The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 03, 1885, Image 3

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    CConijjcraiico Hitlers Known.
N other siirillclno known so effectm
allr pnnrw tho blood of dec p-ncated dlnesecn.
Millions hear testimony tolu won-
It In m. MnrMy Vcsetntiln Preparation,
made from tha native herbi and root of Cali
fornia, tho inedldnM properties of -which are
extracted taerrfroni without tho in of AlcohoL
It remove tlto canto ot disease, and
the patient recover his health.
Ufe-clTtng i'rluclpla
Tonic i a perfect Iter
i lsiiin croat mood runner and
ft Gentle Parent rn and
lenoratar and Invteorator of
the i srstoin. Never Wore In lha hlatory of tho
world baa a medicine boon compounded poemu
mg tho power of Vineoin BiTTtna In hcallai
Tlie Alterative, Aperient. Diaphoretic,
UttrmlnatlTe. Knlrllloon. Lnnt m. Avfitir.
Counter-irritant, HndorWc, Antl-Billous, 8oI
Teat, UiureUo and Tuule proportles of ViHXoan
w nivi usweu uioee oi out ower xnwucinu in
the world.
NO tinmnn en iVn tUTtfrmi ikm
pit to dlructiou and rnmalu Ion J nnwcll, prorU
aea weir dooo an not acetrorod by xalncral
poison or other means, and tha vital orsana
wasted beyond tho point of ronalr.
Malarial Fevers, are prevalent throughout ttie
Unltod Statea, psrUcniu-lj-In the Tellers of our
Croat riven and their Tact tribntarlca during tha
uaniranr and Autamn. ccnoclallr dnxin? tuiimi
uuigu, iiemiucui, intermittent and
....... iuo. BI114 nutUlMII, Ct(WU
Of nnnannl hfint And rin-TiM.
. Xlioao Pevera are Invariably acoorawmled
brUralre derangements of the stomach, IWtr
uu uOTma. in mc-ir treatment, a pnriraUve,
exerting a powerful lnnnence- upon Uieso or
Xliaro la no cnlburtlo forthernTposo
equal to Dr. J, WAL&xn'a ViMxaan BmtBi,
as It will speedily remove th'o darlccoloredTuicld
natter vrltb which tha bowola are loaded, at tho
Same Ulna atlnmllilni- Ihfl luvrMinni tho
Hrcr, and generally KFtoring tho healthy func
tions of tho dlKodlire orcana.
ortllftlio liortr amunst disease by pu
rifying all Its fluids with visioab,
No epidemic can toko hold of a system thus
It Invigorates tlio StonmcU and
cumulates tbe torpid Liver and Dowels, oloans
lnff the blood of all Impurities, Imparting llfo
andTigor to tho frame, and carrylnB off with
out the aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all
puisonous matter xrom me system.
Hrspcpsla or IiitllsrcMion, Head-
iiuu ui tae oaouiar
noss of the Chest, Pn-unjoi
dn In the Shoulders, Concha, Tight-
Taste In the Mouth, mUousAttacks. Palplta-
Uoa of the Heart, and a hundred other pain-
iui ermptoms, ore at onoo relieved by Ynas-
tor iniinni
IUieumatlsm, Gout, NeuralKia, 1 liseases of the
moon, urer, Kiapays ana Ulauder, tho Hitters
hare no equal. In those, as In all constitu
tional Diseases, Walstb's Vrraain lirrrens
bos shown Its great curatlvo powers hi the
wi eliminate ana intractaoia caaes.
ltlecltnntrnJ DlNonK(MiM.IVra(vna An.
raged In Points and Minerals, eucb as Plumb
era, Type-setters, Oold-beotors, nnd Miners, as
they aaTonca In lb a, are subject to Paralysis
of tho Bowals. To guard aaahut n take
occanlonal doses of VLvroia Brrrms.
skiu uiwensoo. Scroruln, talt Ehetrm,
TTL-ra RtMtlN,M Mmnlai t,ott,1Ai, Tl.11
I -vul A u u-ub, WlUi
Carbuncles, lUng-worms, Scald-head, Sore
iiumors an
samo or nature, are literally rtutr urt 11
rled out of the system In a short Umo by the
jriib Aupoaiia oilier aw onnii rune
big la the system of so many thousands, ore
effectually destroyed and removed. Mo sys
tem ot mouicmo, no Termiiuges, no an tin-1-rolntlcs,
will tree the system Iromworma like
Dfeaalos, Scarlet Fever, Humps.
"Whooping Cough, and all children's diseases
may bo made less savers by keeping the.
Vii-n! a i, will, mIU .1 ,'t.
w"Maww niwtuiuuuvxauiUiauilKIS,
For IrcitlnlA (!omt)lnlntH. In vrnii
or old, jnnrrled.or single, at tbo dawn of wo-
manauo.1, or too rum ct llto. this Hitters has
no equal.
Cleanao tlio Vltlateil Blood whjn
its Impurities burst through the skin in Erup
tions or Sores ; cleoiuse it when obstructed
and sluggish In tho veins ; cleanse it when It
la foul ; your feelings will tell you when, and
tbo health of the system will follow.
In conrlimlnii t dlvethelilttersatrial.
It Will speak for Itself. One bottla is a better
guaranwo of Us merits than a lengthy adver-
Around eneh bottlo are full directions
prmtoa in auiereat languages.
It. II. McDonald Drug; Co., Proprietors,
au Franriro, Cal.. and KS, tin h in TToalunirton
Bl, Cor. Charlton Ut, Now York.
5old bj all Dealers and Drugflsts.
Clrnuscs the
II nil. Allay
Innnni nial Ion
IteKtorcs llir
Sense of Taste
V. quick rt'licl
A particle la applied into each nostril anil
la agreeable to uie. Price 60 cents br mall
or at dniBziils. Send fur circular. ELY
BROTHERS, Drusgials, Owejo, X. Y.
Jy 18, IS8J.
Orifynu think of Changing your Locatien,
it will repay you many thoutand fold
To Invest Five Cents
In a Bain pie Copy of
Tho Southern Colonist,
One of the prettiest, brightest, anil most
entertaining publications In the gnutliern
States. It is full of timely infnrniation.
Jyll cor. Southern Pine, X. C.
By virtue of a wrltof Venditioni Ervontu
No. lO, OeU-ber Term, lbb5,to medirrcleil,
I will expose to public sale, at the Cuurl
House, In Ibe Rrough of Mauch Cbuuk,
v;aruoa (Jouniy, ru., on
MONDAY, OCTODEll 12th, IS85,
t 1 o'clock p. in., the following described
property, namely.
All that certain farm, tenement and piece
nf land situated in TowanicncingTowbihip,
Carbon County snd Slste of I'euuaylvania,
bounded aud described as fuMows; IJogin
liiug at a tmna by land of Joseph Ecknt,
North twenty three aud oue quarter (23))
degrees, Knit seventy wrches to a alour,
thrure North tbirteeu degreed,Katt onebuu
dred and ii'vcnty ierclivs snd a nuurier to
a (tune, tlieuce by laud of David Vounkln,
North rigbty-lour degrees aud 3 quarter,
Writ lorty.four perolun aud three quartris
to a stnue, theuce by laud ot rraiiklin
Smith, South drgrfrs and fit
ty ibree ert'hes and three rjiuriera to h
stone, thanre by laud of Jul)' l.ioulh
cighty-nue degecea and a quarter, Wril uur
hundred and rsveuty one (wrchea to tha
plaoa of beginning, cuntaming atyenly
acres snd twenty tlx perchea inura or leal.
It being tbe land which Wl. M.Jonas and
Susanna Jones, bit wile, deeded to Alvin
B Jonea and Alex Jonea, July 1 lib, 187 1.
Jtecorded in deed book No. 18, i'aga 307 aud
who conveyed it lo Edward Jones, iluruli
J3lb, k2, sud recorded in deed book Ho.
20, Page P7,eiJ wliicb was deeitad by
francia M. Jones, and Iydia, his wife, to
Jtoinaulit Miller, April TiO, IH77,andre
forded In ileeil book No. 21, Page 1 1)6. The
improvements I hereon are a two elory
fame houie, 25x39 feet, with a two-tlury
addition, 20x3U feet, frame barn, SQxju
Seised and taken Ino execution as tbe
property of Heuben Leibeneutb, snd to ba
sol by 0. Vf. LBNTZ, Sussirr.
fiutsirr's Orncic, Msuch Chunk, l'a.. Sep-
uwUr Jf, mi-
Vith Hscover's Tailor srttani you can cut
a - ,.. a, r i
.1, m, nuwu. ,rni insiruciiona.
passiiiaktri pronounce
for System Book aud
Wheel, fit 60.
it pert. Price
ujubie TraoiuK
A Byateui, Book apd Wheel will bo sent oa
receipt ol 11 00. Ad. Ire"
lHN 0, I
i, CiDnaoati. Ohio.
HA, li-la
"Original Choap Cash Store'
Open Wifio Open For Easiness !
Attractions too Numerous to Montlon I
Trices too Low to bo Denteu I
Ooods Styles and Quality Unsurpassed I
Staple anfl Fancy Dry Gocds !
An Immonso Assortmont I 1
Many of lha new styles anil elegant novel
ties whinh we are tillering, ran not he ob
tained elsewhere. We aim at all times lo
show ts many attractions as pns-lble, which
we can call exclusively our own. While
our line of staple goods is COMTLKTE in
Ilia fullest sen;e of (lie word, and wl lie
we keep eyerythlng one could reasonably
expect to find In a nell.resmlstril store in
0 ir Una nf business, we endeavor In exceed
the expectstlnna of our visitors by exhibit
ing many article, entirely new and not
beretotore offered for their approval
Opp. I'ubllo Square, Bank Street, Tehlgl
ton. Pa. Jnne7,U3t-ly,
payments to this office by money orders or
postal notes will please make them payable
at me wsissroBT 1'ost urrict, as the Le
higblon office is mot a money order ollice
Newspaper Laws.
Any person who lakes the paper regular
ly from the post i Hire, whether directed to
his name or whether he is a subscriber or
not, Is responsible for the pay.
The courts have decided that refusing lo
take newspapers and periodicals from the
post office, or removing and ' them
uncalled for, is a yrina facia evidenoe ol
iNTr.NTio.ViL rni.fD.
Our Neighborhood In Brief.
Should your domestic animals have
pneumonia give tlicm Day's Horse Tow
dcr, the famou? specific for this disease,
and great condition powder.
For headache, flatulency, dyspepsia,
liver and blood diseases, nervousness,
Ac. Dr. Hull's Baltimore Pills stand
unexcelled. Price. 26 cents.
Mothers who are ulsennd love their
babies keep Dr. Hull's Haby Syrup nl
ways on hand forthelr llttlo nnn rinlo
25 cents a bottle.
F. A. Briiiltman h Improving his
property on Bank street.
A number of our citizens enioved a
ride over the Switchback last Sunday.
l.cbignton was well represented at
the Allentown fair during tho week.
1 he Advocate will be found on
sale at Wagner's news depot on Bank
Ell S. nelntzelman has boon an-
polntcd Postmaster at East Penn, this
CiTljiO tO I'rs. Iloilcror miiW t1,n
Exchange Hotel, for
auu a lasionauio Hair cut.
Wo are pleased to note that our
friend Daniel Graver, formerly of ton.
has been appointed Po.t
Mountain Top, Luzerne county.
lue Allentowu Iron Coiirianv In
tend to tear down their No. 3 anil 4
stacks, and to erect a new one In the
place equal to their joint capacity.
Georgo II, ltowland has tlio Inside
track for the Pike county Democratic
nomination for the Senatorial vacancy
resulting from BUdls' resignation.
Why will some people throw awav
money by buyimr small bottles ofeough
syrup, when a '25c. bottle of .lailwln's
tar syrup contains double tho quantity
of any other. Sold at Thomas'.
East Mauch Chunk is to have a silk
mill; A. W. Lelsenrlng is the projector.
Land has been purchased for tha site.
$20,000 worth of bonds will bo Issued,
payable In ten years.
llV IIIIV a birr nrlcn fnr a mfill
bottle of medicine when jou can buy a
larger bottle for the same price. Jad
win's tar syrup is tho lartjest bottlo in
market. Sold at Thomas' drmr store.
Tho building and stock of Gottlltb
it Siebshon; dealers in general mer
chandise, at Maconaqua, Luterne coun
ty, were destroyed by mo Sunday morn
ing. Loss estimated at SII.000.
A nice slx-roomcd dwelling house.
n East Wclssport for rent. Possession
on October 1st, Apply to Mrs. Cathar
ine Snyder, Welssport, or to Sheriff C.
W. Lentz.
Xo mistake about It.
syrup is above and beyond any other
remedy for coughs and colds as well as
tho largest bottle for tho money. Kohl
at Thomas' drus establishment.
-For the week cndlngSept; itt, there
were H5.890 tons of coal shipped over
the L. V. Kit., making a total for the
year of -l,7S0,C!iS ions, showing a de
crease, as compared with tho same time
last year, of 24,171 tons.
Cinuss cBBio , The Tail
ors, still Imvc a lew ol those
justly celebrated $10 suiting
on hand.
Wo call attention to the advertise-
mem ui u. . Sancton e L.O., tlio large
Book Publishers, New York City, who
want an Agent In our vicinity to sell
their popular Subscription Works. See
their udvertisement of Agents Wast
ed, on lat page.
After a thorough test Dr. T. ITnrn r.
Lchlghton and V. F. Blery Welssport
most positively assert that Acker's
English Remedy is tho best medicine for
Asthma, Croup, Coughs. Whooping
Couch, and all Luna Troubles that ran
bo found. Ask them about It. for thev
fully guarantee it.
Monday luorningThomasShlrcman,
of Georgetown, Northampton county,
went to Nazareth, transacted business,
went home, walked Into his barn and
hanged himself. Ho was sixty years of
ago and at times was out of his mind.
lie was determined on death, having
once before attempted self-destruction.
There aro scores of nersnns wlm n
suffering from some form of blood dls
order or skin disease, such as Scrofula.
1 1 n 1 1 aa ..... ( t . .... '
uuiia, ui,, tie, aiier a practical lest,
Dr. C. T. Horn Lehlghton and W. F,
Blery Welssport, assert that Acker's
Blood Elixir will certain! cure all such
diseases, including Svnhlllis and HIipm.
matlsni. It is not a patent nostrum.but
scientific preparation. They guarantee
An octogenarian, named Henry
Reed, committed sulcido by banging
himself to a branch of a tree in the
oods nearTreraont. Schuylkill county,
Sunday evening. He was missed from
his liome at ten o'clock in Iho morning,
Ills body was found by soma boys
playlug in tho woods. Since losing
vtiie, about a year ago, tho old man
grieved a great deal and concluded
cad us ljasUness is dtith.
nights are crowlnc lour.
When tlio bobolinks nnd orioles have hushed
their summer song.
When tlio beauty-UichtltiB breezes wilt tho
grasses and the flowers,
And tlio geese aro llylnn southward to a
warmer cllmo than ours,
When tlio smiling lccruau's counting o'er the
profits ho has won,
And tho ully coalman adds another dollar to
the ton,
When tbe patrons of horso railroads ride no
inoro In o)"ti cars,
And the call tor whiskey punches is Incicas-
IiiK at the bars
Then ko and pay tho principal, likewise tho
Interest due,
And get the ulster out, at ouce, your uncle
keeps for you.
Men aro very often heard saying
mat tueir aspirations are lilgn, but
every timo they cough their noses go
towards tho earth, with indications that
they will follow them soon, unless they
are wise enough to tako Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrun in t me,
"Adam tho godliest man of men since
born," still could not bo called exactly
enviable, for when ho tilled tho ground
In tbe dewy twilight and caught a sharp
ioucu 01 riicuuiausni, no nau no salva
tion Oil for his cure, and no 20 cents to
try it.
When you visit tho fair nest week,
do not forgot to drop In and pay for tlio
Advocate. Wo will greet you kindly,
People coining to town during the
fair will find amplo accommodation at
tho Carbon House.
B3J-FOH SALE, A House nnd Lot,
situated on tho corner of Second and
iron streets, In this borough. Apply
Charles Froehllch, on the promises, tf,
Apples havo been selling on our
streets at 40 cents per bushel, during the
J3?Arc VOU aware that Itntcllff A
Chubb are selling tho celebrated "Blue
ueue." iiest two-lorsin town. A full
line of cigars wholesale and retail.
Next week will bo fair week, and as
usual David Ebbcrt's livery will furnish
teams to pleasure seekers at reasonable
rates, nis "blg'bus" will ply constant
ly between town aud tbe fair grounds.
Fare only 10 cents. All aboard I
SCAn all-wool import
ed Corkscrew Suit for only
$22, at tho popular tailoring
ustabhsliincnt ol Ii II rotors,
Remember, tho Carbon county fair
opens oh the Society's grounds In this
borough, on Tuesday next, tith Inst, of
course you aud your family will bo ou
"Weak as a cat" from this terrible
cow. well, don't grurahlo when It is
your fault and not ours, for wo used
dadwin's tar syrup and was cured. Why
ilon't you try It, you run no risk for it
is soul "no cure, no pay," and is the
IargeU bottlo on the market for the
money. J nomas sells It.
Wo desire to call particular niton
Hon to an able article on ''He Third
Term What Is Jtf" which appears in
another column of to-day's Ahvocatl-.
We maka this suggestion because third
lermlsm has been somen hat discussed of
late, and so that the people may nil tin
dcrstand. Tho argument of the writer
seems to us unanswerable.
,TDon't forget, The Stnr Clothing
nun, nusquelinnna street, Mauch
Chunk, will make you a guaranteed all
wool suit, to order, for $10 and upwards
nuiiiiiig io ueai it in tins valley.
Complaints are made to us of pot
hunters already engaging In the unlaw
ful practice of shooting rabbits. Any
person caught with a rabbit in his pos
session should bo lined. The time for
killing rabbits commences November 1.
Broun back paper, 0 cts. and upwards.
White ' ' 0 cts. and "
Ollt " 5 cts. and "
In small lots, as low us S cents for white
back paper. E. V, Luukcnuach.
01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
Clarence S. Weiss, at the request of
Mr. John Evans, leader of the Friday
evening rlass connected with tho M. E.
Church, of Packerton, will give a Bible
reading nnd explain and Illustrate Our
Lord's Prayer, on Friday evening, Oct.
uiu; io nuicii an racicertonians ate
cordially Invited.
, SA full line of tho latest stvle and
oesi mane suits and overcoats for men,
boys and children, aro always kept on
hand at the one.price Star Clothing
uuiiiai, uiutuuii; sioro ueiow Li. , li.
ii. oiiice, .Aiaucli Clmnl:.
Ouo George Wolf, supposed to havo
cmigraled from theso parts to Nebraska
years ago, iiieu on the 10th inst., at
MeCook, in said Stale, of typhoid fever,
and, having left soinu property, his
nearest relatives aro requested to make
themselves known.
iuiuiuown at present lias a popu
lation of about 23,000 Judging from the
number of voters registered 1,08-1
jgrj 11. I J. Pete is. at the
Post-office building, Lehih
ton, will make you an all
wool suit lor only S10 cash,
if you order now.
About 60 members of John Bcrto-
ictte Post, 4S4, G. A. It., attended the
ceremonies of unveiling the monument
at Hazleton last Friday, accompanied
bytheArion Cornet Baud. All weio
highly delighted with their trip. The
next Grand Army day will be held at
CS-Tho Star Clothing Hall opens to-
u.iy iciamruayi a, nrst class lailorlng
auu viutinuj oiure, wucre every article
ts warranted as represented and only
una price to all every article being
marked in plain figures.
The Rev. Edward Webb, for nine
teen years a missionary at Madura,
India, was a visitor last week at "Sun-
nysldo Manse," tho Presbyterian par
sonage at Hokcndauqua.
A locomotive Is at present being
built in the Philadelphia and Rcadinc
rillroad thops at Reading which when
finished will weigh 105,000 pounds. It
will havo ten driving wheels.
Over one million boxes of Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twelve months, purely upon their merits,
Why suffer with Chronic Constipation.
Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach. Sick Head
ache, and Female Troubles, -when Dr.
C. T. Horn Lchichton and W. F. Ulerv
Welssport. offer vou relief and nosltlvn
euro In the Dyspepsia Tablets. They
tell them on a guarantee.
To-day (Saturday) tho new Star
Clothing 22 Susquehanna street,
Munch Chunk, will open with an im
mense new stock of cloths, casslrncrcs
and overcoatings, ready-made clothing,
hats, caps, gents' furnishing goods, &c
which thev
extraordinary low prices as to "knock
tbo spots off" all competitors. Every j
. tTni,i ,.,ni i. i..i i n as to tha amount the cniintv 1ia h..n . . . 1
, .i.wiiiuiiu.u in main uKiiri's nv Urn. k lnv nf TlrUinl. ,i,.- for tba delect on aid oonviat on id anv bar.
while and no deductions will be made. Cloth- "ratidod of or as to the jurors and ., T ..' 1 1 n cr persons uht hunting or fishing ?
hi. ingmado to order at lowest possible witnesses wnoso lees Ivesiler Is alleged of Eas. ..' . , ' . T-JT' Si' " Z " S.f' V
has figures, and best (Its and workmanshln hav, approi.ria'eJ. that It Is uncer- w . . ..,,, ,? .Y;: ,.,. .l.n'u.r, i. ve.r ..v "hi 1
w guaranteed, ucmoniaer mo tixs clOtU- ,.k,i, - TJ. TjriZ hvT.Wnwi.nri ru r-u.... in iriyWr,r - .
. . i . . mil an i e.ihive un i iiijt. inn nrftrihPfi - vumk ui vatuuu .....
irtp hmiiu rwvlt-Mu Hom atnu
WWMMV MV4Vin shM,V fc4tVVl
-Visitors to tho air next week
8i10Uia havo a caro for tuolr poekcl.
books, watches, etc., for whenever big
... .
crowds congregate pickpockets arc sure
to make their appearance for plying
their vocation. A county fair oilers
great opportunities for the prosecution
of their business. Especially aro tbo
railroad depots and tho entrances to the
grounds cagetly sought by these uluiblo
Angered thicvos.
Lieut. Robert Craig, of the U. S,
Army, for years past on detached
duty In tho signal service, latterly In
California, has asked to bo relieved ot
this branch of service, and to bo returned
to his regiment. Lieut. Crafg is
brother of Col. John Craig, of Lclrlgh
Prof. J. H. Werner, superintendent
of tho schools of Northampton county,
recently started a project for having
State Normal school established in tha
Fourth district, which Is composed of
tho counties of Northampton, Carbon,
Monroe, Luzerne, Wayno and Pike.
Jos. Weiss, of Wclssport, whlla en-
gagod hauling up a wheelbarrow from
tbo lower to tho upper story of M. Heil
man's Ico house, Wednesday, slipped
and fell to tho floor below, severely
bruising himself about tho head and
shoulders. Ho was taken to his ltotne
after being attondod by Dr. C, S. Ger
jgyCall and fco tho lmihenso 'new
stock: of all tho latest designs in gold
and silvor watches, rlng3, bracelets,
brooches and chains, just received at
Bock-s Jewelry store, Bank street.
The late George W, Cole, one of tho
pioneers of tbe anthracite coal business
and one of the moat prominent citizens
of Shamokln, was buried at Tamaqua
Wednesday. The Reading Knllroad
furnished a special car for tho funeral
An unknown man professing to
have worked within tho last month on
the farm of tbe late Judge Jones, at
Easlon, depressed because of having
beeu robbed by a fellow workman ot
$400, drowned himself in the river at
Allcutown Wednesday,
John D. Bertolotto Post,
481, 6. A. R.,
evcrv Thutsdav evening at 7:;
o clock, in Reber's Hull, 'until further
notice. A full iittendance of comrade
is requested ns business of importance
will be brought before the Post. Bv order,
Jo-. S. Wwjb, "P.
Al, WniTmaiusf, Adj.
Llstcf Letters
Remaining uncalled for lu the Le-
hlghtou Post-OlUeo for the month cad-
ingSept. 30th, 1US3:
Bason, J. S., Klotz, Henry P.,
Ik, Jonas IViter, Ed. H
Kremmert, Cell (2) Robb, George S.,
Knccht, F. G., Snyder, Daun.
Persons calling for any of tho abovo
letters will please say "Advertised."
James P. Smith, p. M.
Doath cf OarrcttB. Linderman,
Dr. Garrett Brodhead Linderman died
at Bethlehem, Monday evening of a
complication of diseases. Dr. Linder
man was born in Pike county In 1S21,
studied medicine in New York and sub
sequently engaged in the coal business.
During the latter years of his life he was
general manager of the Bethlehem Iron
Company. At the time of his death he
was president of tho Lehigh Valley
.uuunai oianK, oi isciuieiicm, and a
stockholder of the Linderman National
X-.. .1..-1 -r, . b . . . .
Bank, of Mauch Chunk. He was a
director of tho Lohlgh Valley Railroad.
His estate is a large onu. His first wife
was a daughter of the lato Judge Asa
Snlside lu His Cell.
Coroner Berlin, of Allentown, held
two Inquests Monday. One was a case
of suicide and the other death from
lfart disease. Sunday afternoon Wil
liam Klotz, a simple-minded Inmate of
tho County Poorhouse, confined In a
cell for bad conduct, fastened his sus
penders to a cell bar, made a noose,
sllppod his head through it and choked
to death. He wasfoundleanlngagainst
the wall at the side of tho cell window.
The body was still warm. It is sup
pose.! by some who knew Klotz well
that he did not Intend to commit sul-
side, but that he wanted to play a trick
on the poorhouse authorities and scare
the next person who should call around
to see him. Ho kopt his head in too
long, however. He had been an Inmate
of the poorhouse from infancy, his
father having died in tho institution
He was thlrty-llvc years of age.
Murdered After the Ball.
Henry Gloss and Charles Sharpwcll,
two young men, who had attended
ball Monday night given by tho Lieder
tafel Society, at Wllkcsbarre, drank
freely and, becoming boisterous, were
ejectod from the ball room at about
o clock Tuesday morning. Determined
to havo satisfaction out of some one,
they laid in wait. Charles TIscher,
accompanied by his wife, camo abng
soon after, when they rushed upon the
former with clubs and brutally assaulted
him. Being satisfied with their revence,
they fled, leaving their victim almost
lifeless upon the sidewalk, Mr. TIscher
was removed by the police to his home,
where ho died during the afternoon.
His assailants have been arrested and
aro now in Jail. Mr. Tischer was a
tailor by trade and was highly respected.
Great excitement prevails among the
dead man's friends, who swear vengeance
against tho murderers.
Fx-Trramrer Kessler's Answer.
Sydney Kessler, the accused North
ampton ex-County Treasurer, has filed
his answer to the petition for a rule to
show cause why a rc-audlt of his ac
counts should not be had. Ho main
tains that there arc no Irregularities in
his accounts, that ho did not defraud
the county by crediting himself with
Jurors' and witnesses' fees not actually
paid and that he did not procure the
County Auditors who settled his ac
counts to report in any other manner
than according to the actual state of his
accounts. Ho says that there was no
appeal taken from any of the reports of
his accounts in tho three years of his
ofilco and prays that the petition be dis
missed at tho cost of tho petitioners.
Ills counsel filed reasons and moved to
dismiss tbe petition. The reason sot
forth ls that tbfl rUUon is not specific
ecttlea.-atlwa utnixed.
, footle In and out of Town.
. wur pcope o inwtm., mufl ri
i by sendlnx in their name and resilience lor
nnlill(.nlli,i, mulu. thlu hnH t.,.tw.t
Thotnas Kuntz, of Trolchler's Sta
tion, was la town on Sunday.
Miss Emma Ash Is visiting hev
brother Will Ash, in New York.
Mrs. Win, Zehner, of town, ts so
Jourulug with friends lu Brooklyn, N,
O. A? Clauss was In Lebanon, Pa.,
ou last Sunday in nttendoneo ut the
funeral ot Mrs. Laltzle.
Dr. T, J. Solt, of Mountain Top,
Luzerne county, was In town Tuesday
and dropped in to sec us,
Our young friend Chnrlic Miller,
who has been working in Wllkesbnrro
for some time hits returned home,
Mrs. W. D. Peters and Mrs. W. W,
Morthimcr, of town, spent Sunday with
relatives aud friends In SlatingUm.
-non A. J. Durllng, A. C. Bill
head and Lee Wills havo been on a fish
ing jannt to Vosburg during tho week,
Messrs, Qeorgo Kearney and Daniel
Goorlaob, of Philadelphia, spent Sun
day with David Ebbort, on North sttoet,
Our friend Hon. A. J. Durllng will
please accept our thanks for a splendid
nicss of fresh fish. Tha fish were aost
heartily enjoyed by our family.
Alvin J, Marsh and family, of
Stroudsburg, have been visiting Ms par.
onts and friends here during tho past
wcok, Al, looks well arid feels happy,
Our friend W. Scot Wlntermute, of
Grenola, Kansas, was In town this week
with his brother, Frank Wlntermute, of
East Mauch Chunk, and made us a
very pleasant call.
A letter from Dr. J. M, KIstler,
Minneapolis, Minn., Informs us of his
good health and business success, also,
of the safe arrival of his sister, Mary, a
few weeks ago, and states that she Is
well satisfied with that section of the
Harvey B. Smith, the Democratic
candidate for sheriff of this county, has
uoen visiting tho lower end during the
woek. Prominent Democrats claim
that ho will run ahead of his party
ticket many Republicans having
pledged themselves to support Mr.Smlth.
Mahoning Items,
Tilghman Mertz and family, of Le
high county, are visiting friends in the
-Mrs. Matilda Kuepper, of Laury-
town, was visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Eberts, over Sunday,
yulto a number of our people were
to Allentown this week.
Miss Alvenia Rcinsmlth Is visiting
her parents, In tho Valley, and has been
greeted by many of her former ac
quaintances. David Eberts arrived from Buffalo
with a car-load of cattlo tho beginning
of the week.
rarmcrs aro done sowing and aro
now gathering In tho tho buckwheat
crop, which is pretty good. Buckwheat
cakes uoxt In order.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weiss of
Welssport, and Mrs. Rebecca Weiss, of
Lehightoti, were visiting friends In lha
Valley, on Sunday.
-Tho picnic of last Saturday evenini
was pretty well attended. Tlio young
routs enjoyed themselves Immensely.
There were a great many baskets to be
carried home, but tho boys did it with
out a murmur.
On day last week a certain man, a
stranger in this neighborhood, failing to
get rid or a dead sheep at ouo of our
slaughter houses, whero bo offered It to
hi skinned drovo a littlo further and
dropped it In some bushes by the road
side. A few days later It was found,
and, thanks to the common senso of a
farmer's hands, was removed. A
mighty fino trick, wasn't It? Besides,
the carcass lay In a position to scare a
horse and cause a runaway. We think
dead sheep could havedono this, and
would caution the party lu question that
there is a law against all such Indcccn
cics as this.
Farmers, and people )n general, do
not forget the county fair next week.
It is not enough that you spend a day
or so there; every one should bo suro of
sending to the fair grounds, what things
they have to be yut on exhibition.
Oar County Fairs.
Tho 11th annual exhibition of the
Carbon County Industrial Society will
commence on the company's ground, in
this borough, on Tuesday next, tho 6th
Inst., and continue for four days. In
dtcations aro that It will bo well at
tended aud that tho exhibits will eaccll
those on any previous occasions. Tho
sale of stands aud privileges took plate
on last Saturday and netted somewheio
In the neighborhood of $600, an amount
exceeding that realized from tho saroo
course ou any previous occasion.
Aflar tho sale, the following oQlccrs
were appointed for duty during the fair
fcntry clerks Al. Whlttingham, Jos.
Ticket clerks J, II. Arncr, J. W. Ran-
Gate-keeper W. G. Rex.
Urivlnc trole E. Rex. .larnh KeUor
Fair House keepers E. Nowhart, Owen
Klotz, Wilson Weaver, J. Schuyler,
Ladles toilet David Stronp.
Observatory Til. Rex.
Horses Wilson Ebbert, Godfrey Peter.
Plfllrt lnn. C-!l, T.-II-- 1 .. -1
wH.t.U uuw3 JIU1U, .1114 1VUU11,
Repairs O. Shoemaker.
Nlsht watchmen Milton Koch, Alex
Fence watchmen Moses Hontz, Jef,
Rex, Amos Ebert. Ed. Lapp.
Marshal Frank I.aiichnnr.
Police Wash Schocb, Michael Kresge.
Horth Philadelphia District Convention.
Rev. S. W. Thomas. Presiding Elder
of tho horth Philadelphia Distrlct.scnds
the following in relation to the first
convention on his District:
"Dear Bro.: The North Phlladel-
pbla District Convention will 1 held at
Bethlehem on the 16tb and 16th of
October. Chaplain McCabo and Dr.
Butler will represent tha missionary
work on the morning of the 15th. Dr.
J. II. Vincent will represent tho Sun work in the afternoon. Prof.
James, of theUnlversItyof Pennsylvania,
will present a paper on "Higher Educa
tion." "The History of Methodism"
connected with tho churches on this
District within tho bounds of Philadel
phia county, will be represented by Bro.
A. Pierce.of Summerfield: that of Bucks
ol Wocrw county by Uc-a. J, D. Storm, P.
Theae papers vr 111 ,o full of Interest.
For tbOMrtvoseof hrlnohtl.pehnrfl.M
of Philadelphia ou my District closer
together, I nave gtouped four or five
contiguous churches holding family
gatherings for aald churchos at such
times and places ns they may eelcct,aud
perhapj this way load to a united effort
hi revival work,
Rev. J, W, Young will present a paper
on "Church Benevolences and Flnsjnco,"
Dr. A, J. Kynott ls expected to be pres
ent, and will present Church Extension
Dr. Butler will locturo on tho evening
of tho 10th In Bethlehem. Philadelphia
The Coal Trada.
Last Monday's Philadelphia Zfitjrer
says ; Tho favorable ch&tigs In tbe state
of tho anthracite coal tia.lo noted by us
last Tfwk progresses slowly. While
there ls nothing like a "boom" expected,
the'market for anthraclto ls likely to
steadily improve, and better prices for
coal aro anticipated. As stated in Sat
urday's Ledger, tho Lehigh and Schuyl
kill Coal Exchanges havo agreed to make
an advanco of 10 cents per ton on
anthracite, to take effect October Isti
This advautagn applies tg tho lino and
city and harbor tradoa, Tho October
prieoa for Schuylkill white ash coal at
Schuylkill Haven will bo: Broken, egg
aud chestnut sUes, S2.C0; stovo and
small stove, $2.85; and pea, 81. Our
latest advlcos aro that thero will proba
bly bo no futthor voluntary restrictions
of mining this year. Tho carrying com
panles aro now endeavoring to discharge
all tho loaded cars In transit or at tide.
in order to supply tho demand for can,
some Individual operators complaining
that they have more orders for coal
than they can obtain cars In which to
carry their coal to market. Tha total
production of anthracite this year to
September 19th is nearly a million tons
mora than two-thlrds.of the total alio'.
went for tha entire year 1835, and Is less
than half million tons behind the out
put to the corresponding date last year.
It Is expected that next mouth's tonnage
will be heavy, aud it Is possible that tho
quota of the year's allotment for October,
3,250,000 tons, may be exceeded by thi
actual output In the endeavor of the
carrying companies to inako a good
showing of tonnage If not of profit. Tim
Reading Company's stock of coal at
Port Rlobniond on Saturday was 122,000
tons of all sizes. Of the above 33,000
torts were stove and small stove, 35,000
tons chestnut, and 40,000 tons pea coal.
The stock of broken coal had been re
ducod to 7000 tons aud of egg to 300 tons.
there being vessels at the wharves with
orders for more broken and egg tho
latter of which Is very scarce with the
Reading Company than could be had
Immediately. The shipments by the
Reading Company from Port Richmond
last week largely exceeded the receipts
of coal at that point. There Is said to
be a more encouraging Inquiry from tho
East, vessels being scarcer and the
demand Improving, particularly for
special coals. The line an,! city trade
Is repotted in better shapa than at any
previous timo within tho past six months,
aud advanced prices, It Is claimed, are
being obtained.
A "Quack" and tho Balvation Array.
Tho rivalry between a traveling ven
dor of quack medicines and the Salva
tion Army at Nantlcokc, Luzerno coun
ty, Monday night nearly caused a riot.
The quack, armed with a license from
the Mayor and a flaring torch, estab
lished himself on a triangular space
generally used for public meetings and
held fortli to a large crowd upon the
virtues of his pills and pollous. nis
wares sold rapidly until tha Salvation
Army inarched down to tho triangle
with band playing and a hymn chorus
in full swing. Tho quack, recognlzine;
a rival attraction, shouted his loudest
aud Inched his negro banjo player to
vigorous action, but the quack's voice
and the negro's music were drowned by
the sound of praise. Then the pill man
stopped praising his wares, and hurled
billingsgate at the Salvation Army
Friends of the latter replied In kind, and
in fivo minutes the crowd of thousands
was ripe for riot. Some one notified
tha police, and a moment later tho
quack, standing upon bis license, de
manded that tho disturbers of his bus!
ness bo arrested. Tho polloo seized
"Captain" John Lyon, Sergeant David
Williams and Sergeant William Good
and carried them off to jail, amid the
threats of tho crowd. The latter were
quieted, however, by tho promise of
Georgo T. Morgan, of the Susquehanna
Coal Company, to bail tho prisoners.
After tbe men were released the police
i officers eencealed themselves lest thov
be mobbed, and for an hour later angry
crowds tramped tho streets uturing
threats against police and quack, and
ready at tho slightest excttso to break
into riot.
The Advocate is the best adver
tising medium in this section.
Choice grapes ar selling for a cent
a pound, wholesale, on parts of tho
Pacific coast.
A great many coins English shil
lings, sixpences, coppers, and one Ca
nadian piece were found in Jumbo's
stomach by tbe gentlemen having charge
of his remains.
A pickle famine is threatened this
wlnUir. The present supply at the East
is set aown at uu.uuu.umj one-nail only
of what is needed for the Eastern trade.
The western crops bavo suffered, and
heavy advances m rnce are looked icr.
A stranger Is surprised by the large
number of drug stores in Montpelier,
Vt.. but he need not believe that an un
usual trade in medicine Is tbe cause.
Vermont has a prohibitory Honor law.
and by far the larger proportion of tbe
drug trade is in contraband wlilskey.
Subscribe for the Carbon Advo-
gate only SI a year.
A London police constable recovered
25 damages from a publican, whose
bull Hurler had bitten him severely. It
appeared that after the plaintiff had
been bitten he was refused compensation
on tbe ground that there was nothing to
fear, as the brute always had his teeth
cleaned every Sunday.
Caution to Huntera and
Tbe Lehishtnn and Weisiport ITunllni!
and Fishing Club will pay a reward of 10
ltK Y-
New Advertisement 8.
A Creat Victory-
A TorrJblo Coco of Oorofwla
Cured Uy
Hood's Sarsaparllla,
" Lt tho winter o 1879 I was attaoked with
Scrofula In one of tbe most assrovatliisfof mx
At ono timo i nau no less Iban tnlrtcdn largo
obsee sss over and around my nock nnd tliroat,
continual exuding an offensive mass ot
bloody matter dlseuttlnff to behold, and
almost lntolorablo to endure. It Is Impossible
to fully dwcrlbo my auCerlnRs, as the caso
was ocmpUoated with Chronic Catarrh. After
tlrreo jvars o misery, bavin;: been treated ij
thrco physicians, I vms worse than ever.
Filially, on tho recommendation of W. J.
nuatley, drusfUt, sf Lock-pott, I was ladnesd
to try Hood's Barsnparflla. And now, after
cavinj iaert rvrciva wtties, within tho last
twelve months, tho Rcrpfukins eruptions haTo
entirely ceased, and tt-o abscesses havo all
dlsaprprcd.cxccp: tbe ttnstfc-btly 8ars,rhlch
are cftliy Lrccmlnit 'umallcr by decrees, and
beautifully less.' , T do uot know w bat It may
havo douo if or t thers, but I do know that tn
inr case, Hood's BarsspajUla has proved an
clfoctlvo specific Indeed. As. an evidence oi
my, rratltudo I sood tbego acts' unsoMtcd,
and 1 ara ready to verity tha amhefitlclty of
this curb, by t-eiTcnal corrcspontttnea with
my ono wio doults It." Crurarn A. Itoo
enrs, East Wtlscn, K. T.
Thl3 statement Is confirmed by W. J, Hunt
ley, aracsiiti ci Lockport, n, T., who calls tbo
euro a preci victory for Hood's SarsnparfllX
Send for bock giving statements of many curs a,
IHJood'c Sarsaparllla
Bold by all dmsslsts. 81 1 six for SS. Mado
only by C. I. HOOD Ss CO., Lowell, Mass,
IOO Dosoq Ono Dollar.
Photograph Gallery,
Choice Pictures!
0,'tnber 3rd, 1835.
Bank Street, Lellitoi, Pa,
Calls attention tn his NEW and BEAUTI
Cook, Parlor & Office
Stoves and Ranges,
Tinware & Honsefnrnisliing Goocls
wbicb be will sell at greatly reduced pricrs
lu meet ma nines,
Ofevory df!rlptinn furnished. Tin H"of
Itift. Ilet miilnz. or sny u-orli which belongs
to tho Tinsmith trsde, done lu the best pos
sible manner. Estimates on contract for
tin, zinc, copper or sheet-iron work turn-
isnod al clow figures. Oct. 3 tra
Sciioll HorrMAN. On Saturday,
Sept. 20th, by Kev. G. W. Stlbltz,
John K. Scholl, of Welssport, and
Miss Malvlna J, Hoffman, of Lc
hlghton, NnwiiART Newiiart. On Sundav,
Sept. 27th, by the same, Dcrlas W.
Newhartand Miss Lizzie, C. Newhart,
both of Lehightoti.
PrnrFEit Miller. At Hazleton,
Sept. 21, by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Henry
Pfeffer and Miss Mary Miller, both of
Kr.r.cKjJEit Leslie. At Summit Hill,
Thursday. Bent. 2-1. bv Rev. A. C.
Wuchtor, Mr. Wallace Klcckncr, and
Miss Clara Leslie.
Evakb Williams. At Lansford,
Sept. IS, by Rev. Mr. Edwards, John
T. Evans and Miss Sue William?.
Sciiocii Rticn On Sept. 10, by Rev.
J. S. Erb, Horatio Schocb and Miss
Agnes Kuch, both of Welssport,
Greun-awalt. On Friday, Sept. 25th,
William C, son of Charles Grerna
walt, Bged 11 years, 6 months and 15
The parents of the deceased have the
heartfelt sympathy of the community In
their deep bereavement. The funeral
took place on Monday afternoon. Ser
vices were held In the Reformed church,
Rev. G. W. Stlbltz officiating. Tbe
Reformed Sunday School, of which he
was a member attended.
Kistlkr. At Minneapolis, Minn., on
toe lutn ot sept., knvm uavid, only
child of Mr. and Mrs. James KIstler,
formerly of Mahoning Vnlloy, this
VOLKE. On Tuesday, Sept. 2, Wm.
ii. voiKe, aged f-i years, omontnsand
20 days.
Our Motto s " Big Sales
The Carbon County Fair.
ivo purchased dlroot from the Manufaoturora QUO of
the Largest Assortments of
Boots. Shoes & Rubbers !
Because we make It a rule to alwaja bays on t only ibe largest Una cf goods,
bat also, the most fashionable as w ell a. substantia), which we tell lor less monev than
any other bdflt in.the Lehlsh Valley. Wa !! tha JOHN E LENTZ t CO.. Allan
town, SHOE. Also, tbe BOSTON snd the CANDEE RUBBERS. Tbe best, Try tbsui.
Mats aww ajp&9
We purebasa these rrods direct Irani tbe factories
enabled In offer purchasers unprecedented bargains in these gools Y"n can ssts tn'-ne.v
br dealing with us. We nnlv keep lh lau.l and init fashionable stvl't nf goods is
etock. Our motto Is, "BIG BALES AND BMALL PROFITiir TRY US.
Groceries. Provisions. Notions, &c !
alwass carry a very choice s.leellon rf tbwe
us ntities direct rrom insnutaelurers aud for CASH. We bur and tell for cash and aa
result all who deal with us save miner. Wears rsn'd'T wirkinc uu a renni.tlou
CIlEArtST HOUSE mtheV.lley, We iurii to rs'1 and inspect our goodt
I3ank fcptrool, XjoliiUtoa, Ia.
Burdock Bi.ood. bittiiiu
Purify tha Blond
Ourdock Blood bittliu
' item
Sound Refreshing Steep
Burdock Blood bitteps
That Tired. Weary fjwj'
' Kick llrndaihe.
QRNTii-t hnvii lueu ts'ibJ'Tl I KicM
rifuUacho fur wur. null h ivr tn..l m
vain, tnatiy mlvt-iti-nl n-uif(liv tin I v
oral physician", lju'ullluio puiv. At
last I tried your 11. U. Hitler wi iKmt faith. I uliuit but umIuv I i' u
truly tav, tliatnfu-i t:ikl'i)Uic third l ul i
I havo not MilToreil front u, 1 rtvnui'-ii
It la nil my filenil-, s'Vcrul huvv !--.,
cured by it, Mv lail'iifi-tiuilsnj mi pr
mancnlly curvdof Hdioiisnem una s.
tle.idaclie. wlncli f e a severu ,
ennso convulsion1. They baveiill o t4
tin co be commenced tin tuo ot U.Hi,,
.MitS. B. C. iH IDLE.
Orange, Liuo-no County, l'a.
i iv wis. io a rentioie pariy, t m
temwnaa, to receive 'iMvi (or uur uii
Mention!. Any vvro l plytUR Kr bl
position, who cannot oil mi us i-r,.r,
ally, must tend photograph (which will.
reiuiaen, anu also u nines 3 reni--t SI
ibis business men i reference. ArtdirsJ
Alder fublishlii( Co.,
SM Wabiih Art.. Cbleeeu. Ill
SI-.. I t t ' .ftn. ' '
riui II, IOS3.
A Lecture to Ymi Men
On Tho Loso of
A lecture on the nature, treatment snd
radlcnl cure of Seminal Weakness, -ir 8pi--liiatorrhcsa.
Induced by Self-Abuw, in
voluntary Emissions, Impntencr, NtrV-us
Debility, and Impedimenta tn Mrr t(
zeiisnllj; Consumption, Epilepsy aril Flt-s
Menial and Pli vslcal InmpooHy, ic Br
The world rsaowned author, in bls t
mlrnuto lecture, clesrly proves hu
own experience tbatlheawful tonjUtiri
of Self Abvse may Is elfeetuBlly removed
without dangerous surglual operatln-,
bungles, Instruments, rings or coroUl-
pointing out a mode ot cure al onre rrrtsln
aud effectual, by which every sufferer, im
matter what bis condition may b. mr
cure himself cheaply, privately aud radi
cally. sSTThls lecture will prove a bom t
thousands and thousands.
Qeut under tesl, in a plsln envelope
auy address, on receipt nf fourcspts, or twa
postage stamps. Address
41 Ann St., .Mow Yorh.S, Y,
Post Office Sox, 460, nm?l! 1
Carriages.WagoiiH.Sleighs, ifcrj
cobhxb or
LEHlunTON, Pavxa,,
larltootar attention glreu to
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prl.
Patronairo respMtrally solicited and per
feet satisfaction guaranteed.
Slate Roofer.
REPAIRING promptly attended In at
short notice and on reasonable terms.
Address; PRINCE'S P. 0., Carbon County,
Pcon'a. aurftMjr,
Reported up (o 13 ii'qlcvk, by Do Haven k
Townienl,6tniiers,Ko. 36 S Third Street,
Philadelphia. Btocss bought and sold
either for rash or on inaram.
miadtlfkM, Sept. SO, I f.ty
bid asked
VBVt, Ext in (
U S Currency ft - ,.130
US 41. n .1122 1121
DSi'i 12.1 i:.u
Pennsylvania R R , ,.. b M
PhiUdolphia k Readiog K R 8 SI
Lehigh Vallev R R ,.., ti J
Lehigh Oal Navlg.tion Co...... 431 4
Huff, N. Y. A Phils. R R Co 3, 3
New Jersey Central , , 40) 40
Northern Pacific Com Ill JIJ
" " Prefd 47J 1i
Oregon Transoontlnental 31 IU
Union Psclfia 40! 4i
Western Uciin BJ F
Wen Shore Ills. .... 44i t
Ln'uisrllle & Nashville .............. 4i 4a)
CiNer. (Trades)... fj fcj
and Small Profits! "
snd at first prices and wa tte
neces-sriss In stneli. We b-jy Jn tart