Advertising Rates For Legal Notiocs. Tlic following prices for legal adver tising lias been adopted by tliu UAituo.v Advooatk. Charter Notices - - - $4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 00 Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00 Divorce Notices - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - - .1 00 Executor's Nollco - - 3 00 Other legal advertising will be charged i or uy tue square. H. V. Morthim:r, Jr., Publisher. ATTOHNETS AND COUNCELLOHS igpOUACR HKYDT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OrricEt Tho room recently occupied by w. ju. jiapsner, HANK STItEET, . LEHiailTON, PA. May be consulted In English and derm an. juiy s, isia-iy y M. KAPSIIEK, ATTORNEY & COUNCKLLOlt AT LAW. Tinsr noon noTK tub mansion iiocse, MAVCII ClIUKK, VEKWA. Heal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy and Sell ileal Estate. Conveyancing neatly none, uoiiections promptly mauo. r,etlllng Lstales or liecedtnts a Specialty. May be consulted In English and Uerman. Novembers, 13' 4. U. MORTHIMER, Sr, Rotary publi OFl'lOISi ADVOCATE HUI1.WXU, Bank St., Lohighton, Pcnna. All business perlatnln to the olTico will receive prompt attenlioi 10. PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. JU. I AI.ITtP.I) ANDREWS, I"Ml:OPAlUlCrllYSICtAN& SVllGEO.Y Oppofllo Nathan Hnj der'.s Store, y2A ST WEiSfSPORT. Social attention given to chronic diseases and Diseases of Women. iiprwsmi L) It. ,V. W KEllEll PHYSICIAN ANI StlltOEON HANK STREET. LElllllHTO.V, I 'A. 'JFF1UE Honrs at l'nrryvltlo lrom a.m., to IIS m, dally, 'slay be consulted In the English or Gorman Language. May 17, '81 (1. U. SEII'LE, PHYSICIAN AN1J SUHCILON, tSOUTIl STREET, - LF.UIOHTON, PA. May be consulted In English or (Icrmnn Spiclul attention given to Gykmoiooy Officii HotiRB From 12 M. to 2 P. M., and from 6 to V 1. M. March 31, W F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., UR ANUII OFFIUE-Opposlte UlaussJt Hro's Bank St., Lohighton, Pa Dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth ex tracted without pain, (las adtiilnlsicre 1 shell requested lifflce Hays W ED.N'LS MAY ul o-icll week. 1. ( . Address. LlTZENHElta, Lehigh county, Pa. Jan. i, 18 S-Iy. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Opposite the "broad way House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patients have tha benefit of he latest liu frorements In appliances and ho best mo tho Is of treatment In all eases. ANJiSTllCTKI administered If uesireii. lr possible, persons residing outside of .Mauch Uhunlc, should make engagements by mall. Ij8.yl EYE AND EAR. DR. G. T. FOX Visits AHcnluwn regularly on THURSDAY of oach week. Practice limited to Diseases of the Eyo & Ear Office at Hayden's American Hotel, nr.d rlfioo hours Iron. 9 in the forenoon until 3:30 in tho afternoon. Also attends lo It. traction of tho Eye lor the propsr adjust inent of glasse, and for the relief and cure of de'eels. May also ba consulted at his office in HATH, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at I1ANGOII cn Mondav, ami al KAST0N on Tuesday. jau 2 88 ly. HOTELS AND HESTAUHANTS. QARBON HOUSE, JONATHAN KISTLER. PROPRIETOR, Hank Sr., Lbiiiuiiton, Pa. The OaauoN Hooaa nlfcrs II rat-class aceom. mudallona to I he Traveling: public. Hoarding by the Day or Week on Ke.isou.iblo Terms. Choice. Cigars, Wine and Liquors always on band. Uod Sheds and Stables, with attco tire Hostlers, attached. April 10. yl, p.VCKEUT0S HOTEL. Idway between Mauch Chunk & Lchlghton LEOPOLD MEYER, Pnoriiis,TOB, Packorton. Pennn This well known liotca Is admirably refitted, and his tho best accommodations lor nermnn. ent aad transient boarders. Fxcellcnt tables and the very bout Ihiujrs. Also hnestuhlcs attached. Sopt. 16-yl. ANSION HOUSE, Opposite 1- & S. Depot, Hank Street, Lehlghton, I'a., C. HOM, FDRODP'It. Tills house offers first-class accommoda tions for transient and permanent hoarders. It lias been nuivly refitted In all Its depart lnents, ami Is located In one tit the moid picturesque jMirl Ioiih iif lite lioiiuii-h. Terms inodcrale. MrThc bar Is nipjilied with Ilia choicest Wines I.lnunrs and Cigars. LtiBer llccr on Tap. aprlT-N-ly Announces in his frluuds and the public uen- erally. tliat he lias now open for their aecoiti-, modallon his I NEW RESTAURANT, licit door to the 1st National Hank, Hank STltECT, Lkuiomtov. and that he Is now prep ired Jo furnish First-Class Moals at Short Notloe ! Tho IUr Is supplied wltht'ie test wlres.tre Jt I rtrr Ileer and f"h" ee ( tars Youmi I" YUedtO'a.i. ujnL'l-SB-, W. k Peters II. V. Mortiiimkr, Jr Publisher, VOL. XTV., No. 32. Thomas' Drug Store. C3 p p C-r- 33 O O 7s- cr o rf rf O 3 CD CD n H CD o o CD va O Bi CO Z3 cn CD CD I 1 fooasni o H W CO cn rv l I Q u. r-5 r CTQ I P f-r Ul o CD O Va CD rf O 00 o O o o o cn CO 00 O "3 s o srsaaSxa Physicians Perscriptiocs Carefully Compounded Sale Bills ! Printed while von wait. We lave better facilities than anv other office in this county lor tl lis work. Give us a call. rr iron as rii:.Mi:ui:n. -L CONVEYANCE!!. AND GF.NERAL INbUKANCE AGENT The futloMnu CkhipaoIvh ara IteprMnld: bEllArv )N MUI UALI'IIIH IICAHINO MUTUAL FIDE, WVOMINO t'llti:. I'OIT.- VILLU l'lUH. Mill lull l'lltK. ami tne TRAVELERS ACCIDENT Il'lll!A'CE Also P-ntls' Ivnlll'i aoil Mutual Ilorso fhlo ctcc ivouudli) uraueo cvint unv. Milieu 2J. 1871 I II 0-. K KM KIlBIl FOR PITCHERS "PL a Cattoria promotos Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomaeh, DIarrba'n, r.nd FoverLslmesn. Thus tho child Is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castorin contains no Jlorphino or other narcotic property. " Cnstoria l so well adupteil to children that I recommend Itasauperlqr to any presci lotion known tome." II. A. Aiiciieb,51.d:, bS Tortlaud Alo., lirooklyn, S. Y. "I use Cnstor'a In rny practice, and find It Fpeelally adapted to affections of, children." Alex. RonenTsoN, JI. D KW 'M Ave,, Now York. Tut Cehiato Ca, 1S3 Fulton SU, N. Y. , iii. a gobble. SMARTING COUGHING Sufficient I) stop In Rrt minutes the sraailinff, stln? trig pain oi ioo burns or scalds. It will step llic pain u soon as apphed. Abundance to cure a scort of colds and the couching that often leads the wy te Consumption, It will ros. Tivtir case a Cough ia ij mmutcs. Mora than enough to save a dosen chsldren CTiokin? twnK CHOKING Csove. One minute alttr the first dose the hardest attak c( Croup will be icbctcd. VUHCCTIWr MIlLL&IIIU Plenty to relieve the opprcs fcion and wheeling of tha most severe cue of Asthma. The direct cures of Atihma by this medicine is proof that Dr. Thomas' liclcctnc Oilhaa so equal u aa Asthma vuic. In tha above eases Pr. Thomas' Eclectric 60 caa U rehed upon. It has tiven lebef la ttrusands. Keep it lo yanr house, Tre is hdly a esl of the year tt CI not U usci'ul. swu is ti v i. liii'i n rra TJIC0 j, TH.E GHEAT ,gf3 IfS' CMti ESraai'.Im, Kcirabtj fi Biyant,ltf," h's'tstt, louldscr ViHfiS Spralas, llrnl etr.. .1.. the nnnin i.srx:rl.r.iif(i..BU.Tiroig. hp. i'l'co j run UjpiaseSf a me 3URE. ., .. , at m-.rnnisTS and pealfrs. .IE citAitLu j. lotn.ta 10., uiutaonc, an. OLD MATTHEW. A coNVrrtsATiox ii v w. woimswontir. We talked with ojioii heart, and toniruo Affectionate and true, A pair of friends though I was young, And Matthew soenly-two. We lay beneath a spreading oak, Health a mossy seatj And from lliotiufa fountain broke And gurgled at our feet. "Now, Matthew!" said I, "let us match This water's pleasant time With some old bolder-taint?, or catch that stills a Milliliter s noon. Or of Hie elmrcli-eloel; anil the eltlmes HhK tteic bcnealli the sltado That halt-mad thing of witty tlivmes AVhieh you last April made!" In silence Matthew lay, and eyed rite spilng bcnealli tho tree: And thus the ilear old titan replied, Jliu gray-haired man ofglcei-r-f No i heel;, no stay, this Streamlet fears, How luenlly II goes! T w 111 Imirmiir on a thousand years, Aim now as now it llows. "And here, on this delightful day, I cannot but think How oft, u vlgtiicusiitan, I lay Reside this fountain's brink. "My ejes nre'tllm wilh childish lears, My Heart Is Idly stirred, " l'or the sauie sound Is In my cars IIICIUU lllUBiritaAlljLMrU, Tlius fares It still In our decay; And yet the wiser mind Mourns less fur what Age takes away I hull what It leaves behind. "The blaekblid amid leafy trees, TlioLirkubmolhehtll, Let loose their carols. when they please, Are quiet when they will.1 "Willi naliire never do they wago A foolish strife; Ihcyscc A happj viilli, and tin If old ago Is beautiful and free. "Hut we in e pressed by heavy laws; And illicit, glad no more, We wear a face of Joy beeauso We have been glad uf ore. "If there be one who need bemoan Ills kindred lahl In taitlt, The household hearts Unit were his own, It Is the man of mirth. "M.v'dajs, in) friend, are almost tone, My life has been tipproud, And many Iue n.e; I ut by none Am I enough belnud." "Now both himself and mo he wrongs, The man who thus complains! I the ami slug in Idle tougs Upon these happy plains; "Anil. Matthew, for thy children dead I'll be a son lolheu!" At this hu grasped my baud and said, "Alas! that cannot be." Wo rose up from the founlnlu-sldc; And down the smooth descent Of tho green slieei-lraek did we glide; And tluuugh the wood we went; And ero we canii) to lnnard's Rock He s ing those wltly rhymes About tho crazy old church-clock, And the bewildered chimes. An Editor's Dream. HY fscorr way. Oner upon a time a village editor sat in his quiet sanctum ludiislilonsly pe iitslns tilts political cdllorlnlsln his daily city exchanges. At length that whjcli he read he-fan to have Its legitimate ef feet; tho editor nodded "once, twice, thrlee; his eyes closed, the city dally fell from his nerveless fingers, and three Hies lit upon his bowed bald head and balanced all, and swung coiners, and ciossed over, and pioinenatled till around to the music of the rythmical editorial snore. Tho villago editor was asleep; and, sleeping, the villago editor dreamed: . He sat at his desk with weary fingers and aching head. 'The last local Item had gono Into type, the last inside lead ing notice had been set up, and the youngest apprentice stood griuly by.w Hit lines of Impatience upon Ids brow and a daub of Ink under his left eye, waiting for inoio copy. Suddenly there was a step without, the door opened, u man entered, and taking the yacant chair in front of tliu editor's desk, to which thu editor had politely called his attention, he said: "ily dear sir, my name Is John W. Smith. I nm a subscriber to your paper, as you very well know, and belnc In town to-day I thought 1 would tako tho opportunity to call and tell you that I like your paper all but one thing; You don'l print enough matter on the tariff question. Poetry and stories and funny paragraphs and local itrius may do well enough to (lIUip a paper with In ordln. ary tlmos, but just now the country Is awake to the tariff auestlon. and If you wauiioKeepjourpaperaiiveyouvegot I to give your subscribers light on j he " three columns of editorial ami Ave col- ,"'- o' -!r. -south, tariff every Ui.- mm. f??fc. 17 ForP TrtAnE!MRK. a itudl'otson. OKCts. .-INDEPENDENT-" LEIIIGIITON, CAIIRON COUNTY, That's all I've got lu say, and I hope on the Grave,' allealjig that vou did not you'll bear It In mine. Ly the way, I ; nave room for II, ami fhen gave up near owe you for two years subscription, and ly a column of your paper to frivolous one of these day's I'll call In alid pay it. 'Jokes. I do not Intend to lead any- Don t forget to let yourself looso on the tariff: unrut.liv As the man who wanted more llghtlon tho tnrlft passed out, a little neivotis looking person came In and took -the vueatil chair. "Ah," he said, Willi a little smile that dldn tlookslrongcilotigh to ho out; "ati, tny dear man, I sec you are absorbed in thought, as nn editor always should bre. And that reminds mc that von nro ne glecting almost tolally neglectlm? science. Too much of p'cilltlcs,too much of politics, my dear man;. your paper will never grow lp circulation while you rieglcct science for politics. You should devote not less than four columns a week' to science. That's all I came In lo say, Ho In some day and pay jou my sub scription:- Good day; but don't forget lo give us plenty of science." The footsteps of the man who wanted science had not gono beyond the editor's hearing when a third visitor entered and took the vacant chair as If he wcie ac customed to sit in It. "I am sorry to notice that you nro ne glecting politics just at this Important period," he said, kindly but gravely. "You should strive to keep the vita! principles of our party constantly before the people. I like your paper hi all but Its lack In this respect, and some day, perhaps at the beginning of next year, I will subscribe for It. I see It now every week at Hrown's ofllce. If vou would write about live columns of fresh political editorials every week you would sco your paper going right up in circulation. That's what I told Hroivn yesterday, anil he agreed wl Hi inc. A story and a scientific article-occasional ly and a little local matter and some marriage and death notices to please tho women are all well enough, but lean tell you that a country paper to amount to anything, ami have any iulluence.has got to be full on political matters. That's all I want to say now. When you want any points on polities I'll be glad to help you out.' And, by the way, don't forcet that I'm a candidate for the legislature; good-day." The next visitor who took the vacant chair that sal In front of the village edi tor's desk spoke as follows: "I stopped In to-day, sir, to tell you that I do not want your paper any longer. Ill some resnoett Ji t . r-ss yotl do not print enough news matter'. You should have a full page of news at least. I don't care anything nboutyoilr protectlu! tariff ami your tariff for reve nue only, or anything of that tort. I want the news when I take a paper. I want a full account of tho minders ami suicides and railroad collisions am! divorce cases. Don't send me tho paper any longer. I'll come In and pav yott what I owe you when I have sold my corn; good day." And then there was a light step at the door, and a person weatiug a severe countenance and a shawl came In and tool; the vacant chair. "I am very sorry." ho said, In meas ured (ones, and with a Ilxed and critical staru nt the end of tho editor's nose "1 am very jorry to notice that you are giving In your columns so little atten tion to the cause of Prohibition the noble cause of Prohibition. You must rouse yourself upon this great question and give your readers a page of It week ly. 1 am not a subscriber to your paper, hut I boirow It cvety week of my neighbor and I loan him tho Jlitilncr of Light in exchange. So you w ill obscrv c that I have been one of your faithful readers and 1 know just whetu you fall shot t of making .i good newspaper. I will leae you a few tracts from which you should make liberal e.racts from time to time. You will notice that this one entitled, 'Dash the Cup Away!' Is written by mj self. You are at liberty to print it in full. And when I come across anjllilne particularly good In the columns of the Manner of Light I'll cut It out and send It around to you. You have a grand oprortunlty to make our paper grow In clieiilatlon and Influence, and I hope you will coiuo boldly to the front on the right course and no longer continue to devoloyour valuable space to trivial matters, lly the way, have you a few exchanges that you ate done with;' Ah, that will do; lhanks: goud day." In tho door the man lit the shawl passetl a person with a merry twinkle In his eyes. "I llkcjour paper it Is first-rate," lie he dropped Into the vacant chair, "except that it docs not contain humor enough. Why don't you fill her full of jokes and bright things by tho funny fellows and make oitr readers laugh? Nobody cares a cent for those political edlloilals anil those scientific articles, and that stuff, about the tariff you print. Thai puts uic to sleep. Give us plenty of joke! to shake a man's liver up and let the tariff take caro of ftself. That's all. He in to see you again wlich I've moro time; ta, ta." The nexl person who Ufbk the chair had a countenance asolemn as a second-hand hearse, Ic didn't Jook as If he, bail quilled more than once In forty years, and the" villago-editor took him for an undertaker w ho wauled to adver tise a patent embalming process apd pay In trade. "Sir," said tho solemn man, after a silence that became very painful to the village editor. "I am grieved lo notleo the lone of levity that has recently per- vaddl llio columns of oiir paper, and I nm compelled to ask you on that account to take my name of your list. YouJ Seem tO forcet flint Lis I. n url.l 1 calamity and woe, and that a spirit of levity in the press Is unseemly, and tends to dr.vv attention from tlu solemn ii-iuiiioa oi me aim tne mar pioxlmlty of death. Last week yu dfdtt.cM tli rr'ni my u. ;Ue e., ,-!eU ' Vi!. " . Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, JUNE thing light this year. That Is all I have to say; good afternoon. The door closed behind, (he solemn man and then softly opened ngaln lo admit a tlrcaniy-oyc l man with a poetic brow ami a general, expression that seemed to- InJIcato that he wanted something hu had never had and never .expected to havev v)'I merely came in to remark," he began, as he- took the- vncant chair, :''lbatyouarosadlytirg1cctlngthelitcraiy department of your. paper. I not only have noticed it myself, but sere'ra of my friends-have, called my--attention to It. You should brail means run a con tliincd story and have front two to three gt'od short storlc? In each issue. Good stories Is the thing that Is wanted lo make a village paper popular. Every body you ask will tell yoii that. A little. now3 and sonic local matter and the marriages and deaths should tie printed, of course; but you shouldn't let any thing crowd out the stories. I don't tako your'pnpcr, but my" brother-in-law docs, alid'I borrow It of him. I have Intended foi some time to mention Ibis matter to you, hut could never think of It when I Was In town before. If you think these suggest ions are of any value. lo you, you may send me your paper gratuitously for a year. Allow mo to bid you good day, sir." The dreamy-eyed man went out as softly as a sixty days' nolo falljdue.and a moment later another style of person dropped Into the vacant ciiali'.aud spoke thus In tones that wctesharpand quick: I don't think I shall take your paper another year. You are not making as jood a paper as jou should with your opportunities. You are not giving your readers enough local matter. I.oeal matter should ba the chief feature of the villago paper. Ever) thing else should be made to give way to local matter. A slory now and then when you Itavo plenty of room, and a hit of poetry to please the young folks who am In love, and a little news matter aro all well enough, but If you want to nuke a villago paper a success, you've got to let yourself out on local matter. Give the news of your own community and let the big dallies take caro of the rest of tho world. Anil, by tho way, If you are a little short of local matter this week, ynll n-- J owl a ..-- w..,ui ami patented the most common-senso churn that has over been introduced to the people of this Stale. I'll be In agalti In the course of a few weoks.and will then pay you my subscription for last yen ; psood day." Tho villago editor was just sliding under tho table, a crushed find mnntallv ilcmoraliicd man, to hide Ills head lu despair or the wasto-basket or both, when a loud knock at tho outer door brought him front his dreams to his waking senses. "How are you, old fellow?" cried a cherry voice, and the Old Subscriber from up tho creek took the village editor by the hand with a hearty grasp and shook a pain In tho editor's shoulder- blade. And then the Old Subscriber from up the creek seated himself in the vacant chair and merrily spoke thus: "Well, old" boy, you're just giving us the very best paper ever had. A good story every week, some poetry to please the women folks, a column or two of fresh humor to make us laugh and keep or livers running on regular schedule lime, just about enough of -polities, all the news that is worth a busy man's time to read, every important local 1 event written up In brceiy.readable style, ' and advertisements of all Ihe public sales and of the stores and shops that offer us bargains. Yes, blr; your paper Is good enough for mc vvoith twice what you ask for It and I want to pay you a jear's subscription for myself, and here are four dollars more, for which you may send your paper lo my son out West, and my daughter down South, for they both like to get the news from the old home, and you giyo them more of it in onti issue of your paper than I could writo In twenty letters. Tiiat's all I've got lo say to day. Come out and sea me w hen I begin lo make cider, and bring a jug along If jou.'ve got one.and If youjiaven't, I've got one tJ lend you; good-bye." And theold subscriber from up Iho creel! wehl out with a smllu upon his faco that began just below his left ear and sntcad lelsutcly about over his faco and then quietly meandered back lo thu place of beginning. Tho lllage editor was about lo pinch himself to assure himself that lie was really wide awake, when the cry of "copy!" came to hls ears, and then ho didn't think It nrccstaiy lo pinch him self. He only folded up three crisp tw 0 dollar bills and put them In his pocket with the beautiful thought that this vvoild in which we live Is not half so bad a wot Id as folks sometimes dream. FOUR OF A KIND. 'I beg pardon, miss," he began, with a smile meant to be charming, "hut did you kuow there was u Hake of soot on your face?" "Yes, I did," was the reply snapped out like the tracker 011 nn old whip. Tills rather staggered the questioner, but he partially recovered himself and icuiurkcd: "H-biil don't you want to wine It off?" "No, I don't," the snapper.liko jans ratllwl out ngaln, its the passenger tillered, "And may I ask why jqujwiili to carry Hut soot On jour fair, madam?" "Hceause you are the fourth meddling nli! Fnnl t... l,n ...1.1 ... .,. since I left Chicago, and I wuuiio keen U on long enough to llnd out how many mom th.-rc arc of you . -Subscribe f..r the f UIWs, iv m,,';!,, lf 1. 00 26. 188(5. NEWSPAPER, LIFE. Editing a paper I3 a pleasant business If you like It. If It cuntalns much political matte people won't have It. If the type Is large, It doesn't .contain much reading matter.- . . ; If we publish' telegraph reports, folks say they are nothing' but lle. If we omit HlcuV, wo hnvo no enter- prhe, or sttpLi-eis theui for" political ef fect. ..--.' . 1 w'c have a few jokus folks say we are nothing' hut rattlehcade. If -we omit 'jukes, folks say we are nothing hut fossils. If we publish "original niaticr, they cursu us for not clvlnc selections. If' vc give? selections, people' say we are la.J'-fcJr not writing moie, and Clvc them what they have read before hi some other paper. If we glvu a complimentary notice.w e are censured for being partial. If we don't, all hands say we are a great hog. If we Insert an aitlcle which pleases the ladles, the men become jealous, and Vice versa. If we attend church, they say It is for effect. If we remain in our office ntleuillngto our business, folks say we are too proud to mingle with other fellows. If we go out they say wo don't attend to our business. HE SLEPT WITH THE WINDOW UP. "You notice that I have, a bad cold," said the St. Louis traveling man; "now I II bet tho cigars that not one of vou boys can guess how I caught it." "Hiding next to an open window," saitl one. "In a sleeping car berth," ventured another. "Sprinkling the lawn with slippers on," suggested a thiid. There were dozens of guesses, but nut one of them, the man with the cold de clared, covered the case. "All give it up?'' he inquired, and al) replied lu the allirmallve. "Then I'll tell you," he added. "You all rcniPtn her how warm It was last night. Well, I went to sleep with the whitlow of my bed-ioom raised about three feet." "That won't do," his listeners replied In chorus; "that's too thin. Xo man could catch cold sleeping with a window up such a warm night as last night. That's too thin." 't...i ...iltaminute'and sce."reiolned the man with the cold; pausing to use ma luin.i cmMai ..f wa9 a warm night, I admit, and no healthy man should tako cold sleeping with a win dow up; hut I slept on the outside of the window. The fact is I had been out with the boys ami came in prett) Into and very tired, .lust as I was get ting teatly lo jump into bed I fell out of tliu window and slept tho rest of the night on the roof of tho porch, liven then I would probably have been nil right If tho gardener hadn't seen me about the middle of the forenoon and wakenened mc by turning the ltoo on me. Thunder and lightning, but I have got a bad cold." . THE BARBER AND THS F0U3 0IBL8. "Well, sir, I was never quite so cold In iiiv life as I vvauz last evcnlnk when I called on some ladlfrer.s of mine up town," said the barber of a Fulton street shop, as he rubbed tho soap deftly Into tho victim's ears and smiled reassuring ly at him. "You see, these ladles have asked mo to call on them several times, hut I haven't been off the turf since I was shook by the daughter of the boss. 1 have been rather slry.butasthey vvaui nice girls I borrowed the foreman's plug hat, put a lot of newspapers inside tho ham!, so as lo keep It fiom going over my cars anil stulliu' me out on my way uptown. 1 called at the fashionable hour seven o'clock. One of the girls let mc in, shook hands, said she was glad lo sco mc, and asked me to step In the back parlor. In a few mlnlts tho hull four of the girls wauz down there mak ing It pleasant for me. They looked un commonly nice, bavin' led, and blue, and yellow ribbons in their hair, but 1 hadn't bcentalkln' to'emthreo minutes before one of 'em suddenly yelled lu a loud voice: "One two three four!" "Well, you know, I looked kind of startled, but still pleasant-llke, and then suddenly another broke out in the mid dle of a remark I was makin': "One two three four!" "Well, I sort of humped myself and tn: 'This hero Is kind of a new deal. Hut I'll get on to It before long. Once more I began to make soma elegant re marks, when a third girl yelled 'One two three four!' which shook the keroscnu lamp neatly off the planner. This sort of thing went on for about an hour, livery time 1 spoke one of theui would yell "One two three fourl'aud tlu'ii they'd all titter till they couldn't get their breath. Well, dtirlu' Ihe vvholo time this went on until I arose to go. One of the girls a3ked tne If I had a monogram band in my hat, and liftrd the foreman's dicer and look out seven or eight newspapers. Then, as I said good evenln' they all yelled: " 'One two three four!' " "What vva3 It all about?"' "1 found out the following day from their brother that they want iiuklu fun of my mustache and eoumlii' the hairs on either side. I, felt kind of soro about It at first; but the brother said that all the best families do that, and so I let her slide." ' IN LuNDOK. "Ah, S'r Edward, I see you are to lecture.'' "Ya.s." ""t subject?" "Characteristics of Hauierieans." "Why, you've never been lo Himirl ca, vc j-ou?" ' N'o.but I 'ad a cibVgram from there. I re-i i Hip ebaraeter of the TMhiuricau i :. t 4.1 .' wr , , ' knati " , a Year if Paid in Advance. If not paid in advance, $1125 in paring fruit ror canning, use a silver knife, so that tho fruit may not turn dark-colored. When about to poach eggs, grease Ihe vessel before putting In water, and tbey will not stick. An Aniwsr Wnnt.iL Can any one bring us a'ejuc of Kidney or i,iver Loinpiamt that Electric Hitters will not cure? Wo say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are dally recommending j-mouii; inner;, win Drove, unguis uiscajc, uiauelef, weak back, or hnv urinary complaint quickly cureiL They nm If o flit, l,!...l ..,...un .1... t........i. and act directlv on tltn illso-asrvl norla. livery holtlo guaranteed. For sale at ouc. a bottle by T. D. Thorn is. Never sun feather bods. Air them thoroughly on a windy day, in a cool place: The sun draws llu oil and elves thu feathers a rancid smell. Ilartshoruc will restore the color of woollen garments without Injury. Tur pentine removes grease or paint from cloth apply till paint can be scraped off. Dr. Frazicr's Root Bitters. Frazler's Hoot Hitters are not a dram hop beverage. Hut are strictly nnfdl- clnal In every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidncj's, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse tho blood Sold by druggists, $1.00. At Thomas' urug siore. Chloroform Is very useful in remov ing great stains from light silk and pop lin. French chalk Is also vcrv cood. Clean tin with paper, and It will shine bottet'.an.l yon won't have to keep an old dusty piece of funnel In your box of whitening. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salvn In tlm wnrM f,,r ,iic bruises, sores, ulcers, snlt i-limou fovoi- sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns, aim an sum eruptions, anil posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is "iiaranteed lo irlvn neifnet soilsfoo. Hon, or money refunded. Price S3 cents per oox, ai i . u. i nomas . A tablespoonful of turpentine boiled with while clothes will greatly aid (he whitening process. Sugar, glj-cerlne and gum arable are the. articles used to produce the glossy ippearance of ink. Dr.Frazer's Magic Ointment A sure cure for all bolls, lmi-iia. anrna. cuts, flesh wounds, soro nipple, haul and soft corns, chapped lips and hands. Price .10 cents. Sold by druggists. Wil liams MTl',, Co., Prou'-s,. Cleveland. yj. com by Aiioillas, Vlii! druggist. Mortar and tiaint mav be removed from window glass with hot, sharp vim -gar. Hub magnesia or French chalk on greasy silk ribbon, hold near the lire, anil tiruslt oil grease. A Sonsiblo Man would use Kemp's llalsam forlhc throat and lungs. 11 Is curing tnoro cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung tumbles, than any other medicine. T'.ie proprietor has authorized Hlery, of Wel-sport, and Thomas, of this place, to refund j-our money If, after taking three-fourths of a boltle, relief Is not obtained. Price !)0c. and SI. Trial size free. -Hlack marks on bannana skins usu ally indicate that the fruit has been frost' bitten. Put a bit of butter In.a dish In which milk Is to be cooked, and It will bo less liable to burn. Shiloii's Catarrh Hemedv a nosltlvo cure lor c.ttarili, ilipntlieria ami catiKer motitli. tiohl by IHcrv', elssport, ami Dr. Horn, I.chhhtoti -When bread w ill not retain the dent of thu linger. It Is ready for the oven. Young mustard plants, cut while still in tliu seed leaf, furnish a delicious salad. "Ilackmctack." a lasting, a fragrant perfume. Price '! and Ml cents. Hlery, Wclssport; Dr. Horn, Lelilahtou. To clean zinc, rub with a cloth dampened slightly with kerosene to get off all thespots, then take another rlolh and rub with bitck, and then another to polish. -Urcad and cake should be kept In a tin box or stone jar. For dyspepsia and liver coniplalnl.vou have a prlutel guarantee on every bot lloof Shlloh's It never Mils to cure. Sold by all druggists. Ir. frying steak have the lard or butter very hot. The rule for some Is, when a bhtcUh smoke. Is thrown off then put In your meat. Cloves In black Ink will prevent mould from forming on It When Haby was sick we gave hec Caslnrin, When she was a Child, she cried fur Castorta, When she became MisshcrlitugtoCastnria, When she had cnildrvn,shc gave IlicinCastorla -Put uricaronl in cold water and bring to a boil. This makes It more tender than if ut Into hot water or stewed lu milk. ltancid butter may be sweetened by being washed In lime water. When one sees the IninurR f.itfi that are sometimes used In soap making he Is Inclined loiiniioi inucioansiiriqu nines ot I no soap. Drovdonnlu'a Borax soan Is made from the purest i,-intei ullo.v, and Is guaranteed pure Will III.UIIIIUL. -To keep milk sweet, put In a spoon ful of grate horseradish. Save jour cold tea; it is excellent for cleaning grained wood. Avoid tha use of calomel for bilious complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills en tirely vegetable, have been tested forty years, and are acknowledged to be 'the host remedy for torpidity of the liver, coitlvonass and laiiga&lipn. 't'u le-4 tbs .qualify of nittmezs. prick them, with a pin ; if good, oil will Insrin'ly oo'.e out. . i,'t s n':,l l.-mons keep best when wr.i vi., I ehs e In soft paper, and laid 1 1 , ' n . v: l,..en. , The Carbon AtlwtMe All iNDEl'liNDISHT TAJIILV NKWUfAl-l-fl Published every riuttirday In lajldchlim, Carbon County, Pemisylrtuib, by H. V. Morthimer. .Ti . BANK STItEEl. $1 00 Per Year in Advsuioc ' Host advertising medium In the tunuly Every description of Plnln and I'aniy JOB PRINTING. At very low prices. We do uof hcsltMe t a say that wuaru better cquppeil truiiiaty other printing establishment In lids section to do tlrst-cla-ss Job-work, In all Its branches, at lovrprlctav. Pimples, Boils, AndCarlmnclesrctiiiltfrmuadcbilitiitt'sl, ltu)OV'cri.shcd,or iuipitroconditiuuof tti blood. Aycr'.s Sarsaimrlllaprnvcutsniid cures those eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their tauso; tho onlycfTwt ual way of treating tlicta. Aycr'.s .Sarsapartlla'hrli nrovontot t'-i usual rottrso of Bolls, which havo pnlnr-l onddi.slreiwcil iaoevory mirWon for .si oral yearsG. cate, Plalnvillt;, I vcai badly troubled with Pimples t tho fftcrt; 'nlso'vflth n tlisciibjrutlou uf tins skin, which showed itself In uglY Uprts patches. Xo external trcatifiunt did more t han temnorarv irooil. A v,r4 Kof- saparllLa effected A Pbrfoct Cure, nnd I bnvo not been troubled ulnrvs. T. W. Bodily, Hlvcr st LovvcIL Mass. I was troubled with Holla, nml m- health was much impaired. I licgau usinc Aver'a r!arsniinrillii.".riiiir..' In ,ii. thno, thu eruptions: .1(1 tUsappearril. nml my health Wni completely resforml. John I!, lilkhis, lidltor Htunlc; Observer. Albemarlo, X. C. ... I was troubled, for n long limp, with humor which appeared oq my fneo l.i ugly Pimnles and Blotches Avtir'si Sa. .Kaparllla cured tne. I consider It'thu Ix uiooit ptiruicr in llio worm. Charles XL. Smith, Jsorth Craftsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.' Ask for Aycr'.s Sarsapnrilla, nnd do not bo persuaded to tako any other. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Ma.s. I'rlco St ; tlx bottlca, 83. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada nod Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal otneo located In Washington, llrectly opposite the United States Patiot Office, vre arc able to attend to sill patent business with greater promptness nnd da spatch and at loss cost than other patent al torners who aro at n distance Irom Wash nglnn, and who have, therefore, to enib y associate a tlorne vs. n We tnaLe iirellu,tnrv examinations and furnish opinions as to tentablllty, tree or charge, and all who ara Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for n copy ol our "fluldo for obtaining Patents," whli-h la sent free ti any address, nnd oontulns-cotni lte Instruc. lions how to obtain patents nnd other valua hie matter. Wo relor to the Uermnn-Amer-Ican National Hank Washington, I). .; the lloynl Swedish. Norweielan.niiii Dal, lib L. k tlon.8. nt Washlmtton : Hon. Jos- Casey, late Chlet Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the OIHnlnls or the U. S Potent OaTee. and to Senators and Members, of Congress from ery niaic. Addross: LOIIIrJ HAOOKnSe CO.. Se llcltors of Patents end AtinrneysalLan 1-. Droit llulldlnit WAaaixoTnN. D. I), DANIEL WIEAND, Carnagcs,Wafjons,Sleigli81'v&c fcOUMLK OK HANK AX I HON STIII-UTS, Lt'.HIOIlTON, l'Ksna., Particular attention given to REPAIRING ' In all Its details, nt the very 'Lowest Prices, Patrooaire rerpectliilly solicited and ixr foit sjllafetlon guaranteed. JUMP, M-ljr. HAN. WIEAND, PATENTS ! ! FRAMLiN II. HOUGH, Solicitor of Ar. & FovciEU Patents, ll'Jj V si., near 1'. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON', I). C. All business before United Ktates Patent Ofllce alleiuled lu fur moderate fees. Patents, Pt-nciii-cd In the rnllcilKlMlfMUid nil Foreign Countries, trait tlnrltand Lab.l) register ed. Itcjcelcd applications rvtiml and pros ccutctt. Information nml ;tdvh-e its in oh t lining Patents cheerfully furnished without charge. .Send Sketch or Model for l'KKit opinion as lu Patentability. Xo Agency In the If. S. possesses super ior facilities for obtaining Patents or ascertaining the Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies of patents furnished for 2V- each. tf) Corrcspnndencp solicited, cor. IISS3 lm. SCOTT'3 ul ELKCTHIC beroining agents, rltnrv clvon. No risk, mdek sales. Trr. irer to ttioso runry given. .Miusiaciiiin Biuraniecn Address lilt, SCO PI', M.'. Hroadway, N. York' T. J. BRETNEY, Iteepeetf, illy announces to the merchants of Lelduhion and otnera that he Is prepared lu do all kinds or Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at very reason-idle prices. Hy prompt at tention to all oiders he hopes lo merit a share ol publio patronage. Iftsldeneo. corner of Pino aad Iron Street, Lehlghton, Pa. Orders lor hauling left at (I. M. aweeny .Son's Sturo will rwu-lvo prompt attention. T. J. HKETKEY. Oct. I'A ISSI-3in. 13. F. LUCK EN BACH, DhALEIt IN Wall Papers, Bordcis & Decorations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window .Shades & Fixtures, ' Latest StybwouAde and put up, II dtllran. Paints, Oi.Viirnislx, Putty, Br'ii lies & geiiecal Painters' Suiiplifs. No. 01 Bfjauiyay. Kancli (tat, Pa ivlu4- tho L.uadwuy 11 jh e.