Autumn Tints. With llio coininp or cool weather all light clothing nro cast aside and wo d n that winch protects H3 from the snridon changes in the weather, so com mon it this time of the year. Wv have just received n com plete line ol' all th very latest novelties in Cloths, Cassimers, Corkscrews, Woorsfeds, and other goods, suitable for Fall and Winter Wear, which we make up in the latest styles, most substantial manner nt prices that astonish everybody. We still mafct" those famous $10 All-woof, Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of them when we first commenced their make. We make the same suit nou; at the same price, and the material ice use is as good as ever. Wo would call your attention to ouv Gents Ftirflisihi Departinsnt ! which embraces the most recent novelties in Collars,' Cuffs, Neckwear, Underwear, &c. In Ladies, Gents and Child rens shoes, we have everything that is likely to be in demand. We invite you to call, feeling sure ice can please you, no mat ter what you want. Very Respectfully, 13ank Street, Lehighton, Pa. For Newest Designs ami Most FashlonaMo Styles of DIIESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,, &c.r &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Oooils Eiiarontei'il and prices lis low os else nhero the sumo quality of goods. July IP, lSS5-ly Thin impel' to lirnt on fllo nt the nmec of ADVERTISING A IGKNTS 5lt7- ..... nhcfMTtf nun inpinitii IIMES BUILUIMU & 8th St3 milhUtmim. CCTIMATCC For JEIVKIMPER UTrRTIWG Core CollMAItO nt Lowest Cash Ratoa ITXC VuiwroVAYER & SOH'S MANUAL 31. JIJEIL31AN, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Sillier ami Dealer in Flour and Feed. All kinds of Git A IN' 110U011T AND KOI.D at MAItKKT liATUS. I would respectfully inform the rftlzcns of this plaee aim vicinity that I am fully prepared to supply tlicin with all fnnds ol The Best of Coal Prom any mine, at u'ry LOWEST PRICES. jr 24 yl. M. HEILMAN PATENTS!! FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents, 025 tt., near U. S. Patent Ofliec, "WASHINGTON, D. C. All huslnpss before United Stales Patent Ofllce nlti'tnli'd In for moderate tw. raleiiu procured in the United State uinl all 1'orelKU Countries, j-rarfe )larkt and Labili reBlstered. Itejeeted clou ainl advice as to obtaining Vatents cheer- aiiiilleat oni reiivil niiiliirini'einiMi. imorniu fullv furnished without charue. Model for Fuke opinion as to 1 Send .sketch or Vatentabilltv. No Agency In tho XI. S. possesses superior facilities for obtalnins Patents or asccrtalnliur the Tatcntabll . ity of Inventions. rnples of patents furnished for S3c. each. fjbr Correspondence solicited. icor. $1 13 WEEKS. The POI.ICK GAZBTTK will U mailed, ecurely wrupiwd, lo any o.blrjsj in llio Uni ted Stutes fortbreo moiithioii receipt of One Dollar. IMberal dis-nunt allowed to postmailorj, gents mid clubs Bamplo copies innilcd Irce. Address all orders to RICIIAM) K. FOX, Maf 30,I8S5-Iy EjUAim. N. Y TE UENEY WISE OATtNETT, Attornty-at-Liw, EDiCllL 200 N, Becoinl St., Pnllada., J-otmerly Trs. J. N. & J. B. IIOBBNSAOK. I.-tablUUeil-lUycnrH. Forlhecureof . UhpccUl i , - i. .. ... I. I...- I:" r..r . "I"'!?. , " t. , , ,e u , ' " t- lt.r i,Ho-p.ul ' f II t ta, OtoU. Clflnl 8Bit73. Da. C. T. HORN, AT T1IK Central Drug Store, OIT. TUB I'UltDlC SQUAitH, Hank Street, Lchipjliton, Pa., Is picparcil fnr Hie 1'nll nml Whiter Trade Willi a frcsb supply il Drugs and Medicines, Choice Wines ft'Liquors, Cignrs, etc. All His l.rtcst iimclUe 111 mil .mil Winter Kliitdtw aiul piuicinsof Wall Papers, Decorations, Library &StandlLamps, in all styles, and at all prices. fiPHOT AOLES fitted to the eye and satisfaction guaranteed. Mount poll! I North Carolina. On the Carolina. Central Rail road, in Gaston County, wants win'ru American Settlers ! ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Arc uife red those having menus to cm gllb'O III MOUNT HOLLY Is endorsed liv ono cnhe strongest KallrnaOs In me omuii, una me nuiMinn mini; mhiu or.j rials. Them are Uvo. (Jo It on Factories In the Immediate m-itfhlmi hood, mid the prtilti'Nrs pru- loau umiuikc ii ino lariat imuuuuuunni; cin- ;ie in .orin i annum. Siiuill Farms nlfrom five to twentv acres, nd- JirnilMM UIUUMIII, LHII 4FI. I MM I 111 II III II STit-U IW Jill', t, tlm I.... l.n I. .tit it Cm,,. DIMI,. trvt speeiaiiy fiimcu lor irmLH(fgeuuits a:iu general minium. r viiAiiu, Do You Suffer FJIOJI Lnus or Throat Tro Malaria or Elooil Foisqe ? Is Your System. Broken Down from Over-Woifc If so, anil you want iimncilljte relief and a per manent eiiie, cunie to Southern Pines NORTH CAROLINA, For the Winter. This is the lilL'hct point In the Lone Leaf Vino regions ot thlst otin li y, sitnalril llilliiuliatrlv on Hie UAI.I lltll .Mf rtl'lit'.-ti . li.MI, lll.I', 117 Milne Misiithfif lfMlclfrh III tin. mdlit. i.f nil iinliiolu'ii pine lurcst l-'li-TY MILES 1 i:.Cll DIltlXTIOX. Maiiv Northern nennlc ale luillilltiir coltaces nt the Vines for Winter use, and some lor per- iiiaiii'in rt'sKiniiT. The hotil at Southern Vines Is onned am! managed hy Mr. V. It. I'.uyiuoml, of New York ITttV. lloardliiR I rouses under the mmiagement of parties iioni ernioni, .iiassiii'iiuseiis, .ev jorK and New Jersey, ltallroad Million, Vost Ofllce, Telegraph, and an eoineniences. Kcry invalid Isitlng tills place hasbcen hene lllt'O. l'or special rales of faie, address, F. W. CLARK, G. P. A., Seaboard Alr-Llnc. Ualelsh, N. C. ELY'S CIlEAir JJALif Is not a liquid, snuff or jioxcdcr. Applied into noUrils is quickly ahsorlxil. It clcanus the Mad. juayanjiammation. jicaisike tores. Jtatorcs the sennet of taste and smell. 60 cento at Drunaittt; In mail, registered, CO ceim. ELYBROTIIERS.Hrust'Ists.Ovtcgo.NY. Semi for Dcseilptlye Circulars of tlio Corbhi l5lsk Pulveriser, Colli Disk Cotton Cultivator, Cortin Harrow and Seeder. "11II.I. Alll"' snys.CmWii Disk 1'nlverlser is tlii'U'M lalinr-Kitlwt iimrlilne ever liitiuilurvil mtntlie Simlli. It taken I lie l;iro ot the Itian. Cultltatvi ami Drill iniil on muiic suIN the iilim, ami increases tlio crop 'JO vr cent. Aililrcss, St. Lawvcnco M'f'g. Co., Oet-S-fO (louvcriiciit, X. Y. Lewis H. Rehrig', Slate Hoofer. REPAIRING promptly attemlnl la at tborl luiticu ami uu rrasomtblu term. WORK GUARANTEED. A.lilr : l'RISCE'S P. 0., Curbnn County, IVnn'a. aiic2(J.y. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, tre prcparcil to ilo all kinds of Plastering aud Ornamental Wort, t .horlMl not.oo. Or.lcr. bv m.ll will ro ceive prompt utleutlOB. ' fipM work. Terms modrriitr fr eulilf .maw u.s. a. i AS WE CLIP HIIM0B0S1TIES. I'lio llnroucss lluidott-Coults nil vises young lncn who wish lo econolnlie lo get married, Spiders nro snltl to dcttroy more !nctt ciie.intos of trees than tin nil llio Insecllv erous birds. Iho Old Wny sins thoNew. Tim Old Vny Itucfc Ihu baby in n. snp tiimali, carry It to town In a potato basket, Klvu It suits mill senna for a pliydfi', wnIi It with sott-stup nml water; when side dose it to iltMtli with harsh medicines, nml then say: "Tim Lord rlalnu'.l It." Tim New way tho Dr. Hand's' Ifoinedlos for Children, which have lieeh tested In his practice for IB years. They nm imro, safe, nml a (lodselidtopaicttts and ehlldieu. Dr. Kami's remedies nro' Teething 'I.otloit, a womlerfiilly soojdilnj? anil h.iiinlcss lotion to liatlje thegiimsofteetlilng babes. I'olle Cure, promptly relieves colic and soollios cross babes without stliriolvlimtlinni, l'leas- ant l'hysle, for chlhlren anl adults, cures constipation, Worm Elixir, which Is com. blneil with a puree. Cough ami Croup Medicine, has no superior hi Its line. Dlarrhcca Mixture, cures when every thins else fall. General Tonic, Rives lone ami appetite lo weakly children. Chafing Pow der, heals sore and chafed babies In R day. Price of each, only!;;) cents, for sale liy Dr. C. T. Horn, I.ehIfhton, nml W. P. lllery, W'clssport, Pa., druggists. -"Spell cat," said 'n little, girl of five years of agn the other day to a sm liter on e of only three, "r can't." was the reply." "Well, then," continued the youthful nils' tress, "If you can't spell cat, spell kitten.' mamma. I don't know them by heart. I only know tlicin when I sec them." What are Supposatoricsl . A. 0. ltose. of New London, Conn., writes: "Send me two bottles of your Kemn s PI e. Siumosatorics bv mall. Our ilnifisl' Is out. They are for a friend. I men ,cvci) mnitf milium, ncip, uut uiu Supposatorles cured me." Tlie treatment Is new ami within reaeli of all, and I would advise the affected to glic them a trial. Por pamphlets on piles ad dress Itox 205, I.o Itoy, N. Y. Por sale In i.e.iiigiiion ny moinas, ami m w eisspurt by Dlcry, at CO cts. per box. "Oh, what bird Is that? I have just joined the Audubon Society, and am so In terested In bird calls." "That's our goat."' The Parent of Insnmnia. TIio n.irent of Insomnia or wakefulness Is. In nine cases out of ten n dyspeptic stomach (iood (IlKt'.stlou Rives sound sleep, Imllfiestlon Inter; feres with it. The hralnnuil slniiutchsynipathln. Unuoflho proiuhicut .sjiiipotinsol a week.stutu otlhocastrlcoYirati Is a fllstiitbances of the (treat iicrvu euirciot, me orain. luviKoriiie me moiii ach, and you restore equilibrium to the Kicat teutru. A most reliable niedlclue for that pur- POM1 Is Ilostctter'KStoinacli Hitters, which Is far nrcfcrableto mineral scilativcs and nnwi iful nar cotics, which. thouj;h they may for a lime exert a Mipurilic inltueuce uiiuii the brain, soon reuse to aci, nun inviiiianiv injure the tone oi tne stomach. The lilttem' on the. contrary, regions ictlvlty to the operation (H that all Impoitiiut or- L'aii. anil their bcnellcent lullucnru Isrcllecteil in sound sleep nml a tranquil .slate of the iter Miussystcm, A wholcsomo impetus Is likruhe (,'lven to llio action of tho liver, and bowes by Us use. nor 13-1 1 Mamma: "Do you know tho Ten Com mandments, my dear'" Little Ucss: "l'cs, mamma." "Well, repeat them." "I can't mamma, I don't know thctn hy hcait. I only know them when 1 sec them." Ecarlet Fever and Diphtheria are. spread by contagion, by the tranrfes of living matter from the skin, the. membranous lining ot tlio luontli, nose anil, ana from the intestines and urinary organs. Disinfect promptly and thoroughly with Darbys Prophylaelel Fluid, the great germ destroyer. Piof. II. T. l,ttpton, of the Vanderblit Unherslty, Tenn., says: "Asa disinlectantanil detcigent Darbys l'ropliy lactlc Fluid Is superior to any preparaliut with w hich I am aqualnled." novllJ-4 "So tlic missus Is to be marrinl, cli?" said the ganlcncr to the cook. "Yls; ami In illlxant sluyle, too. She s goln' for to have a illiress thray yarrmls long, ami four pall-bearers ter kcrry It." Shlloli's Vltlllzer is what you need for constipation, loss of appptltc,iIiZ7.IiiesR,anu all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 ami 73 cents per bottle. Sold by IT. V. lllery, ll'elsspon, nml Dr. C. Horn, I.ehlqhton. Tho man with the new gold watch sel dom knows what time It Is. Hay Feycr, Asthma. Inimediato relief. Fontaine's Cure. For salo byC. T. Horn. ITlien a rcpoitcr proposes to his best gill he becjus by telling her that tlio sentl incuts he entertains for her "arc substant ially as follows," etc. Hay Fever, Asthma. Relief guaranteed, Fontaine's Cure. For sale by (3. T. Horn. A "Charleston bracer," a recently In. yented beverage, Is warrentcd to keep tho most abandoned toper on the jump for twenty-four hours. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cougli. bullou s (Jure lstno leine dy for J on. Sold by Horn, Lehighton, aim lllery, v cissport. It may bo wrong to play dance music on Sunday, but a man who won't listen to any except sacred music might be called eaa religious. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by billion's Catarih Remedy Price GU cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Dr. t . T. Horn, Lehighton, ami W. F. lllery, II eissport. Thc most dull and sickening thud Is that produced by dropping of an old-fashion cd copper cent Into a chuich contilbutlon box. No Cure No Pay. A new dcpaiturc In medicine! Fontaine's (Jreat Discovery re moves the cause of disease; namely, dis ease germs. This guarantee means some thingfor "Knowledge. Is power." For sale at Dr. C. T. Horn's dms store. Thc christian community In India Is Increasing at the rate of S l-'i percent, a yeai, and therefore doubles every twelve years. "A severe cold, ending In a hard, dry cough, caused mo, to pas9 many sleepless i nights, coughing until it seemed ns though ! my head would burst. I told my friends that I must die. I was advised to try Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer. Fir I dose was a areat surprise; slept all night In peace. It cured mo right up. Persuaded my friends to try It and it has cured eery ease." MarslMl 11. .Moody, boutli Hail ley, Jlast. For sale by all druggists. Pilco 25c. ,'0e. and $1.00 per bottle. Dr. bctn Arnold's sugar coated unions Pills unequalled for costiveness, jaundice and ller troubles. "5c. Tho saud-hUl region, near Columbia, S. C, is dotted with many Indian Mounds, which contain valuable relies. Ono Hop Planter will kill pain quicker and is a better strengthener than a dozen other kinds. An economical gentleman tells us that 10 cents for a drink of whiskey Is lo much of a bar gain for him. Hood's Sarsaparilla, acting through the blood, teaches every part of the system, and !u this way positively cures catatrh, Women jump lo conclusions ami gene rally hit; inen reason things out logically ami generally miss It. ' Stop that Cough that tickling in tho throat! Stop that Consumptive Condition! You can lie cured! You can't afford to wail! Dr. Kilmer's Cough Curo Consump tion Oil will do it yuickly and permanently. 25 cents. Fifty thousand Americans visited Paris last month. There arc 110,000 Ameiicun residents In the city. No woman can be contented nml happy if her skin is covered with pimples and blotches. Those disliguring eruptions aro easily removed, by tho uo of Ayer's Sarsa parilla. This modlclno Is petfectly safe to take, and Is a thoroughly reliable blood piuiller. Oscar Wilde says he write his poms 1 ou an empty stomach. That!) how they 1 sliuiild lie read. SElIMOKS LIVER REGULATOR Tor all Diute uf the Liver, idncye2 Stomach ani Spleen. Thi imrcly rffrtn1Jn trre- PttAtlon, ww mu 1 titrate J tu a amlly Mcdwlne, orlnlnsitej In the bomb In It acts pettily on the ll.twdn and juiiih'w ami rorrrciK tne actkmof ih Uver, nnd U, tlure fure, the beat proparntnipr liiri11t-liitMh.itcvcr ihc 1ck n may pmve to be In alt common dint it will, iin nstlHtt''! ly any other meUl cme, fiTocl u fjicetly cut'e. The Ursnlnlor U snfe to nilmlniter In nny :ondit!on ol the iyu m.anil Uhdor Jto clrrum Mtiincf filit It do harm It Mill invfenrAto like a glas of wine, t it Is no Intoxicating bever Pit tu lMil to intemirr.incei ulll jirutiiutd ill pitluiii ilNrihiatn lHn(Kicl)Ot nml cnicr nllr timo up llio A3 Mem The dne it small, Hot unpleasant, and Its virtues undoubted. Nnlns tutor riLfUluit or HtnppUKu of bunlncMa while taking the Keen la tor. Children comptalnlnp of Colic, ircatliiclti or Sick Momnch, a tcapoonful or more will give relief. If taVtn occasionally by na tlenu exposed to MAI. ARIA, lll expel the poison and protect them from attack. A niTFICIAVS OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty yean, and have never been able to put Hp a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Rcgu lator promptly ind effectively move the I-lver to action, And at the ame time aid (instead of weak cnlng- the digeMlve and almllatlvx powers of the lyMtm L. M, Hinton, M. I).(Wa!.hington, Ark, SEC that ror GET thc gcnxinc. rREPAHnn by J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Philadelphia, Pa, IjliiENTS VpTED U ) canVtuid u r ono otu U10 luvrV OIUBot-t r4Crll' Li fhnniun-l trr. Alort liberal Urm Urrqiulott liriliticB I Pricwdow. (irnrvn Inr-rry. l.MnMliurdl rrithontdoTihtthoIJESTrjtastcrjrfttlo. Vlien si !BrP"-ltJnykin'l of pr.ncrccr-mi, itwtanttt icicf Hf-t, Ijmarack.&.dorrlUp.GrToI'rB.fs clcd. So vera uiaa, tArrius IlJncy IIaccacs. irjicumatlsinornnyecrtot ccrtness IntTiypft-.t m iT-!f:!diif.ntiTtj ihomn-W'Tln rand Kro" 'tSis i c-aing rrcjjcrtba of tho II rp TUstcr. Vlrlt -s o t I ficch IZone, roriTtuidy and f.-rclca Crmi I Sccinblnoa in a ewect imi never tillirs I'trous t ilpicl?.aciies!- iliESE'S IHFBQfED J . EIV.PLE, Icata, MTood-fliatn, t I have "made away" with my prcpatcd PfoiJ Plaster! EIPllH SNIILS .tc3 ACCURAf E AN3 3 1 1 --SL-. .SC'i, C ILL III ill with 0110 ol the most. FASHION ABl.ti as well as SUB STANTIAL luics of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes. esals9 Fbhu? 8lac Uf? Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button S'loes, $1.25 Up ! Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES. A.t Tlie "CORNEB STORE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. mAUrt Msgv hwtem JJIri WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THC OEC DY CXAWi:J!NQ 'iff. j 3. . .-?Kvj! GKBCAGO, RGK ESLMyD & PAGEFIC E2'Y Dy reason of lis csntrnl position, close rc-ln-tlon to rrliclrr-lllnejEct of Chleapo cai eaatlnuovn lines ct pobit3 Woot, Kot-thwcct r.--id Doutuwest la tlio only tru3E3ldill3-Hak In that trans:onttnontaI syotcm which invites and facU i:at?s travel ani t.-a.T.a l.i cifier dlroctlo:! botween tho Atlaatlo c,cd Pacific Tha Itocii Ijlaij m?.l 1 1' jo and branclioa include ChicncrOtJolict, Ottawa, La Ballo, l;acri3, lic:i!vy, MoUae and itocic tlne, K--h,.net3:j, iairtcl.1, ottumwa, ooitaioosa, wraiMoeny, iowo uy.xics liloinaa, IncUauDU, WiAto:et. Atlan'.io. Knozvillo, Audubon, Jfltrlan, Quthrlo Centro and Ulufl, in Iowa; Oallatui, Tronton, Ct Joseph, Cnmcrcn and" Kan3aa City, la SUso-Juri; Lsnvonwovth and Alcmaon, In IvanBoaj Albert Lea, Mianoaiol: Vil Ot. Pa-ii. ia Uiniiesota: Wctcrtownln Dakota, &ad tuaircda of interi&oiliato clac3, towns and viliagcs. THE GREAT ROGK ESLAPD ROUTE Gunrantsoo Spcd, Coaifort and Safety to thoso who travel over it. Its roadbed la thsroashly bitlaneX Ito track is of heavy BtcrL Its brldcca aro rolid ctruetm aa of etoa j arid iron. Ita rsll-nc; ctock lo pcrfoot as limnaii skill can laako it. It h.-a oil tiia ua.ety apjliaccc3 that mechacical iro :lti3 has invented and czperisnco proved valuable. It3 praotleal operation ia conservative and cctnqu-ioal-iti disciplins strict and exacting, 'i h lusury of its passenger acconunoda tiona Is unoqiialod i'i the Voat-unsurpassod in tho world. ALI. EXP JESS TRAINS! botween Chioaeo nrid tho riissourl Iliver .rons'st of oamfartablo BAf OOAOIXCO. mamiflce:itTJI,I.KAir PALACE PAULOIt and aUEZPlUQ CA3, clopant'SiNINO OARS providinir excellent neaU, and -bet'eaen Chicaso, lit Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City restful BECL1NINO CHAIIt CAllB. THS FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho dlrgot. fuvorite Urn betwoen Ohicatro and Ilinnoanclls and Bt Vcml. On I,It n.i.A .nll.lTT.r.". -...Ann .na l'tA lllrt RM.Yimrt, vr,!5.-Mtn. Tli.?tlirCGfl lsoalitica njd huu.:u3r and U3him rroundo of Iowa and .Vtinnnaota. 'ihq rich whoat fleldi and r,"asinr lands of Hter or Dakota are i roachal via watcrtewri. A oho .t rtosirablo nuto, via a-i-via nnd Kankakio, ofora cun."rir iniccisrnta to travelerj bot-voon Ca'-lmati, I I'lianipohi, Lafavctto andJJ3"nciJ EI'-ITj, tit Jo:."ph, Atchinon, LcavonwortJ, JXunsao C.ty, Ilianeapolla, Ct. Paul and inter m;dlato points. . ,, . . , AU clasaea of patrons, especially families, ladles and ohlldren, receive from officials and employes of Itock l3land trains protection, ro3poctful courtesy aad PaUckoto,nMap3, Folders obtalnablo at all principal Tickot Offices laths United States and Canada or any desired infoi-matton, address, R. Ft. CABLE, Pres't d Gcn'l M'j'r, ChlcaRO. E. ST. JOHN, Ass't Gon'l U'i'r, Chleae. A L -111 hid LO I . I Art A 111 (l"!!!!! HARRIS A l&dliuilOui'Af orit jr'oufliJi.bIhL ,.Om.n n 1 d A -eil Ale n. Tl-sIbI for IMant Ypai in mrTiT aal bmlBMi novo nwu lot He fijll a J eipi r o truubt tiout bf Ii,ncttt oo. If n.ti,Uer-Uriiia orkortoo freo 3iilulk'ni.'-, wanrk you tud ud iginimv-iigEiuiHi rrom i lUDiMiirouu.uaii rournaDivwiinHiHU1"" utoi y xiuaM'Ack mh: vht- i-i- t your inw'jJw, .uq mtcura i'UTUi - RUPTUHCO HCItSOMU vnn havo PREC ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate, $1.00 Por Year. Single Copies, FIVE Cents. Advertise in the Advtfcate. -000 - c e 13 u " a 0 -o .5 0 I4 Bfl o " cj a o U n a c30 0 C V Q U u t 0 0 c cc pa o & tl III 35 c t r7' C3 bJ3 c r S .5 p- RAINBOW RUPTURE Rctf! Blmple, fafe, reliable and a perfect retainer. Itts iiui " 1 upm muhi itnj uuii iiuni onil lit nipnUls from crntoful snOrem cured I lor circular with tpstl- till QD- rtianca. jnuircss uenirai jaeatcai nnd ursical Skillful treatment Hlveu oil kind- of Wgleal vate troublnn in male nnd fern file our spec 1 alt r. Ue naroto write ut beforo takiiiRtreatmcatelsuwhere. m D M P L E S .1'no?,SS If p snJf tt "mt vIiSoTb VEGETABLE J!i.orcin:s, m.Ac is iii:ads, jjtc, l.-avli g thu skill tort, clonr ami beautiful. T0110I1 with this oomrnnnd tlio Rnft lily cheek, An,l tho lirlRlit kW will boot its virtues bjn-ak. M10 Instnirtlons for producing n luxuriant Rmthof lia'rnnnliiM Jioail or smnoth face. AJJrcss A. D. Ftcki-el, ill Ann St., Now York- old stock ami am now fully for thc OEOCSAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL TH13 K!AP, THAT THE island, in uunaio; uavenpon, u.usca- Over E. A. II0LBR00K, Gcn'l Tkt. t Pais. Ajt, Chlcaga Atf till lite itotllion ot vrvtcuttoui nni " iro &euiu;iiUEiv mat ins fCl'UElJ t'loaajiai, Uoti not luttifert uh tt.WntiJU u butiiieii, or uum phj iiteuu-nrtiripfi) viY, uuiUca LCfl iiimIimI rifl.if Infra. Ui illrcrt infiupncflii It'll without lie'ji v . Tho uktull fuDouoiiaof tho human anrmniut ttituiril. 1 ha t'iftnl.inflrvr rlfiwnJi of IHe j-ftvivrnlia.rk. the nllnl lKciqL8cULCffuiftajniyi'iiyptm tuth intuitu aiul ttiUJ TnEATMENT.-Coi Mgstlu , gyo"l!?i.:i Tie, V HARRIS REMPDY CO., Hrx CHtbiST, Trial ot our Appliance. Aalt for Termo! 0 t mil qj , RAOE OF INTEREST TO FARMERS, Amorloan Agriculturist! 100 Cdluiiins ami 1W i:ni:mvlim In rni'li mr. 4.MIt your, S1..V) n year. Spmt thriH1 S cent stamps J for Sriiuplu Cony illnitlNIi or (icrinnli) nml l're liilnui t.hl of tlin Oldest nml Hast Agricultural 1'cii'oiUcal In the Wurlil. Aililrcm, l'om,iiiii:ni AMHIIICAV AOHtCt'l.TUIIlUT, !MUl V. .Tllllll, l'rcs-t., llrnuilwiy, New York) or we will fur nlli tlin AMIiliK'AN' AOHICUI.TUItlMT nnd UioOAllllOX ADVOl'ATKtoniieiiiUtri'Si for ONLY $2.10. Now Is the limp for our fiinnen to .nilncribe anil obtain their lionie iiajioranil a Arsl-clius Acrl- cultural l'aiier for nlmo&t tlio prlco. nt one. llau il In your names at once. Carbon Advocate Ofiloo, Hank Hired, Lehighton, l'cnu'a. A Urn fjr Corn-Cobs. From the American Agriculturist. Deep gullies Gin bo kept out of "washy" Ian;! only by closins the little watcr-wayn tiftcr each Iie.-l.vy rain. Delay makes the work greater, not only because the larger gully will require more material, hut smaller gullies will form towanl it which niU6t he clonal, and which make it more diflicult to retain obstructions in the larger gully. For closing small water-ways, corn-cobs from the feeding lloora serve an excellent purpose. These aro usually water-soaked, or soon be come so, nnd-then the water will not move them. They do not interfere with plowing or harrowing. The plow or harrow will pass through them and teniovo very few from their places, to which they can be re turned easily. Kbriiihis used it must be staked down, and either plow or har.-ow will pull the stakes aud bush from places. If nnro solid o.bstr.tctions nro opposed to tho water, they stiller all tho greater from the passage of implements. Many farmers neglect to fill small wash-outs after tho fall rains, and, of course, fail to get them filled before llio spring freshets begin, and before the the washing can bo stopped large gullies aru formed. If cobs aro placed hi the wash-outs late in the fall, they will become s,o compacted and firmly lixed until spring, that even the heavy spring rains will not remove, thctn, while the winter thaws will bring enough toil lo the wuter-way lo (ill the crevices between them, and thus aid in lilting the gully. Good Retultsia Every Caso D. A. liradlbrd, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that ho was seriously alllicted with a severe cold that scaled on his lungs: had tried many remedies whhotit benefit. Iteing induced to try Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, did bo mid was entirely cured by me of a few bottles. .Since which time lie has used it in his family l'or all Coughs and Colds wllh beet results. This is the experience of thousands whoe lives have been saved hy this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Hollies free tit T. D. Thomas' Drug Store. Lifting Out a ?ot. From the American Agriculturist. Lifting out posts to renew the fence or to change tl.o line is usually voiy hard and slow work, hut the himplo and effjetivo method given inour Illustration will show how it can be done both easily and quickly. A spadeful of earth is taken from each aide of the past, and a short, strong chain loosely fastened around tho lower end of the poit, as far down as it can be placed. A strong lever a btout rail will answer the piirpiisi. is passed through the chain as shown in the engraving, until the end of the rail catches firm Mill. Hy lifting at the other end of the lever the post is raised several inth?s, when both chain and lever aro polled dowu again for a tccon 1 hold, which generally brings tho post out. The chain is furnished with a snout honk at one end, made to fit the links, to that it ran be quickly adjusted to any ordinary pest. When irritation nf the throat causes a tickling cough, use Hed Star Cough Cure, which will effect immediate and permanent relief, Ono of Hrooklyn's Hoard of Health officers, recomends it as purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Price, 'Jo cents. Grecnhouso and Window Hants. From tlie Ameilcan Agilcultiirlst. Plants taken up from the beds and borders, as well as those that have leen out in pots all Bitmmcr, when taken indoors, should not be at once cxpos-ed to (ire heat. Keep thctn in a cool room for awhile, open ing thc windows every mild day. Hulbs In Pots should be kept in a dark place until tho hall of earth is well filled with routs Insects. If these aro allowed to get the upper hand, the task of the window gardener is a hard one. Tobacco smu'ke is tho best gcncial remedy' and if a largo lox can be so arranged as to hold the plants while they aro smoked, all tho belter. Much may be done by hand picking insects. St. Jacobs Oil ileailens pain iitnl nnikis tlie liimc walk. Xlnjor Arnold, nf tlie Occi ilcntnl Hotel, Sail Kranciht-o. C'nl., was com pletely cured of rlicunuitisni by its use. Flower Garden and Lawn. From the American AgrlcnltiirM. The I.-iwn tlionblbelcft wltli u fair length of grass to t,erveas a mulcli to tlie roots. If a good is at lianil, apply it. Nitrate of smla anil other conmiareiiil fcrtllliers nro best applied in spring Deciduous 'J'rces. All liardy kinds may bo planted if the ground is in proper condition Hnlbs. Complete the planting of liardy bulbs. Covering tlio bed with litter will bring a stronger bloom l'atlis and Ileds are licit ItiU nut unil mado now if the ground is open Snow I'low. Ilo ready for a heavy snow with n snow plow, snowshoM'ls nnd a rattan hroom Hardy I'lants. Perennials that arc erfcclly liardy bloom all the finer if covered with littery manure 1 during the winter. , I In Hoston there is a sign that reaiU: "Candy given with a loaf of browfl bread or ipiart of baked beans Sunday moruingi." If no money was spent foolUhly half llio world would bo out of work. Iu New York now they sell scrap beef at three cents ft pound, and thc Hl'N says H is wholesome. The young lady who can peel a jwitnto in live seconds is as uselul as tlio young! woman who speaks fivo language is oma meiitul, A man in New York advertises to guarantee pupils to play the aeoordion iu two limoiu. Crime in that city assumes many phases, Aging of the mind is moro sure- than that of tho body. Frojnently corn land run bo advantage ously prepared in the fall. As food for man and beast no other crop in this country approaches corn. I "It Saved My Life" Is n common expression, often heard from tlioso who have realized, by per. Ronal nP, the ctirntlvo powers of Ayer's Cherry Tcctuml. ' 1 1 clttinot say enough In prhlso of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be lieving n I do that, but for Its use, I should long Rlnco have died from lung troubles. K. Ilragdon, Palestine, Tox. About six months ngo I liad a sevcro ncinnrrlmgo of tlio l.uncjs, brought on by a distressing Cough, which deprived no of sleep nml test. I had used vnrl oits cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad vised mo to try Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, mul am happy lo say that It helped mo at onco. fly continued (iso this medicine, cured my rough, nnd I am satistleil, saved niv life. .Mrs. K. Coburu, IS Second Lowell, JIass. I havo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for over a year, nnd sincerely liellcvo I Should havo been In my gravr, bad It not been forthls mcdlclno. It has cured mo of a dangerous nffeetlon of tho lungs, for which I bad nlmost'dcspalrcd of uve'r finding a remedy. D. A. JIcMullcn, indsor, Trovlnco of Ontario. Ayer's ChorrV TcrtorM saved my life. Two rears ago rtook a very se.vcro Cold which settled on my lnngs. I consulted physician1!, and took llio remedies they prescribed, but failed to obtain relief until I lwsan uslntj Avcr's Chcrrv I'co toral. Two bottles of this medicine completely restored niv health. Llw.lo M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared liv l)r, J 0. Aver & Co., Lowell. Man. Bold '.vail tlrucclitt, l'rlca $1; tlx bottles, i. I . I CONSUMPTION Oil. Eycrr lncrcilcntlift-om Vegetable products tlmt prow In Mshtorccrj- ufcrcr. IT has no l!cr;.Mne, Opium or In jurotis Drees. 7C ($2 rnrii7ftt to I, III r.Huimi--, inn ptitl "Winter, cHdsr tlloVi Iho Jhicona - . ' ' jicmuruucj 1 1' j Nose, Throat, llronchal Tubes, Air-cells and Iain? 'i'usuco, uau!n;r Coua.i. V.'I.nt dbcasca iiiriu'o l!:orjtm:;s? Fcrofula. Catarrh-Holson. Ulcro-oriron- r. isms Humors, end Wood Impurities, Xl'Iint nro tlio l'rtinnrr 1 B ii Colds, Chronic Oaiclic lironihltls Coniros-1? LHion, jniiuininnup'.i, i autrni or nay-i over, fj. -,Asl!ir.ia, rnoinnon! , JIuLula, llcaslcs, i uuoihks vaiuu uiiu i.roui. It wi'l tlop that Coii,Thlnir, TleUIn In Threat, lir5'-liac'.insadCnlanli-dro).iiini. In your i;',)cciorii:!ou or 8;i.iln Frothv L'lwKt-Sfafncd I'utanlial Put Matter) Yetlmrlth Cant:er.W:r. I'ikpia Tiirlititar .""fiiro-piinJntf ". It prevents Dec line, Nlfht-Kwcuts, Hcc-ll tlc-Fevcr, end IJcaiii from ComiimrtfAi. t' 2r)C, G0c, $1.000 bottles 63.00. t rrrprcd at riv Kilmer's Miwn.iryi flnpTinmron, I.. Y.,"lnvluiv l,ulil to ImiHIt" V!it J nxil ' SOU HY AM, I)l:t r.IbT. ' BSjS.SaT 1 WHISKEY fc'licrlatly Distilled for JMeilli'Iniil Use. fttsSif'i UMEOUALEn'ofOnKSIIMPTtnH UNEOUALEDror CONSUMPTION VVSIirJG DISEASES end GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. dh, i:im I Ai.Lixn. sr- goon In CUvf, Nutlotiul GtiAttl t .f N. J.t viltt-s: I u3Iv itili'iitlfin aillotl hi Sir, IjiW. IniL'Kit, f'f Trwi!nn. &y&V" M firWf. fl-.MI, '.V,1.M'l,li I.I.I 1 llllt I". .VltU fit"! 1 Jnvc tltt ft fi-H lnlllci inn any I 'otutncinliiui ! ut (irili-li In my i rut-iKe, uiid FiMial1! :f 3rf.s. rjldAnl,r.rthall.H,) 316, 318 and 320 Ilwe St. Philadolrhia, Pa. For salo at Dr. Horn FOR PITCHER'S 2!flcos!vrrn Cnstoria promotes Digestion, nnd overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Bour Btomaeh, Dianhcca, r.nd FevcrLshness. Tims tho child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains iio Alorphino or other ua"-otlc property. " Cflstorla Is so well adapted to elilldivn that I'l'comniend It us superior to any prescription knowuto iu." II. A. Anciua, M.D.. B,' Tortland o., Urooklyn, K. V. "I o Castor'n In mj- practice, and llnd It specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. IUweutson, AI. D 10f.7 Ul Ave., New York. Tub Centaur Ca, IBS Fulton Bt, N, Y, CI lft T "n f icnw, lmt IbonB who writ to jlglfl IBS tnn.tC'o .Pofll-atKl, line.wfllnceivc II I 9 frre. (ml inritmnllon about work hth ll if I I ! ( C 4o. nd lora,lbHtwillpr f rn J ot rr I i'i dy KIitr tx, uuim or pM THjiital nut retulrel VfnirHfciio1 fre. Tli wl"'Art t ucc are bivluldjf kure of mu little for tu net, 1 C U RED II 1 MULE TUIU tti linrnlbi aiutilrttlril ASTHMA CUREr'VML !iuot Solent attack t iiifuri'Bcomfoiti.M'j i; jffocU i'urea wht'ro all other rtrrulirs ftil jo wniiinu lor rt'kiilia Iin luiirn tt JiniinrulHiCt ill reel nml rcriiiiii nml n cureU elliTleillN all l l K.Utli;i'AM U (wrmuieiitlj eurtd dc lUfer to oie at 107 lixe." Un ft, i-ri M. til, Ai-m I im entlrelr rcitorcl to luthh if Oermao Jltfcru Cure r Mi.n, .!.. u.-f. bi.v 'Cirina Aitbni Ture Ii all too llm f.r Iu llntter tll. r i; fimgritiu, C-frt.ti' i Mp!irUcUnr' mnfuldd CcraiB Anlira i'c:.' It ertui( M X . rtl t't i"' ' " ' 1 h jTkoutaoit of s'utUr Leltm tn CI, iik ny dBCtk 1 llprillrn tll.i..,. I 'urn U me 1 . aft ,1Pnn oi iju;vj. iruii 1 w'Kiicu i rt ia any oaurrxti ior dtauo. 1LM Itlt'l Al V. II. II.. cl.lHul.M TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho untlorslpncd lmvlnp; been ro storedto health byshnplo litcnns, nftei sulTuritiK for seveml yours with a sovcro lung iiffcction, and tlmt dread disenso Consuitiption, is anxious lo nmko known to his follow sufferers tlie means I of euro. To thoMM'hodeniro it, lie will cheerfully emid (fr-so tf charp-) n. copy of t.'-o profecrltition tiRcd, wliieh tliey will find nstiro curo forllontuinptlon. Asthuui, CutarrJi, Uronchltls and all throat nnd luucc Maladies. lfo hopes nil mtllerere will try his Remedy, nu it will cost thorn nothing; and limy provo ft bleshlni;. Those t!o glrins the prefP-lption, will phase ud dress, ItBV. KuwAU'J A. '.VlLSOX, AVHllauieburtr, Khiga Co., New York. m mm m m HSTHMA AUUN TSiXO UDlt MiW MOOlCi S7 P. IL WOOLWASS, lilt op tun o A Kcw U'iok 3mv l'vm.isttr.n by nn offlclil of ov r 15 yc ira' irlfneo H t..i SccrttPcnlce, In iiiij Maifnlllccnt Itov il (ic'nvi oI.imo nf mtr COO ines nu I elenniljf hlustratwl by tilo bett srtUU In ha ro-iiitrv with JOO 8l't't!I!'.l I3NGH, VINOS. A tlirllllnirrcciinlof ilrtecltun In t"io V.H. i'ntU Ollca II. :, u tnirnt J cmbraclni f kricbi'S of Woiuler. fat ICrilolUutl'atUmct Iin--ctr In llio Jjrtcc. lion, I'm-tMill, and 'aiituro of Jtobbcrs of the U. 8. Mf.lUj tuj 'tficr with n rninilcle description of Ihu many nviuis and comiillcntivl cmtrlvnnrM of tli wily sh I iiiicrumluu loilc'riui tha public aba nnaccnMI'.ticconntoftlio . If V. HO US MIA It ItOl'TS PIUCDV,l tnwhlcU r.i.i Author lu 1 cm ro clnrso or ttiij jir. porallun ct tlie cvlileucu fur tho goviruracnt C2TAGEMTS WAWTED.JE3 In erfrylown there ero rotmnFtor( JferchanK, f fccliioilc5, rutm. rs, lorcpionnl Icn. and htm drrdj of people v. !io teltt bt glu t ta get Vili tArilllnf I took. ltltij'vli.ulii.anii!iparallcl&alet If tttttat light to oil. Mi'ii ciul Wnnuii Agents Din tin; from if KM tof'iilOn lumilli c.i11t, Wownnt an aL'tntln I every towtHilp In Miol.. H. nnd Canada, CXTWo J ilvcinjfriclorn o that Axt l'Knos with IhU phis I uomeutil selli n z baok. enn becomo HVtccti'futAient. A'o OomiKii'tn'X trhntettr. Acetits aro nirrtlne with vniKintlMril tueetMS. V?fDllance no Alnrf rtin, m wo glvo SjKeial Terms to pay Freights. Itcini'-nber, wo give yen tho cxcliilro salo ol thhi fionl: In territory nsjisncd yon. Write for onr lnr iniistriToii circulars, cnniaining inn pariicninn, 1 Ftveii'l Term lo Aci'nui, etc, sent free to all. Ad lmmeillatily the FulilUhers, O 1 IVIN'TJGK it CO., SPIUNOFIEI.P.MASS, Formerly or uanioru, uoan. CHAUTAUQUA id Planter. A ONE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. I April 4,1982. iau UoU. 2t, 1883. All of MefpJ, Llcht, Stronir, Well Constructed and Elosantly Paintod. Plants Corn (and pumpkin ceeds), Soans, etc. WORKS WE1.1. IN SODDY, LVMrT AND TOSV GIIOVNO. Highly recommended by Knrmcrs and Hesters In all ftrH'oii. 'llio luno savcil In one ilaj ' iit.0 will pay for it. PRICE, - S2.7S. Liberal dlccniint to agents and the trade. Cnnvnsc era ca.lly niaVo fie.OO pr uay iu iuo planting K'aron. Send forclrcnlsr, and extra Induce- , mot to scent and -43JJj..'-WGiSr per, and niklrcii, The (JhBQtanqnapiantBtfllompBnJ ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nuwpnper Advertising Bureau, lO Sprues St., New York. I Sand ICota. for lOO-Pago Fumphlet. Without suffering' MM 111 Vr ers of Opium, aro yon awara that Dr. Leslfo K. Kcnlojr'f Double Ciiumine or Oolb" will cure thc worst cneu of UiU tcrrlhla. babit lo from three to five via cks (dt homo) wltlioat snlTr.h ins. Uullke other so culled "pntnlreS antldotf.," 't contains not nne purtlrle if uiilum. ni any ol'lt prcimratloiis.otnl ret (he patl.nt., vlif le ranlitlv Mluclni; his morpliliio-rliiwn to nottiiiiir, h iib'o to attend to hU oidlaary buitntts and cnlovn llfn ns he bus notdou. rlnuc b.ghialnc he Upliici or llnrphme Habits. Sftid for Kxar in the Opium fllKK, or for Dr. LeMIe B. teeleya new work. "Opium: Iik Ui"e. AUnie aad "lire," sent frro on application. Jtii.lhr mot omplcte aod romorchunslve work CTcrpubllihed n tho subject, aiifl clve. full In.tructloaa for sell aro at home. Atltlri'M, or call on THE IXSLIE E. KHLEY-(X., Pwioh't, III. Cured In fr.'in three to nine dan. TTiirrnntcd tlio most perXVct Vortr-VeeA rVrtlllzur Drill in cilftunoc. .Send for circular. FARCUKAR. York Pn. Ai-kyourfirorrrfiirlt- Viftt, lr.T.iojiPjTl,5Ifr. 2f X.Mli Vr ,,t IMlll' !,FlV,V V SHERIDAN'S CONDITION POWDER li ntxnlntrly pum an1 Mchlv ronrf nlratf A. Onrpnnc Is v.nh a pourul of aitr ttArr kind. J Hi urirtly a lurilW nm in bocivrn w nli fxt, Kothlnjr on rriU 1U l uke lii lay like It. Ir rtirr thicken eholtra n0 all d v it'ioof bent. Ia worth Iti wrht In cold. ltl tra'f it lir mall frw. Sold m rry wtwrr cr t ly m ii fi" centi In tamps, 53-lh. I In cn, l1y n 1 1, f I. flu ft i ntiK .r rxrri-, inpaM, for $ JM UK. 1. ti, JDIINhOV & CO., lSo(on, Maw. vous Prostration, Seminal Weakness, Prcmnturo Decay, nnd all the evil ef fects of early indiscrctioiiaud youthful folly, Is anxious to niuUo . known to others tlio tjlinjile uiodeof tseUure. To those whowlMi and will kIvo hhn their symptoms, ho will send (free) by ro turn mail a copy of the recipe bobuc cubsfully used in his case. Address in oontldence, JAMK3 W. riSKSBY, 43 Cedar tit., N. Y. THE km m I I-i SJ. i ".I Si Fit i ..i.f,- ji-t.'-i . . .,..,. gP phlLADA 1876. ' jg