The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 20, 1886, Image 1

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    H-11 JL l.'M J , JOSBJI
Advertising Rates
For Legal Notices.
'flic following prices for legal advtr
using lias been apoptud by tho Cahbon
Charter Notices - - - S4 00
Auditor's Notices - - - i 00
Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00
Divorce Notices ... 4 00
Administrator's Noticed - - 3 00
Executor's Nollco - - - 8 00
Other legal advertising will be charged
for by the Bquare.
H. V. Morth'mtr, Jr., rubllslscr. '
OrriCBt Th room recently occupied by
W. At. llapilier,
May he consulted In Enifllsh and anian.
July 4, IS4-ly
riRHr Donn Annra tiir MASloN iiouau,
Real lUtale and loltrctlon Aurncy. Will
liny shil hell Ileal Estate, t'onrrynnc ntf
neatly done. Collections promptly made.
Scttllnic Estates or Hccedtnte a Specialty.
May lis consulted Ic English and Herman,
November 22, 18 I.
UrncK-Comer or Hank Strctt k Hanltway
Snil bulldlna; above the Carbon Advocate
Printing Oflice.
' May'lO, 1883-uit) LEIIIOHTON.
it. w. vc. m:mt
iFFIUE Honrs at I'arryvlllo Jrow a. in..
to IV in, dally,
.lay ba consulted In tbs EnKllsh or Herman
Language. May 17, '84.
Spcslnl Attention paid to Ulironle nijcaios.
OryicK South Enpt dinner Iron and
becond Streets,
r April 3d. 1615.
v s.'KXAMtsma svugeon,
Office n.inu Street, Hr.utn'n IIluck.
Way he consulted In the German LiiiigunRO.
Nut. J. tin.
"y (j. m. sEti'i.i:,
Mnv le consulted In EnKllsh or Oerninn
Special atttntion given to (lisnmuov
Orric Horns From 12 M. In 2 P. M.,
and from S loll P. M. March 31, 83
F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S.,
UBANCH OFFlUK-OpposltoClaussJilIru'f
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa
Dentlatry In all Ita branches. Teeth ex
tracted wlthHin pain. Una adialufeiored
when requeued (Mllce Iiuys WEDNhtJ.
LtAY'uf eieh week P. ('. Address,
ElTZENtjEKO, Lehigh cuunty, Pa.
Jan. s, 18'5-ly.
wTa. Cortright, D.D.S.,
OFFICE : Opposite the "uroadway House,"
Mauoh Chunk, Pa.
Patient! h ive the licneflt of lie Wtest Iffi-
rroreinenti In me lMtil?tl appliances and
lie but luetho la or treatment In all surgical
eases. ANAESTHETIC administered II
desire-!. lrposalMc, persons residing outside
vf Mauoh (Jhunk should in.iito engagements
by mall. ISS-M
DR. G-. T. FOX
VWta Allenbiwu regularly on TUUUSDAY
ofeai'h week. Prui'lice lniilled to
Diseases of the Eyo & Ear
OflWut lliiyileii'n AmerUMii Hotel,
(Tun hours Iron. U In the forenoon until
U:.10 in tho afiern n. Al atlenda In He
traction of the Eye. lor the prnpjr djul
mailt of Klaa'e', .Hid for the relief and cure
tif defecta.
Mt al.n be rnneuHeil at hit oflice in
1IATII, VdiipdaT unit SntuMay f each
nek. at ll.VN'OOK cu Monday, and at
EASTOJ? on Tneflnv. iait 2 Frt ly.
Hank St., Lsrkihtom, Pa.
The tlA.tnoN UcinaK nlTera nrat.clu8 aceom
rao.latlom to the Trurelluir public. Hoarding
br the ly or Week on Reasonable Termi.
TJUoleo Ulr, Wlnj and l,lnuoraalwayon
hand. Uod sheda and StaUloa. ntili atten
llre Hostlers, attached. April 10-yl,
p.VCKEItTON ItOliil..
Idway between M.mch Chunk Lehlghton
Packertou, Penn'a.
This well known hotel Is admirably refitted,
mnd h is the best accotmoodatious tor ueriean.
inland transient boardora. Excellent tablet
and the Tory best llqujra. Also riueitnbles
(.Hacked. Scut. 10-yl.
RrinitluHf amnune tn th iiubllc that be
hai opened I. NEW IjIVKKV 8TAHLKMn
uDTetlon with bli hotel, an J U iirearodtu
(urnliU Teiint lur
Fanerals WMis or Busiiiess Trips
on sborlest notice and innst HberaUer'ms. All
orders left at the "Carbon llnute" will recede
prompt attention. Stuble on North Street,
oeittbe hotel I'.eblh"in. jii?j.v1
t: 00 A DAY to a reliable party, lady ni
cnllrinan, to receive nrd'ra for our pub
licatinni. Auy person a plying lor lhi
iwisitinn, who cannot call nn ut iwrmn j
illy, mult lend photograph (whlcn will
e returnrdi, and alaonainctvf 3 resim
libit business men aa reference. Ad drear
Elder Publishing Co.,
314 Wabash Are., Chicago, 111,
fair II.IS8J. r
D. J.
H; VI Moutiumeu, Jr Publislicr.
VOL. XIV.,' No. 18.
Thomas' Drug Store.
. GD
' trt-
2, O
& H
1 1. LJ
a? P
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1 ' trrvnn M
m saexnna
H igmumea
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Carefully Oompouncled
Recpectt'.lly announces to the merchants of
LohiKhton and others that ho Is prepared to
do all kinds of
Hauling of Freight, Express
Matter and Baggage
at Tcry reasonable pr'ces. Ily protnpi at
tention to nil orders he hopes to merit a shar
ol public patronn.-e. Hraidenco. corner ol
Pino and Iron Street, I,ehjghti-n, la.
Orders lor haulinz Iclt at C. M. .-.weeny &
.Sons btoro will receive prompt attention.
Oct n, 188l3ta.
h . .: 1 1
1- i o -;
rpiroAibs tii:.m:nr,R,
The following Onaipsnlss are Ri.preBentsdt
rortr-vi i.i.i! riitE,
LKIIKiti I I II?:. ami the
Alao reniilv.inl i and Mutual llorao Thiol
etecireand e Cemimuv.
MaronlJ.lS71 rilOS. ICKMKRKIt.
Wall Papers,
Borders & Decorations,
Boots, Stationery, Fancy Ms.
"Window Shades & Fixtures.
LatesfStyles, made and pat up. If deslreu.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway. Manch droiil", Pa.
elow the liroajway IIouss.
Our readers for 12 cents in imisImhi
tatniis to par for mailing and wrapplne
i md names nt iwn ui"k agenia, win r
vlve FREE a ileel FmixK rnrhr En
jnvinj of all OUH PHESIDENTS. in-
nntudinic clcvicland, ana 1:3 incurs
II worth 4 0U
.do!rfr Elder fub. Co , Chicago, Jit,
dSubscribe l'or the Ad
vocate, only $1 per year.
n5OWT.N nRKTNEY.fMhlooaUt
ILrli BuorandaiBoai Makisl, llaokgu
UsXijftUa. Al. tsvritvarutlaj.
S3C3 B
.jytgm won ti uswuit!, rJ
H Deatonuithtsyrup. ltM iruod, IaI
Uea In PJH .A tfV jS
The bicycle rider usually fulla for
ward, when he falls, and stands on his
head. The skater falls backward, and
doesn't stand on anything. This allows
the amateur sport to choose the sport of
What Shall we do With Oar Daughtrrs ?
This question Is asked by a well
known lady lectin cr. Well, ho can do
a great many things with them; one
thing, we limit tnke gooJ care of their
health, and not let Uii'in run down and
become enfeebled. For the fciulnlnu
ailments, which may be summed up In
onn word debility, we have a sovereign
remedy In Urown'a Iron Hitters, which
has done much good. Miss Mary Green
field, of Gnhitlu, 111., writes: "Ilrown's
Iron Hitters cured me of nervousness,
indigestion and general poor health."
Let the other young ladles take the hint.
A correspondent wants to know If
It Is proper to urge a yo;wj hdy to sing
at an evening gathering, after she has
refused 'once. It Is proper to urge a
little, but not too much, lest she should
change her mind.
"Yus," said Fogg In the horse car,
"I'd get up and give my seat to ono of
those ladles, If scats weren't so plaguey
To-NlEhtandTo-Morrow IJight
and each day and iilghtdtiringthc week,
you can lind at Hiery's, Weissport, and
Thomas', I.chlghton, Kemp's Supposa
torles acknowledged to be the most suc
cessful treatment yet introduced for the
cure of piles. Old sufferers from this
distressing complaint nre at once re
lieved and in a short time a permanent
cure established. Check thu disease in
time by uslns the most effective remedy,
I'ricc 50c. Send address for pamphlet
on pills. Hoae i'Jj, Ee lioy, X. Y. eow
According to tho Darwinian theory
our ancestor were all tail-bearers.
Hurdette says: "I hoi 1 It to be a
solemn, self-evident, heaven-born truth
th.t a man who will plav chess fur
aniuii'incnt would saw a cord of wood
for a joke."
No:r Oiva UV.
If you an suiTerln j with low an 1 de
nrewd spirits, loss of appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, wcdk, consti
tution, net uelie. or utiy ot a
biliom n.itmv, by all mcaru procure a
bottle of Electric Hitlers. You uill be
suipiUcd to see the r.ipi.l Itnpiovcment
that will follow; ou will be inspiicd
wllli new life; .sttength and activity will
return; pain and misery will cease, and
I o iccfoi th von will rejoice m the praise
of Electric Hittets. Sold at fifty centsa
bottle by T. I). Thomas.
The name of the new Sweedlsh
Minister of the United States Is Kjolt.
He Isn't as skittish as a cjolt, but he Is
said to have a powerful hjult on the
English IJangu.ige.
A bells differs somewhat from a
cow boy. The more powder she ujcs the
le3S dangerous she grows.
Sr. Frazier's Bast Bitters.
Fr.izler's lioot Hitters arc not a dram
sh in beverage. Hut arc strictly meili-
ciail in every sense. They act strongly
upon the liver and kidneys, keep the
bowels open and regular, cleanse the
blood and system of every impurity.
Sold by druggists, S1.00. At Thomas'
drug store.
In the present stjlo of shirt collar,
,t young man of fudiion m.ty be safely
misted In the gilded halls of pleasure.
An entire corps de ballit could not turn
his hea I.
A roadbed is for the convenience cf
wheels when they are tired.
Backlen's rnici Salve.
Tho best salve In the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhuem, fever
sores, tetter, chapped Hands, chllounds,
corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay reiiilrcd.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box, at T. D. Thomas'.
Dio Lewis thinks people should go
to bed at nine and get up at live. Tlic
unsophistieate I doctor does not appear
to Ijj aware that It Is between those all the fun rotnes off.
Dr.Frazer's Magic 0lntmnt.
A sure cure for nil balls, burns, sores,
cuts llesh wounds, sore nipple, hard
Add soft corns, chapped lips mid hands.
I'ricc SO cents. Sold by druggists. Wil
liams M'f'g. Co., Prop's., Cleveland,
O. Sold by Thomas, the druggist.
Song of the harness maker all to
thee I owe.
A machine has been Invented, by
which bicyclists can train for races in
their own room.
One night awhile ago John Layton.
who runs the mam line train fiom
Boston, came on my enjlna sick as
deith. lie was so feverlnhand nervous
he almost cried. Cheer up, John,"
says I, "and I'll fix voti In n IIITv, and I
g.ivo him a goo 1 dose of Dr. Kennedy's
favorite ueinejy. lie went to Del
Two days after 1 h.iw him looking well
as a bu-clier. 'That's the stu'T for rail
roi I ui-n,' ho said. Daniel Fitts, En
gineer Old Colony
Never trust a secret to a profession
al cornet player. His business makes
ill in a blower.
Hound to make a noise In the world
Ayer's Hair vigor stimulates tin- hair
to a vigorous growth. It contains all
that ran be supplied to make the hair
beautiful and abundant, removes dan
druff, and renders the hair flexible and
on can t learn too raucn, nut you
can half learn too much.
Giants are always sorrowful men,
They are always troubling people with
their size.
Had drainage causes much sickness.
Had blood and Improper action of the
liver ami kidneys is bad drainage to the
human system, which Uurdock Wood
Hitters will remedy.
Shear nonsense trying to cut tho
hair of a bald-headed man.
When a burglar pries, open a safe
and does not find a prize it is a disagree
able surprise.
Of course you want the best. Apply
a Hop I'latter the next time your back
aches. Sure cure.
Money doesn't make tho man J and
it Isn't every una that niokcj-tho mon
ey, either.
MMmwsssssassciMMMnMs.matMTrW'X'imsssii t,mnwmmtxmmum. 1 1 1 ' iiisiiistismwKM,jjtiwMitMMtWt
Frcs runt Uptutcs, Jimetics oml
at tmsooma axb dealer,
the mm i,i s A.vontEit to., nii.Tiitor.r, hp
Carts ELtii-.l:a.
hBaclMbF, llp.aili, TaotlmctiB, uriii.... .1... ... .
At liriirt.t. .nd DfAlor..
AN OI.U I'oru.
Tills II, c Is but nc.ilue of cards,
Which tiiiiitals have to Irani;
Each slmllies, cuts ami ileaU tl.u pack,
And eucli trump tlutli turn.
Snine bring a IiIrIi card to tlic top,
And others bting a low,
Snine li- Id it linnd unite flush ot trumps,
Willie others niiiic can show.
Koine KlmDIe wltli :i pnicticul liaud.
Ami pack their cards with eaie.
Ho llicy may know, when they are Utah,
Where all the leaders nre,
Thus fools are mndc tin' dupes of rngujs,
While rogues each other cheat,
And lie Is very wise, indeed,
Who never meets dulcat.
When phiying, soiuo llirow oat the ace,
'I h.- coiiullii;; cauls to save;
Home play Hie deuce aud some the ten,
Hut many play Hie knave.
Some play fur moncv. some for fun,
And some fur worldly liinie.
Rut not until the name's plaved nut
Can they count up their caln.
Wlirn hearts are trump we l.iv fur love,
And pleasure rules the hour;
Notliomthts of sorrow check our Joy
In beauty's rosy bower.
We sins, wo tlauee. sw eel verses make,
Our cards at i nudum play.
And while one trump remains ut top
Our game's a holiday.
When diamonds chance to crown the top,, '
The players stake tin Ir sold.
And heavy Minis are lu.t and wou,
Ily gamblers juuni; and old.
Intent on winning each his came
Dulli watch wltli eajiereye.
How he may see ills iK'ltiliboi 's eatds,
And beat them on the sly.
Wlirncluld are trump look out for war
On ocean and on land;
For bloody hoi i cr.s alw ays come
When clubs are held hi hand.
Last Rnme of all is wliru the spado
Is turned bv hand of Time,
He always dfab the closing fame,
In every age and clime.
No matters linw niii-'h each man wins,
Or how much each may save,
The spade will finish up the ganif,
And dig the player 3 grave.
A Deferred Duel.
We weto all officers of tho line stat
ioned in a small town. In our circle
there was one Prussian, a man of about
33 ears, and of serious, almust gloomy,
habits. He had distinguished himself
as an olllccr of tho Tenth huzzars, and
no one could Imagine why he had left
that regiment to live In a wretched little
place where lifu was so monotonous.
Ills principal occupation was pistol
shooting, and the. walls ot his room
were literally honeycombed with bullet
holes. Duels were often the theme of
our conversation, but Sylvlo never took
part in such discussions. If asked if he
had ever fought a duel, would simply
answer, "les, m a lone to indicate
that any further questioning woulJ be
disagreeable to him.
One day whllo wc were at cards a
stranger who hail joined us became
angered at something Sylvlo said, and
Insulted him. All supposed that the
stranger would on the morrow fall a
victim to Svlvio's skill; but next morn
ing at review, while wc were wondetlng
whether the young lieutenant was alive,
he suddenly appeared In person. Sylvia
did not allude to the matter. As he
had received an Insult without resent
ing It we gradually chopped him from
our circle.
One morning he received a letter. 1
watched hlin as he toro it eagerly open
and perused Us contents with flashing
eyes. His strange manner past un
noticed, each one being absorbed In his
own affairs "Gentlemen," He said, "I
am obliged to leave here at once to
night, in fact but beg you will all dine
with ma for the last time. And I ex
pect you, especially, without fall," he
added, turning to me. He theu hur
riedly left us.
When 1 reached Sylvio's lodgings in
the evening, my fellow-olllcers had pre
ceded me. The furniture) had already
been removed, leaving nothing but the
bare walls, so cuilously honeycombed
with bullet-holes. Our host was in
good spirits, and we soon all followed
stilt; champngno corks llevv about,
glasses were filled and refilled, and all
heartily bade ostr friend God-speed. It
was late when we rose to go. When
my ' turn camo to say good-by, Sylvlo
seized my baud and whispered;
"I must sneak with you."
I remained. "When the guests had
left, he seated himself opposite me, and
for some time we smoked In silence,
Sylvlo was deep in thought; not a sign
remained of his nervous gayetT. As I
looked at his palu face and eyes, en
cliclod by the thick guide of our pipes,
?T5r'"f?fa THE CHEAT rlffiW
Live and Let Live."
lie had the Appearance ot a spirit of the
nether world. At last he broke tho si-
"We shall probably not meet again,
I wish to speak a few parting words.
You may have observed that I care lit-
tic for mtbllc opinion, but I like you,
and would rcgict leaving you under a
false conception of my character."
lie stopped to tetlll his glass. I re
mained silent.
"You have thought it strange I did
not exact satisfaction from that drunkeu
Idiot who insulted me at cards. Having
tlits choice of weapons, his life was in
my hands, and mine In comparative se
curity. I might attribute my .behavior
to grandeur of soul, but disdain to He;
could I hare putitshod hlin without
risking my life, he would uot have es
caped." I raised my eyes to-Sylvio In horror;
such a confession repelled me.
"Yes, that Is the truth,"- he con
tinued. "I had no right to risk my
life.. "Six years ago I received a blow,
and the man who struck mc still lives."
ily curiosity was quickly excited.
"You did cot fight?" I asked.
"We fought, and here is the proof,"
he answered, at the same time taking
up a soldier's cap and placing it upon
his head. I noticed a small round hole
just above his forehead. "I served in
the Tenth huzzars. You know me, aud
perhaps have seen that I used to be first
In everything, In my youth it was to
mu an absolute, necessity that it should
be so. In my day It was fashionable to
be fast; I was the wildest youngster In
I hp regiment In the army, I might say.
Hard drinkers were much applauded.
I could out-drink the famous Dobroskl,
whose prowess in that line was cele
brated. In our regiment duels were of
more than dally occurrence, and In each
one I was either principal or second.
My brother ollicers worshipped me, and
my supci iors let me alone as an incura
ble case.
"I was enjoying my laurels when a
young man, rich and of illustrious line
age permit me to wltbold his name
I joined us. Never had I met a more
gifted man young, talented, handsome,
gay to excess, brave as a lion, of un
bounded wealth all these advantages
were his besides Ids great name. You
can welt'imaglne the place he at once
took among us. My sway was over.
Ho at first sought my friendship, Lut
was repulsed and drew back with In
difference. I hated him; hlspomilarlty
filled me with rage. I tried (b draw
hlin into a quarrel, but his answers to
all my sarcastic speeches were so much
wittier than mlnetbatmy rage aud jeal
ousy grew apace, for I leit his superior
ity. At length, ouc night at a ball see
ing him courted by all, and specially by
a young lady I greatly admired, I ap
proached hlin and whispered a bitter In
sult in hi3 car. This was too much,
and, losing his temper, he struck me
full in the face. Wo drew our swords,
the ladles fainted; aud although blood
shed was prevented on the spot, a duel
was arranged for that very night.
'At daybreak t was at the appointed
place with two seconds, awaiting my
rival wllli much impatience. It hod
been a sultry night, and the sun. just
rising, was oppressively hot. In a few
moments I taw him coming leisurely
toward me, on foot and with only one
second. I advanced and saw he held
his cap, which was full of cherries, in
his hand. I had the right to slloot first,
but my pulse beat so that I could not be
sure of my aim, and therefore. Insisted
that he should shoot first. He refused.
IJ'o then agreed to draw lots. Fortune
favored her darling. He shot and the
bullet pierced my cap.
"It was my turn now at last his life
was in my hands. I looked eagerly at
hlin, trying to find the slightest sign of
fear. He was quietly awaiting my shot,
eating his cherries, the pits of which he
threw at my feet. It was exasperating.
'What la tho use,' thought I, 'of taking
a life so little valued?' A devilish
thought struck me. Dropping my hanc"
I said:
"Since you are breakfasting so calm
ly, you arc scarcely prepared to die,
Allow me to wait until ou have fin
ished your eherries.'
"Do not distress yourself sir, I pray,'
he answered. 'You have ono shot at
me. At present, or at any time. I am
at your service.'
"I turned to my seconds, saying: 'I
will not shoot to-day.'
"The duel was over.
"I asked for leave of absence, and
came to this little town, where revenge
has been my daily thought. The time
has come."
Sylvlo handed me Hie letter he had
received that day. Some one an agent
I believe wrote to say that the 'Individ
ual In question was about to marry a
beautiful joung girl.'
"You know," continued Sylvlo."vvho
is the 'individual' alluded to. Well, I
go to Moscow to night, and we will see
if to-morrow or the day after he will be
as Indifferent to death as the morning
he was eating cherries."
Sylvlo stood up, and paced up and
down the room like a caged tiger. 1
watched him intently and could sec the
tierce stitigglo the conflicting passions
held In his breast.
In a moment the servant entered to
say the horses were ready, Sylvlo
grasped my hand, we embraced, and,
hurriedly seizing a traveling-bag and
brace of pistols, which proved his only
baggage, he tiprang . quickly into the
carriage and was gone.
Many years after, business- made It
Imperative for me to settle In the little
town of Staroduy. IFIlhln four miles
of my house lay a fine property belong
ing to the Countess Hercherieff. No
one but the overseer lived there the
countess had spent only the first month
of her marriage Cn her beautiful estate,
About two yearn after my coming to
Staroduy, It was rumored that the coon -
20, 1886.
twj and her husband would come to
spend tho summer at their beautiful
j country-scat In fact, they arrived at
the beginning of June, and, ai was to
be expected, their advont caused quite a
commotion in our little town. For my
1 part, the coming of such charming
neighbors made quite a change In my
I life. I was especially anxious to meet
the countess, and, accordingly, the first
Sunday after their arrival I called to
present my respects, as being their near
est neighbor. I was shown into the
count's private sitting-room, which was
luxuriantly furnished books, bronzes,
rugs, bric-a-brac, nn immense minor
over the mantelpiece, etc. It was so
long since I had seen any finery of the
kind that a strange shyness came over
me, and I awaited my host's entrance
with feelings akin to flio trepidation of
an ofilce-seekcr,
The door opened to admit a hand
some, noble-looking man, about 33 years
of age, who advanced and held out his
hand with a pleasant smile. His frank
aud cordial reception somewhat restored
my equanimity, and I was beginning to
regain my usual manner, when the
countess entered and I at once relapsed
Into my former shyness. A truly beau
tiful woman! The count presented mc,
aud I floundered about trying to appear
at case, but In reality feeling very hot
and uncomfortablo. Perceiving my
embarrassment, and with true tact and
good breeding the count and countess
conversed between themselves, treating
me as they would an old acquaintance.
As my eye wandered around the room
it fell upon a picture hanging opposite
mc. It was not the painting itself a
Swiss landscape, I think that arrested
my attention, but two small round bul
let-holes which pierced the picture, one
Immediately above the other.
Humph .'that was a wonderful shot,"
I could uot help remarking.
Yes, indeed," said tho count. "And
you, are you a good shot.?"
Middling; with a pistol I am used
to, I can hit a card at thirty paces."
'Pretty good," said the countess;
then, turning to her husband: "Could
you do as well?"
I doubt It," ho answered. 'I used
to be n good shot but hare not tried my
hand for over four years."
In that case, I'll wager you could not
eveu hit a card at twenty paces. With
out constant practice one loses all dex
terity. The best shot I ever knew split
three bullets on the edge of a knife
every day before dinner but tho prac
tice was as groat a necessity to hlin as
the meal. Why, if thero was n fly on
the wall you smile countess, but I
swear 'tis true he called to his scrvsn',
'Comma, a pistol!' and bang! scarcely
taking aim, there was the fly flattened
on the wall."
"Wonderful!" ejaculated the count.
"And what was your friend's name?"
"Yon knew Sylvlo?" exclaimed the
count, excitedly starting up. "You
knew Sylvlo?"
"I more than knew him we were
friends. In the regiment he was con
sidered one of u. I have not heard of
him for five years; but to judpe from
your exclamation, count, you also knew
"Right well. K you were his friend,
he must have told you a somewhat
singular story "
"About a blow received at a ball?"
"Yes; aud did he tell you who struck
"No." I glanced at the countess. "It
was you, count," I said.
"Yes, it was I," exclaimed he, much
agitated; "and that picture there is a
memento of our last Interview."
"Oh, dearest," pleaded the countess,
"do uot tell that story. I can not bear
"I must. This gentleman knows how
I insulted his friend. Let him now hear
how that friend, was revenged. I was
married," he proceeded, "five years
ago. The first month of our honey
moon was spent hcra. This house
holds tho happiest and saddest memo;
les of my life. One evening, returning
late front a ride, I found before the door
a traveling chaise, ami was told that a
stranger, who refused to give his name
was awaiting me In my study, having
come on business relative, to myself
alone. I entered, and saw a tall, beard
ed man, dusty and travel-stained, lean
Ing on the mantelpiece. I stood for a
moment gazing at him.
" 'You do not know me, count?1' he
"Sylvia!' I exclaimed, and confess
that my hair stood on end
' " 'It Is my turn to shoot,' he said:
'are you ready?
"There was a pistol in his belt. I
bowed, in recognition of hU right, and
stood fronting him, only requesting
Mm to shoot at once befcrc my wife
came In
" 'I can not see clearly,' he said; 'send
for lights,
'This was done, and I returnd to my
place," again asking him to be quick,
He took aim, and I counted the seconds.
My thoughts dwelt on my bride; It was
a frightful moment. He dropped his
hand and remarked;
" "I'lty this pistol Is charged with a
bullet In lieu of a cherry.' Then after
a moment's pause, which seemed a cen
tury; 'Truly, I am not In the habit of
shooting at a defenseless man; that
would bo more like aniurdcr than a
duel. Wo will draw- lots again, and see
who is to shoot first.'
"I think at first I refuses!, but re
member finally loading my pistol. Wo
then wrote our names on slips of paper.
and drew from the very i my ball Uad
pierced in our first duel. Fortune favor
ed me again.
said Sylvlo, irllS a smile I shall never
i forget. I know not how It happened,
but my ball struck that picture. Sylvlo
' raised his hand and took aim. The ci-
a Year if Paid in Advance.
not paid hi advance, $1.25
prcsslon on his face told wo I had no
mercy to expect. At that supreme
moment thu door opened, Maria rushed
in, and with a cry jf horror threw her
nrms around my neck. Her entrance
restored ' my equanimity. Laughing
gayly: "You foolish girl,' I said, 'why
nre you frightened? Do you not see it
Is a Joke a wagor? Coluo now, go and
drink a glass of water, and come hack
to be Introduced to my old friend.' But
she did not believe ma.
" 'In heaven's name, sir,' she said,
turning to Sylvlo, 'Is this true? Is It
only a wager a Jolce?"
" 'Of course oh, of courscanswerod
he, 'It Is only a joke. Tho count likej
to Joke. Ho once, In joke, struck mo a
blow; again, la Joke, ho put a bullet
through this cap; and now, of course in
Joke, he missed killing me for the
socond time. It Is now my turn to
joke, and Sylvlo leveled tho pistol at
my br.eajt.
"ilarla understood, and cast herself
at his feet.
"Oh, for shame I IcrIod;then turn
ing to Sylvlo: 'Come, sir, enough of
this. Will you shoot yes or no?'
" 'No,' he returned, 'I am satisfied.
Twice have I made you shoot at mc,and
twice you have missed. I have seen
your fear, your anguish, your terror. P.o-
member,Ileave you to vour conscience.'
"He turned toward the door to leave,
but wheeling suddenly, almost without
an Instant's aim, fired and went out.
To mark his skill he had put a ball
through that picture Immediately above
"My wife had fainted. Sylvlo passed
out unmolested, the servants who saw
him go not daring to Interfere. He
was off beforo I had recovered my sur
prise." The count ceased to speak.
I had Just heard the end of a story,
in the beginning of which I had been
so deeply Interested.
Tho count had hover seen Sylvlo
again. Later, In 1820, when Alexander
lpsllanti gave the signal for the uprising
in Greece, it was surmised that Sylvlo
was in command of a Greek regiment,
and met his death in the battle of
The Rev. Geo. H. Thaver.of Hourbon.
Ind., says: "Doth myself and wife owe
our lives to Snir.oii'u Consumption
Cure. Ulery, Wclssport, and Dr. Horn,
Are you made miserable by Indiges
tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of ap
petite, yellow skin? Shlloh's Vltallzer
is a positive cure. 'Sold at Dr Horns'
and Hiery's drug stores.
Why will you cough when Shlloh's
Cure will give immediate relief? Price
10c., C0c., SI. Sold by Dr. Horn, Le
hlghton, Ulery, Welssport.
Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive
cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker
mouth. Sold by Hicry, Wclssport, and
Dr. Horn, Lehlghton
"nackmetack," a lasting, a fragrant
peffume. Price 25 and SO cents. Illory,
Weissport; Dr. Horn, Lehlghton.
Shlloh's Cure will Immediately relieve
croup, whooping cough and bronchitis.
Sold by Dr. norn,Lchighton andBlery,
For dyspepsia and
have a printed guarantee on every bot
tle of Shlloh's Vltallzer. It never falls
to cure. Sold by all druggists.
A nasal injector free with each bottle
of Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price CO
cents. Sold by Ulery, Wclssport, and
Horns, Xehighton.
Motto ror a dude "There's room
at the top."
Opening of the season Uncovering
the mustard pot.
The butcher should always be placed
on joint committees.
A girl should marry for protection
Instead of for revenue only.
Flstlcus Sparring matches are gen
erally made from box-wood, we believe.
An Ohio girl with forty-eight tots
was horn recently. She ought to make
a good all-toe singer.
"Don't give It a weigh," said tin
coal dealer to his clerk, as he drove out
of the yard with a light ton.
"Do take some more of the vege
tables, Mr. Dlood, for they go to the
pigs anyway."
The young lady from Vassar does
not speau ot a clammy sweat, but of a
bivalvular transpiration.
Hens may be a little backward on
eggs, but they never fail to come to the
Scratch where flowerbeds are concerned
A dentist does not always have fair
sailing. Sometimes he runs against a
Spooning Is regarded as very silly,
but after all It Is the spooii that makes
the greatest stir In the world.
"Enough" Is the title of a poem
now going the rounds of the press. We
are ready to agree with the author with
out reading it.
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
vegetable ionics, quickly and rrraiilarcly
I'urce, Urepetla IndigcVloii, tVenkprse.
. ,i it Xf-nr-Klcria-
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I It Is "nveduabf fcr-tdseawa readier to
nomea, ana au. wnaieaq Mrununry lives.
It data not Injur the teeth, CAn bearUctiebpr
produces conlilrtllnTTiii srffcer Iron aweftrtlicatlo.
;cJinsajia purlfle the blood, etfraulaiw
thertlU.Mds the aulmUetlon ot fond, rn
Here HasrWira and Be lrhlr g, aied rtrcnglh
sua tha Muirnei and nen-ea.
For IntetoiltMnt FMttra. Laasltudt, laakct
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3r ThOsrrtTifne, baa above tmrte jnark -d
mmI red lists on wrappor, Take pn ether
j U Mt. Vr Kt03 Ullllfil 10 EAITU0W, St.
irl 151 151 1:1 lztY XZXIi-
l-U-l 1 11 U V
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The Carbon Advocate
An Independent Famllr ITsnrimiM
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Lehlghton, Qufeoo Oo.,Pu, by
MAItllT V. nORXIII.-ltfr.-U.
umcx-BA tit. WAY. a abort octant tT
tho Lchlfch 7adlr R R. CtDet.
Terms: $1.00 pcrAnnim in iimx
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Pimples, Boils,
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and distressed me every setuou tor per
oral years. O. Scales, Plain vUlo, Mich.
I was badly troubled with Pimples on
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patches. No external treatment did
more than temporary good, Ayvr'a Sar
caparllln effected
A Perfect Cure,
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rising Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and. fa 3oo
time, the crnpttoris all disappeared, and
mr health was completely rertiffenl.
JohnE. EHdns, Editor fftanlta (Jitrvtr.
Albomnils, N. C.
X was troubled, for n lone time, with a
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ugly Pimples ond Blotches. AVer's Bar.
aaparilla cured me. I consider It tho best
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Ayer's Sarsaparllla
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Frioo 61 1 tlx bottle, M.
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tentahlllty, free orebarRt, and all nh art
Interested In new Inventions and l aients ar
Invited to send for a copy ol our "tlnlde for
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tions now to eoiain patents and olner rata
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lean National Hank Washington. II. 11.) the)
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Weekly News !
The Weekly News is the chenpeat
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Colonel A. Wilson Nnrris is writing
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2T Specimen copy free to any one.
815 Chestnut Street, Phila.
Feb 20 w4
iiuii.iiiA.'V & tvo.,
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lllKiudiof OltAIN AOUGHTnnn tOM
We would, also, itsrecttnllr Inrorm mirctti
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All business before TJnttcd States Patent
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taining pateota cheerfully furnished without
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oplulon as to I'attnJaMuty.
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