Homes 111 North Carolina. Tlic Most I'rndiu-tlvo Stuto in tlic Unluti The Seaboard Air-Lino I'ioiii KOUPOI.K, ItAI.HHIII. HUTHISKAX PINKS, CIIAIlLOrrKK, MOUNT 1IOM.Y, SlIIILIlY&liUTJinitl'OltinON.N.O. OHcr.1 unequalled Indiiecmetits to Settlers wishing to engage In Fanning or Miuiu tacturliitr. C-flriitn. l-'nilt, Vetelnlile,Tolarcn,Tliii-K-r ami Allneral Lands lor sale or lease at tureinelv lo' nrlces. C imate Uuoxcellefl! No Malaria! All linn-reMilents of North Carolina who uiv,li,ie lamU, anil place same under mill-V.-uluit, on the benlmarrt Alr-I.lno Heads, will no fiiriilslied Willi mi annual lasi, for one year, over Hie road on wlikli located, and vtninilY- low Kite tlrkrt for tltplr ,UII I'M mid will be charged ouly one-halt the regular Mies of freight (lurliie the first year of reM dener, on trclghtof wlintwcrrrklntl received hpeciai low raics on an arncics ui maim- fiiiin utiil iirnftiMit nf llm f.trni. As evidence of the appreciation In which the i-llinntn Is held liv .Northern uremic, we point to the fact that the hotel at kri-rui'.l.i, N. 0., Is most liberally patronized from the beginning of winter until late in the spring by prominent peoplo or Massachusetts, New York nd other Kortheru Mates, who gne unqualified endorsement of the climate and the healthful benefits derived from a lire In tho Inn? loaf nine reirlon. Soi'iitKiiN I'inf-i. lii, Moore county, n rnutlhil spot on the Ibitelgli & Augusta Alr t.lne, Is about too feet iiboic tlic sea, and in Ihecxtreme Western limit of the l-ong U-af fine belt. Climate exceedingly dry, pure and healthy, with splendid Clearwater, and Ihe locality Is pronounced, by the most emi nent HatuUirists in this country to be nilinlr iiluv adapted for persons In search of health, ami especially In case of pulmonary troubles. Lands lien.- very cheap, and specially sufaptud lo firiipo Culture and Truck l'anii fng;alo bilk Culture. Mou.vt Holly, situated on the west bank trt the beautiful Catawba ltlvcr. Is Jutt emu Inrr Into prominence, as both a Mummer and IHissesses line capabilities In being timbered winter resun. mn ruimir) uiiiiiiiiuiiim Wlin llnni wimil lur niililiuaeuii lliu, mi,! in, soil t ncellent for ejrais, Grain, Tobacco untf ftther field i-nma. Tlio latitude along the Hue of mil road cor responds with that of Middle franco and Itfllsvand Is tempered by the mild Influence" of the (nff Stream on the Knt and the high mountain ranees In the West, The mean an nual temperature Is 60" In Summer 7f, and tn Winter W. Average number of fair dais per venr fx tffi.mfny Km, and cloudy ones only J. These facts serve to show the climate Is most excellent. Persons with limited means ran purchase land on the Installment plan. If so desired, and bv snlalf monthly payments cm soon own A farm In this delightful locality. All prospectors and settlers can purchase llrkets on special orders, to be secured by ap plication to the undersigned, at the following very low rates rnoMC 1' any Station on K.i.cigli&(;astonKlt Ka.elgh&Augusta " I entral " 4 20 0 7.i 11 20 2 6 7M 4 20 6 70 7 20 io 7oi 12 ;o Frelirht on household eoods. til anv nolnl n the line, per tin) lbs. From l'ourtsmoiilh, Haltlmoru or New ork. Sic.: lloston. 40o., and return tickets can he purchased at rates named above. Write to tho undersigned forSeafxiard Air- Dim Hand IKmK, giving It.ll detailed Infill- Tlwr North Carolina Stale department of Asnruitiire is wonting in neany cooperation with this system of roads. ltoule of travel Is via "Hay Line" Steamers (Chesapeake Bay), from llaltlmoredailv at 7 P. M. "Old Dominion" l.lno of steamships, from New York, Tuesdays, Thursdays and naturnays, at. j r, ju.,itim notion, oy iuer ehants' nud .Miners Line, on Wcduesdaisand Saturdays, at 3 P. M., to Noifolk, Va., eon ucctlng there with trains of Seaboard AirLlne F, W. CLARK, WllnifiisfntT, X.C f.'enl Fl. & Pass. Agt. uav ij. ii-w m. Clausa &. Bro. The Ta.lors. 7o- the PuT)Uf r Good Cr.orntK'cr you can Pook at with satisfaction, and always foci a ccrthin ainonnt of priil'o when wearing them. To know that it fits, is stjlish ftnd will weav well is another great satisfaction. We arc determined to have nothing nt superior quality of goods m our establishment no low (fciialities that we cannot re commend to the buyer. We are still making those famous $10.. Ali.-Woi Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of them when we first commenced their make. We make tfic sume uii nowT of the mme price, and the material ire mo in an good aa ever. We also carry m 6tocri a finer guade ol GlothsandCassimers which we have a great demand lor ; they range in price-from $10. 10 $10. You will miss it if you Diil to see our bvand-new stock of CorJ:$creK8, Worsteds and Casrimers. They are bound to prove satisfactory good fits, latest styles andlow rst prices you will find pre dominate here. We also carry in stock Gent's Furnishing Goods all the latest styles. We are continually adding new novel ties to this department In I. mlies, Gents and Child rrns shoes, wo have everything that is likely to be in demand. We incite you to call, eel nil sure we can please ion, no matter what ioii want. Very Respectally, Climss & Bro., Jank Street, Lehighton, Pa. In!! i ! i iiglS tin ELteci li - AHMEftJ - KUMN Attention ! Farmers ! We I'csiH'i tfnllv rcnucsl the farmers wliomay have nnjlhlug of Interest under this head to scud It In, thereby making this department mure of n "Home'1 nature. All articles not In the shape of advertisements Inscitcd flee of charge. Kn. Aiivkoatk. Tlic small bov wlio plays circus with tlic "trick.i ut1' In tils hack yanl should see that tlic St. Jacobs Oil bottle is not empty ScDtcmtor. In September there is usually n brief respite, from the pressure of linrtl work ami jobs crowding one upon nnotlier ns in early mid late linrvcst. Tlio farmer who is only n little beforehand can easily make time to attend tlio coutily cattle show anil fair, and take some of his pro ducts, as well ns his family. Ho can do nothing more useful. There may be :i good ileal of work to do, but that can be largely left to the hired men, if they take nn interest in the work. The over- haNling anil composting of the manure, plowing und harrowing preparatory to sowing wheat, cutting up corn, and uiaiiy kinds of work of liko character may be safely left to good men, who will he sides attend thegciicrnl routine work ai d care for cattle und bhcep. The faim will nut run away if the master and mi; tress do take n play spell for n few days. WlXTEit Wiibat. If sown early, on well prepared land, less seed will be nestled. After wheat ground is plowed, whether a clover sod bo turned under, or a summer fallow is to be used, or wheat is to, follow a spring grain or even corn, thorough harrowing is essential that the seed may find a good, mellow seed but To prevent smut, wet the seed wluat thoroughly with one quart of water to the bushel, if new wheat, und three pints if old, in which three ounces of blue Vitriol is dissolved. It will not make it very wet, and the heap should be shoveled over twice lifter you think the work has been well done. When sowed, roll und draw water furrows to prevent hcav mi t from washing the lid I. Con should be cut up and stocked be fore nipping frosts, which greatly damage the fodder. These occur shortly after the fifteenth of September throughout the great northern corn belt. We prefer culling close to the ground, and it is best where farmers value the addition maue uy inc corn stalks lo Hie manure heap, as they should. FoDimn Corn thould stand until theie is (lunger from frost, and then be cut. It will pay to work even into the night to cat the crop, even though it be leltupon the ground, for it will not be hurt by a hard frost if severed from its roots. We ire liablo lo have very murky, hit weather just before frost, and such weather is liable to mildew the fodder il cut and btoeked up, while it will cure perfectly after the cool nights come. When corn fodder is pit- toil orensilned with sufficient care, and the u-o of the thermometer, and that put in one day which ought to be somewhat wilted, isallowcd to getup agood heat 12o to UlOdegrces beforo mure is milled, utiyone may have sweet ensilage; and with this, good milk, well-flavored butter and healthy calves. All the troublo is with sour ensliage; which, however, is good for fleers and store cattle. Cloviui Ski:d. Save your own if you can, anil if it is fairly free from weed seeds, such as wild carrot. Guars Sued. Sow with gram in the autumn. You will get a much better r.itch. Weeds may be fought by the plow, tlic scythe and the bou-lire. Those that hao matured seed should be gathered in wet weather, so that the seed will not shell, and put in heaps to burn. Active, FaihlnR and Reliable Cap. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply. ingbewcen Atlanlic City ami N. Y., had been troubled with a cough so that lie was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but aUiyoil the extreme sureue in Iiis breast. His children weru simi larly ullectcd ami a single dnsc had the same happy ellect. Dr. King's New Dis covery is now the standard remo ly in 1'ie Coleman houshold an-J on board the selifwiner. Pree Trial Ilnttlcs of tins Standard Kemcily at T. D. Tlromtis.' Drue Sloe. live Stock Kocn ,!s soon as the weather becomes roor all kinds of stock licgin to "nick up" and lay on l'atleniiig stock sliould t J pusliud forward. SllKEPon g(Ks! pasture gain rapidly, Kwcs, to bring enrly fambs, should run with the rani. Their period is ubout 100 days. Drouths and short pasturage in Borne sections always nrake store sheep plentiful in the markets and low in price; good opportunity U thus oflcrcd to hiiyjgowl treetlingewesnio thus often ickl up, us well as such as will fatten well, turn tlio straw sucks into good manure and sell well in the spring. Swine. The best breeds of pigs may bo fattened at a tirolil, when common, coarse breeds net a loss or no profit. Kor store pigs always use good grades. York shire or Isex or llciksbirc, 1'eland China or Cheshlreure erosi-es that will, without exaggeration, save one-third the feed. Cows on good pasture, supplemented by a feed of corn and oatmeal and bran, will keep up their llow well into the winter, nnd as good bulter may be made in September and October us in June. Winter cows sliould bo dried (ill two months, and when dry keep gaining in flesh it will all come back in milk and bulter. A few days before calving, re duce feed, give loosening diet, or physic notenough to weaken to avoid tendency to feyer at calving time. 'Michael 8trcEvff." Mr. (1, C. Hluley, while plavlng the leading part in "Michael Hldgnir," at Oakland, Oil., became so hoarse I rum a severe 0 ild that ho despaired of being aide to continue his iiart. Two Lotties of lied Star Huigh Cttro ciiliicly Cured him, Docs nut naiucatc. ifdLJ' Picfyres, Pictures, Pictures. 3 CD Z CD 1 S inn o m r CO r m 3.-5 8 3 C re Oa s 3 -i a 5 If mn For Kewral Designs am) Most Faahtonablo Styles nf DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lchighton. Gaixls muraiilced and prices as low as else where fur the sumo quality of good). July 18, 1S85 ly WM. DUFFY & SOU, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared to do oM kinds of Plasterii & Ornamental Wort at shortest notice. Orders by mall will r evive prompt atteution. Terms ninileratf or guottwurk. eeulilf LEWIS H. REHRIG, Slate Roofer. UKrURINO promptly attended to at ihort notice ami on reasonable terms. WORK GUARANTEED. Address: IT.INCE'S V. 0., Carbon Cuunty, IVnn'a. aug29-ly. CUBES XHIRf ALL ELSE FAILS. Tlcstf 'nnchMvrnn- TiLtto imiirl . M Uuu Iq time. hiiUX hy druKglHts. Ki rf--s(3r.lNT(IN Hit ETNEY, fashionable liooT and Shok 3Iaker, HanU m. i.cniicbton. All work wnrranted. This pnprr In kept on file nt the otnee of YERSOK DVERTISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING gj? PHILADELPHIA, CCTUATC; ForJEWSnrE tDIFRTISHC rrjee COIIMAICO nt Lowest Cash Rntaa rnCC Btndioo.i.ftvcD o cnrj'o Mnwtim mirr H iuii a UUU O IIIHIIUHL D. J. KISTLEIt Heenectlullv announces to thn nnhtin iht h has opened a NKW I.1VKHV sr-Aiir.K in conm-clliin with his hotel, aud t tirennrmi .. jurulih Teams for Fii'iierals Minis or Business Trips on shortest notice and most liberals arms. All urucrs ten at. ine "(jnrtsm Home" will rreelre prompt Slnble up North Street, next Hie hotel I.ehUhi'in. an'J-l Central Carriage Works Bank St., Lehlglilon, Pa.. Are prepared lo Manufsclure Can-iagcs, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Vagon, Sec, urevery description, In the most ubatantt'l manner, and at I.uweit Uath l'rlcet Itciialrlmr I'roinptly Attended to. TUEXLEIt 4 KKEIDLER, April it, 18SS yl Proprietors. M. UEILMAN, BANK STERET, Lehiehton, Pa. Miller and Dealer In Elour and Feed. lllKuid'of UIIA1.V JlOUUIITaud bOLll KdUI.AIt MAItKKT HATES. I wptthl respectfully liirnrm Ihe eltl?eli olthU place ami vicinity thai I tun fully prepared to supply them with all kinds of The Best of Coil J'loni any mine, at cry LOST' EST I KICKS. If. IIKILMAN i S3- I p0im g p S IgHraf- 50 5 is jo -pf r 5 $l o o E O el Hi aa f i. te u m m Copitnl and enlarged in all sizes from card to life size, viz OIL PORTRAITS, WATER COLORS, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photographs. All work guaranteed or no pay. All we ask is a trial. Give us a call and be convinced. No. 105 N. 8th St. Allentown, Pa. Franklin Santee, Manager, . J. S. KREIDLER, AGT. Orders left at the Advocate Office will receive prompt attention. reba-irr JOB .PRINTING. We have the finest assortment of Job Type and better Jobbing Facilities than any other office in the county. Give us a call and be convinced. Orders liy mail receive Drompt attention. The Carbon Advocate ! $1. per year ; 50c. six months ; 25c. three Months. The undersigned is prepared to furnish the best Lehigh Coal, from Harlcigh Colliery, at the following low prices, by the Car, for cash only. Credit ten cents per ton extra: Egg - - - Stove - -Chestnut No. 1 Chestnut No. 2 Prices at the Mines 25cts. per ton Less. J. L. GABEL, -DEALER Itf- HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c, &c, Opp. PUBLIC SQUAItE, LEI11G11TON, PENN'A WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE rtWlnC Green BMgl CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Dv roaaon of Its contral position and close relation to ell principal linos Er.Et r.nd wost, nt Initial and terminal polnia, constitutes tl:o most lmportcnt rnld-contl-nontil link In that svstom or throujU transportation which Invites and facili tates tra vol and trafilc botweon cities of tlio Atlantic and Pacific Coi cts. It Is also tho favorite and best route to r.nd from points Bust, Northeast and Southeast, and corresponding points W est, Northwest end Southwest. Tho Rock Island system includes in its main line and brrnches, Chicago, Jollet, Ottawa, LaSallo, I'eoria, Goneseo, Wolino end Rock Inland, in Illinois; U.ivonport, Muscatine, Wnshmjton, Fairfield, Ottumwa. Ofkalcosa West Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Molnos, Indlnnols, Wintereet. Atlantic, Knoxvillo, Audubon, Harlan, Quthrla Centra and Council Bluirs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri; Lccvonworth nnd Atchleon, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown In Dakota, and hundreds or Intermediate cities, towns, villages nnd stations. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantors Its patrons that sense of personal security afforded by n solid, thorouThly billeted road-bed: smooth tracks ot continuous Etcol rcll; sub stantially built culverts and bridqros; rollin? stock as near perfection as human skill can mako it; tho safety nppllancos of patent buffers, platforms and alr-bralcos; and that oractlnir discipline which noverns tho practical operation or all Its trains. Other specialties of tills route aro TrcnEfors at nil connecting points in Union Depots, and tho unsurpassed comforts and 'uxurlos of 'ta Pussemor Equipment. The Post Express Trains between Chicoffo end tho Mifeourl River arc com- )osod of woll ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches, Mnuniflcenf Pullman 'alaco Sleopors or the latest 1olsm, and sumptuous Dining Cars, in which elaborately cooked moals nru leisurely eaten, "(rood Digestion waiting on Appetlto, and lloalth on both." Between Chicago ana Kansas City and Atchison, aro also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cars. ' THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Is the direct and favorite line between Chlcacro and Minneapolis end St. Paul, where connections nre midn in Union Donota for nil points in tho Territories and British Provinces. Over this route, Fast Exnres3 Trains nro run to tho watering places, summr resorts, plcturesquo localities, and huntlnrr end fish- inT Qrpunas 01 iowa ana Minnosota. it is also tne meet acsirame routo to mo rlcn v;hoat Holds and paatomriands of interior Dnkota. Still mother D'REOr LINE, via Seneca and Kankakee, has been openod botwoon Nowpor' News, Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, r nd Lafayotto end Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul and lntcrmodiato points. For detallod information bob Maps and Folders, obtainablo. as well as Tickets, at nil principal Tickot Offlcas In the United States and Canada; or by addressing R. R. CABLE, President and General Manager, Chicago. jr ujt'OCKaees muinq va po KTrfrwrw "ntiftlarBBprorortloni XJU.CLtiivi..orwLomiw,rtolalltrMi nSgr?r. semihal pastilles: A iladlcal Cure for berroQiDebilitr.Orminla WulrnUM nml P)it rnl DamtIh Vaikia WA. thaaaaDrleABM thov nhaointj' I t rKlnM rti-Mtnatnral asvd q4 broken down men to the fall enjonnrnt ot perfort and full MrqW Strength and Vitroroui IleaUh. . To thova who suffer rrotacliainaar obMniradlMases tiroQQht a boat br Indiscretion, Kinonr, Orer.Hrata workuortoo frea Indulaencn, wea< that 70a eeud ut roar nima with etatemnn t ot your troubln, and wcuro T1UAL 1'ACKAG K FHKK. with llloit'd P.mrblM.Aa. RUPTURED PERSONS can huvo FREE lfade wholly of Chilled Iron and IWsMjmwr Steel, tliiihed li tniltatiun uf ltowwood. Walnut. Hurl und Oak. llure than I'ul already iuM. Owti but little, can ba used In any univt, Is nlr rind ivntrr lite lit and burs-nr-yrauT. pruturtx both cas ket and txtdv (rum dampriens. inuuld and decay and (rota bur ruwluf uuluials uud ermlu Iifm Vaults are kept In stock aud are for iae oittrtakrr und Eintnlnuir, Alan.dra ler all In tlio undertaking buiiucaf promptly auanered VTA imTTULZUASMm o o o o o o In Yard. Del. in Town $3.25 $3.50 3.35 3.25 2.15 3.60 3.50 2.40 GEOGRAPHY OF THIS CCUMTRY, WILL E. ST. JOHN, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago. Avoid tht uiipoiltion ol prcUotloui rrm din fortbrMtroublci.and all Qoackg, unnunn 1 um iiiad ha.i ihAirvin. wllh UCDtjun to buaineai. or miu nalra i'.u noiwmii, uoi nui inicnere f trliicoiivcaiencinmr wij. Founded onKlentlBe mcdtrtl rrinclpfei. Qr dlrvrt lnrfnnria foil with nut Hrtav Th n.i..p-.i autUaoImaJinr rlementi of life n ich, hf pitlrnt become cnetrful and wpidly joIdi both irtpgta aud huUti TREATMENT. Oai Koatb, . Tto Kctl Titje, 1 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfm Chemists. 300W U. Tenth Street. ST. LOUis. MQ. fitliMlAnanf lk human ftririnlini riinwl 1-V. Trial of our Appliance Ak lor Termo! 0 Should be used In every Inter menu Allnrd positive and ah auluta seiuirlty ncalntt the gravo ruiiber. Is rrnriy fr luiniedlata use and l pructifnlly ludefttruci Ible. ludurHeilHn'l rei'uiuinendeil by fmlertnkcrs, Ceinetery Amih elation and leaJliiff cltliena ev ervwlMTB. MwitiifHitiirtHl oy Ilia EilUilNUI'IKM) S Kt CO.. by VALENTINE SCHWARTZ. FnrnUliln kinds of Kl'ltSlTl ItB CM.-tii,lning day or night, Buuk el., Lchljjliluu. 2-2(1 (iin Constipation Is n unlvcrnal nml most trimblf .kiiiip ills ortlcr. It causes Hcailncliu , Montal Do prcsslon, Impairs tlio Sight nml Hcnrlng, lustroyH tlio AppctUv, ami, wlicn liyig cuiitlnili'il, causes KnlarKumcnt ol tilt 1.1 vcr, Itillaininatiiiu u( I lie Iluwcls, ifinl l'lles. Cdiistlpatiuti is speedily cured by Aycr's Tills. For n number of months' I vim troubled with Costlvcnrs.i, in consc iiucmc of whlrli I suffered from ol Appetite, Dyspepsia, aud u ditordered liver. Mv eyes also troubled mo compelled to wear n shade over them and, nt times, was unable to bear ex posure to tho light. I was entirely CURED BY USINQ thrpc boxes of Ayer's I'llls 1 have nr hesitation In proiiimuciiiK this incillclm to bo the liest entliartlu ever made. -James Eeclcs, l'oland, Ohio. I suffered from Consli'allnn,and.ron srnuontly, from llewlaehe. Indigestion and Piles, for years. Ayer's Tills, wljlel I took at tho siijruvdinu of a friend, ha given me effci'tual relief. I ronimcneei tnliiiiRtliis remedy two uioiiths ago, mn am uow freo from Constipation, thu rc moval of which ha caused my othei troubles to disappear, and greatly lui proved my general health. W. Kceler Amherst, Moss. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such nn obstinate form that I fearcil a stoppage of tho bowels. Twi Imixcs of Ayer's Tills cured mo, com. pletely. I). Hurke, Saco, Me. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver 9e Co.. towell, Mass Sold by all IrKgliU and iK-tilcri In Mudlcine N AWAY! Ten thousand Babies arc given yearly to tlic grave by not having Dr. Hand s Teeth ing Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW! Something Wonderful ! SOMETHING MAGICAL! To bathe the Baby's gums while teething, relieving all inflammation, swelling nnd pain. LOST ! A good many night's resi by not having Dr. Hand? Colic Cure, for it gives Bab) comfort and sleep without stupefying or injuring it. No opiates, xso constipation. Hand's Tlcmcdics for Chil dren sold by all Druggists Laboratory at Scrantcn, 1'a. Doe. 5, SS ly eo.w. DOX'T BUY AN ENGINE Until yon have tern our eln Hlnr anl prices S5U.O0 for 16-llnifB Power, to t550." lor 1.0 norm I'nwer. Knulnes romplvta Willi k1"'. ornor. Pump, Heater, Throttle Vnlve am1 Sliiht Keril-Utllndur l.ubrii"iior. Store tlnu 10iHj In ii.n. Snml lor clrrulnr ulrlnx lull inonlals from every State In the Union. Per (ecl satisfaction Kuaranluil. Muitms jiAimiNi: wiiKs. Ilaldivliisville. N. Y. Mention this IMperJ lniiiria-8 "MnDMia voj hum MANUFACTURERS who have tailed and deslie to eslnlillsh them selves again In a small wnv, or pnietieal mi-ti eonimeiielng tiuslne.-s ran learn of a place where they can gel a location, free maeliinen traiiHjHirtcd fnmi either New llnrk or Haiti more free of cunt and the full eivoperatlon ol iiMiongralhoail company. Address Commissioiier of Immigration. July IT, ltce-tf. IIalkIiiii, K, C $1 13 'WEEKS. The rOLIOE GAZETTE will he mailed, seeurely wrai.'il, tn any aililrjss in the United Slalea forlhree mouths on receipt ut ONE DOLLAR, Liberal dlreount allowed tn postmaitara, acenis nun eiiihs alllplQ copies maileil free. Address all orders tn ltlCIIAltD K. FOX, Fkinklix SqiMnic, N. Y. Mar 30, I8S1 ly SODA WATHIt ) KOI)A WATKIt f SODA WATHIt i- HODA WATHIt KODA WATHIt SODA WA1E1I -AT- Dr. C. T. Horn's, CKNTUAi. I DltlHl STOIIH. t'KNTUAI. DHIUI STOltK. CliNTltAl, DKUti HTOIIK. I lute the largest ami most select stock of MEDICINES & CHEMICALS ever brought to town. 1 also constantly carry In stiK-k aud otfer for sale at prices that defy coinietltlou u complete line ot Wall Paper AND DecorationS, rrcserlptlons carefully conioiiiided. SODA WATKIt ) 1 SODA WATHIt SODA WATKIt ) i SODA WATHIt SODA WATHIt J I SODA WATHIt ieorys.iv Dollar per year, li the nrli-n fif I lio Pa nitnv Aiu k viicATi:. Contains nil the oi i no wees aim in " terostluu letters from New York. WashliiKtou. tlio .South, and other (mints. Tlio only pa- vt m mo county at t-i.uu pr year. wsirr roa eiseuiSB( q5 i-i a l i it, i V 5 2 i I A TITO ULU MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. John C. Fremont Is writing n llfo of Thomas .JclTerson. Three young Incii of lloston recent ly rode tlielr bicycles from that city to New Orleans, a distance of one thot sand seven hundred miles. rilMl I Files It riles 1 1 Sure cure for blind, blccdlnc and Itching piles. One Ihix lias cured the worsi case of ) years standing, iso one need suffer live minutes alter using William's Indian rile Ointment, ltnh sorbs tumors, allays Itching of the pri vate parts, nothing else. Sold by drug gists nnd mailed on receipt of price, 1. William's Jlf'c. Co.. Pron's.. Cleveland, u. sold at l nomas drug store. Agnes Glover, tlicclghtecn-ycnr-old daughter of the Itcv. Kllsha V. Glover of lladdonllcld, I'a., was paralyzed while kneeling by her bedside In prayer. She was found there unconscious, and died not long afterward. To Yonng l.adiei. If your life Is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples and other eruptions on tho face man-Ins vour bcautv and causing so much chagrin, It Is no longer necessary to endure It. Dr. Flagg's Family Ointment will certainly remove an sucn Diemisties and leave your skin soft, smooth and beautiful. Sold by all druggists nnd mailed on receipt of price, 20c. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, U. Sold at 1 nomas drilj store. It Is expected that Mrs. Cleveland will open the Minneapolis Exposition dy touching n telegraph key In tho Ad irondack cottairo.wlilch willbccoiinccted with the Exposition building by wire, "Mischief, thou art afoot," as the beau said when his girl's father booted him through the doorway. Hav Fever. I have been a great sufferer from hay fever for IS years, nnd have tried various tilings without doing any good. I read of the many wondrous cures of Ely's Cream Halm and thought I would try once. In fifteen minutes after one application I was wonderfully helped t'wo weeks ago I conimenctid using It and now I feel entirely cured. It Is tlie greatest discovery ever known or heard of. Duhamel Clark, Farmer, l.eo, .uass. A meteor, brilliant with blue nnd red lldit, was seen from Eastport, Jle., a few nights ago. It wasscen fortlilrty seconds, nnd left a red track across the sky after the meteor had disappeared, To be wiser than other men Is to be Innester than they, and strength of mind Is only courago to sec and speak the truth. The Terrible Drain Which scrofula has upon tho system mini be arrested, and the blood must be 'jurllied, or serious consequences will ensue. For purifying and vitalizing idTects, Hood's Sarsaparllla has been toundsupcreor to any oilier preparation. It expels every trace of impurity from the blood, and bestows new life nnd vigor upon every function of the body, tumbling It to entirely overcome disease . The widow of the eldest son of ex-S- nator .McDonald, Mrs. L. 1. McDonald who lias taught aprlvaleschool InWash 1 igton for years past, died In that city on Wednesday. The living get credit for what they mlf-lit bo quite as much a3for what they re. Posterity judges a man by the best rather than the avenge of his at ainineut. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They of ten say. Oh, it will wear away, but In nost cases it wears them away. Could hey be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's l'alsam, which tve sell on a positive guarantee to curp, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. I'riceiiOc and SUX). Trial site free. Sold by T. 1). Thomas, l.ehlghton and .. iilcry, Welssport. Philip Pierce, a negro of Jackson ville, Fla., wants lo bet 4-30 that he can suck forty-eight raw eggs and drink a gill of whiskey within an hour. If you desire to possess a beautiful complexion take Ayci's Sarsaparllla. It cleanses and purifies the blood, and removes blotches and clear, and pimples, making the skin smooth and clear, and -;ivlng It n bright and healthy appear ance. Take It this month. Fine strawberries of the second crop are arriving In Baltimore fiom Anne Arundel county, and sell nuickly for fifty cents a box. Croup, whooping cough and bronchi tis immediately lelleved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Horn, Lchighton, and niery, ll'elssport. e o w Mr. John (Silbcrt, the veteran actor, ts nt Maiiehester-on-thc-Sea, w here he has spent his summers for some thirty years past. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We guarantee, it. Dr. C. T. Horn, Lehigliton, nnd Hlcry, Welssport. The Democratic and Republican candtdatrs for Governor of Tennessee are brothers, ltobcrt L. and A. A. Taylor. yiilloh's Yltlllzer Is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all .symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 aud V cents per bottle. Sold by II'. F. Illery, ireissport, and Dr. C. Ilorn, Lehigliton. In the midst of his Infirmities, dur ing which he has sometimes for days together been unable to hold a pen Mr. Sptirgcon has Issued Ills nineteen-hundredth sermon Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shlloh's Catarrh Itemed)'. Price W) cents. Nasal Injec tor free. Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn, Lc highton, and W. F. Iilcry, ll'elssport. To cement cracks In stoves mix stove blacking, flour and cold water. Another way Is, take, equal parts of sifted allies, clay and salt, and a little water. Sleepless nights, made miserable, by tint terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure Is the remedy for you. Sold by Horn, L dilhton, and liierv, Welssport. ''Carpets aro lower than ever," says an advertiser. How can that be? They wcro down on the floor before. Ashma. Ilronchltls. Consumption. Fontaine's Cure relieves a cold in 12 hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. You can whip any thing out of a child but badness, or whip anything Into It but goodness. If you scorch clothes in Ironing. place them In lliesun to draw-the marks out. Glad tidings, lteilef and cure of throat ami lung disease. Fontaine's Cure is guaranteed to cure it cold in 1- hours. Sold by C. T. Horn, Druggist. Humble love, and not proud science, Keeps i tie uoor oiueaveii. Dependence on the Holy Spirit was never meant to be an encouragement to Intellectual indolence. MALT WHISKEY ripeelntlr MatUled for Mrdlclnnl Uae. THE BISI TONIC I UNEOUALEOfer CONSUMPTION WAST I NO DISEASES md GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. Dll. ET)W Ii. WAI.MNfl, 8nr K'ii In Chief, National Uutnl if N, J..wr.teii HMv attention wim mUm) t Tour F)itine HH UMky by Mr. I lr, InigftUt, f Trrntuti. nnl I lmre Died f-w buttlr with hr bftlt-r f ffcrt limn rhv t lmTfl ltf1. 1 m trpmunemlinji oiif urtlcle In toy jnrilct nud Ami It Tpry twitlsfMctory. bxwasz or DtXTlTXOrS. trT Th Cm iin t ih RlcktirtJ EIAN1.R at I'KIflULSO! EISNER & EftENDELSON, (Sol Attl, f.rlh. U. S.) 316, 318 and 320 Rva St.. Philadelphia, P. For sale nt Dr. Horn's. THE CHAUTAUQUA '. Com&Seed Planter. n A QNE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. (April 4, 1882. rnt" (Fob. 24, 188, All of Metal, Light. Stroatr, Well Constructed and Elegantly Fainted. Plants Corn (and pumpkin, ooeda), Boana, etc WORKS WILL IN IODDT, LUMPY AND STONY GROUND. Illftbly i and I recommended by Farmer ami Dealers In all arctlona. The time, saved In one day's U8o will pay tor it. PRICE, - - S2.70. Liberal dlaennnt to agents and tlie trade. Canrasfcrs catlly make 110.00 per day in tlio planting season. Send for o!reulart and extra Indnc.. meats to agents and canvnxcrs. t. Mention this pa per, nnd address, ThedhautanqpapiantEiidompaniJ JAMESTOWN, I. V. Hsjts and TJlddlc-- Kd Uuu &' Yomic x,.dlrt tS r r i ucre. tful star rn iu.lne life .1 Coleman Colleff. irewanclf. J. lifajtholarOiinftO. No Vat. lion. 5.I.. attont,ecuntl vlttnd lred. Illti.ira-edt-atattr. ataltMc. apwicatlon. UcurColcnao, riin., Ilrra Wlilte. rit. UEST IN THE WOULD aT Uet tho Gcuutna Sold ETCTTwhcra, ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruoe St., Now York. Send lOots. for lOO-Pago Pamphlet, BT. J. V.NKWMAX, P.D.r-VRlntlrs POND LILT l'roiiuuuti alt TIIII.1.T WAM1 la sUC'CKSti. IntrodlltM. br nmiipli-i. We rnt emclrtil cailTaa.cri Iftl meiltatetr, llauit-a lp.i. l wufc-jrt .. , (,...., t.rmal. rrllal'le pcratiita. lirnitmlx-r llda la ivetapttf artif If at.-t Jt.u may .Irpt ntl on r,m.. wrTll'trill-MfiCl'rr.. Aw. ill Vli I i t I JJ'' &SVEH1( SALEABLE WITHOUT SUFFERING Uaera of Oplam, are yott aware that Dr. LesUp E. Kcelejr's - IIoubls t'llLuniuc or Oou" will care the won't casu of thla terrible habit In from three to five, vrecka (at home) without wniTor Itisr. Unllko other ao called " palnleaa antldotea," Itrontalm not onei pnrtirlc uf aninm, QZ any ofltH prepnrntlonH,andyrt (ho patient, while rapidly mincing bis morpblno down to nothing, lii able to attend to his oidlnarj fcni'.tnrM and enjoy lite aa lio liaa not dona alnee Vvftnalne the Opltitu or Morphlno Habits. Send for Faiar on the Uplnin Habit. KltKK, or for Dr. Leslie K. Recley'a new work. "Opium! lis Ure, Abaae and Cure," ent freo on application. It la the moat complete and conwrehcnidre work ever pnbllftiaa on the subject, and clvea fall inntruclioaa for sell core at home. Addrcaa, or call on TUB LESLIlt K. EfiBLET CO Dwisbt, III. DRUNKENNESS! Cured tn from tares to nine dan. A Corrector, Eeculator, Herve-Eeit. "TheJIeartlSlhtSenlcfJAe." An A nf mvrv flvn wn tnnf-t hna MmO form of Heart Dlscnao, nnd is in corn taut dan cer ot Apoplexy or Sudden Death! SYMPTOMS nnd DISItASK. For which this Itcmedy lionldto taken Ilt-art-palns lhilpltatlon Jlenrt-drnnsy jfl-lkata Tbroliblnp; Spasms (tit) laiimoiiitia j-iinnu-u4 iwii-tjttwM fliaky-Nen-cs Pyncorio 1 alnt-spclls . . lot-Qashes l'anilysb Ilcart-sj-mpatiietio Jtuthnflttnodtothe lltad, raVU-eircvla. tlnn,Lalred'hrcalMnq, lltart-tnlaroanenl, iJN'rn-oua-pi-Mtraton, ifrart-rheumottem, KruraWiiaml Valvular IHutu. Ono lliUklno will not euro all klada of DtaeuM THIS ItRiriKDV IS A SI'ECIFIO, Jt l'rcTatal'alaj, bkK,ftnaaeia areata. T-.. Intmvltrtnt. ta frrtm VCMretatllO DrO- dnctswhleliBTOwinelirbtof ovt-rv unfor- tttnato puuerer. itconuiiua uu iuurutt, Opium or Injurious drugs. fST J'at a "lr or Impirt Bio ton fcope (fa I'ortrylHf Imliiuntt. 1'iticn 51.00 u Domes jjo.oo. tTreparwlot Dr. Kilmer's Dispensary, Uliniliamton, N. V.. U. B. A. Tetter of liitjulry ronipUy awwrrf. JntviJfifV aible In Health (.Sent J-Vef). SOLI) uv all imucoisxs. TViirriinted tlio moat perfect Fnree-Foed I'i rtllUer Drill In oxlstrnro. bend for circular. A. B. FAD 8 U HAH, York, Pa. P liBlt