The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 18, 1885, Image 4

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Fopularlty at homo is not always tho host
tnt vt merit, but we point proudly to Ilio fact
that no other m01clii hns moil for Itself,
uoli universal iipprohntlon In Its own city,
ate, ami country, and among all people, aa
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Tho following letter from ono of our liest
Jtnown Mnwaoliu sells )rugglsts sUouM bo of
Interest to evary eiiUorcr.
vera that I conUl not tuovo front tho bed, or
dress, without help. 1 tried several lemp
diea without much If any relief, until I took
AVER'S SAltSAPAniLLA, by tho UM of two
bottles ot which I wai completely cured.
Have sold largo quantities of your SAbsA
PARILH, and it still retains Its wonderful
popularity. Tho many notable cures It lias
effected in this vicinity convince mo that It
Is tho bust blood medicine ever ottered to tho
public. i;. l llAKIllo."
Hirer St., Buckland, Mass., May 13, 1682.
m for over twenty years before his removal
to Lowell afflicted with fenlt ltlietim In Its
worst form. Us ulcerations actually covered
more than half tho surface of his body and
limbs. He was entirely cured by Avr.n'a Sco certificate in Ayer's
Almanac ioe jsw.
ntrrAncB nr
Bold by all Druggists; Si, six botllcs for S3.
BANK STEF.ET, Lehighton, Pa.,
illLIJillH and Dealers In
AIIKludlot ailAIX UOUOHToud IjOLll
Wowonld, also, icsnrrtlullv Inform mirolti
anus that wo me now fully prepared to bH
IY tlicm with
I'rom'sny MIn desli ed at VE tt
For Bargains in
Dry Goods,
Dress Goods,
. &e. QO TO
E. H. Snyder's
Bank St. Lehighton.
Ma '
Carbon Advocate
i Chfian Prinlino-1
h . r s j'
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Opposite OLA.USS ft WHO'S,
Bank Street, Lohighton.
Eopairing neatly done at low
prices. Patronage solicited.
Oct. is, ma.
Vaall who work for me at homo. To many
i ean aunrd to pay more.
Stead? Employment. I.hiht, l'leamnt Woik
V1LLV, nr.
TO. AUVEHTISKUS.-Loweet rates for ad
vsrtlslni; In 02 kooU newspapers sent free.
Address Ueerie 1. ltowcll k Co., 10 riprHce
St,, K. Y. march lis
CarriageSjWafjonSjSleiglis, &c
LK11IUI1TO.V, I'vnra.,
I'srtloular attention given te
Id all lis dslalls, at the very Lowest 1'rlees.
rtrtniir rcspcelfully solicited and per
f-t sMlsfjstlea guarantee.
? tf
-Wo-linya some coses ol tlio prMc of
learning, bill a tnullilu.lo of the prhlo of
Tho speaker qlves bark to his hrurtrs
in a rain wliut ho 1ms rccvlvcil from lliem
in a mist.
l'uilfy the Moo.l.tono tip the syilcm,nn')
rog i..ti llio digestive organs ly taking
II Cki's Snrsnparllln. Sold by all drusslsls.
Though QoJ lioi promlsfd always to
I guttlo his impairing children In the way
I that Is right, lie lias nowhere 'irnmlsed to
I to mnlie this way now right to tbclr friends
or neighbors, or even to thems:lyes.
Ayer's Cnllinrtlc i'ills are suited to every
ego. Doing sugar-runted Ihey nro easy In
1 take, uml luotl;li mild mid plrnmuit in no
lion, eie thorough at il scairliiiit; in cAVcl.
Theireflli'sev in all dlsorili rsaftlic etnniocb
and bowels Is certified to fcy eminent phyii'
clans, tirnmlnent clergynn n, and many of
oil best citizens.
lillo bread Is the most dangerous uf all
that is eaten.
Where Ihcro is no christian Sabbath
thcro is no christian morality jam! without
this freo institutions cannot long bo sus'
Tho Goldon Argosy
Is tho handsomest, brightd, most elegant
ly illustrated weekly papei for youlh ever
published. Sciiol stories by lluralio Alger,
Jr , Oliver Oplle, Mary A Dcnlin,lMwnril
S. Kills, and other celebrated writers, short
sketches, puzzles, charades, etc. lloys and
girls, semi for freo sample copy. It will
instruct and ntnuso you. Address Thk
Goi.nrot AnooiY, SI Warren Street, New
It is a sin me lor a rich christian man
(o bo like a Christmas box that rect lyes all,
nud nothing ran bo got out of it till il is
broken in piece;.
Wbot doe? It take to make a good bus
band 1 Paradoxical ns it may seem a good
A Bit lor "i(ouii on vjuiiijiis, lor coupns
colds, sore throat, oarsencsg. Troches, lbe.,
T.lnlt il. '2!n
"uouan iin nATS1"
(Hears out rats, mice roichcs, llles, ants,
heildiucs, skuuks, chip munks, gophers, ice
1'jdpltntlon, dropsical swellings, dlr.slness.
Indigestion, neiirtu;he, sleeplessness cured
by "Well's Health Itenowcr."
"noion on cor.NS."
Ark for Wells' "liounh on Corns." 15e.
Olllelr. enmnlptn etirR. ilnnl or Knit eorn.
warts, bunions.
"Roron ox pais" rouonsEn flasthr.
Slrcnt'tlienlnix, Improved, tho beat for
backache, imlns In chest or side, rheuma
tism, neuralgia.
tiiix rnori-r.
"Wells' ltoilllh ltenewcr" restores 4iealth
and vhror, cures dyspepsia, headache, Ner
vousness, debility. 41.00.
wiioonnh cocoit.
and tho many throat affections of children
juumpu)-, picae:tnuy nun ;vTeiy rcncveu ny
"Jtouirh on Couirhs. ' Tro. lies. IKc. Italttnni.
Ifyounro falllnir, broken, worn out and
ncrvuus, use "Wells' Health Ituncwer."
$1.00. Druggists.
i.ikk rm:8EnvEn.
If you aro loslnir your Krlp on llfo tr
'Wells' Health Kcniwer." lines dliect to
weak spots.
Instant relief for neuralirln. toothache.
fnccneho. Ask for"liough on Toothache.'
IS and 29 cents.
rnuTTY womkn.
Ladles who would retain freshness and vl.
vaclty, don't (all to try ' Well's Health lie
Hacking, Irritating coughs, colds, sort
inroat, carcu uy "nougu on uoughs.'
Troches, 15c. Liquid, use.
"Roron on itch."
"Kouxh on Itch" cures humors, crun-
tlons, rliiK-wurm, tetter, salt rheum, frosteo
lect, chlllblalus.
Children, slow in dcvclomnent. nunv.
seawny, andi delicate, uso "Wells' llcalil
three or four hours everv ntvht eoutrhlnt-
Uet Immediate relief and sound rest b
usln Wells' "liough on Coughs," Troches.
15 cents, llalsam, '.'5 cents.
Slrenulhenlmr. lmnroved. the best foi
backache, pain In chest or side, rheumatism,
Wo used to have somo respect for tin
thermometer, but it baa scled in such t
low mauner during tho past wiulor tbatwi
became dis'iistfd with it.
Aro you disturbed at nichtand broken o
your ru&l by a sick child sulfering and cry
n K with pain ol culling tcethY II so, eem
at once and get a bottle of Mits. Wissi.ow'f
Soothing SvKtir foii Chii-uiikn
Its value is incnlcuablc. It will relieve tin
poor little sufferer immediately. Dejwni
iion it, mothers, there is no mistake abou
it. It cures dyseutery ond diarrhuca, regu
iates the stomach ond bowels, cures uini
colic, softens the gums, reduces irjflanima
tion and gives tone and energy to tho whole
system. AT us. Wixslow's Soothino Sykui
Fun Cm i. in. Tkethinq is pleasant to Ihi
taste, and is Uio procrintiou of ono of tin
oldest and best femala nurses and physi
clans in the United Slates, ami is for sale b
all drucglsts throughout the world, l'no
2j cents a buttle, 20-ly.
It is not giving that makes paupers
It isgivinc without personal aequainlunct
and liking wlilch does that. Gifts comr
quite natural between Iricuds, bo they rich
or poor.
Tako WarninB1.
At this season of t lie year when so many
people become subject to attacks of bilious
ness, kidney troubles, constipation and nl
tlielUtof troubles that arise from beinc
housed up, or that ere brought on by coldr
anil cxiHisure, it h the Pari of prudence to
toko warning from the experience uf uthcrt.
and provide ourselves uilh the means ol
escape from similar troubles. So wide ik
the lame of Kidney Worl. that creat rem
edy for nil kidney and liver troubles, thai
almost every one knows of its great virtue
lor such cases. It should bo kept in cycry
uouseuoiu rca.iy lor an emergency.
Tho Egyptian bondholders ore begin
mng to with for a litllo more real prophet,
and not so much false prophet.
If we still loye those wo lose, can we
altogether loso those wo love.
Ames' Matsery of tho Fen, .
Teaches you cjuickly how to becomo an
elegunt penman how to make b!rds.scrol!s
Ac, Ac. No school exercises so laseiualiiig.
With prowr and cornest application you
can in ono month acquire as elegstit I
handwiiting as any prolessur of pen man
snip, i rico uy inau.ivoH paid.yi. Ailitress
Thk GoLOk-M Arqusv, 81 Warren Blreet
ew loik. Bend for terms to Agents.
In tho education of children love is
first to be instilled, and ou', of love obedl
ence is to be educated.
It is difficult to tell how much a fish
will weigh by looking at Its scales'
An Open, Frank Letter. It is by no
means Strang that Dr. D.iyid Kennedy
should have received the following letter
Dy rcadiug it you will tee in one minute
why its writer could recommend It. Jin.
Mr. J. W. Horner, travcllm: agent far Am
bach, Ilurgalider A' Co., Baltimore, Md.,
says i ".My head felt bad and 1 was sutler
Ing Ircm indigestion. A trial of 'J'uvorilo
itemeily' made me feel likna new man.
cheerfully reeomineud It to all needing
medicine ol me kind.
He saved, tnd lie layed, and lie saved,
l'oononiieol, good Mr. Iluzband (
And when he died & was put in the grave
It went to bis wilc'j second husband.
(f'om Die Intltanopvlf limes.)
tro in Mr. Harry V. 01matfid,Froofreader
Of V limn.
The ti)llolng loiter Is encouraging ond
wo thy or peru Jul, coming, as It docs, from
reliable a suurcc, unsolicited. In contains
facts of Krout valuer
iMHAKAl'Ot.tK, 1ml., OCt. 12, I3S4.
IlR. David Kkk.m;uv, Handout, .V, V.
IIKWt Silt For ten years 1 havo been n
sullercr from disease ol (he kldnejs, nt times
so much sii ns to make llfu n burden, liming'
this time sevoral ol Ihe best pliyslclniis In
Indiana have treined mo with little or no
success, until I hud almost dcspalied ol re
lief. I then tried several sdvertled rente
illes, but nothing prud'iued the tleslreil re
sult until a friend who htid been rclloied In
duceil mo to kIvk Int. HAVIII Ki:.
NUDY'S PAVlllUTi: HHMKDY atrial. 1
did si). Alter taking one bottlo 1 begun to
experience ndlel. 1 took another and was
charmed with the result. In all, 1 havo
taken lour bottles, aud cnutiuly say 1 lect
like a now mtin. I am eonltdent 1 urn entire
ly cured, as il 1ms been several months since
1 took tho lust medicine, and thero .s no In.
dlrntion ol a return of t o disease. 1 have
recommended your remedy to several sutler
Inir friends who havo also been relieved. 1
nrlto this to return my slnstro thanks to you
for the cure which bus bcin tlleclcd In my
case, nnd also desiro to sny 1 think sulfcrlnx
huiuanliy owes you a debt, of Kratllude lor
your wonderlul selcnlltlc discovery. 1 shall
do nil that In me lies to let all sullercr' know
where they may Hn. I relief, and thereby In
some measure rcinuncrnto you fur tho good
yon have done me,
Wlslduir jou long llfo an 1 prosperity, nod
thanking you lor prolnnulnii my life, 1 inn
TJr. Kennedy, Ilondout.N. Y., assures the
public, by n reputation which ho cannot af
ford in forfeit or Imperil, thut the "Fayorlto
lleiacdy" dojs Inviiroraio the blood, cures
J.lvcr. Kidney nud liladilcr coiuplalnts, ns
woil ns those disuses and woikiiessos pecu
liar to females. Y'nur detent hasltslfnot
send Uno Dollar to Dr. David Kennedy,
lloudout, N, Y.
sum, euro il.oo. lly mall with lull dliec
tions. nook lor ! cent stomp. 1'KIIT ft CI).,
601 Sixth Avenue, New York. doi','7-ly
tuk (3 n k at itLoon riiRinnt
Of Hill HOItl.D.
C'n tnn li hialrocnmn no nroTfllont that
P!nn.'tlT n inmilv a ptprmtt. nml it la
truly tlio liano t.t the Ani'-ricnti rno
ISornoay proparntionanro intbomarkct
that Jt tiut ntre, tliat atttslHre, tit retmd
w ill l-o velmmed by all. KIXU.It'M
('nlnrrli ICeitinly nml lllnml lfn
tltlcrhsd M-iVIJR fnili.! inafhitflo
caul wbero directions re followod. It
ftrikes (it, tho root of tho diMnee. and
piiiumaics i no poison vuxr lao uiooa.
Its tmccesn lias bon uonderftil nnd cnlos
i jmmca'e. All that Is asked for U is triJil
Tttomnst obatinnto nnd lory-r.tandins
casea yield reidtty n thw ivta04ly. It it
CtrSfctlufKirnilers. IV-qoy 1 ft bottl. 0
ottWa for 83. Upon racipt of sjift
hy bam'l K, Kcllor & Co., Hnrrisbure.
l'a., six bottles Hill lio cent by fes
procs, prepaid. Take t-n n,!iert for it
id tho onl? rrGnhTstio'i tliRt rritlimih
at of thn ttttetun and ClIITS. Send
inr circulnr ffr iwt vmir ilmtrirUf fnr
ono) conccrnlns Oaar-ti Natiire Mjmptriaa and Curo
ot'Oatitrrln It contains testimonials nf cuthcistio
and penuir.e oar?n. It ii also the licet Mood '...
rlilcrin tho jntrket. I'or ttnU In Di-nwelsl-H
ffeni'rullj'. wholeanlo by ISam'l F. Kklleh Jt
Co.. UflmnLunr, l'a.: aim by Joiiyams IIoLr.o
W v & Co., and Bmitu Kline t Co., rhilad'A. V.
1107. 8, U84 l; n r,
Occupies three Jliilldln. Larsest nnd Tlwt. Jtmo
position fornrndiiati's limn nil other school's coin
hlncd. f.iro soloi nishlp, jo. Write for clirulars.
COLUMAN, l'ALMH CO., 1'roprlelora.
loo SO-ly.
Stock Farm,
Crosso llo, Wayno Co., Mich.
SAVAGE & FAUNUM, Pboi-bieiobs.
Patrocls No. KM 0157).
Percheron IHofses-.
All stock selected from the fret of sires nnd dams
of established reputation ond registered in tha
rrench and American stud books.
Is bcsiitlfully situated at the head of Urcxisk Ilh
In the Detroit River, ten miles below the City, nnd
is accessible by railroad ond rtcamboat. Visiters
not familiar with the location may call at city office,
Campau Buildinc, ami an escort will accompany
them to the farm. S;nd for catalogue, free by maiL
vniAUfi VV 1AMVM, JVllbll, lUltll
enBine and wisco
This cut shows the
Howard Electric
Masetc Shield
os applied over the Klil
iiey n and Ncr o-vltnl
centers. Tuo only ap
pliance made that
tits every part of
the body, and tho
only one needed to
It lio tnuntlMii,
II ) s i e t h 1 ii,
the woit ease of
Sciiilnul Wrulc
nc, ICaJihiim-
(loll, IllllUIICU-
cy, and ult IMi
CltteCN Rnd Yvn l
iiChof thcUrlno
Clciiltul Oruana
Patented Feb. 85, 1679.
YOl'N'O MEN, from cany Indiscretion, lack
ncrvo force and full to attain strength.
JIIDDLE-AOKD MEN often laclclgor, nttrlbut
I05 It to the progrces of years.
The MOTflElt, W1FC and MAID, sufferln-f rom
Teraalo Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail
ments, will find It the only cure.
To one and all we Fay that the Shield gives a nat
ural old In a natural way
AVurrnntcil Ono Year, uml tho lict
appliance umlr.
Illustrated Painphlet, TIirtEE TYPES OF MEN,
oUo Piimphlet for Ladles' only, kcntou receiptor
Vc, sealed; unsealed, l'llEE.
American Galvanic Co.,
OFFICES: 11 tin Clit"ttnnt St., Vlilln.
Paynes1 Automatic Engines & S8-
era iBarno.
i'oft!T.'riiii f tolOU V. i.r...nntli'.ftpnffc.Airet
hiir9tuui.tti1 i'(.:i.u.l. in iM,'i,i:i Mill. 1C (t.
cantiir, a'm ti. i.nd ...Vh, -J Kiimlttuiuous
luvi r N l U. j Uali 3 tii itiKta
kiti. tuwyvr cnu'rcH fo ! ll r und l ad b'.-ki U Si KIMI(inU. it IHCl MtUll
v .w, t.o 11. B tin U 4 ily i.--tlii.(f,
JiH-ll-l.l ItS, lOlit )MkH. KiV.(
liphU'in r.etc. lur ruuidt ufur
iiurAti(iii. illX iu uia. Kb.
tJi'ti ii flkhiH, tiiOi.-tui. Knirlno
t u la ( rt lorr nnd lecen uu
toU nt r-puilfur it d-irtttt IS.
M. uul.u ti.i fH ult gtvlfH uto-
l.i l r in i i .-mi . iiiMiryii. f .
ANDItEW SUIYE.IlHtik Strftt,
IIcw to Raiso Chickens.
Thero aro so many dlll'erent breeds of
fowls that there ij certainly an opportunity
for nil lovers of poultry lo suit their own
f.iiioy. Yet it is difficult for a farmer lo ct
just tho kind that lio wants. He desires n
flock of hens that will lay plenty of cgs,
produce good meat for tho table, not try lo
sit nil summer, or do too much ruunlug
ncr the grain fields. We have found the
Leehorns excellent layers, but they forago
too intich, go to tho back end ol tho farm to
scratch up the corn, nnd fly to the lilchest
part of tho barn to cet on tho wheat mow
or grain stacks. Most atr, ins ol Dralnnas
are Intolerable el'.lers. Vfo have finally
made choice of tho rivmouth Hocks fore.
farm breed, although in snmo respects they
may he surpassed by others. The fowls
should bo provided with n building for
their exclusive use. With n wcll-plnuned
poultry house Ihe care of fowls is lessened,
and (he annoyance of haying them scratch,
ing everywhere is prevented" Consldeilug
the value nt a good flack of chickens, the
profit in keeping them well, and the fertiliz
ing qualities of the manure, it is straugi
that the (owls should ha neglected as they
aro ou intiiy farms. The horeo ond cow-
stables are cleaned every day, why should
not the hcr.-kouse? Keep their liouso clean
nnd odorlcs", if you would be successful
with fowls. Havo n good floor under the
roost, which can bo scraped clean oycry
day. After cleoning.sprinklo sawdust over
tho floor. Whito wash tho Inside of the
building frequently, and keep the nlr puro.
Keep lico oway by placing tobacco leaves
In the nisi of Ihe sitting hen. l'our a
small quantity of kerosene along the roost
ing poles. If you do all this and cannot
kill tho lice, then kill the hens! Iu sum
incr the chickens should have the run of a
rooniy.grassy jard,ifthoy cannot be allowed
at largo on tho farm. In winter feed a
plenty of grcou food, such as cabbage
leaves, tto. Summer nnd winter glyo Uio
hens milk, sourmilk or bnllermilk, nud the
eggs will be lentiful. Have an arrango
inNit for watering, so that the young chick
will not bo templed to drown thcinsores
in tho water trough wl.cro the hoiscs
drink. dt. Agriculturist. ' .
A Great Discoyery.
Mri Wm. Thii'iius, of Newton, la,, says :
"My wife has been seri otisly aflccted with
a cough for twenty-fiyo years, and this
jpring more severely than ever befojo. She
hid used many remedies without relief,
mi I lHiii urged to try Dr. Kind's, New
Difooyery, diil so, with most gralHylng
rdluils. The first bottlo lelieved her very
nu h,nnd thostcond bottle has 'absolutely
cured her. She lias not bad so good health
'or thirty years."
Trial bottles freo at T. D. Thomas' drug
sioro, large size 4.1.
1 1 m 'J y
Eettinrr Out Cabbago Plants.
Setting out plants during a rain is desir
able, Inarmuch as the
to. Selling them out before a rain is st ill
baiter. Cloudy weather, ivltlirllio jitiii)
pln.rc full ol moisture, is equally advaut
ijeoua. In regard to preserylng the roots
or stripping them is better tb preserve
ho roots, provided they are not allowed to
Iry and shrivel up by exposure to the air.
I the roots are kept intact, or ifthorooU
.tliich are broken ofTa short dislnbco from
he lip3 aro kept so moist that they will
'pceilily callous over and then tbrow out
tosh roots, Ihe plants will suck up water
irnm the soil aud ''hardly feci tlio 'moving."
But if, on tho other hand, the ftbroas roots
ire allowed to shrivel up, they had better
be removed altogether and lot tho stem
lirow out new ones. In regard to whether
it is belter lo set out the plants us soon as
possible, or lo let them wilt iu the cellar,
ouch will depend on tho weather.- It
nay well be that n fresh plant, full ol sn ,
y exposure aflpr transplantiug, to.our In t
uu may shrivel up so rapidly that tho
- uvea may be reduced to a powder and tho
ilant destroyed befoio tho roots hove time
o callous oyer and throw out new fibres to
uck upwattr Trim tbo soil. Iu the shade
11 a cool, moist place, the leuyes part with
heir sap slowly and the routs heal over
nl when tct out new roots aro formed
wforo tho coinparatiycly dry haves part
with tho thicker and richer sap, Am.
The right llcycreud lliehnp Gilmour,
Cleveland, Ohio, is one of tho many emi
nent church diguitaries who have publicly
idded their emphatic endorsement to Hie
wonderlul efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil in
cases of rhcumatisji and other painful ail
ments. Swine-Kaising and Fork-Ifakinrf.
Good leediug quulitiesand early maturity
aro the necessary traits in tho nature of n
good pig. J lie most prufiloblo pig runs in
the orchard, cats fallen fruit during the
summer, aod reaches a good weight by
early winter, when it should be killed.
Tho young pigs should como during
March and April, and bo fed ull they will
cut through tho summer. During moderate
lull weather, meat uf the corn fed at that
time goes to the making of salablo pork
while in cold weather, much ot the feed is
used in keeping uu the annual heat. It is
then plain enough that a pound of pork
can be made more cheaply during early
fall thou In winter, l'ork products as
lard, sausage, etc., as a general rule, bring
better prices in the fall than they do later.
There inuy sometimes occur a necessity for
late fecdlug, when it may be done profit
ably enough. Last autumn, tho corn in
many scctious wus badly injured by tho
trust, si that whero thero wero large fields
in corn there often were largo quantities cf
soft, uusalablo corn. Calllo were nigh iu
price, and lings low, because many had not
corn enough to fatten them. Ttiose who
had enough poor com to carry their hogs
through until after New Year's realized
the high midwinter prices for their pork,
and made winter feeding pay. Whero
winter feeding is u tempting, tho hogs
ohould be pro ided with good warm pens.
Ordinary iens may abe mado quite com
furtuble for hogs by lining them on tho
iusldonftho nodding, so as to leave a
space with sawduit or wheat straw aud the
wiud cannot gt through it. Am, Agricul
turist. California and Texas ranchmen clip
llisir sheep twice a year.
Wood ashes is an excellent fertiliser for
ouions none belter.
It takes only one season lo grow borfe
radUh iu perleotiou.
A shoulder of mutton contains onc-
third more bone thau a leg. j
-Use a currycomb on the oows In spring I
to take uut the loose hair. j
Two Cents.
" WHAT in Ihe World coming to ? Tlio poor man is now on an equality with tho richest,
bo far asTxioks aro concerned." Central Baptist, St. Louis.
A ItAFV X" ulTAX. " Giro a man this trwto (for gootl book's), and tlio means of gratifying it, nml
j-oti can hardly fall of making a happy man. You placo him in contact with tho best society in every
period of history, with tlio wisest, tho wittiest, tho tonderest, tho bravofct, aud tho purest characters
which havo adorned humanity." Slit JoiIK Ilnnsoini,.
l rap van winkle. Irvlnpr
, 2 The UurnlnRof Koine, l'arrar
. 0 Kea-Sr punts of Science. Wilson...
6 Enoch Ardrn. Alfred Tennyson,.,
8 Frederick the Oreat. Mncnulay,..,.
10 Queen Mabel, etc. Ellen T. Allien..
It Llfo of Hir Isaac Newton, l'nrton,.
n worm sinnRmnfr.etc.
14 Hunynn'8 l'lturinrnl'ropn'ss. lllua loo
ja American jiumorists.
17 American Humorist. Holmes
18 Cricket on tho Hearth. Dickens...
IU American Humorists. Lowell,,. ..
20 American Humorists. A, Worth,..
St American HumorlU. llnrltTwnla,
?f Deneited Village, etc. OoldBtiilth.
2d Cotter's Saturday NJcht, etc. Unrns.
j 23 Roniri of Keren, etc. Joan Ingelow.
S3 Schiller's Son ft of tbo Hell, etc
117 Great TbnugiiN from Urcclc AulU
ore. .unpiuci...
KG Tho same: Demosthenes,
115 Thosnine: Arlstoilo, etc
HI Iho samo: Atlstoiiimnes,
143 1 be same: chylus, Auacreon, etc.
111 Phrslcal Eilurntion. isneneer.
iu liiiuratm. notinew Arlioju..
11) Mornl Kducatlon. Herbert
j.Kf jiiieiieeiuai mucniion. apetieer.. ,
1-M What KnowIoilrnl4 nf Mont Worth
1J7 rroprcss of tho Working
jv.tuvr. vjiuiii, i.ifci'
133 Tho Wnr for Uio Union. W.l'lillllps
1'.) Woii'lcll Phllllpi. Uva Win, Curtis
111 Numbers. Mnlthow At Hold
1 11 Tho Coming Slavery. Silencer.
l.U on Lliicrtj. John btimrt Mill
131 llokcby. &ir Walter bcott
"ititti- iTa,niV rPU ENGLISH 11EADE118 In tho Elzevir
iiin ClClli LwlaSSICS rary. ' This series of brief, condensed accounts of
'vwi.s, v&tKri.''t, tho great litcraiy works of Grccco and Komo has taken
lt3 placo among tho standard authorities. Tho books aro admirably written and wliolly ndequalo
in their scholarship. For English readers who desiro acquaintance with tho great works of antiquity,
theso books may bo recommended as tho very best within reach. The Christian Union, Now York,
1)7 nelod and Tliooml"..
lJ l'lndur. lly Hov. t . U. Morlco 15c
8"i Luciellus. Uy W. H. Mallock 150
iri riamu. und Terence. v. l. Collins Joo
HI I.uclan. Uy W. I. Collin 13o
l Thiiejillde.. Uy W. L. Collin 11c
87 Ovid. Uv Her. A. Church 15o
tl Llvy. lly W. L. Collin He
f?5 Euripides. lly W. II. Lionno loo
(COUPON .1li'?L'?"'T"'1.'n'S,T,,;'i,il ',"!'"''( l?c1tu c?,V,!r'lnl "'"I jOO-PAGE CATALOGUE sen
II O C,fSTi. rrom date cf tlilsiR.r(Klo naineof iiaKr Ihi. oiler H to e I CKltUrO of tllO WOl'ld at tllO lowest pi
Fiirim.iiiM.VmTj.1...1"" '.r,'J'nguei1Mng medium. gcllt fOI' EXt jllINATIO JiFV
on reasonablo evidence
Vhfik a IrM tfM U U m i t i t TIT
Clt'.nisfs i h t
Head. Allnys
lull;) in million
llcstorcs I h c
sfi'icnsrs 1'astc
Smell, liesr-
jrsrn -h-.ti v io. !, x quick
Itollof. A Positive Cure.
A nartlcle Is uppllcd Into each nostril nnd
la nirreenblo to me. I'rlen fil cVnt. bvninll
or nt llrnirirlfts Send tor circular.
KI.Y IlltOl'UUKS, DrugBlsts, Uircgo, N.Y
may ltt.
W-tn tTfi to i1,n iwih trinntli
Ifollln our Stanha nn Hooks
1SC!SZE2SL. UliU.Ka. Stonilv wflnt tor
SprlntftiHl Rummer. AiU.rens J. U. 31c
Cuitnv & (.Jo., I'lillniloliihlft.
MERCHANTS dmudoulltrhcti?
nrollts by introducing ii ltnu of new iroods. ln
dlriicnslhlo to nil funiilles. will nddnsiilor
full KAT.Tll 1'tJOl) Oo.Mi'.:tv,
rvo. 4iii Avennc, Jew lorii
ilea 27 ly
Kr.torcJ. A jreiitleinan luivlii Innocently
conirncicu me iinun ui feu uuuto in ins
youtli, nnd In coiifequcnco eullerud ull tha
liorrom ot Hcxunl Incnpnclty. Iust Alan
liool, I'hyilciH Jiecny, Orneral Prntr.ttlnn,
eiu v win. vuv ui Buiiuiuiy tur ma ivuu.v
jullcrcre, mall Iroo tlio rrclpo by which ho
wus tlnally rnruil, Adilrers in confhlcnct)
J. W. I1NKUV, Oodartit., New York.
UTTlT.nnro money th:in nt nnyt
Y I Vtiikfngnn tigcncy lor Uic
"! hook nut. llptrlnncra fin
rtlilnir elso hv
lie host s I'll In ir
cuccycil irranil-
Kone hill. T-rin8frce. Hallktt Hook
, Portland. Maine. dco2(My
The advertiser lisvlnir bocn ncrmancntlv
curedot tlmtdruad UtsoHse, i;oii?utiiillon, by
n simple retnedv. Is anxious to innko Known
to Ma fellow 6uirercrs llio means ill euro. To
all who desiro It. ho will send a copy of the
prescription (Free), with tlis directions lor
preparing and usluir tho wlilch they
wilt find a sum cure for (Viuirhs. Oolds. Con
sumption, Asthma, lironchltls, ,Vc. Parties
wiviiinir mo prcFcripi inn, win picnro undress,
lti:v. U, A WH.sON. 101 P.iin Street.
Wlllrauisburgli, N. Y. dcc27-ly
resldlnirtlirouirliout tlio United States nnd
Canada for deiiertlon. non.tuii)ort.inteinpcr
ance, cruelty, Incompatibility, etc. Advlco
reo. ointa your chfo ami nuurefs
ATT- illNKY WAK1), Woild ilulMlntr. 1027
UroaUwoy, Now York. July l'-'.ly
. WHITE All till lAUS,
I Usolntlme. ttoldbydrin;.!.. lAf
Maanetlc Cures. iVill
Is the llistinan to dlerorer Ihe philosophical ;
principioinni an nervous pains, nen.-, nnu
tleblllty should lio treateil from thchraln
hiltcry," irooi wrionco emanates nil nervous
force and will power. All other tonus of
treatment-fur nervous disorders nr Ullures.
Lvery person who suHcrs Ironi ncrvousners
knous this, nnd that medicines only palliate,
but never euro. These appliances are inu
netlo, and dlller from all others in tho mar.
kct wlilch arc olcctilc. IManctlsm Is tho
life of man. llieir curative qualities nro
wouderful in all nervous complaints. Ihe
Human phi.Iolans pracllc.d miinctlo treat
ment l.OJu icurs sue In nervous dlo.ises. but
did not treat from tho "bruin battery " l)r
11 ILL lias luudo this urcnt illseuery tho
only suro euro lor Nervous llendnehe, llhcu
mntlm, NeuralKln, Liver and Kidney Com-
iiiaiuis, t'uraiyri, uout, plnal wciKners,
llyrpcpsla, Constipation. Cold I.I in hi ami
l-'eet. and General Uchtlltr. Mliaoulous
cures noted every day. 1 lio MaKlietle Ilruali
lllla nulls, ami tho only artiolool tho kind
invented. It Is tlio ureatest eurutlvo UReut
kuown and used in a "brush bath" Imparts
tone, replenishes tho debilitated system, and
creates warmth. In chronic cares our Mag
netic Ilonds. Kelts and Pads should bo uicd.
Tho bruihcs aro warranted to do tho work or
money refunded. Send fur circular and tes
timonials lly iclvliii; n description ol ner
vous trouble, wo will givo advice ncd direc
tions how to uro our appllanees, HILL
COMPANY, Lock Dox 65, WiithliiKtou, 1).
U. Jan.SI, 1883-tf.
for the grandest and fastest rdllng book
ever puuu&ucu,
This Is nn entirely new and original work
lust mibllihd. and is tho iidnt production of
loofour xreatcst llvini; authors. Including
Kiisaneiii Diuart I'lieios, kobo jerry hook,
Harriet Prescott ripotford, IMnrlon llarland,
Mary A. l.licrmore, Harriet llcccher Stowe,
Loulso Chandler Moulton, Mary Clcmuier
Lucy Larcom, an I 11 other well known au
thors. These twenty Uls'limulihed writers
here k'vo for the first time, the complete his
tory of tlio Lives nnd Deeds of 3D laiuoiu
American women, most of whom are now liv.
Intr, whose lives havo never belore been writ
ten, nnd they tell how they have won their
way from obscurity lo fame mid trlory. Kor
Thrllllni: Interest, Ilomanllo Story, Spicy
Humor and Tender Pathos, this urand book
Is without a peer. The Vhrtttian Advocate
says: "This splendid book certainly Hone of
the very best ucd chuleest subscription-books j
we have ever seep," It Is splcudldly Illus
trated with lull pane eniravlnm besides
uiany superb portraits Iruiu special photo-
""'a'cents WANTED I
AflKNTSt This iirand book Is now out-1
relllnic all others 10 to 1. Ministers, Kdllnri.
Critics, etc, unmisllfle-Ily endorse It and wl-h
ItUolipved. We havo many lady sifviits
wblmre sold ever '.' 0 la their respective
towtiililpe. We want a few nooa eireats
men nnd woiawi In this vicinity at onm.
We give Kxtra Terms and py freUbt Now
Is the time to make inouiy. S9.Uur circu
lars. Kl'ini; Special Teruif, Kil'aots etc,
sent free. Correspondence Invited. Address
A I). WOltTlUNOT'iN & i:o ,
nov s saw HartiorJ, I'oun.
lTO Milton. T. Bnblncton JlnrauloT.
IU rrasmus aua llciiry V1IL IJ'Au
umiic. "G
123 iJidy of the t.nke. Scott fo
IV Mnrmlon. ficott Fo
11 l.ayof tho Knit Mlnstrol. t-cott.... M
Ul ITonfe-Klom of nil t))lnm.r.nttr..... lllo
IH Iitenil ot tho Wnndeilnjj Jew...... So
12.1 llerniann nml Jhirothrn. Utu-tho... fa
113 lMbllc Health. mwaniOrtuii,l.l,.u. So
lil Somo of Wy l'cts. uraco umu-
wood 2q
13) Tho llaron, etc. Ldfrar A. roo...... "0
III lUhlcsof tlioD.Kt, John ltusklti.. Uio
IU Crown of Wild olive. John llinkln liw
117 SoAamonnd Lilies. John Hukln.., Itu
ll't I.uther Anectlote. Ur. Macaulny.. he
Hi l.uthtr'sTnbloTatlc. Dr. Mncnulay f
111 I.tro of Ooorire Miillcr. Mrs.JIuller Bo
111 1 ho Understanding. John Locke 10c
IU TliolMltloof Waterloo, K. R. Cronsy Ha
1 1 1 Tho Hauls of Saratoga. r M. Creasy 20
UU Detent of tho Spanish Arinada 2e
191 liattleof HatluKs. r.8.Creay.... So
1H Tints of tho Times. O. C Ken; .... 20
107 llutlnof thn Hooks. Dean Snlft... 2c
Imllhe Heart of llrnce, etc. Aytouii... 2c
101 Vlrirlnlfi.Thfl Armftdn. HTnAnlnv . yn
Kpencor to
. ,,,,11. IvttlllllFI ,1. l,lll Ijllllilll, ..
tc lit! lliollattloofllarathon, n.s.Crea-y
. I IIU Tho Ancient Mariner. Coleridge.
40 lul M.izeppa. Lord llyron...
ii .jimies x iTKimin, ine Asironomer...
W 1 ho Four Chief Apostles. 1'. (lodet.
8'J llertnldoof Wyomlmr. Campbell..
81 Kaanyo on Man. Uy I'opa
PI 1'lor d'Allza. llr Ijimnrtlno
"J Too Sjiectrc Brldeeroom. Irving.. .
Davles loc 1 f.3 The Creek Antuolotry. Iird Neavcs. 13c
Ml l'llny. HyCliurch nnd llnxlrlbb.... lie
7S Snphwten. lly C W. Collin 13c
it illscbylu. Ulslinp of Colombo I'
7(1 Xenophoti. UySlr Alex, Oinnt 13c
"I Homer's odjBtey. Iiy w, L.Collins. 13c
'! Homer's Hind. l!y W. L. Collins.... lio
71 Virgil. Dy W.L. Collins lie
of good faith. Address JOIIX Ji.
se2? aics NEa-ii ssJ' xaa
Are prepared to sell to Dealers, Lime Burners and Con mn
ers, at their BREAKER at LEHIGHTON, Pa ,
f I rvi I- 4
ft H B 31
Ai MasaeBa Claeasak Ibices
Delivered into wagons at the
the ton :
Lehigh Egg,
' Stove, -
Chestnut No.
Chestnut No.
July 1, lSSa-ly
Established 18C9. Trial l'utilinRO l"ree.
T. l'oplinm ft Co , I'rnprletnrs, l'hlliuteliilil.i.
tlnu If jon have, dliricull breatlilni; Iroui Asiliiiin, Hay l'Vver, or Chronic Ilrouchllls. It is Inhaling remedy, Kolni; at oneo tn
phli'uni. rcl.ixlnir llio tlKhiuess ol the- chcsi,
and positive rclltlln every case. Put up In
lilKhton, Pa.
r.CE by EKAi.iiniHt:
Mfif SXj-l)L CStXcuIs -,
'tiih-, :iii
Dv roason of iti central position and closo relation to rll principal linos Enat nnd
Wo3t, at Initial and terminal points, constitutes tlio roost important mid-continental
link In that eystom or tlirouili transportation which Invitoa nnd facili
tates travel mid trattlo betwoon cltl03 or tlio Atlantic and Pacific Consta. It
la also tho fnvorito nnd best route to nnd from points ISoet, Northeast and
Southoast, and corrospondlnp; points W est, Northwost nnd r3ovithwost.
Tho Eocl island syatam includes in its main lino and branchee, Chicago,
Joliot, Ottawa, LaBallo, Peoria, Goneaoq, Molino nnd Rock Island, In Illinois;
D.-wsnport, Mascatlne, Washincf ton, Fairfield. , Ottumwn. paknloosn. Wqet
Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Motnos, Indianola, Wintrrect. Atlantic, Knoxvillo,
Audubon, Harlan, Guthrlo Centra and Council Dlutt's, in Iowa; Gallatin,
Tronton, Cameron and Kansa3 JJlty, in Missouri; Len von worth nnd Atchison,
in IC insaa: Albert Lea, Minneapolis and Ht. Pnul, in Minnesota; Watortown hi
Dakota, and hundreds of lnterraodlato cities, towns, villages and otntlons.
Ouarantess its patrons that sonso of personal security afforded by a solid,
thoroughly bdlaated road-bed; smootli tracks ot continuous stool rail; sub
stantially built culverts nnd bridges; rollins etcck ns near perfection cs
human skill can mako it; tlio safety appliancoa or patent buffors, platforms
and nlr-brakos; and that oxaetlnjr disclnlino which poverns tlio practical
oporation or all ita trains. Other specialties or this route nro Tranaforo at
all connecting iioluts in Union Depots, and tho unsurpassed comforts and
luxuries of its l'assen?er Equipment. . . ... ,
The Fast Express Trains botwoen Chicngo and tho Mitsouri River aro com
posed or woll ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches. Magrniflcont Pullman
Palnco Sloepors of tho latest deslern, and sumptuous Dining; Cars, In which
elaborately cooked meals aro leisurely oaten, "fjood Dlftestion waltlnar on
Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and
Atchison, aro also run tho Celobrated RocllnlneT Chair Cars.
Is the direct nnd favorite lino botweon Chicaso nnd Minneapolis nnd St. Pnul,
whero connections aro mado in Union Donota for nil points In tho Territories
and llritish Provinces. Over thU route. Fast Express Trains nro run to tho
watorlu? plaoes, summer resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting nnd fisn
infir rX'"ounds cf lov.-.i and Minnesota. It Is also tho most dcalrablo route to tho
rich wheat Holds and lunds of interior Dakoto.
HUH another DIPJBOT LINE, via Seneca, nnd rcankakeo, lias been opened
between Newport News. Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, nnd Lafayette and
Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Minneapolis nnd St. Pnul and intermediato points.
For detailed information see Maps nnd Foldors, obtainable, ns well aa
Tickets, at nil principal Tickot OlBcea In the United Statos and Canada; or
by aadreesing
President and General Kaiuotr. Chicago. General Ticket ond Passenger Accnl, Chicago.
Get your JOB WORK at
Dainty llttlq books, always unabridged, in largo typo,
and in neat paper covers. Tho prices includo postage :
T5 Llfo of Raro lfotiton 20o
Tt Youmr People's Urn of Washington Hoc
W No. 2, 4 1, nl, cf, w, lil, combined 1 Jo
DJ AllnirilotirwitliBt.l'nuI. :lo
I.H 1 he CrucMHIon. Cunningham Oetklo 20
Iff henecanndM. Paul. C1111011 Karrnr 20
IJt 'I liHtVltlo Hermit.. Clin.. K!tL'.lrv. .
B Schiller's History Thirty Yiars' War 00
" 1110 i-.Kga.-i soi ijoru liacon...
Gl Mud King's Daughter. AmU
r.j The Ugly Duck, nud other Mi
fd Tim Victuro UooIcm Uhout l'h
lersen.. llle
Ktnrlp.. lifc(
ithont l'lrture. 111..
ml Tho leo Maiden, nnd other Stories,, lile
t1 1hoChilitiia. (irw'tlnK hk
M Shoes of Portnno nnd other Stories. IDc
57 Fairy Talc". Ilnns Andemen. Illui, loo
M Tho fetorv Teller, ami other Tales.. Kkl
61 Kos. 10, 13, W, r.l.6.'.M d.... llo
M Adventures of itaron Muuchaufecn . 2o
63SlndbadthoSallor 2c
fit Fables from lop. Illnntrated..... ilo
4't Vhllosophy of stylo. Spencer 40
41 Kvldenucs of Hvotutlon. Iluxlc3'... 2o
41 llilddbUm. lly John Caird 2c
41 civilizations of Asia, liawlliison.. So
41 Life or I'cter Cooper. O. U. Lester . liw
40 hunshliio and other Stories. Aldeu, Sa
33 Llfo nf ltlclurd Wogner, Portrait. Ho
87 l'eariiortliol'nltll. IMwln Arnold. 150
31 I.lro of Alox. 11. Mcphein. lllu Uw
31 Indian Sonirnf SomrA. Arnold no
l lllghwnysof Literature. I. I'rjile. Ilk!
27 llowl.l.aLovwllhoKluc. tleo.l.llot 20
it or uiniavp iwic. lllflstruleu . .W
1.1 A Halt Hour In Naturnl History..
v iKtinici. ooutt.-i.ijrurt.
1 Motive and I or Heading....
8 The Words of Washington
. 2o
. 4c
41 Tocltns. llr W. IT. Pontic
311 Jtivenul. Uy Kdwnrd Walford
34 Horaee. Uy IheodoreM.ilttu
ai l'lnto. fly Clinton W. Collins
31 Arlntotle. lly sir Alex, tlinnt
?J llcmostliene. Hy W. J. Hrndrlbb..
21 Cicero. Uy W. Lucas Collins.
2.1 Herodotus, lly lieo.C. Swayne,
'.2 Coisur. Uy Anthony Trollopo. isc
ALDJ1X, I'ltbUshcr, VOX Pearl
ubscribe For The
ct ! I.
following rates, 22-10 lbs. ti
Ilo not f.ill to try
this snlcndld nrennra
Uio seat or the dUeaso; romovlnir tho mucus or
1 reuiotlnit eipcclor.itlou nnd u'ivlnirlmmcdlaio
Largo Host and sold by T. D. Thomas i.a.
this cti-, thai i hu
lrith 426 Finn
illustrations, Eight
lioatttifnl volumes,
snlall octavo, cloth, gilt
tops. Prico r od u cod
from $19.00 to $S,00,
postage $1.20.
"This is tho onlycom
pleto American edition
of tills work, which is
known as tho liest pop
ular history of Franco."
Journal, Indian
apolis, Iml.
"Oulzot is tho Ma
caulay of tho history of
Franco. His uarrativo
is full of emotion, like a
quick stream ; his char
acters rise boforo us aa
in tho ilesh ; they aro
men and women, not
historic lay figures. It
is as charming as any
romance. There is only
ono draw-hack ... it
Bcemsmoroliko (rotting
a present thau making a
purchase." Dominion.
Churchman, Toronto. ,
"From tho pcir-of a.
master. HowJSlr.'Alden
can givo tho eight vol
umes, and this on good
paper, and clear typo,
including tlio multitude,
of illustrations, is a
thing wo havo ciphered
over, but wo fail to un
derstand it." Chris
tian Leader, Boston.
t free. Tlio best lit-
ice3 over known. Books
Ollll l'AYJilTiXT
Street, New York.
H E M O Y A Xi I
Dr. C. T. Horn,
Kespcotrully announces to his customers and
tho people ircncrully tl.ntlio linsrcnuiTed lila
Dltl'd STU11K rrom l.cuckel's Hulldlng to,
his newt laro room upiosltu tho Publlo Squara
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
whom he villi bo pleased to receive frlondt
nnd tuo public, and supply them vlth
Pure Drugs & Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
Stationery & Choice Cigars.
together with a flno lino of litest designs In
Wall Paper
at Lowest Priees. Persons can nlso oblalq
i:yc.(H:i!fc. and (spectacles, properly ad.
tutted to Ihelr elulu lit reiisonuhlo price p.
Prescriptions compounded with euro day
ur night.
lleiLembcr, TICK OLNTHAL ItltUU Store,
Fcb...yl Da. (J. T. HORN.
I A M r CIsimsa spoelally. a ntt WAlt
I A1J I I HAVi.s. A 1) 1 I T I (IN A I.
IIS nnd all kinds nf LAND SOltll'T bonitht
and sold. Lirijo Stuck, and lllxlioit Prices
paid. Do you 'rant to soil or buy? Jf so.
wrltn to A. A. T11UJI.1S, Attoitieyat Lavr,
Waslilnston, D.U. ' ln.vtfe.
Central Carriage Works
Hank St., Lcliiglito.i, Pn.,
; Arc prepared to Manufacture
:' Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c.,
! tif every description, In the most substantial
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices
Hcpali'Ing rroinptly Attended to.
April :t), Utrl yl Proprietors.
of East Manch Chunk,
are prepared lo ilo all kinds of
Plastering & Oruaiuental Wort,
at shortest notice. 0 nlers lir mail will r-
, ceivo prompt attention. Terms moderate
or good work. scnlitf
No Pate-nt-No Pay.
obtained1 for Inventors in tlio United States
Canada and Europe, bt reduced rates. With
our principal office located In Washington,
directly opposite tlio United States Patent
OIHce, wo are able to attond to all patent
dullness with greater prouptncfs and do
patch and at less cost than other patent at
tornoTs who nr at a distance from Wash.
InKton, and who. havo, therefore, tn employ
' aiioclato attorneys," We make preliminary
examination and lurnlsh opinions as to la.
tcnlahlllty. I reo of eliarice, and nil who aro
Interested In new Inventions and f ate nl are
invited to send for rt copy ul ur "fluids for
ohtalnlni; l'utents," which Is sent tree to
nny address, and centalus complcto Instrue
tlons how to obtain patonts nnd other valua.
We matter. We refer to the Oerman-Aiuer.
lean National llaulc Wuthlnton, I). II,; tho
llnjal Hvrotllih. Norncitlan nnd Ilanlah iJfKa
(Ions, nt Waihlnuton; Hon. Jos. t'aiey, lain
tlhlel Justlee U, S. Court of Claims: to tho
OWoials of the U. H l'atent llltii, and to
Senators and Muintcrs of Couyrcss from
every Slate.
Addreisi I.OTTJS llAOOKJt k. CO., So
lleltors of Patenti and Attorneys at,Ie
Droit llulldlni; Wabuiuio, I). (J,
this Office.