The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 13, 1886, Image 3

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    "Original Oboap Cash Store'
Velveteens !
All Colors I All Colors 1
Beautiful Goods !
Boautiful Goods !
A t the lowest prices ever rcnclic.l.
At Ilia lowest prices ever loachtd.
JBrocadeB !
Call end toko n took at them.
Opp. l'ubllo Square, Hank Street, Lehigh,
ton. Pa. Juno 7, 1891-ly.
First Annual Pnlilic Sals
ok valuable
Farm Stock, Mm k
The undersigned will (ell, at Dublin (ale.
at hit place I business near the h. X B. do
pot, Lehighim!, commencing un
Saturday, March Gth, 1886,
at 0:30 a. hi. and cnttnninj sn lone, as
buyers nlftr fair prices, Iho Ibl lowing vain
nbio property, viz: 3 Ilorsis, Wug.ins,
IhiRRy, HnrneES, Mowers anl Reapers,
Views, Cultivators. Cider Presses, Harruws,
Hay Raves, Corn Bhellers, l'ntatii Dlgcen,
Land Rollers, and a variety of other articles
Inn rimneiniis In mention.
Terms 0 months credit, a nolo with en
dorser being civen, with interest, or 3 per
cent, discount fur hills over ii Inr cash.
Hank S'rcct, Leliihton, Pa.
Newspaper Laws.
Any person nhn takes the paper regutur
ly from the post office, win ther directed to
his name or whether hois a subscriber or
not, is responsible for the pay.
The courts have ileciiled that refiislui: to
take newspapers ami perio'iicbls Irom the
post office, or removing unit ' them
nucalieil for, la a prima facia eynleniM uf
mmstTiovt. fiuiu.
Our Neighborhood In Brief.
It Is true you can make a horse thin
as a rail, and rough as n rasp, but to
make him as fat as a seal, and as line as
silk Rive him Day's llurse Powder.
Persons living In unhealthy localities
may avoid all bilious attacks, by occa
sionally taking a dose of Ur. Hull's llal
tiniore Pills. At all tlrugslsts.
When tho baby is alllicted with colic,
diarihoea, or other troublesome disor
ders use Dr. Hull's ISaby Syrup, it will
lelieve the little sufferer at once.
Engineer Alvln Hofford, of town,
hurled a three mouths old con, last
When an article is sold "no cure,
no pay," why not try it? That Is thu
way Jadwin's tar srup for coughs,
colds and croup, is sold at Thomas' '
Our old friend Andrew Graver, sr.,
of Wcissport, has been confined to his
lied for scvetal weeks past, at the resi
dence of his ton Andrew.
C'lnuss d-Hto,, The Tail
ors, still have a lew of those
justly celebrated $10 suitings
on hand.
Thu soldiers' monument at Mattch
Chunk is to be of white biormiand fifty
feet high.
Save half your cough medicine bllli
by buying a 25c bottle of Jadwin's tar
t-yrup. wliich contains a ounces, while
)io other cough syrup contains en er 1 1--J.
Bold at Thomas' drus store.
Mr. Casper Giess.a highly respected
citizen of Allentown, died last week, at
the age of 70 years. Ho was one of the
llrst coverlet weavers In Allentown. Por
many years past ho applied himself to
the business of peddling covctlets, and
In his travels visited all sections of the
Xo wonder that people complain of
hard times when they pay iiOc for a bot
tle of cough syrup, no larger than a 25c
bottle of Jadwin's tar syrup, which is
told "no cure, no pay." Thomas sells It.
Mr. Tllghman II. Yclil, proprietor
of the Iiroadway hotel, at Slatlngton,
died on Saturday morning, Inst, of
apoplexy, after an illness of a few days.
Ho was about llfty years of age, and left
ft wife and children, nearby all of.n hum
are grown.
It is the poor man's friend, but the
rich man uses it also; because It is tho
best quality and largest bottle for the
price, and Is sold "no cure, no pay."
W refer to Jadwin's tar syrup. Sold at
Granville Ilelntielman, a carpenter,
employed at Glen Onoko, had his right
leg crushed while trying to jump on a
Lehigh Valley coal train at that place
on Friday. It was amputated tho tame
i3f Por bargains In Wall Papers and
Window Shades go to the book anil
stationery store of K. F. I.uckenbach,
01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. N'. 11.
Decorations and borders at less than
half price.
The Glendon Iron Company an
nounces an increase of fifteen cents a
day in the wages of nil Us employes,
beginning February 1. This affects the
men In tho mines as well as at the furn
aces. The Iron outlook In tho lower
section of the Lehigh Valley Is very
Dr. C. T. Horn Lchlghton and W.
F. Blcry Weissport, wish to make an
assertion, which they can back with a
posltlvo guarantee. It Is all about
Acker's Blood Elixir. They claim for
It superior merits over all oilier remedies
of Its kind, and guarantee for It a posi
tive and sure euro for Rheumatism,
Syphlllis, and all blood disorders. It
frees the skin from spots and disease,
and leaves the complexion clear. Ask
them about It.
The Sibley breaker, Ave miles from
Scranton, was totally destroyed by (Ire
Saturday. Loss, $70,000; Insurance,
$20,000. Two hundred and fifty men
and boys are thrown out of work.
Over one million boxes of Acker's,
Dyspepsia Tablets told In the pas
twelyo months.purely upon their meiits'
Why tuffer with Chronic Constipation,
Dyspepsia. Sour Stomarh, Sick Head,
oelie, and Female Troubles, when Dr.
C. T. Horn Lchlghton and W. F. Blery
Welsaport, offur you relief and positive
cure In the Dyspepsia Tablets. They
sell them pn a guarantee. j
The Lucy Furnace, two miles above
Fasten, it to be put In blast. The work
of repairing llie boilers and machinery
was begun Tuesday mornlne. The
Mack baa been idle for teteral years.
It will furnish employment to llfty men. 1
J2TGo ' I'm. Hodcrer, under the
Kxcliange Hotel, for a smooth shave
Ml a it; ',?&jX hiii cut. I
I Borrowed KirmcntB srtilom fit well,
nor do boiin rommllcs cure SUrcessfill-
. sl)ft Uu l' roiliSvnm
.1.. tn I-i .... 1
Why tdt doubled ttn like nn old man,
my boy I What's rheumatism 1 Take
i tbo good the gods provide thee, and
j send twenty-five cents nround tho corn
er tor a ooitic oi salvation un ana you
will ride your blcyclo to-morrow.
George Martin, aged 77 years, who
w.n at one tltno In comfortablo circum
stances, was found frozen to death In a
hut which ho occupied near Trcxlcryllle.
IggTCfill at this office for
your election tickets neat
aud cheap, and printed whilo
you wait for them.
G'longl Tho teams furnished by
David Ebbert, at his popular livery on
North street, go along splendidly. Ills
terms aro ns low as tho lowest and the
teams good as the best that can be had
For the week ending Jan. 30, there
were 138,331 tons of coal shipped over
the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a
total to date of 1,104,370 tons, and show
ing an increase of 216,300 tons compared
with the same time last year.
BffI have on hand a full line of
horse blankets, lap robes, light and
heavy harness, collars, whips, &c, all
of which I am selling at very low prices.
Wcissport, Pa.
Musical Hall, the Hunter House,
the Riverside, Tool's Inn aud a dozen
other business houses In and about
Heaver Meadow mines will take down
their signs and flaming curtains on the
first of April. C. B. Coxe, lessee of tho
Beaver Meadow estate has so ordered
A sneak thief entered tho Gilbert
House, at H'eatberly, during Saturday
night, and stole a gold watch valued at
$150 and a rovolver belonging to II. C,
Wllhelm, of Moosic, who was a guest of
the house.
SJfWall Papers In all grades, from
the cheapest to tho highest and best.
Decorations and fine goods In large va
riety. Painting or Paper Hanging by
competent workmen. Give men call.
E. F. Luckenbach, 01 Droadway,Maucli
Croup need never bu feared when
you have a bottle of Dr. Hand's Cough
nnd Croup Medicine on the mantle of
your bedroom. Kcing tbo 'only medi
cine of the kind especially for children
yen should use no other. 25 cents.
John F. Kllkclly was Instantly
killed and two or three otheis more or
less Injured by a boiler explosion at
Coxo Rros. & Co's. No. 1 breaker, at
Driflon Monday afternoon. Kilkelly
was 27 years of age and leaves a wife
and two children,
Lydia, widow of the. late George
Relchard, and mother of Simon Reich
ard, of Mauch Chunk, of Mahoning
Valley, dled-about nine o'clock on Tues
day morning, aged about sixty-five
years. The funeral will take place this
(Saturday) morning at 0:30 o'clock.
Services at tho late residence.
AflcrathoroughtestDr. T. HoruC.
Lchlghton and W. F. Biery Weissport
most positively assert that Acker's
English Remedy Is tho be3t medlclnefor
Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Whooping
Cough, and all Lung Troubles that can
be found. Ask them about It, for they
fully guarantee It.
Tho Lehigh Zinc and Iron Company
Tuesday notified its employes that their
wages had been advanced from 5 to 10
per cent, on February 1.
The working hours, of the emplojes
of the Lehigh Coal and Na igatlon Com
pany at Lansford, Carbon county, were
lucsilay Increased from nine to ten
hours per day. The men have been
woiklng on i educed time and wages for
the past two mouths.
All the Iron ore mines In the vicin
ity of Hellertown are in active operation.
The senior class ot Lehigh Uni
versity lias made the following appoint
ments for class day, Tuesday, June 22:
Salutatory, W. H. Dean; toast roaster,
E. E. Stetson; class poet, M. A. De
Howe; prophet, G. H. Cobb; presenta
tion orator, II. Foultncnjlvy orator, W.
P. Taylor; banner orator, G. M. Rich
atdson, and shield bearer, H. G. Reist.
Tho following speakers have been
chosen for the annual lecture course
given by the class Vi, of Muhlenberg
College, Allentown: Colonel H. K.
Douglass, of Maryland ; Colonel Jos. Ad.
Thompson, ertiior Chester -Vetcs; Col.
F. A. Uurr, of the Vines; Rev. F. A.
Kaehlcr, of Buffalo; Ex-Governor H.
M. lloyt, Bcnj. S.idtler, D. D., former
president of the college, and W. U.
Hensel, chaiiinan of the Democratic
State committee.
Dr. Gouverneur Emerson, of Mil
ford, died Thursday morning, 4th inst.,
from the effects of blood po'.'oning.
Willie making an autopsy over the body
of a murdered man at Stairway, Pike
county, poison entered a scratch on his
hand nnd bo has been ill ever tlnce.
lie was 33 years of ago and a son of Dr.
Vincent Emerson.
The Sliver-Wood Coal Company,
after many months of prospecting on
their lands near Ilazlrton, have just dis
covered the famous Buck Mountain
vein at a depth of five hundred nnd
thirty feet below the surface. The
company has already begun to build a
bleaker, which will be one of the largest
and best equipped In the Lehigh region
and will also sink a new slope. Em
ployment will be given to six hundred
Tho report of George M. Dallas.
Master of the Reading Railroad Com
pany, for tho month of December shows
the total receipts for the month to have
been $2,000,000.54, with a balance
carried to tho following month of $248,-
iou iu. 'i lie total receipts of tho Coal
and Iron Company for December wero
$1,210,500.40, while the balance carried
to the following mouth was $3,337.81.
The store of E. B. Ayers & Co., at
Audenried, was broken into some time
during Monday entrance being
effected by prying open the main door
with a large iron of some kind. Tr.e
robbers took with them $15 in money
and a large assortment of jewelry, con
sisting of rings, etc., valued at about
tld0. Coal and Iron policemen are on
the lookout for the thieves, who are
supposed to be tramps.
On the afternoon of the 4th Inst.,
a heavy fall of coal and top rock oc
curred In No. 4 slope of tho L'anderman
voiuery, ai atociaon, near Huzlcton.
Charles Dray, a miner, working in a
breast at the time, was crushed to death
beneath the heavy mass of debt Is, and
Charles Garahau, a laborer, working
.u,, , ...jureu jaiaiiy. i no
u. UUii. i-, nurr.oiy inangieu.
Ttn.l. -..!.,. I 1 I M II .
... ..m ie.0 laiu.iics at
' f "W-.w J fc W.VIA
Ono hundreJ nnd one new lodges of
i ir ...... ,., . ,i
mm miiuiiM ui HUJIVt DUO Ul uaillt
last year, nd 40,200 now members Inltl-
-Tho annual meeting of the Lehigh
Valley Medical Society will bo held at
Glen Summit, on the Lehigh Valley
railroad, on Juno 0, 18S0.
Tho next fair of the Lehigh County
Agricultural Society will again be open
five days commencing Monday Sept.
27th,and closing Friday ovenlng, Oct. 1.
Tho test case of tho new tax law
brought by E. J. Fox, Esq., of Easton,
goes to tho Supremo court, an appeal
having been taken from tho opinion of
Judge Schuyler.
A movement Is on foot for tho erec
tion of a silk mill at Catasauqua. The
amount required will bo $35,000, and
druggist E. D. Boycr has already suc
ceeded In having upwards of $20,000
Parties desiring tickets printed for
the February election, to bo held next
Tuesday, can have the samo promptly
attended to by calling at tho Advooatk
LOST A purse, containing be
tween S10 and $20, between Clauss &
Bros, and Klogel's store, on Bank street,
on January 30th. A liberal reward will
be paid to the finder, If returned to M,
C. Trcxler. or this ofllce.
I'cv. William SIcNalr, for n number
of years the faithful pastor of tho Pres
byterian consrcgatlonsof Audenrled and
Jcanesvllle, Pa., exchanges next Sun
day, February 14. with the liev. James
A Little, and preaches lu the Iloken
dauqua and Femdale churches.
Wednesday morning llfty Inside
employees of tho Crane Iron Company's
furnace, at Catasauqua. struck for 10
percent. Increase In wage3 and to be
paid monthly. Ono man only was left
in charge of each f urr.ace.
An olllcial of the Lehlgli Valley
Hallroad Company states that many
places where railroads cros oTcr mines
in the anthracite regions the only sup
port is a lliin crust of earth.
The Bethlehem Irou Company is
shlpplngsteel rails dally tol'erth Amboy,
N. J., via Lehigh Valley Railroad. The
tails are shipped front that point by boat
to Southern and Eastern points.
Small Farm at Frivato Sale.
A FAliM of 211 Acres and 52 Pods,
situate In Mahoning Valley, about 2
miles from Lehlnhton. 20 acres of wliich
are cleared and under a good state of
cultivation, with a small Log House and
Harn erected thereon, is offered a. Pri
vate Sale on very reasonable terms. For
futhcr particulars apply at tho CAttnox
Advocati: olllce. Jan. 10, 1830-tf.
Eorongh Democratic Convention.
The Democrat of the boroujh of Lc
hlghton are requested to meet at the
"Carbon House," on Saturday evening.
February 13th, 1SS0, at 7:30 o'clock, to
nominate persons to fill the several of
fices to be voted for on Tuesday, the
16th. Let there be a full attendance.
By tiii: CosiMirrac.
Subscriptions Received
From January 23th to February lllh,
IfcSO, for the Cahuo.v Advoca'ii::
II. K. Swoenv. Drlfton . ? on
UMlonii (iciiiiT, 1 : 1 1 1 1 nil t-1 1 ( 1 . I'P
V. K. UtiMhoiul. Pjickerton
.Simon licliiiir. Mratlii-tly
1 on
1 en
2 01
2 to
i rv
1 m
1 10
t ii
l on
i oo
i in
l on
1 (0
l oo
1 (SI
l oi
i mi
1 no
1 to
i imi. n. i r;u i.cnign i, an
I. II. llenrter. I.clil!ihtnii '
'liler lillrll. I.i'lih'lilnn
II. T. Stroiip, 1,-hlKht hi
Ailnm 1'aiist, U-iitxiitiii)
A I. Cuinoliell. I.elililitnn
Ii.ivlil Mdnlnp. LohlKliton
I'linon li'nmhnn, Timamrnsluz....
ficn. H. CitntVr. U-lillitnn..
Simon III, me, 1'iirrjtllh-
Lewis (I'-cins. LohV.'htou
Daniel Olunliie. U'lilahton
Mrs. A. II. NiniMin. Lelilghlnn
Samuel Kearney. 'I invanienInK
Ileiiiy Miiascr, rleiiMini Curlier
;7rai'uli:irt, l.fhlchton
l'rauk Jlelsel, Lclilglituu
General McCartney's House Burned.
When the servant girl employed in
the house of Gen. W. II. McCartney, at
Wllkosbarre, went to the cellar aiout
4:30 Friday afternoon for the purpose of
getting a bucket of coal she found the
whole place In flames. She ran up
stairs and told Mrs. McCartney and the.
latter, going to the street corner, forty
yards away, rang the fire alarm. The
flames spread rapidly and before tbo
firemen cotild do anything the house
was in ruins. General McCartney loses
all his furniture and has no Insurance.
The building was owned by Charles A.
Miner and his loss will be 8,000 in
sured. Judge Rice occupies the build
ing adjoining General McCartney aud
Ids furniture was considerably damaged
by water.
Six Years for Killing a Kan.
George Cuff, who killed Richard
Duffy, in Carbond.tle, Lackawanna
county, early one morning last summor,
over a game of cards, and who upon a
former trial escaped conviction by dis
agreement of the jury, went into court
Friday at Scranton and, withdrawing
his plea of not guilty, pleaded guilty to
murder, leaving the Judgo to fix the
degree. In view of the fact that the
jury disagreed on tho first trial nnd
thereby had given rise to a doubt in the
prisoner's favor, Judge Archibald fixed
the crime at murder In thesecond degree
and sentenced Cuff to six years and
three months In the Eastern Penitenti
ary. The murder of which Cuff is guilty
was one of the most cruel nnd cold
blooded on record.
Mayor Broderick Dsad.
Thomas E. Broderlck, for tho past
tlx years Mayor of Il'ilkesbarre, died at
his residence in that city, at 8.20 Sun
day evening. The immediate cause of
his death was kidney disease, compli
cated with mental anxiety over the
municipal election which takes place
Tuesday next and In which ho was to
take an active part as a candidate for
re-election. Mayor Broderlck located
In Luzerno county in 1859 and In 1870
was known as one of the leading coal
operators in tho Wyoming valley. He
was very successful and accumulated
considerable wealth. Through the de
falcation of a partner, however, he w&s
rendered almost penniless. Disease
prevented him from resuming active
operations as a coal operator and he
announce. I himself as a candidate for
the city's -chief executive olllce. lie
was a great favorlto with the working,
men and had no difficulty In belli"
elected. In the coming Mayoralltv
election there was some doubts as to Ids
re-election, owing to the presence of so
many candidates In the llol.l, and It was
while pursuing an active canvass that
ue was stricuen down. During the war i
Jiouencu was a Jtepuoiiean, out of late
. .. . .
years mciinci to me uemocracy. He ,
j was elxly-ulce years old.
Manch Chunk's Betuatlon.
' Tlin fnllnwlntr
r . -. 0 " 1'
Chunk, Feb. fith nppenred In llic Phlla-
delplila Times, and created considerable
1 ' . .
1 continent among our people In this
C. Orion Stroh, a young member of
iho uaruuu uustico ot me i-cace, is aiso
secretary of the Borough Council, and
certain street market rents collected by
Market Clerk Nathan Fegley were paid
to him from time to time, for which he
gavo receipts. Burges9 Rex for some
time past suspected something wrong,
as tho amounts received woro less than
he thought they should be. Fegley Is
a faithful but uneducated man and
hardly able to read writing. Yet. being
provided with ready printed receipts or
tickets, he performed his duties very
well, and, havine entire faith In Secretary
Stroh, he never attempted to read tho
receipts. Recently ho counted the
money In the presence of a friend before
paying It to Secretary Stroh. and after
wards tho friend happened to see tbo
receipt and called his attention to tho
tact that It was for five dollars less than
the amount he saw counted.
The matter was reported to Burgess
Rex, who. with Councilman A. W.
Butler, cashier of the First National
Bank, resolved upon an effort to detect
the frauds, If any, and becoming fully
satisneu mat snoit receipts have been
given very frequently for ovor a year
past, the difference amounting to four
or five hundred dollars, they required
Stroh to appear In Mr. Craig's law ofllce,
where, he soon confessed the embezzle
ment. and before leaving ho was required
to resign bis office and give a judgment
bond binding all his property for the
prompt payment of his Indebtedness to
the borough A warrant for his arrest
was also Issued, but tho firstobject being
to secure the borough it has not yet been
served, but held under advisement. The
matter has created much excitement In
Lateii: Attorney Chas. Orion Stroh
was arrested Monday morning at his
own request. The warrant was served
by Ofliccr John Painter. Mr. Stroh was
taken before Justlco J. J. Boyle, where
he entered ball to thu amount of $1,000
for bis appearance at tbo next term of
court. Asa R. Ueers. Ellas Schick aud
Samuel Heist are his sureties.
Mahoning Items
Mr. G. lv. Musselman spent Sunday
at home.
Mr. Illram Miller lias put up a neat
fence In front of his house.
Oliver Reiiijuilth, of Milton, Pa.,
spent a few days with his parents last
An old-fashioned hop came off at
Fenstermacher's popular hotel last
Saturday evening.
IF. II. Arnerand family, of Wclst
port, spent Sunday wlthfiicuds in the
Mr. Zclglcr, of West Penn, and Miss
Sarah Ftitz, of this place, wero married
last week.
Lewis Zimmerman has been very
successful selling sleighs in the valley.
MlS3 Llla Amer spent the week at
Miss Sophia Wehr was elected
superintendent of the Evangelical Sun
day school,
-Rev. W. II. Strauss will move to
Lehlghton in the near future, and his
son, Llewellyn, will move on the farm
A birthday party came off at the
residence of William Sltler Saturday
Our farmers are greatly annoyed by
skunks, minks, and foxes, which, on
account of the deep snow, make.frequent
visits to th farm yard.
Mr. Wilson Frantz, our popular
watelunaker and jewclct, has been so
crowded with work that ho had to get
an assistant, which position Is filled by
iioas llonu.
fha President's Protty Namesake.
Albany N. Y. Aryur. General Pclcr
C. Doyle, of the Eighth Brigade,
National Guard, was passing thtough
the corridors when I asked him if the
Lehigh Valley Railroad, of which ho Is
passenger agent, was not the first road
In the country to name one of Its loco
motives "Grover Cleveland." "Yes,"
he replied. "It was after his election
as Governor. Aud the is a beauty
the fastest and tho best every way on
the road. I lie directors when they
ordered the locomotive to be built said
they Intended to name it 'Peter C. Doyle'
as a compliment to mo. Well, Cleve
land's election camo and lie got such a
rousing majority for Governor that the
went out of the locomotive works under
the bright name of Grover Cleveland.
I he Governor urcsented the engineer
with a splendid engine clock and when
President Cleveland came homo to vole
last fall -Grover Cleveland' pulled htm
all over the road both ways. When 1
told Mr. Cleveland what the road had
done in aiming an engine after him he
temarked: 'Well, such Is fame. I sup
pose now that I will be kept busy pur
chasing colors for vessels and pnd clocks
for engines that will bear mv name.' "
Public Sales to Take Place.
The following sales of real estate and
personal property will tako place at
time and place as below, as per bills
printed at this office, or advertisements
in this paper:
Feb. 23, at 1 p. ra. TFagon, furniture
and other artleles of Chas. Froelilich,
corner of Second and Iron streets, In
this borough.
March fi, at 12 M. Valuable real es
tate in Lower Townmcnsing twp.,
late of Henry and Caroline Kosten
bailor, dee'd., at Little Gap. J. and
P. L. Kosleubader, administrators.
March (1, at 0:30 a. m. Horses, buggies,
wagon, farming Implements, etc., at
A. J. Litzenberger's store. Bank
street, this borough. This will offer
a rare chance for farmers to procure
Implements at reasonable prices on
long time payment. Don't forget the
March 15, at 2 p. ra. Executor's sale of
House and two Lots In the Borough
of Weissport and threo Lime Kilns,
late property of Daniel Schoch, dee'd.
March 24 and 25. at 12 in. Farm of
00 acres, horses, cows, fanning im
plements and furniture lata of S. U.
Steigerwalt, in Mahoning twp.
Pleasant Corner Correspondence,
Candidates, who are willing to serve
their country for a suitable remunera
tion, are booming up. Our people
should bear In mind the necessity of
filling these positions of public trust,
with capable and reliable men. The
borough and township elections arti of
as much importance as the national
election and therefore, our voters should
only support such men as haye tho In
terest of township affairs at heart,
W. H. Miimbovver. of Hauto. is so
journing with Pleasant Cornor friends.
Miss Nora Sossannm, of Lansford,
was the guest of Miss Lizzie Honlz, of
this place, during the week.
A Iclshlmr imrtvfmm T.fl,!i,.
stopped ut the Eagle Hotel on
""'S1'1"" I
1 list.
josjuiu. 1
OgoTShortly after the 1st
of April
next tlio Uahbox
A - 'II .
""vuuail oillCG will REMOVE
Ivnin it a lirncnnl Innnllnn -
" 1""' -"u
Knnkwav tn n ucvr mm mvn
1 tn t, ,.,! ;.f i,i, tv,
t0 be elected JUSt below the
L. & S. Depot, on Bank St.
Veorlo In and out of Town.
Our people who may have relatives or
Irlsnus vlsltlnt? tliemwlll greatly obllgo us
by sending In their names and residence for
publication under this bead. Hution.
II. E. Carter, of Tamaqua, was In
town Sunday.
Our genial friend A. A. Graver, of
Mountain Top, spent Sunday In town.
Miss Allle DePuo, of Hazlcton, Is
the guest of Miss Ida Trainer, on Lehigh
Misses Aggie and Minnie Relchard
were visiting Mauch Chunk friends on
Miss Emma Troxcll, of Selple's
Station, Lehigh county, Is tho guest of
Mrs. A. J. Lltzenberger.ou Bank street,
Miss EllaLentz, an estimable young
lady of Barncsvlllc, Schuylkill county,
was the guest of Miss Mary Smith, on
Lehigh street, during the week.
Grand-Army Officers.
Scr.ASTox, February 10. Tho elec
tion and Installation of officers for the
ensuing year formed the principal feat
ure of to-day'a session of the Grand
Army Encampment of the Department
of Pennsylvania. The following Is the
list of officers: Department Commander,
General Gobin, of Lebanon; Depart
ment Chaplain, John W. Saycrs, who
has filled the position for fifteen years;
Senior Vlco Department Commander, J.
II. Druckemlller, of Post 220, Marietta;
Junior Vlco Depattment Commander,
B. M. Lowry, of Post 29, Indiana.
Thomas J. Stewart was appointed As
sistant Adjutant General for tho fifth
term, and II. G. Williams, of Post 8,
Philadelphia, Assistant Quarter-master
General for the fourth term. The In
stallation ceremony was conducted by
Post Department Commander John
Taylor, of Philadelphia. Harrlsburg
was selected for the next annual meet
ing. The Women's Relief Corps held their
annual meeting and election of officers
hero to-day, with the following result
President, Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, of
Philadelphia; senior vice president, Mrs.
Maggie J. Sias. Pittsburg; junior vico
commander, Mrs. Ella E. Chapman,
Erie; secretary, Mrs. Abblo Lynch,
Pittsburg; treasurer, Mrs. Lizzie Cook,
Susquehanna; chaplain, Mrs. Johnson
(colored), Pittsburg. Hrs. Wittenmeyer
addressed a large meeting at thcAcademy
of Music to-aight.
Beaver Ran Items.
A tleighlng party visited H. J. Dan
zer's family on Saturday'nlghtlast. The
party comprised Messrs. II. Chubb, Ed
Ratcllff, Al. Koons. Ed. Chubb, II. W,
Beechcr, nnd Wilson, of Lafayette
College, and Misses Emma Rcber.Stlles,
Warden, Nii3baum, Clauss and Brod-
head. The party remained about an
hour and enjoyed themselves very much
The party were conveyed on their trip
by David Ebbert in his big" sleigh.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stcgclmer, of
Lewistown, Schuylkill county, are visit
ingat II. W. Danzer's this week.
W. W. Bowman and Wm. Anthony,
of Lehlghton, passed through hero last
week on a business trip.
Considerable Ice has been gathered
off the Beaver Run dam during the sea'
son. Josux.
Knocked Sonseless and Bobbed.
une ot tne boldest crimes ever com
mitted In Allentown was perpetrated
Tuesday morning. Shortly beforn six
o'clock Charles E. Christ, a well
known citizen, lelt his house to deliver
orders for coal to the party for whom he
collected bills and solicited orders.
When less than one hundred feet from
the house he was approached from the
.rear and knocked senseless to the pave
ment, where his assailant rilled his
pockets of $110 and a gold watch. Ten
minutes later a neighbor on his way to
work found Mr. Christ lying unconscious
on the walk. He was taken to his homo
and presently regained consciousness
and was able to relate the particulars of
tne assault, no sudden was the attack
that lie could not get a look at the
The Three Tlscher Murderers Onlltv.
The Tlscber murder trial, which has
occupied the attention of the Luzerne
county courts for the past seven days Is
ended. Tne jury retired Monday night
and returned Tuesday afternoon with a
verdict of guilty of murder In thesecon i
degree and that the murderers, Freder
ick Walter, Charles Sharpo and Henry
Close, were equally guilty. The prison
ers will be sentenc;d on Saturday. The
crime of which tho men have been con
victed was the wavlavlnc and killing of
Charles Tischer on the night of October
iijin last.
The Coal Trade.
The condition of the anthracite coal
trade has remained unchanged since our
last report, and it is without any new or
especially noteworthy feature. During
the past two weeks the officials of the
several coal carrying companies have
been comparing points and sounding
each other as to what their respective
companies expect in the way of percent
ages of whatever amount of production
may be agreed upon for this year. Some
ot them have also had Informal talks
about a plan for the conduct of the an
thracite coal trade for the season of
1880, but, so far as wo have been able
to learn, after careful Inquiry of reliable
sources, nothing has yet been arranged,
not even an Informal meeting to discuss
the subject. Coil shipments by water
has been almost entirely suspended dur
ing the past week. Eastern dealers
wbo awaited still lower prices for coal
than the figures ruling during the past
month or two can now get lotw prices,
but no coal owing to tho Impediment to
navlcatlca by Ice.
The Paoker Hospital at Bayre-
This work of charity, long needed at
so Important a railroad center, is now
In full operation aud doing excellent
service on behalf of the sick and
wounded. The houso and grounds
formerly belonging to Mr. Robert A.
Packer were denoted for tho purpose by
Mrs. Charles 11. Cutunilngs, but the
Hospital wna not placed under the man
agement of the Church, nor Is it sup
ported by tho Church. Several denomi
nations or Christians are represented In
(lift lloir.l nt Trillia -ml jll..ia V.1
11,6 "Oar.t or irustees, Mill patients are .
received recardless of nalbmalitv or nf
creed 1
now great and cosmopolitau
Is that wo call American!
Our ItHfle klatjche and yuni-yum teas
I W'n fol fr. ..., T
j TI;jeV.." '
The SliarTOW lS n Kllllllsll bird !
The "mugwump" and tobcgEau,
Stole hum the nborlnlnee:
Dread hydrophobia comes from dogs
And trichinoses from the hogsi
And there's the dudo who came, but nona
Knows whence a mortal underdone!
Our fash Ions come from France and Worth
In sliurt, we scour the rolling earth.
Aud, be It worst, or be It best,
We take our choice aud leave tbo rest,
-SPKCIAL NOTICE. Persons making
payments to thisofBce by money orders or
postal notes will pleaso make them pavable
at the W KisariiRT Post Office, 119 Ihn Lo
ktghtou ofilca is not a money order offico
Slatlngton wants a hoard of trade
and a fire alarm telegraph.
The Clymcr Family gavo three per
formances In School Hall last peak; the
proceeds to bo applied to the purchaso
of artificial limbs for Addle Schccpc,
The affair was not a success financially,
although Mr. F. P. Semmol, who secured
the troupo for tho occasion, labored
faithfully to wake It so. Only some
thing about $10.00 was netted for the
purpose named.
The anthracite coal production for
the week ending Feb. 0 was 025,678
tons, ogaiii3t 430,033 tons lu 1883, aud
since Jan 1 tho production was 3,020,
112 tons, against 2,340,740 tons for the
same time last year.
Fr.011 Henry Ward Bcecher's Sunday
senium: "To all tho young that are
coming Into thlschurch I say. be young,
be gay, be hopeful, be mirthful. If God
has given you a sparkling disposition,
thank God and educate it. While It Is
not tho end of your life to have tho joy
that comes from these qualities it is tho
prlvllego of your life to perform all your
duties under lt3 Influence, and they can
be performed in no other way so well.
The world ueed3 just such a develop
ment of Christianity. The world is full
of sorrow; it needs cheer. It is full of
despondency; it needs hope. It is full
of cowardice; It needs courage. It tra
vails In pain; it wants a healthful at
mosphere, sweet and balmy and radiant.
It wants a sltigluj Christianity. It
wants the messenger of Christ to bo a
light-bearer and no man has a right to
make himself a dark lantern to go home
and open the light to himself and fami
ly alone. They that carry a burdon
some, woe smitten face dishonor God.
It is contrary to nis saying. It Is say
ing substantially to the world that all
hope, all the promise of tho divine pres
ence, all the love which Is poured like
an atmosphere around about us every
day from the bosom of Jesus Chiist, is
false nnd wrong. The man that carries
a doubting, wearied saddened face mis
interprets the religion of Christ."
Sixty years ago, Daniel Webster,
speaking at Charleston, declared that
"we have acomincrcc that leaves nosca
unexplored; navies wliich will taks no
law from superior force." But now the
Secretary of the National Board of
Trade says that unless adequate meas
ures of relief are promptly taken wo
may toon have "tiocairylng trado what
ever upon any ocean;" while Secretary
Whitney has declared in his official re
port that wc have not one modern fight
ing shlu. In threo score years we havo
made great advances, but In some mat
tors wo have as greatly retrograded.
Joxts DitisscL. On January 21st,by
Rev. J. S. Erb, Qulncy S. Jones, of
Slatlngton, and Miss Ellen J. Drissel,
of Mahoning Valley.
Smith Link. On February 4th, by
the same, Talbot S. Smith and Miss
Emma L. Link, both of Slatlngton.
Hurronn. Ellas George, son of Alvln
and Comalleta Hufford,aged 2 months
and 10 days.
Renorted up to 12o'-j!ock, by D Uoven k
Towusniiil.Bjnkcrs.Ko. 3 11 S Third Street,
Philadelphia. Stocus bought aud sold
either hr e.uli or on margin.
I'hiladclpK-.a, Feb, 10, 1880.
bill asked
I! S3's, Ext 00
D S Currency G'a 12SJ
U S 45. ue'. 112J 113
US4's J24J 124J
Pennsylvania It U 65J li
Philadelphia & Uiadiog U R I0J JUJ
Lihigh Valley UR 1 lilt
L-high Coal i Navigation Co 50 41
Bull. N. Y. & Phlla. It r. Co .-.J 8
Now Jersey Central 51 J J
Northern Pacific Com 27J 57j
" Prefd ro (104
Orejjnn Transcontinental 33 33
Utiion Pacifio 52J a2j
Western Union 74 71 J
West Shore Ists 103 103?
Louisyilln Jc Kaihville 41J 41
Silvur. (Trailebl 78 81
It U an established fact that Hood's Bar
saparUla has proven an Invaluable remedy
m many severo cases 01 rheumatism, effect
ing remarkable cures by Its powerful action
In correcting tho acidity of tbo blood, which
Is the causo of the disease, and purifying
and enriching the vital fluid.
It U eortainlj fair to cwsuuio that what
Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for others It
will do for you. Therefore, U you tuHcr
the pains and aches of rheumatism, glvo
Uus potent remedy a lair trial.
A Posltlvo Omo.
" I was troubled very much with rheuma
tism In my hips, ankles, and wrists. I
could hardly walk, and was confined to my
bed a good deal of the Umo. Being rec
ommended to try Hood 3 BarsaparUIs, I
took four bottles and am perfectly weu.
I chocriuUy roccxamend Hood's SarsaparlUa
co ono cf tho best blood purifiers In the
world." W. F. 'Wood, Blocmlngton, 111.
For Twenty Years
I have been afflicted with rheumatism. Beiore
1833 1 found no relief, but grew worse. I then
began taking Hood's Barsaparllla, and it did
me more good than all the other medicine I
ever had." H. T. Salcom, Shirley. Mais.
"I tcllered from what the doctors called
muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Su
ss.parula and am entirely cured." J. V. A.
Peoubfooi, letter carrier, Chicago, 111.
We shall be glad to send, tree of ohuge
to all who may desire, a book contaliiag many
tddltlonal statements of cures by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all draradsts. tl ; tlx for is. Jtido
only by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, i&ts.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
liirll'iu ecve Kdayiln t'n kt c yeai . Out
villa,.-", oi.iy &i
i old, bas t slurts, 2 Uo-e..,
2 U
1. litniouN'r. (acti.rv. f i.iu,,.. 1
Ir.uijtaiidSuullftU'.iliy. lui iui icly
fcdvaiMliir. J-
it. si 1 il s. ml lav nil ..,. I
lui wi.u 4 niap.SS Phouitfrnubio mm c(
umiwie, mi n-Jtmi 1IIULTIUI lrUUlU OI OUT CI- I
!' "'-'I '"a-nirk,uuuii. opjwrlUUIUiS, - lerma m IwlolU rilunncl suhitcu'
rn tor two on mm iliiy liiuilnienis ta Hum
cempi'iynuDt. nhij it ic ituff U)irsaaik'o.
A Sluggish Liver
Causes the Stomach nnd Bowels to bo
como disordered, and the whole system
to suffer from debility. In all such
cases Ayet's Pills gtve prompt relief.
After much nufrertn; frcm Liver and
Stomach tumbles, 1 lia-u finally been
cured by taking Aycr's Cathartic Pills.
I always llml thuni prompt uud thorough
In their action, and thvit cosloiul uso
keeps tmi In a perfectly healthy
tlon. Ralph. VVueman. Annapolis, ild.
Twontr-tivo years oto I sufTered imm
a torpid liver, which was restored to
hecllthr arthtn tn. 11.1,, A -.
---- ... ........ njvi n riU4.
Since that time I havo never been with-
ittlt t!w., Tl...- ... .1... t
(liTOtttn-i ni.i1...n... .1...
.. -- n--,.v.., . ...wt.tao mv; ttllliu-
tito, moro surely than any other mcdi-
... iiuitmii, iittveruui, 1033.
I know nf nn rmvtv ai, ml n a i- !
Pills for Stomach and Liver disordcri.
I snffeicd from n Torpid Liver, and Dvs-'
neriita. fur nicrhtAn ittrt.til.u HI -I....
was yellow, nnd my tongue coated I
i... uu aii-uiv. suiiemi irom neaa
iche. wru palo nnd cmneiated. A few
loses of Ayer's Pills, taken lu modeinte
hclitl. lf4nnil rr,A in ,.ru., I.....I.U
Waldo Miles, Oberhn, Ohio.
Avpr4 TMta am n ox .... .t - i, I
medlcino. They strenntben nnd invi?.
orato the digestive crcami, create nn np-1
etlte. and remove) the horrible depres-!
mil .Hill ilMitwn.1nnn- k.,1.1.1.. '
.Iyer Complaint. I Irnvo used theso
ills in my family, for years, and they
lOVl" r fall tn ntn nat l-s' 1 "
Jtto Montfioxnciy. Ojhkosh, "WU.
Ayer's Pills,
'n turtd ly T)r. J. C. Aji-r L Co., Lowell, M.iu.
U tij nil Druiv-Ut n&J Dealers Id MitlltlM.
Our Motto : " Big Cash
They arc the best. A trial
our claims lor tliesc goods,
Wc carry a very large stock
sing tne latest styles and best qualities.
Wo have an immonss assortment of these goods at nil
prices, wc nave marked them down. All must go to
make room for Spring Styles.
We are selling these goods at the very lowest figures,
Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c !
We receive, almost daily, new goods at the lowest prices.
We Sell For Cash !
so. i9-Sani5: totl'ee't
Uas opened a General Storo In Lationora
wwt-kf utiiiiiiuu, Mini
Chinaware, Confectionery, Tobacco & Cigars,
Which bo is bIIIii? at very low rriccs lor
sped our goodi.
We Carry a Large
Wc make no special prices for
Goods at the prices we
Hill's Bleached Muslin,
5 1-2 Cents per Yard
7 Oen;ts
An Extra Quality Gingham in 2 yard Pieces,
Will bo Sold at 11 cents a Piece.
Extra Size, Double Damask Towels,
Handsome Colored Borders Twenty-five cts. a Piece.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown.
Shelf end Dm
Making Room For Spring Goods.
Fringes, Embroideries, Laces, Chenille,
Coats, Woollen Goods, &c,, &c,
Redufad from ...22 tn Sli
Railuoadfrom Si to 20
Reduawi from SS to 26
Ktducad lr in J8 to 33
Reduced from..... it tu33J
Cheuille Fringes at Half their Value,
Aud an endless Assortment of i;i.i(.i"l. . ii-mn.l I..,rrs Hut must b sold tnuk
room fur bl'UINC UOuHS
MRS. M. A.
OAH II !!.. Hi
uuo namiuun creei, ih, 'a,
20Y6Ubero 311
coarrra ey
Particular stltblton glTtn ta
In all Its daunts, at tke tery Lownt Prtm, rsspoa;fiii solicited end ttr
foil Sll(nO(ljti KOalantl
Jkbiv.M-ly. HAN WIEAND,
This paper Is kept tu Ilia nt tho (nTtw at
SonO 10nl fl VCD
son's uwm
sumiirr HI Ml
Sales and Small Profits! "
will satisfactorily substantiate
of this class of goods comprise
DIocIc, opponito the "Carbon Hqhm Dank
u tun unu touipieie line oi
e-sh. f. I ItvtlnJ In nnll AnA tsi -
Line of Holiday Goods.
a certain time. We sell our
quote the year round.
a Yard.
t uieanniff
R'd UC'd
$ 5 to 13.10
.... rto .oo
.... Sto T.0I
.... II to TJo
.... IS In 8.00
In to
from .,
from .,
from .,
fr'n ,
JO lo 13.00
j. ! r V