I LAI Aro jolI r-eklSwi enouh to wntiin ' If so Viking Uo, r'-' nnl iJJ WahlnTMn St. n' Hew York, for ouo ot tlic btiaiiUful i.i:ie trated" taiUps'tlOblsS. It Et37i0Vlr uuur.w. and Interesting ivork to every person of refinement. ... , On receipt cf ten cents In stamps they will send postpult. i Mil sst of thjir famous household (rtuno Vci-fJit. , , i'or ton eeiiis they will ulxo soud a book con taining cotnploto words of "Tlio ltlkado,"uiid lomlc of Its tnot popnlnr tongs, together with tuu axijnltlto cliromo enrds. A very plcsslng.1mnntessolycjiTldr.cd aromatic coiniRiTind forfdiSKnlsIiiif tho tusfu ut qui""1,0 snd other -bitter unite, ellTicr solid or fluids l'rlre, JBrNiier I'liittlottlo. Prescrlbul by ehonsandsCtpllyslMiWisin Uuropo and America. Formula Mconnnitriea cv.-ry boltlo. For ai!o by Brupglsts. 3i..,nnfactnrcd by The Academic Thnrmacettlio Co., I.O.tnOX AND SKW YOBS. 532-536 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YOP.K CITY. ELI An elegit CurMsIj pharmaceutic proper, sfton for liijious, malarial and blood troubles the result of over tweuiylvo years of most eminent sctectlflo ruvarcli. Approved by the htahest modlcnl authorities. In us) la I'm .hospitals la cveiy part ol Europe. Kspnclally helpful to ladles, children and rooplo of sedentary habits. Entirely vegetable: free from harmful drugs. In Handsome Packages, Prica 50 Cts, Treparcd solely by To Roylil Plihi'nh.dcutid C-t LONDON AND NEW YORK, Chemists by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen and to the Uoyal Family. NEW YORK IIRAN'CH: 130, 132, 134 Charlton St. ROYAL PILLS. Bame medicinal properties ns Hoyai. Elixir, In boxes, DO pills to box, for Hi cents. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitters C0HDIAL,(( ''j!" 50c. Vinegar Bitters POWDERS, CO doses, 50c. Vinegar Bitters, newt.lylc.l,ltJ$l.00 Vinegar Bitters, old style, bitter lastc, $1.00 ThoWorld'3 Great Blood Purifier and Llfo Olvlns Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Known. The rait filth of u "c:;luiy the Luuillng Faintly Medicine of tlio World. R. H. McDonald Dmi Co.. Proprietor! SAN FRANCISCO ANU NEW YOItlC. TUP Qnil'TH Are you Interested In Icarn lHlj 0 JU lil. Ins tho truth couccrnlni? tho omuneru mail's sou, eum.ui, people, social hnbltH, ele.? Send i EN CENTS addressed, to r. Woiilwaicl.ifonneilyof Pennsylvania) Southern Vines, Moore comity, X. (.',, and It-1 CUIV.U CO)l.V III DOC 1 Hi;ilA UOM'.MNI'. Olaugs & Bro., The Tailors. To the Puhlic : Goon Clotiiino you can look at with satisfaction, and always feci a covt.'.in amount of pride when wearing thoin. To know that it fits, is stjlisli and will wear well is another great satisfaction. We arc determined to have nothing hut superior quality of goods in our cslahlishment no low qualities that we cannot re commend to the buyer. We are still making those famous $10. All-Wool Suits which proved so satisfactory to all who purchased of thorn when we first commenced their make. U'e mnlte tlio mine suit vow, at the same price, und the mnterittl ice use is as tjuod as ever. , Wo also carry in stock a tinek cuade of Cloths n'dCassimers which., wo nave a great demand lor; they range in price fiom $10. to $40. You will miss it if von fail to see our brand-new stock of Corkscrews, Worsteds and Cussimers. They arc bound to prove satisfactory- good fits, latest st vies andlow- eft prices yoji will find pre dominate here. We also carry in stock Gent's Furnishing Goods n'l the latest styles. We are continually adding new novel tics to this department In Ladus, Gents and Child rens shoes, we have everything that is Jikoly to be in demand. We invito iou to call, fad ing sure .icv can please you, no matte)' irhut ijon want. Very IiespaJfully, Clauss fc Bro., I3ank Street, Lehi jhton, I a. XIR bAH.IYlfc.Kb' Culu.yiv Attention ! Farmers ! AY iisifi thill) 1 1 fjticst thi" (miners who may have mijtlilni! or IhtriTst tinilcr this bend to send It In') tliereliy ini'klng lids department more of u "hdinc" nature. All iirllili'S nut in the sliiipe of HiHcitlseiiiitits inserted free of cliiuce. Ki. Aiivouath. Ladles will find Ecleif from tlicir lita lurlic, costlvcncss, swim ming In the lieail, colic sour stomach. restlessness, etc., by taking Simmons j Liver Regulator. It is mililt safe und lnt-asam. Orcen Manuring. Uy the term green manuring is meant the practice of growing nnd plowing under crops in the green ttato to cnrioli the foil. A soil is said tp be pruducivo in proj-crtion to the'tiniount of hiunr.s it contains. Humus is formed by the decomposition of animal und vegetable matter. If a heavy growth of vegetation, grain, clover or weeds is plowed under n certain amount of plant food is returned to the soil. It would be very natural to tuppobc that the decayed Mem of nno plant would contain good acceptable food for another. If plowing under has been done on n clay soil six months afterward by dinging down through the furrow, a dark stratum will Lc found where the weeds fell and rotlc'd. Repealed plow ing under of green crops will fill tlio ground with humus and restore the worst worn land to fertility. The objection to this method of ferti lizing is I he length of time required, as several years mint elapse before many crops could he added to the toil. It is very important then to adopt the totalion that will admit of thegreatcst number of crops in the shortest time. Some plants add morefertility to tho snil than others, but these are not always the ones that are easiest grown, especially on poor ground, and it is cry important to get a good growth to plow under, l'yo will grow where no other grain will, and yield a fair crop. Another advantage is its growth in winter. In the latitude of Southern Illinois rye may bo sown in November mid plowed under when fully headed out in Slay, and tlio ground sowed immediately with Southern cow peas and plowed under in July or August. Another towing of peas will make a patli.il crop by the first frost, when it can be turned under and the ground again (-ceded to rye. Tlii-i inake three crops plowed under m one vear. Aji. AomcfLTunis". An Enterprising1, Eeliable House. T. D. Thomas druggist can always 1)3 reucii-upon, not only to cany m btock tlio best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well known merit, and arepopul.ir with the people, thereby sustaining the reputation of k'ing always enterpriiing, un 1 ever reliable. Having s -curel the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King's Xcw Dis covery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive, guar.inlee. It will cure any and every ejection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show oiir coiilidencc, we invilu you to call and get a Trial llottle Free. A col l. damp soil, with a hard, impervious subsoil, is 'not suitable fi r a garden, and before it can bo prope.ly utilized should be well drained, l'or garden purposes, if a tile drain has been laid, the trenching system is best for such soil-.. Any method that permits it to rid itself of surplus inoistureaud allow the air and heat to enter, will be bene ficial. Tho tame tare in the selection for soed should bo made as with tho other plants I'rodui'tivenes-i, maturity and funn are fully as important as size. All plants 'ntended to produce teed for another season's crop should not only bo selected hut planted away from other variitie . Sweet corn growing in the neighborhood, of field corn will be ruined for seed the succeeding year. Ono among themany eminent church dignitaries who have given tlicir publie endorsement to the wonderful elliciey of St. Jacobs Oil,in cases ol'rheumatisin'aiid other painful ailments, is the Right Reverend Ilithon Oilmour. Clevebuv1. Ohio. At this season the milk is often flavored with onion or wild garlic. The only remedy i to clean out the pastutcs either by-pulling them up, or allowing the garlic to grow until nearly ready to seed, then cutting it down. To do this the cows must bo kept out of the pasture for awhile. It requires work to vi-.idii-.ita the pasture ol weeds, but it must bo done if odors in the milk and butter are to be avoided. The onlj cough mixture before Un people that contains no opiates or nar cotics is Red Star Cough Cure. I'rice, twenty-five cents. A correspondent of the AVusteux 1'r.owMAN savs almost any variety of eornoan bo obtained by careful selection of seeds. For a variety that could not be injured I y wet weather he gathered strong healthy ears that hung down up on erect stalks; and for best results in shelled corn ears with deep grains and tmall cubs, bearing grains tho entire length. Ho advises trying this a few years and noting the results, Profcss'ir Cook says the foil iwing mixtirrewill not only vanquish the apple tree bar!: louse, but keep oil' ths borers t s well. It is to heat to the lulling point one quart of soft-soap in two gallons of water, and whilu still hot thoroughly ur nun mo mixture one pint ot cm a carbolic acid. He thinks the best wav to apply it is to rub it on thoroughly with a heavy cloth, .sing (lie hands alsi during tlio operation. An Ohio amateur gooseberry grower succeeds in glowing very lino fnut, both insizo and quality, on a cool, clay soil, i ..i ..... . . " ku ping inu pianis open in the tent a by pruning. When they start in o growth In the spilng he Immediate!;- din buds to prevent them from becoming too don.c, and thus admits n free circulath n of air, He mulches heavily during the simmer. With this treatment he is litio 1 1 milled with mildew, i Subscribe for the C'auuo.n Aovocatk $1,00 dulh.r per yi .r To Begalate mFAVORllli HOME KEMEDY ti warranted not to con tarn a single par tlcl of Mercury or any injurious tub stance, but Is purely vegetables It will euro all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, . Kidneys and Stomach. If your Uver I out of order, then your whole system It deranged. Ine blood is Impure, the breath offensive i you hav headache! feel languid, dispirited And nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons REGULATOR. If you lead a sedentary life, or Ruffer with Kltlnpy AliVctlonn. avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at i fight, take a dose and you will feci relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Oumlpntluii, I)ypcpit-i and lUlitursiioHS, eek relief at once In Simmons- Liver Regulator. It does nol -require continual doling, and costs but a trlile. It nill cure you. If you uake tip in the morning with a bitter, bacj Uste in your mouth, Simrhon Liver Regulator. It cor rect l-hcHiliou. Stomach, nweetens the BhMth. and cLanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic, to avert 'approaching sickneR Simmons Liver Reeula lof Will relieve Colic, Head ache' Sick Stemachr Indigestion,. Pysentcry, and the Complaints iucident to Childhood. At anytime yMi fiiej-you r.i-ys tern needs cleansing, toninp'regtilaiirgw ithom violent purging, or simulating without Intoxi cating, take i I a 9 1 PREPARED D1 J. H. ZEIUN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. For Newest Designs and Most Fsaliiouablo Sty In of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c., &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Gnuils cunrunlerd and prices ns low ns else- ulioit) fur the s.iiue quality of goods. July 18, 1865-ly WM. DUPPY & SON, of East Maud) Chunk, aro prepared to do nfl kinds of Plastering & Qmamtal Wort, at shortest notice. Orders by mail will r ceivn prom pi utlentlnn. Teiius mo.lrrute or good work. 601.1511 LEWIS H. REHRIgT Slate Roofer. REPMWXG promptly attended to ut sliort notice and on reasonable terms. WORK GUARANTEED. Address: ritlNCE'S P. 0., Carbon Onuiity, IVim'a. auuZ'J-ly. cms ivHini tn tsrrflii s. ita ItcKtCnuirliSvruu. TaetoaiToutl. Prij lints lu Liiup. Siifil bv ilniL'irlsLi. 1 : zz : i " i OI.1NTON HRETN'lSY.IwlilonaMe Iluo r nml Siiok .11 a id; u. lianb St. 1-clilliton. Alt work warranted. This paper Is lirpt on Clc nt tlionfllccof r ADVERTISING GENTS Wme8 building itisu Philadelphia. CO II 1(1 H ! CO nt Lowest Cash rintas rtltC etna i or. it. nu I'D d enu'e rmnuiiRt stamps for riii.ii a ouii o IllllliUHL D. J. KISTLER Hefpectlully annonnos tn llm nnhllc tlist he has uiiunail s, NEW 1,1V Hit V s I'a iii.k i. Clinn.ctlon With Ills hotel, aud Is hretmrcl m jurnlsli Tenuis Tor Fonsrals f cliiii or Business Trips on shortnt notlcoand most llbernlteniK. All orders kflut tlie"Curh.n House" will receive prompi aucniion. ainDle oo Norm S'reel, aexltheholol Lehlthi'in. iiinTi-vl AgntTwauteiisiv:;iv.sVi;si,!,y,! Iiesl-Ktiimn Nnrvrles In the country. Mint liberal trrnn. Uiii'iiialed tiu-illtles." I'rlei's '.'!y- (ivneva Nui-siiry. IMablisheil 1S10. W. .t T. SMITH, Ueui'Mi, X. V. e o w-lt Central Carriage Works Uiink St., Lehighton, Pa., Arc prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Uuggies, Sleighs, Spring "Wagon, Sec, irevery description, tn tho most substantia manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices Itvpalrlnir Promptly Attended to. THEXLEK & KI1EIDLEM, April S, lsw yl Proprietors. M. JIEILMAN, BAKK STET3ET. Lehighton, Pa., Miller and Denier In Flour and Feed. VIlKllldlot tfilAlJf JlOttjIITaud bOI.I) RKUUIAII MARKllT ItATKH I would resecltiillyliifoiin tin- clllin of this naiH.-aiiu iit-iiiiiyiiiai i aiiiiiiuy preliarcit to supply them v. Illi nil kinds of The Best ol tosil I'l'nin any iiilur, at M l J tor EST IMtUTS. If HFltUAN .. n ii.. 3. YOU WAIST The Carbon Advocate ! .per year ; 50c. six. SB I C rf U IE Copied and enlarged in all sizes from card to life size, viz OIL PORTRAITS,' water-colors, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photographs. All work guaranteed or no. -pay. All vc ask is a trial. Give us a call and be convinced. No. 105 N. 8th St. Allentown, Pa. Franklin Santee, Manager, J: S. KREIDLER, AGT. Orders lefV at the Advocate attention. All the latest Styles and Shades ! Best Qualities ! Lowest Prices ! Also a full and complete line of Pure Dotgs and MedicnesI Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &. Tobacco ! rerserlpllon carefully compounded day or night, at W. P.Jjery's, Cor. White & Bridge sts. Weissport, The undersigned is prepared to furnish tho licit. Lehigh Coal, from llarleigh Colliery, by the Car, for cash only. Egg - - - Stove - - -Chestnut No. 1 Chestnut No. 2 - Prices at the Minos 25cts. per ton Less. J. L. GAJBEL; DEALER IN HARDWARE LUMBER, COAL, &c, &c, Opp. PUBi.TC ? QUA HE, LEfllGlITON, PENN'A WHO 13 UNACQUAIrlTgD WITH TII2 OEOaRAPHV OF THIS CCUNTRV, V.'l'-t-CEE DV EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE jfiiffiHsjMo,, o. (illi no i b : i arriAt7sAG-c7K4gf Ujr I CHICAGO, ROCK 8SLAND & PACIFIC RA1LVAV By reason of iti central position and closorelstion torll principal lines reotend Wo3t,o.t Initial and tormlnal points, constitute 1 tl o moot lmpoitentrjid-ccntl-nontalllnk in that system or throuj'j transportation Vflilcli Invites and lacill tatos travel and trattio between clti03 or tlio Atlantic nuil Pccliio Cockt3. It Is also tho favorltoand ho3t routa to end Irom points Erst, Northeast and Eouthoast, and corresponding points W est, Northwest end KaiuhweBt. Tho Rock Island ayatjm includes in Its main lino and brrnches, Clilcagro, Jollot. Ottawa, La Sails, Peoria, Genesoo, Molino end Itoclc I&land, in Illinois; D.ivanport, Mussatlno, washinjton, Fairtield. Ottumv;n. OeUclcosa Vcst Liberty, Iowa City, Da3 Moines, Indlandla, wlntereot. Atlantic, KnaKvillo, Audubon, Harlan, Quthrla Contra end Council Clutl'e, in Iown; Gr-llatln, Trout jn, Cameron nna Kansas City, in Mleeourlj lcovcnvorth and Atchison, lu K '.nsa3; Albort Loa, tllnnoapolls and St. Paul, in Ulnncsotn; Wctcrtomi in Oalioca, a.id hundrodaof iutrmodlato cities, tov.r.s, vil.accs or.cl Etatlonc. TEE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Ouaranto-3 Ita patrono that sonso or personal occurlty afforded by n solid, thorourhlv b'llyjtad roid-bod; smooth traclrs of contlcuouo Etccl rail; Eub otantiall built diverts and uridTos; rolling otocl: no nccr pcrfcct'cn as human B'rlll cm mako it; tho safaty appllanco.3 of pctent buflcro. platfoirna and olr-brAteoa; p.nd -that enacting disolpllno v;ldch riovcrrjj tho practical opo-.-atlan or all lta traln3 Ot'ir epoclaltioa of this louto aio Trnnstrs at pH cortnesmj points in Union Depots, a:-d tho uncurpoieed cemforts and 'usnrioj ar 'ta I. s3entor Equlpraont. The li'ast riK.r-'S3 Trains batwoan Chicago end the Ml'fiouri Elver no corn poaodor v,-oll vcntllatad, iinoiy upholstered DayCoachc3. Mcrniflcent Pullman P.Uaco Gloopora or tho latest 1acl?m, and sumptuous Einintr Core, In 7hirh cMborat-dy cookid moals nro loi2urolv oaten, "rrood ElRCstlon worthier on Appotlta. and Hoalth on both." Betweon Chicago nnd Kansas City end AtchU a.-o also run tha Celobrnted Eoclinins Chair Care. TI3E FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Is tho direct and favorlto Una between Chicatro and MlnnoapollB nnd St. Paul, whoro csnnectiona aro mad in Union Donots for nil points In tho Territories and British Provin-303. Qvor thli route, Fast Esnross Trains cro run to tho watcrlnnr nlacoo. BuiaraT resort3. picturcEquo localities, andliuntinftend flsh- ."licyuiia-j ui raa ivimnosota, rlcn v-haat floldfi rnirl n-intniMi lnrtrlh instor-l lands cf Still rnothar O'lJECir LXNE. via Seneca and KankaUoo, has been onenod botwoo:i Uowport Nowo. Richmond. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, i nd Lefeyotto end Counc'.l Bluffs. Ilansas City, I.ln oapolia and St. Paul and intermediate points. i-ui uji..iiuu iimnajuun eao iviau3 Tickets, at i 11 principal TIekot Offlcos b7 ndJrcs.lns R. 7. CABLE, Presldor.t and General Manager, Chicago. e; MZf nvi a luiiwiun or u'oor v -i lorx -enii rpm in mnnj - , i V my coso'uteir nwio-g r-nnturely lrtaotimd fuu Mfnlf B'renc.hnd VlMroa.f Jl'lf. i"rjiamowllhstHtmniotrourlioulil(i;;Sd;,.a;3 mm BD GiiAl VAULT .limn, 111 i iiuiru irun jinU lUwtiii,fr btot). tiimlicu lu dultuliun t( UufwoNl, Wa'.uul, liiul una ujIc, Jlorc thuti ijinJ ulriady ud, Owu hut Huh, ran be used lu any pruc, l nlr tind v,ni.T tlxln nnA liur Inr-pruuf, roi4t;U liotlt m Let ami IhjiIv twin ihniiw, muuld ami tlrcay anil Iioiutn lywlug nut malt und veriuiu, for file l-r al'.n V 1- Hub r mii f tt it'iucr A iv fn jjt' -i. .ii ,.t v cm-" months ; 25c. toe Montta. o o o o o o Office will receive prompt Feb 28-.Hr at the following low prices, Credit ten cents per ton extra: In Yard. Del. in Town $3.25 $3.50 3.35 3.25 2.15 3.60 3.50 2.40 localities, ana iniminrr una iisn tho mcst dcEirabla route to tho iisaiso intnrlr Interior Dnltota. una ruiuura. fjuiiuiiuuiy vu ca in tho United St-.tos end Cancda; or E. ST. JOHN, Gcnc-jl Ticket IfJ Passcnocr Aoent, Chicago. .jWH.j jii:--juio.iot prt-ttnitouan. i.i for tht s ti"tt.V'i,tijiJ ail howit'i.irw'i iUi h .Mil thoirv l.im. lake iL'ltKllrMlDV tliut " SVUF.U t'lOU-'siiUa, djei not lnt rlo i h u tci lun to busmen, or cmt f i tlri',ontJln'Proiitaly Jrua I (ti.-utiLC H-cJu'al priiKJtplt'f. Uy tlli inu tout i the twat oldIcaw Itb pt'll tccl j fc't without delay. 1 l.e lmuv mfika l-iimnn nrvtnlvn. Hit...,l 1 I I wumuflii'iiwmt'cir'mfiiwoi Jifcrtjiiv?iii.pit, tlit iietu-t become! thtciJultiut rapidly his boi!i einregth tud TREATMEHT.fTiTSfF"::!. Ibis, J HARRIS REMEDY CO.j Mrs CHM:3t st ir. Tia Btrset. st. '"is. i-a BhotilU l ueti Jn every Inter ment. Att'iiuU ixisltae untf isul-iif st rurny tijfulut Hid crave tit met. I i '! f-r liuuittiuiij Hit anil t-iiracilcully luclcfltriioi lute. ItiTsurIiWi'l itHui)uueiitJoil bv I'ml-'i LukiTi, tVn.t iry Auu cKttii'ii and ltivtlii cltlffiu ev er v . lu-r MniinrnclHrt.,: jy (tie stu.s,jin:M uvi cu., tilirlusaiuld Ulalu, l.v VVLESnxt Ri lVI,T2. Fnrui.hin "kinon KinSl'lll'E ' it i.nn try rw'i l . 1. , 1 1 . A o i . 2 i J ii "It Saved My Life" Is a common expression, ofteli heard from thoso who liavo realized, by ncr Bonal use, tlio curatlvo jiowcrs of Ayer'a unerry Pectoral. " I cannot say cnotiEli In pratso ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be. llerlng as I do that, hut for its use, I ( sliotilil long slnco liavo illcil from lung troubles. H. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. I About rIx months ago I had a severe Tfemorrliago of tlio Lungs, brought on by a digressing Cough, which deprived mo of sleep ami rest. I had used vari ous cough balsams and expectorant, milium, uuuiiuuij luiiei. j. ll'ieuu an- I vised mo to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, nnd nm happy to say that It helped mo nt oiico. By continued uso this medli-.iiio cured my cough, nml, I am sail-moil, savoii niy inc. -urs. Ji. Coburn, 13 Second St., Lowell, Jlnss. 1 I havo used Ayer's Cherry Tcctoral for over a year, nml sincerely bollovo I should havo been In my grnvo, bad It iioi uccn iorinis niciiicino. it lias cured mo of a ilanecimis afTeetlon nf tin. Ittnir. for which I had nlmost'ilespalrcd of over iiiuuiig a lcmei.y. li. A. -Mc-Mllllcn, Indsor, rrovluco of Onlniio. ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life, i Two ycais ago I took a very severe Cold i which settled on mv lunss. I miinlir,l physicians, nnd took tho remedies they prescribed, but failed to obtain relief until i nogau using Ayer s Cherry Pec toral. Two bottles of this medlcino completely restored my health. Llzzlo M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared byDr.J.CAver f; Co., Lowell. Mass. ovm . v mi irugg isis. i-nco9ii six uoiucs, jj. Ten thousand Bnbins nre given year! j to the grave by not having Dr. Hand's Teeth ing Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW! . Something Wcndeuful ! SOMETHING MAGICAL! To bathe the Baby's gums while teething, relieving till inflammation, swelling nnd pain. LOST ! A good many night's vest by not having JJr. Hand's Colic Cure, for it gives Ha by comfort, and sleep without stupefying or injuring it.' No opiates. No constipation. Hand's Remedies for Chil dren sold by all Druggists. Laboratory at Scranten, I'a. I).'i-. 5, 1.SS5 y e i w. -DN' f- BUY AN ENGINE Until or hnvn Fern our olrculiir nn-l prices. W0.00 lor 15-llnrsn Piiwcr, to $$Q.i 0 lor 0 lioreo Power. I2i.lnes ciunplcto wttli (fov irnor, I'untp, lleatvr, Thrul Ho Vulvu anil Mulu Feitl-mili (Jer i,ubrii;ttur. Mure tluin lOiufnu-n. St-ii't (or clrcuhir flvlnn ti Mi tminltit from ever Sintu In tho Union, Per iod Piitlftiictloiifrunr.inttMl. MUUItl MAi'lllNH W.'liKS. UalJutiiMlllc. N. Y. Mention this P.ipor m:irlS-8i write ron cincuL.Fis, -; ST O PI HI O m e mi mn inauio uo j axium ri'h 1.1-IS80 P-. A Farm in tho South. On the IiistalluiGiit Plaii-GOc. rer Manth. CItrliS, Store Keepers, Mechanic-', horers, innl People of every vocjtion, iran purcliHte a funn hi 111 Smith Htid not leave their i tres-on I etnplovruent uiiitl they have p.itil for tlio IniuU hnvo hail it put in h pJing 0'inilition. Five aeres in crape will yiehl h lift profit of one. tlmusan.i dul I urn itnmiHlly.uml any imlustri'W3 meeliun ie or hiborer chii save euoitgh ol l)N wages every m-tiith tn piiy for nini start sue!, a (arm. Korllrn in en are nuw ti(? this. Whv toil un Iron) vetir to vear without a future. Savu a little every month anH make thfs pure Investment. There is no xUV& like into corporations anil loan ns eocialion? arl fnunu bankd. Try thin, vour wife will help you Rave thu tii'inev for the fake of n Iinme of her own, ror further intoruiHtinu, u.lilreef, Tratik Woodward, Supti, Northern Co-0perutive Colony, Raleigh, N, C. morl2- SO A Land Of Grapes,reaclies, Fias.Pomrxranites Those Eiilliving wjih tbrout and tuns trembles, should arrsnnil ut ouc-o with with the iiiitlfrslgiied concerning Soiitliern Pines Health Rosort. Tim littfhest knmrn pnint in tho Lontr Iii-at Pine Hull of the South. Kri-e- frnin niul.irln. Mhiiv Northern iienplu urn now buililin? winter rcsiclencfs at the Pins. Itelereni-e i civeu to II K. I'irlier, El. United Ojiin ion, Urmlior.t, Vi , I,. A. Youne. E'l Index, LUlx.u. N Y.H M. Harris, III Jltpubli- can. Glen Fullif. N Y . II P Cliirk, Gnfr- al r.ibspiici'r Acrid. -2'J llrowlwnv, ,ork. 60UTIIEUN I'INKS UEROItT CO . I'tlncijilo Ollitv, Ualeigh, C. Morel. 1 5-1 SSU, H r-nil 111 rents tmfcigp,qi!ii we will mull you lit-e u r)al, VBluuhie, suinjile 3 '.ox of eoo,1s Hint will put vim in ine wuv oi uiHiiiiij; more money at pure, than anyiliing elf In America, ltoth sexes of ullages can live at home ami work in sparetime, or all the time, Capital not required. We will start you. Immense, pay ure for tliofp who start ut once. STI.S'SON' A CO., Porllaml, Maine- nov.2l-l8.S5, $1 13 WTC3SKS. The POMOK GAZETTE will l' maile.1. a'ciirely wra -., to any U'Mrasi in the UiiIUhI Stales lorttireo inouthsun rei-eipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, nceuta Hinl rluhs Sample copies mailed fiee Addreat all orders tn UIC11 AUD K FOX, Fiiskh Kiiiinc, X- Y J mm Miv in, ISi ly MISCELLANEOUS. Ocnirnl Master Workman I'owilerly acts $1,510 a year for devoting his en tire attention to the Interests of the IC. of L. Undigested Food In the stomach developed an acid which stings the tipper part of the throat ninl palate, pausing "heart burn." It also ovoltes a gas which produces "wind on tic btotnach," ami a feeling and ap pearance of distention in that organ after eating, l'or both this aelillly and swelling Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers Is a much better remedy than nlUallne. alts, like, hartshorn ami carbonate of oda. A wlncglassful of the IJIttcrs, af ter or before dinner, will bo found to net ns a reliable carminative or preven tive. This line specific for dyspepsia, both In jts nettle nml chronic form, also prevents and cures malarial fever, con stipation, Uver complaint, kidney trou bles, nervousness and debility. Persons who observe hi themselves a decline of vigor should use this lino tonic without delay. , m . Ho Is happy whoso circumstances suit his temper; but hols most excellent who can stilt his temper to any circum stances. Files! Files II Files III Sure cure for blind, bleeding and Itching plies. One box has cured the worst case of '20 years standing. No one need suffer live minutes after ttilna William's Indian Pile Ointment, ltno sotbs Itunors, allays Itching of the pri vate parts, nothing else, bold by drug gists and mailed on receipt of price, sd. William's Mfg. Co., 1'iou's., Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' drag store. s. - He that will not. look before him will have to look behind him and pio bably with some regret. To Young Ladies. If your life Is made a burden owing to blackheads, pimples anil other eruptions on ine tace marring your beauty and causing so much chagrin, it is no longer necessary to endure It. Dr. Klairu's Family Ointment will certainly remove an such uiemisiics unit leave your skin soft, smooth and beautiful. Sold by all druggists and mailed on receipt of price, 2Ji Williams Mf'tr. Co.. I'ron's.. Cleveland, O. Sold at Thomas' drug store. Mauls the men left species of the ei cation; all above and below htm are serious. To-Hlght andTo-Morrow Hig'at and each day and night during the week, you can liiul at lllery's, Weissiiort, ami Thomas', Lehighton, Kemp's Sttpposa lorles acknowledged to be the most suc cessful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufTrers from this distressing complaint are at once re lieved nnd hi a sliort time a permanent emu estalilisbe l. Check the disease In time by uslnatlio most effective remedy. I'rice ."iOc. Send a Idress for pamphlet on pills, llox 205, Le Hoy, X. Y. cow An Iowa paper says that a brother of the late -. T. St-.ivait is a ragpicker at Cherokee, in that State. Are you made miserable, bv Indlces- tlen, conllpatlon, dizziness, loss of ap petite, yellow skin? Shlloh's Vltalizer is a iiositlro cure, hold at Ur Horns' and lllery's drug stores. "About the greatest tall-bearer 1 know, said the farmer' boy, "Is the peacock." Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping cough nn.l brunchlti?, Sold by Dr. Ilorn.Lelilghton aiullliery, Weisiport. Set not too high a valuo on youi own abilities. Custom may lea l a man Into many errors, but It justilid.i none. The liev. Geo. II.Thaycr,oIiombon, Ind., says: "llolh myself and wife owe our uvi'3 to hiiir.on a coxwjii'nnx Citiik. lllery, AVelssport, and L)r. Horn, Lehighton. An auctioneer does as he is bid, a postman as he is directed. An opponent of Darwinism calls It "scientific monkeylstn." ll'liy will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will glvu inline Hate relief? I'rice 10c., :0e.. L Sold by Dr. Horn, Le highton. lllery, Weissport. Size ain't eyciythins. -V watch ticking can be heard further than a bed ticking. A nasal Injector free, with each bottle of Shiloh's C.ilarrh Hcnicdy. l'rlco 00 cents. Sold by Iiiery, Weissport, and Horn, Lehighton. It Is the duck of a bonnot that makes a young girl's bead swim. A dentlsl U no chicken He Is al ways a pull-It. My daughter, and myself, great suffer ers from catarrh, were cured by Kly'r Cream llalin. JIv sense of smell Is re stored. ('. M. Stanlev, shoe dealer, Ithaca, X. Y. I was troubled with catarrh for fif teen years. Kly's Cream lJalm has opened my nostrils and reduced the In llaminatlitu my uvcj can now stand strong light. X. Fegley, Wllkcsbarro, l'enn'a, l'or several years I have been troubled with catarrh lily's Cream Halm has proved to be the art Iclo desired. I be lieve It the only cure. L. li. Coburn, Merchant, Towanda, I'a. The Intoxication of wealth Is no; due to a tight money market, Eyes are not eyes when cigar-smoke makes them water. Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically upon the blood, thoroughly cleansing and Invigorating it. As a safe and ab solute euro for the various disorders caused by constitutional taint or infec tion, this remedy lias no ennui. Take It this month. Tills talk about the editorial pen Is all nonsense neatly all editors use lead pencils Ladles, It will cost you but fifty cents to get a bottle of Vinegar Hitters Cor dial. This Cordial is a clear, dark red color, nml has a delicious taste. It Is n gentle, painless, but thorough cathar tic. It helps ingestion, cures headache, bilious attacks, constipation, piles.hlves and strengthens the whole system. The next general assembly of the Knights of Labor will be held ill Illeh monil, Va., In October. Where's the sense In spending money for a doubtful affair, when a sure and reliable thing Is offered? Hop Porous I'lastern for all aches, pains and sore ness The greatest strengthener known. About $3,000,000 worth of Ameri can made locomotives are sent abroad i yearly. ' "l have no appetite," complain many ' tufferers. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives an appetite and enables tho stgmaih to perform Its duty. A western compositor lias been try-1 Ing to set a hen to music, 1 The Indian population of Ibis com. ti v u -aid to be diminishing at the rate vt v 0 e i-.OOJ ,i j ear. . M.E: JiL !T(Ztrvj-.VrKrtl. WHISKE Hrcclall) nl.llllc.l for .lli illrliiiil Vac. Till BiST TONIC I UNEOUALCOfcr CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION. im, i:mv u watiUnh. sr frmii In (lilcf, utKnul Ourtrt of X. J.,urJtrat My at tent ton vtm ritltM ti your Keystm e Mntt M lilxkf)- ly ?Ir. I,nlir, DiuKttl-t, of Ttt-nloti, ni1 I hue iwcil a fvw buttU-i v. ii Ti furtM-ttir rtTrct tlmn nrtv I h.tn l ft'1. I ant ncotnaitnlfna Mmt nrtlcle- In in v (irarilee. utitj find Mcyatrlftr)., bewaiie or imitatic:t3. 03 Tfi f!c nnlti bnk ib" Pltitnr4 el EISNKK A XtKNPKI.SON nil the -.rrKI ft" I JJ.vtf.1ll !!f 111 FiMislU Of 33.t!ft. EISNER & lEOELSON. (Sol. Apnu hr Hit V. s.) 316, 318 and 320 Rom St.. Philadelphia, P. For sale at Dr. Horn's. ""THE" CHAUTAUQUA v sod Planter. A ONE-HAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE. Pat -P'"4,882. lat- I Fob, 24, 1885. All of Metal, Light, Stronr, Well Constructed and Elegantly Fainted. FIant3 Corn (and pumpkin coeds), Beans, etc. WORKS WELL 1N.SOBDY, LL'MPT AND SrONT OROUNO. Illijlilv- lvronimcnilcd bv Farmers und Dealers lu all (i-el Ions. 1 ho time saved In one day's uso will pay for It. PRCE, - - S2.7B. Liberal dipcount tn agents ..mi on- iriuic. VA8fCl-8 cnsilv lunVe 110.riO ner day lu tho planting season. Send for olrcular -? meats to agents and canvaesers. SIcntlon 1 per, nml nddrcss, The dhautanqnapianteitrjorapany JAMESTOWN, N. Y. YOU CAW'T BEAT THE CM l filial n-enta tav tho etira nfYviir tiri n.no.t Treparcd fi'onx tlio completo vtuei of fresh HOia.BurguadyritchauaOtuna, Tbogrefttcst ctrccctlicnlnj plaster over Invented Apply ono to n-iskacno, Crfc:kf FJieiunatlci, Kidney I'chrs.Stltoacs, Eilatlca, Soro Chest, or pain In nJ7iiart,l3CAlord20.3cated Curca Instantly, B34ucaandetren'rthcria tho tired fniivieiL Alt ready to reply. 0. U by drux and country rropr;ctors, 3ICP riiASXHH CO., Uoston, llaea. j ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce "St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Page Pamphlet. WITHOUT SOFFma Users of Opium, aro yon awaro Hint Dr. Lesllft L. Ki'cloy's IIoudlb Cin.or.iiiB , of Goui" wilt enro tho worst enso of thin terrible habit in from three to nvo weeks (ntliome) without HiiiTer incr. Unliko other eo cullctl " pntnleps antidote,' ltcontnlnaiiot ono jiartlele of opium, or. nn v oflm nre pnratimiN. nndyit the patient, wbllo rapidly riductng his inoriililiie donn to nothinz, Is able to utteuil to his onllimrV ttn.lui-sa and cnlnye llfo ns ho has nut done flucc kueliialni; tho Opiiira or itorphino Habits. Semi for Ftsnr on tho Opium Habit. MIKE, or for Dr. LeHo E. Keeley'a now work. "Opium: lis Ui-. Unse and Cure' sent free on application. It la the most completo and romprehcnslve work eer published on tho enhject, ami cirea full luatructlons for self tnto at home. Address, or call on THE LESLIE E. KEELEr CO., Dvnoni, III. Cured la from three to nlns dsrs. TAMSY f ArelierleellvrMiloniKirilwilv. Kflplnnl- I I'sed to-dnv reirtilnrlv bv 10.UU Amorlran. lu'uin.n. t.tiarnliteed Niitierlnrtonll nttiera. or Cnaltrctuuilcil. Uaii'twala I llu.npV flit IvoflltlfM, llnw.v.in.u. 1' w tliln Iteiiieit)- ftrht. bold by nil DruRsists, or Mallet lu ony nddrts- fSt'iuleta. rorparilcoLirs. iiu.v ri.i.ii' tu uu., ruiiaiia,, i'a. A (JUICX, rERMAtrHT. CESTAIII CURE FOR JUOit ai'Falllnr; Elanuood. Nervousuesf W .anlmess, Lick of Strength, Vlrjor oi' Sovolopment. Cansert bjtndliioretioni. excesses eto Uenefltstas uai Cur. h Udu.flr witliln a month. Ko Dewpllon f.orQTn.ckery. I'onitlvo Jro.,r!, fulldehcrlptiouaul 1 li7it ndvloo lit plain .Htilud .nvelop., frne. fctUB MEDICAL CO.. I'.O. Uraw.r lit huflalo. NT. . Miil.OtiVk UaiLKtrft ttttgimss 150 A Llfo Experience. Remarkable and quick euros. Trial Packages. Bond, stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP & CO. Louisiana, Mo. 25 YEARS Tha Groatejt MJdicalTriumph of the Agt SYMPTOMS OF A TOKPIOLBVER. Lo.aof nppclltc, noweUcoatlve, l'aln In tho bead, with n dull sensation in the) tmcll part, l'nln under tho shoulder blade, Fullness after callus, with ndl. ' Inclination to exertion of bodr ormlud, Irrllubllllyoflcinpcr, I.ot spirits, wllh afecllncofUavlucuralrcted aomodutr. JVcnrlucoi, Ulzzincca, l luttorloir at tho Heart, Dots bofare tho eyes, lleadacho over (ho riebt cyo. Itcstle.snesi, with fltrul drcnuis, Illebly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TCTT'S J'lLl-a aro especially adapted to such cases, ono iloso ctrecta suoli a chnngiioffeellnirnstoastonlslitliosallerer. They Iiiertate tlio .1 iipctlte,M cause tha body ii Tab. oil i-'Jenli. jlut in. sy.tem ta nourlshe.t.rrt bylh rTonlo Action oa tho Ultteailveuraans.lt ridilnreitoola are rrgL'l?:1.1- , 1 rl;- y.1; -.- l lllrr.y M..W,V. Tom nm 1VE. OitAT IlAm or WiuiCRits changed to a Otossv Ulacii liy a uik v. ni'pl.oaiion of thUPrs. Ii liniartaai.auraf color, acta Instantaneously, bold by Drajxlsta, cr sjnt liy oxprtiston l""flptof 81. OtTlco,C4 Murrey St., Now York, iliiSl OorniS mi m Hill mm 3g IN USE.