Homes in North Carolina. I The Most Productive Suite in the Union Tho Seaboard Air-Line Prom NOWOI.K, VA.,t(i AI.UIOII. St'TlllUlAN PINKS, . ClIAIIlrrF.!:, MOUNT I1ULI.Y, SHKUIY & HUTHKIIKOIIDTUX, X. 0. OlteiH unequalled Inducement tci Settlers wishing to i-iigJKi' l' Farming or Mnnu l.'ictiirlne. itf-draln, 1'rnlt, Vegetable. Toliaecn, Tim ber Hnd Mineral Lands tor mile ur lease al sxtrciuelv low, prices. C-imale Unexcelled! No Malaria! All tion-ro.niU'lita of North (.'arollna who . ...... 1 I ,.1...., ni.t. iitiiltr ..till. lUrCllilie .llltl.?j ,M" m.ii.v ........ Htlon, otrtlic Seaboard Alr-l.Ine lioiids; will VllOll, Oil me jeilliiNit'i .n -".im. ."'""i be. furnished with hii luniunl'pus. fur our; year, over the road on wJilrfi located, and extremely low rate ticket for their families; hint will bo charged only one-hiilt the rcgnlnr rates ot freight during tho llrst year of led- tleiice. on ii right ol whatsoever kind icctivefl Bpcclal low rate on all articles ui.niimu lactin'c lind product ofthc farin. A eviliencu Ol Hie u. the climate Is held by Northern people, wo let the ground grow lip to weeds, but iiolnt to the tact that the hotel at KmitKl.t, ... .. it ,.;,i mma ..Hr,. ..i..... sirup s', C. Is most liberally ualronlzert from the , occupy 11 w an some useiui pi.tni. .. irup lealonlnRot ulutcrutitamiij in tlii'spliugby i )caml turnips, on Komi toil. will make u prominent people of 3kishKCliiisctls, New I . ... , ' v , ii ,, XOXK anil oilier mmrn. ni,iHVm,iiiiniiii; ' v..v... turatialllled eiiilorseineiit ot (lie climate and . f . . . , f ,.,-..rilur tho hPHltlitiil benellti derived hum !l life In to mock, ami lor lnai ucinif,. Ibo long leaf pine iirIoii. . ltatlicr tlian leave it niu.cniiiiiil, now it SOUTHKIIN I'INKS. 111. Moore COlllltj, ft I , , . . rmitltul spot on the ltalelKh & Augusta Air- to rye to be cut for the comb next isiiring abiuit Goo feet above Jlic sen, anil in i .. , i turnuil imilrr il ! mm Ihkextremo Western limit ot the Long Uaf , ' t"LI lo u0 u"i umicr 03 a nun rim' belt. Climate c.xeeedliiHly dry, pun; ure. - Hll lie.mii.v. ajicti"iw .....v., ..... tlie locality Is ironminecil, by the most cnil u.Mit. HtimtHfUu in litis, riiiititrv to be adiuir unit SaiiitaifLi in iW.eoiiiifry tobeadiulr- bly ndapled lor rersotiH Inseareli ot health, I tnif eiiiecbilly la ease of imlmonary troubles. it eiiiecbillv la ease ot pulmonary irouoiei. i Ijinds hci'i! Very cheap, and specially , adapted Int.rapo nilltue anil muck i- ..... (IL" f'tlltitri. XtofNT, situated on the West bank Mthebcinitltull'.it,inbalilvcr, Is Just eoni .Inz IbtoMii-omlneuce, as botli a Hummer and Wider resort.. The country sun-oundliiK posiesses line caiiabllllies-lli behiB timbered lib hard wonil fiir nmtmlattiirlm:, and the noil Is excellent for Grass, Grain, Tobacco nd other Held crops, Tho latitude along the line of rail road cor fWporids with that ot Middle France and Italy, and Is tempered by the mild Influences ot the Gulf Stream on tho Kat and the high mountain ranges In trie West. The mean an; mini temperature is sr." hi Summer 7r., and In "Winter 43. Average number of talr days per yen' l lK.ralny l , and cloudy ones only 4. ThRie fads .servo to show the climate Is most excellent. l'ersons Willi limited means can purchase land on the Installment plan, If so deslied, and by small monthly pamei,ts c.mi soon own a farm in this dellulitliit locality. , .Vll prospectors mid settlcis can purchase tickets on special orders, to be .iccnredhy ai ttlicatinli to tlie undersigned, at the follow lug To any mallon (n KalelKli&linstoiiRll KalelKtiaAugusta " CHrouiuCrnlral " 4 '.'U 70 n 1 70 4 20 .-i 70 5 70 7 'M 0 20 II -in 10 701 12 70 Freight on household goods, to any point ou tho line, per 100 lbs. Fioni l'otirlsnioi.lh, llaltlmore or New 'iork, 35c.: lloslon. 4oe., And return tickets can be purchased at rates named a hove. Wrlle to the undersigned for .seaboard Air line Hand Hook, giving fi.ll detailed Infor mation as to lands for sale, Sc. The North Carolina Stale Department of Aijrleulturo Is working In hearty co-operation Willi this system of mads. lioute ot travel Is v.t "Hav" Steamers (Chesapeake liav). from Iljlthiiore daily at 7 r. M. ''Old Dominion" Line of Steamships, trnni N'ew York, Tuesdays, Tliursdas and Saturdays, at 3 1', M.,nnd F.oton, by Mer chants' and Miners I.lnc, on ediiesdavsand K:.tltr.l:IVk. !lt.l 1. M.. lo Ntnfnlk. Vn.. lllll- nectlng Iheie with trains of Hcahnaid Alrl.lue F, W. CLARK, Wilmington, X. C. Gcii'l Frt. & l'ass. Agt. May 15, 18S(i-tini To the Public : Good Clothing you can look nt with satisfaction, and alwnys feel a certain amount of pride when wearing them. To know thnt it fits, is stylish and will wear well is another creat Satisfaction. We are determined to have nothing nt uiierior quality of goods in our estahllshment no low qualities that we cannot re commend to the buyer. We arc still mailing those famous $10. A1.1.-W001, Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of them when wo first commenced their make. Wo make the mine xuil now, (it the same price, and the material ice use is as gooil as ever. AVc also carry in n. kineu okadk oj Cloths;'lnd6assmiers which we have u great demand lor ; they range in price fiom 10. to $40. You will miss it il you'fail to see our brand-new stock of Corl-scrcws, Worsteds and Cassimcrs. They tiro bound to prove satisfactory good fits, latest styles and low est prices you will find pre dominate here. Wo also carry in stock Gent's Furnishing Goods all tho latfist styles. "We arc continually adding new novel ties to this department In Lathes, ucutsaud Child M,l.n-.. ...1, .............. il.i.... -i . i.i i . i - , " , Mint is likely. to be in deinnud. invite ioit to call, " - ' 1 my sure we van please you, no matter what yon want. Very Jteuyectfally, Ola uss i& Bro.. ' "Bank Streit, Lehihton, Vn. hn i iff Wmi Ite 5!!Pi?iS;a3lgml Clausg & Bro., Tho Ta.lors. -"--t '- ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' An Open Letter FARMERS' COLUMN e Attention ! Farmers ! We lespritfrllv n 'itunllhc fanncm vthoinny have unvlliln'm i.iierct under till lii'iul In semi It In, Ihercliv making thin ilipiirlimiit more 01 n "noi.ic ni'iurc aii huh ios not. In tlit shape t. i.dti'iliiciin nt Inserted free of chaine. , A.voiv i K. Tho fiiniily of Hon. W. 11. Hoke, , . i. .1" c IV .. . f. ...... T.. Judge of thu fcellerson Coi.nty, 1., Court, ut-cd St. Jiicobs Oil with Mgnal ..,,' suutss. Kitchen and Market Garden. As coon lis a crop in removed, ilo not -3 ItooT Citors. Conlinnu to hoc all , , . , ,.... Swkkt Colts. Where liierc is an abundance, dry n supply for winter use, boiling lieforo cutting it from tho cnU. Save only the largest and earliest ears for seed. Cut up the ttalks as toon us the cars arc gathered and cure for inter fodder. CnxrtY. Hoe frequently to !;cep clear of weeds, and ciuonruf;c growth, which will lie most rapid in litis inuutii of cool nights and warm davs. Cabuaoim and CAUt.iKi.owr.iiH are greatly helped by frequent hoeing. If backwaid, give n sprinkling of gualio nt liueing. CucUMniins. Gather for pickles at least every other day, and dally if the patch is large and the growth rapid. Always cut with tho ttein attached. If any havegrown too large, cut them away, unless teed is wanted. Svvcur I'oTATOijj. 1 ho ridges mi y l.e opened, tlie laro roots carefully removed, and the lestleft to glow. If the vim take ic.ot at the joints, move them at least in Northern localities. Melons. ltcmove all fruits that set t o late to ripen. Turn occasionally as thev approach maturity. Spinach, for use next spring should he fown this month, in rows lifticn inches apart. We have found variety to he as hardy m another. ToMATora. Search for and destroy the largo green "worm" that "devours both leaves and fruit. Cut awav the clusters that set so late that thev will not mature or get large enough Soi pickles. Makecatbiip while the fruit is still abundant, and at 1'i.astt rou Xnxr Sit.i.vo. The early cabbages, cltu'lSowcis and leltiici seen in the markets, are from plants which were wintered ineold frames and set out in early spring. Tlie seeds aie sown in the open giound this mouth, and in November the plants aro pricked cut into cold frames, where they aro kept in a dormant state until rpring. The plants for wintering should be neither loo young nor to.) far n tranced. In the first case they will not Le strong enou;!h to endure the winter, and In tho other case they will lo too largo. With his extended experience near New York City, l'etcr Henderson finds it best to make two sowingt ono on tho 12th and another on the ltilh of September and from ono or the other sowing his plants suitable for the frames. Most Esoallont. J. .1. Atkini, Chief of 1'olice, Knoxville, Tenn., writes- My familv and I arc benehciaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. Kind's Xew Discovery for (.'onstimiitiiiii; having found it to be alt that you claim fur it, desire to IcMifv to it virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it, praise it at every op portunity." Dr. King's New Discovery for Cons.iniplion is gunirantccd to cure Coughs, Colds, llrniicliitis, Asthma, Lroupanil every alledion of Throat, Chest Tind i.uiiuh. .I'nal Hollies FrecntT. D.Thomas' Dni" Store. Large Si.e $1.00. rinwtr Qardsn anil Lawn. t'ol nights will now tiiiurago the growth of grow, and the'inowing may be more frequent than in the hot mouthy. Ifthcro are thin placM in tlie lawn, warify tlicm with a shaip rake, tow an nbiindanco of tcJ, and roll, orbcatdown with the vpadc. Dahlias, whether niuglc or double, need an abundance of btakes to biipport the Ilea. -y lower branches as well an the main Mnlks. I.o ik out fnrgrashoi)per, which will often destroy tho buds, tut away I lie remains, vvhe.i tho bloonu aro luibt their prime. CAiiva.ix-riiiuii'M. Pot for houso hloomlng as mwii us the buiU arc well tet and developed, plating them ill the Mnuieiuiiu nicy recover Irom tho re moval. When vvtdl eMahlithed, give them very weal; maiiuro water, or water in which guano has been dissolved, a teaspoouful to n alloii. Keep from tho polled plants and those left to bloom in the ground, the black-lly, by tlio use of tobacco water, and hand-pick Iho eater pillars that are &o fond of the leaves. Violiim. If needed for early sprinj lil-x. miiig, p . -a re fur llitm now. Set a frume ou viiy, and till it with iie.iir.iiy joung plants, Uruck Iro .i ruii- ncrs. When frwiing weather comes, euverllie plants with leave, and put ou the MUthtw. Haiidv Planth. TIiomj that h'vo flnlthed lloweritig, may Lo divided and wet. J.KAVH. Hy galliotlng up Iho hwves thut full iimhi the law ii, the pHtlw, mid lltv rwuki, a mi ly of this imt uWul -y u luoHmuuial wlllumt kpT"! twwt. A Mxnl r uiii never hve tuo miHiy drlwl mm. 1 77-""--' Mr. . IUm k it. Hta l'mm-iMo Cul amUm... a - "? 't Uoan h cuiiUl not wk. Ila trul a Hwnbcr uf rMtle wilhuut WhIIi, mul vett tka cflurU uf Iwu uhvkieLuu C1U1 u,ivv, iU m- " iM la t,i try Kli.i t ii.yh Ci.r.', 0110 i-.i,h ..: ..i.u-i, iii,t.. ...u Jhim. CD & o 1 CD ?' g s E.3 2 re fa 1 S ra P3 PJ t-i 8 IPIf a u SIMS 2 d r 5 nm & 9, um s ' 533 o 0 i 9 ? (5 3 179 Rsa 5 . O m 5K,x a Ho 1 ??1-ZK ? tails ' W 3 2- O 3 s a o o a. For Kowest Deigni nn'l Must Fashionable Styles of DittiSS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. 00 TO E. IL SNYDER, Bank Strcot, Lohighton. Goods euarnnteeil and prices as low as else where fur thceumo quality ofcuodj. July 18, 188J-ly WM. DUFFY & SOU. of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared lo do all kinds of. Plasterins & Oriiiieiital Wort at shortest notice. Onlcrs hv mall will r ccive nrmiilit atteullou. Terms mn.leratr or goojwork. 60Dl5lf LEWIS H. REHRIG, Slate Roofer. RKrMIUJJO promptly attemled to ut ihnrt notice nnJ on reiisonaulo terms. WORK GUAltANTEED Aililress: I'UINCIVS I'. 0., Carbon Cuunly, IVnn'a. noE29-ly. TrStJI.lNTON IU!UTNKY,linhlonUe Hoot ami sihib .uakkii. iuorsi l.ohlKlitun. All work warranted. Tkl.i paper h kept ou file nt tlio office of DVERTISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING IWRl PHILADELPHIA. CO I lm A t CO at Lowest Cash Rate. lllCC 8.ui".r AVER & SOH'S TilfifiUflL oSTA?i' D. J. KISTLEIl Hesiiectlully anuouncpii to thn public that h hnit openeil i N13W MVIIHV tSVAItMl li cmimction with hta hotel, and U ,irepared t jurnisu i cams mr Puusrals MMu or Business Trios oi-ushurtest notice and mont Ifbcralccrmy. A onlerfl loU at tHo'tJarbim lloum" will rcctlv prompt uttenll'tn btablo oq W'Jrili a'rec next the Uutol I.oliU)n'n. i an. Central Carriage Work Bank St., Lohighton, Pa Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs Spring Wagon, &c, Uf every description, In tho most eubstantl'l uiunner, and at I.owckt Cash Trices Itcpnltliig Pioniitly Attended to, TUEXLEK & KKEIDLEM, April 29, 18S2 yl Proprietors M. HJEILiVAN, BANK STREET. LehiEhton, Pa, Miller and Dealer In Flour and Eeod. VII Kind, ol UIIAl.V BOUUIITnud fcOLl) "'jiOUI.AJt MAH1CUT JtATKS ila I vvouM renpectfully Inform the elllen oftli jiutovioiii vieiiuiy 111,11 i aiuiiiuy nit to su pidy llieni vvllh all kinds i The Best of Coal From any mine, at very i-asrusT 1'itnr.N. y. UE1LM.VN 1 8ffigS''l "! M3 13 MJtWRtVll"tlSUAUS. tl nrMV-'ounlibyrup. TailMCOO.1. pnl O'J IJaalnoum. hl,lbv UriiKcl-u. W1 IYE 4nk a w JOB PRINTING." W-e have the finest assortment of Job Type and better Jobbing Facilities than any o'.her office in the county. Give us a call and be convinced. Orders lij mail receive prompt attention. Tlie. Carbon Advocate ! $1. per year ; 50c. six1 months ; 25c. to Mouths. Tho undersigned is prepared to furnish tho best Lehigh Coal, from llarleigh Colliery, at the following low prices, by the Car, rou cash only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: In Yard. Del. in Town Stove - - Chestnut No. 1 Chestnut No. 2 Prices at the Mines 25cta. per ton Less. J. L. GAJBEL, DEALER IN HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c.f &c.f Opp. PUBi.IC SQUARE, I have "made away" with my prepared 7 U with one of the most FASHION ABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies', Gents and Ladies American & Ladies' and Childrens Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Latest Styles Hats & Caps. AT LOWEST PltlCES. A.t The "OOENEE STORE." LEWIS WEISS BANK STREET, LEE1GI1TON. PA. T S!! FRANKLIN II. HOUGH, Solicitor of Ame & Foreigii Patents. 02.) P bt., near U. S. Patent Ollice, WASIIIXGTOK, D. C. All hnslness before Unlleil Stales Patent onico atteniled lo for mmlcrate lees. Patents procurer! In the United States and nil l'lireliui Countries. IraAt Mmktand Lnbtls register ed. Itejeeled applications revived niidpnw- eculed. iiilormallon ami advice ns to oli tiiluliii; I'atenls elieerllilly fuviiNhccl willinut chaipe. Send Kketeh or Model tor l'UKi; uplnloii as to l'atentaldlltv. Xo Agency In the U. S. possesses super ior facilities tor oulalnliiK I 'at eats or ascertaining thn Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies of patents furnished for 2ic. each. lt? Correspondence kollclted. cor. WASTED LADYtoSinViffi-r.S!! iiieaiuy an 0111 iirin. jreierence reiiuueii. Permanent imsltlon and (rood salary, (JAY & 111(0., 12 Ilaiclay .St., X. . WHO 13 UMACQUAiriTCD WITH TH5 SEE CV EXAlYiinmC "?o,8A 'Ti. 1 . 1 -r73f? CHICAGO, KOC5C & R'Y By reason of Its cantral position, oJo relation to prtnctpr.l lines Eaet of Chicnpo aal continuous lines ct tar jiu.a point's Wast, lcu'iuvc-. t cuil fjoi.tlnyost ia tl'.o ouly tmarnld4l5-lUik la t'.ij.t transconttuanttil eyatcn which iuvitea end fiicll Uatss travel traJio ia cltUer dlreotlon Letwoen tho Atlantlo cr.d Ppolflo. Tho Rock Islau.1 mot i Una nnd hrunolie include Chlcnrro. Jollet. Ottown, La Sallo, Peoria, Qcnaneo, Mollno and Eock Island, In Tilu'.oij; jJavcnport, Llica- Knnsis Ultv. in Altai'v.iTl: LH,ireiworti Hlnnee-polla and. Be. Pa-U, In Jtfinuesota; Wntantown In Dakota, and liiuairccla of intutuedlato cities, towns and villacos. THE GREAT ROCK ESLAPfiD ROUTE Quaranteoa Sucoil, Comfort and Safety 13 thorouzhly bilxstej. Its traak is otruoturoa of cto ij iron. Its rolliutr stock U pcrfost ta hoir-on ikul cou wal:o It. It hau nil ti3 oat'ety nppliancM thut inocbanioal Tt..iua haa invented and esnorloaco proved valuable. lu praetlcal ooorctloiiisccierv.itlvt'cr.di-.etngu-ical lta discipline, at riot and exactintr. 'thn luxury of ir.i r.aaser.gfcr acccn-iuocft- Haas is imoqualsd ia the W eat - uruumaued In th wcrii ALL lXPitE33 TRAINS between Aturaen of comfortablu fiOACHES and SLESVINU OAItS, elesaut SININOT CAU3 provid'jiir excellent jLud CEalfoSsl?80' Joseph, AUhlson uid Kunsn i Wty-rwitfui aBCLIWIliO the' fak?o?js albert lea houte Tn 1 . .... .... rt, i . i ..... 1 Tl . . 1 Ho this rauto salU Fajt Czross Vnuu rn Oally to too mail -r rsbrls, piot,urSQee Idealities a-id huntavj and fichinT rronadsor Iowa and r.naaota. 'iho rlcn whait llMrli n-i rl i . itItict- I unn rf 4-a A shr.-t clo3irahloronto, vK 3no-anaKaIkk- . oTe jr.iiri. ; hUtoccitita to travoloi'j between Cincinnati, I i-llan3niSri't'vv " ' 'f 1 ' ' "ic'l El"r, tt Joj.-'ph, Atchison, Lcavonvronn, Ilnnsaa Uty, lluau. joix, C:. i'aul auu iattjr lauiite points. All classes of patrons, especially fkiotllea, ladles 11."' u reoatT from olRoltU and employee of Ito&k Island trains uruicUun. rrs.,j..ul conruay ai:d kindly attention. Par Tickets, Maps, Foldera - obtainable at all principal T ekot Onlcos lu tn TJaiU-dUtbtos .mil Canada wr any desired luf-iroaticn, ad. trot R. 0. CAHLE. Prti'i '. . : .- 1. st SUMERS OF COAL $3.25 3.35 - 3.25 2.15 $3.50 3.60 3.50 2.40 LEfltGIITON, PENN'A old stock and am now fully for the Cliildrens Shoes. fill French Kid $2. to $4. Shoes, $1.25 Up ! Ap. 18S1.yl Get the Advocate.- RAINBOW RUPTURE RibrfEF.& Blmrle, fnfe.rolloWeand a porftict retatuer. It Is not n Trues. Worn lur end Msln nn'l 1m wwfnu fuaxtlen. tiend Sot circulifr with tV-tl. irnnlala from crhtpfn ..,irAPaH , . ?JiSim;.o F Cea"l Mi litem ami Uurgicfi .JStL" ii 'oHmei.t Blven all kind, of fiirelcnt anAnedlcnlriMn. , vr(.kenlne tliMiMu anJi7i:' nte trouli.ou iu nmlo n.l frinnle ourspcrliilty lio "iZ'Zli'fl b"'lro treatmcaullevvLw llSy rHIUD.tlC7G. 7 Urnnil l'rlu3teil:il. full.. AnUyournrwrrfrlt. Wm. Ircj NijKI.Mrr. 'j.v'Xori.h Front Mrrt, I'MI f. DI'LPillA, VA. 0C0C7APHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WILL THI3 MAP, THAT THE anil Atnhlaon. in ICnnens: Albert I ett. to those who travel ovur it. Its roadbed of navy surL Its brideca. aro solid Oil GIiIajlo. m ml and tho KiMOurt Mrw orat Rrj n 1 M.MAN aw ;OCl lire icnuu VI'. wftiervnwn. jr i'i, E A. U'jLiJROOX. t , ;....-ta "Ii Saved My Life" Is n common oxprenslon, often hoard trom those who have realized, by per sonal use, tho curntlvo powers of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ' I cannot say enough In pralso of Ayor'd Cherry Pectoral, be lieving ns I do that, but lor Its use, I should long slnco haro died from lung troubles. K. Dragdon, Palestine, Tex. About sis months nso I had n sovero Hemorrhage of tho J.iings, brought on by n distressing Cough, which deprived mo ot sleep and rest, I had used varl-1 ous cough balsams and cxpectorantj, i without obtalnlus relief. A frleud ad vised mo to try Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and am happy to say thnt It helped mo nt onco. lly continued uso this medldno cured my cough, nnd, I am satisfied, saved my life. Mrs. E. Coburn, 18 Second St., Lowell, Mass. I havo Used Aver's Chcrrv Pectoral for over a year, nnd sincerely bellevo 1 should havo been In my grave, had It not been for this mcdletiio. It has cured mo of ix dangerous Affection of tho lungs, tor which i uau nimosi'iicspaircu otover finding a remedy. J). A. McMullcn, Windsor, Provlnco of Ontnrlo. Aver'n (Minrrv l'eclnral suvrit mv llfo. Two years ngo t took n very sovcro Cold which settled on my lungs. I consulted physicians, nnd took tho remedies they prescribed, b"t failed to obtain relief until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Two bottles of this medicino completely restored my health. Llzzlo M. Allen, West Lancaster, uulo. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared liv I)r..T. C. Aver &Co., Lowell. Mais. Bold '.yiill llrugglits. Price $1 ; six bottles, Ten thousand Balnes arc given. yearly to the grave hy not having Dr. Hand s Teeth nig Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW! Something Wcndekful ! SOMETHING MAGICAL! To bathe the Baby's gums while teething, relieving all inflammation, swelling and pain. LOST! A good many night's rest hv not havinir Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, for it gives Baby comlort and sleep without stupefying or irjuring it. No opiates. No constii ation. Hand's Kcmedics f..r Chil dren sold by all Druggists Laboratory at Scnmtiui, Pa. Pi-e. j, IfcSS ly e n.w. -DON' L'. BUY AN ENGINE (Inlll you haro ern ourelnnlar nn I prices &190.00 lor 15-llorfo Power, lo 45tO.' o lor 1 0 llorso Power. linL'Ines coiniU-t with tv emor, I'uin).. llrntcr, Throltlo Viitvo nnd Hlu'lit Ke'd-tlv Under l.iihricilor. Muietlmn lOiOlnOM). Sun.l fur clreular irlvlnn ti fit rnonlnls from every Slnlo In llio Union. I'er leel g.itt'fitetlon iritnrnnled. JMOllKlh MAIMIlNl: Wi'HKS. llaldnliisvllle. . Y. Mention this P.ierJ mutts 8J WRITC FOn CIRCULARS J Ma". MANUFACTURERS who liaveiaileil and flesheto cslaldlsh tlieni; selves ngaln In a Mii.ill vvav, or praellcal nu h coiniiieiu'ing liuslnos can lenrn of a place wheie they can jti-l aloe.illon, fri i'iiiachlnerv tiiuisporled from cither New llork or Haiti more free of rust and Iho full ro-opeinllon of u stlouji rnllroad company, Aililress Commissioner or ImmisratioD. July IT, lBHKf., N. C 13 WEEKS. The ror.ICG GAZETTE will he mailed, securely vvni p-M. In any address in the United Stales lortlireo months on receipt ol ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount nllowed to (tostinnslrs, ngeuts nnd elutts Sampla copies mailed Ireo, Address all orders to RICIIAHD K. FOX, Squaiiic, N. Y. Mar 30, 188J ly SODA WATKlt ) t HODA WATUK J ) SODA w.vruu 1 SODA WATKlt M)DA W.VtUI! tiODA WAlDIt -AT- Dr. C. T. Horn's, CKXTIIAI, t'HN'Tli.M, CUNTltAI. DKIK! KTOllK. llltlUi STOKH. DKUtl HTOIili, I have thelanjestand most select stock of MEDICIMS & CHEMICALS ever hioiiKht lo town. 1 also eontantly cm rv In stiK-k and oiler for sale at prhes that defv coiiipetltlou a complete Hue ot Wall Paper -AND- DecorationS, l'reserlHIons carefully ooinHMinded, KODA WATKlt tit 1 1 8 31! ) I SODA WATIIlt MIIIA VV ATI'.JI SODA WATlllJ SODA WATKlt SOUA WATKlt Iflir-) Dollar per year, Is the nrioi, nf flit, n 1 liimv A f i viie.VTK. Contains all the 'liens of the week and in- "jti'ic-ilns: l it.'isfruin New vnrk. vv aihiiiiiton, the 1 Ii 1 limits. The milv pa- ( jni' ui ihe coiiiU prjtji. j OVEN AWAY! CD N103UI3 UOi 3X1UM s mill, mil 1 MISCELLANEOUS. ! Kvery fcnialo holds a dress rehearsal for nu hour before going to a ptuty. Files! I Files It Files II Suro euro for blind, bleeding and Itching plies. Ono box has cured Iho worst case of 20 years standing. No ono need sulTer live minutes niter using William's Indian Pile Ointment. H ab sorbs tumors, allays itching of the pri vate parts, nothing else. Sold by dittg glsts nnd mailed on receipt of urlce. 81. William's Mfg. Co.. Prop's.. Cleveland, O. Sold nt Thomas' drug store. "What did your father leave you when he died, Pal?" "Faith, ho left me an orphan." an orphan." Tho boys are nil opposed to rule after they reach the ngo of keys. home latch To Young Ladies. If your life is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples and other eruptions on tho face mailing your beauly and causing so much chagrin, It is no longer necessary to endure It. Dr. Flagg's Family Ointment will certainly remove nil such blemishes and leave your skin soft, smooth and beautiful. Sold by all drugaisls and mailed on receipt of price. i!0c. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' drug store. Some ono has Invented a theater hat thai shuts Itself up. Now let some one efsc Invent a theater party that will shut up. There is a time for all things. The time to leave is when n young lady asks you how the walking is, Hay Fever. Ely's Cream lhilin was recommended to me by my druggist a3 a preventive to hay fever. Have been using it as di rected and have found It n specific for that much dreaded and loathsome di sease. For ten years or more. I have neon a great sullerer each year, from August lltli till fiost, and have tried many alleged remedies for Its cure, but Ely's Cream Halm is the only preventive I have over found. Hay fever sufferers ought to know of Us cllleacy. 1". 15. Aiiisvvorth, of F. 11. Alusvvoith & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, 1ml. "Aw, Alsomon, ill?" "Cold." "How 'dy' catch H?" "Lifted my hat r.iwthah suddenly t' one o' the gills,)' know." There is a good reason why a little man should never marry a bouncing widow, lie might be called "tho widow 's mite." Some Foolish People Allow a cough to rim until it gets be yond Hie reach of medicine. '1 hey of ten bay. Oh, It will wear away, but in most eases It wears them away. Could Ihey be induced to try tlie successful medicine called Kemp's Dalsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee, lo euro, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. PliceoOc and $1.00. Trial size free. Kohl bv T. 1). Thomas, Lehlgliton and W.F. lilery, Woissport. There Is generally a washout on Monday morning. I.est any nuxielybt felt, we hasten to say that It is ou the clothes-line. "lias your wife got one of the new collapsing hats'.'1' "No; hut she has one of the old-fashioned collapsing, pockit books." Glad tidings. Pellef and cure ol tl. and lung disease. Fontaine's Cine is guaranteed to euro a cold lu 12 hours. Sold by C. T, Horn, IJruggist. "Wo wbl take, viliul we need," Is t io motto of the Chicago Socialists. A local paper suggests that they begin by t iking a bath. Ashiiia. llronehilis. Consumption. Fontaine's Cure relieves u cold in 12 hour's. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. A youusl.idy Ischaiged vvllh having said that, if a cart-vvecel has nine felloes. It's a pity if a pretty gill like her can't have one. Shlloh's Vitillzeris what von need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and V cents per bottle. Sold by II. F. Itiery, n'eissporl, and Dr. C. Horn, l.ehtghton. "Are these soaps all of one scent?" Iiuiulred .1 woman of .1 saleslady i.t a notion store. "No, nia'mii," shereplied, ' they are all ten cents." Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shlloh's Catnrrlt liemedy. Price M cents. Xasal Injec tor free. Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn, Le hlghton, and W. F. lilery, HVlsspoit. lie w ho Is slowest lu uiaklngapioni Iso is apt to be the most faithful in the performance of It. Sleepless nlgliis, made miserable by that terilblc cough. Shiloh's Ciuc is tho remedy for you. Sold by Horn, J.riiiciuon, and Dlery, wclssnoit. Life's ieul heroes and heroines are those who bear llielrowii burdens bravely and give a helping hand to those around them. For l.imu back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Poroiii Plaster. Price 2.ri ets Sold by C. T. lloin and 11'. F. lilery. Il is not enough to shed tears at the misfortunes of your fellow-creatiues, vou must be able to smile at those w hich befall yourself. Wo know of no modo of treatment which offers, to sufferers from chronic diseases, a more certain hope of cure than that which is comprehended in the uso of Ayer's Sarsanarllla. Fot piiiifying and Invigorating tho blood, this prepar ation Is nnequaled. Ilastv words often rankle in the I wound which injury inflicts. . ami soft words assuago it. Forgiving cures, and forgetting takes away the F.vciy day adds to the groat amount of evidence ns to tho curative powers ot Hood's Sarsapaillla. Letters are con tinually being leceivcd fiotn all sections of the country, telling of beiielits derived fium this gieat mediclm-. Ills unequall ed for gcneial debility, and ns a blood puriiler.expilling every trace of scrofula or other Impurity. Now Is the liinu to lake it. Made by C. I. Hood A- Co., Lowell, JIass. Sold by all druggists, "Died of curiosity," was the verdict of 11 coroner's jury, "Died of curiosity?" incredulously csclamed a bystander. "Yes, that fool! lie wanted to see how Iteil-lieaded J inutile would act If hocallcd him a liar. lie found out, poor fellow! There's lots as died of curiosity." Ladles! Those dull tired looks and feelings speak volumes I Dr. Kilmer's Female liemedy collects all conditions, estures viuor ami vitality and brings buck youthful bloom and beamy. Price fcl.OO. 0 bottle $r,.oo, When Ilrown opened the front door one morning and found a strange baby lu a baBkcl 011 the front steps, ho was heard to reuiaik: "Some men are born babies, some achieve babies, and sumo have babies thrust iimiii them." The price of real estate vv under ilisciibtlon at the club, when one gentle man leiitiiikttd: ".lours, old boy, 1 know wlit-rt- you call buy the nicest I it I lu home plciidid cult. ie, giand fnut trees, and all that for a ong." ".IiM my luck," r.uld Jones, 'I tan I oin.'dnyii'. ' MALT WHISKEY h"rer1 ally PNllllril Tor nieillcltuil I'flCt TJH BESI T0WIC1 UNEQUAlED'or CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. Dli. EMV h. WAI.l.lXO, Snr- mi In vlilrr, Isatioliid UilAM i.f X J witlfs- "Mv ttttonti.'il wal ralletl til v xir Id ntimo Malt vini.Rej ii Mr I id. i. l!iikTi"t, of Tri'nii-H, nu I 1 li.m una n few lult1i V llti f I" It' r i fli'i't tlinn an t Jiavii tun!. 1 am ii'commcititiim arilile In m.v iwilce, wl nnd It very Mtl-fjetnlJ." ct rau:::.t:. frr-Tlii iln ulitfl ha, the Sim. tun d MSM.R ir.NllEI.SOX 11)9 1.Mbtft. 316, 318 and 320 Rs SL. FhiUdelphia, Fa. Eor sale at Dr. Horn's. THE CHAUTAUQUA 0. (flUl ninn A ONE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. , l April 1, 1883. I'nt. jFu)N 21, 1885. All of Metal, Llcht, Strong:, Well Constructed and Elegantly Painted. riants Corn (and pumpkin soodb), Beans, etc. worries wem. in soddt, LUMrr AND STONY OMOL'KD. Highly recommended liy Farmers and Dealers In nil sections. '1 tio tune saved in one ituy'a uso Will pay for it. PRICE, - - S2.70. Liberal discount to agents and the trade. Cnnvancrs easily imike 110.00 per day lu tho planting season. Send for circular and extra Indoco mcKtsto agents and cimvotscrs. i. Jlintlnn this pa per, and address, Thedhau-cauqaapiantjedornpanil JAMESTOWN, Si. V. D273 aml-Jidillo- e.d M.n&.on ir. ..adtrn tr red r a succ.--.fiil star" n ii.Inc. life 11 Coleman Colic Re, Ifo-.rarK, K. J. Ure .ihol.t. hip 640. .No Va. illon. Si:u-at-a-.-.- .-il .i.-nd -.Irl. llin riteiiriiale"- - mailHon i p.ibauou. cury Cslcnou, l'd.i., Szrc Wliltc, Tks. 1 5 i-W.-?fc.Vr I I Rii?HuiD',HiAl!fti Fi:-:laUo cf B:'.0.) , ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nowspnpop Advertising bureau, IO Spruce St., Now York. Send ICois. for lOO-Pao Pamphlet. Hot. J. V.-NI'.WMAV, D, iU'.VRIf.f IT'S POND LtLV fBrlflT-fra? i? jnuvyiyi.kiir. iiiuuuii 11 1 J I mt w I" n m u 11 1 1 11 1 rrlluUo iwrwmR. hi-iiirml-prthm U RMnVt nrt tJ luii lil.iv dfifiiii nu run- u"T"pVhiiii iki "i . & . thnuMU-iiMn 1. AMR". "iM.iirm.Ai'xii.VnmlM .ilrrl Jt. 1 u f .1.. itr.K , , n , , n a 1 i 1 pi I FEBiNO Users of Oplnrn, aro you awnro Ihnt Dr. Leslie E. Keeley's " I)ousi.E (.'iiLur.inn or Gold" will enre the worst ca?o of this terrible habit in from three to Ore weeks (at home) without lnj. Unllko other so c dled " rolulees antidotes," it contains not one particle of opium, ot any of Km preparations, and yet the ;ruleut. while raplilly ridnciug hh rnorplilno down to nothing, is able to attend to hln oidlDnrr btn-jnesA end enjoys life ns ho Ii.ib not done Mucc Hogihului; tho Opium or Morphlno Bind for fifty on Iho Opium Ilahlt l'itUE, or for Dr. Lo-lio Is. Ruelcy'snen work. "Opium: Its Ute AIiiifo nnd (.'tire, peat freo on uiipltcallon. It Is thn most complete and rornnrehunsivo work ever published on the subject, and cives full tnntnictlons for self euro at home. Addre., or call ou THE LESLIE E. KisELET CO., Dwioiit, Itl Cured lu from three to ulne d&.s. 'I f T flfl t ro icafce, bill lhoe nhn write (o III I I tiuwnArii.,riilUtitl,MMinn,nillrecev9 trrt, I'MI in.iHinaiifiTi kiioiii worn huicii liter mu dt. mul lue M lnme,Umt will pay itim from M la i-ll nor dar )iDie hnvo curncil 01 ei $V In 1r Kliher tT, yoHiip or ol J Cpitl nl rflijiitrr! Yoiirstre4 f'te. Tboe wlmnurt ( ouco r kbftdlulely ur uf tunc little foritiiici. All U uew IWr.SAKDftALKIt-MCR. M.D- BINUH AM f L'N, M. r, THE INVALIDS BCNEFACTOli. Discoverer ot Dr. Kilmrr'3 WITHOUT SUF in I II ill ! norviPLETE Female Remedy " .adfr' Jfomc Trrnfnii"' n Mpeeiui nnn rpei "110 trcatmei 1 1. r ull CiiiipluinT8 nnd Discams eeul...r 10 DaiiK'iU'i's, W ivis Mi.lhcrs. liueltiiui Ilnii eoiitiilnn a bottles. filaich kind is alao 1 old r r..rnti iyj Seiualo, (BIwhI mil E.. m fj, Ailiiiaiu-I.eal I..,iI-iiTr.-ati't Al. U iV AriKlrilnii'iii, : "ri- I " ,r f3rOr the threo in 0110 VucLat-c J-jt '. lloeovei-s tho lm-r,owllr', ltHl-ri-' .-n1 or'almri'lonod." It rUiminntcd ltin.nrs anil lllooil lnipurifles that iwk f. rotola, Cuncer, Tumor, pimples and I tr Mi.'-. Tin, a.. l.-Ai-lva nti 1 vr"!i''. Ji ' Wonui.'M II. 1.11 ii and UMtOilnuM Miruin n .inn it. IS Dr. Kilm'Ttrvtius intrritol Tuinnr. I .-f r 1 on mntsnotitlo niu,'lu.l itarlr n t n letters of ilKldrv pt-ouil'ttv I'iiv. rr 1 Ui Ktlm.'r'it Pcmol.' IM-i n.ih rt'hinul' ' ' i "InvaittW Guide fo llmllh" ism' F,.. ), NOLI) UV ALT. BMVatiiSi. 0 rz i nrraiitetl tli.-iuu.t p ill. . 1 1 . r tr 1 IVrtl'.lzer JJrilliu vti.tuii'. ;. 1 r c,uiu.. L B f;ssii,-i.,.;!I Yc.k, Pa.