The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 20, 1886, Image 3

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    'Original Ohoap Cash Store."
Wjrtoffehne unmistakable, bargains' In
Qi.f.i,- : Ji
j-o uuuntUKM mill
. ' Cloaklnc-R.
61 In. Well Mack Astmchan Cloaking, &U5 Per
yard. Heal value SMio, '
01 In. Mack, Hcd and Oreon Mixed Astrarhaii
Cloaking lit saw per yard. lteal vnliio N.TF.
61 In. Hoavy, KI116 Black llcaier Cloaking, nl
per yurd. Ucl value 3.78.
6S In. Fine Checked Cloaking nt! per yard.
Ileal value M.00.
EHTRtnre. will berjoscd on Thanksgiving Day,
J. T. r:U3BAUWT,
Opposite Public Square, Knnk Street, I-ehluhtoii.
Jiuiu 7, 18Ki-ty.
The Carbon Advocate
critCtAI. NOTICK -Persons making pnvment.s
to till onlcp ny money in dert or postal notes
K'lLC.'"'1'"' lk lliem pavaliloatthe WHINS
POItT POST01-TlCK.nstlio I,elilSliton Olllcels
rOTa money order olllce.
Current Events Epitomized.
Ain't wa a daisy for $1 a year?
, -riie. Spring Mill Fnriiaces. at Moor
Inyyl, Will be ppt Ih blast sometime soon.
T 4-Tli'll5Wgli Valley sliops llinmslioiit
tuc Valley are booming with now orders.
Go to Frs. Itoderer, under the Kx
changc Hotel, for a smooth shave, anil a
fatdonablo hair cut.
John Wroth, a prominent citizen of
AVIlltesbarrc, died HVtlncsiUy, aged fifty.
Bcven years.
The Packcrton car simp arc being en
larged In order to meet the demands of In
creased business.
-t)'on't fall to read the advertisement
headed "Save tima nnd money," and end
Inir, ''All cheap for cash."
A large lot of Nswmarkcls, at a creatlv
reduced price, at M. A. O. Guldin's, OOiS
Hamilton street, Allentown.
Mablon Uclclianl, of Northampton
street. Is still somewhat indisposed the re
sult of a severe fall several weeks ago.
-Jonathan Klstler.of the Carbon House,
sold his fast stepper. "Honest John," to
D. F. Bltner. of Readlnc, Ihls week.
"The Existence of God." will be the
topic of a special sermon In the. M. E.
church, by the pastor, next Sunday morn
ing. "Miss Annln En?ler. of tfe.iv Voik, sis
ter , of Joseph Eneler, of Upper Maneli
Chunk, died at the former place on Mon
day last, aged about 70 years.
Thomas McGrath, of Pottsville, who
was convicted about a year aso, of embez
zling the county's money while holding u
public office, has been granted a new trial
8175,000 was paid to miners In the
Malianoy Valley as wages last Saturday.
The miners were made happy nt the time
hy being notified of an advance of one per
If you do not want to lose a work dav
take, your family to Kcadmnn, of Mailed
Chunk, on Thanksgiving Day, for their
1'ljqtos,. He makes. Cabinets at, four dol
lars per dozen.
The Carbon House Is now running a
free 'bus which meets all trains. The
jovial Charles Henry handles the reins and
calls out "coaclv-for the Carbon House" in
Rev. Daniel Deruolle, formerly pastor
oftlm Presbyterian congregation of Auil
juried jintl Weatherly, -wjli preach in the church Sabbath morning
and evening, .Hov. 21.
For jthevi week ending' Nov.- 13, there
were lWi.tWl tons of coal shipped over the
Lehigh Valley railroad, making, a. total to
date of ll.Ilfci.ttlJMiins, tyid Rbimlng an1 In
crease of 274,51)1 tons compared with same
date last car.
JrcnUVi have a complete' Coat department
la U'lnsK Coats, l'lush Wraps, Astrakhan
Wraps and an endless assort ment ef Jack
etsjht;prh?cs 2." per cent, cheaper than last
YMrrqt'M. -A. G. Guldlu's, COS Hamilton
stjei, .Alentonn..
." Perhaps soine day people will learn
thatw s(o'e pipe ninningthromih the roof,
partition or frame work of a building. Isn't
a inattflr of economy. But If you desire to
practice economy lilra your teams from
David Kbtjert,,on North ttrcct.
On Thanksgiving Day, November 2.".a
grand shooting' match will come oil at the
hotel qf Leopold Mover, on the road be
tween this place and Mauch Chunk, for a
lot of turkeys, chickens and ducks.
pol 1 promles a good, time to all who come,
so we would advise you not to miss it.
James Cunningham, of Catasauiun.
and Edward Iloardley, a colored sprinter,
of Heading, will run one hundred yards at
on mo :iiu lust , lor ttf,oUU
a side. Hoth sprinters are. well-known
here. It fs claimed that Cunningham cm
nuke one hundred yards In nine and three-'
liiartcr.scconds. I
The 'Lehigh county teachers' institute'
convened at Allentown, .Monday, with
three hundred teachers' enrolled. During I
the week the institute was ail dressed by!
prominent educators from neighboring
States. It is said to have. h-on the most
successful gathering of teachers o er had 1
in Lehigh county. j
A disgraceful riot occurred at Shenan-1
doah, Monday, thn result of the usual pay
day spree. Pistols and knives were freely
used, number of people, In-!
chiding two otllcers, were severely and per-1
haps fatally Injured. Six Individual! have
been arrested for inciting the riot and other
arrests will soon follow. I
Advertisers will find that an advertise
ment planted in the columns of the An
Voi'atb will gieatly Increase, their sales
and profits. Wo enjoy tliiireputatlor.of lie. I
In? tliebest advertising medium In the,
Valley and there is nothing delusive about
It cither. Itemembcr this when you make
up your mind to advertise.
Two weeks ago the Herald' Informed '
Its few readers thai a man died fruut read-!
ing the. aatette; last week It was the Al-!
yocArr- We would kindly advise friend
Itlnkcrto desist further efforts-of Investl
gallon, or he might learn td his oun'sad-'
neis, that the deail nun had been reading
a stray copjjjf. the Herald. j
c 7'Tl1.0,.,0Cf,i!"S of th Pennsylvania
Schuylkill Valley lload to PottvlllH on
Monday wa n nwat ilav fn i .t.n
latter place. The vicinity of the ftat'on was ,
thr meed with people, many of u'Jumi made
tr'ii trips. Tiic opening of the. Lehigh;
Valley extension from Delano to? Pojtsvllle
win ha opened some time soon. j
,- William II. Hughes, of Hailcton. In a ,
dlmciiltv Willi n employee at Oningevllle,
Columbia county, last Saturday, shot and
instantly "killed his man" Clem. Wells.
It Is said that Wells provoked the attack,
which resulted In his death. Hughes I in
mediately gave himself up, and after an
examination was released on ball. ,
The Lehigh Valley Ministerial Assocl
atlon of the M, E. Church, will conveno in
the Methodist church, in tills place, on
Monday, SUth Intl., at 10:30 a. in, and 2:M)
and 7liJ o'clock p. in. Interesting mies-,
tlons will be discussed, and a pleasant time
Is anticipated. Ministers and members of I
ftlter eliltl-pliita ami tl,& ....Kit.. II..
cordially Invited lo attend.
A Northampton county woman started
to walk to a frolic last Saturday night; her
little daughter followed her, when the
heartless mother severely chastised tho lit
tie child and commanded her to remain
where she was until she returned. As the
hours slowly passed and tho mother did
not return the child became, restless and
wandered away. The next morning she
was found almost frozen, hugging a little
kttten tp her breast.
"Master, your best horse, won't eat any
thing." "Give him three tablespoonfiils
of Day's Horse Powder lu a warm mash:
that Is what he needs.
Prevent the encroachments of disease by
Uklng pr, Hull's Baltimore Pills before
Indigestion become hronlc dyspepsia.
They are pure.
Dr. llulrs Haby Syrup is acknowledged
to be tho best-preparation in the market
Tl. fi" d.1ohlt of bsbybood and early
childhood. i Cf4its boul,
Your attention Is directed to Bock's
now advertisement.
All of Catasattqtta's manufacturing In
dustrlcs are booming.
Ilcchtclsvllle, llerks county, will have
carriage manufactory.
We would advise our readers to read
Kramer A Co's advertisement.
, If you want to keep ur with the sty)s
get your job work at tills uftlce.
Shenondoah Knights of Labor will
build a large hall at I hat place..
Plush Coats a specially at M. A. G.
Guldlu's, 003 Hamilton street, Allentown.
Prof. T. A. Snyder Is having his house
nicely painted. David Kramer is the artist.
Wedding ring and ptetty jewelry of
all descriptions at E. II, Hold's, Mauch
Henry Gordon, of Ashland, was killed
on the railroad at the above place one day
this week.
The very Interesting communication
from Webster C. Weiss will appear In our
next Issue.
Wo received 300 Plush Coats thl
week at M. A. G. Guldlu's, OOS Hamilton
street, Allentown.
Trouble. Is anticipated among the
worklngmen at East Bangor, owing to a
reduction In wages.
The. Ilethlehcm Iron Company I
busy tnakln- steel rails for the elevated
railroads of New York.
Peier Gorman, of Ashley, was Instantly
killed hy n fall of ton rock In No. 10 shaft.
nt that place on Monday.
Lohtgll county officials have Issued
live hundred marriage licenses since tho
new law has been In effect.
The county treasurer of Monroe conn
ty, ha paid out over $1,000 as bounty for
uaw i; scaips so .t r mis year,
ThcS. of V... predict that llicir first
annual granu nop win lie cjulte a success,
You should makoilt a point to go.
The freight traffic on the l.ehlgh Val
ley itaiiront last week was the heaviest
known in the history of the company.
ll'e have heard rumors to tho effect
that I.chighton Is to have a hoot and shoe
manufactory on tho co-operative basis.
Bohemian oals swindlers are plying
meir irane very suceessiuiiy in the sur
rounding counties. Look out for theinj
John Wilson, of Luzerne county, was
accidentally shot and killed hy the prema
ture discharge of his gun, while out hunt
ing Monday.
The Lehigh Hook and Ladder Com
pany meets Saturday evening, November
20th, In Gabel's Hall. He on hand; busi
ness of Importance Is to be transacted.
Do you want lo see sume handsome
gold watches? then step In and see the ele
gant assortment just displayed In the store
of E. H. Hold, Mauch Chunk. Tlmy are
Our lady reader should not fall to
read Miss Alvenla Graver's new advertise
ment In to-day's Issue, and then go and In
pect. her lane and varied assortment of
millinery goods.'
We have during the past Iwoortluee
weeks been using the Hed Seal Lye. sold by
A. J. Lilzenbereer. and find It to be super
ior to any article wn have hitherto used for
cleansing lyoe. Try It.
The number of sensational storle Hint
have been circulated concerning the death
of llobert Shoenenberger. of Franklin tsp.,
I only equalled by the monstrosity of tho
He which winds up each storv.
In the United States District Court.
Judge Butler acquitted Adam Ferris, of
Shenandoah, w ho was charged with sign
lug the name of ids brother to a $30 postal
note and keeping the funds.
State President S. M. Helms, of the P.
O. S. of A., lias Issued a circular to the
various Camps in the State suggesting a
geneial observance of the :lOtli anniversary
of the Order, which, occuis December 10.
The Thomas Iron Co., of Hokendau
qua. will raise tho nrlce of pig Iron $1 per
inn with the beginning of the new year,
making It about ai The company has
orders booked for eighteen months ahead.
The editor of an exchanccsays: "The
longer we run a newsfapcrand write about
people and events the more we realize how
utterly impossible It I to scratch every
man on the spot where lie Itches the most."
Our young friend Elmer HclU and Miss
Relle Strohm. of thl place, were united in
the holv bonds of wedlock on the 7th inst.
Thn young couple have our best wishes for
a long ami prosperous journey thro-igh life'.
The following merchants will close
their places of business on Thanksglvln"
Day. Nov. 2nth: J. T. Ninbaum. H. H
Peters. .1. L. Gahel, Wm. Kemerer. Clauss
(S- Urn., E. U. Snyder and P.cuben Fcnstcr
macher. liohert Nickel, the veteran magician,
vlll glve.i benefit for the Y. M. V. A.. In
the School Hall, on tint evening of the 21th
Inst. Thn entertainment being for the
benefit of a good cause should be well pa
tronized by our people,
liev. I. E. Knerr, one of thenrnmlnent
divines of Hie Evangelical Church In the
State, died at Lebanon last Saturday, of an
uii-n.13 ui i ne over, ngeu iorty-tiye years, i
Ho was Presllmg Elder of the Heading i
anu l oiisviuc districts tor eight years.
The crazo to be a city Is snreadlng.
NonUtown and Pol tsUlle both havoc bad.
I'ottMown and Shenandoah already show
symptoms. Mtnn nnd York arc still i
waiting to have It legillv duel, led whether
nicy earned me proposition at the lateelec-' oilier town lots for speculation. Mr C.
tinn or not. I spiaks well for the future of Duliilh. and
The suit fonlamages aca'nst Mumford I co"sll!,'' l iiai It will, In the near future, be
Hros.. nnnaie' s of the Swlichbaeli Hall, i t,u "Chicago" of the new Northwest,
road, instituted by Hie Jciin of Hie aeel-1 Chas. Cassler. -pmprletor of f 'assler's
dent of .Ijilv -I, 1RS3, will bo tried at a link probably thelnrgvsl on- in the cmiu
special term of our county court, at Mauch i ly ;expecls to go and mv some capitalists
Chunky beginning on the 2111b Inst. Ed- this week for the purpose of Inducing them
ward Walter and Nelson Bishop, o! Enstou, , ' locate some factory here, and thus om
nia the plaintiffs. vert Hie now almost woithless rink Into a
An average, day's bulsness on ti j husy factory.
Lehigh Valley railroad consists of the run- Work In the car shops Is brisk, but In
nlng of 44 coal trains, :12 frleght trains, and ' the machiue shops there seems lo be a
o0 passenger trans, a total per day of 10(1 ! scarcity of work. Several new engines are I the beautiful dreams nnd visions, the sweet
trains, or one trains every 13 'minutes and . PW in Hie shop awaiting ordeis. Engines j enchantments and unutterable, ecstacics
"n" 8' I)url"K 'he month of October 308 and i!32 are. receiving an overhauling i which are so thickly strewn nlon" the path
in.0.11 empty and 81,0fi:l loaded coal cars -"""i will soon be ready for sen Ice again. I way of the newlv wed. What opened his
were hauled over thu road. i Work nt the new coal engine is going on t''s lo bin wretched condition wo are un-
Salvation Oil, the ureatest eure on .
earth for, pain, may ho relied on to effect 0! The Tacker House lias lately been
euro wherever an external application can , fixed up and repainted nnd now Drusenls a
bo used. I'rico2.cent. line appearance. 1'rohihliloii teemlnsly
Itlsthc.o)d,oldstoryrLnveatnrstsl(:htl;lie5notfriahten Mr. Hartz. Alpha.
A walk In the beautiful moonlight night; I '
both catch n dreadful cold and ijlve up nil A "tea Treat for oar Peapls.
i',0,n.' I!',,t a'lMy MM ia I'ollieof Dr. 1 On the evenings of December 8 and -1.
Hull s ( ouSh Sjiup. get niairliid. nnd are I "Meg's Diversion." a beautiful two-act
at last Happy! ' drama, will bo rendered by bur home lal-
A Grand nhnodlns match Will He on 1 e,,, for uen'Ht of the l.ehlgh Hook &
the 20. Day of November for A HeJTer and Ladder Company. Tlfe dMma abounds
a 4 VCfl Calf nirTJIIoodlns Will lie .With wi,h "ilnf as well as serious Incidents
Shbds and vve will shood .10. yanls Not of rea' "fl'! l,,e 'ay " pleasing manner
More and Not Less come one and come, all of ',8 rendition enabling everyone to fullv
to. the House of : Between understand and correctly comprehend the
and Don't for Oct beautiful moral that underlie It- all. Ii'
the 20. lRs;() yu j?an lllnn a pkrt of a fat
Jletfr arn,A.4,weak.'calf The above was
tJiken from a fence comer, not fifty mil..
f roin here, ami is 'nn "evidence'1 that the
schoolmaster Is abroad,
The struggle for anthracite coal ton
najje is ilrons, tuvrnll. railroads penetratlne
the sections of P( E L t, ,1,,,
fuel I produced arC running lines Into new
i'r,r ,0,ry,-, ri' 1'1'-n,,,-vlvn' nd the
Lehigh Valley are the most active In these
, .... iiiime 111 1 in 1 nnr, especially inn latter,
;vi , vl Ml? ' ' ."" ' "7 .unTl ,lie
niel.eadlngnndl'eniisylvaiiia. The amount
ujihi ui ,iii,iiuu,uiai tons 01 coal,
dirt, rock and slato lifted from the bowels
of the earth In Its production.
Ftrrvville News Items.
rtobert Ilamford. of Lansford, spent
burday with friends in town.
ll'e are pleased to note that Hev. II. F.
Powell Is convalescing after a ferlous ill
ness. Tho weather during tho past week has
had the effect of bringing out fur caps and
, Tl" public salo at Stelgerwalt's last
luesday was well attended by our people.
Misses Sallle and Jennie Pettlt were
visiting Mrs. II; V. Morlhlmer, Jr., at
I.elilghton, last Saturday.
-A large number of visitors were In
town during the week. DAISY.
To tba Ladies.
. W,e'.r"n ,,,e ,lest Plush Coat In the
Leh'gh Valley for from to W2. at M.
A. G. (Juldin's, 60S Hamilton street, Al
I'liloup, '
Interestinn Notes of Men and Places. '
Hanks Township was erected from Latl -
sanne about 1841. or usl nr or lo i hom"" "vnu.-.iTu.j
gaiilzatlon of Carbon countv,snd w as named
after Judge Hanks, then presiding In
Northampton county. Ilanks'townshlp Is
probably ten mjles In. length nnd fully two
miles wide. It Is located on Spring Moun
tain, fully fourteen feet above tide water.
A small creek named IJeaver, rises some
where near Jeanivllle, On llio Northern
line of the township and flows sluggishly
Eastward, connecting with Hazle creek,
near Lausanne township, at which point
lis descent becomes very rapid. Hanks
township was first brought Into public no
nce uyino uiscoveiyoi anthracite coal in
1812, of which tho first was mined hy
Nathan Huach, In 181:1. In those caily
days when the transportation of articles In
bulk were laborious, and very Inconvenient;
coal was taken lo Philadelphia In arks
(boats) where it was sold at & and $10 per
ton. in many Instances coal was canicd
overland in drays which, with the other
Inconveniences attached 10 tho mining of
the iiuskv diamonds made its use In mauy
hoitseholds a rarity. The mines in Hanks
township since their opening have passed
through various hands, but at present are
being worked by Coxc Hros. and the L. V.
H. It. Company. The population of the
township Is closely estimated at nbout four
thousand five hundred, and embrace
Heaver Meadow, Yorktown, Audenrlcd,
Jcansvlllcand Tresckow. Heaver Meadow
Is located six miles from Weatheily and
has eight stores, two or three ehuivhr,two
school houses and a number of beneficial
societies. Audenrled, named after Lewis
Audenrlcd, u Philadelphia coal dpurntor.
lies close on In the linn of the counties of
Schuylkill anil Luzerne, and lias flv
chtiiches, a number of stores and good
seliooU. JcansWIIc lies almost wholly in
I. uzeind county, hatf shout fifteen hundred
population. Tresckow has (Ui'o'r six hun
dred population, n number of
houses and stores.
Hos. HonntvrKLOTZ. Among the older
residents of Mntidi Chunk the genial coun
tenance of the above named gentleman Is
probably the most conspicuous. "Hob's"
happy-go-lucky disposition attracts atten
tion wherever ho goes and with whom ever
he comes In contact. Itobort Klotz Is a
decendent of Jacob Klotz, w ho emigrated
to this country from Germany sometime
during the year 17411. "Hob" A-a the se
cond son of Christian and Elizabeth Klotz,
and was born In this county, Oclober'27,
1810. His boyhood was passed, no doubt,
In the usual manner, and abounds with
laughable as well as serious Incidents, which
to the Honorable gentleman are but a
memory now. He was educated In Hie
common schools of. the county; but hy
utilizing his "spare" moments he advanced
far beyond tin oilier scholars In point of
intelligence and at the age of twenty-four
lie was elected Heglster and Hecordcr of
tills county. The Major served his coun
try with honor and courage during tho war
with Mexico. In 184S he was elected to
the State Legislature, and re-elected In
1840. Mr. Klotz has filled many other
county offices, and nlso served two terms
as a member of Congress, with credit to
himself and the patty he represents.
Susimit Hili, owes Its origin to Jacob
Glntcr, who discovered anthracite coal
there some' line during the vear 1791. It
was a number of years afterward, sometime
during 1818,before operations for llio preci
ous mineral were commenced on a system
atic basis. However, nt that time the
lands became tho property of a corporation
known as the Lehigh Coal Company, who
Instituted a settlement nnd commenced the
mining and transportation of coal; but
the region being wild nnd mountainous It
required a goodly number of years before
the settlement put on the appearance of an
established town. Following the history
of Summit Hill, a It passes from one age
to another, wo notice that it abounds with
the usual comical as well a serious Inci
dents connected with the establishment of
mining towns. Summit Hill to-day, is no
doubt, far beyond what the caiiy coal
pioneers dreamed It would be. It Is a
tlulvirg town, with many possibilities,
which the enterprising citizen can make
facts if they but stick to. it. The popula
tion of the town Is probably nearly two
thousand, nnd with its beautiful churches,
school house nnd many elegant business
places and hotels and restaurants, In con
nection wlili the natural curiosities, thn
burning mine, tho Ice cavo nnd the world
famous swItcMback railroad. Summit Hill
ranks in point of popularity far above any
town in the Lehigh Valley.
Ioteresting Weathsrly Locals.
The entertainment given In Cassler'f
I'lnk on Fildav and Satunlav e venlntf. In
the pupils of our public schools was a sue.
cess financially and otherwise. At a small
charge for admission, the receipts for both
evenings were. I00. Tills monev the
teachers purpose lo ue for miivhaslnf
supplementary reading, which is now con
sidered almost essential for leaching read
ing successfully hy all live ami progressive
disciples of the "new profession." Permit
me. In this connection, Mr. Editor, lo ask.
What has "Lively Lehighton" done In
this direction, halug the County Superin
tendent to back mid boss Its school affairs?
Our enial friend Mr. S. Croll.of town,
Is nt present at Dululh. .Minn., where be
owns considerable real estate. Ills oblcct
in going mil. Is lo dispose of some of his
piopeit), ir lie cm do mi to advantage, and
phice the numey thus realized again in
I a forgone ctmehislon from the
a t,iat best talent the town affurds
nas neen beciirrd, and this hi connection
with the tact that tho suite will be fitted
up with scenery procured expressly for the
purpose tempts us to say that it will b an
unparallelled success, llelow we sivotlie
cast of characters
llmevSi.' Mr' (ieo0V' .V
jm::::::":' -
Itnland ridgeou ......... Mrl (L vv. lie
. uieiu
,ir. i.eorue iieieiiard
Miss Lulu L. Zebner
MksK.illle lu lUmleiihtiih
r0ok out for ltl WilL for It" A
ltebcr 1
And bo 1
The Westber During December.
The follow Ipcr are the nreilleilnp
- , , ,v.
November Slid IJeccmber, by DeVoe. thu
Vr, . , i " ', "cauier propnei,
All his forecasts are calculated for Phlla-
uui,iua, aim ue says: -.voveinner win en-
will bo verv warm and foL-cv. On iho ml
... . 11 " inu .mi ami -1111 1
a thunder shower may ho looked for. and
011 theOtli will occur a sudden fall In tem
perature. The next seven days will not he
marked by any particular change. On the 1
.-.I.., iu, 11. in, ui. 1 mn wm occur tne assault ami oattery, was postponed at re
Indian hiinuuer weaiher. and the 18th ami quest of counsel,
llllh will hn warm and rainy. The 20th1 .
IVAI'.6 JWK01 ly.i.a f"'l,,n fnt' temper-1 -There are to he twonty-seven snow
ature; and ibis will be follow ed by winter 1 storms this winter.
fX'&U wlll'be Ximfimll'ibS t -lfton Is to have a night school for
chZof? liyred 'ho can not
nil no In, Inn Krnni,,., tl 1.. ........ 1 Hlirillg llio nay.
2d. southeast stonn; Wh and Pth sliowi
ISth and lllth. heavy snow; Rlh and luth,
cold and plenty of sleighing; 25th to 28th, 1
thaw; aoih. foggy and rainy: 30. stoim:
m, snow, and gieat fall In teuiperaiure."
Head the Oarspj Advooatc.
People si Thy Come and Oo.
Our pcoplo who may have relatives or friends
Vlsllllllf lliem will trrpnttv filillirn lit. sntwtlnv
, 1" their names ami residence for publication
Cyrus Dcrhatner, of Bethlehem, was
In town last Friday,
Miss Lulu L. Zchner spent last Mon
day with Slallngton friends.
Mrs. J. W. itaiidcnbush, spent last
Tuesday with Allentown friends.
Hev. Enlman, of Mattch Chunk, was
In town for a few hours last Friday,
Miss Lou K.ipp, of Weissport, 1 so
jottrntng with friends at White Haven.
Our ynmig friend Hiram Kuder, of
Philadelphia, was In town over Sunday.
Mrs. Christian Itapp, of Allentown,
spent Inst Sunday with Lehlgbtdn friends.
George Williams, of town. Is solourn
Ing with relatives andtrlcnds In Philadel
phia. ' . . ' '
Hon, A. W. ltau'lenhushnof to'wn,wa
on n trip to Ne.vv York City during the
week. i
"Jack11 Hnrwlf. tho genial proprietor
of the Horse Shoe Hotel, was In town on
Monday. ' '
Miss Mary Ebbcrt, of South street,
spent several dkys'.thls week with friends
at Allentown.
Aaron H'cldaw and fnmllv, of South
street, spelit last Sunday with relatives and
friends at Ml- Carmel.
Our genial friend Daniel Graver, of
Mountain Top, while In town Saturday
dropped lu to sec ns.
Mcssdnmc Matkel ami Hawercan and
Miss Amelia Pelile, of lliigh Gap, were
the -guests of Mrs. Fred. Btlnkinan on
Our genial friend George Huntzlngcr,
of llio . Sw itchback iiestntiraut, Summit
HIJJ,;hi)o In tqwil last Friday dropped In
to seo us,
Geo. Schlffert. who lias been located
In this town during Hie past year has moved
with his family to Millport, where he will
take charge of the Millport Hotel.
Mahoning Items. II. II. Strauss moved to Lehigh
ton on Tcursday.
A shooting match came off at the New
Mahoning hotel on Saturday.
The sacrament of Hie Lord's Supper
was administered In St. John's chinch last
Sunday morning by licv. W. H. Strauss.
Mr. N. Scldle, of Philadelphia, wastho
guest of C. II. Seldlc (hiring the week.
Dennis Notbsteln purchased a wind
mill to run his feed mill, planing mill, etc.
While out hunting last week Alfred
Senslngcr had the misfortune to lose his
A series of pr.itrtcted meetings are at
present being held in the Evangelical church
of this place.
One day last week wlille out gunning
In East Penn. Edwin McFarlln was acci
dentally shot by one of his companions.
Ho will recover.
English services will be held In St.
John's church to-morrow (Sunday) after
noon at 2 o'clock by Hev. A. Bartholomew.
The other day' Will bad the sentence
"the girl has a doll" on the black-board,
and asked the girls of the primary reading
class whether they bad dolls. "Yes"' re
plied a bright 0 vear old. "I had one but It
died." The Hula girl went up head and
uie ciass was dismissed.
Last week's Gazette contained an article
saying mat tlie reason wliy the Teachers
County Institute was held at Mauch Chunk
this year was because thn evonlng lectures
were not attended us well at Lehichtou last
year as thev formerly were, when the Insti
tute was neiu at jinucn Ulmnk. This is a
mistake. The evening course of lectures
was attended twice as well a,t Lchlghton as
at .mucn cntiiiK. Dash.
Odd Fellows In Session
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, held their
seini-niiniial session in Odd Fc lows' Hall.
Sixth street, above Arch, Philadelphia,
Tuesday The bulsness transacted was
mainly of a private character. The attend
ance or representatives was very large.
Grand Master Charles W. lildgeway pre
sided. The following nominations of
officers were made: Grand Master, John W.
Hntiey, Pittsburg; Deputy Grand Master.
James. P. Hobbins, Philadelphia; Grand
Warden, Henry Steuernagle, Allegheny;
John II. llhodcs, Glen Piddle; W H. Loyd,
Philadelphia; .1. Miles Jamison, Bucks
county; M. D. Wiley, Allegheny; Ururgo J.
liuser, Ilarrlsbnig; It D. Armor, Gettys
burg; f'hailes More, Poitstown; E. J.
Ell man, Liueaster; Thomas ('orninan.
Carli-le: W. Gavluiil Thorn .1. Sntniitim
1 Jul in 'J'. IIoiw, iScrairon: J. Mr-fir. cur
Glhb. Philadelphia; John 1. Ileggs, Ilnrris
burg; Charles W. Hancock, Philadelphia;
. E. Marsh, Cony; T. Springer.Jr.,
Susquehanna; W. H. Horn, Catasauqua;
John Wuneh, llirdtboro. General J. P. S.
Gobln, Lehaii.injliev Dav Id Craft. H'yalus
ing; II. II. Gr.lum. Philadelphia; W. Nolf,
lli'thlelum; (;iand Secretary, .lames B.
Nlchohon. Phlladeldila; Grand Treasurer.
Colonel M. Ilich.irds Muckle. Philadelphia;
Grand Hepeseniatlve, Francis M. Hca.
'I he election for olllcers will takes jilace
In the subordinate lodges in March, 1SS7.
The next session of tho Giand Lodge will
beheld in Seranton.
Our goo I and clever friend, lawyer James
II. Hostile r, of Deshlcr Bros., on Thuisd.iy
last took unto himself a wife in the perM)ii
of Miss Lizzie M. of e.x
Judgo Dennis How man, of Parryvllle,
Cailion county. Ho went so ipileily about
It no one hereabouts found out when.
or where, or how It was done mill! af er
the hvmenlal knot had been tied. Forcel-
rul..r.i...i..n..itr . . . .
mi ui mn junv meoi a oacneior, wincli lie
will know no more forever, in a moment of
love delirium ne.or his own freewill.forgcd
uie siiKen snaeuies that bind nim to
anotner Heart, lints to find anelyslum amid
able to say. ll'e only know that at last he
ha recognized the fact "that It Is not good
formau to be alone." He long successfully
dodged Cupid's darts, but has at last sur
reiuleied to the skill of the cunning archer,
or what Is the same thing, to the charms of
the gentle ami captivating Miss Lizzie.
We doubt not the union is an entirely fell,
citousone, and we trust that nthwait Hie
alter thus established tho glow of tlie hearth
lire may never bring to light anything not
intended to promote uinl insure the fullest
possible men sure of domestic happiness.
The couple, have many friends who will
wl.h for tlmm manyyears 'of Wedded bliss
plenty of big joys, and "little oife" too.
Allentown Democrat.
Work of the Pardon Boird.
The Hoard of Panlons,- which held an
adjourned suerol fesslon on tlie 17th Inst.,
announced the following actions ll'ednes
day: Samuel Khrlich, Northampton county,
false pretences; pardon granted. The case
was considered on papers submitted and
pardon recommended because tlie prisoner
Is dying. Tlie sentence of Edward Costcllo,
Lackawanna county, assault and battery,
was commuted to one year and will expire
next January, A pardon was also recom
mended In tliA oucM nt til... 11
Philadelphia. fnrtiinn.lelllnr Tim r!lo.i.'
Ing cases were held under advisement!
td. J. ( offey, murder in tlie first degiec,
Allegheny; John Hanlley, Allegheny,
larceny; Terrenco ftweenev. Lackawanna.
t. j,.."n.',iu, ,,wjiic, ururiMjii, inu.
1 nlous assault; George AlcKiernan. Clear-
louuery ; Augustus liotuyne. Jefferson, fel
iieni, assault anil battery: Theodore Smith.
Northumberland, burglary; Justus Hoff-
man, Luzerne, manslaughter; Newman et
ai., i asmngion, conspiracy ami riot: Lad
ner brothers. Philadelphia, embezzlement.
Tho following were refused: Josephine
Felix, Clinton, malpractlcejNellle Sherman,
Powflll.Allegheny, entering a building and
niirgneiiy procuress. Tlie. case of John
' R W 'lfS nnd Styles of
ndies ''oatitP'R at iirirestu
. ., """"r." pntxs iu
asfoinsll tile most economical
.btiyer, at (lanss & Bro., the
I ttulors, Bank etreet.
Topics Discnssetl "Over the River
The Knights of Labor as an organiza
tion aro growing stronger day by day, a
fact which Is recognized too bv all panics.
In going over the history of tlie organlza
Hon It Is almost Impossible to realize Hie
wonderful growth of this order which binds
together the laboring masses of the new
world by the common ties of what Is right
and Just between man and man. It would
be foolish to suppose that this organization
has been Without Its mistakes - It ha com
mitted errors In moments of Indiscretion
which has bad Hie tendency to make many
doubt the true aim of tho onler, but these
mistakes have only proven the general
weakness of man, and strengthened the. la
boring biasses lu the pursuit for the ends
they have In view. That they will be suc
cessful In the pursuit of a redress of their
wrongs, whether fanciful or real, Is sin
cerely honed, llht the elevation of the la
boilh&jdajsns .will not come In a dav nor
in n year, It will renulre limn, nnd il,n
uouesi aim earnest cilor;
nf evei-v nn ,,f
...ii ... t...-.. i.- .. . "
ion iu Keep uie onu roiling until It shall
demand, Z ST"", ProI?rtl0"s M
demands the attention of he who usurps
uie ngni aim uicniiy ot lauor. VVo would
advise a discontinuance of strikes for the
wage-earner Is always the user, nnd pro -
.is a iijiuus in seining nil uiiucilltles
Hruiirniinii; uie noycotl
awnv with and the snlrlt
shou d bo done
of flnnreht,th ,,(
oi anarchistic anil
limes imbue some
tupmlmfa li I.,-
Seclallstic Ideas that ni tin
oi llio moro UiouzlitJess members be In.
- ......... .,s, ov, ,,
slantly nnd severely quelched. then "or- ''"'sht d away In the blond of th iamb.
ganizo. agitate and
fill termination of the ends and purposes !HI walk In Ills Ilaht, ."
of the'Klilghts of Labor will be but a mat
ter or lime.
For sometime past we have been nolle
Ing with about ns much interest a a pen.
nlless Individual has a right lo notice, tlte
cuuiiEPui wvrrai oi i.enigiiion s cnterpris -
ni(i anu vnercuiic nun vidliais, towards I lie I """"i:10 13 eesouen ,-on oi lion, w ho
organization of a water company. But I fVlr 'v'f, '? m'crccdc for u. ir Is the unnu
llkl itr Mnr iV.L iT .i.V"..5 ' . ' MnrA: " I .d In ihlvworld. hkft rtlAt
..... j ,, v a. tiu iu
pan out worth a cent. It is surprising lo
notice the IndlfTerenco of the inonled ndl -
vlduals of our sister town In resrard to ihl
matter, however; there Is no doubt hut
what It would bo ns substantial an Invest
ment as could possibly bo made yielding
larger returns, when onco on a firm basis,
than If the money wns placed on Interest.
Wc understand that about $10,000 lias
been subscribed towards the project and
that a like amount Is still needed, we
would Invito the attention of our inonied
men to thfs fact, and urge them to Invest
accordingly. The subscription list is at
Heydt's law oftice, on Hank street, and If
you feel In any way interested make it a
point to call.
Oreatly Increased Circulation. '
' -Thcdcireulation of the Cabuon Advo
cate this week Is twelve hundred nnd
never less than ono tliousaud. This Is a
fact that should be borne. In mind by our
merchants who are thinking of advertising.
The Advocate circulates amongst a class
of people who are always, Interested In the
business bouse that presents the most and
best bargains; as an advertising medium
then tills journal unquestionably takes the
lead fiver all others in 'the Valley, and It
will certainly pay you to plant nn advertise
ment In our columns. Our circulation Is
constantly and rapidly Increasing, and the
explanation to tills is that the Advocate
is only $1.00 per year, of fifty-two weeks,
and presents weekly to Its large number of
rraiiers. interesting letters frora New York
and Washington, with correspondence
from neighboring towns, and In fact all
the local news up to the hour of going to
press. 2'he Advocate Is bound to inter
est and please the most careful and fastidi
ous readers.- Tlie largest one dollar paper
In Uie Vnlley, nnd the only one dollar
paper In the county. Your favors are
kindly solicited.
, , Books, Boeke.
1000, standard and miscellaneous books,
handsomely bound in cloth am) gold, regit
lar price 41.25, will be sold at 50 cents each
by E. F. Luekenbach, 01 Broadway.
ManjlJ' Chunk.
GleaeiFrom all Parts of the State.
bcranlon Is" to have a company with ft
capital for the forging of wronulit Iron.
A Knitting factory to employ one-hundred
anil' twenty-live bands Is to bo established at
Wesl tirove.
The puddlers, ntllrooks furnaces, Dlrdsboro,
will rceciycfiii advance of twenty-five percent on
the first of December.
Aillhs Ilrook, a wealthy citizen of Honevbrook.
Chester ooiiiUy, committed suicide by ehloi oform
abouVmrdnlgh't Monday,
Jlrs, J. hhiison Aflica, wife of the recent
Democratic candidate fur Secretary of Internal
afljlrs, died at Huntingdon Monday,
Labor nmtteis In Pittsburg aro better and
brlghter thaiieverbefoieiutlie hlstorv of thai
city. Work Is boondnir and lirosneet me timi
It will continue so.
.loslah JIcKeen, convicted last snilncof wife
poisoning, and confined In Jail at MWHnbiirg,
broke Jail .Monday. A reward ofjax) Is offered
lor ins apprehension.
The bursting ol a flv wheel n-. II. a
vanla Dolt Works. I.ebonan.lastTuesitav.eaiised
damaKeS to such an extent (hat work 'l, I'becn
suspended for one week.
The iKMindary dispute between Krlo nml
Warren counties has been adjusted. Krlccm.nt
galns several hundred acres of land, Includmsii
valuable tract near fnrrv
'..!, i. 1 . .
Mm til Ilrnthers, of Coatesvllle, do not net as I
though they exacted to hold out long luralnst
the Mi lkers, They arc enlarging and Impiovlng
Ihelrhon mills and biilldliiK a new puddle mill.
-Dr. IChna Travis wants to he a member of
the Lackawanna County Medical Society, and
rr.vare 111 iiouni as to wlictlier they should ad
Iillta woman to membership; but it is thought 1
she will eel In 1
, " r " ,
Lee Patterson, coal operators, who own 1
mines ai Clinton, Lawronco cnuntj-. have leased 1
the old coke oven plant, which tnln. eW.,y '
ovens, and will put them In full operation ussoon
a necessary repairs can be made
-tinvcrnor IMtt.vm M(Uy ,!,, the death-1
warrants of John Jl. Wilson, of Montgomery 1
county, and James I'. McCaho, of Wayne county !
condemned murderers. The date ol
lu.ll, n.I-a Is w .. .1 . , .. . I
,, ,u,t, n iiaiti mi uaiiiiary ip, ipst,
At a conference of t enty-four out of the
twenty-eight Itepiibllean members-elect of the
Legislature from Philadelphia it was agreed to
support M. S. Quay fur United Mates Kenatorand
Henry K. tinyer for Speaker of tho State House
of Hepresentatlves.
The Independent nnd antl-corivonitlou Sena
tor Van Wyck may hold the balance of power in
me oeuaie, nnu me 1-ihor. and Oreenbaek
Itenresentntlvca will have iho hninn 1- I
m,. iin,llu Dl,,i irn..... .... :::. i...::-1 '
that h.ody.
IHnkeu Clauss. On November 5th. by
ltev. G. W. Stlbltz, JI. W. Hlnker. of
Allentown, and 11 lis Kloy Clauss, of I.o
hlBtiton. EcKtnT Ssirrir On' October 28th. by
Rev. A. Har holomew, Harrv Eckert, of
I.elilghton, and Miss Cora "j. Smith, of
Twwkl Sciiock On November 7th. by
the same. Frank A. Troxell. of West
l'enn and Miss Acnes M. Schock, of
n alker twp Schuylkill county.
Grkbmoole FKTiiKn. On November
fjth, by the same, at tho home of the
Drlde s parents, Ferdinand Greenoglc. of
rsmaqua.and Miss Louisa M. Fcther, of
W alkor twp., Schuylkill county.
ClJ!fPpn.--On inikesharre.
milium i.muue. aausiueror .lolin u. and
Mary L. Cunfer, aged 1 year, 1 month
and '2 days.
illLLWt On November 1st. ln ITackel.
. . - - - .-
bornle. Mary Martha.daiihterof William 1
F. and Mary E. Miller, ajed 7 years, 8
mouths and 10 days. ' '
GEiiiiuii.On NovcwbcrSrd.ln WestTenn. I
bnd'io da''1 'DlX 75 lea"' U'0,U,,S !
mig ua)s.
iu.u.-un .ovemner 11th. In Ml nesv lie
St f wm. ki. Jf Mauch ,
Chunk, aged 24 years, 15 days.
Jllst rnroivoA Irnm lln.lni,
mi iinincnso siock oi tne ccnu-
. . . h i
IvniL'ht of Labor SIiock.
winch we nre solhuc at $2.50 !
n,l sM w 4 i i. i ,11
OIK! 5,J arrantCU SOllU calf
leather f'lniiKa Urn tlin
Tailors, sole agents for Carbon1
county. ,
Iftreatioiial Snnflay School Lesson.
DY ftEV. F. 11. HAltOnKAVES.
Leuon 8, A'otember 21ft.
I John, 8-10! 2. 1-0. doldcn Texti 1 John, 1-17.
Time, probably nbput W A t., towards the close
ot John's life. Place, prnbabl) at Hphcsus.
John announces a mevsage from heaven a
message which ho lun niched from Christ, Hint
"(iod Is IIkIiI, and In Him Is no daikhcss nt nil."
What a beautiful troth I this. Light Is the best
possible type we have of (fod. Light Is mysttrl
ous. It Is the source of all health nnd life. With
out It wc cannot ha'-e life In plant or aHlmnl.
Hciciitlfle attention Is even now bennr turned to
the .siiu In cnniicrtlnn with recent eiullimiakes,
and It Is contended that the sun's licat I the pri
mal force wlileh Is iittcrwards manifested In
earthquake and volcano. Hiellght of the st.n Is
I he liaruliiRer of lite and health, and It Is also
the most potent factor In the destructive forces
of the enrfh. "Rod Is light." , In Him we have
mimd. Intellectual light and lite. Nothing can
Us hid from lllmi He Is perfectly riwtilrftnt ot a'l
things! He can enlighten the mind nnd Instruct
us and lead us In Uie way ot- all truth. "Uod Is
, W? " here told that If wewalk In this light,
I hi (iod, wo shall have certain ctiumeterljtles
r.'"V V!" ST.."." evinenee oi our inns walking lu
m'.Vi 5','V. ' V.I!J!0Kl''p. onc ltn
1 munlon wltli cm 1st. It ' we lovd Ji-suVwe siiiiii
i mw e me ureiurrn. ii we carry envy, tifitred
'.'f11' c hi our hi t Is tow iul those who pro-
fwls "l m,".1'- u.wl11 ''eh",""1 evidence thaf we
are not milking In tl v llcht. And, then. "The
blood of Jesus Christ, III, Hm, eleniieth us from
Hll sill." Hire Is slltl another lpf f liti-all,, will
....,....,,, a,,.- ,,, un rn, virnmi'UI US Idl
H ! sin." litre Is tl!l another test. (nrlns will
III the liekt elmtitre .Tnlm fi,U. .,. ft.nt l,lr ...,
inaii sin, wo have iin advocate ltli the rather,
df-snslhrlst, the rlghtenu;-aiid He Is the pro.
p tlatlon lor Mirslnsi nnd noUor ours only, hut
also for the sins nt the wlinte world." Herein Is
ii glorious .truth full ot comfort nnd hope for Int.
inanity. If a man Is n slnnei, If hn Is walking In
darkness, stumhllugnliing the patllwavnf life? he
1 nasiiti miMiejite with ;nd, vhols ligtm Thnt
mi mo emsi, was iinneii, nun tlie limit Uv rose
1 nnl from the dead: nil ef which fact John was
!r''Ki',taM,,0,,,?,lsmcrln!l'" was made
' Ei , "J"1" i 'lii "f."' Pri'MiiiUion
' onrslns. anri not for nnr, nniv i,t,t uie,. f.
the sins nt the whole woild," That blood atones
iui uie miuiij nuoutn race,
John siivs ttintlt we know nod, nnd walk In
Ills hht, ye shall keep lit commandment.
Hestasyof love and enliiMnent Is well enoueb,
but H ere must he the dallv wnlk In hnrmniiv
with thehiwof (Iod. VTti must keep Ills com-
j . - i . i mis snail we mve nnniner evi
ileneo lliat we are walking In Ills glorious light,
and thnt we ore Ills children. And (Jod will
bring us nt last to eternal lire.
txssox TitormiTs.
1. 8ln will keep you hi darkness nnd error.
2. (Mien tho windows of your koul and lot tho
light In. '-
3, 1,ct your life csemnllfv s our character.
4. Constant communion n lt!i God will make you
more like Illiti.
Peace After Victory.
Mn. Kditoii: My motive in so persistently
urging ltev. Mr. Weiss lo give hi reasons for
leaving the Prohibition party lind going over to
tr.e itepuuiteon party, (which he nt last very ro
luctantly promises to give as he thinks It ha
"lieeome necessary,") Is purely benevolent. Al
though he did in public, virtually, call his own
cousin and a dozen or more Prohibitionists who
were In the back part nf the church unobserved
by him, ''extremists, soreheads and blockheads,"
(as I proved;! yet 1 hold no malace toward him
nnd hope to retain his friendship after he cools
on nnd simmers dow n a little. My purpose is to
cure him or Hint nwful habit some Republicans
have of calling those who differ from them bv
hard names because they have no arguments
give :-to show hlmhnw unmannerly It is to use
abusive en thets scalnst nnvlMvtr In iii hm,..
God where they have nn chance, to defend them
selves: nnd then to convince ltlm of the error of
"is nays, ami 11 nni incnrrieiDie switch htm on
the road nf Prohibition, which mean "plenty of
bread, nnd water, and nlr," his nddle-dedce
nreument notwlthstnndhn:.
It was a bad day for poor Adam when he left
the Prohibition party end went over to the J,l
yenso natty: it wns n bad day since then for
ltev. Mr. w elss who now "chides himself for not
treating the whole affair with "silent contempt."
It Is a hard matter to serve God and mammon,
a those to- to do who would rnther sacrifice
their convictions than their Ilnunr-lleense and
llquor-proteetlvc party. That the course of the
rev. gentleman Is considered very dlsrnptnble
and shameful bv his own church mav be seen
from a communication received afewdavs nco
from one of Its most prominent and htchly es.
teemed .atnr. which read, "DearClarenee: I
think poor Webster cot hlmef into scalding
water. I sawjie moved to nethlehem, I suppose
for n more congenial atmosphere. I nni sur
prised at his course as he used to exhibit the fate
of the drunkard at the callows with mnrked suc
cess, nnd now' lie goes and votes for the continua
tion of the license system I Ii.- r Is 'the means of
brtiiKlnc the noor drnnknril tnthetriiitmva ni.
consistency thou art n ewel.' Thev savttie
Itepiibllean platform shall destiov Hie drink
traffic, hut I am nfrald Hint plank Is tno rotten
to hold tlie numerous nnd corpulent brewers,;
ennseniiently will en under aed their talk of Prr.
hlhltlnn prove a farce. We'll see," It has nl.
readv proved a farce In New Vurt nn.1 rinir, r i
am certain ir we could onlv eel people to read
n,,.l InnV t .l,n I..-I. ... I, I. ( , . ., 1
..., ,,, ,,,v 1,'kh- ,,i i iiiitiiiiiitui jaeis. inev
will readllv see the neepstv nf Independent
partv netlon. (as thn Abolitionists saw Tho neees.
sltv vears acn;) and If all who favor lei'nllro.
hlbltlnn unite their trenirlh 0"tlde nf the II
cense parties we can wire nut Hie drlnk-traltl-In
n cnmpiiiatlvelv short time. I am convinced
at Ifthevniinppn'nlt orator even would only
L'et and read a Prohibition paper, wltli ono loi.ih
thpiivldlty with which he devie-rs that hlch-
ii.-ciiji- MiiTi-in. i ii'iineii"ia i'rrit. ue woulil
seo the neees-ltv verv read'lr. nnd not remain
a lieimbllran franllenl'v heccrlni for nlr. lust ns
If we wore going In stop off the supply In prevent
him snoring nt niftht. With a few words In re
ply In his vawe. rambling nnd Illogical artlele of
last week. I win c'ns, and IKten attentlvelv
1 ''J1.'!"",". 1rty. lie entitles ids article "Tho War
I This reminds mo of the hftle hov who hit Ms
. ',, im-i:im mih riM-nns mr leaMnc roe )'ro-
i V1.. ",'r "" ,p,''";,' ,T,1P ';'t"er wentfor him with
llttff W WtTTlhSr 1.VW1??. etliZ
"'" stnnped beallnc and i-atd.
nshamed to Idle your fall
v nnrt looklnc bis father In f
"Well, dud, who enmmepeed flit'
ii. ".loMiiiy. aln t
father?" .Inhnnv
11 tlie face repllcil.
, tn,, ,-,,iiiiiitii,-i'ii mis ere war, anv-
tv lrt.l. ,.m,Dl III... fl.n 1l.llA l.l. .
iieniir innroi iiiaine commenced tin 'ere war
... . iii.-i'iiit- miv,ei-
niuiseii iiiaiviiig mo ni'si enarge on humlav even
Ing "under rover of darknes." And. when I
completely cornered blm bv a few nunstlon
which he evade because he cannot afford to
nnsweri tic re itlres his first liattle is hnne'essly
lost, looks nromid In desnalr and trenihllnely
';,;",Hs Pe for rorimenelmr what he eonsldersso
drendfiil ns to call "war," but Is only a little Pro-
hibltinn tilt. Vow. eet up, cousin, and trv It
WKiln: I never strike a man when he Is down
"en 1 mm 111 nt noes ns yon say. -1,1, t, feet
sponsible rnr the small Prohibition vote In the
county," and would Ihnnk him to produce Ids
fd, ow-,
ln 'I'1'6 "'all Ids elfmts to fiijuro tire Prohibition
"W''1'. (although of tho voters had
,T,an,?oY;,,'v';f, r11?rFSinnlnlS
n. .n...!.. 11'..).......,. ...... , .. '
nnd four In Welssisirt; and most of these were
cast by Ids own friends and memlier of Ids own
church who pltv and deplore hlh:nnranre nf tlie
philosophy nf l'liihlblllon. And when he ran for
sheriff on the Prohibition ticket, he worked very
hard spendtns time and money, and had the
county preitv well pasted with his dodjrers. vet
he only received a comimriillvcly fcinall vote,'a.
though he told me iersonnllyidioitlv before elee.
Ion, that Ir he only had two weeks innre to work
In ho believed be would hecleeled. Of course be
was defeated: tm reasHi was he did nor in t
enoiiKh votes; and I havoknowiisurh n defeat to
' i-o errl uy calling to ayounj; man's pride that
iieawneniv Declines so iincratprnl i-n ti. nnrtv
and never came b'ick. I flt j ery Horn-for his
defeat, and ,1hi sorry still: hart he. been elected
he would po Jliaibt he a reidoim arid (m'lhlfsfastle
third party Prohibitionist to-day, and the words
he used on that fatal ewnlnc would not have
been uttered. I deny that. I vtas prompted by
anyone (hut my own sense of Justice), to write
the successful articles Rphn which he So siibmls.
slvely "would conyratiilate mn;" lwith articles'
were written entirely by myself, without any re
niiett, hint, or aid. Hnvr do you like them?
lett tlie paily
iien. 11,11 1 sain in my lormer articles
"stands on the vantage croimd of truth." ami
! needs no other defense; and If bo will kindly
.now- me vviiere I misrepresent him fa he says,)
I vrtll most humbly bee his pardon as 11 gentle
man should do, but remember that "people who
live In idass houses should not throw stones,"
Yours respectfully,
.Subscriptions Beoelvei!
Since last report for the Cjuiiion Ad.
Alex. II. ltowman, Pnekerton
J. Jlorrls liohcrts. Lehtchton ,
Daniel Hultzcr, UdilKblou
A. K. Oldt, Pleasant Corner.........
AinanUus Zehner, Tamaqua..
II. M. .Maurer, Iuikford
Frs, McCniiha. " .,
II. It. llavH,
J.l.b'K "
o. W. Swank, "
.lona. Liiiiehnor, West l'enn., ,
,. loo
,. l.ft)
. I.00
. 1.00
.. ... ,,11,1(1, i.i ,.1 ,iunnuiii 1.1
- 'oiiu it. Acker, LehlKhton.....'. 1.1
IV1. ,K"iy' ' 'Uk.N. J 1.1
$--W$:, " ''
i'. .1. nisuer, wisi Mrnimnuurp, in.,
'- J- Habeock, Dnflon lol".'.!'."!;!!.';; l!i
Katt!S"Nffi,?;?il 1'!
Wm w imvman, l-ehliditon 1.1
v 1 i "f 1 ' . " 11 '
irriVfmr;;::;;::;:;;;:::::: 1:1
K. Ilrlnkuiau, LchUlitmi... ........ .......... u
.louas s. ItehrlBi lhlehton.
i.euHini jiejer. rncKennu ...
Coinellus itelirlir. Ileltzvllle'.,
.Miner, iiiiciiinn..,
W,,J.' tf.e,,i I' u
Geo. V. Xusbainn. lj? hlir nun. . mi
W p are now sending out a large number
0,11,1,IIIs 10 ''e'lna1""'"' '! e ho
'HI rcsiionil promptly, Wn need tl
oy to meet constantly growlnc ei
lJcrtl" ln w'"11 remtlprump
ipe they
lie mon-
-A. H. srnlurTaointcd Post-
I1"'" nJ iU-
Catarrh Is Inflammation of tho mucous
membrane, attended with Increased Sccl ctlon.
Tlins catarrh may street the head, throat, 1
stomach, bowels,. or nuy pail ot the lMxIyj
where tno mucous membrane Is found. Uut j
catan hot tho head Is by far the most common,
Coming on so gradually that often Its pres
ence Is not suspected till 't has obtained a
firm hold on Us victim. It is caused by a
cold, or a succession ot colds, combined Willi
Impure ISlooil.
Whon firmly established the dlscnso h
cccdlugly disagreeable, causing flow f nun tho
nose, diyiieis of tho, hcadache.lojs ct
appetite, roaring r.nd buzzing nchei l.i the
cars, do. In Hood's Sarsnpaillla sn?.y be
found a prompt nnd permanent euro for
catarrh, it purifies and cntlchcs the Llood,
soothes nnd rebuilds llio diseased tr.einbrar.c;
nnd thus soou cures the At t!ier.amc
time It refreshes nnd tones tho whole sy .tci::.
The icmarkablo success ef tli'.s iccullar
nudlelm. entitles It to your confidence. Olva
Hood's Sarsnp.nlU.1 nttlal.
SoldbjmltdrujsljU. fl.nlrforfj, VrjveJ c'nlr
cy.. 1. II'IJUa J., Ao ni'C.IIl,), tMn BI1,
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Ivcspectfnlly invites tlio Indies
of Lehigiiton nnd viciuity lo cull
and examine her Inrge stock- f)f
Winter Millinery Goods
comprising nil the latest nnd
most fashionable novelties in
which she has purchased direct
from the city, ahd is thus" en
nbloa to make up nnd sell nt
lower prices than ever before.
which should be borne in mind
bv the ladies is that I only keep
in stock the latest-styles nnd
gunrnntee the very best work
manship at lower prices than
the same quality and style oT
goods can be bought elsewhere,
l am constantly receiving new
goods, consequently I have nl
wnys on hand a large and varied
assortment to select-from In
Ribbons and Novelties,
I have almost everything thnt is
likely to be desired. Call and
sen my large assortment of milli
nery goods before purchasinj
elsewhere. Respectfully,
Miss Alvenia Graver,
nov so
Bank Street. Lehighton.
At Prices marked down so low as to como with
in the reach of ever) body.
Novelties in Jewelry!
lutheabove llnenf Goods we have an clepant
assortment, mid
of nil the very latest iiovrltlea lis the seison ad
vances. .ou are respei tfully iioucaKd toudl
and examine my line of piods, yim hre l oimd
lo be pleased with the Bonds, ai.d tl.e lrhcs
they are down to Itock I'.olioni.and can't be beat.
All Kinds of Repairing j
Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly intended to. nnd '
satisfaction miaruntrcd. 1 have icurhiilid, us a
mean!, 01 csieniiinc mis niiineli n inv Inisniess,
!? b "t HNUII.ii'S llOTi:!.. i-AUfiYVlLLIi
Wl'.IIM SDAV of each ui,k. Ik lu.cii II... Ii,m
of 8 a. in., ami 11 p. in. .Mi favois showiime by
,.,,n,.i.. ... ... L...m ...111 ,
". r;."i' t.iij.ini- win 1111,111 iiiijiieciai
cd. Von aielmlled to eall nnd Impel t my line
of toods when lu Uhlililou. .Next to Claws llro.
. C. DeTschirschsky,
Has always on hum! a compute Hue of
MOTIONS,. ,j ,
' - ' -AJ1.-
Vjlilch'sho Is soiling at the lowcbt prlcea. .Dur
ing the Holidays' you can save money by puii ha.s:
Ing your presents from her. Don't fall to call ami
exainluesondsand-laarnprlccs before purclias
liiu elsewhere. , wV20-3m
Opposite the Carbon, House, nank Street, Lehigii
ton, 1'epn'a,, soils
Watches! Clocks!
and Jewelry,
Cheaper on an Avcrnce thnn can lm tionrlit snv
1 ,..........r .....;.'."
i.uciv vise iu iuu cuiiiny. van una sec.
In all lUbranchc, neatly, cheaply anil PiMmpt
ly aUemU'U to.
ScnooL Bjoks.
Stationers Supplies
AN i:EWILTir, tlO-AIIi:AI) MAN, wbo has
eltber bad exiieilenee and lieen s ieeessful, ur
&,',.'nd,';cet:!A.!;c1B "I',ri,!lAj?
nno nn uie aiiiiiiy aim eneriO' to siiei eeit, to act
Millinery Sfores
"I am happy lo s: - that I used ftood'j
Sarjaparllla for citi.riu, vvltli which 1 Imvo
been troubled many years, nnd received
great relief nnd benefit frora It, The oatnrih
wa. very disagreeable, cpcclally lu tho
! whiter, causing constant d;scl,arte ffntn try
nose, tinging noises In lay csr.i, and villus m
tno.uacx or my ncaii. Tho clturt to c!anr iy
head lu the inmiilr.; by hawking and spitting
was painful ily groeer'nQvtvcd tno'tutry
Hood's nrsnparlltrt,
ncd it gave !no rellaf' lfuaeHstrJ1vvhll!4n
lime I was c'nllrety ruled. I am fiWcr'wIth
out tha inedlelno In my haute, as I tldnk' It Is
worth Us weight In gold.-' Mnd. U. C. Oinu,
lo rJIjhih fitrcet, X. W., Washington, n. (;.
"I luvo Used Hood's flariaparlll.v for
cat.irrh with" very satisfactory results, ' I
have received moro permanent benefit' from
It than from.nny other remedy I have'ovei-
I trlca."'" H. C UruD, of
! Wi.a-con. Ohio.
A. Head Si Son,
N. 15. Do not be Induced to take any other
I preparation but bo sure lo got ' '
I roMI'TStlitragir'an. Ut.i'arf. J'repsrcd only
I'J t 1. 11UU1) UU A poll.COATles, I.OIVOU, MISS.
1 (OO Dobos Ono Dollar
' L6tnpns,
Mince Meat,.
ii tit
Persinn Dates,
Spanish Onions,
Calitornia Honeys
id In
Buckwheat Flour, (,
York State Apples,
Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
Cupe Cod Cranberries, ' ' '
Fresh York State Cider.
O. M. Sweeny,. & Son,
Central Carriage' ,Wbrl:s,
Bank St., Lehigiiton, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring TTrrtgon, &c,"
Of every description, In tho most - sub(tntll
muwer, and st I.oncit Oash l'rtoM
nejialrlng Promptly IlteudodtcV
April , lt2 yi Proprietor, .
rortr i mm
extierlem.' In th
tireparatlon of cior
jwsand application for pxtcnti tm and rorelaTti noun
tri, ttm piiblishcrs ot tbt ftc(ntitl
America rrcontiimo to net at solicitor
for ?t tt)nu, csTMt trdon)rk, copr-
riffhl. tat.. fe,r tha lTnllil KtAtM. nA
(jermnDj', ani all other countri. Vhetraiprl
ence is uaeijualed ana thoir iacUttles ar Uaaur
Drawings and epfoiacntIoni prepared and li'd
In the lUteut Office on r hort notice. 1rran very
rouMfiiiabie Wo cliarce for otamlnatlon of modala
or draulns Advice by rantlfro
. ratenttsolitiiinodibrouci) MnunJkOo aroootlctd
UltiB SCIBXT1PIC A?rCllICA.N,nhtch hat
the Unrest circutatloa nnd ii the most inilaential
nwpaper of its kind published Id the world.
The advantages of such a notice overr patent;
This larse and KpUndidlr UhmtraCbd neirspapef
1 publiKhrd WKUIClA" fi6 $J.(K)ear.nd x
admitted to-be the bvtt paper devoted to science,
mechanic!, Invention, euglneerinft vorlt, and
nther departmente of Industrial prn;rei, pub
1 1 cd In an coiintrr. It containa the names of
all patentees and title of every Invent iou patented
oach weeV. Try It four months for one dollar,
bold by all newsdealers.
If you have an Invention to patent write to
Mtmn A Co.. tublfbers ot Scientitlo Auericarj.
Vtl Hrond.ay, New York
Handbook about patent mailed tree.
to ublAin natftnls In (a.n?dt. Emrlnnd. Frnnea.
Red Jfacltot !Forqe Pump
any Depth of well."
Sincle Cjllndcr, -liuublu
" - . T
No I'aiklnt'box Pump,
?1R no
u 0
Buckeye Foroo Pump up to
' Seventy-fivo Feet,
ftlnsle Cylinder, . - . . tu na
Houble. " is co
Rumsby Foroe Pump, $18.50,
Deptliup to screnir-fhe fcut,
Ru'msey Iron Lift Pump,
up'toflfty fect,ja.on. Iron CUtern rump from
t3 upwards. Also '
rl C percent, off for Oash. -
JOHN 11, 11. ACKlMl. Airent.
CV. t I.IVIV1I ,,,,,l r,b...L- ii. ........ ., ,.
ay, Lolilaiilon, upjioslui Hie old Priming (iffleo.
nov.13, -80,.yi
Real Estate Agency.
Tlie undersigned respectfully Inform the public
that they hae milte a variety of
snd a largo numbenof-?
Including thoso of ltobcrt Kloti and f. 0. bin.,
and alsi the l.lndeiinan esuite.and tba Mndtr
mail I'nrin, J"or tardier Information apply to
k HKVDT J; HKAIKlblir,
Aug. 14 tf. Hank Hlreet, LcIiIkIiIoii, l'a.
All the lutest novelties. in
Fall and Winter merchant tailor
mn poods at Clauss & Bro.,
LiKSfS After