The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 28, 1885, Image 2

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    f A7UIIDAY, VKIfliUAnY 2S. MSi.
fintcrifj 'nt, llio Lalugliton- pott-oflice ns
fiocoml Clata Mail Jfntter.
TIif. FaIIi MM, nt Nor-viuh. Conn.,
ftliicli liav been idle for several iiionllis,
parted. 3) Moudaj on full tlrao, wltli n'
krn(; working force
Soctu Ur.nuxttcjt Stii;: It W now
frtiBiiierecl Villi to bopa for the passage
of llie trade dollar bill in tlio "United
States Senate. A- Democratic Hju-ic of
R'preaentativfH lorngobnl
the El-publicn Monopoly Senate is in
1 1 lmrry. It is bes'miUig. to dawn on
tbr public tninil nt List tliat Hepubllcan
profeesiojs and, premises, nre llko pio
ernst.. Tukre liivo been reports, for- eonic
time pait of pre it diatrvss. in portions of
the couutits of Emls. Braxton, C.ilboiin
fnd Ullraer, iu West Virginia. The dis
Itpi bus been caused by erops being
ruloeil last summer by dsonght and nr
tifttulsevcrlty this winter. Tfhoto nelh
tsoriioods of peopio nao octaally famished
for want of proper food and ft large
nmotintof stock of nil kinds havo died.
Last Monday flie Lcglslitnre took meas
ures to relieve the sufforcM.
Edwaid VorouTLEV, book-keeper of
the Butler. Pennsylvania, Stiviug Bank,
a young man, n member of tlse Presby.
terian ChurcU and n Sunday sobjol
teacher, U a defaulter to au amount e s
limited anywhere from forty to. sixty
tbonsand dollars. The sbortago in the
ncconnts was discovered one day last
week and Voeglilley was forced to con
few. Bo sal j ha deceived tbo c3uier
with fatso entries and promised to
straighten up the books on Sunday. In
t'lo meanwhile, bowever, bo disappoaied
and it is supposed tbat be is now in
Tnc Washington Monument, having
been finished at last by the interposition
of Cjngresj, was dedicated last Saturday
win imposing ceremonies. 0lng to
Ibe nnmml severity of tbo weather most
of tbo exercises bad to be conducted in
doors, and this limited tbo number iu
attendance, Tho President and other
dignitaries took part in tbo deJioition.
nnd the oraliou of Hon, Robert C. Win
throp, tho Speaker of the House of
IteproBentatiycs, made tho address
tt the laying of the corner stor.o
marly forty ve om ngo. A reci nt severe
illness made it impossible for hini to be
present in person, as bad bcoti hoped, nt
ths dedication. Tho Monument is 555
feet bigb. America is tho country of big
things and it may be n fa'.islac'.ion to
witty to kuow tbat this is tbo highest
monument ever erected, and as symmet
rical ns it is bigb. The top of it is high
cr tbau the higbcat spire of ancient or
modern times, Mint of the Cologue dih
edral being only 511 feet.
The Sundry Civil Appropriation bill
whiob sins reported to the House of Rep
leaenUtlve last Monday, appropriates
$22,200,177. a reduction of tbe estimate
of$10.12G.225. Il ODnlains S227.000 for
the BUtimore Federal building. $135,000
for the Brooklyn Post Office, anil smalUr
hums for other publio buildings; $213,
402 for lighthouses, beacons, and fo
slguaU, $20 000 of which is for a light
on Romer Shoal in Now Vork harbor;
$130,000 for tbe propagation or food fish,
nnd $300,000 to bo expended by tbe
President to prcvont tbe spread ol cbol
f n and yellow fever if tbete diseases ap
pear in the couutry thh year. Tlio bill
utboriz s the transfer uf the Bjar, one
oftbevtRiels of the Greyly relief expe
ditlon, to the Treasury Department lor
use ns a revenue cutter, nnd approprutts
$3 10,000 for tbe New Orleans Exposition.
Another section ot tbo bill nuthoiiz?s tho
Sjcretary of the Treasury to suspend iu
whole or in part the coinage of silver
dollars from July 1, 1885, to Juno 30,
A WisnwoTJU despatch of tbo 21th
Int., says; The verdict of the Snaim
court martial was made public to-day.
It sentences Gen. Swaim to twelve years'
suspension from rank and command on
balfpay. The finding! of the court ore
lavageiy criticised by Swaini'a friends.
They say if be Mas guilty bo ought to be
dismissed from tbe nrruy, and if that
cannot bo provon, Ibeu be tboald lie
ncq lilted. It wonll rein Hint the
court was dispitcrl to treat Swaim ns
barshly as . imred, His lenience pre
vents bim from ever filling bij present
office again. Before its expiration be
will have reached an ago when he will be
retired Added to this is (be loss of one
ball' of his pay, which in twelve years
will aruouut $30,000. It is said that tbe
wboli matter will receive a yeutllntlon
at the bauds of Congress next session
through the efforts of Senator Sherman
and utters. Gen. Bradley, one of the
officers' of tbe court, say tbo decision
was reached three weeks ago. Tbe
punishment was imposed on tbo charge
of attempting to collect money in n conrt
of law when no money was due. It is
und.-rstood that the court found no case
against Gen. Swaim on the second charge
(if improperly drawing forage for more
ors;s than be owned.
Bptclul to tbo Caebin Advocate.
IUr.Ei.nuKo, Pa., Ib. 21, "85.
We have ngaiu to confront onr readers
with tbe sad intelligence tbat another
member of the legislature died since my
list letter. This time it is Hon. Henry
O. Fall, of Laurenco couuty. He went
boms Trlday, the 13lh of this month,
sick with pneumonia, and died on Sun
i'sj 22ud. His death was caused by tho
ime disease tbat proved fatal to Mr.
Nortbup, Three other uiriubem are now
at their bomes dangerously ill with tbe
same disease. All this sickness is owing
tp tbe bad ventilation of the Home Th
member are 11 very sorry to loose Mr.
I'alls as bo was a genial, sffible and
rleasant old centlemau, known by nearly
every member in the Honse, became i f
l.U having a kind word and a smile for
tvery'one. Mr. Falls wai uorn t New.
to Id, Iu 1822 He was tducitod iu tie
ciniUDU schools and theu lesroid lie
Uiticliautile Lusiucis. At the tlm (f
bis death bo was eugagtsi in general
business and farming. Oci Monday eve
ning tbo House look proper action on
bi deatli by npuolntlng committees to.
nttend bis functnl aud prcpnro proper
lei'-ilatlons. The Ilntisa then adjourned
before time In bis honor.
Mr. Adams on Thursday, ngain called
lip.bia bill to punish wife. healing by tbe
inflection of coruoreai punlsbaient with
tbe lasb, nnd made a luufl speech in its
favor. He quoted; history, nnd took tbo
ground tbat it is not good policy to puu
isb this crime by. imprisonment ns that
almost invariably threw tbo families en
tbo County rJmshouse At Hie conolus
bon. of Mr. Adams'-speech, Mr. Grady
sent to the Clerk's desk no article taken
from a PhiiadelpbU paper wbleb an
nounced lb death of James Swseuey,
who it was alleged had been beaten by
bit wife with a poker. This was too
much for tbe jolly Senators and they till
aujnyed a good laugh, as did every per
son present in tbo Senate, A number of
other speeches were made, mo&t of them
short Mii tei tbe point, but It was re
served for Senator Cooper tomako the
speech of tho day. Ho made n strong
argument against tbe bill. When tbe
vote Was tnken nt tbe conclusion of tbe
dobate it stood 1G ;eas. and, 21 nays. Bo
tbo bill fell. Mr. Adams nlso offured a
resolution asking our Senators nnd Rep
resentatives in Congress to oppose any
action looking to tbe abolishing of tbe
National Board of Health, in view of the
approach of cholera. It was adopted.
Senator Bogg,of Cambria, introduced
s. bill which caused a breeze among tele
graph men. It provides that tho rate for
telegraph servico in tbe Stato shall be
no moro than tbo minimum rates to
points beyond tbe Stale, nnd prohibits
discounts, rebates or drawbacks and pro
vides a penalty of S1000 for violation of
the provisions of the not. The bill if it
passes will interfere with newspapers in
gathering tbe news. Tho Senator, bow
ever, regards with complacency tbe con
sternation be has created by the intro
duction of bis bill. Among tbe bills re
ported from committees affirmatively
were the following, To amend the net
relating to county offices, giving road
supervisors $1.50 a day for services.
Imposing a Cno of $100 lor 20 days in
jail on n man for getting drnnk. Tbe
bill introduced some time ago which
provides tbat nny person having a cer
tificate of admission nnd practicing at
tho Supreme Court of tbo State shall be
permitted to practice law at nny ccunly
bar iu tbe State. This bill is likely to
become n law. There is still very bard
work being done in the committee rooms
aud the bills are being closely siftod be
foro they are sent cut for action by tbe
A large number of members left on
Friday mormug for 1'biUdelpbia, theie
to inspect all the institutions who are
demanding State aid. Tbe reports ol
the members seems to bo satisfactory aud
the nid will very likely be forthcoming
at tbo proper time.
Tbo students of tbe Institution for tbe
Blind, of Philadelphia, will give nu en
tcrtninment in tbe Opera House on
Thursday evening. Tbo object is to
hIiow tho progress made by these pupils
in music, reading and willing. Tbe
members of the IccisUturo will be there
in a body as tbe primary objeot is to
Bbow them what can bo done by these
uufortuuato people.
Among tbe prominent visitors nt the
Hill iiuce my last letter were Geucral
James A. Beam aud Wallace Bruce, tbe
poet ltcturers. Gon. Beaver was warm
ly greeted by tbe Senators, regardless of
party. Iu tho House the discussion ol
Mouday evening was whether they
should adjourn over Inauguration. The
Democrats begged to be let off and tbe
Republicans wero not very nnxious to
let them go. Colbom, of Somerset,
bowever settled it by saying that fir 20
years did tbo Democrats show the same
courtesy nnd now it was only right that
it should be returned. Tbe adjourn
ment was effected by n vote of 07 to 62.
So next week no work will be done.
iiii's New York Letter.
Special to the Cianox Advocits:
The sharp contrasts which one meets
eyery day In New York were never better
illustrated than by the two ecenes at the
Metropolitan Opera House, on Tuesday
night and Wednesday afternoon.
On Tuesday night tho Llederkranli ball
Inuk place, and all Monday night, all
Tuesday and even after tho audicnro wero
admitted, decorators aud ailizans were
busy prepiring furoue of the Innitcnetly
and enjiiysblo fetes that New York has
eon Ibis winter. Our German population
like our churches and political parlies,
is divided; nnd as a consequence, we have
two great German balls every n inter, tbt
Arh'ii aud the l.iederkranlz. h'arli has a
good representation of the yery best ele
meuts of our German population, and both
are tboroughlyy enjoyable. The Germans
as (I'penplo understand thoroughly the art
of cpjnying thuntelves, and while crgaped
in this laudable undertaking, business Is
relegated into the bark thop. Some idea
may be formed of these rntertainmcnts,
when I tell you, that the cost of cither ol
these built will exceed f 20,000. The Arion
ball took plsre revcral weeks go, and on
Tuesday night we bad tbo Liederkrarli.
Theuiauda of tun lovera participated in the
gorgeous festival. It is not my purpose to
tell of the oceans of Isger, and the rivers of
champagne, and the mountains of pretzels.
and the miles of bologna that disappeared
down the hungry and thirsty throats of tho
dancerr not that the rctreshmcuts were
confined to the articles named, for the
supper was one of the most satisfactory aud
elaborate of ths season. But as Ihs whirl
ing thousands swept In mad freury to the
bewitching strains of Strauss around the
floor of that magnificent theslre, 1 rould
nut help thinking of one, whose manic
baton bad wsved over that vast assemblage
season afler season; but whose absence
seemed to be forgotten In the mad pleasure
of the passing hour. While the bacds
were thundering, and the floor thronged
with wallzers, Dr. Damroech lay dead in
tils beautiful home,
Tbe Llrderkrautz ball lasted till daylight
on wmncsday mornlug. When the joy
thousands crowded into the Metropolitan
Opero House on Tueaday iihrul, the alara
were shinint; when they soueht (heir car.
riases In the cold gray light of Wednesday
, morning, the ground wai white with I n n iv .
The last strains l "Good Night," had
( hardly died away,t,d ore half of Ilia
iiiuimmie wai busy with their overcoat-, '
ahawls and mullUs, wba the tame da
c ra'ors, who for the previous twent ' f.v r
b ura Lad beeu luav pr partnj f.,r the
'11 "Ll'LSLI'L'
glorious psgeant whleb bsit Just ended
. ... . . . . i -
uegin tearing, aunn vnogmidy banners and .
Mauleins of the liederkranti, and to ra-
place tbsrn nlth. tlio anelgueof woo, for on
Wednesday eternoou the funeral cere
monies ot Ik great loader were to take
placo beneath the roof of that splendid
temple of music, ro lecently associated with
the grandest triumphs of lis lic. (.treat,
men In any profession are not abundant;,
nieu at the tame tlma skillful and con
scientious. Doctor Damrosck lived lor his
artond died for It. Tbe strain, of the last
few mouths has been tremendous. Ills
uaturo was sensitive to the last degree, and
tho management qfoper.was new,-to him.
He could take a band of a hundred tnusl
clans and rule them as easily as a child
plays with a toy; but he was unused to
tho petty jealouslea and trials that beret
the pathway of the Opera. Impresario.
Many timer during the sesson just past
the opera was on the yerge of shipwreck,
and was only saved by the Doctor's tact
and personal lelf tacrlftce. Those who
knew htm best, shook their beads when,
they marked in his heavy eyes and nerv
ous manner, the evidence of his overwork,
He neyerepoko of himself, he appeared to
think himself equal to every task, aud
worked with all his, will till tbe dark
angei summoned mm. Wo nave many
distinguished musicians in New York
nun who would boner their profession in
any part of the world? but Dr. Damrosck
leaves a vacant place which it will bo hard
to fill, and a memory which will be honor
ed wherever miaio has a lover or a name.
The terrific storms of tho past week havo
demoralized us nothing like it has oc
curred in many years. Up to Ilia 10th of
February, the winter had bean quite mod
crate, butsinco that time wo havo had frost
and snow enough for two or three respecta.
bio winters. The slorus of Monday was
simply terrific, pedestrians were blown
about the streets like bits of waste paper,
houses were unrcofed, awnings were rent
in aureus, ana me streets became roaring
rivers, on many of which a man could
have sailed in a boat. While the wind
was howling and the rain was pouring in
tnrrenta there was weeping and wailing in
the stock board. For some days past a par-
tyTT wicked hears had been hammering
Delaware and Lackawanna till they al
most beat its brains ont. The stock markot
has been shaky for noma months, every
biJy wanted to sell and nobody wanted to
buy. Mr. Bccoher's deacon, S. V. White.
has taken Delaware and Lackawanna un
der his wing, and more than once he bas
taught tho wicked bears a lesson. In tho
height of the storm ou Monday, while the
wind was howling and the rain wns pour
ing, Di-acon While entered the Bear pit;
business had been dragging all day, and
half of the bulls and bears were asleep
suddenly there was a rush.lhe good Deacon
was buying Delavraroond Lnckawaona.and
calling for immediate delivery; the stock
was not to be had.lhe beara rushed around,
they begged and prayed, but it wns no use
there was nothing to do but to settle.
which they did with a bad glare, and the
ii;uou beacon went 10 ocu, notwithstanding
the storm or Jlondoy, If 100,000 belter than
he got up iu the morning verily, yerlly!
virtue is its own reward.
As I prognostlcalcQ in my latter of last
week O'Donoyou Itosea did not appear
against Miss Dudley; and now that Captain
Phclan has skipped wo are asking ourselves
what next. From present appearances it
wnulJ seem that the lif.- of a dynamiter is
not a happy one. If he ia false to his cause,
the Dynami'.crs go (or him. If ho remains
true to his convictions, the hated Saxon
nabs him and hangs him. It is not com
fortable, neither is it pleasant; and tbe
final result may be a beautiful illustration
of the delightlul legend of the Kilkenny
From presents prospects the New York
and Brooklyn delegations to the inaugural
ceremonies on the -1th of Maroh, will take
up all the spaio aocoimuodutiiins in Ihe
cily of Washington. All the hatters are
busy, nearly seven thousand new plug hats
having been ordered in tho past week. All
of our swell tailors are profiling by Mr.
Cleveland's good luc1-, and thero is no
doubt but the Democrats of New York will
make n very im;iosing oppearan:o at the
capital. It Is said that John Kelly may
not he able to atlend.but an intimate friend
told me that tho Great Sagamore assured
him, thai he would be In Washington on
the 4th of March, if he had to h carried on
a stretchci; and if John said that you may
bet a big apple lis will go,
Iferr Most, Ilerr Schwab, and abaut a
thousand of their friends and admirers met
at Ihe Anarcniits' headquatera, Concordia
Ifall,on Wednesday ui;ht,and had a glori
ous pow wow. Tlmy attacUed the la.they
threw dynamite into the constitution of the
Unllsd States, aud blow it all to flinders
They declared all order, tyranny; aud law,
lrstructivo oppression. Every fellow ought
to ba free to help himself to Ihe property of
every other fellow; no luudlords, no banks,
no big stocks of goods belonring to one
man, no large storehouses filled with grain;
but u sort of general free lunch where every
one would be privileged to jump in and tako
what he pleased And above all, a blessed
land where there is no police, and no
magistrates, and no jails. At Ihe arriyaloT
this hoped for conaummalion wild hurrahs
rent the air; and if it had not been lor the
fact that no Socialist believes in a hereafter,
this would undoubtedly baye been thair
idea of heaven. While tbey lashed tho
polioo with their tongues, railing them
growling slaves, and the myrmidoms ol
tyranny, they took good care to use no
ipit'.onns or lager beer glasses the re-
meiuberanco of the swash of those long
night clubs had a wholesome effect upon
the dynamiters; and while they tallied
dynamite and applauded dynamite, they
used none, and so got off without broken
War hos broken out in tbo rival Ex
changes, the ud ol which no fellow ran
foretell. The Stock Exchange which bat
been robbing the public for years bas issued
its ukase, that none ot its members shall do
business in any exchange which deals in
itoexs. The Stock Exchange has listed
mining stocks against Ibe protest of the
Mining Exchange, and now that the Min
ing Exchange baa joined interests with the
Petroleum has listed a number
of stocks which are sold on the Stock Ex
change. It proposes to give all the
boya a chance lo tako a small flyer on
stocks. If you can't go a bundred'sbarrt.
try ten a margin of fifty dollars will do It,
ana 11 you have not got that they will take
twenty-five. This has awakened the wrath
of the mogult, and they threaten tho
"Anathema marenatha" 011 all oiTaniiert.
A broker in the Now York Stock Board hat
no evidence whatever, that ho Is a member
of Ibe Board, except tbo fact that hit name
Is on Ihe roll. It mar be atricktn from
"" '"ni, ior an mrracllon
orihoruleaofltoH.rd,and tho aeat for 1
which ho paid 30,000 is forfellel, beyond j
the power of ih. law II losea also JJ0,.
000 life msuranceo which kit heirs would
'Hi'",! ?tliHa
be entitled, al dth. But the. Mining
Doard sticks to (a colers. ami thev will
worry tho nabobs of Broad. Street Nobody
on the outulde cares box the battle ends.
In the language of Shakespeare "IfhekllL
Catslo or Casslo bim, either W07 makes my.
gain." Hoping that, they may gobble each
other up. I, am.,
Yours truly,
Special te tho Uabdom Advocatk.
Washington, Feb, 21, 18S5,
As Inauguration Day approaches the
nolivity of Wnshlnflton hotel-keepers
and of others directly interested lu ex-
trading a profit from sightseers is in
creasing npace. The caravansnrles, as
ou last Iunugnration IXiy, wilt, not con
tain t tithe of tbe guests expected, so
annex buildings"" being hired or built,
and the guests will be so far letaoved in
many cases from tbe dlnlng-baltof tbe
main hotel tbat the services of guides
will be required to pilot tho hungry now
corner to his meals. As history is said
to repeat Ilseif, tho forthcoming Iunug
urn! Ion Day will be but a repetition with
variations, of similar occasions since tbo
days of Washington,.
"Reasoning upon the hypothesis of
fair weather," said ono of tho ninnagers,
'we may expect an attendance of ovar
200,000 visitors for at least one day, the
4th of Maroh, and about half that cum.
ber for tho two- or throe days immediate-
ly preceding or following. There is,
however, no data by which an exaot eg.
tlmate can be made of ths probable in
flux. We believe there will be no diffi-
cnltf whatever in lodging and feeding
our increased population of something
OTer 100,000 nt reasonable expense nnd
without extortion. Of course, extortion
ate prices oblaiu to a greater or lesser
exteut wherever and whenever a crowd
is drawn together oc any public occasion,
But tbo Executive Committee have
labored earnestly to protect strangers and
provide for their comfort and enjoyment
Wo particularly desire tho attendance of
every man, woman and child who can
possibly reach tho capital that tbey may
mspeot our beautiful city while doing
honor to tbe President-elect,
Mr. Randall's plan for bnilding n new
Navy has aroused, antagonism In both
the House and the Senate, It Is now as
certained that tho most important pro
vision of his plan has been carefully con
cealed from the public. Its general fea
tures have beeu published, but tho fact
that it gives power to the board to nrbi
trarlly accept plans nnd build ships with
nut any further authority from futuro
Congresses is a fact which was not made
known until to-day. If lUudull's plan
ia adopted it will pluoo in the hands of
a board an unlimited sum of money,
which can bo expeudod without further
action. It U understood, however, that
In nil probability tho Appropriation
Comm'.tteo will report favorably upon
Mr. Rindall's proposition.
Tho Legislative Appropriation bill
tnakti appropriations for tho next Con
gress, has just beeu completed nnd print-
ed. It gives snmo idea cf what it costs
to have a Congress. In the list of ex
expenses tbe first item, the compensation
of Senators, is put down at $380,000,
while for pay of Members of tbe House
tho sum cf S1.C9G.000 is appropriated,
making over S2 000.000 in salaries alone
tn members. Then there are still greater
pcupes in tbe aggregute, though none
is so large in single items. The mileage
of the memhers of tbe House aud tbe
Senate is alone nearly $150,000. For
clerks to committees, messengers and
others to wait upon and Serve the bonor
nblo statesmen, tbe sum of $17,000 is
asked. Even the little item of stationery
counts up, tho sum to bo appropriated
by the bill, as reported, bsing over $GQ.-
000. Then, too, there is tho usual ap
propriation for tbe Botanic Garden, the
priuoipal purpose of vbicb sum to be to
furuish boHtjueU to members aud their
wives or through them to somebody else's
wife gets $11,000.. For tbe Library of
Congress tbe appropriation is $37,000.
Ou tbe whole Congress seems to bedoiug
pretty well. Over $2,000,000 for salary
list, SCO.OOO for stationery, over $38,000
for library, $11,000 for bouquets nnd
more than $500,000 for persons to wait
on them, and do work incident to their
presence here.
One of tbe new members of Congress
wbu seems nbuudautly able to tnke enrr
of himself nnd Congress at tbe same time,
is Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri, whose
speeches upon tbe Indian question nnd
tbo River nud Harbor bills nro most re
freshing in these days of jobs and job
bery. Seldom in tbe annals of tbe House
bis a young man all at once plunged into
such popularity among tbe Hocse mem
bers of both parties, who never fail to
be nil attention when (bis gentlemsn of
Missouri gets the floor. The secrot of
Mr. O'Neill's present success, and which
promises bim a most brilliant future, is
tbe siucerity c f bis style, bis ready and
nitogetber original wit which nevW fails
to be pointed without being offensive.
The measures with which Mr. O'Neill
has been chiefly Identified are those
which have been directly for tbe interests
of Ibe great public nnd especially tbat
part of it represented by tbe industrial
Tbe cranks throughout the couutiyare
after Mr. Cleveland. There is not much
fear of such ftllows as Dr. Hay, who has
bnd a "mlosion" from Heaven or some
where else to "remove" tbe new Prcsi
dent,but there Is something like a threat
ened calamity in prospect from the de
maud tbat will be made on the Executive
for some sort of innovation upon estab
lished customs. Here comes au appeal,
for instance, from a bandfnl of so-called
temperance women In Washington,
among whom I readily recoguize some as
tbe wives of gentlemen who nightly
search in vain for tbo part of tbe door to
Introduce tbe latch key, because of cold
tea, and these persistent females petition
Mr. Cleveland to banish wine Irom tbe
Wbite House, There It another cuteiie
of women here who desire nui pronably
will compel tbe President to accede to
tbeir demands upon tbe character of Ibe
compauy and the social festivities of tbe
Mansion. In this rerpect Mr. Artbnr
bas al owed himself to be hampered to a
deeper extent than any predecessor ex-
rent H .Via. and If TToIa rtrm-e
them be bas more vertebrae than be has
been given credit for baviog.
.... .. , .
--Sabaeribe for the CAnmx Advjcate
ouly tl.00 a year,
New Orleans Letter.
Feosi ov SrtctAt, CoKRiaroKnaxT.
New Orlbans, Fb. 22, 1885.
Now that everything bas been placed
within, and tho checked .aisles, running
clear through tbe different buildings,
from slds to side, making miles of pns
sage or hallways ono cannot but be
overcome with tbe successlut arrange.
rnont of one of tho most gigantic scheme
tbo world ever Ijnew. Tho fine weather
taken into consideration roes to-make
tho Exposition not only a subject to bo
discussed, but to be nppreciated must bo
seen., viewing tbe imnieusltv of tbe dis
plays from the galleries cither In Main
or Government buildings srems like n
fairy atoryf even Aladdin with his won
derful lamp could not produce such a
sceno ns one can here descry.
Visitors hnve been Arriving for tbe
past week and getting comfortably lo.
catoa fo: Mardi Gras, which began
Tuesday the 17tb. They will conse
quently get tbe advantage of seeing tbe
Exposition nud witnessing tbe great car
nival. The cily therefore is foil o peo
pie from all over tho world,
The H tick eye State, under the manage.
nieut of John O. Keffer, is one not to be
surpassed in tho quantity and quality of
its coat nncl coke. Of the latter Ren
ville sends a specimen 11 leet high,
weighing 31 ions; while Jackson exhibits
a bloek in weight 1 tons; nnd Cam
Drui ge wnn ten other districts represents
bituminous coal. Cincinnati fire brick
nud fiuunco blooks for gas works and
retorts, nud a pot for melting glass of
nearly a ton weight. Aspeclilty is ruado
of clay for terra cotta vases, chimuty
tips and flues, Sewer pipes of Tour
kluds, ouo a choice pyramid from Akron
deseryes notice. Zinesville pressed brick
ma fine, tourtceu tons of grindstones
in ono pyramid of 35 iu number frtm
oae 7 feet iu diameter lo tho smallest 7
inches ncross; building stone of fine
grndo nnd dimensions. Tbe geological
display, under direction of Professor
Orton, has been carefully selected, and
shows from glass covers, salt, lime.bisul
phate of carbon, bromide, glass nnd
moulding sends, firo clays, gypsum, etc.
An interesting map showing, how and
where the minerals nre to be found is
worth studying. Agriculture is not
neglected in this grnnd old State. Corn
is produced in 72 varieties including
sweet nnd pop com; tobaoco is profita
My grown, as well us blue aud timothy
grasses nnd clover; seeds and vegetables
flourish. Seventy-five varieties of pota
toes nre represented. A pyramid of
ooru, wheat, oats nud rye in the shuck,
with grains in jars, make a fine display.
I-ruits of all kinds are cultivated. A
specialty in oat and corn meal, cracked
wheat, buckwheat, etc. The Ohio agri
cultural experimental station makes a
fine display of reduoing grains t their
various component parts. Native woods
rough and veneered, show up admirably.
The wool dieplay can't well ba surpassed
some 80 fleeces are seen. Tbe relics ol
tbo Mound builders, tbeir idols, nnd
other curiosilies of tbe Azteo race nre
wonderful. Photographio displays of
publio buildings, nnd fine old pnintings
of tbe Governori of tho State nltrnct
muoh attention nud praise,
' O.J. Barrow, U commissioner, nnd bo
has made a most creditable display of
tbe lihtnrnl properties nud manufactured
industries. Prof. Ed Euderle.qeoloiist.
is very bapny in showing the produc
tions of his State to tbe visitor nnd im
parting information to nil. The sugar
cane lower contributed by Hon. E. J.
Gay, is a most nrlMic nud ingenious ar
rangement by which the cane and its
sugars, syrups, etc, ore to-be seen.
Sugar and rico nro the stnndard pro
ducts, with cotton nud grain, vegetnbies
and fruits, nud vines of nil kinds art
grown. Tuo pavilion is nttrnctivo being
covered with rice straw, lined ou celliug
with native mos, decorated with lint
cotton and oranges, tbe posts or columns
are of sugar cane. Timbers show 120
varieties with yery fine specimens of
cypress nnd walnut; nuts nnd leaves of
the various kinds of trees, with blocks
of beautiful magnolia, curly pine nud
ash. A model house of tho "style that
Jack built," constructed by two young
men is an attraction; it contains 101
species of wood iulaid. Many mechaui
cal models are shown. Cotton seed oil
cake is a great industry, ns well ns man
ufacturing clothes, and canning goods
The 8ugr Exohouge sends a novel dis
play of graded sugars in n glass case.
Tho fruit display is represented lj
wax wcrk in a great measure as Ibe fresh
fruit rpolls so fast. The imitation is
exact nnd unique, and is the work of
Mexicans of New Orlenus. who are nat
ural artists in this hue. Tbe mineral
outpour Is astonishing even to old resi
dents. Webster nnd CLiyborn send iron,
graulte. silicious tnndstono, lime-itoue
troni Carroll aud Bineyiiie parisbes,with
fine po!rlfactiou, marl nnd wbite sand.
A curious piece of pork found floatirg
OJ the Mississippi should be seen. Fire
brick, pottery and terra cotta nre largely
produced. Fossils rich aud rare, and
taxidermlcal works of native birds.Ashes,
turtles nud alligators show welt. The
silk industry is propagated by Prof. J.
Herbeliu extensively. Tbe line large
display of Perlquo tobacco will iuterest,
not onlytbe fanciers of tho weed, but tLo
general publm. This grade is only
grown successfully iu one county lu
Louisiana, though often attempted else
where, lid sure and visit commissioner
lleauyit and see his elegant show cases
of fine cut, cigars and cigarettes of tbe
uure Perlquo braud.
Two large oil paintings are hung
within the Interior Dtparlinent of the
Government, one represents gold dis
covery at Suter's old mill, Oilifomls,
1818' Ibe other Ihe 10th century, 1885,
a locomotive iu full train at a CO mile au
hour rate, throwing into iusignlficauce
the conveyance of 50 years ago.
Tho management bas appointed cer
tain daya for special stato or society
days, which it is sincerely hoped will be
Inrgely observed by those interested, and
who is not?
One of tbe New England Lepiala.
teres bat under con1eratio3 a bill tn
change tbe name of Frances Ellen IHmor
to Ella I'mots Ilurnor. There waa a
committee heoriup, nnd, all ll.a formal!,
ties laviu? I ten observed, probably
ioltmu content will be ciren.
A Lady's Forfcot Companion..
Paimukss Ciill.uniiiTn, a new book by Dr.
John II, Dvo,. one of New York's most
skillful pbysli-iiins, shows that pain Is net
necessary in Childbirth,, but results from,
causes easily understood! ami overcomo.
clearly proves Hint nnv woman may bo
come 11 mother withoul suffering any pain
wuiiiaver 11 atsn ions now vo overcome
ami prevent morning sicaness, swellec
limbs, and all other evils nttendln
nancy. It Is rcliablo nnd hlchlr endorse.
by phyalcions every arliero at a wlfo's true
private companion. Cut this vslll
save you great pain, and possibly your life
Send, two cent stamp for descrintivo circu
lars, testimonials and confidential letter
sent in sealed envelope. Address Fsank
'Iiiouas. & Co., Publishers, Callimoro, Md
'Wonder Books."-
Bomo of the products of the Literary Itcvo-
luiwn Ian little snort 01 the marvelous i
tho eyes 01 those who remember books an
prices at they existed a score of years ago
j nouiurary 01 Hirtouard History," describ
ed in our advertising columns, is a strikin
example 01 tne change whicli has com
about in favor of tho book-lover. The
Camtiaii at o)f;, New York, well rbnrtct.
erizes the volumes "A wonder book
mote tenses than one. The idea of putting
a nor ino mil as only j-A.ZV per copy,
(cams prcposteroujjand vat there is wisdom
In It, for everybody will waut lt,and It will
thus bo Ihe means of oclvertjinr and intro
ducing the numerous other valuablo books
which the publisher is cull ne forward
Even at these prices Ibe publisher makes
no pxetenseol "philanthropic" motive, bu
says th book pays a good profit. The otler
lie makes ol a "100. pace descsiptivo caln
ioj!,ue ireo on application," win surety cal
forth showers of inquiries, and the lurthei
oiler of ''Rooks tr examination before pay
ment" ought la satisfy the incredulous
The publisher's address is John lb AJdcn
o'jj rearl street, New York.
New Advertisements.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Orphans' Court lor the Co. of Carbon,
January Term, 18S1.
In tho matter f the Kstate of LILIAN 11
JUS r.IMI, Decoarcd.
Tbo Auditor a!
r appolnteu tbe said Court
Ibutlon of the funds In Ihe hinda
uftJeorge Huddle. Administrator uf raid Ki-
isie. ami arising irom tte tale or real cMnte
01 sain nccoiicni, win meet tuo parlies Inter
ivu lur.iuu jiuipujo ui 111a appointment oa
THURSDAY, APDIb Sxo, 1885,
at NINE o'clock A. M., t his Oftlce In the
uurouKnoj iiiauen ununK, wncn and n litre
all parlies interested nro required to make
wiiu wrovo ueir cirtims or do tit-iuirroo mm
coming in upon said lund.
t . ' il. llAJliiEK, Auditor,
Fob. ; 16S5..W4
The undersigned will soli at imblla asle.on
uiu i'husvs iiiiv 01 ooon Jiiirman, aec u, ill
lowiiuieiiniiiic iwn., uuroon coun'y, ra., on
SAT UK DAY, MAItOll 14th, 18S5.
at ono o'clock I. SI tho followinr If eat and
l'crsonat l'roperty, to-wlt : 1 onohouo
waxon.tiuctt sled, plow, harrow, lannln-
mill, hay ladders, grain crallo. siiusiko
mrtchlno and stutlor. irriihliln.r Imp.
shovels, forkt, scythes, eluinj, lot of iMasons'
toon, iron Kottic, lotoi fr anco posts, 1 hall.
ousnei and 1 peck measure, bedstead and
bcddlne. elnli. stuad. ohalrs. lot of carnet.
cookimr stove, pois. tubs, barrels, nnd other
articles too numerous to mention; Also a
Small Farm or 33 ACHES, nearly ull clear
and under a (tood state of cultivation. Iho
improvements tiiercon are a Uood House,
Hank Ham 30 x CD feet, (rood as new. a sood
well near the huuso. an orchard orneaciiea.
plums, sraros and other choice Iruil tree.
A . u,a M ! ...uou mi VII U k lllHU Ul BIWU Ul
oiTir 1 l'ivl1 u 10, , m ,
1'AUI, ItUCIC. jAdnjs
Towanunslni! twp., Feb, Si 'Si 3w
Copied and Enlarged in all
sizes irom card to life size, viz:
Oil Portraits, Water Colors,
Pastols, Crayon, India
Ink and Photos.
All work gnaranteed or no pay. All we
bsk is a trial, uive us a call
and be convinced.
No. 105 North Eichth Street,
J..S. KItEII)Li:if, Agent.
ORDEKS left ht the CUnno.s Advocate
Office will receive prompt attention.
A- eU. 23 jy
Tina oqj jo jvm-opvji no
qiA eaitadjf oaox 'jy;
; V w hjax lo.t plrt 'H jtJX
jib pro 03 orji iuojj oxx
9pMQ'jCiinlj pMHitlJiittan
pus 'joitu vy
"jempojj poituaiHipvan uo
'ooumvnM oavit no. ooorn
-ox annoys racqana ipifi WstP13iIII "I
'Siilouw oae no.C jcqu XajpwJ ion oj
tfdtnooaq ji oiawjBop oaota oqi 'wonoraa
jo nonmjiTj iqi do ngll bkuoj oootqoj
po)tajinp jo aonianb oqi worn oqx
onr; v o poonpoj jmjuoun
ej Sapioraa pslkj uajM pm jauavap
oinoj orn pnn iiiooo osouu orp ovj nojt
03(tujftjj pan joavu oqi 39 Xipaiip oaoia
13 ro.i '.Bapiotu jo cav tcSoj otn "I II
ooDcqoiTi jo)sq) pjworijtianoaiii oJfx
'Kidney-Wort is the moat aucccaeful remedr
I ovar used." Dr. P. c. Eallou, Uouitoa, Vs.
Kldney.Wort la always rolUble."
Sr. 11. tt. CUrlc. So. Hero, Vt.
"Kidney. Wort has cured ray n lfo After t wo yearo
tattering." Vr. O. II. BnminerUn, Sun XIU1, Os.
it hiu oured where all clso lisd fSUed. It la mild.
butelBoloat. CICIJT.UN I.V ITS AOTJO.V, but
banal 3sa la All caaes.
IVlt ele sue UId and filrenclliena or d
ftirea Iir Life to all tne important organs cf
tlio body. Tbo natural action, of tho Kldneya Is
restored. The Liver is cleansed cf all disease,
and the Bowels move freely and bealthfuUy.
Ia thia way tho worat diseases are eradicated
from the tyetcm. Q
tzxzz, a co u?ro a oir, rcu si rarGCirn.
r -y can be ami br r-.s'l.
VXLLS, niCII 4 misotf X CO.r.urUncloi Tt.
It A'ofna Aatn po ooatqox fnpiom
nreq-ma n"a .n"Xu o;oaii nora EX
HoJs pac ntmiutraij tujiwwoni hv Bff
Aro prepared: to sell to Dealers, Lime Burners and Comjn
eti nt their BREAKER at LEillGliTOI V .
At 'BKiiuah ClfiSQBfil
Delivered into wagons at the
the ton :
Lehigh Eggv
Chestnut No.
Chestnut No.
Culm -
JnYr 10, l,
fall and Winter Trade !
te., fce. Our Young I.adlea and llentlemen will find II t
oung I.sdlea and llentlemen will find lit their advaatars to rlvtlats.
lnlf.,e.",,, 03 ,h,T wl" nad th 1,KST SKLEOTKB aJTOck In
ill. I IClUJlfO,
can noMro lmreim
sown AT 1IU1TU
Post 013 Biiili,
4, lSSJ-ly
! For Hew Goods!
Have received an enormo'us
Groceries, Queensware, etc.
Old Post-Office Building,
I 4.
P3 Bo
WD E-S 0 o
Vf rr a ct . a
P.HSS1 &-
5 E.2S.3.2
a tig
B n w e. S P
- inlets
2. ZJ 5-3
gr 5 o S "
33 ?
Established 1863. Trial l'licVaRe Free,
hlghton, I'a.
i ANn
Claims a tpeclaliy. ft nil WAR
UA-V 1. A II 11 1 I I'll' A 1.
K and all ktndt of LAND SlHtll'T linuuht
sad sold. J.arno Slock, and Hitiliest I'rleet
mid. Do vim -rant lo toll or buy? II e,
mile to A. A. TIID.MAU, Attorney at Law,
TVaihlnrloD, D.O. an. 9-tfo.
wrnDnrr a tvrrpe who dnro to
profits by totroduelnfr a lino of novr uroods, In
Jlip.nllble lo all fauillU-a. n I II andntslor
fall imrtUulsri.llKAI.Tn t OUO UOU1-AKV,
Mo. ;ttk Aienue, Kan York
eo ij-iy
TJTTTJIIll I isifeurod bv our a.trUent
nUJflU JtVXJrtiun f-owder. Safe,
sare, euro 11,00. II y mail with full dlree.
lions. wooklorS cent stamp. 1'EKTA.UU.,
tct Sistb Avenue, Nun Tork. doc27-ly
iTvrTjnvc ahsoi.ute nivun-
i wv-. tjcg foil y
ratldlnic tlirousbnit tbo United Slates and
Osntda foruesertlon.nen-sur-nort.lnteinner-
anee, eruelty, Ineompatlblllty. ele. AdWce'
reo. mate vour case ar.d adilrrrt
TT HNfcY Attn, WorlitJlull.lnir.WJl
Bi.ade.ay, New oik. July 1S.1t I
i;e.torrn. a irrniietnan navinir mnrrentir
T PonriainkOo.l'roprletors. Phlladelphla.-I) nnt rail to try this splendid preMia,
lloniryiu havt dinieult VreathliiK from Asthma, Uaj Verer. or Uliroolo Hrwiebllls. Il It a,
nieaaan 'tnliatlnir "iinedy. colrnr at ooee to the seal of the disease; r.morlns tbe aaaeiaw
KhliliS ritaxlni the tlalilness ot Iho, romotlnr eipeeloralioa and rlrlnir loamedlai
Lnd iro r.U?( in vt r . I'ut up la Irto Hoa.s .ad s.U oy T. I. 'I hon... Le.
rontraeted the bnhlt of aelf alius In Ms
Tfiith. and tn rnusenurneo tuftered all ttie
horrors of Seiiinl lnrapaoliy. 1H Man
hom, I'hyaleal Heeay. lleneral Pn-stratlon.
ote , will, out of sympathy for hit fnllnw
tnrTrrer. mail tree the rreln hy which he
waa anally rnrd. Addre.t in eoiindene
J W I'lXKEV UCedarSt . New ork
flee r
following rates, lbs. U
Tho und.nlgs.a eatla the
of his nianyfrlonds and patron testa
Large and Fashionable Steele oi
Fall anl Winter Grts,
CoBilittnt: of
Dfevary description aad Stylo la tk
Market, ImluJIsx a ipoetal 11b ef
Lady's Fine Shoes
Also, a fall Ha of
Hats, Caps,
swiMT & soar
Bank St. Lehightor?.
ti a s ? r ii;a
ev loi.
GiiPT5ILLS all sizes, Cheap.
Parryrille, Carbon Co., Pa.,
Retpeetfally annonnsei tbat bt will hav
ooattantly on baud a larxo drove cf tbolo
- bitb ,o iTttl dispose of at very LOWEST
. PE, MH1 '.. .,..,.. 7-...?
"11 1 aiIsu u""' m ryr'h,u
Is prepared to alter and sites! t dlaeaaa
V KSMaCSBamt tr It I Mr ra K...
a II
r,r,, " rMmmr Anarvii J
V Mo-