The Carbon Advocate, An iNIIKfKNDRNT FAMILY NRWSrArKR 1hU- nsucii every miiuruav in Lringiitoii, Carbon County, Piin.sylvnnla, liy HarrjV. Morthitner, Joe, .-HAiK.ffntlSKT. $1 00 RbrYcaV in Advance ' Host ) crUshitijlhitnln Hie tfiimtys icvor jicseripuotrui iitilnrmd I'miey ' J Q, B ;.P Rrt NsT I !G , At very low prices. Wo do not hosltatc lomiy mm ivr nro ociicr cipippeil man any oilier printing establishment 111 till section to do first-Ons Job-work, In nil Its branches, nt low prices. Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Heydt, A T T 0 bV K V A T I- A W , OKff65f-ttlie Itboiitrccentiy occupied by V. M. .041!M"i ' v BASK STREET7 - I-EUIOUTOK. PA. . M.iy bo consulted In English anil Ccrnian. July 4-ly .W;. M Rari3hor, ATT5nSEVAX! COUtJSKt.LOft AT LAW. Flrat iloor abov c tin) ItanfyUX Homo, MAUCI1 CHUNK, - - PKN'X'A. Heal Kstate mill Collect Ion Agency. Will Puy ,11111 01:11 iieui v inivcyHurim- ncai iv none, 1 oiiccuoiis promptly niauc. cseiiinm i;st:i lies of Decjdfiita u specialty. Knitljsp land German, May, bo consulted In nov. a-yl H. V. Morthimor, Sr., NOTAItY rUDMO, OrriCK: "Carbon Advocate" omco, BANK STJIEET, - . - LKIIlGlITOX. All business pertaining to the office will receive Irtinilt attention, 111. ir. 10 O. V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, Kobhhis American Classical Methods a special, ty. Terms moderate. , THOMAS KEMEHER, . COXVKVAXCUIt ANT) Geseral Fire & Life Insurance Aft Tho following Companies aic lteprescntcd: JcliAiiou .Mutual l'lre. Heading Mutual Fire, .Wyoming lire. ' Pottsville l'lre, Lehigh tire, anil the Travelers Accident Insurance. Also, Pennsylvanli anil Mutual Horn Thief De tective and Insurance Conipany. inartn-vl "i'lfYStCllAD- Sth'tGEOX 80UTll STREET,'' - . LEHIGIITOX. Miuf Ihv consulted In P.nirllsh nnd German, Special attention given 10 (ij nccolngy. OrriCK lliii'its: From 12 M. 2 I'. M., and mar. ,n-vl from i! lo ! 1. .M, F. A. Kabenold, D. D. S. I IliiANCH OrriCK : Over .1. V. liaiidcnbusirs Lbpior Store, BANK STItKlir, LEU IGIITOX. Diinthtrv In nil Its branches. Teeth F.straclcd without I'.iin. (ias atlitij lit stcrril when reipteiteil. 0:neel),iys-Wi:i).i:si) V or each wee!;. V. (. aiMresi, I.lTZKXIlHItii, Jan 3- I " I,elili!ll eountv. l'a. Okfici:: Opp. the ' liroadway ltimae," buoa'pw'ay", -'" .1 MAUOlf rifUXK r.itlcnts have tlioheno,1tot th" latest lmproe im'liU In Mecjiauleal Appliances nnd the Host M-thoils of TfcIUincnt In all SurKleal Cases. AN' K.inilinr tutiulnlst-nd It desired. If s. tiilile. neisous reMIng n. aside o( M.uh Ii Ohuulc, Bho.ild m iko urraiiseinents hv mall. Jvs-.vl 1sF fJ W. A. Cortright, D. D. S EYJ3 AND EAR. Dr. G. T. FOX Visits All'utitown rcRiilarly fin rilUlt.SDAY of .sch week. Practice llniucd to X 71trnors ,nf tlir li'.voi nnrl Knr . JM Oll.-e at H.iyden's Amerlcnn Hotel, and Offlcc Jtnnrs from v A.M. to 3:30 1". ,M. Alsoaltenils lo licfrallou of the Eye for the proper ailjusimeiit of I i lasses, and for tho Itehof and Cure uf ()pl( ti Delects. Mayalsu ho consulted at hlonl-e In HATH, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at HAN CO.'t nn Monday, and at HAHTON on Tuesdav of t'.ich week. " ' ' CAHSON HOU, JONATHAN' KI.STI.EK, - - l'KOl'ISIKTOU, IlAXIC StIIKKT. I.KIIInilT'lN. . TheCarhnn House olTers first-class arcoinmoda Hoik to the ti'.ivclin.; public. ISoaidluu bvthc cly or week on reasonable t-'nuj. choice Clears, Wines nuil l.Iiunnialasoii hand, (iood slicils nnd Stables, with very attentive Hostlers, at tached, atirio-vl PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chiink'J!; Leiilghton, i.i:or()i,i) MEYiut, ritoris, PACKEUTO.V, . - . Pkiiiu. Tlils'Well-kiiown Hotel Is ailmirably refitted, and h is the best acci)iiiiiio.lations fur iier.u.inent ami Ir.iusient hoarders, i:cellent 'failles and tin very bst I.liii'irs. Slahlcs allaclieil. vmin-vi MANSION HOUS, Opposite I,, k S. DeiMif, BANK STItEET, - . LKIIIGIITO;, C. II, HOM, PIIOPUIKTOlt. This, house oilers first-class accommodations for transient ami perm. incut boarders. It has been newly rullttuilln all Its departments, and Is locat ed hi one of the mad picturesque portions of the liiini'i 'li. Terms moilcrate. Thu II A l: Is supplied with the choicest Wines, l.iipior and ! uigars. x resn uisirim i.u. m,--1 -vi Announces tn his friends and the puhllc gencr. ally, that ho has now nien Tor tlielraci-oniinotla-tlou his new and handsomely furnished It B S T A U It A N T , next door to the 1st National Hank, HANK sr., l.diiL'litoii, and that hu Is now Iircp.irod to urn. Isli llrat-tllais Meals at Short Notice! The liar Is supplied with tho liut Wines, Fresh ligrr lleer and Choice Cigars. You are cordial ly invited to call. apr ai- 1 D. J. KISTLER Itesiieclfiilly aniiiniin to the nulillo Hut he has opened a NEW I.lVI'.ltYSTAItI,E,amlll,at he Is now prepared to furnlsli Teams for Funerals, eddiii;s or lliitiucss Trips on (lie shortest no tlcoaud most liberal tcims. Orders If ft at the Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. 8l'AIHiE5 ON NORTH STHEKT, next thellolel, Eehlglitoii. Jan-vt T. J. QRETNEY Itesnecttullv announces to Hie SlereliHiitsnf I.i--hlghtnn and ntliers llutljois u i.v iireiuid to Jo all kinds of ' llAULIXdOF FllKlGIlT, Exi'UESS MATrEIt AND BAfifiAOK at very muumiUle nrloes. very rpiisnntiie Ily rlt lirompt nttrntlnnl m mi om urn nu nttpt's 10 intr an oiuer ..Vl --.- 1 f. . p'Urotiatfu. Hesiilcne, ! i.irncritf iltiun.l Iron f, KUHm At ttnlill. Mrct ceU. Lehluhtou. Orders lall at Sweenv Si Son's Pjirnpr Klnr 1 will receive piompt altention. I fiur l', l r J. HIIErNEY W. A. PETEBSi Ml 1 1 $100 tfYtearin Advance VOL. XV., No. ?. With Mcdiciiio Qimhlv not Quantity is the greatest im portnticc; next is the lcnowl- edge anil experience to Correctly. I 'repin e-and Dispense the same. - - Ai T, D. THOMAS' roriiLAii Mi & Family Mpi&e Store, 13ank Street, Lehigliton, You can uluais rely upon ccttlng STUICTLY Pure and Uiiadiiltcrntcd Drugs and Medicines. THOMAS carries tho larjcst stock of Patent ilcillcltiiy In the count)'.' " THOMAS hart an elegant stocl; of DriiRglsts SiiudricR, l'aney and Toilet Ai tides for the ladies as well sis the cents. THOMAS makes. Horse and Cattle Powders a specialty, His 1 years expenencu In the drug business. -lyo buna meat advantage. In that Hue. TJtUHSEH, SUI'POUTEIIH and DUACES-al-ways a large stock on band. WINES ami l.IQt'OliS, tihlli fnirlgn Will drf niesllc. Ho ha.saCllutOutJrape'.WIiieiilidn Dry uaiawua Mine. JUM.spicuuiu nnu cheap, NVAl.l, l'APEim and 'P.OltDEUS-llie iafgest' assoitliieut in town, (lo to THOMAS' with your prescriptions. Go to THOMAS' Tor your Patent Medicines, (in to THOMAS' for jour Fancy Articles. Farmers nnd JlQyscieiirn lo THOMAS' for your Horse nnd-Cjiltlo Powders. 'fr )an 17J N LC8 Eipcnso Means lower Prices for the People ! Jr. A. Oswald's New Store, In M. A, Oswald's Jfew Building, East Welsspuit, Pcnn'a., Jhcadiiuarters'for DressS Goods, Ssiisypfint Groceries, Previsions, k Banded. Chambcc Sett3,$3.! Roller ProcEss Flour Only ! Wliich Is positively FIFTEEN CEN'TRless than the Mine flour can he boeght c!scn:cic. (51o nie.a call and he cimvlneed that I am sI llng goods'at "lioek Eottoin I ilecs." ' , , M. A OSWALD, JL Ucitl,M-iy F..VSlvWEt5sr01!T. f L J . .l- ? (WU M A "YyALL r.vii:iis & ijoi:ii:i:s j All the Latest St vies ami Shades 1 Best Qualities ! ' , C.L'uwod Pi Ices! if. Pure Bnisil MEiiciiis ! Choice Wines,. Liquors, ToTmcco and Cigars. Pcrscrlptlon carefully coniiounded day. or night, at W, BIBRY'S, - Cor. White anil 'Bridge- Sts., Weiu-port. AprllU. U5-lv. tosiu'h r. iti:x-, J J .. I , i. DEAf.Elt IN Flour, Feed and Furniture, Tobaoca and- Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., Invites the neojilonf Weissport and vicinity to call and examine his large assortment of goods before purchasing elsewhere Prioes Low as tho Lowest ! aprlllT-lswMv. AKO.N V. SXYDKU, EAST WEISSP015T, PA., MANUFACTUHEIt'S AIJEN'T FOIt Western Improved Washers American Wringers, AI-SO-- Bicycles of all Kinds! Old wheels will be loaned to p,n1is desiring to lii.iriijind who whceU fmm me. Waslicrs will be put out on trial. Miut.Rlvc suiisiaci mil or no S.UC. UUll-ly jauky & snvr.M., Tho Weissport, Bakcrr, Frel llrt-ad nnd Cakes eer (lay, ptdhered In Udilghton and rManch " Chunk every 'I'uesdaj , Thursday nnd'Saturday. Jpienhai, Parties, Cauip.Mcctliigs, Weddliig, Funerals supplied at m,ivw. migiisi,,&i-iy TjiKANKl.lX IIOl'SK, EAST WEIHSPOIJT. PENN'A. This Ijoiho offers flrstil.m aoeouimoitatlons to the pernianeiil biuriler nd transient guest. Paulw pilces, only One Dollar ;i day. aug"-ly Joiik i;i:iiuj(i, Proprietor. ' ' T s f IT' ! DWTS thk j i:vkiIkh; ft ' All Kinds of Jewelry! l Books ana Stationery., IJJtEOB Sill triiiFfn Carte Ijctsr.lia. Iteril, .t niffc.rlir, llrmlnebe, TiNilntlt hnrtitii., ItritW., rlc, rlr. piati;, ru'TY u.xra. Tim niAKttn A.TQCrlBB to., iui.Tiiini;y, no. ' t'co from oplatcSf L,mciics utid tsoiu -us nr." AT IIIICOaiSTS AKD 11EAI.ERS. citAiii.,i-1 ci-CLra uiLinoiiE, no. THE BURIED FtOWER. WILLIAM AYTUNX. In tho sllencii of my chamber, , Wlie'n tljejilglit Instill niid'dcup, And the iliowsy heave r.I ocean flutters In Its chaimed jileep. Oft I hear (he angel voices ' That have thrilled jue long' iigrf,-i i Voices of my lost cojiipauioiifc, Lying deep bem-nth the snow, Whero'iiiij now the flowers kc tended? Withered, broken, branch and stem! 'Where ale now the hoj 6i we chirlshcd? Scattered lo the leaves with them. 1'or ye; tho.'worS flowers, ye dear ones! stymf a In hpo and reared In love, Ixoliinit"foniIly ever uiwynrif To the clear blue Iniavcn above. Smillhgon the sm that'cheereil us, .lllshig llhty(froni tho rahi, . s Kevcr tul'illntt Mil VnMr frciltncaa feavo to glvo It'forth again', 0, ' Jo lie ami reckon All the days of faded youth, All the inS that wu believed In, Altaic vvords wq spoke In ti nth. Scvcrod.-Hw'cre l severed only Hy tUo Idle Ihougl'.t of .stille Such as'tlme may k'n'lf tugetlicr; ' ' Not the broken chord of life! 0, 1 Illng'm); spirit baeKvynnli And I pass o'er years of p.ilu; All I loved Is ilslng rouml me, All the lost returns again. Ilrlghter, fairer far than living, Willi no trace of woe or piiiuj Eobed In eveilasllng beauty, Shall I see thee once again. Hy the light that never f.ulclh, Underneath eternal skies, When the moi u of resurrection Ilreaks o'er deathless Pa,raijse, P10TUUES IN THE OL03M. IIV OROIilli: W. MOItTIIIMEIt. In Hit, galliering gloom a picture 1 sen That tin Ills me with Joy and gl.iiinoi For It pictures a life that Is to be, At the close of this life's sadness. I yearn for the life that Is to be, WlUiJty traiigCjiiev Joys of gladness;, . It thgpme mm wiioii I thlnkliow we, Will glory In Its', Oft the. gathciiiig'g'loeiii doesplcturcs bring, Thatjrobs of iisliue sorroV , Itut lojihint sillljteeplts fearful silug IUieilghtiranjIiiiieof tlic morrow. i Unrerbtm'thi'ii nre the d'lys to come 'With tiTe'lr luTTi'sIeirrtoiiiits anH fears; " Ami we pray, "Oh, nnd, thy will tie done." Through sighs that are dclug'd with leans. CONVICT NO. q3i9. 11 Y NIDXIJV COl'tllf. CONX'I.tJIIIjn I-JIO.M LAST WEEK. Foi,i,0WHIj hy tlm crushing arraigninciit of the prusocntins council. The judge's eliarse to eimylcl and tlm jury's verillct of uilty, reiidercil without leavlns tlm box, OJiisuinu but llttln llni", an.i tboti comes the bush which always iiroeedes thu ilellv- rlng of a sentence upon n erlinlual. An unconscious bird slugs for a moment on tbe window ledge, but It is frightened off as the soloing tnms of tbe ju le's voice an upon ine imiire.H ot llstnnlns ears. Krc It lui winse 1 Its lllslit to the nearest bough tlm words hive been spokeii, tbe trial Is cti.le.l, juitlce Is vlu lie.ttoil ami a man lias beon iloomu.l to yuirj of hopeless. abject, bru:alUiii;i ani impairing misery. There is n great confusion a3tbe crowd dis perses. Tlm jude picks up bis papers, a lackey hands biiu bis bat and cane and lie takes bis departure, with a look of virtuous self-satlsfactlon upon bis (.ace. Tlm law yeis who attend such trials for thu experi ence move off In groups with hardly curios Ity rnuttgh to look at tbe prisoner, who in his turn U hustled away by bailiffs l-agerto get him off their bands and get home to their ill n tiers. If this had not come there might have been a reclamation of a human being ami reparation to society. Justice, however, has been done, and the world, knowing nothing of tbe mlgbt-have bnuiis, is satis lied. And yet, amid all the confusion, despite tho rough jostling of unfeeling oilicers of the law, and the audible expressions of sat isfaction of the mob, the jeers of some ami tbe rudeness of the irrepressible curiosity of others, lo which the prisoner Is keenly sensitive, with him are evuf those sail eyes, the perfiimt) of tue roses and the heart-thrilling words of a snug, which has long since ceased to bo ever sjn echo, ex cept with him. Cll WTKIt III, A hideous monotony of glaring whitn walls, dull Mack ban, Her upon tier of narrow, grated cells, and row upon row of strong Iron galleries. Tha tiers or cells, rising one above another, with a gallery about each, form an Inner bull'llux in the center of the iiuadrauglii enclosed bj the outer walls pf the prison. Long, heavily barred wiiuums In tho uuti!r walls reach from the grompl lo the roof on two sides, on the other two (ha wills are blank, Cheerless, eold and forbidding are the whitewashed walls, the red brick floors ml tbe grated cells. O Jors of damp straw and of cheap ami not over-clean food in process of cooking make tbo atmosphere For Pain Ltf fli... &VX I ilS. INDEPENDENT " Lehightpri, .TJarboii County, sttfllm;. Here nnd there a guanl lounges Idly In the halls, and every now and then a squad of pale-vfsaueil, eloitly-noppcd men, out of whoso faces have gone all traces of manliness, moves with the shuf fling ''Jocked step.'' across, tho corridpts, maishallcd tby a guard who directs every movement by shrill whistles. . Untitle in long, low slieiln, ranged along both sides of a yard paves! with cobble stones, other gangs of similar qialetfacedj unmanned-looking men; wearing the same hideous, striped garb, nic laboring unceas ingly In absolute silence tinder the eyes of stern taskmasters. Of what arc all these men thinking In their unforced, silence? Suiely they think the tonuiic may he trammeled but who will essay to bind the thoughts? Are they thinking of home of wives perhaps, of children, of friends low nnd vlla as them selves, pf past exploits, of future plans, of any of the countless millions of things of which men think when free to talk and act as they please? Doubtless Iheynre. Who can limit the range of their thoughts; who can begin to picture thd visions which float before the mind's eye of these men as they toll In sllcheu through the long hours? Hearts are breaking here, hut who caie? Who recks of the mild tumult going on in many a mind as thoughts bitter, heart breaking,, .desperate,- ljoafbacK ahd forth? Tho lives here full of tragedy. : Who knows, for Instance, that the Indi vidual whnse'-ldcntity is lost to 'all but himself and the prison records In the pris on, No. "2,310," Is thinking as he labors of a balmy summer night under the .shadow of graud trccs; of the perfume of roses of a song and a resolution? l'et such thoughts are ever present with htm, his solo consola tion amid the horrors of his surroundings, his only relief, from the monotony of his ilallyiexisfence. To-i'ay Itijls thtnking'of uaiiyioxisience. lo-i'ay nqls tliinki; tbemJfliJnWtigesrieolalJyiof the resell tlat-heW(itllif do something to take i solution away the reproach from the sad eyes that he fools are constantly watching hlni. The dull, unceasing loll, by day,, the horror of the scant, dream haunted slumber bv night, liara taken away from him much of the energy which naturally belongs to men of his temperament and physique, but his thoughts to-dy aroqso in him some thing of the old tpjnperthe old aggressive spirit. He has heard something! In that mys terious way In which the dwellers in pris ons where no speech is allowed become possessed of Information ft mil the outside world 'as well as. from their .own tfiearyl woild Indoors j and1 make plots and concoct conspiracies, he has leaicd of a proposed emcute. l'or days and weeks a n'.ot foi a rising lias been hatching among these mis erable creatip-cs, They know it may mcanJ cerloin deaMi to some of them, increased misery lo tho many, escape only lo a few. Yet they plan. In the utter dreariness of their lives any thine that promises n change is Mdlcoiiu'. ISe.sldes, there Is the chance of succejs for a ' few, and each hopes, Ip be one of that few, and furthermore there is a deshe fur revenge. 'Xo. 2.;)1!)-' has heard all the deialls of the plot. Ho lias not been a party to It otherwise, but he has been trusted hy Hie conspirators, He knows on whom vengeance Is to be wreaked that the warden pf tbe piison is doomed, and that tho rising only awaits a favorable op portunity to make that destested olllcer a victim of the vengeance of the conspirators. The warden has been a hard lentless, ciuel, a model tyrant With a ca pacity far beyond any wlio preceded him Hi tills institution for cruel punishments and unneectsnry severity. Whatever else may ba doiit his lifu is to bij sacilfifpil that is settled. "Xo. 2,310" knows of this determination, and has himself reached one. He would not L3 human if lie did not wish lo see Hid tiling successful, as far as the escape of some of his companions is concerned but he is determlnej that if he can prevent it murder shall nut bo done. He means to save the tyrant' life, even at the risk of his own, and by preventing the consummation of the convicts' vengeance save some of the other lives which would necessarily pay tho forfeit of the carrying out of their plans. Tills is to bo his re paration this his opportunity. To reason with these men he knows Is Useless; he will not inform on them, ills only plan is to save the warden at the moment of the rising. It will be a desperate undertak ing, and tbe costhls own life. If lie should not losn it In the. effort, the Inevita ble levenge of his comrades, who will deem hjm a traitor, makes his speedy death a certainty. Yet he sees in this an oppor tunity., to savo It fo - ah opportunity, to tnakq reparation. He will embrace It. He has nerved himself to the task before him, and to-day he feels that the hour of trial is at hand. The afternoon of the short winter day Is waning, and a storm is evidently coming up, for it is growing dark in tho simps. Is It some intuitive scii3c of tin pending tumble that causes the guards in the shop to pay more than usual attention to the convicts, or is it that they have just begun to notice that something has changed in the room vv itiiin a few minutes? Half an hour ago the smjnijs pf labor alono broke the stillness. Xow thu rati la ot Ilia haminuis am) the clink of the steel nro Interrupted In tl.eir regularity, and In tho intervals a droning Found, something akin to the limn, of a school-room, only less pronouncedris heard, punctuated every now and again with a lilssingsound. Looking around on tho busy groups not a. hp s seen to move. The eyes of all are apparently steadfastly fixed on the work bcfoio them, yet thodiouiug sound continues. Looking still more closely at tho groups, oi)u patches pvcry now and aguli, a sudden stealthy glance cast In the direction of 4 guard. The convicts are whispering. "Xo. 2,310" knows what is going on. With ears strained ha listens Intently. Meanwhile it is rapidly growing dark. The uneasy guards Instinctively s;!late togeth er and converse In low tones. They keep their eyes 011 tlm striped laborers, hut fre quently glance at their watch, as If to an ticipate Hie hour for getting thelj charges secured behind holts and bars. Suddenly a shrill whittle sound, twice re- peated. it is the signal for stopping work, and is given by a small blue-ouateil man who sltt behind a desk In the real of and overlooking tho shop. The strictlv disci pllned workers Instantly drop their tools and the woiknnon which tbevarn rii'-aced. ' and wjth' a shulOIng step forgi Into three Live and Let Live." Peiina., November 37, 1886. Ions lines. Tho guards gtasp Ihclr muskets and take thelp places at the ends and near the centre of each line. Ouco mole the whistle sounds two notes. At the signal llio lines close tip until each man's stomach presses against the back of (lie man in front of him. Then each places his hands on tho shoulders of the man pic ceding 1 1 1 1 11 and valts. For the third time tlm small man In the blue coat signals, only one note this time, and the line noatcst to tho door takes up tho march with the peciv liar sliding, undulatpry snako-llke motion of tho " locked-atcp." An instant after wards iwo vvhlsles causo the line behind lo move off, and in another moment tho third line start? at the sound of one whistle, They file put Ipto the prison yard nnd cross It for the distance of about ten rods towards the main building of tho prison. Lounging about In the yard are ten or fif teen prisoners engaged at special tasks with a little more freedom than ordinary con victs. They hardly 'raise their heads as their fellows pass them. Near the entrance to the main building a blue coated man wearing a heavy watch cliajp, and swinging a light switch (lands talking td a guard who leans Idly on his tnu3kct. This man raises his eyes as tho head of tho line ap proaches him, but does not move. Tho guards In charge assume a greater vigilance oyer the 'Convicts, who also rccognlno the warden, but make no sign. It has grown qullo dark now. Men's faces are barely recognizable, Suddenly there Is a little, confusion. A man In tho first Hue stumbles and tho line is broken. This man is some distance from the nearest guard, who Immediately rushes forward to close up the gap in the line. The head of the linn lias, however, gone on, and as the man stumbled the rear stopped short like a train of cars suddenly checked. Tho second line, which follows in the track of the filst too closely to be Instantly tinned, stumbles over thp men In the first line and receives ft baokward Impetus which it communicates (U t'sc third. As the lines stop they break, and what at first seemed accfdenlal turns out to have been piemcdilatcd. Out of tho confused mob half a dozen striped jackets bound upon the guards to disarm them. Yells and curses burst uron I lie ear. The head of the Urst lino has with a rush reached tho wide doors of the main building, and the convicts endeavor to force them shuton the guard inside. Willi mad yells others clad In strippd suits rush in a dozen differ ent directions. Half a score fling them selves upon the blue-coated man with the big watch chain and the guard who leans upon the musket; Holh are overborne in the sudden rush, and a dozen hands reach for llio throat of the warden. He is in des perate hands, yet, though dazed liy the sud denness of the attack, strugglps violently to fieo himself. A large revolver is in bis pocket, but It Is under him and ho cannot reach it. He Is at the mercy of his assail ants and ip Ihcir faces there Is'no mercy. Hilt across the yard from the second lino a form wearing the hideous prison gaih bounds as soon as that line is broken. It is a stalwart convict, wio makes straight for the spot where tha warden Is struggling and as he reaches llliuils bis fellovs aside, as if he were a giant and they pigmies. Tor a moment lp warden is free, but again the madmen rush upon him, and this time his stalwart defender is himself over borne. He fights desperately with his fel lows In silence on Ids part and amid a storm of oaths on theirs, and tha warden from whom the attack has hcen diverted, availing himself pf the oppottunlly.retreats a fuiv pr(ces pud drawing his revolver stands at bay. The stalwart convict breaks away from the half-dozen who hold him and rushes to tluovv himself at the feet of (he warden. At that Instant the crack of a musket rings out, the flash Is almost In his face and the aim is true, for he leaps Into the air, turus half way around and drops like a slone face downward, A guard has fired without orders to protect his chief and picked out the man ho took to bo .the leader of tho latler's assailants. As the wounded nun fulls tiio mad rush of his fellows Is cheekpd as If a wall had sprung up before tbein, It is but for a moment their confusion lasts, but before they can recover from it they are covered by the warden's revolver and the muskets of half a dpzen guards who have by this time come to tho rescue of the warden. "Thrmv up your hands, boys; thegame's nn," says the foremost of tho gang as he realizes that the least moye on his part means ccitaln death. Three or four of his companions spurn the dead body before them with their feet, and ItUs, "Curse the traitor," hut :scelng that Hiny have been foiled fall back. The other parties who had engaged In assaults upon the guards seem to have been repulsed without io firing of a single -sljotTand a few who hayo been captured. 11 itn oaths -the guards pre driving them Into lie most secure corner of the prison jaid, and In a few moments all are penned lu llko a flock of sheep. It is now so dark that faces are Indis tinguishable, but nt tio point of tbe bay onet the com Ms arc once more marshalled into lines, marched Into the Inner prison building and locked supperless In their cells. The emcute Is ended. Out on the stones In the piison jard a form In a sniped suit lies stiffening In a dark pool. The sullen sky bends dovv n to the dreary slono vvaU of the encIosiue,ajid a few flakes of snow quiver lu thp ulr II hllc the guards are marching tho prison ers into safe-keeping no one comes to look at this man, tho one victim of tho uprising, but when tho Insubordinate convicts aie safely housed two me) bearing a stretcher and a (bird canylngn lantern como put to renioyo the body, T'licy turn t over, and the dark blood u ells forth from a hole lu tbe side and redden the snow spilnkKd cobble-stones of tho jaid. H'liei) the lift It on the stretcher thu eyes stare up In their faces, but the features of the dead man are tranquil. 'H'ho Is he?" queries one, and tho one with the lantern, holding the IJght close to thu body, reads from Ihe breast of the hid eous striped jaafcft "No. 2,310." An ollkia) report on the incite to.-mpr-row will say that in quelling it, convlet No. 1 2,310 assisted ami ixrhaps saved the ward- ' S ,1!" .i:",,01 -Keud tho CAnnn.v AnvnrATr, Klght million ninlnellasare tnadoannu ally lu the Unites! Blntes. One person In pvory In Eng land anil Wales Is a paupei. --I'lorlda's orange crop for next season Is estimated at a million boxes. Competition has reduced the faio In' London 'busses to one penny. New York city contributed $00,000 In aid of tho Chailestou suffeicrs. sr-T'he Sw iss government proposes lo pur chase all the railwas Ip the country. Dr. Frazior'a Root Bitters. Frazier's Hoot Hitters aro not a dram shop beverage, Hut are strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep tho bowels 01 en and regular, cleanse 'the blood and jtyslem of every Impurity. Sold by druggists, l. At Thomas' druij store, The first dally paper appeared in Lon don III 1"02. i"hp Vrotcstant Episcopal General Con vention decided, by a Vote of 112 to 182, not to charge the name of the church. Dr.I'raier's Magic Ointment. A sure cure for all bolls, hurns.sores.cuts, flesh wounds, soru nipple, hard -and soft coins, chapped lips and hands.. Triceou cents -nts. Sohi by druggists. Williams M'f'g. o., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold by T. Ci Th: , the druggist. Mrs. Nellie O'Connor, pf Louisville, Kj., is hilt thirty ycajs old, yet she has led six men to the alia)'. , t-l'otalocs are so abundant in seme parts uf England that they sell for $40 a ton, cr less titan half a cent per pound. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrlshurg, 111., says: "Having received so much benefit fioni Electile Hitters, I fee) It iny duty to let sull'eiing litiinanftY 1;UPW It. Have had a running s,'ore on iny eg for eight years; my doctors told iip 1 would have to have tbe bone scraped or legnmputntcd. 1 used, instead, tliice bottlesof Electric Hitlers and seven boxes Hiujklen's Arnica Salye, upd my leg Is noy sound and well." Eicon ic Hitters are sold nt fifty cents a bottle, and liucklcn's Arnica Salvo at 25c. per box by T. JJ, Thomas.' The Statue of Liberty Is to keep ier 0,000 candle powder electric light burning all day and night. -r-Jlr. Tllden once admitted that lie never once faced an audience or lose n court that stage fright did not selz.e him. He tried every advice to cure lilmsu'lf, tji(t it could not he dune. Vitality and color jire restored to weak and graj hair, by the use of A)er's Hair Vigor. Through Its cleansing and healii.g qualities, it pi events the nceumniulallou of dapilrulT and cures all scalp diseases. llio vvlnuotr-glass manufacturers aro organising a national combination to ail vat ice and maintain prices. Dr. Setli Arnold's Cough Killer gives Im mediate relief, and cuies severest coughs. colds and Malignant Fever, sore T'luoat Asthnu, ivc. 2.e. oOc. ami SJ.OU sizes. For Costiveuess, Hlliousne&s, Headache and all feverish habjls Utc Dr. Scth Arnold's bilious Fills. 2.jc, Mothers, always use Dr. belli Arnold s Soothing and Quieting (Jprdial for eli'i. ill en. A mild safe tome, 2oc. Girls work In tic coal mines of Hel ium loading cars at forty cents for a day of seventeen or eighteen hours. Ashma, Hroncbitis, Consumption. Fon taine's Cure relieves a cold in 12 hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. The face of the Hartlioldi statue is madellcd after the artist's mother, who still lives In Alsatia. 'That hacking cough can bo so .quickly cured by Sluloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Dr. C. T. Horn, Lehlghton, and HIery, WeUspoit. Physician (to convalescent) ''Villi fpcl stronger, do you not?" Cgpyajpsceut "O, yes, doctor; very much stronger. I'm strong enough HQ"' fpr nlpiost auything.'' Physician-"Teil I will send In my bill." Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately lelieved by Shlloli's Cure. sold by Horn, Lehlghton, and Hiery, at I I'tiijsport. e o vv -Wo do not wish to be understood as finding fault with nature, but we do wish, trom t tic bottom of our hearts, thqt tjio luminous end of the firefly (tail been hitched to thu mosquito. Itch, and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 Minutes iy Woolford's Sanitary Lo tion. Use no other. Tills never falls, Sold by T. D. Thomas, prugglsti Jjehlghton, l'a. Oct. 2-1 y At V!?niW appeared a weekly news paper prhitcd il English The first of tbe kind ever published there. The woild moves Our grandmoth,ertiscd brow n sugar, we ub w bite: they used com mon brow 11 soap, we use white soap. The. best white soap is Dhbyiiopi'uis Hoiiax Soap, which pan bo used forall purposes to wljicli soap js. applied. Impossible to liiud loH tipie, A comet Is called a celestial visitor be cause it must go. For lame back, sldeor chest, use Shlloli's Porous Plaster. Price 23 els. Sold by 0. T. Horn and II'. F. tilery. A newspaper article Is beaded "Earth quake Lore," Thai Is right the lower the bettor. 'To be shaken before taken:" Theap pie on a lofty bough. Wlon ISaby sick, ito gv lief Ctflr9, Wlica ho sa a Child, alia crisi fat Cutorbt, VTtiFU bus became Mint, sh clgng fa CaJorU, lVou tho bad Children, llio gays ftem Caitorla A favorite winter resort beforo tjip fire. Mayes In.tlio highest cIrclosSti)rn. The whip belongs to the most common variety of tea) stir. Siiii.ou'scopgh and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption. Sold by HIery, Weissport, and Horn, Lchlgh,lpn. A new ppst-olllce in Dakota has just been named Hartlioldi hy the posttpf!co tic partmcnt. Plain English tjo females of that country. Glad lldlncs ltellcf and cure of throat and lungdfrase. FontaipiVsCure is guar anteed 10 otire a culd iu 12 hours. Sold hy 0. T. Ilorij, Druggist. ' A coli) dated 1302 was rficenty !Ucflv ered in thp woods near Edgeitoi), Mass. At Calcutta a warm-hearted millionaire has endowed a hospital for sck anjijial's. Hop Vliwtt'rHRte a Now England produc tion from frosh Hops, Jltjrgundy J'iUh and Cuius. Mmo Tattl knows forty-seven operas, and is still studying, so she says. Mnncuro D. Conway curiously names his pevv lecture " ilin"i Third Wife " -"- "sift $1.26 wheh not pc& in Adv'anc. Single Copied .5 Ceiitfe. IWO KtVAt. IVthsps thfru 'may be a lesson In thh llttltfttvry. 1 rrq plenty of joting fellov s nlxitU town wc;n lug .llttln k'y on tin r vvntch chains and fancy If Ihey trad th ft they'll .finger Ihefu very nervouoly mil) iney nave investigated. There is npvir anything gppeious lu tho woman who conqueis. Slip rather likes lo hit the fulien rival and see hersquftm., 'Squlimlj not an elegant word, but it drscrlbta the tlilnp better than nnv other. Thete nre Ivu. young ladles lu town nholinve. been ilvais. They ale uojii Iinndsome, and both bayi lols ef admlrcis. Like rivals In the woild of young men, they 'finally dioipcd affections on one mart, lie was the devot ed of one, and the oilier naturally wanted to capture him. She did lu the course of tho eventful conversation she wanted In know what key he wore on Ids chain, Be ing violently rnanioicd, he told hrrltnas the key of a padlock btacelet clasped on her rival's arn.i, "You ran't love me. I won't have any thing to do with you. Go back Ip thu mean girl." "I swear I don't care anvtblngnlout her. I teally don't." "Will von sei il that key back to her?" vii.uiuy. uere, 11 you (ion t believe me, lil let 3011 take If back to her." 0, how good ofou. I'll see she gctr It. And so next day she went to call on the rival. "I've, pot such news for you, Ida." ' Yes; what is It?" "I'm engaged." "You don't say? To whom?" "To Homy Smith." "Henry Smith!" "Yes. I know, of courjp, he's been an oldflameof ours, andvvell 1 couldn't naturally, my dear, allow him to keep this little key, I know what it is, and to 1 brought It ip, you," She watched the llval's face very closclv. Hut the lival had given to many thrus'it In her time to meet tills unpiepaied. She smiled "O, you needn't have troubled. You might have let him keep it." "I couldn't.thliig of It. How cimlJ you get the bracelet oil?" lf "That kev doesn't onen this limeeh.i Try It." She put It In the lock. t turned round with a little click, but tl.e padlock did 111 1 open. "Xo, see here, Here are thieo like It. You won't ti II on me, dear, will yrsu? Urn the fact Is. 1 was so pestered bv those boys begging mis to let them lock tills bracelet that I went and got a dozen kevs that vioujd SO all around the lock anif never oppn or close It, and George Simpson got one, and Harry Jones, and Sam Johnson, and 1 don't remember who all. The man who's got tho real key Is In New Yuri:." And the disgusted rival went back and told Henry t-mltli she didn't ptontise lo mat ry a bom Idiot, Bucklon's Arnica salve. The best salve in te woild for cuts, bruises, sores.ulcers.salt lliucin.fevcrsores, letter, chaiipnl hands, ehllbl.inds. rnrns. ami nil sl!n eruptions, ami positively euros piles, or no pay retpiire.l. It is guaranteed to frivo perfect satisfaction, or money rc- .iwmuu. x nun ..ju. pur uox, ai i nomas MISS CD3IIMAM'3 MEG UERUILIES. In ihe last feeno the characters are nU in ihe front of the stage and a crowd of super numerarles at tho back. At a grand crisis Meg ilcrrilies points to Hem y llertraiii,and bids ttem "shout for the Laird of Jillcn gowan," and the crowd shout. Now, like most other stage directions ll looks simple enough, only it takes all your Vigilance 10 achieve t. According to Miss L'usluiian's rendering, struggling iu her ueaiii agony, sue sain "snout'' tirpp limes before the cheer was ieay given, and then it was given In earnest- In all the rehearsals preceding the star's arrival thp picippter bad hastily mummied the linos (as is the custom Indeed, in orig inal manuscilpts il Is only the last words of the principal part that are even written, which gives to such copies in theatrical nomenclature Ihe term "skeleton," and the "shout" had only been given once, to which the crowd had been In thp iabt of respond lng. f'ho consequence was a slight dis crepancy at the last rehearsal, which Miss Cushman personally conducted. This re hearsal was veiy log; jt was late in the play when tho scpnp ocpiirioa; everybody was tired atp) lipngrjv-a ciowd of unim portant people, as usual, lnattontiyp and indifferent. A gepcial conviction was fell that some thing had to bo done and something left undone. Hut as out of a group of super numeraries there will always be found some interested leaders, each one mado up his mind to do what the next man did. so when Meg Merrilii'S gave her first feeblp pry uf "shout," 11 lusty voice roared "liur " and the gleaning "not jet" fioni Miss Cusli man just IielJ back tho "rah," onlv, how ever, to remind all of Ihcli duty, so that with the next "shout" tho whole crowd burst forth wjli a loud "hur ." Willi a stildenndii ipeifaep sue once more froze the "rah" upon their lips, and when the "shout" for the third time came, only oi)e wee body lu all that band was found to say "hurrah," lu a falsetto voice eo bin ill and with an advancing gesture so exaggerated that poor M02 Merrllles died tn thn sound of stnotliered laughter. ioine Foolish People Allqw a rough to run until It gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say. will wear away, but In most cases It wears them avvav. Could thev be In duced to try the successful medicine called Kemps ualsaui. w i c ivvese on a 110s - tivo guarantee lo cure, thev would Iniiiiedi-. m-ijr pry inu r-Mi'iiem eiieci inter iaKi the llrst dose. Price SOo and $ J,(J0, Trial size free. Sold by T. 1). Thomas. Lchluh- 1... . . . , . ton and W.K. Idery, Weissport, A much admired trained gown of high ceremony is of garnet velvet, faced whetev pr facing Is demanded or peimlssiblo witli r.irnell green satin. Ceres Conrl1, Con, rtiuwirj. Croup, ttuna, Crwii.U.'sVioo. , it .,i. ' iclC. '-.7P- . v. J. c 4 l-cl. ml c .nt r-it;vti i a rtliufl, It.- 3Uc;i. Co'i- ,11, oiDt-ino vc i-iut f 'A Byrvp is edit ocly (ill it. vti3-t, era irar ouy irt-r. .tTL't Vr. !tL. rfcs to Wilt jil Uat!oi('t- Itnn CtvtioH-UibcK w A thi -U A. C.Xcytr t C.b 1-rxp's, talllinoru, KtU V. B, . SALVATEOSOSL, "The Greatest Cure on Earth far Pala," Will relieve mors quickly than tiny other known remedy. Rncusnatlsrn, Neuralgia, Swellings, Druisca, Durns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by nil PniRKists, Price 2"' Cents ft Dottl?, Advertising Rates For Legal NoMoos. The follow lrfj prices for letful adrer lug has lifeu adopted by the Caio .VnrocATK. Jlwrtor Notice - - - t o lldltr's NoMcrw - . - . 4 i Jointrfllshnier's NotlcWi 4 ' Olvoree Nintlivs - - . . . 01 dmlii.siMtor'i Notices - - ' : Itpciitor's Nollcv 1 - : Otherlegal ndvcrtitingwlllbefllmrgr i . by th.! mpinre. H. V. Mcrthin-r, Jr., TuliUslicr. Scsofu! Is one if iV.-?.ic.t latnt errmrges vrh!-h nflllct lunnfcmd. It U prion Inlwrltw:, but may lie t'.-.e result tf Improper vacci nation, lueriunijl polnim, uuclennlincis, 'iipd vnriotnothet.nn. Chronio Sores, Cicero, A I , Cancerous Humoiti, rjnd.ln some, Emaciation and Con sumption, remit from nwrofuloUs condi tion of Iho blood. This dlscaso can be vured by Iho l'.isj of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Ilnheriteilnocridnloiisconditlonof thn blood, which cnusiMlailerungciiKiiit of 11, v whole system. After taking less tha i four bottles ot Aycr's Sarsapatlllal run Entiroly Cured, and, for (bo past year, havn not found It neressaryto use any ineillclms whatever. 1 mil now in better health, and Mnnicir, than cyer before. O. A. Willaid, ill Yrcmmit St., Hoston, Mass. I wnt troubled with Scrofulous Sorci for hvii years;, but, pftcv using n few liottlct of Aycr's Sarsaparilln, tho sores . healed, and t havo now pood health.-Kllnl-th Wnruock, ft Applcton strcot, Lowell, .Mass. Bninn months ago I was troubled with flerofiilou.i Sores on iny leg. The limb was badly svvlillon and Inllatned, and the, Korcsdisi barged large quantities of olTen slvo matter. Every remedy failed nn: i I used Aycr's Sarsaparllla Hy taking tlireo lintt!cH.of this medicine ilia sorci havo been healed, and nyy henllli is re ilored. J am grateful for tho good It has (tnno 1110. - Mrs. Am, O'Hriau, 158 Sulk yau st Now York-. Ayer's Sarsaparllla, rrniarcd he Pr..T.C.Ayer&Co.,I.owM!,Ma's. Ept.l l.y nil Drusjliu. J'rco$l ; tlx Loittcs.ti. E. Jb LUCKENBACII, DhAI.KK IN WALL PAPERS, Eordeis & Dppprations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, m.nlo and pat qp, if deslroa, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Pntry, Brushes general Pfiinje-ra' Supplies. Mo. 61 Broadway Ml CM. Pa. Jitlow tbe Broadway House. SWITEW C. SHCRTLID3E'S ACD2M7 I'm Y:ur.s lUn and toys. Heiia, &. 12 miles fioni liilhidelnhhl. l'lveil unruei every expense, even hooks, &e. No ex! ra eli es. An Incidental expenses. Xo e.vimln. 1. 1 loraimiifsiou. twelve expeileneed teacher . men, and all graduates, special npiioitu . for apt students to advance rapldlv. rip dull for dull and backward bojs. hitrot .students may .select any similes or choose U" r pilar Knpllsh, Scientific, llnsiness. Classic-'! 1 i lvll KmiltieciliiK course. Students filled '. d!a Academy are now in llavaid, Yale, l'i Ion anil ten oilier Collcnea mid 1'ol.vtc Schools. 10 students sent to eollego lu 1kk ' 18.11, mm iRfj, in n i8Mi, A giiirinattni; , every uar Ip Ihe cr.uniierclal ileni'iUmeni Physical and Chemical ljilloratury; iiyinn,. . nnd Hall Crotmil, iwo vols, added lo l.llirm lf-83. Physical apparatus doubled lu 1M. M has seven churches and a teniperaiico elm" which prohibits the sale ot all IntoxliMi" drinks. For new 'llhe-l rated circular nildiei-f. . 1'ruiflpat and Proprietor, KWIT1I1N C. Sl!(.:'. l.IDtlli. A.M,t (llarvaid Oraduate) Media, l'a ujf, 7, Mi-ly. -DON'T- BUY AN BNGWti Until you linvo fern our elrciilnr an I jir -JSiO.OO lur It IJorne I'uwor. toJSSO.O rorr.o.ll"r Power. Unutnrs cmntitete wlih Kovemor, 1'um , Healer, Tlirnltle Vulvo nnd Sluht Kel-l!i In der l..ibpe'Uor, .llore than IO1U1 In u,e, Sene 1 .. circular utvlnii tratlininilnls from every Slu'- .. tti'e Union. PurlfCi s.itltiriicttonKUuranieil. MUIUIls; JIAr.llIMJ Willi US Ualdwlnsvlllc. N. V Mention this Tapor fmuris 3! ANDREW BAYBJl, DHAl.nit IX-rrw Vall Papoy apd ipecoratious, 7ipd:7 Shades & Tahters Sujplies, Paper Hanging, House and Sign Painting, Calsoralng and Graining. Hank Street, LehlKhton, I'eun'a, Oct. SO-CIll SALESMEM WANTKn to sell Nur Stock. All Roods wan ed l'lrst-Class. Perm:i. ideasant, prnlll.ihle positions for the rlelit 1 I iood Salaries mid exnenses naiil. Libera diicenieiits to new men. Xo previous evperl. necessary, wiiuu tree, vvruei tor terms, truing nee. (hicli)se statun.) llcferenee LiiAiii.c. ii, 1 ii,n-, rtiirsDiiiau, iiik' ter, X. V. Mention this paper. ocU MANUFACTURERS, who have hilled nnd deshe . pstahllsh II' selves iimlu bin iial way, piacllcal eniiiineiK ln' husiuesj e:m learn of 11 place vv I hey can (el a location, free machinery transp cd from cither New Vork nr llallhnore fn cost ami the full eiHiptiratlou of aslrong rulli' company, AdUrpss CommlssiQuer oflDimisralioii, July 17, lsec-tf. IUlkIoii, N $100 A WEEK, Thirties op ccnllemen deslrin nleasnnt in.trf able employment write at once, Wovvair; 1 to iianille 1111 article 01 iiniueslie use that re. mends Itself to every one at slcht. STAPl.l v li.dt'll- Sells like hot cakes. Piofllsaoo i cent, l'aiiiille.s wishfiii; to prncjlco eco should lur llielr mm lciii,r.f wrih' for parilei . Used every day the eur round iu evcrv h hold, Price within thereacli of nil. Che . free. Airents receive sample free. Ad' DOMESTIC SIT''G CI), Marion, U. ocl ' Afflictku and Unfoutu.nati: Conslh I DR. LOBl1?, 32DN. IMhSI ,beIovvCallowlull.Plillailelphl... ) . ri.inof vniiih a sK'i lall. 20 jears exeii Ai'.vli-e free and fllli'lly eonnilenilul Treat 1 1 li mall. Hums: tl A. M, till 2 P.M., auu : loeveiiliiKs. Call or write. October U, sn) ly POOD SALARIE B ur commission to Men and Wnia.'n In (2y lu tiis Iin'hI or trawllpz nirepts. Xo .1 A Jl is V., VViUTS'liv, Xuiseryinaii, loch '. X.Y. iMeiitioulhls paper.) ainr-'tJr-: ' AGENTS WANTED iutiV. D11. sec : : lllltlflll ULKl ile free to . beivpiiUK auciits. No ilsk. quick sales. ': 1 lory ijlveii. tKutlsfiiclInn guaranteed. , dfes pit. SCO IT, eas llroadway, X. Vol k. 'PIIK PINK ' L Sonlh. ni UN'OT will tell von all nbni. South, and the advantase ft has to oftei tiers. Send a rents for conv tn TIllfPlKK KNOT. Oct30tf Soutl.crp liuei, X. r W k I A ilV Active and intellweiv 11 11 ti 1 Liu uiiui rpieiuiii 111 neriow eallly an old firm. IUfertnje rssiulreil. Per remmunt hi her tow frrH FtMinlrefl. Peru. ent insltlon and goodiilary. UAVfc JlliO llareUiy St., X. . f-CS WANTON UKKTNKY, Isihlon lli- ia Hoot and 8uou Makkh, llsuk . f.hi,'t ten li nofV vrsrri"ri,