The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 14, 1885, Image 2

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    nauslSK!1. su 'jj.
LKtltUIITnN. i'A.l
FATTJUDA Yjf l'KUIUJA 11 Y 14, !8M.
Krltsresl nt the Icliigliinii Hwl-oillci)
feomil CJihw Mall Mittcr.
Tnn Drnocrtle Nullotinl Ooiutnlltin
will mast In Washington, D. 0., ou
Mnrcli 2,
WllJ.lAM IlAMtlMlTi.N tlic.J nt Ms rei
( I" Vermillion l'.irith, Li,, nu tho
4 Ii ltiii, Nt ll.o riRp of 100 ytAM, Ho
va3 boru In Al'ihjimn,
Birrri Su nr. tbo ilyunti'i er, who cut
mil klnohcd Onit. Phtlrm ileven llmis In
O'Donovnn Hoimi'h offlos. New York, n
tew necks ngo, lun heeu nilniiltecl lo bill
in $3,000.
Neat, Dow 1h no convinced llitil tbo
enmity to imilitbitlon ccmes from tbo
moderate tlrlnkira. Hard drinkers nro
nil unxlom for tbo closing of the grog
nbnp nt n relief from temptation,
Omr of the tnms itl.iutla ste.nnshl
lines l-i ftbont to isqno tickets enlltlluK
rmsse-jrjers !o merely lodging find coii
vevanco, tneiils to be ohnrijed fir r.t the
tnd of the voyage nccordlug lo what the
imsenijors have eaten.
Tnn Edgar Thomson Steel YVorki nt
Bradiloclm. resumed operations in nil tie
ynrtments on Tuesday, Riving cmplov
oiieiit to nearly 4,000 mm who have been
idlo for eight weeks. Tbo men returned
to work st n Blicht reduction,
Tnn ngonv i now over. Ilolli Houses
nf (J.mcrifs, In joint sersiou, Wednes
day met nnd counted tbo voto for Presi
dent, nod declared G rover Cleveland
elected. Mr. Cleveland can now tiro
cced to Mink a his Cabinet nppoiu'nieut.
House Hill, No. 107. To orgnniz3 and
deflno tbo Ccup,re.-hionnl ol
1'euusylv.inln, provides as follows
10th district shall comprise tbo carni
tine nf Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe
nnd Piku.
lltli district Lickawanua, Wayne
and Suqno.hiiunn.
1:2th disrricl- Lnzfrne nnd Carbon.
i:i(h district Schnjlltill.
lClh diJtrict Lycoming, Northum
berland, Montour nnd Columbia.;A.r, rumors have been circu
lated regirdinft the danger of n Bocialis
tlo outbreak nt ritUbnrgli. There nro n
large number nf unemployed woikmcn
there, mostly of foreign birth, nnd Sici
nlisrn ilrmrihes best in such soil. The
railroad riots of Severn! years ngo should
be n warning to tho natboritics of Pitts
burgh to bo prepared for tbo worst, nml
if necesFnry they chonld call promptlj
for State aid. .Wo venture to think,
however, that the danger has been rxig
gcrated by correspondents who were
moro ntiiiom to send a thiilliug letter
thin to describe tho exict sitn.itlon.
The darkest piece of Uaj light tbo citi
zens pf Louisville, Ky., ever baw visited
that city just be-fore 9 o'clock Monday
morning. A brisk ruin bad been falling
for threo hours, nud nn unusually heavy
fug had enveloped the city nil tho morn
ing. About 8:50 o'clock n sudden gust
of wind came from tho west, and n heavy
nns of black cloud overspread tbo sky.
Tha fog increased in density, making
tho day as dark ns night, The gas was
lighted in all tho business licus;n nnd
residences, and thestroctx were shrouded
in nn almost Impenetrable gloom, which
l.isled for nbont fivo minutes, Many
wcra badly trUliteued nt tho unusual
phenomenon, and largo numbers of the
calorod popnhtiou concluded that tLc
last day had come, nud ran about in
nmazement nnd nlarm, Tho darkness
was followed by n drenching rain, which
, lasted twenty minutes. Small miunow
wero scattered profusely iu somo locali
ties after tbo heavy cloud burst, Th,
'sudden bhuncr and tho nnpearxnee nl
fish betokeced a waterspout from the
Tm: U. S Batnta has passed the Cut.
lorn Inter-Stato bill, which is nn indica
tion that it w III not pass tbo lteagan bill
of tbo Houso. Tiio Cullom bill provide
for n Hoard of Arbitration to decide all
questions nt issiio between the railway,
ninl persons who think they nro unjustly
treated by ll ieui This Hoard is to con
sist of niuo Commissioners, one from
each Judicial Circuit of tbo United
Blades, to hold office for six years nud
lo bo paid i7,000 u jcar each, All Iutei
Slsle railways nro rtquitcd to mako nu
nual reports to this Hoard. Hniry com
pany shall fall lo abide by the Hoar.iV
decision iu nny dinputed case, Iho Dis
trlct Attorney .of tbo United States iu
the district where tho olleuce was com
mitted Is required to commence pro
ceedings to recover tho damages sua
taiied by tbo complainants For each
offeuco of extortion or unjint discrimin
ation n couipiny must pay n Hue not ex
ceeding SI, 000. A similir penalty is
provided for nny violation ol tho provis
lout of tbU Act. Tho bill is moderate,
and Its provisions are opcu to no objec
tion, except that Ihey may bo thought
unite too mild. This Is tha view the
Houso is likely lo take, mid further pro
ure ol either bill is hardly lo bo looked
ior at mis sedMoti.
Bneclal to tbe Uauiiox Advocatk.
WasmkotoJJ, Peb, 7, 1SS3.
The Pension liuildiug presented n
scene of great activity to-day. The
floors in the reception nnd supper rooms
are being laid; tho platforms iu tho gal
leries overlooking the ball room aro be
ng built, the plumbers aro putting iu
tbe gat pipes, while trenches are being
dog for the mains, Commodore Taylors
men aro putting up tho guys roady for
tbe receptiau of the roof, while (leu.
Meig's men tire busy In placing window
frames In position. As soon us tho can
vas roof has beeu put ou, the uotk of
laying the ball-room floor will bo com
inenced, nud the contractor is under
JJ.000 bond to have it computed iu four
The papers in the Haim Court Mattial
one r iu thu bauds, nf the (-Secretary of
"VYar. The Court finds tho accused guil
ly on all charges aud speeliioatious and
recommends his dismissal fruu the
nriuy. The decision was nlttiMt unmi
tuous, only two intiabers uu of whom
was 0uiral Milta voting .In General
(3 vr aim's favor. Sine the dwuiou .a
priva'tly knimn I" '1-11 Kv. nn l.o
Iks been cciuiplettly prostrated, and is
now couflnol to his residence nt Mount J
Dinner glvlnr;, outside of the White
Hume, neeim (olio a loit nrt this winter. .
Thsro never wait loan of It, nnd though
the President has received his customary
Attentions in this lino, ns usual from
friends, thcro hnve been no Cabinet din
ners, unless ut Prtliiighuyfccn'n in his
As tbo timo draws near for tbo retlr
meut of Senator Pendleton froi-a the
Senato nnd tbo uncertainty ct of his en
leriug tbo Cabinet, his fnmily vlew.s with
in Venning uueosincss tho possibility of
a winter reshlonco dsowhero for the fu
ture. Tho Pendleton's like Washington
life and tho Prtlliighnjssn's would pre
fer to see tbcm succeed lit their position
than nny other Ddnocratio family niye
tho Bayard's. There is n strong lolling,
however, against thu Ptndleton's for the
strict exoluslvencss Mrs. 1'. has nlm rved
in her social doings here, so that the
family are by no mcaas popular in a gen
eral sense, nor mingled sufficiently lobe
well known, representative Mitchell,
who is being pressed by his friends for n
soat in tlo Cabiuct, is observed to bo
more nervous over bis personal appear
ance since the rumor has been Been in
print. He ba.i many strong claims; is
rich in tho first place and ns suavo nnd
polished ns a foreign diplomat. His
wifo is probably tbo handsomest lady in
Congressional circles, dresses In exquis
ite taslo, is highly accomplished, sings
and plays well with talent, nnd is the
fond mother of n bunch of handsome
boy?. Their residence, adjoining Mr, S.
S. Cox's on Dupont Circle, is cony nud
elegant. Mrs. her unnffected
nnd sociable stylo of address since she
became so widely known here ns the
Speaker's wifo, has gained many inter
ested friends who would like to see her
husband in tho Cabinet, half for her own
sake. Mrs. Carlisle b,m the reputation
which, however, sbo bharcs with Miss
Wnite, the daughter of tho Chief Justice.
in being able to mako more calls in nn
alternoon than nnrother ladies in society
Tho gaytty at Washington will probably
go ou until the rush of spectators for the
inauguration certmony begins. And
then will coiuo ior those whoso permi
neut home it is tho completo nnd bawil
deriug change which is nt first painful,
then amusing, and then nccectable, nnd
which helps to mulio Washiugion tho
interesting, exciting, nnd delightful
place it is.
New Orleans Letter.
Faou oub Srr.cui. CoKiiKSrosuiiNT.
New OM.EANS, Feb. 1, 18S5.
Now Hint tho wintry or rainy season l
oyer and tho Exposition is completed, let
tbo iiconle como and decido for themselves
if your correspondent has not given a cor
reel account ol tho Exposition so far us our
s-iries of letters bavo leached.
Mardi oras, the great mythological mys
tery, tho auniversary of which is now am
always havo been from a vory remote date,
celebrated in New Orleans willi much
splendor, will on tho 17th of February fur
excel! anything of the kind ever given
hero. Consequently thousands who will
attend tho Exposition haye arranged to
co'na lo this city during the lanious annual
T hero is no mislaklng but that the rail
roads aro not making excursion rates as
low as they might for tho benefit of thoni
selves and tha World's Show. They will
have to ccmo to it and make cheap rales as
an inducement to coma hero.
Commissioner W. N. Havener is justly
proud of tho Kocky Mountain State over
whosa destinies at tho Exposition ho pro
sides. This Is almost exclusively a mining
country. Esmeralda and Larider counties
lead in valuable ores, of which coppr run
ning CO per cent, with cobalt crystals at
inched, taken from a depth of3,0U0 feet, is
displayed. Ores of gold, siller and quick
silver aro rich. Nilrato of soda and salt
from Churchill, sulphur and cinnabar from
Washoe: ricli silver oro from Humbolt
counties receive mnch attention. Ores con
lalning cobalt and Dickie, 15 per cent ; cop
per ore worth 1 n pound; rarbonatcs, red
oxides aro seen. 3!uby silver oro wortli
f 10,000 a ton is commented on. Tho Coin-
stock mine sends tho richest oro, which is
almost pure silver. This minn in the past
thirty years has produced over 315,000,000.
Specimens of oio Iruiu Overman mine
shows dill'crent formations for evciy live
feet to a depth nf 2,500 feet. An ingenous
model el the workings of n mine from tor
faeo to bottom is shown. A petrified birds
nest containing egga, is Iho wonder of the
young jwople who visit this department.
Piaster casts nf tracks of on extinct animal
supposed to be an elephant of hugo dimen
sions are given; Ihey are also rliotographed
where found some 40 feet below Iho surfaro
in a qiiany worked by couvicls. Said
tracks measure three feet in diameter. Also
tracks of imuiense giants of tbe genua
homo measure 22x1-1 inches, their steps ot
stridos aro 0 lect. They wero found iu
saiidslone well preserved. Sufficient lo so
cure perfect casts and to photograph. Some
fine specimens ol free gold and silver with
ores worth $20,000 a ton in glass cases to
be seen not handled. Tho Piute Indians
show much skill in pottery and glass work
sent; fruit does well, but agriculture better;
wheat goes 07 pounds to tho bushel, and 50
husbela to tbo acre. Pine hay unil oats
are exhibited. Irish potatoes weighing
fivo pounds aro excellent. Virginia city
sends a model invention ofa stock car that
seems very practicable and useful.
Tho golden Slate of the t'aclfio slope Is
under direction of commissioner C. II. Tur-
rlll, and eutsldo of Its untold mineral
wealth showing some handsome ore of free
gold, and wiro silver specimens, it has eov
eied n large space in thu noilhwestern
corner ol the Government Building with a
- llectiou of articles which, fjr variety can
not bo equaled by ony other Ktato. The
appearance of the display is greatly bene
fitted by tbo use of the California redwood
for )oets and shelving throughout. The
exhibit Is installed by counties, the colleo
tion of goods from each county being under
iho surviston of a special commissioner.
This system has had an admirable effect iu
bringing together a largo display, slnro
ejeh county has put forth great efforts lo ex
cmI Iho other counties ol the Stata.
Saula Clsia county studs a large oolite-
lion of garden seeds, u produot In which
laree interests in that county are engaged
Somo 1400 aores ore devoted to raising tin se
Mull Iu this county, and Santa JUrUra, h
neighboring euuuly, exjairud last year 300
ear of the ftii. Two huudrod aud
frty-tw varWIes are kee ehiUill by
Strong X Cj. Sacramento county Kudj -
tir-iU,,', t.,r .l.rn.futlViii.iies(Sr,..n, Tlimnrl Wlvt'tl TJnm Vpi'V T Oftd" I11""' 1Ia W"S 11,0 "Pf"nll'v nf
hay, Ui9 fourth rrop rsisml Mi llio lame i JJ1 UCIU Ul llil i) llUU lUlA, ilUllul ugul power of TnininAny In our inunl
pleco of land ia n yenr, pennuts, linpi in I cipnl government, but Sheriff Davisoii
bnles and on the vlncf, buckwlnsl and .
other sgrirutlurnt products. Tho figs of
California am exhibited In tbolr preserved
slulo ready for exportation. Tho county
aliio contains a fine quality of clay and
lunlin, whlrh la lepreaenlod both by tbo
nulivo ffclmctia and tho bricks, pottery,
porcelain, etc; maJo therefrom. A very
fine silk exhibit is mada by Mis. Rutler, ol
this county. Tbo rulturo of tho silk worm
Is becoming n yery fn.nrlnnt Induitry
throughout tho Stole, and all tho counties
hove tent exhibit of tho coeonns and tho
fibre, aa reeled oixl fpuii. This couuty nlso
sends aotno fino bunches of gropes and somo
bundles of liquorice, a plant which Cali
fornia nlonc.ol all tho United Stales, Is able
to produce.
nor ta.
"Wharo are you going my pretty maid?"
In n small cuclosuro in Main building a
real dairy is arranged attended by n be
witching young lady, who milks an Alder
ny ow, and serves you n glass of rich,
fresh milk oil for 5 cents. This a novel
feature, ami is liberally patronize! by tho
publiccspeciolly young mon.
Tho Tullman Car Co., occupy n largo
sp.ico oait ot Music Hall devoted to a dis
play In miniature of tho city of Pullman,
III., which is built up principally by lids
enterprising company. Tlioso who ever
saw tho thriving place, can easily rrcng.
ulza this representation, nnd Iboeo who
never saw the original should visit this
Tho Exposition dress club which have
heretofore held its meetings on Mondays,
now convene at 11 a. m. oveiy Wednesday.
Editors and reporters are expected to attend
these meetings.
The private exhibits in Main building.
whether for sale or show, ato' great features
of attraction and nro highly spoken ol by
Many Interesting articles from tho
Hawvuan Ittoncs hnvo arrived and been
placed in good position.
Tbo Chicago, Milwaukee ,t St. Paul
railroad is getting up a indicia' excursion
from the North for tbo Exposition, in Feb
Special to tho C,nD)N AnvrcATis.
IlARni-nrjud, Ta., Feb. 10, '85.
Tho Magistrates bill is finally settled,
Tho Philadelphia, members were fillibns
tering ns much ns they knew how hut it
culminated in i. v.le on Thursday wl ich
resulted iu 122 members in favor nud 72
who wero not in favor. Tbe two third.-.
voto not haling been received tbo Gov,
ernor is sustained in his veto. Amoug
bills rsportcd affirmatively from com
mltlees nero the following; Kegulnting
the hunliug and killing of web-foote.l
wild fowls. Prohibiting tho luanufac
ture nnd salo of intoxicating liquors iu
tho State. To abolish tho payment of
poll tax. ICeduclngthc members lo 100
To prevout treating in salooi s ncd other
pnblia phicrs. Itojuhttiug the running
of traction engines on public nud high
Anions Ihn petitions presented wero
several prayiug for tha passage of n bill
requiring scientifio temperance iuslruo
t tons in our public schools. Que of
theso petitions from Eldred township,
Lyooming county, was signed by 400
voters nu 1 1C7 women. Tutrownsnn
other from Hellefouto signed by 52G vet
ers nnd 326 women. Among bills re
ported en Friday were t'su followlug
Empowering tho Governor lo appoint
special poltco officers. To preveut in
jury to tha property of livery stable
keepers. To prohibit tho fraudulent se
creting of property by n debtor. Of tbe
hills that wtre rend In place tho same
iy thcro was ouo to cornptl insurance
companies doing business iu this State
to deposit $10,000 as n protection to the
creditors of (he company.
Mr. Packer, of Tioga, has introduced
n bill in the House, which csrtaiuly
should become n law, The bill is urged
by tho Auditor Gauefal, It is to pro
vide for the appointment of a State II ink
Examiner whoso duties shall bo similar
lo those of the Nitloual Hiuk Examiner,
He is to iuspect nil the ilauks, nuke a
report to Iho Auditor Geueral nnd in
quire into tho workings of tho State
lianks iu geueral. This is certainly a
good bill nnd should uj passed by nil
moaus. Your correspondent n Bhort
time ngo had occasion to look over the
statements of botno of the privalu Banks
in the State department und tbete be
discovered that the business done by
some of them, in fact the mot of them
is of tho very worst kind. Some of them
havo Bout in reports shonins that they
have not niado nuy money for several
yoars, In fact are losinu nil the time. It
is unfortuuato that poor, hard-working
people should bo so misled nnd should
have such unbounded confidence, iu these
ko called limits. The majority of them
will be compelled to close up soorer or
later and jf tho people throughout tho
State aro wise they will not put more
money in Ihcso institutions than they
can afford lo lose.
IJ Jib tho Heuato nnd Houso bavo done
solitilo work this week that to givo a
resume of what they did leavs me almost
entirely without nous. Tbo peopln will
probably como to tho conclusion that
tbo senators uud members nro not work
ing nt all, but that is u mistake. 'Ihey
are Hard at work iu tbe committee rooms
and will bo there fur n week to come iu
order to get bills ready to report for no-
'.ton by the House uud Seuate.
It occurs to mo here that tho yeutila
tiou of tbo House is very bad uud a num
ber of member., havo been overcome by
tbo hcut and bad air. This matter has
been referred lo n special committee nnd
a report is expected Irom them daily.
If ihey delay much longer the member
who havo beeu buffering tho most nre
determined to take active measures in
correcting tho evil.
Tho city this wetk is gajlv decked
with flags, both of Iho Stars nud Stripes
und those representing the Graud Army
Badge. It is all in honor of tho "Hoys
iu niuo" who lueet hero this week in con
vention. Hauilreds of them are here nl
ready, but owiug to tho iutenso cold
w father they ore not able to be about as
they deiaire. Ou Tuesday oveulng they
bad a camp fire iu tho Opera Houso nt
which they spoko patiiotio speeches nnd
saug old songs. Ttu sceuo was n grand
one and many recollections were recalled
lay the bravo bo is who fought Iu the
grt struggle. Net only iu tbo oity but
over every deek tlutt wan occupied by a
Hwnvtwr of the Q. A. It -iltt Mir of
AmerUwu 6 tho Kiting (Be House st
patriotia aspect, ,
"pecini in mo LARnoK Adtocats i
For a perton roinanllcnlly Inclined, nnd
who enn dolieht in a cenuino ceniottnn,
Now York Is tho place to live. Just think
of ttio pleeiure one experieneca on going lUioacvclt Committee which led to his In
out in the morning, after kissing your wifu dlclment.
and tho babies, lo bo struck by a flying And now Ihcy are going for Ihe.ecalp of
aliot from tho biilhlog of an Avenger, or
cent aky high by a dynamite bomb, hurled
on Its mission ol death by funic corn red
Irygnods clerk, who having got drunk was
ui'ciinigeu irom ins suuaiion, ami ihfn
sought to rovengo himself by blowing up
his employers' store. It Is a nieo week's
record for our ornerly rily, wllh fivo mil
lions of dollars worth of Police. Sunday,
February 1st, "Terrible dvnamilo rxnlrs
ion, right In tho heart of the eltvj" Mon-
lay, February 2, "An attempted assassina
tion on oco of tho principal thoroughfares
in the middle of tho day. At night n (ear
ful riot, where several hundred Socialist,
of Iho raw head and bloody bones kind, at
tacked a body of police, and I am proud to
asy that tho pnllco covered themsetyes willi
glory and the floor ofConeordla Hall, with
dislocated and haltered Socialists. Tho
socialists began tho war, they attacked tlia
nolico with chairs, spittoons, lager beer
mugs and whatever como hondy. There
wero only Captain McCullough nod threo
policemen at tho start; Herr Most anil Jus
tus Schwab with several hundred at their
backs made It yery lively ond warm for tho
finest, but as soon ns the resorves n.rivcd,
the tide of battle turned clubs wero trumps
an 1 they took every trick. I haye frequent
ly had occasion to grumblo at the police;
but Iho clubbing they gave tbo Socialists on
Monday night, who' wero spoiling for a
fight, like charity, covers a multitudo of
faults. I feel liko excla'mlng In the fulness
or my eoul, "Well done, good ami faithful
servants, club 'cm nguin." We oro gradu
ally nwuking to tha fact that things are
changing. In the oldec time, or tbo good
old time, if you plesso, the employer said
when his shop should bo opened, nnd when
it should bo closed now that soil of thing
Is donn by tho clerks; tho owner of the shop
ha; nothing to say about it. In those days
it tho clerk did not liko his employer he
left him, and if tho employer did not like
his clerk ho discharged him this plan is
somewhat alteied now. It is Irue, that the
clerk reserves to himself tho light of leav
ing whenever ho pleases, but if the em
ployer discharges him, or does not shut up
when told lo do so, bo Is in danger of being
beaten lo death, or of having his windiws
smashed, and his houso blown up, and all
of Ins property destroyed. Now York is
one of the great cities of tho wurhl. In tho
space ofa few miles thcro aro two millions
nf people. New York and Brooklyn,
though representing two municipalities, oro
virtually ono city, bound together as close
ly as the parts of Paris divided b the
Seine, or the districts of London divided by
tho Thames. Our freedom has been our
constant boast, and notwithstanding the
drcadlul scenes of riot through which we
have passed, wo appeared to think that our
social condition was much heller and safer
than the social con i ion of our neighbor.-"
To day wo are brought faeo lo face with the
bard fact, that wo are standing on a vol
cano, which may burstotony moment, in
volving us iu such ruin ami disaster us we
have never known before. Tho triumph
ot anarchy and riot, howeyer, would only
bo of short duration. While Iho criminal
classes whoso business and pastimo ate
murder and Itieft have a mighty following,
and are capable ol much mischief, we have
hero too the elements of social order repro
sented by a well drilled body of lour
thousand police, who havo frequently
proved themselves equal to tho most try
ing emergency; Ihey may occasionally take
a surreptitious glass of whisky when on
duty; inuko luvo lo tho pretty servant girls,
or be blind to the fact that there is such
thing as a gambling houso or a bagnio on
their beats: but when il comes to fighting a
mob and quelling n riot, Ihey are there
every time. In addition to this, wo can
muster twenty regiments nf well drilled and
braye soldiers In an hour; nnd while it is
pussiblo that sooner or later the city may
tulfer from one of those sudden end viulenl
eruptions to which nil great cities are li
able, wo have no fear of the final result, a rid
when tho crisis is past the retribution will
have been so terrible that you will hare no
more of socialistic murder or dynamite as
sanitation lor many years. It is not
pleasant, nevertheless, to bavo our pub'in
streets turned into a Wiiiiblcdoin or Creed
moor, or lo hav our dry goods stores made
a theater for dynamite experiments.
Concordia Hall has beeu the headquar
ters of Socialists nnd dynamiters for several
years past. Quo Justus Schwab, n loisy
ruffian, who keeps agin mill, has beeu a
prominent ica.ier. It Is auout ten years
since he tackled the police last. Thtro was
a riotous meeting in Tompkins Equore, and
tho polieo had orders to disperse it, Herr
Schwab undorlook to ilisnerso tbo nolico
He armrd himscll with a halchrt,anil wont
in, and when he came out he lookod liko a
possible subject for a coroner's iuauest. He
was a badly battered Socialist his friends
could not recognlio him for a week, and
whilo ho frequently behind hi barinvcighs
against the tyranny of '.ho police, ho bus
always contrivol since that time to keep
out of tho way of their clubs. I hope he
was not as forlunato ns usual on Monday
night, and that ho got n taste of Iho locust
Irom '-One of Iho Finest." Nothing but a
good drubbing will bring theso lellows to
llioir smses; to imprison them only gives
them better food and shelter than most ol
them have been used to, aud I think a ;
liceman's club well wielded, will be a much
better euro for socialism in our midst than
flue or imprisonment.
The events of tbo past week have not
been unproductive of good. Wo havo been
awakened to a realization of the danger
that surrounds us, and honest citizens are
banding together iu defence of social order.
Tho miscreants who blew up McOurry's
store will not escape. Society has toe
much at stake to let tho villains go unpun
Uhod. We must hunt them down If it
costs a million of dollars lodo it, and when
Ihey are found make an example oflhem
that will not be forgotten by the present
But there Is dynamite lit work in politi
cal circles, and since the inauguration of
Mayor Grace there has beeu a rattling
among the dry bones such as we have not
heird since tbe Tweed ring fell. When the
Kin; robbers were scatterel to tho four
quarters of tbe globe, aud became raga
bonds upon tbo faoe of the c-arlh, Joel Stcv
eus, woo wua unoer-sueriu, anil really a
much bigger man than the Sberlfl' Iiinittlf,
held tbe fort egaiust all ctmers. Sheriirs
mine In and Sheriffs went out, but it made
'" ""'- """"ruiea
and Reformers put thani lo maht, but it
disturbed not Joel, He iwmed to have
tueh a pull that no 8beritt, no mattar what
Ul, 1iil, dsred to ,iv him the grsul
UwiMW. Joel semed lo lm as mueli of a
fixture as the pillars iu front of the Ci y
no dill'erence to Joel. Itin - thieves ruled
marked him forllin xe, and on Mondnv
his bod fell. Tnnimnnv lain sackcloth
and etliea. The Sheriff eu'ieted Joel ol
giving the surreptitious Ibforinnllon to the
the renowned Csptnin llllnnia, who hearB
tho distinguished titlo of tho clubber. Ilia
locust has been n terror to evil-doers for
years) even tho great knocker out John Ij.
Su'livan did not enro to test lis quality
lint II is said that gambling houses llouiish
iu Iho Captain's bailiwick, and that ho has
waxed fat therein. certain it is that Iho
Captain hath a comfortable bank account,
nnd that bo owuclh many brown stone
houses and other valuablo things, such as
it would bo difficult to compass nn a police
caplalu's salary. Should tho charges
against him now be proved, a notable figure
will disappear from the police force, and it
may render possible the execution of the
law against gambling, which up to the pres
ent timo has been a dead letter.
Tho department ol Public Works has not
csetped tho storm, nnd tho new commls
sinner, Uollin M. Squiro, who four weeks
ago was considered tho luek!e3t man in
New York, may find tho stormy path of
New Yolk politics liko Jordan, a hard road
lo travel. The men who aided his election
nro cursing their folly, as well "they may,
for tho only rccommendatlcn that Iho man
possessed lor one of the most important
officos in tho State of.New York was, that
they knew nothing about him. Tl o
truckling politicians who participated iu
the deal have learned something of him
since, and that something was nolle the
advantage of Mr. Squire. So they deter
mined that they would put him on tho
gridiron, and they did it most effectually
by striking his name from Iho hill consti
tuting the now aqueduct commission.
When Iho explosions look placo Lord
Garmoylo got out of town by tho earliest
express. Ho has been fairly hunted down
by interviewers, ami your first class New
York Interviewer is a most extraordinary
person. Ho wakes you up at two n clock
ill Ihn inornln',', makes you get out of bed,
he helps himself rom your cigar case, take!
n drink without Invitation from your priv
ato bottle, spits nil oyer Iho carpet, seals
himself down in your easy chair, cocks his
leet up on tho center table, and then coolly
asks you lo giye an account nf yoursell
from the hour of your birth with glimpses
of t ho history of your sisters, your cousins
nnd your aunts, and as an additional favor
requests that you will contra lict the libels
wl.i.h he had manufactured out of
wholo cloth in tho p ip;r ol tho previous
dav. Miss Dudley has had an excellent
epportunity'to sample- them, ond-I presume
the is not favorably impressed
Notwithstanding tho tremendous threats
of retribution by tho friends of O'Donovan
Itossa, nobody Is ofrutd, things go on as
usual. When Itidley ai.d Metiarry gel
their windows put in aud tho duiuage re
paired, caused by tho late dynamite, cxplns
ion, you will find tho stoles more crowded
than ever, end in u couplo ofwteks the af-
air will bo forgotten, except by McGarry
and tho polico.
It is not generally known that Miss
Fortescuo, tbo lucky coinpluinant In tho
Garmoylo case, is not unknown In New
York. She was engaged in small parts ul
tho Standard Theatre at fifteen dollars a
week. When nho comes back she will
command moro ducats than when she went
awoy. Tor a few weeks, at least, she will
be cheap at $500 a night.
It was n violent shock lo mlno host ol
the Filth Avenue Hotel when President
clei t Cleveland turned his back upon that
popular hostelry, and tucked his legs undo'
tho mahoguny of mine host of tho Victoria
It is true that tho Filth Avenue has been
rulher recognized as o Republican house,
that is to fay, that all Ihn Itepublican Presi
dents have stopped there, but then you
must recollect that wo havo had nothing
oiso but Itspublican Presidents since it was
buill, But it seemed lo havo a lien on the
K.teculiyo business, 1 suppose because it
was a tree blow out plenty to ent and
drink and nothing t pay. But Iho new
President starts off on a new truck, and
insists upon paying his bills, a most excel
lent habit, oven in Presidents, and while
he does it I hope his shadow will never
grow less. Ed. Stokes made sure that he
would take his tu'kcy and cranberry sauce
nt the National Democratic Headquarters
during tbe lute campaign, and it was said
that Stokes set up Iho champagne and
broiled quail for Dan Manning, in order lo
have him use his lulltience with the Presi
dent elect to havo him coma to tho Ilolf-
man. Dan cat tho quail and drank tha
champaguo and then forgot all about it, or
if ho did say anything Mr. Cleveland piid
no attention to It, ns he doubtless thought
the llolfiuan a li tilts olf color.- In all ol Us
nppointnieuts no hotel in New York sur
passes it.and for eating, nnd style whether
iu the quality nf the cookery or the mngn!
licence ot the charges it is up tohiuh water
mark with tho nobbiest hotels ill New York
or ony other lavored city. If you wlmc ut
a waiter it costs you a half a dollar, while
anything like n respectablo dinner far tiro
will knock the bottom olf a ten dollar bill.
It is a yery nobby hotel, .a first class place
for bachelois who hale plenty of money,
und are not afraid of being talked of. Thn
house with allot its elegant and expensive
appointments has a strong flavor of horso
and the prize ring. If there is a specially
good mill in some gentleman's back parlor,
or a prize .'!ui;;er match at ten dollars a
ticket, exclusively for the edification of
gentleman you can generally catch on to
It (In the polite ycrnaaular of New Yoik)
In Ed. Stokes' elegant barroom; I supposo
tho President took this into consideration,
and thought il woul 1 not be exactly tie
thing for the first gentleman In the Re
public to do, so he went to tbe Victoria
Perhaps O'Dsnovan Uoss.a thinks tho fait
of liis going lo the Victoria bus a suspicious
flavor. The dynamiters saw a terrible
Mirteut ol evil In tha opening of our big
bridge.ou the Queen's birthday. However,
he Is ut the Victoria and exceedingly com
fortable; and notwithstanding tho mishaps
to two Republican Presidents, no seutrlis
guard the door, nelhiug more formidable
than a very light breasted waiter. Tho
President goes In and out without fear of
pistol or dynamilo, though tbo city Is as
full of cranks as a hornet's nest is full of
hornets. There aro lots of palriolsdylng lo
serve their country, end only wailing for
Mr. Cleveland to give them a chance.
But while the town Is full of wicked
pililicians, wo are not altogether without
th moans of salvation and grace. An
evangelist from the South, named the Hev.
Sain Jones has been giving the devil a very
lively tussel at Dr, Talmagt's church In
fcy , g,tljfing lnners lulu the
,''7by the sre. Ther is . ripe hsrvest
fr Bniihoi JuneVsioklo In Ibeeity ehurebos,
and hoping that tlx) tod of advatuu
"''. .h Mtt,UH ,M fj" ou fu"ow
,w,ul', aw' y-ur, ,ry(
List of Patents granted to citizens of Pa.,
for liio week ending, Tuesday, Febr. 10,
188.1, compiled Irom tho Official llecords of
of Iho United Slates Patent Ou1ce,expres!ly
for the CAttno.x Am ocatr by Sutrur
HmsiiEAns, Patent Attorney, Solicitor and
Expert, No. (137 F dtieet, N W.. Washlne
Ion. of whom cples, nnd Information may
oo nan:
llmry Alder, Pittsburg, coal vase.
William II. Dirge, Oil City, sand pump.
Win H. Ihinmoro.Oonnelsrille, nut lock.
A. .T. I'arvlc.SIeadvllle, lino for clothos or
(loo. U. Oarrlson, , typc-wrllor.
W, P. (llnter lliighesvlllo, brndilrlver,
David Orimths, Eaypt, M'f'r. ofllydraullo
T. Jacoby, Mlontown, tug.
David It. Lewis, Johnstown, stopper for
Thomas Malcoltnsoa, Oil Oily, steam gov
crnor (ro Issuo).
Do Witt O. Markham, Towanda, pitman
lor mowers.
K. V.lMcOandlcs, ile-oxldltlngsbcet metal.
P. McOauley, l'lttsburic, lire front.
David Mercer, liothlchcin, balanced volvo.
T. K, Mills, 1'lttsburK, lnonooyele.
Thos. J. Morse, Erlo, machine. Tor tapping
pipes, he.
A. Mnxham, Johnstown, rail rolllnn: mill.
It. S. Pcnnoman, Jcnklntown, protected
nttraloofatuinonla for uso In cxploslvo com.
John A. rrlco, Scranlon, water-heater for
stoves and ranges.
J. T. Konley, Johnstown, rod rolling- mill.
John and A. S. Scott, Cain, Chostcr coun
ty, vehicle shafr,
O. W. Shoornukcr, Dalton, friction vcarlog
J. II. Snodgrass, MlMlnburg, rluo sprlric
for vehicle.
O. Wager, Union City, wlno & elder press.
T. Weaver. Ilorrlsburic, weatherstrip.
Jos Woller, Trcxlorlown, nicdlcol com-
A Lady's Perfect Companion.
Paixi.k.'s Ciiii.Dniitrn, a new book by Dr
lobu II. Dye, ono of Now York's most
ikillful physicians, shows that pain Is not
necessary in Childbirth, but results from
auses easily understood anjovcrcomn ll
rlonrly proves that nny woman may be
...mull iDuuii-i tviinnui gum-ring any pain
whatever. It also tells how lo overcome
and prevent morning sicsnesa. swelled
limbs, and nil oilier ovlls attending preg
tianev. tl U rnUnhtu utt.l l.lnl.l.. .....1 1
: ' - .. .-,,., bi-i,
by physicians everywhere ns a wile's true
priviiiii compinion. Cut this out ; It will
...... p,..,.. .ul, ..., j-,i?aii,iv v,nir 1IIU
Send two ceut stamp for descriptive circu
I..- ,..,i.n..nt .,. . rt, . ... , ..
ma, icatHMinii.xi una iuuii iiiniiHi leuer
sent In seiled envelope. Address Frank
1HO.MA3 Uo., t'liblnherj. Baltimore, Md.
Chanire Swindlers Arrested.
Saturlav two spuce-lnoking men, named
Charles II. Smith nnd Harry T.
wero arm tad in llcotown-for working the
"confussion dodge" on n number ol copie
on the East Penn Railroad. Friday thev
went lo Fleetwood, where Ihey entered tbe
the store of U-iffsnydcr A Merkln and pur
chased a pilr of gloves, offering a firiy
dollar bdl In piyment. By a quick move
ment Ihey extracted a twenty dollar bill
frsni the pile of change and pul a ten
dollar bill in Us p'ace will oat the c'rrk
noticing the trick They said they were
short ten dollars and the clerk, supposing
he had innde a mistake, handed over
another ten dollar b 11. Next Ihey yisited
tho cigar store of E. Weston and here ten
dollars weio secured. They then hired n
learn und were drive.n to Lyons Station and
entering the store of Lowis Miller bo eg tit n
pair of gloves and tendering n twenty
dollar bill In payment, but the clerk not
having change for that amount tiny left
and entered Birto's Hotel, where thev
spent money freely. One of thm laid
down the twenty dollar bill and when Ihe
bartender gaye him Ihe change he counted
it nnd it was found lo bo fivo doilars short.
A wrangle ensued, tbo bartender insisting
that ho laid ilun a ten dollar hill among
tho change and Smith claimed that be
only received a fivo dollar bill. The bar
lender subsequently handed over another
five dollar bill, believing ho hail made n
mistake. Tho sharpers next visited Toplon
and tried their gaino on Landlord Fisher,
but the hitler caught on to tbe racket anil
tho men left for Allcntown, where Ihey
were arrested An officer from Fleetwood
followed Ibom and arrested Ihem. Situr
day ultcrnoon they were taken to Fleetwo- d
and had a hearing before Squiro Dnmali,
who committed Ihem lo the Heading jail.
Boiler Explosion.
Aoout half-past cloven o'clock Friday
night a terrific explosion occurred in tl e
boiler house of the colliery of Liudcrmi.n,
Skeer .V Ca., at Humboldt, a lew miles
from Hnzleton. Tho flremin, William
Culp, was in tho Jiouso where there lire
eight largo boilers and hail just wulked
away from the one that exploded. The
first intimation ho had of anything of tbo
kind was tho terrible shock and tho noise
of tho explosion. The bailer house was
completely demolished und bricks, large
pieces of iron, umber und ether debris were
were thrown hundreds of leet away. So
great was the force of Iho explosion that
piece of tho boiler weighing a ton and
half was hurled a distance of two hundred
yards when it crashed through a dwelling
houso occupied by tho families ofjumcs
Carpenter aud William Leonard. Tho
whole lower part of the front of the house
was broken in and nil tho furniture in the
lower rooms was badly demolished. The
ocenpauts were steeping iu tho house, but
none of them wero injured. Thecscqeol
Culp, tbe fireman, frumseiious injury was
almost miraculous, lie was completely
covered by the debris, but was only slightly
injured. Patrick Boylr, the engineer, was
iu the engine, houso and was seriously
scalded, besides sustaining other injuries.
For u hundred yards ill every direction
tho debris was scattered about on the
ground. No ono seems tu know the causo
of tho explosion , but il is to be investigated.
Frcddlo Foulk, It) years old, tha slab,
picker boy tbat was crushed in the rolls at
breaker No. 0, Summit Hill, ou Saturday,
died about an hour alter beiug taken houir.
He was buried Monday afternoon at two
Dr. E. II. Kiitler, for a long time a
resident ol Summit Hill, moved to Luna
ford boroig'ilast week, where he will
permanently bcato and make his home.
dring I h your election tickets early.
Printed while you wait.
Rspnrled up lo 12 o'clock, by D Haven i
Townseiid,Ilaukers,Ku. 3ft S Third Street,
Philadelphia. Stocks bought and eolJ
either for cash or on margin.
i',.ia.e.i.:a, Feb., Ilili 1S85
bid usked
IT SVs, Ext 101 J
U S Currency tVs 127
US It. new 1121 11. J
U S 4's 122 1224
l'-nii.vl vj.mii, ii R ii 51)
Philadelphia & Heading R It 81 '
Lehigh Valley 11 R 5rJ 58
Laliigli eVul .v Navigation Co...... 32 SVi
Hub". X. Y. Phlta. It U Co Ij 3
Vew Jersey Onlrul 38 39
Northern Paeilie Own 17 I7J
" " l'refd -101 m
Orefo i Transcontinental 13 11
b'i.iuu Paoiflo : M 56
wtu.rn Union Ki 03
W -st Share IK 31 Dt
Leuisyilks A Nashville C J0J
Silver, (Trade) H St)
Aro prepared lo sell to Dealers, Lime Humors nnd CotiMir
ers, nt their BREAKER nt LEIlIGliTON, Pa .
At MaiflchlCInHBik IBi6Hoe
Delivered into wngons at tho following rates, 2240 lbs. to
the ton :
Lehigh Egg, -
" Stove, -
Chestnut No. 1
Chestnut No. 2,
Jnly 1,
Fail ami Winter Trade !
fee.. &e. Our YeunL" Ladles and Oenllemon
call heliro nurHuismir elsewhere, as thot
Town AT U01TOM I'ltlOLS.
Oil Post Ofe Enildiiifi,
AprI 4, 1831-lj
'Ho! For New Goods!
81 1111
Have received an enormous stock of OIIOICE GOODS,
Groceries, Queensware, etc.
Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehightoi?.
-5 Str-3 3 3
U--"rl.S,J g a
Wie'o S.o u
- J A o. 5 ft
w -3 2 er
fe- 3 " r r J?
g s
5. mrf;
i'S ?
i S 1 - ?
1 223-2
K-Uahli-hed la'6'J. PackaRe Free,
T Vonham S.l!o. i'ronrletorf. Ihltadeluhla.-t) not nil to try this tiilendld pree,r
.,..V,VI.r hi..ii,i Unit breiililnir from AsHuna, Hay rer. er Cliroalc llrenchlUs. Il Is is
nleasjiit Inhallnir reiuedv. irolnic at onco to the
and i-iislllre relief In every
Pul up In
Iiignion, ra
Wullil'u Trcplcal end Polar Esplcrcrs,
or THIS N"I!TH l'"I.E.
All tho achievements, discoveries, travels,
and adventures or t lie ureal cxi'lercr. with
descriptions nrwunderlul countries, customs
and hullis of straniro nnd curious people,
animals. hJrds and reptiles; Ihe Menders
and ureal National (Jurfsotlci of thu Tropi
cal and 1'olar Worlds; a record nfimirrelmis
Ihlnus on the cirth, a full history nlalllho
Wund's itreatest wonders and f uniius es
iilurailons. In no antendld, luw prieed, pro-
lusuly llluslriited voluiua. UmurnelnK In 1
the trontoi oil ihe travels and (llsauverles of I
.eo aniKlrant Sir HJinuoi ll.ikernndl
wife, Iiivlnyslonv, Slanlej-, llu rlilllu. Wal
lace Lunjr, hqulor, and nuinernue th-rs: In j
the Artie reKluns, l-ranklln. Kane, Hayes,
11 n 11 . ReUwjtk'a. Del.onir. (Ireelv an I many '
olheis: lurmlnx a cumplele cneyeluwdla of
HTt.lnriitlim. lllseuverv Nnd AdreulUftt In
all pans or the Worl, wllh a history uT s.iv
AK races, airarige beasts, birds und reptiles, '
aud (treat National Wanders, a bonk ol Iu- '
estimable value and rnpld ulllu qualities. '
Nearly SOO quartu paxes, over 300 st lendld t
illustrations, low price, eulsellt all uther
bMiks. Agents waiiied on Salary or Torn
ratwUn. Write for J'letorlal circular and
extra terms. Address.
l'.Q a. 7 la St.. rnUadelMls, l a,
Tho undersigned calls the attends
of his many friends and pa treat testis
Large and Fashionable Stock ot
Fall and Yinler Goods,
Consisting of
Ofevcry description and Style In tha
Market, Including a (fecial line of
Lady's Fine Shoes
Also, a fall lino of
Hats, Caps,
will find It In their i i.-il
will And the JiEST SEI.KdTS.n RTner -
stiluf thedlseasei remorinst ids roosns or
Largo lluzts eui sold j T, 1),
Theibas L4-
a a TP "DILLS, all sizes, Cheap.
DALh JDAt jjjC Atete offlcn(
I Carbon Advocate i
Cheap Printing jl
MA 1 1 IS8
Hi S-S"Sg?? :sl Z,
11- E? 3 L .3;Bfi2.sS