The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 17, 1886, Image 3

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    Truth Straw Tliau Fiction.
There U nu old (U)tiig to Iho rfToct Unit
"then H liotliliiK W'. iimlcr tue in,"Ei,tl
yctlriiiii tlit-ti.liowliiR It would uiiuir that
then Hui i xi i iiiiuii. i m u tn u. H lum.
Atuiwliit nKmilu-1 iui,totHt. AubusIUip,
FloiM.i, on tue llm- of l!u M. .inlnm ltiillv,,',
lies :i Iil'.ijUU I ct l.iml wlik-li I ns n-rcnl
ly licen l,.lu ouiiiiutm 11-s.lo, M'i.m-in-
AluLfUNi:. . , .
KL AuuiMliie l'ropcr H tlio oliiHut City In
IIia l.tilli'il stiiti'M. mid hl'ClimU with k'iri'llil
lorr, sntl lilstorUnl anlimil!, nliil leivll.iuv
of this man)' tliuuninilii visit.
tuUikt'n look nt tl.c hui nil, I llil lull, mill
the nitiiiy other liiti-imlti.e ol.jri tn.
It win fiiimikil Stf'ikiiiin'r tli, trrs, forty
two jcars I'lvvliim tntl.c sutUrim i.lof .Tti. .;,
town, Vn., nut utty-iiu' jinrs bU'ip thoh.1 il
Iiir 01 tlio lllgilniKou l' Ivoil;. 'Hip
iniino bt. Augut!iio wns uiun to tlm plan- liy
tho Sratilartts. bcniusc tlti'y l.inikil tmon llm
ilny dodlcaU'U to that ii'unil mill
Kami. Ht. Auj,ntliip Is kthwIiik
Iiir tlio terminus ir two railways, awl nificru
nro bcliiR rMrnilcil tnwntd It, and 11 Is now
ki:owtiiiMtlieIloTr.i.('tn or I'miiiiha.
Uio pro) rn.tois and owncis ofTnn
TIIA11-.II HOLUlllHN S 0111.11,11 slxtepii JURJ
Vci-kly llliistniliil l aiitT hmuo sl. us ili.r
pei'H Wiukly, iiolliiKlliOBriat pincron IjiIuh
luado in tin; Anoiknt Cnv, ituohasi.'d a
kuno tract of land tipnr St. Aur.sthip, liuni
Mr. Wm. Aslor, of Nov ork, liiinipillali'ly
011 tho Him of tliu St. .lolitis Kailw.iy, wlikh Is
also owned bv Mr. Astor, iimi In tin inliM ol
ilili tract anil within two liundied fpetoftho
inllroad, luno ilimtcil In n plot of TOU acres
tho city of Vi:sr Ht. ArnuirriNC
1'ioin Wr-si-S'i. Alolsii.m: there exists
direct dally eonnecllmis for the Ht. Jolius
Hivkii, nine nillCs dWntit, with
eonneetl .ns noliis north unci south, dally. In
Ht. AittiiVh'i ike, MX ni'les distant, 'lo I-al-nlka,
tho (iem City ct the fc.oi.lli,' by liver
tliliiy-flu miles, or rail, twenty inlies, 11 ml
Jiw-ksiiivlllo by river or rail, thlity-eli;ht
miles distant.
In addition In this, Ui- trurton whlrlils
located thoeltyof Wi.-stKt. ai'iil'htim: Is
much lilfjlilr In altitude Ihnii eltlier hi. A 11
C'lillno or Jm ksonvll!" and Is linn, molt,
imv, urns mm; usii.
And now comes tho stratiRO feature of the
hoe matter; the proprietor and owners of
Tim Ii.i.isniAii-.n W01t1.11 ioi'
eelved the plan of rivliiittt) eaeh and every
o.irly subseiioer In the paper, allii:n lo a
lotlnthecily Sr. Aihuhtim:, 40.
110 feel, free audeitar of all liieiiniliinnei s,
ami pl.rtles IwioinltiK owntis of these lelsme
.VllT lir.lJLlKKIl II) lllIILIl, U.oiirIi it isronll
der.lly expected, beeansoof Hie itLllglitfid lo
cation thit nir.i.y will do mi.
l'lorlda to-ilav Is tlio Uiia to whlih thous
ands tire looklni; with loi'Kliv; eyes, and It Is
bow-made H-s3ililo tllronuli the eiiterpi be et
thu proprietors and owner;, of 'Ini: lux-s-TitATEiinnir.l!:(
Wniii.n, Tor nil tobecuie
a 110M1: In that dtilKl.tfnl Mate, 1 r.KK.
Many will 110 doubt wonder how II Is possi
ble for any onotoAlllol.blELY OlMIAW'AY
1.01s In tlieeltyot hit t. Arm s-.ini:,!uuI
jet tho reevins, whrn eipl.tlned are ery
simple. Adj.'tent b thu lauds iiM)ii which Is
kieated Iheiltvof t livrt r. AriitH'ilSK, thu
iimiirletoiHand owners of '1 III: 11.11 1 n
KoL-iHKitN Woitui own other lands which
t'ipy 110 doiUit erpett v 111 i-'ieatly enl anre in
alue, these lmds will lie by them dlildcd In
Vlots ofinvit.iKN olid 1 iktkkn r.ens.nnd
mid as the viluo Ineie. ses, wMli-h, as the lots
i.r taken will be veiy raild, they also have
In view a desire lo Indiue subsi libers to be
come actual si-lll-trs In tho Ktatc, and at the
Maine Unto Memo lor thu paper an extensive
paid up circulation.
Inn 1i.i.imi:..ti:ii Horiiii'.ny Wom.11
roi tahiH tv 11 cr more p.i;e, oi I li sl.a'.ions
strut It Is rophlo with ehoi, literati re. No
ofpcnr.B ls;ill d tou-al-etl.lsi ub h'ltlonone
i. f the I'.msl Intle world. Ills allv eilllci',
m :tl contains M,'uibl iuforiiialluii i.lui'jt
I lorlda, the land i.t Fliwirs and Oraiiycs,
n encH iovvrli:!t all the So thorn Mutes 111:11
thilr peiullar.t'es, bcsii'.e.s btoiles, u eni.s,
r.!etches, iisi-ful lnf iii'..t'.i.!i, 1 ousel o'tl notes,
t'10 carueii, etc. ttc.. III f.nt it Is Jutsi:tha
piH'r as Mir.uld i;o into eciy home hi the
L-.nd. and by u.o fore-joini' uii;irceedoiiled
and liberal offer they oiect to sum oiiailiv
j lo their lhtof subs' libels. Tl o selwi rlptlnn
jriio rf 'lhe '.lies'. atcd S01 t'.crn llm'il U iM-r jear nml thev 1 av tho posiapo.
T e uli'oli'cd Is the offir of the rr 'P liters
111 di-wi.eisof Tusli i.' HiAii:iiSoniti:i:K
7cI.Il a speilimn ropv of wli'ih v. Ill lo
I. rnislu (1 U) 1 11 :ii plie ivon, ei e'ov'pi; 10 its.
W11.U wis wji.i. 10: I pon reie'pl of.'t.oo
frun u ve will enter jeer 1:1 tue In 0111 b
acrli tlon lvks. ri d s;'til to m y udiln s 'I he
Illi slii'tid f-oit.ein V or d, I irf fly-two
v.eeks, lay'i i. the pr!l,;e tr It anil, as all
uMia M 1 in or ent to 1 am jou l.i ' 1 li e one ol
t M'ls r!L n we whl ikuiilpa fvirnlv
ii. 'Pd. b t, v v h-t In V. ift M. Au, W;
ftit hi m. e. llunciiiber wo aciii..i,y
!ivn yon Ills v;, iid we I r vt f.-.rUm-Hxrie
lo p.-'V m tai y for 0 .ici Mint tl-e m me
J ml In av all fixes ep to .htuiniy 1 ,t, pf7.
- 1 11 e iTo-ci t I't.-.c r.o one 'an l-'-crine a lot
f wmv Ci- o-1 1 t- i n!er,,tl e Mea nh. r bcr.
1 Mt aflfr you h,:v sfurtil jur deed, 01
toiirse tf Mm i.i,i; vou iaa siii it. i'e rVkdi
to i-l .ht to -i.t- '-n ei:r p-opev sl'i i.U all the
lfis we pro i',s to dot'.-tl"! to s -hs-Mber, be
tckrn be ion wv iwin orv n-n lil.-iree.
o rfrr by per.el-.sfon 10 I'e fo'.iowluc
1 nine , eeiiLii'Mrit wi.o reikkaud Jo ovslncss
lp,l el.-viev'lle:
" .il K. v.,.!,Ai:r,r.I IN. I're.'i. St .'ol't-1!y.
i imi. v n. wat.v n. :ais y.uiisigi r ik-
1 arv-I'i.vili-r'i-.i'!3
i.l 10.
r p . c. . II. I'O
VV . VKlli , W -'J Ct. Joliti,
S .Iji 1 so: v'.l'o Mice-
Ann V. II. M. kv.
Cien'l 'l'relint
,1 fi. D,.U,G ,
Aidei-ni i", Jaol-so:.-
i. 1
: it'll ItlCC, Mv'ror.l'.!-j"tiv'!le.
1 . !. lllli.I.V .!).! li-lif Dl-v-.l ijo., I'"a.
1 Mi v M. M I.. DA
1 v.Mn ,r " V !-'t.I.YINS- I.
C .V 1 ' 'A D'-IAN .k.iksou 1Kb.
. 0 a;p. me ram. s of . b-v of the
d, 111 sul'yil.ois wb.o have re- i.l ,.'d the deeds
to Hie lets! tr; lliili- b :1 3 lil-tlons,
U) w haul w-o -lso refKr:
Mi. C. I.-, f AllKAl'lCn, .laekwmvlile.
v 1 CtlOl' .r.ici-eha"l 'labor. .Teik'tonville.
JOHN lillll, Aiuil .V.ullmy I.l i.e. .Jaek-
Koni 'lb.
1.. K. HHANNAN, Artist. ,lae!:sonvme.
WM. VI U P.iacK, Aril t. .la'.'l:.nuilil".
A ZACllAlilAS . CO., (.InlMvit, Jncl.bon
Mile. asit.15 r.r.i'itnowiat.n.'kct Ajicnt, v.
li. f. N. l'.y.
WV.. li. V.ATSON, Ileal Cilate, JaeP3)n
MUe. .1. I), IUT.UY, Clolbln?. .l.-c:.soi-k.
I. ClIliliK, 'lobar o, Jai Ksimhl-.
1 ItANClSli Ikkil'ii, l'i 111 tine, .T.'il;so:i
Mlle. CUAS. .1. 1II1ITZ, Uest-ieraiit, .'nel.soinllie.
V.V,. UiCH, CoriO!.," .Vil B.'.-AlI'l..
lOSUi'll I1 TiKA, l'.iiicy linn rles, .lack-
CIIAS. riClvI'.lilXU, r.iectriil.-.u, Jaekson-
!.(. I.. HAi'TUlDiir, 1 lv,-r.-. JacksorAilie.
lir C. .1 Kl.;V.'01iV!ii:. .'Kcksonvrile.
WM. JLAl'IJi, (looii and allocs, J.i.'ksq'.i
i llle.
A. K. I.KON,, JaeVsonv'.lle.
Tr xr.AI.ilii'Ulil.U Jackionvn.
WM. 11. KINUSllUliY, Nurt,ery, JarkM:v
ll p.
.' ACOll S. I'AKKKIi, .ho kson. Ilic
I.kOPOl.I) 1 tlllCilliOri', v Hoods.
And hundreds of others,
'"on can aen.l iiiouev to us bv 1'ost Oifie,
Money order, llejost'-red k-lter, liiivss or
1 h'ik urau. rsaiiina copy 01 p-iper seiu noon
IIM-l'llll "l II l-l, III -I Villus. lli'l
rim t. Mi'i-hanle. Prof, s,"o'iu, ami ljiboiii".'
1,1 u w i-'kl nol I)- ai tin;; wisely by ut-t'.liijr a
lo ',' l-'atlrrs and Mot u rs sc. ero a lot for
jo rselvcs oro-.m ot your el l.d,-en. It ni-.j
l.rovua 1:001 1 nhs 1 1: in and eos.s ou notll.
lux. Uoedsarp executed to laillri -is well ns
ri n. In wilti'v j;:vc fell na uo 01 ii'-r.-on vm:
wls'idced lilu'e lo. 1 11 '10'. bt tllU vrldi-n
opjuirlunliy ti 'ss inn or lei- at once. v'liP ess
i-viKH riiiuniniiN v, 0111.11.
J.ul.oon.ilic, 1 ioiua.
Anrll 10 Im.
In .mm :isi for mil. .if !bp(
llli' llll II fiUl II lar.'esl.iiMe.! estatilii.ii. ili
In t-known Nnrserle in Hie eoiiiiirt. Mostl
liberal term.. Ciie'iiial -d laeiPib. PricM
inw liiineva .tir.uri. j-.v..,iiii,i,eu it-iii.i
w. & 1. SMI 1 11, tii-ui va. N. Y.
p o w-ir
Joseph I Hex,
Flour, Peed & Furniture,
Tobacca and Cigars,
East Veissport, Penn'a.,
Imltes the penpl- of iVclssporl and lclnlt
to call and examine his lare aisoitiu-nt
of Hoods li 'fore purehashi'; elsewhere.
Prioo3 Low as tho Lowest !
"A Carpet LocTFoTSali!"
1 he undersigned offers for sale n eoniplele
outfit formaklmicariiet.coiisli.tliii'ol I.00111,
llobblns, Spoost:iuil, c. all in rood con
dition. wn.Krnr.u.
Alipll to I'. KlKlTlNnni, thlsbor
oukIi. inarli8-l
''III UsM-"!
. --Zs- f.IiS l.k. E,-n?a,'p
???? vrs-srsi itrsa.k
"Original Cheap Cash Ssore.'
Carols Oil Clotta,k
Wo lime thu hu-cest hiocl: and are selling at
the lowest prices.
liruiTl t'nrpct,
1 liiuralii Carpet,
Kas full et,
I ilallCiirpet,
I Stair carpet,
Cut not 1 !ll!l!!?.
Ulalr t'nifb.
Sinlr Oil CI0II1.
Tlible Oil Chilli,
1'lonr Oil Cloth.
lilies, Mats, Hhuiles nnd l'lstiires.
We are ulso neiils for the "Ladies rrlcml"
Carpel Sweepers
Opp. I'uhllc Square, Hunk street, Lehigh
ton, l'a. Juno 7, ISit ly.
Cnvlion 2(v;invt.c.
SATUHDAV, APIilL 17, 18S0.
-SriTIAT. NOTICK rers'.nn mnhlim
linyoieiils to Ibis .'lllce by inoiiev orders or
li'Ulnl lu tes will plcsw iimke 1 hem piivni le
st III? Klfsl'ORT 1'l'fT OrUCK, OS tllH f.e-
hitbbili ollico is mit u money i.r.lcr olliee
Our Neicliborlioocl In Brief.
PorchcJ ttnon a bust of l'" or
belter jet, 011 mine ji.uiriy shelf, llm
n)tisl!ili liotiM'ke'.'iiei- lias her buttle of
Ir. Hull's (.'otit'Ii Syrnti. anil when tlio
i-lillil lias a illstrossing cough or a touch
uf 1 limn the cures the. little onu iu 110
"What do prpelier talk 'bout lo'ilnv,
kriiitili i- .'i lltisV" "Cli. lie lellcil 'bout .on ilem IMilllslliies. nil. vrin
"l.iiow I niofi! cry to link tlem uoor
ereelcrj eoiililn't ct 110 Salvation Oil."
The Presbytery of Lcliluli will lio,l
Its Srrlti? session at Kaston onTuetday,
tOtti Inst.
5L3?(io to 1'rs. Ihiderer. uiuler tlio
l.oli:iiii!i llolel. for a sinoiitb sbavo
an.l ii fnsluiiablp hair out.
The Lehigh Valley Itailload Com-;
patty lias Increased the wages of the
section men 10 cents per day. The In
croa.M' dates fuim the lirst of Am 11.
AlU'iitown jail at pmspiit contains
I priMiucrs. Like the grave yat-J, It is
always KJtlietin;; now recruits. In spite
of lhe punishment Inllietcil by Courts of
When nn at-llelu Is sol.l "no cure,
no pay," w hy not try It? That h tlm
way ,Iadw ill's svnm for eoti'dis. an.l croup, is sold at Thomas'
Announcement was last week mai!e
In the Emails Pipo Foundry, at Emails,
that the wayes of all employes would he
raised ten per cent, commencing with
April 1st.
A new 1!200 pound hell for St.
Mary's (iiruian Cailiolic. church, at
Cnta.:iiiti.i, of which Key. J. 11. Ua.l.le,
lormeriy of Ik'tliii hem, is pastor, was
le.lieated 011 tunday.
.'"avo half your coi;;:h ineilieini' bills
by buying a 2."e bottle of Jadniu's tar
syiup, wliieli eoutuins ii uiinees, while
no other rouuli syrup eon tains over 1 l--i.
old at Tli imas' dnu store.
l"'or biiines,s, plea,iiie, we.hllnss or
fuper.ils, go to David Kbhert's lively,
on North street, for y. ur teams. Ills
horses and cairia',v5 aie of tlio l.tieji,
inn! his lei ins as low us the lowest.
fj"-II. H. Peters Ins a nice lino of
liojs' l.ej l-.Ma.!e C'lolluii ', suiiahle
tor boya livin i je.u-j upwaidsj, Miyin;:
111 price Hum &. I'er suit upwards,
i.r.chati'jo Hotel liull.lin, l.elnghton.
An unknown riiiii'j.iilan ille.t on a
l.t'lilt-li V.illcy train near Keavi rMtii 'ow
rri.lay. Ilo had a e.i.-d on hi., back
.litcelln"; that ho. betaken to the hospital
at i:phlchum.
No wonder tlut people complain of
Ii ird times when they pay ."il.o tor a bui
l!e of cougli syrup, no kiraer than a Loo
bottle of oadw in s tar syiup, whleli is
sold 'no cure, no pay." '1 homas sells it.
!' I- liebcr, of Franklin tw-p., we
learn luu he-en appointed lo a position
In tlio United stales -Mint, at Philadel
phia, I-rank, wo ronxratttUle you.
It is lhe poor iii.iu'r friend, hut the
rich man uses It alio; bce.ut.e U is lhe
best iptality and largest bottle for tlie, and Is sold "no cure, no pay."
Vt) refer to Jadw lu's tar syrup, bold at
Thom is'.
On Friday, Apt II Cord, the Com
missioners will to in spstion from 0
o'i:!o"k a. m., until the close of the day
to attend lo ciues of a.ipeal, for the fol
lowing districts: East Pemi, Kidder
North, Kii'ibrSoutli.Lau nnne, Leliijh,
Packer, Petin Foiest an I Weissjiort.
Spiiino orr-.Nlxo. Large well 6eieet
el liert stoek of Wai.i. Papkus,
lio', lit: iitAnicis. (Miuiple
hooks sent rut.) I.'o.u job bargains ever
oiVeiiv.l. Daho Wixnow siiAiir.s on
siirin:; toners .ah; i n . upwards P.uxt-
iMi. PA'.-rn 11 v.-(i::iu andsHAiu: mak
isn. Tlie bo-t vorlc at fair p:l e.., OIL, AYllUILI. PAINT, IMTTV
AND (1I..V-S. l:. F. Lui'KK.MlACll, 01
Itni.idwaj, JIaueh Cliuuk. T.i.
Dr. I!. II. 1!. Uiowir dlel at Lock
Haven Wedn'silay morning, 7:h inst.,
agnl (13 yrars. II u was wldelv known
tliiouyhout ihoStnte, h iving been editor
of the -Montour tmerfcai!, at Danville;
the State Journal, at Ilairlsliiiig; the
Danville Hecortl an.l tho Danville .Vcic.s.
He was elected a member of the Legis
lature In IKiO an.l servpd two tprms.
He was also one of tha original organ
isers of the I'eniijylvania Editorial
C5'0wrn llelitlv:, corner of Iron and
LeliUli sltvets, Is prepare.l to do all
kinds of paper li.inglns. Having a com
iete new stock of wall paper and bord
ers lie can afford lo do cheaper and bet
ter work than can be done hv any ono
else in this seetljti. (live him a call
and be cotHlncp.l. lw.
.lohn Wilcox, who is suspected of
the murder of the Kester bruthers, near
Seybcrtsvllle, Liuerno county, last
October, wa9 arrested In Allentown,
Saint-day hy Detective Smith, who bail
been looking for lilm for live months.
Wilcox was awaiting thb departure of a
triln at the I.phlgli Valley Depot nnd
was in the company of a woman when
captured. Ilo wns wautwl :u a witness
li t .viuter when n man u.imedChiUtni.ui
was anetiel on suspicion of being (be Wilcox was lockul up for a
. lurles V. Copier, paslilei of tlio
Allvn'onii Xa' 1 lank tlnce lb."
nn.l lis president since last JIay. d ej
S in hv eienliiK, from liilght's illseasp
of the MJiioys, after two days' conllnc
m ut lo bis bi',1. Ho was the second
oldest member of the LpIiIrIi county
bar an 1 was for n number of years presi
dent of the Allentown Hoard of Trade.
He was l lentllU'.l with tho uiigiu and of many of Allentown's
tndltstiliti un l tils death will be n great
loss to i Imp 'o niuunltjr. He was sixty
jf .mi t"
i High llverj, robust people, itml
, young wotni'ti ure liable to sulfur from
i-oilgistlve licnilticlie. Dr. llnll's Haiti-
more Pills will cute such attacks.
Koadstcrs, eoaeh-liorscs, nnd sndlcrs
luring cerlalti seasons of the year neeil
to bo hullt up nml cleaned out with
, Day's Horse Powder.
upon tlio llrst i:lilcncp. ot bowel ins
orders, r!o the baby a few doses of Dr.
Hull's Haby Syrup ami pi event much
sittfciing on the pint of thu little one.
Now spades arc trump.
Pnliu Sunday lo-morrow.
A four room hou-e and lot for rent,
apply to D. S. Hock.
What lias become, of the water sup
ply committee?
3Kleg.itit new jewelry at E. II.
Hold's, Maueb Chunk.
Fnrnipis read A. Sleliiliam & Son's
new advertisement this week.
Head WIsj Hello Ntisbautu's new in to-day's paper.
Ct27FOI! SALE. N'ixt: fihkt-class
liLll.DlNd l.i) is. located In this bor
ough. Call enily for llrst eholee.
TON, Pa.
Advertise your spring goods In tlie
Auvocatk Il will pay you to let the.
people know what you have lo sell.
The 2-year-old child of Mrs. Win.
Wlnt wns accl Jeu tally suffocated by coal at Catasauqua 'J'uesdav-
Jfpl have just rolurnnJ from the
oily with an Immense slock of Spkinc
and Su.MMltlt Hats nnd JIoxnuth. Call
parly and bo convinced. Alvcnla Grav
er, Milliner, Lelilghton.
Owen .Shoemaker while dilvinga
team loaded with stones on Oliert's
farm a fow days ugo, fell fiom the wag
on, the wheel ot w hic li passed overtilin,
very sovpiely liijuiliig lilm
PI)I1 you hear that the Hamdcn
watch Is the best watch made
sold at E. II. Hold's, JIaucli Chunk.
Severn has been tho agony of some
of our citizens on the license question
during the past week.
(Jliiuss d' Bio., 'Die Tail
ors, still linvo a few of those
justly celebrated $10-suiting
on hand.
J W. liiown, agpd 45 years, a
painter at Mnhanoy City, in a fit of
jealousy .Moiiui.y shot and fatally
noun Jed his wife and then shot him
self, making but a slight wound, liow
eor. He was lodged in jail.
For the famous w Into shirt double
back and front, oniv 4.1 cents. Call at
the One Price Star Olotbing Hall.Mauch
Our popular druggist, Dr. C. T.
Hcin, had his bland new soda fountain
in good '"" order last Saturday
evening judging finin the Hade he did.
Ed, the doctor's popular clerk, attends
to the "phizzing" part of lhe machine
with a wonileiful acceleration.
fT" '.argent an.l finest assortment of
got 1 watches for ladies and gentlemen,
at E. H. Hold's, Munch Chunk. Learn
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Dining the stoitu last Tuesday
afternoon lightning struck the residence
of Mr. VA. Horn on .South stieot, this
boiongli. Only Might damage wasdone,
but It, for a time, created quite a little
For the v.vek ending A pi 11 10, theie
wen: H'",1.!l tons of coal shipped ocr
the Lehigh A alley railroad, makiii' a
total to flntcnf L' tiinv.n.1 .liuw
ing an Inciease ot 4bli,bi':l Ions compared
with the same time last jear.
f'oliituiius II. lloui, having lca'-e.l
tho Mansion Hoife, opposite tin L. &
S. depot, has handsomely lefniiiished
and decorated lhe siuie.Is now prepared
to offer unsurpassed accommodations to
lhe tinveliu public and persons desir
ous of enjoying nil thu comforts of a
home in tlie country timing the coming
siinuniy. Terms will bo moderate anil
attendance the be-1.
Over one million boxes of Acker's,
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho pasi
twelve months.purely upon their merlin.
Why .suffer with Cluonie CoUillpation,
Dyspepsli. Sour Stom;i"h, Sick Head
ache, and I'em.ilo Troubles, when Dr.
C. '1'. Horn Lchighlon and W. F. lllerv
Welssport. olferyou relief and positive
cuie in the Dyspcp-la Tablets. They
sell them on a guarantee.
Your attention Is itlrected to lhe
caid on the (In t page of Dr. P. Alfred
Andrews, hi.nieojathle phjslcian and
surgeon, who has opened an olllre op
posite Nathan Snjder's store, in East
Welssport. He will be pleased' to tee
Farmers and others in nrcd of
Harness, H'hips, lilankets, and who
hue any repairing to be done, will ave
money by e.illingon G. D. fclilffeit.lSauk
street, Leblghioii.
The working time of lhe moulders
at the Lehigh Valley shops, South l?.r
lou, was on Saturday mluccd lo four
days a week. 'I he suspension is due to
an overstock of r.iatrrh'.l.
Dr. C. T. lTo -n Lrhlgliton and W.
F. Hiery Welsipoil, to make an
assertion, w hich they can b.ipk with a
positlio guaraiilpe. It Is all about
Acker's Hlood Elixir. They claim for
It superior niei Its over all other remedies
of Its kind, and gtiaraniee for It a posl
llio nnd sure euro for lllipiunallsm,
Syphlllls, nnd all blood disorders. It
flees the skin from spots and disease,
an 1 leaves the complexion clear. Ask
them about it.
The body of .lames Alexander, who
wasdiowned In the Lehigh Kiver, at
Maueh Chunk, week before last, has
not yet been recovered.
For the famous all woolen pants
iu.un 10 or.ier ai oniy homing to neat
it. Call at the Ono PilcoStar Clothing
Hall, Maueh Chunk.
Tlio Heading Itallrnad General
Moitg.ige Hoinlholders Committee Tues
day Issued n circular disapproving both
tho sjudleato and Gowcn plans for the
reorganization of tho company, Tho
icconstrnctlou trustees, the circular
says, had no authority lo represent eith
er the railroad or coal and Iron coin
pany. J3TTho latest styles; tho best taste
In trimming: and the b,.ipst cuJi pi lees
for Spring and Summer Hats and Hon
nets. See my stock before purchasing
eliPWtiere. Alvcnla Gravpr.Lclilghtou.
The puddlers and laborers employed
by the Pottsvlllo Iron and Steel Company
struck Monday foran advance In wages.
Tho puddlers demand ;fl,(15 per ton, an
advance of It) cents, an.l the laborers
$7 per w eck, an ndvace of $1. The com
pany offured the puJdjer.s j.').ljO, hut II
was refused. The strlko will cntliely
suspend operation at the Iron and steel
nulls, employing between 330 tnd JOO
ban Is.
For tho famous stiff, soft and pocket
hats In nil thu leading styles marked
down lo rock bottom pilces in plain
figures. Call nl the One Price Mar
Clothing Hall, Mnuch Chunk.
Wo are psrlleularly phased to call
attention to Mr. John Welgjud's G. A.
11. Grand March, and with full appre
ciation of tho extent of our claim ns ert
that 1 compares favorably wjtb the best,
try It Price 41 d-. In, I'isc!'.-.
1. ! tr i'V ,r
Wo arc now located In our nciv
building, nd below L. it S. depot, on
ttiitlt.' etinnt. nml Ini'lln rri.iii.1u nn.l
ii,., ,,i.i i .i. i i
lis Wp have lust added a nuinber of , , jr 11,oil,!ll,-ai Anpiiup, In the ex
its. HfiHiu just otitiou a iiumuer oi (lxjlnp we,tcril parl of ,,, caul,n,et is
new fouls of typp and other mateilal to sltualed u square, one-nory building,
our nnicc, so nut we nro ueiter man
pi- piepared to cater to the tusto of
. . , , ,
i r patrons, while our new prices for
nil kinds of plain nnd fancy printing
will compare faorably with those of
nnv olhpr office in tho Lehlch Vullev.
n . , ,,
Our motto ls-"Llvc nnd Let Live."
For lhe fjiiiniM Imported l:otk.ertnv ,
I and casslnicrc suits made to order, from
I to ?:15, 111 nlid wotkmanslilp guar-
nntpcd. Cull at the One Piieu Star ,
Clothing Hall, Maueh Chunk.
The man Sheror who tendered a '
forged check on Thomas M. Weincr, or!
, , . , , , , I
Pacicrlon, to r. J. Heck, of Hits place,
somo lime ago, win arraigned In court 1
this week and plead guilty.
Apill Fool! Is what mother's neier
say after giving their children Dr.
Hand's Worm Elixir, became it Is a
combined worm killer anJ physle,whleh
quickly removes round nnd pin worms;
nlso the slime In which tha egs lie.
Our borough council have com-1
nifuced fixing on the streets. Now,
gentlemen, don't pile any mole .MUD
upon us, rather dig It olf the streets and
cart it away. We have entirely to much
mud, MOD. mudI
For thu famous stock of ready made
incus, boys and chtlldreu suits' of all
the latest spiing styles nl prices marked
low enough to suit everybody. Call nt
at thu One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Maueh Chunk.
The following olllcers of the Kntcr
prlse Huihllng und Loan Association
were nominated at the March meeting
of the Association, and will be oledfor
at the next meeting. April I'd, 1880:
President, Philip Miller; Secretin)-, T.
A. Snyder; Treasurer, Thomas Kcmer
cr; Solicitor, T. A. Snyder; Directors,
IL J. lltctney, John Peters, J. F.Moul
throp, and J. F. Snyder. Four Direc
tors are to bo elected.
A gran I jug breaking entertainment
by tlie membeis.of the Jamestown, M.
K. church, will take place on Saturday
evening, Apt 11 lst. The evening's
exercise, will consist of sayings, recita
tions nud readings. All are cordially
to attend.
William P.. Moyer, onu of the Dem
cratic Commissioners of Lehigh county,
was ai-re-stid a short time ag- for violat
ing tho election laws by promising offices
to eleven men for their influence lo
secure, bis noiiiinationuiiJeb'Ctlon. The
grand jury We ineiday liuming ignored
tho bill, the county to pay the costs
The ease of Han. Uoyer against
the Overseers of the Poor of this
borough, was before the Grand Jury
tills week, and was Ignored by that
body.the C03U being put upon thecounty.
Eub-criptlors Eecolvoil
From April ls-t to April loth, for the
Camion Advocats:
H. YVcls't.lVcWs virU 5 to
.lohn smith. I.e!!i:lit )n m
ili lij. "otlistetu, i:a-t 1 oi
I mill: Kevsehner, New-TrlpcP, l'a 1 0,1
Miss Man lll.ultz, bo' lil.ton (11
lli.'i.ben ll'intz, 1 00
V.'. M. Ilaps'icr, .Maueli Chunk 1 co
i:. (!. Xuni'.-r. r.'ansnoM, Ohio 1 01
A. V. limn, i.clifj'hto 1 1 00
dfd'iwi kt-itl-.a-d, l.'lil::lili,:i 1 10
W. II. ironU. i.ehUhton 1 on
Dr. V. A. UerAainer, I.eIiii;titoii 2 on
Ma-tln :.l,'!ii)l..s. I.i lilslilon 1 011
1 in. 2e!i'.ir. I."1 l'l,to i 1 (m
Dr. 1'. Aifivil Andreas, 11. Welssport.... .10
A. I), hnarj. Ku7lctni 1 00
.v. V. It. i-.di.n.busn, I.iihl' 1 0.1
fevi liai ii'iH.m, 1 o-vimnitiivni 1 on
Kei.beii (Iklii, Meiiijirgvinc to
Ov.i 11 Klnu, I eld ibtoa 1 0.1
I-'. 1'. .Scibi Ulns, Keitli Peim 1 CO
Tl.c 1'ilr.i ipalofthe -.ubllc schools of this
l on.i'i h n-alits tl.e foiltwlni; icpcrt of t'e
nturad-ini e, ici.illl'.en, etc., fur tho ino:.t!i
-n.thu: April e;ii.
i:ii' 8'-tiP'ii
lr. !mnai-IJi.hoola
Ave race alt, il
" " i!
11 .1 41
" " t:
" " is
" R.I
iiiteiiuedlalo ta
"ki nils ry 1.1
i'uuitli Primary to
lldid " ii
Second rr,
Tlrsl " l;l
Total 4.w sn;
The fo.lovv!n; friends and patrons visited
tho illlli rent schools during tile month : I'rnf.
T. A. Mivdrr Co. Sui t., Mr. II. Wieand,
dlimlor, lir. W. ". Kt-ber, M.s. Dr. Selple.
Missus Al sta, 11. Kls'.ier,
.Mym flood. i;dah M.'it, .M igg e Dull, I'. K.
firaver, i:i)a Peters, Abblo I'ctiri, Untie
Weiss, Ma Uihrli:, Messrs. A. .1. llalllrt.
Aiiiamli s liehrii:, I). .Ml.Ier, J. 11. I.oairacre,
.mil I'ramls llai-lunan.
The pupils who attended ovcry day during
the ir.ontli are us follows :
Hum iSciiooL J. M. ltobcits, Icjchcr,
Imrn Wcldaw, Mamie flabel. I rem remter-niai-her.t
'at rlo lioiii;!i. Chai-cs Trex'cr, 1'iaiik
N'usbi'.um, 11. ,1. Kuntz and Alljn I'e'.eis.
OitAMMAit. School Mr. Kolser, teacher.
, Alice Ceggis, Ki iina Meitr, I tta nrlsscll,
1 111 Albiilit, (Lira, Wilson
Ar.iider, lilisir Noll, fharles ltiiiidenbush,
Jehu l.emz. Iioraee liross, lirai.vlllo Clauss
and Oscar liiihnan.
iNTiniJium.Ti: Miss Koons, Icarhcr.
"i-iin-i iiciu, i;.v.u 11 1 m iiucK, Howard
Acker, riiniiiiis Tnilner, llarrvflec'iiis. Oscar
Miller, Willie Noth.tcln and liubert Trainer.
Hi'.i D.Mi.vnv Miss Hank, teacher.
Annie Itai'dcnbi.sli, A!I"C (illberl, Kmma
lorlwannl'i. flaia IliJlman, r.lla llout,
I. I7I.. tliuililt, Mamie l'iit7!n:-i-r, Irene
, dm-, bevdl.i 1 I mist , ( arnn Kuff, Willie
II. ll, 1 nrry olf, Irn Nuths.eln, l'lcrcc I'ry
and Allen lirecrawnld.
1'oit.tii I'nui.-.r.v-MIss ItchrlK, teacher.
1-dpr AIlnlRlit, Ceiugo Kh.p, Artlmrllelil.
Attaiiub iy hehult?, lassie Null, lliiuna l'eiers,
L' Heel-, Mary l'iiist"nii.',-l'er. linttle
i .iri'i's, J'.iillle Horn, Kinina Wnlek, Helen
Xaiifirr, Kalsy Horn, Mlncrvalleldanil Katie
1 custeriua. her.
Tmrni l'ltiMAiiv Miss Itiber, teacher.
Harry Oh, Hubert IIent7, Waller Weiss,
I-illHU- Auge. Sallle Pemlcr, Alice lllanU,
llaUIu le, Clara Smith, Ui'iiua Acker. Ulla
luehrcr, Iiui Iii'ikonur, Manilo Driuiibore,
I.l.vle lii ggns and Manila Ib'hrlg.
Si: -oxn I'niM vnv Miss Asli, teacher.
.lohn X tnd. r, Harry Nothsteln, Willi.;
llaitk, I.dibe Sialth, Cnarles Aiikc, Welbr
ll'intz, Allle AiPrlcht, .Inhn lv..innl, Wlble
Ivlpp, Minnie Kciiuier, Illla lleik, (lerlic
lliuley, lllla l'eteis, Allen Iln1tz.S1.ullc lvtors,
Carrie 1 enstermaei.rr .mil Minnie, Walok.
VlinsT Piiim.miv Miss Good, teacher.
John Notl sieln, Wllbert fl'iuents, Ilirvev
Am-e. tieorpe Newh-irt, S.idio Hint, Tilllii
Siansbeiiy, Klla Wo'.l.
Th? 1'rlii' lp.U made ID visits to the dl.Tercnt
s -l:o lis, and with a fciv exceptions found i;ood
lnoKiisss and faithful work. Ho also wlshis
to hiforni tlie patrons of the Grammar HJhool
tin t the (Iciiortinoiit of ,iiplls In tho sc'iool
has so el.a'meil tint we can expect earnest
work und Kood resu'ts.
J. M. KuneitTh, Prln.-lpal.
rieasant Comer Splinters.
Harding A- Co. have been blocked
up with work dining tho past week,
Ulysses C. Hough was the guest of
N. F. Ilelnsnillh, of this place.
s 1, ,.',:, .. :. .',...- ""i.i
W. II. who has niirchase-1 a I
hlshou,eon l uesdii).
.1. r. Mellanlel Is putting up a new
picket wire fence nlong the roads of his
properly. I'he Improvement looks well. I
H. F. Fr.intz. has resolved to make 1
his homo In Lelilghton.
Xathan Gerber is on the slelillst
plagued with rheumatism.
James Itch-hard Ins received a nice
young dog of Owen Hvart, of Lehigh-
ton. 1
n, fri.,i v.i, r..i' -1, 1
(i-.inn ,si -., . Id, VJiV I.. .1 . r 1
""Jni' ?llfl,'oln,.V,,,'llT .of
an old lock and phalli wl'h five links
nod th" key In the lo'k all cimiiiiete. ns
it wus dug out by bi:u, 1? Iti"!.es under
gropnd, V, is tinpo-ed to lnvo be
I' pge,I r tl;, fiilljor: family, aid b'i'I.d
I tri.rf.r f c r ' -e in. 1 -;t . 1 vn.
South BstMshemComspooflencs.
So,-'r" UisTiiixiitM, Apr. 12, '60,
me nun oi wnien reseniuips a iicmi
f',,.lrrci,tl'i' Js J'"-. 'T1'" Observatory.
It was bit t In 1S77 by the bora tv of
Kobert II. Snyrc. one of tiro trustees of
the linluislty. In thedomc Is mounled
an Equatorial Telescope, of six Inches
""lure, and the observatory alro con-
la'ns u .enlth Tilesiope, Transit lu
6titiment3, Prljiuatlc Scktaut an astro-
notnlcsl clock, and other Instruuients
neei ss.iry for the teaching of practical
nstrnuomy. East and souilw'ust of lhe
Observatory ate situated llm President's
nnd Professors' houses, and east of the
"' Hands the
P.' V,,;I!SITy, ;miA"v- . .,
' lus building which wns elected in
1377 i,y ,ile generotts founder In memory
of lilt daughter Mrs. Packer hinder-
man, Is one of lhe finest and most Im
posing building 011 the campus. It
very much resembles nn old f iudnl
cn-slle w l!h its towers and battlements,
nnd is built 111 the form of aseml-elrele.
Tlie nrchltecl'ire comports to that of
i-aoKcr nun, me same, i.itui uf stone be
ing upd, hut the ttimmiiivs nro of gran
It". Tlie Interior Is finished w Ith trlaziil
btick and iron, light being allowed lo
ouier irom auinp mrougn u beautiful
stained glass sky-light. There arc threo
t!er.s of iilcovcs containing at pref-ent
fi'J.!)17 loliimes and nbout lU.'JOO pamph
lets. The reading tables, with which
tin: looms and aleoies ure filled, are
finished hnn oak wood, while before
each alcove stand ', mounted on aieJer, the bu-t ofsotue. learned in.iu iwll
known lo history. There Ciceio. Ho
inpr, Plato. Oallllo, the god, Hermes,
Duntp, Aristotle, JVnlapins. Hlppo
er.ilis; Linnaeus, Leihig, Humboldt.
.Shakespeare, Luther and Newton look
down upon the silent leadets. On the
wall is a large; life-size portrait ol the
Hon. Asa Packer, painted by Uoiitcile,
and on one side nte cabinets containing
rare and valuable Illuminated volumes
of manuscript made In the fourteenth
century, also works which date back to
1174. In this large nnd well-furnished
library students and the public are al
lowed to read from 7 a. 111. to 10 p. in.
Since no talking is allowed In It. lhe
library is tho dally ieoit of students
wishing to study between recitations.
For beauty nnd completeness this 11
brarj Is rlvall d by fewandexcellj many
in tills country. Directly south of tlie
library is tho
This building which was erected In
1SS3 Is a handsome and spacious strue
luie, bnllt and equipped with tlio ut
most thoionsbness. 1th three stories
in height; the first lloorcoiitalns n bowl
ing nlley, a billiard room, a spariing
loom, bath icoms and clothe closets.
On the second lloor Is situated tlie IJI
rectors' olllce, physical examination
room, sponge and shower biths and
clothes ;losets, and the main hall, con
taining the host patterns of gymnastic
apparatus and Dr. Sargent's system of
developing appliances. On the upper
lloor is a running Hack and visitors gal
lery. All students are icqulred to un
dergo a physical examination before be
ing allowed the ui ot tlie gymnasium,
iii)J this examination Is repeated once
each year. Thu proper exercise is pre
scribed and Is then requited of each
student the same as a recitation. Hy
this means lhe student attains n sym
metrical development. l!y nest letter
will contain descriptions of llm Labia
torlcs and tho Fnglne House.
UJflVEKIITV xoti:s.
t.iyIr, Suley, director of the gym
nasium, this morning (Monday) began
the annua! physical examinations of the
j3yOn last Fridav afternoon the
campus and South Mountain were over
run with surveying corps, it being the
llrst day of field woik of the civil engi-iipci-s
for tills sea-.on.
'Vf7l'be ICpllomv, the publication of
llm talents, this year edited by the
Junior class, Is rapidly Hearing com
pie! ion. and It Is exweted that It will
make Its appearance on or before Kastcr.
yOn 'as' Saturday afternoon the
University basn ball tuim defeated a
strong plcked-niue of South Hethlehem
12 to 7.
S.fT-riallir.lay Lehigh will crojs hats
wlih Lafayette an 1 an Interesting game
may bo expected. L.
Pecplo in and outo'lown.
Our peoiili! who niav luve relatives or
irleiuls visiting them will Ki-eutlv oblluc us
by M'lidhn: In their mimes anil residence for
publication under this head. Unnoii.
Jacob lining, of Solomon's
was In town on Wednesday.
Miss Alvenia Graver was to Phila
delphia durinj tlio week.
Daniel Giaver, of Mountain Top.
was in town Wednesday.
Al. Leh, of Ca'a-iauipia, was In
ti vn scveial days during the week.
Miss Gusslo Clans? was Sojourning
with Catasauqua relatives this week.
Mrs. Wm. Ash is sojourning with
Elision relatives and friends this week.
Asst.' P. M., W. K. Hleekley, of
Putin Haven, was in town Sunday eve
ning. Councilman Gable, of town, spent
a few days in Philadelphia during the
past w cek.
Misses Ilnttie and Gertie Hleekley.
of Penn Haven, were visiting friends in
town over Sunday.
Our genial friend Frark Seiberllng,
of North Penn, Schuylkill county, was
in town Wednesday.
Mn. W, W. Morthlmer spent Tues
day In Lehigh Gap and Slallngton vis
iting relatives and frlcii 's.
Miss Stella Solt, of White Haven,
after giving her friends in Lchighlon
and Packerton n very pleasant visit, lelt
for Munch Chunk on Wednesday.
Our friend Dr. liabenold, the den
tist, was in town Wednesday, his olliee
day here. Tlie doctor 1, meeting w ith
great success, and those who need a
dentist's tir.-tce, will do well to call on
Our genial friend Mr. Chas. M.
Sweeny, of Sweeny & Son, at the
"Crner Store," has left for Wilkes
baire, where he takes charge of the
'Steam Cracker lllkcry." of Sweeny
A Moure, with which he Is connected.
Wo wish our friend Sweeny success in
this new enterprise.
Eeavcr Run Items.
Samuel Kostenbadpr Is giving Hcr
nard Leinbard's dwelling a new- coat of
W.. F. D.inzer. of Heading, was
hero on a visit to Ids parents on Sun
day, -I th lust.
Ephrulm Hehrlg has moved lo
Papkerton, and Alex. Ifehrighas moved
from Packerton 011 lo the farm at this
Paul Kleffer's house in Heaver Kim
was totally destroypd by lire on Satur
day afternoon last. The fire Is suppaod
to have originated Irom a stove pipe
which iiiereud through the roof. Most
of the furniture was saved by the efforts
Sin...... TS T .I ,,.-
,":: .,'. :: ' ";
tl)0 wmVixM ,jf 10 building. Martin
SlnMr. saved, as In his frantic ctlorts
to Kive a bedstead he lefused to leave
the building even vhen his clothing
l'-'d C'i'ight llru until lhe above named
persons literally dragged him out.
It would be bst for persons llvin"
along the hlghwavs In this neiglibor-
w'a, '01' Uclm? Aop? ,0,keIM
V"?1 chainmi up, so that they do not
out al ,"' nl1l persons imsslng
tl'." "veiling, as It may occasion set I-1
""5 """lfc. and result in a prosecution
of tlicow-ners to recover itamage. A
word 10 1110 wise, vc. Josrnius,
Our old hipniWaeoii Khlngler is
nursing a n ro foot, ca-iscd by tiea dug
on n'-le. n n -''i eji' -'' F. ,;c
'3i",il :
Lemon 8. ApHt 18.
Tilt: nr.BK MlltACI.C.
' John II. 1-11. Golden Text. John II.
11. Time, about A. D. 27. Place, Cnna
I of Galilee. Hulets, the sntuo as tho last
Jesus and Ills few followers have
turned ther backs upon John the Haptlst
nud'tho vast nscmblage at thu Jordan
ford, and -they have gone tioitlivvniil lo
Ills Galilean homo Once luoie the
animated scene on I lie. slioics of the
Laku appears lo view, nnd they are wel
comed back again hy iclatlves nnd
fi lends. Into syuipatliotletars is poured
the wonderous iecital of lhe events of
tins last fe.v days. Always noted for
JHs chsrictcr and beaiing nuiongst Ills
associates, with the ciieutnstaticrs of
His birth still treasured nnd hallowed
1 amongst Ills loved oups; It now seemed
.T though He wns Indeed to be t .0 MtE
siah of ills neople. When He reached
Ills home lfp found that III mother had
gone to a wedding at Cana, a few- miles
awny. An Oriental Is nothing If he Is not
hospitable, and Jesus nnd those who
vvero vviih Him were invited to thefent
as soon as their presence In tho neigh
boihooJ was known. An Knstprn wid
dlng feu t often l.uts n weu'f, nnd not
only n lallves and friends ate Invited,
but ordinary pasters by are frequently
compelled to tarry long ptiough to drink
the health of the bride and
Xot the liquor of to-day, but tluiu-
juice of the grape. In Its pure ar.d
original slato it Is commended In the
Llblu; when It got older and somewhat
exhilarating It Is not spoken of With
disapproval, but when It became Intoxi
cating, the Hibln condemns) It nntar
Ingly. They bad the julee of the gra; e
at this feast.aud as Iheiiumber of gtti'sis
wns consldeiably Incicased, Il soon be
came apparent to Mary that the supply
would run short. Asa caieful house
w ife she kept ail observant eye on tlio
surroundings, and perhaps assisted In
the dispensation of hospitality. She had
eonliilenco in her son. Thlity jcats of
patient watching and sweet couipaiiiot -ship
had taught her to place gteat icll
nnee in Jesus. It wns but natural,
under the cii euinslauces.lliat she should
go to Hi in with tlie present difficulty,
and trll lilm tliat the supply of wlue
was miming short. There Is no evi
dence that she expected any such tesults
as followed, and she learnt a lesson
when Jesus said to her, "Woman, what
have 1 to do with thee? Mine hour Is
not yet pome." Or, 11:010 propel ly,
"Lady, what is there to me nnd thee."
Let Me nlone, let me take my own
way. "Mine hour Is not yet come.'"
He had passed out from" under the
ni.iti rnal e-.-ire nnd counsel, nml from
hem cforlh He was to obey only the voice
of His Heavenly father. 'Preset.tly.
there was 11 murmur through the house.
Guests called for wine, but the waiters
had to tell them the unpleasant fact that
It was all gone. This was considered
II calamity at sucli a lime, and we can
scarcely conceive the chagrin of the host
or tho dissatisfaction of Ills guests.
Comment wns freely tn.ido. They began
to ccnsitiu the host for being such a
careless provider; some, doubtless,
thought about breaking up the festivities
and going homo. It was a moment of
painful despair to the host it was
Christ's moment, Ills hour bad come.
Standing at the door were several larce
earthen jars which contained water for
the guests to wash In. This is common
In the East. Every house had them.
Heing a wedding feast, there weie a
number of them In use on this occasslon.
Jesus comes forward unpretentiously
out of tlie crowd and tells the servants
to empty those jars and 1111 them with
fresh water. Promptly His order Is
obeyrd, though thev know not tlio rea
son. Wliile this is being rapidly done,
the guests pay no attention to tho pro
ceedings. It is all completed, and there
comes just then a new call for wine.
Hlatik despair Is on the face of him of
whom tlie request Is made, but Jesus
tells lit 111 to draw from one of tli'i water
jars nud take it to tlio master of ceic
monles, who;,u duty it was to taste new
lots of wino that were opened. The
servant drew from tho water jar as
commanded, nud took llm bowl to the
ruler. As soon as bis lips touched the
fragrant fluid be lecngnUed It 11s the
purest, sweetest and wine he bad
ever tasted, and he was a'.tonlshed.
What did Iho host mean by preserving
the best fluil of the vintige till the end
of the feast? Usually, when men's
palates were satiated with drinking, an
inferior wluo served their purpose Hill
here, ut the close of the festivities, the
host pro luces tho best wino he has. N)
he argued, as he knew not whence the
liquid came. Ho said It was wine; the
tenants know it was water which they
had themselves put Into tho jars. As
It was then freely nsed hy tho assembled
guests, It soon became, known that pure
w ater had, by some strange process, been
changed Into pure. wluo. And ns tlie
truth dawned upon them that tlm wold
of Jesus had produced the change, that
His word had wrought a miracle, they
recognized In Illni a superior bcluu;
whilo His disciples, fresh from thu Im
pressive scenes at Jordan's ford, beheld
III 1 1 1 1 1 1 the Son of God.
1. JIan's extremity Is God's oppoi
tunlty. 2. Jesus always helps In llmo of nned.
ii. not only invito testis to your
home, but make Him 11 constant dweller
4. As Christ can turn common water
Into a. rich liquid, so He ran transform
the basest heart Into a lit templo of the
Holy Ghost.
Anlltor Haaii Oallty of Forgery.
The oases of Alfrel II. Halm, tho ex
County Auditor an I a prominent Insti
tuti roreliargesagaiust ex-CoiintyTrrn -urer
Kessler. at Eastou, worn called for
trial Monday in court. There were
sixteen Indictments for forgery and
I irceny. After the jmy was obtained It
was staled that Halm was willing to
plead guilty to pertain indictments if
others were withdrawn. The result
was that Ilabn plead guilty to the
forgery of three notes on the Kaston Hank of four hundred dollars
each, one of seven hundred dollars on
the same bank and two of less amounts
oi tho Northampton County Hank,
together with larepny in one caso prp
ferred by Wolfe it .Co. A nolle pros,
was entered in one case of forgery and
verdicts of not guilty were directed by
the Court In eight eases of larceny and
forgery. Halm was remanded for sen
tence. jiai;i:ii:ii.
Ilotvup. f'ouiiKl.i.. On the 21st day
of March, by Itev. A. llartholoinew,
Mr. Alfred ilouscr.of West Penn. nnd
Miss Alice Corrcll, of .Vow Philadel
phia. Voi-ist: On the 2-lth day of
.March, uy t lie tamp, -Mr. -Milton A.
Yoitsc, nnd Miss Celesta HelU, both
of East Penn.
Zi:u.xi:ii HoiTMAX. On tho 11th
day of April, by the samo, Mr. Moses
itellncr. and Miss Alice Hoffman, both
of Mahoning.
HiM.MAX. On lhe 20th day of March,
in East Penn, Samuel Hlllman, aged
SS vears, 1(1 months and 12 days.
KuMKncn On tlie 20ih dav o' March,
in Went Penn. Katie H., ifaugliter of
Frank S. and Kate Keinerer, aged 2
years an 1 Id days.
Hr.iiitia. On the 1st day of April, in
Lelilghton, Sarah, widow- of George
liehrig, aged 70 years, 2 months nnd
22 days.
Unt.rz, On March 21st, In Blooming
dale, Polly, wife of Charles Hslu.nged
A2 yeui.s, 2 months and Hi days.
Si-niiEi, On April 5th, In Mahoning
linyninnd Dantil, son of Charltv, II,
an I Kate Sfide), aged 11 months and
(1 davs. ,
Hrr.12 On A,,riI0ih. in West Penn,
V'a'vA w'i - f I ' Il.-l" i ; 1
Yhat Tired
When tho weather crows warmer, that
extreme tired fi cling, vvuut rf r.ri"ellle,
dullness, kuju-r, and lussltudt, timet
ralmost tho entire husnsn famUy, and scrof
ula ar.d other diseases caused by titunois,
cianlXest tbcmsolvcs v. lib many. It Is Im
possible to throw eff llih debility and expel
humors from tho blocd without the aid cf a
reliable medicine like nood's SarsaparlUn.
" I cnuld not sleep, nnd would gtt ip hi
tho ninrLlns with hardly life enough to got
out ef bed. 1 hid no cppctlte, and wy
faco would break out with pimples. I bonbt
a bottle of Hood's S.irsaparllla, nnd soon
began to sl:ep soundly; could et up with
out that tired nud languid feeling, nnd my
appetite Improved." 11. A. G.vxroni), Kent.O
"I kail been ranch tioublcd by-general
debility. Last spring Hood's SamparlUa
proved Just the thing needed. I derived nn
Ininens' amount of benefit. I never felt
better." 11. T. Millet, Huston, Mass.
Mood's SaisapariUa
SoW by nil druggists, f 1 j six for J5. Made
only by 0. 1. 11001) & CO., Iiwell, Mans.
BOO Doses Ono Dollar
Farmers lour Attention !
"We tuko pleasure in directing your attention to thu fol
lowing copy of an analysis of tlie goods, we sell, made by
the lVnimlvania Uoaid of Agriculture, March oth, 1886:
Office, Ha. Board of Agriculture, Harrisburg.
Analysis by Dr. V. A. Geiilh, Mar. 5, 18S6 .
Name of Manufacturer Crocker's Fertilizer and Chemi
cal Works, Buffalo, IT. Y. Name of Fertilizer Am-
moniatecl Bone Super-Phosphate-
Soluble Phosphoric Acid - - - S.To per cent.
Kcverted Phosphoric Acid - - - a 06 per cent.
Insoluble Phosphoric Acid - - - 0.87 per cent.
Vototh (a pertcnt,
Ammonia 4.-19 per cent.
Coiiiparatho Commercial value per ton, !() 90.
We yell this brand for &36 00. Have in stock Ammcricus
Band. Have in stock Koval Bone lhand; Buffalo Queen
City llrand ; Huff do iS'o. 2 Brand
ADAH MEHRKAM & SOW, General Agents,
Reuden S. Kemeker, Slll)-As'01lt.
DilC. ID IMi
You all want Spring & Summer Hats & Bonnents.
I have been to the Citv and purchased a complete line of
Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Flowers, Feathers, Children's Collars & Cuffs.
of the Very Latest Stvles. And having PAID CASH for
these GOODS 1 can afford to sell as
than any other Millinery Store in this section. And 1 have
also secured the seryiccs of u
Asking you tn rail und see my stnek bel'oro ilireliasing tUun here, 1 wish to
lomuin, Yours IieMieetfullv,
MT3o.nk Street, Leliip-laton, Pa.
Mllll-ll 'JO, 1SS8 3111 3 r-1 ' "
At The Carpet Emporium
607 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
Of all the Diffcront Grades, Qualities, Styles and Pricea
For less in price, than at any time in the history of thirty
years. Such as
Tapestry Brussels, 3 Ply, Extra Super Ingrains,
Rugs, Mats, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, &c.
Kcl.iuary 27, IBSS-liin
1 am mm for Oompefifion.
I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully
prepared for tho
with one ol tlio most FAS11IONA l3LJ as well as SUB
STANTIAL lines of '
Ladies', Gents and Childrens Shoes.
Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4.
Ladies' and Childrens Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes!
Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1,25 Up !
Latest Styles Hats & Caps,
Feel me
At no other season Is the system so sus
ceptible to the bciicf.clal eflects ot a, ra
ltablo tonlo and Invlgornnt. The bnpnre
state- cf tlio blood, Il.o deranged dlKCStloo,
and tho weak condition ot tho touy, caused
by Its long battlo with the cold, wbitry
tlasl3, r.U call for the reviving, regulating
tir.d restoring Influences so happily and
effectively combined hi nood's S.-raapurtlla.
" Hood's Sarsaparllla did me' a groat deal
ef good. I had no particular disease, bat
wm thed out from overwork, and it toned
mo up." Mns. a. E. StiuioNS, Cokecs, N. Y.
" For seven years, spring unl fall, I had
scrofulous sores como cut on lay legs, and
for two years was not tico from them at
all. 1 suffered very much. Last May 1 began
taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and before I had
taken two bottles, tke sores healed and the
lwmor left me." C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me.
"Tlicro Is no blood purifier equal to Hood's
Sarsaputllla." 13. S. riiiars, Itockestet, N.Y.
Mood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. SI ; six for . iladu
only by C. 1. ll'JOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doiscs Ono Dollar
0 fPS nan n