The Carbon Advocate, Mu Indct wiwr Familt Nnwisrxn ixb lUhwl every Saturday In Lehlghton, . 1 CarbemiOpuntyrsnnsxlvinln, by Hurray-V. Mofthimor, Jr. , BANK HTtlEET. $1 OlJ Por Year in Advance ' "ueVt adi orUlnewirfmr,itii tho tounly' ' "ICvef descrlptlon'orplAIn and Fancy JO'B PRINTING .'At vary low prices. Wo do nttlteasltato to say that vv arc better cqupiifd.Ui.lVi ny other printing establishment In'thls section to do first-class Job-work, .In nil Its branches, at low prim. ProTessionl I "Business Carte. Horaoo Hoydt, . A, XT OH KEY AT LAW, Omcns-Tlic Boom recently occuplcU by W. M. ltapihcr. BANK 8TIIEET, . LEIIIGHTON PA. UtaTHsc consulted IntEugllsli nnd.Gfrrouu. July -iy W. M Rapahor, ATTORNEY ikd COUNSELLOil AT LAW, First door above the Mansion House, MAITCII. CHUNK, - PEVN'A. . Ileal Kstate find Collection Aernry. Will Pity and Sell Heal Kstale. Oniivpynnrlinr ncnllv done. Colleetlons promptly made. Settling I'.stutesof j e c'ueuis a specially. May bo consulted In English and Herman. linv, ""-V1 . H. V. Morthimwr, Sr., NOTARY ruivut!. r Office: "Carbon AUvocatc" Office, Bank street, - - lei'iighton All business portatnliig to tlio office will receive prompt attention. mar, in 0. V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, Itobblns' American Classical Methods a special ty. Terms moderate. aim H-ff THOMAS KEMEKER, CONVEYANCE!! AND General Fire & Life Insurance Aft Theltllloii'ltif; Companies are Rcprcs:ntcd: Lebanon Mutual Fire, . Heading Mutual Fire, Wyoming Fire, ItoUivlllo Fire, Lehigh Fire, and tlio Travelers Accident Insurance. Also, Pennsylvania anil Mutual IlrrscTlilot De tective and Insurance Company, mar'o-vl . W. G. M. Soiplo, l'HYSICIAN AND 8UK0E0N. SOUTH STREET, '- - LEIIIGHTO.V. May bo consulted In English 'and German. Special attention Riven to llynecology. Omen Houiisj From 12 M. to 2 1. M., and from ft to 9 P. M, nrir -i vt JP. A. Rabenold, D. IJdL, Iliu-VCK Officii-: Over .1. V. Itaudenbush'.H Mquor Store, .BANK STREUT, LEHIGHTON. I)(pU.slrs' In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted wltluiut him. (ias administered when requested, Odlco nayx WEDNJtWAY of each wee. P. 0. addrois, I.ITZEXllUKd, Jim 3-yl W ' U-hlgli county, I'a. W. A. CortrigM, D. ?JS r S t i- S ' . the ' Broadway Tlottfe," BROADWAY, - - M AUO II CHUS'K clients livc the bejieQtoI Iho latest Improve ments In Mechanical Appliances and the test .Methods of Treatment In alt Hurcleal Cases. ANESTHETIC administered If desired. It pos sible, persons residing outside of Mauch Ciiuiik, should make arrangements by mall. Jv-vj EYE AND EAR. Dr. G. T. FOX Visits Allctitnwn regularly on MUltSDAY of each week, Practice limited to Diseases of the Eyo and Ear. onice at Htyden's American Hotel, ami Olllcn Hours from a A. M. to. 1:30 I". M. Also attends to Itfra"tlou of th Eve for the proper adjiisiment of Glasses, and for tlio Relief and Cure ot Opti cal Defects. May also be consulted at hlsoftlce In HATH, Wednesday and Saturdavof each week, tit HAN HO It on Monday, anil at KASTOV oo Ti... ,.r vach week. CARSON rttUa..-., JONATHAN KISTI.Klt, . - PHOPWETOlt, Bxxk Strxkt Lkiiiqiitkk. The Carbon House offers first-el m aeeopimoda tlous to the travt'lllr; public, liotidiiur by the day or week on reasonable terms, choice ('tsars, Wlnrs and Liquors always on hand, (ioud Sheds and .Stables, with very nttenthe Hostlers, at tached, anrio-vt PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lchljlitoil, LEOI'OLD MEYEIt, I'ltOl"!!, PACKERTON, - - - Puss. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and has the best accommodations fur permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and th 'ery best Liquors. Stables attached uin vt MANSION HOUSE, Opposlto I.. & S. Depot, BANK STREET, . LEHIOHTON, C. H, HO.M, ritOl'ltlET'OH. This house offers first-class aceommod itions for transient and permanent boarders. It has Ihtii newly refitted In all Its departments, and Is liK-at-ed In one of the most nlcturusuiie luirtlons of tho Imrnugii. Terms moderate. t'r- The Jl A It Is munilod witti tlio choicest Vlni5f, l.bpiors and 'tilgirn.' Fresh I jiEenm Tan. oiixitm W. A. PETE Announces to ldj friends and the public gener ally1, that be hits now iiinn'rir their aeoiuuiudu tlou bis new and handsomely furnished BfiSTAUltAN T , next door to'lhe 1st National Hank, RANK ST., Iz-liliMiton, nni tlut hu Is now propareil to furn ish First-Class Meals at Short Notice I The liar is supplied with the best Wines, Fresh IjiKer Heer and Choice Cigars. Von are cordial ly Invited to call. aprgt-vi ?w?v'y .Kim D. J. KISTLER Besnectfully announces to the public that he has opened a NEW l.lVHIiY STAIII.E.aiidtluilhe Is P.ow. Rfnared tai furnish Teams for Funerals. eddlnes or Business Trips on the shortest no lice and most liberal terms. Orders left at tho "Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. 8TABLE3 ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, U-hlghton. Jarcs-yi T. J. BRETNEY Respectfully announces to tho Mcrvlmntsnl Ij. bllilmi and others that ho Is mm preiuiedto do all kinds of Hauling of Freight, ExraEss Matter, ani Baggagk art yery rea-snnable prlers. tnll orritri Imi hoes to merit a share of miMIc patronise, kinds. 1 llesldencei corner of line aud Iron Orders left at Sweeny & Son's Corner Store will receive rooiait utU'Utlou. uuiu, "ai T.J, VRETNEY. D. S., VI I 1 I" V V V V V A ,,L,1 i ' $i.00 a Yearijii AiVefPiCQ. mifL. xv., ng. i. With Medicine Qualify ndt Quantity is tlio greatest im portance; noxt is the knowl edge and experience to CotrNjdfcy 'Prepare --mid Dispense the same. 'M T. D. THQiViAS'' rorw-AR Mi I Faily Medicine Store; Hank Street, Lchighton, Yon citi-ulvtajs rely 'ufon .GottliiB ST1!ICTI.Y Pure and Unadulterated Brgs and Medicines. THOMAS c.-wrlesUlie llUtgWt stock of Ipilteilt Medldiirs'ln'the'couiily. HHOMAR has an elecant slock of DViiRfekts SundiL's. Fancy and lollet Articles fat the ladles as well as the gents. THOMAS mulc-H Ilovse and Catllc Powders a specialty. Hlf t. .yt.lts experience In the drug business plves linn wrcat adnuitaso In that line. TRUSSES, SUrl'OUTKRS illKt BRACF.S-nS ways a large siockoi nana. WINES and I.IQPOKS, both irnrelftn nnd'rto mestle. He hasa Clinton irpe MlK ai&h, Dry Catawba Wine, .fust splcicltd !ttt(ltli:ip. WALL PAPERS and HORDEHS-llio largest assortment if.'i town. Go to TflOMAS'viHh'your prescriptions. 'Go to THOMAS' for your Patent Medlclpes. Go to THOMAS' for your Fancy Articles. Farmers and Horsemen irn to THOMAS' for your Horse and ('utile Powders. janl7 Directory. N ow foil i.nw vuu test Expense Means Iortr tit.ei for lite v - . People 5 XI. A. Oswald's New Store, In M. A. Oswald's New Building. East WeUsnoit-, Pena'a., Is headquarters -fee Dress Mi, teiirs, Prints, Groceries, Pulsions, &c. Banded Chamber Sotts, $3! Roller ProcESS Flour Only $2.35, Which li positively FIFTEEN H2TSie$sHinn tliu sanioOounw.tK; botyit e'sewhero. Give me a call and bo convinced that l am sel ling goods . "i:ck Bottom ! ilces." M. A, OSWALD, Septia,so-y3 EAST WEISiU'ORT, Yy.lLL I'AI'EIIS Jc UtlKliRKS! All tlio Lateut Sty los iiiulSli.iilcs ! Best Qualities 1 1 1.owl Prices ! Pore Hm anfl I'iciiirs ! Choice Wines, Licjnors, To"bacco and Cigars. Perseilptlmi carefully coniinif.dcd day or night, -f. at W. P. BITDhY'S, ('nr. Wliito and Ilriilgo Pt., VciNMiri. AprllU. 1881-tv. j"OM:rn v DEALER IN Flour, Feed and Furniture, Tobacoa and Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., In lies the people of Wrssmrt and tlclniu to call and examine Ins l.irjje asMirinient uf goods before purchasing elsewhere Prices Low aprlllMsMJ-ty) as the Lowest ! AAHON P SN YDKIt, KAST" WEISSPORT, 'A., ' sMiyJUFACTyitlUPB AGENT FOR Western Improved Washers Amorioan Wringers, ' AUSO-p. Bicycles of all Kinds! Old wheels will be loaned to parties desiring to learn mid who order n heels from me. Washers will bo put out on trial. Must give satisfaction or no safe. - miH-iy JAL'UY & KG WELL, Tho Weissport Bukcnj, Fresh Bread and Cakes every day. Drllu-red In Lehlihton mid Munch Chunk every TuilJi, Thursday and aiturday, irl'lcnlcs, Parties, Camp-Jlrrtlngs, Weddings, Funerals supplied at short iK:e.;,87-ly JJIIt.V.'sKI.IX IIOl'SE, KAST WEISSI'OKT, PENN'A, This Iictiso offers flrst-dis's accommoil.itlons tlio pcrmancnl lmardef and transient guest, Panic litres, only One Dc'llr cr day. aug7-ly John JJrmiiii, 1'ropileUjr, Qi:.vrs, the j i:tKi.E n. All Kinds of Jewelry f t Boots and Stationery, mam ao(sutT,bt, . . ! CiruS'-fJilite, '.if . iil S ffjl'i'S'i't'-'- ""iv ti H Crtdatl lliri;t.t t till-. ' ' i"iitiiiii:i i rodrf s ci'., m' i.nv., MA J ' . rvi opiates, JCiHcittn ttnl MP1 1 Dr.VOHlSM AND UCALSII'S. "s i. sooFi.j ii co., tMiitjionit, bp THE DEATH fji1 THE FL0WEB6- Bl' WHiLt&M CUI.I.KN llltVln'SiT. The melati'diliiy days are eomo, 'the saddest or the J'c:fr, Of Wifilihg winds, and nakvil woods, and meadows 'brown and sear. tfTcaped In tho h dlows of tlio gravis ttit 'Kr.tuinii leaves lledad; They rustle to the eddj'llife gtrft, rfhil to the rab bit's tread. The robin and tho Wren are dawn, and from the shrubs thu.'Jay. AtidiffblnitbeSnd-toi) calls the crnwtliro igli alt tl'e'KMtfmy day. vt'here are the flowers, the lair yO'in rlowcrs. that lately spraijr and stood In brighter Ht-'ht 'iini toller airs, a beauteous sisteVffonift Alss-I "they all arc In thtill giliVcV. tbr-ifAitlc race 'of flowers Ato'tylng In their lowly beds with the fair and - good of ours. The ritin Is falling whero they He; Wt 'tlif Ciild November rain Calls not from out tho glSSmy earlli the lovely oms again. Thcvilflfrflonet ami Ylie violet, they perished lOITt 'ifgA, Xnil the brler-roe and the orchis 'AttM -Rihlflnie summer glowj Cutontholilllthegeldcs-16'l, ftfil 'the Asler u tho A'f od, Attn tec yrtlae,' simfiofcor 'byjlfei'ftAkniantumn TieautystflOiJ, Till fell the frost from tlio clear, cold heaven, as falls the plague on men, And tlw brightness of their smile was gone Ironi upland, glade, aifi t'.'t'A. And now, when comes the calm lnlld day, as still such days will come, To call the squirrel and the bee from out their winter howc Wlvan the SftfiiUl of dropping mils Is heard, though all the trees arc still, And twinkle In tho smoky light the waters of the - The south-wind searches foV the Adtfofs Whose fragrance l.ire 14 botfe, AiidsUhstc. rtniHlicrti In the wood and by the ttrcam no more. And then I think of One who (u htt youthful beauty die!, The fair meek bbmow that giew up and f. tied by my side. In tho cold moist flarth we laid her, when the foretti'.t their leaf. And We wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief; Yet not unmeet It was that one, like that young friend of nnrs, So gentle atu so beautiful, should perish with the (lowers. CONVICT NO. 2319, HY sti)Ni:v nour.iu A l'lturiiNTioCs mansion, plfiasantly set down ill till- tn'ilst of spacious grounds be yond the noise ami crowds oftliegrrat city; the well-kejit lawns, neatly tt Itnme.l heilges an I sinootli-iulleil carrlase ways, lilts print Itess ami orderly arrangement of which are Jdt Visible In the aatherlns tlarkncs evl ilence the taste itilJ Weill h of tlie owner. 'I'liD Ions lines of maphlfcent elms which mark the thiillblaftrsof ilicilflve, vettei'abl,' III their ai .til.l (faiiilly nltsslvo lu their size, lend an air of stability to tlui wlinlc, and here ami there ilcnso masses of shrub bery give MirlutV ttlttlB.ttrrotlm'.Hljss uf the stately lull showy olil mansion. A young moon, saillns swiftly across a cloudy slcy, casts ghostly shadows as she pl'tliyes In and out of heavy banks of cloltds. Lights shine tluouuh till tllp. windows of the mansion, within which there Is a revel to-night, and here. In rooms bright with the Hushing light from rich chandeliers. Ill an atmosp hero heavy with tlin mmgleil per f nine of thousands of flowers youth anil beauty and Wealth and fashion nro itssemhleil. There Is music an. I joyous l.ttllttef, anil occasionally exquisite sifatrhes of song.aml Ihesn founds flout out through the open windows aibl btvalt (tirj'slleiifu which broods over llio scone. (In tile company which throngs llie'parlors are to bo found men anil women famous in their respective walks In life In the, professions, III di't, In politics nltd till! dinks of coniitlerct' illul 11, tlnnre. Tile hiisli'ss. tho wife of one of the most 110I rd jurists of the day, beams with satisfaction as she stands to receive) her guests, orifiovi'sfrom group to group.mali Ing pivsentatlnus or siti'scstlng topics of conversation where Interest. seems to Hag, for birr reception Is n success. Presently, emerging from the groups, slit" leads to the piano a fair young ghl, whoie appearanco causes a murmur of applause, for she Is s!t onco recognized as cite whose' artistic triumphs as an u'ni.iteilr are tit tills hour on every tongue, M slid seats her self at tho Instrument rtml lets her fingers run otrfthn keys with thn apparent caie Irastifss that is horn of a complete nmstciT of the art, she strikes tho signal ftiralulli In the hum of ronvirsatton, and the gtij;sts tfatltcrabtrtft ficr in expectant engettlesi.' Thcn,as Clin sllence'of rapt atleltlon settles ilmvff on the room-full of people, the drtfst sotiwls a brilliant prelude. A pause of a nto'ment follow 6, and tftcn the roonf Is full of melody its she freaks Itttf (florlons sonjf. Iler selcctfoM is a spfHled idmdo, and the flie-ll)ie tones fill ttrerooM wltff the fresh ness and profuiloii of Isrrk's stm-grcet-lug rrtefesly, There is d seeming reckless ness in thff fmrtm In wMelr tl rK4es titt trilled forth, rrroiimlftg. hlglrerv-'ftHl fiftAvina fuller as the close of lire cwttpesltlori h ' reached.wltfi a brilliant burst as tfrt cllnrrfx, that speaks the artllt confident of her pow-, one is greeieu wim a murmur of ap- Jprova. a, w pause,, and Uo, with tl ! TRADt INDEPEWE)BT-"tL;iVe'n liehiKton, Carbbn ?tfuiity. glow of animation anU fchthusIasih bhMi'fr face she again bcklhs But now the vbi'cc h'astli'ati'ccili'It Is-stlll the flutqllhfe Wf ule.'bUt (TtfeaMlliy diid sUd ly soft anii'lbvr. tThc first rtieloilyWas the carol of shrlhfe, with thc tlhrlbhs'suiishlnc, ihn opehlhg 'bttrfs, tlie 'sfctt porfufne and balmy air of nature's youth; Hie second Is tho wall of attttttun. as with tnbUYhful face she paces the deserted gardens, he'r'breadth sadly waving the droopltit: stalks iihtl stir ring the stricken 'leaves Compassionately the while her t?ycs rain 'bitter tears. "The 'first was the rejoicing of tho bridegroom, ttrong. manly and exuberant; this tho mourning of the widow over dca'd anil tinned hopes and dreary tlcsolatldh. The 'first, hie children xff 'Israel singing to tlie 'htusln of tlielr timbrels on'bejliolillng fji 'long-snuijlit Canaan J this, Kachel ihtilin Che rn Ing forHeYchlldt'tfhand refuslnt tbbe com 'forted because lii'y'bfe'ilbl. The. last'is f lib triumph of Ert. and the singer "feels It. Thought, sense and KctlSh 'are all yielded to tho expression of love's deepest and saddest Impulses. The hostess and guests listen with pleased attention and at the close tender polite congratula. Hons. Tho artist, accustomed to such coiir pllments, reMrycs thorn with well bred self' posscsVIBh'Khd retires from the Instrument, tihfl'fiir all orcsent the incident has ended. And is this nil? Can it be that In the economy of the. (ttilverso such 'tlfyirrc gifts are tn'be flihs fljfhtly wasted the inspira tion of the flflht, the art of the composer. Tind the heaven-born melody of the singer to be thrown away ? Let us I0ok'fa"rflicr and see. ' uut wliera tne shadows fell deepest on lrs cIosh fh't s'w.lrd, ears unlhonfcht of by Ifostess'O'r guests have listened touio'sflig- ftr. Crnttrtifng '-Jieainst the trunVof hTrtfe in the thlcUT9t gloom a man has listened Vlt'h strained KtrJfilldh fb'c'cry frorc. A man a tramp, a Vagabond In whole eyes is fixed a look that convicts and th'on'tfntcu whether human orbrutc. wear. An auditor certainly never dreamed of by the artist. He had crept In hero when the shadows of night were coming fi&wn. Trudging wcarl- tytrt to me city's lights, tho s'tfcTOslon of the place attracted him and he stole Into the deepest shadows to rest and hide. To rest, for ho Is tired: to hide. for. ho is hivVited.' fcte Is nudcr ttfc VHa of the law. Tie liiis romtnirted 'cV'fri'e, h"nd merits pun- isluuent. AfmostftisSMiola life's history Is smimied up in these words. -'Ho Is farnil taV wltli thn interior of courts and prisons; niorft familiar with them Yftin with the In sides of school-lions? 'or churches. Per haps one 'is the complement of tho other., Tho learned Jurist npAn whose groMftd ho is Wow ti'cst'as'slng could ttot better, rctito to Vou the list of offenses 'against pWperty than this man. His has been a criminal from bojhood, the records of tho courts would fell you, but the courts have nVor asked the question you ji'auld 'DeHiaps asli whv ? reeling the law's penalties. Invoked bv Uic commission of a fresli crlmo he is seek ing the shelter of the city where; in tlie haunts of the most hardened criminals,' ho will be comparatively safe from pursuit. Pausing hertj lie has unknowingly taken a step towai ds working out his problem of life. The artist has sung within the house to the surlelted ears of art auiVicrtCn to whom such entortalniiVrht Is 'net nttvcl, but floating out beyond lli'ero through the open windows h'ef Ron has reached this Wan crouching low among tin trees, and heed lessly and carelessly as It may have been sent on Its mission, tho. accomplishment of this purpose has bczurii A wakened fittiM a restless and fcar-hatint- od slumber by tile first hurst of song the ualtlve's earliest feeling is of annoyance at being disturbed. It is a VariU, balmy night, and the alf Is laden with tho perfume of roses, but tic has fallen Indifferent to their sweets. Il'hat am roses to such as he? Mofe Uniting would be the stifling atmos phere of some greasy, sweltering den In the city's slums that is now associated with tlie idea of safety from the la. v's sleuth. hounds. JJut there Is euitictlitn Id the air to-night which alfedts him strangely. It Impresses Itself upon him vaznelv as the shadowy form of a dream, IIo tosses rest lessly about in ids hiding place, uneasy under this ItiflueitcCi lib can not shake It Ult. Sbnltt lllelllory within him is stirred! he hlluws not how or why. Ho is not given to analylzlng his feelings. He knows when Ins is hungry, when he is tired, when ho wants td drink; ho knows even (but tills Ulily indistinctly), when he looks back to his childhood, which Is sel dom, tliafi. Is troubled as he Is now, ami that his trouble is the consciousness of a faca associated with those early days a woman's fuco, sad eyed and weary his mother's face. All I that's it. He sud- leilly starts up as tho thought flashes across his mind. Now lie knows what alft'cts liim It is that song, il is tlie odor of tliose flowers. He li is heard other songs, not so: well sung perhaps, but just as full of llle add spit It tlio gay chorus? s of Companions when exhilarated with Ibpior, and not yet brutalized by it; and fot hlni. flawers' ordi narily have llttlcnttraiHlon. H Is the com blunt Ion oftJiesR. wlt.Ji.tjje, Uptight of thai sad fact1, that brings hack li an instant a recollection. He listens, itild as he listens his tllnllsflts turn back tr tlio ll'ttlo village in which ho was born, llo walks through a lane of liowors -all I that perfume they are roses, alld tlley border tho little path' way Up tutlie church door. Some ouc holds his hand. Iels that sad-fuced mother. A sound is in his Car-III the glorious burst uf,Ji6ral,tons ronrlm forth Jhrough the open door of tho churcil. Ali I tl'oso memo ries, now thoy unnerve him I lie is pros trate on tlio sward now aifil .ts 1e buries his face In the fresh greert'grass tletUfA"ifT of the eong pours Into his etila. It cefires. t There; Is a murmur of voices addlbld frcri.j to him, and then comes a pause, arid thrti the leutliig of his heart Is almost stilled tfs tin' first low-toned notes of the succeoifiiig song (til Upon his cars, and soft, siyeirt BfM tefdeily rtd as- tho dirge of the dying ewari the trfeltflj Is bwiw out to him. Tlie said-eyed riiother has long since pass ed att-y fro-iit edrth, leaving tho child at onC'e lier all auJ Iter shamo to the tender mercies of n world that showed her no rnercy and nerer asked" whether in her one fault cfie" Iad been rttost shifted against or lite' sttlttef. None other extewded protection (cfciw or claimed his dutv. 116 knows not (fie mcanlnu of love, and never frfeurredan obligation of gratitude. Yet this song opens his heart, and as lu a vision there com, to hhn rem.inbr.nocs of long for - Let Live." Eonna., November 20, iSS6. 'ten 'precepts Icarncd'VEt'th'o sad-eyed moth 'er's kneer Lorg after its faintest echo has died away ho remains prone upon the ground. In tho train of confused emotions that crowd upon him there Is hot olily the memory of tlw long-forgotten pTc'cbpls, but fh'e awakening of feelings that'have lletcr before found a placj In'hls'hearN Hours alter the singer's voice has tcase'd this nrah rises, chariVell 'ih heart, with tlfo germ of a better life struggling into exist ence within him. As yet his 'Ihlnd Is'con fuscd, htit'oile thought has seized upon It and dominates all others. Ifo will bo a mall no more a criminal. He will try to fell low dUt'the'prcccps, tll'o remembrance 'Jf wlllfcli'lias thus'Wiely come to him. Hie is young yet aud strong. He can 'labor and reform. Htrt that !ls not all. He 'hhs'bccn a criminal; 'lie has Wrdfi'ged society anil owes IKb'ino reparation. ' That debt must bo pMil and then he Irfil start clear again., JUst how lie will pay It bo can hot (liltk now, but he has no doubt the knowledge of what to do, "and the 6pf.ortunlty will come to hlni. Tf ho can only get away from the cone quences of this lasttriihe fbr which he Is being pursued he will do something that will do something that will takeaway the reproachful look from those sad eyes. If he can elude tho vigilance of thu laVs offi cers and get awhy somewhere, where ho can wotk cbt'h'is 'Reparation If "Ttu tiro ihy prlsohor! i'ut oh the bracoletc, Jim." 'fihdcly as this is his dream br61iijh (ft t.poh. Altbost before lib is awaro of It he is ihantcied-'in the clutches of the law, 1 " To think that that dreadful man should have been loitering about our grounds ' flight, 'it's shocking, John ; do look around a'fiS tMfiHf anything has been stolen. "Diiar me, I wlsh'tho police would protect people's property better. I trust the j'idge will sec to"lt that an example, is made of this man." Thus rattles on the hostess of the last nlht, she who Invoked tho 'Jcnl'is of song which enthralled this dangerous ciltulnnl, when on the day following she discusses the arrut made in tho grounds of her mansion some tlmo after the departure of her guests. " How say you. prisoner guilty or not guilty?' J he judge s tones are sharp. There is a T)Hsiness-l)ke ring to his words. He is ax-foiks to.Rct throujrh with this case, as there can be but one ending to It, the qv!-. dence Is so clear. Why then should there be nny delay over a mere formality? Tho I'ingy little court room Is crowded, its at mosphcrc not tlie most congenial, while outside there Is the summer air, tho bright sunsldne. Why then linger over this case? It is oiily ouo .criminal who i-s to get his desi'fts'-'-only'ono man to be taken away from thciti'Tresh fields, that" bright sun shine, thn songs of the birds, the sweet scentsof themKajJows, and In.raured behind stone walls ai.d Iron liars. Here lie sits. Ileplylngto the. formal query of tUri Judge, be has just pleaded "not guilty." That also is a m6re form, fbtlowe-J only at tho suggestion of tho half.fliitged attorney ap pointed by the court ns a matter of form to Iodic after the prisoner's interests. ne knows there is 110 chance of escape and he knows also how merciless tho law is to such as he. IIo has waited for this hour, not wi.h any hope, but with dull 93t tif res Ignatlon, as one stage to be passed. He has already sounded the blackest depths of despair and to-day lies in the abyss with upturned eyes waiting for tlie Inevitable- waiting as might have waited some hope- abandoned victim of the Inquisition, who with a dally terror watched the walls of his cell close In about hhn, and hourlycountcd the fractions of tlie Inches of breathing space yet left him. iV StrandO metamorphosis has been wrought In him since he came Into court tills morning. Ho has become possessed df a double consciousness. Ho stands iiefe awaiting trial and condemnation, but an other self is far away, out of the reach of turnkeys and gyves, beyond the limitations of iron bars and stone walls. One of his two selves is trammeled by the body and remains in the dock; the other ranges tlie universe. One Is mechanically attentive to all that Is going on In the court room; the other Is coglllzant of occurrences of the past and reviews the present and fii: turc. With this last self atone moment every thing swims about, tlie spectators. Judge and iurors whlrllnu In a wild, mad dance at another the crowd presses In up on him until he gasps for breath; now ho Is at the loi liim of a deep j'it where the death-llko stillness almost makes his bralrl giddy; anon, .1 confused murrtiiir Is borne to his ears, at first Ilka the pattering of the rain drbps on a dusly road, then like the crash of thunder In a forest. He Is look ing at the spectators and the hundreds of faces seem to be blending into one huge countenance, with myriad -eyes, ellntin!? PH1) (-listeniilgaild sCitillllrf darts to tils very soul.- He, wlllle he is racked with this mind tar'tuTe-, Is pltjstcallT awitSe' to 'the slightest Movement In tho c'pOft r'ortifft lie flatlet's that the judge's whiskers are longer and whiter on one side than on thrt other, and jherttally goes' (Ilftnfgll the opemtitm' df ar '(anglhg tlietri; lid Is actilally otiservarit of iho actions of three or four newspaper fo poftcrs, who, usoJ td sUch series, sit Iridlf crcut onlooker'.), aYrriilglng and rearranging their notes artd al'iirp'cning their pencils; ho heart tlio ritefrj dllrpliig df a blrtl 111 tlw 'brrtrtclles of rt tree outside tlio" window" h r- aimios in 11 winy sauy 01 oneuitlie .-altous lawyers iJCaf tiltfi. ' Yet ho never for art liiitrful forg'cts h'ls p7es6ri,t situation. That ftfr'nfs tlitf dark background of the ulental fcaleiitdsc'o'pe titt wbicll tlfese tiiried fancies aiifd pictures arc onitllifed. 1ow stroWg" the" evidence atjalrtst hlitf. ltc Nds ndreedtdtrtfifblehlirt self to-cot'slder. It li ctm'clifsj've ilatiin In;. Yes, Ife crfr) se'B tlio judge's face grow sfcrfief as t io HsttotSi ttn'd tiMy-A'ng'rittof'-ney vffo hsis Ifcel'f constituted lils dtfender tlfrovtj ip Iris 1awls h'opele'ssfy' rts ffni cYihWrg' tide' Of fa-cts pottf frr. At last It trss ffrfished KM ifo'w comes tho prisoner' cWifce, so c'allc'ir.- Why, an li if 'ct'ent man wtfirfd be ifofmcd by that deffne'e; tffough It h the test the young ffelgllrfs Of tt'e fa'vr h ewpabfe of waking. It fs soon oitf arid1 then1 what td BB- C67TTIN0EO NEXT T? KtK.) Those" who act right walk with th'6' lT'.1" """ P" "'TSX atnM .11 1 - I . ili Tun AtbUT THEy'tDQE.' " Mas Ilugson, tho hue of whose cofnplei Inn has gained for tho old man the hick name of Pitch, camo to the city sblho time ago and called upon a lawyer. "You want a dlvb'rce,'! sunrise," 'said the lawyer, when JLlas entered. "Dat's it, sah ; but how di'd ye"r guess It?" "Well, thcro Is such a rush for divorces that I thought 'ybli 'Hlrght beldrdj to tho crowd. They all come to uic. Upon what grblihds will you apply for a Blvo-rce?" '"'Zfcttlon " "'"Desertion, eh?" '"Dat's 'It. Nbw, how thuch j'cr gwltie, charge ln?" "I won't be hard oh you. I'll take the case 'for $10." "An' not chari;6 me notliln' lessen yer iJlt the 'vorce?" "Oh, I'll have to charge y blt htiy way." 'Idas, after a moment's reflection, re plied: ,, 'I k-atn' go inter slch cr trade cadht, It's tftblilndln' on nt'ii'rself." , ,,, , "Aro you sure that you can prove deser tion?" 'Jcsvt sho rz I is dat Tse libln'." "Wcll.'ff lfcHIn the case'tlve me $10; If not, you usedn't glve'iiie ahythlng." "'I'carsllke It's sorter too mueh on ycrj own side ylt. N6w, lomnie tell yer. K'ia er soft u' blznlx pusson, an' I'll 'plrHo er ais tacit ww yer. Jif I prove zcrtion an' yer den doan git 'lie 'voice, "yer inns' gin mo $0,an' If yer docs git It, I'll gin yer ten. Mine, now, 'dat ef I ka'in'lprubo do 'zertlou I doau claim mttMft.." "Willful descrtl-jn!"''' "Yes, sah." "Well, If'tflleva I'll take that." UA'I1 right, sah, les put de money up." The money was given lo a stako holder, and the bill for divorco wfcs h"leil. . When the trial came crflt'f'e "Ihwvor. wlilsneilnr' Co 'cllefit, said: "You'd bcttcrmakc a statement, and then let tho witnesses be Introduced." "I doan bclebe do witnesses Is V any use." "Why?" . ,, '"Case de cou't'n tiiKctfiv word.,".. The lawyer laughed. -The. n'gro was' called upon to make a ttr.fen'ient. , - ".Genermen t6dls'hcah.cou't,"sald'ho "I said dat da'r wa'nt no ,usu in witnesses,' case de cou'"t wnld. take tny word. - Mr. Lawyer, I salil dixt I'd prube 'zertloVl In (lis caVe, didn't I?, - "Yes." "Uh hub, dat's v.lmt.I said, and I'll do, It." . . ''Introduce a.wt'ueiV' s'd tlso.j'adge. "N"o use, jedgc." . '.'Wliy?" .'"Case-1 knows dat I ' lady." "Yoit desertid her?" "Ye3, sah. Said dat I'd prube 'zortfon. Er.haw,-liaw, stakoholder, gin rne-nie SO." The Judge, afte hearing an explanation of tho arrangement, said: "Give liim the $.1." "Thankee, Jedge," said the necro wlvch he had received tlio moneV. v'TliMil;'4e,sah. Yer see. I wuz outer 'isilJriient,an'I;nowln' dat dis lieail liivydr is alius alrter niggers tcr git 'Wrc'cs, I thouglit I'd work him er little.'" "You didn't want a divorce, I suppose," said the Judge. 'Bless yer soul-, rto, saU. DAr alii't tto nigger In de country dat's got cr better lady den I has." "And you were merely playing with the court?" "Dat's all, sah. Er haw, haw! Oh,dar's cr heap cr fun er bout dls ole nigger." "Mr. Clerk," said tln$ Judge, "'enter up a (We Of $50 against Mr. 'Lias Bugson." "Good Lawd, Jedge; what fur?" "For playing with the court. "Oh," mimicking tho negro, "dar's er heap cr fun cr bJut dis old Jellfee." BTRAY OEMS OF THOUGHT. IIo who would Avdldslil nldsi ndtstand at tho door of tlilliptatlon; Every nlan has soirle pccdllar train of thddgbt, which he fails back upon when alone. This to a great degree molds the man. -Ho who lives with a good wife bee'driies better thereby, ns those who Hu down amorlrf yldlcts itt'lse with the perfume upon their' (iirlnvnts. Children aro very nice observers; and they will often percelvd ydiir slightest tie5 fects. In general those whd govern child ren forget notliln id theui but everything In tlientsclvHs. -It Is dohig sonlo service tohuntanlty to amuse Innocently; and thfy know very little of society who thhik we can bear to bo always enioloyed, either in duties or tilodltdtldils, wlthodt nny relaxation. -Thco are no little enemies; people either hale you with their whole hearts, or they don't hate you at all.' This "hating a little is like hlowlnsr up a powder iillll a little, tor alt know it bailuol he doiie. The valuo of stlf Cdittrtil Si-hygienic, ;cnH is very great. It pruf ents. waste of vitality lit rcclln-ft amotion, and passion. It Help's td give one mastery dVt'r l'rtln and distress, ratlicrllian It a ifirtstery Hti us. In cvcrythlntji 'Vtilll which wCnT'd en trusted, fro lii tho money we liold Iri our hands to the powers .(If hotly and nllnd Vhlelf w possess, it wfc vtdiild itsd It ifith economy, we must study lis purposes aud strive to fulfill them, preserving, firmly and Wisely tlie balar.ct of savin's and spending lifrjdst tldse proportion that will tyring forth tHe Uest. results. LIFE lM'CICA?fll. . "Papi Has got his appetite hack again, Hasn't Ho nJallim.1rA, asked it Leavitt Ctrcet five year-old the other day; "1'iri afraid not, n'y child," r'cnllo'd tho good motHer. "He didn't eritrfiWlhiug to day. But why AO you askf'" '"Cause I Heard linf tell Mr. lrov, that he crime holrfe f ullr'n a goal lrfst nfglft. I didn't fcriow but" "Itifu itldirglnto the rfcxt rrfortf lUttf rt ffood little tflrl. 1 think I Ife-Zr yoirr p-rfpU Coming ridw, aiifd! itfanfiritt irislfes Id ffji'ea'k td hint" A sulf'rwe'd.fa'ctd mfarf wrtH re6n' spee faclt'r botffdfd A grip; far at tbffcorrief of Stsfte ali'd Adamf str'eetl yeste'rdiry a'fter-nodn'.- The paflpitatlng irfollori of th'ecar seei t'eil ttf please the passen'sef. ttir when he rertclifd Harm'ou coWrt He ttfrncd to the raatf sfttlnV behind lihrtand exclahried: 'NOW.-lr. I'm at linm'a "Where arfl vou folII?,, asIcpiI tlie m'fin t . . 1 . - .. ( lrSawen'not paid hi Acfvandfe.' if Siiuilo.06f)iea 5 Cciits. Tlio Uhs'sMfe have finished '(he Men and.Oxus'ralltfav nearly lo Saf-jklis. This means on lb India. Inveillors aiti'furnhig (heir attention todfvlifs ftfr 'dlstrlll'utHfg'611 upon the water Ih'stB'flha at eta. The exceSslvosmoklng of tobacco, It la agalh'claliuedcauies loss of eyesight. "Are ttieh's-dyes-poore: than women's? SoSas Foolisa'Peo'plg Allcw-R cough to run until It gets beybhil the rehch of incdlcltie. Thoy offen say, Oh, It will wear away, btt Ihlnost'casea it wears their, away. Could they l!c In duced tbtiy the shccessfli! IheJIcino called KcUtb's .llWsam, which 'wo sell 011 a post--.tlvo glfartthteo to clire, they would Immedi ately sa tHs excellent elfect after thklng the lirst ili?3e. . Pilce COc and Si. tin. Trlnl slie 'free. SHld by T. D. Tlldhlas, Lehigh-, ton ahd VV. Ulcry, Weissport. CKstl'e Garden ofllcers say thatthcfo'r mon lihmlgrallou has fallen ofH,200'or 1, 500 a year. Bncklen's A'rntca Salvo. The best salve in tlio world for tts, bruises, s'ofes.'uk'ers.salt thucm.fevcrsores. tetter, chapped hatiil.t. chllblands, ronis. and nil skin eruptl!is, mid positively cures, piles, or no luyTtqltlrcl. It Is guaranteed to give perf?1.;;, satisfaction, or money re funded. ViiinMHv, per box. at Thomas'. -Ah -Vkion. O., dutch factory I? nble to! turn out 07,000,000 matches 'per day. If necessary. Dr. Frazier's Boot Bitrers. Frazler's Koot Miftci's arc hit 'L ilram shop beverage. Unt arc strictly medicinal In cvory sense. They ret st f-f-hzly upon the llvor and k!t5?ei-V, keep the bowels open an J fcgblar, cleanso the blood and system 6f every Impurity. Sold by drugglsts, $1. At Thomas' drug store. Automatic, sir "brkke's must hereafter be put on all circus trains runnlngon West ern 'railroads. Dr.I'razer's Magic Ointm'ont. A surn'c"nrofora"llf)Oils.T)irrns.sefis;art. flesh vrttnds, "rforo 'nipple, hard and eofi corns, cffiJipped Hps faid hands.. Price 30 11?. coin by iirugguis. M jiuams Jl'fT. 1., Wop's., Cleveland. O. Sold by 'I'. Tlis:r.a3; tho druggist. ' An Iowa Insurance coinptn-v'diTaTs $200 for tho best plan'of ft toriado'ciiVe. Renews Her Youth. ,Mr3. Plirrbc hlicsley, VeterSon. Clay Co., IoWa tdlli the fulltfwineVe'iVittfkatdi! storv. the tmtli'ut wlifeli' Is vouched for by the- resmen.t.s (jt ine town: '"l am 7i 5 oars old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; coilld not dress myself without l!elp Xow I am free from nil-pain and soreness, and am able to do all ipy'own houscwoik, 1 thanks td Electric IJltteri for bavins rchuncd my yodth, and removed comprctVdy all disease and pain.'' Try A Voltfe, only 6Cc. at TV u., xnctnias Drugfctore. Tile, Railroads of the United Sti-tos give employment to 050,000 people. Dr. Edward C. Hughes. Hockford. III.. (graduated X. Y. City 18B0) voluntarily testifies: "Some years ago my only son. aged lour, nau an attack of tlie l '.looping ;mtgh. cnaractcrlted bv tho lttdst violent spasnis I have evet seen ln-a piactlce of IS years. Had several consultations with eminent physicians and all ordinary arid extraordinary remedies weru resorted to. The paroxysms were simply filghtful. I believed the child would die. 1 reluctantly tried Dr. fi'cth Arnold's Cough Killer and the'effefct was naglcAh Three bottles cur ed hlril." For sale by all drdrklsts. Price !!5ci but. Slid 81.00 per bottle, I'tivsie is necessary at times for unnous- ness, (Jostlveness. esc. use Dr. Arnold s Uillous Tills. 25c. -About ViVb'-llftlSs xif Ihe popdlatbn of Ireland live In mud houses. If people,- trouble! with colds, will tako Ajcr's Cherry Pectoral befoie going to church; they will nvold cougliliv'. The Pe'ctoVil sdothes un.l heals the Irritated tassuesi diid conttdls all dlsp'osllion to cough. There hasn't been a cradle In the White House in fotty years. Original, prompt, clean, sure and effec tive for pain and soreness-. Hop Porous fMHtn Americans have S12.,000,OCO invested in Mcxlcati lailwriys. Ashma, Bronchitis, Consumption. Fon taine's Cure relieves a cold in 12 hours. Sold by O. T. Horn, Druggist. In one Insane asylum In California there aro 1(404 patients. Glad tldihrs Kelief and cure of throat and lung disease. Fontaine's Cure Is guar anteed to cure n cold in VI hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. --One-person In cvory 35 Iri England and Whales Is a I'dilp'er; SuiLOil'Scdugti alld Consumption cure is sold by ns on a guarantee. It cures con sunlptlori. Sold by Bleryj WcUjport) and Honl; LUhlghton. Mrs. Gladstone has twb ilf btiicrs in this Country, who itre fc'arrylng on a successful milling busidess at White Plains, Coshoc: len Cd.i 0. "IThen Hby wai slclr; o cro her CMtorls, -t Whk'ri iiiS wiw a Child, she cried for tWoria, ' When tlio becamo iliss, ahe clnnj to Ctor!i, s Irhou iho had Children, she cto thbai t'tori5 i :i A - l'I " .Jl x Faber; the irlakef'' of lead pencils; cfcle. Orated dt Nuretnbers the other (Jay Ui6 1 tot If Bnnlyersary of the founding c'f lils factp'ry. For lame hack, sldcor chest, useSlilloh's Porous Plaster. ' Price 25 cts; Sold by XV T? Horn and 'II .F. lllbry,' It Irsald that tire Udesl" dangTiter of tlie PrlfrctJ of Wales is conimbhly.sp'okqn of ds "til! worst dresstd girl In li8ion." ". The world iiibvri-fOnrgratlililio'lliorusc.d brovvil sircar we usti v-f hite: they used com mon brown so.fp, ws-itse whJ!jsoap. Tli best white' swap is Diir.rnopft-L'.s Bott.vx Soap, which can be tfsed forall purposes to which soap is applied. Ilobcrl (J. Irfgersolr Is reported tiO ,be-j 'suffering witlftt throat trouble similar to that which killed General Grant, Itch, and Scr::tchet of every Mud cured in ;10 Minu'.es'by Wor,lford' Sanitary Lo tion. UhC no other. ThW lrevcr falls. fold by T. D. Thoufas; Druggist, L.-hlgliton, Pa. Oct. 2-ly Mrs. Gladstone darns a"l tfie premier's focks.aml his daughter attends to'tlie Grand (fid Man's neckties. Cftnni; .whooping rough and bronchitis frmtfSiWtrjy relieved by Slillbh's C'rirc. Sold by IfbVfr,- LeWglrtcin dn'd Llefy; at H-'eisaptn t. 6 6' vv rifrre is" n'6 Crrristhin dirty that Is not to' be seisotied triM H Off whtf ctcerul. rfess, Tliat Ha'cVfnV cougli' can' be so nuicVly cured by ShTIoh's Cure. We guarantee it. ur, v. i. norii, j.eiiigiuou, ana tilery. Welssiwrt. lo7ala'4:lM,b,:ltCr t0"Te . Advertising Rates For jfiogal Notices. "' The fbllowfWg p"rlces Tnr'lfjpil adver in Ing h'M...f)eeh VdoJitW by the CAitno"r Anv'bOATR. '- fM Ob - - 4 00 4 Ot) - 4 00 ""I 3 00 Jomnilsslonef's Ictlcfs Olvejrco JCbiUs. . .nminisirator.-s nonces lxftolitor'3 .-KUlTcrt - v .V . S 00 ' '0herleat.dVirtIshrswlllbc'rJBrsc() 'Sr by tlio t . ,. g. V. Iterthimir.'V.-riiisliCT,'. ., Perfect flak ' fndhutes h natural niid nAhltliy cWid! tlon of tho fccnlp. mill 'of the g'and through Hldch honrisliinclit Is ob'lained. W'hnh. In coiisetineiieo of ago nlid dis. ease, the hair hccuiiivt weak, llilii. and gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will slrcngthcti It, restoro Its'origliml c'-olnr, pronioltj'il'i rapid and vigorous growth, itnil liup:irt to II tlie lustre nnd freshness of yotitlu I have ued AVer's llinr Vigor for H long time, alul am ( mil lured of It value. Wheli I Mas IT years (if ago mv hair began to turn gihy? I coiiitneiHcil inlhg,tho Vior, ahd was surpri.sed hi tho roc nl, eflerts It. prmlured. It. not only resliireil the color, In mv hair, but so stimulated its growth, that !h,i'o now iiinrti hair than ever lietofu. J W. Edwards, Coldiiater, ,Mlss. Oyer's. Hair Vigor-, Sold by nil Drii;(lit nnd Pcrfam tr'j, Tr Vdc Ar.r. sCrrKtuxa iroin iletiility and loss of appctlto, II yWtt kittniisch fs out of order, cr your mind confused ; ta'ao AVer's Sarsajtarilla. .Tills mcilicliii' will restore physical forca ahd vlastleity lo tho system, more Mlrofy aptl-spCed.lly thnn any tunic jel .,, I'nr ix nin'itlLi 1 Mtlfcril froui llvr.r -mil sinmaeli tmnblcs. My f6oil llil tint iniiilsh me. and 1 lieiuiue wi5i) aiul . c-r, miirli ciii.'ii lalril. I (nolcsix ImtlliM f Ajer's KarmiMrilla. hod w'is enTed. .1 si. I'lliuei', Springliehli Ma's. AyoV's SarsapaHllh, IVtwnil bv lr -I.e. Aver&Co..Iowc,!,.iI;iM. SolU by truifutlit. l'iku $; eU bottles, $j. E. F. L'UCKEtVBACfl-j DhALUIt "Iff WAtfe PAPiiE-S Borders & Decorations, Boob, Stalioffe' Mlf Goofi. Wmd6V "Shades , & 1 Fixttjrca, Latest !3 1 vice, cade ivad put np. If deslrod. Pnirit.1:, Oil," Vamishf 'Patty, Ikn3hcs-&-general-PamtierS' Supplies. '' No. 01 BroauWuT-rMamli - Chimfcr Pa. Itelp'v Iht Broadway House. ' S Aitkin c.-feKoaixii3SE''S academy I'cr Ycsfj Hen and Boys. Uedla, Pa. 12 miles from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers evcrv expense, even books, &c. '.u extra chart cs. o Incidental expenses. Xo examination forudml-s'.on. lively? cxpeilenced teachers, all men, and all pi-aduates. Special opponui)lili.S for npt students to -advance 'rapldlv. .Special drill lor dull and backwaid.bojs. Patrons or students mav select any Studies or choose the re gular ICntllsh, Scientific, Business, Classical or i tvll Knulneerlng course. Students filled at Mr dla Academy arc now Inllavaid, Yiifc, Jtlncc ton and tey, other Collencs and 1'olj technic Schools". 10 ktudents sent lo college n js33, 15 I n 1681, 10 In i?83, in In ism, A gmduatlnK clasj every year In tho commercial dcpaitment. A riivslc.-il and Chemical Laboratory, i-inmaslmu and lliiU'Orouiid. lBuo vols, added to Library In lt'J53. l'byslcal apparctus doubled In IPSO. Jl.'dla has sevvj) churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sals ot all Intniclcallng drinks. .For newlllltitrated circlilar nddrcs t bo Principal and Proprietor, HV ITUIN ('. SlIOU'l I.I00K, A.Md tllatvald GlaJuapjlSIertla, l'a. Aug. 7,M-ly. -DON'T- BUT AN ENGIM! tlnill vou liavo, torn, our clrc'ular nn'l 'prlcps. tSM.06 forltllurso Power, toie.i'O rorCO IIorsn Power. Knulucs cotuplcto Willi Rovornor, Pump, Healer. Tlirotllo Valvo and .Sliht Koed-Uylln. iler Lubricator. .vlot tbnn 10'i In uis Send for circular jilvlnit trrilninnlnls froniiyery ISiato la tho Union. I'lTfe.'.iljBlAr'.WnL-uaraqlwl. rviUnitfs -HAduiNK woisits. tjaldnlnivlllc. N. Y. Mention this I'aporl raarlS-St ANDREW BAYBiii DEALEH IK Wall Paper and Decorations, Wind:-? Sha'ics it Painters Gajplies, Paper Hanging, Hotuo and Burn Falntint;, Calsoainr; and Gramlnif. Hank Street. Lehlchton. Penn'a: Oit. 50-Cui SALESMEN WANTED to sell Nursery Stock. All goods warrant ed First-Class. . rerinanen: pleasant, prolltablo-pislt.ldns' lor.Uio rbflit incu (lood Salaries and expenses paid. Liberal ii. duceinciits to new men. No prevtousoxputrlelie necessary. Outfit free. Write TipniTTTlPl'l i&e'co''- (EnCl3a lili.llUlKllli CllA!!l.ts JI.CIIASE, Nursetymair. Itocli. tcr.v'. V. Mention this paper. ocWn - MANUFACTURERS, who have failed ahd ticslre tp establish then M-lves usaip in a small way, or practical nn. coiutiiel.clng business can learn of, a place vvhe: ,, they canitct aioeatlon. tree machinery trausKii rd from cither Xow York or Baltimore free ! cost and the full co-operation of astroug ritllroa t coinpany Address "" Cominlssionor or ImmisratioiK July l.", iswMf,- ItAU-lnit.r; . $100 A WEEK. Indies or penlleiiiPii desiring plealant pj-.jfl able emiiloviiient Wrifa at out-e: Wviiilit Ifihandle an iuijehtf doinestle. 'uso that ret on .uiei'ds lUelt t.eve -y one at sight. STAl'l,!: v, FI.OLIi' SU Jlklf tiot cakes. Proms 80i ! r cent, ramllles wislilng should (hi- their nvi it bene Iiiii lo nractlco ecbiv. etfeflf Dwd ovon'day Uio year round tri ovcrv, bo-, bold. Prfre svltl.ln the reach of all. C ir iree, Aconin rt-ecivo aniiio inc. Acblrci DOMESTIC M'F'tl CO; Marion, O. ott!Wo. . AFrUCTlSD-AVD UNrOnTUNATR tbNit'Ll 3NN. ttth St.,belovvCallo'hi!l,PhlladeIphlil, Tr tvr0 oilh a kpeclaltj. a) Jears cxperir., . A.rtvKI' free mid strict ly rnnAfientUJ. Trfotn- p lymliil. 'Hours-. II A, SI, till 2 !', SI;, uuU . ic lo (yfenlnss. ( "i.l! (,r w rite. 1 October 10, tKo-y POOD SALARIED a '3 tr commission to Men anS Women fo y tt act us local or travejlrit iisents. ,JS'o WW ci-iu'Kce reeded, steady work. .Tameu j: WifiTM-.v, Nursenman.'JtixdicKri. N. Y. (Slentioii this paper ) ausitii AGENTS VAHTED eS? ConbEw. Sample free to the-.. Iietoiiilng jgerts. No risk, quick salts, la,:! lory slven. JW;Siillrfaciloii sftfaranteed. Ad dress III:. SCOiT, tub Urbaanay.N.'Yorli. T1IR PINK KNOT. Will tell v6i an about tl t 1 fcoujh, and tht) advantage It has. t o utftr '- Tilt PIW KNOT. S6uthera Plnrs.Y. C Oct-fltf VANTEDLADY Active and 1 fntfJIii-tr In her' represent entity an old firm, lhiference renulred.-F. : 10- ent iwdtloii aud guodsalarv. UAi'S I.-.v. llrelaySt.,N. . ff--rs" tu.iNTON nnisf M.T7 (lt iU Boot nnd lqiis JJiKri, p-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers