The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 28, 1885, Image 4

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"'CnlvMt, TexM,
1 .. ' . ; A,. W'' Z 1SW
" I irlull to eipress my fl"rtircliou ol tU
Valuable qualities of. m.i
Ayer's Ciheny Pectoral
as a cough nsmedy..
"V. ldl Willi Churchill's army, jut before,
tlio liattM f Vlcksburjr, I contracted ft M
vers I'oKli which terniiuntPd In a dangerous
cough-. 1 found no wllof till on our march
tc c.i mo to u count) j' rtore, v hero, ou asking
inraomu rented;-, 1 was urged ty.try Avun'ii
"I did ko, and was rapiAiy cured. Slueo
then 1 havo Vent iliel'KCioiiAt.oonftai.tlyby
mc,for f.indlj use, nnd I U.vto found it to bo
an Invaluablo remedy lor throat nml lung
dlocmca.. J. W. Viirnxv."
Thousands of testimonials certify to tlio
pi (imp t euro of all bronchial U"d lunsr
Directions, by tho line of Avnn' CUElinx
rcrroiUL. llolnj; yory palatable, the young;
est c'utUriU) lute If readily.
rnr.r.vunD uy
Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowoll, Mass.
Sold by all Bi uggists..
JyJ B3E3IL.IlJ.irV & CO.,
BANK BTUKET, LehiirMon, Pa.,
MtLI.bT.H and Dcalcta la
AJITTindiof GrutN BO'JCItT and BOLD
TTo irnulfi'. Mo, lesercllnltr Inlwra fmrolt
bos we are aowfsUy ctepsnfl to HU
I.Y tlicmSrdu
rierarny Mln rteslrod at VKtt
For Bargains in
Pry Goods,
Dross G-oodri,
&c, a a to
E. H. Snyder's
Bank St Lcliighton.
Ma. v
uuuui, Advocate
I lSJL'J.'MLJ.i J.' Jib
i uieap rnnting !
. VS - iL-l
Boot; aud Shoe Maker,
OppotHo CI..VUSS & UHO'S,
T-ank Street, Lohighton.
Kopaiiing neatly dono at low
prices. Patron igo solicited,
&otvS5, mJ.
tin hEaeTJ::'-
si P i S ."S-l
5 ss i
Ttt ADVKHTISKUS. lowest rati ora-l
cuttUilttf In X't'I uuu.l iit7Kij.ipcr? rent Irep.
Carriages,WajronK,Sleighs, &e
coknku or
l.KIIIUIITON, Vkstix,,
f Articular attention siren to
la all Itt d.tallj, at the wy I.ovrot rrlci. ici.cotlullr lolloltcd and ier
fMt lutlirietlon Kunrttitped,
J.n. IS.Mly DAN. Wjr.ANO,
Tin adnrllier h.rlnir tieen venwuiccllr
aredotlUat dretd dlii.nio, Clnaiuuiuilun, I'V
ailwpte remlr. U nnxiuui to iudrv knomi
1. Lit fillotr laflvrcri 111. im-anf ot euro. Tu
nil mho d.iir - II. tie vr.llicnda rviiveftlie
IT.urlpU m (t'rtf). wlili the dlrecilont tur
-reprln; and niln tlio innu vltluli ihry i
Kill And a eora curv f T I ' uUflr Cold. Con
., Itrmiil.ilii. de. 1'Artl-i
wliUlar tue roi.ribilvn, a.i inn,
K.T U. A WU.Mt.N, i; IVnn ficre. t.
iTlllUwiVarjU, ti.y. Uci;'7-)jr
PiaiaM Fof Tftose Tfial Need It,
Do not borrow. the
AiiVooati: from, your neighbor
when you, wnnt to read it, but
'nine or send a dollnr to
this Office and liuvc; it sent to
your address lbv one year.
Do not make your children
foci that t'Uev ouiMit to Uc
everlastingly obliged to you
for their being' in liJe world,
when thev and their eliiklrciis'
children pay penance for your
Do not be u domestic
tyrant, while nlaying the rolo
of public philanthropist.
Do not feast the stomach
and starve the mind, nor think
by external adornment to
cover mental vacuity and
moral de'ects.
Do not try to make up in
profanity and slang waht you
lack in ideas: for there are
those who can determine tho
value ol a gem if devoid of
Do not borrow more trouble
than you can reasonably ex
wet to experience and die in
dent to imaginary sorrow.
Do not tako up so much
room in the world as to crowd
everybody else; nor have so
many peculiarities that you
can have but few friends.
Do not seek to out-do your
neighbor in the amount of
his indebtedness, fin" the
probability is he can cheat
his creditors out of more than
vou can.
.Vi' -VC3V---cj-V. -ffo-X
Carbon Advocate
Cf 9
a& si.
Farming Utensils, &c
Cb.arges, Reasonable.
Orders by viail promptly at
tended to
Central Carriage Worlrs
Baiil: St., Lohlgliton, Pa..
Are jircrnrod to Jlnnafacturo
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
tif every dMorljitlon, tn tlio moti tulielantl?
jr.aunur, acd at I.oncst Oa:l l'rloe
ItopalrlittT rrnr.iiilly Attcutlcd 13
April 23, lS3yl
oi' East Mauch Chunk,
ore ireptrcil to do nil kinds of
Plasierii k Ornamental Worl
ot fliorlest niitir. Onlers bv mnll will r
coive prompt nitenliuii. Tnna mndrralr
or gomiwurk. tcnl5U
No Patent Wo Pay.
oMalnod for Inventor in tlio United State
Canada nnd Kuropo, at rcJunidraUi. witli
nur prluelpr.1 ollleo lueatcd In Washington
dlrootly cpiwilto tho United Statu Talent
URtcc, wo oro nldo to nltond to nil patent
Imilneii ultli Krmltr romptnofi nnd de-
latch and nt lois con than other patent up
tornevi who oto ut n dltianeo from U'
liiKton, and who l.iuu. Iherefore, to rmplo)
' tiHci.ito atturneyt." We make rclliiiliiar
examination, ami lurniih otilnion. as ... . u
tentabilliv. Ireu oft-liarue. ami all who nr..
IntenuMed In new Inrenllun. and I menu ure
lutlted to en.l lir a eol-y ol our -Mluldo lor
ouiuioinK m mil ip. wioen i. Feui irctf il'
any addieef, and rkntalm conn Uto ln.tiu
ttou. liow to olitali) paunu and other Viiiiia
lie llintl.r. Wo relorln I ho Crrinan-Amor-lean
National Hank WarlilnRton, li. o. i ihc
lloyal .Svmllfb.lN'urweiiiaa and Imi.i.Ii I,c
Hum. at Wixhingtun t lion. Jo. t'a.ey, late
I'lilcl Juilloa V. S ('our) of tUaluii; to tie
OhVlali of tho U. S 1'otrnl ii'B.o, mni 10
.senaii.ri ana iilcmters ot I'tugriM Irora
Addretn- J.'OI'IS llMlni;i k CO., 80
lifi '.i i-f r.iei.-i ai.d At..! tu 3 .1
luuil Hnlld:ne X .aiiy..f?, U. u,
u vi a ml a. u
toe nniuT moon rcuiriKR
ffnHipl h.Mlisrnmii nn nroTfttont I tut
fciirrtb; a tsmily to i-n-mnt. and it w
ralr tun t).uio of the AtnvHniin rno.
Etii&i-nrpn-pmttnnBve intlinmnrlLet
tllnt 4'i -inf . "rr . tuat ft fWw, ffiir. nd
p.rurrn iirfiit'ai i.'ia innoti i'i -tu
i i) "Nr.VrillultciIliiBBlngla
lit! I' I
if1 tit t;it nwt f.1 tito oi)wo,iina
t1.ii'i-tri th pti-itn fnni tl.i Utod.
! if un s In I it ! tintV --ft lanisilos
ini'r.Odto. AH lint nnt)kei tor it uifttritl
T'i'nl')-t oh 'finite aid Inttn-rtnoalntf
tr."i ji-.'d roidtiv t.i till- rpmedjr, Jtu
f.i.. tlx lint Una w ill bo sent hv ex
rra, pjfpatl. y'', &'Ar, for it
a tho only preparation tlutt rmrhih
nri nf Hi" ifiMm rtnrf Clirrx fWnd
far nircnliir for Bfk your tlnitrIt for
ctip) conceniloK Oftttw Nutorp ymiptoiiM Ami I'uro
AM'atRrtli. ItctfmtAliu tanttttifmiftltiofMithnnlio
rud frmrnlnn cnrei. It U aliKttJie Hot lllonil -
vtflvr itvtb MMrkot. For fcnln l).v llriiaatbM
nor. 8tlBM-lj-u r.
1)1! AT. Lit IN
Wall Papwj
Borders & Decorations,
Bcois, Stationery, tey (oofe.
Window Shades & Fixtures,
Latest Style!, mado and put up, it desired.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & general Painters'
Ho. 61 Broaiffav. Mancli Ml, Pa.,
Ilolow lbs Uroatiway Honso.
liUl ElSt5C0'.'Ct,!' ""rlcfrre to t!io:e fco
Itvlt.SJ Korl.k, qnlrktalts.
Territory plrrn.Bntl-tJrtlua piarnmiKd. Addrew
DR.SCOTT.34P. Broadway Ct.,N.Y..
IF VOU HAVE ($2? f
.. -mer Liita
And will went Uio Rr lit tlic Icwt moner. Ihfa
tirrowGetJ Cat-!oci nil rjrprh yaa. IJo maltr
Iters vni hwt Let iid' t iriVJ rire tjioV- It Is
nuled Free to ti tit And j ou uuht to Imvc It
tl'oi-a Liirlnit ntt)nlier3.
120 H 131 rront Gt., Hilladolpltla.
IjlHIIHnnJ Xjie-1Vrlti,i IIKIUi. intiuuau
tiu-nltd. AUdiesj Xaloiiiiu nro&.)J&scsvill.Vti.
Occunlea Hirpo llnllillnri. nnrl lit Mnri
prlon, f r rritlnM. thnn nil nt hor nci'nuA' am
Liu. d. Tf.' so c -ilil.i, r0. UHlo fi.r flirulurs.
doo L)-ly.
Stoc-k Erarsu,
Cracso tlo, Wayr.o Co., Midi.
SAVAGE! & KAUNUM, Pr.ciuiiEXCits.
Patfoste So. KM (11 Tn.
iPercheron iHioi'sesa
All s'icit sclectod frcm the Ret cfrlrcs nnd derm
of estabhihsd runiiti.icn and reaii.te);d ut tlia
lrrenc.') and American Mud pocLs.
U bejutlfullv fltuated at tl-e Lend of Gar-en Its
la the Detroit Kiver. ten miles below Ihe Cltv. and
isaccesiiblo ly railroad end rtenmheat. islicrs
not fimlliar with the location may call nt city office.
a. u.tiiifj.ti, ..uituiuv, uiiii uii cprcu win rcrompany
taera to the farm. L'end for ccti.oirue, free by maiL
rvB-Llfe ami viEor
Tidy cit Blior-'S tho
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
c applied oer tlio Khl.
uc-) HLiid F.crvnvltul
CfiiiL-rs. Tno only np
idlanec made that
1'la 1 very part of
tho lmdy, ind the
only 01. e ni-cded to
voMTivcLT erne
K hi tiniiitlnlii,
! y t 1" e p hi u,
Iho worft cates of
Seminal Wook
HCKi., lixImuN
tlon, Iiniiuten
cy, nnd nil IMa
oil .fn and Wouk
licKnof the t'rlno
CAciitlnl UrsattK
ratenled Feb. 23, 1879,
YQUNG IiM'.N, fioni cany lndleretlOD, lci
uot)0 furco and (all to uttuli) .trgnt'ih.
JIIDDI.i: AOF.D HEX often tack i Igor, attribut
ing It ta the projreh. of year.
The llOTltin!, WIPE nn l MAID, auiterlng f rotn
Female Wi-akniw, Ni . 1 nua l)llllty aud othw all
tncntw. u Ut find It the only cure.
Tn one and nil wo ay that tho Shield giro, a nat
ural nld In a way
without msrtiuiN-o Tim stomach.
AVnrrntittxl Ono Voar ituA tho licM
upplliili'o (unde.
Illustrated Pamphlet, TIIIIEB TVPE? OP MEX.
aleo Pamphlet for Kadic. only. Mint on recolpt of
C)', uonlod; uiucaled, MtGK.
American Galvanic Co.,
JlKIS (lextnut fit.,IvIitla.
vVc rf. run C t- l-) ll. i , .u muilc FparV-AtrMft.
big, M'luntni . 1 ;.. , .w ?:m, m n,
PuniHr H2 it. i:.n : : :M ..,v i .l:.!o.iui
lioia ,., . p. 1.., tii--t
i.:v , ' : it. G i'u 'i 4 i(v i,i .tiiii;,
''i-Ui'-i, t:M ' itl-, rr(,
Jhi . . 1 1.'. Ui; jh 1. li ft r
; 1, t: 'i, 1 1 Jt (t ii (.nt. Vn
nil" i1 ' ( tit01et.
w ill 1 ir !i (..Tin ttt ItH' nnu' to
t-f t-i t !--t l'ntff jinq k.vh i:b
,itt 1. r-.MMi jtt- atiilMtft;ii 13.
1. W. tY.VKfi it rOKH,
1 ' t ' . i t1! j I Uh uto
. 1: 1 01: l.
ATi.rv sip
1 OF TOE 7 1
t trllt 1
Paynes' Engines U1
JUAyuwnmsvM tun !wmw
I'vo. teen to tho rlrou?.
Likewise tho inlnitrol tiow,
But iiuw tinin the roller
Sltntlnj r)iE I'go.
8 'tnelttiiei upon tlio rnllera
I (hoot aeruia the Hinr,
8onielli.c tipuif inv npinsl
Column I, drop aud nmr.
Sotneliinr It teems the planking
From under mo nvlflly goes,
And tlien I o u slidini;
Along iiiii my uqto.
I'm juft one tnafs of obrolions.
My facial lirnuty marred,
About me 1 have enough epllntcn
To sluit n lumber yard,
l'vo knoekeil cut-several Rrlmlftp,
I'm prnlr.ed, an I tad nnd tnic,
But I'll allele to rnl'cr nknllns,
For I like it more uud.itiore.
Eeli day thai I don tho rollers,
And 1 shall lUo it while
It bruiiqeenio around like u font-ball,
Beoause it Is ull tlio (Hie. l'uek.
Tako WRmlnc.
At this reason of tlio year when so many.
pisoplo Lerc me subject lo attacks of bilious
ness, kldnev troubles, cnaslltiatlon and nil
;tho list of troubles lhat prise) from beinj
housed up, or that are brought on by c dds
and exposure, it Is tho p.irt of prudei co In
take wnrnlnc from the cxtieniencd of o hers
anil provide ours?lre3. with tho moans of-
ese.ipo from similar troubles. Bo wido is
1110 lame or Kidney Worl, that great rem
edy for. nil kidney aed llvor troubles, that
nlinost every one knows of lln great virtue
lor sucn eases. It sliould bo kept In every
household ready lor u emergency.
What is tut en froiayou beforo you pet
il? Your tiortrn L
"Husband. If an honest man is find's
noblest work, what is lyi honest woman? '
"ins rarest, d.'sr."-
Faith is romttimes p;rsonified as a
drcncbcd-female clingitig tp n sea-washed
rock; but a belter personification would be
a bnld-l. ended man buying h bottle of "sure
euro" bolr restorer.
Tho Firit Koon Twlnco.
As tho the reason odvr.nees, Ibo pains
mid atbes by wbiih rliQiimnlism makes it
self known, nro exprnenred nller every ex
posaro It is I'liiiuied Hint Hood's Sorsip.a
rilh Is n specifio for rheumatism wednuU
if there Is, 0: ran. bf siirb, 3 remedy. Hul
the tliousaiuli bciiefiled by It and 'a S.irfn
parilla. war-ant us in urcinc. olliers who
suirer from rlieumalism to talis it before the
urst itesn twinge.
Yes, a boy may bo a messenger boy ,
and still possess lols cf that sterling tyiality
called sand. But it is not quick-sanil.
A youth,notQil for tnalhcmatical genius
announces that the. form of an
rot Is n polly-gone.
Why era pawnbrokers like pioneers nl
progress?. Sccaus; thor oro always readj
(o mnko oa advance.
It is a good rule lo oeeept only such medi
eineo lis hare, nfter long years of trial
proved woifliy ot riiiiQdenpe. This is t
caso wlierp other people's oxperieneo mil
be of gnat fcrvlie, and il has been the ox
nerieiico of thousands that Ayer'i Clierr
i'ectorul is the best cug!t inedieino ever
"Oh, mineOott," groined Sun. "poclli
.as do pest (lector ulltr nil." "Why do yne
uy thail" asked tho astonished physician.
'Ilecaaso he only makes one visit,"' le
,dicd Sain, glaring ljkeu demon at the man
I mcdicliia.
Never rat soup that has a dead fly 111
t. Soup that will kill a Uy is not fit local.
"novgu os cocuns"
Ask lor "UuuiOi oJ.-l'o'unty," for couniis.
el.W, soro throat, oarsenes. Troches. 15c ..
Liquid, 25J . ' '
"noyau (IN bats-"
Clears out rats, mice rotches, riles, ants,
M,lui!5, skunks, chip munks, troplfirs. Uo
DrugKl'ts. IIHAItT l'AlI.'S.
I'alpltatlon, drnpslenl swelllnas, dlzzlnrM,
udfitebllon, iirndttehe, slonpltfcsncss cured
y "Well's Health llenoHcr."
"Roraii om oolte," ,
Ailc lor Wells' "!o,aali on Corns." 15c.
'lulck, cumjdite euro. Hard or suit corns,
warts, bunlvus.
"r.oi'fin ox rAis" ronocenri iT.STi;n.
stri'iiittlicnlnir, laijiruved, tho lest for
Diek.iebe.. mlin in chest or sldo, rheuuia
. Is iij, ncuralgl,).
Tlnx rr.oi'Lr.
'Wcls' Iletllh Kcnewer" restores heallli
ind vUor, 1 ures dyspepsia, hcudHoae, Ker
vuusness, dcldlity. 41.00.
Wiioovikii coviit,
mil tho many throat nlTeeiions of children
ironiitly, pleiisnntlv nnd .ifoly lelUvcd hy
.jboiiish on Uoualis. 1 ruUics, Ito. Jlalsaui,
If. vou are falllnir. broken, worn out and
iervou. use -Wells Health llcnewcr."
51.00. Druiiglsls.
HJE rittiihr.YFil.
If yon-are losliu; jour crip on life try
Wells' Health liemwer." (inja direct to
weak spots,
'uot oii on 100T11ACHK." -Instant
roller for neiirnlala, tootl.a'ehe.
faeeaeho. Asu fur ' liough on ToothucUc,"
16 und "5 cents.
Ladles who would retain freshness and v.
vaclly. don't lull to Irv Well's lleallh He.
llaeklnir, Irrllatlns couiths, colds, soro
iliroat, ourod by "Hough on Uuuslis."
I'roches, lie. Liquid, 'JSe,
"noroii ox ITCH."
"1'ou.rh on lleh" cures humors, erup.
Ions, rliiu-worm, teller, mil rheum, frosted
lect, clilllblaliiE.
thk novu ok Tiin natiox.
Children, slow In development, p u ny,
eilWIlL. llll'l , ,en ll'.l..l
It .Mitwcr," .
winn awauii
'hroe or f mr hours every nlaht eouuhliiR.
I't linmmiiata relief nnd sound nsl by
fliii Wells' "Itom-h on Coughs," Troches,
la cents ltulaiii,'Jj cents
"Ronnu ox t-AiN" vuitupacn riASTnn,
SireiiBUienliiK, Improved, tlio best for
tiaekpohe, p;tlu In chest or sldo, llinuuutlsui,
T1 .
Tho owner of on oil wdl may be raid
livB.nir ihe fat of tho lund...
Whim twityomig ladies klssespli oilier
they fulfill a goel lnjiiiirtiuv. They ore
hung unto oneb. 0'licr what they would
liat men should do unto them,
Tim' small by who hums round the
parlor nnd makes fares nt hts sister's beau
hmld bo punished for contempt ol court.
ADVICE TO mothers:.
Are. you disturlied ut nit-lil-uinl broken of
your rosl by a trVU child sulferiuyiind cr
ing witit ppin of raitilng UnU.j Tfeo, aai'id
at 01100 nnd ,gUa' brittle of Mi.a.' Win.- r.ov's
Sootouo Svucp CiiiLiiniK Tkht'iilso,
lis jaluo is Inealcuuble. U will lelievo Ihn
poor Utile fulleror DejieHd
iiiwn it, niolhers, theieTs 110 inislako obnut
it. Il cures dysentery and iliarrhoea. regu-
ntns f bn &l,tiiiaK n,l 'l,.,.l. a .
colic, idflens the gums, reduce inflamma
tion uiiu gives inno aim energy to 1110 whole
syslem. Was. Wissi.nw' Shotuiko Syntip
.'ill Clllllir.lV 'PCTIllvn la ..l.nen,.. I..
laste, and is (he presoriiition of nno of tho
l.l.. .. II . r . !
..met. uini uwi itiiuaio tiurses aim pnsi
ciaus m Ilia Unllwt glotes.anil Is for sale by
11 druggists throughout tho tyorld. l'rio
ii iwuli u bottle, IS-ly.
In bilical days luolish virgins neglected
to put oil iu their lamps. lu our tunes tho
foolish virgins put oil oil the fire.
Yes, ion, we call that kind of a 1st a
ttov.pii, because it spots our eloili.. ind
wake uoh a draft op ou.- Kkls
A Iliiihton girl's answer tu the cur
rrt ooiiundruiiii "Wilt the coming taen
work?" is : "He will it I get lum."
Win I people ranuot bo earpento'S, be
oue il.ey utter aaw.
- V. 1 sith l,as :1s oares os well us p Vi-tly
lt i.ny : re n 're popular.
Horo Braln-Fowcr on tho Farm.
About tho best uso n farmer can make of
himself Is, In devote tho presents long
wlnlcr evenings to an Increase ol.hla mr ulcj
activity. Farms djU'er In their prodnctlvo
ness, inolply oraonling to tho omount of
intelligence thot Is brought to their cultiva
tion. Brain powpr may bo incrcasod by a
Ihornugh knowledge of the present condl
Uou of the farni.nnd its wnrlh ns a machine
for making money. What crops have alii,
and what have been raised and sold atloss?
What per. cent has it paid on tho capital
Inveslfd? In the cpta ot Hie gain, whot
secured It? Was It the tr.anure applied, or
the frequent tlllsgo, or the extra amount of
rainloll? In caso of.Ioss, vas it the wjnt of
fertilizers, was tho crop choked by weeds,
or was tho seed poor, and the crop damaged
by Ialo plantinB This accounting for
failures is as profitablcas bragging over b'g
crops, without making any, iceord of tho
process of obtaining lliotn. Brain-pot-cr,
may bj increased by planning Impravo
menls. 'there may bo ccvcrol acres of
peal swornp or bog meadow, projiieing
opl.v brush and bng hay,,, hardly worth
culling, There is a good outlet, and it can
bo drained thrco feel or mora. deep. Cipher
ouf. tho cost of drainage, oncl of. making it,
produco thrco tons of clover or. Timothy lo
tho acre. Would not ths sight 01 the wav
ing heads of Ihe, grass bo mora pleasing
than the cat tails,fligs,anii skunk-cabbages,
that nn waslo their 6wee(nesa upon the
d 'sertalr? Theie may be an neroofswalo
;ui)dcriaid w.ilh hard pan, over which, ferns,
weeds, and aquatic grasses run riot during
Ihc whole summer. Is il not time the
botlot" was knocked out of it, by lilea laid
three or four feet in Uja ground, and Ihc
superfluous water compelled to go out
llnough these initead of creeping lazily
over thn surface? It can be undo the best
grasj land on the farm. Why not make It
si, aud handle tho dollars that come from
maximum crops? Brain-power can be
Increased by reading ojid, digesting the
Instructive contents of 0gricultur.1l papers.
Vm. CuifT In An. AgriculluriU.
A Great Discovsry.
Mr. Win. Thomas, of Kewton, la., says:
'My wile has been seriously nll'icled Willi
a cough for twenty avo veura. and Ibis
spiing lioro severely than ever before. She
nan used many remedies without relicf.nnd
h"lnff llfTeil t. irv T)r lrin., Ti'
---n r." - - .- j .'" .om. ,-, i.cov
cry, did so, with mos.t gratifying rsulls.
- mw in., o.i.fcie ieut.'vo net yery muco,-n I
'ho second bottle has iibsilulcJv cured lnr
She l.ns not had so good health lor thirty
e irs "
Trial Hollies Free at T. D. Thomas Prug
Slorj. Large s;ao ;,1,
Tho farmer who oontinues to raise the
sinio rops that lio grew heforo towns nnd
manufacturing villages sprang tipall around
him, make, n great mhlake. In the older
States, at leat, there nro but foiy farms m,t
within nn hour's or two hours' rido of n
market. It is worth whilo fir farmers in
(ueh consider If Ihey can afford
to raise field corn, when sweet corn' will
pay Ihem much belter. It is true, that
oaectcoru needs high manuring, but whon
the cais oro ofT, thera will lc a heary crop
nl tho very best lod.ler. Tho ears will bring
in realy money, just how much will
depend upon the market, hat eafa to say,
more titan ony crop of rina corn would bo
worth. II is a mittako lo grow late potatoes,
to bo dug when ciery onsclso has potatoes,
and prices are low, while early o'.alne
will bring several times tho pric of late
lies. It i so. will) other crops. Thero are
Uu fe.w garden vegetables that may not be
grown as farm crops, and it is a mistako to
ra'so pro luco that will boir transporlalinn
Irom u diltance, of that aiiitod to n
near market, ami must bo disposed or at
ouco. A fii iner, on the other hail I, would
make 11 mistake, wheru ho to d.e,volo his
hii.d lu it new tet of crops nt onro. He
should tleterniiiio lo grow those things thai
pay Ihc best, and togradiully work into 11
mure profiinblo kind of farming. Those
who prop.i.o la do this, will find sweol corn
and point'fs exc.llcnt crops to begin Willi.
Others will piy better, but these aid test to
I reparo the lai.d for other ur.d more profit
able crops, It would have been prepared
lor these last full, hut lis this was not dour,
make it icady as toon ns It is sife to work
it. lilt. TuvuUKB in 4m Agricultural.
Mess's. Houck A ISsinie, niauigers nf
the Baltimore, Md., Base ball Club, slnle,
us Ibo opiuioD of all buse-lull playeis, and
Hotel of men urn mnro siiseentihln to
sprains, lu-iiles, aches mid puius Hut ft
Jacobs Oil, tho Great German Bcinedy i.
Ihe be.t euro cvor tise.1, mvl iliey jointly
uckuovvledgK iis merits.
live Etcek Holes.
The remits nf iiei;leet in the stable, nnd
st'll will he nppsrent now. All who huvn
foiled to keep ilieir nniniils vlean, warm
and W'll (el, will need In taue moro llijn
ordiuaty 0.1 10 in b-ingliie; tlirin llinuich
till) winter. Liberal fredine; is I ho only
true, eronoiny in wintering stock. Indueo
Hiiiinali fi rai, kop their npprtitcs keen
wills frrqucnt clianse. of loud, nnd feel
ratislled, when spring comes, Hint nil tho
f nlder las been consumed In peeping tt',o
livo stuck plump und l.eultliy. vcry
lu rnyard sliould luve. an nbutiduu.t flll'I Iv
f pure water. Aniumli lliul mnwell win
tcrvd ura half luitimered. Steady work
lues no tiati.i l it mature horre If wvll
fetl, carefully rnnuied mid kfpt from
undue exposure, u lenui 111.1v lubir Ihe
ninirr throiiK'i wills pruUt both tu tho
mvt'cr and the uiiiuinlj. Horses when eon
filial to a close, wurui ktablebecoint, teii'ter
andsil'ject lu odds, etc. Iiic-miine; cmn
tbouhl have a limitel diot of dry bay .will)
a little bran, for a fo'V weclia previews tn
wiving. Thoyuting stoclt.uml all others
iufeitcd Willi lice, shuuld have the eUiu
rubbo I with u mixture of sweet oil and
kerosene in equal parls. Sheop need,
besides nbundint wholesome food, ot
pure air, a dry yard ami sleeping placo.
The iwkers should have alreudy gouo lo
the market. Eltnre pigs will make a profit
able growth If well houiod and ltd timing
winter. Light and frtijueiit meals are
b(tt can only ba cpcled front
fowls that aro "at houia" in a warm, dry
bouse, provldal Willi abundant tood, both
grmu aud dry, lime, gravel aud pure
water. -I'R, Tiiu.nicK in An Ajfrieuituritt.
A di'llcale dish fur deawitis made by
nnnn; atx ri, lart apph; out them in
iiaUes. put hall a wuid of su;nr lul.i a
aauopan, with hall u putt of water, add
b jili() of line lunou and let I his Utll
until it is thiuk, then ly In the apples.
When llioy have simmered until tbay ar
ti'ii lrr tswo then, nu'.drum Ibemon a sievo
1. nd lot the syruji b.'il 0 lew minutes luiir
When the apples nml .rup are bulb, w ',
put liir niple . .irei'illv into a gtuss diu
wud pr tt,o syrup over thtm.
im ml
As fine nnd as cheap Comforts and Bed Cover,? as you lilve,
Aa fine and ns clieap I5ed Blankets as can bo got anywhere.
As fine nnd ns clieap. Uoiv.Oj.Blankels, as can be irot anywhere. ' '"'
.As full and as cheap a line of Hosiery as you trill iind in town.
As. fancy and as good a lino of Hosiery as you, will find in town.. '
As fancy nnd ns clieap Velvets as arc sold anywhere.
The coiuplclest line-ol Queens1, ware in town, iiinoj or common.
The. newest lino of Shoes in town, Children's, Misses', Wowmen's and' Men's.
Tho newest line of Rubber Goods in town, Children's, Misses', Women's and Men's.
Ifnncy, Common, Cheap, NoveL and Elegant, either one, if you please, in Notions andj
everything in the line.
Then lastly we will mention Groceries and; let jo
know we have the stock and at the right price,,
Very respectfully,.
4 O I
Arc now prepared to-furnish their-customers and the people with the Newest and monbt
Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimerea aud Suitings,
which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low
L'riccs. With a force ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select From j wo.
arc prepared lo offer inducement unexcelled by anv other
Wo cordially invite YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before making,
jour purchases elsewhere. In, all cases we guarantee Best Hrorkmanshipl Best Material
the Lowest Prices and ' Perfect Fits."x Respectfully
Clauss & JBro,, The Tailors,
sif.iiffl 1 UHnmHtm lain
:4 fft lull Hm?lM ihm m
" PrtJIil Jill mil i? . -S
Have reeelTeal tlaeM9 8tf$k ai)f
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