"Original Cheap Cash Store. The Leading Fashion Journal wiy, nil flgns jmlnt to n Muck Silk season. Wo have n large ttoek of rcllahle weaves. unJ are ollering tlicm remarkably low. Elegant Bew Velveteens in great variety, at the lowest prices ever readied. Beautiful Tricot Dress Cloth, Mock, Dark in Drown, Navy Mine, Myr tle Green. Motlc, Light Olive, Dark Olive, Medium llrown und (Jaruct. J. T. NUSBAUM. Opp. Publlo Square, Bank Street, Lehlnh ton, Ft. June 7, 1884-ly. SATURDAY, OCTOIlEIt 10, 1SS0. SPECIAL JMVriCH -l'crsons making pay ments to tills olllce y moiioy orders or lost:il notes will please make t hem payable uttiie vi;issfoitT post oi'Tiri:, us hih LeldEhton Oflke Is NOT u money order olllce. Current Events Epitomized. Forest Arcs rac in many sections of tlic State. A drought prevails pietty generally throughout the State. The new silk mill at Uetlilehem will be ready for operation by the first of November. Farmers throughout the State claim that the chestnut crop will not he as large ns last year. Stephen Molcn, a Uetlilehem bar ber, dropped dead while shaving a cus tomer Saturday night. Gon. James Heaver opened the campaign in Ilazleton Monday night, lie was enthusiastically received. The production of the Pennsylvania Steel Works was gieater last week than any corresponding time in Its history. Carbon county had two hundred and twenty weddings during tho first year of the new marriage lio-nse law. N. C. llarr, treasurer of the Ilam hcrg Building Association, of llerks county, is short $3000 in his accounts. Two miners were Instantly killed liy an explosion of gas In the l'ort lionlkey mine, near Wllkesharre, Mon day. Tho Mahauoy City Local consoli dated with the Tribune of the same place, last week. The new lirm have our best wishes for success. The "I'm somewhat of a liar my self" card has made lis appearance hero, and now the teller of '"Twice Told Tales" is summarily dealt with. Counterfeit ten dollar silver certifi cates, with portrait of Tliomaa A. Hen dricks, have made their anpear.inco in some parts of thu State. Look out for them. Mrs. llruznnskl, of Highland, Lu zerne county, was knocked down, brut ally outraged and killed, one day re cently, on the road between her home and Jedilo. Tho celebrated Strohl family, con sisting of father, mother and eight children, gave one of their popular en tertainments In School Hall, last Mon day evening. Wc call the attention of our numer ous readers to the advertisement of Kramer it Co., dry goods merchant. Allentown, published In another column of to-day's issiuj. A party of young boys make night hideous to the residents along Iiankwav. We refrain from mentioning names hut If the practice Is not discontinued wo will expose the young rascals. Adam llcers. a pioneer resident of county, died at hi; home in Itoekport, Sunday, at the advanced ago of seventv scyen years, lie w as well and favorably known throughput the county. I'cter Hess, a veteran of the war of 1812, and the only remaining pensioner in tins section of the State, died at his home In Williams tow nihil). Northanin- ton county, Monday night, at tho age of iiineiy-ine years. torthe week ending Oct. 0, there were 148,7:18 tons of coal shipped over the I.ehigh Valley railroad, nuking a total to date of 6,4:!,&02 tons.and show ing an increase of BIS.'JSo tons compared with same date last v. car. Amandus Stephon.aged sixty years, n prosperous I.ehigh count v farmer, re. siding at the Flats, about eleven miles irom Ailcnlown. committed suicide. 1 uesday. by hanging. Despondency Is cam ju nutii ueeu me cause lor coin mlttlng the act. The convention of Count v f'nmmU sioners, in session at Ilarrisburg last week, discussed tho various forms of assessment unit tkxatlau, and a commit tee will prepare a report and ask the aid of the fioyerncr and Legislature In framing a law to govern all counties. The Rev. .lames M. Salmon, for many years Presbyterian pastor at ihin gor, Pcnna., and previously at Wliilo Haven, Is expected to preach In the llokendauqua church Sunday morning mid evening. Oct. 17, whilst Ihe Hey. dames A. Little is olllclating at Albur lis, Pa. General Guitar Is running for Con gress in Missouri, and Fiddler Taylor Is nfier the Oovernor'schalr in Tennessee. We trust that General Drum will step forward, If he wants anything, and let us have concert of action by all taking a ride through tho valley In David Kb bert's casy-rlding carriages. Thomas F.igan Informs us that ho has collected siilllclenl money for the purchase of an artificial limb for Nathan Kenierer. of Jamestown. The amount In full It evci i0).OX Mr. F.ii?m do ilres to express his thanks for tho kind manner in which ourcitlzens responded to the call of charity. Mr. l'.ii.in started the Mibscrlptlon book only a few weeks ago, but by continual push and energy he has succeeding in meeting with unusual success. ,-An exchange very sensibly says: Newspaper subscribers who aro in ar rears should bcai in mind that a dun Is not an impeachuH't of their Integrity, but simply an outcropping of a publish er's necessity. For Instance a thousand men owe him one to four dollars each. It Is a small amount to each individual, but to him the aggregate Is large. In stead of becoming indignant bccitisethe publisher asks for his honest dues the delinquent subscriber should be grateful to him for waiting so patiently, and pay up like a man. Someone has declared conceit worse than consumption, mid the comparison is a true one. Many are the conceited" who cry down legitimate, remedies, and who delude suffering humanity, whoso only salvation Is ihe immediate use of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, "Ho jests at scars, who never felt a wound," and a man may stand with his hands in his pocKcts anil laugh at a poor, worn rhcu matlc, but If he Is a gentleman, he'll step Into the neaiest ding-shop and buy him a bottle of Salvation Oil for 1:5 cents. r-Arncr & Son, the popular manu facturers of pure bone Phosphate, of Aiiuiiuiiiiiu, u.ivu. uuii h veiy suc cessful season In the sale of their vari ous grades of phosphates. The manu facture of these articles being under their Iminedlato supervision they can unhesitatingly recommend them as first class goods In every lesjioct. A display of the ditferent grades of phosphates In connection with the jaw bone of a whale, the neck bono of a rhinoce reus and the hip bone of an elephant attract ed considerable attention at our JaU county fair. Thanksgiving day is coming on apace. j All Halloween will bo along on October BO. Allenlown's tax duplicate amounts ' to $r.2,37t.2i). Tuesday was the 3PUh anniversary i of the discovery of Amcilca. I The new two dollarsllverccrtlficato 1 will soon be ready for circulation. i Luzerno county lias two hundred and ninety-six practicing physicians. , Potatoes are selling at Oo. 40 and 45 cents per bushel throughout the county. Arbor Da', onthc2Sth Inst., should he apmoprlatcly observed by our public schools. Mrs. ll'in. Hcini, of Reading, com mitted suicide by hanging on ll'cdnes day last. Tho Phelps system of telegraphy is to be intioduccd on thu Lehigh Valley railroad. Get your sale bills printed at this office. Piiccslowas elsewhere. Give us a call. Reading has gained nine miles of new houses, or 2,(104 buildings In the past ten years. A Young Men's Christian Associa tion was organized in this place Jl'oii nesday night. A Lehigh county woman exhibited fire hundred miscellaneous articles at the Allentown fair. Tcrrcnce V. Powdcrly has been re elected as Grand Master ll'orknian of tho Knights of Labor. The. second conference of the Luth eran Mlnlstciium of Pennsylvania, met In Zlonsvlllc this week. The Allentown Iron company is turning out pig-Iron at the rate of six hundred tons per week. Lehigh county has two hundred ami sixty-two United States pensioners who draw $2,103.J0 per month. Hungarians and Polanders are still leaving Luzcinc county In large mini- uers, lor points in the II est. The Salvation Army, located at Ilazleton, U meeting with rather rough usage at the hands of hoodlums. Iierks county Is suffering severely from drought. Little or no rain having fallen In the past sixty-five clays. Founders day was celebrated at Lehigh University, South Pethlehem, Thursday w lib appropriate exercises. The annual conference of the North Philadelphia distilct of the Methodist church was held In Allentown this week. Tho pig-Iron trade has remained steady during the past week. Prices range from $18 to $10, according to grade. The new letter sheet envelope has been declared a nuisance by postal clerks and their manufacture discon tinued. The new one dollar silver certifi cates have made their appearance. The vlpnette is the head of .Martha Wash ington. The circulation of the Acvocati: is constantly Increasing. This fact should he noted by merchants desiring to ad vertise. Robert llelney, of Slatlngton, a brakeman on a Lehigh Valley coal train was squeezed between the curs at Las ton the other day. ' You can shoot rabbits after No vember 1st. Not before. Wc were In error last wrek when we said that the season opened on the 15th. Monroe crunty had but ninety-seven weddings during the first year of the new marriage license law. The close proximity to Jersey Is said to be the icason for the number being so small. Over three hundred delegates of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, of this Stale, were In attendance at the twelfth annual convention of this organization held In IHlkcsbarrc. tills week. The membership showed an In crease of two thousand over last year, and a balance of $-2,000 Is reported as being In the treasury. Tho cnalrman of tho Prohibition State Committee lias icccivcd notice that unless he ceases his Indefatigable effort in the cause he will be slaughtered. Th letter winds up by saying: "you white llered sucker, you had better go nomo aim lenn to your business and not rob us of our legitimate business." The letter Is supposed to bo that of a cram;. "Stay at Home My Heart and Rest," Longfellow, music by W. A. ttalen. In this degenerate age of music, when so much of the veriest trash is Issued, it seems and Is actually refreshing 10 see a song line me auove, Willi a pure melody and a thorough and innsiclanly treat ment. We heartily recommend it to all. Price 40 cants. Ig'n. Fischer, Publisher, Toledo, O. Tho latest Imposition on farmers. by the crafty swindler. Is to drive up 10 aiarm nouse anil give the farmer a big game talk about the high prices uemg pai.i lor groceries. A barrel or two of sugar is taken from the wagon and offeied for about one-third the regular price. The farmer bites, lmvs a barrel, and in two or more days discovers ue uas purcnaseu oriunary sail, a few pounds of sugar covers the deception. "Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel i" J)o no such thing. Swallow ur. Hull's Uiby byrnp, baby, and yoti win soon lie well. Price 25 cents. Dr. Hull's Ualtlmore Pills mav be Invariably relied on to purify the blood, cleanse the liver, anil excito It to healthy act on. Price 25 rents. Day's Horse Powder prcventscough. cold, and snots in sheep, and fallens the lambs by Increasing the nun. oi ineir inouiers. (July 2.) cents, It has been announced that the llethlehein Iron Company has recently given an order for 50,000 tons of the ore found In New lork Stale near the Ad irondack region. Tho cais bringing mis oro 10 jiellilrliein can carry anthra cite coal back to he used In Northern ew 1 ork. 1 lie Iron ore found In New York Is specially adapted for steel-mak ing, ami a uraneii line ot railroad lb lo be extended lo the beds for the conveni ence of transposition. Thomas Fagan has turned over and lecelved a recent Irom J. Ir. Itatulun bush for the flly.OO which ho collected lor the purpose of purchasing an art! ileliil limb for Nathan Keiuerer. of Jamestown, with tho understanding that Mr. liandenbiisli shall see to the puichaslng of the limb. All other money for this purpose will be received by J. W. Raudenbtish. Mr. Pagan, Is well and favoiably known heic, having held the position of engineer on engine fills on thoAmboy dlvisionor tho Lehigh Valley railroad for tlio past eleven years, from which place he was promoted lo engine of freight train No. 420, running from F.aslon to Jersey City, this week. Tom Is well and favorably known here and by his genial, free and easy manner has made hosts of friends during his sojourn w llli us, Charged With Che&tlngHis Customers. A despatch dated Tainaqua, Oct. 13, says: A warrant was Issued here Wed nesday for the arrest of Lx-Sherill M. L. lloyer, charged with embezzlement and swindling. When Hover's term expired In the Slieillf's olllce of this I county, last spring, be cauio to Tnniamia ami openen a uroxcr s olllce, or "bucket shop dealing on margin In New York stocks. He did n good business and I much money was entrusted lo him for I Investment. In many rases he did not ' Invest the money and loll his customers that they were "wiped out," liockrling . tho money lihnsell. In other cases, ; where he wanted the money and the deal were surrostful, lie not only pock eted the money nut up on margin, but the profits as well, When things crow warm here lie-left for Pottsrille, wither an olllcer from here has gone to execute the warrant. Jlnyrr was a candidate for the Scimtoral nomination of the Thirtieth district at the recent Demo I cratle Convention. Feople In and out of Town. Our people who may have relatives or friends llsltlnir tlicm will greatly oblige us By t-iilliiR in their names unci residence for publication under this lieu!. linn on. Miss Lulu Zehnor, of town, spent last Saturday with Slatlngton friends. Miss Emma Ho.ver, of Catasauqna, Is visiting relatives and friends in town. Wils. Miller, Mauch Chunk's pop ular carrlago builder, was In town on Sunday. Mrs. llenj. Williams, of Mauch Chunk, spent fast Monday in town with relatives. Mrs. Paul Wagner Is sojourning with Mrs. Wm. Wugncr, at Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Rev. F. K. Hermit and wife, of Stettlersvllle, Lclilgh county, were lit town this week. Charley 'Harding and wife, of Iron street, spent several days this week w ith llcthlehcm friends. Mrs. Ed. llunslcker, of this place, spent several days at Catasauqna and Allentown this week. Mr. und Sirs. Slarcns, of Philadel phia, are the guests of John S. Lcnlz, on Northampton street. Misses llesslc Leibenguth and Sarah Wert, of town, arc visiting relatives and friends In llloomshurg, Pa. Mrs. Andrew MunU, of Reading, Pa., spent several days Willi Mrs. John Hank, on Hank street, last week. Miss Savannah Hankce, of Lohlgh Gap, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. W. Morthlmcr, for several days last week. A. A. Graver, of Reading, repre senting Schlechtcr & Henry, dealers In pianos and organs, while in town this week dropped in to see us. Harry Sw eeny and wife, of Drlfton, and SIlss Patterson, ot Wllkesbaire. spent Sunday In town with C. M. Sweeny and wife, on Hank street. Joseph Kalhfus.Ksq.1of Last Maurh Chunk, the Republican candidate, for District Attorney, was in town during the week and dropped In to see us. Our old friend A. S. Miller and family, fonneily of this place, now of Pattenburg. N. J., were lsi1in2 rela tives and friends here during the past week. Mrs. Louisa Stocker and son Geo.. who have been sojourning with relatives and friends In the West during the past live weeks, returned homo Tuesday de lighted with their trip. Coal Prices and Wages. New York World. Oct. 0: In his criti cisms upon tho action of Governor Pat- tlson looking to ."state interference with the operations'of the coal barons' com bination Mr. Gowen says: "The better the price of coal the more the working men get for wages." The advance in prices of coal already agreed upon amounts to 00 cents a ton. What ad vance has been made or promised In the wages 01 nnnrsy .ot a cent, at the last reports. If the workingincn who dig the coal were given even half of Ihe ad vance in price there would bo little com plaint among cousuiucis. Huttohave the Hlg Six Companies pocket the whole of the $15,000,000 exacted from the consumers, ami then pretend that tho tarllf is maintained, that production is curtailed and that prices ate advanced all In the (merest of woikingmcn, is to fait the wound and rub It. In. Tho question Is up for settlement concerning these ant! kindred corporations. Is the creature gieater than the ciealor? Shall tne servant servo or be master.' Philadelphia Ledyer, Oct. I): The re cent advance of 50 cents a ton In the price of coal has Its compensating ad vantages. Tho miners "share" In the Increase. According to one calculation the Ilazleton miners get three cents out of the 50. Rochester Herald: Tho Lehigh Val ley Railroad Company is going to follow the example of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western In establishing a depot at Dtilulb, where large docks and elevatois will bo built. Tho plan of both loads is lo have vessel communica tion between their Western termini at HulTalo and Diilu'h, carrying coal on the up trip and bringing " grain back. Dulnih is an excellent point at which to gather the cereals of the Corthwct,nutl It Is likewise a good point for the dis tribution of coal. It may yet be the great city of the unsalted seas that Proctor Knott pictured It. New Mahoning Correspondence. Ono day recently James Reichard, ihe famous Indian tiapper and hunter, of New Mahoning, shot and killed revel) chicken hawks. Jim says the snortinz men of the count can thank him tor nils cxtct initiation of the greedy hawk, for If he had not killed them thev would probably have got away with all the pheasants before the cud of the season. Keep up the good work, .Mm, and let your gun crack ortcn and successfully. It. B. Dlelil and wife. II. V. Mor tbiincr and wife. Misses E. Seller and Lev an, of Lehlghton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Diehl's parents, Mr. and Mis. Joseph Lbberts, in Mahoning Valley. They had a most cniouible time. .Mr. F.bbeit showed a graft made on a pear ueu last spring, w men nail already at tained a growth of about a foot, and had blossomed and bore fruit the pear till being on the small limb last Sun day. This is considered something ex traordinary as a graft seldom bears fruit before the third year. Tho mission festivals hold at Ren salem s church. Last Penn. and St Peter's church, West Penn. under the auspices of ihe Lutheran congregation's iiuring last week were well attended. The holy sacrament of the Lord's supper will bo nliervrd in the St. John's cnuicli on the 24lh Inst. Iter. A. Dap tholonicw will otliclate. Mrs. Win. Cooper purchased the out Jvrcssiey scuooi nouse for tbO. Our schools will open on tho 25th inst. Miss Mable Itosenstock.of Weath erly, has been appointed to teach the .X IS ilOUOW SCII001. JJA-ilt Lower Towamttnting Callings. The new bell was put in St. John's cnuicn last week. The play-ground of tho Millnnn school house ha been nicely graded and filled up. Tho directors aiu doing tho amo with the Lehigh (lap fchool grounu. 1 1113 is a movo in the rlelit il - lection. We would also urge them to examine tho t Ire Line school house and glvo their decision about It. and sra if they would pronounce It a fit place for cniuircn 10 gaiuer. 11 would say that It Is not, It Is a disgrace to the town ship; eyeiytlilng Is in a dilapidated con dition j tho desks being only fit for lire wood; the floor in many places s worn through, which makes the room very cold. The door has no latch and is therefore open lo anything and anybody. The stone walls me full of erevicxs r,m floor to celling and therefore ready I o I fall at any moment the roof also does not enhance the appearance of ihe I building in the least. Repairs will pot answer this time; a new school house is Imperatively necessary. Oentleinen, 110 jour 11 uty. The magic lantern entertainment at I Ire Line last Saturday evening wasa , success, nan ot tne proceeds went to the Sunday school, I John Peters, of Lehlghton, spent Saturday with his sick mother at Fire Line. I Peler Fourl, of Lehigh Gap, a boat- man on tho Lehigh canal, was stricken with paralysis iiboui two weeks ago. He Is lying In a very ciltlc.il condition. I Coxt'JJlBXCU. ' Fred. Rrinkmau received this week fiom New York 11 lino Int ,.r li,t,,,-tA.i canaries which he offers for sale at a very low price. Call and see them. McParlln, the detective, whoplayed such a conspicuous role In the Mollle Maqulre cases, of the coal region, Is laid to have gone stone blind. "Our Mau " AronnA VehsportJ The Chicago anarchists aro doomed to pay the penally they so justly de serve. America Is no land or home for tho anaichlst. Our people aro ever ready to open their doors anil pulses for the benolit of the down tiodden and allllcted, but when Imposed upon by Mich Individuals as created tho disorder I In Chicago some time ago, they are just ! as liberal in dispensing justice ns they are in contributing moneys or expressing sympathy for any certain people. Au nreliy cannot thrive In n country whcio the principles of Democracy aro so stiong ns here. Tho fieedom and Inde pendence of the individual is not re stricted so long as he keeps within the jurisdiction of tho laws governing the various Slates. As a result of this, wo have to-day a grateful and happy peo ple, a good and prosperous country, the resources of which aie Incalculable. When the laws governing a State be come tyrannical (?) instead of resoitlng to anarchy and riot, the ballot box Is made the medium through which the burdensome laws arc repealed, and the peaco and quiet of the country Is not rallied nnd tho pages of American his tory are not disgraced by the actions of a dissatisfied people. "What glorious privileges these are. Dave you ever placed side by side the system of Amer ican free government and the system of fotelgn monarchy? If you liavo not you should, and yon will, sec and feci proud of tho difference which exists. The imported anarchist leaves a coun try burdened with tyrannical laws and comes hero, bringing with him that dis satisfaction and contempt fertile powers that rule which he held In his own country. The result of this has been .een in Chicago. Imbued with this ilissatlslled spirit they aro wont to resort to low saloons kept by their fellow countrymen, nnd hero the spirit of an archy glows in proportion to the amount of stale beer and common whiskey dis posed of frequently being the means of bringing out Impassioned appeals for a better stale of affairs than exist at present. Anarchism jou w 111 find pre vails not amongst the better element of foreigners or Americans but Only In that vile Importation of the foreign ele ment, who come here and treat with ridicule and contempt Ihe laws govern ing the people. In view of this fact, and the fact that the Chicago anarchists are guilty. It Is but just that they should pay the full penally of their crimes upon the gallows. It may be the means of preventing further disruptions amongst a peaceful and happy people. God speed me day wnen such elements re cognize the power and liberty of this country, nnd live. In peaceful accordance with its laws ami customs. . Although not a Prohibitionist we arc nevertheless more or less interested In the future of that organization. Look ing at It lo-day with a non-partisan eye, we are convinced of the fact that within the past "few years Prohibition lias grown to a very great extent In the Keystone State. So much so, In fact, that it to-dav classes the S5.000 He pub lican majority of a few years ago among the uncertainties of politics; and whilst there are men so bigoted as lo close their eyes to tho Inevitable result of this issii", it nevertheless loses none of Its importance, but stares those who seethe imparlance of It square In the face and challenges discussion. Almost every vuiage anil lown throughout 1110 State now has Its Prohibition club, and whilst many of them do not draw as lanre crowds as either of the malnpartlcs.lt however, Indicates the fact that the cause is growing. We are not speaking irom a i ioiiiimion standpoint now, but only nsone who recognizes the growing propensities of that organization. There are many tilings against Prohibition, however, and uralnly that It conflicts with the "inallenablu lights of the citi zen." The principle that tho "majori ty .-hall rule" mav be philosophical as well as logical, but In a case of this kind whi'felt would lcsult In the conlLea lion of millions ot dollars woilh of per sonal propci tv and throw out of eni plovmcnt hundreds anil thousands of men it loses its significance In the In calculable loss to bo sustained thereby. H'hile there may be many Individuals In Ihe Prohibition pally who are there from motives pure and 'holiest to them selves and the cause, it Is an Indlsnut- able fact that there are many more who are theie from motives purely opposite. That a clash of these two forces Is In evitable Is hut natural to suppose trom the fact that greediness for the spoils will sooner or later bring to the. top the iiiiuviiiuais who lor purposes "purely political" havo iolncd forces with them. .Members of that party may scout the Idea that It has among its forces men of such character, but that will not prove that it lias not. We advise them lo wait and watch and the result will not be so astounding. . . Our young men should takendvant age of the oppoitunlty presented by the voting men 01 i.entgiiton mid join wit! them in pushing to a successful oreranl zatlon tho Young Men's Chrlslaln As sociation recently Instituted at this p ace The purpose of the Association is to advance Intellectually and morally the young man of lo-day, to place on a higher piano and a more substantial basis the means of spreadlngchrlstlanlly. This organization is known nil over the world for Its noble aims and nurposes. It has been the means of saving more young men from leading lives of ills- grace than all the organizations in exist ence. It Is the duly of young men to connect tneinseivcs with the association and labor for the advancement of its best Interests. . . STIi.VVSPM.VTnllS A neat iron fence now encloses the Lutheran and Reformed church here. Miss Llllle Musselman. of Hetble. hem, is sojourning with lclatives and lraiius in this place. The agitation of the need of n fire department has ceased, nnd some bright morning inu "i torn you so fiend will explain 1111 about It. Nathan Snyder's saw and planing mill is running full time, with orders on nana, wo are told, to keep tlicm ousy tor some time to come, "several substantial pavements have been put down by our property holders during the past month. It would not 00 ainlsj for others to follow suit Autumn tints adorn tho surround ing mountain sides, which forces the fact upon us that soon we will ho plod ding thiough tho "winter of ourdiscou tent." H. II. Mussulman and wife, of this place, nnd A I. Worslev. of Lehlghton. enjoyed a delightful ride through the Volley last Sunday, In II. II. Everltt's lancv turnout. Run your eye oyer the advertise ments in the Advoc.vti: to-day and you can wo where to buy your fall and win ter clothing, dry goods, groceries, itc. Tho best bargains can always be had of tne mcrciiaul w ho ndvcrtlses Thos. Koons has commenced the erection of n new livery stable and blacksmith shop on Ihe slto of tho re cently destroyed buildings, and will, wu uudersland.soon commence the election of a sloru room and resldmice to be oc cupied by Joseph Rex, as n flour, feed and furniture establishment. The new buildings are lo be a big improvement over 1110 0111 siruciiiren. Rev. Debater C. Weiss delivered a temperance address to a larse audience In the Evangelical church last Sunday evening. In fUjuratlvely Kwklni of the Prohibition imrty he kuld that it was coiuiKiseil of "sorehead and block heads," the remaik, Ihoiuth undoubted ly tr'ie, fell somewhat fuicjhly upon the Prohibitionists present, one of whom 'we are Informed, arose ill his dignity mid "went f.irili rolv Ipeed of the fact thai the way of ihe Piobibliionlst is not lined with roses." fcutiesrlue for tUnvocATB. Carbon County Court. Tho October term of our Comity v-ourt openen at .Mnucn uiiuiik Monday morning at ten o'clock with a full hunch. Tho constables mado Ihelr re turns. The following Is the list of cases lo he disposed of: Commonwealth vs. Oscar .1. Strohm, No. 10, October Sessions, 18S0. Indict ment, false pretenses. Prosecutor, Frank II. Person. Commonwealth vs. John lllewster. No. II, October Sessions, 18S0. In dictment, F. & It. Prosecutrix, Sarah Glace. Commonwealth vs. Peter Jones. No. 13. Oelobcr Sesslon9,18S(l. Indictment, selling liquor without a license. Prose cutor, Joseph Snyder. Commonwealth vs. John Crllly. No. 15,OclobcrSesslons, 1SS0. Indictment, A. & 1). Prosecutor, Geo. W. Paullii. Commonwealth vs. Charles Orion Stroh. No. 20, April Sessions, ltSO. Indictment, falsifying books, &c. Prose cutor, C, A. Rex, Hurgcss. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Fanny case. No, 2, October Sessions, 18(30. lndlctnieut.faHe pretenses. Prosecutor, Fred llrandmlre. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Strohl, Ephraini Strohl. No. 4, October Ses sions, 18S0. Indlctmcnt.A. & 1). Pros ecutor, Oliver Kramer. Commonwealth vs. Dennis Connor. No. 5, October Sessions, 1SS0. Indict ment, A. & R. Prosecutor, Michael Hallstc. Commonwealth vs. Alfred II. Rehrlg. No. 7. October Sessions, 1880. Indict ment, malicious mischief. Prosecutor, John Rehrlg. Commonwealth vs. Harris E. Hlncs. No. 8, October Sessions, 188(1. Indict ment, larceny. Prosecutor, J. G. Eadle. Commonwealth vs. Newton Kromcr. No. 0, October Sessions, 18S0. Sur charge, F. A R. Prosecutrix, Elmiua Strohl. Judge Drchcr charged tho Grand Jury. Among tho above cases three or four were sent to tho Grand Jury and the others settled or continued. Court ad journed at an caily hour for want of cniploynfcnt. Tho case of Commonwealth vs. Peter Jones, of Tomamenslng, for selling liquor without a license occupied the court Tuesday morning and part of the afternoon. He was found guilty as In dicted, and is under ball awaiting sen tence. In the case of Charles Sclmltz vs. John Schultz, Indicted for using threats the former was proved lo be of unsound mind and sent to the Danville insane asylum. Prior to the. adjournment of court the petit jurors were discharged. The greater part, of Wednesday morn ing was occupied by Judge Drchcr In ids discussion of the case of Common wealth vs. Chas. Orion Stroh, showing why the rule for a new trial should not be granted. The decision was ycry lengthy, the evidence of the trial being summed up lu an exhaustive manner. On Thursday a request was made by the counsel for tho defense, for a stay 111 senicnco until an appeal could be made to the Supreme Court. Judge Drelier announced that his decision would be. given on Monday morning at ton o'clock when Charles Orion Stroh will learn his fate. Hank Wants to Know who Michol Is 1 M.vci:i:ii.u.TOvx, Oct. 12, '80. Mil. DiiooKi:i:: Ich hob shun oft 'hairt dos es hertz coota lite lict in dram town doeli hob Ich net gawlst dos es aw ro guta hunt hut so clalnia os s fun der oiler beahta bet im loud. Out onera Somsdog wor icli lu elram town eu do hen pawr strclt krickt vva'g era bund, yadara lint derbesht hawa wolla, un to hen so '11 recht plaseerllch argu ment ntkolta bis see noner 1m kslcht uner der navvs gakltzlcd hen. Ich hob see net g'kent. Ich hob g'frokt wee see hasti data, un'nohut nier der, ich vvnse net wee 'r liasle woo Ich g'frokt. hob oiver cr hut nwe '11 gooter hunt cr but, anyhow ksawt ar will's dlhenkers si won si lluffala se net oil beeta date won 'rs la nous nema dale. No hut 'n onuera os d'by woi ksawt: No derft 'r owcrdcr Michel net mltncma. No hen sco otts ga inocht os der Michel wcr gute for suclia owcr net for Una. Wcr d.T Michel Is wasc ich net. Ich hob awe net froga wella wllo icli shun pawrmol k'frogt hob wo de. basa data wo3 'n none.r gakltzled lietta endlleh hob icli's herlz noch amol 'fost un hob g'frogt vyer dar Lafayette un dar Joe wara No hob Ich g'frogt was for 'n Lafayette un was for '11 Joe., don hot dar 111011 kswat, was der foro kswat hot ar wot's dlhenkers si won net si UulTala seo oil beeta dale. Now wot'mer's ous laga, dos dar Lafavctto war 'm Lafay ette slme grosedawto slme sohn sinera uncuicr ara swiiw'estcr eram brooter era ducliter era cousin si boo woo milch- '111 Washington Im Revolutionary kiccg kioctua net un sell war dee shult os ' so sphongleh war. Un dar oner war dar Joe woo fun slna breeder zti dar Egypier ferkawft vvora war, un sell war ue ursoeii wartini cr slch so gadultlch un gcya date. .No hut dar mon mlch g friigl woo ich wolina date, un ops liawsa bet on dar Hint Run un eps ork hecklch war, tin noch so onera sacha os Ich niva ol wasc. Mer hen ho alns gadrunka no bin Icli haine. War dar Michel 13 waso ich net, Ich hob awe net froga mago. owcr si doo so cute un Hn ous un d rooks In dl zeltung war dar Michel is, tlu kohnst mcr 'n groser fa vor doo. Hank. East Mauch Chunk Items. Levi KiiIum, who has been proprietor of the Centre House for the past six or seven months, has icmoved In Allentown. --.tames Astmin, fireman on engine l32,had his foot mashed one day last week. He Is getting alimg right well. Onnko Cornet Hand hold another picnic .11 m:ii ituuiMis Kiiive, i;isi Saturday evening, and was a grand success. -The silk mill now gives employment to about uibojs and girls. The new M. K. church Is fast nearlng completion. The new K V. engine house will be com pleted In about three weeks und will hold 18 engines. Th base-ball season has about ended. M. A. Itaiuleiibii'h, of Hanger, was In town ono day last week. Prank Hchwurlz left for Oswego, Jf. Y., last Satin day. -Samuel Welch, Wclssport's popular con stable, was In town one day lids week. A surprise party was given tl.c widow of in-1. ue tun. itnersier, in minor 01 nci-.v.tn birthday, tihe was Hie recipient of ipiltea number of presents. All enjoyed themselves huifcly. "Wilbur I noven spent Tuesday In I'ldla- Ml'.l'IIIU. The Hefniliicd Mih ttvUK' will ,iAf.f t Jhp resldeni e ot Mr. llontz, 011 Centre street, ii'nii I "'jr cC!lllli;i I IIU5MX, Oltr. Ri:kd. On the flrd day of Oct., by the Rev. A. Hartholomew, Nathan Old and Miss .Mary A. Reed, both of West Penn, Pa. Haas Mim.i:ii. On the 0th day of October, by the same, Edwin A. Haas, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, ami Miss Jaue Miller, of Mahoning, Pa, Mit.u:n. On the Oth of September, in West Penn, Susanna, wlfo of Daniel Miller, aged 53 years, 3 months and () days. Kxapp. On Ihe 10th day of September in West Penn, Maria, wlfeof Alausou Knapp, aged SS years, 10 months ami 20 days. Nr.t ii AVEK. On the 17th of September, In Weutherly, Harry, son of John and l'.mallue Neuniayer, aged 1 year, 7 months ami 27 days, St HAFl EU.-On the lOlh ihy of Sep tember, lu West Penn, John, ton of George Miller nnd Mary Sehatier, aged 7 months and IS davs. ! Wojikh. On the. 25th Septeinbr, In 1 West Penn, Lucy, daughter of Isaac nnd Hannah Winner, aged 40 years, 0 mom lis and 0 days. llACItstAN. On the 20th of September, in Mahoning, Elizabeth, widow of Peter Hachman, aged 70 years, & jaunt lis and W days. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS 11 Y 1IBV. V. II. IIA11QIIKAV1S9. LcssonS, October lth. .msps iiKMVRitr.ti to 11K cnuciriKP, John to, t-lii. tloldcu Text, John l'., to. Time, April Till, A. I). Si). Placo-Pllate's pal.ico In Jerusalem. l'lhitc's wife had adrcam,anil Itniadcsuch a prorouml Impression 011 her mind Unit she sent for her husband and urged htm lo set Jesus at liberty. This may account for the hesitancy which he displayed throughout this whole mailer, lu the meantime Judas hail taken the blood money back totho Pharisees when he found out the probable result of his treachery. They would not receive It back again and so he threw It on the temple floor, and went out and hanged himself. Pilule was so anxious lo release Jesus that he next ordered Mini to be scourged, hoping that this would satisfy the people mid that he could then lelease I II 111. Scourging was In Itself a terrible punishment, the scourge usually being made of thongs of leit e loaded with lead. It was no uncommon thing tor scourglm; to result In Hie niter prostra llonoflhovlctlm. Thculhesolillers lcdlllm back again to the Judgment hall where they mocked lllui, weaving a crown composed ot thorns. Pilate, still anxious to release Illin, goes out again to the people, but they Insist that He shall be crucified. Pilate again declares that he finds no fault In Ilim, and tells them to take Him and crucify Him. He then went back to Jcsti for a further Inter view, but Jesus did not answer his question. "Speakest thou not unto Mr.?" he says. "I have power to crucify j 011 or release you." Jesus then told him that all tho power he had was derived from Cod. doing agalu to the Jews to try and convince them that Jesus ought to be set at llbcity he meets with a new cry from Ihe excited mullllmle, Ihey deiinnd that Jesus shall be crucified, and claim that l'llate will not he Caesar's filend If he allows a man to live who sets lllmscir up for a king. This was a most imweiful argument with l'llate. To ho licensed of treason to Ihe liomau emperor was almost certain to be billowed by trial and almost as sure to if stilt In death, l'llate did not want t'i be accused at Pome ur hi'tntr imfrtciuliv in Caesar by nilmllting the claims ot a ilia! King, no, wnue ini" cnarge was not irue, 111 the ltoinan sense of ilvalry, for Jesus never cla nicd to he n tcmtxiinl kluir. It hail Its effect on l'llate. lie went in and brought .testis outto Ihe people. Silting down hi a Judgment sent outside the palace, he said to tlicm. "Heboid jour king." This prohably iiiuciiscii iiicin more 111:111 unvimug cie which had trausnlrcd. There stood Jesus In Ihe mock garments of royally, mid Ho is called their king. Their rage Increases as they ciy. "Away with Hint, away with Him, cruelty 1 1 1 111 " l'llate asks tlicm It they would have their king crucified. He keeps thus representing Christ ns their king, nnd urglmr them to ho careful how 1 hey would In lure the roval head of their nation. In their blind passion tlicysceiutoforgctthclrhatrcd of the Iionnu yoke, us they answer, "We have no king but" Caesar." Then Pilate washed his hands In wider, to sjiuhollscbls freedom from participation In the death nf .Jesus, hut ho delivered film up to be cruci fied. I.KXSOX THOUGHT. 1. Do not hesitate to do right. '2. If we relect Christ lie will rclcct ns. The Jews rejected 1 1 1 m as their king. .i. ah .ikcs nave oecn compelled 10 acMiow ledge Unit l'llate was light when he found no fault In Jesus. t. Observe how Jesus bore tho trial and follow Ills example. Of Interest to Everybody. CDon't fall to read the advertise ment headed "Save time and money," and ending, "All cheap for cash." Sam Johnson, of Pottsvllle, has a green turtle weighing about four hun dred pounds. C3JGo to l-'rs. Roilcrer, under the Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave and a fasiouable hair cut. The new breaker at Alaska colliery. near Mouut Carmel, will be ready to ship coal by December 1, when 700 hands will bo given employment. ClT"H-vr.o-UNs In W.M.t, Papiius and Window Siiapks at Luckhx liACfl's, (II Rroadway, Mauch Chunk; Hrowns 0 and S cts., white I) and lOcts., gilt 25 and 33 cts. An exchange stales that apples in Lebanon county are selling as low ns 5 cents a bushel, and cider at ?1.2. per barrel of 42 gallons. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Roadman, of Mauch Chunk, makes beautiful photographs which are a joy to those xv ho get them, as well as to their fi lends, (lei some taken. lllien Gowen says, "Consent or foreclose," it is time for Reading's junior bondholders to consent before suubown. Teeth I All babies who are cutting teeth cry for Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion lo bo painted op their gums. So do adults after tooth extraction, for it removes all pain and soreness. It relieves tooth ache at once. Tiyit. Lord nartlilgton and Ear) Rosebery will le.ivo England in November to make a tour of India. All the latest novelties in Fall and Winter merchant tailoring goods at Onus? & Bro., Lehighton. While Rev. Father Mlsklewitz Pastor of a Polish church at the South Side, Pittsburg, was turning around to address his congregation at the close of mass oil Sunday morning, a bullet was fired at him through a side window of the church. 1 he missile passed within a few inches of tlie pilest and flattened Itself against tne opposite wall. Con slderablo excitement prevailed for a time. Jnsl received from Bos ton, an immense stock of the genuine Knight of Labor Shoes, which we are selling at $2.50 and $3 Warranted solid calf leather. Clauss & Bro., the Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. o upon r of Tin: coxhitiox op tub I IK.SI .XA11U.X.1I, 1IA.MV ur' I.E. HKiHTOX, Pcnna., at tho closo of business uciooer tin jbw: iii:souiici:s. Iwns and Discounts.... S2.381 71 overdrafts .too on I', S. Ilonils Insecure circulation. .. "B.Ouo 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortKiiKcs 2ft,13v M Due from approved reserve iil-ciUs. lii,07v! ro Due ti 11111 other National Hanks..,. pax 07 Due fiom Stale Hanks and Hankers Mia M Heal estate, furniture nnd fixtures, P,ie.'7 to Current expenses and taxes paid,. . 871 42 Premium paid , o,7to 00 Checks and other rash Items ik ci llllls of other Hauks 13,730 00 Fractional paiwr currency, nickels, and cents 10 M Trade dollars .1 , Ickijq Specie... 4,209 Ml 1 .(..! I lender notes 2,100 00 uc'.icmpuon iiiuu wnu u. n. ircas- urer (5 per ceut. circulation). . . . 3,373 0 Total IJAIIIUTIICS. $2I3,US 18 75.000 011 , . 8,7r0 Oil .. 2,OJ0 7 1 . 0710 110 Capital slock paid In Surplus fund , I'nillvhleil profits National Dank notes niitstandlniri. Dividends unpaid IndMdualdciKulls subject to check Collided checks Cashier s checks outstanding Due to other National Hanks..,.,. Ml l Kl.lOO HI 0 00 217 28 II, sua 71 Total .$215,268 18 Kt.VH! OF 1'HNNHVI.VANIA, COUNTV OF CAItllO.V, hs: lv,V. W. Howniau, Cashier of the above named baiik.ilosoleninlysueiir that tlieabove statement Is true lo the Pejt of my know ledge nnd Iwllef. W. W. HoWjian, Cashier, 8 .inscribed aid sworn to before inolhls 12th day of October, 1 km. II, V. MoiiTiUMFJi, Sr., X, I", ConnEcr Ai-tksti THO. Kl'.MBIlF.It, I J. . '.r.ux, Dlretor. A. J. Duni.i.vo. I Oct. IGtll lSK, To Whom it May Connorn. Notice Is hereby given that Iheunderslfncd has this nth day or Octolier, lf. hmutnl to U. J. rUrolnn.nf Lehlghton. twnbayhorMW, one carrlane. one luiti lier uuuon, one set of tl Hiti It- liiimnM, and one set of sluule harness. All persons are hereby forbidden lo meddle with Hie same as It Is ir.y propuptv P H. I'EIISON', I.elilxliton.fift. s, lSi-s-.tw A Great Victory A Tcrriblo Caso of Scrofula Curod by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tho winter of 1S79 I was attacked will, Scrofula In ono ot tho most aggravatlnE forms. At ono tlmo I had no less than thirteen large abscesses over and around my neck and throat, i-uiuiiiiiany cxuuing nn oncnsive mass 01 bloody matter ttlscustlng to behold, and almost lhtolcrablo lo enduro. It is Impossible to fully describe my sufferings, ns tho caso was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After thrco years of misery, havlnp, been treated by thrco physicians, 1 was worso than ever, riually, on tho recommendation of W. J. Huntley, drurf;lst, of Lockport, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twolvo bottles, within tho last twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have disappeared, except tho unsightly sea rs.vvhlch aro dally Lcccmtiic' smaller by decrees, and beautifully less.'. I do not know what It mny havo done forrthers, hut I do know that lu my case, Hood's Harsaj arllla ha3 proved an effecttvo specific Indeed. As nn cvldciico of my cratlludo I send these facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verify the authenticity of this cure, by personal concsnontlence with cuuri'iy cca&cu, luiu mo rusccsscs liavo all any cno who iioul is It." Ciuhles a. Itou KHT8, East Wilson, K. Y. This statement Is Confirmed by W. J. Itunt- Ky, aracslst, c t Lockport, Is . Y w ho calls tho euro a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book clvlng statements of many cures. Hood'G Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made only by C. I. HOOD Si CO., Lowell, Mass. !0O Doses Ono Dollar. New Advcrtisments. Wetapt Bnsta Directory. ow rou low miens i Leu Expense Means lower Prices for the Pcoplo 1 Jf. A. Oswald's Xcw Store, In M, A. Oswald's Xevv Hulldlns, Knst Wclsspoit, l'cnn'a., is headquarters for Dress Goods, Cassiirs, Prints, Groceries; Provisions, &c Banded Chamber Setts, $3! Roller Process Flonr Only $2.35, Which Is positively FIFTEKX CENTS less than the same Hour can bo bought elscw hero. Give mc a call and be convinced that I nm selling goods at "Itoclc llottom I ilces," M. A. OSWALD, Scpti8,8o-i KA3T v,vi:is.sroitT. J-AURY Ss SKWELL, THE VKIB3rOUT lUKEltY, Fresh Itrcad and Cakes every day. Delivered In Lehlghton and Mauch Chunk every Tues daj, Thursday and Saturday. fcSr-llcnlcs, 1'artlcs, Camp-Meetings, Weddings, funerals supplied at short notice, august7,S7-ly -JJIRANKUX HOUSE, EAST WElSSPOuT, l'EN'N'A. This house offcrs'flrst-class accommodations to the permanent boarder and transient guctt. Panic pilccs, only One Dollar per day. aiig7-ly JoitN 1:1:111110, Proprietor. -Q1UTS, THE JEWELEll. All Kinds of Jewelry 1 School Books asi Stationery. ailgsut7,M-ly. D It. 1'. AI.FKEl) ATiDHEWS, HOMEOPATHIC PUYSlCtAXlc SVtlGEOX Oppolto Nathan Snyder's Store, 33 A ST 'WEiSBPOB.T. Special attention given to chronic diseases aud Diseases ot Women. npi 17-um' AltON V. SSVIIEH, EAST WEISSI'OKT, llA., StANUFACTUItEIt'S AGENT KOlt Western Improved Washers American Wringers, - ALSO' Bicycles of all Kinds ! Old wheels will bo loaned lo pai lies desir ing to learn and who order wheels from me. Washers will be put out on trial. Must give satisfaction or no sale. niigll-ly JOSEl'H F. HEX, - DEALEIl IN Flour, Feed & Furniture, Tobacos and Cigars, East Weissport, Penn'a., Invites the people of Weissport nud vicinity to call and examine his large assortment of goods before purchasing elsewhcie. Prices Low as the Lowost ! aprillT-lsw-lr. T-ALL PAl'EUS & HOUDEUS I Alt the Latest Styles and Shades I llcst Qualities I Lowest Prices ! Pore Dregs and Medicines ! Choice Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. I'-cfscrlrtlon carefully Compounded clay or night, at W. F. BIERY'S, Cor. 'White nnil Bridge Sts., Weissport, Aprllll. 1885-iv. Advertise jn. the ADVOCATE. It will pav you. Try it .iiHuia.iiwJk.'twJuziUsuliiCUwI.iiia.iAjgiftfigS A. J. LitMta&fir's Colin. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of the. following ' ovfiplpo . ul-ll-!' Lard Oil, Castor Oil, Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Amber Machine Oil, Black Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Turpentine, Japan Varnish, "Window Glass, and Putty, Lewis, 1st National nnd Whtprnl's Pure White Lead. A full line of colors in oil, small packages. A large line of Ready Mixed aud Dry Paiais. TAlt in pints, quarts and gallons. A good assortment of Shelfllardware, Nails, &c. I make a specialty in WOVEN WIRE for all purposes, viz : for Fan ning Mills,Chicken Coops Ac. 1 have just taken the agency for tho W. & B. Douglas Pump, and can furnish any pump in their list at jjhort notice nnd at lowest prices. 1 put in three of these pumps recently, with satisfaction to purchasers. WAGON GREASE, Iu-azer's, Mica, Crescent and Castroline, to the latter of which we call your special attention as being something really good and worthy of trial CATTLE POWDER. The Blue Grass Condition Powder is the best now in the market. Price, 20 cents per package, G packages for $1. The attention of Builders is called to my 6tock of Ajnx Tar and Rosin Steed Paper. COPPER KETTLES. A lot of COPPER KET TLES will bo disposed at very low prices. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds in stock or to or der on 6hort notice, my stock ofltEPAlUS and EXTRAS for alt machines Is unsur passed by any house in tho valley. Give mc a call. PHOSPHATES ! PHOSPHATES ! 100 Tons sold so fur this sea son. Bcliablo and Cheap I -:oi- Low Prices and Honest Dnaiiair, -:o:- 1st Door Below L. & S. Depot, Baiii Street, M&ta, ftoa