Ne(v Advertisements. Financial Statement of Big LeWiltt Sckool District, Fop Year Enclmg: June 1st, 1885. keueipts rao.M a Lij saunous. Esr.i Newhilrd, Collector t 6,3 71 RUte appropriation MT 14 New Loins., l.CSOO i Tuition from outside pupil IS 00 Hill rent W OJ Total rccelpti. ExrKflDnunE3. . ,tas i; 'Oatbon AdToeate,"ad'valalenionl AudlliT'l Auditing Aeo'ts v, 1 Hemmel, repairs on ptftni John Aokor. repain on pump II. V. Mrrtt. now pavonient J. I.. Oabel.cnal and i.ellTor lr,(f ., D. S. Hock, books lor Indigent obit. dren Keystone Fnrnltura Co., Desks and . Ffeluht Thai. Kaincrer, Agent, Iniuraneo assessment A. W. Horn, changlnc desks John Miller, ehanitlng desks IV. (1. Miller, olianiclng desks Frank Metis, palntlnic Hn work ... welisport Planlnx Mill for lurotor. Knnta llros., skins for blackboard erasers Ii. II. HutlerfcUo..chart fc expros. IS 00 4 AO Hi 1 00 0 61 soi u t 08 1S5 47 19 42 ( 00 (. 0(1 0 25 4 HI 1 09 a ro 8 4 79 5 00 Val. Salmarts. repairing ohnlrs V. l I.cntr. tor klndllmr woon Ttiol. S. Ilcek, for stationery (old mooountl OSS ,T. J.. Uahcl. paint and nil Si 41 E. W. Claust, store and cleanlnif heater., 4I 05 YT. St ltarshar, retaining fee..,.,, 10 on M.llellman&t'o., coal Jc dcllvar'B. S3 SO K II Snyder, indue as per Mil Si M Incidental expenses (affidavit, josU axe-Su") S9 I,o wl Walk. Jnnllor ,,.., 10' St Teachers' Salaries , 2,029 75 Ksra Newhnrd, Collector's fees.,.. '.07 48 K. II. Knyder, Treasurer 60 OS 2. V. Ilutlord. Secretary 79 00 abts paid , , 2,345 07 Interest paid ,.. 1,021 CO 0.024 10 ItEOAPITULATION OF STATEMENT. Total receipts,..,.,. ......a 6,808 87 Total expenditures 6,821 10 Hal. In Treasury .... 274 77 fotal Indebteilneis June 6th, 181.,1.'0, 012 09 etd'dtirlng the year cum. Juliet.-1131 a 1.6K 09 Cain In Treasury at date, VT4 77 Tolaldefete paid & cash In Tress. 1039 85 Total ain't of debt June 1, '85.. .$14,975 2J )y order of the Hoard, B. F, HOFFOUU, Sec'y, Jane C, 1885-3 Treasurer's Statement OF THE Lelilitoii Boro. Scliool District, ENPIIIO JUNE 1, 18S5. E. II. SNYDER, Tremuror, Dr. To state Appropriation t 517 14 ' Eira Newhard, Tai Collector.. 6,349 73 Near J,onn , , 1,0.0 l. u jiaii item ana iuuiuu.,,,. .... n lo $ (893 87 on. Tajtl out.fur Teachers Salaries, IJat.orrrnaM year 1S84. ). A. HUtrr Ilattle I.. Ivoons , A.J. lUlllet AuK'e K Hauk , Mvra Good Wla K. U raver... Euitna J. Reucr , Jessie Alb .t 116 01 480 00 Sill 00 210 (II 2..0 (0 VCD 00 2.K) 00 UX 75 $ 5.010 ;5 Hand aud Interest I'ald, John Peters. Interest t Adam Snider, bond Inr. (latharlne llarler. Int.,.. P. J Kutler, Interrat.... Tionis Msnts, Interert,, A, llarlboloinear.tnteretr. Charles Seirert, Iniareat Harah SelTert, inlervti, ,, Hoory Kolb, bond & Int.., .lames Mcliinty, In.ercst Jai. & jut. Jamas Mnllh, Intertst.... (llias. Mendson, Interest.. H, J, LIluuii, Ucc'd, Int.,, 3,11 I t New Furniture, JCeyitnne Sohool Furni ture tin 150 CO J:. 11. Knyder, Treasurer, spelling ahart 8 45 R. F, Iloiroul, Scsrctary, frelUt on furniture,,,,, 6 47 .. $ 1C3 VI Iniuranea and Sundry Expenses, Thns. Kamerer, Ag't, In. surance assessment 4 It it 4 54 E. 11. Snyder, 'treasurer, auditing accounts 1SSJ.. E. II. Snyder, uidie. as per bill , v. M tiapshrr, retnlnlnif lees to June 1, 1835 Thus, B. lleuk, statlunery '(Jartion Advocate," ad rertl'lni; siatoinent fur JuaroTUSI , P. S. Dock, books fur In- dlitoiit rhlldren II. F Motion) postage, ho. It. F. HoirorJ, salary as Kacratary i June 1, '85. Eira Nenhard, column. sloo for eollecllnic mt,, E. II. Snyder. sa.try ai rraamrer to June I, '15. II. W. Merti, flwglns In rull ........ E. W. clauss, repalrlnir heaters J. U. (label, olll mdie..,. Val. Schwsris, repairing aha Irs .- Frank Merti, pamtlQK tin work , W. (1. Miller, repairing desks ,,,, John Miller, repairing desks Welisport Planing Mill fur lumber John Acker, repairing pump ,, W, J. .-cmmel, repairing stove and pump.. Ji. II Snuiur, t'reaturer, paid for labor by A, W, JlorpSDd Uqnti Jlros.. 31 91. 10 00 8 35 II 00 b it W 75 00- 217 41 SO 00 94 08 45 V5 i 41 3 75 0 15 t 09 1 CD 1 00 15 8 CO 085 32 Janitor and Fusl, F. I. Lsnls. klnlllng wood....,, ...,,,...$ M. llellmn, a.wil J. I,. (label, coal Lswli Walk, janitor..,,, Balanaa In hands of K. II. rSnyaar,Trcasurar,,,, 8 oa 24 20 3 8 63 102 25 241 98 274 17 t 0,899 87 We, the Hndershcneddulyeleeted Auditors of the IlorouKh of Eehlghton I'J., do eertlly thai are hare axainlnail the accounts il II. 11. ttnidir. Treasurer of Lehttfiitun ii.irmiifh t-choul niatricl and Ami It correct to the bell ui ur apoiooge ami neiier. Ualanaa In hands of E, II, tinjder, Treas. w. p. r.riNo A II, J. HIIETNEY, Auditors. jl. U. XiiCAlilll Leolfbto, pa,., June 1,1881. June s-K3 nrSOI,INTW nnETNEY.IashlonaU 1JOOT ana BUOK .V4XHH, USDS Ml wviuKUion, 'An wura warrauieu. BTO C1H MAKKETB. nenorted up In IJn'.ilnek. Iv Da Haven Townsend,Uankers,Ki), 2(1 S Third Street Philadelphia. Stools bought aud sold pilhcr lor rain or on marain. l'kiladtlfh-.a, June 21, 1889. hid asked II 8V, pxt .,. 1"4 U a Currency o's .12 H UB41, oaar , 1121 U 8 4's 12.1J Pennsylvania It It ....,- i-i Philadelphia Jc Biding E 11...... 71 Jjehigh Vallev BR...,. ,... 67 Mhlgh fa! A Navigation Oo 4I Uufl-. N. Y. A Pbila. II It Co 1) New Jersey Ontral 40 Northern Pacirin Tom IliJ a PrrdM S3 Oregon Transcontinental I3( I'nlnn PaeiBo v(, 651 Western Union 811 Veil Shore Ills.,., 38) tvuiayilla k Nashvilla - ... 391 b.I tr, Tiidai; , 83 1121 123 4S1 671 411 II 404 Ifii 361 ll 6a S5 09 1,050 UO 1 A 00 1 t (0 Z 00 SO 00 100 10 SO 01) lot oo S'O 03 1,060 00 100 to 41 (10 80 00 "OrlffinalOhoap Cash Store." PUItSES rUIlSKS runsKs runsE3 I'UUSES I'UttSKS PURSES, Pooketuaoka and Hand-Bags, PUR8K8 PURSES PURSES imriQi.'a pttnsi.4B rUR8E3 PDllSES' PDHSE3 V UKSES In Seal. Alligator, Kid I'UUSES PURSES Duck, Velvet and PIuli PURSES PURSES THE LARGEST RE- PURSES PURSESTAtli STOCK f these PURSES PURSES goods will be found nt TUUSES PURSES PURSES PURSES J. T, NUSUAUM'S. PURSES PURSES , PURSES PURSEsThe prices are much pURSKS UR8E3 lower than ever ueiore PURSES UflSKS known PURSES PURSES PURSES PURSEt) TUUSES U119K3 MUSES PURSES, Pocltotbooks and Hnnd-Baga. UH8E3 aasEs pimsKS PURSES PURSES I'UUSE.3 UHSK3 UUSE3 j. t. nusbaum; Opp. I'ubllo Square, Bank Street, Lohltr ton, Ta. Juno 7, 1884-ly, SATUKDAY, JUNE 27, 1883, SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons lnakinc payments hi this nfllco by money orders or postal notes will plraea make them psyuhlc at the Wkisswrt Post Office, as Le hiehtou of)ioe is not a money order ollico Our Neighljorliood in Brief, A OATASTKOI'llK, ' - Only n cyclist gigantic, Astride of a sixty-Inch wheel, Eying sldcwlse a paltlcn poinanllc. As ho (h ives on bis sullt steed ot steel, Only a poor llttlo tabby, hllnkluc slyly aciois tlio smooth street, Her moltled fur dusty and shabby, Out she darts from bcucall) the (;lis feet, Only a sky-rockct bcader, While Hie maiden stands still nnd stares: A.poor feline, who couldn't be deader, And a wJioppjiig ojd bl) for repairs, -Scarlet fever bas raado Its apnear- ance In licthlehcm. Cherries arc In market at Sets per quart. Green peas sell at 23 cts. nor neck Irom farmers wagons. dr-Go to Frs. lloderer, under the Exchange Hotel, for a, smooth shave and a ia.slouablo hair cut. JIahlon KelcharU will erect a now dwelling on his lot on Third street the present summer. The D03t of G. A. R. now forming In this borouch will be known as tho Charlc3 Albright Post. 3J"A 04 nace cook book contalnln 600 valuable recipes Is Klven away to pttrcliasers ot one dollars worm ot Jaa win's Tar Syrup, Sold at Thomas' drag store. Tho school lax of Bethlehem has been lixed at the rate of 4 mi Is cn tho dollar for tho present year. Tho Tamaqua School Board have lixerl tnc tax rate at seven mills lor the ensuing year. KJp-AlfroJ Yftn Scoter, of raokcrton, has opened a stone quarry at the above named place ana is prepared to lunnsii building stone In any quantity at very reasonable prices, utvc mm a call. Ezra Koivbard lias been appointed to collect the sohool nnd poor taxes, and .loim anccKier win collect tuo taic, county and borough taxes for 18S3 (n town. Tho foundry and machine shops of tnc Aiiemown Komim .Mill nave started Willi prospects oi wot tc lor borne tune tor sonic lilty men. Dr. T!. A. I.ambcrton president of the Lehigh University, and wife, expect to sail lor luiropu on tnc uunuril line steamer, i.truru, on Saturday, July 4. 53T"I have a fomplcto line of Llclit oinsjle ann Heavy. JJOttoio Harness, Collors, Whliis.'Jllankets, Ac., on hand. all of which I am selling at a very rea sonable price. JUbTUK 1'X.UltY, V EISSPOItT, l'A. Uavld Slzfrled of town, who was admitted to St. Luke's Hospital, at Bethlehem, several weeks ago, suffering frpm a broken leg and foot, caused by a kick from a horse, died at the Institution a lew tiaysngo. The post ofllco will bo open on tho itu ot duly between tlio Hours ot uiuu n. in., and 8:45 a. m,, and 10:4o a, m., to 1 p. m. from 2:45 p. m., to 4 p. m,,and irom u p, m,, to 7:au p. m. .IAMBS 1, SMITH, 1'. M The strikes and lockouts which have existed for several months nt Highland. Jeddo and Beaver Meadow collieries arc things of tho past, and those of I he miners who have not' been blacklisted or quit the places for good are returning to worjc. Si? You have heard of tho man who chased a mosquito through a live mile swamp to cet his fat. This was tho man who would not buy Jarlwln's Tar oyrun. no ulcu with a HacKlne couch. Sold at Thomas' drug store. AlUn and James Onnllnecr. William Long, Charles and Nathan Fenstcr- macher, Gideon Fritz, Harrison Wagner and Samuel Dieter have been arrested on the Bluo Mountain for thieving and imprisoned at Kaston, Tho No. (5 breaker of tho Lehlch Coal and Navigation Company, at Lans ford.was burned bo the Kround on Frldav evening. About two hundred nnd eevon'.y men and boys are thrown out of employment. Tho breaker was valued at $50,000. The origin of the fire Is unknown. E3r-Mr. E. F. Luckenbacli. 01 Broad way. Mauch Chunk, makes an excellent display of I'uoToiir.Ai'u and Autq fliiAfii Albums, Scuap Books, nnd WttiTiKQ l'APKit in boxes at reduced prices. It will pay you to see these goods now, ThomasandDanlcISlattcry.brothers and promlnr-nt businejs men of Shenan doah, who by the death of relatives In ivngland sonio tlmo ago were made heirs to several hundred thousand dollars. started for New York Friday morninp, irom wiucn piace tneysaiicu loruncianu Saturday for the money. They expect to oo aoseni several months. Dr. A. P. O'Malley, a prominent WHkesbairo physician, was arrested for selling cigars that never had been stamped. He was taken before tho ITullrd States Commissioner Halm, nnd held in tho sum of 500 bail. A second warrant was Issued on a charge of selling liquors without license, but tnc mails trate dismissed the case. The man who had blm arrested was named Timlin with whom he had some trouble, Satur day morning Dr. O'Malley had Timlin arrestea lor perjury. "William II, Carroll, convicted on luesuay lasi oi snooting ltenrv lavlor. a merchant pf Wilkcsbarro, was sen tenced Saturday afternoon tp undergo two years iraprlsomnenfin the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia, C'arrolll was formerly a leader of labor organlra. .IUIM ,1, ..... V M.tlb, ,U 1,1.11,3, and at one tlmo prominently connected Willi tuo Mollle Mngulres, ills family nre in destitute circumstances, anil nn appeal will bo made to tho worklngmen lo am mem during ms term oi imprison mcnt. On Saturday night tho Hungarian miners of Plymouth celebrated the re- celpt of their paj Jn a boisterous man ner. 'Ihcy fought in the streets for houri, many belug Injured, and the po- 811 1 lice several times driven off, until the 331 whole force rallied, routed tbe Hunear- Sii'Unt and captured clghtoen of them, kf miry r-ph brckn hssae A carpet factory is to be put In op- crfttlon nt Allen town. w M , ', , , , , no are incased to statn that our I young friend Milton G, Clauss Is able to I bo out of bed, W. II. Huttman, of Allou township, Northampton countv. committed sulcluo Wednesday by shooting. A younc German, of Beaver Hun. was bitten by a snako on Wednesday. Dr. Horn cauterized tho wound ; tho young man is doing well, The Lehleh Countv Tonchers' In. stltuto will tiU year bo held in the Court House in Allcntown during tho week commcnomg Nov. 10th. Tho Penna. Dutch Pinafore trouoe. which some weeks agq started out from Allentown, stranded at Pittsburg on Saturday night a week. KfrNcarlv 43.000 bottles of jRdwIn's Tar Syrup sold last year on a positive guarantee of cure, and only 13 bottles returned as unsatisfactory. The largest bottlo for the mpney. Sold nt Thomas' drug store. Our friends J. L. Oabol and John Seabold wtro oil a fishing trip one day tills week and brought homo quite a number of the finny tribe. We would remind all persons who havo been rctunicd by the Mcrcantllo Appraiser as subject to tho payment of a State license on their occupations, that tlio licenses must bo taken out on or before the 1st of July noxt, For tho week ending Juno 20, there were 141,028 tons of coal shipped over tho L. V. ltlt., making a total for tho year of 2,800,408 tons, showing an in crease, ns compared with tho same tlmo last year, of 0,551 tons, $3fAn all-wool import ed Corkscrew Suit for only $22, at the popular tailoring establishment oi 11 11 reters. A child of D. S. Bock's fell down a flight qf rickety stops in the back yard ot his rosldenoe, Wednesday, and cut a deep gash in ills forehead, necessitating several stitche3 to adjust It, Tho Evnncellcals comnoslnc tlio Allentown district have dcoldcd upon holdia? two camp, meetings this sitmmt r ono at Emaus, beginning Monday, Auimst 10th, aud closlnz Saturday 15tl and tho other at Ituchsville,from August 21th to 20th. BEdltor Adyooate please Inform your many readers that Jadwln's Tar Syrup cured my cold after all other remedies failed. It is (he largest bottlo for the price I ever bought. Old Sub scriber. Sold at Thomas' drug store. Our youns friend Will Ilann. em ployed in tho Foundry as a moulder, had his left foot severely burned with molten iron on Wednesday alternoon, lie left Thursday morning for his homo at wcatueriy, wneto no win nurso the sore foot. Word comes from Now York that tho next popular craze Is to bo over equestrianism. Horsemen say that not less than three or four score of fair riders havo left New York to open "rid ing academies" In towns through Now York, New Jersey,. Pennsylvania and Now England. Clnuss c&Dro,, The Tail ors, still have a lew of those justly celebrated $10 suitings on hand. Tuesday last the team of William Warner became unruly, nnd spilled him and his son out of the natron, fracturinc the son's collar bono and severely bruis ing air, garners snoumer ana leg. Thoy were attended by Drs, Seiplo and Bon er. ' Tho locusts which aro now hero in myriads singing their unceasing song In every grove and shadp tree, will soon havo sunc themselves awav for u cood long season. They will In the last days ot me present, montu me on rapidly, and tho roads and woods in tho countrv will then be literally covered with their "carcasses." JSEcwh Wchr has nicely fixed up his ico cream parlor for the accommoda tion of ladles and gentlemen, and will keep a full supply of cholco flavored cream every uay and cvcninc. lie In vitcs you to call, Ico waters, confec tions and fruits In season. Also, a large siock or 4in ot Jtuy novelties. Children's day services will he hold in tho I'.vansellcal church, of this place. to.inorrow (Sunday), In the morning a sermon win ue preached ny tnepastor, llov. G. W. Gross, to tho parents. In the evening a children's meeting will he held consisting of religious' soncs. ad dresses nnd recitations, All arc cor dially invited, Tlio wise householder will have tlio walls of his cellar whitewashed with tlmo In which copperas has been dis solved freely, This will destroy disease germs, it any exist, anu make tnc cel lar sweet, clean and wholesome; aud those who havo tried it say that rats and mico will, not invade a house where the foundation walls havo boon treated in this way. flSFII. IT. Peters, at tbe Post-ofiiee building, Lehigh ton, will make you an all- wool suit ior only $10 cash, u you order now. C. B, Rosscll. General Manaccr of me rennsyivania itanroad company's collieries, has tendered his resignation, owing to 111 health, and Irving Stearns, ot YViiKcsDarrc, was on .Monday ap pointed to succeed uim. Jir. straws is a practical mining engineer. His terri tory includes all the collieries of tho Susquehanna Coal Company atNantl coke, Shamoktn and in Lykcns Yalley. Some time since Mr. David Beiaf rid. of Lehlghton, hurt a legand foot en tho railroad nnd was brought down to fat. Luku's Hospital for treatment. Gan crena set In and the man died at the hospital yesterday. The remains were taken in cbargo by Undertaker Nacdler ann lorwarded to jcmgiiton tins after noon on tho 4:20 train on tho Lehigh Valley Itallroad. South. Bethlehem mar, imi Inst, An extensive "cave-In," which did considerable damage, occurred at an early hour Monday morning at tho liar lcigh mine, near, Hazlcton, operated by Kemmcrer fc Co, As It took place just where there is a largo creek, It was greatly feared for a timo that the mine would bo flooded, but a large fprco of men was at onco set to work to turn tho cotusooftho water in the creek In an other direction, and this was accomp lishod by noon tbe same day, thus pre-' venting luriner damage to tnc mine, "Many well meaning people." tavs an exchange, "neglect the payment of bills, not because they aro too stingy to pay or havo not tho means to do so, but merely because tncy uo not realize how convenient it would be to those bo whom tho money is due." That, no doubt, is wnat's the matter witn some of our sub scribers, and It would bo very convcul cnt to us just now to tako In n few sub scriptions that are duo but have been allowed to remain uupald, all for tho want ot a llttlo thought iy our friends, On Saturday evening at about 8 o' clock while a bwlss was walking on tho L. V. K. It., a short distance North of Lehlch Gap, he was struck by train Nc, 0 and Instantly killed, having jutt a moment before stepped out of tho way of engine 152, which was going West. Michael Morrlssy, of Wilkesbarre, was arrested in Philadelphia Wednesday afternoon bv Detective Hulfish. on n warrant from Luzerne county, where he is wanted for embezzlement. Morris)' -was an agent at Wilkcsbarro for the Wblto Rock Drill Company, of Ltizerno co mty, nnd, it Is alleged, sold six drills, valued at 885 each, and failed to make any returns. He was locked up at tl e ' Central Station, awaiting the action of tb? LuKree t,ou" cffi'-:!'. Poople In and out of Town, Our people who may, have relatltes or friends vWltluB them will iireath obllKo ui by sending In ihelr names residence fur publication under this head. Jinn on.) Will Ash, of BInghnmton, N. Y., spent Sunday In town. W. A, Nuss nnd wife, of Weatbcrly, were In town Saturday. C. M, Sweeny and wife spent several days with their son Harry, at Drlflon, -A. Romlg of Bethlehem, Is vUltlug relatives In, town. Al. Lynn, of Johnstqwn, Pa., was in town on Ia9t Monday, P. F, Clark, pf Neaquehonlng, was In town during tho week and gave us a call, Arthur Rowland, Of Mauch Chunk, spent Sunday In town, tho gueat of R. L. Colburn. Our genial friend Frank Martz, of Hazletpn,- was lu town Wednesday and gavo us a pleasant call, Mrs, G. D. Shuck nnd shter, pf L hlqh Gap, were the guests of Mrs, Wt Y. ilortiumor ou Tiuirsuay. Ed. W. Chubb, formerly of town, now of Harrisburg, Pa., spent several days In town last week, Our popular vouns friend Al. K. Lcuekcl, of Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Is homo on vacation. Our ralpomn.1 vounc friend. Frank J. Marsh, of StroudUburg, wason a visit to his parents nt Woissport, during the woek. Al. Lynn, formerly of tho Mauch Chunk Democrat, agent for E, Simpson & Co., importers of wlno3, &c, of New York, was In town on Friday and made in a pleasant call, -Post-ofllco Inspector Wm, Abel i was hi town Wednesday afternoon, and in tho evcnlne dropped Into our sanctum; tic la a genial pleasant gentleman, and during his call expressed himself as much pleased with the fitting up and conduct of our post-oillco. Ilnlos for PlcOIlos. 1, Never take food to a picnic, 2. Tako plenty of wholesome drink and something to drink It from. a. never go to a great umnnee. 4, Never tako very small children. 6. Do not stay long. 0. nave a hearty moal a9 soon as you get home. 7. filro your carriages at mo popular ltvcry of David Ebbert, on North street, where you will secure fine teams at very low prices, Aronnd Pleasant Corner. E. Nothsteln and Ezra Se.ldlo were visiting friends at Beaver Rim Sunday. nenrv Younc, of Millport, was hero visiting friends on Sunday. -Nathan Gcrbcr was on a business trip to Allcntown last week. -C. II. Kelt and J. T. McDanlcl were to Wcatherly last week, -J. T. MoDaniol, of tho Eaglo hotel, raised a handsome new-sign (painted nt Trexler& Kreidlcr's) during the week. Aic celebrated tnc event uy sotting up a free lunch in tho evening, Jos, Physiolocy and Hygleap. We aro in receipt of a copy of primer and elementary ot I'liysiology nnd Hygiene from tlio publishing house of Ivfson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. Phila delphia, from tho agent for this county. t'ror. u. A. lllttor, wnich 13 edited by William Thayer Smith. It Is an oxcol- lcnt work and well adopted for tho pur pose for which it is intended. Tho subjects embraced aro treated in a concise, sensible manner. Tho typo graphy is neatly executed. It will no doubt meet the wants for which it is calculated, Lower Towamensini: Items.- Two boys were flshinir by torchlisht ono night last week in tho little creek which empties into the canal at now man's, and arriving at William liloso's strawberry patch, they decided to enter and lill tnclr.stomachs with thodellclous fruit, Mr. thieves were around, made pursuit and succeed ed in capturing one of inera, tiiopiner escaping by running through a grain field. The ono caught, with reluctance, gavo their names and said they resided at Parryville. They were requested to pay lor tlio damage done and savo costs and prosecution, Cojf, National Council Junior TJ. A. 7I. Tho National Council Junior Order United American Mechanics concluded its labor Wednesday afternoon, 17th Inst., and Thursday tlio delegates were banqueted nt tho Bolton House, narris burg, by the local orders. The national olllccrs elected arc: Councilor, Harry Krauso, of Maryland; Vico Cpuncilor, Harry A. lllnchman, of Pennsylvania: Secretary, Edward 6, Decmer, of Penn sylvania; Treasurer. J. Adani3 Sohl, of Maryland; Conductor, (Jeorgc V. Hofsacs, of Now Jersey; Warden, James T. Disney, of Maryland; Sentinel, Wm. It. Stroh, of Pennsylvania. An amend ment to tho unit pbicct of tho order. "to uphold tho reading of tho Holy Bible lu the public schools." was adoutcd. Successful this Yirao- Tho effort mado to establish a G. A. R. Post In tills borough is about to be crowned with success. Last Saturday evening about 40 old Vets matin Rebcr's Man, signed the application for charter and elected olllccrs as follows: Post Commander, Jos. S, Webb; Senior Vico I'ost commander, u. n. Mussclmarii Junior Vice Post Commander, Wm. H. McCormlck;Adjut4intAl. Whittinghamj Vuan,uruiasiiT,diicou.ii. jiinu;uurgenn, J. G, Zcrn; Olllcerof the Day, J, W, Gllham; Officer of tho Guard, Moses Rchrig, It is expected that the post will bo mustered on Saturday evcnlne, July Uth, in Rebcr's Hall, at which tlmo all ohartcr members must be pres ent. Every applicant for membership must havo his discharge with him. The organisation will be known as " Charles Albright Post." Tbe Samuel Pborts Cast). The case of Samuel Roberts, the de faulting cashier of the Wilkesbarre Coal and Iron Company, which ha3 been In tlio Wilkcsbarro courts for Mmo time, but never tried, was called up before Judge Rice Monday afternoon, when his counsel, ex-Judge Harding and W. S. McLean, Esq., asked that the indict ment bo quashed upon the groiind that the charge therein, forgery, was not specifically that upon which tho Com monwealth purpose to try tho case. Argument was made by General Mc Cartney and tho District-Attorney for the Commonwealth, and the Judge re served his decision. Tho bill of par ticulars asked for by the defense was not forthcoming, the District Attorney having stated that all tho tangible evi dences of Roberts' cuilt had been burned or otherwise destroyed by him. Ilazlc- lon 4 lam opeaxer, More About that Fishing Party. Mr. DitooKEn, Dow will lehdereppes nias schicke won du's pitbIsha wit, ilea hast won so 'in net proslcuta kena for Ubewa leb denk so hast mess, Ms cny how net bouchw for so gepts nlxjn law, Awvcr for 'n libewa zu puulisha beets der dlhcnker. do kene to m In de jail doo. Ich dank 'n fish won 'r hort caboca Is, Is ytisht so coot, odcr beater, os wo 'n wng gaboken'r, owr fel kop fel sin, "Georeo How raanv fish?" "Why, six Rod fins, five Sunnles and nine Suckers." "Al How many fish?" "Seventeen fair ones; so the doctor sal.'." "Dock Good luck ye lerday?" "No. not vervi onlv 24. The above shows that thr are many men of many minds, many bird of dif furont kinds, manv flahea In the brook. George, Aland Charles catch them with your hooks, others fry them In the pan and the trio will oat them like men Now, Mr. Drooker, won do denkst os 's wer ken libewa for so 'n C 'a story Uu rWi-ai '.cs go aha4. iyjrats wiMii1 aajniKaia..1 iiaaajaiiissxjwisjagajjayis L .wer Hates of Poitao. On the 1st of July next tho changes In the rats of letter postage authorize! bv the appropriation bill of tho list Congress will go Into operation. Tlio effect of this will be to lnareaso tho ntanJanl weight of domestic first class matter from half an ounce to oncTjunce, so that on and after tbo 1st of July all domestic first class matter sent through the mails. Inclu'ln3 drop letuts at letter-carrier, must bo charged vlth postage at the rato of two cents per half ounce or fraction, as nt present. Drop letters at other than letter-carrier ollleos to bo charged at tho rato of ono cent per ounce or fraction. Tills chanco in tne standard of welelit wi la soaimlv to first class matter addressed to Canada, out not to mauer addressed to o.ucr foreign countrlos. i no same law also rouuco3 tho rate of postage from two cents per pound to one cent cn nil newspapers and petlodl;ah when sent by tho pnbllsher.and from tho ofllco of publication. Including samula copies, or when sent from a news agency 10 aciuai subscribers or 10 otner nows agents. Pilvato Individuals mailing newspapers or periodicals pay at the rate of ono cant for four ouncos. Tho revenno derive! from tho postage on newspapers and periodicals last year was nearly two million dollars, nnd this reduction In rate, it is thought, will roduoe tho revenue from that tourco nearly ono million dollars. inocnangoln tho rato or weight of first class mattor. it Is thotnrht. will result In but a slight roddctlon In revenue irom letter postage. Teachers' Examinations For tho school year, commencing June, 1&83, will be held as follows: For bamrord borough, nt kanstord, Satur day, Juno 27. Tor Chunk township, nt Summit II11, Monday, June S3. For Mauch Chunk borough, nt Upper Maush Chunk, Wednesday, July 1. t'or Ranks township, nt Jcansvlllo, Thurs day, July 2. For Lehlghton, Pachcrton nr.d Welssport, at Lehlghton, Mutiduy, July 0. For Franklin township, at South Franklin School House, Satuiday, August 1. For Echtgh nhd Lausanne townships, Rockpot t, Tuesday, August 4. For Packer ton pshjp, atlludsoiulale, Thurs day, August 0. For Klijilcr township, at East Haven, Thurs day, August 20, Tor bovver Towamenslng, at Millport, Sat utility, August 22. For i.'nst Tcim township, at rmnsvllle, 1 hursilav. August 27. For Upper Toniuncmlng. at Stcmlersvlllo, Saturday, September 6. For Mahoning township, nt Pleasant Corner, Saturday, September 12, For Petin Forest township, at Koch'3 School liouke, Saturday, Octobers. Examinations will be in writing. Applicants will bo examined in Physio logy and Hygiene. Teachers' must be examined in tho districts in which they Intend to teach. Exceptions will bo male only for satisfactory reasons. Ex aminations will begin at 0 a. in. t. A. SNYDER, County Supt. of Schools. A Birr Blsg9 The Lehlghton Breaker Burned. The most Intense excitement pre vailed in this boroali shortly after 8 o'clock on last Sunday- night, caused by the cry of "Firel" Upon looking to tho northwest end of town wo discovered that tho coal breaker of R. Pcnn Smith & Co., was enveloped in flames. This breaker was erected about ono year ago at a cost of about $50,000, and has been running mow or less steadily since that time, employing some 20 or So men and boys. The breaker building was total ly destroyed together with the machi nery, tools, about 73 to 100 tons of coal. &C., but tho odlco building and dwell ings belonging to tho works were saved. The loss foots up about $40,000, upon which mere is an insurance ot sie.uw. Luckily for this town the wind was blowing from the .soutU.wcst, or tho best part ol town would probably navo bocn reduced to ashes tbern being no water supply or fire apparatus. Now is a good time to see to inese matters. PohO'Poco Hotel. Tlio Poho-Poco Hotel Is sltuited mid way between welssport and Stcmlcrs vllle, and is particulatly adapted to the conveniouco of folks dcsirlnrr to spend ti season In the country. Tho hotel build ing has sixteen largo, wcll-yentilated and substantially furnished bed-rooms. a largo pallor and ball-room and a well- stocKed bar at which tho nest ot wines, liquors and cigars are retailed. Near tho house is a largo'dam suitable for boating purposes, boats being at the disposal oi llic guests a hrst-ciass uvcry stablo is connected with the hotel, and this with tho numerous other facilities classes It amongst tho most desirable summer resorts anywhere In the Valley. Tho landlord, Mr. Daniel Krcsge. 13 con stantly making Improvements for tho benefit of guests. T hoso desiring to pass the hot summer months in tho country would uo wen to patronize M.r, ivreage. Tho Vntlonal Encaronnicnt Tha National Soldiers' Reunion and Encampment will bo held in Falrmount I'atk, Philadelphia, from Juno 28th to July Oth, 1885, The event will embrace an encampment oi representative organ izations of tbo cltUen soldiery of the union, ana attachment of troops irom the various arms of tbo United States service. Thocommand-wlll be In charge of a military committee cpmposed of the most eminent soldiers of tho land, and numbers of prominent leaders of tho late war win be there as guests, l no pro gramme ombraccs nil the features of ac tual camp service. The Fourth of July will uo a particularly Interesting day. and tho ceremonies aro expected lo bo witnessed by tnc president anu cabinet, and other dlstincuishod people. The beauty of tho camp ground and Its acces sibility adds not utile to tno general in terest oi tno attair. A Vcrdlci for the Creditors Som3 months ago Isaac Goldsmith, a large dry goods dealer, of Easton, on largod his stock and established now departments. He soon afterwords be came unable to meet the demands of some of his relatives for claims against him and was sold by the Sheriff. The parties who had 6old goods to him within a few weeks brought suit to recover tbo goods from tho Sheriff under tho pica that Mr. Goldsmith had no title, having secured the goods upon a false repre sentation ot his solvency, J lie trial came up Tuesday, loll! Inst., and was concluded Saturday night with a verdict for plaintiffs, who aro Mills & Glbbs, Legnn it Co., Disney A Tompkins and Morrison, Serrlmal & Co., New York and Philadelphia dealers. The goods were valued at about ten thousand dollars. Will Again Boom. Accordlnc to a statement of a centlo- man from Weatherly made last Satunlay there is every probability of the old Buck Mountain colliery again resuming operations in a few months. Several gangs of men have been proving for coal in that vicinity for several months in and aronnd tho old workings and succeeded finally in discovering some very excellent veins of coal. All tbe necessary equipments about the place are well under way, and nithln a short time tho Mountain will again boom. Tho news of the re-opanlng of the old mine will bo a source of gratigcalion to tho old residents who were reluctant In vacating lh place after many years of residence therein. Plain Speaker. LIVE AGENT WANTED To sell Dr. Chase's Rocipas; or Inform ation for Everybody, In every county in the United States aud Canada, Enlarg ed by the publisher to 848 pages. It con tains over 2000 household recipes, and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wonderful book and house hold neceasit y. It sells at sight. Great est Inducements ever offered to look agents. Sample copies seut by mail, postpaid for $2.00. Exclusive terri'ury given. Agents more ilu-j double their ' nev. Ad1r.-. Dr. Cha-'-' Meam Prlstlng house, Ann Arbor. Mlch'frm Marxa Conlnt83.B71'orTon. Wednesday's Philadelphia Record 1 says: Cousldorablu uxeltemont pro- vailed in anthracite ooal circle! when It became known that the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company had contract t-d to supply the County Prison with 1203 tons of tho boat Lehigh white fish, coalnt 63.97 per ton. It Is to ba affer1 stove, 100. In addition to this It Is to bo tlroroughly prepared. This Is probably , the lowest cont.nci.rhc over iralo In th a city, nnd the most extraordinary feature of tho transaction is that It Is made by I n company interested In keeping up 1 ptjeos. Tho company Is represented lu 1 the coal combination, an! Its coals havo always brought the boat prices In tho market. This contract has had a do a uo- moralizing effect upon tbo trado and renders tho tafkal of advance in prices on tlio 1st of July beyond tha range of contemplation. Tho renicscntitlve of The Record asked nu oillcor of tho Lehigh Naviga tion company yesterday wnv contracts naj ueen rajuo at sucu low njuros, nu was told that It was warranto! by the condition of tho market. Tlis proittcors aro scrambling for customers, and his company could not afford to lose a sale tuat would bo taken up by some other company, Tho price to purchasers of tills company's coal at Mauch Chunk is a3 follows: Stovo $2.83, and broken nnd egg, S2.C5. It w;ll bo brought hero by canal, tho freight upon which to pur- cuascrs wpnia bo i,4u, this wouiu mako tbo ctovo stand nt 1.25 and tho broi:on and cirtr at S4.0O. Tho hanllii! ana C03t of dlschareinr would bo 02 1-2 cents additional. The cut to $3,97 per ton Is tho heaviest that has been mado In this city on tho.3o tlios for many years. If coal can ho sold to a public institu tions at these figures, retailers should got rates equally favorable, and consum ers should have their winter supplies put in at much less than tbo present re tail price, -woidi u per iont lushonlng EgaibJ, The sermon preached bv Rev. Gross last Saturday nlcht In the Evancellcal church, wa3 ono which wo admired, very much, Wo hope that the evening ser vices in the English Janguaco will ba continued, G. K. Mussclrnan. who was teach ing at Kittannlng, Armstrong county, has returned home. Miss Emma Seldle, waa vlsltlnc friends at Bethlehem during the week. The NewMahouInc Band furnished tho mU3lo at West Peun for tho dedica tion of an organ, last Saturday n,fter noon. Alvin Montz, of Lehlghton, drove through the Valley last Sunday. F. D. Klincaman and Jacob Kiotlcr had tho pleasure of taking another or ganette at tho raffle last Saturday. John Fryman and. Alfred Seusingcr made a llihlng excursion last week with success. Albert Kunow, a young man who is working for Wm. Sltlor, taw a ghost last Saturday evening whllo passing from Pleasant Cgrncr to Now Mahoning. Ho says it was a r.CAL one. Mr. H. A. Kciscr, who has taught school for a number of years and always met with success, was examined last Monday at Parryvlllo and is now hold- ins a proicssionai certificate. During tbo warm season Ice cream may be had at the Centre Square Hotel on Saturdays' and Sundays' and all legal holidays, f lib) Is what wo wanted long ago. Gents, don't forget this, and also tho "Washington Etiquette," Sunday a week (July Dth), C. E. Bartholomew Bludent of tho Theologi cal Seminary at Lancaster, will preach at tho St. John's Church, in ths Eng lish language. All arc cordially invited, Dash, Fashionable Vcddlnc. The residence of Dr. A. S. Miller, at Saegersville, Hcidejbcrg tsp., was il e scene of n happy social event on Tuesday afternoon, lGlli, in tho marriage of his pretty and amiable daughter, Iis3 Cora, to Mr, James Armstrong, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kevin Vf. Hclfrich, in the presence of a goodly number of reUtires und friends of tio happy couple, Tho brido was attired in n hundsomo white bill! dress, and carried a bocjuot of white rosea. Tho groom wore a suit of baek, and rt golden button-lioo boquet, The bridesmaids wcro Miss Fnnmp Arm strong, sister of tho groom, and Miss Clara Miller, cousin of the bride, accom panied by Mr. Peter W, Miller, brother of tlio bride, nnd Mr. llnrry Armstrong, brother of tno g,'oora. Tbo bridesmaids wcro attired in cream surah sill; and lace, each carrying a small basket of Marschal Neil and Meriaot buds, wear inc correspondina: corsage boqucts. Con gratulations followed the ceremony, after wmcn me compuiiv rcpuireu iu ui inn ing room, where an elegant repast wns in readincf3. Tlio collation wa3 a sumptu ous one, and (lie guests wcro equal to the emergency. The bridal presents were numerous and valuable, evidences of the esteem in which tho brido is heldone of tho most valuable being nsetofdia mondu from tho groom to the bride, On towards evening tho liappy couplo stun ed on n bridal tour to Niagara Falls towca nnd cities in Canada, und along tno iludion, iho happy pair tegm tli cir married lives under pleasant aus pices. Each is in nil respects worthy of the other, nnd both aro highly es teemed by all who know them. That their future may be peaceful, happy nnd prosperous is tho sincere wish of their many friends. Allentown Demochat. The Etaniard Joko (5) Alphabet- A's Iho green applo that kills little boys; B is thobarber and boarding-house joys: C"s the spring chicken and clam in the chowder; D Is tho dude nnd dynamite powder; E is tbe editor killing a poet; F Is tho foot, as Chicago girls show It; G's" empty gun, goat and gas-meter utter: n is the hash and tbchairlu then-utter; I is the Ice-man, of course, and Ice cream; J is the Jersey mosquito supreme; K Is the kick of themulewhonhe'smad; L is the lover who's bounced by tbe dad; M I j the May-moving and roother-ln-la w ; N's the Niagara hackman's big maw; O's tho ono oyster In church stews so thin; P's picnic, plumber, pie, poet and pin: Q Is tho question that'spopped by us all; it is the roller rmi:, newest oi an: S is tbe stovepipe and shortcake so murky; T Is tho tramn and Tbtnksclvlng turkey: U's the umbrella that's used np nnd lent ; v is the verses to newspapers sent; W is tho watermelon Immense; X Is the small Easter dotter 'xnensc: Y is the leap tickles men folks; 2 is tho zahny who "chestnuts" those jokes. -II. C, Dodge Only l'raotlons of Lives. now many persons live only s. fraction of average human Hfo because, they neg lect to take tue commonest precautions against slcknefs. It Is disease In Its maturltv that kills, and maturity implies growth. A slight indisposition is usual ly slighted, nicy wno avail tncmscives of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters know It to be otucaciotis In chronic cases of dis ease, but tho process of euro Is a far easier one If it-is used In early stages of dyspepsia, malarial disease, rceumatism, constipation and liver derangement. Let those who would avoid the peril which even the most potent remedies cannot avert, steer clearof the rock upon which so many constitutions split an undcr-pprecUtlon t'f the ' danger of Mejdect. It til not do to omit care and a loeourse to medicine when Ittalth Is unvoted. If debilitated, or nenous, or dyspeptic take it, for granted yon ore In want of a remedy, usa tbe Bitters. June 20, '85-ly. Silk hats are becoming the rsgo In tib bur?; ITEMS OF IIlTEItSRT. . , Texas has a cremation society with n capital of $(0,000, Tll9 noW ely. oiieotory of San Fran- , . . . ., 'ea contains 10,000 more names than that ot 1833, an J the population Is, now estimated at S25.000, ,r Ehiwed a,cros' Atlantic to this country, chiefly from Antwerp und Hamburg, during the summer months of each year, In nntn!pn nt rn , i" tho opinion oi tn eminent puyslcltui, tho bltttr cry of outcast London could be best met by providing the East End with "strong, honest, not BMlfirdnllr nlpnbnlijd win.." n,i ,,, : . ' - s pint. iA patent has boon scenrod for making imitation maple syrup, Hickory bark la soak' d In water nnd an extract Is thua obtah vd wldch, added to ceuo or glueoso syrup, gives It tho tnnplo taste and smelt, Beara aro unusually comnym In, tlio upper portion of Now Hampshire, Seven wero recently Been In one-day In Lan caster, and at East Stratford they iave killed numcrom slioop. Many people aro cngagod In hunting them. John Landcn Sibley, Librarian Emeritus of Harvard College, who Is ovcr So oldi M led tho elngtng of the Commencement hymn on Ccm- menectnent day for nearly forty forty years without Interruption. This year his health will not nllqw this, for lie h confined to his room. Tho study of tlio English language is prevailing all over Japan. In Toyapia Prefecture every man of any means, and even tho local officials and police authorities aro studying tho language. Tho general belief thoro la that thoeo who do not know tho English tonguo aro In the roar of civilization. A writer upon coaching In London concludes that tho uso of tho whip Is now nearly a lost art, ono reason for which is. tiat whcrca3 In old times almost any animal w3 considered good enough for a coach, and stimulus of the lash wa3 a necessity, now only highbred and not overworked horses aro employed, and there is llttje occasion for urging. The latest theory concerulngBrlght's disease and other affections of tho Kid neys la that they are duo to tho im moderate uso of ice water and other chilled beverages, Thirty or forty years ago, a physician asserts, wfien people slaked their thirst with fresh water from well or pump, kidney disease was virtually unknown. Now, hpweyer, tho general uso of Ice In every house hold and saloon and the multiplication of soda fountains cause thousands of persona to abruptly shock their heated Internal organs with, freezing draughts, and kidney trouble3 arc prevalent. Tho Duke of Norfolk has been visiting Rome, and has been received by the Pope, together with tho duchess and their son. Report says that it is honed that tho little Earl of Arundal, who Is blind, will not long remain an only child, and that the object of tho present visit is to beg for the Pope's special blessings on the coming event. As head of tho British Roman Catholic laity tho Duke receives Immense deferenco from tho papal authorities. There Is no sympathy between tho English Catholics and tho Irish Catholic3 of the humbler class. The former aro intensely E nullah in feeling. Sub3crlbo for the Carbon Advo cate, only SI per annum. Employees of tho Lehigh boiler works at South Bethlehem aro at present erecting a now cupola at the furnace of tho Carbon PIpo and Iron Company, at Parrvvllle. " -Tho Fourteen Club, of Tamaqua, were tho guests of Jonathan Klstlcr,tho genial landlord of tho Carbon House, on Sunday, the 14th inst. Executors' Notice, Kotice Is hereby given that tlio under slgne.1 have been granted letters teslameiir tary on the Uslalf of Mary Fenteri"ocher, into of Mahoning ttvp , Carlrn county, Pennsylvania, deceased. All peroms hav ing claims acalnst the said Estate will pro sent them duly ouihentir.ited without de lay, and Ihmo indebted tn the came will make immediate FCltlement. BTFPHF.N FEN'STFltMACIIEIt, KEUnKN FUNSTERM ACHEft, Executors f Mary Fenslernischcr, deo'd. Juno 13, 1885 w6 QTTT3rpTT7?1T!Buredby our aitrl;ent , SX U I? J. U iH.jiv0ion powder. Safe, i sure, euro tl.CO. Ily mall with full dlree. , tlons. iok loru cent slamp. PEET &(!()., 601 Slsth Arcnue, New Yor doc27-ly , MERCHANTS Jl uMa their proflts hy Introducing n lino of new irnods. In .llfpcnrllilo lo all families, will addnsslor full pnrtleulars.UKALTH I'OOD OoiipAMV, No. 7J 4th Avenue, New York doeST-Jy Big'g'ost Ready-Made Clothing Stock for Men, Youth, Boy s & Children, Largest Assortment in the City, Attractive - - Bargains Everybody is Pleased with our milj CMldron Clothing ! Newest Styles, Neatest Fits & Lowest Prices ! Don't Wc New NovoHlPfJ Jtccotvod Every Day ! Sclmumiaii Rotli & Oo,, 719 Hamilton Street, Allentown. Three Peculiarities llocd'i Barsnparllla, tlio great blood purines and regnlatlns medicine, Is cliaractiirltc4 bj threo j ccvUattUcs, natnoljr ! The combination nf tbo tarloiia, temcdLi ngonta used. Tho proportion la which tie roots, herbs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tbo process by vrblclr the ftctlra medicinal properties aro secured. 3d s Tha result Is nmedlclnr t f t.tittscal rtrength and catatlvo power, vrblch ciTrct ewes, here tofore unequalled. Thess jKiovllkiltios bolonj exclusively to Hood's Oarsapatllla, and ire, Unknown to Others Wood's SarsararlUa Is ptorared with Dm grealt-st skill and cr.-c, by pharmacists of education and louj exrcrlcuce. Hence I( Is a mcdlclno worthy o onllio confidence. II yoa suffer frcm tcrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of tho blood, dysperii fcluotytf ess, slelc htadachc, cr kidney md tlrer complaints, catarrh cr rheumatism, in net tall to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend flood's Sarsaparilla to aft my friends as the Lett bleed purifier on earth." Wsr. PArff, druggiet, Hamilton,- O,' " Hood's BarsaparUla has cured mo of eorot. nlocs humor, and dono me worlds ot good. Otherwise," C. A. Akxold, Arnold, Mo. A bock containing many additional state, monta ot cures will bo ten t to rJl whq desire, Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by nil drupglsta. $1 1 tlx. for as. Uadq crdy by O. I. HOOD t CO., Lowell, ilaw, tOO Doses Ono Dollar. SI Thoro la no medium through wMcIi Ciscaso co often attacks tho systom ea by Constipation, and thcro la no other ill flesh is heir to mora apt to bo seglected, from tho foct matorial inconvonionco nay not bo immediate ly felt frcci lrceijular action, of tha bowels. When thero is not regular action tho rotention of decayed and effete natter, with its poisonous 5ase3,soon pol&ms tho wholo system by being absorbed into it, causing piles, listnla, headache, impuro bloody and H3ny ciher corions affections, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS win, imnediatoly relieve, and ono bottlo positively euro cr rollovo apy casa cf Constipation. "Was troubled for a yoar with torpid liver and indigestion, and after trying everything imaginable used BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Tho first bottlo revived mo and the second cured me entirely.'W,S.Williainson Rochester, N. Y. READING, PENH. A tbiirouirli p'pnnrninry SchMiI (or Both. Coo- Boy of any itk. Joa fiuciea upon iiio aiiustirypian. aue nrtmtlts-rl. Nit. for rntfilocue. termp. rle. L. C. BISHOP Head Mooter, Reading, Po, TO ADVERTISERS A list ofoil newsnaocrs DIVIDED INTO Nldir. AH' "l"iUl H'10N3 will be sent oa sptiiloatlon-FBEE. Tu tho'a it ho want their advertising to tmt. tt e can otTer no bolter medium for thorough and effective norlc than the various settlons orour Select Local Ltit. OEO. P. HOWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertlilns; Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York May ,-4w $1 13 WEEKS, The POLICE OAZETTS will be mailed, securely wrapped, U any addrass In tbn United Stales fur tlireo months on receipt of ONS DOLLAR, Liberal discount allowed lo postmasters, aneuts and clubs Cample copies mailed frtio. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Faakclin Equaaa, N. Y. May 30, J885-ly LOT! Claims a apetlalty. Warrants and ADDITIONAL, H O M E STEAD OKltTIFlOATES and all kinds or LAND SO til I' touKhtand told, I'SPEMIKI) ENI ItlKS, LAND. I'ATt ami rooiun cases aiienaea to. (Jorrcipondenea solicited. A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Law, ltoom 25 gSt.Uloud Build I lug, Washington, D. U, ear. rTkcocas RASPBERRY Oolj Uioflo nuU fc,"rly who con v lulr entica tbn a 11,1 ftttouUiin tit lrnxl. Ottr men frncrccri vhtrm tthn lu u.c went, i no DunncM eu it 7KOU'KKS of a Villi Mite of FHVXTB A nit UllXAlUITAU A fuoii open! nit far t1 .t i uerrrtic mt n. Addne R.C CHASE to. I hwuua. Pa ments ! rED IN Always the best assorttnerit in tha City. Call and be Convinced. Forget Our Custom BewtBM Turn Out Stvlish Goods And First-Closs FjtsJ 1111 IN Gent's Furnising Goods!