em Advertising Rates. VTa aMira It to be distiiiotly understood" that bo MTerttumeuU will b Inserted In Ike. columns of Thi Osaau Advocate that may lx rewired from unxnnwn twrtle or Irmi unlMs accompanied by tae nags, Tio following are our only tormsi nitx SQUAItK (10 L.KEB), Opayeur.cooh Insertion 10 eta, Blx months, each Insertion, ...... 15cts. Throa mouths, r.ach Insertion......... SOcts. tiM thth thro montha, first Insertion jtljeach subsequent Insertion...-., ii oU. Local notice 1 8 oenU rcr line. II. V. Morthimkr, jr., Publisher. The Carbon Advocate All Independent I'auillV Newapaa-r iubllshd Vfcry -ATUllD.vV Ik Lohjjthwn, Carbon Co., Pa., by UAItllY V. .-VIUKX'ls I. tit.lt. Owt-tii 4S.WAY, a abort d:ti.c twii tha Uhhcn VUleyTt. a. Jsejwi. taDi: SWOMCffluiAfirdiici J" o"b 3? rim iu TVi;m bowiuiiui H. V. Moiithimer, Jr Publisher. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live. it $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advauce. VOL. XIII., No 49. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1885. Jf not paid in udvance, $1.2(5 SHI! fatal ATTOUNEYS AND COUNCELLOIIS. pObACE 1IKYDT, AtTOniEt ATI.A.W, Officii f-The room recently oooupled by W, M, llapsher, BANk STREET, , LEUIQUTON, PA. MT be consulted In English and German. July4,m-ly M. UAPSIIEB, ATTORNEY . OOUNOELLOK AT LAW, IIUI DOOS ABOTKTIII MANSION ROCSli, MAUCtt CIlAX PENH' A. Tteal Estate ami CnllMIInn Agency. Will Buy and .Soil Ural Estate, ronvijancng neatly done. Collections promptly made. Sattltns: Estates or liecedinta a Speciitlty. May be consulted In English and Uurman. November 12, IS t. r A. SNYDER. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Omen-Corner of Dank 8ireet &. Ilankway Sad building above'the Oarbou Advocate I'rinllftfr Office. May 10, 188S-m LEIIiaHTON. PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. D H. W. W. HEHER I'ltTKlflAN AfJll Bt'linEON BANK STREET. LEIIN1HTOV, PA. OFFICE Hours at Pariy?llle l'rora a.m., to IV til. dally. Way be oooialted to the English or Clerman LaneuaK. May IT. '84. A. UEBIIAMUK, 91 l PHYSICIAN ASnpCIIOKON Bpeslal Attention paid toOhronlc Diseases, OrFioic outh Enat Corner Iron and beeond Si reel I, LMUUIITON, PENN'A. April 3d, m. B. ItEltKIl, M. D. o s. examining surgeon, PRACTICING rilVsiilIANfc StllltlEHN Orrtci Ilnnu Street, Htntn'i IIlock. LEHMHTON, PENN'A. May be cuniulted Id the German l.iini;uare. Not. 3 tu. ry u. u". sEii'iiK, PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON, SOUTH STREET, LKIUOIITON, PA.' Mar l eonrttlled In Enirlifb or German Sprc'lal attcnllon tlvtn to innniiioov OpricK lloune From II M. In t P. M., and from 9 to V P. AI, Mnroh 31, 83 F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., HRANO.lt OFMUE-uj.itos.leUlaussMJru's Bank St., Lehighton, Pa neniUtry In all Its brandies'. Tooth ex tracted witlieut. tatn. tins adidlnUtured when retiue.tcd Kttice Hays W BON tS- VA X Ol e irn vtcK. i. , . niMircea. LlTZKNttEUO, Lehiisb county, Pa, Jan. 3, l8:6-ly. W. A. Oortright, D.D.S., OFFICE: Opposite the "uroadway House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patlanrs have the benefit of tlie In left Ira frorements In luo'hanl'ul nupllanrcs and he best metho Is uf imatuicnl In all surtrteitl eas. ANESTHEriil administered II desire 1. If oulj.ldc. liersus resldlnz outside ot Alauch Uhunlc should ui.ilte engnit-ineni. byuiall. liovi A BOOK ON Deafness8iCatarrh The ahn named ho'ik of near V0 paui-f by UK. BIIOEU AKElt. Iho wrll.knuwn ex perienced Aural Surneon. will hi sent Irce te any address Everv f.nnlly should nave this Honk. Tliabookls llluiraied, and lul- ly eidalns In plain lanicua all Diseases ofllie EAR and CUTARRH. and horr to treat these ailments sccecssfully. Address, Dr. O E. Shoemaker, 613 Walnut Street, REAIUNO, Pa. Dee. ,lMt.ly HOTELS AND T KIHY G ARBON HOUSE, JONATHAN K18TI.ER. PROPRIETOR. Hank St., Lwuioiitov, Pa. The tAaBoN Houau'iffers nrst.classiiccntn. rnodatlons to the Traveling public, iloar.llnu by the II ly or Meek on Reasonable .Terms. Uholee Olxars, Wines and Liquors alway on baul. UondSUeils and Stables, wlili alter llro Hostlers, .utaihel. April 10. yl. JPHIKKIUUX IIOI r.1.. Id way betwem Maucli Chunk & IblMon LEtiPOMI MKYEIt. I'iiuphutou, Packerton. I'cnn'a This well kniwn huirlismiiulraMT rttttied, and h ,s the tiesiaocuininndaii.in lor ui-ruian. nt and transient boarders. Y xcellrni iutde and the very bestliqujr). Also line stables attached. tept. 16-yl. ,BY"THE SEA! The Stockton, r, and Atlantic avenues, one oflhe fi'iesl sea. aide resorts in the ixiuntrv, is now ieii b.r the recrpliiiii nf iiie,ls. The furililies Inr busline, I'lttnlnj. n-hjne. i-.. unrx relied." Tetliu iuerl KEU8EY A LEK liER, Preprietors. !,Jeitun tins paper. D. J. KISTLER Bespeetlully annnur.o's in the nohllo that he has opened a NEW I.IVEUY ST HLB In asn.eilon with his hotel, and Is prepared to furnish Teams for Faaerals MMn or Bnsiuess Trips shortrst notice and most tlberalierms. All usrders left at tka"Uarbou Home" will rooelve prompt attantlnn. Stable on North S-reet. lt the h'rier; LeUfhton. luW-yl w. slini -. tT JLssI H c DODO "so ' Ei. Z3 CD i O CD CP s W &x o co O CZ 3 T Cfl W pmrnma cp 5 -a IWa9 C)f3 sua sWWfe""' pT. t CO jf32323 tj Z5,tai P- I g a: TiT? CO - rs cd ri i -a ""CO T. J. BR15TNEY, Rcepcetf lly announces to the merchant of I.eliiKh'on and others that Imp piepared to do all kinds ol llauliug of Fioight, Kxpirss Matter and Ha:nge at very reasonable pr crs. Ily prompt nt lentlnu lo all otd' rs In liopt-s tu merit a sb.iri ot pnMto patpiiui.-H. Krsldeiice. couu-r ol Pluu and Iron Street, LelilK'iti n. Pa. i rders lor In. ii I tuir li'lt at M, .wi'eny (c Son's ctnre will receive romid aitcntlon. T. J. HKEfPfLy. (lot. li. US I 3m. rnrosi is ur..m:nr.R, X CONVEYANUF.il, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Tti? -tllOH.nn CmiipHiitvn nrt Uipr-'ntTil UEHA )N MUTUAL VIRK RBAOINO MUTUAL VI 11 U. WYOMING Finn. roTTviLLi: xmic, L1UI IOIi rntK. onrt tln TUAVELKHti AUUIIILNT INfc'UJUNlJK Ain P''niMivint ami vtu'n il lln' " I Iilol ctco ironnd In ruue o mjia "V. Maicn2'J.I37t 1110. K -.MKllKIt H N I .K ocltifin mi s f will ihhU uu Ip'P XliJUL,! rnjal, ii1iiiiMc ttninplc Uix t'T IcnvlstiHl will p t u In tl way of oak Irn; 'mire Nmn'y tn a ( w ihty I linn yiui iirr thouieht '0 8.1.1 . at nnv tnulntf. CiiHtl ti"t rfqu'ri'tt. Y rati llvn t linnu. a ml work in pirn if nii only, or all the 'lii'o All til i.ot It lux- nl all nivt. irrnntlh Fucci-sful. 6nc n9 I" 5 00 hhuUv iMimi'il vvt r v nlnar 1 ha till wliu want work imiy tftt lh I upt-iit-M, w makf I lilai uni'iir tlMiM llr: 'I null n i ay t'.ir lite houM tt wrttl u u lull parrlcul'irfl. til fH'iton-', He , etit h 1m in no jiav nttjMiUiU'lv surn nr nil wh" Phi t nt tite. Iini tit ly. Address st.nbun St (Jo. I T'l.in I. M iinu HOC. SO lv K. F. MJ( KEA( 11 II K A LEU IV Wall Papers, Bordt'is & Decorations, Ms, Stationery, Fancy M Window fili itlcf. A: Fixtures latest St) li s, mado ami pm up. If desired Paints, Oil. Varnisli. Putty. Bru.-hcs & freneial Painters' Sunplics. No. Gl Broadway. Mancli Ctai! Pa., lull, I hi- Itroiiln. 1 1, hi - e. (hnnn nnn,n i'r,,"'n i"i v. mi In .I III III nv" P"'nir''. and hv M'UIHI Ulll ou wl'l Ki'l frren Imckaae of tio'tilsoriar e value, tbat will siari )ou In work Ilial will ai once I rinse )oun innnv faslerllinn ai yhinu e-si hi mt-rloit All alum! the i'JOO.Oou In pres..nls with each box. irenis wanted ever) "here. of elllu-r six, ol all airi'S. for all the time, cr spar time only, tow rk lor us a- tltHr own homes fortune, lor nil workers ai'.olule y assured liun't delay, II. Ha'.lktt & Uu Portland, Me. DcelO-ljr jgjjp' Subscribe ibr the Ad vocate, only $1 per year. A PRESEKT ! Our readrra lor 12 anils in ioslniii tanipa to wy lor inaillnii and wruppiiu iml names of two Uvik acnnis, will r elve KIIEB a Slctl Parlor En nroiunoof all OUK l'llESlIH-.NTS, in- imuiiiiiii rtsvuiaap, mi Z3 am inches worth ti 00 Addrti Elder rub Co . Ckieafio. 111. IsratlftllaTJiHvriiri. 'I ta.'iiMfrmiV I Mill tUUCIf 111 tltl'fiil IB 1 9 5 urn The Emporcr of Russia lias given the. imperial palace In the holy city of KlcfT to the Qraiul Duchess Alexandria Petrovna, who Intends to make. It her principal place of residence. This pal ace was built within the last twenty years by the lato Czar, The discovery of a new gold field is reported to have been mado six miles west of the San Fodro and Gila rivers In Arozona. "Oh I Cast That Shadow From Thy Brow." You can't do tt If you have liver com plaint or dyspepsia. The darkeued counteuanco tells the story of Inward commotion and woe. Clear your stom ach, strengthen your digestion, regulate your liver, tone your nerves, and then away goes the shadow from your brow, and yon arc happy because you arowcll, Mrs. M. J. Alston, of Littleton, N. C, says, "I recommend Brown's Iron Hit ters to the nervous and debilitated. It greatly benefitted me." At a convention of New England roller skating rink managers, held In ISoston recently, a resolution was passed "denouncing female polo playing In rinks and masked parties as demoraliz ing and injurious to the profession." A scarcity of sailors at wages rang ing from sixteen to eighteen dollars per month h reported from Uangor, Me. Some remarkablo cures of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil. Never falls to euro each case. A Canadian judge declares that no matter what rate of Interest a man may agree to pay there can only legally be col lected fl per cent, per annum. The suit was to recover G per cent, per month, which the borrower had agreed to pay. -Two lots of ground await an enter- prising man who will put up a $15,000 brick hotel In Pomona, C:tl. GEN. 0. S. ORANT'S PICTURES. Do not read llils notice, unless vim care lo mid a proposition which, If you accept, will cost vim sniuTtlilnir, I hate an cncnivliiK niitiip ironi mi on in nil 1 1 1-; nv a cileiirHIcu artist of (leu. (iriint. furuhlc i liesnt Khortlv niter his trip iirouiid the wntld. It Is In the opinion o critics the best picture of t lie ncau iicic in PMsiiincc, i ne puce ot tin I'liBiinIni:. '.Mx2R Inclii's, on very lieuvv sleel eiiKnivliiK boui'il. Is One 1 Ii.llur and Tncntv Dweenla (SI."i"t), postnt'c pnld by me. Aa llmrntixlily mil I loiivlnci'd of tlie value of me t'i Kr.itniK na a worK in nn, nun u a p prccliitlou by tlio public, Hint I ulll mull to nnv ntiilrt'ss In the U. S.. nut lNsrF.t-iniN. nne fimy. pncki't! tu u liriiy pani'r box, upon rrt't'ijn in iic. in Miillips to jiny posinl' nutl p!lcklii!.Mipoii tin-nuilllion lluit Hie purlv rccelvlnir sniiic s"iid me I INK not. I, All (SI no) upon rei t lpt or rnpi'iivlng If It Is Miilsfncl'iry. or ndiini Hie nioliin' In nu If It Is not coiisldereil orlli tullvllie price nsketl, I hate iiNtin verv liniiiNnini Cnblnet Photo, ot (let), (inint. Iiillnl lliilslieil, wliicli I ulll tiinll nn rot-elnt til 'w. No ulliiiin Is eoinitieto nil limit iino. Liberal iirrnut'i'ineuts will be inmle with nijfiits. Write for terms and price ll-t. Aibli-i'ss William Dickson. Publisher. ltov -Jig. Clilcaiio. 111. Aug. 13-w-lO. ;Two weeks ago the Superior Civil Court, of lloston, for the first time in the history of the ('ommonw caUh, it Is said, abandoned the old custom of open 'n j the court w It 1 1 a proclamation. It was opened with prayer. Tlionsands nf men fall In life for pure ly physical reasons. They are not tor niil but their liver Is, and their liver blocks the way. They are bilious, vel low skinned, headachy and miserable, all hecauae that ctrcat aland declines to do Its work. The medicine that can re store to this organ lo Its natural power will add one hundred per cent, to the available force of this world. Wo know of but onii Milng able to do this Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. The oldest triplets are claimed by Manchester, York county, thh State. Thev are Mr. David Strlckler and his two sisters. Mrs. Mary Good and Mrs. Lena Quickie, now slxty-nlno years old. Thoutands Sav ?o. Mr. T. YV Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes: "I nuvcr hesitate to recommend your Klectric Hitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Hitters are Iho purest and best medicine known and w ill positively curn Kidney and Liver coni;il.iints. Purify the blood and regu late the bowels. No family can Hllor.l to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars In doctor's bill every year. Sold at llfty cents a bottle by T. D. Thomas. Undressed kid Is the favorlto ma crial for slippers, says a fashion Journ al. It may be added that slippers are not a favorite material with the un dressed kids. Sr Frazier's Boot Bitters. Frazlcr's Hoot Bitters are not a dram simp beverage. Hut are strictly medi cinal in every sense. They act strongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse the blood and system of every impurity. Sold by druggists, SI. 00. At Thomas' drug store. .V chalk mound from which smoke and heat Issue In several places is the latest discovery in the Santa Ynez Val ley, north of the town of Santa Barbara, Cal. San Francisco inelegantly styles women who speculate In mining stocks "mud fences." Bttcklea's Arnica Salve. The best salvo In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhurm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, cjrns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It in guaranteed to give perfect satsfac tion, or money refun Jed. Price 5 cents per box, at T. V. Thomas'. Rabbits, which have been a most destructive, uest In Victoria', New Zea land, and Tasmania, are now threaten ing to over-run Queensland. -Not a doath has occurred In Ilomer, Banks county, Ga,, for the past three years. Dr. i'raier's Maglo Ointm-nt-A sure cure for all bolls, burns, sores, cuts, flesh wounds, tore nipple, hard and soft corns, chapped lips and hands. Price 60 cents. Sold by druggists. Wil liams MTg. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O, Sold by Thomas, the druggist. Natural gas has been discovered In Sumner, W. T. A little over Ave Inches of snow fell at Mount Washington tlurins last month. RedStar GHIURE Free from Opiate, JJmetlcs and l'ottons. PROMPT.SAFE.SURE Cure far Couuhft ColtU und v titer Ibrcat nfi isiing Airrtllon. FirTTCKWi tsoTTLtc. At Uauuai-Ti hd Dutni THE (IUKLKS A. YWlKI.KIt II.. Hnlllwtirf. W J.. V. H. A. w TMfc EAT ! Cures SlgsntUta, ITsuileU, lUrltrh. ll.t,d.lt, TmISmIi, Hprnln Ilrular, tudthr I'slo. nttd Arli. M, . inr ttiiil.. At Drn.irl.t. wi.l De.l.r.. HIE ClliiaiS A. 1 0UM.EU to., U.IUaort. nt.,v.iM THE DAY IS OONE. tOXdKKI.LOW. The day Is done, and Hie darkness Fulls from the wing of nltiht, As a leather Is watted downwurd From an eni;lc In his lllfflit, I sec tlio lights of the village. Olenm through I lie ruin mid the mist j And a feellntr nf sadness cnincs o'er lno That my soul cannot resist, A let lino; of snilni'ss mid longing. That Is not nltlii to pain. And resembles iorrow only As the mist resembles Hie rain. Come, read mo some roem. Home Bimple and liciut felt lay. That shall soothe H Is restless feeling, And banish tlio thoughts of day. Not from the grand old masters. Nut from the binds sublime. Whose distant footsteps echo Through Hie corridors ot time. For, like strains nf martial music, Their mighty thoughts suggest Life's endless toll and endenvur, And lo-nlglit I lung for rest. Rend from some humble poet. Whose songs gushed from his heart, As showers fi oin the clouds nt Mtnuner, Or tears from Hie ejcllds start! Who. through long days of labor, And nights devoid ot case. SHU heard In his foul Hie music Of wondeiful melodies, Such fours Imve ower lo quiet Tlie restleas pulse of cure. And come like the bciifdiction That follows after primer. Then tend from Hi" treasured toluine 'I he poem of thy choice j And lend to the rhyme, ot Iho poet The beauty uf thy voice. And the night shall be filled wllh nmslo And the ciuos (hut Infest the dny Khnll fold tlicit tents like the Arabs, And us silently steal away. A Night of Fear. BY GEOKQE n. cox. A few days ago. a young man, a stud, ent, and, to be precise, a son of the De partment of Tarnet-Garoiinc, born at ilontaubin, having the good looks and accent peculiar to that locality, entered tho omnibus running from Madcleln to the Bastille, In Paris. At the station of the Passage do 1 Opera a passenger with a high color.and carefully dressed, uneasy In the stylish garments he wore for tho llrst tlme,scat ed himself beside tho student. Glittering charms hung from his watch chain, and ho had on his arm a handsome and grave young glil, whom he installed In front of him upon tho last seat remaining vacant. The passenger, so brand new In ap pearance, did not seem to pay any at tention to the trip, but applied himself Bolcly to staring at the other passongors striving to niaku their acquaintance or recognize them, Atter a repeated ex amination uf everybody In the omni bus, he suMcnly turned toward his neighbor, and slapping him on the kneo with his broad, firm hand, exclaimed: "It's nstonlshlng how well I like you!" liven though ono Is from Montaubln, and has brought from his crovince an opinion in regard lo Paris that prevents him from being amazed at anythlng.onu cannot be slapped on the knee and spoken to In this way without giving a atart. "i don't understand," said the stud ent. "Tell him, girl," resumed the man with the charms, addressing his daugh ter, "tell him I liko him, and perhaps ho will un Icrstand better." Tho young girl blushed, hung her head, confused, supplicating, and tho student then perceived that she was very pretty. "How can I serve you?" he demand ed In a softened voice of his neighbor. "All right, I'll explain," said the man with the new garments. "To-morrow night I have a house-warming. I said to myself as soon as I saw you that you should be there. Ob, no ceremony with me, you needn't come alone if you're afraid, A young man so eomme Uaut can havo only agreeable friends. Select half a dozen of them and bring them with you. It's agreed upon, isn't It? Ilcrii's my card." The young man was greatly embar, rassedj every eye was fixed upon him The people in tlie omnibus laughed and whispered, I he only way to escape from tho dilemma was to accept tho card and get out. Onr hero of Montau bln did not wait for the vehicle to stop, bnt leaped from the omnibus. That evening at the table d'hote In I the Latin quarter, the yomig student re lated his adventure, and displayed the card he had received. ' Let's go I" "No I we won't." Thev wrannled over ilm Oil DY ForP matter for an hour, and .it last conced ed that the next night seven of them, In evening costume, should go to the ad. dress given. It was not In a common stret. The house had an appearance of a chateau, Through a magnificent Iron gate they caught a glimpse of the lawn of graveled walks. Our young friends feared they had made a mistake entered timidly. A lackey In grand Hvcry Informed tllcm that It was tho right house, and, after having conducted them -up the white marble steps, Introduced them in to a salon ablaze with light, balmy with rare flowers. "Complctel" cried the host, on per ceiving his acquaintance of the omnibus and his six companions, "I was cer tain you would come, youth is not dis trustful. Now you are here, you won't get away easily." "There's my mother, a good old lady, who has had her day; there Is my wife who Is now having her's; there's my daughter, whoso day has yet to come, A fine family, are they not? and they don't turn up their noses at pleasure, cither." "It's singular," added the master of tha house, "that though I sent out at least three hundred Invitations you are tile first to arrive. But It is not yet nine o'clock. They will come they will come. Meanwhile, will you take a little refreshment?' They warmed up slightly while re freshing themselves. The young men found tho mansion 'delightful, the re freshments of the best. While they were sampling the lunch several persons arrived; men of respectable appearance, and ladles who could not but he respect ed. When dancing was proposed It was Imperative to Invito those sorcer esses; tho seven young men were tha sole persons who really could dance. There was but ono young and fresh face, that of the daughter of the house. She smiled with a sort of sadness that Increased minute by minute. "Poor young men," she seemed to say, "they have fallen Into the trapl Others would not have allowed them selves to be caught by It," They danced until midnight. The three hundred Invitations had produced only fifty guests. The punch was strong, the danccuscs were strong, energy was demanded tlie students and the hcioof the fete displayed It. At midnight, how ever, they wished to withdraw. The host barred the way. "Not If 1 know it 1" cried tho niastct of this elegant den. "Supper's ready; you must sup!" Tho supper was for three hundred .mouths; the hcoic Idea of attacking it 'with their small numbers speedily ex cited tlie courage of our young men The seven companions took their places In tho festal hall. They drank, they laughed. However, at ono o'clock, when the omnibuses stopped running, the guests again strove to withdraw. The old gen tleman and tho old ladles were per mltted to depart, but the arm of the host made a new barricade before the young men. "You shan't go," said he, In a louder voice than ho had yet used. ".Yon would be robbed on the way hornet You are fatigued; so am I; let's go to bed! Your chambers have been pre pared." At once, and In splto of appearances. our young friends stared at each other with a certain fright. Tho ambuscade was undeniable. What were they to do? Our rash heroes consulted each other. accepted wllh good grace, demanding only, before ascending to their apart' menis to sieep, permission to take a turn in tho garden and smoko a cigar. This favor was accorded them; tho jailer pushed his Irony so far as to oiler them some excellent Havana cigars, which they lighted with hypocritical gratitude. Once In the garden they ran to the gate. It was fastened. Impossible to awake the concierge ho was without doubt an accomplice in the proposed crime. They concluded they must make their escape with the same unanimity that they had concluded tho night before to go to the rendezvous. They, therefore, searched the garden for a tree that might help them to scale tho wall, They found one. It seemed to have been planted there expressly against the wall, with branches that stretched over into the street. They climbed It one by one, and af. tcrward let themselves slip down the wall. But, unfortunately, thrco ser geants do vlllc, who chanced to be on the spot, received the young men In their anus, refused to believe tho In credible story they stammered out, searched them, found very little money I upon them, were nevertheless suspici ous of them, and took the seven rash fellows to the station house. Next morning, when our sevon stud ents were taken before the commissary of police, they wero surprised to recog nize in that magistrate one of tho sup per guests, the husband. of one of the venerable, ladles. "ParWeut is it you, messieurs?" cried the commissary, laughing, "now did you happen to get into the station bouss?" They were then compelled to confess the suspicion, the terrors that had pre sided over the sca,Ung of the wall. Al most choked with merriment, tha com missary gave the following explanation: The Individual who had invited them 1 , to his hotuewarralng eolrte was an lion- ' est omnibus conductor wjy had just in , herited 2,000,000 francs tbat an uncle, j formerly a broker, bad made at the' I Bourse. "It Is not astonishing," added tha I commissary, addressing the young man who had introduced the rest; "it is not ) astonishing, therefore, that ho should glvo his lavl'.ittonj in an omnibus!" "Ah! if his daughter had not Jjocn so prottyj" responded tho bewildered son of Montauban, 'Parbleul ne wished to And a hus band for her!'! "Do you think he will retain any ani mosity ogalnst us?" "Ho vrlll laugh over tho affair with you." I know not If this story will termlnato with a marriage. It is possible. At any rate, the young man from Montau. ban now remembers that his father was a former chef of the perfecture of Tarn-ct-Garonnc chief cook and thinks that circumstance suillclent to warrant him In accepting as his father-in-law an omnibus conductor, who is twice a millionaire, and who Introduces people into his house by stratagem. SouthernJExposition. Special to the Carbon Advcate. Louisville, Oct. ,10 18S5. Before another quarter of a century rolls around, the school-boy when called upon to enumerate the great cities of the United States, will begin Chicago, New York, Louisville. In classifying this city as the 3rd city of tho Union twenty-five years hence, your corre spondent throws himself liable to have his judgment brought into question by some prophets who have, not enjoyed the experience I havo the past three months. Before the first of August I looked upon Louisville as a very good town, but only when one becomes ac quainted with the elements of work and natural advantages can he speak know ingly. Louisville Is familiarly known as the "Falls City," becauso of the great rapids or falls In the river here, which gives 3" feet of a head in a dls- tauco of 2 1-2 miles. This alono places her In a position which makes competi tion in manufacturing, for tho South especially, out of tlio question, and accounts for tho fact that there are now- over 1800 manufacturing concerns, great and small, lacotod hare, which glvo employment to 37,000 people. Again, If you tako Louisville as the center, and draw a circle every point of which is 300 miles distant from this city, you will Include over 11,000,000 people. This gives her a greater population within 330 miles tu draw from than any other city In the U, S., and accounts for the hundreds of thousands who annually attend thcSouthcrnKxposttlou, Thora are 33 papers published In Louisville; nine colleges and academies, Including nearly every denomination, aru located In this city. Last month she celebrated tho fact that this Is the largest tobacco market in the world, over 130,000 hogsheads of loaf tobacco, representing $10,000,000, has been marketed here the past twelve mouths. Eight hundred thousand dollars has been paid the government for tobacco stamps by factories in this city, and the liquor distillers havo contributed $S,2o0,000 toward the support of Uncle Sam during the same time. With these facts before lura the reader will understand why tho Southern EX' position is always a success when other similar institutions are always run at a loss, and he will not be surprised that tho management have announced already that on August 26th. 1886, the Southern Exposition will reopen, and that already a large amount of space for 18S0 has been taken by the exhibitors nowprcsent. The greatest activity among exhibitors now Is occasioned by tho near approach of the granting of awaffis by the judges and their selection. If you want to see the "best side out" of any exposition, at this particular time you can find everything lovely. Between some lead ing engine, thresher, binder, reaper, mower, and plow men, tho competition Is very close. The Avery Plow Company, which at New Orleans lost every award competed for, and sunk 1,000 in a bet with the Hall riow Co., arc doing all tbey can here to wlu, but fine carpets and rich paint don't make a plow or deceive a competent jury. Quite a number of new exhibits have been placed within the past few weeks and entered for competition. These exhibits only show In competition, and figure if they don't get the prize they won't be out as much as if they had been here tho wholo term. When an award is granted by the management of the Southern Exposition, you can depend upon it tbat there Is no waiting months and years before, the medal is received. The awards given at New Orleans have sever been issued, and never will, as the management is broke and havo no money to pay for the same. A fews days ago was"school children's day admission 10 cm s," Every young ster In the. city and for miles around, whether they saw the Inside of a school house or not, were present, black and white alike, and If they didn't have the necessary where-witha!, climbed the fence, crawled under or over tho style well they got there anyhow, and in good shape. Onco Inside, the police forco were helpless. Hundreds got on tho roof and only the 'persuasive, -Influence of the fixe department could bring tbem dowu. They yelled "ruts" at the for eigners, and pulled the tags off of ex hibits generally. It took 4 policemen and your correspondent to keep tho newspaper exhibit from becoming a total wreck, and then wc were only partly successful. Tbey took possession of. the skating rink and musucrn, andj tried to pusu each other into the pond i where six big alligators are kept, Tha only thing tbat quieted tbem was' Cappa's band, and he haa to get up a ! special programme for tha children and , bringout several characters In theatrical clothes on tho stags. The day It over ! and the children are happy, and every body else glad, Subscribe for tho Caiuio: Advo cate only $1 a year, HE HEARD THEH COOSTED. A BlXlBT TVlTIt A MORAX.TO BTJuriCIOCS BUYERS or Oi. Old Moss, who sells eees and chick ens on tho streets of Austin for a living, Is as honest an old negro as ever lived, but bo has got tho liabltof chatting familiarly with his customers, hence he frequently makes mistakes In counting out the eggs tbey buy. Ho carries his wares around In a small cart drawn bya diminutive donkey. lie stopped in front of the residence of Mrs, Samuel Burton. Tho old lady heiself came out to the gate to make tho purchases. "Havo you got any eggs this morning, Uncle Mose?" she asked. "Yes, Indeed, I has. Jess cot in ten dozen from de kentry.' "Are.they fresh?" "I gua'ntco 'cm. I knows dcy am fresh jes de same as cf I had laid 'cm myself." "I'll take nine dozen.. You can Just count them into this basket." "All rlght,mttm." He counts, "One, two, free, foah, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You kin rely on dem beln' fresh. How's your son coming on at de school? He mus' be mos' grown." "Yes, Uncle Mose, ho Is a clerk In a bank at Galveston," "Why, how ole am de boy?" "He Is eighteen." "You don't tolc mo so. Eighteen and getting a salary already clghteenfcc un ting), nineteen, twenty, twenty-cne, twenty-two. twenty-free, twenty-foah, twenty-live, and how's ycr gal coming on? She was raostgrowd up de last time I seed her." "She Is married and living in Dallas." "Wall, I declare. Howde tlmo scoots away! And yo' say she has chlldruns? Why, how olo am de gal? She must be joss about" "Thirty-three." "Am dat so? (counting), fifty-free, fifty-foah, fifty-live, fifty-seben, fifty eight, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty three. Hit am so simjler dat you has slch olo chlldruns, I can't believe you has grandehlldruns. You don't look more den forty yeahs old yerself." "Nonsense, old man, 1 see you want to flatter me. When a person gets to be fifty-three old" "Fifty-free? I jess dun gwlntcrb'lleve hit fiftj -free, flfty-foah. fifty-five, fifty- six I want you to pay tenshun when I counts deeegs, sodar'll be no mistake fifty-nine, sltty, slxty-onc, sixty-two, sixty-free, slxty-foah Whew! Dls am a warm day. Dls am do time ob year when I feels I'se getting ole myself. I ain't long for dls world. You comes from an olo family. When your father died he was sebenty years ole." "Seventy-two." "Dat's old, shuah. Scbcnty-two.scb- cnty-frce, sebenty-foah, sebenty-five, sebenty.slx, tcbcnly-seben, rebenty- elght, sebenty-ninc and your muddcr- Sho was ono ob do noblest looking ladles I ebcr sec. You reminds mo ob her so much. Shi llbbed to most a hundred, I bleebcs sho was dono pass a centurion when sho tiled." "No, Uncle Moso; sho was only CO when she died," "Den sho warn't no chicken when she died. I know that ninety-six, ninety. seben, ninety-eight, nlucty-nlne, ono hundred, one, two, free, foab, five, six, seben, e!ghl dar, 108 nico fresh eggf , jes nine dozen, and here am one moah egg in case I discounted myself." Old Mose went on his way rejoicing. A few daysaf'crwtirds Mrs. Burton said to her husband: , "I am afraid we will havo to discharfo Matilda. I am satisfied sho steals the milk and eggs. I am positive about the eggs, for I bought them the day before yesterday, and now aUout half of tbem arc gone. I stood right there and beard Old Mose count them myself, and there wero nine dozen." RAD FORM. Mrs, Doodlcbnrc attends a fashionable church, and last Sunday a real warm, human Methodist preacher filled the pulpit, and fdled It pretty full. After tho sermon, Mrs. D. was talking to an' other lady about It. "Did you hear that old woman over In the corner say 'Amen,' when Dr. B. finished ono of bis appeals?" she tsid. "No, I don't believe I did," was the response, "Well, I did, and It made me real ncrvons " "Why should it? She wouldn't do any harm." "Oh, do, I suppose not; bnt calling out tbat way during servico Is so very religious, you know, and at our church It Is miserably bad form for anybody to be religious She had reached her carriage by this time and the conversation ended. THE BEST TONIC. Tbli medicine, oomblnlng Iron ?fth rwe rmrai.t, If lv .j",i.i , jiiuiDvviit'ii, .v raitnrea, .tiul Neuridjilii. I t li an untuning remedy for Diseases of the ttliloeyi nnd l iver. It Is IntaluaMo for Diseases reriillcr to Women, and all who lead sedfntury lives Itdociiottrdurth4tetth,fau!heatuiche.pr pmdnc constipation o(At Jmt midinnntin It enriches and purges the bleed, rtlmulairs ths apwilte. aids tho andmllaUcn of food, rc Moves Heartburn and jwlchlrc, and ttrcac'.b aus the muscles and nerves. For Intermtnent Jsvert. Ijs.'!ra3o, Iask cf 'nertry. A-c, It haa no eqnal. jr- Tha prnulna naa above tra1 marV and "ed led lines on wrsjrr TaVerorthor rl sy BUOWJ tttl SIC.U, CO, BUTtSCU, Mk uii.u ro uiouu. .iiiiiiLfiu.i.iii,.iiiiii i. ,' v . itiffiSi J--tJl 11 11 IzJ l0 . l l l - J sw im DoTAR TRADE W. MARK. 'SSsMasito.soiwfcftsgggjBs' jFnt yom Opiates, iAictfcs ana SURE. OK Cfe AT nsnoni9Tfl iimnfirtM Tin CTARLM al.tOQIlta 1).. DAtTUOTtfc, KU, the annLts i. Toczixa couiLTiaonr, b. AGENTS V ANTED Wt "Spyofthe Rebellion." owa -Hinj by tliH Ttntoj tfwvwuitt Ntf 4iiiiU tioa. Oulr boot :ifl!c Mix, Tlie "SPV "e J mmT icrt(i of tie u'ar ueter be Com publish' d. A graphic accv.untof the coqplrcy o(iMuffiit Iilurola. K'rilntu txpr-rif m of cur I'rvvuil. Biu la Iho Ueb 1 lapltol; tbflr lw McUrfcyr-i" fully rocouutotl la theno virM el.ett,lLw Spy" t thi moH; ih illlntrWiv- b, ok ever pullBhM Endornr-d by but'dris of FrMi utut Aunts' tntimonlls A Uryo J.hUV sous l'ooi, r.-M pia'n co itluatralloiia. CSTAGENTS WANTED A UENTSl This book U mtt-t&ino all rtLtrft. OTerowAu7idr(ouJafid4tppllcallnuiif(jrai:t'iictf havo bn relrfd W'a Lto manv agca: luva aoM tt nil two to f.vs hundred copt'ej. mflbQ my la told only by ur A went a, and ran net xs found In boohnfttnu. HWla to nierchanta. farmer, mH.bulra.aulftery. Iciv. Ah a lu oly the tarictt boek-to c'4 rvcr liewnl V'b wintMinepfntlu OTfry Orand Anrr 1 oat ii Un ovry t'-wTHhip ami county Jn ihrty,d, Tor full particular aud termi to cqcpU prtdtv O. V. CUtLrroiS ti LO., l'uUbhera, So Vui, H.V. MORTIMER, Sr., 0TARY PUBLlj Ol'nCE: ADVOCATK BUILUIKO. Bankway, Lehlghtou, Ponna All business pertaining to tba officii will receive prompt attention. IS. A New and Qripfinal.Plan- Instruction In CLASSICAL MUSlQoo th'a Piano and Organ', Founded en Iho (!al-hrae4 ROnfUNK AMKRIi'ANMKTl'fMI. Term, nn.l-rale, Alsonk-tntlorthe HKHNINO I'lANO and the ETKY (IM1AN. old iniliutmula taken In exchange fur new ones, tiealcr lu Music. Muslc.il Instruments and Musical Merchandise, T, F. KLUINTOP, Lohlgliton, I'm A,ullll. USS-Cm lO-Tan-10-len.-lO'Ten-lO- dioTewis's ' NUGGETS,, A Remarkable Marrazine, Crowded with Brief Articles, ou Sauitary Subjects by that most sensible, terse Si humor ous writer, DR. DIO LEWS. Worlli Its WmfiM In G(i ! YOU CAN OET A SAMPLE COPY FOR 10 CENTS By teodiigtolbs NEW Dio Lewis Piihllshlo? Gompany, 60 4 71 DIDLE HOCSE, "Stw Yon Cirr. 10-Tn-10' Ten.JOTrtrlO ADDT7F "Btf f"r postal ae.lr. rilllPi "'"'ree.a costly lm ol ironU X IUJU..bich will het, you t m.wr rconey ilpht away than anything- els la ifia world. All, of ellherrei, fUiDed from Oral . . . - "j t.irtttiic vvmm lor t). workers, absolutely sure. At Mat !.,.. a T-ti,.v .n.l- . . - . HUU VV.. OWKH.W, .14. lire. 59-1 y 1)1 VORCES ftBifSr. JfAXS rm.linK throughout the United 6ates ana Canada lor Urrtl''n,soS'iarort,tAtamr anre, cruelty, !nccmtttMUty, tu, AdTta. res. uiaia your care asn aonrais ATT KNKV W AHU.WorWJJoUdlnjr.ua Uroadway, New York. Jaly Jly WANTED ld"l?!,Vf AT ONGB-iJrow0ffi,tn1; women roit avr.ri.L ixaeaita or at'tiMrn, IttN ami ucniANira who understand and ured thi-in, itivloK their orders at slchti nrotlts liberal, caryatid onlekt can rtr , nulleiO' n elearlnu !& lotto a wt.k whoar I'lin.fil wllh the w.rki only tlo cardial ra quired, wflie for particulars If yon mean bast. nersrulV" aae. trade or nrntlous emnlty. limit and rWercncc Falllstr, I'illl.sr ft UonVancerbllt A., New Yo II. WANTED The name of any "'-- afUld.d wnii ui'iire, Intel fc, Valualdf lofor. inaiirn FftKE. Address, with stamp. F W. COOK & CO . 84 Bond Si., Oave '"J. Auf. Ii. Subscribe- for tlio Advocate ! infill