The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 23, 1886, Image 3

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    "Original Ohoap Cash Store'
We Are Determined
To reduce our stock ns much ns possible
previous to taking Recount of stock, to
save labor nml time, unit have made Im
mense reductions In muslins, flannels,
cloaklngs, comfortables, blankets, knit
goods, shawls, skirts, Underwear, flan
nel shirts gloves, &c. Wo still have
about a.'O pair af all-wool, hand-knit
Leggings, for women, misses and chil
dren, at 28 emit n pair. These are
positively the last for the season, as we
purchased the balance of a manufactur
ers stock We also have a Dig Drive In
Towels. A heavy all-linen, red border
ed; towel, size 28x14 Inches, at 13 cents
a piece, or 2.1 cents a pair.
Opp. I'ubllo Square, Bank Street, Ijditgri.
ton. Pa. Juno 7, ISSt-ly.
BPKCIAIj KOTICE. Persons maklnc
payments to Ihia office by inane y orders nr
poslnl notes will rilearo moke llicm pnvnlile
ml the Wumniht Post Offick, as tlii J.e
hlshton office is nut a money or.ler ollice
Newspaper Lawn,
Any person who Inkcttlip pnprr regolnr
ly from the post nfllre, whether ilirreli-.l lo
Ms name or whether lie Is a lubaeriber or
not, la responsible fir llie pay.
The courts have ilrrMnl that refuiiiR lo
take newapapera niifl periodicals Iroin llir
post oliire.or removini; nml lenv.n.. Hutu
iinrallel for, Is n prima facia eyideucii of
Our Neighborhood In Brief.
1.1st to the bells, to tho crackle, mid the grind
Of the snow,
As w e go
I'lj lnc on our runners llslit
Tlirouuli the clear and frosty night.
But we really feel It weigh upon or.r eiliul.
As the moonbeams sort and bilglit
Throw a sliiidim 'cross or sight.
So we tin n,
And lie learn
That a small hoy has secured a cut behind.
Lent this year bcglii3 on March 10. "
If your skin Is jellow, or if you are
troubled with pimples and boils.cleanse
our blood wllli Dr. Hull's Ualtlmore,
Pills. l'i Ice only 23 cents.
All successful cattle raiders claim that
to succeed you must occasionally give
Day's Horse Powder to your stock. It
Is invaluable.
To enjoy your baby's laughing society
use, Dr. Hull's Haby Syrup to lelieye lis
colic, or bone) disorders. It is tafo and
sure. Price 23 cents.
The estate of the late II. 12. Wright
Is valued at between 4.00,0.10 ami o5,
O00. It is mainly loft to hW wife and
utff;o to Frs. ltoderor, under the
Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave
and a fa'slonable. hair cut.
John Lentil, 0113 of the oldest and
best known binlnesnnen of liethlnhem.
died Saturday from the clocts of blood
When an article Is sold "no cure,
no pay," why not try It? That Is the
tray .Intlujn's tar svrup for coughs,
colds and croup, Is sold at Thomas' '
A very enjoyable birthday surprise
p.irtv came off on Tuesday evening at
the residence of John. Swartz, on Fourth
street, It being the 31st annlcrs.ary of
Mr. S's birth.
No wonder that people complain of
hard times when they pay fide for a bot
tle of cough sjrup, no larger than a 2.":
bottle of .ladwln'.s tar svrup, whicli is
told "no cure, no pay." Thomas sells It.
Miss C'ongdon, a teacher of Xauti
eoke, who was charged with keeping
two children out of school until they
were ucaily frozen, because of their
tardiness, has, after an examination,
been exonerated.
Save half your cough medicine bills
by buying 11 2.1c bottle of .ladwlu's tar
syrup, w lilch contains .'I ounces, Idle
no other cough syrupcontalusovcr 1 1-2.
.S0I4 at Thomas' drug htore.
Osttln Cchman, of Macungle, Le
high county, has been arrested for
entering the hrmso of an old couple and
demanding $.rn, but Anally accepted a
proffer of S2, which was all that the old
people possessed.
L'lnuss DIho., Tho Tail
ors, htill lmvo a low of those
justly eclpbruted $10 suitings
on hand.
IX W. Molster, charged In tho
Mauch Chunk courts with einbculiug
the funds of the Lansford Huilding and
Loan Association, was found guilty last
Friday on nineteen counts preferred
against him.
It is the poor man's friend, but the
rich man uses It also; because it is the.
best quality and largest bottle for the
price, and Is sold "110 cure, no pay."
We refer to Jadn Ill's tar syrup. Sold at
The Hoard of Trade of White Haven
is now 'a permanently organised and
established Institution of that town, and
will have a legal andcorporatoexlstenco
as soon as the charter for it can be
Governor Hoyt denies tho rumor
that he Intends to return to Wllkes
Barrc. He says "he enjoys life both
socially and professionally In Philadel
phia," and proposes to remain there.
He does "notcontemplate going back to
Wilkes-llarre for good until he goes
there to be buried."
It is about time that peoplo slopped
signing paper? without havingecn curi
osity enough to examine their contents.
Confidence men are now working with
success tho old game of a pretended
agency, a sale of agricultural Imple
ments, or something of the kind, in
various parts of the State.
About nine o'clock Saturday morn
ing Henry Fear and old and highly re
spected cltlicn of the Hazleton region,
left his work at the Ulaek Itiilge Colliery,
where he was employed, w cut to his home
and upon entering the. house drew from
his pocket a largo knife and plunged It
Into his breast, near tho heart, causing
death a few moments afterwards. He
was seventy-six years of age. Ills friends
know of no motive for the act bejond
the fact that he was In poor health.
A report was prevalent on Monday
that Samuel Hudson, of Hiidroudak,
Quakake Valley, died suddenly of heait
dUeaso on Sunday. .Vr. Hudson was
well know 11 In this seel ion and was tho
owner of considerable property. Ho
was neA about sixty years, nml was the
father of Samuel Hudson, Jr., well
known In the county. Fight years ago
ho was nominated for the legislature on
the llepubllran ticket In opposition to
Hon. Michael Cassldy, ef Xesqne'icu
lng, the Democratic nutuljjv.
A Ulaek Friday. That day, when.
nun. 1..Y If I .. U i t, fll In
? h '(..'"I 5? i lJ" .?"
j "liooil Friday." It Is the greatest euro
I on enrth for pain.
L1IIIL-. Ill; Mill EUllll ML 11 If I U HI 1 It'll IV U 11
expressions: ho tol
uli. i u .....v. iiii.i. i
his assistant the
other lny to break
tho hones In Mr.
Williams' chops, and put Mr. Smith's
rilii In tho basket for him, and tell Mrs.
. llhek to take Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup
for her cold.
For the week ending Jnti-tlO, there
woro 107,0!U tons of coal shipped over
the Lehigh Valley railroad, making n
total to date of 8" 1,273 tons, nml show
a Increase of 30,80.") tons compared with
the same time last year.
hnvo on hand a full lino of
blunlfets, lap robes, liiltt mid
larness, collars, whips, Ac, all
selling at veiy low prices.
w disport, i'a.
Moses Itelirlg, of town, has pur
chased 184 acreapf laud In Mahoning
township from tly ffleof J. Uebylg,
for $2,000. This is mfis'idcreil 'htAii.
able properly, 131 acres being woodland
anil the balance, iitty acres, good faun-1
lug land
.viier.iinoroiigu icst ur. J . liorn w
r t.t..i w 1.. in I,...!-.
t .... JSi"
J.llllnill"ll .lull , . 1. IHl'l. II ui;-
Hlery cissport
most positively assert that Ackers
English Itemedy Is the best medicine for
Asthma, Croup, Coughs. Whooping
Cough, and all Lung Troubles that can
be found. Ask them about It, for they
fully guarantee It.
For $2.00 wo will club the CAimoN
A iivoc.vrn with thelim'rcm .'ijricul
turist. 100 columns and lOOcuaiuvlngs
In each Issue. -Uilli year, $1.30 a year.
Send three 2-ccnt stamps for sample
copy (English or German) nml 1'rcmlum
List of the oldest and best agricultural
Journal In the world. Address, Pub
lishers American Agriculturist, 731
Hroadway, Xew York. '
Over one million boxes of Acker's,
Dyspepsia Tablets sold In the pas
twclvo nionths.purely upon their merits'
Why suffer with Chronic Constipation,
Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Sick Head,
ache, and Female Troubles, when Dr.
C. T. Hoin Lehightoii and W. F. lilery
Weissport, offer you relief and positive
cure in tho Dyspepsia Tablets. They
sell them on a guarantee.
While Abraham lioth, in company
with his uncle, Peter I'oth, was driving
across the railroad at Scllcisvlllo Mon
day their conveyance was struck by a
locomotive. Young 1'olh, who was
married on Saturday last, was instantly
killed and his uncle seriously Injured.
Dr. C. T. Horn Lohighton and W.
F. Illciy Welssport, wish lo make an
assertion, which they can luck with a
positive guarantee, it Is all about
Acker's Hloo.t F.llxlr. They claim for
it superior merits otcr all other remedies
of its Kind, and guarantee for it a posi
tive and sure cure for IMieumatlsni,
Syphlllls, mid all blood dlordeis. It
frees the skin from spots an 1 disease,
and leaves the complexion clear. Ask
them about It.
The Stanton Colliery, Wilkesdjarrc,
operated by the Lehigh and W Ukcsbarrc
Coal Company, h again l.'.lo on account
of an Inundation of water. The recent
col.l weather has further Increased the
difficulty of mining by causing; the water
dripping from the hoisting bucket to
freeze and block up the shaft. A largi
force of men and boys has been rendered
Idle in consequence of tiio stoppage.
Mrs. Tobias Morey, aged 1)4 years,
recently gave a reception to her ten
living children in Upper Mount Hetbel,
Northampton county. Them era cage
of I lie children Is 01 years. There were
also present fifty-two grandchildren,
tevenly-six great-grandchildren and one
nr-Wantcd! Fifty Gills! To knit
and crochet. Good wnjfes; pay weekly.
Lit"lit. steady work given out to bo made
at home. Work and material furnished,
called for and dellvere.l tree by express.
Gl.oni: Knutinm Co., i-2.1 Washington
Stirct, Hodton, Mass. jaifj:!
The beautiful daughter of John
Sohlcskl, a wealthy Pole of Mount
C.irniel, recently left; home upon pre
tense of visiting friends in Philadelphia.
.Monday the father was Informed that
his daughter had married John Mc
Kcown in Jersey City. Sohlcskl had
selected a merchant of Shenandoah for
his daughter, and he was on hand to
carry out his part of the contract when
ihencwsof the 111 irriage reached the
D3yFor bargains in Wall Papers and
Window Shades go to I lie book and
stationery store of F. !'. I.uckeiibaeh,
(II Ilioaiiway, .Mauch ( hunk. X. H.
Decoialious and borders at lcs3 than
half price.
Karly Thursday moinlng of last
week, while Mike Kukarlekaud Andrew
Kcrchuff, two laborers, were on thelt
way lo work at Xo. 4 colliery, two miles
west of Shenandoah, they were over
taken by a coal train on the Lehigh
Valley Ilallroad. The men attempted
to board thu moving train. Kcrchuff
was flung down an embankment, receiv
ing slight bruises, but his companion,
Kukarlck, was drawn under the wheels
and Instantly killed.
C&-Wall Papers in all grades, from
the cheapest lo the highest and bo.t.
Decorations anil linn goods in large va
liety. Painting or Paper Hanging by
competent workmen. Glyo me a call.
H. F. Luckcnbach, 01 llroadwny,Mauch
An exchange says: "The Lehigh
Valley Ilallroad' debut In Philadelphia
Is a coiisumatlon devoutly to be wished,
but If It wails lo appropriate the Xorth
Penn. In order to get there we fear It Is
fated to suffer the consequences of hope
Tho inside boss at Preston Xo. 3
colliery, Schuylkill county, has been
discharged for falling to save the- lives
of the twenty-eight, mules drowned at
that colliery last week. Had ho sated
the liveBof the mules at tho loss of a
man and boy, he would probably have
been promoted for his devotion to the
company's Interest. Chronicle.
The Prothouotary of Luzerne coun
ty Monday afternoon handed Commis
sioners a tenhe for a special jury to be
drawn to grant a special court of Com.
inon l'leas to be held, beginning Tues
day, Feb. 23d. for the (rial of the Coxe.
Derringer laud eases. It would appear
from this that the famous suits are to
lis no longer iwstponed, but are to come
to actual trial at last.
Two furnaces of the Heading Iron
Works are being put in condition to go
Into blast.
Tho building operations In South
: Hethlehem and tlelnlty last year
amounted to a cot of $180,000.
, A Custle of tho Knight of the
Golden Eagle has been orgauUed at
One hundred and nine marriage II
, cense havJTbeen granted In Xorthamp
( t' n county Irr (' t -r I. -' j
Mauch Chunk school children now
occupy a nv and handsome gff.OOO
sclioo 1)11 d ug. I
T..i.iti. vmi. iwl M. '
Timn. ixnu.t.i i ,
pany Is laying a new siding north of tho
station at Catimuqua.
. ,, , . . r,,
i.ev. it. j. jirui'ei, ui Vyiicrryvuie,
Is still confined to his room by reason of
his recent Illness.
Our citizens are now filling up their
Ice houses with fine, clear Ice 10 and 12
Inches thick.
"Scu, pretty stock of open and
closed eases Cold watches opened to-day
at K. 11. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Wo are In receipt of a very neat lit
tle annual for 1SS0, Issued from tho of
fice of the Mahauoy City Zorrtt.
Jonathan Klstlcr, lssportlng a
handsome aow cutter, built by Trexler
A- Kreldlcr.
Mrs. Joseph Moore died at her resi
dence, In Upper Mauch Chunk, on Sun
day morning, aged about CO years. The
if nneral took placo on Wednesday after
A man mined Correll, employed as
a coal train brukeman on tho Wyoming
division of the Lehigh A aUey Ilallroad
i.en gu t aHey iiauroa.l
fell froin a ear
I morniir
KulfK 1 1 1 .. . I .. I. . . !
He was
laueu to-trrsTIpmo ItidVUltw
.v large, munucr 01 mo- lrcjius 01
Miss Ida Hontz assembled at her home
on Northampton street, last Saturday
evening, In honor of her birthday anni
versary. The evening was very delight
fully spent by those present.
On Satin lay evening one of Har
lacher's large beer wagons met with an
upset at the railroad crossing, at Wilt's
Mill, hi Salisbury. Tho accident was
caused by tho mnlo3 attached to the
wagon becoming frightened.
II. W. Hankee, a merchant of Slat
Ington, had his right arm fractured on
Saturday afternoon. Mr. Hankee was
out sleigh riding, and while turning a
corner tho sleigh upset, throwing him
The wife of Mr. Joseph Sheckler.of
town, died Tuesday night, after a sick
ness of about one week. She was high
ly respected by all who knew her. The
funeral will take placo this (Saturday)
morning at 10 o'clock.
It has been finally decided to locate
the much talked of new 'State Normal
Sciiool fortheilthdlstrietat Penn Argyl,
Northampton county. Tim. building
site an 1 money required as a donation
has all been subscribed.
The sleighing during the week has
been excellent, and D.uld Lbbcrt's
popular teams have been In constant de
mand, yet he has been able to acconuno
date, all who came from ids Immense
stock. Terms moderate.
We learn that our young fiiend
George W. Niisbaum will be a candid
ate for tho Democratic nomination for
ta:: collector In this borough. George
Is a live, ac'.ite young Democrat r.nd, if
;ki!u.v.?.1 au.l vfc;;?'.. ?r v.hS'.h Ui?rc
; no doubt, will make a good honcjl
and reliable collector of taxes,
Two large ileiglilng parties, one
front town and the other from Weiss
port, had a very enjojable time at J. T.
McD.inlels, last Friday evening.
On Saturday afternoon, Geo. Hojcr
and Ella Prutznian, of East Penn, For
est Township, were united In tho holy
bon Is of niitiimony by 'Squire Stroh.
Xeal O'llrlen wns employed as a
breaker boy at Prospect Colliery, ll'ilkis
b.tiTc. Tuesday night be. was standing
In the middb of the track when two
coal ears came together with great force
and before he could get out of the way
he was caught and jammed almost to a
""Wliile in Mau-h Chunk a day or
two ago I had occasion to stop 111 at E.
II. Hold's; I was surmised to see what
eh'iant designs there a made in fine
gold watches. M". H. h.iswilhout a
do.ibt, 1 he llnost a-id large t 0 1 eefon
of gold watches in this section of the
Srate; an I his prices I found so reason
able that I am positive it will pay you to
see those pretty watches and save money
by buying.
Georgo A. Esch, of Moscow, Pa.,
fonnei ly of town, and Miss Aggie Dor
ward, of Slating'on, were joined In the
holy bonds of lintrlmouv on Saturday
list, HUli Inst., Hev. Strassborge.r tying
the knot, at hit residence in Allcntown.
Il'e join with the many friends of the
young couide In wishing thrni a full
measure of prosperity and happiness in
their journey through life.
The and Order Society of
Mahanoy City Tuesday Hied In couit re
monstrances against thirty applications
for licenr.03 for taverns, eating houses
and wholesalo liquor stores. Of the
four hundred license applications adter
tised over two bundled have been pro
tested against. February 8 lias been
lixoil for hearing the cases and the cru
sade of last year will be continued with
renewed vigor.
The Itcpubllcan Committed of Car
bon county, met Monday in Mauch
Chunk. Joseph Kalfus, Esq., the chair
man, said the meeting was called to
elect a secretary. Mr. Kalfus was re
elected chairman, and Charles Orion
Stroh, secretary. James McGlnty, of
Huck Mountain, was nominated for
Poor Director of tho Mlddlo Coal Field
Poor District, and David 11. Griffith, of
Xcsquelmnlng, for auditor.
l!ev. J. II. Dubbs, I). D., professor
of history and arclueology In Franklin
and Marshal College, Lancaster, has
been notified of his election as a Fellow
of the Itoyal Historical Soclety'of Great
Hrltaln, In recognition of his labor In
tho department of historical science.
There arc but few persons in this coun
try who have received this distinction.
A letter received from our young
friend Frank D. Clauss, the popular
tailor of Great Bend, Pa., speaks en
couraglngly of the condition of trade in
that section. Railroads aro making full
time and as a consequence all kinds of
business Is "booming right along," Ills
own business Isalso prosperous having
orders on hai,d to keep nine hands fully
emplojed for three weeks ahead, and
what is especially gratifying to Frank
Is tiio fact that during the past week hu
has furnished some half it dozen suits to
parties residing In thu city of Ulnghanin.
ton, N. V. Frank la a good fellow, a
capital workman and deserves success.
The anthracite coal production for
the week .n.lln .Ian. Ill . f.JI 7 7
against COl.iW tolts same time hi ilSSS;;
and from Jan. 1 to date tho production
Is J,0H0,(I31 tonsas compared with 1,-1
2bo.P7a tons for tho same time last year.
j ".NHerniU o? UUuS '
I residence of u citizen of Lehinnn town-
ship. Pike county, on Jomhty, aged KJ
years. He was born in stony Hrook,
t onn , iu 1.2. "He was a member of a
i pi. n!r -nt a-1 lltidifa'.ly
People In and out of Town.
by minting III their names anil residence for
PuWIUu umhT lieml.-Hti.Tui..
, , .,
Georgo Esch, of Mosomv, Petm'a.,
is spending tho week In town.
George Stocker was on a business
trip to Munch Chttuk on Monday.
E. F. Ltickeitbachjof Mauch Chunk,
dropped In to see us on Monday.
Miss Agglo llCiohard, of town, was
visiting ft lends at Allcntown during the
past week,
W. Scott Slegel, of Heading, Pa.,
Is visiting at Dr. Heber's residence on
Hank street. J
Miss Ida Delbett, of Allentown-,1
was tho guest of Mr3, Jonathan Klstlqiy
during thc.vrk. v Y
Our young friend T. Webster Clauss
Is at Great Ucml, Pa., looking up his
business interests.
Mrs. C. T. Horn was visiting l'ela
lltesand friends In New York City a
few days last week.
Mr. Jt E. Snyder nndjtwlfc, of
Stroudsburg, aro visiting Hit
1 U 1 ... c
lfrt n. ,nrtIf all(, ,a'f j
zand wife, on Bank
popular Llewllyn Oscar Josiah
Strauss, of this borough, was on a busi
ness lllp to Weatherly several days
last week.
Our friend Mr. Joseph Scaboldt, of
Plttston, formerly a resident here, was
In town during the week and dtopped
In to sec us.
New IiTahomng Gqmbs.
Our people were busy filling their
ice homes this week.
Miss Emma Horn is visiting friends
at Franklin at present.
Tho Mahoning Hand Is under the
Instruction of Prof. Dltterllne, of Mauch
Ml3s Minnio Arner accompanied by
her sister Lulu spent last Monday at
Mrs. Elizabeth Sitler, widow of the
late. Samuel Sitler, of Mahoning town
ship, died last Sunday at the residence
of her son, Wm. Sltler's, at tho advanced
age of SO years. Funeral took place on
Cli.tilet Shoemaker and wife, of
Allcntown, are the guests of Kate A.
Arner at present.
Illack Is the color of Ira's mus
tache. Jake says he can not find a
white feather amongst them. Nix fer
Communion services will be held In
the Evangelical church to-morrow (Sun
day) afternoon. All are Invited.
Misses Kate and Lllllo Arner and
Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker enjoyed a de
lightful trip to Weissport on Monday.
Miss Laura Kciser, of Lchlghton,
and her sister Missouii, of Cataauqua,
Spent last Sr.tuiday r.t home.
A party of twelve, front Lchlghton,
Jrovc through tha valley as far as A.'s, where they made a pleasant
call. Dami.
Died In E.t-.t Mauch Chunk, Monday
morning, Jan. 18th, Joseph 11. Chap
man, in the S-lth year of his age. The
subject of the above notice was proba
bly the oldest ell izen of Mauch Chunk,
and the oldest employee of the Lehigh
Coil A Navigation Company, having
for upwards of fifty years been almost
constantly In the company's service, oc
cupied cliielly in superintending con
struction and rep lirs of their canal, rail
roads, buildings, machinery, &c. Ho
was also probably the last survivor of
thoso who had seen the locality of
Mauch Chunk and Its vicinity while it
was a wilderness, having with his uncle,
Isaac A. Chapman, several years before
Its settlement, been an assistant In sm
vcylng lands in tills neighborhood. He
was of great executive ability, of good
education, retentive memory, kind,
genial, an excellent conversationalist,
am' was beloved and respected by all
who knew him. Ho died at tho resi
dence of ids nepltcw, C. E. Foster, with
whom he lived since the decease of ids
wife, a few years ago. He leaves one
son.Chas. W. Chapman, of Cat.vauqna,
and two daughters, Mary, wife of C.
Duller Worthlnglon, of Des Moines,
Iowa, and Giace, wife of John Shafer,
of Elizabeth. Pa. Interment took place
In the cemetery at Upper Mauch Chunk,
011 Thursday afternoon, 21st inst.
.VriucA C'Aiiilt Gazette.
Yiddins Bolls. Snyer-Cwartz.
In the Sts. Peter and Paul s Catholic
church, on the corner of Northampton
and Coal streets, by the Hev. Father
Hamacke, Mr. Andrew Haycrund Miss
Louisa Swartz were happily united in
tho golden bonds of matrimony on
Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. The
bride and bridegroom were beautifully
dressed and were escorted up tho aisle
of the church by the bridesmaids and
groomsmen Misses Hosa Swartz and
Josephena Holl, and Messrs. Henry
Swartz and Frank Swcliibcnz. Tho cere
mony was performed in the presence of
a very large number of the relatives ami
friends of the young couple. After the
ceremony tho -Invited guests assembled
at the residence of the bride's paients,
on Hank street; where tho young couple
received showers of well-wishes for a
happy and prosperous journey through
life. Mr. and Mrs. Hayer were tho re
cipients of many valuablu and useful
presents. Dinner was served at a rea
sonable hour aud was the occasion of
much pleasant repartee. The Caruo.n
AnvocATU extends Its best wishes to
the young couplejhoplngthattho bright
and happy present will but gain new
lustre as tho years, one by ono, roll on
in their relentless flight.
Kissed His Attorneys and Ilnggea tre
In tho Schuylkill County Court, at
Pottsville, John Yonito was on the lllh
hut., acquitted of tho murder of Wil
liam Custudor, at Huck Mountain, on
the 1-tth of November last. The killing
was Involved in much doubt, though
Yonito was alone with Costudor at the
time It occurred and was armed with a
pistol, which ho had previously fired In
dangerous proximity to his companions.
J""--)- l n
" bl'"'s "0""V of the verdict he
embraced and kissed tho two attorneys
who had voluntarily defended him and
aUo thanked and hugged Judge Pcrsh-
""I. -
JmlSe. l"iugli an Inlerpieter, Im-
pressed upon him that the killing was
evidently the result of drink and a 1-
Used the piisonerto avoid it hereafter i
a-atb i dh.lurgv.-J Ulm. 1
Tho following Is tho rcpott of tho at
tendance mid condition of the Public
Schools, of this borough, for tho month
ending Jan. 14th, 1896:
Number of pupils onrolled:
High School 20. Average att. 24
Grammar school 42. " " S3
Intermediate 00. ' " 00
Secondary' 4U. " " 41
Fourth Primary f.S. " " 40
Third " 03. " " 00
Second " 08. " " f.U
First) " IK). " " 72
' itotal 401 3!I2
The following pupils havo been In at
tendance every day during the month:
litem School Mr. J. F. ll.trr, Teucher.
Laura Wcldaw. Anzlo Mantz, Irene
Feiislermaclier, Carrio Hough, Wllllo
CI.UI3S, Frank Nnsbaum, Edw In Old.
GllAMM.ut School Mr. Kelser.teaehcr
Alice Geggus, Emma Slertz, Hessic
Lelbenguth, Eva Mori?, Sallle liable,
Etta Drlssell, Ella Albright, Emma
Frey, Clara llunsieker. Ella Fink.lloht.
Hebe.rling, Edward Xusbauin. Edgar
Xander, Arthur Snvder, Albert Har-
.domew, Edward Strauss. John Lentz.
larles Howman, Granville Clauss. Os
car Ilellmati, Hobcrt Lentz.
. lx'TcnMi:niATi: Miss Koons, teacher,
i Hobcrt Snyder, Elmer Heed, Frank
Schoch, John Ueberling, Wilmer Held,
David McCormick, Howard Acker,
Harry Hlank, Harry Geggus, Lester
Smith, Hobcrt Trainer. Emma Miller,
Emma Williamson. Mamie Fortwanclcr.
Delia DeFrelm, Ella Schumseker, Liz
zie Albright, Lizzie Lentz, Lizzie
Schoch, Annabel Hrokatlc, Ella W.tlck.
Scco.vdaiiv Jis3 Haul:, teacher.
Hlca Longkammerer. Allco Gilbert,
Emma Forlwangler, Mabel Wheatluv,
Ella Scaboldt, Jennie Cook, Will Hell'.
Harry Wolfe, Ira Nothslelu, Granville
liehrig, Clara Ileilman, Lizzie Schmidt,
Irene Weldaw, Savllla Faust. Pierce
Fry, Cliailei Koons, Thomas Webb, Joe
i roellcli, ucmanl Hogdansky.
4tii Piiimaky Miss Kehrlg, teacher.
Eddie Pelcrs, John Trainer, Georgo
i- iauss, tagar Aiungut, .rtlmr Held,
Harry Gombert, Altali'ibay Shultz,
Freddie Drchcr, Wllllo Drchcr, Hessic
Noll, Mamie Scnimel, Martha Long,
.Mary Fenstermacher, Uattle Geggus.
Sophia Leonard, Emma Walck, Helen
Aantlcr, .Minerva Held, Alice McCor
mick, Katie Fenstermacher, Alico Wolfe.
2iiti PniMAttv Miss licber, teacher.
Harry Old, Freddie Hex. Harry Nus-
uauin, ii inncrMransOcrry.L'yrlllJflirl
Gust.iv DeThlrschsky, Eugene Fritz-
inger. Unbelt Hontz, Halter ll'eiss,
Eugene Acker, Harrv Trainer, Emma
Acker, Clara Smith, ilatlle Hex, Afanda
I'.illnmi, Alice 1J auk. Eva Fritz iitrer.
Ella Fuehrer, -Vaiidc Drumbore, Lina
j.ongKoiuer, Jiinma ucrman.
2.'i) PitiMAitv Miss Ash, teacher.
John Sanders, Calvin Frantz, Willie
naiiK, i;iiarlle banders, Jiddlo Smith.
George Ueberling, Willie Graver, Allen
.UDNglit, John lie chard. Nettie Geo
gus, Minnie Kemerer, Ella Heck, Gertie
liiglcy, Emma Peters, Laura Snyder,
Ella Peters, Alice Hontz, Sarah
komer, Jliittie Trainer, .Mary Hehrig,
l.auru iiciiuian. inrrie, rensieimaclier
Ada Weiss, Alice Wcldaw, Minnie
1st PrttMAitY Miss Good, teacher.
Wllbert Clement.'. Wllllo Gilbert.
Thomas Newhart, Frank W' Wil-
mer trainer. Archie lllose, Frank
Tral uer, Sadie If out, Tda ruoiincr,
Carne Eddinger, Mattle Obert.
The following persons have visited
tho different schools during tho month:
Directors D. Weiaud, Dr. Horn and
P. P. Lentz. Messi-3. Hiram Kuder,
George Dreibelbios, O. K.,
A. J. Hallict, M. Mehrkam, Charles
Clauss, Misses Emma KIstler and Clare
Jlller; Co. Supt. Sujder.
During the mouth the principal made
a total nubnier of 23 visits in the differ
ent rooms, and with tho assistance of
tho teachers In the different rooms, ex
amined tho class and found a degree of
eillclcncy beyond his expectation. Hotli
the teachers anil pupils have done ex
cellent work during the past four
mouths. The first half of the school
term being completed, and good work
done, wo start out on the remainder of
the term, witli the Idea of doing a still
greater amount of good, solid school
work. J. FHANK HA Hit,
Principal of Schools.
Lower Townmonsins Items.
The time will soon bo hero to nomi
nate good moil to (ill the various offices
of Ihcdlfferent townshlpsand boroughs.
It shonld be the duty of every citizen to
take part in tho election of candidates
that will perform their duties faithfully.
As is customary In our township, tliero
are some who aro alnajs in office, for
the welfaro of our township, tills should
be prohibited,
Martin Hcer Is the happiest man In
tills place because it Is a boy.
A ten year old boy of Wesley Stroup,
died list week, lie was buried last
There is no school at present in one
of the school, at Lehigh Gap, owing to
tbo absence of Mr. Itoethllne, who is
sojourning liiAllentown for a few weeks.
Moses Stroup bought a now sleigh
last week.
O. O. Hlose will bo a candidate for
tax collector at the next election.
Hev. Hruegel is growing better of
Ills lllnoss; he could not hold services
two weeks ago In St. John's church.
The Tax Collectors'iips.
At the last session of the Pennsj Ivanla
Legislature a law was enacted requiring
the election of collectors who will be
charged with the collection of all taxes,
State, county, school, roid, borough and
any local tax. Tho new officer will be
required to furnish bonds in a sum
double the amount to be collected and
have thereon the names of two respons
ible bondsmen. The compensation of
the collector will be two per cent, on all
taxes paid on which a discount is allowed
for prompt payment, and five per cent,
on taxes not discounted. Where loss
than $1000 Is to ho collected three per
cent, on discounted taxes w 111 ba tho
compensation of the collector. At the
forthcoming spring election each district
will fill this office, and as It Is a very
Important one It should ba considered
tho duly of every cltien to sue that
only competent and honest men arc
Fnbllo Sales ta Take Plaos.
The following 6alos of real estate and
personal property will takn nl.icn nt
time and placo as below, as per bills
pnnieu ui inn omce, or advertisements
In this paper:
Feb. 2, at 1 p. m. Horses, wagons,
.v., (..uj.i-njr u! jeopoiu .iieyer, at
Packerton Hotel, Dolonsburg.
Fab. 2.'I,all p. m. Hugon, furniture
and other articles of ('has. Froehlich,
corner of Seennrl .,,,.1 1...,. 1..
. : : Dun a 1 1, -vis, in
this borovjli. 1
Mirch21 and J3, at 12 n Furm f
Hi acres, hor. rows f,ir.n,i
l'lrmentsrnd furniture late nf .S. Ii
St!fT'al la .Mali tj gt-j
Court ProceeiUrtci.
In tho ease of the Commonwealth vs.
John Hoyle, charged with fornlentlon
nml bastardy. Clara Bartholomew of
Lehlghton being tho prosecutrix, tho
Jury after lielng out lor one hour re
turned a verdlot of "not guilty of bas
tardy but guilty of fornication." De
fendant sentenced to pay a tine of $25
and costs.
Com. vs. Mahoney, Luceny, charge
brought by Harry Foster. Found guilty
and recommended to the mercy of the
coutt. .Sentenced to pay costs and $5
line and 30 days in tho county jail.
Com. 3. Allen Shlpe, F, & H.. de
fendant plead tmllty mid went to jail.
Coin. vs. Chailes Latter and Frank
Smith, charged with latceny. plead
guilty, anil llieir easo was held under
Com. vs. Fianeh Crilley, A. I), on
his wife, -Margaret Crilly.
Jury returned In tho Mooter case,
with a verdict of not guilty of tho 1st,
2nd. !!rd, 4lh, 3th and Oili eounti, but
guilty of the others, with the exception
of the Sth, which w.ts.abandoneil.
When the district attorney called the
ca-.o of Com. vs. E. Vr". Molster. in
dicted for altering, mutilating and fals
IfIug books. A-c, on Saturday morning,
Hon. Allen Craig, counsel for the de
fendant offered a motion to quash the
Indictment, and after a discussion of
over two hours, the court decided, un
der the decisions to grant the motion.
The jury In the cast t,f ;0ni. s,
Francis Crilly. found a verdict of guilty
of assault but not gtillly or battery.
.Vr. Jr.s. Keifer, one of the counsel
for E. W Molster, liled ressmis for a
nuw trial In the embezzlement case.
Com. vs. Mary Henon. A, & I'.j
prosecutrix, Hose Meghan. Defendant
not having means, Clias. Oilon Stioh
was appoints 1 counsel. Verdict not
guilty ami prosecutrix to pay two-thirds
of I he coit and defendant one-third.
Court convened at (I o'clock Monday
morning, and thu pitoner, .Michael
Holway, charged with the murder of
Thomas J. llogan, was brought in nt
0.13. AtU.30 the case was called, nil
jurors answered to their names with
the exception of one. After examining
twenty-seven jurors, the following jurois
were Bworn in: Anion Miller, George
Enzlen, James Dodson. It. II. Younkln,
John Gilliam, L. E. Klotz, Frank Klotz,
William Wear, Win. Hrnncli, Sr.
Constables Levan and Strohl wciu
sworn to take charge of (he jury.
Small Farm at Pnvats Sale.
A FAHM of 20 Acres and 62 Hod?,
slituto in Mahoning Valley, about 2
miles from Lehlghton, 20 acres of which
are cleared nml under n good slate of
cultivation, with a small Log House and
Hani elected thereon, Is offered at Pri
vate Sale on very reasonable terms. For
futhcr particulars apply at the CAlttiox
Advocati: office. "Jan. 10, U.80-tf.
TlicEast Petinsj lvnnla conference
of the Evangelical or German Methodist
chinch will this year bo held at Heading,
commencing Feb. 21th
fiom the Dundee Ihcorif. Dundee, A'. !'.
1 was troubled torn lomilltne with nervous
ntrectlons of the heart. It became so severe
that I found it iliniuully to lie down-Ecttlns
hardly two nlRhts rest 111 a week. Heait
would beat verj fast at times, and at oilier
tlmister slow Whrn Inudnv.h could hear
every artcn In mv neeU ami chest brat.scrm
Inalj as Imid as a cluck's lieK. 1 mistreated
f simientthc hesl physicians in. Steuben and
atetcciinitlcs.hiit received no decided bene
fit. 1 iict'lilently saw one nt Dr. Kilmer's
"Invalids' Culilc to Health." and '-rp c.Vie
fully icadlns r continued to try bottle
of ids Heart Kcmcciy. t en! -o, ami after
un... i'"!r retries I considered myself rum!.
I can coii'clenlloiisly recommend his Ocean
Weed Heart Itemedy In nnv one alllloted in
1 was. Jan. l, issii. V. vV. Westcoll.
I.'ditnr Dundee Uecord.
Dr. Kilmer's Of ean-Weid Heart Itemedy
is told by all Urtigsists. Price
I.aboralory. llniKliamton, V,
Jan. 8-vvj
Kcported Ui (o 12 o'.jloel:, by Do Haven .t
Toviif.t).,tatikerNo. Uti S Third iaUeet,
PhiladelpliUi. StocKs bought mid sold
ouUtT lor esli or on ui.irAiu.
rhihklh:a, Jin., 20, 1S60.
bid naked
II SVi. Kxt
U S Cnrrcnev G'n
U S tl. iif -v
U 8 IV
H-'i 112
... 123 i 122)
IVunsylvaniii ll It
PciilHiIelphia .V l.'eiidiii.i; It 1!.,.,
Ldush Yiillev I! It ;
b'liigh tloal i N.ivigiilinu Co...
IluiV. X Y. Si I'lulu. it H Co....
Ko'V Jeiey I'cnlril
Nor.hirn i'lieiho Com
Oregon Tnin-t'ontincutal
Union I'rtcifie
Wosleru Union
525 5'.'J
. .'.72
Wrsi Ins lulj 10IJ
Lo'iisyilln A Kphvill SO SPJ
Silver. (Tniilcs) T'J El
ID Doses
Ona Dollar. Hood's Sarsararllla ia the only
medicine of which this cm bo truly said;
and It Is an unanswerable argument as to
tho strength and rosltlve economy cl tins
Croat mocllclno. llooti'n S.irsaparilla Is mado
of roots, herbs, bsrks, etc., long and favorably
known for their power in purifying the blood ;
and In combination, proportion, and process.
Hood'3 Sarsapaillla is jwattar to itself.
"For ccongtriy and comfort wc uso Hood's
Sarsaparllla." Mns. C. 1!j:j;wsti:ii, Buffalo.
"Bood's Sarsaparllla takes fess time and
quantity to show Its effect than any other
preparation I over heard of. I would not be
without It in tho house." I.Ins. C. A. fll
UunaiSD, North Chill, J". y. too Voces
ne Dollar
Hood's Sarsapirllla cures Ecicfuh, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, pimrlcs, general Jo
blllty, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache,
catarrh, rheumatism, l.idncy ami liver com
plaints, nnU all aJTcctlons caused by lmpuro
blood or low condition of tha system. Try It.
"I was seerely afflicted with scrofula, and
for over a j car had two runr.lnc tores on my
neck. I took flvo bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rtlla, and consider myself entirely cured."
C. E. Lovejov, Lowell, Mass.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla did ma an Immense
amount of good. Jly ivholo system has been
built up and strengthened, my digestion Un
proved, and my head relieved of tho bad feel
ing. I consider it tho best mcdichio I havo
ever used, and should not know how to do
Without It." JUuv I.. rccLB, Salem, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Eold by all druggists. St; six for $5. Ilada
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.
!i-'ti"''!,'a'rh' K. a
ii?S--2.'p-i-l! iH
f fluo rarrn. no f) lu.uuO mere ui CU to via m
ni-rii H.ifiA mil'..!. Hi .Id ..-ll . . i . "
or,r.c.ular cnnlilplnsr
fta-rrlntfn. Stnt fW. 1
AllltUUyV HOALfein IfiHtltStM AMI
'KmunftJiuAs1 tint.
A Liu Exporlenco. Remarliatlo trad
qulLlc cures. I'aeJ.o.v3. Bond
etarr p for boalod purtiuulara. Ailaresa
Dr. WA?3D &. CO. Loulsll i. Mo.
Our Motto t " Big Cash
They aro the best. A trial will satisfactorily substantiate
our claims for these yootU,
We earvy a very large stork of this class, of goods uomprist
sing the latest stylos and best qualities.
We have an iinnienss assortment of those goods at all
prices. Wc have marked tliem down. All must go to
make room for Spring Styles,
We are selling these goods at the very lowest figures,
Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c!
w e receive, almost daily, new goods at the lowest prices,
We Sell For Cash I
w:C. i-4ank Seet, Leliig-ii ion.
lio Wo TAMIiUBfi.
Has opened a GoDernl Sloro in LiiickpIN Illoolt, npposlti. lh,i "Carbon Huuso," Dsnk
Street, Leliiuhtun, with a full mid complete lino of
Chinaware, Confectionery, Tobacco &. Cigars,
Which ho is selling at very. law prices lor, Everylwdy ia Invited to call and In
spect our rhoiIi.
We Carry a Large Line of Holiday Goods,
Wo make no special prices
Goods at the prices
Hill's Bleached Musliix
5 1-2 Cents per Yard
7 OeiT-ts
An Extra Quality Gingham in 2 yard Pieces
Will be Sold ui 11 cents a Piece.
Extra Size, Double Damask Towels,
Handsome Colored Borders Twenty-five cts. a Piece.
H. GUTH & SON- -
034 Hamilton Street, Allentown.
Shelf and Drawer Gleaning !
Making' Room I'or Spring- Goods.
Fringes, Embroideries, Laces, Chenille,
Coats, Woollen Goods, &c, &c.
Rt'iluivd fr.tiin
Ktfiliiaod fmi 11
Itt'iliutd from
Kt'diiccil In in
Kuduecd In. in
,.f22 t.i Silt!
.. 25 lo 2"j
.. S5 to SH.
. 3H lo 32
.. 60 to3'Jj
iM:im: at the sajii: hatks.
Chenille Fringes at Half their Value.
And mi endless Aorlnieul of Dnbrinrti-nVa unit L.-n-ia that lull. I be suM lo nmtq
r.'imi lnr6l'niNG OOODi..
608 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
Kiveinlwr 2! 3ii
Canned Tomatoes, " Canned Corn.
Canned Poaclies, Canned Pears,
Canned Peas & l'lnnis, Canned HaK)l)crrJes.
Canned Lima Uenns, Canned I'mnnkiiis,
Canned Salmon,MacKre, PincApples
Pickels. Ketchup " Mustard.
Wc ask you to call and inspect our choice line of goods.
For Your Absent
Salos and Small Profits! "
for a certain time. Wc sell our
we quote tho year round.
a Yax'cl.
p.e.liiefl.1 ft,,,,,
ltu-fiit'cil Irum
Hoilut'dl Iroin ,
Itcdurod Iroin
It.t uenl frnn
U.'tliuvj.l lro
It. . hired from
$ 3 to S..W
7 to 4.0U
......... Hi r.Oi)
n to t :n
13 to H Oil
In lo U 11)
20 to 1.1. Oil
c m
Fi iend: Only $1,00.