The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 07, 1885, Image 4

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1 . l inKia
Xh grtoVMedlcBt'Tiinmyh of the Age I
X.oeenf appetite, lloKclcoelWc, Palnla
the Lend, with a dull eensalloa in the
?c!f ,.' Pnlnoundep.itt0'.,iJulr
liln T7ti I Inn, nflnt pfitinir. Al t fa n HI Ma
io4iUiioniQ-rx pttion-ot ocar orimna,
IrmnbllUyof temper, I.ctsv aplrlts, with
'areellntrdi unvlrf&tocelrctod pome duty,
WearltocWWilricfsi, it,m(crlnir at the '
Uc5TIiotif.licforaUHi, cirnrllcadaeho
OTcj Uuo,rUht cjc.,Jl.cMli'srjcsj, MltU
HJTT'S JPttiI.5 ni'o especially adapted
to iMWii,'Oe',dii90 Directs such a
chaiwvet(eUlij4ViRStnnl9ht!o(uffercr. ,
Thyrjncrtnso the A imcXltr, una cause the
bodln TaLsirii l'letli, linn ibe rtem Is
nonrlsheil.nrcl nrllr-lrTonlo.AcUnn on
ihA n tir.fiiivA'i'ecniia. It ra-ulnr stool sera
Osat IlAin or Wni'KKua chnnRed to a
GLOSsrvllLaohVby-a utiiRiB application of
this Bit: .'Jrtmpatts ft imtural color, acta
Instantaneously. Sold by Drarjjrists, or
sent by.ejcpresn on rocntpt or 51,
Office, 44 Murray St., How York.
?1 Ulllt,mf.n
Men nn4 Women fcf good cliM-ncter notl intellteenco.
xclrwiro Territory (taarahteed
A wmfrftMrjal of
atlsfnotorr. A trjouwind nor cent thn Imi-tM jioher In
imiHO yrasuBr U) do roinrnen at-my eiwnw ii nei
whera. h
it rotifce it a .ihenomlnnl bucci'm every
r Illustrated eirruliir einl termaof twnoy
U. WUKTrlcSta LOUIO, 710
COUt T'l.t 1.0 1.
aincthe Family
f! r tl n i? n r t-
great -netTtia tiulity.' V rito for clrrtilar.
Simple, ic, reluiblo unit a iwtfert retainer. It In
not a Truss. Horn Dm nnd Ml,t .. I I,.
preunro forgotten.-&euu for clrrulnr with ti-ett-rncmlnlj
from urnteful inilf'rprii nrol'lv thl nn.
PlUuicS AdclrsM Central M dicnl ur.d burtEioil
.JriSi.i, . n"lntS 1Tf " WlMli of larelcnl
onumraionlcnirii Mcnkeninc diKi, imd pri'
Tate troubloii in mala rod K-mula our p:la!tr. 11a
Ocaaultatloufrao and invited.
Nerw-Lifs and Vigor
Tills cut chovra tba
Howard Electric
noiic Shield
ai applied nor the Kid
uc J mi ml Ncrvo-vltul
ct'nter-. Tno only an
pllanca made that
llts every part of
thn hotly, and th
only one needed to
it li ciinuttlMii,
i e worn ciifei or
SCllllnlil Vl llU
lies, ISxliutlM
tlnn, liupolrii
;, and all DIM'
1 ct)fCNanu voi,k
i noKof Ibe CJrllKk
Cniilul Urtrulia
Patented Feb. ST, 1CT..
YOUNO.JlKN". fron oany Indli-crctlon, lack
ntno force and fall Jo attain trcng'h.
MIDDLE VO'JIl MEIf often lackxlu-or. nttrlhut-
hij 11 to Ilia proretil of yt ar-.
The )TlIKil. WTVR i n.l MAID, Htirferlnsfrrm
Pcmale V nkti(n,-!i!'iT"in Debillly and ether all
Blent?, will find it the only curt:.
To one ami atl wn iyUiat t'.i Shield glvci n nat
ural aid In a natural wiy
A'Hi-rniitcd Wito YctirT and llio Iicft
nifpllunce itiude
Hiar-trated lMmiihletcUIW:i. TVI'llS OF MKX.
alpo Pantplilt for Itillt' only, ent on leceijtt of
0c, toalctl; pntf.ulfdi 1'HCU.
American Galvanic Co.,
OFFICES', 1 101! lie.tiittt St., Piula.
Stock Farm,
Crosao Slo, Vt'iyno Co., Mich.
SAVAQK & FAUSUM, l'noPitiETons.
Perc5y$i'CJ?3 Worses.
All S3C'?S
n tV"i fv J rU'-s end isma
i -it ... d it-'.stoied in the
of es'jiluric
rrcnci &a4 r. "t. j
IS hCJIltlfulIt Mlu.Mul 0'
V.i ,"E
ci t'niE Ilk
U accoisP)! - bvAuro. d i . i.trSriL s -i
rwt fitnl'.Ur wtWi - o i-rar rr..: v,.. r:iC(
raCamptu lllyitri. . . n , -i t v ,), rrCon prr
a tni m'ruf vn-cr i n i
" t end
hem 13 tha rum
Address. Sava.ul ft tw.v.. -xtn'
lae demand f r the Improved Nasob t Uamiih
I ianos U now to larire that n Ficnnd iiduhion to tha
factory lia herome Imperative, Ihj not renulie one
quarter at much lunlnir an llunoa on Mm pre ailing
re-t-pln pvei. m. Colo-tilt t'JtidoKlie, fr-e.
100 s jrlea ol (laotks, t!J to WJ. For Cash, Eaay
I'ynieiit, or Itemed.
Mason St Hamlih Organ and Piano Co.,
yy w voitKiSKOi-TYiK t.ciumco.
JOB ritlNTJ-iVp llOUSE,
Ijkst WoiucyiucKS l.ow!"
rftrtftft --frV . '
.I ''I1 r. mi - 1 '
BANK STK'grL'firP'ar
Flour aiHoecl.
AllKindutr. v l.-fecJu'fllTT
ni Ul l..llWrfc'-ltA'
uii spr.u
pv -
We wnuli
ens that wraiP
lirrjainn to nu
1 V tlieui With
T'orti 113-M ii iU.m-,i .ii Kit
Jti v
fi a. ran A
A Bangor citizen 1ms been awftrded
$021 damages by tlip totwi,. because -lio
lost a pair of horses last winter by the
ice breaking while he wascrosslng the
river, i'he plaintiff held that the liver
Was a public highway, and the judes6
charge 1 the jury. . "
Portland, Or., maintains a colony
of Chinese lepers on her poor farm,
t hayo been deaf In one ear for ten
years, and partially neat in tne otner
'"for - two months i have been treated by
- t . ..v . . , .
car sribcialR doctors and received no
benoilt. II a vlui! used Iily.'s Cream
lt.ilm for about a month, I find-myself
gtctily Jmproveil, and can hear well
mi,! consider It a mo?t vatiab)o remedy.
1 also liail catarrh, with dropping
of mucous Into ;ny throat hnd pain over,
niv eyes, which troubles also have en
tirely dlssaiiearpd.' -1). 1). Yates, Up
"pet Lfslt', Ilrdonie Co., X. Y.
Ltcrlln was the s'ecne of no less than
seven iuhjldcj.oiie week recently.
LotHon artd Zurich are bo'.h tohave
food and cookery, exhibitions this year.
A. convict in tho Ohio State Peril.
tentiai'y at Columbus, has been notified
than an uncle who lately died in the
liarbadoes has left him $73,000. The
prisoner has another year to. serve, and
U In for burglary. He has a wife and
TClllI I living. '
Piles! Piles !l Piles !?!
Surd cure for blind, blccdin" and
itching piles. One box has cured the
worst case of 20 yoars standing. Xo one
iifcd suiter five inlnutesTTtftSr-'ttiilifK
William's Indian Pile Ointment. Itali-
Mjrln tumor., allays itching of the pil-
vate parts, nothing rise, aoui iy drug
gists ami mailed on receipt of price, $1.
William's Mi g. Co., I'rou s., ueveianu,
O. Soli at Thomas' drug storo.
The dime novel is the right bower
ofthcdeUl when be. Is playing for a
boys head and heart.
Mmc. Marie lioze has almost cn
tlrcly recovered from her severe illness.
Her sickness was due to an attack of
blood poisoning, which was caused by
the cscapo of gas In her residence.
To Young tof -
If your life is made a burden owing to
blackhead?, pimple! and other eruptions
on tho face marring your beauty and
causing so much chagrin, it Is no longer
necessary to enduro it. Dr. I'lagg's
Family Ointment will certainly remove
all-such blemishes anil leave your skin
soft, smooth and beautiful, bold by all
druggists and mailed on receipt ol price,
20c. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop's.,
Cleveland, O. bold at 1 nomas dru
A dentist ot Uristol, Conn., was
surprised the other day by a call from a
Mlildletown man, whopaldhim twenty'
live cents which he had owed him for
twenty-five years for pulling a tooth.
Some public men find not a little of
their time and efforts taken up with de
nials of alleged interviews.
A Hue-Shaken Snfferera
who resort to Hosteller's Stomach Hit
ters, experience speedier and more com
plete relict than they can hope to do by
the use of quinine. This well authenti
cated fact is of Itself sulllcicnt to have
established a high reputation for the
Hitters. Hut the article is not a specific
merely for the various forms of malari
al diseases, It endows the system with a
degree of vigor, and reforms its irregu
larities with a certainty that constitutes
Us best defence against disorders of the
stomach, liver and bowels, specially
rife where tho atmosphere and water
are miasma tainted. Fever and auue.
bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague
cake are remedied and prevented by it,
and it also removes dyspepsia, constipa
tion, rheumatism, Ae. Take this medi
cine on the first indication that the sys
tem is out ot order, and rest assured
that you will be grateful for the hint.
Cienerals, colonels, and officers of
lesser military lights can be found to
the number of 02 In Jtome, Ua., but
not a single private is known to exist
within the city limits."
Tho fourth crop of berries tills sea
son was recently picked from a York
Pa., raspberry bush.
Throughout the Southern States, at
certain seasons of tho year, whole com
munities are suuject to levers, ague,
bilious attacks, and a hundred ailments.
'Quinine" is the popular remedy, but
the occasional use of Vinegar Hit
lers renders such medicines entirely un
necessary. Nothing is known to relievo
a torpid liver so quickly.
The license of an Kaston hotel
keeper lias been revoked because of his
cfusal to shelter a person suddenly
taken ill.
An Italian living In New York shot
himself recently because his wife paid
less attention to him than to a pet cat
she was always fondling.
rVdolf I.alloz, carriage manufacturer.
llll Carroll SUeet.Hullalo, N. Y., states,
I was troubled with nausea of the
stomach, sick headache and general de-
unity. Hurdock Illooi JMtters cured
-A man weighing but forty pounds
although measuring six feet four In
ches in height, is among tho curiosi
ties In a Hoston dime show.
The liquor and beer saloons of Lon
don if p'.acetl in a row would extend, t
contemporary claims, a distance of
seventy-eight miles.
There must be an open road between
the food we eat and the substance of
which our bodies are composed. If the
road Is clogged or closed we sicken, faint
and die. This road Is made up of the
organs oi ingestion and assimilation.
Uf these the stomach and liver are chief.
Most people have had more or less ex
pflrlenec of the horrors of constipation
rrcveui it unit an its fearful sequence
by using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Iteme-
uy. it is tno nrst sic; that costs.
A mlnnie ball, supposed to have
taken part In tho late war, was found a
week or to ago embedded in a rock at
Old Fort Jackson, Oa.
A Humboldt county, Cal., man, by
naihoScth 'Klnman, Is on his way to"
WjJshJ"UL'Uo present President Cloro-
wiiu wiiu an eiK-uorn cuair.
The First Keen Twinco.
"As the season advances.lhc pains and
aches by which rliuttmatlsiu makes It
self known, are experienced" after every
exposure. It is not claimed that Hood's
Sarsaparilla fa a spcellle for rheumatism
vVo doubt if tliero !, or can bo such
a remedy. Hilt the thousands benefited
by HooiJ'e .Sarsaparilla, warrant us in'
ttgring others who suffer from rlicuma
Usui to take It beforo the first keen
Petrified wood.together with it piece
of rosin and a couple of other things,
worn found In Anieileus, Ua., tho other
day, At a depth of ISCO'fcet.
An Augusta, Me., woman who Is
Irving long walks to offset a U-ndwicy
lo obesity, report, that her weight has J
been reluced eight pounds In about two'
week". I
Ltarnoi by a Prominent Hudson Odd
, Fellow. ,
From Uc miliA , iVl Y ; liiah'lr .
Mr. John Eltirg,- la'ithlul 6 Id'Fellow
(PaHGrmidj tlnileflwnld, N. 432) and a
member or-tlie B.ipllst rhtlrcli, ays i "I
have been, as most ol' my acijuolnlHurea In
Hudson know, a snfTerrr from dyiprpsia
lor ten yean Heplnning Willi Indiges
tion, sour stonlurh and flatulence, f became
8 i iv, ak that my biily became n burden
too heavy to carry alid my mind- waa
weighed down by a 'gloomy despondency.
After jalitigl lelt n's K I had nMialluf
glowing iron Id my stomach,! my abdomen
would bloat and I was afflicted almost ron
elalitly with sick headache. A ladv learn
ing of my t-oiiilitlon, nilviaeii mo to use. ijk.
DAVID rift r but ji ta vuaiio iuu
1-.DY, telltiu: mo what an infinlto deal 01
good it I nit done her and others whom alio
knew. 1 bceAn lakloi: it In t lie latter part
ot Aii2usl, and used altogether only three
boltln, wl en it achieved In the motl
noiiderlul improvement. I have now
gained llerli. and feel stronger, butler and
happier than I havo III ten years, t A
VOIUTK 1U:MEDY. cured my friend, I!.
F Herniati!, ol tihent, of the lingering to
mains of malarial lever and of billNtKiiess
Mr. Hiirvev Tliomaa. thpcrfeer.on War
ren ttrcct, just belmy tho Worth House,
ys that il has had woiidernilly good re
aul s upon him'. Scores of mr nruuuihtan
ces 4V, that having once tried it. they could
never agun bo without ll. 1 nayo given
I'. In my children ami found it the best
Inedieine 1 hifto eyer know for regulating
their bowel, and purifying their blood
'1 he know'-eitgo f this medlelne deem
the grealejt lesson ot physical life."
A llaille and Jlt'Victorv. "I carried the
burden of iljspnpsia about all my life,"
aai'i Mrs. Pierce, n lady eighty years old,
rebidliig at Uochester, N Y., "until aljnul
three jenrs ago I began taking Dr David
Kennedy's "Favorite, llemi'dv' of Itond
out, vou kuow and it has given mo more
ambit'on and strength thou i have bad
since I was young,"
Tho POLICE GAZETTE will Im mailed
securely wrapped, lo any address in the
United Slates forthroo mouths on receipt ol
Liberal discount allowad lo postmasters
agents and clubs Sample copies mailed
Iree. Address all orders lo
niCllAUD K. FOX,
Fru:;i:i.ix SQUAnie, N. Y,
May 30, 18S5-ly
A Lecture to Yoi
On The Loss of
A Wlnre on the nature, treatment and
radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper
iiatorrhuta. induced by Self Abuse, In
volunlary Emi'siona, Impoteiicv, rervouii
Debility, and Impediments to Mamai:,
generally: Consumption, Epilepsy and Flit-:
.Mental and riiysu-ai incapacity, .vi tj
The world renowned author, in thm ad
miraolo lecture, clearly proves Irom his
wn experience lhat Iheawlul coii-'eoiiences
ol Bolf Abyso may be elleelually removed
without dangerous surcital .operation".
boHgies, inslrumeiits. rings or cornial"
pointing out a mode ,d cure at oncn certait
and elfertiial, by which every suflorer, no
inalter what Ins coiulillon may bo, muj
cure liimsiir cheaply, privately auJ radl
-Sir This leciurc win prive a uoon n
thouoaoil-t and Ihoiisinds.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, b
auy ailili-es, on receipt of four cents, or tw
postage slumps. Ad'-ress
rho,ii medical co.
41 Ann St., New ork, X. Y.
Post Olfife dox. 450.
inay23 l.
For Newest Designs and Most Fashionable
Styles of
GO TO r-
Bank Street, LehiRhton.
Goods guaranteed and prices ua low as else
where for tbesamo quality ofgoodl.
July 18, lSS5-y
IMnko 1T0 to U0 npr month
,bpell!n(c our .Standard HooKd
ot l(iiiLi:s, bleu (iv worK hi
Spring o.m Mnnmer. AildrefS J, U, Mc
Curdy At Co., rmta-Jolpblu,
A TOTnTHT rci -res n t a 1 1 t of
vw iro.'a Hdilrtt to trnvol
A rn f1Tr,TI ibrouali Carbon coun
woitKfl vou. arr.iiAL classics ok HL'aiM-:e
mkn ami MKCiiAMca who uiuierslaml nriii
uccil tli em. trivlnir their ontcr nt iuhl:
prollts liberal, eafy ami quick; ran refer to
uruiicrnvn ciennnp t-a lotu a wc-k wno nr
j.leusetl with the wurk; only $10 cnltn) re
quireu; wrne lor rarttcuiar-suyou mean dusi
iicrit; itlve one, trHile or previous eni.Uy.
meni nni reierences rninser, ranuer
Co., VHniierblU Avu., New Yo rk.
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
?7fihbctirodir&1!i. ba!
. 1 mca ..ana nmnHDC
UlnatU) s'Aioaa Fur-
f youlhlL
too 1 rt iGjufr-ni;a.
f fiVR, iirafn worTr. Ami:
11a u?mo-i:iinei nwtfr:.
I ni teiacdlcs Cot thM?
-cuhlc9. Get our lrC9
ana -roil i-sce
car J t
krn lmrortir.1
Crganlc Weiiiessil
'tlltr II, rnylhtlIA!4
CUI.LO thcuani,, doc)
nil ii-i.ntrQ wi:a oueni
linn 11 Duttn-ii. nr tAu
.fpotaor lucon.cnicDce
Jty plcl. Idtrc
EdTcll aril
j;bq r.ian.
Tsrru rcn flEvr,,
J p:ci. i.a:rcc(i
t''i sect or
t oil 'plica
nrrif.a la.lurnc. I. ffll
atnl f netlonocfutt to.
t BlA-
man c-TtEiim I. rc Korea.
The fct imatli jt clcjnctts
of life, vhlch hi... beta
Two "lootbi. nooS
xnrooiloaUii, 7.00s
BOO N. Uentb Bu. BT. liDtJIB, no.
ttlltTU,Ep ppRSON6lHof n Trues,
Fattening Hogs.
In fattening good, strong, vjgorous
hogs, over a year old, corn and water
lnakc a good food. We.donot ay thqro
is nothing better; but if we-Hved in the
great corn-growing sections, wo' should
not look for anything cheaper and 'nioro'
In fattening younger pigs, however, a
greater variety of foot! ,1s desirable. We
want the pigs to grow nnd fatten at tho
same time. For this purpose wo need
a good breed, or a good grade of hogs.
Wo need warm, dry, , comfortable
quarters, and plenty of good, easily
digested food. The best and most easily
digested food Is milk. The slops from
tho house, or tho refuse from a hotel,
Including scraps of meat and fat, 'and
bread and vegetables, are proverbially
excellent. On the farm, any food we
do not know what else to do wltlij goes
to the pigs.- Tills Is right. Hut If wo
ant to fatten the pigs, wc must sec
that they have, some kind of .grain, In
addition to such food as cabbage leaves,
beets, mangels, sweet apples, small and
partially rotted potatoes, etc. Tim
secret of economical feeding consists In
giving the pigs all the grain they can eat,
ithout weakening their" appetite' for
the mixed and cheaper food and vege
When corn is the principal food for
011113 fattening pigs, a Utile bran, or
rather, what wc call "fine feed," is very
desirable. If the corn is fed whole, a
good plan Is to mix the linefeed with the
water say. a pint to each gallon of
water and let the pigs have all they
will drink of it. If tho pigs have all
the vegetables they will eat, they will
not drink much water, and more fine
feed, say a quart to a gallon of water,
may be used. If the pigs do not take
to the lino feed and water, mix in a
little corn-meal till they get In the habit
of drinking it. Am. Agriculturist.
An Important Discovery.
The most Important Discovery Is that
which brings the most good to the great
est number. Dr. Klng'sXew Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds,
will preserve the health and save life,
and is a priceless boon to the afflicted.
Not only does it positively cure Con-
sumption.but Coughs, Colds,Hronchltis
Asthma, Hoarseness, ami an aitections
of the Throat, Chest, and lmngs, yield
at once to its wonderful curative powers.
f vou doubt this, get a trail bottle free,
at T. u. 1 nomas drug store.
The Xew South.
The South is rich in everything but
money, the people have too much
land; some persons who live m poor
cabins and cat corn-bread and bacon the
year round, and part of tho tlino arc
short of these luxuries, own thousands
of acres of land. With so much land,
only mere strips of bottom are cultivated,
and, as the saying goes here, a man can
get a living by working two months in
the year. The next plentiful thing to
land Is leisure. There is more lelsuie
taken by one farmer in tho South than
by twenty farmers in the North and
West. Consequently, there is little
grown for sale, except tobacco and cot
ton, and little for use: for Western
bacon, Northern butterand flour.Xortli
em or Western clothing, hardware,
plows, wagons, and most of the other
necessaries of life, are brought In, and
money sent out in exchange. Whereas
pork, butter, flour, and all sorts of
provisions, wool, fruit, and all Eorts of
timber manufactures, might be shipped
away In large quantities, or at least
made for home use, and the money kept
in the country which now goes out to
freely as to keep every one poor, and
compel tlicm to live on credit.
Every day the railroads are bringing
in Western and Northern farmers by
scores, and these men are apt to sec the
wealth hidden under the rough and un
attractive surface of the country. They
see the riclt soil, they enjoy the fine
climate; they don't see the venomous
snakes, the bitterness of spirit, and the
preponderance of the negroes, which
foolish and untruthful persons have
said so much about falsely ;but If It were
not for a fow physlcial features of the
country, the absence of good farming.
the poor houses, the scarcity of stock,
and tho want of barns, they would not
know they were traveling so far from
home, and would find no difference
between tho people hero and their
neighbors North or West. Scores of
farmers in North Carolina have said to
me, wo want your people to come here
and show us how to work; wo want to
learn; we have plenty of room; there I:
nothing to hinder; all the old differences
aro gone; slavery Is got rid of, and wo
arc glad of it; it is the greatest relief In
the woild to have gotten rid of the care'
of It, and wo are far better-off as It I:
than with the old system- of labor. As
a rule, tho negroes '-'are good laborers.
and with a good- employer, who will
snow luein now to worKr nitd will pay
them" rcgultrly,riity- can be made fa
betferthan they are. HliXltv Stewaiit
In Am. Agriculturist.
A Railroad Man's Views.
Mr. Joseph IUckson, the agent -in
ioronio, uuiaua, or me iewi-orK,
West Shore and Huffalo ltallroad Com
pany; Is well-known throughout the
Dominion. He writes that for Several
weeks his little girl was. Ill with bron
chitis. He used different preparation
and also had her treated by a physician
but without effect. Finally, he tried
lied Star Coueh Cure, anil before -ono
bottlo was finished she wasipeifoctly
An old carpet should be kept con
vcnlently near to wrap up tho barn
pump as tho weather gets colder.
Husk the corn as toon as ripe, and
bind tho stocks 'In small bundles
which aro more easily" handled than
large ones loosely bound.
Find time) to, at icSst, clean all im
plements which will not be needed agal
this season ;rub the metal purts-smootl
and oil; If repairs or painting' Is -needed
do it, if not pressed for time, or put it
.... . .
, in a iiaiuiy place when It may he done
later on.
Subscribe for the C-Al:uo. Anvo
CATE SI. 00 a
Corkscrew Suits Only $22.
Announces lo lii.i customers and the chizenr generally
that he Is "ON DECK" with one of tho Largest and
most Fasld mable Stocas of
Fall and Winter
Styles of I'OItlilGKib DOMESTIC msnulartured
ver before shown in lids s.'ction, und at prices, t', Hint
lefv competition. None but the best of workmen are
employed, henco the Best Workmanship and Fit is guar
anteed in eyery ease. Also, on
of newest styles, Including
Collars, Cuffs, Neck-Ties, Hose, &c., &c-
Ba fcure you rail and examine gonaa and prices before going elsewhere.
H. H.PETERS, The Tailor,
Bank Street, - -
April 18, 1885 ly
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures,
o o
Copied and enlarged in all sizes from card to life size, viz :
Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photographs.
o o
All work guaranteed or no pay. All we ask is a trial,
us a call and be convinced.
No. 105 N. 8th
Franklin Santee, Manag
Orders left at
the Advocate
respectfully informs his many
has removed his BOOT
Arpp 4, 1885-ly
II L t Li r t.
I Wi-ii 1 '
nv roiaiv. ot Hi cantral position and
uSm Ttr ivllnnd 'trafflo botwesn c t e4 of th'o Atlantlo and PaclUo Co.,Et3. It
UlaTsS Ttho favorlto aiid host routs to rnd irom points iE. et, Northeast and
BoStneS; and cOTroipondlnz points V est Northwest crolSouihwest.
Tho Roclt Island syat im Includoa In its rooln line and brnrches. Chi
J'ollQL Ottawa, LaBallo, Poorla. Genoseo, Mollno qnd Itock Iejand. In Illinois;
navonnort MusoUlno. Washlnston. Falrdeld, Ottumwa. Oskalopea West
Ubert? wo City, fts lSS iridlanola, Wlntereet. AtlanUc. Knoxvll o.
Aubon. Uorlan. Quthrle Contro and Council Dlulls. In Iowa; GoUatln,
Guaranto-a tta patrons that eonso of personal security afforded by a solid,
Uiorouinlv b -lliljtod road-bod; smooth, tracks of continuous steel rail; oub
.stStlallV' bulltulvorts Tnnd brl-Jws; rolling stock as poor rperfoctlonaa
haS-Bklil cin malso It: tbo eafoty hppllancos of patent buffers, platforms
and oJr-braltes: and tlrat oxaotln?
XSSSgteWfe tfosSseTc
H&urlSaof ffl lV,asenTer Equipment. ' .,.,.. ,
nosod or won vent uitea, iirto'.y ijDiioisteruu ij v.vjat.i.. - -t-t;
Pulace Skispers of tho lalosi -ialfm. and sumptuous Dfalmr Core. In vvhlch
efiborntely cooked moala nru letsurelsr eaUn. "good uiBCBtiormunB on
Appetite, and Health on both." Betwoen Chlcoco and Kansas City and
ArrSnsan, ore also run tho Celebrated Recllnlns Clialr Cars.
lathe direct and fnvorlte Hno.beUveen
"Sra SmVeStiona Kre m i In Onion Dooow foi "all points In tho Territories
PPrAvVrf.o this roSteT Past Express Trains are run to the
watering placo sumra-r .resorts.. Plcturemo localhles, ,and untiniT nangn
Skt fields rd
betwoen Nowport News. Richmond. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, f joa utayow cnq.
i n i , . ,r., i.'ancaa nit-.. T.-iin mnniiH and St Paul and lntermodlato pplnta.
Mtin inftthfte 1 1 i c.i ; I ijirji'j. viti
For dota-U-ji lnform.itu n soo Mapj and Folders, obtainable as well as
TloSS at rilVtaclp
R. R. CABLE, '
President ind Central Manager, Chicago,
band a lull anil Fashionable II
L.ehighton, Penn'a.
o o
St. Allentown, Pa.
Uffice will receive prompt
Feb 28-lir
friends and customers that lie
Into tho NEW BUILDING, nearly
opposlto Ida Old Stand, and that ho
Is now recelvlri; and opening up for
their Inspection a very largo and
fashionable line ol well-eek-tlcd
Boots. Shoes.
Hats, Caps,
suitable for
and Invites you to call and examine
Goods and learn prices before pur
chasing elsewiiere. SATISFtC
TION In all cases fully guaranteed
Hemeinber, THE KKW SlOJtUop
posit e the frot of
ui sTiinr.T,
inia mar, i hh i , ..k.
Lou's f ei
close rell tlon to r.U principal lines East end
dlsoipuno wmcii
CMcaTO and
omiuui wiu in.nn.".--'". . ,
Btatosond Canada; or
' E. ST. JOHN.
Ccneril Ticket and Paiunjtr jnl, Chicago.
w in I n
Little Paul R , is a bright little
boy, six years old, and of a religious
turn of mind. Some weeks ago, at
church, he became quite Impressed with
the minister's eloquence, and on his re
turn home was silent and thoughtful.
On Monday, however, ho went to his
mother, and asked her If It would be
proper for htm to call upon the divine
and converse with him about the ser
mon. 1 lie mother, a devoted christian
woman, assured hltu that the minister
would no doubt be delighted to talk
with him, and remarked that she was
glad her little boy was beginning thus
early In life to think about these mo
mentous questions.
Arrived at tho pastor's residence,
Paul was ushered into the reverened's
Mr. ," said tho boy, gravely, "I
came to talk with you about your ser
mon you said God was everywhere is
"Tes, dear child," said the bland old
gentleman', "the good God is over all
his presence is everywhere."
"In the river?"
"In the stove?"
"Ves, everywhere."
"Is lie in my mother's pantry?"
"Surely, surely, my boy."
"Is He in her bureau?"
"Ves, there Is not a place you can
mention where God Is not."
Paul's face brightened, ho grew eager
as he put the next inquiry,
"Is He In my hand I when shut it
"Well, is He in my pocket?''
"Yes, God is in your pocket."
Whereupon the little fellow jumped
up, anil, approaching the good man,
exclaimed witli the concentrated air of
a dozen unbelievers:
"I've got you now, Mr. D jlhave'nt
got any pocket at all!"
A very largo proportion of the suf
fering that alllicts mankind proceeds
from the simple feeling of discourage
ment. Besides the misery which it in
flicts, there is the palsying effect which
it exerts on all human effort. As long
as hope reigns in the heart, no exertion
seems too great; It is when hope sinks
away and despondency takes its place
that the labor of hand or head begins to
Keep your eyes turned inward upon
yourself, and beware of judging others.
In judging others a man labors to no
purpose, commonly errs, and easily sins;
b'lt in examining and judging himself
ho is always wisely and usefully em
There are no little enemies; people
cither hate you with their whole hearts,
or they don't hate you at all. Tills
hating a little is like blowing up a pow
der-mill a little, for all know it cannot
be done.
The best of the book is not the
thought which it contains, but the
thought which it suggests, just as the
charm of music dwells not in the tones,
hut in tho echoes of our hearts.
It is a little thing to speak a phrase
of common comfort, which, by dally ttse,
has lost its sense; yet on the car of him
who thought to die unmouriicd 'twill
fall like sweetest music.
He who does good to another man
docs good also to himself, not only in
consequence, but in the very act of do
ing It, for the consciousness of well
doing Is an ample rewanl.
Those with whom we can apparent
ly become well acquainted in a few mo
ments are generally the most dlfllcult
rightly to know and understand
Carelessness and the lack of fore
thought have much to do with many
of tho trials and troubles of life as actual
sin and wrong-doing.
Our best friends or our greatest
enemies, as wo use or abuse them, arc
the passions nature has planted within
our own breasts,
Life's real heroes and heroines are
those who bear their own burdens
bravely and give a helping hand to those
arcun I them.
Innocence Is like a flower which
withers when touched, and blooms not
again, though watered with tears.
N'evcr call a man a liar; perhaps he
may not be a liar, and you would not
like to call a man out ot his name,
Perhaps ho may bo one and knock you
Success and Pro iperlty. People
who are fond of complaining of the In
justice of circumstances, complainin;
that the good are often unsuccessful
and the evil are often prosperous, wouli
do well to analyze carefully their esti
mate of success and prosperity. If they
Include in it riches, fame and position
and exclude in it peace of mind, a con
tented spirit, a cood conscious, a noble
character, and the luxury of dolnggood
they aie right according to their stand
ard. Hut if those latter possessions are
preferable, then are the good prosperous
indeed, with a prosperity that no mis
fortune can touch and no less remove
and tho evil aro truly unsuccessful,
though they may have wealth and sta
tlon, and power and case,
In the little world In which child
ren have their existence, whosoever
brings them up, there is nothing so
finely perceived and so finely felt ns in
justice. It may be only small Injustice
that the child can be exposed to; never
theless he Is keenly alive as to what is
right and fair, however limited be his
.V man never gets thoroughly ills
gustcd with love's young dream until
he has given a girl a ring, and three
days afterward discovers that she has
been to a jeweler to ascertain its real
Tho man who complains that ho
has "married the wrong woman" does
not deserve your sympathy. It shout.
'"I g.7n to the woman She h.s
married tho wrong man-by a large
"When my horse was sick with what
was called lung fever, last spring,
gave Simmons Liver Ilegulator (liquid)
In one ounce doses, twice a day, Thoy
, "
all recovered speedily.
- , K. T. M1CHENEK,
, Prop'rMlchencr Express.
- i
Jcuklntown, Pa."
To Regulate
warranted not to contain a tingle par
ttcla of Mercurv or anv toiurloui inb
staiice, but Is purely vegetable.
It will Curo all Disease cauttd
by Derangemont of tba tlrer,
Kldnoyi and Stomach.
If your Uvm- U out of order, then your
whole system It deranged. Tne blood it
Impure, the breath offetuWet you ha
headache, feel languid, dliptiited and
nervous. To prevent a more serious con
dition, UKe at once asrarnona
REGULATOR. If you lead a
sedentary life, or suffer with
KitkiPT AfJectiona. avoid
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulate.
bure to relieve.
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feet heavy after meals or
sleepless at night, take a dose and ye
will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If you- are a miserable sufferer with
Constipation, Dyapepnta and
Jllltounntma, seek relief at once In
Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not
require continual dosing, and oosu but a
trifle. It will cure you
If you wake up In the morning with
Utter, bad taste In your mouth,
Tonguo. Chtl
Simmons liver Regulator. It cor
rects tne inuou stomacn. swccicm
the lireath. and cleanses the Furred
ontruo. cm lu ren oiten need some safe lAtnar-
tic and Tonic to avert aoprnachlne sickness.
Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head
ache. Sick Stomach, indigcllon, Dysentery, and
the Complaints incident to Childhood.
At any time you feel your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating without violent
purging, or stimulating without Inloxl
eating, take
Bimmoas Liver Regulator.
J. H. ZEILIH & CO., Philadelphtn, Pa.
Dr. C.T. Horn,
Iicspeotfully announces to bis ouitoraert una
tho people generally Itathe BtsreraoToil Ml
DltUG STUKE from Lenckel'i llullJIng to
his new store room opposlto I lie Publle Sqnnro
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
whero be will be pleaiett to rrcelre friends
and Uo publle, anil supply them with
ure Drugs & Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
Stationery & Choice Cigars.
together with a Sne line of Ulcit designs la
Wall Paper
t Lowest Prices, rersont.ean rtleo obtain
Uys-tllussos nu d Spectacles, prup.rly at.
usteu to incir biiei" i rviiuunm. privta.
Prescriptions cotnpounded with ear day
or night.
Remember, Till-: CENTRAL. DKUU SWr,
Feb. 3.-J1
db. a t, hork;
Claim, a specialty, a sd VTAK
ItAN lS. A ll II IT I O N A L.
ESanil all kinds of LAND SGIilPT bauitht
Ami suit). I-urije Stock, and ItlKbeit Prleei
pnld. Ilo rnu mm to poll or hurt If
ivrllo to A. A. T11UMAS, Attorney nt Law,
kvasiunxion, u, u. tan. o-t e
Central Carriage ..Works
Bank St., Lehiglitoii, Fa.-,
Are ireisrcd to Mannfuotore
Carriages, Euggics, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c.,
of every description, la the most substantial
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices
liepali'lng Promptly Attended 'O
April 8S, 1882 yl ProprleUr.
of East Manch Chunk,
aro prepared lo do all kinds of
Plastering & Ornamental Wort,
at shortest notice. Orders by mall will r
ceivo prompt attention. Terms moderate
or good wurk. SfPltll
Kestored. A Kentlrinnn harlnr Inno.eaHy
contracted the hoblt of abme In hie
youth, und In con.enuence sanrred all the
horrors or Sexual Incapacity, L"'t Mn
liond, l'h)ilcal Decay, lleneral Prnitratton,
etc . will, ont of srinnathv for his fellow
sutlrrers, mail Iree the recipe by which he
was nnally cared. Adorers laeonndeaee
J. W. I'lNKEY,.! Cedar St., New lork.
dee.37 ly
TJTTT,nore mony than at aeylblnr ele. by
nl IV tUKinff on agency lor ine veil evuins
-book out lleKfnners eaeeeed arand-
ly. None lull.
Uo., Portland.
Trrms free. Hallstt Hook
Maine. deeJa-lr
No Patf nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tho United States
Uanada and Europe, at reduced rates. With
oar principal offlco located In Washington,
dliectly opposite the United Statee PaUot
Oince, wo are able to attend to all patent
business with greater promptneis and d.
spatcb and at less cost than ether patent at
tornevs who are at a distance from Wash.
Ington, and wbo hate, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examination, and furnish opinions as to nu
tentablllty, Ireo or charge, and all who ar.
Interested hi new inventions and patents ar
Inrlted to rend for a copy ot our "tlulde for
oblalnlnK Patents," which is seat free lo
any address, and contains eomr-lcte Instruc
tions how to obtain patents and other valua
ble matter. We refer to the Oerman-Amer.
lean National Hank Washlnston, D. O.; Ik.
lloyol Swedlih.Norweulanand Danish Lee.
Hons, at Waiblniiton; Hon, Jos. t'ejr, late
Uhlel Justice U. 8 Court of Olalma; Co tb.
Olflrlule or the U. H patent OIH.e, and t.
Senators and Members of Congress frost
every State.
Address! l.OUIr! HAdUKIih CO., So
llcltoraof Patents and 1-,
Droll Ilulldlag WasamaToii. I). C,
Tr "S r uii r J'P!eurd by our attrlient
IXU JT i. U AfJitfon powder. Sale,
sure. cur. tl.00. 11 y mall with full dlree.
Hons, book lor 3 oent stomp. I'DKTatMl,
(01 Sixth Avenue, New York. dtcn-ly
TVmTiriTT A TOTPK r .oetlr. t
a double
proote nriniroouemtra una ornew irea,rn
dlipenslbloio all faralllM. will address tar
full KATHroOB Coirrajrr
Wo. hjb As eaire. ye IT Tort