Advertising Rates For Legal Notices. ', Tlo following prices for legal adver tising lias been npoptcd by the Camion AlfVoPATfc. r Charter Notices - - - $4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 00 Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00 Divorce. Notices - - 4 00 Administrator's Notices - - 3 00 Executor's Notice - - - 3 00 Other legal advertising will bo charged for by the square, H. V MortMm:r, Jr., Publisher. H. V.-MoRTntMnnJ Jr -Publisher. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. XTV., No. 25. LEHIGHTON, CARHON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 188(5. If not paid iu ndvance, $1.25 ATTOHNEYS AND COUNCELLOHS OIUCE HKYliT, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, Omni-The room recently occupied by V. M. llapslier, BANK STHEET, . LEIIIOHTON, PA. May be coniultcd in English" and aeiman. July 4, ls-ly M. UAPSHLlt, ATTOIINKY & COUNOELLOlt ATIjAW. riRST door ynovs Tnn mansion house, MAVVtl CHUNK, PENITA. Real Estnto and 1'nltcctlon Agency. Will lluy and Welt Ileal Kstule. Conveyancing neatly done. Collections promptly tnnde. Settllnir Estates or liecodents a Specialty. May be consulted Ic English and Herman. November , is-4. rp A. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Urrici-Oorncr d Hunk Street fc Bankway Ind bulldlnu above hu Carbon Advocate Printing Utttco. May 10, 1883-me LEIIICIHTON. PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. D R. P. ALFltER ANDREWS, UOMEOPA1 1UC PHYSICIAN ti SVnGEO.V Opposite Nathan Snyder's Slorc, EAST WEiSBPOBI Bpoclal attention Riven to curonU diseases - I 1 1 , n I , I " . . - . D R. W. W. REHER PIIYSIOIAN ANI 8UROEON, BANK STREET, LEIUUUTON, 1A. 'JFF1UE Honrs at Parryvllle I'row a. in to Vi ni, dally. day be conaulted In the English or Oerman Language May 17. '81 N. B. REIiEK, M. D. V. S. EXAMINING SVROEON, PRAOTlOINa PHYSHJIANfit SUHUEUN Orticn Dank Street, liKHKll'8 Hlock. LE1IUIHTON, PENN'A. May be consulted In the German Language. nor. sun. "TT- (. M. SEIPIiE, PHYSICIAN AND STJROEON, BOOTH STREET, LEHIHHTON, l'A.' Slav be consulted In I'liulltli or German Special attention plven to Oi jitcoiociv Orvtce llonns From 12 M. to a V. M., and from a to V P. M. March 31, 83 P. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., U 1 ANOH OFFIOE-Opposlte Clausssi llro's Bank St., Lehighton, Pa Dentistry In all Its branches." Teeth ex tracted without pain. Oas adulnlitcrod when requeued. Oltlce Dayfl W EUNES pAYurexch week. P, II. Address, L.1TZENIIEUO, LehlKh county, Pa. Jan. 3, ls-5-ly. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE i Opposite the "iiroadwoy House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patients have th benetit of he latest lev frovements In me'hanhul appliances and he best raetho Is or trcattneni In all suralcal ases. AN:STHETI(1 administered If desired. If pos.I'du, persons residing outside r Mauch Chunk, should iunke engagements by mall. tsS-vl EYE AND EAR, DR. G. T. POX Visits Allentown regularly on TIIUURDAY of each week. Practice timltod to Diseases of the Eyo & Ear Office at Havilen's American Hotel, rfHoi hours fri'ii. II in the foremion until 3:30 in the aflern-Min. Alsi attends to Utt traction of the Eva lor the proper adjust ment of glassef, ami for the relief ami cure of optical ilefo-ls- May alxi ba consulted at Ms nffii-e in BATH, Wednesday anil Saturday of each week, at BANGOR rn Monday, ami at E ASTON on Tuesday. jan 2 68 Iv. HOTELS AND KESTAUKANTS. QARBON HOUSE, JONATHAN K1STI.EH, PItOPRlETOR, Hank St., I.ehicihton, Pa. The OaaaoN Houaic nlfers flr.t-clan aocom. modatlons to the Traveling- public. Hoarding by the Day or VYvek on Kuasomihle Terms, Obotce Clxars, WlneJ and Liquors always on band, iioad Sheds and Stables, with alten ttye Hostlers, attached, April 10-yl, "pACKERTON HOTEL. Idway between Mauch Chunk & Lehls;bton LEOPOLD MEYER, l'RorlilKTOK, Paekerton. Penna This well known hotel Is admirably rentted, and his the best accommodations lor ueriuan. entand transient boarders. EscelU-nt tables and the very best liquors. Also line stables attached. Sept. 10-yl. M ANSION HOUSE, Oppoilte U & S. Depot, Hank Street, Leliichton, Pa., O. I-I. HOM, PHOPB. Tills liouio orti'ia llrstidavi necuinniodu tions lor transient anil periiiuuent boarders. It liasbeeii newly rflHUil in nil Its depart inents, and U loenti'd In line nt Iho inokt pletun-siUO porlloiiH nl tho luiroiili. TcrniN iiioilcmte. Tlio bar l Mippllid lth ilio choicest Wli c, l.iiUins and Lliiars. 1'rcli UiKer lleeron Tap. uprlT-rO-ly Announces In his friends and the public gen erally, that liu has t.ow open for their aeuiui laudation Ids NEW RESTAURANT, next door to the 1st National Hank, 1Ink HritKKT. I.kiiioiitox, mid that ho U now preured to furnish l'lrst-t'lass. Meals at Short Notice ! The liar Is supplied with the best wlues,frroh iiK?r iiuer, anu vnoicu tilers, luuareiu- vlied to cull. aprlM-StHy. 6 W. k Peters Thomas' Drug Store. S o r mmaBm n p - g m p n ! -s C"-t- tv Swawfegi P 4 CD H H I - go UU Z ) I anai o CD 3- 8 g hj O ESR O o r?"'? S JO Physicians Perscriptions Carefully Compounded Sale Bills ! Printed while yon wait. We have better facilities than any other office, in this county Jor this work. Give ns a call. IB:: rpirOMAS KEVICilKR, X CONVKYANUK11, AND BF.NERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fullowl nn Compinif. rth Kitpre.vnted: LEUA.N )N MUTUAL PI UK IlIiADINO MUTUAL riltE. WYOMING Finn. I'OTTs'VlI.l.U FIUK, Llill tail 1 I UK. and tho TRAVEI.EUS ACCIDENT INfc'Ult ANOE Also Penuslv.inln and Mntuiil Hor&e Thlo rteo'lvoand In nrumo I'nniranv. Uarcaft IST1 11103. KI.MEREIt. Miss Belle Man. Millinerv Goofls! This is the season of the year when Winter Hats aud Uon ncts are cast aside and the Lathes begin to look around for something Nice, New & Stylish in Spring and Summer Hats, Bonnets, FANCY GOODS auil NOTIONS. to take the place ol their cast off garments. A great deal of Time, Trouble and Money can be saved by calling at my Millinery Store. 1 have gone to considerable trouble in or der to secure all tho very la test novelties in the Millinery line, together with a M-CIASS CITY MILLINER, and I am now prepared to of for the Ladies of Lehighton and vicinity "Better Bargains, Better Goods together with the Latest Styles" than any other Millinery Establishment in this section of the Valley. I respectfully request the Ladies to call and examine my goods and learn prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. Miss Belle. Nusbaum, BANK ST R 15 1ST, Lehighton. 4-17-:hn T. J. BRETNEY, Ilrepretf lly announces to the merchants of kuhlyhton and otners that ho Is prepared to do all kinds or Hauling of Freight, Express j Matter and Baggage at very reasonable- prices. Hy prompt at tention to all orders h hupes tu merit a share ol publto patronHh. Kesidence, comer of I'lno and Iron Street, LetdKUlon, I'a. (inters lor hauling left al X, M. awerny k Ron's Store will receive pnmpt attention. Oot. Vi, 1881 3m T. J. UltETNEY. LiEHl I TJACOBS QH ct r-tfcix IsEBIiliiil For Pain Ciuei Sknsitlo. Hfjiltta. llaclarlif,, loutljiiebe. rKlCI FIFTY CC.NT8., iiruir, ei&, eie. ma- riiARira a.ocileb colmTiiiimR, wn. Aluriieri.t.Kml n.ier. TRADE wis MARK. xolutelu Vrcc from opiates t Emetics 'oUon, SAFE. 3URE. FlOMPT.i at nnoonisTS and dealers. 'IE CltAllLlS A. 1 (HiELER CO., UALT1H0KZ, BD. A CAROL OF COOKERY. My face Is very wan and pale, My wasted checks nro h.iRKard; My trcinWIng limbs their nlllce fall. Anil make tnc seem a laggard. My wonted grace lias gone; Indeed My smile Is now sardonic, In short, I seem In grievous need Of some erteetlvo tonic. My friends who. In Ilio days of old When I was strnnt; and healthy. Admired me, have all grown cold, As It I were not wealthy. Yoit'ask to what this change Is Uup? a very naiurai question. I answer I'm a Ictlni to Most awful Indigestion. Some lady friends of mine, you see, lloth homely and good-looking, Have organized qulto recently A ladles' school for cooking. To cook well Is their fondest wish, And, as they are not wasteful, They have me try each novel dish To see if It U tasteful.' Their doughy cake, their pale "puff-paste" And all suspicious viands re iiofallowed to go to waste; ' All find their way to my hands. Ah, woe Is in e 1 I'u learned with pain That when girls make a custard, The useful egg they qulto disdain; Hut put In lots of mustard. They'e done their best of me to mako A useful kitchen fixture. I know the taste of wedding-cake When llavored with cough-mixture. There's Charlotte, sprlslitllcst of girls, Whose, schemes nit have their uses, I'te learned to lleq when sho unfurls Her subtle Charlotte Kusses. Their pies and biscuits ma'fc mo sick, Their puddings, too, ol rue , Their coffee, oh, sa black and thl.-kl I drink it, but I rue It, Although I'd love w'thout demur Each culinary fairy, A hotter clime I'd much prefer To this placo lool an airy. Broailluiin's Nef York Letter Special to the Cahiiox Aivqcatk. Ve arc now In the midst of the most joyous festival of the year, not even cx centin" Christmas. Christmas comes wit ii the hoar frost, snow and Ice. T the poor it is always a season of suffer lug and sorrow; but Easter cheers our heart with sunshine ami (lowers, mak ing the children of men glad iu every clinic, that Christ was Indeed horn again. On every hand wo hear and read of Increasing skepticism of theasc' but not In the memory of living men on tho American continent lias there been such a general ohserrancc of Lent; or such reverential respect paid to tho duties of Passion week; or such a joy ous recognition of the glory of Christ's resurrection, as wo have witnessed up to the closing of this Raster festival. It was not alone in the churches, that un usual interest was manifested; stores of all classes caught tip Ihe general en thusiasm, nnd tho tribute of flowers to Christ's lesurreetiou has nevei been equalled In this city. It Is well that It is so, even if Darwin and Huxley anil Spencer are right. If we cvoluted from nothing, and the fittest arc bound to survive, the world is better for Ills hav ing been, who on that Easter morning, eighteen hundred anil fifty years ago, rolled back tho great marble slab from tho doors of the tomb, and walked forth arrayed iu robes of light transfigured to all eternity, as the symbol of peaco and of man's redemption. Some of these learned gentlemen tell us, that the whole story Is a monkish fable, and presently we shall begin to doubt If there ever wns a Mount of Olives, or a Gaulcn of Gethseincnc, or the Way of Sorrow, or the Heights of Calvaiy, or even Jerusalem itself. The crescent flies above the threshing floor of On, and the Moslem stands guard by the rock where Jacob saw the atmcls ascending and descending in his dream; hut to the millions of little ones who gathered around the altar on tills Easter morn In every christian land, Christ is as much a Hying presence as when he preached upon the Mount of Olives or stood trans figured on the side of Calvary. On Good Friday, not a respectable theatre was open in New i'ork or Hrooklyn; tbo theatrical managers be lieving that public sentiment demanded the suspension of theatrical perform ances on that sacred day. For several years past in the churches without ex ception, there has been a special effort tor the glorification of Easter, lor j centuries It has been the great festival i 1 of the Catholic church, and when thai 'co icclasm of the Information rullilcss - ly expunged some of the most sacred festivals from tho church's calendar, Easier remained untouched by sacre ligioiis hands, and became a day special grace and devotion to the dls anti X' QKCte, I c! pics of the new revelation. Doctor one In Italy and one In Germany. Hur Talmage nnd Mr. Ueecher were quite as rah for Yankee Doodle. entlittslattlc M Doctor 1)1 X or Dlsliop I-lttlcjolin. SplciullJ musical pro grammes and a wilderness of (loners (llsllimttlshnl all tins churches. Not In nil tho centuries since the resurrection havo wo needed a sign of peace In tho heaven, so much ns now, for while I write .the two great cities of New York and Brooklyn are convulsed hy the upheaval pf labor, nnd nt nny moment wc may expect to hear the rifles of the National Guard In stern arbitrament of that deadly quarrel which refnsns the, appeal of reason. In Brooklyn thousands of men are on the strike, and they parado tho strccis with tho red ribbon of commune on their coats, the same bloody symbol which carried such desolation to the icart of Paris a few years ago, nnd left such a blot on our civilization, that the world will not recover from Itfora thou sand years to come. In this city thou sands of strikers are massed together In sullen defiance, an.l the slightest spark might fire a tralr that would strew our streets with the dying nnd the dead. I have no fear of the final result. At nil hazard, and at every cost the peace and the law will be maintained. There Is not the slightest doubt that the authori ties of both cities fully appreciate the danger, and are abundantly able to cope with it. Tills being the feast of the Pass- over, we hope and trust that the destroy ing angel will pass us by. The heavy hand of want Is felt in the homes of the strike! s, and there Is no telling to what extremes their desperate necessities may drive them. In the city of Hrooklyn are the largest sugar houses in the United States, one firm alone ships 10,000 barrels of sugar a day. At the lime of the strike last week $200,000 worth of saccharine was in the course of treatment in the factories of the Ilavcmcycrs alone. The strikers shrewd ly calculated that the loss of this large sum would bring the firm to Instant terms. It was a severe test, but the Ilavcmcycrs resolved to lose tho whole of It rather than to submit to have their business controlled by any outsiders whom they did not know. Hy outside assistance they were saved from great loss, ami thev will not start again till the labor question Is settled. For the last few days committees have been going the rounds soliciting sub scriptions for the strikers, and the store keepers applied to were given to under stand If they did not respond handsome ly they might expect the terrible boycott. This looks to me very much like black- mall. I nm a working man. I have bad to work all my life, ever since I was a hoy ten years old. Every day has'had to cam its dally bread. The only capi tal I have Is niv labor, and now the question comes. Do I own it, or is It the properly of some oilier man, nnd must I use my little capital as he directs me? I hate tyranny, I, I don't like being driven to do anything, I don't care, whether the tyrant who dilvcs me to do that which I don't want to do Is n Kallroad Wrecker, an Iron Hearted Employer, an Anti-Monopolist or a Knight of I.abor;if he tries to make n.e a slave I'll fight. It is not the In dividual I object to eo much as the principle. I am willing that every man shall use his labor as he himself sees fit, and that privilege Is all I ask for myself, and in defence of it if needs be I nm quite willing to die. This striking looks to mo like a terrible mistake. You don't hurt the boss, It Is only the striker and bis family that stiller. You strike on a western railroad and stops its trains from running, nnd Jay Gould makes more manipulating stocks for a week than he could make running railroads for a month. The workmen of Hrooklyn shut up the sugar bouses and up goes sugar fifteen per cent., and without raising a hand the Hnvcmeyers make between forty and fifty thousand dollars and all the rest of the sugar refiners large stuns If you burn their houses over their heads the Insurance com panies or tho city lias to pay them for it, aud the consequence is increased taxes and higher rent for tho poor striker. All sorts of provisions have had a sham rise, meat lias gone up two or threccents a pound and everything else In proportion. Tills Is deplorable nnd we await the revelations of the next few day with anxiety. It Is no longera question of wages, oil the firms are inclined to give an advance of from ttn to fifteen percent, on wages; but the stitiggle now is for tho recognition of tho labor unions. It Is evident thai one party or the oilier must give way before a satis factory settlement can be arrived nt. There is no objection on the part of the employers here to union men, or to their employees banding themselves together for mutual assistance, but what they object to Is driving every man out of their employ who does i.ot see fit to join their unions. The arrest of thirty boycotting tailors has caused a profound sensation and will no doubt be made a test case for the final settlement of this vexed ques tion. In particular Instances a number have been fined small sums, nnd there Is a disposition now In the courts to treat all boycotters as conspirators, it being a criminal offence under the statute to Intimidate a man or woman In the exercise of his or her business. Dut, wlille social revolution thunders at our door, hundreds are being married and given in marriage, and Ihe chime of wedding bells and the perfume of wedding flowers have enlivened the fes Initios of Easier week. One steamer carried off ten brides to Europe, and the bridal departures on a singlu day reached thirty. Many of tho weddings have 1 been among the ton, and tho fashion- able world has been In n blaze of glory, England alono took ten of our most - beautiful girls away from us, ami report of says that two of them will reach coro- - nets; two got titled husbands in France, A new cargo of .Mormons arrlved oh . Tuesday being guarded by "old ogres from Salt Lake, and just as soon as they could bo shipped off they were trans- , we are protesting nnd howling against Monnonlstn, yet we allow them all tho facilities of first-class Immigrants and transport them to Utah to recruit tho Mormon army. Meanwhile investiga tion drags her slow length along but no body Is convicted though many tiro threatened with dan er. In the midst of our trouble Nature kindly gives .us some compensation. The parks look lovely and the streets are crowded. On the surface we never looked gayer or happier than we do now. The theatres and concert halls are full every night, nnd nt all of our great stores business Is rushing. Trust ing that the dangers that now threaten us may pass nway, and that when I next write all of the men now on strike will be back nt work with Increased pay and satisfactory hours of labor. IlHOADBIlIM. WANTED. A damper to check a slight draft. A mortgage that Is not a lien. The face of a note to shave. Postage stamps that will do their duty without being licked. Tho crown of a hill with tho foot of a mountain to boot. ' A pen that will always write to the point. A new definition for pistol besides son of a gnu. Something to preserve the soul of a shoe to the last without welting it. A pious printer without a devil. A new book that Is not bound to sell. A pointer from the finger of fate. A duck of a man that docs not make a goose of a husband. A set of false teeth for the mouth of a river. A tree that will imitate the "honest watch-dog's bark." A cow that will play it's own horn. Everybody to subscribe for the OAll-hon- Advocaik. It has the largest circulation and Is unquestionably the best advertising medium In Carbon county. FOR WOMEN ONLY. HIack tulle tabliers cmbroidcrel with colored beads appear. Headed gloves are a novelty which are promised us for street wear. Triangular jets are very stylish for trimming all sorts of head gear. ll'lilte chenille cmbioidery and Itoman pearls arc the trimmings of bridal gowns. Chenille and beads are worked in ef fectively together on the new flouncing laces. If the hair Is worn high a bonnet must he small to form the apex to the monument. Silk skirts of every hue, fascinating witli their different trimmings of lace, arc shown to cover the maillots. Headed silk stockings are pretty enough, but woe betide the wearer if any one should accidentally step on her foot. A bright ribbon, a gauzo scarf, or trimming with lace, transforms last year's costume into a new one to all in tents and purposes. Single fiat and raised designs in silk passementerie arc very effective in trim ming the flat panel tabliers now so much used. Silk cashmere comes In many of the pretty new shades. Stripes or spots in chenille appear on all of the novelty dress goods. The claque or opera hat will be worn during tho spring. Little trimming ex ccpt a band and a bow on the side can be worn on these hats. Black grenadines with beaded designs woven into them are to be among tho most elegant of the new fabrics and for summer wear the beading when woven iu has the great advantage of being dur able. In Paris It Is quite the thing to trim wool and cloth dresses with these beaded carniturcs; but as yet we have not used them for such purposes. The coming season will, however, see handsome worsted materials tilmmed with fancy beads In all colors. A pretty variation of the wearing of ribbon about the neck is to run a ribbon a quarter of an Inch wide, or even nar rower, around the throat and passing tho ends out through two horlzon'al button-heies in a high linen collar, and tying them In a diminutive bow at the front of the neck. EIGHT HOURS OR NOTHINO. "Papa," said (he daughter of a large employer of labor, "are you In favor of the eight-hour system?" 'Il'cll, daughter," he answered, "un der certain circumstances I am." "Oil, I'm so glad!" she exclaimed rapturously. "Why, my dear; why aro you so In terested?" "Hecause, papa, George has been only staying four hours every evening, and he told me last night if you favored the eight-hour system lie needn't go home near so early. You dear old papa' I'm so glad you are in favor of It," and she threw her soft white arms about his neck and choked off all explanations. Proper costume for an elopement a cutaway jacket. A Not tli Carolina editor puts on Ids free list every woman "in tho state who becomes the mother of twins. A man isn't of necessity bald-headed because he has no heir. A desirable bargain in silks a pretty girl with a million. A procession of old maids and bachelors always laarches in single file. Ah open question Aro you going to let me In. Fooling with dynamite Is getting to bo neatly as dangerous as trying to thrash an editor. lEiVINO THE FARM. "There's Jltn, that boy of mine that's ' away to school," said a Dakota settler, 1 "I nl'ays counted on niakln' n fanner place after I wuz gone, hut I guess can't." "What Is the matter?" "Oh, everything. He won't take no interest In farm work nnd I can't learn him nothing. I don't believe lie knows which side to milk a cow on, blamed cf I do." "I must bo quite a disappointment to you." 'Yes I should say It wttz. Hut I wnsn't hardly prepared for what he says n his last letter I cot tcr day. Hanged cf I thought he would ever go quite so fur ns he has nnd jlst drift right away from everything rooral, as ye might I say." 'What has ho done?" 'Why, dttrned cf lie don't write and say that ho has decided to quit college and accept n position ns edeter uv nn ngrlcttlt'ral paper! Jlst think uv a fanner's son coming to tliatl-' LANGUAGE OF PRECIOUS STONES. The quality of torqttoiso Impart a prosperity In love. Conjugal felicity was ejiiibolizcd by the sardonyx, which it was believed to nsurc. Tho topaz was thought to promote fi delity and friendship and to calm etern al passions. Tho properties of the amethyst are to calm the passions of the body nnd pre vent drunkenness. The diamond has the mystic symbol- Ism of light and purity, faitli and up rightness of character. The bloodstone was thought by the ancients to Impart courage, prudence, fortitude and stability of character. Garnet or carbunclo represents con stancy of purpose and fidelity to duty. It Is pre-eminently Iho soldier's gem. The moonstone was the emblem of tho merchant prince, and signified well directed Industry and the arts of peace. The ruby was thought to guard against unfriendliness, and particularly that form so common iu antiquity poisoning. The sapphire signifies modesty and charity of opinion, and was thought to possess the power of breaking the spells of magic. The agate or chalcedony represents physical prosperity, and it is the stone of the athlete and physician, and im parts longevity and health. The emerald symbolizes truth, and was believed to secure good faitli and happiness in friendship and home. It was also the appropriate emblem for judge or lawyer. SENATOR RANSOM'S STORY. tiiu onto ik of a wni,i,-KNovr south CAHOI.INA PIII1ASE. , "It seems to read so," said Sen. Ran som, of North Carolina, the other day, iu reponse to something; probably clause In some bill that was shown him. Another senator, standing by, made some laughing criticism upon the ex pression. "You don't know North Carolina slang," said Mr. Hansom. "An old tavern-keeper In ono of our pinc-wood towns, was a rough, half pious, wholly honest man, .who utterly declined to bet. Hut ono of his guests, a professional gambler, could not live without excitement of the sort. One day he insisted upon laying a bet that the namo on a sign across the street was spelled without tho r it needed to make it a name. Every one could sco that the r was there, but ho would bet; and finally the landlord took him up, and of course the man lost. Ho stayed on however, a week or two; but finally packed his bag and called for his bill Tho place wns too slow for him. The landlord gave him the bill $1C0. The man looked at it, and then said: 'Do you ever read Iho Hlble, landlord? Were you piously brought up?' " "Oh I yes, I know my catechism now, and I read the Hiblt more or less." " 'Do you know tho story of Samson? "Well, I guess. I was brought up on that. My mother told It to mo when 1 wasn't knee high.' "'Ah! What kind of a jaw-bone was it that Sampson killed the Philistine witli? I'll bet you don't know.' "Why, It was a jaw-bone just a jaw bone, and nothing more.' "'I thought so. I'll bet you a hun dred and sixty-five dollars that It was a new jaw-bone.' "It was too much for tho landlord, lie succumbed again, although he felt as before that ho was betting upon a certainty; but, "if the man would do it" "The man took a little worn Hlble out of his bag, turned to the chapter in Judges, and read that, with 'the new jaw-bone of an ass, did Samson slay tho Philistine. "The landlord turned round, saying: 'Look for it In my mother's good old Hlble I' taking it down as lie spoke. " 1 he gambler found It, and held the text under his eyes. " 'It seems to read so,' said the land lord In a humbled tone, feeling the whole board bill float away from him as he spoke. "And It has been adopted as North Carolina slang ever since." THREE THAT ARE BEIQHT, Miss A. I hear you are to be congrat ulated? JIIss 11. Xot at all, I assure you. Miss A. Then you are engaged to Jones, after alii1 It was a Vassar graduate who wanted to know if the muzzle of a gun was to prevent it fioin going oil prematurely. A New Mexico obituary closos with tho words; "Her tired spirit was re- leased from the paln-iacked body and , sored aloft to eternal rest in the realms . of celestial glory at 4:30, Denver time." To cure snoring an exchange ad vises that a piece of soap be dropped Into the mouth of the snorer. The oil iu the soa.p will lubilcatc the pharynx nnd other Latin patts of tho throat. It strikes us that tills remedy had better bo applied with caution, else the sporet might arise and lubrlcnto the flour with the man who dropped In the soap. Few FeopioFscapo the taint of scrofula In tho blood. Willi many It is hereditary; but It may also be acquired from want of nlr or lack of ex ercise, from Improper food, orany cause which brings about weakness of tin body and impurity of the blood. The disease is charterlzed by tunning sores, nbecsses, swellings, enlarged joints, sore eyes, etc. No medicine lias been so suc cessful In curing scrofula, ns Hood't Sarsaparllla, The most terrible running fcores gradually diappcar under the purifying and strengthening Influence? of this great medicine. If you are a sttf feier from scrofula nnd' desire mote evidence as to the wonderful success of Hood s Sarsaparllla. scud to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Slass., for a book con taining many remarkable cures. -When they have a funeral in Lead- ville they end It witli a dance, and wher they have a dance they kill two or Ihrei men. and of course the remains demand funerals; so it's hard to see why an un dertaker should not prosper in Lead villc. An Answor Wanted. Can any ono bring us a case of kidney or liver complaint that Electric Hltteis will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who aro daily recommending Electric Hitters, will prove. Hriaht's disea'e, illabctcs,e.ik Hack, or nny urinaiy complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bo.vels, and act directly on the dis eased parts. Every bottle Guaranteed. 1- or sale at ooc. a bottle uy 1 . D.Thomas. Stanley says the native African can sing himself to sleep, We have lots of people in America who can do better than that. They can sing a crowd to death. Sr. Frazier's Root Bitters. Frazlcr's Hoot Hitters aro not a dram shop beverage. Hut are strictly medi cinal in every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse the nlooil anil system of every Impurity. Sold by druggists, 1.00. At Thomas' drug store". A gifted poet writes: "The devil arose from his little bed, and washed his face and combed his head." We hope not to be considered profane if we ask where In hell he got his water? Eucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhuem, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, clillblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, at T. D. Thomas'. Can anybody tell why a woman al ways laughs when she Is being weighed, while a man, during the same perform ance, has a serious, if not anxious coun tenance? There Is many a silent, throbbing corn beats beneath a ulco dress boot. Dr.Frazer's Magic Ointment- A sure cure for all boils, burns, sores, cuts, llcsh wounds, sore nipple, hard and soft corns, chapped lips and hands. Price 50 cents. Sold by druggists. Wil liams M'f'g. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, u. DOid uy i nomas, tiie druggist. The baseball season will soon open in earnest and the reports are coming in of broken fingors and bunged up eyes and noses. These are always the points in brilliant play. What are Snpposatoriesl A. G. Hose, of New London, Conn,, writes: "Send mo two bottles of your Kemp's Pile Sttpposatories by mail. Our druggist is out. They aro for a friend. I tried everything without help, but the Sttnposatorics cured me." The treatment is now nnd within reach of all, and would advise tho af fected to give them n trial. For pamph lets on piles address llox U.), l.e l'oy, X. Y. For sale in Lehighton by Thom as, and In Welssport by lllery, at DO ct. per box. An old lady went to oncof ourdrtig establishments thu other day nnd asked for a bottle ef "embracing bitters." If it had only been a young lady. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure is tho remedy for you. Sold by Horn, Lehighton, and lllery, Welssport. An exchange says human beings love ceremony. Certainly they do, the kind that takes two young people and a preacher. Croup, whooping cough and bronchi tis immediately telieyed by Shlloh's Cure. Sold by Horn, Lehighton, and Uiery, M'elssport. o o w It used to be, "See that my grave's kept green." The now and popular ver sion is, "Oil, keen my ashes bottled, love." In every land and clime, the merits of St. Jacobs Oil as tho only couiiueror of pain, aro bclnh acknowledged by the press and people. A Georgia woman, 70 years old, has never eaten a mouthful of meat of any kind. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price M cents. Nasal injec tor free. Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn, Le highton, and W. F. lllery, H'elssport. A Tennessee boy has been born with Ills hands behind his back. His mother will no doubt keep tho pantry locked just tho same. Many ladles admire gray hair on some oilier person but few care to try Its eflects on their own charms, They need not, since Ayer's Hair Vigor re stores gray hair to its original color. Sold by druggists and perfumers. A husband should never judge the warmth of his wife's love by the cold ness of her feet. Not like others. Hop Plasters are pain allaying and strengthening Used by multitudes. It is the early turkey that generally gets stuck. The Carbon Advocate All iKDKrkNIIKNT FAMILY NF.WSt'Al'Kll IMliHslicd every Saturday hi l-clilRliton, Carbon County. IVmsjhaiil.i, by H. V. Morthimor, Jr., HANK STREET. $1 00 Por Year in Advanco ! llestaihcrtlsliiK medium Iu the county. Every description of Plain and 1'iincy JOB PRINTING- At vjrv liw prices. Wo do not lies, talc In say that we are liottrj-equi;ed Ui.mativ oilier printing Ill t.uiieni In tins' section t.i inilitst-el.ijs Job-woik, In all Its branches, nt lowpilccs. Your Children Aro constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, nud diseases peculiar to tbo throat and lungs, l'or such ailments, Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminls tored, nffords speedy relief and euro. As n remedy for Whooping Cough, with which many of our children Vfcro nflllcted, wo used, during tho past win tcr, with much satisfaction, Aycr's Cherrv Pectoral. For this affection, wo consider this preparation tho most effi cacious of all tho medicines which havo como to our knowledge. Mary Park hurst. Preceptress, Homo for Llttlo Wanderers, Doncastcr, Md. My children havo been peculiarly sub ject to nttacks of Croup, nnd I failed to find nny effective remedy until I com menced administering Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves tbo difficulty of breathing nnd invnrinbly cures tho complaint. David G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. I havo used Aycr's Cherry Tcctornl In my family for many years, and havo found It especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This mcdlcino allays nil irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to tho lungs, and quickly sub dues nny tendency to Lung Complaint. J. H. Wellington, Plalnvllle, Mich. I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. It saved tho life of my littio boy, only six months old, carrying htm safely through the worst caso ot Whooping Cough I ever saw. Jano Malono, 1'iney Flats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr.J.C. Ayerfc Co., Lowell, Man. Bold byWIDrugglaU. Trice $1; alx boulca,$s. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained ror Inventors In tho United States Canada nnd Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal offlco loented In Washington, directly opposlto the United States Talent Olllce, wo are able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de patch and nt'less cost than ether patent nt tornevs who are at a dlstanco from Wash ington, and who hate, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions ns to ta tenlablllty, Iroo of charge, aud all who aro Interested In ntw Inventions nnd patents aro Inrttcd to send for copy ol our "(lutdo for obtaining Tatcnts," whirl) Is sent free to any address, nnd contains complete Instruc tion how to obtain patents and other vnlua ble matter. Wo rotor to tho Uerman-Amcr-Ican National Hank Washington, I). U. ; the itoyal Swedish. Korwevlan and IlanlshLcga Hons. at Washington: Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief .lustlee U. S, Court of Claims; to the Oinchils or tho U. 8. Tntent O.Ho, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Address: LOTUS llAOOniilt CO., So ticltnra of Tatcnts and AttorncysatLaw I.e., Droit Ilultdlnir 'A8nit.OTnn. 11. O, CAYARREHi ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1000 TQ nny MAN Woman or Child silvering from Catarrh. A. E. Newman, AY-FEVEj Oraling. Mich. A particle is applied into each nostril find is ueeealde In usn. Price ill rents by mail or at driieziits. Send for circular ELY IHiOTilEKS. Drunjists O-Tego, N Y Jy 18. 1SSS. DANIEL WIEAND, Cnri-tiigcs,Wngons,Sleiglis,,&c CONNER OT BANK AM) IRON STKEtTS, LKIIIOIITON, Tkmna., Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at (ho very Lowest Trices. Tatronairo respectfully solicited und per fort smlsfjction guaranteed, JntilS, e-ly. HAN. WIEANU, FRANKLIN II HOUGH. Solicitor of Amcr. & FovciEii Patents, 023 F st., near U. S. Patent Oiltce, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before United States Patent Onioe attended to foi moderate lees. Talents procured Iu Hie United .stalesaud nil roreimi Countries. Irate Mark) and lalitlt register ed. Kejected applications retited mid pros ccuted. Information und ndvli'u ns to ob taining Talents clieortullyfuriiHIied without charge. Send hkelcli nr Slodel for 1'iikk opinion as to Tateututilllty. No Agency In the U. S. possesses super ior facilities for obtaining Patents or ascertaining the Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies of patents furnished Tor 25c. each. t& Correspondence mllcitcd. cor. BUYlf AWTRY if. Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. Foranncheorapaln Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil Is excellent. Chas. F. Medler,boxa74, Schenectady. N. Y. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil Is the best thing going, pa says. Cured him of rheumatism and me of earache two drops. Master Horace Brenizcr, Clinton, Iowa. Try it for a limp, Try it for a lameness, Try it for a pain. Try it for a strain. From shoulder to ankle joint, and for three months I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Edeclric Oil. Thomas' Eclrctrlc Oil did" what no physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured mc. John N. Gregg, Supt, of Rail way Construction, Niagara Falls. Try it for' a ecald, Try it for a cut, Try it for a bruise, Try It for a burn, Price so c(. aud $i.oo FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., Prop's. 3m