The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 06, 1886, Image 3

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    "Original Cheap Cash Store'
Fob Men, Women and Cmi.DnEX.
This season wc make nn roctaonlin.'iry
showing of New anil Well-mude (times
in Wool, llerlin, Silk, KM, Dngrklii,
Csstor, frhcckin, Iluikskin unil Until,
These goods we irnurunlretti be llrsl class
in every respect, ami (lie leather cloves
re mado out of Belectcil skins. When
in want of anything in this line (in not
fall to call ami take a look at our im
mense stock anil see what unusual bar
gains we are oflt-ring.
Opr. PoblloSijoste, Bank Street, Letilul June T. I88j'-ly.
lis (Carton SUUwl;
ol'HCIAIi NOTICK -Persons maklne pay-'-'inputs
t this oiilce hy money union or
postal notes will please make tliem liavitblii
at the WlilSSltlhT POST OKI' ll'i:, as lliu
LelilL'liton Office liNO 1" a money order office.
Current Events Epitomized.
Thanksgiving day Nov. 2.". 1880.
Monroe county farmers are troubled
by chickrn thieves.
The Stroudsburgsllk mill Is rapidly
Hearing completion.
All kinds of wedding rings at E. II.
IIolil's, Maucli Chunk.
Rocket Alarm clocks at E. II.
Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
ll'hltc Haven was treated to a
$0000 tire last Saturday.
Read Sweeny & Son's new adver
tisement in to-day's issue.
Miners in tin) Schuylkill coal re
gions are complaining of a scarcity of
Railroad men's on-time, ilust-pronf
watches, at E. II. Hold's, .Maucli Chunk.
Call and see them.
Monday was observed by all as All
Saint's Day hv tin, t.'.ulioilu Churches
thioiigliout tlds ttcllcn.
Step in and "re the handsome stock
of pold und silver Hatches at 12. II.
IIolil's, Mauch Chunk.
Anthracite coal miners in the
'Northumberland region propose stilting
for an advance in wages.
(Jo to Frs. Iloderer. under the
Exchango Hotel, for a smooth shave
and a fnslon.ibln hair cut.
William Moses, one of the oldest
mining engineers hi Luzerne, county,
committed suicide Sunday.
Seventy-three rastles of tlie K. (.
have been instituted in Pennsylvania
during the past ten months.
A two-year-old child of Thomas
Herns, of Ashland, fell into a well at
Ashland, Tuesday and drowned.
Don't fall to read the advertise
ment headed "Save time and money,"
and ratlins, "All cheap for cash."
Watches for gentlemen, ladles, boys
and girl;, and watches of all descrip
tions at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Tho finest lot of .silverware ever
heard of in Caibon countv. Is now ills
played at E. II. Hold's, Maucli Chunk.
Tlie first annual grand dance at the
Carbon House under the auspices of the
"Jolly Six," last Friday night, was a
grand success.
Ladles desiring to secure the latest
styles in winter uillllnery should not
fall to call at the fashionable millinery
emporium of Miss Alvaula GraverJ on
Bank Street, Lelilijliton. 'Jt.
If you have pictures of deceased
relatives you wish enlaiged, do not aive
them to agents but take them to Head
man, of Mauch Chunk, wheie jott are
sure of getting satisfactory work done.
The Lord's Supper will be observed
in the Lutheran church, corner Iron ami
Northampton streets, to-morrow (Sun
day) morning in the German language
and in the evening in the English lan
guage. For the week ending Oct. 30, there
were 148,241 tons of coal shipped over
tho Lehigh Valley railroad, making a
total to date of 5,SUi),U14 tons.and show
ing an Increascof 311.300 Ions compared
with same date last car.
The Schuylkill and Lehigh railroad
company s station at Stelnsville, was
broken Into this week and about in
ash taken from the money drawer.
John liabenold, a Monroe county man,
lias beeu arrested for the crime and In
carcerated in the Lehigh county jail.
irilllam Louthcr. well known
throughout the State, died at Ills home
In Newport, Luzerne county, Sun av.
aged 71 years. He was a member of
the State Legislature in 1801. and took
great interest In the repeal of the
Tonnage Tax law, tor which he voted.
He was largely engaged in contracting
on railroads and other public worus in
this and other States.
Our young friend Milton Kleckner.
formerly of Summit Hill, is now nicely
located in nis new store rouni at Lain
ford with a complete new nock of for
elirn and domestic cloths andc.isslmcrs.
which he Is making up in suits ami
overcoats at the lowest prices. We
would Invite our numerous leaders in
thai, section to give him a call when in
need of anything in ids line.
The administrators of the estate of
Michael Gcrber. dre'd., will sell at pub
lic sale, on the premises near
lcl's hotel, in .Mahoning Valley, on Sat
unlay, November l.ltli, at 12 o'clock
II., a variety of Farm Slock ami Imple
ments ami Household Furniture, com
prising horses, cows, hogs, tirjiti, ha,
straw and potatoes, beds, tieddlnvr, ca'i
pets. Ac, &e. If you w ish for bargains
be on hand. Ut
All members of the Knights of the
Golden Eagle are uigeinly leipiested lo
attend the legular mewing of that ordci
In Gable's Hall, next Monday evenluj.
Novembers, as business of the iilmnsi
importance is to he transacted. Mem
lieis entitled to the second degiee should
bear in uiiml that this is the onlv meet
ing night in the mouth on which said
degree can b conferred, llv ordet II.
R. Krcldler, M. of R.
Prevention is better than cure. Dr.
Hulls Baltimore Fills are tint b,t
preventives bilious and nervous com
jiiaints known. Twenty-live cents. A
'scolding wife," a siiioklncchlinnev."
and a "sqnlllng bahv" are three abomi
nation. Make them two by givlns ihe
baby Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Use Day's
Horse Fowder in all cases of general
debility among jour animals, whether
your horses, cattle, sheep, or hogs are
affected. Price 25 cents.
The tenth anniversary, or tin wed
ding celebration, of the iiiarriace of
George V. Nusbauin and wife was
auspiciously observed at Ids residence on
Hank Street last Monday night. At an
arly hour a large number of relatives
and friends had assembled, hrlnslug
with them many useful articles of tin
ware. The usual eonv ivallties were In
dulged In and at u late hour the guests
sat down at the luxuriously burdened
festive board, and did full justice to
that which pleases the Inner man.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany last week Issued an order to Its
passenger agents and conductors on ilio
Beaver Meadow, Ilazlelon and Mahan
oy branches, that on nnd after Novem
ber 1st, mileage books of Ihe Philadel
phia and Reading Company wou'd not
ij imuuitai on uiese urauelies. Lehigh
Valley mileage books w ill not be hon-1
ores! on the P. & R. between Mauch
Chunk and Tanuqua, between Tama
iua and Quakake, or between Eastl
JjabauoT Junction nd Sbamckhj.
Automatic watches at E. If. IIolil's,
I ll.ittcli Chunk.
Tho anthracite coal trade has rc
' maltted unchanged during the past
i week.
The Lehlsh countv tail has onlv ' ?wl"K t0 a rumor that Kobert tshoncn
1 forty-three wifoners CllnSd within "S I V "'! l,,a W ".'. tw ! P
I rim season lor railroad travel over
the fauiouj&ttltclibaek road closed last
f)ilt nf hinnlv.tlir n rxtitnttt Mituirl.
wi.vui v . Jin Hiiuiiiia ujniu-
cd Int lio H'llkusbaiTocoal district seven
Were fatal.
The CatasatiquaManufacturlng Co.,
w9 chartered at llarrisburg last week
witli a capital stock of .'I3D,8oO.
A young man named McGroarty,
employed In the Oakdalo colliery, near
Wllkesbarre, was killed by a fail of
rock on Tuesday.
llv A fdtl tif cn.ll In the r.nnttct
Spring collier. Il'cdnosday, Charles
Koous, of Locust Dale, was instantly
killed and James Mcaglian seriously in
jured. A lady and gentleman accidentally
touched each other's feet under tlie
table. "Secret telegraphy," said she.
"Communion of solos," said he. Siit)
pov we lake a ride In one of David Hu
bert's easy ilding carriages. Livery on
North street. Terms low.
Salvatsoti Oil delights everybody.
It can he hail of all druggists ami dealers
111 medicines. It er.iilltMtes nil ii.itn he
nulckly removing the cause. It cures
neuralgia ami rneuinaiism. rrice
1 I'lee
ninlt IVIi..,. V,l. l ,1,., A,. I,
young Ham was always playing tricks on
the old gentlaiii.ii). One day hetold Ids
sea-faring father that there was water
In the cellar ami tiiey had
nil r.nt,iTltt
coldl I lien It dawned on Noah that he
nan ommiiteii id secure a surpiy or ur.
Bull's Cough Svrup.
'Pleasant Curnsr Items.
Vnw.i.n lli.i in ii... , tU... 1., ,1,1.
pla-o ilurl'nu' the past week we noticed
Henry heldle, of 1 adelphhi. and
lleilbeii llnuser. of Laniforj.
.Oal4 fir,, tti.tllm ill flflv rw.nle liiir
buslici throtmliout file Valley.
.1. T. MeD.inlel is nnllln? a new
floor in Ids dancing hall anliso.her
wise prei.iring for the cominj .vliuer
A corn husking match at the resi
lience of L. O. J. S.raiiss vvai'elv
alteiijed last Wednesday. All lire-ent
were lilhlv lileased with the evcntM"'.!
enjii incut.
Miss Lizzie Ilontz. of this place.
was visiting -Miss Linin.i Grosi, at Le
liighlon, during last week.
Tbituary Mother
Mother llnwnmn died at Allentown
t;ikl l1ll.lllt ,il..lii .ii in., t, ..r i.....
sou Bishop 'i liomas iionmau, of the
Lvaiigelleal Assoeiatlun. she was con
lined lo her lied for twelve weeks, dur
ing which time she sutTeied Intense
ho. Illy pains. The body was taken to
l.clilL'ii dan on lliur.sdav ami interied
In the ccmelary at Snyder's church,
where her husband Jacob Bow man Is
burled. The deceased was the mother
of our townsman W. W. Bowman,
cashier of the First National Bank, of
this place. Mrs. Bowman was horn at
Welsspoit. December rah. 1808, nml
was aged 77 vear?. 10 months and 111
days. She was a mauil-daii'iitcrof t.'ol.
Jacob Weiss, line F llm Hrst setlleiQ In
tlie County. Mr. Thomas Weiss, her
father, lived at ll'eissnoit In a frame
housi near by where. Hie ll'eissnoit
l'Lllihii mill in, iv Gl'iiiilc 'I'll.. tir..L...iii
borough of Weissport was his farm.
Mahoning Splinters.
The rain last week was fnllv .mure.
elated by all.
C. II. Selille nnd wife ivern In Phil
adelphia last week.
Flocks of wMld peese have heen seen
(lying SoiiiIi. which is, so 'tis said, a
sign thai winter is close at hand.
Frank Slcigerwalt. and family, ut
Penn Forest township, were visiting in
tlie Valley over Sunday.
All all our schools, with one excep
tion, opened on Monday of last week
with an attendance of about 230 pupils.
The teacher who had heen appointed to
teach at Horn's school failed to put In
his appearance ami so that school Is
still vacant. Dash.
srKci.u. most r. n. s.
Il'e are pleased to note the success
of our young friend A. F. Oldt. who
drives tlie steam threshing machine for
D. Nothsteiu.
Mr, Beinsmith. of White Bear, was
seeing Ids many friends in tills place
during the past week.
Our irrepressible young friend D.
Longacre lias been convinced that the
masher's path through life is not lined
with roses.
P. Mullierd, of Slatedale, was in
tills place during the past week.
D. Nothsteiu has purchased a new
engine of the U. S. Wind Engine Com
pany. A. On account of scarcity of space
balance of letter is crowded out. G.
On tho Vater Question.
John P. Griscom, Sup't. of Peiin.t.
Diamond Drill Co., of Blrdsboro', Pa.,
ivas in town on Monday In the interest
of Ids company and of tins Imiuugh.
After examining tlie rocks from P.ick
eilonto Parryville and all the exposed
stiata and llio IMmie3 and ma-ses of
lock and slate In ihe locality, lie said
lie fell quite confident that au Artesian
well, of less than 3i)0 feet, in most aiiv
part of Ihe town would give ample wif
ler supply for the hoiough for ihe ne.x.
ten or Hfieen years lo come, hut ihe
most suitable place for the well and
uservolr together would he in the vi
cinity of Henry fs. p,,,.
poses to drill a six inch hole lo ihe
depth of suillcient water, or d.m
leel, at a cost of 2..'.l per loot, tlie
hoiough oreom ..iiiv lo luriiMi tlie wa
ter and shed ling for Hie working of iln
m.ichiiicrj and to ltnloa I and haul the
.machinery tnnu ami lo ihe biatiou, the
whole cost not to exceed fc.l 00 per fool.
Hoping tlie citizens will take tlie
matter In hand and organize so that a
Uipl of pnre.liesli water wdl he forth
coming soon ho h for domestic ptirpuMg
an. I in case of coull.igiaiiotn In which
all are so much interested, as it will
enhance all propel lies and add somtnli
o tin" venieueeof the most simple
citizen, that the ni.itterslionld not for a
day longer he neglected.
The advantages of an Artesian well
are so apparent that no thinking per-on
can hesitate to pieler it an I alvocate
It. Inloes away with all the tilth ami
decomposed vegetable and animal nut
ter vvlih which surface water is con
taminated; besides. If jon have a good
Artesian well ou have, water forever,
ami no drought will stop xour lltm-of
water when you need It most. The ad
vantages of a Diamond Drill hole are
that it will drill a perfectly plumb hole,
so that jour pumping inacliluerj. If a
pump Is necessary, will work smooth
and clean, while a drill hole with the
ordinal)' steel iliill will he ciooked and
uneven, ami tho pumping machinery
will ruh ami scrape on the edges and
wear them through in a'short time.
, MiiiiiiiiiiLiiiioii oi ii. .i. n an e,
ed tor of the Cminilltr ana Tlmtn of
Gettysburg. Px. , , " -.1 lie of 1 On "
i8ni; he o,,r w e is m ew i...::.'
in a rommunicallon of H. ,1. Slahle
8 Inch hole, cost (loo. Water soft aiid
ijouii; wen nas snow n no signs or vveak
enlni'. even nfier ihiiih.i,.. .it i.
5" . . ... r". !. iiuiiis.
consecutively. eai every well pleased .... , T7 T
with our well and water. Our reservoir! 1 banksglvlng Day will be observed
cost W.000; lined with good clay the tl,p "''th Inst. Those or our mer
best thing lo use and lus a capacity t'l1,all,s desiring to close on that day will
of nearly a million eallniis i plcise send In their names.
Would we not feel good Ifwcpos-'
sessed such accommodations, and we
can get them if we make Hie proper
elfort. A general subscription has al-;
ready Jwen Marted and some D,000
subscrllxd. Whv not call a meeting
auu ueep tue him n mot onv
ivcsptctiutiy submitted by
' c un...
A 0. UZVU..
"Our Man " Aronntl Weissport.
Intense cxclU'incnt prevailed la
till ltd IMS til 1......I ,tn... U -..t
. jfiti.') 11.01 own luuiiy intuit, vviui.
ISluncnliergrr, vvlio routes from Lower
; TovvatiiiMising. h.ul been in Hie employ
f Levi Horn, lth whom lm made his
I hoine, fin tlie past seveial montlis. On
lusf 'I'll. ta,l, v til.ft.l I... I. .ft M tlr.i.
....... . dunj .ll.l, ,1 111, .Hit IIUIII S
, residence in East Weissport, and i'iit
tu sen a Mm. ttinu-ll. till,, Itli.a sum..
distance up tlie canal. Tuesday nlsht
was daik and disagreeable, it hea'vy rain
which was falling rendering tlie gloom
more cruel and treacherous, it Is sup-
...n. uiiuutllirvii:! IVIb 1119
sfslel 's Inline lin fttni In.l itnu ,1 llm nml
TWVsKll Mint nllnH U i.m.11 .an.... l..r . .
and in attempting to cross tho narrow
iiKii oniige which spans tue canal at
Whitehead's lock, was precipitated Into
the waters below, vvhcreiie met his
death. On Wednesday morning a hat
was found on the tow-path by several
boatmen, but as Shancnberger was sup
posed to have gone home, on account of
not being able to work owing to thij
disagreeable weathci, no alarui was felt
unto Friday, when Inquiry was made
for him at tlie several places he was
supposed to have gone ami, upon word
being received that he had not been
seen during the week the fear that he
had met his death by foul means was
increased, and efforts to procure tlie
liat found hv tile Im-ltliwm Ii..i..n.l.
lately made. All kinds of stories were
J ........ .... nimia ui still les
unom UP lOOUnilaV.llllll Slianell lenel's
mysteiious illsappearanco was the topic
"r ,ll9t'"st' l all parts of town. A
, 'or lliat llm water in th-canal be-
iin-in-ini a mm j iirian 8 IOCKS
Was In he itr.lll-ll riff mi Mini.1.,.. i......ln
created the utmost e.xcllenient nml in a
shun time tlie canal bank was crowded
with an excited and curious throng.
As the wnler ulnulv rittiiilot 1 tint unui ,1
was greatly Increased and the excite-
'"TJir.T'' a"il1 'V"rH V",'ns'"' a',"1
.'.V - surpasse, when 'inongst the
mil I and weeds in the lied of tlie canal
uie outline ot a human form was seen.
A few minutes later the gi entry decom
posed fuiin of voung Shanenhe"iL'er was
brought to tl anal bank ami the
uriiiseil ami liatteicd fcatuies was gazed
upon with feelings of pity and son ow
by the excited and curious throng. A
messenger had been despatched for
Coroner Horn, of Mauch Chunk, who
was mioii on the ground, and after
viewing the body and appointing as a
jury Messrs. Mertz. Kits!, Emerv. Buck
and joyt-r, adjourned to the Weissport
House to hear the witnesses ami make
a filial exainiiiail.ui of the dead body
which had been taken thliln-r. Kager
crowds lingered around the hotel anxi
ous to hear the verdict to be rendered.
The idea the dead in,,n had heen
foully dealt wllh. however, was ills
pMled ilium tlie jury repotting that,
Shaneuberger came to his death hv ac
cidental diownlng. An examination of
the .lea lli ly sh.uve 1 th it the left arm.
seveial i His and collarbone were broken,
hesiuesa iiumher of bruises on oilier
parts of tlie body, the result of being
slltick by the passing boats. Shaneu
berger being a genial companion, had a
large number of liiends In this place
whoirre.itlv mmtrn liU umi i..i..
The body ot shanenberger was taken to
in luiiiii'i nmiie in iowcr lovvamcn
nieiisllig, fro'ii whence lie was burled
on Wednesday, a large coucotir-i! of
sorrowing relatives and friends follow
ing tlie remains to their last resting
I IV notice by your last Issue that
the. Young .Men's ('htistian Association
lias been .successfully organized In jour
borough. Tills Is a very pleasing fact
and we hope that the young gentlemen
of our borough will observe the practi
cability of entering into hearty Co-operation
with tin) organization at Lehlg'i
loti. As a means of advancement, in
telleciiully. morally and socially the
Young Men's Christian Association Is
surpassed l.y none and equalled by few.
Tlie aims ot tlie society are placed upon
the broad scale ot what is best and
lUhtfor the welfare of a common hu
manity Its nieinhersscatterliig .lie seed
ot Christianity and benevolence as l hey
Journey along the narrow pat Ii of life.
Tlie Young .Men's Chiistlan Associa
tion is known throughout tlie len-ili
an I Ineadlh of the land for its nobleness
and loftiness of purpose and grandiiess
and sublimity of action. It is fiee.
from tlie dogmas which characterize
many organizations and will eventually
prove Hie means of wiping out Hie pet
ty jealousies which exist between tlie
different churches, to a certain extent,
to-i'ay, even as they existed centuries
ago. Those of our young men w ho are
awake tu their own interest and to the
belleiment of society generally will
avail themselves of this opportunity, no
doubt, by giving the Association "their
united ami beany support.
I'lie exceedingly lugubrious manner
in which the Democracy of tlds place
met the Inevitable last Tuesday, was
somen hat ludicrioiis. Whilst by many
Black's election was thought probable
l:is defeat was expected by others. One
fact is evident, however, fioin the re
sult, ami that is. that the laboring
masses have not proved true to them
selves. In Ciiauncey Black's election
a man would have been elevated to the -chair who has that de
termination of character ami Hut ex
ecutive ability us places lilm farabmu
' he reach or rings or cliques, enabling
him to dispose of the duties connected
wiih tlie high ollieo witli credit lo the
citizens of tlds coiiiinoiiwealih. How
ever, il lias been decreed hv the imijoii James A. Beaver shall
be the legal repiesenlative of the inter
osts of ihe Keisione State in Hie ca
pacity of Chief Magistrate for the next
thiee years. This h dug so. Il now de
volves on Governor Beaver lo make or
unmake him-elf, to receive tlie lieartv
eoniiiien, aiioti or the seven-rebuke of
IViinsjIvanla's citizen, hv his actions
dining his term ot ollieo. Governor
Ih-aver can w its a place in liNtorv as au
able an I wor.hy ollielal that will rank
well witli his caieer as a brave and
daring soldier. U hat will he do? ( 'arry
on thealVaiisof State up to the standard
oi his own coiiviciioit" or will he be
ruled hv that machinery which o ills
gracefully eharaclcrizeiK'iovernorlloyfs
a.lnilnistra lon. It Is hoped not. Gov
ernor Beaver is a m in of intelligence,
and if he pursues his own convictions
wl'l he ju Iged gencrimdv. ami If repro
liunde.1 It will be witli mole or less le
ill 'tame. However, upon Hie first in
tlnnilon of his connection .vlth the
hnssi-iibe criticisms will he as severe as
would have been his piaUc. Let us
hope for tlie best.
I'lie Knights of Labor In our neigh
boring towns did their duty nobly on
I'liesdav. and especially the members of
that organization in our sister borough
LehiL-litoti. u In.,-., it in II I ...... .....i...
e.l liy the organization received majori-
ii s i.iiihi iar nnovc inose ot pieylous
years. Messrs. Baeltman and Bauden
biisli, hav e been elected to represent the
people of Cat hon county, nml especially
the interests of I In. working u asses, in
till PlMIIISl It ntlMI I ....a 1. ..Ill
, - ... ffmnii r. ii mil
devolve on t hem to pu.h forward and
,ui iNiMMoes propose, tor tlie
Interest of the wage-earner, as well as
for them to e:ist, n...i..c
nil monopolistic enterprises. Thesu
gentlemen have hotli been In tlincnit'loy
at ,1... 1 ..!.!.. I. 1-.1l .. ....
,,r il,,. I ..i,i,.i. v-.11 . n ,
i V )I,, ,,,1 a,l' ' Nullroad company.
' J ""i" Sm U7 .""'' h lo,t 11
1 u'ry. "r".1"."1' "!'.- of n.
A. It., and Knights of Labor and win
mine l.Mfrisi.iti, 11..11 ..111 .
i,u u, itasL
; on equal "loottn
The days are about ten hours and 1
ten minulos In IcngUiat pieeent. I
.'1 tllO ltltpst nrvi.ltir.
. ,. ,, '. BO t itles
1,1 'W WHU W lllter IIKMTllltllt
ta or ill? "nndsi ..t. fl,, A
... ..r. w.
. Ism I A,ii.l,frs I
vsj, J7tUliV.XuJ, I
Tneidaj'i Election
The election lu tills place last Tuesday
1 iiasseii 1111 witli more mail usual quicuiess.
I'lie voters Kolug tn tlio (mils, deHiithiK
tlielr votes, nskliig tlie mimlier of votes
Killed. Hint then leaving. Ahout tho only
men vvlm were In constant attendance during
tlie day were the men who kept the window
Imoks 11111I tlie several lenders ot tlie two par
ties. It will bu seen liy tha vole of tlie several
districts npiiendcil that tlie KiiIkIiIs ot tabor
clement siipHrlcil tlielr candidates struugly 1
LlillinilTON llOltOUQH.
rem coVKii.voii.
black, D S39
Heaver, It ,, I GO
Wolfe, P. 21
Black's majority 1G3
nicketts. I) 310
li.nles, It tai
barker, 1' 2
liltketts' majority 128
rtreniian, 1) am
Norrls, It. ko
Ilawley, 1. tn
llrciman's majority lua
SEC. I.VT. A CPA I as.
Africa, n 310
Stewart. 11 ixa
lCmcry, r. i m
Africa's majority. )3j
Stevenson, 1) 32T
(Htiorne, It i;n
tanner, x i
Stevenson's majority.
uucKairvv, I) 308
l-uttlg, 1' 2
uuckalew's majority iso
Slmll. I au
ijovviiian, l" ye
Slinll's majority 2a
?rais, n isn
ll.lelilti.iu, J) 31H
aiiimeain. 11 no
Itaudetibush, l; 3.10
iieiiei'iing, ) "I
Jlaityn, r 9
Itaelnnnii over .Mnllicarn, 108; Itaudcn-
uusn over craig, 211.
It.ipslier, D
Kallihis, It
Itapshcr's majority
col'.mv sui'.ynvon.
Scott, It
wi:issi'oi:t itoiiouoii.
Rlack. D
Denver. It
Wolfe. P
Black's ninjnilty
Kl'krtts. I)
Drvles, I!
barker, 1'
ItU'kctt'.s majority
Amnion gknkrai.
Ilremian, 1)
No nis, It
llawlej, 1"
Itrciin.'in's majority
Africa. I)
Slewmt. It
Ijnery, V
Africa's niiijorlty
Steycnsnti. I)
Oshorne, 1!
r.iltnci, f
Stevenson's majority
Miickalpw, 11
I-ittlg. I'
Buckalevv's majority
Slmll, I)
How man, 1'
Slmll's majority
rrale, IV.
lincluii.ui, I)
Midheiirn, It '
Itaudenlittsji 1; '
llclieiline, V
Jliirtyn, I'
. 2?l
. 211
Cralir over Miillienrn. 27; flachmaii over
i:auilci:binli, 4.
Ttanslii-r, T).,
ivaunus, j, tt
Itapshcr's majority
countv sunvr.voR.
Scott, It
Mackl's majority
Black, I)
Beaver, li
Wolfe, p ;.;
Black's majority
llli-ketts, n
Davles, (j
Barker, 1'
ltlckett's mnjorlty
Ilrennan. I)
Xoirls, t:
Ilawlcy, 1'
Brcmian's matorlly
Africa, I
Mowm t. It
Bmery, V ..
Africa's majority.
ttevenson. Il
0- lmrnc. It
Kilmer, p
Brcmian's majority,
Biiekalevv, I
1- ittiir, I : .:
Bni'kalew 's majority
Slmll, n
Bon man, 1'
Slmll's majority ?
fralc. n
Hai'liiiciii, I)
Mitltiearii. I!
Baiidetibusli. It
Ileberlliie, I'
Martyn, P
, 2on
. 1GI
. It)
, 20.1
, in.1
, 22
, 227
Craleovcr Mnllicarn, 10; Bacliman over
ltaiiilenhusli, 1.
ltipshcr, 1)
Kalliflls, li
Itapsher's majiiiity
county sLiivnvon.
.vott, It
Mackl's majority
Black, I)
Beaver, It ,
Beaver's majority
Lieut. Governor.
Itlcketts, l ,
D.ules, it- ,
Davles' in ijnrlty
Auditor Generul.
Bremian, 1) ,
NOll'19, u ,
Norrls' iiiajm Hy
Sec. Int. Affairs.
Africa. I)....;
Stewart, li
Slewnit's majority ,
StevcllsOll. I)
. 125
O-ibome. K ,
Osborno's uiajorlty.
Buckalcvv, I),
SUull, D
.. 114
rnilc. D
. 112
Bii-hiiuii, D... '
M Uni iru. It .
lUi'deubusli, It.
Cralic nvnr Mulboarn, 24 1 Itaadeubush
over JJauniuJ,-T. '
itrfc( iHornev.
Kapshcr, I)
KHibtus, a ; ..".!."!..;; ;
Kalbtus' majority. , is
Countv Surteyor.
Mackl. D , 111 m
Scott's nuijoilty. 13
Black,!) , jo
Heaver. It. , ' .. m
wolfe, v. 2
Black's mujorlly gt
Lieut. Gottrnur.
Itlcketts, D 120
Davles, It . .. . So
Barker, 1'. , I..!;"...;";!" 2
Itlcketts' majority 81
ludlfor General.
Brciinan.I) im i
Itawley, 1' .'.'.;'
Urcnuau's majority
Sec. n(. Affairs.
Alrlca, D
Stewart, It '
Emery, 1 ,'
Africa's majority
Stevenson, I)
Osborne. U
rainier, 1'
Stevenson's majority
Bnekalpw. D
iJiltls, I
" Buckalcw's majority
Slmll. D
Bowman, I.
.Slmll's majority-
rralg. I)
B.icliman, 1)
.Mlillieat n, li
ltaudeiibusli, It
Craig over Mtillie.irn, 101; Bachmanovcr
iWlUHt-llUUSIl, IKI. ,
VMrict Attorney.
Itapsher, I)
Kalbtus, li
Itapshcr's majority
County Surveyor.
Mackl, I)
Scott, li ,
Mackl's majority
Black, I)
Ucav er, It
Wolfe, P
iictit. Gocenior.
Itlcketts, D
Davles, It
Banter, 1'
Auditor General.
Brennaii, I)
Aonls, It
Itawley, P
Sec. int. -flJufrs.
Africa, D
stew .lit. It
Emery, 1"
Stevenson, l
Usboine, li
Palmer, 1' ,.
, 20t
. 2S3
. 213
. 281
Buckalcvv, I).,
IMU, 1'.....
Sliull, D
Craig, D
llacbiiiau, 1).,
.Mulliciirn, li .
llebcrlliig, P.
.Martjti, 1'....
. 194
i 311
District Attorney.
Bapslier, I)..
. 213
. 279
ikUIUIUS, 1.
County Surveyor.
Mackl: I)....
Scott, li...
The following is the total number of
votes received by lite several candidates:
t or legislature Craig, 2105 ; Bacliman.
:127.; liatidenbush, 5U0j Mulharn, "000.
uisinci. iiuorney itapslior, yO'JOtKalb
lus. i'S07. Governor Black, 3200:
II. ...... nunr ' '
People in and ontof Town.
our people who may have relatives or
friends yislthm them will greatly oblige us
by ceiidlUK hi their names unit residence for
I'liunviuii'ii miner (111 ueau. KDtlOR.J
Frank Reber, of Philadelphia, was
in luwn uunng uie weeK.
Charles Weiss anil wife, of Alden,
nciu iii lown uunng tue. weeK.
One I'Dlinn fla.i.l r-un-nA 1 TV'll.
of Last Maucli Chunk, was in town last
Abr. Patterson, of We.ithprle -v-i
in town seeing ids many friends on last
Miss Eliza Barthold. ofSlati nptnn.
lieni cuuiiay wun Jirs. 1. A. Ucrn)an,
un ijaiiK. sireei.
Charles Clanss. a stmient tn 'Xrnli.
lenoerg college, Allentown, was at
nome overaumlay.
Our old friend A. C. Brodhead, of
i iiiiaueipuia. was in town several days
.1111115 ill- ,..iai, WI'UK.
Jonathan Kistler and Henry
Schwartz were circulating among Ta
maqua friends on Monday.
Mrs. L. Boyer, of Lawrence, Kan
sas, was the cucst of II. II. Peters and
lainuy. on Dank street, last week.
Misses Xora Clark and Kate Me
tiotry. or esqttelionli)g, spent several
days this week with Miss Annie Clark,
Messrs. Fred. Bcrtolettc, Ed. Mul
liaren. James Handwerk and Jjs.
Kalbrtis, of .Mauch Chunk, were, in town
tor a tew Hours on Wednesday.
-Mrs. Mary Anion, of Lewlshtir;
anil llrs. m Conner, of East Maucli
wiiiuk. spent last Wednesday with Mrs
II. V. Morthlmer, on Bank street.
Parryyillo News Ooisips
x Mr. Charles Itaddatz. who had heen
away for several months in Gciniany tn
"is leiauves, nas rciurneii nome.
Mr. William Sheckler had his toe
smasli.j last week while at the Central
Miss Mai'V RilZ. of Allentown. crime
home 011 Sal urday to spend Sunday with
ner parents.
Miss Amelia Itaddatz who has heen
away fiom homo for quite a while, rc-
uiriieu iniuie 011 jiouuay.
Mrs Maria Thomas, was visiting
her daughter at Allentown during last
On Friday last the cinder car ran
from the top of the hill, where they
dump, dow n In the creek.
Our lown Is fast Improving, they
are fixing pavements through town.
which will be very nice after they are
cilllinj llllisijfii.
Mr. F. P. Boyer's sale was held on
Fliday last.
We had considerable rain last week
which was a good help for every one in
town, as, nearly all the well's and springs
were dry.
Last Sunday communion services
was held In tlie M. 12. Church and there
was quite u number picscnt.
On Tuesday last Mrs. lieese and
Miss Davis, of Xesquehnning, were tlie
guests of Mrs. Edgar Bamford.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Pettit were
visiting relatives at Hazeltou last Sun
day. Mr, William Bamford was visiting
his relatives at Lansforl over Sunday.
Just received Jroin Bos
ton, ittt immense stock of tlie
KPiiui'ic Kniylit of l.alior
SllOfi-!. wllifll wo nr cnllinir
at $2.50 nnd $3 Warranted
solid calf leather. Olauss &
Hro., the Tailors, sole agents
Jbr Curbon county.
LeisonH. November lh.
John 20, 10-31. Golden Text, John
20, 2J. Time. Sunday, April 9, and
Sunday 16, A. D. 30. Place, a room in
Tlie Lord had risen from the dead.
Already on this eventful .Sunday He
nan appeared lour times, lirst to .Mnrv
Magdalene; then to the woman who
accompanied her to tho sepulchre meet.
ing uicm on ttieir return; then lie ap
peared to Peter alone; and afterwards to
uie tvroitisciplcs who were on their wax-
to Etumaus. It was now evening, and
the disciples, Willi the exception of
lliomus, were gullicred in a room at
Jerusalem. The doors were securely
fastened so as lo prevent intrusion, and
also its a meiins of protection In
stormy times. Suddenly the -Master was
in the room, amongst llisdisciplis. The
method of Ills entrance is not given, but
as He salutes the disciples witli. "Pease
be unto von. Then lie showed them
I lis hands and side, which had been
pjcrccd. and when they thus fully recog
nized their Lord and Mnster,tlicy were
glad. Here wasa positive proof that it
was the indenticHl person who had been
crucified as Jesus, tlie King of tlie. lews.
The evidence clustered about His death
and burial leaves no doubt as to 1 lis
resurrection; and the proof herein given
leaves no doubt that this was actually
tho Mitue person who hud died, been
buried und risen again. It was the
Christ. The proof was sufficient for tlie
disciples, who were conversant witli all
the tacts at the time. Jesus then com
missions tliem to go out into tlie world
and preach the gospel. Ho "breathed
on them, mid salth unto them, iiteeivc
ye the Holy Ghost." and thus commiss
ioned He sends them forth.
Itwasjust one week later that the
disciples were gathered in thoeiiincrooiii,
and this time Thomas was with them,
Doubtless he had been told of all that
lind occurred. Xow Thomas was of a
skeptical nature; lie was nn enquirer, an
earnest seeker alter truth, but heretjuired
proofs before lie could go as far us his
comrades in accepting truth. lie is a
type of many anionuM us to duv; men
who require a logical statement of facts
and who do not rely us much on the
emotional nature us others often do.
Thomas had said that lie would believe
when he could himself see and feel the
tangible evidences that this was the risen
jurist, it is significant that the dis
ciples were in tlie same room this second
Sunday, tliuscarly assembling themselves
logeuicr on tins iluy; anil it is equally
significant that Jesus honored them in
its observance. He appeared amongst
them this second Sunday evening, nml
tit once toldTiiomaslo thrust his hand in
His side und be convinced. Aim tlie
doubter cried nut, "Mv Lord and tnv
God," in llm fullness of his belief. While
Christ accepts his faith, He says that he
is blessed indeed win) believes w-'tliout
requiring such positive and tangible
This narrative doses with the state
ment that these tilings are written that
men might 1 elieve that Jesus is the Son
of God, und that to believing, they may
have eternal life. Tho evidence, as al
ready stated, is absolutely conclusive,
and should be sufficient to "convince the
2. Has Christ commissioned vou to
3. Do not omit the assembling of your
selves together. Christ meets witli His
. 4. Let your faith find expression in
Local Institute.
At the call of the Co. Sup't., T. A.
Snyder, the teachers of Caibon county
met at Summit Hill, on Saturday. f)et.
30th, for the purpose, of holding a local
Institute. On tho Friday evening pre
ceding a lecture entitled "The Uses of
Ugliness," vva3 delivered by Bev. John
Deiritt Miller, of New- York. Itev.
Miller Isoncof the very best of lecinivrs
and the large audience who heard him
on Friday evening were loud In their
praise. The teachers and friends of
education will have another opportuni
ty of hearing tills talented lecturer at
the annual teachers' institute. The
Saturday session of the institute was
called to order by the Co. Sup't., T. A.
Snyder, who spoke of the success of the
lecture on tho previous evening and ex
pressed pleasure at SCellltr the leaehnrs
of the county so well represented at the
institute. At tue conclusion of his re-
marKs tne institute sang, "Come, Come
iVvvay." A permanent orcanlritlnn
was then effected hv electing T. a. Sue.
der, chairman; Profs. Bcvan and P. II.
McCabe, vice presidents, and F. II.
Cannon, D. G. IFatkins. Thomas E.
lioyil and .,. W. Ilcnnlnger, secretaries.
Before beginning tho work of the day
Mr. Snyder again addressed the insti
tute. He urged the teachers of the
county to attend tho different local in
stitutes and to take an active part lu
the discussion of the various topics. He
continued by saying that local institutes
are not only for the eood of teaehers
but also for the benefit, of mrantt nml
directors, and expressed pleasure at see
ing so many of both present.
The regular programme was opened
by a class drill.conducted by F. X. Can
non. Ho exhibited a class of nine
young ladles whose work did their
teacher credit. After the ill 111 ihe sub
ject of Heading was discussed by T. A.
Snyder, Beldler, Cannon, Potteiser.
Uevan, Spencer. Beisel and others.
The Co. Sim't. then made :i few rn.
marks on the subject of "School Albor
Day," after which Mr. D. G. Wat kins
gave a talk on Hie subiect ''Our Coal
Fields." Tho gentleman showed, by
the wiiv in which ho Tian,ll..,l l,u e,,t,.
Ject, that ho understands coal and has
devoted his time and attention to tlie
subject. Miss Maggie Hogg then gavo
x class drill on measurements, color,
ifcc. Her method of enndiiel Inir tliu
recitation Pleased all the teachers nres.
cut, and she gave hints which will be
sen Iceable In more than one schoolroom
in the county.
The morning session wax closed hv
an essay entitled ".otne Duties we Ive
gleet," by James J. Bovan. of Mauch
til utile. He urged upon the teachers
tho necessity of keeping abreast of the
times. His addtcss had the ting of
truth and the "I'tillenian ih.lleerMl ,i
if ho meant what he was baying.
The afternoon session was opened by
a recitation entitled "A Scottish Peas
ant," by Win. McLaughlin. A duet
was rendered hy two ladies of Summit
Hill, anil was hl"hlv amirwi.,i..,i ii. 1
nmllaiin. II.a 1.-.....MM . . -
, . ...,,al,nU i uuiiias men gave
a class drill on the subject of Lanaitace.
..,,,,11,11 niiisiruieii sucn neatness oi
i',,i. .i.iii in..... . .
n OIK oil llie part or till! scholars ns Is
seen In few schoolrooms. The discus
sion of the subiect Phvslnl
gieno was then opened by Samuel Motz-
t-r,aiiu was conunueu liy J. Jl. Bobeits.
uevaii, ueisej, rottciger, Itev. Horn, of
i.ansioru. anil others, 'llm insiltm.
then san "Come. (
utions were then passed thanking the
ladles for tho excellent music ftirnl.hed,
also tho directors of Summit Hill for
ineir trouble m tho preparation of the
r om. The institute was then brought
to a close with au address by Prof. P. II.
McCabe on the subiect of "Little Things
In the Triangle." Mr. McCabe Is a
brilliant talker and succeeded in holding
the undivided attention of a la rirn nml
tired audience. The teachers of the
county want to hear him often, ilnrli
credit is due the County Superirtendent
for the excellent programme arranged
and the interest he look in the meeting.
iiamicii uneiuum over ineawitclt
Back at half rates. The hotel enter.
taiaed the teachers rovallv at vprv rn.
onable rates. Altogether the institute
was a grand success and the teachers
went home fvelluz thxt it u far
ihna to bs there.
Catarrh Is Inn.immatloii of the mucous
membrane, attended with Increased seci ctlon.
Thus catarrh may affect tho head, throat,
titmacn, novels, or any part ot tlio body
where tho mucous incmhrano Is found. But
catarrh of tho head la Ly far tho most common,
coming on so gradually that often Its pres
ence is not suspccteil till '.t has obtained a
Arm hold on Its victim. It Is caused l.y a
cold, or a succession of colds, cotublucd with
Impure lllouil.
When firmly established the dlseas Is ex
eccUlugly disagreeable, causing flow from the
nose, diyucssof the throat, headache, loss of
arpctitc, roaring and buzzing nnlscs hi tlio
cars, etc. In Hood's Sarsaparllla may be
found a prompt and permanent euro for
catarrb. It purines and enriches the Hood,
soothes and rebuilds the diseased membrane,
and thus soon cures the disease. At the same
lime It lefrcshes aud tones the wholo system.
itie rcmarkablo success of this peculiar
rncuicinc entitles It lo your confidence. Clvo
Hood's SarsaparUla a trial.
comujauuniremj. mturorr. rrppirMTOlj"
).. i'. l. minn rn i i ,. - , -... .
' - ww" ".ii'" --! i, iaii.ku, .sa.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Veies Replies to Weiss.
Mn. nniToiti-I uni vi ry glad that the re
marks reputed to have been mado by Itev.
W. C. Weiss In regard to I'lohlblllouijlshavc
been "most emphatically" denied by him.
It was huleiNl vei y ilitili'tilt for me to believe
that the remarkable tale nts of the young pul
pit orator would be thus prostituted to tho
ilevll In ti,, infamous niaiiiieii hi oriler,
therefore, to Rive the jouug man, (for whoni
I have a high regard), u chance to deny and
exculpate himself, I wits prompted to write a
stiMcfei'tly scratchy arilcle lowau-.uit ale
ply, unit 1 conKiatttlati) mv.-cll on having
succeeded so vyeTl hi brhiKlug htm toapcsi
tlve denial. I think it woidd have been
inanlv," it In i,i3 urtlclelti the Anvoi'ATr:
lie would have told us vvlmthe itld say. and
also vv hat he meant, aud saved tue the tioublu
of asking hint.
According to Ihe Key. Mr. Kgge, be said.
On iteeotuit of the existence of soreheads
S . . b'SVhbyads and extretntsts In the differ
ent political I urtlcs Ihe work of eradicating
the evils of Intemperance, woulit Instead of
T". "f ? ""'e" andbrliiFliiB lo passu com
pletu vktory, slmjily rclaid the pnuressof
the gooit work " .Now, who did he iiieau by
tliesoieheads and blo' khiads and extrem
ists In tlie inherent political panics. Did hu
mean the temperance men who blinded by
self-Interest refuse to leave the old liquor
llcenso parties, and it s would he please
menllou sotiie? f lm did not mea'i these.
5!!!V" 1 f0,rccd to believe he did mean?
III tho gentleman say he did not tacitly
ff.e.iil!o,ti?i!i islur !',ra.,,,,,!,t , "! Prohibition
paity If he docs I will kindly mfoim him
that I was assured by a goodly number of his
inure reliable auditors-some, fnenils of Ids
own party, that It was understood to mean
the l'rolnbltuin parly. 1 was Informed hy a
good number of Ids own church, that In an
iiildces some time ngo he said, You intent
us well vole the breiuT out nl .vnuroivn motitln
us to vote the Prohibition ticket." If lie had
said rum In-te.ulof bread, he would have
been nearer tlio truth, but 1 menllou this only
to Mve him a chance to "most emphatically
deny " this ab-ii, If he will
Tho ltopiibllcan party have much to say
about the intimidation oi voters hi the South,
and with their usual consistency they aro
equal y guilty of Inllnildutlon In the Xoith us
s plainly dcinoiistraicd hy tlielr practice ot
tmr Inn dirty and abusive enllliets ami hum.
Ing men In eluK.vwhodaielo leave Hie liquor
Parties Mini Votn for i.ira,,. Il,,nll,u t.r,.,..A.
nun ui iiuiiiu iiirauisi
lmbllcnns won il on'v
ho saloon. If the lie-
on'y renicntlier their nrialn
frnm a third party, "they would readily sen
that not one In n I the uiiH.I l,.,u t,..o
to growl If those w ho refuse longer tn tie pau
pers hi the perpetration of tlie greatest curso
of the nge, unite their. strcnglh nuisldeot that
corrupt Kcinitillctiti party In w hlch Itqcor men
hold the baiatiiM of power. The Itepuhllcnii
Iriy of the oitli has much to say about tho
xuppresslon ot rice expression bv ballot in the
hoiitli, and yet even hi Franklin township, In
which Mr. Weiss resided, we were Informed
uv two highly respected ineinlicis of his own
church, (whose names f can glve that when
I hey went to the polls with Piolilbllloiitlckcts,
the tickets were returnul hv a Iteptiblieini
itiemher or the election tioard with tltu euttltiL
rcni.trk, " We don't take such tickets here."
In V;)"' of these abuses and Indignities: 1
would like to know If Ills any wonder Hint
lrnhibltlonlstx do become indignant and
scratch somebody's back; In fact would they
not have Just reason to scratch sume persons
faces as well.
When men are In favor of lecal prohibition
as Itev. w.c Welssis.nnd yctloveliieiotten
and defunct whiskey carcass or tlie ltcpuhlt
can party a thousand times more than light
enusness and prohibition as some do or ebo
lack the moral courage to step out boldly and
voto their honest convictions, they should
have sense enougli left to hold their clani3
sunt when they are tempti d to use reproach
lul words against those who voto at the polls
as they talk anil pi ay.
Valuable space hi tho Advocate onlv r.l
lows ine to allude to tho nonsensical adilce,
" ote for tlio vvbolo Itepublleau ticket. . to
hasten the glad day nl prohibition." This Is
ntl to sttmiiill-lllilMTln.- uIk.ii it., II, n
fact that the liquor vole or Ihe lottcn Iteintb
lican party holds the balance ot power, to
ui.ii in-iiuiicaii leauers musi very biimnls
sivcly dance as the Honor men whistle or uir.
fer defeat at election. Does not cntiiinnn
sense as well us the Word of God teach that
a kingdom divided against itself cannot
stand;" and does not common senso also
uracil win mo uciuiuncan party m this stale,
bound hand and foot by tho llqiuir element,
are powerless toenforco the (Joiistitusional
Amendment In tho event of Its adoptlod even
as It was in Michigan when It was far less
preferable than license, becauso amounting
hi many places to free whiskey, from the mm-
viuuii-eiiii'iii uy jiupuoiicaii leauers.
Itemcmber that prohibition Incln
than L'oiistltittlonal Amendment It
wwer back or law lo cutorec It; and neither
priho old parties daie enforce prohibitory
law without commuting suicide, neither daro
any ot thi; two great political parties ofTend
the whiskey vote and Imps to keep their
supremacy. Why.cveii .llm ftl.iine, orMiilne.
the Knight ot the Whtto l-'eatlier, wastoui
pelled to dodge tills niu'stliei In Ills own state
ior icai oioueninngine liquor vote or lilsov
party, and sutterlu- detcat. When a party
so tnoroughly rotten and corrupt thai It
niakes II very dinii'iilt to do right, I think we
pail ueuer oouy ino ftcriinurut injunction:
"tome nut from among them, and be ye sep
arate, salth Uie Lord, and touch iiot tlio uu
clean tiling."
..J". K V1'". known that whn Itev. XV. C.
Weiss left tho Prolnhltioti lortv, he did not
birk nut very gracefully: Hint wheu I wmto
to lilm ;.nd kindly .Lsl-ed him to give his rea
son he treated the friendly request with ileiit
contempt. Sow. I would very much like in
know' whv ho did tints lmive Ihn vomit hi, I
tmgresslve rrohlhftlon paitv the only pany
ii.tuu ...uiu iiiurii iuriMuy mil mo uoiiig
thing ot foreing theffl-eat nionuls nnd iiMlmhs
of the Itfpiibllrau ii.irty to artfully talk about
siii'iinssiim .'i- iui nut, siaie eonveuiiotl, only,
of course to catch tho Prohibition vote.
1 lease, Mr. Weiss, do state your reasons for
rcniniiiiiiK longer in me iiiiuiiiiom ot the He
publican parly when you might b a member
ot the Liberty party of l.inj Is It on
account of protection to tug Iron, etc.? or. is
It on account of the IntoImnWe hatoyou havo
for thosii awtttt Democrats who are trvlna
with all their might to rum the country?
This is only a reasonable request; many
have asked ine the question, and I should like
tu know. Yours respectfully.
Clarkace 3. Weiss.
All inMflcs and styles of
ladies ( "oatinjs, at pares to
"astonish tlie most economical
buyer, at C'laus & Uro., the
tailors, Bank street.
Fcrthe cans cf Cour-hs, Coldi, Hoarse
nss3, Cro-JT, ...ita,,
hoop'3 Cot:''i, I-cH nt Ccu
sccption, nrd fr tho relief of con-sur--tir
prrjoas la a4va-ccd etu-s3
of Uo t:s;c. Tcr r JaLyta Dros
psts. Price, sj cents.
-clllb-vAi jrd r k'sm jrra.E
(YrAwTiray-isr-b'tru'Srt- Cutlci-Hm pen V
. ?Tp'. j r.Ltii rii-i-sarjE ttsdo,,rr
l'ra.rlcu.m.V.UImore. h J. t .V A. ' C
"I nni happy to stalo that I nvd flood's
SarsaparllU fur caturrh, with which 1 hava
been troubled many years, nnd reoolvtJ
great relief aud benefit from lu Tha cat. .-, n.
was very dlsngrceablc, especially In the
winter, causing cointaut dlscharte from my
noscilnglng noises In my cars, and pains la
tho back of my hoaiL The cfloi t tu clear my
head In tho morning by hawking and spltlir.
was paluful. My grocer advised mo to try
Hood's Saninpnrllln,
and It gave relief Immediately, whllo In
time I v.'.-.s entirely eilred. I am never with
out tho medicine In my house, as I think It Is
worth itv wclsht la gold." Mrs. O. C. cmr,
10 righlh Stiect, N. W- Washington. D. C,
"1 have used Hood's Sarsaliaillla fo-
catarrh with very satUfactory results, t
havo received more permanent benefit from
It than from any other remedy I lave ever
tried." M. K. EtAD, ot A. Head Si So-j.
Wnutcon, Ohio.
Jf.B. Do Dot bo Indncedto tako any other
I preparation, but be sure to get '
co'.ahUilrntSliin. flutrforfs. rrcBxrMon'r
. .. ....... ..... . ' .. . 'e-'n-nw".
ii)- v., i. nwu jc vii...vr.ou.cear!ci, LomoII, Xjji,
I IOO Doooo Ono Dollr.r
Iconic people have an idea
that other stoves nvo selling
just as low as we are, the way
goods have been selling for
the last year or so. And no
doubt that would bo the same
case with us. if wc had not
i decided to sell out to retirn
from tlie
Dry Goods Business!
Therefore, it's an ill wind
that blows no one good.
Nevertheless we are closing
out our stock rbpidly.
Buyers sec we arc in earn
est, and note the contrast
quickly between the Old and
New Prices. "
have planed
rOINT. H'e
on our counter
i?oublc-Fold Dress Goods, in
plain and neat plaids, which
we formerly sold at
Fifty Cents a Yard,
And marked down to one
half value
Still considered cheat at 50c.
New Corner Store,
Cor. Gth and Hamilton Sis.,
October 10, isso m3
Fresh York Slate Cider.
Cape Cod Cranbprrics,
Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
Yoik State Apples,
Buckwheat Flour,
Calilornia Honey,
Spanish Onions,
Fersian Dates,
Mince Meat,,
C. M. Sweeny, & Son,
Central Can iage Works
Bank St.. Lolilgliton, Pa.,
Are rrepared to Slsoufsctnr
Carriages, Uuggies, Sleiglis,
Spring "gon, &c,
Of every detcrlptlon, tn tho tuon ubitntll
rnmner, and st Lowest C'alh Prl4
Itcpalrlnff I'roniiitljr AtlfinlcU to.
April SMSSijl rwirloron,
BooVs, Eooli. '
inro s'amlanl ami mlsoellsnwius
benhg, h.xn Isnnirly boutut In rlolli nn I
'.' III. r. "'liar jirlre SI 2. wilt Le .oH i
rf) c-n's vh by E. F Luckenbai.'b. 01
Breidwav, JXatlcb Cbtiak,