'Aa Old SoIdtar'BiGEMS of THOUGHT. EXPERIENCE.. " ColTott, Tcx.it, lift)' 3, U12. " I wish to express my appreciation at the Taluablc quail ties ot Ayers Cherry Pectoral kj n coujh remedy. " While with Cliurjlilll's army, Just boforo tho battle of VicUsburg, I contracted a so Ycro colli, w'alcli terminated lit a dangerous t-ough. 1 faun J no ullcf till on our march T.o canto if it country store, where, oil asking; tit soma rciueJy, 1 trae urgoj to try Avni'a C'uuuitv rixroitAL. " I did 0, and wks rapidly cured. Since then I liato kept the 1'ncTOitAL constantly by r.if , for family use, and 1 havo found It to bo en Invaluable remedy for throat and lung, diseases. J- V. Wuitlev." Thomanda of tcstlmaiilals certify to tho prompt euro of all bronchial tuul lunff directions, by tho use of Ayeii's CHEJtr.Y I'kctoual. Being very palatablo, tho young est children Uio It readily, ' rnEr.vucD or Dr.J.C.Ayor&.Co.,Lowcll,IVlass. Sold by all Druggists. KortH CarolinA Tenant Farmers M PAY HIGH RESTS ! Why be Subject to Late and Eauly Frosts Which Kill Your Young Plants and Injure Your Crops. CcnfJ tho Terms to Tenant Tanners (JIvcn by North Carolina Land Onutrs. Tin Immigration Dureau of North Caro Ini hare In chi f some Iniprovrd farms for lent to Northern tenant farmers on ll.o fob owhiK conUlllir.s. which are the usual terms of rent charged In this State: 1st, C11CA1N AND UUASS I'AItM. Tho land owner furnishes land, houses and pays nil taxes and expenses of ImpioWns; houses, stables and buildings. Tho tenant lnroior furnishes horses, touls and labor, nnd receives TWO UMIIDS OF UIIOI'H. The cnant firtnor Isnlloived free nfrent garden r.d vegetable patches. IIo Is also allowed to rail stock, hogs and chickens and rccclvi all proceeds Irotn the ralo of them. 3nd, TOIIAOCO, QUAIN AND GRASS FA1151S. Tho InnJnvrner furnishes land, houses and pays nit Inn mid txpcnscsof Improving houses, etablrs and buildings Tho tenant f.innr furnlshss horser, tools and labor, rccolvlii Threo-lourths of tho to. laeco and Two-thirds oftlia uru In crops. The ton&nt farmer Is allowed frcoof rent as In the ubuvo mentioned tarni No 1. Srd, TOIIAUOO. UltAIN AND OI1ASS, FAltllS. Tho land-owner turnlil.es land. In uses, feou fur horses, tools, rcpnlriiw and seeping; In order of touls and pays all taxes Tho tenant farmer furnishes nil tho manual labor) recMring Onc.half of all crops raised. Tho tenant farmer receives free of rent as in first rueutloned farm X'o. 2. Uli, COTTON, OKA1N AND TOBAC CO KAHMS. Ilcr.tcdeiae'ly on fame terms li tho above Tobacco, drain and (trass Tarni Nd S; or If tenant farmer furnishes borsci and tools, he recelvesTwo-lMrils of tho gnlu aui Three-fourths ot tho cotton. Advaktages of Locating in North Carolina. Uf.lM ATE. While tho cold Is net so sc. vert, the temperature of mid. summer Is net xoosslve or tr!nit as farther North. Our seasons nro longer, and thercforo our crops are not killed by lato or early frosts. Till! SOU, Is of a varletv of compositions --clayey, grnvellv lime stone, slate, sandy loam, eto llitsgrsntvarlelyiifsollsnnd the mildness and advantages of climate will ac count for tho variety or products. SOCIUTV. No section In tho Union has betlkr sxeeuted liws. Tho blessings o f polit ical, civil and religious liberty nro no where taoro fully protected than tn N, U. IN' "(J UN III! A I.. Tho Bro.it fertility of ourlinds, tho Mildness of our climate, tree from the scorching and withering heat of the South and tho extreme cold and frocscs of tho North go to show that North Carolina is surely tho most favored agricultural section 1 Ametlta. Nature has not only stvin us tbcadvantagts ofproJuelng, but It lias pro. Idea us with watcr-poncr to work up what the soil produces for us. I sollolt correspondent!) from tenant firm- ors la the Northern and New llnglaud States. I wilt furnish persons low rato round-trip trausportlan from IJoston, New York or Hal. ttinoro to North Carolina, so as to th e them as opportunity of seeing the farms that aro offered for rent. All farms advertised by us for rent haro dntlllDg-houscs and oul-bulld!ngs on them, ilelng a regular employe of the Agricul tural Department of North Carolina, 1 inalto sio ihaigcfoc information given ur services isnjercdpotsoas seeking h- ines In tho Mate. I wlllbo pleased to furuhh descriptive lists of lands ollered fur sale In North Carolina to all persons who will write mo. JNO. T. PATRICK, Stale Immigration Agent, 11ALE1GIJ, N. C. rcbrusrr 1. 1IM-Y1 It is easy to look down on othiis; to- look down on ourselves is the difficulty. --A talent is perfected in solitude; a character in the stream of tho world. It is in vain for a man to bo bom fortunately, if he be unfortunate in his manage. 'When workmen strike to do better than well tiiev do confound their skill in eovctousncss. A wide, rich heaven hangs above you, but it hangs high; a wide rough world is around you, and it lies very low. Evorv one of vour actions is rewarded or punished. IFo may not discern it, or if we do, arc too proud to admit it J o grow okl is quite natural; being natural, it is beautiful; and if we grumble at it, wo miss the lesson and lose all tho beauty. Tho crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him in employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statutes, or songs. Life is made up. not of great sacificcs or duties, but of little things, of which smiles and kindness and small obligations, given habitually, arc what win and preserve the heart and secure the comfort. The church bells ol inumcrable sees are all chime bells to day, ringing in sweet accordance throughout main lands, and awaking a givat jov' in the heart of our com mon humanity. ALL SORTS. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser liatlnit been wrmanei.tlv eurednf that dread disease. Consu tap lion, by atliuple rem-dv. Is anxious to make known l'i bis fellow sufferers the means ol cure. To nil who desire It. ho mil tend a copy of tho Kssorlidl m (Kiee), ulih the dlieoilons lor preparing and usiue trie saino wlileb ihey mil find a sure cura for Oouitlis, Colds, I'on oniiiior., Asthma, llrimrl.lt U, he. 1'arlios wtsblur the prenptiwi, will please address, Jtuv 11 A WILSON, m l'tan Street, WlUlauisburgb, N. Y. i.oSI Iy WIN: noro mmry than at anything else by nknir an aeeut v t r itin ia-m silim.' book nut If. tiuoeri snee. ei k inu- 1 Nnd. I.I T-rtusfree. Uali ktt It h.k Us Jo. i o I Sis'. I ucoiuly Ovstcrs denosit about one million eggs. A sinjrinr muscle i found on the coast of Ceylon Read our corresnondcnci from 1 larrisbunr. New Oileam and New York. The pulse of a hen 140, of a cat 110 to 120 of: dog 90 to 100, and of an ox yoto 42. The whale swims by ikinr the water Yin anil down, instead of laterally with a fin-like hoiiz mtal tail The cavities in the bones 'I quadrupeds are filled with marrow, Those in Ion bones ol birds and in skull contain air. A Philadelphia firn pumps its molasses from tin wharf to its storclnmt through a pipe line, to av .i delays and cartage charges. Mr. Jul. Catlin.a we Mr resident of Hartford, Conn! nnd a lieutenant-"-overnor iv the State during the war, cal culates that in the sixtv-sevnn years in which he has been i smoker,hc has spent $200,001 lor cigars. Tho microscope lcveab that there are more than 4,000 muscles in a caterpillar, am that the eye of a drone con tains 1 ,000 mivrr is. The. c nr spiders as small as a grain o' sand, and they spin a thread so fine that it would rcquin 400 of them to equal the siz ol a single hair. Cannon Point, Ga.. claims 'the honor of havin the only olivo grove in tin United States whose fruit it- used for the manufacture oil. It contains 1(50 brnvin trees, which were planted over 100 years ajro. The grove yielded 200 pillions oil this year. The ocean, as well the land, has different botan cial regions, and changes arc observed with the depth analagous to the variations ol terrestrial plants to the alt!. tude. Marine vegetation seems to have its vertical extent determined by the raiiL'e ol light in the water, whinh varies with the power of the sun and the transparency of tho water Isy a proclamation of George III., date Oct. 7.1160. grants of lands in America were authorized to tho m duccd officers and discharged solders who had served during the French and Indian war 5000 acres each to field offi cers, 3000 to captains 2000 to subatlerns and staff officers. 2)0 to non-commissioned officers, fifty to private soldiers, of ol as The Shropshire Z?ovn Sheep, says The American Cultivator, aro rapidly com ii g into fiivor in this country, They are hardy, very prolific, and will keep well in large flocks. Tho lambs from n Shropshire buck on n com mon native ewe will bo larger than without u cross. They arc so good feeders that at u very early ago they can bo given n ration of oats daily, while to the more delicate native lambs such feeding, unless very carefully con ducted, will often do as much harm as good. From a single grain of wheat planted in 18til, says the Grass Valley (Cal.) Itccord, grew twenty two stalks; each bearing a full head. These yielded 8G0 grains, 760 of which were planted the next year, producing one-fifth of a bushel of splendid wheat. This was planted last spring, yielding seventeen bushel, making 1,020 pounds of wheat from one grain m three years. I.ovctt'9 Ouldo to Frnlt Culture. Of all tho publications of nurserymen thcr: is no other that can ho compared with Lovctl's Guide tn Fmit Culture, it is rcnlly a vnl uablo work on Horticulture, giving, os il does, full instructions for nlnnting, pruning, cultttro nnd manngcincnt ol fruits of nil kinds, and impartial descriptions of nil worthy va rieties. It Is a book of over 70 pages, with an illuminated cover, elegantly printed and em bellished with hundreds of engravings and several colored plates Into to nature. I'ricc, with colored plates, 10 els. i without plates, 0 cts. Everybody at all interested in fruit culturo should send to J. T. Lovclt, LittlJ Silver, New Jersey, and get a copy. . - c ir iuj it.tvt to zr tj lixi lfr VCU WILL HEED tZ, ggjj, ajg rCa HAVE YOU A rSARrDEft!? K3 rssn ess: AnJ nllluAnt ltt tltlia ImiI mniifv. TIin tnv new Seed Catalonia will inrprUa yon, $o nutter era ynn lima been dealing t mU tr mittri. It Is euUc.1 Frro lc iilIaudjou ottglit Co Iuuc it Lefare luif Itttf art) where. Wlfl. H. EV3AULE, 1S9 s 131 Front St., Philadelphia. 9 cniln ana Trtpu-tvrltinir hiche. Situdiio.ii LilurullicJ. Addicsa Yaluutlu. Oros.,.accsvllla,Vtj. CO.M:ut;, NBVAI5K, NKIVJEESKV. Oceupl-s three Itollrllnis. f .antes! nnd It.st More !A4!ifnnK for ertiilnpti- ttinn all other srilioot'n rim blneJ. ur' o .rhlt. so. Wrllo for rtreulars. COLEIIAN, l'ALMD i CO., rroprleton. doe. '.'My, LI BSLAKD nOME Stock Farm, Crasso Ue, VVayno Co., Milch. SAVAGE & I'AimUM, VxtcraiETons. PI tatre:! Io. K 0157). IPercheron LLIoses0 All stojk selected from tho get cf sires end dams of cstablUa-J reputation and registered la tho brenca ant American stud bocks. ISLAND HOME Is beautifully fituatcd at the head of GrtoSE Ilk Il t.is Detroit Itlvcr, ten miles below the City, and Is accessible by railroad end eteamheat. Visiters nit familiar with the location may call at city office, 31 Carapau Iluildlnjr, end an escoit will accompany taem to tha farm. Send far catilopuc, tree by taalL Address, Savage & FAaxtfa, Dctictt. Mich. w-Life and vigor 1 M 2H3 S3 OR.E33D.- This cut Bhows tho Howard Electric AND Magnetic Shield os applied over tlio Klil sici h and Norvo-Tltul centers. Tno only np. pllancc made that f.ts cicry port of tbo body, and the only one needed to tomtivelt cenn llt(IneylJlseiio It Ii e tlliliitlxiii. f ) 11 o 11 h 1 a , llio uortt eases of ht'iuliinl Wcnlt- 1ICHK, lXlUltlH tlun, Imiiolon cy, and all Illx 1 eiiftCHniid M'culi SiPhHof the Ilrlno fjcuttul Uriiuiu 1'atcnted Teb. S5, 19TD. YOUNO JIKX, from cany Indiscretion, latdc nerrc forco and fall to r.ltjln ctreusth. MIDUI.E AOED MENortcn lack 1 Igor, attrlbut In; It to tho progress of jcars. The HOTHEIt, W1FK nnd MATH, suffering from Female tVcalim ts, Ninons Debility and other ail ments, v. Ill find It the only cure. Tn one end all wo say that tho Shlold gives a nat ural old In a natural way WITHOUT DUWiUIXG TUB STOMACH. Warranted Olio Year, and tho best npplluiieo made. llluntiatcd ramphlet.TIinEIS TYPES OF MEN, also l'ainpblet fur Ladlra only, sent 011 receipt of Cc, scaled; unsealed, FliEE. American Galvanic Co., i OF THE OFFICES! 11U3 llictftuut St., Plitla. O.Il LFAPL1L irVo off. r an T t..lo it. V Arti-matlc Rpaik-An-Mt. &igt f i- i:idt i i'o 1. ,st i.ot..u Mill, 1U ft. coriinrr, ; t. ru . . I a j a, 2 Mtintl'.inouus m r tt'i ht -d-Iihn I.-, -1 '-itli (.iih-, J ch.iajiea IwmJ: witrj'tt to: ! t ft- 1 r .1 t h rks lit. ,ii .".o 1, iMlinii. viilli ld tan, (,tl iH t ,. i. i , ln.;n.ff, ! '" " (, camI If. ire, t . . 1 fJ ii ial . J- i . 1 1 1 : Knetno ti ti iu fci.v ;w iwi I . i. ht f v mxg iu Lttiiu? t i i h "11 t-t h m Auln (j .'fOH.lV t 1 ii r a. AXf'Bi:VSIllVn Bait ktstrect Iiub jjli'.jtianJ yiciuit 1 lllSCELLAHEOUS. A mother cutihl her baby lli.l Atiinrig a tlinusaiid i.tbtrs f A sheep her oirsprmg eiHild pick i ul Fruni seventy IWo hall brothers J An editor run always tell The product of his wn, Thiiugh plintpl ami sadly mixed With tlmtuf other men. lie likes In linvo his writings rsad Ami copied by his ueiglibors, FinvMiUK ho is ulways givea Full credit fur Ins Ijbors. Bu wheu an Hem you tuny clip No matter wluuii ymt rem! It, Remcruber wlm you stole It trom( Anil give the fellow credit, Wlntryvinai. Its nil right fur piets 10 sing the- praises of tho beautiful snow, and the merry clqigli bells, and the ringing spates on the gln'sy Ice, but they can't fill th.i bill with that sort of slull' when, ono Is sitting with his feet in a lull of hot water, his lioad done up In flannels, anil with nuulnnl plasters on both Bides of his chest. What a person needs then Is a tbornttgli il.iso of Uidney Vurt tit act a a cutliartii, for Imthlng ivill ax quickly relieve that congestive, feverish condition which cnmesoEa hard cold. Of ten these colds ciiuso bilious nttacks, lame backs, disordered kidnevs, rheuniolisrn, calnrrli, Ac. Kidney-Wort cm be re led on to. bring back a healthy condition. i""'.j!is;.,i.iii!ff: FARMERS' COLUMN. A poor man in New York City was lately urrcstcd and givien six uvinths be. cause ho hid juHliillod a cat nnd proposed ealingil. Thero seems to be iioditsilinn on the part ol New York authorities tual low the poor my of tho luxuries of the season. -Patent medicines aro now made thel will rurcverrlhitig but hams. Hall's Vcgotnblo Sicilian Hair l.euewsr irnpartsa fino gloM and freshness tn the hair, and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists, ns n preparation ae . mplishing wonderful rc suits. It is a certain remedy fur removing dandruff, making the ecatpnhite nnd clean and restoring gray huir to its youthful color. A woman is nevor content lossy, "He pulled my hair," She parlirulnrisi-s thus : "IIj pulloil the hair ol my hen.l." This if nenvarvin orlcr lu Vdiillngitish between the hair of the head and head of her hnii which she purchased at ono of our uptown stores. A man's lot is not a happy one. If it h a swamp lot. I have been trouble;! with catarrh from bnyluiiid nnd had considered my ciim' ctiriiuii: until about three years az I nri- I'lired ono bottle ol Uly's Crc.im lljlm, unri Ueount myscll sounii tn-dav, all from tin use ol ono bottle. J. II. Colloy, IlanlivHii Merchant, Munlrose, I'a. I was troubled with chrnuio r-nlarrh aid CnU'Tin; in the lirad; wos deal at linos, had discharges frim curs, unnblo In brentl o ihrntii;li nose. Before tiio second butlio 1 1 hlv a Crenin Balm w.n exhausted I wis cured. C. .1. Corbin, 023 Chestnut Slteet, ruiiditeiptiia, ra. A member of an Indiana brass band vas shot recently. Ifhe over recovers lis wind ho will no', wasli it on tho deicit n'r i tli. i town In which lie lived. Doul men tell tin talcs. It is nn noifssary. The obituary writers do that scrvloo lir iheui. "nofon ox coi-nns " Ask lor "UoukIi on (Jnuuhs," for coughs colds, sore throat, hoarseness, Troul,osta ljo Liquid, Hi. "nouuii on nATS" (Hears out rats, mice roiclies, files, ants. icd.bii'jK, sl.tiiiks, chip munks, gophers. i:o' Orugiilsti. UKAtlT 1-A1K3 rnlpltntton, drnnsical swctllnirs. dlsztness .ndli-stlon, iKad.ii'lie, slospb.-ssucss cured ij- --wen a iieaiui licnower." 'Ruali un co:tNa.,, Ask lor Wells' "KouKti on CTorns." 15c 'iulck, complete euro. Hard or toll corns, .vans, bullions. "nornn on tain" ror.ncsuD plabtek. Slrcimthcnlnrr, Improved, tho l est Jot rit.'K.iL-iit', ouns in eucsi or stitc, rncunia Ism, neuralgia, THIN TOOTLE. 'W oils' Health licnoiTcr" restores health ni't vuor, cures uyspepsia, lieaJaclie, Ner vousuess, dcUlity. $1.00. WHOUtMNU couftn. and tlio many tlinvit nffoctlons of ehiblieu iiuiii uiv. pii-.inrtiiiiv iiii.i hioiv roitcvec in ICougbon Couglis. ' '1 ruches, 15o. BaUaui, moth ens. iryonnro falllnir, bruken. worn nut and nervous, use "Wells' Health lieneivcr." M.u.'. urufgisis. LIVE I'nKSLRVEB, If you nro loslni; )our urlp nn 1 1 To try .'Wells' Health Hen.-wer." tines direct to weak spots. . "UOUnil ON TOOTIIACIIK." Instant relief for neurnlirl.i, toothache, fnceaelio. Ask for"liouxh on Tuothaclio.' 15 and 23 cents. rnnTTV womkk, Ladles who would retain freshness and v. vaolty. don't fall to try 'Well's Health He newer " CATARRIIAI, THROAT AFrCTIONS, Hacking, Irritating couutis, col.Is, soro tnriint, ctirott ny ,hougii oa Courtis." t'roches, lie. I-hUl,l, Zte. "Rorrin un itcii." "llouh on Itch" cures humors, eriip t Ions, rluir-wiirui, totter, salt ihcuiu, frosted foct, chlMblaliit. s TIIK itoi't: ov Tin: 'ATION, thililren, slow fn development, eawny, una delicate, use 'Wells' It newer." wiiii: AWAKB three or four hours everr ulirlit eounblm. (let lininoili-ito relief mid sound rt-st bv isliu Wells' "Koiiuh on (Jouijlis," Troches, lftcoiits. llalsaiii, .'& cents "nonoii on vain" roitousEn tlastkb, Sirciiutheniinr. Imnruved. tho best for baeliaolio. lam In chest or side, rheumatism. ueuralgla. P u n y. Health The Potomac flats uro not oven one- story I1I5I1. A Comifticut nun has Inventrd a cast iron ca-o for a woman to wear over her thumb ami fingi-r while driving a tack. Out it d.win't sell. Snneniir a woman would rather smash her thumb flatter than a pancake than admit that she needed such an article. I-'.ir twenty year Henry F. Balcom. of Sl.r Iny, Mass., fiiU'.Tnl wilh rhi-iimathm lie liiiiiid no relief till bo took Iltiod's S.ir- saparllla. A manlnld his tallni that he wouldn't pay tor '"that last cpillpsy," It was dis covered tlirl he meanl"bad fit," A bonnet covered with birds does not sing, but tho man who has to pay lor it whistles when the bill conies in. A difficult point to grasp Ihe end of an eel's tall. ADVICE TO MOTHERE. Are you disturbed at Highland broken of your rest by a sick child sulfering and cry ing with pain of cutting tseth? If so, tend at unco and Ret a buttle of Mits, Winsi.ow's SooTuixa SvRUr rou CuiLnnicN Tkctuinu. Its yaluo is inealcuable. II will relievo the p.wr little sull'erer iiuinediately. I)eieud unon it. mothers, there is nn mistako about it. It cures dyetutJry and diarrhoea, regit- J fates the slonmoh nnd bowels, cures wind colli, softens the gilins, reilures inflainma. Hon and gives tono und enemy tn the whole system, Mas. Winrlow's SooTinxa Svni'e run C'llll.li tKN Tketiiino is pleasant to I lie lusle, and is the prescription of one of the olde.t ui:d liest feinala nurses and physi ctana in the Uniled States.and is for sale by all druirgUls throughout the world. Trio? 35 reuls a bottle, 26-ly. a , The keeper ol an insine asylum who hustles tho lunatics about Is 4 "thoycr of the queer." The woman who Is InlervUwaJ by a sewing machioe egonWulltrers more or loss from sewer gas. 1 fall flesh Is grass, wa 1 Adsra the fo 1 dcr uf unnk.nl 1 UIWimillMIHIIIKI How to Provcnt Ereol ism la Cattlo. The conditions must favorable for the growth of tho orgot aro not well understood, but it is lieycilheleis truo that It is much more abundant in some seasons than in others. Warm moist weather livors tho dtyclipmeut of fungi generally, nnd wo doubt 11 erg it is nny exception to tho rule. Wo havo obferved It roost Ircqucntly upon grasses growing In tow wet meadow t dur lug rainy seasons. Thorough draining of wet laud would probably diminish tho amount of ergot in a meadow. The. favor. ing conditions of a net season of cottrso aro not unJer tho control uf tho farmer. Tho ergoltod groins nto not fully developed until the grass is ripe, thercforo It is a wise precaution In cut the grass nt,or soon after, the pcilod of flowering. Tikis is tho best II1110 lo cut grass, for hay. Tho development uf ergotism Is favored by exposure to cn'.d and an insufficient wator supply. Animals properly stabled end wab-rol in winter, may leed upon slightly ergotted hay, with out serious injury. Whan ergot poisoning is suspected in tin niilmal, it should have a complete change of lo.nl, with I'pso'11 salts as n physic, followed by mashes, runts etc., with warm stables and abundance of pure water. In severe cases, when a limb or a portion of ono is gangrened, treatinaut is ol littlo avail und the animals should bu killed. It may bs cevernl years befote another out break IiUMhat of last winter occurs, but farmers should be 011 their U.ird.able to delict ergot in their liny und, w leu it is uhuiidanl, refuse to endanger the lives of their herds. Du. HaUsiku in Am. Agriculturist. ProfltaV.o Garden Crcpj. Wherever Ihertf ore m iiiufjo'.itriug vill ages, oirly cabbage? aro always in demand, and bring good prices. Spinach is another salabU vegetable: Beet", parsnips, carrots, turnips, unions, etc., as well us spinach, may bo sown in rows far civui'li apart, lo ho worked by bursa Implements. The dis: tauco between the rows Is to bo Governed by tho width of thu horso fine or cultivator, which shoull close upas narrow us twenty Inches. A market gardener sows such crop. twolvo or ai'tcen Inches npirt, but the tarm-gardino.' has cheap hind, ur.d can five moro spice if ho can save labor, and uibstilulo horsrs for hands. Thoss who proiose to undertake farm gardening, will o well to begin with sweet corn and carl potalors, tiuil not utitlertulio other garden crops until Ihe land has been 11 cuitivatioi wilh these for one season. Another way . prepare the loud for gulden crops is, I. plow, harrow, and sow it lo buckwheat. Who 1 this is 111 flower, plow it un lor, and sow it u gain to buckwheat, 't urn this undJr attlopmper time, and In September, in at tha usual tiiu.,suw the land with rvc. 1 to plowed in next 6pring. Tho ob ee 'hould bo to bring Ihe land, a few acres a 1 lime, into condition In rwtsi any giriicn rops. Tho rapidity with which tills i-oi o.j done will depend upon the amount n' naiiuro at romiuaiid for the purposo. It vill be worth while for all f.iriiisrs.wiio nr vithltt easy roach of a market, In give thi? uhject proper thought, nnd bo ready to commeuce tha cumin j spring t tnako a inn girdcu. l)tt. Tuuunmt in Am. Aqri CM luri&i. A V.'alUinr; Skeleton. Mr. E. Spruo'. r. "I Macli niiei'iiirg, Fa , iviites: "I win alTl.clcd Willi Iuiil- lve tnl lib-CJSS nil luim-i, hii-I redlicl t' 1. w.lkin skeleton. Git-s fr-o rial bottle 1 Ib.IC ri;'s Now l),.-o,.i. 1 v, for Uma 111 . .inn, whicn itnl mo so much g.io.l lit. it' 1 iiusht n dollar until. Alter iisim; Hire. Unities, fmiid miheif oncrf inuro a man. iiiinpletoly icstoiol tn hiMlth.wiili u hfar1 apiwtito.nnd .1 irniu 111 11 1 1 01 -IS lbs." Co 1 at 'f. 1). Tiioinas" Dnisj Stoio onJ get 11 Ireo trial bottle uf this certain cute lor nil Lung Diseases. Liu b itlli-s f 1, larco Yorkswina Swlno. TlHro is a tendency to vary in nil brcd ofaniinas. It tans much n law of nn' lire applicable lo all living things, 11s the uiiiri widely rrcognizel la Ihafhtc priducs like." Every breed r uf s.viiio.iu jiart'a 1 or, outer -vt. that thoro is u groat ynriaiion in si: , ihougo in ntlier points thsri uny lo un l.'rmiiy. Thin utiio 14 11 rkshircs, on are ver large, tilers nro ol tii--.l initi aiz a ..1 others ngiiu, fino and small, l. c'i fi;o has its'merils, particularly thoextreme'. Iliesam- thing, 113 might bo exprl-sl. occurs with the white broa I nf Yorkshire, nbieh w-ds originally largo and coarse; but instead uf inter breeding and retirim: tho args uues by tlio uso of stnnll fine p'gs lor crosses, each has of late year boon seper.Ua ly bro I, snd improved rather by selrctiou than by introducing tho blood of tho finer and smaller aniui its. This has given risi tu tho two distinct breeds id korkslnre pigs which ore now established. They aro similar, but quite distinct In hum, and it is rather remarkable, that with tha natiira. lesire of our countrymen for s imcthiti; nnl only big but old, tliny have produced a brcul that is very profitable. The large Yorkshires aro undoubtedly the best firmed. the siimllc.t boned, tlio quiokoit feeders, "t all tlio largo brerds. They are cxcee.lin?ly deep in lm.lv, wilh short, broad head', One b ines fur their weight, with good hams, shoulders, and sides. They aro not extra ordinary for len:th of b ily.but in this they are in. proving. A' point of weakness sitne limes found is a depressed chine th' weight of the lmily in old hogs, causing a hollnwutss of llio bjek. In this respect too, there has been great Improvement of late. Toe Yorkshire is prseminenlly a lard mak er, hut when crossed with the Berkshire, the quality nnd quantity of the inrat is much improved. As economical feeders and rapid growers, Ihe large breed is only surpassed by the small Yorkshires, and f ir crossing, when large sized pigs are desired, they certainty are uuturpassed. Whrn properly crossed, as, for instance, with large Berkshires, or with what are called Cheshires in this country, or with large sows of the Chester White breed, wo may expect the greatest weight of the pure York, shires to be exceeded. Col. Wild in Am. Ayricuttm ist. Columbia Elver Cannery. Mr, Geornu Home, one uf tho larfrtt oannera of fish, on Cnluinhin River, Oregon, says that h sullerod will) rheum itisui lor seven years, having spent six months at Arknnws Hot Spruijs, and ut I'asn 1! ibl- Springs, Cal., four months ill every year, without benefit. Finally he trial St.Jaonbt O.I. the great pain cute, and in a short tinis all stillness aud soreness ol the joints disapl eaicl. . Tn l Ikdus ifus Wtrie In one ol ear l.ijian languages the w ml ' woman" is rendored ' kBwauojiwjsw " Any inarnej man can define the two last syllables at a glance, and "kowauo'' uios.pi ligbtcaiug. TO-DAT i Wlm il k? m: An fine and as cheap Comforts and lied Covers as you like As fine and as cheap Dcd Blankets as can be got anywhere. As fine and as cheap Ilorscjllankcts as can be got anywhere. As full and as cheap a line of Hosiery as you will find in tbwn. As fancy and as good a line ot Hosiery as you will find in town. As fancy and as cheap Velvets as are sold anywhere. The coinpletest line of Qucensware in town, fancy or common. The newest line of Shoes in town, Children's, Misses', "SVowmen's and Mcns. Tlio newest line of Rubber Goods in town, Children's, Misses', Women's and Men's, Fancy, Common, Cheap, ;Novel and Elegant, either one, if you please, in Notions and everything in the line. Then lastly we will mention Groceries and let you know we have the stock and at the right price. Very respectfully, 3 uf 3!MI3 USA mm mm. 3 Clllffi & 111 ' v , . i lilies 1 sflf T&ilors! jlr WAIiIj AMli WIOTBB (XJjl OVBRO OAT1MGS and SUITINGS, Are now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest nnd most Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic CJloths, Cassiiueres and Suitings, which they will make up in tho Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low I'riccs. With a force ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select from, wo are prepared to offer inducement unexcelled by any other ESTABLISHMENT in the COUNTY. We cordially invite YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before making- our purchases' elsewhere. In all cases we guarantee "Best lPbrkmanship, Best Material, the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits." Respectfully, Clauss & Bro,, The Tailors, BANK STRET LEHIGHTON, PA 3 n TOGJARRH LLmS! REMEDY; TIIU (JK1.AT ur.oon ruitii'iCH or tiik vroitLi). Cut fir tli h is houome bo irroralent Iha t fctri.-ly a lamily i- cteiii.t and it la tnily thd Lino ut tho American rare, bjnuny nrea.iratlonu nro in thomirk.pt ilLtiiuitr -re thatt4f'ifft,.S''r and M STTJ BT L-?u tR niTO r PAILINC u YTlllbovrlcnined trail. UVA.JA'AVH t; ;iunrrn urnirny iimi moott rn 1 tneenm .i.v i;it iitiicu ina,fimgia en whtro diroctionk aro (i.llowcd. It BtnVos ut tho root of tho dbwaeo. and chmlnitai tho p.siaon trtun thu McmhI, Its fluccciuihi;s bwn wonderful and iwJos In.raotTM. All that I iukrd fur it ia a trial Tha mnt ob-rtHito tnrt l)netacdin2 caci yield readily t this remedj. ; 1 i6ttlo for S5. Uiion receipt of !5 hr baiu'l F, l.el!cr & C5j., llarnsburc lfx, tii bottlua will Lo eent Ly cs irws, propiil. J'wnt o.Ar, for it Is tho only preparation that r-t7.MfA mat or th iiffiM nnJ CllIC8 Send -for rirculnr for mVe Tour dnirtrfr't fn? -n concern inn Oium Nattin hymptfrna cud Cm o A Cntnrrlu Itcontaiun tetiinfiiiaJaif tuttintia n l cenornu cure". It H altiotho lvt lllnnd Iu iflcrln the mrket. For Mile Xty ItrnKfzifln irtjernlly. Wlnloaalo Ly bAH'i. r. Kei-Lhi; & '1 li-trriiburp 1'a.j alw by JonNSTON II olio. t A Oct. nd 6xiT2i. liuxc A Co.. I'liiha'a. Vk nor. 8, 1931-1.--n r. No Patent No Pay, PATENTS obtained for Inventnrs In the Unite. 1 States Cnnftilannil llurcpt, nt reduced rafts. With our iirlnelpal oIUco locnteil In Washlnston, illrcctly pioslte tlso Cnlteil Stntcs I'atint Office, we are ablo to allcnil lo all intuit business "Itli greater liromplncs nnd ile. Sfalch and at less cost tban oilier patent nl lornovs ulio nre nt, n dlstanco from Wash. Inion, and uliu liave, iliercforo, tn cititdur 'ussinM.itenttorncra " '.'iiin:ikoircllinln.iry exiiiiiiiinlluns and furnish oidulons ns tu i.i. tentiibllliy, tree ol'oliartce. mid all who are Intoresieil 111 nrw fnveiillons and patents nre Invited in rend fur 11 cuiiy ol uur "Mluldo for obtalnlnir Patents," nliloli Is sent frro to nny address, nnd cuntalas eo'in lete Instruc. tluus lioir lo btititlii luteins and ot her vnlua. Mo matter. 'A'orolcrto the Ocrmnn-Aincr- onii miiion.ti nans vnsiiiuKinn, 11. u.; the INiyal Swedish, llrneulan and U.iiiMi J'ca tlnns, al Wu.hlnRton : Hun. ,1ns. t'asey, late Ohlel Justice U, S. Ci.urt ol Ulalms; tn the (Illlnlals or the U. S l'atrnt Oftlte, and to Senators and members of Cugrtss frou cvory Nlule. Adclress: l.OIIIH 11AOOMR fc CO., So llollnrs uf Patents and Attorneys at I.air.I.c Droit' llulldliis W.b:iis.uhiv, I). 0, Central Carriage Works ADVERTISE YOUIt VENDUES IN TIIK Carbon Advocate ! j T. J. BRETNEY, neepectf illy annuunees to the merchnntsof ! LoblKhmii an I others that lie Is tireiiarcd to j do all kinds or ' I Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at rcry reasonable prices, lly prompt at tention to all orders be hopes to merit a share ol publlo patronage. Ifssldciice, corner of I'lue aad Iron Street, Lcblcbtun, I'a, Orders lor limillnu left at (), St. nwecny & Son's Store will recvlre prompt attention. KSi'Kmr.iiY ir vou iiavu St WO CM 9 Oct, i:, U3l3m. T. J. URBTNUY. Farming Utensils, &c, XJLrl. WsXJ Wit Charges, Reasonable. Orders by mail promptly at tended to ia.) in3t VpftDn'ar Weekly newe i,iue-tiiiT. u-t-csivs-ncs, mreniion aoa tici en t.ubl,.hc4, J.r. rv nuutbfr illustrated with tl Ifsaaid fturr-rln -a. TJmi piibllcatmn, furnUhf , a nijat r-.!u .b oi elsii' flia oliufiruifctin vliith do r ra-in hi , iij iti without. 'JIm lopalarity oi tu b.u-CTitu 'uhk- ia such that it eir cuiatioi: i,s.-.r - c.,ufitq thut of ail ether napen vi itlfb-ift.-.ih rJ. JVie-. 32Uayar. liaoooiiC jof -I'm. ti.',Lv'i .Ldulrr 11UXN&CU., 1'uUiabcra, J.'o. :.l rcuadway, Ji- V. A rzz pa a, 1 txm jAnnn A rVt. bar iAH ftkd 5 JV M Thirty Ma PUM 3 Pnven VoRia' mrn-wri ww.-rirej pirlU'0 Lofuro tho l'tf at Ofiu. and hao prcparsd nioreunn Ono Kundtrd ltious rriti tpj'Uwitiuni ts.r patent in ino li'ottd faiMtw atid fm-eign oanntrka. L urn's. 'I'ritdeMark. C i'nahU, A . . , , . .m I ami nil nthap is.isnti fur our.iijr 1 ) mvntoit thlr ritLtt In lbs Uijit! ('' l, I I'sJand, Franor, (itari .! r I r-l -t birtgu conutri. ut pnraiit ! . i 'u- m tlun ruaaouablott-riit--, Inf 1 . 1 1 s-'h 'niD2 rv"',", ehi or full v - 1 1 . th-.,i I!t'J-L ok of i,h' 1 ii 1 nt 1 i' I'". it 1 tMrtd . t U ii I l ' M'l I ' ' 'l It tit l hO 1 r, ' llll L i..illV I ll !. It Ilitllltl U ddrlt' aVrNH & TO, f " a USTSmJ mm. 11 a 1 Bank St., Lchigliton, Fa., Aro prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring "Wagon, &c, (if every description. In the most substantial manner, and at Lorrcst Cosh I'rloes Ilcjialrliiff Promptly Attended to TllKXLElt & KREIDLER, April S9, lSJSyl Proprietors. ;ooit t'ny Tor .Iconic lno l, siifto prt niu. 11111, lp.nl tins oiirCJninfl New III.I017. .r'aiuuu.mnl ISr..lipIljiltlroSSli.Torl4 Write to J. 31c l ui .lr .1c lu., I'luLdeliiLls. I'a. E. V. LUCKENBACHj UKALKll IN Wall IPaperis, Borders & Decorations, Booh, Stationery, Fancy Gooils. SH Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, made and put op, If dsslrtd. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters Supplies. No. 61 Broadway, Manch CM, Fa., Jldow tue llroadway House, WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepare-1 lo ilo all kinds of PlastsriuE & Ornauiental Tort at shortest notice. Orders br mall will re. cone prompt attention. Tsruis mcxteraU or aod work. icpljlf