prospectus of the Wtekly J'rww, of
Philadelphia, published in another column.
Tills Is one of the best of the great Jlctro
politan Family Newspapers.
IIb.viiv Gi:onoii smilingly reads the
news concerning the organization of a new
Labor Party, anil shakes himself Into the
belief that after all lie may have a chance
to make a grab for Central Paik, and get
lTis astonishing to note the propensity
of some Individuals to nurse and fondle the
poor l.tboilng man about election time, but
not more so than to iiutu with what rapidi
ty and precision the poor laborer is bounced
after he lias cast Ids vole.
Tut: Advocati: gives to its readers to
day a fair resume of tho President's mes
sage. This is his second annual message
to Congress, and will no doubt liavotbe
same effect as all picvious letters. Con
gress generally does as ' i. pleases, you
Wi! strlko it pretty square when wc re
niaik, that Heniy George Is Jim a little
too premature In his free land scheme,
llcwaro Henry, beware, don't meddle with
Uncle Sam's buzz-saw. It would suit the
railroads and capitalists, but the poor man
never. Henry you are pursuliiL' a false,
delusive dogma, our a lvlco is, drop it.
Altciiiiisiiop ItvAN, of Pliiladelphla.has
caused much commotion among thu man
agers of the Catholic Charity Hall, which
for several years lias been a hiilllaut social
and financial success in that city, by calling
attention to the fact that the Third Plenary
Council of Baltimore in Its decree prohibits
all balls for charitable institutions. He
says that none of the proceeds of the ball
can be devoted to charitable objects.
Tin: refusal of the Western assemblies of
the Knights of Labor to pay the assessment
asked for by Giand Workman Pouderlv is
the subject of much comment amongst la
bor men. mid what It portends Is dlllleult to
coiiji dure at tills time. It may mean that
the laboring masses are awakening to the
fact that striking Is a business that don't
pay, and that they put their seal of con
deumatioH on it by refusing to pay an as
sessment, the proceeds of which go to
the support of the strikers. If this be the
we. then the Knights of Labor have half
covered tho ground which leads to sueccs.
Do away wlih the strlko and boycott. "A
word to the wise," tc
Cot.. lias saved his salary for this
year and the rest of Ids term by making
the cleiks earn theirs. Under a section of
tho General Statutes the members of the
Cabinet are required every winter to tell
Congress how many clerks they have In
their employ, what their names are, how
much they are paid, and whether they
work as they ought to. There Is also a
clause In the law which says tho Cabinet
members must state whether the public
service would not be Improved by dispens
ing with some of these clerks, and whether
their removal and the substitution of oth
ers Is not required for the belter despatch
of business. Col. Yilas has footed up the
absences in Ids department tht past jea,
and linds H.'.'tU days were taken olf by' his
cleikt, an average of L'Sdajs and -15 lulu
nlcs to each clerk. The number of days of
absenteeism in the year ending JiiueilO,
1SS3, wa 1II.D00, while for the year before It was 1D.8IS. Hu has saved in the
pist year, therefore, 6,5-M days. In the
department mouth tlier are 21 working
1ay, and, as each eleik has one month va
ra' ion by law sud works eleven, theie ate
Ju-a 'J(M working days In the year for a
-clerk In the VoU Qlllc Department. This
m ikes the savin: of days, equal to !1
years, ltd 10 days over. As 1 1 uf average
pay of ap)rkis t.20il. Col. Vilas m4
Uncle Sam just t25.X) last year. l!eldcs
tliivhe IVxi matter-General dispense I wlih
r ' i ' V't FtiniiMi nr I'.ihn' e of
1MU i he aUry num.
Broadbrim's Mew Yorlc Letter.
Special to the Cahiiok Aiivocatk.
Perhaps wo may get ns much pleasure
and profit by n stroll lit) Hroadway this
sunny afternoon as from any other source.
Let us try it. The Stock Uoard has closed,
and Wall Street Is gradually being emptied
Into Hroadway. Trinity chimes three, nnd
hundreds of jonng messengers arc. darting
hither niul t lilt her. Il'lio can tell the iui
port with which those messages are freight
ed? To some they carry ruin; to soinchopc;
to some fortune. Stand on tho corner here
a moment; , Do you tee that plain, nervous
inan who looks like a country farmer? that
Is S. V. Il'lillc, the broker, who was re.
cently elected to Congress in the swallow
tailed district In Brooklyn, and who, not
withstanding his millions barely escaped
defeat by a few hundred majority: right af
ter him comes l'.usfcl Sage, who two years
ago got stuck for a million on puts and
calls; he paid up eventually, but It is said
that Ills back has troubled him from that
day to this, so that ho takes fewer chances
and more certain gilns. There goes Itufus
Hatch, Uncle llufus, as the boys call him;
a walking enrjclopavlla of human wisdom,
and an epitome of everything worth know
ing in all Street. That little coupe dash
ing along there contains Jay Gould and his
:m George. They do say that the new
daujliter-ln-Iaw lias captured the old man
as much ns the son; lucky .girl, luckv Jay.
Ah, here Is a pair of howling swells; what
a distinguished air they have they are. the
best dressed men on the street. Their dla
nionds and style denote them men of
wealth and position. Do I know them; of
course, I do. One of them Is a faro dealer
from Chicago, and tho other keeps a gam
bling house on 2.1th Street. That clerical
looking young gentleman Imme.lhtely be
hind them is a pick-pocket; you would not
think it, no; well.t'hat is exact'y the reason
that he succeeds so well hi ills business.
Yoi; obseive that demure young widow who
walks Immediately behind him; watch
them, they neither look at, nor speak to
each other; to all appearances they are
strangers. She, in the polite slang of
thievery, is bis Moll. She follows him to
take whatever he can pick up in the way
of business. If lie can secure a watch or
poekctbook, quick as a (lash it Is passed to
tins woman, wno at onco disappears with
the prize. If the thief is secured, no evi
dence of ids crime Is found upon lilni, and
as a general thing lie secures his discharge
for want of .corioboratlve evidence. Ah,
hero we are at Union Square that's the
Jlorton House on the cornet'. This block
between Hroadway and Fourth Avenue Is
the Paradise ofactois. Hero they crowd
tho sidewalk, exchanging notes and swap
pine jokes, occasionally stepping Into the
barroom on tho comer to renew assurances
with some young swell, who is desirous of
making acquaintance with the profession
That very plain looking woman just coming
out of the Union Square Theatre is the
great tragic actress, Modjeska. 'As she
stands talking to that tall young man In the
Kngllsh ulster, she looks like anything but
a tragic queen. Nat Goodwin thecomedian
of the Ilijou Is leaning against the lamp
post; and Pioland Heed the great expositor
of Humbug is soberly talking to a lady who
looks like a Sunday School teacher, but she
la not, she i not, she Is one of Daly's prin
clpal actresses, an immense, favorite; she
took the place of Kdllh Klngdon, who mar
ried young George Gould, and rumor says
she may make no bad match herself.
lint come let us go on. What building
is this on the comer of loth Street. Lei
u siep in ami see. jieiore us lie caos
filled with costly ornaments diamonds.
pearls, rubies, amethysts, and all sorts of
precious stones and jewels. Gold anil silver
ate everywhere, the wealth of the world
seems to bn spread out in these marvellous
and wonderful cases. There Is a diamond
pendent its value Is $,"0,000; a pair of
solitaiieearrlngs worth $10.000.and myriads
of other costly jewels. This U Tiffany's.
Let us step into the little office In the rear.
Mr. Tiffany himself U there, and perhaps
you may see something yeu never saw lc-
foie. At my request he takes carefully
from his safe a little case, ho opens It, and
there before your wondering gaze Is one of
the largest diamonds In the world. It is
fiom South Africa, of a palo yellow; almost
a topaz in color, hut a genuine, diamond
nevertheless. How much is It worth? Oh,
only $100,000; If it were pure white, a mil
lion would not buy It. lint jump In the
elevator and let us go lo the room above.
Allaiouud you arc magnificent and costly
bronzes, tho finest collection on tho con
tinent. In the little room to tho right Is
Thaxter's beautiful statue of Lmo's first
Dream, and beside It tho likeness of the
young sculptor who passed away in life's
early morning.
Hut we cannot linger here all day, conic
let us go. All, here wc are at Lyneh's.
Look at that window. Do you know the
story It tells? peihaps not. few do; but In
that little window Is the saddest of all sad
hlsloiies. It is filled with ruined hopes,
blighted ambitious, and blasted lives. Oh!
yes, there are diamonds there, plenty of
them, stones of the purest water and fabul
Ions value. That little case of unset stones
liefoie joii would purchase a Prince's ran
sntn. The store Is not pretentious I admit;
hut, Inside tucked away In safes and strong
boxes. Is wealth enough to start a dozen
Hroadway jewellers. Here come the rich
gamblers when luck turns against them, to
raise a fresh stake by the s ilo of their costly
diamonds, and here too tho soiled doves of
tho tteml mviulc come, when misfortune
overtakes them, to part wlih the trinkets
that have cost them body and soul. 1'uln,
bankruptcy and death aro in that window,
mixed up with those beautiful jewels.
Come let us turn down 2-lrd Street. Splen
did Is the pioeesidoii that passes us, and
Hundreds of them sweep Into that costly
drygnods store, the windows of which aie
filled w ith rich silks and laces. .Marvellous
ly beautiful aro these tilings, but let us not
look at them, they are not intended for
such as you and L Across the street is tlie
2:lrd Street Tabernacle, altered by poor old
halinl Jlorse for the production of his
Passion Play. The last Uine I crossed its
threshold, Mr. Morso was busy In the pro
duction of lids play, which had been the
dream of tils life. Ho was an Oriental
scholar, nnd a clot student of tho Hlble.
He was a christianized Jew, a'pcrson who
seldom has the conlidence of those whose
faith he has accepted, and w ho Is universally
abhorred by those whose religion he has
When Ibe subject of Mr. Morse's play
was mentioned, New York rosoas one man
against It. Tho pulpit and tho press lashed
it w ttli unrelenting fury. A storm of abuse
and vituperation howled aiotnd tho un
lucky author, which almost drove him to
madness, and did eventually drive him to
ruin. The play was a failure and poor
Morse, loaded with debt and blighted In
bopo, assayed to come the mentor of an
ambitious young actress, out of whom he
extwied Hi make a Utile money: here loo
he Ullcl. mi. filing into a dispute with
the nunajer of th tlieatr one night re
ceive 1 a bad bca'lug, and In a fit of
uespo uiency rusiie.i uown 10 inc iNortli
i ... .. ....
Hlverand.threw himself In. JiSVtlWIio riolnt"
of all this Is that In Salmi Mbrstfi Tabef
nwlft, they nrpnow cj&lbltlnt Smnkacsyls
great plctiiroVj'f Cltrlsjbeforgiwltt. which
was one ot the Identical sccnlirSoUhl
Morse's Passion Play.
New York has seen something of art,
nnd knows something of advertising, but
nothing has appeared In this city for years,
which touches Munkaeiy's, "Christ before
Pilate." it was heralded bsfore Its srrlval.
with It. nmn llm lm,n,l ,li.l If-l
- ...........
and since bis arrival lie has had one con
tlnital round of leceptlons nm fetes,
enough lo turn his head. That Is all ilglil.
This is as It should be Tho Prince of tills
western world are not.tlio.eorrupt.descend
ants of an effete aristocracy, but the in en
who have bought their titles to nobility by
the works of their own Imperial genius
therefore welcome Mavar jlunkacsy,
I cannot speak for those whose sole guides
are the severe cations of. art, but to the
million tho picture is disappointing. 1 do
not t 111 n k It Is within the scope ef human
genius, lo paint a picture that will satisfy
everyone; each .man has his ideal, and each
wants the plcttuo painted, as ha conceives
It. In tills great cartoon thcra aro about
forty figures most of them ltfe size, 'flic
principal characters, howerer, are Christ,
Pilate nnd Cephas, the accuser of Jesus.
Hack among the mob is a ragged vagabond
who kees shouting Crucify lilm, crucify
him, crucify him; the spear of the ltoman
cuard is all that prevents him from rushing
on the Saviour.
Only ono face beams in pity on the suf
ferer, and It is that of a young woman who
holds ill her arms a child. Sweet and
soothing is the sight of that pitiful face in
tho midst of that cruel throng. The figure
of Jesii3 Is disappointing; all of the critics
have had a fling at it; but It Is worth while
before pronouncing judgment to ask our
selves if tlie painter Is not poslthely right,
and his critics wrong. What warrant have
wo for belloving that Christ was dignified
or handsome. Ilia public life was ono con
tinuous scene of persecution and suffering.
He slept whercier chance furnished him a
shelter, and ho ate tho bread of charily,
and we all know what that means. Tlie
night before his trial he had been wander
ing, up to the hour of ids betrayal bydudas.
In tlie sorrowful Garden of Gelbseniene.
When dragged Into Court before Pilate,
what wonder that he bore the Incontestable
evidences of ids suffering. No halo of
glory encircled ids head; no white winged
dove hovered over him; bo was human. Al
ready In the stern eye of the consul, ho read
his cruel s-ntcuce, and In Imagination ho
felt the cruel nails and saw the cruel cross;
and there lie stands before Pilate not a
transfigured Christ not a defiai.t God
but a man of sorrow witli his death sentence
ringing in his cars. Now in Slunkaesy's
pletuic there is neither grandeur nor dignity
in the figure of the Saviour, it Is all human,
ami a wrecked. nnd surTciiug humanity at
that. Tlie effect of the figure of Cephas is
destioyi'd by tho figure placed behind it,
and which almost appears suspended on
tho wall. StHI the press lias been lavish in
Its praise, and one of the finest art critics
In New York, Herman Scliaus, assured 1110
It was a wonderful picture. The receipts
of Its exhibition 111 Europe reached nearly
a million of dollars.
We aro still busy with our boodlo alder
men, and I must confess It is rather uphill
work. The prosecution have to get twelve
men, thodefenee has only to get one. Heavy
odds, and boodle will tell.
Stocks are lively. Heal estate booming.
General business fair; and these tilings
Willi a fair piotnlse of Moody and Sankey,
for our benighted neighbors In Brookljn,
give us hopes for the fntttre as well as
realization for the piesent. Hkoaiiuiiim.
President's Message.
The message of llm President to enn
turns a of "Information concerning the
slate nt the I'nlon," together wlthsunilrv reeom-m-iiilatlons
of Importance. It opens, as' custom
ary, with a lev lew or the foreign relations, nlileh
ineimles a concise statement of the long-stiinillne
dispute with (Ileal Itiltain eoiirriiilng the Usher
cs and a reference to the Tinting ease, eonrern
l;ig both of w hleh thtf position of tlie admliiMra
tlmi has alreadv been ite'.lneil. I he President
then pioeceils ullli u review of the wolk of the
several depailmeiits. As this lias been fertile
moil part anllelnaleil in the icnoits ofthe Sec
retaries It Is only neicsviry to pilnt such poitlnn
n! the President s message ns detlne Ids altitude
uiion leadinir questions of general pullcv. Among
other pojnts to be mentioned are the lenevval i f
his recommendation fur an Indian Comiiilssloii.
having ultimately in ,.vv civilization and settle
incut or the lud.aiis upon Individual lauds; a re
rouii In the laud laws Tor the better pioteetlon
and encouragement ot tu-tual settlers, nnd u re
statement M the view that pensions should be
illo'.led under In nail and comprehensive general
taws anil not as mailers ot pei.sonal favor. Verv
many or tlie President's reeoniniemlatlous repea'l
what he has already brought to the .'itleiillou of
oiigrcs. ami the jnessageusn whole embodies
a very satisfactory Minimal y or the condition and
noil; 01 the executive ili'ia-irtment. Those pas
sives that will be read Willi the liveliest Interest
are given lu-lovr.
n n.v vrn ash tax tuoy.
The report or Hie Secretary or the Treasury ex
hibits In ilitail the munition of Ihe nubile ti
ll mees and or tlie several brum hes ot the gov
ernment related to his department. I especially
dire. 1 the attention or the Congi c.s to the recem
luoiid.itloiis 1 oiilalned In this niul the last pieced
Ins lepoit ot the Seeietarv. touching ihe sluipll-
'"alliii d amendment of the l.ivvs relatlii" to
Ihe eoileetmn or our revtnues: and In Ihe Inter
est or economy nnd Justice to the pivei iimciit, I
jJJ'jji" they may be adopted by appropriate legls-
'I he ordinary receipts or the irovernment fur
the IKeal 111r endisl .lime a). Ism!, wire Saas,.
tS'i.TgT.flil. Of thin amount sitiuVHi.vt'a.ii was re
celved rron customs and .Mla,sV,!ii.ii fiom in
ternal reienue. The total reeelpiv, nH line
stated, were tl.;'..-j;i,oL-o.ii.t greater than for the
pievnius ear, but tlie Increase fiom customs,, and from Internal levenue sl,
Hi7.sio.9J, nial liiga gain In these Items fur the
last year ef vi-..Mi,ai-..oi- a falling olf In other
resources icdiiHng the total Ineieaae to the
shriller 1111101 ut incnt'oncd. The expeuie at tile
dltleient i housi s, or collecting this In
creased customs revenue was less than the ex
pense .itieudii'ii the eolleeil ui el such revenue
fur the pieci dlug vearby s)1vi.iis: and the In
eieasjd leeelpts of Internal revenue weieeol
lecteil at auisl to I lie Internal llevenue Hiireuu
j.1m,'iii.m less than the ixpensoof fiiiluollec
I Ion for tho pre! Ices year.
Th" tut ..I ordh.iiry cxpinses of the government
for the n,ca! year ended .lune :m. tss, weie
:u,iMaM, htrlnit ls by I7.7',TJ7 than sneli
ex!iendlliue for ihe war pr ding, and le.uhi'.-
a surplus In the I'lca.iui at Ihe elo-.e of the last
tlscal''..'s..Mlin iigaln-t ?i;:ura,771.-
at tic com- of the previous vear, tiehig 1:11 In
crease in such sniphis ot Sjn,l".,.l!
Por the current vear to end .limn :to ibi? iii.
nsiertalned lecelpisup lo October 1. law. with
such reeeiott climated for Ihe remainder of Hie I
vear, amount lo C-av:..Kio,iKm. 'iu. expenilitilles I
aeci tallied 11ml estlinateil for the same m riod
are, indicating 111 tlrlpated surplus I
at Hie close or Ihe xear of f!Vii'.ofto.
In my lait message lo the Congress nt
teiilliiiiwi:.sdlieeled tollie fait that the revenues
of the government exceeded Its actual ueedsaind
11 was suggekled that legislative ael Ion should lie
taken tmelieve II. e punplc from the uuueees.ary
oilldell of taxation lbii4 iii! l.. vlu(;
if tlie J resslnx lininlanec of the subject I deem
v .inj ,u .ii;.oii iiri,e iia i-uiiaioeiuiiou,
rim hi ui'i.t.s. I
The Ineomeo ttieLroverninent.l IV lt Infii-f'tiurxl
volume and through economics In Its collection,
Is now mure II11111 ever hi en-ess of public neees
stttis. Tlieaiiplle.ulon or the surplus tolhepav
nieiit nf shim uirlloii of the public debt ns Is lion
at our option sulitei t t-i eMInKiilshmeiit, If eon
llineil at the rati- whleli has l itelv preialled.
would ivtlie iliat class of indebtedness within
less II1.111 one year from lids date. Thus a eon
tluualloii of our present revenue sv stem would
siMin result In me receipt of an annual Income
much gieter Hum necessary to meet goveru
inent expeiiMS, with no iuituhtuiiucssminn which
It could lie applied. Weshallthenlieeoiifionled
will; a vast ipianlliy nf money, the clreul.uing
medium id Ihe people, lioarilul u Ihe Trcasurv
When It sllou dtie 01 tln-lr lining iii.,vi. .I...I.I i 1.7.
diiivvu Into vuisterul pnbllc extraiagaueewllh nil
... nil iii' iin naiioiiai m'lnoraii&iiiun wuicu
follows In Itstrslu.
Hut It Is not tlm simple exMenee of thlssnr
Pliisaud iu threat.-nlng attendant ,o lis vvlilcli
luinlsh the strongest ur-nimeui ne.i n.t ntr in....
eut sejrle of IVilend taxntloii. Iwhuni i.n.i... i.
Ihe exaction of such muirplmi througti a perver
sion ot the 1el.1t Ions between e: opuopleandllielr
gov ei iiiiieut, and 11 dauieious ilejuitllie from the
rub vvhleli limit Hie rffclit of I'eileral taxation.
ii.mpii jpriTHiiim, hiiii imjieeiaiiv lite govern-
lllou for imlili.
tii.i.i of in ineilscxurlciltliioiigli
,ie t'inii hi i ix.ui'in :ii hi is neci
san' Pi meet
' 11 " '"' greatest ismsiktent tilth the .i1,leraln. and Hint contended . bVir I, "
in .. ir.V.'.f'V,"" I'? ""'rfw-t w-iHirlly In ll l-t piole.i., ,,, fnithftit . l','. u VZll
losJtUi:- iliiiUiifilmu for imhh. nila. winn
" ' '-.'1 ! IIW l'HJl I'illll. ItNTi Illfli. Itfel'Ssllll it Ii .Im lir film
i IK? n?.tA'it,,i0 B1oy,r!1,n,'t nml "IC
.t nK fc'ffi t 'S I nSVx
i.or, m.V!i T.i...','"JlmJ " vlohi -
i iriise
' 71? ""'"anient"! iuiiiciiies of .1 tico gov-J
f S COVrj
anJTamt ghns titi
ciinruetujlum tho
at a sSfftc of Mi
iirraisni inc peoiile, ton leiilrtnllo!) ot the fm t
Unit the amount raiwLl!riiIn.s1.(v for the win
iwil of I he (.'overiinieiinrpaiil by Uiim ,iiti..
Ir. f adilCil tn t he nr iw nl u.itiiivi,utffS....,.i.
lu'lnliillywiiiils iisif itwiMpiilil atn.nlVerldils
hit" the liand ot the lax-i.-aiiiertr.
iiiiisn win fin Kir iiiiuv Wliixes are lieuliuiliitt
to niijlcrstaiKl tlmt capital, tfimigii Huniitlnica
vanillins Its Imj'Oitatiec and elntnorliig for Hie
' P,.,Kli!,l!.W,.'!.!aV,IVtf MT KoveroiiiciuY Is dull
' .7 i"!. """.X" e "W. "!
u !.'!, ii r.riuij;i mm iiiiiniy, iiirnisiung i!
iK'iaision fr Federal taxation mill calnlnji tlie
jaliie WtiHIi enables It to bear IU bmileti, And
iiiit i.MniuiiK man is llioir.'llllllliv lllilllt His wllrtll
er. in fheie liiTiitaslaiiees. ntut rotiiii..i.ii.i. n.M
tribute he constantly pays Into the public Trc.H
try nslie sitMillcs tils daily wants, he leeches
ins iiiirniiun; vi uuvilimiKCS.
There Is :ilso,a sitsple Ion 'ihroad Unit tlie sur
plus nf our revenues Indicates abnormal nnd ex
ceptional business prollls, which, miller Hie sys
tem which pmdiiccri such surplus, Increase wlih
out corrcs lion ill ii"f lien-nt to Dm Nni.ii,t t.
I fie vast iiei iminl.itlons of 11 tew niuoiii: our citi
zens whose fin tunes, rivaling Ibe wealth nftlie
most favored In iiiitl-dcuiocrallc nations, are not
he natural iirow th of 11 steady, plain and Indus.
had nttsuLTS or nAt laws
Our r.irmcrs, ten, nnd those engaged directly
nnd Indlicctly In suppljlng Ihe products otagri-
1 ui'uiT. fee uiai nay- uy uay, and lis of en as the
1st V unlit nf t ... ...r.
forced to ptty excessive nnd needless taxation,
while their products struggle In foreign markets
with the comp lillon or nations vv hleii, by all nv-
1.. . mi um iiiiufii.- 01 1'imiiiciiorsiiiaii we per
mit, enable their people In sell tor prices which
distress the Amci lean farmer.
As every patriotic citizen rejoices In the con
stantly Increasing pride of our people In Aiiicrt citizenship nnd In tho rflnryefimrnatfohaf
achievements nnd progress 11 wntlnu lit prevails
thit the leaning strings useful Inn nation in Its
iiuiuej limy uii oe ill 11 gn-.ll CXt lit lllsl-aidMI
In Itie tireyeut. nfn-Ti. nf Aoii-i-l.. 111 lii.n.l.i.. i.. ......
age mid reailess self-reliance. And for tin' pilv
llegeor liidulgjng tills sentiment with true Alrt-
irin-.ui i-iiiinisi.isiii our ciiiz-ens are r uitexiiiune
to forego an Idle surplus In tlie public Trensilrv.
And all the peoplu know that the average rale
Of I'eder.ll taxation noon limuo-l l ... o.
time of peace, tint little less, while upon tome
.... ... 1.. li ss.11,, , iiii9ioiiilHill 11 IS UCIIKUiy
""re than was Imposed by the grievous burden
vvfl flllrtv iMirne nt n itme wln.n in.. iti.i.Ai.mi.......
needed 'millions to maintain by war thetaftty
11I11I luf nir.ll 1-..f 1... ITi.ln. -
..I.II.IJ Ul l. 1- k'lllllll.
T.vntrr nr.vistox.
It has been the policy of Hie government to
collect tho part of Its revenues hi a tax
upon Imports, nnd no change In this policy Is de
sirable. Hut the present condition or nirafi s eon.
nu.iins our neopie to iictnanti mat bv a icvlslon
id cur revemio l.ivvslho reeeipts m'the govern
ment shall be reduced to the neecsaiv expense
ot Its eeinmmleal iidinlnlstiution, nnd Hits tie.
iand should tie recognized and obevrd bv tho
p.vmle s leprescntntlvcs Inthe legislative branch
of the government.
In re.idtusilii" ilielnv.'.lniK or lViuVii inv-iii,1.
a sound pebllt: policy rniulres that such of our
1. 1 is us 1 ;iu 011111 up i.irce linn 11111 ortai.t in
dustries under presnit conttlt'ons should tint lie
siittiiciilyiiml to their Injury deprlietl or.ulvaii-
. rS '. '"". .'' nave auapieii itielr lui-liicss;
but If tl.e public good reunites it they should be
content with ccnsldt ration as Mi. 11 dtal
ralrly and cautiously with their Interests whi'e
the lust demand of the people for relief from
needless taxation Is honestlv nnswered.
A rciison.itileand timely "luilinibslon tn'v.c a
demand should certainly be posslbv wltho t ds
iMroitM shock to any Interest: end a c re hit
concession sometimes avcits nbnft and hu'il-
u iion. a ru me oiugrowin oninp.itiencc
and dcl.ijcd Justice.
Hue rcgar'd should be also accorded In nnv
piopnsed reailiiistment lo the Interests nf Ameri
can labor, so far as hey lire Involved. Wo t on
grain . ite ouieelves that there is among us 110
laboring class fixed within unyielding hounds
and doomed under all conditions to the Incvor
iiltle fate tit dally toll. vye recognize in labor a
elder raetor In tfie weallli ol th" repuWfi' ivntl wn
tieat those who ham It In their keeping as elll
zetis eiilUlctl to the nin.t earerul regard ai tl
Ihouuhtriil altcntlon. Ihls regard aim attention be awarded them, not onlv because h l or
Is the capital or r,ur vvorklngmeii, lustlv entitled
to its share of goveinuient favor, but tor Hip fur
ther unit not less Imiinrtant reason that Ihe labor
iit man, suriounded by Ids family In his huinbjo
home, as a consumer Is vltnllv luterestitl In all
that cheapens the cost of living nml enables him
to bring wllhln Ids domeMle circle additional
comroils and advantages
This relation of the vvnrklngman to the rev ennc
laws or the country, and tlie maimer In vvlilch It
tialp.ihly Inlluenees the iuestlon of wages, should
not be forgotten 111 tint justifiable prominence
given to fie proper niatntaliianee of the siuitilv
anil proleetlon of well-paid labor. And tlu'si'
considerations si'mcst such nn arrangement of
gov eminent rcvctinciioit vimll t-mliu.A tl n ..v.,
or Itv Ing. while It does i t cm tall tlie opportunity
for work nor reduce the compensation or Alni-if-can
lalior. ami uiluilouslvnireet ttseenditloii and
the dignified place It holds In tlie islimallun of
our puiple.
a 1.1. oi.Assr.s iXTi:i:KTri).
Itut our fanners and nerl.'iilluilsts those who
rroin the soil nrctltiee the tlilups consumed bval!
aie perhaps more directly nnd plalnlv eou
'eincd tli tn any other of our citizens, In'n
and ciirehil system or federal taxation. Tlitxe
in tun v engaged In and more n-moti ly eom.ei t
etl villi UiLs kind or work, uuiiil er neailv Mie
Imir or our pepulatlon. Xonc I ibor har'der or
Pioie eoiillnmais Itian they. No enactment 1
limit their l.oiir,i of toll, nnd 110 Interposition of
the goveinnentenlianf e.s In any gientextentllie
Value of their nrodllcts. Anil o.t fur n.-mv flw.
ueee.ssnrles of life, which the most serup'nlnus
. . , 1.,1,.,,-n utciii in mum ini't tjit'ir uomes,
nnd for the r Inirlements nf lmsliamli tl,..v,..,.
obliged to pay a pi leu largely Incienseil bvnn
tinnaliiriil n nflt vvlilch, by Hie action or the gov
ernment, Is given to the more favored manufac-
1 recommend that, keeping In view all these
considerations. Hie Increasing and uniu ccssarv
surplus of national Income annually aceumul.i-
iiui:, 1 ii- ii-n-.isi-ii hi in,- n-fi;iif, ovuuamenunieiit
loour reveuuu laws vviiien snail tlieapen the
rir-i-iu ioe necessaries 01 uie ami give free en
trance to such Imported materials uv bv Anieil
ean labor may be manufactured into marketable
Nothing win be nfcompllsiied, linvvevcr, In the
lllreCtlo'l of Hill InUeh-tli-eileil reform II..,
snldect h approached In a palrp.tle spirit of de
letion to the Interest of the entire couutivtiPd
wi ll n wlllIngneKs to yield something for the
piiuiu; guoti.
Tin: coiNAtiK.
Ptirlng the fiscal year cudcil June 30, lssti,
iiiiiv- it. is .11111-11. iiniu-i me i-iiuiiiiiisoty suvir
t olnage act of )s7d,'ja,a3,;.is silver dollars,
uie i us, in uie suier liseil in tllcll COII.age V. i'iJ
r.j,ri.-,yi-'.ui. iiii'ie oau oeen coineil lip 10 tile
close of tin; i previous llscal year, under Ihe pro
visions of the law, r,; silver dollars, nnd
on the 1st thtj of December, ltw, the total
amount or such coinage was f'.'li, 1:11,54'',
The Dlicttor of the Jlli.t leporis that at the
l ine or the iiiHsnse of Ihe law of it-w tlln elliig
Ihls coinage the Intrlnsl.' value of the tlollais
thus coined was ulnoti-fournnd oiH-fourth icnts
earn, ,11,11 uiai 011 toe 41-1 uav tti .iitiv. lsfa the
'in u 01 snver leaeuiti ine lowest, stage iver
known, mi thai the lutilnsle or bullion piheni
our standard silver dollar at that date vuis less
than sevinly-two cents. The pi Ice of silver on
the sntli day of November lat was Miihnstn
make these dollars. Intrinsically vvoith seveutv
eighl zents each. '
lliesu dltrerenei s In value of the coins noire.
sent the IMuauallons lulhepilce ot silver, ami
uiej eeiiiiiiiiy uo uoi luuieaie tin,! eonipulsory
coit'age bv liie L'overnmeiit i.tileiiii-iw 11 i..;.
or that coiiuuodlty or secures uniformity in Its
livery fair nnd legal cIToit has been made bv
tin- iie. sury iz eparillieni III tllslllluite tills cm
leney aiiioug ine people, rue viltlitlrawal ol
I lilted Slates lieasury notes or small deiioinhia
ions and lie issuing uf .mall silver eeitilli ales
have lii-en icsorletl to 111 tlic.eiiildiverlot'eeniu
Pllsli tills result in ohedii 111 e lo the will anil sen-
nun-. us 01 ioe repie.euiaiives hi ti.u peoi In n
rc.ngies.. (in Hie-J7t;i day of November ism,
Ihe lit'oole held of thes ihw. nr ci rim. .11.
ri'Presentilig them, the nominal sum ol Ii0.s7.v
t'll, and we still bad S7!,4ri,3l.-, In the Treasiirv,
,i. iiii.uiii iiiimii phj,uii,u,i so 111 mo hunCHO!
Hie pimple, and STiy-syrril reiaallilng in the
Ireasitrv one vear i.eo. The lUr, im- ,.r 11...
.Mint again tngis the nccesslly of mnic siuM un ii, e .iir'osu 01 sioriug inese sllier tlol
lars vvhieli aie not needed for clitulallon by ihe
1 have F.cen no reason Jo ehaneo the ..v.
pressed in my last .'1111:11. il message on the -1111-
Jeel ot tldst eoinage, anil I aga n lute
Its Mispenslon on all Ihe gioiimls contaliietlln
niy loriuer leiiiiumeiiilallon. iitiifoieid 1 llm
n.j,,,,,.. aui .111 i,-;.si- ,u i, nmu es pill l, lOllS lllir-
itig Hie last veer, as appears by Hie conninratlie.
statement lierei.lth prescntrtl, ami for He
turther icaons that theiuorv this inrrencv Is
distrlbutid iiiaong thu neopie the greater be
unties oin tlely to piottrt It rroin ilbastcr; that
wo now have abundance for nil our 111 i ds. anil ll.i to seems but little propriety Iu building
vaults lo st-ue such eiirictley vvlien the only pr(i
teuie for its itiluage is the ueiessilv of its use by
the peoplu as a circulating uieilhuu.
I Al'Il'AI. AKI LAUillt.
Tlie rcl.illonstif labortoeapllalnndof laboring
men to their ci,iplo)crs aie nt tho utmost com'
ii rii to every patilotie citizen. When these nre
slraliKtl and distorted unjustifiable claims un
apt to be Insisted upon by liolli Interests, nnd In
tlie controveisy which lcsultsthe welfaie of nil
and tlie piosperlt) of Hie country are Jeopardized
Anv Inteivenllon of the (tenet..! (.oveinment
ivlthln Hie limits ntjts 1 onstltutiiuialimthoiliy id
aveit such a condition bliou'd be willlugli ac
corded. " '
In a special messiige Iransiullleil to the Con
giess ut Us List session I suggested theenlaige
luent id our 'jibor llm can anil adding lo Its lues
cijtfiuietions the power of iirbltralion In eases
wlieieillirnei.eis uilse betneiir iniploier ami
ciuplo.icd .U hen Hi. se difierenees reach such a
siage as lo result In the Interruption of cnnnnciiu
Intiveen tlio htatrs, tlm npplleKtloii of this rein
ed) bv Ihe ( eneral (loverniuent iniWit be ic
IFildcil us entirely with 11 Its ihivv
eis. And 1 think we might leusonablv hope that
soeii itrb raliusi,lf carelully selected am Ifi-n-tilled
to thociiiitlileneeottheimrtlcslo Im nflect
ed. vviiuhl be volniiliully callid to the elllenieni
ofenntniverslesof lessexteut and not necessarily
within the domain of regulation. nni
of the opinion that this suggestion is worthy Ihe
attention or tlie Congicss. 1
Hut alter all has been iliim, liv tti,. ,1-1. ......
1 lawseltlior I'l deral or State to relieve a slluatliui
..... ... ,.,i, nun,., ,11111-11 mole retiiaius 10 ne ae-
ciimpllslii d liy the reinstateiuent andciiltlviitliiu
f 11 tnw Ameijcan sentiment which recognizes
he eiiiulity of Amerhau illlzeuslilp. '1 J.tx. In
thellglit of our traditions and In lovulty to tlut
Mill It of our lnsiiiuiloim, noulii tiaeh Hist n
Ileal IV eOHilu-ratlon 1111 I Iia mil ,,r .,lt 1..1.. 1 .
the surest tiatll to national greatness and tin.
i.iIi,luesor ull our Ijoople ; Hut iviUUd shouhl,
In rieo.niltlon of the biotherhooil ot our citizen!
pi.- sre liiM-iumlUe trooi. our i-lilllMtl.m , llmt
I .1 TV i I i tl kttitllil lis 1 j I.. - i
Mmt'r to tin gi tied goo, raoltalrtoM nni
Winer In wlilrti ili.n ,.r,.ii.'B Thfl rontlinied.Biieriitlhti &tlic law relntlntfto
HwetiiuWo conceal their tn iIh'VsB?11: Kh'sUI1" IHP most amlnelffl;
If extM-itf Jjlut we hate imlvertll"'rk" .1KIi.lll'.r"'u-n,,rVV.lltvy' 'U"U
ipi-rmiirffi i&eniio whl'h lmsTr,ti,.",tJ1iVV,t $?.'.,l,!,t!Ve?'y. I'UldltfBlucer whol
necessarily '"'I n the oppression ot labor, and
t""1 V,"".'"1 ""'"'." .Hsonlers allleimto
. Imiii their promoters truc&liicilean sympathy
find kiml
Tin? civ
to the value ot I t s reform. Il t'ioiniiei
friends nre found among thosn who luulerstntid
it tiest, and Its wannest supiiorters mo those
nii uie ivsiiaiucu itiiii proteeieti uv 11s retiiure
mrnts. llieinoiuiluKot such rrstntlnt ami pro
tectloitls not niiprctlatetl liV thosit whit vv ant
plaies under the goveinuient, rcgaidlcss or
tncrlt itntl efficiency, nor by those who Insist tlmt
tlie selci Hon or .such places should rest upon n
pioper credential shoWiugiutlvo pin lltsu vvtirk.
jrhey.trttiau to public,ir not their lives,
the only opiHiituiillyniroiiletl them touttendto
ptildlc liusincis, and they mean to tlie good peo
ple of the country tho bettor perfoniiftuct! orjlife
pie 01 1110 couniry mo lienor perroiiiiaucfc ol.ti
work nt their government. - J
Jl IS IWIT'lllll ZlllilllflO lllUi.
inn 111. in uiiia.ii-iui 1.1 nil,-so nine nit'
all I that no ninny things not Included W
Plan 1110 culled by Its name. What ea
mole fully toexninliiatlon the system will' liavifl
taige aiiniiiiiiisin me iiiuuiht 01 us Iilemts. llur
civil H'lvlcc. ictorni may bo Imperfect in some or
Its details! it may tie misunderstood and op
posed I It may not always be faithfully implicit ;
Its designs may somel fines miscarry through
mlat-ike or willful Intent It may sometimes
tremble under the nssaults nf Its enemies or lan
guish under the iiilsgnldeil zeal of Impracticable
irlem sj but if the pcopln of this country ever
submit to the banishment if this underlvlng
prim ipld from the operation of their rovcni
1110 it, they will abandon the sin est puarautee of
th j safety nntl success or American Institutions.
I Invoke fortiils reform the cheerful ami un
grudging support of the Coiij,rcSs:
The Far Korthwojfc
There Istnilillslieil nt Portland. Oregon, tin ably
edited and handsomely lllittr.Uer magazine,
perl raving inonthly the betiulirul sceticrvanil Hie
Inibistilcs. rt'soiirccs timl .social featitio of tlie
great I'oliiinbla r'Vcr region. Including Oregon,
V.ishhigloii, Id ilio, Sloid.uin, t'talt, llrlllslt Col'
nmbla ami Alasktu Its Illustrations arc artistic,
l'llntid In colors.' Its contents are entertaining
lo the general reader, nmt tluwcjiliraeter otitic
magazine Is such us to make It welcome in everv
family i Irele. Am one at all Interested dn tha't
great nntl nipltll.vdeveloiiiiL'coiintrv,eltherfroni
h.n Ing Msltctl II, having friends living- there, r
... hi i iiirn. lining iii,.ii;ii,s in jiiuuilg lilt' llirOIlg
iiiitiu.ill.v moving thither triiin every slate In the
Union, should become u subscriber to this vain-(
. .';.' mi-. uiniiii iiiTiuoer win tie
Issued 111 December, some of the engravings be
ing executed In nvo. colors, accompanvlnu which
will be a large picture of Hlount llood. Oregon's
famous-snow peak, printed Iu eluht colors anil
embossed. All who subscribe now for IPS7 will
receive this holiday number nntl the picture of
.Mount Hood ns n premium. The picture ol
Mount Hood vvlll be given lo jcaily subscribers
onlv. Subscription price. .'.Mn nervcar. S tiuple
copv. 2'- "cuts. Address I, Hasii-'ki, Publisher
of Ike HV( cAorc, l'ortl imlt()regon.- adv.
New Advertiscinenta,
This powder never varies. Annrvclor purity
trtiiglli and wliolcsoniciiess. JIoic economical
than the ordinary kinds, anil cannot be sold In
coiip etlllon with the multitude of low test, short
wcijlit, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
In cans. Koyal I'.aklng Powder Company, lot;
Yvall Street, N. Y. aug L't-nill
To whom it may Concern
I tlel-eliv nntifv nil onrll unl tn truer .,i- 11 lrA
Kt'SAN JlKAltllOri'.as I will not inv ailv debiJ
i uiui inn ii u.i iu.1 iiiiei iiuniiaie.
iicxitv Mi:Aitiiorr, S, 'jtrj-wa U'hlghtcn, l'a.
z'.gsnts Wanted to Sail ' HEi'KJ!S:EKO:S
cf 0 Years ia the ba'.lcnal Koi-o?:lis.
Illustrating Hie Wit, Humor, and Eccentricities
id noted celebrities. A rlchlv Illustrated tieat of
Inner Society History, fioin")e olden limes" to
ine v cooing oi i leveianu. vvontieriniiv ropiunr.
Agents ri'imrt laiiid sales. Atldicss for clre'r
alio lerius. jluilllAHU Ul.JJ.i,, l'lllils:els,
rniiaucipuia. oel30-Svv
Building; Lots for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale a number of
Fine Building liota !
N'lncely situated on Viilon. Hill,. East M'clsspert,
v in. tow pi ices lorcasu,
A. I-. SN DEI!,
t'eptembert.tis'cni Welssport, l'a.
I'espectfnlly announce to the public that they
have Opened a Wholesale and llctall
Candy and
Store, In Monti's New llulldlng, opposite "The
Carbon Advocate " Office,
Bank Street, Lehighton,
and that they aie receiving ritEHII, PUHE
they sill at the very Lowest l ikes.
nr Church and School 1'estlvals and Private
Paitit-s supplied at Prices fully as low us the
same duality of Candies and Confections can be
bought for in the city.
Patronage solicited and the fullest satisfaction
ludrautced. A. W. liEASKK,
'iluivvl TOI1IAS I1USS'
At Prices marked down so low as to conic with
in the reach of ever) body.
Novelties in Jewelry!
Inthe above line of Hoods we have an elegant
avsoiliiu'iit. and are constaiitlv making iiddlllons
of all Hie very latest novelties as the season ml
vamcs. Aon are le-pei Hull) ieiiiesttd tocull
antl cviuiiue my Unit ol goods. You nre bound
to l.c pleased with the tftsuls, anil the prices-.
they uie down to ltock llottoiii,uud can't bo bent.
All Kinds of Repairing
.sicativ, i ueapiy anil j-niiiipuy uiientieii 10, aim
siulsriicllen guaranteed, I have concluded, sua
iikmiis of exit iidlug Hits bialtili ol inv biislues,
In lie nt SNYDEft'S 1IOTEI., 1'AltitYVIl.Li:,
WKDNl'JiDA Y of each week, between tho boms
of Sit. iu.. and u p. in. All fnvois .slinvvn me by
the people or lMrryvlllc vvlll be much uppicclat
t ti. Yon lire-Invited to cull end Inspect my Hue
of tends when in I-chlghtou, Next lo LT.iuss llro.
To whom It may Concern
YV hereby notify all parties cot to trait any
miroutiiu'ti-d,, elilier on farm or ImindrT, nHer
i on our teiSHi i us ive win I oi ur anv neon
tliinl.iie Wi uiilhutle I.. Miner, mint.. vnt.
II. Miiiirandt', ). Miner, emitmrtiiir Mirtles. I
tmi't.liir Mirtles. I
MijjKB IJltOS. J
Wc!svrl IM. Xok "Tinvv
S. v
1 nan a jim iiiimis iiitiiui in iiie iieooie lesimes
bsoltstely Pure.
aacor ft. P.irc!
Rod JaokoJ Foroo PumpJ:forj
nJf 'iauJl,l.A Ul WUIli, '
wngle Ollndcr ;
No I'nckliig-box l'limp.
Cuokeyo Foroo Pump up
Seventy-five Feet.
HliigleCjllnder, ....
Double " . . .
Rumsey Foroo Pump, $13.00,
- Deptli opto scvcnty-flrc feet.
, Rumsey Iron Lift Pumn.
lat.tlio-fjicone Entl.pll tu fifty feet, W. Iron Cistern l'uinp fiom
lltlle undenvtflnilH upwards. Also
I.'IVIJ percent, orf for Cash.
, JOHN II. It. At'KKlt.Aeent,
YTKM HlNItHi! mid t'lSTKiiVi ntni nn iifiiit.
way, U'lilgliliin, opposite tlie old l'rlnllne ()lTlc,
hnv 11 'en
o -a;
lt-1 "SfJsS
ALLEHTOWH, DEC. Jli, 1883,
-1 ?B..!J t n!3 H
And tie Fririitls who Frequent it
G2" Wheii Ave made our fir.s
annoiincenicnt oi llio Clositiir
Out Sale of our Stock, we namei
it to ho in value fully
which we have been able to re
(luce to
115,000 ?'
Our stock in some line is nov.
broken up so that we arc not,
able to show you as large an as'
sortmont as usual, but we can
still accommodate your- wants
fully )() per cent of what you
want to buy, and wc guarantee
that you will find our prices the
lowest in the citv.
Respectfully yours,
Cor. Ctli nml Hamilton fits.,
ALLS1 M 3? O WN, PA.
October 1(1. 1? -0 lri3
UEItHY Vir,3 GAT1NETT, Attornsy-at-LiVT,
Refer lo f'1 Nn'lnnnl limit. Wnafclnrtnn, D. C.
WSLlifl roit I1I7Z0B'S QlfU).a
I'D AI)Vi:i;TISi:i:s.-I.oHcst Itatcafor atlvcr.
1 tLsIni: in iki eond iicuspancrs knit frco.
Address (Jl.o. P. HOW I'.IA. & CO., Iu Spruce St..
X. V.
Till! Ill.ST Ol'
Only $1. Per Year.
The Ecsllitc al er.d vsriei Pi cminm list
THi: 1'OPl'I.AI! I.ITl ltAIiV AND
TlIK Wkfki.v I'iiksh U orlnteil In lmlil
clear t)pc. It is st.umclily liepiilillciiu Iu politics.
An claborntu dlxest ol all Ihe news or the week,
ood oriulnal stories rroin Hie liest uutliois.
Special arllilesoii liiteresting topics.
The Turin uud Harden I icpai I inunt, seasonable
ton ruiieii o) ;i pinciicai lariuer.
T lie Helmut' Hand devoted evclitilvi'le to tin
Interests ot women In their household work. lit.
erary eultiiie, social Htliauienient nnd enter
OiiHiiirsanil Iniilncs, ealera to tlie pure and
lit-nl th I ul entertainment nf vouiii; people ot both
.sexes 111 eiery "t.tHoli of life.
Ihe Market Keports come from cierv hiinorl.
nut comuiirclal cenlre a ml may be rolled upou
is auMiiittely collect up lo Hie hour ol colni: to
The Wnr Articles Hint liaie attracted mi much
attention for their interest and accuracy "ill be
continued thrnrxhout Hie couilui; )car.
of bot'i the VKi:KI.Y PliKSSand ItsmaBiilflcent
i lemiuiii i.isi win oe Hciuinuny untircss upon
,'iPIilieatlon. lie mile vou iirecetttui- the most
mid best for your money before )ou uubscribe.
1 i.t.i,...
Tiik Pkess Co.. Ijimited,
U0V2T-SW Pliilniloltiliin
Iartu.ttjr rulwrm ILn muct TiuleDt UUek. And
l.i...-u-ir.dnr..rtAl.lAtM.r. Sll Hlllllll r.. MU.
Ell. s.UtfiauMdt'jtotiditlun itictkmUlm
leoliita. dirtn-t anf en tuln ftnd mnsj U Ui
a nult m &II carl,U f --. A sine ! trlftl oon-K-
flm ot I Iui toot tkiptu-tl I'rics tua. ftod 41 DO
t! il Ann dniifin .t, i-r fr mill Hiopl Prro tar
u suivp nr. k. hi no r il s.s... M. rasi. Mil
tVst.gysTTrcsT sy-essswyj-rrnx, rv.
n,ov?r nn
SqjRI1 ft .
O J-l
texs U U kit
im i mm a
wt m --1 r vn u 11
.WmMszWiSf m III Ivll-i
SI 1 00 j a;.ni -vuv- mi tra tciM fSSi Md HFVI
IS 60
It will be to your advantage if you need nnytliing in the line
is complete and our prices lower than ever. All-Woolen Suit
nnd Ovorcoata, made to order, from $10 to $30.
of suits for MEN and BOYS at Prices from $2.00, $2.50.
$4.00, $5.00, $7.00, $10.00 and upwards. Every Gar'
ment marked in plain figures and at the lowest cash Prices. You
will do well by calling and examining goods and learning prices
whether you wish to buy or not. It is no trouble for us to show
MARKETS we l''"i nH the latest Styles ai Price's low enough
to be within the reach ol all.
IJunlap and Ybmmm Hats take
This department is complete, embracing all the latest noTclties.
Our advice V to call, examine and buy all you need. You will
save money by-heeding -this advice.
fViauch Chunk.
One-Price Star Clothing Hall,
. JT-AMES WVLl?, Accent,
I'lrst door below tlio I-"Ii-.-,t National Bank,
vrnicn are con,umiy Kept on Haml Uiero tiyI J.TIir lest In lh. Countj to (it ir
Tin Koollns l rhearer than Slate or SIiIhrIcj, ami will last a.Wellme. A flue Let ef
Cutlery and Househfurnising Goods iay on hnd.
mm F08 GASH!
Ropt. Ii, ldM-lyr,
We havo opened tho largest
Gloria for UriKISTIHAS
" will mention,
LO 1.
good Silk. 2G inch, natural
wood stick, at $'
MT 2.
super Silk, 20 inch, gold
and silver heads, at $3 01).
LOT 3.
guaranteed Hlk, 2(5 inch,
silver heads at $3.50.
LOT 1.
A guaranteed Silk with mourn
ing sticks at S4.00.
k im Assortment of Si! Umbrellas wilb
634 Hamilton Street,
Oetnbersn, lfC
The undersigned is prepared to
from llarleigh Colliery, at the following low prices, by the Car,
I'ok cash onlv. Credit ten cents per ton extra:
- -
hestnut No. 1 -hestnut
No. 2
Prices at tho Mines
Carbon Advocate Job Office,
New Type, New Presses and
Lowesjt Price for good work,
have a
the Lead.
variety. The
at the-"
Spt. 25, 18S-m8
EIRE IRl K.Qff?RB!7llfl
mm mm K fm ' " l D
and cxnmlno tin rtnt
tnrgo Miortmtnt t
Uno of Umbrellas In Silk and
wo havo over shown. Wo
a few Bargains :
LOT 5.
A 26 inch Gloria, natural wood
stick; at $2.00, ' -v '
A 28 inch Gloria, natural wood
stick, at $2.30.
LOT 7.
A 5G such Gloria, gold head at
LOT 8.
A 2G inch Gloria, silver head,
ft $3 00.
Eilrer, Gold and French Carred Heads.
Allentown Penri'a.
furnish the best Lehigh Coal,
Del. in Town
- - $3.25
25cts. per ton Less.