A HOME DRUGGIST uj TESTIFIES. roruUrity at home It not always tho best test ol inorit, but we point proudly to the (act that DO other medicine bu mou for Itself such universal approbation In its own city, ate, and country, and among all people, aa Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tne following letter from one of our best known MassMhnserta Druggists should be of interest to every eutferer! RHEUMATISM. sSSS vera that I could not more from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several reine dies without much If any relief, until I took Area's BAKSArABIU-i, by the use of two bottles of which I was completely cured, liars sold Urge quantities of your SAntA. rAKlLLA, aud it still retains Its wonderfu popularity. The many notable cures It lias tUVcte.1 In tits vicinity eouTince me that It It the best blood medicine ever offered to tho public K. F. lUnuts." Hirer St., BooUmkI, Masa, May 13, 118&, SAITRHH1H cvra WflUl IMiLUiTll carpet Corporation, was for over twenty years before his removal to Lowell afflicted wltb Salt Rheum In its worst form. Its ulcerations actually covered mora than half the surface of his body and limbs. Ho Was entirely curod by AVer's FBAPAniLLA. Bee certtficaU In Ayer'a Almanac for 1M3. FBETABED Br ,,D,r.J.C,Ayor&Co.,LoweIl,MaB8, eVd by all Druggists; 1, six bottles for . Pictures ! Pictures ! Pictures ! ! PICTURES Copied and Enlarged in all sizes- from card to life size, viz: Oil Portraits, Water Colore, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photos. II work cnaranteed or do pay, All we as k is a iriai. (live us u call and be convinced. No. 105 North Eighth Street, ALLENTOWN, Pa. FfilXKLIX S.1NTEE. Manascr. J. 8. KRGIDLER, A gout. QBDEKS left t the RansoN Advocate Offioo will reoelve prompt attention. Feb. 28-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser havlnc been permanently cured of thatdread dlseise. Consumption, by a tlutple remtdv. Is anxious to make known to Lis fellow sufferers tho meant ol cure. To all wbodetlreir.be will tend a copy of tho proscription (Fre), with the directions for preparing anduslnsr the same which they will And a sure cam fir Couithi, L'olds. Con sumption, Aithma, Uronrhltli, &o. rartles wlthlnir the prescription, wlllpleaie address, IUt. E. A WILSON, Iti Penn Street, 'VTilllaaisburgb, N. Y. dcc2T-ly PS mi MM, Hoi Restored! Just published, a uew edition of Da. Cvi. viiiwsi.L's Cklkbratkp Essay, on Ibermi t'jai curs of 8rKhHATOBKiiotA or Seminal Wrakneft, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ikifinrsov, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Msrrisge, etc; also, Cox aiMrrio, EritupiT aud Fits, Induced by self indulgence, or sexusl extrayssance.ic. Tne o.tebrateil author, in Oils admirable eiay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming I-onieqtieucei of self abute may be radically ture l; pointing out a mode of cure at onci simple, certain and eflVctusI, by meant o! wlilcli rvery sufferer, no matter what hi, condition may be, mav cure himself cheap ly, privately and WiVay. " tJThis Lecture should be in the hands ol tui; ynuth and every man In the land Sbul under teal, in a plain envelop", ti cuy address, postpaid, on receipt of four cvnts or two pottage ttampr. Arldress The CCLYKKNELL JsEDICALCO., 41 Ann St., Mow York, N. Y. Pii Oflic d.ix,4il). inav23 lv JJ- UCIL.MARI ti CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton, Fa.. AllU.BIW and Dealers in Flour and Feed. AllKlDdtof G RAIN UOUOIIT and SOLD ItEOULAR MARKET RATES. We wonld. alto, lenpecttnlly lnlerm ourclti ens that we are tiowfslly prepared to bB l.V them with The Best of Coal i'roia any 2IIn desired at VSU LOWEST PRICES. II. UEILMAN & VO. mpunitpno I DauUuUOielllnic our Standard Houkb BiautBa Uliu.cs. ; Stead? worn lor Sprint: and hummer. Address J. U. lie Uiiaur fc Oo., Philadelphia. DROP IN AT THE J Carbon Advocate , OFFICE FOR rt i- s bneao rnnttns: ! a DANIEL WIEAND, Camages,"Wagons,Sleighs, &c oonxr., or BAKE AND IRON STREETS, LEHIUUTON, Pxssa., PtrtkuWr attention given to REPAIRING la all lu details, at tie very Latest Prices. Patroaaas riio.ia,ly solicited and psr vt r S'titfjciltfi. KsanUMd. A3' FARMERS' COLUMN, Horse E tables Tho condition anil health of n horao depends very much upon tho kind of stahlo it Is kept In. There nro horses which suffer from diseases of the eyes, from coughs, from scratches and other skin diseases, all of which arc produced by tho pungent foul air In tho stables. F.inniTj and others who haro horses, will take pains to keep their carriages and harness protected from tho strong atnmonlafcal air of tho stables lest tho leather may be rotted or the varnish dulled and spotted, and at tho samo time they will wonder why their horses cough, or havo weak eyes or moon blindness, or suffer from other diseases, which,, if llicy would only think for a few minutes, they would readily perceive aro due to the foul air tho animals arc compelled to brcatho every night in tho year while confined in close,badly venti lated stables. Tho remedy Is very easy. Tho stable should bo kept clean; this will prevent the greater part of tho mischief; and It should bo well venti lated. The floor should bo properly drained, so that tho liquid will not re main on It, to be absorbed, and decom pose, and piodtuo the pungent vapors of ammonia, which arc so injurious to tho eyes, nostrils, throat, and lungs, and this liquid wasto should bo carried away to soma place whero It can bo absorbed and utilized. The floor should ho washed off at least twico a week with a plenty of water and then liberally sprinkled with finely-ground gypsum (plaster) which will combine with the anunoula, und fix it. A solution of copperas (sulphate of iron) will havo tho same result. Lastly, tho floor should bo supplied with absorbent litter, which should bo removed when It is soiled. Ventilation should bo provided in such a way as to avoid cold drafts. Small openings, which may be easily closed with a slide, may be made in tho outer wall near the floor, and similar ones near the ceiling, or In the roof, through which the foul air can escape. Pure air Is of the utmost importt nco to the well-being of horses. As an instance of It may be mentioned the fact that in the English cavalry stables a complete system of ventilation reduced tho average loss of horses from the deadly disease, glanders, from ono hundred and thirty-two per thousand yearly, to nine, in the thousand; and when a similar improvement was made In the French army stables the percentage of death was reduced In a similar ratio, with a still larger decrease of milder ailments. Am. Agriculturist. Worse Than Flroaims. The editor of an Omaha paper. In commenting on several cases in that city wncre emidren died irom tne effects of taking cough sprup containing morphia, remarks that opiates, poisons and narcotics aro moro dangerous than urearms. wotners sliouiu note tills and furthermore that different Boards of Health, after makinc careful analyses have certified that tho only purely vegetable preparation of this kind, and one that is In every way harmless, prompt and effective, Is Red Star Cough Cure. Mayor Latrobc of Baltimore, and the Commissioner of Health, have publicly endorsed this valuable discovery. Breeds and Families. In the breeding of live stock, every body realizes the subdivision of races into breeds. Amonp; cattlo we have Shorthorns, Devons, Ayrshircs, Jerseys, Dutch, etc., and it is impossible to establish definite limits to their multi plication. Among dogs we have pointers, setters, mastiffs, etc., In great numbers, and so among all tho races of quad rupeds, birds, and even fishes, which come from under tho influence of intclli gent breeders, breeds aro multiplied. .These breeds occasionally break up intc sub-breeds, as setter dogs into English, Irish, Gordon, etc., and when carcfull bred, they always break up Into families. These are essentially short-lived from the nature of things. A family maj possess strong peculiarietics, great pre potency, an 1 the Individuals may bear to each other strong rc:omblcnccs, but in the course of years, continued close breeding within the ft mily, weaken the constitution, or lessen the profit to tin keeper in ons way or another, so that lit Is actually forced to take outside crosses, to maintain tho character cf the family. As an example, th; frtnous family ol Duchess Shorthoris, was first maintain ed intact by tho Oxford cross, whicl finally became so blended with the Duchesses, that other crosses wen forc:d upon br .eders, ach one doing itt suar.i to dilute tho blood and destroj tho identity of the family. The highest value of families is for crosi'ng and grading. Among the Jerseys as now bred, we see this strikingly shown. Tin great producers are all recent crosses ol great butter families. These crosses betw ecu families serve in this way to intensify characteristics of the breed. Tho blood of different families does not always nnlte well to nrodece the sought for quail :Ies. vhcu this Is so, the families are said not to "nick" with each other. Yet they may, and proba bly will nick well, crossed with others. Thus the blood of the famous English bull "Rioter," when It has been crossed with certain other familles,has produced great butter-making cows. M. C, Weld in Am. Agriculturist. A Bemarkable Escape. Mrs. Mary A. Dallev. of Tunkhan. nock, Ta., was afflicted for six vears with Asthma and Bronchitis during which time the best chysiclans could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last October she procured a bottle of Dr. Kliifi's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and bv continuing its use for a short time the was completely cured gaining in flesh uv lus. in a lew montns. Tree Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all Throat and Lnmr Diseases at T. D. Thomas Drug Store. Large Toung mustard plants, cut while still in the seed leaf, furnishes a delici ous salad. The new, palo asparagus Is ntt without delicacy, but it has no striking flivcr. HAPPY CHILDREN. How to Make Them 8o Keep Them In Health and They will take care of the Best The J'iy of every well rcrultt'd house hold comes chiefly from the children. Thousands nf aH'potionate parents do not take rare of their children. Through 15-normi-e more than culpable nenlect they fuller them (o fall sick ami di, when kimnlerige might have saved liiem to lore and home. Dr. David Kennedy nfTerf his "Kayrite Remedy" as emphatically a medicine for the children gentle, in Its action, containing no harmful Ingredients whatever, going straight totlie Mood, which when tint lire, is the seat and source nf Jl (0Ht. "Favorite Hemedy" is the friend nl childhood and sh mi'iI be Mind in every nureery In tin- land Keep It In your house lor your children's sake, as well as lor your own. Try it and you will be glad von saw this xrlicle. MHko no misinkes The ncdiciPB Is "Fatorile Remedy" and the pnpnetoi'a name and address; Dr. David Kennedy, Rohdoul, N. Y. One dollar a bottle. Good words for a good thing. Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorite Hemedy" Is exactly whst it clsims to be, and des.-rves the praises that are showered upon it by all who have used it. Mr. Israelii Snyder, of Sauserties, N. Y., says: "My little daughter was covered with Salt Rheum from hesd to fool) Dr. Kennedy '"Favorite Remedy' cured her. This was two years ago " Wo are not in the habit ofpuffiing any tort of patent mrilrines In our columns, but we happen to know Dr. David Ken nedy, ol Rondoul, N. Y., and can personally tstily to ihe excellence of the medicine which the doctor calls "Favorite Remedy." And If a word ofotirs will tereuade any bony to use II ami thus rind relief Irom suffering no professional etiquette shall hinder us from saying that word. For di seases os tho blood, Sidneys and bowels it has no equal. We wonld not be without It for lire limes the dollar it costs. Daily Time, Troy, N. Y. June I3lm. Fsrroers and Gardeners use MINER'S PHOSPHATES because tbey are a htifh grade bone lertlllser. They are very aotlve and permanent and contain all the elements ofplant food. OUR JUMBO Is a fertiliser adapted for general application to all crops and soils and Is sold for t:5 per ton. OCIft UTERI Is a higher grade and more lasting. It If fold for $30 par ton. OUR VICTOR Brand Is a very With grade and produces wonderlul results, price, W. Our Phosphates aro all free from adultera tion anil cheap Ingredients to make bulk i tlioy aro verydr and fine which makes thsin cepclally adaptid fur drilling. Try them nn oats, corn, potatoes and vcgotaiilct aud be convinced. Write tor particulars to A. ARNER& SON, New Mahoning, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A. apr.lSlm I The underHgned hna j'ltt received n mr losd of i In. Allentnwn aliiuurai-tuiing Coin, pany's justly isleurated Complete Bone MspMe, cne of th very best ferliliz'is known to agriculturists, and highly reccnmnicnded hy all who have used it, which he will furnish at tZS ier ton. Ho bat also a lower crade manufactured by the same firm, called the Lehigh Phosphate, which he will furnish at $27 per ton. It is not claimed that the "Lliiiih" is e;unl to the 'Coinptcie Bone Pnophto," hut that it will stand tho lest with imy other low priced fertilizer in Ihe market Alao. on hand.H quaniiiv of th rp'phrated HOVIA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. Ill sacks. Tins is i IhIiumi to he lha h-t. plnslor in the innrkei. and tarn-era should give it a trial. Orders hv mail will receive prompt attention. M'. UEILMAN. apr.l8-3in Lehighlon, Tn. J AWPTITi a rerresen ta tlve of vw gond address to travel A rp flTvf,t through fart.cn conn. Xa.J. KJi. 0J ly With VMCABI.K worka ron sr-KriM. class or nrs'NKS mkn AND MKritAMra wtio understand nnd need Hum, ulvlnv their orders at sight; profits liberal, easy nnd quick; ean reler to urnllemi n clearlnu S2S Iot0 n week who nr pleased with the work; only tU) capital ra quired; wrllo for particulars If you mean bust, ners; utve aae, trudo nr previous fmpKy ment and references Pnlllser, Palllser tr Uo.. Yan'erbllt Ave.. New Yo ik Island Home Stock Farm, C rosso lie, Wayno Co., Mich. SAVAGE & FAIINUM, PnOPBlEHma. ' Patroclt Ko. USO im b IMPORTED Percheron Horses. AH Stock tslected from th fret cfrirM and tjimi of established reputation and registered la tin a tiiiMj tui4 nmennn vuia docks. ISLAND HOME Is beautifully sltuttcd at the liesd of Uaoasx Tut I la tha Detroit River, ten miles below the Chr, and , Is accessible by railroad and steamboat. Visiters I not familiar With the location mav rati nt Hlw nffi. 51 Campau Duildlo?, and sn escnit will accompany them to the (arm. Send for catalogue, free by maif. ... wa, miaul la, 1'AiU.VU, WCUtK, JKIHU. Nerve-Life and Vigor . JEt.3EIST?Jb.EX. This cut shows the Howard Electric Maguotic Shield as applied over tho Kid lie) a and Nervo-vital centers. Tuo onlr ap pliance tnaoe that itt every part of the body, and the onlj one seeded to rosmviLT con KldnejDIaeaso Itheumsllsni, D yapepala. the worst cases ol Kcutlual Weak uest, Exitaua llou, lmnoten cy, and all Dis ease! and Weak. iieaa of the Urlno (iciiltul On? an Patented Feb. M, 1879. TOUNQ MEN, from earrj Indiscretion, lack certs force and fall to attain strength. MIDDLE-AGED MSN often lack vigor, attrfbot tat; it to the progress of vears. The MOTIIEIMVIFE and MAID, suffering from Female Weikwui, Perrons Debility and other ail ments, will find It the only cure. To one and all wo say that the Shield gives nat ural aid In a natural way WITHOUT DRTJQCfraa THE BTOifACH. Warranted Ono Year, nnd llio beat appliance made. Illnstrated Pamphlet, THREE TYPES OP MEN, also Pamphlet for Ladles only, sent on receipt of 6c, sealed; ncscsled, FREE. American Galvanic Co., JUMBO! IT 1 OF THE OFFICES imriiT Tut 1 1 103 dlutuut SU. PlUla. MISCELLANEOUS. A host in him! the Inn-kccper. A ten strike: a blow with both fists. A court house: tho horao of mar riageable daughters. Tho speculator who holds eggs for a rise generally gets the worst of tho eggs. Tho great success of church choir singing Is, after all, largely a matter of chants. The revival of the polka dot sug gests to some people that the world of fashion Is in its dottage. Time waits for no man; but if we may believo what some of our maiden friends say of their age, It waits for woman. "I havo no appetite," complain many sufferers. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives an appetite and enables tho stomach to perform Its duty. If, as Is stated, tho stomach of tho ostrich is located at its back between the wings, after a hearty meal wo imag ine it might look just a little round shouldered. It doesn't follow that the men of the present day are more truthful than their fathers were, becauso they are more addicted to swearing to what they say. "No doubt," said a footman to a short, little gentleman who had insulted him, "you think yourself three times as good as I am; for I am only a footman, while you aro a three-foot-man." "l'a," said Johnnie, at Barnum's circus tho other day, "if one of those Arabs should fall down and knock all of his teeth out would he talk gum Arabic?" Avoid by ail means the use of calomel for bilious complaints. Avcr's Cathar tic Pills compounded entirely of veget able ingredients, have bean tested for forty years, and are acknowledged to be the best remedy ever devised for torpid ity of the liver, costiveness, and all de rangements of tho digestive apparatus. A Hackensask woman set a specif ied hen on a dried apple pie, and inside of three weeks the hen hatched fourteen night-mares with blue ribbons on their talcs. Satin was early described as one who went up nnd down the earth, seek ing whom, or what, lie might devour. He was the original, dead-beat and free lunch liend. She asked him ono day what animal dropped from tho clouds, and ho ans wered: "Tho rain, dear." Then there was only ono suction in two mouths. Yum! Yum! The Burdock Plant is one of the best diuretics or kidney regulators in the vegetable world, and tho compound known as Burdock Blood Bitters, is un surpassed in all diseases of the kidney, liver and blood. "What does this mean?" asked a scholar, who had been scrannlng some lines written by a friend. "Oh," said the friend, "it doesn't mean anything. It Is poetry," The Spring chicken was on deck. Old bachelor Crusty remarked that it was as tough as leather. "Shoo leather, I suppose," exclaimed the boarder who never laughs. In Bombay, husbands cut off their wives' noses for punishment. The women in this country are too smart for their husbands. They never talk through their noses. A Vermont man got wind of tho proposed elopement of his wife, and frustrated it by keeping guard over her silk dress. She wouldn't run away in a calico gown, and he knew it. i-i There is no uso fighting nature. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Kcmedy docs noth ing of that kind. It docs not make the sufferers who trust It worse under the pretense of doing them good. It acts tenderly and in sympathy with what nature uerselt is trying to accomplish. Do you Itave trouble with yourdigestion, your liver or your kidneys. Does rheu matism pain and rack you? Is your Head thick and Heavy? it win cnarm away these ailments almost before you are aware. A scientist has discovered that drinking too much coffee will cause bald heads. If this be so, what passes for coffee in tho average boarding house is a blessing in disguise as a hair pre server. "You aro always behind," pettishly exclaimed a lady to her footman, who made tho carriage wait till he took his place. "Av coorso 01 am, mem; Oi'd roidc on the front sate af 01 wasn't, mem!" The Golden Argosy. Is the handsomest, brightest, most elegantly Illustrated weekly paper for youth ever published. Serial stories by Horatio Alger, Jr, Oliver Optic, Jfary A Dcnison, Edward S. Ellis, and other celebrated writers, short sketches, puz zles, charades, etc. llovs and.cirls. send , for free sample copy. It will instruct and amuse you. Address Golden Aiiaosv, 81 Warren Street, New York, A girl masquerading in boy's cloth. ing slipped and fell. She said, "ouch!" nnd this gave her away. A man would have b:en just as much hurt, but he vtould have made a different remark. "So tho missus is to bo married, eh?" said the gardener to tho cook, "Yis, and in illlgint stoyle, too. She's goin' fcr to have a dhrcss thray yarruds long, and have four pall-bearers to car ry it 1" . "I can't say as he went to heaven," remarked a Fort Scott citizen of a dc- ceosed townsmen, "but he paid a bill of eleven years standing only the day be fore he died, and you can judge for yourself." Ames' Mattery of the Pen Teaches you quickly how to become an decant nenman bow to make birds. scrolls. iKC.. &c. No school exercises so fascinating. Tlth proper and earnest ap plication you can in one montn acquire as elegant a handwriting as any professor of nenman shin. Price bv mall, nost paid, $1, Address Tub Golden An- oosy, 81 Warren Street, New York, Send for terms to Agent. A boy in one of the public school?, while engaged in defining words, a few days since, made a mistake that was not ! a mistake. lie said: "A demagogue Is ! a vessel that holds beer, wine, whiskey, gin, or any other kind of Intoxicating liquors." i A girl with three arms Is one of tho attractions of a Louisiana side show, I This youny lady ought to be sought for by every marriageable young man in the neighborhood. She could put two anus ' around a man's deck, while she turned pancakes with the other. In A Tunnel. TUB AWFUL MISTAKE OF A NEWMADE 1IRIDE0R00M. A newly married couple were en route to Washington by tho Baltimore k Ohio. There are many tunnels on this road the other side of the Ohio river. All through Ohio the face of tho young man wore occasional looks of pain, de spite his great joy. lie seemed to want something. Apparently ho yearned. Over in West Virginia the train entered a tunnel. Upon emerging into the light tho young man's face was seen to wear a studious expression. Ho was think ing. At first he seemed pcrlcxed, then interested, then triumphant. lie had had a revelation. Then ho smiled with a firm, manly, continuous smile, and his oyes peered ahead for the first sign of a yawning cavern in the mountain side. Tho bride was happy and demure. Whlsh shadows rumbles darkness. Tho veil Is drawn. It Is another tun nel. Light again, and the young man looks happier than ever. Tho bride's check disports a gcntlo blush a mo dest, Inexperienced blush, discovered only by tho Initiated and envious. No perplexity, no anxiety now. Tho reve lation has been tested and found a suc cess. There arc many tunnels, but not enough. If the whole line were a tun nel the brldo and groom would not care how slow tho train proceeded. The man who has not lived to bless the builder of tunnels does not know what happlncts is. He is but little above tho brute which never troubled the Creator for passing clouds over tho moon on prayer meeting night. But our bridegroom was not ono of these parties. Ho ap preciated all tho blessings which man and nature had bestowed upon hiin. lie did not miss a tunnel. But all things must havo an end. Daylight always comes to tho newly married. Strawberries and cream must bo paid for at the cashier's desk. With in the blissful cucumber hides a mi crobe. Our young husband goes for a drink of water. While on his errand his eager eye catches tho signs of an other tunnel. Of course ho fears his birdie will bo sore afraid if left alone in the darkness, and he ha iters to her sldo. Quick are his feet, but faster mores the train. Darkness gathers whilo he is yet a half dozen scats away. But tho brave man does not falter. Ho gropes along, he reaches the scat (or thinks ho docs) and slides into it. Deep are the shadows, and hums tho train. A scream, long and vigorous a sound of scuffling a thump or two and tho bright light of a May day breaks upon the scene. The young husband frantic ally endavors to disengage hlmselt from thocraspof an angiy colored woman sitting in the seat just behind the bride. He at length succeeds and retires sullen ly to his seat, wipine: his mouth aud occasionally spitting upon the floor as if he had bitten through a worm in a fig- Tho tunnels come and go, but their shadows are scarcely deeper than those upon the faco of the young honeymoon. A Foarfal Fun. "Say, mister," a small boy shouted, "ain't you afraid of gettin arrested?" "No," said the bakery man who had been addressed. "What for?" "For driving that wagon around." "There's nothing the matter with this wagon." "Yes there is, you'vo got stuff in there that kills people." "How do you make that out?" "Why, atn't you got a big lot of pies on?" "I'll p'ison you, you young vaga bond," said the baker, driving on heed' less of the cry of "Itatsi" which the small boy sent after him. Bed Snnsets. Tho remarkable sunsets which startled so many parti of tho world about a year ago have attracted the attention of scien tific men, and a committee of the Iioyal Society of London has been appointed to incstlcate their cause. Tho com- mlttce has not yet made its report, but it is believed that it has arrived at the conclusion that the phenomena are not as was at first supposed, traceable to the volcanic eruptions in Java in August, 1883. In speaking of the epidemic of pneumonia in Philadelphia and New Vork last winter, an eminent physician of the latter city suggested that it was due to some strange atmospheric con ditions, of which tho red sunsets were probably the result. As a preventative of throat and lung troubles he strongly advlced the use of tho new medical discover- Red Star Cough Cure, which scientists and chemists have fcund to bo absolutely free from morphia or opium, harmless and of remarkable elhcacy. Such a remedy, must therefore, prove an undoubted blessing to an. The Ohio thoe Fly. When Rev. Dr. Y. Peyton Morgan, rector of Trinity church, Cleveland, O., was married last week, some thought less friends threw an old shoo after the parting carriage. When tho terrified horses saw that Cleveland shoe sailing darkly through tho affrighted air, they thought it was a barn wafted upon the wings of a Kansas cyclone, and they made for the timber, broke the double tree, went smashing into another car riage and raised Cain generally. When a Cleveland girl heaves tcr shoe out in to space, the abashed earthquake that happens to ho prowling around in that quarter of tho universe crawls under tho bed and stays there until the shoe has settled. Stepping Stones to Esccen. Learn your business thoroughly. Keep at one thing In nowise change. Always bo in haste, but never in hurry. Observe system in all you do and un dertake. One to-day Is worth two to-morrows. Be self-reliant; do not take too much advice, but rather depend on yourself. Never fall to keep your appointments, nor to be punctual to the minute. Never be idle, but keep your hands or mind usefully employed except when sleeping. Uso charity with all; be ever generous in thought and deed help other's along life's thorny path. Hake no haste to bo rich; remember that small and steady gains give com petency and tranquility of mind. He that ascends a ladder must take the lowest round. All who are above were OS-C below. Corkscrew Suits Only $22. H. H. PETERS, THI'l TA1XOB, Announces In his customers and the cUisent generally lhtthf.li "ON DECK" with one of the largest and nintl Fashionable Blocxs of Spring &c Summer Styles of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC msnufsolured CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8 AND SUITINGS, ever before shown In tlitt sirtlnn. anil at rrlr. i.m. that defy competition. Nnne hut employed, hence the Best anteed in every case. Also, nn haml a lull ami Fashionable line OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of newest styles, including Collars, Cuffs, Neck-Ties, Hose, &c, &o De sure you call and examine goods and prices before going elsewhere. H. H. PETERS, The Tailor, POST-OFFICE BUILDING, Bank Street, - - -il ttd H April Is, 1585 ly Ratcliff & Chubb, BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS, Opened their ICE CREAM PARLOR on SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 4th, 1885. IB E MIOIVIAIL C. M. SWEENY & SON Respectfully announce to their host of liicnds that they have removed into their New Store Building nearly oppo site their Old Stand, nnd that they are now opening up one of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, ever brought to this borough. Our prices are as LO W as tho LOWEST. Call and see us, we guarantee satisfaction. Remember, the NEW STORE, opposite the foot of Iron Street. C. M. SWEENY & SON. R. PENN SMITH & CO. Are prepared to sell to Dealers, Lime Burners and Conm' ers, at their BREAKER at LEHIGHTON, Pa . tlHl&H (MI At Msuieli C'lMBiftk Eriee9 Delivered into wagons at the following rates, 2240 lbs. ti the ton : Lehigh Egg, oiuve, Chestnut No. Chestnut No. Buckwheat, Culm M (( TERMS Jnlr 1, 18)1-17 WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE UEE IIT BHmiWIHO SS.,W.nter;ill . V, M igorthlnrjamAlbart l"a o V) f f ffflM J SsMn o . fr r. r. i w 1 8 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Tiv roason of Its control position and cIoeo relation to all princlpel linos Eost nnd west, nt initial and terminal points, constitutor tho moat Important mtd-ccntl-nontil link In that system of throu?U transportation which Invites and faclli tatcetr.woland tramo between cities of tho Atlantic and Fadflo Coasts. It is also tho ftworlto and host route to end from points Eest, Northeast nnd Southeast, and correspondlnsr points W est, Northwest and Bouthwcat. Tho Rock Island system Includes In itt main lino and brenchee, Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, la Salle, Peoria, Qaneseq, Mollno and Hock Island, In Illinois; Davenport, Mussatlno, Washington, Fairfield. Ottumwo, OekalooEO, West LiUrerty, Iowa City, Das Molnos. Indianola, Wlntereet. Atlantic, Knoxvlllo, Audubon, Harlan, Quthrlo Centra end Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gcllatln, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, iu Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds of Intermediate cities, towns, villages and stations. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantors its patrons that senso of personal security afforded by a solid, thorouThlv billasted road-bod; smooth tracks or continuous steel rail; sub stantially built culverts and bridges; rolling stock as near perfection as human skill can moke it; the safety appliances of patent buffors, platforms and air-brakes: and that exacting dlsclplino which govern tho practical operation of all its trains. Other specialties of this route aro Transfers at all connecting points In Onion Depots, and tho unsurpaceed comforts and Hizurlos of ta Pnssonger Equipment. Tho Fast Express Trains between Chicago end tho Missouri River ore com posed of woll ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches. Magnificent Pullman Palace Bloopers of the latest leslgn, and sumptuous Dining Cars, in which elaborately cooked meals aru leisurely eaten, "good Digestion waiting on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and Atchison, aro also run tha Celebrated Reclining Choir Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Is the direct and favorite lino between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, whore connections aro made in Union DeDota for all points In the TerritorlM and British Provinces. Over this route. Fast Exoress Trains aro run to tho watering places, summtr resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and fish ing mounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also tho meet desirable route to the rich wheat fields and postoml lands of interior Dakota. Still another DIRECT LINE, via Seneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News. Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, r nd Lafayetto and Council Bluffs. Kansas City, Minneapolis and 6t Paul and lntormediato points. . For detailed information ooo Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well as Tickets, at nil principal Ticket Offices In tho United States and Ccnada; or R. R. CABLE. President and Csneral Manager, Chicago. Get your JOB WORK at this Office. the best of workmen are Workmanship and Fit Is ccitr- - Lehighton, Penn'a. la- I tit $3.15 3.00 2.80 1 2, 1.65 1.05 50 CASH. CEOORAPHV OP THI8 COUNTRY, WILL THIS TOH. THAT i SIS E. ST. JOHN, Cenersl Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, REMOYAL! Dr. C. T. Horn, Rospectfulty announces to his rn t torn t rs aa J'.5?Pe Ksnerallr that he has removed hia imda STOKKfrotu Inekel'. UallJiVs t! his newttore room opposite Ihe rubllo Square Bank Streot, Lohlghton, Pa., where he will be pleased to rteelv frlsods poouc, ana tuppir laem with Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Stationery & Choice Cigars. together with a One line of latest dsslgna la Wall Paper AND DecorationS, it fwlt Tt D-aas.ba. . - Kt-ft. 1 1 ml Bnaaia.la. . I- - a lusted to their tight at reasonable pries. i-reioripiions compounded with oar day r night. Remember, THE CENTRAL DRUU 8tore, IsVt yl D. O. T. HORN. I AMI. S'M?' nMHj. ad WAR LAINU KAVTS. ADDITIONAL ES and all kiniii rr t.a Wii Knamn 1 1 anil sold. I,srg Stock, and Hlrliest TrUea paid. Do jrnu want to sail or Curt If . rlt to A. A. THUUA8, Attera.r at Law, " ".' -v. J, IBB. 0,1 . Central Carriage Works Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Arc prepsrtd to Msnuftwtors Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, tif srsry desorlptloo, In the most betuttl nsnnsr, and nt lowest Cask fried Repairing Promptly Attended 1o TKEXLER & KREIDLER, April as, 1183 jl Proprl.Urs. WM. DUFFY & SON. of East Mauch Chunk, an prepared to do all kinds of PlasteriEG & Ornamental fori, st shortest notice. Orders hv mall will r ceiTo prompt attention. Terms moderate or jtooatTork. scolStf Subscribe For It! $100 PER TEAK. Contains more LOCAL NEWS than any other paper in Carbon county. "JOB WORK!! We have a more thoroughly equipped Jobbing Department than any other office in the county. Our prices arc suited to the times. If you need anything call on us. We can please you in Plain or Fancy Work. To Advertisers! The Advocate cir culates in every town in Carbon county and also in adjoining coun ties, therefore it will pay advertisers to ad vertise with us "We will furnish you with rates on application. OFFICE ON Pa MANHOOD Ksstorcd. A Ktntlrmsa hsrlni Inaeeently rontriictecl th. hsblt ef (air abuse In his jrouth. nd In eunwnaenM su tie red mil Ik horrors of Sexusl Inespsslty. Lust M sa llow!, Fhj.ical liecsjr, (Itncnl ProstrtlD, to., nlll, out of .Tin.sthr for his f.llow sufferers, luatl Ireo tho reotna by whlohhu was nnaiir rureu. Aaursrs iu eonoaones j. w. pin 1NKUY, S3 UedarttU, New York. uec.STJy Mmnro money than at anything else by taking an K.ncj (or tlin best s.lllnic book nut UKinoers suoceed grand Ir. Won. fall. Terms free. Hallxtt nooc Oo, furtlaiHl, Maine. dseto-ly Ho Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inrentors In tht Vnltsd Btatss Canada and Kurope, at redneed rates. 'With onr principal offloe loeated la Washington, directly opposite the United states Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent buslnsss with greater promptness asd de spates and at Isii cost than othsr patent at tom.rs who are at a dlstanea from Wash ngion, ana wno naie. m.rerore, to employ " associate attornCTS." We make nrellmin.. examinations and farnlsh ODlnlons n tn tentabllliy, free ofchsrue. and all who are Interested In new Inventions and ratenls are Inslted to send fur a copy ol our "tlplde for obtaining Patents," which la sent free to any address, and contains complete Inline. Moos how to ebtaln patents and other ratea ble matter. Wo refer to the Uerm.n-Ani.r. lean National Hank Washington, II. (J. ithe Jtnyal Swedish. Norwes-lsn and Ilanlthga tlons. at Washington t Hon. Jos. tUa.y, lata Uhlel J MStlee U, S. Court of Claims; ta tha Offlnlats of the U. ti patent OMe, and to Senators and Members of Congress frosa Terr State. Address! I.OUla IlAaOERfc CO., Bo liclturs of Patents and AttorneysilLaw, I. DrcU Uulldlng Wssiloio. U U, '