wwnn. "Original Cheap Cash Store.' NEW STYLES SHAWLSTSK'IRTS! Wo are show Ins n very large ami dolnilil olock of Shawls In new pattern nt l'llIl'liN THAT CANNOT 1115 MA1CHKI). LONO AND HQ 17 AUK 11I.ACK CASIIMUIE SHAWLS A HI1XIALTY. In Skirts wo nro also showing the latest styles. These flro made snrfiallv2fnr in and run. liot he siiritnstcil In stle. workiiinnshlii and quality, and thu irlces are nitwit twenty per cciu. ueiuw hhy nuve uere-uiiore Riionn. Do not fall to call nnd look Ui rough our larire slock, as here toay be seen the newest tilings in liiu inurKru J. T. NUSBAUM. Opp. I'ablletyquare, B&Dk Street, Lchlnl ton. r. June 7, 1S84-1J-. SATURDAY, OCTOUEH23, 18S0. SPECIAL NOTICK -1'ersons maklnis imv ""incuts to this onleo uy money orders or infill win nicine iiiiikc inein iiaMihie at ho Wi:iSSl'()UT i'OST OFl'llT, as the Minimum unite is .ui u money order onto Curront Events Epitomized. AJdrotifl;lit jirevallslpretty genorallv throughout tlio State. Nice watches for boys and girls ni a. u. iionrs, jiaticli Uliunlc. Efforts are being made to have i otlsvllle Incorporated as a city. Forty-live prisoners are at. present, confined In tlio Lehigh count jail. Wcddlnc rings and a large as sortment of line silverware at Hold's, Jlauch Cliunk. Kev. Mr. Erdman.of Mauch Chunk. Addressed the teiuiT.iiicc element of mis piace last Saturday evening. Don't. fall to read the advertise ment headed "Save time and money," and cndlnc, "All cheap for cash." Thursday, October 2S, will be oli erved as AiuorDav In this State. Will our public schools obseive this day? A strike Is anticipated In the an tliraclte coal region which will throw out of employment three thousand hands. The Lehigh Valley Hallroail Com pany has received an order to build one hundred Tlllin refrigerator cars at the Tackcrton car shops. Sale bills printed at this ofllce In the best manner and at lowest prices. 5Ive us your order. Prompt attention given to orders by malls. The Liquor Dealers Protective As sociation, of this county, met at Mauch Cliunk Ust Friday afternoon to take action on matteregovernlng the election. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company must pay the expenses In curred for .holding inquests on the bodies of the victims of the Lansford boiler explosion. The Commissioners ot Luzerne county offer MOO reward for the arrest of the murderers of ills, lirogeuskl, who was killed on the road between Hazlcton and Jcddo some time since. The surviving members of the Old Hundred and Forty-third Iieginietit Pennsylvania Volunteers.w 111 hold their annual re-union at Old Camp Luzerne. Luzerne county, on Saturday, Novem ber 0. A charter was cranled at the State Department Monday to thu llellefonlc Kastern railroad company with a capital stock of $1.0(10,000. The road will ex tqnilrroju Mlllnu to llcllcfoulc, a dli tance of, fifty miles. For.'tliQ Week ending Oct. 10, thern were' lW7,(lUtcJtu of coal shipped over the Lehl'.'h Valley railroad, making a total to date of .1,000,(107 tons.and show ing an liiereaseofSMjaOtonscompared with same date lat ear. The Lautford Itcenrd was seven years old last Saturday. Jimmy prom ises-thai in the future he will be "live, aaucy, newsy, clean, Independent and concct,'' .This should win -for 'that journal many new admirers. At.a Democratic ratification td be held In Allcnlown to-day (Saturday) the several candidates on the State ticket, and Ch.ilrman Henscl, Ciirtln, Kiin.lull and many other Inilivliluahi prominent In p6Iltlcs will be present and make ad Ureases. l Mrs. Kebceca Titus, the aged mother- of Janitor Titus, convicted of the rnnfdcr of Tilllo Smith, is badly broken down over his conviction. Her mind Is o Impalied that her friends will proba bly have to;seud her to the State insane asyluiu,- Bucks -county fanners have organ ize.! themselves into a vigilance rum wlttce and are searching the mountains for a gang of desperadoes who have been setting fire to barns, plundering farm housesaud runnlugoff with horses and cattle. On Thursday evening, October 28, "Webster Weiss, of Fianklln township, will expose tp public tale a variety or valuable household articles, Ac. Mr. Weiss proves,': in the. near future, to move to Hethiehem, where he will make his future home. There are probably 100,000 work ingmcn employed in the anthraeile coal trallie, and the Hazlcton Plain Speaker says that "the belter the prices of coal the more they get for wages, and Ills now too late to deny that good wages and'pros'ierlty go nand in hand." On November 10 and 17. 1SSG, H. F. and W. It. Steigeiwalt, attorneys for the heirs of S. II. Stclirernalt, dee'd.. Mill sell at public sale, on tlio premises In Mahoning township, Pa a lot of very valuable personal property. Includ ing horses, cows, shoats, chickens, wagons, harness, Ac., A-c. A person is "of ago" on the day preceding the twenty-first auniveraiy of his birth. If he was born on November :j, 1805, he will be twenty-one vears old on November 2 next, and will be en1 titled to vote at the election on that May. The twenty-second year of his life begins on his birthday; his twenty-first year is completed on the previous day. "Fire twenty-seven," said the busy hotel cl.erk to the new porter down town Saturday. Presently tho poller re turned looking very much trsed up, "I filed hlin, tor,' he said, "but begorra, for jlst wan bllsscd moment 1 thought he would fire me." The misunder standing was amicably adjusted by the c'erl? taking the "fired" paitlclpants for a drive In one of David libber's easy riding carriages. Livery on North St. Functional disorganization of the liver Is a potent and common cause of melancholy. Dr. Hull's llaltlmoro Pills Invariably give tone to tho liver. Day's Horse Powder Is Indispensable for t lie nropercareof sheep and lambs In winter, fhe be3t stock-raisers always keep it on hand. 25 cents. "Only a little colicky 1'' Colic makes many new craves. l)r, Hull's Itaby Syrup wlllspeeilllv euro the baby thus affected. Try It. ' Twenty five cents. Our homo talent has been prevailed, upon by the members of Lehigh Hook WWW! t Ladder Company, of this place, to ' ri,lnato lodges, 1, MM, 110; members re give them a benefit. So, Just remember ' "0,y'1'' 1.20M.1R0; widows and families that there is a rich treat in storo for I ho ' J,,1'' -W: members deceased. people of this town and Hie surrounding neigiiborliood. There is no exaggera- lion when we say that tho tery b-st ...ci.v (,,1111.11 mis iipcii ineu ami not titinA ii-,i.llnnl 1 . . "' "..uiuii,, ins ui-eii secureu ami svill bounder the management of Alex, jiowman.otrackerton. Mr. Howman's experience In theatricals is sulllelent' eviuence ipa,i llm coming evont will be u uiiiirerciieiHeosuccess. The drama wnicu, ny ipje wai 1 a very Interest! one. Will he nresented tn ili mil. WW time during the first week in De- cviuucr. Have your sale bills printed at this ofllcc. Allenlown Is to have a large whole sale furniture factory. Potatoes are selling at forty cents per bushel In Lehigh count)'. Forcpaugh's mammoth circus tent ed at Allcnlown on the 20th Inst. The capital stock of the Allcnlown National Hank sells at fc.MXO per share. Don't get left, but buy a Iiacket Alarm Clock from li. II. lloul, Mauch Chunk. Water sells at fifteen cents per bar rel In many towns throughout Berks county. A vein of coal twenty feet thick has been dlscoveicd near Fraeksville.Schuyl kill county. Fruit trees that are blooming forthe second time this season will bear no fruit next year. Easton citizens will vole, at the next election to find out whether its shall be a city or not. The entire Iron trado has been steady this week with prices tanging about as last week. Tuesday. November 2, Is election .1... .....1 .......... ......... .I.....I.I l. 1 1 nun cn-ij ouvimii uuuil uaiiu lo deposit a ballot. ' , , ,, -Seven of the seventeen large double furnaces In the big puddle mill at Allen- town are row in full blast. ... ,,. , .1 i0rV.i i,CS . ii 1 b0 at Maueh Chunk sometime during next week-piobably lucsday. -Go to Frs. ltoderer, under the Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave, nnd a faslonblo hair cut. -Wm. Zcrby, of Mauch Chunk, was n uu,tru m 1 1 ( luui, L.ai ilk iasiUII 1 nuiauny aim uiiuiy iiijurcu. After November 1st the special train running between Mauch Chunk and Glen Onoko Will be discontinued. me iweniy-iounn annual session' of the llerks county teachers' Institute was in session ai iteading nils week. The Carbon County Teachers' In- stltute will convene at Maueh Chunk, for one week commencing December 0. j The Lehlah Coal and Navigation' Company has notified the striking mouldeJ.at Lansford, to vacate their An unknown Hungarian died end- ..... .1....1.. n. t t. ".I I. 1... m 1 ui-inx, in u.un;ii uiuiu iusi. iiiusuuy. ins iioiiy was laueu iu uie poor uouse for burial The Hepuhllcan of the 10th con gressional district liau; endorsed Hon. m. bonder the Democratic nominee. for Congress. A Mauch Chunk exchange says that rumors are current to the effect that plans for the erection of a new court house In that place are being considered. When In Mauch Chunk don't fall loorop in aiiion s jewelry store, ami """""c lyni.iiei! jyueuei s nil- proved watch. Dcst in the world for laliroad men -A Mr3. Lubrechl, of Frceland, Lu zerne county, was attacked by a Hun garian near that place one day tills week ami only by a veiy plucky resis tance escaped with her life. The Key. J. A. Little, of Hokcn- lauqua. preached last Sabbath mornln" and evening to remarkably large and appreciative audiences in the Presby terian clmrcli at Albums, Pa. Our young friend Andrew Haver has opened a painter's siinnlv f-toro in Schwartz's building, on Hank street. He will make a specialty of wallpaper urn iiecorauous, wmuow siiaucs, i:e. "He.ncn ortlieManslonsof Lisht." will be the subject of a sneeial sermon at tho M. h. church, fcabbath morning. .n aiu iiueiL-ieti in Liu; topic llllil waul o Know more about that "better coun try." The first grand social lion of the season will be given under the auspices ot the Oriole Club of tills nlace. at the Carbon Houe, on 1'riday evening. Oe-, luwi i.u. uciiKimui unio .is ant ci liated. Carbon Castle. No. 111. K. . F... of this place is in a flourishing condition. New members are. being added almost eery meeting night. The Castle is Hire mouths old and has a membership of a'-xit il My. Mn-hiel I'essler, a veteran engineer In the fluidity of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, was killed on the rail above Maueh Chunk last Saturday. He had long hern a resident of Lansford where he was highly t expected. Tlie production of anthiacitc coal for the week ending October 10 was 71S.0J2 inns against 702.S01 tons last year; and from January 1 to date 741,700, as against 2:1,02(1,215 for the corresponding period last year. Chas. H. Cummings, of Mauch Chunk, has purchased the archaeologi cal collection of Dr. Stiibbs, of Oxford, Pa., consisting of oiertwo thousand specimens and presented the same lo Lehigh University. South Ucthlehcm. Messrs. J. P. Itowiand and J. W. Lattlg, of Maueh Chunk, ate expected to be pie-cnl ami address the Prohibi tion element of tills place in the old Aiivopatij building on Dankway, Saturday evening. Everybody Is Invited. The case of Josenii Druniborn vs. Lafayette aehoeh, assault and baitcrv, came up before 'Squire Kelt Wednes day evening, ami after a hearing Schoch was bound over In the sum of 200 to answer the ehaige at Hie next term of our county court A perusal of the advertisements which appear In the columns of theAli vocati: from week to week should sat isfy the purchasing public that the place lo buy is at the store of the merchant who advertises, liemembor tills when you buy your dry goods, groceries, clothing. A'C. Salvation Oil Is guaranteed to euro rheumatism, sore throat, swellings, bruises, burns, and frostbites. Pilre only iwnnly-llvo cents a bottle. To make children healthy use plenty of air. plenty of milk. plenty of sleep.amf always have a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in ease of croup. The anthracite coal trade Is active and hill circular prices are maintained generally. The policy of making a further advance in present rates was discussed last week by lh teeral eoni panles but no definite action taken on the matter. Another meeting will be hold this month when the rates for No vember will be agreed upon. M. L. Smith, of Slatlngton, and Thomas Heaver, of Packerton. both noted contractors, have a force of men at work In picking oierlhe large coal and dirt heaps at the disbanded coal mines of the old ISuck Mountain Coal Co. Thousands of tons of pure coal are said lo be Imbedded amongst tint slato and refuse, and there Is talk of erecting a small breaker. Lehigh county has more furnaces than any other county In the Stale, Hie order being, Lehigh. 27; Allegheny, 17; Ilerk-s, 18. Of Hie 27 In Lehigh 1:1 ure In blast and 14 out of blast, Number of days In operation, tiftf; persons em plovcd.OH); amount paid in wages.&UO,. UST; number of gross tons of Mon made. 207.000; cost of labor at the furnace to make one ion of Iron, SK40; value of liroduct, $11,322,477' The statistics of the order of Odd fellows, from 1830 to December 31. ItsSi, areas follows: Initiations 1n snli. "'l! total relief, 5i-ll.l54,WK).00;total iw'v, , ' , '.- 'i18, 1 ,"l'ro W"0 "ler Jl, lSh.), Sovereign Grand ', ,: rin-ninniienis, i lUtS Stllllltll nilln Anfnmi.in...l. it-. ...1. ,, : , ; l t1"""" ordinate (irand Lodges and 181 . T" ' shins during the year was 6o,J7il7till-a't.I ! ',ls 1J'lc torllie past iittcoii Morlhem l'aoi in Oon , 20 Anoihnr Tlrnn In vtr.it D.n.. , ) mi n in $hw, in I.O.J1 , a years, and Ills polni? nirav will no ilonht .. . tl 1I' .... I.... .1 . I .' ."' .". 'tl llic llll-yiuill cause a luranra llmf tvl I rnonlr cniii. n m . ' IT" - " i.bii iaw,n , 1 1 (.nr.. A cm 1,1 niin.iiiii .1... r . - n ------ J ..... I 1 1' I I u ""..I. ..'"n """S "i 'o mane year of til,ia5,450.51, I ,i , ,; i Ii.. .-.t.;..-. -V .iT:: ,. n--niin.iiii.i ?i noun luriiiiriiew siock, if you want - - I i . --'" i,uin raeinc n.sj nf. smiiH real bargains call soon at the l.,k ' T.,r. r I w,, ,mv.e Sro 'n "P 'J10 charce of tho Wi.rr. Union 784 Slore or JJ, t. LUCKE.NllAf'il Munch hI V It lt,.i.r ii. i V V " r,ri"' Brnuunwn. lie win mKe wuii wen br..,r l lull 1011 .Chunk. i-uckb.uacii, uch Mauch Chunk. Price. ,, Jo his new home Ihe bst wishes of Uui.vill. 4 K.,l,v,u; ....... . 42 J21 I "v --"i-. aiirgecirsienrfjlendi Silver, Tradu) to 72 1 ' . People In and out of Town. Our peflnle wiio may have relatives or friends vlsltlni! them will ureatly oblige lis by "endliiR In their mimes and residence for publication under this head. liDUOll. Miss AllccSitler was visiting friends at Tanian.ua last week. O. U. Slgloy, of Mauch Clinnk, was In town for a few hours last Friday. C O. Ueck, of Hazlcton, while In town last noeK dropped In to sea us. -MIs, Minnie Peter,, of town, spent several day, wltHT.maqua friend, last , , , . , , Our friend Chas. We ss. of A i en. Luzerne county, was Ir town during the w eek. II. A. Kelser, of New Mahoning, wiiilcin town this week dtopped In to see us. " Mrs. J. W. Kaudcnbush, of town, Is sojourning with friends In Hath Northampton county. uiiiiaiuiun I.UIIIHJ. -Our old friend Jl'm. G. Hellle. of . MIetitown.was In town Thursday sbuk- Ing hands with his many friends. Daniel Hachinan, of Weathcrly, the Democratic candidate for Assembly, was In town seeing his many friends this week. i lne T 11 1 .If I , . ........ 'James Lsch and wife spent Sunday ,v, Fr,.d, HurtacuCr and family, at ki,iii " ,,? ,', , T , .... .uiss .nagKiP i.aciccy, an csumaoie young ladv of Allentown, was vlslllng at the residence of Mahlon Iielchard, on Northampton street, this week. 0llr C(.a flend Dr. W. G. M. u-i.,1., r. ..,...,...1 .i., i v... v...i. plt wVV(.m- nll1 ri.rttPnPI !im,,- Hirhted with hla trtn. -Jlfg U iiomlcr and danehter Mamie, and llnrrv I. vim anil wife, (if IJelhleheni, spent several davs with It. L. Sweeny; on Hank street, this week. J. K". Keller, advertising a,, fnr l atcs it t.o., the popular Philadelphia Clothiers, was In town on H'ednesday looking up the Interests of the firm. Mr. K. Is a popular and genial gentle- man. Young Men's Christian Association. " ,, " " " KZ i'h ;,'. ri.Vi X SSStghtoi,: ffift A meeting to take measures toward " nm t'filnllir ne 1... .1 .... UV n.... .... ...... ..v.. in.,, , i. lit nil Ulllll-Sll.l, nvenliur. Oemlmr l.'lih. In iln. l,,,M,iii, r , ... ?.. . t- loruieriy occupied uy the Aiivoi.'ATi; oillce. I he meeting was called to order and opened by C. S. Weiss, the audience singing, "Jesus Lowr of my Soul." After prayer and a short statement of the object of the meeting, Mr. J. W, Lattlg, of Mauch Chunk, explained the purpo'e and nature of the Y. M. C. A., and read part of the constitution by which to conduct the same. Mr. Nlcholl.Presiiletit of the Ilallroad Men's Christian Assoclation.of .Mauch Chunk, followed with another earnest and stir- r address, nxnlnlnin hnw imid. good can be accomplished by organlza. lions ot nie Hind, but, like .Mr. Lattlg, also spoke of the discouragements to be met with In carrying on a work of this kind. A telegram was read from .Mr. , W. I!. Ilittlcr," expressing his regret at not belngahleto be present as expected, 1 but promising ills good will and hearty support. Philip Miller was elected president pro tent., and C. S. Weiss, secretary j pro tern A paper was then passed through the audience soliciting names of members, which was xcry encouragingly returned with twenty-two names enrolled. On motion of T. C. Heck a committee of fie was appointed consisting of Messrs. Heck, Hagen and Green, and Miss(is' MyraGood and Hattle to confer w itli the ministers of Koons, the dif ferent churches and complete arrange tuents to effect a permanent organiza tion. Adjourned. c. s. w. Mahoning Events Itemized. Mahlon Nothstein Is happy It Is a baby girl. 'Mis. E. S. Hoppcs was lo Philadel phia c'.urlng the week. W. A. Sitler lias started In the butchering business at Audenried. G. K. Musselman, n student in the Lehigh University, Hethlehein, spent Sunday at home. The Misses Patton. of Scranton, were tlie guests of. Mrs. Thus. Mussel man over Sunday. While out diiUngtlieotbcr evening Wilson Doner had the ml?fortui:e to break the spring of Ids carriage. Messrs. F. D.- Klingeman and C. F. Sitler spent a few davs at the Mount Holly, N. J., fair, last week. Phaon German and family, who moved to Maryland last fall, moved back again on their farm last week. The Lord's Supper will be celebrat ed in St. John's church to-morrow (Sunday) morning. Hev. A. U.irlholo mew will olliiiato. All are Invited. Our schools will open next Monday. The work on the farm is about finished, and we hope the boys and gliiswlll be sent every day so that they may get tlie full benefit of our short school term. The other week the Advocate staled that a cousialk measuring 0 feet 5 Indies had been raised nt Weissport, and asks whether any one could beat it. The other day Harrison Straup showed us a cornstalk that measured 13 feet, 0 Indies. Next. Dash. Arbor Day It Is lobe hoped that the coming Ar boi Day, which has len fixed for the 28th Instant, will be more widely ob served than was tlie one of last Spring. It is intended more particularly to be observed by the public schools, upon their school ground, under the general direction and encouragement of boards of directors, superintendents and teach ers, and on which day also fruit trees, shade tries, &c shall he planted aboul their homes, by the Individual pupils boys and girls by I lie teachers, and by all others who may be sulllclentlv Inter ested In thlslmporlam work. Superin tendent Higbeii advocates tlie agitation of the subject by school teachers all over tlie state, both In tho lower and higher grades. Some fifty thousand trees, shrubs and vines have been re ported to the Department of Public In struction of tlie State asthe result of the appointment of theday luPemisjlvaiila; another fifty thousand. the Suiieriulend ent thinks, have probably been planted of which no definite record lias b en made. Wo hope that In our ow n coun ty tlie day will be appropriately ob served by the teachers and pupils of our public schools, Of Interest to "Boys in Bine." Carbon county has one hundred and sixly-seven invalids of the late civil war who draw an aggregate sum of $1, 0.7.08 per yearns "pension money;" thirty widows, who draw S3(11.00:twen. ty-lour dependents who receive yearly s-272; widows of the war of 1812, two, amount of pension $24, making a grand UlUUIilll. total of wo ii mured and twenty-three pensioners, who receive annually i .114.0S from the United States. Lehigh comity lias eight hundred and sixtj seven pensioners who draw 3,0l.'i.OS; Luzerne i-oumy, four hundred and eighty-one, who lecelve .2,187.02; Northampton county, six hundred and live, amongst whom Is distributed 4, iiDO.fiO; Schuylkill cointy, seven hun dred and fourteen, who receive .(I,4.j0. tiO. The COUIltv bavin? the Ii noi4( I 1111 lit lull (if nniiclnnni.. t. 11 U 1 1-.1 . .1 . t.i where tlio number reaches seven thou! sa"'1 four ""'"'red and two, who receive quaiterly $10,724.3 S i or $00,800.15 per annum; l amcron connlv. has Hi !. . . ...la... I U.J SHU 11-ilSL I1I1111IIII1 ,11 limidtll..l-d ,..... ......... . - . o " .i j--" u,i-ani-n memiiers. sir. wv i, osuiior- vvuo receive MS3.00 as "pension inou-i n.mi. i. ,iYi.i '., IT. Z w..;V.Ti-i " .. rmm. k k uo ll 'll-'.-'l "Our Mail " Around WeissporL I The latest Imposition pti the labor- liiK u; kill e pati open latest venture should bo denounced In the Knight of Labor Assemblies, and wiiilsl wciloiiotciidorso tlie boycott, it ' men to avoid hat partieui: r Vdace of business. Il'llli Knight of LalM.rcigars, uuu" , 01 , "Bl'i'' 'ouv:os, I groceries, saloons. Ac. it will soon be a i llillcult matter to conscientiously ills- criminaio uetw-cen ngni am wrong, I ho fact that, because a certain luauu- facturer employes Jviilglit of Labor wnrL-ltiir ittnn l lila tfL' al.i.t. n ,nl or.,,- V.7 i " i f i Vi T,K ii , ducts Ills business on n Knight of Labor I ii r4 i , H mpb. fin n hi 'I I m I .M nil, ' ,,rme i i" ,., ' i, , . ilin sn I .f S I i V an'2"lun as a means or dlspos- ingof his wares, wh st some other more unfortunate lmllvl.li.,.1. who does not caler to the demands of any organized I I..... I.... 1 ... t . t - f . 17. . l ,r Ii i, . r T, i . . " l ZT. ' lr L f ,," i ' " ... V . i .i .. . J , ; which nre lumleu together and who la bor for a better state of a IT.il rs than exist at present, makes tho action un fair, In fact, dishonorable, when we consider the relationship existing be tween the honest employer nnd the em ployee. This would base been a mailer for the earnest er.i.sl,l..r.1il,,i, nf il, li conventbn at Ulchmond, Va nol too late, even now. to consider the question in the various local assemblies and to lake such action on the milter as will prevent further imposition on tlio worklnguian. It is not our desire to antagonize the Knights or Labor with the manufacturing 'interests of the country, but rather to unite them, for when labor and capital are at discord the country alwajs suffers and with It the Intersts of the laboring man. The fact that honest laboilng men in all vo cations must loi in the life blobd ofecry prosperous nation, is sulllelent reason wny tiiey should work unan nious v with each other, and especially with tho maniifaetiiilng interests of tin; country. The solution of the labor problems will not be solved by tho boycott, strikes or socialistic actions but on v bv fair am honest co-operation between all parties employer and employees. The sooner this Is understood by labor organizations and manufacturers (be nearer we will be to the correct and practical solution 01 me problems of labor. ..... Itcv. Erdman. of Mauch Chunk, addressed an audience in the old Alivo CATB building. Lehleliton. last Satur. day evening on the subject of Pi ohibl- iion. nie reverend gentleman Is tin doubled!)- thorottshlr Imbued with tho enormity of the liquor tralllc the mis ery, crime and deaths resulting there from; but, as with all Prohibitionists, his views are In accordance with tho fanatical Ideas of the majority of his followers. They totally Ignore the sys tem of high license, when, In fact, high license would be the means of thefr sal vation, and tear and rant for total pro hibition, which la not only against the law and principle of man, but which has proven a failure wherever adopted. Iowa, Itliodo Island. Maine. &c. stand out as Indisputable arguments acainst the enforcement of Proh b tion. In the States named, probably more liquor is sold to-day than when under the system of low license.w bile in Stales whicli have adopted a high license system there is n very noticeable decrease in the number of saloons. The lesult of this Is tint the laws are more carefnllv nbsereeil and more rigidly enforced; whicli fact alone proves its desirability oyer Pro hibition. To prove oui assertions place side by side the Stales where they have Prohibition and the States where the system of lilgli.'llceiisH is observed, which win ue conclusive ev i ence that i i I. cense is the only way to reach thai niiicn uesircu- goal of reform in the liquor tralllc . i Political matters In tills place have been exceedingly oulet dnriiiL' the nast several weeks. Democrats are iiiiiin. Itcpuhlicans arc mum, Prohibitionists are mum, and taken nltogether, tho three political factions would' nuko a number one mum paity. It is thought, however, lliat con'iderable quiet work is being done by the various candidates which will have its effect on election day. The coming of Hlalne, who it is said, will be at tin; county seat some time next week, may have a tendency to stait up political matters; but to me it seems a little doubtful whether brother Hl.ilnu can convince the voters of this county that Heaver has any right to be vindicated on the tariff or any other Is sue. We have In our midst a standing representation of a protective tariff in tlie shapo of an fdfe rolling mill. ' . BTItAV WAITS. J. Allen, of Lofty, Pa., was the guest of Coarles Sewell oyer Sunday. Mrs. Zani nf P.Hifm, nn.l Afa "Ilrinkman, of Lehieh Gap. snentseveral days this week with Mrs. George Iiapp, on White, street. Win. Knciiit, for many years a resi dent of this place, moved to Mauch Chunk tills week, wlieie he is in the Chicago meat business. Scleral street lamps have been placed on this side of the Lehigh bridge by ourthoughtful cnuncllnieu.'liir which action they deserve to be complimented uv me traveling puuiic. Kev. .1. K. Freeman Is making ar rangements to have his residence on White strej-t nicely repainted and other wise Improved. It would be advisable for more of our property holders to fol low suit. Tlie stately form of the Iirepresslble Frederick Alexander Ilrlnkinaii. of New York, who has been rusticating in tills vicinity tor the past two months, was nnlleed peiegrlnatlng idle street one day this week. Our musically inclined young men are agitating the propriety of starting a brass, band. It Is a question whether or not a brass band w onld In any way bene fit our present peaceful borough. How ever, go In young men and see what you can do. Laurv & Snwell.our popular bakers, are rapidly working up a splendid busi ness. One reason for tills, no doubt, u that they furnish first-class bread, cakes and pretzels three thousand loaves of bread are disposed of every week by this firm besides large quantities of cakes and pretzels. liobert A pi), of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Annie Pohl, of this place, were united In the holy bonds of matrimony, Thursday afternoon. Tlio ceremony was pel formed by liev. Erli, of slatlng ton, at tho bride's residence. Tile young couple havo the best wishes of a largo circle of friends. They w 111 go to Philadelphia and other places on a wed ding trip. ing the organization of a fire company again tills week, but could learn nolh. Ing definite; however, we are Informed that Nathan Snyder will seenro lire ap- fiaratus of some kind to protect property n hjs vicinity from destruction by fire, 'lids matter needs the urgent attention of our citizens, who are somewhat lax In their elfortstoward the establishment of a lire company, It is stated hero that liev. Webster C. Weiss will soon remove to Hctlile hem where he will make his future home. This will necessitato the resig nation of Mr. Weiss from tlio superin tendency of the F. angelical Sunday seuooi, which position he lias lonj iii-iu in me inn satisfaction of an lis Ilpen nriinii. f.vangelical past fifteen Ill HO IIOU1H ian cuuma iiuui iui in oenuji- would al ten o'clock 011 Monday mdrn ounty, where some over zealous ule niminimiw Biii,.i,m r,., r.ru. lot In. the noble causo of labor lias Orion Stroll, tho defaulting ox-secretRrv ed a "Labor Union Saloon." This nfiim i.,.,.,.i. fM.,,i, pi v .i.f. - ,, i in 1 III. I2i Court rreceoatnfis. , Court convened at nine o'clock Mon- lIllV mnrnltirr n ...l ....1 nt t n I . a f. !. Judee Dreher had annoiineed 'that l'.n large auditorium ws literally packed, iny being unable to lialn admission. shortly after ten o'clock Slroh nc- Stro ' I'reela 1 Tuzerne count & tlc 'llolZZo inside tho railing. IJuring tho time ii,.,i i,,i,., ,i Vir i n ?. r the Judges, Stroll w as the cvno'suie of nil eyes, bulhe sat through It nil self- romi,os-d, though a thoughtful, half sad look was in his eyes. Upon tlio en- . ... . . irancooi tno judges, (district Attorney Mnllicarn moyod for l ho sentence of the , ..i i. ... . . . . '1,,,"ean ,nv 'or ino senienco m tno co,',r W''""U'''' -Mr. l reynian arose nn, n st,on2 n,:t.,i tie courl for mrn.v nrn.Tn it nt Kir..li' v.niii, i.il ."'J" nc'?.V."' ,of. V1"'1' 8 .n."' 1,8 . ,VU .,"'""" W I iiiiui; 1 1 1 U im I 10 t,1: J'blSe's query: Charles Oilon Slro" lla.vo ?! a"Vthlng to sny? Stroh ainwered. "ic., sir, ir your honor pleae. The refusal of a new trial has been a bitter disappointment to me; If I had had a new trial I would have been able to prove myself Innocent eyen to tno satisfaction of mv most bitter cue my." He proceeded with great emotion as lie presented a resume of the evidence U'lilfll. I.n.l .1 1.1... 1 ,.l ' V'.V" -- "" . l'"ing -rS. Stro 's h ?. We"' me of Innocence, in the name of justice. I would to Ood, that Mr. Hex had gone iu anyuouy eise, anybody in the world but Mr. Hcrtolettc." Stroll ended Ids remarks with an earnest and pathetic appeal for mcicy on account of his family relations, and especially so for ine saKe ot ins motber who is seriously At this period Mr. Uerloletto aroe and gaining tho permission of'the court stated mai uc w as m no way prejudiced against Stroll, and had not hounded him as the defendant had staled. At thu conclusion of his remarks Hie .Midges retired for consultation. Upon their return Judge Dreher said: "There is nothing further for us to do bill to pass sentence and we do It with pain. If we shall sentence you to n term in i.n I. ,., . jaii u wouiu ue a source oi intense re gret if you are innocent. I have given tills case very careful Investigation ami the result of that investigation was my refusal last week to grant a now tilal." Tlio Judge, then sentenced Stroll to pay a nuu oi ?.u, costs oi prosecuiion anil undergo an Imprisonment of ten months In our county jail. The case of Frank P.Scntmel ys.Wm. Heed, capias ad responduin. Plea in justification. The caso is one of slan der. Sentinel claims that at the time he was running for the nomination of prothonotary Heed Is supposed to have said that he (Scuimel) was a forger. A plea in jurisdiction had been filed, but when court convened H'ednesday morn ing tlie defense desired tn withdraw that plea; Hie prosecuiion objected and the court ordered an argument. "A Sorehead" Indignant. Mit. F.niToit: If your Welsspott cor respondent correctly reports the re marks inadu by Itcv. Webster C. Weiss in a temperance address to a large audi ence In the Kyangclical church of Welssport. on Sunday evening, he said figuratively speaking, "tlie prohibition party Is composed of soreheads and blockheads." If ho did thus stigmatize tho Prohibitionists I am indeed very much surprised. I suppose when lie made the remark he thought he said a very smart thing, and it part of his .audience were very much tickled. Such joltes in Hie bouse of God more lit for a minstrel show which are sometimes cracked for the purpose of producing laughter, not godliness, generally have a very mirth-provoking tendency with anti-temperance men at the expense of the righteousness and sobriety of which he Is a profound exponent. Hy saying "the Pibhibltlon party Is composed of soreheads and blockheads,"we of course Infer that he Is not one of the Prohlhl-' tion party, although we presume from tlie political whine nnd silly frivolity characterizing his talk so very approprii ate for Sabbath evening In the holy sanctuary, he is fully qualified to join. No wonder that one of his older and more sensible auditors was so thorough ly disgusted that ho arose and walked out taking the wind out of the speakers, sails vvllh him. To my mind the slur Is simply a tacit acknowledgement that a man cannot be a Republic. in ami bo a Prohibitionist; i. o., not very consist ently. I will only remind him through your Journal, that only a few years ago when he run forslieriff.be was one of Hie foremost members ot the third, or Pro hibition party; and therefore to use his own laiigiiagiui foremost "sorehead and blockhead." The history of a few putty-heads who lacked sulllelent moral backbone lo stem the ridicule and abuse of the average public talker, having caught a political bee in their ear Is very forcibly given by St. Peter, "It is happened unto them according to tlie true proverb, The dog Is turned to Its own vomit again, and the sow that was washed, to her wallowing Iu tlio mire." A Soni:ni:Ai. P. S. You scratch my back and I'll scratch your back. Local Institute at Summit HUI. The first of the series of local Insti tutes for Ibis county will be held at Summit Hill, on Friday evening and Saturday, Oct. 20 and .10. P.ev. John DeWItt Miller, of New York, will lec ture on tlie "Uses of Ugliness" on Fri day evening. Mr. Miller is ono of out best platform lecturers; ho delivered this samo lecture before tho State Teachers' Association nl Allentown, to a very largo audience. The programme for Satutday will bo a very interesting and practical one. It is hoped that all iho teachers of tho county will avail Ihemselves.of the opportunity of attend ing tills institute. All will enjoy the ride around the celebrated Switchback road. All persons attending tho insti tute can procure tickets for Hie round trip at. the Switchback depot for 60 cts., usual price, $1.00. T. A. SxYtinit. Co. Sup't. All the latest novelties in Fall and Winter merchant tailoring goods at Clause & lho., Lehighton. lVtA.S,K,IB3D. Smith McLauohm.v. On Thursday, 14th lust., by ihc Hev. James A. Llt tl, of Hokendauqtia, Miss Mattlc, daughter of Mr. James .McLaughlin, formerly of Parryvilie, to Geo. Smith, Fsq., of Hrooklyn, N. V. ZuitN-. On September27. In Welssnort. Harry J., son of Dr. J. G. and Lila M. Zern, aged 11 years, 2 months and 25 days. Stock Quotations. Reported up to IZn'qlork, ly Do Haven A Tnwmf n.l,l)aukers,No. SB 8 Third Street Philadelphia. Stocics bought aud sold either lor cash ortin marain. Philadelphia, October 0, 18S6, bid asked II SJ's, Ext , 00 U S Currency fl's 1281 ITS 41, new U2J USt'i 2U 12U1 reunsyivania ll K CO rhilailolphia A" Heading It It 18 Lehigh Vallev Hit bl 601 181 Hi 12 0.11 2V1 Mi HI 4 m lhl (ln. i. v '" .. . .. . " kbw Jrj iN-mml sr.ii..,n f.!,; n... Pr,.f , INTERNATIONAL LESSONS! uv jtnv. r. ii, T.eMni, ItAltOHEAVEq. October -2Mh. jksl-9 cni-i'iKii:i John 10, t"-30. Oolden Text, John 19, 30. Time, April Tth, A. IX. an. liace-Oalvarv, just outside the city of Jerusalem. The last socne In Ihe lite of our Lord and Matter M reached. Thcsolillrrshavealreaily started with Him to the hill of Calvary, the Savior carrying III? own crnts, as was the cu-toni. Arilved at the fatal I'aec He Is nulled to the t'rossand It Is set up In a hole In tho ground, Pilate wrote a title In lie brew, Greek mid Lathi, and mt It on the Cross, "Jesus of Nn-aretli the King of the J.ews." lint the people did hot like It and asked 1dm to change It so ns lo read that Jesus called lllinsulf the King of the Jews. I'ihite answered, "What t havo written I line written." And thu title remained. As njoii foimer occasions, so hero tlio Script ores were fulfilled In many ways. The part. Ing of the Havlnr'K garments and easting lots nir ins coat were fiiiwinienta of Hcilntim among other things. The soldiers reviled ami mocked Htm. lie Was nothing In their eyes but a common pretender and malefac tor, and they had no feeling of sympathy for Him. Then airnln. they dosn sed Ihe Jewish nation, and any Insult they could heap upon their so-called King was a manifest Insult to them. Put tho Jews seemed to have only one thought In their madness, and that was to get rid of Chi 1st. In order to do this they were utterly oblivious lo Ihe Insults of the lioniaii soldiers as well as to the consequences of inelr act, "I thirst," the Savior cried, and they took a sponge tilled with vinegar, ami putting it upon a hyssop reed gavelllmto drink. It was Just lifter thrceji'clool; In the after noon, when crowds of Cwoishlipcrs were thronging Into the temple to prepare forthe evening sacrifice, when Jesus cavo tin the ghost. " It Is finished," he cried, and, as He died, the veil of the temple w as rent In twain a great earthquake shook tlio earth and won- drrmis signs attested Ihe fact that the Son of (bid had died. Wo can form absolutely no idea of the feelings of the people on this oc casion, t ear probably camo upon them, but we cannot tell what the masses felt. We know, however, that the centurion who had eliargo of tlie cruclllctlon glorified (Jod and declared that Jesus was a righteous man. And those whq camo and looked unon the sight smote upon their breasls and relumed to tlie cltj . Standing upon the crest ot mod em civilization and looking back to that aw tin Hour we are filled with amazement that such a terrible tragedy should bo enacted Tho whole proceedings are a marvel tons. The mockery ot the trial, the sycophanlisli Hesitancy 01 mate, the furious and unieason ing hatred of his own nation, all these are a source ot wonder iu tliemselv cs; And no less a marvel Is the sweet, siibinlssUe spirit of iiiniwnoimeKiyiiorelt all for the sake of sullerlng humanity. And yet, as wo remcm her tho purpose for which Ho came Into tills woild, the splilt of Ills teachings, the neces sity of Ills saeilllee-aswe think of these tilings, oursouls nre filled with adoration and love for the crucified Savior of men and we lift ourheaits 111 grateful praise ty Him. i.r.sox TiioiroiiTS. 1. Jcsusdicd for vour sins. 2. Have you aval.ed yourself of His all-.it. onlng blood. a Tlie Cross Is powerful to attract men lo Christ. 4. In the death of Christ we have forclve- ncss of sins. Grand California Excursion. In response to the urgent demand vi numer ous pations tor an opportunity to visit the Pacific Coast during the the coming winter. U1U wliliAT HOCK IdLlXIl ItOt'ff." m.- nounces mat 11101111 of a series of grand first-class excursions' to San Francisco and Los Angeles will leave Chicago, October 20th ui!,t., tno rate ier round trip having been made extremely low. Tickets (with ston over t'riv lieges) good for going passage 33 days west of MIssouil river, nnd good for return 0 months afler date of Issue, with choice of mutes cither via Council llluffs or Kansas City. For Pullman Sleeping Car accommo dations, or detailed Information relating to una or subsequent exclusions, address K. A Holbrook, tien. Ticket and I'ass'r Asent C. I. S r. I'.y. Subscriptions Bsceiyod For Iho C'.vn iion ahvocati: since last report : J. T. MeDanluI, Mahoning Valley e.SP 00 iioorge .iniiuson, lowanii nslug m .u.i.i-s i.iouKii, minium 11111 1 00 n. ii. i'rani7. ia'Ii nr iron Charles 1'roeliqh, .Mlnncobi, Minn.. t 00 1 no , 1 00 a 00 -i. ... l.t-IUUllUIIl U..l....t.1 ..I iiiiiiuii, .,1.1(11-11 V.UUI1K A. S. Sillier, l'attcnburg, N". J ("has. Lent, Ms llnllon J. Denllnger, Lchli:litiin , dram hie Shoemaker. Lchlglitoii... 1 00 1 on 1 00 23 1 00 Ml m 1 00 1 01 1 (X) 1 00 ii,. nroiner, i.ast welssport.. V. I-. New nwvi.r. Mfilimtlti Valley.. John Smith. Liddulitiiii ..1 .1. It. Htclgervvalr. West l'enn . Henry hlistellbuder. Senintim II. P. Ktclgcrvvalt. l'lirrvville... hlias IJeer, Tonamcnshig Bill Uvc's Exponent. Dill Nye, wilting from his winter resort In the mild climate of Wisconsin, say: "My little daughter recently burnt the palm nf her hand very severely, and after f had wet it well with a remedy which I had never be fore used, and put my handkerchief on It, slio did not even cry. So I tried it again the other day on the frozen check of a Utile child two years old. It worked like magic. The remedy Is St. Jacob's Oil, and It ts a mighty good thing to havo In tho house, I now be. Hev that If wo keep the ten commandments and this remedy we will be prosperous and liuppy." Jnst received Irom "Bos ton, nn immense stock of the fjfpnmnc Knight of Labor Shoes, which we are selling at $2.50 and $3 Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. To kill one fiy in March is estimate 1 to bo us good a work as killing 8,100, 000,000 iu Augunt, the increatoand mul tiplications of the fly population being figured as follows: One fly on the 20th of March is represented by 200 on tho 24th of April, by 0,000 on the 23lhof .May, by 27,000,000 on the 2d of July and by t-,100,000,000 on the 8th of August. FTlrPT.F!fi 1 will mail (Fnr.nl on J.1.VX.L XIXJO. receiptor a Two Cent 'ftoiia-ui'VEGETABLE DfllillhiovK Tan, Fkkcklks, pj jim.ks, lluiiciiKN, lIijiCK I1K.VHS, Etc., leaving the skin soft, clear mid beautiful. .Touch vvllh thlseoniiouiid llicwiltllly check, And the bright glow w 111 best Us vh tiles speak. Also Instruction fur piodiiclng a lusuilant grow tli of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Addrcss-A. I). STKiirm, on Ann St.. New iork, Oct., 23 lbso, ly. A ft FrlTl VIU M having been cured of Ner 11 UDlUiifjlllaflous Piostratlon, Semi nal Weakness. Premature Decay, and all tho evil effects of euily indiscretion and voiithful folly, Is anxious to iiuike known to others the simple mode nf self-cure. To thoe whowish and will give him their symptoms, be will send dree) by i eturn mall ucopy ot the recipe so Mtccuckfiilly used In Ids ease. Address tn confidence, James W, Tink XEV, Cedar St., N. Y. Oct., 23180, y, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means after Buffeting for ot ... f . IO vu" H "ciere iimi: iiuei'iiou, and that dread disease L'niiumiiitlon, is an xious to make known to Ids fellow siuTervra Ibe means of euie. To those who desire It, he will cheerfully send (free of charnolocopy of the prescription used, which they will tind a sure euiii for ('oiiMimi.tloii, Aslhina, Ca Urih, UronclUtls and all throat and lung MaUdles, Ho hoiies nil sufferers will tryhli liomedy, as Itwillcostthein nothing mid inav prove a J; esslng. Those ileslrbns the prescription, will please address. Iter Udwaud A Wil' soy, Winlani,!. nig, K!ugi,ro., .New York Oft, -UPM i -I-VJ.-ki'-'ii RSieigsatism It U tin tstalltshtd net that Hood's Bar saparllla has proven nn lnvaluablo remedy la many sovero cases of rheumatism, eficct Inn rcmarkablo cures by ltr powerful action In correcting Iho acidity of tho blood, widen 1 tllO CauSO Of tlia dlxeisn. ami m,HMn and enriching tho vital fluid. It U certainly fair to assume that what Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for others It will do for you. Therefore, If you suffer tho pains and achos ot rheumatism, giro this potent remedy a fair trial, A Vosltlvo Cure. " I was troubled very much with rheuma tism in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was conflned to my bed a good deal of tho time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla as ono of tlio best blood purifiers In tho world." W. 1'. Wood, Eloomlngton, 111. For Twenty Years I IiaTO been afflicted with rheumatism. Before JK63 1 found no relief, but grew worse. 1 then began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. and It did mo more good than all tho other medicine I ever bad." ll. T. Balcom, Shirley. Mass. "I Buffered from What the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sar saparllla aud r.m entirely cured." J. V. A. l'ltotrorooi, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. Wo shall bo Glad, to send, frco of charge to all who may desire, a book containing many additional statements of cures ty Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all drugglsls. St J six tor $3. Mado only by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. Now Advcrtisments. Weissnort Business Directory. OW FOtt LOW PUICES ! Less Expense Mesns lewor Prices for tho People I SI. A. Oswald's New Store, In M. A. Oswald's New Building, ICnst Wuisspoit, Pcmi'ii., Is heudtrunrtcrs for Dress Gootls, Cassiuiers, Prints, Groceries, Previsions, k Banded Chamber Setts, $3! Boiler Process Flonr Only $2.35, Which Is positively FIFTEEN CENTS less than the same flour can be bought elsew hero. ' Oivo mea call and bo convinced that I am selling goods at "Rock Bottom I-rlecs." M. A. OSWALD, ScptlS,80-ly EAST WEissronT. -J-AUItT & SKWKLL, . the wnissroirr bakeuv. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day. Dellv ercd In Lehigliton and Mauch Chunk every Tues dij, Thursday and Saturday. ti"I'icnlcs, Forties, Camii-JIectlngs, Weddings, Funerals supplied at short notice. aiigust7,S7-ly JpliANKMS HOUSE, EAST WEISSPOltT, l'ENN'A. This house oilers first-class accommoilatlons to the iicrmanenl boarder and transient guest. Funic pi Ices, only Ono Dollar per day. aug7-ly Joii.v ltniima, Proprietor. QEATS, THE JEEI,ER. All Kinds of Jewelry ! School Books and Stationery. augsut7,S0-ly. JU. P. AU'KEI) AMlItF.WS, HOMEOPATHIC PUYS1CIASS: SVRGEOX OproMtc Nathan Snyder's Slore, EAST -WE.Sf3POBr. Special attention given to chronic diseases mid Diseases of Women. aprl'-cm AAUON F. SNYDER, EAST WEISSFOMT, PA., ' MANUFACTUItElt'S AGENT FOB Western Improved Washers American Wringers, AbSO Bicycles of all Kinds ! Old wheels will be loaned to pal lies desir ing to learn and who order wheels finin me. Washers will be put out on trial. Mustglvo satisfaction or no sale. augl 1-iy JOSEPH P. HEX, I)EAf.Eit IN Flour, Feed & Furniture, Tobacoa and Cigars, v East Weissport, Penn'a., Invltos the pcoplo of Welssport and vicinity to call and examine Ins Iftrge assort men t of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Prioes Low as tho Lowest ! aprillMsws-lv. Y"ALL WPEUS & U0UOEKS ! All the Latest Styles and Shades I llcst Qualities I Lowest Prices ! Pnre Dross anil Medicines ! Choice Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. Ferscrlptlon carefully compounded day or night, at W. F. BIBRY'S, Cor. White and Bridge Sts., Weissport. AprlllJ. 1M5-1V. A dvcrtiso in the Advocate. illpavyou. Try it A. J. Liizsisrgpr's GoIhhdl j I keep constantly on linnd a full sujiply of the lollowing articles : . . i- Lard Oil, , Castor Oil, . ..i,;o: a ... coal 6n,- .0 .erih.iJ Linseed Oil, Amber Mricli ihc Oil, Black Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Turpentine, Japan Varnish, Window Glass, and Putty, Lewis, 1st National nnd Hutrial's Pure White Lead. A full line of colors in oil, small packages. A large line of Reafly Mixed anfl Dry Paints. T All in pints, quarts and gallons. A good assortment of Shelf Hardware, Nails, &c. I make n specialty in WOVEN WIRE for all purposes, viz : for Fan ning iMills.Chickcn Coops.&c. 1 have just taken the agency for tho W. & B. Douglas Pni, and can furnish any pump. in. thejr list at short notice and at,lov est prices. 1 put in three of these pumps recently, with satisfaction to purchasers. WAGON GREASE, I razor's, Mica, Crescent and Castroline, to the latter of which we call your special attention as being something really good and worthy of trial CATTLE POVVDER. The Blue Grass Condition Powder is the best now in the market. Price, 20 cents per package, 6 packages for $1. The attention of Builders is called to my stock of Ajax Tar and Bosin Sized Paper. COPPER KETTLES. A lot of COPPER KET TLES will be disposed at very low prices. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds in stock or to or der on short notice, my stock of REPAIRS and EXTRAS for all machines is unsur passed by any -house in the valley. Give me a call. PHOSPHATES ! PHOSPHATES ! 100 Tons sold so fur this sea son. 'Reliablo and Cheap ! Low Prices and Honest Dfla!in. -:o:- A.J. Litzenberger, Ant., 1st Door Below L. & S. Bepot, ,JM MM, flM,