The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 11, 1886, Image 1

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    Hunk jw Mwm
Advertising Rates
For Legal Notices,
'flic following prices for legal adver
tising has been adopted by the Camion
Charter Notices - - - $4 00
Auditor's Notices - - - 4 (XI
Commissioner's Notices - 4 00
Divorce Notices - - 4 00
Administrator's Notices - - a 00
Executor's Nollco - - - 3 00
Other legal Advertising will bo charged
for by the, square.
H. V. UcrtMm:r, Jr., Publisher.
OrricKl The rnnra recently occupied by
W. M. ltapshcr,
May lio consulted In English and Ucrrnan.
July 4, l-ly
Tinsr noon aiiovktiib MAf-sio.x iiousb,
Ileal Estate anil Cnllecllnn vuency. Will
Buy ond Sell Ileal Estate, t'onveynncnif
neatly done, tlollectlnns promptly made.
Settling Estates nf Hecodint a Specialty.
Mnv lie consulted In English and Uuriaan'.
November 22, 1S1.
Bank St., Lohighton, Pcnna.
All business pertaining to the office will
receive prontpt attention. 111.
May be consulted In English op Ootrnin
Special attention alvin lo Uvnkoioiiv
Officii Horns From 12 M. to i V. M.,
and from a to VV. iu. March 31, 83
F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S.,
HRANUll OKEIOE-Oppositc OUussfc. Hro's
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa
Dentistry tn all Us branches. Teeth ex
tracted without puin. tins administered
vtien requested twice Hays w EDN tS
DAY ut eiell week. 1'. II. Address,
L.lTZENllHt:0, Eehlgli county, Pa.
Jan. 3, 18 3-ly.
W. A. Oortright, D.D.S.,
OFFICE : Opimsilo the "iirnadway House,"
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Pntlnnts have the ben-lit of lie. latest lm-
nrnvoinents In too appliances and
the holt inothiilsnf ir.itmcni In
eases. ANESTHETl1 administered II
ilalrei.. If bhIiiU", parsons residing outside
of Mnueh Chunk thuuld ra iko cngag-menls
by mall. 1V8-V'
, Viils Allcnlown renulnrly on TUUIIAUAY
cifench week. Pructiee liniitcd to
Diseases of the Eye & Ear.
Officii nt Hayileti'a Americjn Hotel, nt.d
ollir.j hours Irert. !l in the forenoon until
3:30 in the aftern "in. Also nt'en.le lo Iti
Irartinn of tin, Eye b.r the pmpjr a ljoM
tnent of Klarse, and for tlia relief and cure
of optical defects.
May alo Ifo consulted at his ofTii'e in
HATH, WfdneiU and Stturday of eaeh
week, at llAXGOH nt Monday, and ul
E ASTON on Tuesday. jan 2 Hit ly.
Hank St., Lkiiiouton, Pa.
The (1A2U0N Houhb Hirers Mrst-clafB accotu
modatlons to lie Traveling public. llunrdlnK
by tbo II ty or Week on Iteasuiiabio Terms.
Uliolce Olisars. WltlcJ and l.lquora alway" uu
band. Ho.dShixIs and Siubles. with attcr
tlro Hostlers. attauliuJ. Ayrll 10-yl,
I I way bttween Mauch Chunk & I.clilliton
Packerdm. Pcnn n
This well known hotel Is admlrohlvrctlttcd,
and h is the best accotninoddlions lor neruian
enl and triinslent hoarders, ticellent taiilef
n the very best llqu-iri. Also nmistubles
attached. Sept. 16-yl.
Opposite I. & S. Depot,
Hank Street, UlilKhton, Pa.,
Tills house offcis llist-elass apiiiimnoila
tinns for Iransleiii iiud peiiiiaueut boarders.
It has been iiohIv relltled In all Ilsdepail
ineuls, and Is ha'ated in nuc of th' most
pletiiresiiiciiiortinn-lof the linri'iislt. Terms
inodcrale. Cr"The bar Is Mippll-d Willi the
choicest Wines, l.itjuoib and ClB tt. I'rei-h
taser lceron Tap, iiprl7-w.-iy
Announces to ids friends unit the public gen
erally, that he lias now open for their accom
modation Ids .
ni!t door lo the 1st National Hank, Hank
SritKKT, I.Kiiiuiirtis, and that lie Is now
prepared to furnish I'list-l'lass
Meals at Short Notioo !
The liar Is supplied with the best wines, fresh
l-ig-'r Peer, and Choice Cigars. You are In
vited to call. april.'l-MHy.
A IWof loon newspaper divided Into Slates
and iectluns will be sent on application
To those who want their ndvertlslng to pay
we can otrer no better medium for tboroimli
and elleclkn work than Ihe arioas seitluns
of our Select lnal l.l.t.
i no. p. nowEi.i. & co..
Newspaper AtUeitlsIng Hureuu,
Jy2l-lm lo Spruce street. New York.
q v. KLKI
Bobbins' American Clawioal Method'
n Specialty,
1'uims Muui:uati:.
Ajj ll-ti.
W A Filers
IT. V. MoRTHiJiKH, Jr Publisher.
VOL. XIV., No. 43.
With Mi'diohic- Quality not
Quantity is the greatest im
portance ; next is the
knowledge and experience
to Correctly Prepare and
Dispense the same.
Dm & Family MeHicine Store,
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Yon cau nlvas rcl upon getting STHICTIA'
Pure and I'liadultcrnlcd
Drugs and Medicines.
TIIOMASeniilestlte largest stock otl'at
flit Medicines in tliu county.
THOMAS lias an elegant slock nt Druggists
Simdl lis, Fancy mid 'lollet Articles lir the
ladles as well as the Hunts.
THOMAS makes llcnsciind Cattle Powders
n specialty. His 11 years expotiotioe In the
ilnn; business gives linn a advantage in
that line.
nlwnys a largo stock on hand.
WINES and MQCOliH, bntli foreign and
iloiueMic. He lias a cllntoii (Hupo Wine and
a Diy Catawba Wine. .lu-J- splendid and
WAI.l, PAPEltS and HOliDEP.S - the
laigcstassoittnent in town.
io to T1IHUAS' with vour prescriptions
J) i r.I ) .1 vv f.j.'y.) tt- Palo i. M'dli-lnos.
tld lo THOMAS' for Miur l am v AiUiIib.
l'artuei.s antl Hinsenicn pi to 'IHoMAS'lor
your hoim: hiui i nine nmtters. jan rr
Printed while you wait. We
have better facilities than any
other office in this county lor
this work. Give us a call.
Tile follow Inn Coinpiiulen are Uirsiiteil
tllJllA mu ru.vr, film
wyomimi rinr.,
t'orr.-vii.r.i; piitic,
1.1 : 1 1 1 (1 1 I'ltlK.ntid I l:n
is,. P'Uiisi'lviiul-i ami .luiuiit llors i Th
ctcciiveaud In-uruuic. fi'iiniacy.;i rut)?). Ki:jn;m:n
Pine Apples,
C. M. Sweeny, 8c Sou,
Cattorln. promotes Dlgcttlon, and
ovinsjinej KJatulency, Cousllpiitiou, Sour
Stonmcli, Dlarrhocn, nnd Fovertslmeta.
Thus tho child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castorla contains no
jslorphiuo or other narcotic property.
" Custoria Is so well adapted to children that
I voonimend It us biiperior to any preset iptiou
kuonutouie." H. A. Anciisn, M. D..
I-ortland Ati., Ilrooklyu, N. V.
"I uso Ostnrln In my pruotlce. and And it
specially udjpksl to affuctioug of cldldrau."
1U67 Sdl Ave., New York.
Tub Ce-NTAfii Co., 18S Tulton St., N. Y.
TUP SjniITII Are joulnts'imstwl In lnrn
lllll OUUIil, log Ihetiutli concerning tbo
SiHtlheru Htatos oll. clltn it.'. iwaple, wa ial
lntbitH,itc? Hem! TEN OEHTt addnswl
top P Woid.ird,ibtiiier!' otp uuHanla)
SnutliPro Pni. Minn it,. N ('.,Mudie- . ..; ,4 .iu-K.s lut-oNit. l-.I
Sale Bills
,-tr j t ' K71
m RCt Ka t!8K!M KJB y
lUN U II H a4l 1 M IlX tot
Cures E-cusi'.isa, ITcurtUii
S n t tmlnu i:rii,', rtr, elr.
y B Atl)Tut, iiM xn I t".1er.
thf A.ocEryucumi.Tni(ntr, wn.
Treo frvtn opiates, i'mtlltJ and J'olson
SAFE. fu
3UBE. jrfeUb&
at nr.pnoisTS asp lwiLrns.
in ciiAiu.ts a. otriiii 10.. naiisonr, jid.
In the slowly irallicrlnj; twlllfilit
I am slltlns all alone,'
T!iltikiii(r of lite liappy fares
Of my pupils homeward pone.
Willi what eager feettliey bounded
Down the and o'er the lull!
I eau their niei i y voices
Ulut'iliK nut Ilko lnililc bt ill.
Tlirotijjh Hie jear.s I backwaid wander
To tile old fandlar .spot,
Where a cnreless c hild I lingered
SludliiK lissons that were fianeht
With a poccr, lit life's hereafter,
lo brlii bark my straying kit
To the nariow path ofduty,
Ele my mill was cnuiplctc.
I can seu the dear old school house
Willi Its stained anil criinibllin; walls,
And the pin ground slretclilngdownwaid
To the luooklefs tiny falls.
In the doorway stands the teacher
Smiling at our childish glee,
As we form a magic circle
'Neath the shady old tree.
Where is now that lot lug teacher
Wlto was silwajs drill ct kind:
lly Ills earnest, faithful labor -
Training heaitas well as mind?
In tlieihtirehyaid lie is sleeping,
Safe at rest from toll and pain;
While tho actions or his pupils
It'll Ids life was not In vain.
Wlirro too are the merry sejioolniates
Willi whom In life's nimiilug hours
I lune spotted, idly dreaming
Of the Joys jet lo bo nuiv.'
t)li I sli ve then the. cup of anguish
lo ot.r llpshas oil been pressed,
While tin' hones we fondly cherished
Neur yet our llu-s have blced,
Smneliuvo left time's Heeling shadows,
('tossed the chill and unknown tide;
Entered through the'galeway golden,
.loliud the company glorlllcd.
Others yet below arc tolling,
Some forttuth and some for gain;
Some ate making life a blessing,
Srtine are spending It In Miln.
Is It thin these happy children
Who are now so free from eate,
Shall awake lo sterner tlutlis'.'
Shall be called upon tn bear
Their due piution of the sorrow
That the piliual cutse has brought,
Making life a toilsome journey
Wheie Hie weaty ones rest not?
Yes; we grow alone through trial;
He Is far front manhood's years,
Who has never felt his weakness.
Never kiiimn the power nt tears.
They who came through tribulation
Are the ones mound tho Throne;
Heaven contains no crown of clot y
For the soul lo trier unknown,
1'athcr, grant that these my pupils
May be strong to bear their cross.
Triumphing by patient effort
Over lartldy gilef and loss.
Help me loach them life's great lesson,
Not to Ike for self alone.
Hut by sinn ing other's burdens
Thus to make inoru light their own.
(live thorn courage for the cotilllct ;
Shield them frora the tempter's power;
Let thy sure abiding presemo
Cheer them In each gloomy hours
Lend them In tbo narrow pathway
lly the blessetl sunbeams kissed;
Take them nil safe heme In heaven
When the school of lllo's dbiulstcd.
For Love and Life.
ii v Mits. i:. it. jtofiiii.
"Is all, then, ovrr between iis,Mllllc?"
Mlllleent Vniiu would not lift her eyes
to meet t lie ones bent so earnestly upon
her, hut tho full scatlet lips woic a' de
fiant pout, urn! Iho little with its
wealth of sunnv tresses gave a disdain
ful toss as she answered haughtily:
"You really must speak more plainly,
Mr. Norwood, I was not awaro tliat
theto had heen anything between us ot
special significance."
"Millie! Millie!"
Tho sharp, reproachful tone struck
homo to her heart, ami the aterted faco
was turned part-way back, animated by
a lleetlng expression, half shame, half
contrition; hut In another instant It bad
jjiveii place to a look of cold Indifference.
"Millie," repeated the young man
with fervent feeling, "you know as well
as I do how much there has In en be
tween us how much we were to each
other until this stranger came, with his
dark nut fascinating, as you tulnk,
Millie, biit 'slnster faco his soft-spoken
words anil alluring wiles. Handsome,
perhaps, he Is; but I can see no beauty
in that which masks an evil heart. I do
not say this in anger, revenge or jeal
ousy, Millie," he continued more earn
estly, as the gltl made a passionate ges
ture) of distent; "dearasyoti are, to uie
although it seems us If every pulse In
your hnt boat also iu mine I would
slille llio lln, the lonllness, the long
ing, ami te.ljiii you to one ubu 1 felt
auuretl would make you happier than 1
over could; but lo sec jott drawn awny
by a fulto, alluring, troachuious vil-Han-"
Millie listened with heaving brea.t
an J rising color, but at (he hut word
she lu.'ae aa.l faced hlui like a yonii
mucoBs oil
J mm
fury, stamping iter foot upon the ground
in a transport of resentful passion.
"Silence, Waller Norwood, not an
other sjllnble!" she panted breathlessly.
"If ever I had been disposed to believe
that you cherished oven respect for mo,
I would discredit it now, since you can
so far forget yourself as to traduce my
father's guest, my "
The passionate voice broke In a chok
ing hurst of (cars, while a scarlet flush
flamed all over her face for a moment.
Then suddenly flinging her hands
from her teat -drenched eyes, she once
more faced him, pale as marble.
"Oo from my sight forever!"' she
exclaimed her voice hoarse and tremb
ling with concentrated emotion. "Never
come near moor speak to mo again!
What you have said lo-day I shall never
forget never forgive! and from this
hour wo are more than strangers I I
will never speak to you, look at you, or
think of you again!"
In pet feet silence tho young man lis
tened to the passionate outburst; then
with grave, sad dignity lifted his hat,
tnd stood with uncovered head before
I accept my dismissal, Millie Miss
Vane," he said calmly. "If 1 have
erred, It has been because of a love, n
devotion to you which no resentment,
no neglect, no scot n of yours can ever
weaken or destroy. While, my heart
beats it must beat for you alone In you
lias been centeied my love, my life: with
you it must remain until that life ends.
Then he turned and was gone, w hlle
Millie, her chocks once more hot and
flushed, and her features working with
excitement, moved hastily away In an
other direction.
Tears, little one? what has caused
them?" spoke a low, insinuating voice
at her very ear.
Millie turned with a start to greet a
tall, aristocratic-looking man of about
thlity years, with a dark, brilliant face,
anu iieep-set eyes instinct with a pecu
liar magnetism before which tho girl
trembled and shrank like a fascinated
"What is the trouble?" lie repealed
more gently, holding her gaze for a mo
ment by the spell of his own.
"Nothing! sho mummied tremul
ously, letting her ycs droop.
You deem It nothing, perhaps,"
went on the low, mesmeric voice.; "but
to me It is great deal, nay, evcrythln
-o winti suouiii mow rudely upon you
had I the power to turn it aside!"
He walked on beside her, talking in a
fund, caressing way thatlnailo the girl's
heart throb wildly, until, drawing near
to her home a modest but comfortable
dwelling, where she lived with her
father, Ills sole companion and house
keeper since her mother's death Aithtir
Moutncatli paused, w hlle something like
a frown milled tho smooth whiteness of
ills handsome forehead.
"There Is your father at the door
watching for his little truant," he said
lightly, and adroitly widening tho space
between them. "I will take a stroll
down by the sea, and return iu time for
"Touching his hat, he stolled briskly
oil in another direction, while Millie
went slowly on toward,
"How is this, my glil!" said Joel
Vane, regarding his pretty daughter
with less fondness and more severity
than site ever tcmembercd to have seen,
as she paused before hlin. "Have von
and Waller Norwood been ciuaruilng
"No, father," replied Millie, with
guilty flush that belled her words. "We
have not been quarrelling."
"Ah! I see," persisted her father,
with a shrewd look Into her face. "The
quarrel has been all on your side iu
other words, you'vobeen allowing tho
soft tongue of a man you never saw tin
til six weeks ago to wean you from one
w oi th hls.weight iu cold a prize for any
glil w lio has sense to seo It. As for this
black-a-vised strange!, you need not
fi.ttler your silly little head that he
means anything more than to make a
fool of you jour's Isn't tho first pretty
face those bold black cc3 of his have
looked nonsense Into, I'll he bound! nnd
they've looked It Into your's for the last
time that's settled. If I had thought
this was to bo the upshot of his coming
heie and asking us to take him to board
for the summer, I'd have shut the door
lu his face, though ho hail oilercd twice
as much, and we had needed It twice as
bad. I've been using my eyes while
he's been here, and they haven't told
me anything good about hlin, mid now
in) mind Is made up. There was a look
on Walter Norwood's faco when he
passed here to-night, that never would
have been there If had not been for that
Mnutncath, with his glllterlng eyes and
oily tongue a look I'd give ten years of
my life to remove. I shall tell our boarder
to-night that when ids week Is up he
must leave. He's mighty civil to me,
but I can seo that he doesn't like me
any better than I do hlin, ami the soon
er wo part company for good the better
it will he for all concerned. No.v gn iu
and get supper, my girl, and bo thank
ful as you will pome day, If youare not
now that iu twodaysvnt will say good
bye to that man foiover."
Without a sign, a word, oran upward
look into tho stern, rugged, hut kindly
face, Millie stopped past her father and
wont Into the house like one iu a dream.
"Two days two days 1" rang through
her heart like a knell.
And how could she live after that)
What would 'existence be worth when
ho was gone, from her?
And yet she must let hlin go for now
lu her rudely broken dream, the realisa
tion came upon her with cruel, criwhlug
force, that in all his words of fund en
dearment he had given her no plexlgu
had never yet asked her to be Ids wife.
IIo would surely do so, her fond.
creduloiu heart hid Ldld tanu:
i now now he wsstttd .fftSsfllli the
words tiuwid go antUv Interne a
dreary biuuk. '
vfl 'if
Live and Let Live.'
Like an nutoinaton she moved around
preparing the simple supper; and as she
iravo the finishing touihas lo tho neatly
laid table, Joel Vane and his boarder
came In
Montneath's eyes met Millie's for a
moment, hut there was no look of ques
tioning at the sight of her pale, tortured
face, and tho gill's heart sank like lead
in her bosom as she sat before her un
tasted men!.
It was river at last.
Millie had Mulshed her tasks for tho
night, and was standing In lite kitchen
doorway, her hands clasped, and an tit
le! ly woe-begone look on her jouag
face, when a. cautious step drew near,
anil a low, modulated voice breathed,
rather than spoke In her ear.
"Get your hat and come down with
mo tothe cliff, Millie! Slip away so that
your, father will not sic you. I will be
waiting for you at llio turn In the road."
For a moment the blood surged holly
in the girl's veins, and then seemed to
recede, leaving her cold as Ice.
It was the first time she had ever been
urged to an act that Involved anything
clandestine or deceitful, and the whole
force of hcrhltheito pure and innocent
life arose in silent protest.
Hut alas! only for a moment then
every other consideration was lost Iu
the one ovcr-powerlng desire to bo with
him to hear his voice, and look back
the love that glowed In those datk, fas
cinating eyes,
"Slipping quietly back Into the. house,
she secured her hat and a light shawl,
and passing swiftly out, sped down the
road like a frightened deer.
Mr. Moutncatli was waiting for her.
Without a word ho drew the little
trembling hand through his arm, and
they walked on until they reached the
cliff a broad ledge overlooking the sea,
and ciilirclv Inaccessible from the
A few large stones scattered about
served as seats; and on one of these
Moiitneath seated himself, drawing the
trembling girl down beside him.
Millie," he said. In a low voice, "do
you know I am going away?"
Millie bowed Iter head in silence she
could not speak.
"Your father told mo to-night that I
must leave his house. Tor some reason
lie seems to have taken an unaccounta
ble aversion to me; so 1 must go but
must it be alone, Millie? or will you
go with me?"
"As your w ife, Arthur?" breathed the
agitated girl
"Certainly.littlconc what else?" She
did not see the cruel compression of the
Hps under the drooping mustache, or
the strange glitter In tho dark eyes, for
her face was hidden on ills breast, lo
which his arm held her close. "Will
yon leave your home your father and
be all the world to me?"
"Yes yes!" she murmured in a par
oxysm of delirious joy
"Then'we must go at once to-night,
Millie ere your father finds a way to
prevent," he.sald, rising with his arm
still around her. "lleturn homo now,
and at twelvo o'clock meet me here
again. He prudent and careful, and in
a few hours more at most, we will be on
the way to "
"To the perdition you have earned
false, black-hearted deceiver!" rang out
In tones that froze the marrow lu their
bones, as they turned to face the Intrttd
er a tall, splendidly formed, regally
beautiful 'woman, but transformed by
excess of passion Intp a veritable fury
standing with her form drawn up to Its
fullest height, outlined against the eve
niiig sky, wiiilein her right hand, lev
clci directly ut Moutncatli, was a gleam
ing pistol.
Up over tlio man s face crept a gray,
ashen pallor, while his knees smote
convulsively together; but save for that
Involuntary motion, he stood as if par
itlyzed by the midden apparition.
"Look you last upon that setting sun
Arthur Montneath!" went on the
Nemesis-like voice, that shining weapon
still looking deatli Into his eyes. "I
swore to track you and the siren who
had won you from nio your betrothed
wite! Ilith your kisses warm upon my
lips, I warned you against any trilling
or unfaithfulness to me I will keep
that vow! You have luoken jour sol
emu pledge wrecked my life trampled
my heart beneath your feet and you
shall pay the price you and the noman
who has caused J on to forget and desert
As the last words left her Hps, there
was n flash a reverberation anil stag
gering dizzily backward, Montneath fell
to the ground.
'One!' said the desperate woman
with blood-curdling deliberation. "Girl
look once more upon your lover ere you
are stretched beside him!'
Once more Hie weapon was raised and
leveled; but at the same Instant Hie
paralyzed gltl felt herself Hung to one
side, while a moment later Waller Nor
wood tottered to the edge of the lillT
and dlsappt'.itod, pierced by the bullet
he had received in her stead.
That was the hut tiling Millie saw
then, with a wild, frenzied shriek, that
went echoing along tho cliff, sho saul
scnselots upon the ground.
Hack from tho border-land of death,
whero he had been hovering so lou
Walter Norwood came slowly, painfully
at last; and his thin while hand wan
dering over the coverlid of his couch
fell and rested upon the head of the glil
bow (til down lie.ide k lu the very aban
diwuieut of grief. Hut at tin touch, Hie
wan lace was raUiil with a Kind, low
cry, and Milliccul Vane's wipphiie eye
Hashed a look Into hU that seemed to
kUilttiwur (lie llfe-eiureiil iu hU veins.
"Don't speak!" she said
)ds w Idle 111 moVBil. "It Is joy enough
to mm vou alive oittutmurtal joy iirwatcr
1 far than I ihi vwl or dared to hope
, -ken while u sw'i.t, burning blush.
SI .00
BE It 11, 1880.
dyed the ghastly pallor of her face, until
then scarcely less haggard titan ids own,
she murmured:
'I must go nnd tell them tho good
news jour mother and all. Shewatch
ing with me until a short time ago,
when I begged her to go and rest
And thing quickly she left the room.
For several daj-s longer Waller lay In
a, stupor; not so deep, however, but
that ho was conscious of the gentle,
caressing hand that ministered to his
wants, hut In his moments Mil
lie was not to be seen.
At last he asked forherand shecame;
but so changed from the once gay,
sparkling, willful glil that he would
scarce have known her; and j-ct In the
softened, subdued expression was a new
and sweeter charm than had ever rested
on her face before.
As soon as he could talk the sequel of
that tragic alTalr was told; first, his
part, comprising the fact of his having
seen Millie and her companion when
on their way to the cliff that night, antl
later, having observed the strange wo
man taking tho saiucioulc, had fol
lowed her, actuated by a presentiment
of coming danger, rushing forward just
in time to save llio life of the glil he
Then Millie related how the pool, mo
ulded woiuap had been found on her
knees beside her Hist victim, lavishing
upon him the wild aud Incoherent en
dearments of a suddenly frenzied brain,
ami had been conveyed to an insane
asylum, where sho had died two weeks
'lint you are saved I" said Waller, as
she finished, and reaching out one thin
hand, he grasped hers tendcrl)-. "Ah,
Millie! I could not heed your mandate
never to come near you again! And j'on
also have broken your vow; for you
have hovered over me like a gootl angel
all thiough my sickness! Shall we take
up our lives again, Millie, and out of
the sad, dead past walk hand in hand
into a happy future?"
IIo relaxed his hold on her hand, but
his own still lay invitingly open on the
counterpane, and Inking It in both her
own, Millie covered it with tears and
"Oh, Walter, Waller!" she sobbed.
"All that I am or have Is yours from
this hour, If you can forgive mc! Who
but you would have paid so great, so
fearful a price for my fake. I What can 1
do in leturn but conic to you as I do
now1, my dearest, truest fiiendl"
"For love and life!" was tho low,
fervent response, as he drew her closer
and kissed her.
An Aged Coaplo Who Doa't Know Whether
They Havo Soon Them or Hot.
There was an old couple at tho Third
street depot theother day who had been
to Niagara Falls and were, wulllng for u
train to their home In the Interior of
the State. They just felt that they had
accomplished a big tiling, aud were
consequently quite elated. They had
scarcely taken seats In the waiting-room
before tho old man turned to a stranger
and said:
"We've jlst got back frutn Nlagry
Falls. Powerful sight, them falls aie.
II i ii t nothing like them falls in this
hull country."
"Never heard of 'em," grullly replied
the man.
"You didn't! Lord bless mc, but
that's astonishing! Never heard of Nl
agry Falls!"
"Never. What Is It anyhow?"
"Why, it's tho biggest lot of water
you ever saw, falling over the awfullest
precipice you ever heard of. Why, it
makes folks shiver to look at It."
"Singular that none of tho papers
have ever mentioned It."
"They haven't? Why, them falls has
bin there for thousands of oars."
"H'asn'tlta freshet or a dam broke
loose, or something of that sort?"
"No, siree! That water keeps
pouring ami roaring and humming all
the time."
"Must havo been some trick about
It," caiclessly observed the cynic. "If
it was a real thing there'll be some ex
cltement about It. You don't think?"
"Me drink? I've never drunk a drop
in my life!"
"Well, It's too bad. Any one who
will swindle an old mail like you ought
to be horsewhipped."
".Swindled? Do you purtend there
ain't no Nlagry Falls?"
"Never heard of any such thing " re
plied the man, as he got up aud left.
"Say, Hanncr," replied tho old man
as he turned to his wife after awhile
"did you hear that?"
"Every word."
"Say, when wo get home we'll keep
mum until I see Stebblns and fed
around ami seo if there Is a Nlagry Falls.
If we've bin fooled we don't want to bo
titled at; If It's all light we kin do our
blowing when it's safe and will count.
Don't say Uoal Island, nor Ilors'-shoo
Falls nor Vnll to no llvlu' soul
until we find out whether that ginger
ail Hew to our heads, or tho show was
all light and wulh the money."
"Gentlemen," liesaid to the rcporteis,
as the sheillf put lite knot where it
would do the luottgood, "w 111 you grant
me one last request before 1 die?"
Tlio reporters, to a man, said they
"Then wilte mo down as having been
simply 'haiujud,' not iauuehcul into
eternity,' I'm no dude."
Tld request valued miuih coutleriM
linn among thejuuuger reporters, hut
they all kept I heir wuid.
"What do you grow 011 IW laudf"
h luqulnxl of the farmer who was Wait
ing over a fence inspecting a partleular
ly barren plei'eof ground. "Grow Kuy,"
waj .i.e iuiUfaetuiy rLi'ly.
,i Year if Paid in Advance.
not paid in advance, $1.2")
"I call my wifo deal." said IJaclev.
reflectively, "because she Is.''
W o may not like hotel-kceners. but
we havo lo put up with them.
Maids In wnltlng-those beyond
Dr.I'razer's Magic Ointment.
A sum ntlre for nil luttL. In,,-,,, cni.
CtltS. tlesll Wound, .nr.. utrml., 1.if.i
and soft corns, chapped Hps and hands.
iicu u eeius. coin uvuruccisis. wii'
ams M'f'g. Co., Prop's., Cleveland,
. com uy i nomas, Mm druggist.
What a contrast lucre .sometimes
Is between the adjective andtheadverb.
Hedect, for example, gn the wide differ
ence that exists between the man who Is
constant In love, and the man who is
constantly In love!
Dr. Fraztcr's Root Bitters.
Frazier's Hoot Hitters are not a ilirlni
shop beverage. Hut arc strictly, in.cdU
cinal In every sense. They acts niligly
upon the liver and kidneys, keep iliv
bowels open and rrmilnr. demise '7ln
blood and system of every impurity.
Sold hy drugglsts, 1.00. At Thomas'
drug store.
A widow who had just lost her hus
band was weeping bitterly for the dear
eparted. A fi lend tried to console herf
No, no," sahl the fair mourner, "lei
io have my cry out: after that. I
sha'n't think anything about It."
Bncklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo In the woild for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhttem, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilhlands,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, orinoney refunded. Price 25 cents
per uox, at T. U. Thomas',
-A yankee woman recently married
a Chinese lauiidryman, and In three dajs
thereafter the unhappy Celestial appear
ed at a barber's shop ami ordered his
pigtail lo he cut offsaying, in explana
tion, "Too mucheo yank!"
Wait am Sapposatortes!
. Ci. Hose, of New London, Conn.,
writes: "Send me two bottles of your
Kemp's Pile Supposatories by mail.
Our druggist Is out. They are for'a
friend. 1 tried ever thing without help,
but the Stiuposatorles cured me."
The treatment Is now and within
reach of all, anil would atlvlse the af
fected to give them a ttlal. For pamph
lets on plies address Uox l"J3, I.e Itoy,
.. . ror sale in iji'ltlgliton liy ihoin
as, and in Wclssport by Hlery, at 50 cts.
per box.
A teacher, questioning little boys
about the giadiiatiou In the scale of be
ing, asked: "What conies next to man?"
Whereupon a little fellow Immediately
distanced all competitors bv promptly
shouting: "His shirt, ma'am."
You are feeling depressed, your ap
petite Is poor, jolt aro bothered with
Headache, you are fidgety, nervous, ami
generally out of sons, and waul to brace
uu. Brace up, but not with. stimulants,
spiing medicines, or bitters, which have
lor tlielr basis veiv cheap, bad Whisky,
and which stimulate ou for an hour,
and then leave you in worse condition
than before. hat you want is an al
terative that will purify your blood, stait
healthy action ol I. Her ami Kidney.,
restore vour vitality, and give renewed
health and strength. Such a medicine
you will Unit in Electric Hitters, ami only
00 cents a bottle at. T. D. Thomas'
Drug Store.
A man tried to advertise second
hand windows for sale, but the caiticss
compositor dropped out an "n," and lie
didn't get a single bid.
Croup, whooping cough and bronchi
lis Immediately iclievcd by Shiloh's
Cure, bold by (lorn, Lehighton, and
ltlery, H elssport. o o w
An Irishman tells of alight in which
there was but one w hole nose left hi the
crowd, "and that belonged to the tay-
That hacking cough can be so quickly
clued by blilloli's Cure. We guarantee
It. Dr. 0. T. Horn, Lehighton, and
Hlery, Wclssport.
"He woo'ed and slin wouldn't," is
the way they put it iu 'Frisco when a
oung woman declines a proposal of
Shiloh's cough and consumption cure
Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures
consumption. Sold by Hicty, Wiisspoit,
aud Horn, Lehighton.
Lovers should bo careful how they
act In the eountiy, for potatoes have
cye, corn lias ears and bean stalk.
Hay Fever, Asthma. Immediate
icllcl. Fontaine's Cure. For salo by
C. T. Horn, Druggist.
A uciitleraau who spoke"of having
been struck by a lady's beauty was ad
v Ised to kiss the rod.
When Haliy was sick wo gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, shu cried fur Ctistona,
When shu bc-oKnie Mlss.sIivelmtg-tiiC.islorla,'.eKavetheinC'astoiia
Tho sweetest of all pleasures, antl
one that will never decay, is to cherish
the heart that loves you.
Willi voiir next ni'der to vour grocer, send
for a sample l-ouiid ot rJieydoj.'el's Borax
ooan. vial win mm ii- in oe i,iu iik'hi inn,
etii'uiiesl, volt can use for all purpiKcs, It
is a plain statement of tact, and the best way
lor sou le satisfy inurscif Islo try a pound.
It is pridu that makes us commit
the greater number of our faults, and
which prevents our repairing them.
Hay Fever, Asthma, llelief guaran
teed. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by C,
T. Horn, Druggist.
Two Inebriated Indians nt Mauitot
waning, Can,, recently collared another
intoxicated led nun ami marciied linn
to jail, when they had linn lined seven
Scorn not thy fellow creatine; there
Is some spark of good yet left lu every
nun, even though he be lying ill the
vol id mite.
Ajer's Asfiie Cure acts directly on the
Ihor nnd biliary-apparatus, and drives
out tint malarial lulsou which Inditcos
liver complaint and biliuu disorders.
Warranted to cure, or money rufundud.
Try It.
"1.. it not astonishing,"!,! a wullliy
individual, "tlust larxe fortune was
left nits by a pvrsoit who Ind only tssvu
meoiiee? ' "K would lwn been still
inure astonishing." said a wau. "if liu
Uadli-U It Uyou jller seeing v.umee."
The Carbon Aclvrre
1'ublbhed every Satin day 111 Irn.i ti.. ,
Carbon County, Pi'tnwylvuiih., by
II. V. Moi't.hinier Jr.
$1 00 For Year lu Advance I
Ilest advertising medium lu the county
Every description of Plain and Fancy
At very low prtfes.- We do not hesltntt .
say that we are better eittpp"d than any
oilier printing ttubl shmctit In Ihls
section to do llrsl-il iss Jnb-woik,
III nil Us brandies, nt low prlccx.
Perfect Hair
fndieates a imturiir mn healthy i nudl.
Hop of Tile still I ji'M nf the' gl.imn
Ihiuitgu which liouiisOiHeut Is obtained.
When,! in ciiiioqiit;iiiet.if ngp mid ills-, the hair bienmen weak, Ihln, uml
gray, AVer's Hair Vigof will Mreitgihi-u
it, restore Its iVrlgin'al s'tdnr, priinii.te Ii.s
rapid utiM YiSorbtVs gi.wtli, mid i,.,lt
ii iiciiuii,e iijot lyrtuinss hi viiilth
f -have ttV'd-.A,viT'..s.nair Vignr lor il
lung tun.-, ami am , miv In. ,-d id its
value'. .When I was 17 .vents id ago luv
hair bftgan i 1 1 1 1 ii ci.iy I i iiitni it. i .1
using tiro Vtgnr. nnd mis Miipixul t
In, iiiiiul elicits ti pi-mimed. It tnd fl-e u...r to me hair, lint
so stimitlaleil lls giiiwJii tl.ut ,,n
ihjw iiiiite hair 'ban ever betoiu.
J W. Edwards, iVhlwatcr, Mim
Ajer's Hair Vigor,
Soli'l iiyiih Drugg'liits and l'crfupicr.
'' o'ry!ii,fir:.5'0 Irran debility
upllQKMof nppctft!. Ilynm sloinaib is
out ot order, or j our mind cnnfiiseil;
akn Acer's SamitpAnlU. Tins Ineilieittu
will restore phMiealTliri e and elasticity
id the system, mole Mtiily and speedily
-han any tome vet dt-invereil.
For si motit'n 1 suffered Iriim liver
tnd stomach tn.-ib'i s My food did nut
nourish inr. and I lii'iniue weak mid
ory tuiu h mini la'i-il-. I ti oitsix buttles
f Ayer's Sais.ip irtUu. and was cured.
I M.-Palmer. Spiiiigiield. Mass.
Ayer's S.arsaparilla,
Prepared bv lr..T.C..Yr,i:Co.,I,nii-ll,MiiFS.
-oiu uy lirnyei.'d ritiv sis unties, Si.
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the United States
fjuunila nnd Europe, at Vedured rates. With
our principal ulUce located In Washington,
directly epposlti the United States Patent
Otflce, wo are utdw to intend to nil pntcnt
oiismcss wiin greater prnmpine anu iio
snitch and nl less cist than other patent at
toruevs who urn at a dlsuinCR lrom Wash
ington, tint! who have, therefore, tn employ
nssoetrtte attorneys " We mnkenrollmlnarv
examinations and luruish opinions as to isu
tcntabltltv. Iree nt cliarue. and all win, arn
interested In new Inventions and i-ntenta tire
luvlleu lo senn lor a copv ot our "itunie lor
obtaining Patents," with h Is sent tree to
any aiittress. anu contains comi icro tnrrruc.
Hons hoi to nbtaln patents and other valua
ble matter. We rcler to tho
Hank VViislib gton, D. 15.; Clio
lloyal Swedish. ivorweirinn ami inw-lsii i,. ua
Hons, at Washington : Hon. .los. t'asey, lain
(Ihlel .liutlco U. K. Court ol Claims; to tlio
Oltli'hrls or the U. S parent i)!Ke. and to
Senators and Members of CoiiKresa Irons
every State.
Addrcrs: LOTUS HUinr.lffc CO.. So
ltcltors of Patents nnd Attortie,vfal!.uw I.e-,
liruit ituiiuing' vvAb.ituTn. n. o.
xor Ycunc Men end Soys. Kcdia. Fa,
12 miles fiom Philadelphia. Fixed print
covers eveiy expense, even books, a.c. No
extra charges. No Incidental expeties. -No
examination for admission. Twelve ex
perienced teachers, all men, nnd nil gradu
ates. Special opportunities for ntit students
to advance rapidly. Special drill for dull mid
backward buys. Pntious tir students may
select any studies or choose the regular Eng
IMi, Mcleutllle, llttsiiiess, Classical or Civil
Eiiglui'eilng eourse. Students lilted at Media
Aeademv are now in llavurd, Yale, l'lluee
ton and ten other Colleges and Polvtechnln
School". 10 students sent tn college lu lsf.1,15
In 1RSI, inin lssj. 10 iu tswi. A graduating
cl.lsscverv vear lu the (smimorciul tlcpnit
incur. A Physical and Chemical Laboratory,
(Ivinnasititu nnd Pall fimtuid. l.ri"0 vols,
ndded (o Library In 1SK1. Physical apparatus
doubled lit Media has seven churrlies
audit temperance chatter which prohibits
the sale of all Inlovlc'itliig drinks. Fur new
Illustrated circular address the Pimelpal unit
Propiletor, SW1T IHN C. SHOHi MIME. A.
M.l (Harvard liraduate) Media, Pcntt'a.
Aug. 7, W-ly.
H 3 or commission tn Men and A'onieiif
fti act ns local or trawling agents. vr
No expel lenco needed. Steady
work. Jamiis P WiurNRV, Nurscmiian,
Iochcster,N. Y. (Mention this papcrlaugSSIm
Gica re it at
once and (?,
Colli in Read
&ElHay Fevor
Iynujfor Pomler
A nartlelo
F.E VE rj"J Offcntin Odors.
implied Into eaih nostril nnd Is
Jo... Itwtma ntuf
'rice m cents ill druggist ; by
man, regisiereii, no cents, iiiciiuits ireu.
gists, Ovvcgo, N. V.
for Dn. SCOTT'S
beautiful El.KiUHO
.Sample free tn Ibiiso
liecouiliu: agents. Nu i lk, tpilck sales. T it
rltnrv given. lir-Hatisf.iellon .uaratdeeil
Address 1)1!. SCOTT, M5 Hioadwny, N', oik
rtecpecirully announces to the merchants of
I.oliinhion and otners that ho Is prepared to
do all kinds of
Hauling of Freight, Express
Matter and Baggngo
at very rrnsnnabla prices, lly prompt at
tention to nil orders be hopes lo merit a share
ol public patronage. H.slilcuce, corner uf
Pino and Iron tit reft, EcliUhtoii, Pa,
I Irders lor hauling kk at t M. sweeny it
.Sou's .Store will rwwlvu prompt attention.
Oct.12, S8l-3in.
Wall Papeij.s,
Borders & 'Decorations,
Eoois, Statta!, Faucy Gocfis.
Window Shades & Fixtures,
intuit St) Id. uiaUouud put up, tf dc.-irea.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & jjenernl Painta'
No. Gl Broadway. Maacii Chm. Fa
liulow lb,, HrwJway Huuc