The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 27, 1886, Image 2

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    ikiiiqiiton. i' a.:
SATURDAY, MAl'Cll 27, 1SS6.
Enjeml at the i1iig1iton post-oflice ns
Second Class Mail Mutter.
The Wilkcsliariu liecortt of Sattmluy
says theto Is qulto a movement 'gulug
among Luterno county Democrats to
nominate Ex-Senator Kcklcy 1J. Coteas
the ucxt Democratic cfitnll.latc for Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. The Biwrd
ays Coxe ivonl 1 lm aceetilablfi to Itan
dall, Wallace and Scott.
T. V. Powdeklt, tlic aMo general
master workman of the Knights of
Labor, Is a native of CarlunIale, Pa.,
where he wai born Jan. 23, ISof. Hv
trade a machinist, he has made himself
a competent civil engineer. He was
Mayor of Scranton for two years, and
has served six years at tho hcud of the
great labor organization.
HcpiiusKxrATlVE IUxdali. is quot
ed in the Boston Journal as saying to a
colleague: "If we do not adjourn by
Juno 15 we shall lose the next House."
The correspondent says: "Congress, will
not adjourn by Juno l.". U may be
gravely doubled whether thero will be
an adjournment by July 15. JIany ex
perienced Congressmen lis August a3
the (late of adjournment."
Tiikisu aro about -1,000 presidential
appointments requiring confirmation by
the Senate. Of these 1, WO were n en
Incumbents, 1,200 to 1111 vacancies, and
about 700 nominated In cases of suspen
sion. There have been 174 removals In
the South, 227 In the West, 101 in the
North Atlantic States, and 7.'! In South
Atlantic States. Of these the great
proportion has been postmasters.
Jf. Y. Sun: The anti-tobacco regimen
bean In the Massachusetts Reforma
tory Monday, and the divine Italelghan
weed solaces the wicked cmIIcs at Con
cord no longer. If a big wall could be
built around Massachusetts, and all the
inhabitants be enjoined from liquor and
tobacco, made to w ear a uniform dress,
and go to bed retire they would say In
Concord town at a uniform hour, the
heart of the -true Massachusetts re
former would' jump for joy. To make
thp Commonwealth a bigger sort of
prison, where nobody can do anything
ha Wants to lithe Utopia of Puritan
A 8.vnT.utY Convention, tho object
of which will be to afford an opportuni
ty for an expression of opinion on mat
ters relating to the public health and
tho discussion of methods looking to
wards an advancement In tho sanitary
condition' of the Commonwealth, the
prevention of sickness and avoidable
death, and the impioyemcnt of the con
ditions of living, will be held In Phila
delphia, under the ainpiees of the State
Hoard of Health, on Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday, May 12. 1.1 and 1-J.
ISi'J. Tho address of vvelcimio vv ill be
delivered by His Excellency, Hon. Rob
ert, K. Paulson, (lovcinor of Pennsyl
vania. Mu. ICKtvnE, of Ohio, has In'ro
diied a hill in the Homo providing that
Wuit Point cadets shall hereafter be ap
pointed from the sons or descendants of
soldiers In the l.ito war, and fronithe
younger enlisted men in tho army. It
is further Tro Hod that when acatkt
graduates ho shall be assigned to a regi
ment as an enlisted man, and shall
serve as such for one year" with the
usual pay and allowances. The second
year's service shall be as corporal and
the third as wrg.unt, after which the
soldier shall be eligible to promotion as
second lieutenant. West Pointers will
uo doubt voto Mr. I.efcvie a leather
medal for Ids bill.
Tun Knights pf tabor hesitate to ac
cept the terms presented by Vice-President
Iloxle fora settlement of the pend
ing stnuo on the Missouri Pacific and
other railroads of the Gould system.
The latest ultimatum of the roads.whleh
Is strongly urged also by Governors
Martin aiid Marmaduke, provides that
none of tho men who participated In the
destruction of the company's property
shall bo reinstated, and that those
hands who have been taken on since
March :., ISSfl, shall be retained. Tlilr,
if accepted, will shut out hundreds of
the men on strike. Tho principal con
sideration that prevents an agreement is
the absolute refusal qf the loads to take
back any of the men who Injured Its
property, and In this position they aro
supported by tho JJrotlicilieod of Loco
motive Engineers.
Ah-OTiiKK ujhI call forti.u millions
of the outstanding three per rents, pay
able on the tlrst of May w as issued Mon
day by the Secretary of the Treasury.
This Inlicitcs that, for the present at
least, the government Income Is exceed
ing the payments sulliciently to render
such a call safe. It Is problematical
whether many more such calls will bo
made. If any large propoi tlon of the
many Congressional schemes to deplete
tho Treasury get enacted Into laws the
business of dobt-paylng will hae to be
suspended or more taxes levied. Por
tunaiely a brisk use of the rreslJcntlal
veto may save some morn of the govern
ment millions to be applied to the busi
uess of paying bonds, Unless this
remedy Is applied pietty heroically U Is
to be feared that somebody will spend
the surplus millions that should go to
the reduction of the bonded debt.
BraafllrMsMew Yort Letter
Special to the Camion Advocatk.
"Free, gospel ten Ices here and no col
lection" such It the sign that floats In
fiont of tho Academy of Mule, as an
inducement for sinners to enter and par
take lit the bread and water of .fe. Two
or three hundred j ears ago our father
considered no acrilictf too great for the
M'uo privilege, which to-da goes be,;,
ginj only a few worlhlei slmu-ra at
that. 1'hey would take the -'banco of
belrg scalped hv an Indian. If tuy
had u meollug-houhe. It was cold as a
cllv relation's welcome the .eats weie
as hard an their own doctrines and the
sermons a trial of faith, alongsldt- of
which, m-irtjr.lom Itself was ixiradUe.
Yet they could stand a loin trainn
thruuh tbr mud or luov a e id meet.
Ing bon e, a I n a fenwv , r.i , a certain
rode I1 l f l - Sc t, fn to
chur u In the . 1 i ,' r , ' Kn, i l t
IMj g'i j-l banner U a; 'her op of,
sinners Is bountiful; they arc but little
better, if 'any, than w me on this sldo
of the river, mid I regret to add that
tills atlinctlvc Invitation failed to till
the house. Here Indeed Is the uospei
v Ithout money and w ithout pi Ice. The
house Is comfortable and loomy; the
seats are soft and elegant; the music
stirring ami haiiuonlous. and the Rev
el end George P. Pentecost being the
minister, wc have every reason to" sup
pose that the preaching was averogely
cood. Vet, sinners come r.ot and the
harvest Is not treat. When the house
was at all full It was wltb -snltits nut
i sinners, and I liaxe noticed in several cf
Mr. Moody's meeting.! he had to nsk the
saints to keep moving or take a back
seat th.1t sinners .might come to the
front. Yet, here wo have nn evangelist,
however, who never wants an nudlente
an humble evangelist it Is true not
heard of as often as the Mooilvs. the
Sankeys, the Talmages, or the IJeeeh
crs; but an evangelist whose name will
without a doubt be found engraven on
one of the brightest pages of the lamb's
book of life. Doctor Ivenyon lias cast
Ids lot among the flotsam and jetsam of
the slums. Twice a week this humble
follower of Christ gathers around him
his unsavory cotisicgatlou. They ate
just such as thei'ilest ami the I.evl'e
would pass by. They are unkempt nn.l
lagged, foul and Ill-mannered: justt-ueh
material however as needs salvation, If
ever It was needed by mortal man.
Hrother Kcnyon understands that n
hungry sinner is ratiier poor material
to translate into a spotless saint, so lie
makes an inslduous attack uponSatrn
by filling the unrepentant sinner with
bread, colTcc and beef, and then when
Ids stomach Is comfortably filled, he
makes a lively Hank movement on the
devil and knocks him out. It Is one of
the slshls of the town to see the good
shepherd feeding his flock he, not only
supplies their immediate needs vvltfi
good solid chunks of bicad and meat
and copious draughts of coffee which is
mi iiuvi un us uauH. uiu no mis incir
baskets and bags with potatoes and tur
nips, cabbage, Hour, cornineal, oatmeal,
911.11, suit mm inner iiiuigs wnicnare
more potent With his audience than nil
the sermons that weie preached or all
the hymns that w era ever sung. It is
no tinrmiinimi,.. il.te ... ........lie.
of the streets tn giveaway a barrel of
sncar, thrco or four barrels of Hour, n
half dozen bairels of potatoes, a box ol
tea, a sank of coffee, two or three linn
dred cabbages and live or six boxes of
soap. Ho Impresses on his congregation
tl a. "jlcanllness Is ue :t to gc odlincss, '
and In order to be cleanly they must use
soap. Is this not the kind of christian
itV llmt llinilp 11(4 nntni. Itm, wit-,! ..1...
wandered nniong the hills and by the
...... f f?..ltll ..I..,. . ,
ad u. imiuiru nuaiiy uiiieieeu iiiintiren
H'ars ago. llut there bo sinners here
that no gospel ever reaches, and to
whom regeiieiatlon seems almost an Im
possibility; of this character Is the av-
x- w.-,. .,, ....
c..i(iuiH- iuiiv .wuuiiucn. ute great
body of them graduate from the slums.
The keener of a wbtskv-mlll l n
potent factor In our polities than the
president of a bank or the nastor of a
lllircb. Tbe f;wt nf n .mill 1iitf.iv
served a teim in the pc'ontlary seems
uu iur tu ins auvanet
nient. and thereloio .. York is not
appalled when she discovers that one of
her late council was a receiver of stolen
Convenient to all of our great thor-
Oll'dirnrpft. nlnmr In tlin it. I. .iMn,e
be seen little shops garnished with the
si"ii - oi l gum nnu sliver oouglit and
sold." In a tray or tvv o in the w indow s
.ue ihn movements of watches fiom
whleh the a .es have been snipped, and
II marks liv which they could be iden
tified cartful! removed. Heie very of
ten may ue seen quaint old pieces of sil
ver, but the great body of the swag goes
iinu tut' iictunu assoou as it is reeelvetl.
These are receivers of stolen goods. A
Mrs. Williams' hmie was robbsd of a
large qr.antity of valuable plate, and
ai.ieu ny foiuo smait detectives she
raced her property to the shop of Al-
uerman .laelme, whore business was
imymg oi.i goi.u and siLVtsn. The
Alderman like Ikev Solomons ,11,1 nm
let the glass grow under his feet after
me swag eaiiia Into his poscssioii.
What did ho do with It? "Vv, i pops n
into tie crucible, my dear." Spoons,
ladles, cotfee pots, teapots, trays and
sugar ti ngs all went Into the crucible,
an I when the detective sot theie all ex
cept some few pieces had disappeared
and were melted into gooil solid bars.
At first the Alderman was defiant, then
lie tiietl to bribe the officer, and linallv
as the uieslie.s of the law closed in upon
him he o nproiu sed with the lady by
naviiiL-liri-sl lOii 1 1... -,1.... f
plate, and thus escaped State's prison
as a receiver of stolen goods. Nice
timber this for a city father. Excellent
material for a political boss. This
worthy was an Alderman when the
iranelilse of the Ilioadway railroad was
before tins Common Council. His sal
ary as an Aldeiman was s'.OOO. Yet,
living like a lighting cock at tho rate cf
itu,uw uer timnuii, oy iiook or by crook
he connived in a couple of years to save
nearly .20,000. This might be called
political economy with a vengeance, but
as I said, nobody was surrrUed. If yon
look in the gutter for jour rulers you
cannot expect them to be Immaculate.
I he unkempt constituents of Jinimv
Oliver and Fatly Walsh who hold their
nightly orgies at Paradise Park (former
ly the Five Points), are not Civil Service
reformers; large numbers of them have
done the Statu service in some of hei
public Institutions. 'J he hb-liest types
ot hmn:in!tv In tlm rn.i ..t'.-.i. m.....i
. . j ... ..... WIAltl ti.tiii
aro the keepers of the whisky-mills and
in.-5i tii-rs. in view or me U'velations
of the past few weeks thinking men ate
seriously asking themselves, is popula:
government a failure?
One of the most instructive features
of the week was the Issuance of an cxtia
with a full account of the fight between
,. . 1Jomsy ami I.o blanche the
, ', """e gone into anv nf Un
ptitiiic places or hotels for seveial day.
before the flght.ono would have thought
that soiuo great national affair was
pending, which was to decide the fate
of an entiio people. Sporting mm
watched and reporters were on thenleit.
Diokers slipped off of 'change. Hank
eis got excused hv the finance commit
tee business. Many merchants had stitl
dui calls to fie i o miry, and not a few
chinch pri feasor were anxious. The
otiginal sitbscripilon of $2,210 was made
up by thlity gentlemen subscribers,
haeh paying j7." fortliepilvllege of see
in; the fun. They sat up two nights.
I hey weto chased by the officers out of
two Slates, and on the night of the mill
they were out most of the night In a
mlscrablrt little tug boat on tho Sound,
and then In the cold grey of a winter
....... ...tun iiltu laiiiieu on a barien
Maud; and under an old shed they saw
the two brutes pound each other out of
all htiinun shape for nearly an hour,
ttlorious amusement! happy country,
fortunate i euplo o possess such re
doubtable champions! It is no xua try
ing to deny It. UrouMyn, the cjiyol
churclios, felt as prou I as a peacock of
the performance of her distinguish, d
son. I have no doubt but if Jack In nip.
sey had been
within twenty-four bonis alter Ihe
lislit, ho could hayo been trlumnlianilv
electetl In one half the wards of tho cliy.
A pleasant young gentleman Is now
In tho bauds of tho'law. and it piomhos
to be some time befoie he gets out. Ho
Is goo I looking, only thirty-three years
pu.but herejo!ci-ilni.epssf6S'onof no
lu.s than four wives, ami very different
from most persons placed in a similar
jiosltion. he doe not attempt to deny It. seems to think that to many con
quests was .ptlto a feather in his car.
His tlrst wife he nuirleil ten vears ago.
Threw years of wedded bliss was all he
could Hand o .me llne.hv he van
Ished, Uking ilio best of his wife's
eliitbn. nml Vl... 11....1.. .. .... , .
. -;.r . "'" riuauiiiiiiu
again till sho taw hlin behind the Una
last edneMlay morning. Tor seven
vears poo nsu ueen moiiiidng Ilio lossot '
her -MMlskin saequeiin fine silk dreo',
and in the lir nrrf her ikenlalb ii ti e
sv,o:, 'In J,0 n,,ni I j nr-i.. 'lie r,i .1
ti ihn eul of the ear.h, uud innni elf
i.fter Win till (-bocaujht bfm. JIu .rest
vcnluie was with Ids lamllady. to whom
he owed aboard bill, which he settled
with n marriage certificate, ami aficr iv
lioncjmoon of thieo weeks vanished'
with the lady's flugcr rlnzs and a Hue
gold watch. A year or two after he met
a young dressmaker, who by. rigid econ
omy for years had saved the comfoitablo
stun ot moI. Willi which sho intended
to start business: she went Into t art
I ncrshlp wlih this gay I.olhailo; lie got
, i ojsfssiun oi iter minis anil sue saw nun
. tin Itinrn. lit, tll'ml fnmnl n lif.lriliv nn.l
) tried his itelilslve arts on her; lie foigot
ineaiivicc oTino eitier vveiier "Satn
uel, hevare ov tlio wltlders." 'I his was
tho loi-k on which ho split. !-he had
been there before. Her foifv-two sum
mers had not been wasted. If she had a
house and lo and nn account at. tho
Savings Hank, she was eminently quail
lied to tahocaicitf them. Under pre-
tcnceoi niiyingsome turnlture.liowever,
he got possession of f2)0. nnd he. sud
denly disappeared: but Nemesis was on
his truck In the shape of, a widow, and
she went for hiin. Sho hunted up the
other thiec wives got all the pi oofs to
gether, and dually landed ihegeiitlcmaii
hi limbo on Saturday last. .Moral: Don't
tool wiin n willow,
It Is well known that there arc n nmn
bcrof fraudnlcntconccins In New York.
whleh under the name of religious In
stitutions draw money from the State of
New York. A shocklm; case came out
this week wheic the child of the janitor
of Zlon's Home for aged men, absolute
ly starved to death, because, Ihe Home
did not pay hlin Ills miserable wages,
two dollars and fifty cents a week. This
Institution will claim Its share of the
public monies nhen the annual leport is
made; It will ptesrnt. a nourishing ic-
coni ot ciiaritaiiie worus perfDimeil and
povcity relieved; meanwhile the unfor
tunate denzens of these so called Homes
In lags and 111 I li starve to death. Theie
aio Homes for orphans, and foraged
men and women, nml for friendless boys
and bootblacks and newsboys, that arc
an honor to humanlly. Tbe Cntbnlle
cnaritauie institutions draw large sums
from ihn public tieastiry, but they give
the. public back all they get with Interest
ai a multireel percent, incir elillitien
aro well caied for.well clnd.vwll taught.
All of tho Catholic Institutions mens
near perfection ns such Institutions can
possibly be. Tho same comnientlallon
niav be applied lb the legular Protestant
and Hebrew Institutions, which
the way are, almost unequalled among
our puuue enmities. Jltit the great
body of small Homes, under whaievei
name, are a delusion, a snare and a
'heat, and ought to bo suppressed bv
.St. Patrick's Day Is past and the
country still lives. One party of tlir
Ancient Order of Hibernians paradei1
in t lie morning In one pait of the city,
and Ihn other parly In the afternoon in
another part of the city, and thus all
danger to our liberties was aveited.
or vai.i.viili:
The iinder-lgned executor nf IIamcl
nciiocit, late iu iiii- r.nrmiKli ol elssH.r.
Carbon enmity, I'.t.. tlee'd.. will sell at public
sale on the, on
nt two o'clock p. Hi., (lie follow Inc described
real estate, to wit : All that certain lot or
piiiCK or onoiiND
situate in the lioroncli or Welssport a'ore
ald. eoiitalidtiu lu f out on White sip i t ix;
feet, unci exleiiillni; tn ileiitli to Atli n slicel
tir, rect. bounded on Hie Noitli-en-t by
White street: on tho South-east bv lot N'ti.
20; en the South-west by Allen -treet ; mill on
tin Nurih-west by lot No. 2K, blng Hih ...
marked i.n the town plot Nn. 2;. Tin-Im-opovi'meiit-.
thrr..nii nr" Iwn nml a half
story I'll.Uli: IIWi:i.I.I(i IIOL'SK. 'j.v.T
feel: Stniimi r Mtthen, l'i stories. tivi i fi ..
Mill lc nlintit 18VJU let I. and neeeessnrv out
bidlilhitts. anil 11 Rnoil well nf water. 'I lie lot
Is vv.-ll iilatited Willi tell beiittiii cliolee
fruit trees.
Also, a nne-forlh Interest In a Slate fjnarrv
toealiil In UusliklU twp., Norlhamiiliih
enmity. Pa.
Tenns wtll bn iiiuile known lit time and
place ot sale bv
VVM. H. PCIincil. I'xcciitnr,
for ti." iMate nf Daniel dec d.
Receipts and Escpenditurca
Boroofil of Woteiort, Fenn,'a.
For Year Mn March, 13E5
Halsnreln tres'iur sn.l un
rollcclRil ar Inst JlntPnT-nt,
lrc.iintnislin nn.l miner.
rxunerntton on ilunltrnlo for
.'o.i.f8!on on tlunllcato for
St en
3 32
It Ot
- 17 IT
fit 0
Amount ofiluplloato for 1685 ....
Balance In hm.ts of trai'tirfr lfM
Cuinuiltslon an t i-tonerntlt n t 339 SI
For Woik on Strrcti, &c.
K. T,nttrv
2 02
II. AihrfKht
A. . invitt.l
Nitiltiin Snytler .
II. Voirt
.Tap. Strohl
.tnl n Arnrr. Sr
tioiut Wolth
II. II. Kvfrllt
Sol Yfnkil
Ileortft' I' mory
Win Koon?
V. Knt
':l. WlH
.1' I.n A n.T, Sr
HtMirv Hover
.Inines Mnhl
Mm. 'llfi'l
V. Knfi fc llru
I' Hnwnlil
'I II. hverlir
.tlm Arner, Sr
S. VVflirr
W nrren I'oniier
A II Knt
I'. Osnnlil
f, rtlnfuiT
Mlboti I'oth
II. nry lloyrr
w "l. ltnitnr. nttorrfy fei.
.Ins. H. ei.tcl, iorelitr,v. t-le
Henry Itnvir. lie .ftir.'f' f.c
Jamb liiekprt. ItuiibiT
i'. J. Klitlrr. iliiru Mil
Jos II. -oi. el, oner. 11 1.1 un
. for ISSt
llei.rv lli.icr. ir nfurfr'n fo (nr sss,
.Ipi. IVnntir, lltditlnx ui l.rlilKo. Je..
.I..1. hVnner btirut-pf fee
W. M Itii1irr. miuinry fte fo. 1SSS.
.Ii.f. 11 Kel.lel, cr. Iry len fur 18iJ..
U. V .Mortl.liner. prlniinit
A. l!o)rnnil Heel, au Jltlntf
: 5
3 7S
. tea
1" f.e
2 ;s
1 AO
y k
1 k7
a 3
21 en
n 2S
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2"- 70
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1 M
2 S7
0 lit)
t eft
10 00
12 ft)
21 ill
111 Ml
4 (0
l).il In Trtoiury ami uncollect J.... u;
Bounty Statement for 18G5.
C'ah In Treasury an. I unrol. 111 r Ufl Male.
lirnt.ierll'nniinlion an J
Kzoneralluna S1W1 28
Exoneratluti on duoll.
cale tor lkfil 71 l
Conitilrlon on ijupll.
I-II'B .Or 1S34 ftl t,7
I'abt I J. Kinlcr .... SuO ll
925 II
41 ftvifl )
Arn't or.tupllraie for 16'S tlMS 40
lij'anrt InTr.nMir) mul iix-wllrs-ttMl
huCoininlKluii uml i;xiiiier.itloa.(ilc;i 51
Iljlance iluoon juitgircut at
Ihii SlHlemrtil 274 60
fold i. J, KUtler j OJ
IH71 en
Vt 4T
Interest fvr enojear..
dice 07
We. Ihe. iimUrflirne.l. Hulv rlnrie.l An.ii.
torof Ilia lion. t.ul. .if VVilit...... . .
a.i.lnrd Hie acnunia or J.uepli 11, tn.e,
b'cri-iiiry, ami nml lorrecl ai lUivt
Airnmi W-ittisoium,
. . Wmuu lti.Kl.
Jiaith S7 ItSS J. AolitDll.
i j3L jij Jul tOOCOJIjj
Carbon House, Leliig'liton, Pemi'n,
Where he can now he eonsullel FItEE OF CHAHGE, every day. The doctor
w ill it main lor TWO V KICKS. After vears of practice, the doctor 8tciit
years aniens the H'liini Sjulns Indians to aoi-'ilro from them their Herb sysltin
of nieilieatlon, which tlin doctor now employs in his practice, with tlm greates.
success, cutiiur hundredj of souls that have been considered beyond the skill ol
all medication.
Caueir. fcerofula, Il'hlte, SwcIIIhr, Svplillitlc affections, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, dlteases of the Kidneys and lll.iddci. St. Virtus Dance, I(lieiiiu.itini.
Heart disease, Calanh, 1'alllna I'lts, Female lleakness, lliipture, Consuinptioii.
all diseases of the Skin andlilood, If you aie alllm; with anyClironle d se.ise.ple.iM
call iiud see the Indian Doctor, it will cost you nothing lo consult him.
New Advertisements,
Till- pniv ler never vnr A lliiirwl..
i.nrilv, f-lrel.tlh m.'l t lid. .uiu. in t. ,,,r
f.ii.Hii.e.l iloiti the nrlio.irv kin.N, uti.l
nlinnl lie l in e nm." ill. n with ih.
ml i. jt yii.rt upielit, ilium
.r f.ti....i.itM ji'.wder S'.l.l , ... 1y in imii.
ttnviil 11iI.hi,. Ponder C imi.v". fun V.'uil
si.. N. iiiir 21-ml (
WAITED in Lehiglitoii
.... . ... i. uiiiuit' iii.iiuiH!leil .Hid t.ike urdiTM fur
111. Mailame (lrlnotd I'.itvnt
klrt SiiiinrlliiK C..ret-.
Iliese eoisels h.ive hein e
leiisii.ii mtu'i'lNeit mil hiIi
I lilt I -lll'':lerth.. n:ivl I...
01,'WIV'I ',""s- h. "Uli thi'li- -it. r
.. ,. :V ii. ...'. ,i ...'...' ..
$J i idled Slabs, a a y I.n y
...... Hi ' - .' I .1111 .111 1 -
irgyt eai v s iu fur them ran snim In 1
uii a ie rkian ' mul i mlltable Iiiimii"- .
11 ey ate lint S'llil by laeieliunl'. mul we idc
ett iiive terrl m . i.n r. Ii k I g the j.j;. r,
uuilre ennlrul ni ih.'-t" neii'i'lnr enrsets h
tin ten Itnrv a-l jii .Hit. We leive a t.irfr
number ol iicenis wli.uin' ni.tldnir nenni
iiltee-s scllui'.' tlie-e kimmIs, ami we iltVr
mm llln cverytmvn. Addrss, Mmh. lim
vvoui, S: Cii..u.'J ll'Hity. .New Viuk. 327.81
a - ;
tern ,i t ; i-C,
li .3. c ,
: s-4 ;-''.
p -5 o it a
- 3 .2 t"
AlXUS AMKl)-l wtli 1..r on v
teir mvii h-iihi 7 tt SKI iht ivhm
! can hi I'uhilv iiiHlf nt 1 ntnV).ttpii
f-PhrH-'iInii nf I si tlc tl- wiirk mii
ir ft..i.,.. A Mi.- llOMi: Ml-ii n.ip
r. u. II..X nun, n i.Mi. m ;t 37-4 w
.LJtiivc Ami l.'H-.l Rei-nM r.ilhis WHnli
luir iiinehlnes. If.vniiwaut one, st-ml
us )uui miine, 1 1, n. nil'l eiiessiillleeiit nuts',
run N.viio.vvi Co.. 21 Dej St.. X V.3-27-4
:Kuillll t Veri tvlie.e. Inf.
dund tr.VHli.n-, it. a II ir i.h.., Wt).
f l'rty g"..d ali.rv all exiit'itr...
Ie I r teruii .l "ne1. Hlnl ,Ule
lurt u 111... .1 .ST.VN ll llil)
WAiu; 1 ovip y. 11 ...... 1, m..,.
T. Al Uli t'J.-i:its. Lowest rates for
"ilti'ili'ini! in 971 Kt't'd m wspapeih
lit f.-ee. A.lilress lleorue 1. lliinell & Co.,
10 Mpr.'.ee M.. N. i . 3-27SW
Administratrix Notice.
i:slaleir.liNASMAl:Kl.i:v. lateori'nuik
1 1 it Twp.. t'ai htm county. 1'a.
Letters of uihiiiiiiMratlnn tin the entitle nl
Jniias .Mnrlili'V. Iitle nf franklin Tnwiililp.
Oirbnn ennui), la., .lre.HM'il liuve b.'iu
Kniiil. d In the umlerMniieil. In wliiiiiinll kt
tniH liidt'btt il ttirald etateiirere.iu. ht.-tl In
make i'u.vint in. niitl lliui-e lint Inn ebdiiiMir
ttt'iiiautU will iiiiiUe tliebiinie kiiuwn without
delay I atii.miink .Mauki.kv.
AtliidiiMralilv, Ui b).oil. p. o.. Pa.
Itarihc, latirOw
For Sale or To Kent.
A Three-st.iiy Hwelllmr llum-e, tuih
Slnie in ItliM'lill lit, tin nUllrtl
iM.lli etiunters mul rhehi'M, Mlluile nn
'itnuiMiv . lA'Ikiulilnn. Ph.. illrei-Hv ..niuiliw
Un-I'AlinuN iivui An:nmie,wlliben ntiil
itwHiernrsepiiritlely, itimlt fur luiiher
isirllculai apply at lilts ofllee. 3-O-lw
! A Carpet Lcghi For Sale !
1 lie miilf rslijMeil nitt rfur nl. a cmipl. te
inulit mi, iiKiku.r i I pel. ioi n- iliijint I nun,
I bi . HI I i .'. (w . i , , ,
Ilium. . V 5i lit- p
A. piv toLtwja V, li'ifmM.m. tlnauor-
ivi"' uiurviiU'Wj
AbsoltsteSy Puve.
Applicants for License
List nf Applicant fir Tavern, H.jitiirnni,
L qimr St re and I). Itllint tilublislimerite
ul April T..rm l' (' C. unly Court, A
I) Ihbfi: " '
tavkus hicr.NMra.
UACril CiU.MC B'lUlll'OII.
Dbsilis Zelier,
J. 8 Wibert,
hllHVette L".lll,
Dm in Cnerlrmi,
Mrs .1.. .ii R M.Oinly,
S.iii.ii.'I F. Delder,
Francis M.'Oniley,
l'niil Si liw.'ibii.z,
F.ed Snllil.
Jame "tl.'EIroe,
irnssroKT numa-ait.
II. II Kveutl,
Henry Cmirtman
weatUkiily BORiaaa.
John Him s.
Churl, s U iXtneir.
Matil.lH R'cliie,
I'ins I, h'.veiliiuz,
(1 J. U-.w-er,
Daniel iKGo.idy.
0Tg- II. IIo'.TJV,
II. O Klntz.
(jtii.r;'e Kvua. K
i.nnoiiTii.N unit.. can.
JullutllitU Kl.lier,
II II. Melinite,
Mult i lee Stiielt,
Uur.siijii K I in.
li a ii 'Msn iiiwxsnie.
Stephen Fen-i rnneiier
O nre F llntilziiier,
U'nj O.xlvy,
J tint-H Stv.eiirr,
Diyhl T. II siee.
renrnye Ge..rie.
Livi 11 irlfiiimi,
LewiiiJ Cliriilmiiu.
ltuUrt II .11 ry
T"WMr.8I.SO T .H'NSIIir.
J.. llil I! WnM
Win II Keu. r,
J..II.I U.'
KIDUKB tows sine.
I'.llli D.lllllel,
r.iul Kekrlt,
J.t A Sbcfer.
I'ulriek Garra,
Aiitiimiy riuriiiaii.
Tl.tnilore (lerBier,
iol.n lihjeubrtuli,
.Ml. Iiuel Uilel.
I'.itri. k C'.mpltili,
Ann .Mjiielne,
M.iiy A (.'inupbell,
K 1C Shneinaker,
J.i.t.i a Veleii,
I'.inlek Kiln nl,
J.. Mu P Whinlln, MeKruua,
1' F Utldru.
E Itvar.l Ci.i lusher,
l)e..hi M.-IImIi,
Miei.iiei Uritfhu,
Mit Ann O.v, nt,
John II I!..Kl,e,
llnrii. llut Keilly,
Felix McOarry
wkatiikklt a b can.
P.m. r Vi!ei.
BANKS T.I'.S'Slllr.
M hrhle,
J.mier (1 iiarraiirtii, O'li.'iiii.'ll,
I In-iiiu Mella.iley,
uaI'cu client siRoioa,
Leiid'i Its-is,
M eh. el MiUeadv,
Win T'.iiiiil'Min,
Juhu It O VW)er.
Jehu (j IU. wij;
J pli 8 Uib,
A K M ler.
Wilton A I'eiera.
Kiuum TnvrKsuir.
T J'llyrnH.
tr.liiroii soanrail.
Cbai II MaeDaniel
James Caouoo.
MAl'Cll CIIUKK BilBOCail.-
Alicurt Ilai nil. 2nd ward,
Michael Martin, lt ward,
aisks twp.
Mrs Richard Daugiioity,
eal I'aul,
.Stepheu I' Smith.
Mil'CH cnvKK Twe,
Putiick O'Dniiiivll,
K.lwar.1 It.. vie,
Mar;arct .MePnillii.j.
wkathkuly aouoion.
Hanry Sl.aller.
Jamra T M.illiraru,
Talrfck II Drnlin.
Oaeu (iall.jh r.
Th.v.1 Ilerk, LelnliUui,
l'hil'P Racier, EiH Ma.irli Chunk.
i (jE' W ESSER, rMbunolary.
I March 37, IbdO 3.
I cw AdvcrtiBements.
Annual Statement
LEHICtIITON poordistrict.
FETER HEII.I, Treasurer, In necnunt with
LehlKhton HumukIi Poor lilsirlct, froiu
March 81st, 1SSS to March 31st, 1SS8.
11 H.
To amount recelvod for balanco on
luil rnt of Itsi f o oi
Tn Imrrowe.l frnm rims Itiitr.. lo.nj
To amount for tluillciitoori88S. Eirn
Ncwharl ; iciS 40
Tn amount trnm llo.ouab, lor work
tlous un ttneti by Jnu. Merti 4 .so
$1'J13 BO
By Amoanti Paid Oat, Follows :
1'etrr Helm, overpaid nl per
la jr.
ft.irenient $ Luilirl-, buinllui; Nnncy
Pi. in r-clilclchiir, bou r.llnit I I.n hi
Ack. riniin
Mary Willi rem lor l.ivln.i Summit
Ellmht'tli Kclser, binrtl, nn.l nurln
Sleilt Ko.'h .,
J V. Nustwuin. U or.Vlra. Uainpboll
rent (1 month)
II. V. .Morthliner. Jr., printing an-
n u a 1 stnlemeiit, 1SS4
It. V. M. milliner. Jr., receipt and
order Iswk
A lire. I Werlman. Yl huMi. iluincs..
Jan. Ilnllehh .eh. eoal .... .
Z 81
Uo no
30 00
8 01
4 10
2 T5
4 80
i 20
190 1.0
0 00
51 00
Sarah Put. rami, h'n.r.llnu and nun-
ina Mr. (Sliai Pni.'
Mrs. Aiitlretr lillfert, voarillnic una
month. Airs. Helun
Mrs. Henry .Miller, b.ianllnir, 0 moj.
Mr. Ileum
Jii". Vel Imnnr, liuar.ll.i, 3 mi.utlis,
Mrs. llelini ;
Dr. U VV. Moult. l,rl.- ...1 .....
Vleea .... 20 00
r raiiz ijutnTiir, nowiinr lor JMra Nun
ey Fl.tier
Murv .Vein., itiwlnir lor Mrs. Nancy
Henry lluckenilorf, rent for l'hat.n
Ilei.ry ll. ckemttirl, potaios '.
II. mi nei nen lurt. oo.l, .o,il, milk,
&c, I. r .Mary - ummlt
Henry llei-kin.l.r, milk lor Nancy
Fi her
Hoi.ry, 1 llck"U t.. Alh n.
luwn,iico . Ilenj. Unyer
Ilen.y Heckeii.lnrl, sjt.iry as Uv. r
llcnr llecken.lorr. a tickets to Ileth-
lelicm, act.'. 11. lleer
Win. Seilbnldt liat.l ticket to VVI1-
k.sliarr.i fur poor wonniu
Henry Weaver, 4 Inish ui potatoes..
11. w. il. ,11 .elpit. plOtl'Mlllthll
servleea, lurlllruui eer ami ilenj.
El.t.heth, . ura.nir Uwm
Kllaiieth loier, uursliu (Itrcu
Il.ivl.l Kelir, rem lor His .-ilg rut. .
Onen Kims, .llifahif anivo Iur U.
T. I.. Th .tuna Ina
LewU Ulirlnman, tire butlitU t.l nu-
taioea ,,,
J. I'. Nurhaum, uiilnu
Chin, null, i,ote with six mouths In
terest reileeiu.:.!
Win. VV c.ttibi.uo tor lvtre.
1 30
1 S3
eo oo
i no
3 55
1 60
SS Oil
2 SO
1 75
3 W
4 SO
60 2!
d.V 0U
17 M
3 0i
3 60
8 19
1-3 00
M. II. Iluusleker. men f.n Mrs.
mi i.i I M'ller iinai lor .Mrs. Miininlt.
Uli is Sellert, nniat l.r .Urs huiuinit
Anruu K.iiiii lu l.urhel ul pouiuta..
F. I,elti.'ni.iuli, uiilsu
A Inns Kettle. Iil.ise
(J. II. Klli'll s in. leu
12. 11. Snyder, linllu
Win. Kemm.rer. i.ulae
1) M. Sw niv )! Son m.lso
A. Mehrkam U Sun, in. lee
It. I eii.teniiu.'lier, ni'iso
Airs. I. DeTeuli.ieui.rky. lu.laa
ll. Tld Klibtri. Hour
I'tiuries Truiner. li.ur
Itellmnn &Oo.,huur
J. I., liable, cull
Jnu. Mieekler, I in eulhetur, bon.uuli eouiiy tax .In., itltr.z,
llzr.i .Netrihiri, ax ollector. poor
lax for .In... .Horn
J. 1. Mnhh, imiklnn tax dupllcite,
tssA .' ;
Thus. S. deck, hxt.. ol etiate .Vlari.i
I'atuiroo, 3 n. uiu hi run iur Airs.
Jut Fink, I'buth potiii.MS
IMii'I 1 p.ilr wool liuse Iur
Nancy Fisher
T. A. Miiiier. titiornny leu I .r l-ei...
II. A. Uel z.J. I' , rebel unlers
1'. I. Leiiu. J I' .rebel orders
l'eler Helm, ahoea Iur Airs & albs
Pcier Huiin,(hot Iur Mlaa Alulliiirin
Peter Helm, eliuea tor Mrt. While-
Pt'ir 11 et in, e.ihiry as ..veraer
Peltr 11. Ini, pur e.'iiniKu ..r p .yhiir
mil l fc'J i .er o nt
A.hJlUia, uutlf tlujj uujuuiit, 1665
1 00
8 31
4 48
b 311
6 00
U So
2 65
:l VI
It :is
7 12
4 til
1 v
4 :V
1 0.
10 U,
lu 4
1 SU
7 (0
3 03
4 00
12 0
3 ,0
.0 UU
3 U.
2 IU
8 70
2 Ui
1 85
23 00
0 uu
tIJUJ 7j
Dr. Total am .unt received
Or. Tutal uiuuuuiputil uiu
..1213 (ii
. . I'.3 7J
IlaUneo In h.iudi of P. Helm, treat. ) tu 17
EZRA NEWilART. Collector, In nccount
Willi the Lthluhtuii Ujruugii Poor llittrlct.
To total amount ufuuplleate, 1'85...11 5 0i
ToaaUlttuot 6.4
tllll 44
Hr Kxoner.nlotn J 33 40
lly i;on....l..oii 3 3.1
liyaiut paid t'ater llsiiu, Tivaa t IS 4u
We, the un.lcrilirned. duly rlactril Audi
tors, ol the lluruuKli of l.ehllilon, Pa., Uu
cer Hv Hi." wd h.ivu examine I lie acouunie
ol Peter Helm, 1 nns., an I Ezra Nonliarl,
(lullicior, of Iho Pour llittrlct, un 1 Hud tl.em
nrrectas above stated, tu Uu bett of uur
kriotrtodi;e and belief.
w. p. umn. i
It. J. H..KTNKY.S Auditor!
l.ehlnhton, Pa., .Vlnrch 6. 18S8. (3 11
Sealed Proposals
Will be ree. iv-I hy ill- () .'eri. eta .if it,.
P.. .. id Ihe ll.M.'ljli ul lehilillt lull
.MONHW. "IAIM'11 ISMl...r iiir.iw..
in.' .Mhlili'AL ATl LNi'iASl i: .t MEni
I'INEi. r il..- II r. in;, p.-.r h.r i...
iu Ap.ll I. IWI i.i 31. ISS7.b''
d .lea v A.ldreea
II V MOIt I II I M ER P.H.r. Leliigntnii, Pu.
Wapoit. Select Scbool
Will np 1 MONMA V, APRIL Ktli, im.
mid enuliime I". 11 fnii-eei.tlve We. ks. In the
Ci:rbi.u C'ikiiiIv. Penun.
The .dm nf Ihe Is tn flvo Tencherk
nil iippnrluidly nf n'vlevvlui; the t-.-iiuuo:
linii.eli.'s. 1 ml li. nllurd ttu inure nihuiie. 1'
punlls nf Hi,, publle sehnnts ill the n.l J..I
itMi lt ts tin hiellltiiM ul euiitliiubitf Ihelr
.luille.s. Ilei.l.''. Ihe enintiiuii bi-.iuilier,
l.iilln. AUebr.i. (lenmetrv, N "unit I'lillii-n-pliy.
Ilot.inv. ele.. wlllbetuii; ht. Inennnee
lion ilih ilio id me theie Mill b 11 Frhiinr)
departinenl f'Tthe heui llliil vuuiiKerpupIh.
For Teachers, per lenn; For (.mailer
pupils, finm ? In J.V.O; Pliplli III pniiuio
m'I.iiiiI. .:n). Perlerm aeenrdln Ii. guide.
Fur liinber iufuriuutlnu. nddress,
J. I'. KXYDI'lt.
inarCi-ivt'l WeUspnrt. l'rnii'.i.
For Newest Deiigni 11 n l Mit Fashinuablfl
Bank Street, Lehighton.
G'.'xla cuaniiiteed and prieci as nw aa else
n-heie f..r lhoiua quality nf g'bHil,
July IH. lSKWIy
K .fSt''bvvrllVML1l.u';ai,5
Hi.illV.t?P!,0ocu',Bt-B' !!. II ,. '"''"
I Bklllful lrea.ui.ut lro all k.nj. of saralcat
.'Ie! W fialaSili.1.
Boucle, Boucle Granecline,
Lace Granecline, Tricot,
Also a
wrap mmm
to timtoh. Wc liav.'.m endless assortment of
Jersey Jackets Waists.
Sometliini entirely new. These rrnrments nre M this sea
son's yootls and are sold at the Popular Low Prices.
608 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
Ratcliff Sc Chubb,
PUBIl 15 H K AD & H1SCL'1T every day. Delivered
in town on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
And we ean make if for
yi,u ; out of the hot inateiitil.
mil in the most fashionable
manner at, from
$10.00 a M asid Upwards.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
IJoots & Shoes.
This department is complete.
In all Styles and Sizes. In
all makes and prices. J f you
want hii thing new mul sty
lish in tiie line of
Ladies', Misses & Gents Shoes,
you will certainly find it here.
Sio uur bluik liufuru uirclr.iMng cUi.
Hank Street, Lehifihton, Pa.
Having bought u LAKGP LOT of SILKS before the late
Wise enables us to sell them OllKAPKR than last season.
M Pol! Aflnnrlnn
7u vjclu nuuiuiuji (.
N' 1.
AIi Colors, 50c. per yd.
Vero GOo Last Yar.
NO. 2.
ill Colo, 20m ?rrid8, 75c. a yd.
Wore $1. Last Sca3on.
ll Colors, $1.00 a yd.
Were $1.25 Last Season.
031- Hamilton Sfci'oefc, Allentown,
Finannial Statement
of tiik
Lehighton Cemetery,
For Ilio year eiullns; r'eb'y 0, 1SS0:
Tn Hondo.! tlcl.t (2 (U 00
T. Intero.t tin f.ime a yi
T.l JI1IU p.vul.lo M i
Tu Uial Uaiulo iluuuht 115 .0
lly T.ii.irnn'l Malcrlal....
lly lntrRI .m L mna
II. I'll!. I fir Ileal l.JUIO...
II) 1'jIJ lor Deed
Outilan llnx
$ US 02
. OiUJ
-fin ns
1M 71
. 11)3 .'4
.1131,3 17
FH.r'r 7, To ILilnnre In Trenj
ury I 111 .11
lu ..loiiry r.crivu on I.uu
Sola unJ Loaui 18 5 41
-1719 79
Hr r.aWnn.l Mnlrrhl...
llv I.i'erf9t I'ul'l fn 1, ai.
lly I'al.l Iur Heal
lly IV 1.1 rr UceJ
lly Ualancs
. U 11
. M 00
.. Uii .0
I 00
I 77
i!79 71)
Fcbr'y S, By IlalitDcs i 8 77
We. the urnler'ticnc!. lnrlnir been nnimlnt
e.l Auilltors. In umlll (lie nrcHiiinlt oTlhrt
Secreii.ryiin.l lr a.urer ul (lie I,ehlirht..n
(letnriert.M lidruhv certl'y ihat wo have
cx.tinlne.l the account!, and louuii the fame
correct at italc.1.
W'llnes. nur hundl this Klehth Uav or
March, lsS3.
March lath ISSS-aw
A Swiss HAILS", n Slll.-,t:llll l.ll I'lUMl-'
IIDl'Si:. il hL'M.Mi:it llOL'hli. 11 M a
llAKl'tlVKN. :i nito tnrY-iiiia.ii-hHir uIm
I IIICKKN H(asl'.i0vi5rert.37.w JJJffi,
plo trees. W Tencti trees, tw.e.its-.ilit. !
('iiliice trees, l'enrnnd Cherry trees, nearly
nVI'.I.Mi AC1IKS OK I.AM I III llrsl-eLisi
ennUltlnn. nil ot whleli Ih fnr sale AT OXCK.
Cinne uml sto Terius sull.ilil. I'rlcfl lea
soimhle. ' 1IKV. J. K. FltKEM AN.
inar. 13.WS. r.nrtli WeUsiwrl, l'a.
mPAI1BPPM, T0 lM P'f month
I LiaUlUlIU selling our Stimhiid II.miks
wirvmroiak (Iiulks. Mleailv wore Iur
Sirlnn an. I hummer. Adlus J. 0. lie
CuDV N Co., FhlltHltlpLla.
uiiiiner Wraps !
Full Lino sf
a mmmings
Gent's Furnishing Goods.
are sure to please you ;
for we have everything yon
can possihly wish" for in ihe
line of novelties in
Neckties, Collars & Cuffs.
Wc make a specialty of the
E. & W. ( ollnrs and Cuffs.
Clauss & Bro.,
Hank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
All-VVool Suits $1000.
And then a fine line of
Cloths & Cassimers !
Which wc make up in suits at
prires which astonish every
body. Chuiss & Tiro.,
Hank Street, Lehightdn, Pa,
. n L",.. C f.. I . .
a 1 t?VV Ul UUI L.IIICb.
NO. 4.
All Colors, All Sia Roaqnia, $L
Weie 1,25 Last Reason.
NO. 5.
AllColois,2TrnEaErcc2flFS $1 y&.
Were Selling at $1.25.
NO. 0.
All colors, 1 toned Brocafles 50c.ya
To $1.25 a Yard.
Borough of Weissport, Pa.
Amlltors' Ileport, of tlin Account of
Sasu'iit. EviiuTu, Overseer of Welse.
ort lioroncli Poor District, for the
year ciullng March 8th, 1880:
To hnlnnca from Inst year 10 T4
Tudui.llca.s, Uii til II
Hr rlntlnx last yean' audit untrt.t
ll.t rieii.c. lor Aline Nlchul.oo;
I . 'rm (I Inula. nurihiK a 10
W K. Iloul, 18 w
(I. Miller, rent n oo
.1 (. 2vni. services V) 15
S Wviili. w.hhI... 11
.U. .. I.uury, null) j
H.'ie Kelly, cleamnir house. 2 00
Krnk lift, in Ilk, elo ill
Mrs. Uel.el, itaiues in
J.K. Kickori, coal 75
.1. llurh, eoal..,.
II. ll..yrr...rl.rir relief an.
l.iden ure ..f b'.ys, 3 o
J. I.. ury. bre.J tun
1: J. KlsUer, mdio lo 00
s) li 11
Expeniled for A Nicholsons' child
.,,.... ,..v. . line. KvruiUK
Cllll'l tlx inuuths $ U qs
S. tl.erll, eX.eiuel to iioor
house, elo 4 j
f 4? It
Cxnended fnr (lliaa. Pnr,
folly Schwab, a runs, boardf U 00
it, A. iaury,kuuii fcioeki. .- U
U 11
Eipemled lor tletz. llarns
It lioyer, urdsr ol relief...!
J. Itucli, eual
M. A. Laurjr. coal
Exren.lcd tor A I. Friend 1
11 lioyer. Justice lees 1
J.K. itlckert, coal ,
t 00
1 u
a eo
J.S. Miller, orders otrcllsirB Haru
and A. Mrh.ilson , fa 100
15 tveilu, services as overseer 100
iluininls.lnn r.,r culleeilnic lax 11 113
Uulaoce In hands ol overseer It 17
Outstandinf Bills Unpaid- J3?
P. J. K'stler, utdse Iur A. Nicholson. $ M
J. U, Zero, services for Nicholson
ehl U 1 Q
W. U Itoed. meat lo A. Nieholsoa . s u
; ihe undersigned, Auditors ol the llor.
OUKliol have examined Ihe as.
counts uMara'l tveru.Oreneer oflUe Poor
aud tind Has above set furth.
march 1-M A.Iwra.