The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 05, 1885, Image 3

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    Only Tcmpcranco Bitten Known.
.tutor inciltrhiu known so rCfcctm
ally pnreiM tlio hloori o( dccp-eoated (lieoosca.
Million-, honr testimony to lie won
derful cum I ho oftecta.
II In a 11 rolf Vfsctablo Preparation,
rnaiWrom iho natlro hcrbi nuil roots of Cali
fornia, the tnurilclnjl liroprrlks o which aw
extracted tnerefmn wllhoat ttio neo of AJcoliol.
It remove tlio cnueo of ditcaao, and
ttw patlont Kooron IU9 brnttli.
It In the (treat IIIwoil Purifier and
Ufo-givlng Principle ; a 0 nil.) rurenll'e and
Tonic 2 arjcrfecl ltcnovator and lnvhromtor of
t lin system. Never before in tho hlntory of Iho
Morltl has a mcdlcl do been compounded porwias
the sick of uyltv disease man U heir to. M
Tlie Alterative, Apurlcnt, Diaphoretic
uirniinitira, miiritlnnii, uixotlTC, Bodatlre,
Oounlnr-Irrltant. Hirlorlflc. Antl-DIUnus. Sol.
Wat, Diuretic nnd Tnule proportion of VinkoAb
lliTTKiv exceed luosi) of any oilier Incdlclno In
wc worm,
Ine; to dlr Ttlous i.nd rcmntn long umvt'11, provl.
rluil their bourn tire not destroyed by mineral
poison or o tlicr iniim, and tho vital organa
wuted brj-onil tlm point of irpnlr.
Malarial 1'evcre, aro prevalent throughout the
t 'nlteil States, particularly In tlio Talk') a of out
fruat rlvcreand their vast tributaries during tho
uuioiiHf sicimiieiitf imcrraiirem ana
biimrnor and Autumn, especially durlngscasons
of nnntul heat and dr ncs.
by exleuelvo derangements of tho aromnch. Evir
ana noweis. in uiuir trenimeni, a purpaure,
rorilng a powerfnl InflncnTe upon those or
fcwu,, la Bbviluuty necessary.
Xlioro 1 no rntlinrtte fortbepnrnoso
rqtwl to l)r. .T. Walk Eli's Vtxroxn BiTTzna,
as it will s pccdlly remore tho dai Ic-cnlored viscid
matter Willi which the bowels aro loaded, at tho
toimo tlmo stimulating the accretions of the
liver, nnd (enerally restoring the healthy func
tions of the iiieestfvo organs.
Fortify tlio body against (Ilscaso by pn
ilfjlng'all Its fluids with Vi.iroAn BiTTCns.
No epidemic can toko bold of a system thus
It lnvlcorntea tlio Stomncli and
Ftimnlatou the torpid r.lvtsr and Bowels, cleans
Ins the Mood of all Impurities, Importing llfo
nnd vigor to the frame, and carrying oft with
out the aid of Calouiel, or other minerals, all
poisonous matter from tho system.
DrNppimiu or liullirefttlon Head
ache, Pnln in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlght
neis of the Chest, Vueumonla, Dizziness, )nd
'J'aMeln the Mouth, fll.lotis Auockn. I'alpiln
tlonof the Heart, and a hundred other rutin
ful symptoms, ore at onoe relieved by vixe
cur Bnrins.
I'ur lurlnitinmlory nnd Chronic
Ttheumntltm, (tout, Keumlgla, Diseases of tho
lllood, 1 Jvi r, Kidneys aud Bladder, tho Bitters
have no equal. In tliese, as in all constitu
tional Disease-), Walker's Vixeoiii lirmcns
has shown its great curative powers In the
most oltstlnato and Intractable cases.
Itli-vlinnlciil I)lctises-l'ereons on
gaged In Taints and Minerals, such as Plumb
rrs. Type-setters, (lold-beaters, and Miners, as
they advance in life, are subject to Paralysis
of the How els. To guard against this, toko
oceaslounl doses of V iHEOittBiTTZRS.
Mklu (IiKensc. Bcrotula, halt Rheum,
Ttlcers, Kwelllngs, llmples, rustulcs. Bolls,
Carbuncles. Iting-worms, Scaljl-heaxl, Bore
llyes, EryKlpelA'4, Itcli. Scurfs. Dlsooloratlons,
llumors and disoaen of tho Skin, of vr hatcver
name or nature, are llUrally dug up and car
ried out of the system lu a short tlmo by tho
use of the Bitters.
l'ln. Xuponnil otlicrWonni.lurlt.
Ing In tho system of bo many thousands, are
HiTectually destroyed aud removed. No sys
tem of medlclno, no vermifuges, no anthei
mlntlca, will free tie system Iroia worms like
irienie, Rennet ifover, mumps,
Whooping Cough, nnd all children's diseases
made less rovero br keeping the
uoweis opn wiui mua noses or no i titers.
l'or 1'emnto oinplniiitH, in youns
of old, married or single, nt the dawn of wo
manhood, or tho turn of life, this Bitters has
no efiual.
ClcniiKO ttio Vitiated lllood when
Its Impurities burst through tho skin in Erup
tions or pores ; clcanso it when obstructed
nnd sluggish in the veins s cleanse It when it
Ik foul: your feelings will Ml you when, and
ine ueniui oi. too BjBiem wm lotinw.
lit coitrliiKlon t Ulratlm (Utters atrial.
It wn rpoak for Itself. One bottle H a better
iniorantco of its merits than a lengthy advcX'
Around rnrli. hottlo aro full directions
prtutcVlla dlilurtntldnguages.
It. Il.VlrUonnlil Drug; Co., Proprietors,
Eon Franrt'en. Cat., and 651. &Th Ml AVm.lilimrtoD
Sold liy nil Dealers nnd Druggists.
John D. Bortoletto Post,
4S1, G. A. It,
meets 2nd & -Itlt Tlmivilay each month.
nt7:30 run., in Hcbcr's I Full, until further
notice, a lull nltemtnnco ol comnuics
is requested as lutsinos of imporlance
will 1)0 brought buloret lie l ost, llv order.
,los. S. Wi:un,'l. C.
Assignee's Aooount.
In the nialterot the Second, In the Court or
and Final Account of Ham'! I Common Pleas
I'lhetigutli, Assignee of (of Carbon Co.,
liiiain iiorn. t enu a.
The ueeouut of Snnmel lAdheneutli. As.
slirneeof Wllllnni llnrn.wlll be presented at
January Court, ikro, next, for rnnflrntatloii.
unless cxct'liiuiua ure men ueiore men.
tiliO. W.,
Maucli Chunk. Nov. 19, 1SS.VW4
Semi 10 cents postace,anl
we will mail you fico a
roval. valuable, samnle
I Bbox of goods that will nut
you in i ne way oi making
more money at mire, than anything else In
America. Both sexes of all arcs can live
til home and work in sparethue, or all the
time. Capital not required. We will start
you. Immense pay sure for those who
start at once. ST1NS0N & CO., Portland
Molna uov. 21-I8S5,
"if you are interested in the
suirjrY so vth,
Or If jou think ofChtURlngyour Location
It will repay you many thousand fold
To Invest Five Conts
In a Sample Copy of
The Southern Colonist,
One of the prettiest, brightest, and moat
entertaining publications In the Southern
Slates. It is full of timely Information.
Address, S0UTJTlt2i COLOXIST.
Jylleor. Southern Pines, N. C,
Slate Roofer.
RKPAIBING promptly attended to a
tbort notice and on reasonable terms.
Address: PRINCE'S P. 0., Carbon County
renn'a. aug20-ly.
The undersigned will fell at public sale
on the premises in Franklin Township
uatbon county, l a., on haiuhuax,
DECEMBER 12, 1885,
and following week days, commencing t
One O'clock f , M.,a large variety of FAICM
Horses, Cows, Carriages,
Wacom, 14 Hives ot Bees, Plows. Harrows,
Cultivators snd a lot of other Implements
and Tools t also a large variety of
Household Furniture,
and other articles too numerous to mention
Terms will be made known at time aoJ
place ol sale by
Franklin Township. Nor. II. 1B8S
The advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by
a simple remedv, li anilous to make known
to bis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To
ku will send a copy of th.'
preserlntlon (!). with lha directions for
KtPSH? "J "''"'r hr? JISK? iiX
kumnHon. Aithmtv. llronrhltti. h.a. P&rtleat
irt WAt,tf;"A,pJ.1Sr5
n iiiiatuicurgB, fi. i . uecCT iy
'Original Choap Cash Storo."
We Now Haye
an exceedingly large a lock of beautllul
Holiday Goodi at lha loweit prices thai
bars ever been reached.
Jewelry, 8ilvtrware, rerfumery, Toilet
Soaps, Odor Caso,Tollet Caioj,OJor Standi,
Work Doxei, Whlik Holders, Smokers Beta,
Aab Receivers, Plush Framed Mirrors, Box
1'aper, Work Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Bat
teen Comfortables, Floe Wool Blankets,
Knit Goods, Gloves, 811k and Iilnen Jland-
kercblefa, Neckwear, Purses, Wallela.Uand
Baj;a, Shoes, Sllppers,Chtna and Glassware.
Opp. t'nbllo Square, Bank Street, Lehigh-
ton. Pa. June T, isst-iy,
hie toltou gflvflcnU.
SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making
payments to this office by money orders or
postal notes will please make them payable
at the WitstroBT Post Orrtci, as the Le-
hightou oluce is nut a money order ollice
Newspaper Laws.
Any person who takes the paper regular
ly from the post office, whether directed to
his name or whether ho is a subscriber or
not, is responsible far the Par.
The courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals from tbe
post ollice. or removing and cavinelhem
uncalled for, is a prima facia evidence, of
Our Neighborhood in Brief.
A go-out-a-litinttng young man.
A gume-bag-and-boot young man,
A lovo for bis ride that nothing can stifle,
A somethlngto-shoot joung man.
A come-back-crcstfalirn young man,
Tledrnggled-and-lame young man,
With his rifle nnd Itovcr he sought the field
This brought-back-no-gamc young man.
A stay-ln-the-house young man.
Avoldlng-hls-frlcnds young man.
With a swallow of whiskey to make him feel
Thts laugli-that-ollcnd young man.
(Jive your liorso Day's norse
Powder for his coat If he has worms.
That will fetch him round evcrv time
before the water bolls. Twenty-live
We nil have our preferences, but no
one doslres to hear a crying baby when
the fact is so well known that Dr. Bull's
llaby Syrup will quiet It.
aave time and money by keeping Dr.
Hull's Baltimore Pills always on hand.
Use them for all liver and blood affec
tions. Price twenty-live conts.
S. L. Bodcnbaugh, a well-known
business man of Easton, is prostrated at
his home with paralysis.
When an article is sold "no euro.
no pay," why not try It? That is the
way Jadwln s tar svrup for coughs,
colds and croup, is sold at Thomas'
John Tyler, of Tamaqua, CO years
of ago, committed suicide by hanging.
He had Ions been a victim of melan
ffjyGo to Frs. Bodercr. under the
Exchange Hotel, for a smooth shave
ami a faslonable hair cut.
W. L. Conyngham, of Wilkosbarre,
pays taxes on $400 worth of dogs, seven
in number.
A full line of suitings and overcoats
to select from for the holidays, at $10,
12, $14, Sill, US. $20, $25 and upwaids.
Come and get measured. One Price
tilar Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
The election for offices of John D.
Bcrtolctte Post, 484, G. A. It., of this
borough, will take place at tho next
regular meeting, Thursday evening, the
10th Inst. Every comrade should bo
Car-Jiiat the thine for little children.
a linn kilt suit or oveicoal, from two to
ten years or age. Prices 2.23 to &7.2S.
Call and compare prices and you will
find that we arc tho lowost for honest
goods, that Is what wo keen. One Price
Star Clothing Hall, below L. V. B. B,
ollice, Maucli Chunk.
There are teventv-two prisoners
now conflned in the Easton jail an
unusually large number.
Xo wonder that neODle comnlain of
hard times when they pay COc for a bot
tle of cough syrup, no larger than a 25c
bottle of Jadwln s tar syrup, which Is
sold "no cure, no pay." Thomas sells it.
Plant your Holiday advertisement
where it will do you the most good, In
the columns of thu Camion Advocatk.
Call for lowest rates.
Save half your couch medicine bills
by buying a 23e bottle of Jadwln's tar
syrup, which contains .1 ounces, while
no oilier couglt syrupcontalnsovcr 1 1-2.
Sold at Thomas' drug store.
William Lichards, of Fullcrton, was
married a few days slnco to JIagaret
James, of Wales, who crossed the sea
to become his brldo after keeping him
waiting fifteen years.
C3J-D. S. Bock, the watchmakernnd
lowcler, opposite the Public Square, on
Bank street, has just received an elegant
assortment of watches, jcwelery. silver
ware and novelties suitable for Holiday
and Birthday Presents, which he Is
offering at lowest possible prices. Yon
are invited to rail and examine goods
and prices before going elsewhere.
George F. Herman, the new Demo
cratic postmaster of Bethlehem, took
possession of tho post-office Tuesday.
All of tho old clerks will be retained for
tho present, save tho first assistant,
It Is the poor man's friend, but the
rich man uses It also; because It Is the
best quality and largest bottle for the
price, and is sold "no cure, no pay."
We referto Jadwln's Ursyrup. Sold at
i nomas .
John C. A ebcr, Bethlehem's first
borough treasurer, has Just reached the
ago of 82, and William Luckenbach, his
brother-in-law, Is the sole surviving
member or the first town council,
The best family weekly newspaper
in me united states Is the Toledo Jifncle
imuoy a t aper), rncy Invite every
reader of this paper to send for a free
specimen copy, n is the largest and
uuimr jaier puonsnea. Beeaaver
tlsement published elsewhere,
The Fellowship of Passenger Con
ductors Is tho title of a new organization
composed of the conductors on the
Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia and
Beading railroads. A funeral fund is
to be established, and the employment
of children of deceased members will
alto be looked after.
TDeats. the leweler. nf Vlrt
Is receiving his holiday goods and baa a
beautiful assortment of gold and silver
iciics, urarriets, earrings, scarf-pins,
rings, etc. All of which Is being sold
at the lowest cash prices. Ho has also
a full line of books and stationery. 2w
-"-- r""""'"a
tn0 employment of children under 12
o' 8 'a the mines, the directors
owing to the now law prohibiting
of the Kin CS ton borontrh arlioa-iU An1 It
fUxr? Provision foranother
Salvation Oil Is an Infallible cure!
for headache, backache, pain in thesldo
and limbs, and all rheumatic and neu
ralgic, affections. It relieves pain and1
extrlpates the disease that causes It
lt Is said of an old physician In Phila
delphia, when called upon to prescribe
for a cough or cold, that ho Invariably
refuses to do so, but recommends his
patients to take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
There are many men with shocking
bad memories In the matter of a small
Indebtcdness,especla11y If It Is a printer's
bill for their newspaper.
!55TI have on hand a foil line of
horso blankets, lap robes, light and
heavy harness, collars, whips, "itc, all
of which I am selling at very low prices.
Wclssport, Pa.
For handsome teams' at lowest charges
go to tho popular livery of David Ebhert,
on North street, this borough. Carriages
for funeral purposes at short notice and
on reasonable terms.
fc3?An all-wool import
ed Corkscrew Suit for only
$22, nt the popular tailoring
establishment of H H Peters.
Hugh, the eldest son of Mr. Doml
ntck McFaddcn, of West Broadway,
Mauch Chunk, died on Sunday cveulng
at half-past six o'clock. The deceased
was In his 18th year, and had been
confined to his bed for tho past three
03TCainpbcll, the jeweler, has just
received a handsome line of all kinds of
Jewelry, which he Is offering at very
low prices. Call and see the stock.
Store, next door to Clanss & Bro's.,
Bank street, J.chltfhton.
Mr. A. E. Elsenhard. an employee
in the planing mill of John Balllct &
Co., at Slatlngton, the other day, while
engaged In feeding a circular saw, had
his left hand caught nnd the Index and
middle fingers completely cut off, and
the next finger badly lacerated.
C'iauss ctBro., The Tail
ors, still have a few of those
justly celebrated $10 suitings
on hand.
Of the fifty-one anthracite furnaces
In the Lehigh Valley, twenty-six are In
blast, with a wvekly capacity of 8,C03
tons, while twenty-five, with a capacity
of 0,400 tons are networking. It Is said
that half a dozen furnaces will bo placed
In operation before January 1.
Dr. C. T. Horn Lehlghton and W.
F. Blcry Welssport, wish to make an
assertion, which they can back with a
positive guarantee. It Is nil about
Acker's Blood Elixir. They claim for
It superior merits over all other remedies
of Its kind, and guarantee for it a posi
tlvo and sure cure for Bheumatism,
Syphillls, and all blood disorders. It
frees the skin from spots and disease,
and leaves the complexion clear. Ask
them about It.
George Snyder and his family had a
nartow escape from suffocation from
sulphur from the stove on Monday
night. They had taken the lids off the
stovo and shut off the dampers, and
wcro very much prostrated when their
child awoke them. Mr. Snyder was
unablo to go to his work Tuesday
OSTH. F. Peters, at tiie
Post-office building, Lehigh
ton, will make you an all
wool suit lor only $10 cash,
if you order now.
Mrs. Chas. Bower held a reception
last Thursday evening, at het residence
on Bank street, at which the ladles and
gentlemen, who assisted her In tho late
musical concort, were present. A very
pleasant evening was spent In the usual
manner, the climax being capped by a
very elegant supper at about eleven
Aftcra thorough test Dr. T. Horn C.
Lehlghton and W. F. Blcry Welssport
most positively assprt that Acker's
English Itemed)- is the best mcdlcinefor
Asinma, uroup, uoughs, Whooping
Cough, and all Lung Troubles that can
be found. Ask them about It, for they
tuny guarantee it.
For $2.00 wo will club the Caruon
Advocatk with the American Agricul
Utrist. 100 columns and 100 engravings
In each Issue. 40th year, $1.50 a year.
Send three 2-ccnt stamps for sample
copy (English or German) and Premium
List of the oldest and best agricultural
Journal in the world. Address, Bub-
Ushers American Agriculturist. 751
Broadway, New York.
ttfrE. F. Luckenbach. 01 Broarlwav.
Mauch Chunk, Is in the field with his
handsome new catalogue of new publi
cations nnd goods fortho Holidays. His
stock embraces all the latest new'llooks,
Games, Ornaments, Stationery, and
Novelties of foreign and domestic
designs. When you go to Mauch Chunk
visit Ids storo and see his Immense stock
of goods. He will greet von kindly.
nev. j. u. ticorgc, of Egypt, a
student in thp Senior Class of the. Union
Theological Seminary, New York,
preached before a largo audience last
Sunday morning In the Presbyterian
church of Hokcndauqua.
Over one million boxes of Arkem1
Dyspepsia Tablets sold In the past
twolvo months.purely upon their merits.
Why suffer with Chronic Constipation,
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Sick Head
ache, and Female Troubles, when Dr.
C. T. Horn Lehlghton and W. F. Blery
Welssport, offer you relief and positive
cure In the Dyspepsia Tablets. They
sell them on a guarantee.
The Receivers of the Beading Bail
road will purchase on December 10 tho
December, 18S6, Interest and coupons of
the following divisional coal land
mortgage bonds at the respective rates
of Interest named. Hartman & Meyer,
Bced ct al. tracts, 0 per cent; Forbes
and Delano tracts, 6 per cent, and
Richard Wood Estate trart, -1 per cent.
A rare literary treat the Institute
courso of lectures next week, in the
School Hall, Lehlghton. -Notice the
talent engaged: Monday evening, Dr.
Edw. Brooks, of Philadelphia; Tuesday
evening, Col. Geo. W. Bain, tho Ken
tucky Orator; Wedndesday evening,
SupL T. M. Balliet, of Beading; Thurs
day evening, Col. L. F. Copeland, the
"Prince of Orators," of Harrisburg;
Friday evening, Miss Matilda H. Boss,
the Lady Lecturer, of Chicago. Tickets
for the Course securing a reserved seat
for the week. $1.00, at Dr. nom's drug
store, Lehlghton. Secure your tickets
for tbe course early and you will be sure
of a good seat.
BWe are not afraid to compare
prices and will return the money If
prices are not satisfactory. A full line
of suits and overcoats made up or meas
ured to order at the One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
An unknown Turk, while walking
on the Lehigh Valley Ballroad at the
cut below Bethlehem Station, Wednes
I day. was run over and Instantly killed.
He arrived from Philadelphia on Mon
day and had been peddling trinkets in
the town.
23rAn all-wool suit or overcoat made
to order at ftlO. at th Dna 1rl vi..
1 Uothlng TTall, Mrcch Chunk.
William H. Butler, aged CO, ono of
tho oldest residents of Wllkcsbarrc,d!ed
Sunday, of paralysis of tho brain. He
was a grandson of Colonel Zebulon
Butler, who commanded the patriot
forces' at the battlo of Wyoming on July
3, 1778. HI father, tho late Steuben
Butler, was Postmaster of Wllkcsbarro
under President Taylor. For some years
past and up to the tlmo of his death Mr.
Butler was adjuster for the Boyal Firo
Insurance Company of Liverpool.
trir-Jonas Sundhelm's lartro stock of
salts and overcoats must be sold before
Jan. 1, 1680, on account of giving up
his presentstore. The greatest bargains
In the country everything must ho sold
regardless of cost. First clothing store
abovo the Mansion House, Maueli
KST-When In Mauch Chunk don't
falito see E. II. Hold's elegant Christ
mas StOCK.
Amos Ebbert,near the brick church,
Ir East Pcnn twp., Is still alive and
weaving first-class carpet at low prices
for cash.
lrImmense stock of ladles nnd
fen is handsome gold watches nt E. H,
fold's, Mauch Chunk. It will pay you
to call and see them and learn prices.
Tho furnace of the Leesport Iron
Company, at Leesport, Berks county,
which has been Idle for the past ten
months, resumed Monday, giving em
ployment to a large number of hands.
Several other Idle furnaces In that local
ity, nre preparing to go Into operation.
For your holiday suits and overcoats
call nt the One Price Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk, where prices nre cut
down to the lowest notch. Boys over
conts at $2.00 nnd 2,00, an all wool suit
at $3; overcoats S.S5, 4.20 and upwards.
At a meeting of the Directors of
the Carbon County Industrial Society,
held at tho Exchange Hotel, In this
borough, ou the 30th tilt., It was found
that a balance of about $400 a f ter paying
all expenses remained to tho credit of
the Society, from tho proceeds of the
last fair, showing that it was a success
notwithstanding the very unpleasant
weather which prevailed during the
week of the exhibition. This Is no
doubt a matter of satisfaction to the
shareholders, who feared that they
might be called upon for a dividend to
meet a loss on that occasion. Good
management always tells.
For tlio week ending Nov. 30, there
were 100,484 tons of coal shipped over
the L. V. BR., making a total for the
year of 0,258,178 tons, showing an in
crease, as compared with the same time
last year, of 2451,170 tons.
Miss Matilda H. Boss, tho Lady
Lecturer, of Chicago, at Iho County In
stitute on Friday evening, Dec. 11th.
Miss Boss has an enviable reputation
throughout the West and sho has had
many calls at the County Institutes of
this State this year nmong which wo.
find the counties of Lancaster, Dauphin,
Lebanon and Clinton. Don't fail to hear
her. Admission with reserved seat 25
Some people of Ta ton have cm
ployed counsel and, under an agreement
with the County Commissioners, insti
tuted proceedings In Court to restrain
the Assessors from compelling them to
mako a return of the taxable property.
They hold that the new act Is void, ow
ing to Its conflict with the article in the
Constitution on taxation.
All fine beaver or fur hats and caps
marked in plain figures for a holiday
present at the Ono Price Star Clothing
Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Boys nnd girls, Nice and Naughty,
Is the subject of Col. Geo. W. Bain's
lecture nt the Conntv Institute, In tho
School Hall, on Tuesday evening, Dec.
8th. Don't fall to hear this great Ora
tor. His calls last season numbered
several hundred more than were days
In the year. Notice what Is said of him:
Ho Is too eloquent to be reported on the
spot, for his flights wcreoitcn so fascinating
that the reporter forgot what he came for.
Ilesldes his eloquence ho lists tin? magic
power of melting his hearers to tears or con
vulsing them with laughter, at pleasure,
Screinlon (Pa.) Itepvbll'an. Col. Haiti's lec
ture. "Hoys and (iirls," was listened to in
tently by over l.nro people. Ho delighted
even-body. The lecture was the feature ot
our fist. Al. O. Brumbaugh, County Superin
tendent, lluntinqdon Co., fa. In humor. 11 Is
better than Mark Twain: In oratory, it
equah Wendell Philips, and in poetic des
rrlpllon surpasses anything we ever listened
to. Lincoln till.) Daily Sentinel.
Admission with reserved scat 35 cts.
On Tuesday of last week a canal
boat laden with 00 tons of coal sank to
the bottom of the canal at Lehigh Gap.
Efforts were at once instituted to raise
it, and by means of chains nnd the ap
plication of powerful screws It was suc
cessfully lifted to the surface, and after
the water had been pumped out of It it
passcil on to its intended point of desti
nation. You can buy the cheapest and best
overcoat for men, boys nnd children, at
prices lower than elsewhere, at tho One
Price Star Clothing Hall.Mauch.Chunk.
Lcnora Tartton, aged two years and
six months, daughter of Laurence Tarl
ton of the Carbon nouse, cathcrly,
died Wednesday, EGth ult., of congestion
of the brain. The remains were taken
to Nesquehonlngon Friday and interred
at that place. She was a pretty child
and much beloved by all the neighbors.
Important The sudden change In
weather mean cough and croup for
children. Don't forget Dr. Hand's
Cough anil CrounMed cine when needed.
It relieves all Inflammation of the throat
ana tubes ot the lungs.
Several weeks ngo the publishers of
the Standard, a semi-weekly newspaper
of Uazleton, wcro sued by Adam
Schmitz for criminal libel. The paper
published a long article accusing
Schmitz with having treated his daugh
ter so badlv that she lost her
Schmitz disproved the charges and now
claims 85,000 damages. The case has
Just been heard by a board of arbitrators
appointed by the Court and they have
decided agalnstthe paper, tbe publishers
ui wnicn win appeal it to court.
List of Letters
Bemainlng uncalled for In the Lehlgh
ton Post Office, for the month ending
November 30th:
Achara, Gusty
Eckhart, Emery
Fritzlnger, Wm.
Frye, C. E.
Kabcr, Miss Mary
KIssler, J.
Kuntzclman, Ell
Lewis, H, II.
Lenncr, John
Matthews, Rev.
Martin, Grant B.
Overflcld, Milton
Selcfrelt, Joseph
Simmons, Peter
Shleile. H.
Shoemaker, Owen
fobeiqm. Weinberg, John
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
James P. Smith. P. M,
Around fleaiant Coraar-
B. W. Frantz has returned from
his trip to Sllverton, Alberts county,
north west Territory.
Charles Kelby has returned homo
from New York,
The shootlncr match at KhnAmakio-V
on Thanksgiving day, was well attended.
T. T. Mertanlnl'a new mimn .i.n.i
..completed and I, quite an Improve-
mcm' ,
Valentine Newmyer lost all but onel
of his hogs, t
tmi ham ruvf j ,
7 2 i Moody txylPii to weep,
whftB Eank7looMj hi sheep. JtarrH.
Feopls tn and oat of Town.
Our nennlo wlin mnv Imvi relative or
friends vlsltlni; them will crcally oblige us
by seiullnu In their names nnd residence for
publication under this head. Kit lion.
Miss Lulu Zehner, spent Saturday
with Allentown friends.
Mrs. Kchaeffcr, of Trachsvllle, Is
visiting nt Mrs. T. J. Bretney's,ln town.
Miss Alice Faust, of Wcathcrly,
spent Sunday with Miss Mvra ltchrlg,
on Iron street.
Mrs. C. D. James, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of Mrs. H. V. Morthlntcr,
on Bankway.
Mrs. 1). H. Nothsteln.of Bethlehem,
was visiting relatives lit town several
days last week.
Our genial friend Daniel Graver, of
Falrvlew, Luzerne county, dropped In
to see us on Thursday.
Mrs. llatllo Nagle, of Allentown, Is
the guest of Mrs. Wm. Anthony, on
Iron street, this week.
Mr. Cyrus Dcahamer,of Bethlehem,
spent last Sunday In town, the guest of
L. H. Houscr, on Bank street.
Messrs. Newt. Lnzarus nnd Al.
Boyer, of Allentown, were the guests of
T. Webster Clauss over Sunday.
Mrs. T, D. Clauss and daughter
Ella, spent several days In Allentown
during the week.
Frank Clark, of Ncsqtiehonlng,
was In town last week the guest of his
brother P. F. Clark, on Bank street.
A. M. Mehrkam, of the Lutheran
Theological Seminary, nt Philadelphia,
was at homo over Thanksgiving day,
Miss Bauman nnd Mr. Wagonhurst,
of Berks county, were the guests of Miss
Mary Ebbert, on North street, this week.
A. S. Wessner, proprietor of tho
Union Hotel, at North Penn, was the
guest of mlno host Klstlcrof the Carbon
House, Tuesday.
Our young friend Ed. Chubb, of
Lafayette College, Easton, spent several
days in town last week, tho guest of his
brother Howard Chubb.
Our genial friend Jacob E. Long
and wife, of Allentown, spent several
days last wcek,the guests of Mr. George
Derhamcr, on Iron street.
Wedding Belli.
Charles A. Harding and Miss Annie
Derhamer, of this placa were united in
tho golden bonds of matrimony at 11:30
a. in., Thanksgiving Day, 2Gth ult., at
Trenton, N. J., tho Bev. Hewitt offici
ating. Tho marriage ceremony was per
formed in the presence of only a few of
the most intimate friends. After spend
ing several days with friends at the lat
ter place, the young couple returned
home Saturday evening, when a recep
tion was held at the residence of Mr.
George W. Derhamcr, on Iron street.
Belatlvcsand friends froinTrenton,N. J.,
Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk,
and Centre Square were, present; at
about seven o'clock supper was an
nounced and headed by the bride and
bridegroom, the guests movtd Into the
dining hall where tho tables were liter
ally hearing down with "all things that
are good," and to which all did ample
justice. After spending a very pleasant
evening tho guests departed nt a late
hour. The young couple were the re
cipients of many very valuable presents.
The Advocate joins their large circle
of friends in wishing them a prosperous
.voyage through life, unattended by the
many cares which fall to the lot of t,onic.
Yet we do not hopethclrmarricd life will
be totally free from dark clouds, for this
Is Impossible little troubles will only
make them cling still closer to each
other, and when tho clouds fade away It
will still find two loving hearts bound
more closely than ever with the ties of
perfect and happy love. W
George E. W. Poe nnd Miss Laura S.
Focht, of Allentown, were joined in tho
holy bonds of matrimony on Thanks
giving Day, at Stockertown, Northamp
ton county, Bev. C. E. Sandt, officiating.
Wo join with their host of friends in
tendering hearty congratulations. May
the bright present of tho newly wedded
pair ever continue so nnd may their
journey through life be one of unalloyed
happiness and prosperity.
Adopting the Flan.
The joint council of the Philadelphia
and Reading interests met Tuesday
afternoon tn conclude the consideration
of the plan of reorganization as drawn
up by the trustees. There vt cfo present
Trustees Garrett, Shipley Bartol.Dupont
and West (Mr. Knight being absent on
account of business engagements aud
Sir. Cochran owing to illness). Slessrs.
Whelcn, McKcan, Antelo, Borle nnd
Charles B. Wright, of the Whelcn com
mittee, and Messrs. Bartol Moldy and
John A. W right, of the Bartol com
mittee. The council then made several
changes In the plan as heretofore pub
lished. Tho general mortgage bond
holdersare to have their holdings equated
at fix ic cent., if cnr.icd that Is, each
holder of a 1,000 six per cent, bond of
the present series will be entitled to a
new 81,000 bond bearing three percent.
Interest and $740 in first preferred stock,
entitled to live per cent, dividend, If
earned. The eonvertablo sevens and
debtures aro to have second preferred,
Instead of first preferred stock. This
will considerably increase the amount of
stock Intended to be Issued and will
require net earnings of S8,000,000 to pay
all fixed charges, rentals and interest
on first and second preferred stock. The
plan as amended was adoptcdandreccom
mltted to tho trustees to be put In force.
Sub-commlttces were appointed to secure
signatures of the various srcurlty and
stock holders to tho plan. The trustees
will hold another meeting, next Friday,
Teachers' Institute.
Tho next session of the Carbon County
Teachers' Institute will bo held at Le
hlghton, Dec. 7th 11th. Thefollowlng
noted Lecturers and Instructors have
been engaged for the week. "Prince of
Orators," Col. L. F. Copeland, Harris
burg; Col. G. W. Bain, "the Kentucky
Orator"; Dr. Edward Brooks, Pres. of
School of Oratory, Philadelphia, Miss
Matilda Boss of Chicago, Prof. E. O.
Lyteof-the Mlllersvlllc State Normal
School; SupL T. M. Balliet of Beading,
Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, of Doylestown.
The recent Act of Assembly makes it
compulsory for all teachers to close
their schools the entire week of tke
County Institute,therefore a full attend
ance of the teachers of the County will be
expected at all the sessions of the Insti
tute A very interesting and instructive
programme will be presented for tbe
which will be mailed to the
teachers and directors a
week or two
SST Jcat'lou'wll1
the came their hearty support.
ZVT do yur eve good to visit
-E. H. Hold's Jewelry store, Mauch
CbunV. and e the reiny pretty thing.
for the holidays.
Mahoning Items-
A. Arncr is building a new Ice
Al. Thomas and family, of Lans
ford, wcro visiting friends In the Valley
on Sunday.
Jacob Eberts Is at present engaged
as hostler for Jacob Klstlcr, of Lehlgh
ton Misses Hannah nnd Amanda E.
E. Hall let were visiting at Easton this
Mr. J. D. Hoffmann Is on a four
weeks' visit to relatives In Indiana,
Griffith Eberts shot five grey squir
rels, an animal seldom socn In these
parts, one day last week.
Mrs. Thomas Musselman was visit
ing frlcuds at Summit Hill during tho
Jacob Frantz Is building an addition
to his house.
The hog cholera Is creating fearful
havoc among ' our hogs. Levi Shoe
maker lost seven hogs by the disease
last week, and William Snyder one that
weighed nbotit 000 pounds.
Tho Mahoning school board will
meet In the Pleasant Corner school
house this (Saturday) afternoon for the
purpose of paying the teachers their first
month's salary. The salary Is $25 per
month. We nro afraid some of the
teachers will get no pay for where is so
much money to come from?
Wilson Frantz returned home on
Saturday from his extended Western
trip, ne was as far West as British
Columbia. Dash.
Beaver Bun Items.
Mr. Bernard Lctnhard nnd wife
were visiting friends In Lehlghton last
Henry Tuokcr will remove to Nes
quehonlng next Monday, where he has
a scat of work with Jos. Bcnneyhoff.
Nathan Drumbore is putting up a
new slaughter house.
Miss Matilda Danzer was visiting
friends In Lehlghton on Sunday last.
The Coal Trade,
The Philadelphia Ledger, of the SOth
ult., commenting on tlio condition of
tho coal trade, says: The anthracite
coal trade season of 1885 is drawing ton
close. On Saturday the Delaware and
Hudson Canal suspended operations,
with complaints front tho boatmen of
the shortness and dullness of the sea
son. The New York State canals will
be closed to navigation to-night, on the
12th of December water will be drawn
from the canals of the Lehigh Naviga
tion Company; and the Schuylkill Canal
will wind up with its year's business
about the same date. Tho past week
has given strong admonition that winter
Is upon us, and soon navigation upon
the lakes, rivers and inland streams will
generally cease. Vessels have been
very scarce at Tort Richmond for tho
past several weeks, and those arriving
were immediately despatched with
cargoes of anthracite coal consigned to
Eastern and Sound ports and Southward.
Wo learn from a good source that a large
contract was taken at New York by a
Philadelphia company last weok at the
old price.
Snbscriptions Received
During the month of November, 1883,
for the C.MinoN Advocate:
Iteuben KehriK.TownmcnslnR St on
.Inlin OeRKiis i.ehlrhton I Ort
I). II. I.oiij:. Lehlghton l no
Paul Schwelhlnz, Mauch Chunk 2 00
Con. Fortwnnt'ler. l.elilRlitou l no
M. 1'rltzliiKcr, I-chlKlitou l 00
John II. Acker. t.ehlKlitou 1 oo
J. T. McDanlel, Pleasant Comer I 00
K. Ci. Zern, Coaldale l 00
.1. V. O'Nell, riia'nlxvlllc 1 00
William Wood, l-elilchton 1 00
C. Roth, New MHltonlntr 1 oo
Henry Danzer. Heaver Itun l on
Jacob Hrontr, Mountain Top 1 CO
W.H. Itelehard, Wllkcshatrc 1 oo
Levi 8. Miller, l'aekertcm l on
Mrs. M. U. Iiisstreet,llnt(inville,Mlch a 75
I". T. Jtradv, lied Hank, N, J 1 oo
donas I. Mover, East I'onn t on
.1. (J. Illery, Newcastle, Wash. Tor...... 2 00
Frank Clark, NesquehonlnK 1 "0
JI. II. Christmnn.TowiimensIng l oo
A. S. Steljrerwalt, Kast l'enn 1 00
A. 8. Miller, Lehlghton I 00
Reported up lo 12 o'clock, by Do Haven i
Townseui!,Dankcrs,No. 38 S Third Street,
Philadelphia. Stocks bought aud sold
cither for cash or on raarain.
J'kiladclfhia, Dec, 2, 1SS5.
bid asked
HS.Vs, Ext I03J
U 3 Currency 6's 127J
U 8 45, new l2j H2J
U S 4' 123a 12.11
Pennsylvania R It Hi Hi
Philadelphia & Reading R li Ill 111
Lehigh Vallev R R 47 471
Lcbigh Coal k Navigation Co 411) 47
Buff. N. Y. A Phlla. R R Co 6, 51
New Jersey Central -161 ihl
Northern Pacific Com .V. 30,
" " TrePd 8.1J 831
Oregon Transcontinental ... 34 34
Uuinn Pacific ifii Jfif
Western Ucion 781 761
West Shore 1st .... 4i Hi
Louisville k Nashville 4PJ 482
Silver. (Trades) B2 H
Three Peculiarities
Hood's Barsaparllla, the great blood purlfler
and regulating medicine, Is characterized by
three peculiarities, namely t
Tbo combination of tho various
remedial agents used.
The proportion tn which the roots,
herbs, barks, etc, aro mixed.
Tho process by which the active
medicinal properties are secured.
Tho result Is amediclne nt unusual strength
and curatlvo power, which cQects cures here
tofore unequalled. TbcsopcculUrltles belong
exclusively to Hood's Barsaparllla, and aro
Unknown to Others
nood's SarsapariHa is prepared with the
greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of
education and long experience. Hcnco it Is a
medlclno worthy of entire eonfldonce. II you
saner from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis
ease of tho blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick
headache, or kidney and liver complaints,
catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try
Hood's SarsapariHa
"I recommend Hood's SarsapariHa to all
my friends as tho best blood pnrifler on
earth." Wat. Garr, druggist, Hamilton, O.
"Hood's Barsaparllla has cured me of scrof
ulous humor, and done me worlds ot good
otherwise." C A.AmroiD,Arnold,Me.
A book containing many additional state
ments of cores will be sent to all who desire.
Hood's SarsapariHa
Sold by alt druggists. U l six for t&- Mads
only by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Ami Lh Art of Hour UaiMnjf wlUt
Oolden Buie for Mooej- M&iiinx wmU fic
to fijr y unjj nan tUJitur 0 500 ptci,tst
mumattoa. Pnto. tt-30. 07 Writ t m lo
FORBHCE A McM AKIN. Cincinnati, O
SlTtuuiJiir p.!?! FAMILY SCALES
Vnorftlr b U niadp'c, Wl jrh mi ouaco to $ pouM.
Ufcs. KfHp"a)ini,,'rify. 1lirMialM.trii
Oo to Bieifs Ding Store
TOILET AimCU.ES, Choice Wines nnd Liquors for
Medicinal Purpose, Choice Brands of Cigars and Toboccos,
Stationery, Wall Paper and Borders, &c, &c
at T,0V KST l'RIUEfl. I'ltKSCHIPTlONS carefully compounded. Day er NIkM
l'atronauc solicited and satisfaction guaranteed In I'rlee and Quality of (loodi Sold.
W. F. BIERY, Comer Mite aufl Bridge Streets, Weissport, Pa.
April 11. iw-iy.
Apples, Apples, Apples.
Just received a line lot of York Stato
Our Motto : " Big Sales nnd Small Profitsl 1
We do not exaggerate when we say that we have, unques
tionably, the largest and cJteapest line of goods in
this section. A few reasons why we can afi'ord to sell cheap
er than other houses : 1st. We buy and sell for cash. 2d.
Wo buy direct from first-hands. 3rd. We buy in such large
quantities as secures us a reduction on our goods, and we
give our customers the benefit of this reduction. We do not
wish to mislead the public by presenting false statements.
We make no assertions which are not positively "backed by
the TRUTH!" We invite you to call and inspect our im
mense stock of goods, comprising,
Boots, Shoes &c Rubbers !
Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c ! .
and be convinced that ice not only sell cheaper than any olh
er CASH or CREDIT HOUSE in this section, hut that
our goods arc of a superior quality. Respect 1 fully t
Bank Street, Lehigh. ton.
Wraps, Jackets,
Chilttas' Coats, New Markets & Havelocfcs
H. Guth. & Son,
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
1842. A PROCI-AMATION. 1886.
Kxow Ysl Kxuw Yit AiU Men, women and children that the (real alaff of edi
tors, who, beaded by Dr. Ueorge Thurber, have kept the Amtriean Afrieutturut to the
front for twenty five rrara, are now re enforced by CheaUr P. Dewey and Brtli flreen,
tbe FUh Cultural. Me propose to add to the hundred of lliueand bornn.ln wnich the
ii read, and revered from tbe Atlantic to the Pioifja ai an old time friend aud countel
or. We ere acourdinglr enlarges the
and adding other futures, r that It II tn be, from tbla time otiwir',,rwutlllr a home
rerMieal, al well aa being ilerutedto Ajri.'ullure and Horticulture. Erery iron whr
inimrdlatfly aeada ui fl 60, the uhecripUon price, .n't 13 r,nti lor lxutitie wiok.maV-.
inK!. In all, will receive the AMERICAN AORICOLTURJST for 188, and tke
AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST LAW BOOK.juit publUbol-a coinhedimu of every
day law fur farmer, mechaulre, butinree men, manufacturers, f to., cmbllnf everyone tn
be bit own lawyer. II it a large volume, welablnjr one ouat!anda oit(.traaUy
bound In doth and xoldl. Tho America Ajriculturitt
to yield bigger Jfturoi by Ineretilng lit great army of readert We diiliibnln) M.llfift
prereott ti thoee who elded In the work lait year, and we are planning to give lOO.Mft
prrteuta to workera Ibieyrar. Bend for onnfWential lerint fur workers, when. you fur
ward your tuhscrlption. Subscription price, tl.iO a year i rlngle numbers. 1 J cents.
I Bend i centa for mailing you grand double uumber of the Ameincan Agriculturist I
just out. and sample pegea with table of c-inlenta of Law DnoV.
Adreat Ptib'lahf rn Atuorlran AprJcaltoriaf, 7M Froadwav. Yrl
DAVKb.5r?Sw vnvux. e..-y.
711, '85.
New Markets,
A Complete Assortment
Wraps! Cloaks,
Plush Sacques
M. A.G.Guldin,
608 Hamilton Street. Alleitown.
November 38 3m