The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 19, 1886, Image 3

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    '''Original Ghoap Gash S tor o.' I Gustave Kurtz, of town, has pur
' chased K&tcllff & Chubb' s bakery, anil
r.ovoiuc3 ana uargama
Summer Dress Goods,
Our stock of personable goods Is wonderful
In variety, mid remarkable for the wry low
prices at which the goods are marked through
At 60 Cents,
rinln Mid 1'lHlil 811k Pongees,
Actual valuo TO Cents,
At .17 Cents,
Klrlpnl Summer Bilks.
Actual value H Cts.
At H Cents,
Clierketl Summer Silks.
Actual value OS cents.
At 4!i Cents,
Fine Cream Cashmere.
Actual valuo no Cts.
At 18 Cents,
ttest Quality. Crinkled Hearsuckcr.
Actual value 25 Cents.
Alt the above materials are In great demand.
Opp. Public Squire, Bank Streot, Lehigh,
ton. Pa. Jane 7, 1 881-1 r.
sXTUilDAY. JUNE 10, 1880.
. BPJSCIALfXOTICE. Persons msklnjc
payments to this office by money orders or
..po. notes will plean make tbem psvahle
at tha WriwrnaT Post Omen, as the Le-
., Llghtun oflioe is hot a money orJer office
Neighborhood In Brief.
Slbli Is to have a steam hcatlnc
company Ix-fore very long.
. syEcnn Lacks; half yar.l xviJe;
atrprlcesjcall early; Alvenla Uravcr.
.. Haileton merchants liavo adopted
tb-j.riile. of 'closing atJJ p. m.
" Strawberries are selling at from six
(to ten cents a box,- by hucksters In tills
, place.
K2FGo to Pre. Rodcrcr, under the
Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave
and a fasionable hair cut.
Bass Ashing in the Susquehanna is
reported to be an unprofitable pastime
this year.
Itpbert. Iloberllng, of tliis place, had
Ms right arm broken by falling of a
cherry treo last Wednesday.
When an article is sold "no cure,
no pay," why not try it? That is tho
way Jadwin's tar syrup for coughs,
colds and croup, is sold at Thomas'
Hire your teams at the popular liv.
ery of David Kbbert, on North street.
Flno4eams and low changes.
;'" Rev. Abe. liartholomcw, preached
a. very able sermon In tlnj Reformed
church last Sunday evening.
t-No wonder that people complain of
hard times when they pay SOc for a bot
tle of cough syrup, no larger than a 25c
uotttopf Jailwin s tar syrup, which is
sold.f'nd cure, no pay." Thomas sells It.
Quite a number of young folks took
in.thehopat Dowmanstown on Monday
ov'ening. Music was furnished by
filler's Orchestra.'
'The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany has declared a quarterly dividend
of 1 per cent., payable on and after
July- llh.
J-Full XicU.c -Mounted Buggy
Harness at $10 mi upwards. Lap
lllankets, FlynetU, Collars. Wli Ips, Ac,
at very low prices, at Milton Floiy's.
Welssport, Ta.
We. learn that our esteemed friend,
Tsui Krosgey X'.tt.. of Tow amen sing,
will-be acaii!Mato nt the next 'Demo
cratic convention for the nomination for
Tho 2nd annual Sunday School As
sembly Wlir take, place at Calypso Island,
Hethlehein, pa., on Thursday, July HI,
under the auspices of the Northampton
County Sunday School Association.
Save .half your cough medicine, bills
byhuyltijia 2.-c bottle of Jadwin's tar
syrup, which contains II ounces, while
no-other cough syrupcontalns over 1 1-2.
bold at Thomas' drill store.
Our voting frien.I Hiram Kuder, a
Theological student, of this place, dis
coursed two very able sermons In the
Lutheran church last Sunday morning
and evening.
Charles Sclfert Friday secured a ver
dict of $5000 against the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company In a
suit which has been on trial several days
In the Kaston court.
It Is tho poor man's friend, but the
rich man uses It also; because It Is the
best.quallty and largest, boftlo for the
price, and Is .sold !tno cure, no pay."
We refer (o. Jadwin's tar syrup. Sold at
The pfstol factory at I'lttston is to
be put In running order again at an early
date. A company Is being formed for
the purpose by anumberof Wllkesbarre
The Rev. James A. Little, of Hok
ndauqna, wasfayored last week, whilst
In Washington, with a private Interview
with President Grover Cleveland, who
was extremely cordial to this well-known
VresbytcrUn pastor.
(Jlnuss c&Bro,, 'Die Tail
ors, still hrtvc a lew of those
justly .celebrated $10 suitings
on hand,
There will be. no services In the
Lutheran church to-morrow (Sunday)
morning or evening on account of the.
absence of Rev. J. U.-Kair r, who Is in
attendance at the LutlieranSynod which
convenes at Easton to-morrow (Sunday).
The Plymouth' Water Company has
sunk an artesian well which flows HO,
000 gallons per day and is said to be
sufficient to supply that town with water.
There will bo no more fever infection In
their water supply,
23T-Another. New Stock. Miss Al
venla Graver was to the city this week
and returned home with another new
and stylish stock of nats and Uonncts,
including the latest styles and trimm
ings. Call before purchaslngelscwberc.
Miss Alvenla Graver, next to Thomas'
drug store, Bank street.
Th Vosburg tunnel was dedicated
to public use on Thursday, the 17th
Inst. The tracks are now being laid In
It and will be completed In time for the
opening next week. Three years have
been consumed In tho construction of
this great work.
Dr. C. T. Horn Lchlghton and W.
. Blery Welssport, would specially
recommend to the ladles Acker's Dys
pepsia Tablets. As a laxative they have
no equal. They are guaranteed to cure
Chronic Constipation, Dyspepsia, and
all diseases arising from a deranged
stomach. With a free use of, the Tablets,
Sick Headache Is Impossible.
At the Monroe county Republican
Convention held Saturday to elect a
county chairman and delegate to the
State Convention Dr. T. C. Walton was
. . '
Schoch as delegate. The latter was In -
strneted for Heaver for Rmtniu 1...1
General Lilly, of Carbon county,
next Thursday,
Consideration $1,125.
On Thursday of last week President
Cleveland nominated Mr. David Lutz
as postmaster at SlAtlngton, and doubt
less the appointment will be speedily
confirmed by tho Senate.
For the week ending Juno 12, there
wcro 133,814 tons of coal shipped over
the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a
total to date of 3,304,127 tons, and show
ing an Increase of 045,747 tons compared
with tho samo time last year.
Dr. C. T. Horn Lchlghton and W.
F. Jilcry Welssport wish to stato that
they have at last found nn article thev
can sell on its merits. It is with pleas
ure they guarantee to the public Acker's
ingnsu iccmcuy as a sure anu never
falling cure for Asthma. Couuhs.
Whooping Cough, Croup, and all Lung
J. roubles.. Jt is the standard remedy for
lonsumpiton. ilicy liavo never round
Its equal.
Rev. F. K. Iiernd, pastor of the
Jordan Lutheran church in South
Whitehall, paid a visit to the Normal
School at Kutztown last week. He is a
graduate of the Institution, of the class of
'77, and for several year's was tho princi
pal of the model school In connection
with It,
The Rethlehcm Iron Company 1$ at
present engaged In filling an order for
2500 tons of steel rails for the Nbrthorn
Pacific Railroad, and one 'of' 2000 tons
for the Duluth and Maultoba Railroad.
Tho rails are shipped over tho Lehigh
Valley tracks to lluffalo and thence by
boat to Duluth
Spiuko ophkiso. Large well select
ed new stock of Wall Papisms,
lloitDKiis, Dkcokations. (Sample
books sent out.) Rest job bargains ever
otlered. Daik) Window hiiadks on
spring rollers ()c. nnd upwards. Paint-
ING. The best work at fair prices.
Broadwav, Mauch Chunk. Pa.
An Easton despatch of tho 14th
Inst., says: The Pennsylvania, Pough
kccpsle and New England Railroad was
Monday sold by the Sheriff to L. C.
Cheney, of Philadelphia, for $50. The
road was chartered to run from Harris
burg to the Delaware.
K57 The Lehigh Wagon Co.. Limit
ed, is deservedly getting a good name
for its work. The wagon shipped to
Moorestown, N. J., was a daisy. The
heavy wagon built for the Jamaica Fur
niture Co., Brooklyn, N. Y was really
a master-piece. The wagon built for
Wells, Bowman A Co.. Wilkesbarrc, in
finish cannot be excelled. This enter
prise Is a credit to our town, and the
superior mechanical abilities of the boys
arc acknowledged. If you are In need
of a good wagon cheap they can furn
ish you with it.
Summer is here Mothers bo careful
of your babies with diarrhoea. Should
they begin with it, do not wait, hut get
a bottle of Dr. Hand's Darrhoca Mix
ture for Children at once. Cures when
everything else falls. 45 cents a bottle.
Our old friend Lewis J. Chrlstman,
of Little Gap, will celebrate the anni
versary of his birth on July 1st. upon
which occasion tho Lchlghton Cornet
Band will bo present. Lew. says they
are going to have one of '"those good
old time frolics," and will be pleased lo
meet all his old friends on the occasion.
There am scores ot persons wlionro
suilertng from some form of mood dis
order or skin disease, such as Scrofula,
Bolls, etc.. etc. After a practical test,
Dr. C. T. Horn Lehluliton nnd W. V.
Blery Welssport, assert that Acker's
Blood Elixir will ccrtalnl , cure all such
diseases, Including Syphlllls and Rheu
matism. It is not a patent nostrum, but
a scientific preparation. They guarantee
Last Saturday Freddie Miller, while
working at the feed-cutter on William
Koch's farm, had the misfortune to
haye the fingers of his right hand tcr
rihly cut and mangled. It was found
necessary to amputate the three larger
fingers completely, whilst only one joint
of the little linger could be saved, the
thumb, however, remaining intact.
The amputation was successfully per
formed by Dr. W. W. Rcber assisted by
Dr. C. T. Horn.
took oot for Bad SSs and 32s.
New counterfeit $5 and $2 Treasury
notes appeared In St. Louis In March.
They are poorly printed from wood
blocks, and are circulated almost exclus
ively by Italians. The "y" In Treasur
er Wyman's name is a "g" on the face
of both notes, and on the back of the $2
note "legal tender" Is printed Lboal
LnNDKit. The first of them to he selicd
In New York turned up on Saturday.
Slefano Tiipyo offered a bad five In the
saloon at 43 1-2 Elizabeth street, and
was arrested. He had a bad two In bis
pocket. Ho savs that a contractor at
Port Chester paid them to him.
The Coal Trade.
Saturday's Bradstreet's says there is
little that Is new to report concerning
the anthracite coal trade. It Is claimed
on nil hands that the restricted totuup
miring june. moneraie as ills, goes a
long ways toward preventing an accum
ulation of stocks at tidewater points,
even In the face of the light demand
prevailing. The latter, however, Is not
an unusual featureduring June. Those
who are Inclined to reiranl the nntlir.i.
cite coal situation at nil times and under
an circumstances from a bull point of
view, are anxious that an advanced rate
for coal be announced before July 1,-to
take effect on that date-In order-that
the midsummer purchases for fall and
winter domestic use may net Increased
profits. The 'total tonnage taken out
since January 1, In round numbers,
amounts to about 12,000,000 tons.agaiust
about 11,000.000 tons In a corresponding
portion of 1885. The market is quiet
even dull.
Bnniay School Convention.
The Sunday School Association, under
the auspices of the East Penn. Classls
of tho Reformed chinch In the U. S.,
held its semi-annual convention In the
Welssport Reformed church, on Whit
Mondav, June 14. Ministers belonging
to this association who were present are
as follows: Revs. J. K. Loos, D, U
T. O. Stem, J. E. Smith. J, W. Mnbcy,
A. lit Toinpson. T. A. lluber and J. E.
Freeman. Visiting clergy: Revs. A. M.
Masonhelmer, J. O. Lindaman, of the
Reformed church. Rev. Gross, of the
Evangelical church, and Rev. Kuder, of
the Lutheran church. The number of
delegates present, apjiolutcd by the
different schools In the territory of the
East Pcnn. Classls, were twenty-four.
The following topics were discussed:
1. The Sunday School Superintendent.
2. hat shall we sing in Sunday
3. Missions and the Sunday School.
4. Temperance.
6. The Teachers' meeting.
6. The lesson leaf. Other literature
L. be. used '" tl,e Reformed Sundav
The. topics were ably discussed by
iitiiimicra mm oiuers. i Here was a
good deal of friction between the Ideas
""'f'"" DUl ail lor,
guoo. Diicii worK gives warmth and
1 activity to a Sunday School Convenlion.
' Rllbbina polishes. A r-nml rnhhlntr
,lun" sp'cnuiii lor ine 6titr ideas of
some; and good for Ihose who re wild
I In their oplulons. J. . y.
Will take possession
Pooplo in and oat of Town.
Our people who may have relatives or
frttmtU fl.ll It... tl...... Ill t.n..tlt nlilLrA ,t
by sending In their names and residence for
publication under this iicad.-i.UMun.
Miss Aggie Relchard was visiting
friends at A Men town during the week.
Morris Amor, formerly of town,
now of Ashley, spent last Sunday In
Miss Eliza Barthold, of Slatlngton.
was visiting Miss LuluZelincr, on B.tuk
street, this week.
Mrs. Frank ICershner, of New Tri
poli, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Phaon
Clauss, on Batik street.
Mrs. Ed. Ilnrtenian, of Weatherly,
was the guest of her son J. L. Harlo
man, on Iron street, this week.
Mrs. Robt. Natrass, of Mauch
Branch, where tho
spend some
Prof. J. Morris Roberts, nrlnctnal
of our public schools, left this week for
ins Home in Ohio. The Professor w 111
movo his family to town some time this
Miss Emma Hunsickcr, ar. estima
ble young lady of this place, was so
journing with relatives atld friends In1
Allcntown and Cataauqda fo"r several
Uays during the past'weck.:
- " 1
Mahoning Items.
Miss Mabel Moser. of Summit Hill.
spent a few days with her sister last
William Mertz Is building an nd
dltlon to his barn.
Misses Hannah Balllet and Emma
Seidle were In attendance at the com
mencement exercises of Franklin and
Marshall College, Lancaster.
F. D. Kllngaman bought a fine trot
ter. They say 11c can go it In 2:40.
Miss Nettle Reisle, of East Mauch
Chunk, was visiting at Nnthan Balllet's
during the week.
Our farmers are busily engaged In
picking the large crop of strawberries
and chenles.
In driving home from church on
Sunday Charles Fenslcrn-acher and
Milton Ebcrts were, run Into by another
carriage. One of tho carriages was
overturned, but fortunately, no one was
The Spring term of the Centre.
Square Select School closed on Friday.
The closing exercises, which will con
sist of orations, essays. Ac., will be held
this (Saturday) evening on the school
campus, at Centre Square. The School
Is noted for Its ability to get up good
entertainments and this one will prove
no exception to the rule. No one can
afford to miss It. Dash.
Killed on the Bailroad.
John Essllng, of Weatherly, a carpet
weaver by occupation, visited Mauch
Chunk Tuesday and attended court in
the capacity of a witness in a larceny
case. On returning to ills home in the
afternoon lie boardud a coal train at
Mauch Chunk depot ami rode to the
water tank one ami a half miles east of
Penn Haven Junction, where lie stepped
off the train to secure a drink of water
from a stream running in proximity to
the track. After he had secured a
drink, he was reluming to the train,
when train No. 7, came along, struck
him, and threw him on an cnlbankmont
from where he rolled under the whee'ls,
severing the head and legs from the
body. The. body, when picked up by
the railroad employes, was terribly muti
lated and presented a ghastly sight.
The victim s remains' were taken lo
IiIj home on passenger train No. 12. lie
was aged about fort -live years.
An Allcntown Furniture Factory Burned.
About four o'clock Sunday afternoon
lire' broke out In the large furniture
factory ot C. A. Homey, in the first
ward, Allcntown, and In two hours tho
structure and all its contents were a
mass of ruins. The factory was packed
with furniture In various stages of com
pletion. This loss Is estimated at SIS,
000, partly covered by Insurance. Nearly
two bundled men are thrown out of
employment. All the tools were lost,
as well as several hundred thousand
feet of lumber In the drying room.
Several llremen had a narrow escape
from being cainjht under 11 falling wall.
The origin of the lire Is not positively
known. Tills is the fifth furniture
factory destroyed in tho city in less than
four years.
A Street Preacher Mobbed.
John Daley, who recently abjured
Catholicism, attempted to preach in
River Park, Wilkestbarre. Sunday after
noon, but was prevented by a mob of
fully 3.000 persons, Including; some of
tho roughest clement of the mining
region, who assaulted him with a view
of throwing lilm Into the Susquehanna
River. Had It not been for the inter
position of the police, who were present
In strong force, Daley would doubtless
have been seriously Injured, If not killed.
Ho was finally escorted hbme by the
police, followed by an Infuriated crowd,
who made violent efforts to lay hands
iiixm him, but were beaten off. Daley
attempted lo preach at the same place
on Sunday last, but was prevented in
much the same way as before.
Card of Thanks
The undersigned, business manager of
the entertainment for the benefit of
Addle Schcepe. desires to return his
sincere thanks to the ladies and gentle
men who took nnd so ably filled the
several parts In tho drama rendered on
the occaslon;to the Lchlghton Orchestra
for music; to the ladies and gentle
men who in other respects aided the
management, and to the citizens gener
ally who so llbenilly patronized the en
tertainment. '
. I am pleased to state in this . connect
t!on that flie net receipts of, tho enter
tainment amounted to about $00.00.
G. W. Nuriiaum,
June 15. 18S6. Business Manager.
P. !. Those persons still having
funds In hands for tho benefit x1 Addle
Schcepe, will plcaso hand tho amount,
without delay, to Geo. II'. Nusbaum.
Was lie Robbed and Murdered?
On May 7 the body of Rudolph Lelb
singer, a butcher, aged about fifty-five
years, was found in the Lehigh river at
Allcntown. He had disappeared a week
previous and no one knew what had be
como of him until his body was llsbed
out of the river. The Coroner's jury
rendered a verdict of accidental death.
Detective Smith claims to have In his
Nv.thAllntow'nVeTativ?,. " Vf Tlti P&SSfiWlfiR' tSlirSSS , i "T, TtV? ,
-Shupp i Co., of Effort, were repre-1 SenIors wilt have their class bauet I''' nu
t.. CI... Tl .., T.t... ,M Ttl.l.t D.. -.,.... tr,.,.l.A-.TTA Tl 17. 'V. v '. . - """"." C'"' uiw ftiutw-
scntcd n town nn last Frldav. oun uoiei uan. cud ed. I ha nislon rn nn'tr,i.tiint? " H'-.".c u.iuimuciauii:
" "''" " " " , 111 1110 evening tne Juniors -w III give the strangers s opplng here at ourTioteis were
Morthlmer, on Bank street, last Satur- annual reception and hop to tbe Seniors 1 Vivwat, and reiiiarkid. ,i,vj trau.M'd
"ay In tbecymnasium. Uasslcr's orchestra. f.V.V" .. UaV0 """."W enterliilnineiit.s,
I(f7"0"VAi J.Durllngand son Bert, of PhlJ.delphla ha, been engaged to' WftlMMlli;
left on Wednesday morn ne for Lomr fumlsh the mus e that so suti'.'rnhv i,ii,..:.i
possession Information which will lead " lnc I,ar,y ' be praised In this matter,
to the arrest of two young men of Al- nt the council; for we doubt not, but
lentown who are suspected of having tl,a,i '"Jd the Advocate never ,sug
killed Leihshificr. It is alleged that Bl"d he necessity of street lamps the
while the latter was Intoxicated the men founclltnen at Lohfgbton would still "be
Induced him lo go out rowing and that, i" lark tts regards this question.
they pitched him overboard, alter hav-
Ing robbed him.
From May 27tli to June 17th, 18S0 for
the CAitnox Advocate:
John O. Hex, .MalidnlnK
John H. Intz, U'lil-iilon
Jonas l Ilecr, Towamenshig, ...
James M. NOthsteln, LehlclUon.
Wni. II. Ilachmaii, LehlKhloii...
Haniuel J'ry, Lehlliton ,,,
Ceo. lIuutlnKer, huinmlt Mill.,,
..? 1 no
.. I oo
.. I m
.. l no
.. l (in
Henry Recktndorf, J-ehlKhtoii.
ruimiri ii. in, l-enijmou ,
Paul Duck, 1'ranklln two
W.A. Peters, Lehluhton ,
James Wnlp. l-ehlchlon ,
!M'. Clark, 1-ehlRhtoii
('. K. ltueh. Went l'cnn tp
8. llOf niiun, Lehljriitnn
m. Waterltor, I.elilhlon
fien.'Fnzlan, Franklin twp.
I.S. KnHi. Lrlilchtim .
Mrs. peTselilrsrnsky, Uhiehloii
Mrs. '1. Aitier. LehUthUni. , . .
(lortfrev Peter. MabonliiK alley
r.pliriara Jichris, 1'ackorton . .
C 1' Jth Jes, Lrtetf.lon
l on
1 ro
1 flA
1 on
1 on
2 00
Commncment Week at Lohlgh. I
The following Is the complete pro-'
nriinimn nf f-nn,ti1tt--atnA1tt wnnlf f fin '
i university Sjiinday,Juno20tli,the Dacca-
mureaie sermon win do uenverea uv me
J uesdav. Jmie22(T. former! v known as
Banner Day, Is Class Day, and will be , ft " "I I l-ms? yrectcd cvciy musical and
observed bv the Senlnr. with tlm usual .,w;"ry "''ijf. evciy reading and every recltH
.Iiv.. 7Vi ri. us.ual . tlQii; repetitions were onllid ftr, uuttlmu
exercises on the campus. Tho opening , would nut penult. Tho audience tometlines.
address- will be made by W. H. Dean, tbe V.'0"1 .crwnlnt! wild, some rising hi their
class pr'cslJcnt, who. will also act asJ.vCkiViuMcal!in,l'i.t,i '"'".u?
master bf ceremonies. II. Toulmln will u?X. uWH. i?. f.'J! F, '!!?','..?
be presentation orator and W. P. Taylor
tho lyy orator; M. A. DeWolfe Howe,
y orator; at. a. ueuoiie jiowe,
lasnoet and V V SieUnti innst
lasspoei, ana L.. L.. stetson toast
r. Iho music w U bo furn shed
.jr., ciast
by tho Allcntown Cornetlland.3 nieces.
After the exercises on the campus a
class shield. Instead of the customary
class banner, will bo hung In the Univer
sity Chanel. TheshtehLIsnf hammer.!
sliver, bearing the class cut and motto.
Wednesday. June 23rd. U I- nnvrn na
Alnmnl Day. In the afternoon the atl-i
nual leunlon and bapquct of Alumni
Association will be heMr In the oven--I115
an annual a.ddiess will ha delivered
In Packer Hall by Prof. Samuel P.
Sadtler. Of the University of IVnnsvl.
vafila.- Tho. subject will, be "Prescrrt,"
1 iuuusiriai uuemistry.r MAt
0 o clock on,)ils tfranlug.thc President!
.holds receotion .at his resP
'(lenco.Jn.yie University park. A 124
o clock: tne Sophomore cremation pro-,
cession will IdaveSa"iicoh Hall and pro
ceed through the principal streets of the
Bothlehems to the square In front of tha
Moravian Seminary; for Young Ladles,
where the ceremonies attending the cre
mation of Olney's Calculus will be held.
After the cre.uatlon tbe Sophomores
will be tendered a reception by the
Freshmen when the "hatehnt will li
burled and the. fragrant calumet will be.
Thursday. June 24th, Is University
Day. and the exercises will be held In
Tacker Hall. The cradnatlnc clnsi.
numbers thirty-one men, and the orators
selected by the faculty are the first two
In standing ineacii department of study
In the University. The salutatorlan
win oe 11. Touimln, L. S.; jho valcdic
tonan, 0. J. Harwl, C. E.; the other
orators are s. u. Hazlcton, E. M.; II.
G. 1161st, M. E.; E. S. Stackhouse, E.
u., u. in. xticiiaruson, a. u. ; u. 11.
Vceder, M. E. ; G. II. Cobb, M. E. ; U.
t Jaylor, Class, and J. II. Spengler,
East Match Chunk Items,
Mrs. James Appenzeller ard daugh
ter were visiting friends at Ilazardvllle
during the week
John, Fisher anil friend, of' New
j or ny, were visiting iiarry Biena
man. Jacob Kaston who had his foot hurt
at Paekciton, Is around again.
Some of Mauch Chunk's capitalists
are talking of running.a horse railway
ociween tins place and Mauch Chunk.
A number of young folks have made
.ipuucaiion in a. w. j.mscnring for a
situation In the silk mill.
Mr. James Mills, Instead. of James
Miller, as reported last week's Issue,
supt. of silk mill, moved froniPaterson,
N. J., into one of Edgar Twlnlng's
mispiaco Is In need of a street
Mrs. Henry Siegfried and Mrs.
Ilirry Raker took atrip toAllcntowuone
day last w eek.
Dr. Longshore, of Hazlcton was In
town last week.
John Muth and daughter wore iir
i-iiiiatiuipiiia several uays tins week.
Miss Nagel, of Allcntown, has been
visiting Miss Ida Koons of this place.
Proposals for the new Methodist
church of this place is about ready, for
Tho Reliance Base Ball Club has
been re-organized for the summer.
Miss Eva and Lizzie Dlakslee Who
have been attending College at Albany,
N, Y., returned home on Saturday.
Mrs. Treharn lias moved Into her
new house.
Miss Anna Badeau who has. been
attending Collego at Albany N. Y., re
turned to this place and Is living with
Mrs. Treharn.
This place Is now a flag station for
trains Nos. 5, 8 & 0.
Harry Belniman done some paint
ing at Upper Lehigh, durlnct tho weok.
G. B. Welch mado a flying trlD to
Lchlghton, on Tuesday evening.
From Across the Elver Welssport.
Miner Bro., at the foundry, arc do
ing a rushing business.
Business, seems to be "picking up
some" throughout the valley.
Bad pavements, in all their cussed
ness, predominate in this borough.
A number of strangers have been
sojourning here during the past week.
Tho East Penna. Classls of the Re
formed church, was in session hero last
The salo of caniages and harness at
the Fort Allen House, last Saturday,
was well attended,.
W, F. Blerv, our enterprising drug
gist, has-ereeted a new sign In front of
his place of business.
We have some hopes of being blest
with a bicycle club. Quito a number of
our young gents have purchased new
w heels.
Gov. Pattlson has appointed Austin
Boyer Justice of the Peace, to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of his
father, Henry Boyer.
Candidates for political honors are
beginning to "blossom" In different
parts of the county; but as yet, Welss
port politicians are keeping quiet.
Our popular post-master, Geo. C.
Deals, started off qn his hlcycle last
Sunday morning fora two weeks ride
o'er bill and vali;. 0.We nndcrstapd. that
be will go as far as Virginia; '
For the past several weeks Lehlsh
Ion has been showing tho people what
they can do In the shape of entertain
ments composed of home talent. Pub
lic opinion pronounce them immense.
Let our young folks show themselves
next. We have just as much talent
hero as any other town of the samo size
In tho valley. Some one start the ball
We poor folks across the Lehigh
east our eves upon our sister town, Le
hlghton, with feelings of envy, nnd won
der how long It will be before our coun
cil commence to take action In tlin mut
ter ot street lamps. Iiutthe Advocate
,,,' "" " "'S improvement
Welssport awake, advance,
keep up
wiiu me tunes.
The Democrats of Lehigh.
The Lehigh countyDcmocratlc county
committee, met Saturday and named
August 14 as the day for the. county
meeting and September 21 as tho time
for the election, .of candidates by. the
Crawford county system. The folhiu ln?
delegates to the State Convention, were
elected at the. Ust county coiivelitionl
u. J. iardman,.J. S. ulllinger, A. O.
Dcwalt, S. W. Frltch. A. N. Miller.
William Krousc. Cornelius Acker and
I eo. "onas iwine. i uey are antl-Sowden ' " -""m, (ih
A. men, which means also that they are n,im Patterson, Frank Eckhart, Chas,
ino nl-'a"!lh At the time of their elec- Bedding, Henry Wetzel, Jos. DeFrehn
zm Hon that vvttt nn Issue. There was no 1 Frank Waener Ti.Mnri -n..,, j
lm special preference for Governor on tlx, ,T "
l.wi part of tho Lehlch delerrailnn nt this Mahlon II. I hrlstman.
. a . . .
towards t'haiincey black tlrl Hopkins
Is a avoote With othe.
nine, nttvenu are lavorauiv maposnl
"Tile first shall be last, and the last shall be'
l-9t" nibr tl.tJ'.AWAn...itAn.l
than liitne tact that "A-Rare Heal" alttioueli
uu m trm i.nt..rti....r;i J . .V.,..7i .i.TKrTSi
Let ...wi tiZ i k w Kttttit
' nas taken uu. een tu lhu nullum-. ' aiuiIuimm
oddliy, witticism ami' theie
Y ,V,,r, r. .v,' "'a ""c 11 10
i , . , ll!,lt.un Publlot w Krtuiu In all Its parts,
tnuil,,,, tame-no inonnlouv-iiothliix to hi
uuwki tlme.hut eor saijliig ifniioraiiilc
Ii.Iuibs pHjsing bvforu the eyes of tho ou
liiiiiu'd mid over-enjoyed hearers from s' to
10!i p. 111., without 11 break or flaw from bo-
liiuniuir to enil. us EKtim.iivL' .n.L-
and uouud up for the occasion. Many of the
audience expressed a desire to have the same
iifumeu uihjii
liiiiUharied this linnm i.r u cm.
"dy deservi-. tho .tlisuks of the nubile.
.- t.ui, i-iuvii unary u siyic: seicci reaU'
couiiillshmeiit. bccoiccct In languace
uiid pronunciation, (Jnuerul m ce'lure, nnd
musical In cumulation, 'rile thoughts and
. n.uw uipuuiuui-p iciiu ami reciieu were
soiUiluly ittullS-bniuhtoiir, thnttheveiv
j!(u!iitiim .lt.wt..& .... .... ir.ir7. I .3.'.
"'W "j.MiHs major as larKu !i,llf u Mid
."'wsi'" iiieinvKHiiiRC-oniecanii omaitohitS
Krcully siiiiirlscd tho audfence , wflli .llieir
prolluiencyi and-wcrebloudlr'atm Mdeil-
,....! T. : . i .iiiu iiinr.
, l ,7 "'""J.'iwiiurunay,' uj ,ias-
VV", "niKr nciiucu, i.viii7. relet and
Kreldlcr, liroucht down thu house, "The
iaror Descending NIKhl," was beautlfidlv
rendered by some cIkIiI or nine of our bust iiicuisis lauius nnu gentlemen.
And so with all the imislc. J?:en ilie f,ehlgh.
Um Orchestra aimciired to bo Inrnseil uTii.
the samis stitiil nr fT.iii.,i.n t... nu, . .......i..-
the most beautiful stialnsof music they ever
"The Crowninir nf the May (iueen,"-what
sbaU 1 say of It? Nothing belter than what
, uiiaun.-!, ri'niurKeu, "e coum sn ail
iilK it and look at that." 'ihe "Tlirce Little
Maids from School." was erv iniluue and
huililjahic, as was also the "Ouaker Court-
'"Pi u auiss ticssie wins aim imuulc Lentz
rV'ls was ;'cute." "Competing Railroads."
ul oft by Charlie Mertz, was good, unit so
was "fersonatliiK Ciders," by Lizzie IMilz
and Llzzlo Hchoch.
"Unappreciated Genius" creatod n roar of
laughter? Mlss Daisy yihbler represenled
;tlic neitllgent housewife so naturally that we
.M.u.u nun. ii-ui uiiui-iuicu iti propose.
She taught her husband, Francis ujchmau,
vwiiuni nni uihi kw. ii . jtioninni
er, as "Bridget," was Ilrldnet with a veil
waiice-a dllllcult character well plaved. He
or she. wo don't know which, Imiughl ilown
Jho house when she remarked In true Irish
brogue, "that her cousin, Aunle O'flinn had
done poorly when she married (leorge Jlrlton
McCMellan lihdolnh Stockcr."
T1!b.u-TrAlln.u Mauro" Miss nnima Rebcr
as"Jir3. Buttermilk," In her natural, rollick
log style, slammed and banged around the
tlckcLufllcc that brought forth loud and long
encorsev Slio quizzed tho agent, Dr. V. .
jieoeritw me iunest extent 01 all nuinan pit
tlence, and he In return represented the con
ceitctl!' cnisty, snappish ticket agent, up to
life, as though he alone were pcrlcctton and
owned the whole road. But Mrs. Buttermilk
didn't care a "blanked bans'," "her yarbo
andj-oots and plasters were the best thing In
the world. Why.liless jou, the send for them
nil around the country lor asthma and slch
Jhe little ones without exception did ex
ceedingly wen anu 1 cannot say better of them
th.lU What ll ireilfleltlMII Slr.ntn-nr rnttfii-l.'
who has resided at quite a nunllier of places
"f have iicut seen mi bright a company nf
little ones as these proved themselves to
night." Hint's what strangers thought, and
is not self laudation. Good for the lads and
lasses oi i,enignion. llmiiKs lo Miss Major
and tier nhlu assistants Mrs. A. J. Darling
and Miss llattlo Koons for training, educat
ing and Inspiring these little ones t" such
perfection. Miss Major has shown herSeir a
tuost excellent organizer and was particularly
rorluiiata n getting the right one In the rigid
place. Klie was likewise greatly lissfsted by
Mlfts. Lulu Miner, whose Valuable sen ices as
a prosulritf- tn liiusic. tendered greatly to-
i i .V, 'Tey h u mvi t;iru 01 mo itrngiammepi
utv.iuciAMivs, iiiiu.-iiasiuugious vision:
wtis lhViio?.hiir event and was iuttiuesilnn:ihlv
imiiti iiuiiui.u ie,iiuit'.s m uicrveu.
Ing. Mr. Ale. ilownian as George Washlnir.
in,. .ip iiui-uiiy natural, in laci lie JS not III
uiuateur.butahostln himself, and raiik.swlth
- ijruiessiouais." noine may tnitiK we nave
beeiifxlruvagantln our pralie, so thought
Itlfinv. U Wl frnt . f t.t.t ....I- In .. A..t. ..
resume of Iho progress ot Hie satin, under
tut- tnic in -w iturn irt'ai ill int' t'All
nox AnvocAiK. Bui Ihaft Kkat JUltd the
Hall and Ir ought the dimtt. Wo will guarantee
tluif every i ender of the ad vocatk, who was
able to attend the entertainment was there.
inni i vmat an adverttirmenl doei. But this
was utjiaiuBiiised, every line of space was
gratuitously given to thogood cause for which
tlm euti'itnlnment was held. Thanks to friend
Morthimer fur HiPKnint. A'niiuilt nml tT.i.-v
alwass right, If you take him right.
Ask Ihose who have been there whether wc
have been extravagant In our praise. None
u... it ...-tiiii-m iiiut-iiimv iiiu inn t-anutav us,
Iv rKSr. Cash receipts of tho evening tjw..
oo, expenses SaiVon.
Analyzing tho Baking Powders
Under the direction of the New York
Slate Board of Health, eighty-four
uuii'icui Kiiius 01 uakiiig powders.
embracing all the brands that could be
found for sale in the State, were sub-
nnttcd roTntfainlnatlon and analysis by
Prof. 0. F. Chandler, a Member of the
State Board and President of the New
York Cliy Board of Health, assisted by
j-rui. jvin-aruu. J.ove, tne well-known
late United States Government chemist.
I he olllclal report shows that a large
number of the powders examined were
found to contain alum orjline; many of an extent as to- render
thenr seriously objectionable for use In
the preparation of human food.
Alum was found In twenty nlno
samplea. ''hjs drug, is employed In
bakllig rJowders to cheanen their rnt.
The presence, of lime Is attributed to the
Impure cj-cam of tartar of commerce
used in tlielr manufacture. Such cream
of tartar was also analyzed, nnd found
to contain lime and other Impurities; in
some samples to tho extent of 03 per
cent, of their entire weight.
All the baking powders of the market,
with the jingle exception of "Royal"
(not Including the alum and phosphate
powders, which werelongslnce discard
ed as unsafe or inefficient by prudent
house-keepers) &ro made from the tin
pure cream of tnrtar of commerce, nnJ
consequently contain llmu to a
.ponding extent.
1 lie only baking powder yet found by
chemical analysts to be entirely fre
front lime nml absolutely pure. Js, -tlie
".Hoi-si''"; Tnls perffot purity- lesulfcf
rum mc exclusive use or crp.1111 of isirmr
specially rtfined and prepared by patent
processes 01 111a n, 1 ..Tartar Co., which
totally removed the tartrate of lime nnd
other Impurities.. The cost of this
chemically pure croani of tartar is.much
greater than any other, andon account,
of this greater cost is used In no baking
powcier out tne "Itoyal:"
Prof. Love, who mai'c the nf
baking powders for the New Vork State
Uoard of Health as well as for tbe eovern.
mcnt, says of the. purity and whoiesome
ness of "Royal:"
"I have tested a package of 'Royal
Baking Powder' which I purchased In
the open market and find lLciinmnsf.l nf
pure and .wholesome Ingredients. It is a
cream of:tartar powder of a high degree
of merit, and docs not contain either
alum oc phosphates or any injurious
substances. E. G. Love. Ph. D.'
Carbon County Courts.
the June term of our county courts
convened in tire Court House, at Mauch
Chunk, on Monday afternoon. Present:
Judge S. S. Drchcr and his associates.
Tho usual routine of business was trans
acted during the afternoon. On Tues
day morning -the. case of Charles Orion
Stroll charged w'Ui embezzlement and
falsifying thenccm-nts of Mauch Cbuhk
Borough," was called. The' '-fallowing
jury "was ctnpanncllcd to try the cue:
Milton (.. CUuss, Wesley Sleath, Ed-
u'flnl irtnttln 11-. ! -1 T -. . 1 . i
'" was onom-a uy l)Mr ct At-
!!. . . .
lornev 51 lilbearn, by a statement of the
cae whleh is n substance that Charles '
ibpwieu uihjii anon er uveniiiL'. Nittf.mi
Orloh-Strbli was appointed secretary of
the borouilr of Mauch. Chunk In 1883;
he Is' charged wltji iia,t;ltig received moil
les'fcollected ij- niarkct clerk Fealey and
until detected and arrested. On trial.
Zcssvn 12. une20. .
John 8. 31-33. -4i-W: O'oluen Texti
John 8, 50. Time, the next day after the
last lesson.- Place; the Temple at Jeru
salem. ll was the morning of the eighth day
Tho Feast of Tiiberhacles'w'as over. It
labted only seven days, but the eighth
day was a sort of holy con vocation with
special sucriticcs of its own. Jcanr had
spent the night with a friend on (lie
Mount of Olives, and now, !n the early
morning, He reappears In the temple to
continue Ills tcuehings. I'art of the
tinie il spent In the court of the women,
hut it-is evident the latter part of the"
les5on was'dvllvered to the Gentiles, ai
"thatVns thu tonly place In tlic-'lVjiiple in
which tho people would Cast stories at.
iUmTl.Alfi. vv-is ncariiigihp-enil 'of. Ills!"
i - t-:i . t .t . -...'.
i mitiisiry, iinu.m ,111c ceniro 01 religious
P i-.i,..'--..'.i' ..':.i'!;.. v. ; "
tiiuiiui utm 111,-iiviiv, .icruseicm, iicnow,
coiit'l'li0cs""iiis 4 sublime .'Oecl'arations of
Messnilislnpnnfi tijc enunciation of those
splendid Iruths 'which arc the hcrilac
ol our race. From Jerusalem the crowds
would soon disperse to all parts of thu
cnmitr-v, and in their harts Jesus sows
that blessed seed which to-day yields a
magnificent harvest in tho earnettt lives
of His devoted followers. Upon this oc
casion lie was the central figure in the
temple as lie had been on the previous
days of the feast. An eager crowd Is
gathered round 1 1 1 111, and tn tlicm lie
delivers II is message of freedom. "Ye
shall know the trulliund the truth shall
make you free." These words raised an
nngry storm of indignant protest from
His hearers. If the Jew prided himself
on one tiling it was ills freedom. He
conveniently forgot tho captivities, over
looked nationnl defeats, ignored the
present actual serfdom lo Koine, and nl
ways imagined himself blessed with free
dom. A part of his morning prayer was:
"Blessed be the Lord our God, fCing of
the Universe, who has mado mo a free
man." The Jew looked back to Abraham,
from whom lie claimed descent, and con
tended lliat as Abraham' son he wns free.
Witli such feelings it wns difficult for
them lo understand Christ's wnrdi, for
He tuuglit tlii'tu of spiritual freedom.
They looked for a Messiah who would
restore the national glory, and yet they
could not comprehend that "truth" with
out which there can lie no permanent
national glory. Their pride of descent
was a false light to them; their descent
availed them nothing; they were slaves
to sin nnd form and ritual. They were
not fit for national independence and its
attendant honors; they were not fit for
that spiritual kingdom which Christ
came to establish, so he taught them the
divine principle of liberty, "Ye shall
know the truth and truth shall make you
free." For it is only in the truth of
Jesus that we can get perfect freedom
from tho slavery of sin and thus he fitted
lor tiie true citizenship of Christ's King
dom. It vvill be well for the world when
it learns this lesson, as the principle
hero taught by Christ furnishes the
solution to those great social and econo
mic questions which now agitate society.
Our Sayior closed His discourse by re
asserting His divinity, as Ho declared
that He existed before Abr.ilium.
1. True freedom Can only be found in
2. Lineage is nothing; ceremony is
nothing; the truth is everything.
'A. Do not bo deceived with false theo
ries; get, the truth us it is in Jesus.
4. In the teachings of Christ wo have
true light, and hcuee true liberty. Free
dom of thought not FI1EE TltOL'OUT.
freedom of life, not vhkr mviko.
BOO Doses
One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho only
medlclno ot which this can bo truly said;
and It is an unanswerable argument as to
the strength and posltlvo ttonomy ot this
great medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla Is made
of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably
known for their power in purifying the blood t
and In combination, proportion, and process,
Ilood'a Sarsaparilla Is pcoiHar to ittetf.
" Far cconnmy and comtnrt wo use Hood's
Sarsaparilla." Mns. C. EiiEWSTEn, lluffalo.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla takes lass time and
quantity, to show Its effect than any other
preparation I ever heard of. I would not be
without It in tho house." Jilts. C A. M
HUEDAlin, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Dost
Hood's Sar6.iparllla cures scrofnla, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, plmrlcs, general de
bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache,
catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com.
plaints, and all affections caused by lmpnro
blood or low condition of tho system. Try It.
1 was severely anuctcu witn scrofula, and
for over a year had two running sores on my
neck. I took flvo bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and consider myself entirely eared."
C. E. I.ovrjoY, Lowell, Muss.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla did me an Immense
amount of good. My whole system has been
built up and strengthened, my digestion Im
proved, and my head relieved of tbe bad feel
ing. I consider It tho best medicine I have
ever nscd, and should not know how to do
Vlthout It." MAitvr L. IEnr-E, Balcm, Mass.'
"flood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 1 i six for ?3. Mads
only by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
CatarrH Sly's
(7i'ix rei'r at
once and Curt
Colfl in Head
Hay Fever
Xol a Liquid.
Snuff or Powder
Frtrrom injuri
out Drug and
Olftnuire Orfoi'.
-h nottrll anil I
A rtntilclrt nnnlletl Intn each nnttrll anil la
lipreciinic. jticc 00 ceuis ni nrui:Kii.i "J
mall, registered, uo cents. Clrrnlani free.
rice so rents at druggtsU; by
Kl.Y HltOS., DrnggtsLl, OwcgO,
Grn ml I'rUeMrtlHl, I'nrla, IS7S.
-.4 T-t
Wio. 'it ir-.i 'opwl Vffr
, i 1 il v -fclfiiiA Vi
LL.JMHIII. ' --jt-t. .J
Dress Goods
TL. Guth & Sojt,
634 Hamilton St., Allcntown.
, ; GR-
f Mi J
Kmm inir iru umno
Groceries, Provisions.
denier.;! Merchandise,
about two miles from Wcissport, in Franklin Twp.
The people avo invited to give us a call. Wc are selling
goods at New York wholesale prices, and nil goods warrant
ed as represented. Call early, or you may loose the best
bargains. M. & P. BRENNER, Ilarriiy, P. O.
I am Ready for Competition.
have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully
prepared for the
with one ol
STANTIAL lines of
Ladies', Gents and Childrens Shoes.
Ladies American & French Kid $2.. to $4.,
Ladies' and Childrens Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes T
Ladies' Kid-Button S.oes, $1.25 Up ! .
Latest Styles Hats & Caps,
orF.n.vTons ofthi:
Pescli Hill Slate Quarry,
near Danlclstillc, Northampton Co., l'a.
Wo desire In Inform customers thatuo nre
the only partlr Horn whom ihey can uircha&u
Tho Peach Hill Slato.
We have made arrangements with
Agent at the l & S. Depot, UiilKhton, Pa.,
ilio will tJkennleis, ami loiitliiully keen nn
lntml a sniiitly of our lioollng Mlalc, which l:u
wilt funiWi at the lowett lmsitllilo prices.
(Hie him a call before Jmj Iiik elsewbcie.
Our s'ato Is Kimnuitccil tor ilnmliillt)' nml
unlloriinty o coloi, ni;ij-JKni.
RKroitror Tin: coxditiox of the
1IKI11JON. l'eiin:!.. at Iiiu close of busluesi
June 3rd, lkKtit
Loans and DlicounU ,
.A M.P'I Sfl
,'K.S Oil
. 7,'i.imn oo
u. M. nouns insecure ciiriuatlon.
oilier sWHks, iinnils unit mnrtjpigt'g
S4.7SS ()
ii,asi ai
1,01, (15
f.2.1 70
a,(K;7 hi
l.MI 12
ti,7:o on
jiuo iroin a iproveu ivserve iigenis.
Hue rroin oilier Mil ional Hunks...,
Due from Klute Hanks .ami Hankers
Ileal estate, furniture nnd flxtiires.
Current exjienses anil tuxes paid.. .
l'rttmliims paid
Cbecks mid oilier ciij'a iirms. ......
Hills of other Hanks
Pi actional itipercurreucjVnlckels,
ami t cnls :
4, 00
20 00
tifiui to
2,1(10 00
ittll 111
Trade dollars
lA'pni icnuei uoies
ltedemptlon fund with U. S. Tieas-
nrer a per ceiii, ciicuiaiiouj.
... o,di w
Capital Mock paid In
75.000 00
11.000 (O
,757 44
07,'rtl (O
LW 60
eorvn to
its 00
16 .'IS
l,63 fwl
143 CO
rtiirpui' luiin.
Undivided profits
Nalloiial Hank notes outstanding.
Dlrlrtcnds unpaid
Indlt Idualdenoslts subject tn check
Certified checks ,
Cashier's checks outstanding. .....
tine tn other National Hanks
Due to Male Hanks and hankers...
Total , 5231,430 IB
CAnnoN, ssi
I. W. W. Cowman. Cashier of Ihe above-
named nauk.doHolcuinlysne.'irthaltheabave
suttcmeni is truo to tne nest 01 my miowiciige
and belief. V. W. Uowman. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mc this Sth
dsv nf June. ISM.
II. V. .llOKTIIIMEIf, nr., .1
A. J. Dum.i.No, r
It. 1. HOKKOlin. )
Juno 12th, iwi.
A 111 nt iroonevsruiner&dlided Inlo States
and Pkctjosb will he sent on application
T,t thnitft viinwint ilielradvertlslnff tnnnv.
we can ofter no better medium for thorough
and effective work than the various sections
ol our Select Local List-
L utu. r, i t.ia a. i-ii.,
Nevspspcr Adcitlstnc I'lLrniu,
10 fipnice HtretT, Nen,york.
Mav 20. 1MS-W4
Dollar per year, Is the
price of the Cahbon Ad
vocate. Contains all tbe
vneiva of tho week and In
"5 tcreitlng letters from Newr
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . , 1 ort it Ksiiuid'ii, me
Boutb, anil other rxmits. 'flia only pa
jer In tho fomity t f 1 00 per year,
I ft Li
. ?. "Si..!
Hit IN
mmer Tade!
most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB
Annual Financial Statement
Scliool District of LeWgttoi, Fa,
nnlauce on hand from last
..year, lis per last reixirU... 271 7T
From Collector, hicludhiB
taxes of all kinds 513 UT
I'roui State Appropriation.. 817 tl
Krnm County Treasurer, for
imieatcd rands Has
Kroui nil other sources, (ball
i"i; ro iv
I'or furnishing Iuium's on 73
Korrepiiirhigand palnllng, eh m
Kor tcacliers wages sua on
l'or ruel and contlngciiclei... s7 M
Kor fees of collector, M7I.SO,
und treasurer, gai.00. aal 20
I'm- salary or Secretiiry..'. . . 7S 10
l'or debt and Inlcre-t paid., s,Vi3 i.1
l iir other cxiteliscs, us per
etutcmenl below 314 lo
-8 WTO K4
Ilalatiee in hands of Iho treasurer. 810 01
Discount of 21 per cent
in liiiiic tuners .....i"
V, M. n.'inshi'r,vet.iliilng fee
renn'a. Selmil Supply Co.,
district register. . .......
. 1'. Ijnift.jiiitlltor's foo
1RR.S :.
tl 4ft
10 Or)
4 M
4 m
' II. V. Morthlmer, printing
annual statement
Thomas Kcmcrcr.lnsuxiinco
C. O. Slroh. J. K suit of the
Susn'K. I. Co
r. V. fcntz..!. I'.,assm'l. of
I 1'. M. P. I. Co
24 M
'Al 43
l; on
87 01
I 50
, in i mtiK, jauiior... 1
I'ii, uti;,,, .,,,... .... ,. . ,
j K. 1". intr, Scc'y, express.
I"","K1 i
-e sn 10
Cash In the hands of the
Treasurer...,. mo 91
Ilondcd Indebtedness S2I250 m
JJabllllles In excessof resources... 23739 M
Liabilities tn excess of resources
June lfrM.t 21075 13
i-i.-.riiui.Aiiu.-v or INDEDTEDNEHS.
n0nds outstanding at .1 w.r m
I Bonds outstanding at 4 per cent, . , , , , fOoO 00
By order of the Board,
r. P. LENTZ, PECl.
June 12, ISM-wj
A Card to the Public !
I have this day (Junes, JSSa,)purchmd from
John Tldd his emlre stock, conslning of
Dry Goods, Notions,
Grooeries, Quoensvvare,
Hardware, Wlllowwaro,
Boots, Shoes. &o.t &c
I also Intend to Increase Ihe stock by addhitf
such goods as tnav be needed. All tbe abori
c.'Oiis will be void at KOCK BOTTOM PWl ia
The business will be carrir.t on emuyi'
Mr. Tldd, who. tn my abseme, will taneW
BKtUlNt? ' CALI' tA1-YJ08
Eust Woisport, Carbon Co.
'.iff' 1 J- VMI