The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 20, 1886, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
The N. Y. Sunt The new Labor psrly l
slowly building ft platform (or Itself. It
wf lit Into the election for Mayor with no
principle but that of the taxation Of land
without regard to the Improvements upon
It. The Saturday after the election It
added a demand for the Government own
ership otrallroads and telegraphs. Now
III Executive Committee comes forward
with a third proposition, formulated In
these words!
"The dlfflriilty which everywhere confronts m
In our ellurts tor.ilno wnges and secure lelwie Is
tlie existence of an Impoverished muss forced by
tlielr neccssllles to accept work on any term?.
Until we can lesion the Intensity of that struggle
for existence which makes so many men and
women ready to do anj thing In proldr llio mere
ncccsslllrsnfllfc, the work of our labor associa
tions must be mndiirtcd nndcr tremendous dls
mtvnndiEcs. Men who cannot And employment
arc everywhere, the force which lhoewhoop
loic us utilize to resist our Just demands,. It Is
therefore, necessary that we should make war
upon the crest urbncnhlcli causes poverty the
primary Injustice which makes the. laud un
which and from' which we must nil live the ex
clusive proicrty of Individuals, nnd denies to the
rest ol us the rljilit to live nnd to work unless wc
pay blackmail (or the pi It Urge."
That the committee have here struck the
f rrit! dltllciitty which not only their party
but all mankind hare to encounter In the
I cuori 10 soive me prouiem 01 worn ami
It li and hat been for sometime past the
custom of many of our co'emporartes on
entering upon a new Tolumo to print a
double number of their paper; Wc had for
some time Intended following the custom,
but, on second thought, concluded that we
would give our rendeis a more substantial
surprise by enlarging the Camion Advo
cate ami putting It In a new dres, tints
Giving our readers a permanent Improve
ment. Of course It has cost tis consider
able In time nnd money to make this en
largement of our paper, but as wo arc de
termined to fencf not to follow, wc think
our friends will appreciate our effort to
glvo them a paper second to none tn the
Valley, and manfully step Into the breech
with their subscript tons ami advertising
pationage. The price of thaCAimox Ad
vocate will continue to be Sl.00 jier year
when paid In advance, but when not so
paid the prlcn will In every instance b&
$1.25. The margin of profit nn tho price j wases Js boyond dispute; M'orltliiRmcn
of the paper Is so small'that we must nosl
lively insist on tho foregoing terms we
cannot alTotd to send out a collector or
mall bills at the dollar rate, hence tho ad
ditional twenty-five cents will be added to
cover the expense of collecting. Wo have
also made Important additions to our Job
bing Department, which will enable us to
greatly add to the beauty of our work and
reduce the price of certain classes of work
very materially. Among other Improve
ments we have added a new and beautiful
Jobber of a larger size than we heretofore
possessed, together with several fonts of
handsome new type and other material.
And now, we ask the people of this section
to remember that we can servo them as
well and cheaply with all kinds of job
printing as any other ofllce In this section,
and.respectfully ask an earnest and liberal
support at "their hands. With our motto:
"Live and Let Live,' wc start out on our
fifteenth anuual tour.
How do you like, our style neat and un
prcsumlng. is it Dot?
In Philadelphia, It is safe to presume,
impeachment don't really impeach.
Ir the Progressive Democracy should
fall to progress, what will Henry George do?
Wolfe's somewhat gentle drop seems to
have rendered him unconscious just the
As usual the Inexorable Taw of politic!
gravitation will decide who the Beaver
Cabinet w ill be.
Ci ingress will convene in December,
and already it casts its sbadowj of delusive
hopes nd fears around o.
Some day the laboring masses of Chicago
will open their eyes to the fact that striking
is a business that don't pay.
As the period of Paulson's admlnlstra
tlon slowly wanes the effect of the late
election becomes more forcibly apparent.
It is safe to conjecture that we are living
In an ago when Civil Service lteform don't
exactly reform a good many Federal office-holders.
who cpmbipu .to "raise wages and. secure
leisure'' are rarely defeated except by the
competition of oilier workingmen who arc
wllllns to accept less wages nnd less Jelstirc
than they are. It was this which cniiseil
the collapse tif the Iron Mountain, railroad
strike, of thc'ThlrU Aveniie'raiJroail strike,
of the Sleam Heating Companv strike, nnd
only just now that of the Chicago butchers'!
siriKc. in an mese cases rue aoinpeuns
'workers had t6 encounter not ohlv moral
obstacles, but physical violence, In secur
ing the work refused by their brelhern.nnd
that they persevered, In spite of the terrible
opposition they mot with, proves tho re
sistless strength of the Impulse whlchdrove
them. on. The Labor party's copimlUee
well say: "Until we can lessen the Intensi
ty of (bat struggle for existence which
makes so mnny men and so many women
ready to do anything to provide the mere
necessities of life, the wort of pur labor as
sociations ,musf be' conducted' under tre
mendous disadvantages "
The committee express their conviction
that, this intense struggle for existence Is
caused by the private ownership of land,
which being removed, they think the evil
they complain of would also vanish. How
little ground there is tor this opinion ap
pears from the simple fact that within
twenty miles of New York there is an
abundance of unoccupied land which can
be bought for a trifling price, and which
goes begging for purchasers. Ilesldes,
statistics show both hero and in Europe
that the tendency of population Is to flow
from the country to the cities, and that
every year the cities increase at tho ex
pense of the country. No reform of land
tenure could cure this congestive tendency
nor abate one jot of the Impulse of human
beings to go where they can live with the
most satisfaction to themselves.
This knotty point of the labor question
has therefore only been stated by the Labor
party; the solution of it remains to be dis
covered. As we said the other day In
speaking of Dr. JIcGlynn's lecture at Jer
sey City, they have reopened a discussion
which has occupied the greatest Intellects
of every age, and we look with interest,
though not hopefully, fortbo result.
Is this little world of ours "Blockheads,
Soreheads aril) Extremists" may develop
Itself as gigantic as Buehard's New York
"Rum, Humanism and Rebellion."'
Bob Inoehsoli. says that "the paradise
of tho rich Is a glided hell." It Is aston
ishing to see the number of individuals
who try to get there just the same.
Someone has been cruel enoutjh to In
sinuate that the Knight of Labor repre
sentatives will want a second term. Truly,
this Is looking far Into the uncertain ftitnre.
If the spontaneous enthusiasm for Quay
keeps up a little while longer, wc are
afraid that t lie few Democrats in the next
Legislature will unthinkingly vote for him.
Broadbrim's liew M Letter.
Special to the Cahhon Advocati:.
As the smoke clears away from the bat
tle-flcld, we get a clearer view of the com
batants, and through shattered columns of
tho two great parlies, wc behold the mar
shalled lines of a well-drilled and deter
mined army, which has evidently come to
stay. Like Jonah's tiourd, it sprang up in
a night: but the oak of a hundred years is
not more solid. From this day forth the
labor pioblem becomes a living and potent
faclor In onr American poll.ics. In the
future no parly can afford to Ignore it.
Alone for a time it may possibly be beaten,
but in all futuro battles the party with
which it allies will surely win the victory.
It matters very little whether it is Henry
George or Tcrrenco V. Powdeily, or I'. S.
Tun political horoscope pictures 51c
Devltt smilingly occunvinc Uuav's seat in
the Stale Treasury bulldlns. while Ouav i steml5 face to faco with the hard fact that
Ovtr a hulf million of dollars bad been used
up on the statue and pedestal, and the Presi
dent of the United States received It free
gratis from tho hands of Its generous don
ors. It did Jiot cost liltn a cent, but as the
father of his people the President accepted
tlio gift. Only a week has passed and poor
Liberty is a fatherless and motherless or.
phan; sbe Is nobody's child and now It is
doubtful if she ever had father, nobody
appears to own her. The old committee
say that their mission ended with the 'com
pletion of tho pedestal. There stands the
torch hundreds of fect In the air, but minus
the electric light which was to guide the
belated mariner returning from foreign
shores. It Is a fearful and disgraceful
muddle. If the Untied Slates does not own
It, and the municipality of New York has
no Interest In It, I shall propose that the
wholo tlilug bo turned over to Joseph Pul
itzer, nnd that the name be changed from
Liberty Enlightening the World to tho
H'orW Enlightening Liberty. Put a sheet
of that enterprising newspaper In the ham!
of the gigantic statue instead of a torch,
and let It pass to posterity ns tho most tre
mendous advertising medium of ancient or
modem time.
The return of Brother Bcecher from his
European trip has made Brooklyn supreme
ly happy. There has been some (all lying
somew here. As respectable n paper ns The
London Truth declared that his lecture
mission was a failure, and satd that on one
particular occasion tho house was hnr'dly
half full. Major Pond, who has managed
Mr. Bcechcr's lectures for many years, says !
the trip wasi .a, continual ovation, nnd that
the Plymouth' Pastor returns to his native
,1'i'catli, Ids pocket roundly stuffed with ten
polled, ' But whether. England re
ceived him well or ill there can be no doubt
about Ids welcome in Brooklyn. Insldeor
outsido of Plymouth church it Is nil the
same Catholic and Protestant, Jew nnd
Gcntlic, rich and poor, white or black, all
seem to have a soft place In their hearts for
dim somewncrc. His utter disbelief In the
tortures of Slieol has not shaken the fealty
of Andovcr; and his wavering faith on the
thirty-nine articles has not alienated Harv
ard or Yale. His first Sunday was a crush.
Every available Incli of room was occupied,
and the politeness of tho ushers was put to
the severest tests. Mr. Bcecher was at his
best, and at tho close of the service, as the
crowd pressed forward to grasp fits hand It
was evident that neither time nor space had
weakened the affection with which Plym
outh churcli regards its pastor. He went
abroad to repair his shattered fortunes. Of
late years he lias not been doing well finan
cially, For the past ten years his Income
must havn fallen as low as forty or fifty
thousand dollars a year. Mrs. Bcecher is a
thrifty, careful housewife as can be found
in the land, so somehow they have contrived
to get along. It makes no difference to
Plymouth; present or absent, the good pas
tor's salary goes on. It Is safe to say that
out of the fifty-two weeks In a year, Mr,
Beccher is absent from his pulpit at least
twenty-six, so that Plymouth church pays
him for the time he actually preaches about
a thousand dollars a week, and as'magazines,
lectures and literary articles furnish at least
twenty-five thousand dollars more, there is
no Immediate fear that Brooklyn's favorite
preacher will become a county charge. A
public reception is tendered him by the
citizens without distinction of party or re
ligion, and the offer has been accepted by
Mr. Beeeher.
ll'e are more fortunate than our English
cousins; they had only one Sir Roger Tlch
borne, we have two, and strange as it may
seem botli of them appear to be coached In
exactly the same way. Sir Roger No. 1 is
here stranded. Some one persuaded him
that the Americans were particularly gulli
ble about curios from England, and nil he
had to do was to show himself nnd the
Yankees would willingly pay a dollar a head
for the signt. He came and he brought
with him a pretty little secretary. He Is a
great fat, flabby sort of looking person, and
the pretty little secretary looked as if she
might be his granddaughter, without any
great stretch of imagination. After a time
people began to ask what he wanted with
a secretary; he had no correspondence and 1 Cambria
no money, and why then did he wnnt n sec-) (''"i""" ""'
retary. Things looked n little queer. Hotel Centre.!....
keepers and boardinghouse people seemed ! cilfrliin
to think that everything was not exactly ! HlVVl!''"'''''""-
O. K., but finally the noble Knight set mat- Columbia...
- Washington te ant Gossip.
From our Special Correspondent.
"Washington, B C, Nov. 115, '80.
Mlt. EiHTOlil Tho nnnual report.of the
Health Ofllcor p'resents-a very cncfiuraglng
statement In regardto the Increased health
fulness of the District of Columbia. As
compared with lSSfl, there Is a decrease of
the death rate to the extent of 4 if) lives, and
a comparison with the r.epoits for several
years past, shows a mpst gratifying improve
ment. .
President Cleveland nnd Ms party return
ed from Boston on Tuesday 'afternoon.
The President was much pleased with the
reception tendered him by tho people of
Boston, and says that he will always con
sider it ns one of the most thoroughly
enjoyable events of his life.
During the past weck'Opeftrswondcrfnl
painting entitled "Farthercst North" has
been received by the War Department
Building, and has attracted very great at
tention. The picture Is of hiige proportions
being eight feet In height, and twelve fect
111 length, nnd represents Lieutenants Lock-
wood and ltalrnard of tho Greely Expedi
tion in ttic net of taking their last observa
tion to ascertain their latitude. The painting
was made from photographs nnd sketches,
ami under the personal supervision of
Lieutenant Balmnrd and Major Greely.
Theaitist, Albert Opcrtl, who s'"a son. of
Opertl the composer, Is at prcnt 'In the
city as the guest of Lieut. Balmard. The
painting arrived fA're. On Tuesday in a
special car. On account of-Its .size, and
value the express companies 'refused to
handle it, and as It Was to 'laqtatago Into
an ordinary car,' a' hay car had .to bc-pro-curcfl.
His Imperial Hiahncss, Prince Komatsu,
and his suit arrived in irashlngton early in
the week, and were driven at once to the
Arlington Hotel where npartmcnts, previ
ously secured, had been specially fitted for
their reception. During their stay hi the
city they called upon the Presiocut- and
Kecie'-nry of State, and visited tho varidus
points of interest. A dinner was; tendered
tho party by Minister Kuki', at .tho Japa
nese legation. Hie entire, .party wore
Eitrapean dress, and the Princess Is de
scribed as an exceedingly beaiitfful human.
In speaking of th.e, various cities' that he
had visited during his journey nroimiT'lho
world, the Prince said that U'aslimgfon
was his Ideal 'city, and that he would be
1 ... M.. !... .Ml... I. '
lH-aM-u iu n-suiu uciu. lit: uro,ui avenues
and well paved streets, with pretLv-cardens
dotting it, ail combine to make It by far
1MB ll ClLlcai. I U J 111 lll MUllll. ....
The sculptor. M. Bartholin. Is expected
In. Washington during, the present week
upon business connected with thn;sLattie of,
Lafayette. Tho models have all'eeri re
ceived but one, and it is probable that the
latter will be ignoied'nnd one of the models
alrady here will be selected durlng'Barth
oldl's visit. The question as to a. site has
not yet been definitely' decided upon. It
has, however, been decided that, the .statue
suall not bean equestrian, one, aijil Uartli-
oim is opposed to paving i( placet in ajiy
one of the public parks, where, it
bidden by the foliage In the summer time,
but wants it placed upon some .o'ne of the
ayenncs wuere it wouiu oe seen. me
models, which are now stored In the attic
of the H'ar Department bulldine. havebeen
carefully arranged for Inspection, by the
The President's new house upon the
Tennallytown road has been renamed bv
Mrs. Cleveland, and'wlll hereafter.b'e, .known
as "Oak View." It is expected that Mrs.
Folsom will occupy the house within a few
days, and will make it her future honfj. It
win ot course oe ireoueniiy visited Tiy tlie
President, and it is 'probable jtnat jio, will
eventually maxe 11 uts permanent liome.
The otllclal returns of thfc last election
have been received from cverv couuty'ln
the State Beaver' leads Black" 42.8.-l nml
has a clear majority of 0,505 pver all. tlie
other candidates. He Is the lowest man on
the Republican ticket and Osborne the
hlcnest. Klcuctts leads the Democrat!
vote, with Black second.
treads ggntly the vaulted corridors of the
Arthur hero In New York, we are brought j tors at rest by acknowledging her as bis ciinili "rlaiiii". 1 1 1
wife. They vvero not well matched: he I pajipluu
The enthusiasm with which some of our
cotcmporaiies are fixing the Ecaver Cabi
net will only be equalled by the matter of
fact manner in which leaders of tlie vindi
cation will do just as they please.
There is a silver lining to every daik
cloud, and Calvin Well's should bo willing
to live on and hope for tho best. We aro
living In an age of great possibilities and
who knows but what some day Calvin may
bo vindicated.
We acknowledge the receipt of a beauti
ful engraving of the "World's Exchanges,"
compliments of Messrs. Moore Schley,
the popular New York bankers and brok
ers, and published by Boot it Tinker, Tri
bune Building, that city.
John Lawiienck Sci.uvan still wears
tho gaudy chaplet of champion all-round
slugger and knocker-out on his bioad, ex
pansive brow. John saysnets in first-class
fighting trim. That settles it, we won't
have anything to do witli Mr. Sullivan.
there are 07,000 solid votes representing tipped the scale at 2S.r,, she balanced tlie Elk.
hihnr nt tlio nolto ;lvlv.eni.A ,1,nncn...l stoelvni'ils nl. S7 fl-i. St 111 tlmv wprn l 1 r-ne
tlie rate of tlie world has often been decided
by a smaller army than this. But this Is
only the vote in New York city; what will 'o each
the eye of tho law, so that their united ! Koicit....
weight was 372 3-4 with one-half credited ! rnn.'m'"
that vote be when It rises in its might
through the State. H'hat will It be when
It speaks iu thunder tones from among the
fifty-five millions that inhabit our territory,
He tried lecturing but the people Jjjfj
did not come, nnd If they had the noble
Knight could not have entertained them.
UtlllEdol! .
Lon RAKDot.rn Cutmcini.t,, in hit
Bradford speech, promised that "the voice
of England, which sounded so clearly at
tho last general election, would not be lost
sight of." It Is not every statesman who
can keep the voice of his country In his
Fractis would Kill Thiorr.
From the Philadelphia Times.
If Henry Oeortre hint ever been compelled to
Bet bis llrluR by growing otatoes on a piece ot
scrub oak land bis new laud theory would never
havebeen Invented.
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purllv,
strength and uholcsomciirss. Jlore economical
than the ordinary kind, nnd Cannot bo sold In
competition with the multitude ot low test, shoit
weight, ahun or phosphate powders. Hold only
In cans, ltojnl llukln;: Powder Company, lew
W all (street, . v. nug 24-inil
Agents Wanted to Sell ' aEWHIS:E,SCiS
ct tu near: in tno i.av.enai no;:cp:ns,
Ilhistralliiif the Wit. Humor, mid Kcecntrii-llirs
of nolcd celebrities. A richly Illustrated treat of
Inner-Nx-lelv History, fiom yp olden limes" to
thu wrddluuot Cleveland. Wonderfully Tonular.
Agents report rapid sales. Aildiess for etie'r
ami lerins, IIUIIIIAIU) lllius,, iMbllshers.
ijuiuueiiHini. ucuo-w
'PO ADVintTISKItS.-Ixincst Kates for ndver-
tlsini; in looo good newspapers sent free.
Address GliO. 1". KUWKLl. & CO., 10 Spruce St..
N. Y. ocUO-lm
Toledo tirades Unrivalled. Tor samples, quo
tations and tnfoi uiatlon, address
S. V. FLOWElt & Co., Toledo, 0.
October 30-lm
HENBY WISE OA BRETT, Attoraay-at-Law,
Washington. D. C.
.liefer to 2d Nat, Hank, Washington, I). C.
pff-tfKNI" OIt I.NViCNTOllS tiWIDK.gJ
Octoberso tin
House und Lot for Sale.
A One-hnlf Ixit, 33 x 189 feet, situate on
KfsjI LehlRh Street, near the New Hound
JuSSa Houses, iimiii which is erected a good
'Iwo-storv Frame House, in x 22 feet. A never
f.illliiK Well of Pure Water, and a number of
choice Fruit Trees and Vines on the IM. A nice
home for a small lainlly. For terms &c, call at
the CAituoK Aiivocaik Office, llank street.
iunc 2G-tf
Building Lots for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale a number of
Fine Building otn'!
Nlncely situated on Union Hill, Fast Wclsjpert,
at low prices lor cash.
A. F.
3eptembcrt,86'Cm Welssport, Pa.
fuel ana..
I .tlllllul.'L
At last in tills great city, the man who kept jf ckawanna...
all KiiBland in a state ot tho wildest excite- ijilm-nec . !!.'.'
from tho Atlantic to the Pacific, and from ment for years, the man on whoso trial ! 'eiliBi"11 I " 1 1 III " !
Wf. this week fend sample copies of the
CAniios Aiivocatf. to a number of per
sons who hare not hitherto been subscrib
ers. If you like its appearance seni' ns
your name and address with one dollar and
we will nrnll you the AnvocATE for one
It is proposed to hold a world's exhibi
tion In Washington from May to October,
18U2. In honor of the 400th anniversary of
the discovery of America by Columbus, and
afterward to maintain a permanent exhibi
tion there under the control of the government.
With two umpires and a referee to gov
ern a game of base ball we can look nut
for some extraordinary wrangling when the
game opens next season. Next In order
will be the chartering of an undertaker
and a coroner, followed soon by placing the
national game on a systematic basis. Veri
ly sporting affairs in this country of ours
moves forward with gigantic strides.
the bt. Lawrence to tho Gulf of Mexico,
Well may the politicians of both parties
tremble in the presence of this youthful
giant, who springs intothc arena complete
ly panoplied, like Minerva from tlie head
of Jove. At first tliero appeared to be no
thought of permanent iiolitlcal organization
among tlie labor elements. Things have
rapidly crystalUed 6lnce the election. In
the past week vague hopes and aspirations
have taken solid and definite forms, nml the
joyous shouts that announce their stiengtli
In the midst if -defeat, are more exultant
than tho cry which heralds a Democratic
The poor author of "Progress and Pover
ty," who was elbowed from the wall by
clerks and placemen, is now received eap
in hand, by the heads of departments, who
are profuse in their offers of service. What
of the future, watchman? "A)e, there's
the rub." If he wuuld but raise his hand,
Mr. George might occupy the seat made
vacant by the man who beat him In the
race for mayor, Mr. Hewitt. Rut the lalior
leader has boldly announced that he wants
no Congressional 'nomination; and the
Presidential contest of 1888 may develope
a candidate from the ranks of labor, who
may give MrJCleveland and Mr. Illalne a
coup Je grace, and then march triumphant
ly on to the IV bite House. What would
there be surprising about that. Two years
before his nomination for the Presidency,
hardly a man outside ot theStateof Illinois,
had even heard of Abraham Lincoln. And
two years before fjrover Cleveland entered
the White House, he had about as much
chance, for the Presidency as he had of being
the Mikado of Japan. Politics aro very
much mixed, so we must watch and wait,
and like the faithful virgins keep our lamps
"Oh, what a fall there was my country
men." A week ago and the city was wild
with excitement nbout tho dedication of
I.lbeity KnllL'htcning the ll'orld. Distin
guished citizens come, from Kurope by ship-
nearly a million of dollars was expended,
every dollar of which, on the claimant's
pari, was raised by popular subscription,
sank into hopeless poverty and might have,
died of starvation .If It had not been for the
St. George's Society, for impostor, swindler
and criminal as ho was, still an Kngllsliman
and they acknowledged his claim. He Is
here now and sick, hoping dally that some
aid may reach him that will enable him to
see Albion's Isle once more. Tlie other
Sir Hoser started from the city of Brook
lyn during the war and was never heard of
by his relations here till ho turned up In
Southern California as a Tichborne clai
mant. So clever was the story this swindler
told that he completely deceived two of the
most .eminent lawyers'ln tlie State, and onu
of them apeij up.l'il's falHi in tiio yialms
o,f the bogu'Kn,ljtht by advancing him a
thousand dollars.' It now appears thai he
Is. not only a bogus Knighl' but lie has also
swindled the Government out of several
thousand dollars by repre.sen.tlng himself to,
be a soldier who was undoubtedly killed in
the war. The claim was not made till
many years aftei the war, and the accumu
lated pension amounted to nearly $4,000.
He bagged the cah and spent it, and then
started the Tlchborne racket which, by ex
posing the pension swindler brought him to
grief, and we have now got him safely
under lock and key and before he has a
chance to prove up Ids claim to his English
estates the United States will have a claim
upon his service and he may think himself
lucky if they let him off with as light a
sentence as that which served for the pun
ishment of his English brother. At the
preliminary examination of Cuills the
American Tlchborne, the EngllshSlrltoser
alius Arthur Orton came over to Hrooklyn
to havu a look at his rival: he lust caught
sight of him and that was all as Curtis was
hurried away to jail by tlie ofllcers having
mm in charge, no more singular episode
has occurred in the week than the meeting
of IhosH two Dromlos.
1 be sharp, frosty air of this week has
Monroe. .
Moiitgumeiy lftrjrt
I'hlludelphla... Kix-jo
i iKe
Washlnetoil. ..
u.ti-r.iiarK,M ouc.liniis-
It. I). I. ton.U
2K22 32.M 13.1' :" 15
277"0 2006.S 2061 10J
30SI) KilO 312 4
43.M 301X1 300, 61
3029 3018 O ' 2!l
117T0 410 lfl
M43 4UX-I M 44
"000 flRSO 64.1 4.1
7478 7737 3S2 1
4?I4 3770 578 106
3SC.1 l!K 31.', 20
OH fl28 38 4
2(iO, 32V1 2.15 3K
3973 4329 UK! 12
KXJIS CIM 121(1 l.'l
S.VZ 3170 252 41
SMiU W07 3S5 8
2273 an 18J r.
18711 1202 218 142
f.lM M37 1103 252
4117 4K20 im 10
7J09 03.12 620 20
61(H) 403) G64
1024 1706 24 25
NI01 0572 fWI 03
5444 67.TJ 367 8
Mil 507 142 20
6120 437ll 35.1 2
810 1128 C4
2157 ari!)3 lot)
3734 2834 171 73
4171 2054 378 731
;CW 2713 'J7 40
1707 1752 30 11
0708 CM 1201 18
1S7!1 0143 732 34
.11.11 1084 5611 20
4332 SOOU 1211 J5
5715 77015 172 V
10531 12031 ffO 28
47H.1 6189 450 21
2877 1085 450 203
5307 4419 732 85
2005 UM 137 0
013 sum M
10II28 10442 025 II
031 1013 130 7
5877 0484 201 1
4408 5341 394 711
2880 2709 141
KIX-JO 64135 3804 80
4011 1007 18 .f
1903 1505 212
0725 11168 643 1013
2070 1.115 W, .:
4235 2122 , 290' 111
624 113D ... 59 22
4237 3042 650 10
5219 2319 441 125
2049 140(1 179
3.774 3232 1128 120
3119 2114 835 32
600.1 5973 633 41
25)9 . 2092 S49 i.-
7e2 MS .507 B2'
1810, 1814.., i 128' ul 1(1
7i!tt IUh7 453 tt 2
To whom it may concern.
The undcr'djriH'd delres to state that his wire
MKS. ANM-riTA lAl'CIINm nee lil'UCI'i:,
havlns left his bed and board without Just caii'e
or provocation he will no longer be icsponslMe
for any debts contracted bv her.
East Petui Township, Carbon county, Pa.
Nov. 6, 1890-'-w3
Do Your Own Dyeinc, at Home, with
They will Dye cyervthlni.'. Thty are sold every
where, l'llco 10c. a iarkai:e 10 colors. Thrv
have no cq lal lor Strength, HrlRhtncss, Anion, t
In I'aek.iKu or for Pastiiest of Color, or Xmi-tad-liur
Qualities. Ihey do not erocl; or siniit. Tor
sMoby T. D. THOMAS,
nov.l.1-ly Druggist.
4I2IR.7 7100631 32422 4834
The lotal voto-for Lieutenant Governor
Is:. Davlns, .4i:j,!)45r Uickotls, 870,12:3.
Auditor Ueneral-"oiis,';lft,170i Hren
nen, S07.&W. "Secretary of .Internal AITalrS
Stewart, -413,7115; Africa, ai!7.85:l. Cortf
gressman-at-Laigc, Oborno, 415,106; Stev
enson, I107.54U.
Oaxtu Ootids OcW. XTvMurvenMfl, Croop, Asthma,
groachUU. i boorV Couch. 1 nclpleci Coruur-p-
the difu. ri r ti c-U. Co.
!tton, lb OeauiAa Dr, BuU'g
Vonh rrvp li void orj tn
ldU.' Pra7n And bear oar
Jl:uli' Uend ( a CtrvU, m KtL
Strip Cmitkm-LaSl, wltA (1)4
fo-lmiiiJrrr)iturwiof Je W.
A. ClMeytr Co.. ftol
rop m, jwunwra, HO., U. D. A.
llrop'i, IbUtlmofti, Ki
uuainc-". u uuuui, ucorge ocney, uioi
TniNKSoiviuo DavwIII be observed on
November 26. When we consider tho great
and bountiful manner In which the Giver
of all good things has bestowed upon us
the fruits In their season, shielded us from j loads, and our country cousins poured In
destructive storms, the ravages of fire, and I upon us in countless thousands, as they al
guarded us against epidemics and famine, ways do when there is any fun going on in
our voices should be raised In joyful thanks- j the city, Army and N'avy, ollicer and civll
rivlm? as a means nf ulinutnirnnr rrnttiiift ! Ian cin.itln.i a...i it.ii.. .1.1
'PJTU"n f 1I,m W" UC8an I"WWlo.l. .nd whiskey sellers, pick! SSfiStfft "JSlJsSltfSiSl
........ Ulm ,,ovk urukvni an were mere, collection. iiitoAuiimvt, urugRitts, frtce no Cents a Dottle
I T4W f - ft A. M m na .
Uiesldentof the Jlelinnolllin Hank' tl, mi wr ram,"
went under at the time of thu Grant and Will relleya more quickly than any
Ward smash up, and whose pictures weiej other known remedy. Rheumatism,
soldforover 30),OOO, has recovered his Neuralgia, Swellings, Druises, Burns,
itiasrs, iani every coin ui ins ueuis and is aciius,i,uia,i.umuago,ores, frost-
Kramer & Co,'s
Great Closing-Out
Great Closii-Oiit Sale.
Gretf ClosiufOiit Sale.
Fully Inaugurated.
Fully Appreciated.
We are meeting with great success in our
closingtuttstoek.-t.hle. People arc coming
from all surrounding counties to purchase
jheir goods at our great sale.
We endorse every word we preach to you
in these columns.
We mean business right straight from the
We name loir prices to you, by which we
ran look you square in the face, and as you
know just as well as we do there is now-a-day's
no more friendship in trade.
Prices Level all Things.
Ami therefore we give you theso friendly
fiints, knowing full well that shrewd an in
telligent buyers in these days buy where
they can get the most whhU for tlie least
money, and we claim it i right for you to
do snand if you do not, all we have to say,
Is" don't be a clam." Itespeclfully,
Kramer & Co.'
Great Closing-Out Sale
Dry Goods ! !
Cor. 6th and Hamilton His.,
October 10, itso-nwi
A. 7. Litzenlierier's CoIdhb.
1 have just received it case of
sm 1
I got to sell for removing
paint from floors or anywhere
else from which you wish to re
move it and to cleanse grease
spots. It is also useful for many
other purposes among which is
to make soap. I have circulars
for distribution, call and get
Have received to-day, four
cases of
Barker's Horse, Cattle
Poultry Powder,
which 1 intend to keep in connec
tion with the
Blue Grass Condon Powers,
and recommend both makes as
exceptional as to value and
quality, if indeed a recom
mendation is necessary. Have
circulars to spare
I have uoiv put in four of
the W. and K. DOUGLAS
FORCE PUMPS and have
sent in my orders for four more,
all .of which are sold and will be
placed as soon as they arrive I
am having a grand success with
them. Everybody is pleased. 1
can p!ease you if you give me a
chance to put one in your well
I also keep in stock the CU
My stock of Oils of all kinds,
Paints of all kinds,
Woven Wire,
Wagn Grease,
Iron Kettles,
Copper Kettles,
Glass, etc., etc.,
is as complete as ever, and can
give you good figures.
1 wish to add that I haw
leased the coal yard recently
built by Mr. Samuel Seiler, and
am ready to furnish you with
O A j of a SUI'Ei.IOK qua mtv at
reasonable prices and will guar
antee you GnOD WEIGHT.
Feed Cutters. Corn Phellers
and the likes in the machine
line being now in season, 1
would call your attention to my
stock of them. I sell none but
the best, at prices below which
it is impossible to sell and live
by it.
Cement, "v;
Calcined Plaster,
j . dii ;
.;, -'PewterjSftnd, .'-;
Jtfornx, .
"Whiting, etc,
1 1
Shelf Hardware,
last but not least, and am con
stantly adding-to it.
Low Prices and Honest Dealh.
A. J. Litzenberger, A&t.,
1st Door Below L & S. Depot,
Bant Street, Leliliton, Penna.
It will be to your advantage if you need anything in thejine
is complete and our prices lower than ever. All-Woolen Suit
and Overcoats, made to order, from $10 to $30.
of suits for MEN and BOYS at Prices from $2.00, $2.50,
$4.00, $5.00, $7.00, $10.00 and Upwards. Every Gar
ment marked in. plnin figures and at the lowest cash Prices. Yon
will do well by calling and examining goods and learning prices
whether you wish to buy or not. It is no trouble for us to show
MARKETS we keep all the latest Styles aC'PHccsioerioitgh
to be within the reach ol all.
HATS AND CAPS We have a great variety. The
Dunlap and Youman Hats take the Lead.
This department is complete, embracing all the latest novelties.
Our advice 's to call, examine and buy all vou need! You" will
save money by heeding this advice. .
Call at the r
One-Price Star Olofliing Hall,
Mauch Chunk.
Sept. 35, 18S-tii8 t
JAMES WALPi Asent, ' V
I-'lrst door liclow the I'lrst Niitlonal'ilan'i, al
l G a SBn Ef ElEC uv,
which aro constantly kept on hand there to self ct from. Tlx- host place In tli Coimli toctl .your
HOT Allt 11HATI2HS anil
Tin Itoonng U cheaper than Rlalo or Shingles, and n 111 last a lifetime. A fin Lot ot
Cutlery and Househfurnising Goods Iwny " id.
Sept. 1I,18MMT.
Five Mixtures,
Made to be Sold at
Cts. A Yard nml $q Less.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a. .
'October 30, 1K8G
The undersigned is prepared to furnish the best Lehigh Coal,
from llarlcigh Colliery,' at. the following low prices, by the C'ar,
fob cash only. Credit ten cents per ton extra :
In Yard. Del. in Town.
Egg, - $3.25 $3.50
Stove, - - - 3.35 3.60
Chestnut No. 1 - - 3.25 3.50
Chestnut No. 2 - - 2.15 2;40
Prices at the Mines 25cts. per ton Less.
Carbon Advocate Job Office,
New Type, New Presses and
Lowrest Price for good work.