LEtliailTON.PA.l SATURDAY. MAHCtl 28, 1BS5. Entered tit tho Lelilgliton post-ollic; m 6corul CI.im Mail Matter. XHE JJIPIOMATIC APPOINTMENTS. rniLADiLHjuTutE'i. Tlin nfflcesepl.--ttt bail unotbtr Mirprlse Hmilny. Of the four men nominated tvr mm an for g i mlinrj8, oi.ly one bail been even "in ' tloiiffl" ns n carnlldalo fur eflita nd this mie was t'j vfiy List thai the party irnnnprrs of M S-'nln wnnltl have aeleo'd ns tlie n( ilr-iit nf lienor. Tlio appointment of Mr. PcDcHetnti In tlm lijrlin nilsalnn h.n n very obvloni signl lloaacf. Tlio iurciIiIha piitlllci.ius nf Ohio urc opjirispd to Fwidietou jr nnri (o delect lil in, In the fieo nf tbelr oppoi-i. Hon, far ix pnalteon of ttlMinclInn, U to rend them tlio same lcason thut tbo nd intnlM ration but already rend wltb snob empbisla to the tnncl.ina rum of other S'atti that tlila ls.a Royernment for IIib l-oil', not for the. politician, nnd f r principle, not for s-poiK Indeed. Mr. renrtlelonV Mertifii'iitlnn with civil BSitira Ttftirja nnbm hltn In a pnrlttMilar Bsu9 the reppneiitnlle i-f opposition to the apoib (ytetn, nnd the rurfgnilifn nf LUervlM and destrla is Ibna in h doable Bcnse n declaration f execntivu tnde. peudince 0! his abundant fitness for the. post it cuinot be necessary to apeak. The appointment of Edwnril J. I'lulpo. of Vermont, to tbe Entjllsli Mix.inn, the most Important post in nil Ibe-diplomatic aervlcp. wax n mill greater Kiirpihc nnd Is quite ns BignifiiMiit n nnr .f the appuintnienta llmt hnvn been ninilo ol the pnrwhn of ll.e administration to seek out the best qn.ililed men where er they tna.v be fnmid Nt only bud Ur I'i.elpM niver been nrwed for thNplio? but It is prob.hli? that the averagei flier, sjeker was (.cnrcely aware of his ixiht ence. And jet it may bo as-erlcl con. fldeutly that no diplomatic appointment of recent years lias been so eminently tit, A Democrat Huiir iu Vermont. Mr. Phelps bus bad little opportunity to figure in politics, hejoud au occasional bbnorary candidacy tor Governor : but be is known all over tho country ns one the .tronp,et and nblist. of American lewyers, and, to those uho hnvo met biui, as a cultiviUed tieutleinvi nnd man of affjlrs who uill lottery way tin boitor to hi country. In tho purely social mid oratorical aspect of diplomatic lilo he will ho scarcely tho interior of Mr. Liwell himself, while he posseksex in addition tiie professional Irainiui; that would make him the master of any inter national controversy that could arise. There is uo ii flnenco bijond his own force of cbaincltr visible in Mr. Phelps' appoiutmcut, uide'h it be that of Seuntor EJmunds, and the m .-kt stalwart Demo crat must admit that such un indorse ment is not to be despised. The tuird or, more properly, the tcoond of the hading diplomat o ap pointments, that of Miuisttr to France, toes to Governor Mi-Linco! Maryland, a man of exceptionally ,mK mid varied exporleuce lu public elfairs, who would bo nniversilly ricoijnized us nn uncom monly well tquipped man, even without the ppecial merit of his diplomatic ner vier in Chiua and Mexico. Thonub well ndv.iuced in jeurs he Is flill a man of tindimini.ihed mental aclivitv, and he will Ink at once n rank to which hi rich but commonplace piedecissor never could have uopired. The tonrth appoint ment, tbnt ot llei.iy I). Jaekhon, ol Georgia, to be, Miui.ti-r to Jlexici-.tLuiub lets important, is entirely crediti hle.nnd tie whole list is so putihini; to all ul.o are jvhlons for the Mijbt rrprihentatioii ot the rum. try abroad, ns tor the hou r able and digniti d uc of tbo txecutiyi ptrouage, that it cin call foith only prUe from ood citiz'iis of every parly. Goyerssou Pattion Monday, in ar. coriauce with n joint rei-oluliou of the Senate and House, issued a proclamation naruinc Thursday, April 10, as Arbor day. He recommend that the people ou tbny day, especially tho cbildreii, plant tiees bIouk the streela, by the road side, iu parks and common.", around public building, al.mi; strenms and in waste plaefs and that iuli rmaiion then be dtstributeil iu rrgard to trees nud toret(. OMtbelOih iust. Henry W, W'blto A Co., r.f Chicago, bailed their review of the pork packing industry for tho year ending March 1, 1685. it shows ll at the BRKreKKte nun, her nf hogs eUnqhtered for paokinR purposes dnrmu that ptriort v.ni 4,223,000. The number or emtio tlmqhlired diirini; the same peiiod waa 1 270 000 head, 70 per emt or wtdch wa nq'iired for the dres-d lnf trade. FR01YI WASHINGTON BpcUl to the Ua linos Aoyocate Wahiinomn, March 21, 1S83. The feenei at tlie FPTfraldepnrlmenls are of the HveliiH rteecrlplinn. Appheints conn an hour lefore the olhVfB are openecl lil lit anil wail until lli-y rill obtain nn audieure. When they finally present their oaiea they cet but III Uo romf irl, beeauie the IVtMent has given instrin-tlniij In (lie members nf the Cuhinet nnt to ditlurb th minor nicinl nor to attend to any matter laye the public business and to see In whit way It ran be improved, "improvement"' i.i this connection means to mine In a conclusion in relation to the proposed c'isnjfi in the positions ol trust. Therefore, applicants who desire a small office or a clerkship are told at once that they must leave their papers and that they will be examined In due course of time. The greater pait of these papers will be filed away and neyer heard from again, unless eom aile and angry Congressman comes around next winter and "makes Home fcowb" There doee not seem to be much jirubabilily that there will be many remov als among the dudes nf the Stale Depart ment Every one of them U harked bv pctliroat iulluenctt, whleli Is the hardest kind to cyercome in Washington, .There may be a alight cleaning out in the Navy Department alter a while, acl the same observation will hold true in relation to the War Department. The Department of JuiiIm has but about thirty rlerks.and it la said to be Attorney General Oarland'a intention t sll.nr them to re intia if they attend to business, and unh'fi some irregularity la dis.-s.ved in their pt work. Eeeirtary Manning will give the Treasury Dtpaniuiut a prslty lusrvugk overhauling before he gets through with It. This will ant inrluJe tlio Uoffeuslve clerks, hill the responsible heads, who, haye 'done many things wfclch they ought nnt to have dune," will feel as though the Washington Monument hail fallen upon them. In the Tost Offlcn Department General Vilas will have his hands full. 01 'rours all the Post olHccs will he given to com potent men of the Democratic- faith, but will be positive th it noue are appointed who are not equal. In the dullea assigned t'lem. Most of the clerks In this and in the Interior Department will remain uuilia turbod, so longss their work la properly ' attim led to. Lamar will make the mo't ol hU 014.01 lu all let i correct long existing ab'ises In his department, If lie tmln thorn, and the hi ads to be rhopped olfwlll proba- My be those t.f individuals wins have either Uvn delert.il in wcong Uilug or who on p illlksilly ctlenstve to-lhe a Imlnislrallnrv. At tho Department of Justice the nainber of applications received dally averages fullv 303 and necessitates the waste of consider able midnight oilou the part of Ceo. Jiving the appointment clerk. As is tho case in other departments, the Attorney General U going slowly and will exercise great core lh making spiminlmrnts. The carriages and horses belonging to this department are 10 be sold and the uuvaey turned into the Treasury. At IhcNiiyy Department Sec utary Whitney is Bonded nnt only with applications f.x office, hut requests for the reoratli of orders Usued by his predeces sor, aMicuing nsya) officers to nitTerest duties. Most of the taller requests com plain of injustice and favoritism on the part of the former Secretary. Tho new C"ininissioner of Internal lievenue is Mr Joreph 8 Miller, of West Virginia, who received hfs rommissiou from the Piejideut yesterday nrternoon. It Is rttimsled that applications fiirnboiil fivelluiusnnd p.isti trices have been lereivcd at the Pnttnfllce Deparliiieut. As there are lllly Ihoiisaiiil poetitnecs iu tho United Slates', the rush of applications have jusi hegiiii. Today it Is rstimalcd llint abn'it iino thnmsod npphca limis were rcceiyed. and it is expected that the rush will con tinue until Inle in tho summer. Broairiin's New Yort Lstter. Special to the CAanox Advooatk : For some years past a largo sign bns bung in front of the Cooper Iustilnte, "Gospel Temperance Services, conducted by C. A, Siwyer." Thousands 111 on t lonsanda bavo listened to the attiring exhortations of this eloquent evangelist, and mnny have been gathered in from the RtreelB nud slums to live n new life, and once more raise their bends, in the hiiinta of men. There wns no kid-plnve nristnernoy about tho audieuce Hint ns sembled there each Sebbalh, lint there was 11 1 ways n place and a welcome for Ibe rapgid tin. up mid tie outcast whom tl.o Priest aud Ltvite pns.?ed b ; the working principle being, that anything which bore Gol'u Imnge was worth aavirg Eitb Sabbath in that vast multitude thcro was rn central figure standing out bold nnd clear, and as be spoke of the Saviour's forgivcuues. and the joy oflhe promised bslvalinn, be seemed to be transfigured into an Angel of Hope. It ill carry giief to the hearts of thousands to Uenr that the grest evangelist has fallen from ibe (.lorious height ou which ho stood tor years, He bm b:en burled down to the depths by the Tempter though not I trust, like Lucifer never to rise ngniu. It Is more than forty years since John I) Goiigb met with a Bimilnr inUbnp, but John 11. Gnugb lived to le pent bis momentary lolly, and has b.eu spared for many jeats of nselul labor nnd tho end bns not jet come. Everv cff.it will be mude by the Irienda of ibe iiurortni.ate getilhiiMU to rescue him from bis present humiliating position, iu tLe hope tbat be may 01 ce more le restored to a lila of usefulness nud honor. St Talrlek's day 1ns passed by, and not a, mau killed not even a skull crackeo. i' or many days the ulr las been full ot war nnd romora of war. It was mi uoi only 111 New York, but our lirookljn btoiberj nud sisters were ou the north side of friendly; and across tho North ltiver our fellow-citlzemi ol New Jersey were torn by intestine dis cord, which threatened seiions conse quence on tho nu'al day of Ireland' patron saint. Several weeks ago resolu tions bud been p ssed iu the common council of both cities that it would b the proper thing to do to decorate nil the publio buildings 011 tbo 17tb ofMircli. Accordingly, ntanurlse the greeu flig ol "Ould Erin" was hoisted over all tho public buildings and the two citio Were ns g.elly decnr.vted as if St. Patrick was a native of Brooklyu or Manhattan. But trouble had b.in brewing Ijr weeks. The Ancient Order cd iliberniana, which up to llmt tuus bad presented a solid front again, t the Sixou foe, was 11 house divi led agui.st ilself. A iiiimber of its lunibriH j uiied Ibe Clan. nu-Gael. nud the Ancient Ofdtr promptly expelled the ufleii lerr, Tueii tho 1 xfi-IUd members resulted that 1L0 expelhra were nu ille Citinnte body, nnd tbnt they the ex pelleil were the Only Original Jacobs'"; aud riuhl there came the l.itoli on the St, Patrick's day procesion, nnd it lool od in if wo were fining to have a liattlo ll nt would throw Vinegar Hill or the Coyne into the slniile. Each of tne rivnl fac tions got a permit to pinde. but a. tho Msyorol llrooklyn disovered the belig ernit attitude of the parlies he promptly r yoked the permits. Than it v as agreed that the two factions should par nde nt differeut hours or the day; aud an matters were compromised. Atthelait moment, however, oue of the faotions resolved that they would not prradeat nil, so peace reigned in Warsaw, The faithful guardians of onr cities' peace buckled on their long night-clubs, but the crowd tbey had to deal wltb could have been ruled with a lady's fan. The procession, if not as large at in former years was, nevertheless large enough to convince toy Yankee ekeptlc tbat St. Patrick was oue of the liveliest saints on the Americau calsnfler. And if the spirits of the blessed made perfect are ever permitted to get a peep thronnh the fates of pearl, or over the golden , wall, Ht. Patrick must have beeu exceed- lugly gratified at the respect paid to his memory iu Ibe Jlepublio of the West, The day was bitterly oold, but the men stood in line like heroes, nud never sought the Usual consolation which even heioea ou the march gouielimst seek on a Irosty day. There was 110 event ot auy cons, ijiieoce to mar tbe day's eujoymeu', the procession, ojusideiiug its size, be ing one of the most orderly that wchave a.'Ji-i1 1 LtlJ, U-ili-JJ! "J. ' if ha I in tbe city for years. In connection with this St, Patrick's parada there U one thiug tbat oould not fait to strike the casual observer, and which I very much doubt could bo seen in any other coun try in. the world, among tbe same class of men. Tbe Ancient Older of Hibern ians, while numbering In its mcmbcrablp some of tke richest kBd most luCuenlial Irishmen In the hod, is largely com posed of men whose sole meaus of sup. port are tbe lowest and severest and most poorly paid forms of labor; bat hmons the thousands on the march on Si. Pat. tick's day, it was the exception to ceo a mxa who had not n good suit nf clothes. Tha regalia nf tbe Order ia tbe most fx penlve and showy of any society in America, let b re every inaa baa on bis magnificent aasb trimmed with coMly gold bullion, and almost siting the lie to ho cry r.f tbe c-ppiesaiou of labor 1 nd bard times. The times may be bard for the United States-, aud they are, but they na not the bard times of England nor the starving poverty of Ireland, aud if any one thinks diffstetilly I am qnite willing to leave it to SU Patrick to settle tbe quest lou. For simon-pure noadnllernled rillslny we have line) nothing fnrvenrsto equal t le revelations brought forth 011 the trial "I Fisb. the President of the defunct Marine Bink. It fills one with amaze tueiit to think that in the year of our Lord 188-1, on Wall Street, above all places in the world, that such things ci nld have been dono. We cannot but nsk nnrelves "nre thi y nil Uneven, or all lools, or what?" Ward wauls a hundred or a hundred and City thousand dollars, o bo goes to Fish for tho inonej ; Fish ys all light, have you gat seenntbs? Ward a lid, "Yes, plenty of them, nnd to make the transaction perfectly sacure J'll keep Hum mjself." So tl.ee preciius lasc.ils look au empty mvelnpe aud marked it with the 1 mount, nud that was -ill tbe bank bad to show lor its entile capital. If some ebver burglar bad uincked tbo bank safe and stolen ten thousand dollar, they would send him to States Prison for tweuly yenrs, if they caught him; but Fish aud his pals got away with a million. Many poor de- posilors were ruined. What will they do with Fish? Is the confidence gs.me played by Fisb any better than the petty larceny game which Hungry Joe playa 011 aunusii'.picions countryman? It is a nice question for tbo Courts to decide whetbtr these sanctimonious robbers can do iu open daylight what au expert tl lei would hardly dare do tit night. We will await the result with patience, but sin. eerily hope that this slippery Fish will not escape through the meshes of tLe law. Mrs. Eleai or Peck comes to tho fre tit ngaiu this week, although for some time pabt she has been luxutUtiug in the Tombs. Mpj. Pck will be lemembered as 0110 of the smallest coi.Cdence wi men in tho conn try, and as tbo worn 111 who swindled II ibbilt, the soap man, out ol $12,000. Het swiudles have been 10 lirge nud so numerous that uo r gular at-oouut has beeu kept of tbtiu. Dia monds, goll, silver, houses, lands.boraer, carnages, dry-goode of all kinds, silks, alius and laceB, all wns fish tbnt came to her nc-t.but somehow she slipped through every tlmo and her unfortunate r npea got left Some mouths ago she got some diamond-, from a diamond meiehant town town to show to a weullby fiieud of hers, and tha next dnv she n.iw tied iheiu for several hundred dollars, She then tried to swindle the pawubn ker. nnd Ibis brought her to crirf. and as I remarked she has beeu iu the Tcmbs for -.eyernl mouths. Itut thougb hemmed in by sloue walls, her light is not bidden undent bushel, for on Monday Mr. Peck, the happy husband of this hourebold treasure, made application to the Court o have n mortgage 011 Ida Imnse I01 $), 000 declared void, 011 the ground ll a I e wns 110 party to its exiculiou. While Mr, Peck was bunting (or a pirate's treasure ou the Pacific coast, Mif. Peck got short of money, so ahe thought of a mortgage on her bouse in liiookhn. Mr. Peck was tint of tbe way, hot tbat made little difference to 11 woman of ber inventive genius, so she got a gentleman n. m id Lawrence lo persouato Peek, nud she raied tiie cash, It w.ts doue so .nsily that she tried tince morel nt failed, mid then tho bui-band appears on tbe scene lo have tho umitgage declared void. Mrs, Peck is a wouderfnl woman and has lad many narrow escapes, but it now looks ns it she wr.8 about to be come an admirable illustration of the trite old adage, The pitcher tbat goes oltcu to tho well gets-broken at list." llrooklyn bns been greatly enrcised at the urrest and Imprisonment iu the Pen. Herniary if Paul Ustier, the popular Coney Island man, for pool selling. Mr. Iluitr is very tltb nnd when warned that lie must stop gsinbliiiB on bis pieniises, he exclaimed like Tweed. "What ate you going to do about ii?" Wbeu brought In the bar of justice he looked upon tbe mitter us n good joke. He pleaded guilty nnd put his band in his well filled pocket lo pay bis fine, but when tbe Ji-.dge, in sohmu tonia said Penitentiary ibrie moutha, his countenance fell, and whxii ttiey bundled him iuto tbo PJIurk .Maria, along with tramps and thletes,l.e bigau lo realize tbat the way of the trnungressor is bard. It is well enough for the p'opleto kunw that there is only one law for the riob aud the poor, and that a wrnltby gambler when be violates Ibe law may expect tho same pnuisbment as a hod carrier or a scavenger. The sensation cansed by t-ssociating tbe name of a talented young Episcopal minister with that of a noted female swiudler from Boston was scarcely a three days wonder. Tbere ia no ques tion but tbat tbe minister mide a fool of himself when be allowed himself to be drawn into n correspondence with a fas cinating widow of whose antecedents be was ignorant Had be beeu wise as a serpent though harmless as a dove, he would liave looked suspiciously ou silk liued dressing gowns, velvet smoking caps and embroidered slippers. The highway to social nilu Is trodden by more velvet slippers than cowhide boots; smoking caps ure a delusion and a snare, nnd silk lined dressing gowns preseuted by widows a wicked Invention ol tbe arch enemy of mankind. A young minister without a wife has 110 buiiueas with awiitow-iu fart it is dangerous even if be has n wife. If any atiob offer to present them with sllpperr, dressing gown or smuking-cap, let him fly at OLce to bis tdndy, and resort to ! k FTgpgii missal . .igyjaf fasting and prayer j; and if ha only tiles it long enough, he may pull through in safety. Tbe weathtr has been beastly one boar like Spring, nnd Ibe next away be low zero. Everybody la grumbling Friday was as bitter a day as. we have had this winter. The weather seems to haye pnr.ilu.td business. Hoping for a thaw, I am, Tonrs truly, nnOADDRlM, Hi'"" 1 1 New Orleans Letter Faou ova SrictAL CoKictsronoiNT. Nhw OmxKs, Match 2b 18S5. "It is a wonderful Exhibition," is tha verdict of every one alter viewing ibis colossal World's. Fair, and one tbat must re.ult in immeasurable value to tha whole couutry. It is of such vast proportions, and cowprlses so many departments as topuxxleand confound tho correspondent in bis efforts, to portray it. Think oHLe Miiu building alone, coveiing oyer thirty acres, (33 it is said,) aud every nook and ooruer.nll the vast Qoor aud tbo vast gal lenrs filled with a vaiiely el exhibits from all lands, Irom every clime and sen Every device of man, of art, U here rep. resented and iu competition, '.Nearly half n mill! n square feet of since iu this building is devoted to tbe display of machinery alone, and is rally occupied. There arenenrly 150 different steam engines, representing 7000 horse power; many of these nre nsed in oiieral ing machinery, nnd nre anuplied wph steam from a main battery of 01 larg boilers, and with miles ol sbnlts, pnllevs and myriads of wheels in operation, tbe soeue simply biifuNs description. In this leparlnient is represented all tbelalist nud best modern inventions in wood nnd Iron working, farm aud factory imple ments nnd devices, from the snnllest pin papering ninobino up to tbe henvy cittou compress, whose pressure powrr is 2500 Ions and weight 410.000 pounds, the largest machine on tbe ground. Of oot- ton, corn, wheat, BUgar, nnd other farm aud crop working implements aud ma chinery, there is no end. Tho foreign exhibits in the main building are of wonderful iuterest.lhough not so extensive as were shown iu tbe Centcnuial Exposition, several nations tbere represented, having uo officiil ex hibits here. But tbe absence uf these is fully atoned for in splendid private (In lay, aud by Jamaica, the Republic of Honduras, British Ilonduras.Guatanialn. Mexico, Cbina aud Japan, whose respec tive gnverumeutR.stverallysenil magulfi cent representations of their natural re. source, woods, ores, grains, medicinal substances, manufactures nnd nits, mak ing a most gratifying exhibition of their ndustrial and social progress. The most extensive of these foreign exhibits is that of Mexico, which covers ten thousand feet ef space ,and astonishis everyone with both excellence and mag. uitude. In all.yarielies of leather, cloth aud of the more delicnte fabrics, tl e kill of ber nrtisls aud mechanics is shown to bo scarcely a whit behind tbnt of our own, or of nuy other people, nnd it one bound Mexico bns here achieved the respect nnd admiration of the world. Her government, with rare liberalily, up, proptiated four hundred thousand dollars to defray tbe expense of this display.nnd it will return to ber twenty. told iu capi tal, which will thereby be attracted to her country, Ja au makes in addition lo a general, a most remarkable cduca innal exhibit, scarcely second to tbnt made by our own government, nnd cer- lainly superior to those made by tome of our own States. Her books, school np. paraliip ni,d ltirnilure, are nil of the btst character, and hr higher anclcvmmon -rhools nre lully abreast ol the ags in methods and aims. Siam also baa a smnll space in tbe foreign section, which is occupied with a very small and humble exhibit, calcu luted to attract the attention of the mis sionary, and to awaken the sympa'hy of every visitor. It is romposed of few cises, Ailed with samples or tbe coarse cotton goods of which the garments of her poor people nre made; au old lime loom cu which the cloth i woven, and tbe simple hand-'oola with which her cotton is cultivated, are also shown The spaces allotted lo France, Gr. nt Britain ltussia, Germany, Italy and to tbe South Auitrlcau countries, nre wholly occupied iu this building, wilb private exlLits, 011 sile, aud coropiising fine goods, cloths,- glass and brotzj waria, wii m my curious specialties peculiar lo those countries. A wrulerfnl exhibit in tbe furniture department is Ihjt of chairs, rattan and eed furniture, of a thousand diffttnt designs, shown by Hey wood Brrs it Co , "f Garduer, Mais., estnblisbel in 182", itiviug now employment to 1,100 men. nt.d represented hereby Mr F, M. Rich- aidsou. who has been "lib tbe coiupaiiv for fllteeu years. It Is worth the en i-e expense of a visit to Ibe Exposition to see their most beuiltilul exhibit, which is also an honor to tbe taste audtkill of Americau workmen. Mardi Gras week brought great crowds to tue city, who took tbe opportunity ol ituesslng both tbe carnival and of vis iuug tbe Exposition. Tie three carniyal parades occupied two uigbts and a itoj, Hiring which Canal and other streets throngb which tbey passed, were dense ly packed with a hundred thousand spectators, some Bay two to three bun dred thousand, but that could not be possible. Tbe parade of the "Mystic Krewe,"or"KuignU of Proteus," repre sented in 18 pieces or "floats," tbe Myths and worship of Cbina; Rex, ap peared as Charles the 7th of France, rep resenting iu his day parade, various scenes and characters from Scott's "Ivan hoe," aud tbe third aud last parade, tbat of tbe "Knights of Momns," represented various beautiful legends and fairy tales, all being very line aud attractive. It is said tbat this carntyal was prepared at an expense of one huudred thousand dollars. In concluding this letter, allow me to siy tbat, any repoits to the contrary, visitors may come here iu tbe full as.ur uuoe tbat tbey will not be disappointed. The Exposition ia great beyoud any like Fair over held, nud is worth donhle to any oue, tbe 0 st of seeing it. Oue atig-g-stiou to visitors have your Utters or d red seut mther lo s me lileuJ's cart in tbe city, or to "Espusitiou PualeflU-e,' then y u will have no trouble iu getting your mall. MORE T1Tai!i TO 1 Two Cents. "WHATis the World comina to? Tlio poor mau is now on nn equality with tho richest, bo far as books nro conccrncel." Ccnfra. Baptist, St. Louis. A irArr r MAX. Give ninrm this tasto (for good books), rami tho moans of gratifying it, and oa can hardly fail of making a happy man. You placo him in contact with tho liest bociety in every period of history, with tho wisest, tho wittiest, tho tenderest, tho bravest, and tho purest characters which havo adorned humanity." Sir. Joint IIet-scsel. wuusii. II5l3Y)iiL ILihrarv) i37 mtl aa s type. ' kJ 1 ItlnVan Wlnlrl. trelnf- S lno Uamtiixot Home. I'arrur...... t 8eajvriieiitsu( Science. WUaun,., Laoih Arileii. Alfred Tenuisim.,, 8 Kreitell.-k tho Clout. MaeauLiv 10 Q icen Mabel, eto. Ellen 11 1,1'e of lr Iaaj Newtju. 1 ttwriiiaiiiaimMur.t.lu, ji uuiij-au s i-iigrnu s irores8. 15 Ainorlcan Humorist Irvlu?. 17 American Humorlut. Holmes 20 18 Ciicaeton tho Hearth. Dickens.... iiio lil Ameiican Humorist. Lowell.... 40 20 American Hnmorlnts. a. Ward.,., so 21 AmeilcanllumnrlstH. Jlar'cTnni.i. lo M Desert -il Village, rte. Uolilsmltn. 20 2(1 Ootter'aSatunlayKbjht.rte. Uurni. 20 23 Sf.iijrsnr .-reli.(tn. Joan tmicluw-, 2a 3 sclill.ert Son or tho Hell, etc 2c 11? Ureal TnouMti from Uroct AulU ... -.ora- KuilnMqe 20 1I8 Tho same: bemosthcuefl, Dlocenrs. 2o 1I5 Tlio same: ArMotle.rtc 2e Ut iliasainu: Ailstophanos, eto 2o lit riioamo:JJhvlm, Anacreoii.ete. so II ninore.in. Matthew ArnnKt lo 111 1'UjUm1 I Education. Bpeuccr fe II i M.iral HJucatl'iii. Herbert hnencvr M IfJ Intell-ctual Kxlacntlun. gpeneir... r.o IS What Knowledge l of Most Worth, 6o 1J7 I'roiri-esi r tlio Wnrklue t'laswa,. ... "'men Oinin, I.UU.." 40 III Tlio tvnrfiirthd Union. W.i-hllllin So 13 Wen lell fliltilivi, lien. Wni.curtls ) 111 Niunheri, l.itthew Arnnhi yo 111 ThoUnnilnBbl.-ivi'ry. Socncr...,. aj 11! On l.ilwrty. John Minn nui u,. IU ltokuoy. Ur Waiter hcott , s.- ua niacu joaj mo Btanciani autnonties. 'iiio Doolrs aro admirably written aud wholly adequato :i tho:r ccholai-ship. For Easlisli readers who desiro acquaintance witlt tho great works cf antiquity, thoso books may bo recommended as tha very best within roach. Tho Christian Union, Now York. 7.0,,o, r'!ul ,ThooH1,.,', ..ra.Tlcs 15' raThnfirpcliAntSnlne-r. Lord Nrares. V 4", Tacitus. Pr W n nr.. iSfeS IMIIl I liliiliil liilSSIl COUPO IOCS W..mmII.'?0,1"'1' 1'0II"''! on rcasotiablo ovidence OUR HARRISBURG LETTER. Special lo the Caebon Advocate. Har.ni .curio. Pa., Alarcb H '83. Last week 1 Baitl Ibe umlergronnil wirn men were bare! at work on tbeir bill. It elli some good. Tbey aucceeilsil iu Ret ting llie bill on Ibe calendar nnd now it is very liUel.r tbat it will Uo tlironsib. Oue of the employees told me tbo other day lUat tbere wan more ooiriiition ii connect ion with tl.ii lilt tban nuy otbtr presented to tins letfisl .tttre. Tnereret. lainly lias been tots of money ejp'Udeii ou botb sides. It will cost tbe telegraph meu a very large stun if they are com pelled to put their wires underground, and on tbe other band the underground men have the exclusive right to tbe best iuveuliou of oonduotinglbe wires iu tbat way. It U n big scheme nnd oms one is going to iinko money out ol it. The House showed a little evideuco of reform this week. Iuatcad of buying tbeir ses- ston only two boura long tbey changed to three houis and now it is amusing to see those members who nre tli-iuti rested lu tbe work trying to drag through tLe long sesMuus. Mrs. limit's lecture bad tbe desire' effect upon tbe members, for list Wed. nixdaY wbeu tbo members met tbey over whelmed tbo Home with petltiona.called up tbo Educational bill lor sioond rend ing and passed it without any trouble, with Sirs. Hunt in tbe lobby waloMi g Ibe merabtr. Mrs. Hunt was not tie only lady present whn vs iu favor o" tbi-i bill. A large number of other ladies from different uarls'of tlm Ktate. ulm had both wealth, utineiuout and pond looks were present nnd wilb their smiles nrged the intciDers ou to the dbebarge of tbe'.r dutv. Tlio whole day ni: W-dnesday lisl wns apeut by tl e Senate iu d.-cu-sing tbe Seualorial Apportionment bill. Tie bill is substantially ibosamees tbeono ou which the iwn factions could uol agree during the long extra aeinn. The bill passed finally without uiueb trouble. Mr. Huiiuinger, ofLiligh, was the oulv dissatisfied Senator, heoauss be did not get bis coiiuty as a eeparate seualorial listrict. The bill will m-jet with so in opposition in the House lor some mem bers have signified their intention lo op pose any aoportionment maiMira that ma; ba bronchi tl i. no mailer what dis position will be made ot their district, Tbe priuti r of tbe Legislative llicnril l as repintedly violated bis am tract 'n tbat last Fiidav tbe Senate look raeasnr, a to declare the contract lorMii-d, It was often late in miking its eppe irani e nud when it did come it wa printed so badly tbat it could hardly bo reit I, Mr, Collmrn otTered a re'olminn thai on and nller March 25 no inemb -r shall occupy more Ibnii leu nil'iutes at an one timo during b bat'. Most nf Ibfl mem hers wire lu favoi of Ibis resolntirn I ut some twitted nr. I nluiru u-ilil i o be came angry, which waa b-i signal for bin) to get off n i D.'ecb. w . icb be did in favor of bis ic-olniion, alter be was through a vote was taken aud the reso lution passed. A resolution was rff.red by Mr. Isen- berff, of Blair, tbat hereafter evening ses- sinus should be held Tuesday, Wedues day and Thursday e venings of eaeb week. Agreed to, Mr. Woodward is the author of a resolution that provides for lli nl n I- j Miriimeut on April 23rd. fly motion ol Mr. Dover thin rea-dutinn was referred lo ibe committee nl Waxsnud Moauf,ubere it will be left for some time. Tbere aro no prospi eta nuw that an ai". jouninietit will take place nt Ibe expira tion of the hundred daya. There nre too many members wbo want tbe $10 a day tn coutiuue for at least fifty dsya longer, oecanse a great number of them can strike nothing at which tbey can u ne as much as tbey nro makiug nt Ibis bnsi- ness. Tbe majority of them dou't waul to adjourn but on tbo contrary will keep up tbe session as long as tbey can, Theie bas been considerable talk this week about tbe Bullit bill. As near as I can ascertain Ibis bill effects principally large cities nud they are therefore inter csted iu it. It is tu take certain powers out of the councils aud put them into tbe bands of the Mayor. Tbe Pniladel. pbiaus are on the lookout for It "ml will give It n warm reception when it vniuea up. Tbere ia nuotber bill that is creut. inj some discussion since it is hearing its fiual passage. I reter lu the bill fix ing tbe salaries of onnnty officers, in counties containing i v. I six y thourand nbabitauts. This bill wae ealleii up on Tuesday, utnended aud laid over uulil next Tueaday. rrw - m, r aim m noai paper iwHiinn. T. nablngton Mneautar..., to 1.0 Lrasimia ami Henry VIII. U'Au- 121 Tawly or tlie'L"ke"'KcoYtV.'.'.'.'.'!!'.l" so l.'( Marml.in. Scott , bj 121 Ijaf orthe Last jilnstnl. he-ott ..T fm 12 eliiafi.eht.m.ur so uolam-Ealer. .. Klj lil lawntil of the Wamleilrijew... 2o '.'A ijeri,','al,""0"l liiirotlieo. Oiwltni.. ty 11) l'uDllelloaitluKdn-nrrtOrtoii.l.L.U. 2j Ul Sumo of ily l'ets. Uruco Ureeu- WOOll. , "rt ? J Tlio Itaveu. Pte. Ldpir A. Poo...!.. 2o ) IjtlilMuf 'tlieUim. Jotui lluskln., lis. i Cr iwnof Wild ouee. Jnbu ltiuklu luo IU heiame and Lilies. Jolm Ituskln... llw 111 Luther Anecilulea. Dr. Macaulny.. fc J Lather's Tablo Talk. Jjr. Jlaeanloy le J!Ji'1tfntJor,roliiiler. Mrs.Miillcr !c III Tha Uiiderstaiidlinr, John Lrake.. 0c 1 11 TaelLittloiir Waterloo, K,S.Creay 2o II Tli.mattlenf sarat.iK.i. L'.S.Crcay 2o 11 j'ofeai of tho Spanish Armada...... 2o V. UjKilei'MIaHtliiR-8. r-s.ureosy.." So 1J lint of tho Times. O.CKerr..,.. 2c !W P.1"!;of thoiimiks. Ucauswtrt... 2a !,! if" t1'lri.'.'f llraee. etc. Ayloun... 2o 01 Virginia, Thn Armada. Moeaulay.. 20 !' S K:"".',11 "nmfoed. J.din 'ijndall'... so jm lliallaitienf Maraihon,E.f.Creoy So 1W I ho Ancient JlHrlair. Coletklget 20 hll Jl.u-ppi. LoMltvron .T;... 20 !ti i."nf ? I'erniHon, the Aitronomi r . . SI in Tho Four Chief Am.tle-S. F. tlcslet. Bo M llertrud . nf Wyoni n-'. Canipoell , 2o 8 l.siaya on Man. My I'ope.... ........ So s rinr ifAlUa. Iiy l-imirtuio i c J fae Spectre Brldettroom. Irving... 2o t'.AI.Ieli, lMrlon. ivitiianin 'JO lllua HM POfi O 'hl3 ColtO'"1 "l11 ln-ccclvo.1 Iti lieu of 13 cents cv-h,toraid Iho "At r "too of aoivetotliiBHtloyitiuuibicta,lf tvutKitlila mdais ' il-olrf.'?'" tlllsfaixTIBt iwneof lier). This oiler is to s'o- "d ladlcato Iho taring advortMni- medium of r;ood faith. Address JOJIN V. --Weissport Select Sehool will oriis MONDAY, APRIL 27, '85, 01 d continue 10 consecutive weekf., in the Public School Building, WEUSP0RT, CARBON COTJNIY, Pcnn'a. OtltKCT Tt.o aim or liiu School Is to Clve Teachers an ni purtunltv or rcvlewlna tlio i nnimnn llranehcs, nnd to afTiird iiio more advanced pupils or th- ni'-llo schools In the adjniulna oniric's iho lacllliles ol cur. llnulnc ilictr similes. Il-sl les the eo.iiii on l.liiliohis. ..J'A', AI.GKItUA. KAIU1UI, '. '.' W.W"y UOfJKY, L'L'., II'JLL Uf I A O (7 "T . lu lonnectlnn li iho iilmve. there will lie a i rlmaiy lie-j ariuicul lor tint Lcue-flt of jounijur i.uplls. KAThsViF TUITION: Fur Teachers, per term t 7 00 FoisSmallcr pupils, fiom 4,1 cotot t 00 l'upils In Primary SeVool i 3 OS riiit tki:m, AC'ounlo to oiiauk For fun her Intimation ail.trc-s, .1. F SKYtinit. WUlSSl'OltT. PENN.A. M .rch 23' h. 1855-w.l. DOES WONDERFUL, CURES OF EClOfJEYJJISEASEQ "ssUSUlaTaU mM 1 1- riTl I AND l-ijLxiS 'rt,sf!.gmMnTU o l'ecamo It acts on the I.lVKIt, BOITELS and UIDXF.rS at the samo time. roaausa It cleanses tho sy-iten cf Cioiwtson oua huaiora titt dvclopo 1.1 ladaey and Uri nary Vi-icaacs, rjlliduBnoss, Jausdlce, Constipa tion, PilM, cr la llaeumatlni, ireuraigia, ircr vous SiaorAon and a!l rcn-.a!o Complaliits, tjTSOHD PROOF Of TUIS. it Y7HJ. Btnt"n,r child CONSTIPATION, PILES, r.nd CHEUMATISM, 7 caucln mrj3 ACno;f cf &U tho crcaaa tmd fanctlcna, Cicrcb? CLE AKSIWQ tho BLOOD restoring tho ncras.1 power tott off disoaco. THCUSAND3 C7 CASES ef '-or- fo'ms of tie torrlblrt rUsfnw, Ix&vv botia i;.Jc.Jy re CTtxl, aid in a bhort Umo PERFOTt-V CURED, rnicc. $1. iiQincn n::r, fojj uy ssvccists. Ery can bo ejnt by wall. WELL3, i CiM LurUnston, Vt, 3 bciiJ its up fjf DJary Altnanao f r loSi, Executor's Sale Of Valuable Heal Estate. At a puhllo sale, to I10 held at tho M AN SHIN 1 utlM-l. A. I'. Olaims', In tho HUICi UF l.DUlUUTON, Cariion t.'ouniy I'a., on Monday, April (Uh, 1S85, at 12 o'clock SI., the fnllnwlnir very ralu ikle HKAIj I Sl'Ai li or lliu late J. A. HU.U, ivlll bo ollured lor ralu! o. 1. Two TOWN LOTS, ICmulieroil 1M nnd 162 fltuato In tlio llnrotiiili "i .4 iiiu 111 I'll, iH.uiiiie.i lu inn uurni iijr .ii No. I5u: on lliu east hv I '11111 .k I n Alley 1 mi lh- fuuth ny Oc.l.ir Allev, ami un iho wert oy 11 1.0 .it cel. t-ontalliln-f each 1111 said I'uio Mreet S3 I. e-t (imiiI. and coil Inuliu i.f lime l III ii 1 rlvht anales lu l'uiii(iklu AlUy lt9 No. 2. A Lot or I'icco of (llttlUNl'. sliuuoon tho west side of Uink sirecr, in inu iinruiun id j.i ntv n un. con. 1 1 1114 annul ti r. ,ton e, u.in a iu nurr II' US', -t. X '.'4 fuel ; lo - 11. .'Ill-, li X 14 leet ! Sl.iuvlner It.iiise, SJ x 31 leeti 1 r i me Slid, 411 1 61 I'ucl. with Mdu Shed, 13 x IS feci, ai. taehed, Willi a 11. Ihl Iiio. 'c.ilo In, un.l a uvTui.iiiitiii ii vii inar iiiu inea. No. 3. A Tract or Piece of V(l(llil,NII, illuale In Mulionlnir Ton ship, l.'ailion Ounl , I'a.. ailjnlnlnit lands or juinuu iieiiniiy. .iuioo .-niii-r unit oilier. ruiiiiiiuiiig si here aim si rcrciiur, strict ruvature. No. 4. .A Tract or Piece of WOOIll. XNI). iltu.ito In ."iliihonlni Town ship. Oarlain tlounty, la nd! 'Inltiir lun Is nt Tallinn w enr, joiiu nennyiioti and others, riintttlnlnit st Acres, lnuru ur letr.und Is noil Tllllbered. Terms nil) be made known at tho time and place ut rale ny 7.. II. O. IIOM. Kxecu'nrnrj A, lloiu, tleoiiaied, March i, 18 i-ai We hare vpent owr niOO.OOO.GO In dffendinic our ri-'iit fa Uie Durham Hull &uur trulo-uiark. liufloiibtwllr he ii to-day llieuimt aliubla JJtiU iu tlio woiid. Now it tUutU to reason tint va couhlu't a Hon! tn protort Mm no thorouirlilv If Itl.ACICW i:i.ls'M 1IIJM. niruiiA.u To. Imcco, of wuich ha ia tno rejircet'iiUUve, watu't tUu XittT Smokluff Tobacco ever uiado XTia rales cf WsrlrTlPa jj Durham Rmobliif Jobacoi far ox tr thiwo if uv otlicr brand Hi thta world, t-iniilv lc tiiHett hia liecn, ti. nnd will !. thfl hmt thft cn l-e mano. Alldi-slern Imo It. Look for ttuio-ourU cf tho liuU ou a cry rJu htniMHiiuiH-imimmiuniniTn Wit covers, 'liio prices Includo postage 1 T.rfoof Ram Hnuton. .1 Yuuiiif IV, ole'H LirMiir Wm.iiiiiit.M. v.. 20c 7J Nos..el.&iiii;,i,e.j,eoino.ui.a...., l.-c 01 .VllaifllourwIthSt! . 1'uul !lo 1.1 1 hbUueittxloii.cjuniiliiiiom (lolklo 2j IIJ Seneca mid nt. Paul. Canon Farrnr to U I he Celtic Hermits, rims Klnuslei. 2 Co Kehlller'alllstiiry'lliirty Viars'War i i.'m. t-.s-'l'" f Lord bacon He I'! Mud king's llauiiliter. Alulersen,, lliu 01 niioOglir Duck, unit otherstnrlea... Ilk! 51 TLle.1 'eta LMok without I'lcturea. lis W i Sc ,c0 Maiden, and oilier Stories., liv 61 1 ho Christina Greeting ... Ille sr v i t- i I otni r Sjtorwi. lu ' Jfalry Tales. liana Andersen, llnu. lee u jmioiwrj i ciierv ami otner j ales 61 Noa. ia, 13, 4n. r.l, tu, 63 comiilmil. Teller) and other Tales... 10c in r.l r.-j ..-i An...i.i.,.ui ,1. 61 Adventures of liaiouMuucauusenl 20 uTnmiiuaii lucoannr 20 61 Fables from ,Aop. Illustrated..... to 40 Philosophy of htylo. spencer...... ec 41 Kvldcocesornrnliitlou Ilualey... 2j 4J Buddhism. Cy John Cairo... ...... 2o 41 (ielllratlimsof Asia. HuwUb.oh., 20 41 Ufoot Peter Ciwper. e'. 11 Lister, list 41 Minshiiio mid otln r stories. Aldeu. ;io ?2 Utanl Itlchard Wagner. Portrait, Ho S7 l'earls or thu Faith. Edwlu Arnold. J.Vj .11 Ufoof Alex. II. Mepluiis. llnu.. in; ,U Indian bonir of Souks. Arnold ;i 31 lllghwnyabf Literature. B.ITide. lue 2? HowUsal, TnllhoKluE. tloo.fillut 2c lil Ufi't.f llu-lavc Doit. Illustrated. SJ U A Half Hour lu Natural Hl.tury.... Sj U Hamlet. Miaki'spearp 1c 7 Motlieiinil llabltor lteodluc 2o S The Words of Washington... 4a FOll EXGl.ISir HEADERS In. tho Elzevir Library. ''This scries of brief, condensed accounts of tho great literary works of Grceco and Eomo lias taken lOO-I'AGZ: CATALOGUE sent free. Tlio best lit erature cf the world at tho lowest pricc3 over known. Books sent for EXAMIXATIOX ISKrnJtn P,nirpvi ALDEX, Publisher, C03 Pearl WHO IS UMACQUAt.'lTSD WITH TH7 heii ut KAAminino iSSAMOf'o,, O. fit L L I NO I Sf GMGAGO, nGK ISLAND & PACflFSC RAILWAY Dv ro-.s on of itn cantral pocltlon and closo rdr tion to rll prlnclprl linos Feet end. VOjt, -A lnlt'al r.u-J tarmla.il pol.113, constitute) i tro rccst Irnportcnt mld-ccntl-nontniinU: In tUtt ovstsm of t!irour"i trnnoportcrJon wlilch Invltca end ffcdll latoot.Mvclnnd traflla botvyoan oltioi cf tho Atlcntlo end Pcctflc Oo-.tta. It la also tUo favorlto and bast rout 3 ta end Irom points Ei et, Nortticcat nnd Qout'i3?.3t, and corro;poniln3 noints W cet. Kortliwest end GouthwcBt. Tho Ilocl; I?lmd cvctm lncludoi iu itn mcln lino nnd trenches, Chlcnaro. Jollat, Ottvra, L?, Sail?, I'oorli, aane330, Mcllno onrt Eoclc Irlnnd, in lUlnola: Uivanport, Mu32itlno, WoohlUTton, Fclif.cld, Ottumwn, Ocknlcosa Weot Liberty. lora. City, Don Molms, lndlcnohi. Wlntrrrot. Atlcntlc. Knoxvlllo, Audubon, Ilarlm, Gutlirla 0snt?3 rnd Ccunell Biuffe, in Iovrc: Gellatin Trent .n, Oimnron rani ICansia Oltr, In Ulocourlj Lcpvonwortb nnd Atclileon,. m iZ-.non; Albert Lot, Illnn3?.n3l-3 nnd Et. Pcul, In lilnnccota; 'Wctortown la 0.iU3ta, a.id Uundrado of intoraisdlts cltlco. tevrer, vil.arjcs end otctlcua. THE GREAT ROGK ISLAND ROUTE Ouarr.nto-o ita pitrona th-it nonso of peraond cccurlty affordod byncolld. tliorourhlv b Uiotad road-bod; emooth. trscta cf contlnuoua ttcol rcll:.cub ot:ntla!l bvillt o Uvorta and url-lT33; rollinT ctcck cs noar perfect cn oa, human o'.illl era niaUo It; tho oafoty rppllmcc; cf crtcnt tuffcro. platfcrmat r.nd alr-bratisa: and fiat oioilnj dlsclpllno 7tlch covcrca tho prcctlocU onoritloa of all Iti train . Ot i:r Epcclaltloa of ttlo rcuto nro Transfcro ot rll connaoU'ij nolita li TJnl Depots, a..d tto unsurpacecd cemforta nnd. lusurioa of Ita P ssonor 13a llcmont. Tiioltosnsnr-03 Tcrtln3 uitwoon fblcjfjo rnd tho Ml'eourl nivercro corn poaodofroUvonttlatod, fino'v upholotrrort Er.y Cocchc?. Kccnlflccnt Pullmotx Palaao Oloepora of tho litost doigm, end eumptuoua Elnlnfr Ccro, In vrhlrS elaborately coolrad moala nro leisurely octcn, "cccd Elncotlon wpltlntr oa. Appotlto, and Iloatt'i on both." Eotwoen Chicatjo ona Kcxeco City end Ateulojn, nro also van tho Colobrated Kecjlclncr Clicir Cars. THE FAW.OLSS ALBERT LEA ROUTE, la tho direct and f.worlto Jlno botTvoxm Chloaio ond MlnnoapoHs cr-d Et. Paul, wlnro connsatlons rro m?l in Union Doioto for r.ll points In tho Tcrrttcrloa and D?itl3h Provlnoos. Ovor ihii rouro. Fist Eserosa Trrlno cro run to the v,T.torl'.iT nlr.csa, ouam r resorts. plctuecBcjuo localities, and huntlnracd Con lnir CiOundo of Iow.t and Minnesota. Itlsouo tho meet dccirabla route to tho rloa 'boat flolda r.nd nror 1 landa cf interior lvfcotn. litlll r-nninftr n Rl.nl' i.inr. vi-v botwoan 1 lorrport Not7D. nio'nnonil. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, t.nd Lafayotts end. Coun.l Rl'ltTfl. llfi.nr-'in Rltv. T.-ln onnnlt'i For ditillad information cio I.Iapa and Foldera, obtalnnblo as well ea Tloicota. at r ll principal Ticliot OUlcea la tho Unltod eeatoa end CtcaCo; c by adJrca.inar R. (7. CABLE. E. OT. JOHN. President and Csncrcl U3n:;:r, Chlcsse. Car.eral Ticket end rsssonccr Agoat, Chlsao. New Liquor Sfcore Tlie unde rslK'if J prptetfully announces to the I'Ublle lint lie nai opened a Wino and Liquo' Storo, In tlie Ilulltllns next to the "Carbon Home," Bank St., Lehighton, arl'l Is ireiiarcil tn supjily I'lioloe Il.anJl of W1NI1-. ami I.IliL'Olt.S, RVn WIIIKKIKH, llltANIIllN. UU5I, (HV, AJ.tillllO!,, SUNT, 1.11'l'KllS, KI.MMtll,, .o., fce William G-. Heilig, March T-rl Lehighton, I'a. RK I'D ItT (IK Tlll'T'tlV I TH) ( the KinST NATIO.N'Al, ItA.N'IC, it L-liUliti.n, in th Ststr IVui.si liunl i,at ibe loi.eir business, March loth, 186: Rzot'acas. irfMnssntt dlsfnanls ...... nrlrsfls U. S. IIoiiJj to swur. rlrrutill in . . llhr stivks. l..ni4.sii I in. rttrsiMs. Ilus Iriiai Mitriiii'il riorre Hduls . I'lle Trnui i thrr Nstl'insi 1'nnks , , llu iriHii StsW llsuks nU II ink-rs, KmiIi-siiIh. ttirtiitiirM. nil lltliirs, , t.'nrrent exiirnin ami tlxes nahl , I'reiniuiiii lulil IliiUi.ti.ihrr LsiiKs rnull usi iiircuri.ur)r,alil.ils, n4 iHllllllVB, .4pacie Lfirsl li-ndtir notts . , KvuVuipliiMi fund with U.S. Trfssu. t) (S per cuut. of clrcaUiluii) . 185,151.17 '.'76 t0 74 0UU 0 31,4tM 0 1 ; d'HI V) 41'.' 3i '.til'i.Si 8.0.7 hi) 1. .4 .8 I 7.5 0.1.0 2,48101 149 40 8 0 7 45 3 1QJ.UO 3.375 00 Tolsl 1I31.5J1S5 lUOHITUI. Cspltsl sloelt psld la $7500 0.1 surplus luna , ill Z50.IK1 Uiiuivldmt profits 3,Vid.U4 Nattc-nal Itauk notes ou'.etanil.nf , 67,.r..oo lllvl'ltfutls tlupali, . . , 733 5(1 lnllvMuslitopiitssubjecttocbsek. . e7Q02i Due to other Aatioual Uanbs . . , o,ib20O Tutsi (231,531 35 S(j(oVnnsj'iaa(a, Countucj Carbon, si I, . llosrmin, Cashier nf Hi nbuTD-rntned tunk, di solemnly swrr lbt lha nLui. stitcui.iit Is true to the bst ot uiy kiiowlidremid Ulirf. ii. . nu)iA.,ua.ui.r, aiilMirlltand sworn beroreuielbls 14th dsi of March. 18- 5. II. V.NUHTIUMKIt S II, Not. I'ablln. nth. t - Ail-. I. Thus. Kulnurer. II. t'. lloir.ir.1. J ll. Zero. Illrtoturs Alarcli 'Jl IB51. to consumpTivesT" The ailrertlser havlnir bor-n nermanei.tlv eured .'ftliul ilread dfseis. ilinisuiiipiiuii, br a.t'wple rein ilr. Is anxious lu muke knuMii lu 1.1s lellotr suiroie-rs lh. mi-ans m cure. Tu all w.o ileslrn II. lie willteiulii rpy uf tha ire.erliill iii (Kre.), nl It Hi. illrii-ili.iis lur (.repirliite mi. i uiliu the (imu wlili-n ilti-r sill mi l .i iiirocnr r r I'uuns, i uMs. I'un. uiMiitloa. Asiliioe. Ilrmii- -ms. i.e. rartu-i leiilar tlie iru."iitiun, wll plei.u .iJrtj, ItfcV ll. A WlIftlN, IVt I'.llll rtirret, Wllirawsburzb, M. Y, Ocs'.'J-l)- GUIZOT'S HisTon or FRANCE. With 430 Ftno illustrations, Eight honutiful volumoB, small octavo, cloth, gilt tops. Prico roducod from fUD.GO to $S.OO postago $1.20. THE DEST. " Tiiia is tlio only com pleto American edition of this work, which ia known a3 tho- best pop ular history of France.'' Journal, Indian npolls, Ind. MACAU LAY'S Poor "Guizot is tbo Ma caulay of tlio history of Franco. His narrative is full of emotion, like a quick stream ; his char tictera riso before us ns in tho flesh f they aro men and women, riot historic lay figures. It is. as charming ns any romance. There is only one draw-hack ... ft Deems moro like getting a present than making a piircliasc." Dominion ' Churchman, Toronto. CIPHERED OVER. " From tho pen of a master. How Sir. Aldcn can givo tlio eight vol umes, and this on good paper, and clear type, including tho multitude of illustrations, is a thing we hai ciphered over, but wo fail to un derstand it." Chris. tian Leader, Boston. Street, Ncto 1'orh: CEOCRAPHV CF THIS COUNTRY, YMXt Tma map, THAT TMK natinca una Trn.nlrnlroo. lins DAn onenM rind Rfc. Pmil nnrl lntopmedifttotiolnta. Plclures! Pictures ! Pictures ! ! PICTURES Copied nnd Enlnvged in nil sizes Irom card to life size, viz: Oil Tortraits, Wator Colors, Pastels, Crayon, India Ink and Photos. All work Riiaranlteil or no pay. All w' ask is a trlil. (iivo ii n call uuJ bu convinced. No. 105 North31shth Street, ALLENTOWN, Vx. FUAXKI.I.N SASI F.E. Mnnavrr. J. S. KilEIDLKit, Agent. OUDEItS ! ft ut tlie Oinn m Adtiimtm Odica v.i r-OriTu liruuiut atleutloii. Feb. 28-Iy TEACHERS,,.,,',lt,J1?r,0Sl 1150 nrr month Standard Hook I. IllPttl. Steailt wor lor prliiK and hummer. Adslren J, U. Met. C'ukdv Jt Uo., 1'Ulladelphla. I A M rt Claires a ipeelalir. a nd Ar I AN I J RA'XtM. A II II IT I (I N . WAU K A I. 'I11AT. lis and all klmlinr T.ANII Still ll'T bnnrht and sjU. I.erire Slock, and Itlalieit Prices paid, Uo rnu -eant to soli or kujt If i. nrltn to A. A. THOMAS, Alteraey at Law, Wastilnaton, 11.0. an..tfe. MERCHANTS JH10.'.",tfhV.; pri.flls by IniroslnclnKa line nfnevr icnoits. In .ilriieintbluio all r.inillks. villi aildresilor full panhulars. IHrtLl'll FI101J UuurAur, Ku u 4t li Aiauno, kw York do!7 1y MANHOOD J'eslorfd. Aaeplbinaii harlni- Innrtenttj ronliacieil the bebil ol irr abuse lu hit Jnutli, Hint In omtrnui-nce sullered all Ina i.rrors nf Hejrnil lt.rs splt). Ij. si Men. hm.il. l'h)sleai tii-ra, lleniral Pri.siraiinn. em , nut nt si in ol lu li.r bis Mlusr sulfi rrrs, iniill Ireu Ibe r olpu by which he wns finally cuii-.l. Addre't in OniiA'tcnce J tV. I'1MU:V I'tJer St., hew terk, il..r 57 ly WINS 7 mm. to mon- j than al anjrtklnsT ! by iNRinv au tiaenr, mr i n nese s llinu; beuk nut Ib'tiiiiiiers sueeved r and. It. Ki. ii. r rms free. HALtlTT ItAllst Co, rortuoJ, MUae